Garden yucca: care at home and outdoors (photo). How to choose the right place to grow, plant and propagate a plant

Yucca is a truly unique plant. Not only does it bring beauty and freshness to the home, but it is also a very multifunctional plant. In addition to the listed, fairly standard properties, yucca can be used for food and in technical production.

She is very unpretentious in care, but you still have to make an effort to get a decent result. Yucca itself comes from North America, few people know about the fact that the first jeans contained fibers from this amazing plant.

Yucca will easily fit into the interior of any home and you will be amazed at how harmoniously it turns out.

You will learn further about how to choose a suitable variety, care for it and much more.

Description of Yucca

Yucca (lat. Yucca)– perennial tree-like plants native to the subtropical zone of North America; It belongs to the agave family and has up to forty species. In the homeland of yucca (Yucca), it is used in various fields. Juice with a high sugar content is obtained from cut yucca flowers.

  • Yucca filamentosa produces very strong fibers, from which the first jeans were made, even before the use of cotton.
  • Although in the USA, yucca fibers are still added to jeans to this day, which makes them more durable and resistant to wear.
  • In addition, paper and rope are made from yucca fibers, and in addition it is used for medicinal purposes.

Yucca- These are evergreen plants with a low stem that either does not branch at all or branches slightly. In some species, the stem is practically invisible, and large ones rise immediately above the ground. beautiful leaves, arranged in a spiral.

The inflorescences are erect, large, up to 2 m long, emerge from the center of the rosette of leaves and look like panicles. Drooping flowers (up to 7 cm long) are bell-shaped and white in color. The 10-centimeter fruit is a box with black seeds (up to 1 cm in diameter).

IN room conditions It is best to place yucca in spacious rooms or hallways, because it grows up to 4 m in height. Externally, yucca looks like a false palm.

Will bloom homemade yucca white flowers that look like bells, but this will not happen soon, because flowering is possible only in adult specimens.

Indoor yucca very often used to decorate the interior, and specimens with several growth points - in which the trunk branches - are of particular value.

Types of Yucca domestica

Yucca indoors.

Yucca indoors is grown as ornamental plant, it can also be used for medicinal purposes. The plant is similar to a palm tree, its height can reach 4 m, so it is suitable for placement in large halls.

  • Planting this type of yucca requires a deep pot with good drainage.
  • In summer, yucca is taken out into the open air, in winter it is kept indoors with a cool air temperature and sufficiently bright lighting.
  • Indoor yucca will bloom with white flowers after many years.
  • It has green, slightly bluish, sword-shaped, linear leaves, collected in a bunch at the top of the trunk.

An incredibly beautiful decorative yucca decorates a flowerbed with its sharp evergreen leaves in the shape of a sword, and during flowering it attracts with a tall peduncle with large white bells.

It can be grown in pots without much difficulty, where it looks very impressive. Young specimens of three years of age are placed in three-liter pots; for an older representative of the agave genus, a ten-liter container is suitable.

Yucca aloefolia.

This is the most popular yucca among amateur plant growers. Its main difference from other species is that it does not have side shoots.

On its tree-like trunk, planted with notches left over from fallen leaves, grow rather hard, green leaves with a bluish tint, collected in the form of two or three sparse rosettes.

They are very sharp, you can even cut yourself on them, so it is better not to keep such plants in places where people move. When choosing this species, you must follow the correct watering regime, and then you will be able to grow a healthy and beautiful tree.

Yucca filamentosa.

The inhabitant of eastern North America takes root well at home because it is resistant to pests and tolerates heat and drought well.

This is a stemless plant with bluish-green leaves with a pointed apex, with edges covered with numerous white, thin, curling threads.

A flower panicle, composed of yellowish-white, drooping flowers, grows approximately 200 cm in height. The fruit has a round shape. The plant grows quickly and likes to produce shoots (stolons). In conditions botanical garden breeders managed to obtain several varieties of this species.

Yucca elephant.

This is the most interesting species, its height reaches 10 m. Amazing plant, care for which consists of performing some simple rules, is widely used in industry and medicine.

From strong fibers ropes are made, and the juice of the leaves of the plant is used as a basis for some hormonal preparations.

The native places of growth of this indoor plant are Mexico and Guatemala. The imported stems are cut into fragments and planted in flower pots, they can be bought at any flower shop.

The soil

This plant needs soil whose acidity ranges from 5.7-7.4 pH. It is difficult for yucca to absorb many microelements from alkaline soils. There are two soil recipes for this representative of palm trees.

To prepare the first mixture, you need to mix one part each of compost, sand (perlite), turf soil, and humus. To prepare the substrate according to the second recipe, you need to mix one part of pebbles or dolomite crushed stone (fraction 1.2 cm), pine bark (2 cm), coarse peat, coarse perlite, charcoal (1 cm), pumice, and 0.1 parts of bone meal.

This composition ensures very good water drainage and prevents soil salinization. It is better to use slowly dissolving granular fertilizers as a fertilizer for yucca. It is better to apply them once a year in the spring.


Yucca requires a lot of light and sun. The best place for it is windows facing south, southeast and southwest.

  • Good lighting is especially important for young plants to ensure their proper formation. Wherein young plants are more sensitive to sunlight than adults, so in the hottest time they need to be shaded or moved away from the window.
  • Lack of light has a detrimental effect on the plant. The shoots stretch out and bend unsightly. The leaves become thinner, turn pale, begin to turn yellow and fall off. The plant becomes weakened and pests, such as mealybugs or spider mites, may appear on it.

Yucca needs enough light in winter too, therefore, during this period it is advisable to organize additional artificial lighting, bringing daylight to 16 hours a day.


During the growing season (from March to September), the comfortable temperature for yucca is 20-24 degrees. In hotter conditions, increased air humidity is necessary (spraying, placing on a tray with wet expanded clay). The higher the air temperature, the higher its humidity should be..

  • The problem when caring for yucca at home is the need for winter period(from October to February) provide the plant with coolness, a temperature of 8-10 degrees Celsius.
  • It's good if there is one in the house suitable premises, for example, a heated loggia where you can place the yucca at this time.
  • If not, then place the pot on the windowsill, moving it closer to the glass, and periodically open the window slightly, and if the design of the windows allows, open the doors for winter ventilation.

It must be remembered that yucca tolerates sudden changes in temperature and drafts painfully and sometimes dies from this.

How to water yucca?

The answer to this question is given by yucca itself. The size and age of the plant, the type of pot and soil, and the time of year affect the frequency and volume of watering.

On average, you need to water a flower once a week. Leaves and soil serve as watering indicators. Leaves bent down in an arched manner indicate that the plant does not yet require watering.

The leaves begin to curl into a tube around the center line, and the ground becomes dry by 5-7 cm - the yucca needs to be watered. Timely watering can be abundant, but the water must be completely absorbed and not flow into the pan.

  • If the air in the room is dry in winter or the plant is taken out into the open air in summer, then it can be sprayed about every other day.
  • The flower drinks water through its leaves and drops of moisture imitate dew and its natural habitat for it. In any case, sensitive leaves should occasionally be carefully wiped to remove dust.
  • Feed the plant only with settled water at room temperature.

Do not allow excess moisture in the soil. Increased soil moisture can lead to disease in the form of grayish-brown spots on the leaves. Diseased leaves will have to be removed, and the flower itself will have to be sprayed with a fungicide.

Air humidity

Yucca does not require spraying the leaves, but sometimes it is necessary to wash it so that the plant does not become dusty and does not lose its attractiveness. In the summer outdoors Rain washes are sufficient. If in winter the yucca is kept in a room with central heating, then it is advisable to spray it at least once a day.

  • When yucca is sprayed in the sun, spots from sunburn may appear on its leaves.
  • For better decorativeness, the plant must be washed from time to time in the shower or under running water, making sure that water does not get on the substrate (for example, cover the pot with polyethylene).
  • The most common types of yucca in indoor floriculture - elephant yucca (Yucca elephantipes) and aloe yucca (Yucca aloifolia) - do not require spraying.
  • Yucca does not require too much water. IN summer period You can water the yucca only once a week.

In winter, the number of waterings can be reduced to once every 10 days. In general, the basic rules for watering are as follows: From spring to autumn, the soil is constantly kept in a moderately moist state; it is better to dry out the plant a little rather than flood it.

In winter, the soil should be moistened from time to time, depending on the temperature. The frequency of watering yucca depends on many factors: the size and material of the pot, the size of the plant, the characteristics of the substrate, temperature and humidity.

In the warm season, yucca is watered abundantly - but only after the top layer of soil has dried to a depth of about 5 cm. In hot summers, yucca is watered more often; but do not forget that the soil in the pot should dry out between waterings. Yucca at home should be kept in a nutrient mixture. In this case, a thick layer of drainage should be poured onto the bottom of the pot.

Top dressing

Feeding: once every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer, with an interval of two to three weeks, with a diluted solution of mineral fertilizers. This plant responds well to feeding with infusion of mullein, horse manure, and leaf humus. top scores give foliar feeding (spray the leaves from the underside with a solution of mineral fertilizer).

  • You cannot feed the plant immediately after transplantation, or if the yucca is sick.
  • In general, it should be taken into account that fertilizing is required only from May to September, i.e. during the period of rapid plant growth.

But in winter, the plant should not only be left alone, but also taken to a cooler room. The optimal temperature for wintering the plant will be 10°C.


Replanting a houseplant is done once every two years. When a plant has more than one trunk, it needs to be replanted. And this manipulation is performed in this way:

  1. The trunk is divided into several parts along with the root.
  2. All cut areas are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or covered with garden pitch.
  3. Each sprout resulting from division is planted in a separate pot.

You can replant indoor yucca at any time of the year. But most optimal time it will be spring. The plant needs to be prepared for transplantation. To begin, cut off a third of the foliage and immerse the root in warm water for a couple of hours.

It is imperative to ensure that the root system is not damaged during replanting. Yucca loves vitamin supplements; they are applied directly to the new soil.

Important. If you follow all the rules of care and planting, a luxurious beauty will grow from a small yucca, which will become the most beautiful decoration housing.


When purchasing a plant, it is replanted within two days. A new pot for yucca is chosen a few centimeters larger than the old one.

  • The best pots for plants are clay or ceramic pots, thanks to their natural origin and a drainage hole of a suitable size.
  • Although containers made of plastic are also successfully used, after making an additional hole in them to drain excess water.
  • This type of container is more affordable, and is no worse in use than clay ones.
  • When the pot is chosen, planting begins.
  • Drainage is poured into the bottom of the container, in the form of fine gravel or red brick broken into pieces.
  • Then the prepared soil is poured over the drainage.
  • It can be purchased at a specialty store or prepared with your own hands. The main thing is that there is sand.

Carefully remove the yucca from the old pot. The earthen lump present on the root cannot be removed. The plant is placed in a new pot and covered with substrate on the sides, compacting it with a spatula. The planted plant is watered abundantly.

Next, the pot with yucca is transferred to a dark place. And they comply temperature regime+25°С. For a week, the yucca is sprayed three times a day with water. After a week of adaptation, the flower is chosen to have a sunny corner indoors and moved to its permanent place of residence.

For compliance with all conditions, the yucca will thank the owner luxurious beauty. And it will delight you for many years.


Every time the time comes to transplant a yucca, you should be guided by one rule when choosing a pot. Old container fits freely in the new container. And in order not to make a mistake with the size, the ideal distance between the pots is no more than three centimeters in diameter.

Yucca grows slowly. And if you choose a larger pot, the plant’s growth will stop for a long period until the root system becomes denser. And first of all, the crown will suffer. After all, everything nutritional elements the root will take for itself to grow.


As described above, indoor yucca can be replanted at any time of the year. But it is better not to replant in the fall, but to give the plant the opportunity to prepare for the rest period.

After all, planting it in a new pot will not give the yucca full sleep, but will force it to give up all its strength to take root in its new place of residence. This will lead to flower disease.

They have been replanting yucca since February. The main thing is to adhere to strict rules so that yucca pleases with its beauty and not with diseases.

As for garden plants. Such specimens are planted only in the spring in order to take root well and get used to new conditions.

Yucca cannot be planted in autumn. By frost, it will not have time to grow a root, and may die in frost. And even good insulation won't save her. The main thing for yucca is to observe a period of its slow adaptation to new conditions.


Garden yucca, after purchase, is immediately planted in a flowerbed. The site is selected from good lighting and protected from drafts. Planted early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset.

Dig a hole 60 cm deep and 80 cm wide for young plant. The recess is made 10 cm larger if the plant is mature. The soil for planting is prepared in advance, for this you will need:

  • fine gravel;
  • sand;
  • compost;
  • black soil

All components are mixed in equal parts and moistened. Part of the substrate is poured into the prepared hole, where the yucca is placed and the rest of the soil is poured on top, compacting it with a shovel. Next, a small hole is made around the plant. Settled warm water is poured into it. In the first week after planting, the plant is sprayed daily.

Basically, garden yucca does not bloom in our latitudes. But sometimes exceptions happen. In the first year, the plant will not produce flowers; during this period, the yucca gets used to new conditions. The plant becomes ready for flowering in the third year.

Yucca care in winter

Caring for yucca in winter is significantly different from summer care. Yucca belongs to light-loving plants and in winter time, in insufficient lighting, it may lose lower leaves.

So in winter you need to choose the most illuminated place in the apartment for it. Caring for yucca in winter is significantly different from summer care.

  • It is necessary to water the plant only when adding the top layer of soil in the pot, but you should remember that yucca does not like excessive watering.
  • The presence of excess moisture in the pot is completely detrimental to its root system.
  • Often, excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system and death of the entire plant.
  • Watering should only be done around the circumference of the pot, and when watering, you should avoid getting water into the outlet and between the trunks of the plant, as this can also lead to rotting of the trunks.

In winter, yucca does not need additional spraying and dry air is not harmful to it, although spraying itself does not cause any harm to the plant.

But spray the plant under straight sun rays It is highly undesirable, this can lead to burns on the leaves of the plant; when spraying, you must also ensure that water does not get inside the plant rosette, this can lead to its rotting and death.

Reproduction methods

Why is the yucca flower propagated? Often in order to acquire a new copy of this beautiful plant or give it to someone.

You can also propagate elephant yucca, for example, to plant several plants different sizes in one pot so that they create a very impressive composition in the form of several tiers of lush greenery.

It should be remembered that the soil for young yucca rooted using one of the methods described below can be made independently from: leaf soil (2 parts); turf land (2 parts); humus (1 part); sand (2 parts). You can also buy ready-made soil in the store.

It is important to provide the plant with good drainage at the bottom of the growing container, and also do not forget to add up to 30% coarse sand to the substrate. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to propagate yucca using one of the following methods: offspring; rooting of the top; stem cuttings; seeds; air layering.

Reproduction by offspring

With proper care, yucca can have children in the first year of life. Separating root or stem shoots from a false palm tree is even useful - for normal growth and development, you need to ensure that there are no more than five shoots on the plant at the same time.

The process of rooting children is as follows: it is advisable to sprinkle the cuts on the parent tree and on the offspring itself with crushed charcoal; separated offspring must be planted in containers with moist clean sand, as well as pour and cover with a glass jar or plastic bag; It doesn’t hurt to provide young plants with good humidity and a temperature of at least 20 °C.

It is very important to ventilate the “greenhouse” daily and water the plant as needed; root formation will occur in a period of approximately two months; When the yucca has taken root, you need to transplant it into a permanent pot with good soil and pieces of charcoal in it.

Reproduction by rooting the apex

Yucca does not really like to branch and therefore most often grows with one trunk. Mature plant, which is well rooted and at least 30 cm high, can be forced to branch. To do this, you need to follow these steps.

In spring or at the very beginning of summer, it is necessary to cut off the top of the yucca, 5 to 10 cm long, with a sharp and clean knife or blade. It is best for the plant to do this during the growth of the moon. It is important to leave as many leaves as possible on the trunk of the yucca that continues to grow in the pot.

All cuts must be sprinkled with charcoal powder. The apical cutting needs to be kept in the air for two hours so that the cut dries out a little. Then you need to plant the cutting in damp sand or place it in cool boiled water.

  • To prevent the cuttings from rotting, you can add a little charcoal to the water.
  • If the lower leaves of the cutting are rotten, an unpleasant odor will spread.
  • These leaves need to be removed and the water needs to be replaced with fresh water.
  • It is very important that the stem of the cutting does not begin to rot, so when rooting in the ground you need to water it very moderately.

When the cuttings grow roots, you can plant it permanently. A plant with a cut off top will grow new shoots from awakened buds. Useful information about croton flower propagation will help make this process fun and effective. The unpretentious fern can be propagated vegetatively and by spores.

Propagation by stem cuttings

Yucca can be propagated by cuttings taken from part of the trunk cut from healthy plant with bare stem. Next, you need to perform the following manipulations: A piece of yucca trunk must be placed horizontally on the surface of wet sand or loose soil in a pot.

The cuttings do not need to be sprinkled with soil; you just need to press them lightly into the ground. After some time, the dormant buds of the trunk will become active and release new shoots, growing roots along the way. Next, you need to remove the trunk from the sand, divide it with a sharp and clean knife into parts according to the number of shoots, and sprinkle the sections with crushed charcoal.

You need to leave the shoots in the air for a while to dry them a little. Then each shoot must be planted in a separate container with soil. You can also purchase a piece of yucca stem from a flower shop.

To determine the top and bottom, as a rule, the top of the cutting is filled with wax, which must be removed after planting.


  • Such cuttings root very easily and quickly as follows: to begin with, a piece of stem should be placed with the lower end in a solution of a growth stimulator for two or three days; “Heteroauxin” is perfect for this;
  • Next, you need to plant the cutting with its lower end in the ground, lowering it to a depth of 3 to 5 cm;
  • the soil in a pot with rooting yucca should always be moist, but not wet; after the first leaves appear, watering should be reduced; Then the yucca should be watered as the earthen clod dries out.

If the cutting purchased at a flower shop is not marked with wax, it must be rooted according to the scheme described above, placing it horizontally on the ground, and then separating the resulting shoots.

Propagation by seeds

In indoor conditions, yucca, as a rule, does not bloom. To form flower buds, the plant needs a long, cold winter outside. However, if the grower is lucky enough to receive seeds from flowering plant or purchased at a flower shop, you can grow yucca from them according to the following scheme.

  • It is very important to ensure the freshness of the seeds.
  • You need to soak them in warm water for a day.
  • Next, you need to prepare a substrate from the following components: 1 part of leaf soil; 1 part of turf land; 1 part coarse sand.
  • The container with seedlings must be covered with glass or a plastic bag to create optimal conditions for germination - humidity and heat.
  • Every day you need to ventilate the seedlings and wipe the glass with a dry cloth. A month after sowing, you can wait for the first shoots to appear.

Reproduction by air layering

In case of rotting of the roots of an adult and tall indoor yucca, if there are healthy light and hard areas, you can grow new roots for it and propagate it in the following way:

  • On the healthy part of the plant 10 cm above the rotten part and at least 60 cm below the top, you need to remove the bark around the trunk in a strip 0.5 cm wide.
  • The cut area and the area slightly higher should be covered with damp sphagnum moss and tied with polyethylene on top.
  • It is necessary to regularly moisten the moss from a sprayer.
  • After two or three weeks, new roots will appear above the bark cut.

For the next two weeks, you need to continue to grow roots in the same conditions, constantly moistening the sphagnum. Next, you need to cut off the top of the yucca with new roots slightly below the place where the bark was removed.

Then you need to sprinkle the cut with charcoal, dry it a little and plant the cutting in a pot with fresh soil mixed with sand. As you can see, propagating yucca is not at all difficult and even exciting.

Caring flower growers who spare no time and some effort can get healthy and beautiful yucca and even use it to create spectacular compositions that are pleasing to the eye and uplifting.

Pruning and forming a lush tree

Trim the yucca before starting active growth at the end of winter - at the beginning of spring. It is worth remembering that after this procedure the plant trunk stops its growth. Therefore, it would be advisable to prune the flower when its trunk is at least five centimeters thick.

  • For this procedure, use a sharp knife, previously disinfected in alcohol. The cut is made as high as possible from the surface of the earth.
  • In order not to damage the growing points, the crown with leaves must be cut off along the entire diameter of the trunk, without breaking off. The cut is treated with crushed activated carbon to avoid the problem of trunk rotting.
  • The trimmed plant is placed in a place well lit by the sun and provided with systemic watering. A leafless plant should not be watered so often - 2 times a week.

After about 3-4 weeks, dormant buds near the cut will begin to wake up. There can be from 2 to 5 pieces. The flower will begin to actively increase the thickness of new trunks.

On plants with a trunk no thicker than five centimeters, it is recommended to leave two buds. If the trunk is thicker, five buds are left.

The cut top can be rooted in a container with a damp substrate. This way you can get another plant.

Diseases of indoor Yucca

Description of palm pests and diseases

There are many insects that can damage a palm tree. For example, among them:

  • thrips;
  • caterpillars;
  • spider mites;
  • scale insects;
  • aphids and the like.

The main mistake that can cause infection is overwatering. To revive a palm tree, it is enough to remove the cause that provokes a decrease in natural protection, and also urgently treat the plant using commercial insecticidal preparations. They are used strictly according to the instructions.

Name of the most common Yucca diseases:

  • stem rot;
  • botrytis mushroom;
  • bacterial burn;
  • brown spotting;
  • gray spotting;
  • root rot.

Treating Yucca palm diseases can be difficult, so it's best to put efforts into prevention. It is often recommended to immediately destroy diseased plants without wasting time on their restoration. The absence of problems is a sign of proper care. At good conditions, the likelihood of diseases occurring is almost zero.

The trunk is rotting

Due to oversaturation with moisture, the lower part of the stem often rots. If the plant is affected by stem rot, then the entire trunk becomes soft and covered with red ulcers. Treatment is impossible; usually the palm tree is destroyed.

White spots

Light spots can appear on the foliage from too much light.

  • If white mycelium is visible on the stem or adjacent soil, this is a symptom of bacterial burn.
  • These are fluffy small formations of white color.
  • Then they become hard and dark brown.

Correct agricultural technology is the only preventive method.

Why do the leaves turn yellow and dry?

It has been noticed that as the palm tree grows older, it naturally gets rid of its leaves from below. This manifests itself in the fact that the lower leaves turn yellow. This yellowness is normal. The fact is that there are also painful spots - they are initially yellow oval.

Then they change. After the yellow ones you can see brown spots on Yucca and this indicates brown spotting. To cure a plant of brown spots, you need to use purchased products, but first you will have to organize care.

Many people are interested in why leaves turn yellow in winter. This is due to frequent watering, which the plant does not require at this time of year.

  • There is also a problem: the leaves of the Yucca palm dry only at the bottom of the plant. Apparently she's going to dump them. In most cases this is the norm.
  • You need to think about why indoor Yucca is drying out if the leaves above are also suffering, since this may be a sign of a lack of lighting and a too hot climate.
  • Dryness may occur along with yellowness. When dryness affects only the leaves at the tips, increase the humidity environment palm trees, as well as regulate care in general.

Falling leaves

The only normal thing is that the leaves fall at the very bottom. When a plant loses other foliage, it indicates improper moisture conditions. We advise you to review the watering schedule and eliminate errors. If the roots are not dead, then the plant can be brought back to life.

No flowering

The palm tree usually does not bloom in apartment conditions, just as certain species of animals refuse to give birth to captive conditions. Flowering can be achieved by growing Yucca in ideal conditions, where everything is calculated to the smallest detail. All surrounding data should be as close to nature as possible. Then, perhaps, the palm tree will give its owner flowers - wonderful panicles with bells.

So, let's summarize. Indoor Yucca loves temperatures from 8 to 20 degrees and grows comfortably in bright light and moderate watering. Prefers high air humidity and light, well-drained soil. We feed the palm tree in spring and summer, replant overgrown specimens, and propagate by stem cuttings. Flowering occurs rarely, so you can’t count on this miracle at home. That's all we wanted to tell you about the home palm tree, grow it for your health, it is very aesthetic and looks exotic in the apartment.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties of yucca

The chemical composition of yucca is as follows:

    • steroid saponins– have antifungal properties, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effects, anti-edematous effect, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood;
    • enzymes– take part in metabolism;
    • antioxidants– take part in metabolism, neutralize harmful substances in organism;
    • mucus– have an enveloping effect, a carrying effect, they are used for gastritis, ulcers, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • anthraquinones– have anti-inflammatory, astringent and laxative effects on the body;
    • zinc– participates in the synthesis of proteins, enzymes, fats, increases the absorption of vitamin E in the body, regulates blood sugar levels, strengthens dental bone tissue, maintains healthy skin;


  • selenium– has antioxidant properties, improves the absorption of vitamins E, C, protects nucleic acids from damage, good for muscles and blood vessels. Increases immunity, helps in the fight against viruses, and in combination with iodine ensures normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • vitamin A– participates in the synthesis of enzymes, sex hormones, rhodospin in the retina;
  • vitamin C– improves immunity, participates in the synthesis of collagen, cartilage tissue and has antioxidant properties.

Yucca leaves contain large amounts of sapogenins and aglycones. In addition, they contain steroidal saponin in an amount of 1-2%; it is a stereoisomer of sarsapogenin.

Yucca flower extract contains zinc and selenium, steroid sapogenins, and carbohydrates.

The root of the plant has many saponins, which stimulates the production of cortisone in the body and is responsible for the anti-inflammatory qualities of the plant. The root also contains folic acid, vitamin E, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin K, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper.

Important! When grown indoors, yucca blooms extremely rarely. Therefore, when it becomes consistently very warm outside, it needs to be taken out into the fresh air. Over five years of observing this condition, the plant will accumulate the necessary substances to bloom.

How to prepare and store medicinal raw materials from yucca

  • The yucca flower has medicinal properties, so different parts of it are harvested to later be used as raw materials for medicines.
  • Yucca leaves have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. They must be harvested before and during the flowering of the plant.
  • The cut leaves are laid out in a thin layer on the surface, leaving to dry in the sun. They need to be stored in a well-ventilated area.
  • On an industrial scale, yucca harvesting is done mechanically. The collected leaves are dried on currents and stored in well-ventilated areas for up to 5 years.


Yucca root has many beneficial substances, which is why it is also harvested. The root of an adult plant should be used to prepare medicine. When digging up roots, you must remember that they go 50-70 cm into the ground. You need to dig them as deep as possible so that the yucca root system is not damaged.

Yucca blooms in the 3rd year of its life. This occurs between late June and August. At this time, you can collect the flowers of the plant to harvest raw materials for medicine. Dried yucca flowers are stored in a ventilated area.

Did you know? In order for yucca to overwinter and survive, when cold weather sets in, you need to tie its leaves into a bunch. With this technique, the top will not freeze, and the leaves will not break under the wet snow. The roots of the plant go deep, so they are not afraid of either cold or heat.

The use of yucca in folk medicine for diseases

The range of effects of yucca on the body is very wide. This plant is used for the treatment of a large number of diseases: arthritis, gout, intestinal polyps, prostatitis, flatulence, low blood pressure, etc.

IN folk medicine Yucca is used to combat problems such as dry itchy skin, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, lichen planus. For viral rashes, the juice of yucca leaves is effective.

Important! People suffering from urolithiasis and cholelithiasis are contraindicated to take medicines from yucca.

Inflammatory processes

Yucca is useful for inflammatory processes such as arthritis, arthrosis, gout, bursitis. For this purpose the following is used recipe:

  • crushed yucca roots - 1 tablespoon;
  • water – 500 ml.

The crushed roots are poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. The decoction should be left for an hour, after which you should drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Eczema and psoriasis

To treat psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis, yucca should be taken according to the following recipes:

  • fresh yucca leaves – 50 grams;
  • water – 3-4 liters.

The leaves are poured with water and brought to a boil. After cooling, the decoction is applied as a lotion to the affected areas of the skin..

  • Fresh yucca leaves – 10 grams;
  • melted lard – 100 grams.

Mix melted lard with leaves, heat the mixture in a water bath for 5-6 hours. Filter through cheesecloth and pour into a jar. After cooling, the ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin.

Gastrointestinal tract

Yucca has a good effect on the body for peptic ulcers. For treatment apply leaves of the plant - 10 grams; they are filled with water - 500 ml. The mixture is brought to a boil. This decoction should be drunk 3 times a day.

This way you can cure peptic ulcers, gastritis, Crohn's disease, and intestinal inflammation.


With the help of yucca, diabetes is treated. Preparations containing extracts of this plant are sold in pharmacies. You can also prepare a decoction of yucca at home.

For the yucca decoction at diabetes mellitus will be needed plant root and stem. You can also use flowers as they contain zinc.

Raw materials in the amount of 50 grams are poured with 3-4 liters of water, boiled and the broth is allowed to cool, after which it is taken orally.


To get rid of prostatitis with the help of yucca, you will need to prepare mixture, which includes:

  • crushed yucca roots;
  • burdock;
  • Aralia Manchurian;
  • hydrangea.

Take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, add 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, and boil for 15 minutes. The decoction needs to be left for 1-1.5 hours and drunk 3 times a day, half a glass. Treatment lasts a month.

Use in cosmetology

Extracted from yucca extract, which has a healing, bactericidal effect. The flower extract of the plant is rich in zinc, selenium, and sapogenins, so it is added as an ingredient to some cosmetic products for skin and hair care.

How is yucca used in industry?

Yucca is used in light industry in USA. Filamentous yucca is grown as industrial plant for the production of strong fibers. These fibers are added to cotton to make denim. Yucca fibers make jeans more durable.

  • The fibers of this plant are also used in the production of ropes, brushes, fishing gear, burlap and in paper production.
  • Yucca leaves contain steroidal sapogenins, which is why the plant is used in the manufacture of hormonal corticosteroid drugs.
  • There are diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, and yucca, due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, is used as a raw material in the latest drugs for the treatment of joints.
  • It is also included in preparations for the treatment of skin diseases - fungi, acne and other lesions.

Thus, yucca is used in industrial medicine.

Another industrial use of the plant is extracted from the root natural dye Red.

Contraindications for use

Yucca contains substances that break down into simple connections, which can cause harm to humans. One such connection is hydrocyanic acid, which, with prolonged consumption of yucca as food, can lead to myelopathy and parasthesia.

A single consumption of 400 grams of yucca roots provides a lethal dose of hydrocyanic acid for humans.

Possible by-effect Yucca when taken and used:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach upset;
  • diarrhea.

Yucca is quite popular both indoors and garden plant in our climate zone.

Although this palm tree comes from the hot tropics, it can withstand frost quite well without requiring significant insulation in the winter.

Therefore, garden yucca is actively used to create unique landscape designs on their own plots.

Preparing to plant yucca

It is better to plant garden yucca in open ground in spring or summer, when the minimum night temperature exceeds 7 degrees, so that the plant has time to form root system for winter.

This flower is quite unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but achieves the best decorative effect when growing in soil with an acidity of less than 7.5 pH and a large amount of sand and humus. The ideal soil composition for planting yucca is considered to be the following: turf soil, humus, sand and compost in equal parts.

To plant garden yucca, give preference to a well-lit area located on a hill. This is necessary to avoid waterlogging of the root system, since this part of the plant is the most vulnerable. Remember that planting yucca in too much shade can lead to its death.

Yucca garden - planting

Before planting in open ground, the plant must be hardened; to do this, take it out into the open air in a pot for two weeks, gradually increasing the time it stays outside every day.

Garden yucca, when planted in closed or open ground, needs to create a drainage layer. Small pebbles, coarse sand, pumice, crushed brick, wood chips, coarse perlite and coarse peat. When planting yucca in pots, you can use a special drainage that absorbs moisture, which is sold in flower shops.

Planting stages:

In the chosen location, dig a hole so that its size is approximately twice the diameter of the plant's root ball.

Place a drainage layer at the bottom of the hole.

Carefully dump the plant into the hole and cover it with soil, without burying its neck (the base of the trunk should be at ground level), and then compact the soil around it a little.

Immediately after planting, water the yucca generously, and then mulch it with grass to reduce moisture evaporation.

Propagation by seeds of garden yucca

When propagated by garden yucca seeds, planting in open ground must be done only after 2 years. It is better to plant the seeds in a container at the end of winter at room temperature from 18 to 25 degrees.

Yucca garden - care

Yucca is an unpretentious plant that is actually only afraid of waterlogging of the root system. Therefore, the flower should be watered in moderation, focusing on appearance yuccas and complete drying of the top layer of soil. If its leaves have drooped down and the leaf threads have drooped, then the plant does not have enough moisture and needs watering. When leaves wilt, they can be sprayed with water in the morning or evening, when the sun is least active.

This plant periodically needs feeding, especially during the period of active growth in spring period. Anything will work well for this purpose. mineral fertilizers, compost or liquid humus. For foliar feeding The lower leaves of the palm tree should be sprayed generously.

For the speedy flowering of yucca, usual garden care can be replaced with shock therapy. To do this, you need to keep the plant in a dark room with a temperature no higher than +5 degrees for 10-14 days, and then place it in a bright, warm, sunny place. In order for the yucca to bloom faster, you should not allow the yellowed leaves to be cut off!

Indoor garden yucca is quite unpretentious in care. In the summer, it is better to take the plant out onto the balcony, as it loves sunlight and open air. Watering should be moderate and timely.

Yucca garden: transplantation

Garden yucca in open ground can grow in one place for about 20 years, while a houseplant needs to be replanted once every 2 years.

Transplant rules:

Replant yucca better in spring or in summer;

Before planting, soak the roots in water for one hour, and after planting, water thoroughly;

Special attention should be given to the powerful root system, trying not to injure it when the plant falls out of the pot;

After transplantation, the plant cannot be fed for two weeks;

The pot should be 3 cm larger than the diameter of the root ball;

After transplantation, the yucca must be placed away from drafts.

Warming yucca for the winter

Despite the fact that yucca is a frost-resistant plant, it is better to insulate it for the winter, especially in the first years after planting in open ground. To do this you need to do the following:

1. In autumn, collect dry yucca leaves in a bunch, tying them along the entire length.

2. Cover the plant with dry leaves around the trunk, and lay boards or sprinkle earth on top. This is necessary to prevent the leaves from being blown away by the wind.

3. Cover the crown of the yucca with polyethylene in the shape of a cone and carefully tie it with twine or any other rope.

4. Yellowed old leaves can be removed in spring.

Reproduction of garden yucca

Yucca propagation in our climate zone occurs by cuttings or dividing the bush. To propagate by stem cuttings, you must perform the following steps:

Using a sharp knife, cut off the side rosette of the yucca with its stem;

Remove the lower leaves so that all the plant’s forces are directed to creating a root system;

A fresh cut should be dried and sprinkled with coal;

Plant the resulting cuttings in a closed, light greenhouse, burying them 3-4 cm into the ground. Do not allow the soil to dry out.

Pests and diseases of yucca garden

The main prevention in supporting the plant's immunity to diseases is the correctly chosen place of growth and proper care of garden yucca. But despite this, in rare cases, a flower can still be exposed to pests.

The main enemy of yucca is scale insect, after exposure to which the plant becomes covered with brown plaques. To combat this pest, palm leaves are wiped daily with a damp cloth or cotton wool, and treated with vodka once a week. For destruction slugs, which can appear on yucca, which grows on personal plot, use insecticidal drugs.

Discolored spots that appear on older leaves and turn brown over time are a disease called "spotting". The fungal environment attacks the plant due to excess moisture. To combat this scourge, the plant should be treated with a fungicide and watered moderately.

Rot yucca can also be caused by waterlogging and excessive shading of the plant. When affected, the entire crown of the plant suffers, the leaves of which are gradually affected by rot. In this case, you need to act immediately, otherwise the yucca will die. First, remove all damaged areas of the plant, and then treat it with a fungicidal preparation, repeat these steps if necessary.

Cercospora- oval or other shaped brown spots that can increase in size over time. The cause of the disease is also excess moisture. Control measures: removing affected leaves, treating with a fungicide and reducing indoor humidity.

White rot - a serious disease of garden yucca. Infection of the plant occurs through the soil and is associated with an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers, waterlogging or lack of light. At first, the palm leaves become colorless and then watery. The lower leaves of the crown are especially severely affected, and the disease becomes acute when the temperature drops to +15 degrees.

If damaged by this fungus, all affected plant tissues must be removed, including healthy areas, and wiped with an antiseptic. Then you should treat with Fundazol or Rovral. If these measures are not effective, the yucca must be completely removed from the soil, dried a little and the integrity of the root system checked, and then replanted in new soil with a reduced nitrogen content.

Marginal necrosis- a disease characterized by the appearance of a gray-brown tint on the edges of old leaves. The occurrence of necrosis is most often provoked by high humidity. To combat this disease, remove the affected areas of the leaves and treat the plant with Ridomil.

Yucca is a beautiful and unpretentious plant. Despite the fact that its homeland is warm African countries, yucca has taken root well in Russia, but here it can only be grown in open ground in the southern regions. Garden yucca also looks decorative during flowering, when many large white bells bloom on a long peduncle, and without flowers, only due to the evergreen long and pointed leaves.

The unpretentiousness of yucca is also manifested in the fact that in the garden it is capable of long time grows in one place and does not need frequent replanting. When is the best time to replant garden yucca?

A plant can be replanted in open ground no more than once every 20 years, while indoor yucca can be replanted once a year or every 3-4 years, depending on age.

As for the time of year convenient for replanting a plant, it is natural that it is better to do this during the period when it does not bloom - in spring and autumn. That is, at the end of August - beginning of September.

The roots of garden yucca grow both in depth and in width; a plant that has been in one place for more than 15 years has managed to occupy a large space under the surface of the earth. Therefore, when it is replanted, they begin to dig a large circle around the roots and carefully shake off the soil, trying not to damage the small roots. To extract the roots unharmed, you will have to dig 70-80 cm deep.

When the yucca is removed from the ground, the shoots are separated from the roots, if this was not desired earlier, and they are replanted separately. But before planting, the roots are soaked in water for an hour - after this the plants can be planted in a new place.

The size of the hole for planting garden yucca is made depending on the size of the root system; the hole should be slightly larger diameter, and greater depth.

When the hole is ready, a layer of drainage is placed at the bottom; broken clay bricks can be used for these purposes, and then the top fertile layer of soil, a little humus and sand are poured, and a little water is poured.

Then the yucca is placed in the hole, the roots are straightened, sprinkled with earth and watered. When the soil sags after watering, you will need to add a little more soil so that after rain the water does not flow under the yucca; its roots do not need excess moisture.

After autumn planting or replanting yucca growing in open ground is insulated - the leaves are collected in a bunch, tied with cloth, and wrapped in agrofibre. The roots are sprinkled with leaves, sawdust, dry grass, and after the first snowfalls they can be additionally sprinkled with snow.

In areas with a cold climate, it is better to replant garden yucca in the spring, in April-May; in the warm season, the plant will better take root in a new place without experiencing much stress. After transplanting to a new location, the plant may not need to be fertilized for several months; this will not be necessary.

Yucca garden is a close relative of the popular indoor plant. But if in potted culture its unusual, stylized “palm tree” shape is valuable, the street counterpart is interesting for its chic inflorescences up to one and a half meters long and half a meter in diameter. A fascinating sight!

Previously, it was cultivated mainly in the south, but now it can be found in the gardens of the middle zone, where it forms truly “heavenly thickets”. We decided to figure out how difficult it is to care for a resident of semi-deserts, how to help her adapt to the Russian climate and preserve her in the conditions of a frosty winter.

Each yucca inflorescence contains 200–250 bells, which remain decorative for 1.5–2 months

Yucca garden: subtleties of planting and care

Garden yucca is often called a tropical plant. This is not entirely true. Its habitat is the semi-desert regions of North and Central America with long hot and dry summers and cool winters. This affected the structure and cyclical development of the plant.

The types of yucca we cultivate as outdoors are an evergreen perennial with a short, loose stem and a cluster of tough, sword-shaped leaves. They are designed to accumulate and retain moisture (trunk) and prevent its evaporation (leaves). The rhizome is thick and branched, going to great depths. This is also an indicator of adaptation to drought conditions.

Despite the “evergreen”, for garden flower characterized by cyclical development with a pronounced period of rest, which occurs during the cold season. It is these features that make it possible to grow yucca in temperate climate gardens. Subject to certain nuances of agricultural technology, of course.

Growing conditions

First, let's try to create conditions for the flower that are close to the natural environment.

  1. Location: in the sun. If you have a flower bed in full sun where no other flowers want to grow, it may be suitable for yucca. Being a succulent, the plant can easily withstand temperatures up to +35°C and dry air, in which 5-6 times more moisture evaporates than it receives. And, conversely, in the shade the yucca will not reveal its potential, and there may be problems with flowering.
  2. The soil is light, crumbly, well drained. The best option is sandy loam. Clay soils require loosening river sand, peat crumbs. The plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so if they come close groundwater, it is best to artificially raise the flower bed.
  3. A place protected from the wind. Yucca does not like drafts, especially in winter. Although its flower stalks are strong, they can break under the weight of the flowers in windy weather.

Rocky alpine slide– suitable landscape for garden yucca

Planting in open ground

Let's consider the features of growing garden yucca, starting with planting a young seedling and ending with caring for an adult perennial. (We omit the technology of growing from seeds, since garden centers most often sell seedlings, rooted cuttings or cuttings with a piece of rhizome).

It is best to plant yucca in the garden in the spring, so that the plant goes into winter fully strengthened and hardened. This is done no earlier than May, when the night temperature exceeds 10°C.

Select a sunny place for planting in advance, prepare a planting hole 50–60 cm deep. If necessary, drainage of small stones, crushed stones, and pieces of brick is laid at the bottom. Sprinkle it with a layer of fertile soil generously seasoned with wood ash.

If the soil in the garden is light and fertile, use it. If it is heavy and poor, prepare a substrate from turf soil, well-rotted compost, and sand.

A seedling is placed on the prepared “cushion” and covered with prepared soil. The root collar is brought level with the soil surface.

After planting, water the hole and mulch the top with dry soil. The seedling is pressed well around the stem.

Care after landing

How to care for a seedling after planting? Very simple.

  • As necessary, loosen and clear the root zone of weeds.
  • During dry periods, water occasionally.
  • Regularly inspect for pests (possible aphid infestation).

An adult plant is hardy, tenacious and unpretentious. In the middle zone, the moisture that falls with rain and morning dew is sufficient for it. Even if “overboard” is more than +30° C, do not rush to grab the watering can. Let the yucca pretend that it is in its native Mexico.

In drier steppe regions - in the Donbass, Rostov region, Krasnodar region - watering is needed, but not too frequent and abundant.

In the spring, the perennial freed from shelter is fed with a complex of complete fertilizers (30–40 g/m²) or an organic solution ( chicken manure– 1:20, mullein – 1:10). If the bush has been mulched with humus since the fall, no additional feeding is needed.

Please note that with proper care, yucca can grow in one place without replanting for up to 20 years. Depending on the species, it forms lush rosettes or “trees” resembling a palm tree.

In the photo - a yucca seedling prepared for planting

Formation of an adult perennial

Yucca, cultivated in open ground, most often grows in bushes consisting of several rosettes of large sword-shaped leaves. Over time, the mother plant becomes overgrown with root suckers. The bush thickens, which does not have the best effect on its condition.

  • The feeding area decreases, the plant becomes smaller and weaker.
  • The air permeability of the soil in the area of ​​the roots deteriorates, and they can rot.
  • Its decorative value is reduced.
  • Weak specimens do not have enough strength to flower.

Every year the bushes must be thinned out, leaving the largest, strongest rosettes, usually 3–5 per 1 m². Often, after flowering, the mother plant dries out. It's okay, this is typical for agave plants. Leave a young bush instead.

Some people thin out the yucca in the fall, while others leave this work until the spring. In our opinion, the second option is preferable. Firstly, it is easier for a thickened bush to overwinter. Secondly, during spring thinning, excess rosettes can be used for propagation, but in the fall they will most likely have to be thrown away.

Garden yucca does not bloom immediately after planting, but in the second, third, sometimes fourth year. Its peduncle is strong, woody, rises 1.5–2 m, forms a branched panicle consisting of hundreds of white, greenish, cream bells. After flowering, it must be cut with pruning shears or cut down with a hacksaw. It won't work any other way. There is no point in collecting seeds; it is easier to propagate the flower by root suckers.

In addition, in spring and autumn it is necessary to clean the base of the bush from old, damaged, dried leaves. Over time, you can get an interesting palm-shaped stem, which will only add decorativeness to the yucca.

The rosettes obtained by thinning are excellent material for

Yucca care in winter

Taking care of yucca in winter requires special attention. As experience shows, winter hardiness garden varieties perennial is quite tall. It can withstand frosts of up to 25° C without shelter, however, provided that they are short-lived.

The vitality of the plant is admirable. It may freeze, but not die. Most often, the flower bud suffers - in this case, the yucca will not bloom, and the frozen leaves will be restored during May-June. But even if the bush freezes completely, with a high probability during the summer it will produce young shoots from underground stolons.

Plants are prepared for winter in the fall, approximately at the end of October. Regardless of the thickness and design of the shelter, rosettes of evergreen leaves are collected in bunches at the top and tied with twine.

Why do this? The bunch is an additional protection for the apical bud, which is thus partially covered by leaves. In addition, tied foliage will not be damaged by snowfall.

In the southern regions, in most cases this is enough for the plant to winter safely in the open ground. In colder climates, it is recommended to cover the flower more securely.

Options for wintering yucca in open ground

How and with what to cover perennials for the winter?

  1. Wrap the rosettes tied in a bundle on top (on the cone) with a mat, a reed blanket, or lutrasil. Tie the cone at the top with twine, and press down with stones around the perimeter at the bottom. Air cover will protect from excess moisture and scorching wind.
  2. Cover the bush with a wooden box, wrap it with lutrasil or spunbond on top, cover it with spruce branches or cover it with dry leaves.
  3. Instead of wooden box you can use a frame structure.

Do not use polyethylene for covering. Condensation forms on the sealed material, which is harmful to the plant.

Such shelter is sufficient for wintering yucca in the steppe regions of Ukraine and the Rostov region

Varieties of garden yucca: brief description, photo

More than 30 species of yucca are known in botany. Among them there are giants that grow over 10 m in height, and small herbaceous perennials. Almost all of them are heat-loving plants, unsuitable for cultivation in a temperate climate zone. There are only a few types of garden yucca, adapted to the conditions of the middle zone - they are presented in the photo below along with a brief description.

Yucca filamentosa

This is the most common species in garden culture, on the basis of which several interesting hybrids have been created.

It has practically no stem - the rosette is formed at the soil level and consists of large, hard leaves up to 70 cm high, crowned with a sharp thorn. In adult leaves, thin strong threads peel off along the edges - from a distance it seems that the bush is braided with a cobweb. Hence the species name. It blooms with lush creamy-white inflorescences, each bell is 7–8 cm long.

In the photo - Yu. filamentosa (filamentosa)

Based on this species, several variegated (variegated) hybrids have been created.

  • Bright Edge is a fast-growing variety with lush blue-green foliage edged with yellow. Peduncle up to 100 cm with large white bells.
  • Color Guard is a 70 cm tall plant with variegated foliage combining dove-green, yellow and white stripes. Flowers are creamy white.
  • Gold Heart is a compact (45 cm tall), frost-resistant yucca with bluish-green leaves on the edge and yellow-white leaves in the middle. in autumn White color takes on a pinkish color. The flowers are white with a delicate pink tint.

In variegated forms, foliage of unusual color has decorative value.

Yucca gray

This species is similar in appearance to filamentous yucca. It is distinguished by narrower (1.5 cm wide), needle-like leaves and faded, not even green, but bluish foliage.

The plant produces strong, tall peduncles, densely covered with large drooping bells of yellowish-white or greenish-white color. Due to the appearance of the inflorescences, this variety is popularly called the “Candle of the Lord.” Blooms in the second half of summer.

Garden yucca is a frost-resistant perennial that can tolerate up to 25° minus without shelter. With shelter for the winter, it can be grown not only in middle lane, but also in Siberia, Altai, Kamchatka.

Gray yucca expels peduncle
In the photo - blue yucca candle inflorescences

In the south of Russia, in addition to these species, you can grow Yu. aloelia and Yu. glorious in the garden. Outwardly, they are similar to the varieties described above, but more heat-loving.

Video about growing garden yucca:

Yucca is found naturally in Central America and Mexico, but has recently become popular in our region. If you decide to grow this amazing palm tree, you need to know how to care for yucca at home. If you have garden yucca, then you have probably wondered more than once, Do I need to dig it up for the winter? this flower.

How to care for garden yucca

The place for growing garden yucca should be sunny and warm. If there is slight partial shade, planting in such a place is possible. The air temperature for transplanting yucca seedlings must be stable and warm. During the day it should stay around 20 degrees, and at night it should not fall below 7 degrees.

The soil for planting should be nutritious and loose. Acidity should not exceed 7.5pH. The soil, if it doesn’t have much good qualities, must be prepared. A hole measuring 50 by 50 and 50 centimeters is made in advance at the selected location. If the root is large, a hole is made bigger size.
The pit is filled with a mixture of earth, sand, peat, and humus in equal proportions. Transplantation is done in the spring.

Before planting, the seedling needs to be hardened off. To do this, the pot is taken out into the garden and the time spent in the air increases every day. When the yucca is planted, it needs to be watered. After this, it will be organized proper care. It consists of weeding, watering, and protection from diseases. Watering is done when the soil dries out. When the main foliage dries out, the plant is moistened with a spray bottle. The best time to spray is in the evening. Garden yucca is fertilized annually in the spring. For feeding, use complex fertilizers for succulent plants.

If you do not want to damage and dig up the yucca flower for the winter, then it is better to wrap it in film or thick paper, although it can withstand even quite severe frosts. The root soil is covered with mulch. Next to yucca you can grow cereals, lavender, iris and other perennials from this type of plant.

Excess moisture harms the yucca, and the foliage becomes covered with yellow spots. Heat, disturbance light mode, also have an adverse effect on the plant. When slugs appear, insecticides are used. To combat scale insects, you need to wipe the foliage daily with a damp sponge. Once every 7 days, use diluted alcohol to clean the leaves.

Photo of yucca in winter

Experienced gardeners say that dig up garden yucca for the winter It’s not worth it, because with good shelter, the plant will not suffer and will later delight you with its beautiful flowering. If you properly care for the flower, it will decorate the flowerbed at the dacha for a long time.