Propagation of lilies by cuttings and leaves. Tips from experienced flower growers on the reproduction of lilies: seeds, bulbs, scales, cuttings

Lilies reproduce easily thanks to their biological features, and this can be done in several ways.

To obtain a large amount of planting material, four methods of lily propagation are most effective:

  • bulb scales;
  • buds with buds (bulbs) formed in the axils of the leaves;
  • leaves;
  • shoots.

These methods of reproduction of lilies do not require special equipment and allow you to get a lot of high quality planting material.

Reproduction of lilies by scales of bulbs

This method is suitable for almost all types and varieties of lilies, it can be used all year round. But it gives the highest yield of planting material in the spring.

If there are enough lily bulbs, then in the fall I time the procedure for their reproduction with scales by the time of digging and transplanting the bulbs.

To apply this method in winter or in early spring before the soil thaws, I dig up lily bulbs in the fall, wash them off the ground, dry them and store them at a temperature of 3-4 ° C in sand, moss or other substrate.

The procedure for propagating excavated lilies with scales is as follows. From pre-washed healthy bulbs, with a light touch, I separate the scales at the very base of the bulb. I remove no more than 2/3 of the number of all scales, I leave the rest on the bulb (with careful observance of agricultural technology, the remaining bulb after planting in the ground will grow and develop almost the same as the whole one).

Sick or dry scales are discarded, and the rest are washed with water and poured with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.3 g per 1 liter of water) for 20-30 minutes. Then I dry the scales until the water drops completely evaporate, mix with a moistened filler (for example, sphagnum moss) and place in plastic bag. Sphagnum maintains the optimal moisture content in lily scales and has bactericidal properties. But in this case, the use of ordinary sphagnum moss is not always convenient, since the roots growing in mini-bulbs will be strongly intertwined (it will be possible to unravel them only after soaking them in water for a while). Therefore, basically, for the germination of bulbs on lily scales, I use only heavily crushed moss as a filler (and it can only be crushed in a dry form).

The filler can be crushed charcoal with the addition of a small amount of fungicide. You can use fresh, slightly damp coniferous sawdust to germinate lily scales.

Young lily bulbs formed at the site of a broken scale

I tie bags with lily scales and filler, attach labels and store in a dark place at room temperature. I look through the contents of packages from time to time; if necessary, moisten the filler and remove diseased scales.

After the formation of young lily bulbs with a diameter of about 0.5 cm at the base of the scales (this happens after about 4-6 weeks), I transfer the packages for 3-4 weeks to the refrigerator for stratification at a temperature of 3-4 °. Then I separate young bulbs from each scale and plant them in boxes with earth or in open ground(depending on the season).

A significant increase in the multiplication factor (by more than 50%) allows the treatment of separated lily scales with growth regulators, for example, succinic acid (100 mg / l). I put the scales in the solution for 6 hours at a temperature of 20-22 °. The treatment of scales with succinic acid, in addition, contributes to an increase in the size of the resulting young bulbs, which further accelerates the development of plants.

Beginning of May - best time for reproduction of lilies by separation of scales from bulbs. In the spring, you can do this without digging the bulbs out of the garden until sprouts appear. I carefully rake the earth to the side, without disturbing the roots of the plant, and separate several scales from the lily bulb. I spill the base of such bulbs for disinfection with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle clean sand, and then - the earth, which was raked.

Method 1 .

Scales removed from lily bulbs and used for propagation should be healthy, white, without spots. I thoroughly wash them, then stand for 20 minutes in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. I dry the processed scales, mix them with the filler and put them in a clean plastic bag, tie it up and place it in a dark place. For about a month and a half, I keep bags of scales at room temperature (+ 22–24 ° C).

Then I put the bags for a month in a cooler place where the temperature does not exceed + 17–18 ° С. Then, before planting, I always keep them in the refrigerator (at a temperature of + 2-4 ° C) or in the storage where vegetables are stored, protecting the scales from rodents. By the time the bags are moved to the refrigerator, rather large bulbs (several pieces on each scale) with roots are already formed on the lily scales.

After cold storage, the resulting lily bulbs are separated from the scales and planted in specially prepared ridges (approximately after July 20) or in seed boxes, which I then install in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Method 2

In early May, lily scales can be treated differently.

I wash the scales broken off from the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate, then plant them in seed boxes filled with nutrient mixture and sand at 2/3 of their height. I cover the top with plastic wrap or a layer of moistened sphagnum moss. I place boxes with planted scales in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse.

After 2-4 months (depending on the type and variety of lilies), onion-babies are formed on the planted scales. After they appeared green leaves I plant bulbs on ridges or in a greenhouse for growing.

Lily babies, bred from bulb scales in the summer in a seed box, are separated from the mother scales at the stage when they have roots and a pair of leaves. I plant such children in the fall in the garden on the ridges in a protected place. Before the onset of severe autumn cold, lily babies should take root well. For the winter, I carefully cover them with peat, leaves, and other insulating material (a layer of at least 7 cm). From above it is desirable to cover it with plastic wrap. Rooted lily babies successfully winter under shelter and snow cover.

If there is not enough time for the rooting of children in the open field in the fall, then I dig in the entire box with planted scales and lily babies in the garden for the winter. In this case, be sure to carefully insulate them to protect the scales with children from winter freezing.

Also, lily babies can be left to winter in boxes, placing the boxes in a greenhouse and warming them over the frames (sawdust, leaves, spruce branches, film).

Propagation of lilies by stem buds

Bulbs, or buds, are formed in the leaf axils of some species and varieties of lilies (they are called bulbous). Most often, bulbous lilies are found among the Asiatic Hybrids, although they are also found in the Tubular group.

The number and size of bulbs formed on the stem of a lily is affected by whole line factors: varietal characteristics, plant age, agricultural technology, number of flowers, environmental impacts. Young plants produce more buds than old ones. Proper agricultural technology helps to increase the size of the bulbs and increase their number. Sufficient rainfall during the growth period of lilies also favors the formation of bulbs. And some varieties of lilies form bulbs only if the weather is wet for a long time.

It is possible to provoke the appearance of buds in some non-bulbous varieties of lilies, as well as to increase the size of the bulbs and their number in bulbous varieties, by removing the buds (decapitation). The maximum effect is achieved if the buds are removed at the beginning of their formation. Later decapitation - in the phase of a colored bud or during blooming - affects the formation of bulbs to a lesser extent (or does not affect at all).

With proper agricultural technology, in the first half of August, aerial roots and leaf rudiments appear in bulb lilies from the Asian hybrids group.

I prepare boxes 70x20 cm in size and 12 cm high for planting lily bulbs. At the bottom of the boxes I drill several holes for water drainage and better aeration. I fill the boxes with a slightly acidic clay soil mixture. garden soil, sand, peat, humus and fresh pine sawdust (in equal parts) with the addition of wood ash.

Having collected ripe bulbs from lily stems, I immediately plant them by variety in grooves 2-3 cm deep, at a distance of 4 cm from each other (with this arrangement, 70 buds are left per box). I dig the box into the ground in a semi-shady, dry place in the garden. After 3-4 weeks of planting, I feed the plants with an infusion of fermented weeds in combination with an ash extract and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In late autumn, I cover the box with a dry leaf in case of a little snowy winter and plastic wrap. Here, young lilies remain until mid-September next year, when I plant them on permanent place.

You can plant the collected bulbs in open ground ridges. But in open ground, care is worse than in boxes, and it is a little more difficult to cover rarer plantings.

Before sowing, it is advisable to stratify the bulbs of lilies in a refrigerator (at a temperature of 3-4 °) for 3-4 weeks.

In the open ground, the planting depth of the bulbs is 2-3 cm, the distance between the bulbs in a row is 5-6 cm, between the rows is 20-25 cm. After planting the bulbs, I water the ridges. In the case of prolonged warm weather, lily shoots may appear in the same autumn.

Reproduction of lilies leaves

During the lily budding period, I carefully cut off the leaves (with the base) from the top of the stem and plant them in a pot with drainage holes or in a box. I pour drainage at the bottom of the container, then - a nutrient substrate (5-6 cm layer), on top - a layer of sand (3-4 cm). I deepen the leaves of lilies to half their length in an inclined position. I water the soil moderately.

If I plant leaves in a pot, then I build a small greenhouse: I stick support sticks into it and put a transparent one on them. plastic bag, fixing the edges of the bag along the rim of the pot with an elastic band. It is necessary to air the leaves daily, briefly removing the bag and shaking off the condensate, and then return the bag to its place, turning it inside out.

To preserve moisture, I cover a box with planted leaves with glass, which needs to be wiped and turned over daily.

At the base of the planted leaves of lilies, bulbs soon form, which give roots and let out leaves. For the winter, a pot (box) can be placed in a cool greenhouse or buried in a garden with insulation (10-15 cm layer of manure or leafy humus). In spring, young lilies grown from leaves are planted in the garden.

Reproduction of lilies stems

To propagate lilies, I separate their stems from the bulbs during spring digging, and also carefully pull the stems out of the ground after the lilies bloom or the seeds ripen.

Lily stems are immediately planted in a greenhouse or in a garden bed, where they quickly take root. 1.5 months after the stem is planted underground, bulbs form on it. To increase their number (up to 40 pieces), before planting the stem on its underground part, I make shallow longitudinal cuts. Plants obtained from stem propagation lilies, will bloom for 1-2 years.

Stefan Fedorovich Nedyalkov (Belarus)
[email protected]

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Lily, one of the most beautiful ornamental plants, Liliaceae family. And due to the huge amount various kinds, shades and shapes, this queen of the garden has become a favorite of many flower growers. The only thing that upsets the true connoisseurs of the royal beauty is the annual purchase of planting material, which, by the way, is not cheap. Therefore, many experienced flower growers have adapted to the independent reproduction of these plants, which is overwhelmingly successful, and one of these methods is the reproduction of lilies with scales.

If a novice florist liked a certain instance garden queen, then you should not rush to buy the same species for breeding. There are four ways to get new bushes and create the perfect lily bed. effective ways, namely:

  1. breeding lilies with scales;
  2. cultivation of lilies with bulbs;
  3. propagation of lilies by cuttings;
  4. reproduction of lilies by seed method.

All these methods of breeding lilies have their own specific features and use them in different situations. But at the same time, most importantly, regardless of the chosen breeding method, all the methods described above make it possible to increase the collection of the garden queen. And what is important, new plants will fully retain all the characteristics of the mother plant.

We propagate the lily with scales

Reproduction of lilies by scales is the simplest and most common way by which an increase in the number of plants will be successful. Moreover, this method can be used with all types of lilies. Yes and splendid blooming flower can be obtained already in the second year after breeding with scales. It is worth noting that literally from one mother bulb, it turns out from 20 to 150 new young sprouts.
As for the selection of time for breeding lilies with scales, experienced flower growers say that division can be done at any time of the year, but autumn is still the most ideal. To do this, use purchased bulbs, or the material that was dug out before winter.

So, in order to propagate lilies with scales, it is necessary to perform several steps, namely:

  • With the onset of autumn, the bulbs of the plant are dug up, washed thoroughly with warm water, and then carefully examined. Scales are separated from healthy bulbs, and all defective or affected by the disease are removed;
  • The prepared scales are washed in warm water and dipped in a pre-prepared weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes;
  • The soil is prepared for planting scales in it, for this they take forest moss, humus and black soil in equal parts, then, pre-dried scales are placed in this mixture;
  • The container, in which the scales with soil are located, is corked on top with a bag and sent to a dark and warm place for a month. As a rule, after this period of time, new bulbs will begin to appear;
  • When young onions are found, the container is transferred to a cool place and kept for another 1.5 months.
  • When the young onions undergo stratification, they begin to separate them. After this manipulation, they are first planted in a greenhouse, this time falls in February. And when May comes, the grown and strengthened roots are planted in a permanent place.
  • If the method of breeding lilies in the spring is chosen, then the young are immediately evicted to the garden, bypassing the greenhouse. As for the care of the young, it is no different from adult flowers.

Reproduction of a garden queen by scales will take approximately two years in total from the moment of separation from the main plant until an adult full-fledged flower is obtained.

In order for your own bulbs to be well stored in the winter, they should be thoroughly washed under water, and then dried and planted in wet sand, in which the bulb will be stored until spring.

Video "Reproduction of lilies with scales"

We propagate the garden queen with bulbs

Propagating lilies with bulbs is another great way to get new sprouts for planting. The so-called bulbous bulbs are formed in the leaves, which makes it possible to increase the number of any lily varieties.

But at the same time, the success of this method of reproduction depends on many factors, namely:

  • how younger plant, the more planting material can be removed;
  • the more abundant the lily blooms, the more likely it is to get the desired bulbs;
  • some varieties are directly dependent on weather conditions, to be more precise, the higher the humidity, the more bulbs are formed. Therefore, when buying planting material, this issue should be clarified with a consultant;
  • if you resort to such a manipulation as decapitation, then you can get bulbs even from those plants that practically do not produce bulbs;
  • bulbs are formed immediately after the plant has faded. And after their maturation, they begin to fall off, it is during this period that they should be collected.

Planting bulbs in the ground depends on the time of year. If it is warm outside, then the bulbs are immediately planted in the ground. Well, in the case when the cold season comes, then the reproduction of lilies in the fall is performed in a container. After planting, young bulbs need special care, they should be regularly moistened and maintained at a stable temperature.

Video "Reproduction of lilies with bubbles"

We propagate the lily by cuttings

This method of propagation by leaf (cuttings) is resorted to when there are no seeds for planting or the garden queen does not have bulbs. For such purposes, sheets are selected from the top of the shoot and cut off. Then they are planted at an angle in pre-prepared containers half-filled with a mixture of soil and sand.
Further care of the cuttings requires regular moistening of the soil and storage of planting material away from direct sunlight.

This method is successful as an alternative to flake breeding. Since this method does not require additional financial costs, and much effort will not be required.

Growing lilies from seeds

Often, novice flower growers are interested in the question of how to get beautiful plant lily from seeds growing in this way. First of all, propagation by this method is suitable for fast-growing varieties. It is these types of garden queens that can give a large number of seed material.

lily seeds

Planting seeds at home begins at the end of February. For such purposes, it is necessary to first prepare a tray with nutrient soil and plant lily seeds in it to a depth of 1 cm. After the seed is planted, the tray is sent to the windowsill, preferably from the southwest side.

In order to get seedlings, you need to create good conditions, namely:

  • in order for the sprouts to germinate, you need to constantly maintain room temperature;
    sown seed material, requires the creation greenhouse conditions, so the tray with seedlings is covered with a film;
  • as soon as the first shoots become visible, the room temperature is lowered to 13 degrees and kept until the first leaf appears. Then you should increase the room temperature to 20ºС heat;
  • seedlings that have one or two leaves should be dived into a separate container with a depth of 10 cm;
  • in order for the seedlings to develop well, it should be watered with a spray gun, otherwise young shoots will die from excess moisture;
  • with the onset of the end of April, the seedlings begin to harden, taking it out into the air for an hour, and then gradually increase the residence time of the sprouts.

When the time comes for planting the young in open ground, each sprout is carefully examined and if weak flowers are detected, they are left to grow in the greenhouse until next spring. And those that are stronger go to the flower garden for planting at the end of May, to please the grower.

Lilies do not tolerate the direct rays of the sun, therefore, when choosing a site for the garden queen, they try to choose exactly the place where there will be a shadow for the lady.

It is difficult to find an amateur gardener who would not grow a beautiful lily on his plot. But if a gardener is a beginner, then he often has a question about how to save lily bulbs before planting. In this case, recommendations from experienced flower growers are as follows.

  • Before winter, the bulbs should be dug up and washed thoroughly in warm water. Then let it be lowered into a weak solution of potassium permanganate and hold for about an hour. When all the necessary manipulations have been completed, each bulb is dried in the shade, and sent to prepared boxes with wet sand, which are then lowered into the cellar for wintering.
  • The second, important issue is lily care and reproduction. As for the methods of reproduction, they were all given above, but for care, experienced gardeners give the following recommendations.

Lily, despite its royal appearance, is not really whimsical, the main thing for her is moderate watering and protection from direct sun rays. Under such conditions, the flower will grow well and delight the grower. lush bloom. As for top dressing, it should be applied twice a season, in the spring when planting, and before flowering. For these purposes, use humus or purchase the appropriate product in flower shops.

Lily is an incredibly beautiful plant, which also does not require special care. Such a flower is absolutely not whimsical to living conditions, but at the same time it is able to please the eye of every lover of garden flowers. Therefore, if a person has a desire to increase the number of the garden queen, especially since out of the many ways of breeding lilies, you will definitely find your own, go for it and you will succeed.

July is the time for lilies to bloom. Admiring them, flower growers often dream of propagating their favorite variety - there is never too much beauty. Fulfilling this dream is not at all difficult, there is not even one way.

Lilies. There is no such thing as too much beauty. A photo

After observing your favorite plant, you can easily choose the propagation method that will be more efficient, more convenient and easier for a particular variety. And if in doubt - you can try everything.

Reproduction of lilies by daughter bulbs

Perhaps the easiest and most common way. Everything is simple here: we dig up a bush after flowering, carefully separate the small onions and plant them in a new place. If the children are very small, it is better to plant them for growing on a separate bed or in containers - they can “get lost” in the flower garden.

It is advisable to plant onions immediately after separation from the mother plant - in the air they wither very quickly, become flabby. Lilies grown from children bloom, usually in the second year, although large bulbs can please the flower in the first summer.

The method is universal. But he has one minus: not all types and varieties of lilies actively form daughter bulbs - there are those in which at best 1-2 children are formed per season. You can even determine how suitable this option is for your chosen one, even without digging: if young shoots appear at the base of the stem the next year after planting, these are the daughter bulbs. The more such sprouts - the faster you can propagate the flower.

Reproduction of lilies by division of the nest

It differs slightly from the previous method. A large lily bulb can divide, forming 2-3 full-fledged (though not very large) bulbs that bloom the next year. After 2-3 years, the nest becomes quite large and can be divided.

The method is generally universal. But it must be taken into account that the active division of the bulbs is not typical for all varieties. If a planted lily a year later pleased you with not one, but two or three stems-peduncles, and a year later it turned into a large flowering bush- it can be successfully propagated by division.

Overgrown nests are dug up after flowering, the bulbs are carefully separated and planted in a new place. Next summer, such lilies will already bloom.

Reproduction of lilies with scales

This method can also be attributed to the universal - many types and varieties of lilies form bulbs on the scales. But its effectiveness depends on the specific plant. So, from experience I can say that Asian hybrids reproduce by this method much better than Eastern ones.

Many varieties of lilies reproduce successfully by scales. A photo

Plants obtained from these children will bloom only after 3-5 years, but from one bulb you can get a lot of planting material - from 1 to 4 “offspring” are formed on one scale. The reproduction of lilies with scales is described in detail in the master class.

Please note that bulbs obtained from scales are very small. They need to grow on a special bed or in containers. You can use this breeding method at any time - a suitable bulb would be at hand.

Reproduction of lilies by air bulbs

This method is suitable for those lilies that form buds (bulbs) in the axils of the leaves.

Bulbs in the axils of lily leaves. A photo

When ripe, they easily separate from the stem, and when they fall to the ground, they take root. Therefore, bulbous lilies often reproduce by such a kind of self-seeding. Collected bulbs are sown immediately in open ground (preferably in a seedling bed) or in containers. Well-developed bulbs are formed in 2-3 years.

Reproduction of lilies by seeds

This is the most laborious way; suitable mainly for species lilies. If you want to experiment on your own, please note that not all varietal characteristics may be preserved during seed propagation. But freshly harvested seeds germinate better than purchased ones. It should be borne in mind that the speed of seed germination is different. Asiatic lilies are in the lead here too; the seeds of curly lily sprout the longest.

Lily seeds are harvested when the seed pods turn brown. Sowed in wet peat substrate or vermiculite and kept in the refrigerator until germination, and then planted in pots. It will take 5-8 years to wait for the result, therefore this troublesome method is not particularly popular, but it is still useful to know about this possibility.

How do you propagate lilies? Which method do you prefer and why?

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For propagation of lilies, the following methods can be used: seed; division of the mother bulb; bulbs - babies that form both at the base of the bulbs and at the base of the underground part of the stem; scales; bulbs developing at the base of the stem leaves; leaves. By seed, species and hybrids are propagated that give fairly constant offspring. With any of the methods vegetative propagation produces the most uniform planting material.

Reproduction of lilies by seeds

The fastest growing species are propagated by seeds, which form a significant number of seeds with high germination energy during natural pollination of flowers. In a box of lily regale there are up to 400, golden lilies up to 700 seeds. However, there are many lilies in which full-fledged seeds with good germination energy develop only when artificial pollination pollen from other specimens (lily white, long-flowered, luxurious, Hansen).

In the conditions of the central regions of the Non-Chernozem zone, full-fledged, with good vigor of germination, seeds are formed by callus, saffron, Dahurian, drooping, Kesselring, Martagon, monofraternal, pompon, monochromatic, Pyrenean, regale, Schowitz, narrow-leaved, Wilmott, Maksimovich, coral, all types and varieties of tubular, Philippine.

The depth of sowing in boxes and greenhouses should not exceed 1 cm. Sowing in a greenhouse in February - March. Crops are covered with foil. With early sowing in the greenhouse of seeds of tubular lilies and their hybrids, as well as Wilmott, drooping, single-flowered, narrow-leaved, larger bulbs are formed by autumn.

The most favorable temperature regimes for seed germination range from 22 to 24°C. When roots appear (seeds have just sprouted), the temperature in the cultivation room is reduced to 15°C. During the active growth of the first leaf, the temperature is raised to 18 - 20 ° C. 20 - 25 days after sowing, with the appearance of the first true leaf, the seedlings dive into boxes (their depth is not less than 10 cm), while trying not to damage root system. They monitor moisture, avoiding excessive moisture, which leads to lodging and disease of seedlings.

In the second decade of April, boxes with seedlings are taken out to greenhouses. With a weak development of seedlings, boxes with them are dug into the ridges and left until next year, covered for the winter. Well-developing seedlings from the second half of May - June are planted in greenhouses or on prepared nursery ridges, always covering from direct sunlight. Irrigate regularly with fine-spray sprinklers. Once a week, crops are sprayed with a 0.15% solution of potassium permanganate.

Seedlings of fast-growing lilies are planted in a permanent place 1 - 1.5 years after sowing, slow-growing - no earlier than 2 - 2.5 years. Often such slow-growing species as Martagon, Caucasian and American species bloom in the 4th - 5th year after germination. Most lilies bloom in the 2nd - 3rd year after sowing.

Young plants thrive best in light shade. The bulb grows more intensively on a short day. However, narrow-leaved and Tibetan lilies bloom well only in open sunny places.

Reproduction of lilies with scales

This method allows you to get from 15 to 150 new plants from a well-grown bulb. best term scale separation - early spring or late summer. The scales are separated carefully so as not to apply mechanical damage. In the most valuable poorly propagated varieties, the bulbs are not dug up, but only exposed, separating a small amount of scales on the spot. Separated scales are washed in a 0.15% solution of potassium permanganate, and then dried. In this way, lilies are propagated using adult proven, most powerful plants. The largest amount of scales is separated from the mother bulb and then it is planted again in the ground. Collected scales of the same variety or species in the conditions of the central regions of the Non-Chernozem Zone are planted in deep (up to 15 cm) boxes. At the bottom of the boxes pour a large river sand or gravel with a layer of 4-5 cm, then a fertile mixture with a layer of 7-8 cm, as when sowing seeds, and on top of it river sand with a layer of 3-4 cm. The distance between rows when planting scales (depending on their size and species characteristics) 2 - 3 cm, in a row up to 1 cm. The scales are immersed to a depth equal to 2/3 of their length. Covering the sowing with moss not only accelerates the development of young bulbs, but also increases their number.

The boxes are placed on racks in the greenhouse, where they maintain a high temperature (27 - 29 ° C) and constant humidity, covering the boxes with foil. At the same time, they are shaded from the bright rays of the sun. At the base of each scale, 1 - 2 baby bulbs are formed. The articulated scales of the Daurian lily, Humboldt can develop and more kids. Immediately after the formation of the bulbs, they develop roots, and later a leaf appears. From this point on, young plants grow intensively. With the development of the second leaf, the baby bulbs are separated from the scales and planted, which usually happens 50-60 days after the scales are planted. The largest, well-preserved scales of valuable varieties and species can be re-planted in boxes to obtain new baby bulbs.

Separated bulbs are planted on the ridges of the nursery in the same way as bulbs grown from seeds. The ridges are insulated for the winter. The most valuable are placed in greenhouses.

With large volumes of work, scales are often placed in plastic bags during the spring separation after drying and transferred to a room with a temperature of 18 - 24 ° C. They are regularly mixed, removing the diseased and strongly dried. After 35 - 45 days, onion-babies are formed at the base, which are planted in boxes or soil. More often in the spring, the scales are planted after separation and preparation on special ridges. After planting, the ridges are abundantly watered and mulched with sphagnum peat or moss. During the autumn separation, the scales are mixed with river sand (1:5), crushed charcoal is added and stored in storage at a temperature of 0 - 4 ° C. At the end of January, they are placed in boxes and exposed to light.

Planted on the ridges of the nursery in early May, carefully monitoring the moisture. Shade on the hottest days. At good care and top dressing, mass flowering occurs in the third year. Flowers should be removed or cut short. After flowering, the bulbs grow to a standard size and are ready for planting in a permanent place. When the scales of a white lily are separated in August, they are distributed in boxes, which are placed in a shady place and kept without watering until the autumn cold. Then the boxes are removed to storage and stored at a temperature of 0 - 4°C. In the spring, the scales are planted in a greenhouse or on the ridges of a nursery, mulching them. Flowering of plants occurs in the third year.

Reproduction of lilies by dividing the bulbs

As in many representatives of bulbous and bulbous flower crops of the lily family, so in many types of lilies, the mother bulb grows, dividing into daughter ones. By the time the stem dies off between the scales, from 1 to 3 (sometimes more) renewal buds are fully formed and differentiated. In the spring of the next year, plants with an independent root system develop from them, the so-called nest of bulbs is formed. Each such plant can be separated and transplanted, because, developing together, the plants begin to crowd out one another and inhibit the growth of the weaker ones. Usually, the division of lilies is started when 4-6 daughter bulbs are formed in the nest. In rapidly growing species, this occurs after two, more often after three seasons. In weakly growing species and their hybrids, they begin to divide after 4 - 5 growing seasons. Less commonly transplanted are species that are difficult to tolerate transplantation. The dug nests are freed from the remnants of the soil and try not to damage the perennial bulbous roots, as well as the daughter bulbs themselves. In the conditions of the central regions of the Non-Chernozem zone optimal time dividing bulbs - the second half of August - September, in more southern regions - the end of September - October.

Propagation of lilies by bulbs

Such types of lilies as tiger, bulbous, Sargent, sulphurous, yarrow, and their hybrids form from 1 to 3 air bulbs in the axils of stem leaves, which in practice are called bulbs. The formation of these air bulbs can often be artificially induced. In the phenophase of budding, the buds are removed, and the stem is bent to the soil and spud (white, long-flowered, umbrella, Tubergen, Formosan, saffron lilies). Lily white forms bulbs throughout the stem when transplanting a plant with a clod of soil in the phenophase of budding. The bulbs develop larger when the buds are removed. 3 - 4 weeks after flowering (end of July - August), the bulbs begin to easily separate from the stem and can crumble. Without waiting for this, they are collected, sorted by size and planted on prepared ridges to a depth of 5-6 cm. Each species or hybrid is marked with a separate label. Then the ridges are mulched with peat and, if necessary, insulated for the winter.

Reproduction of lilies leaves

With a lack of planting material, such types of lilies as white, long-flowered, regale, sulfur-flowered, tiger, and some others are propagated by leaves. Leaves from the top of the stem take root better. Cuttings are started from the third decade of July. A fertile mixture is poured into boxes 10 cm deep (as when sowing seeds) with a layer of 5 - b cm, then river sand with a layer of 3 - 4 cm. In the greenhouse, the soil is leveled and sand is poured on top with a layer of 3 - 4 cm. After that, the boxes and the greenhouse are watered. The leaves are immersed at half their length in the sand obliquely. After planting, water or spray with water. On hot days, they shade and monitor uniform moisture, avoiding either drying out or excess moisture. At the base of the leaf, 1 - 2 baby bulbs are formed, roots and leaves develop.

For the winter, boxes with plants are dug in on the ridges and, when negative temperatures occur, they are insulated.

Propagation of lilies by dividing bulb nests is the most popular and easiest vegetative method. He has been known for a long time and has proven himself well. The method of propagation of lilies by dividing bulb nests is based on the fact that an adult mother bulb annually separates daughter bulbs from itself, which have new roots and new stems.

A nest of bulbs is formed, which must be divided and replanted 3-4 years after planting lilies, when 4-6 bulbs are formed in the nest.

Most optimal time for dividing nests and planting bulbs - a month after the end of the flowering of the lily.

After the flowering of lilies, the plants are severely depleted, their bulbs lose weight, become loose, the scales become thinner, wilt. It must take at least a month after flowering for the bulb to gain strength - to become large, dense, elastic. This process is influenced by heat, the presence of moisture, as well as nutrition. In a month, plants restore their strength spent on growth and flowering.

And in the bulbs of plants at this time there is an accumulation of nutrients and moisture, which will help the lily to painlessly endure the division of nests and subsequent planting. Most of the main varieties of Asian lily hybrids are usually divided after 3-4 years, that is, when 4-6 full-fledged bulbs form in the nest of the plant, and propagate tubular hybrids follows in 5-6 years.

How to propagate lilies by dividing bulb nests? Myself the process of reproduction of lilies by dividing nests of bulbs as follows:

The overgrown bush is carefully dug out, trying not to damage the bulbs and perennial bulbous roots: damage to the roots may be the reason that the lily may not bloom next year.

The nest of bulbs is laid on the ground, first small children are carefully separated, then large daughter bulbs, until several large bulbs with stems fused together remain. The number of bulbs should be equal to the number of stems.

stems of lilies in green, healthy plants cut off, leaving a stump, or carefully twisted, the roots are cleaned from the ground and the lily's nest is carefully divided into separate bulbs with hands. Then, with the help of a secateurs, dead roots are cut out, and healthy ones are cut to 15-20 cm.

Each bulb is carefully inspected to ensure that they are all healthy and suitable for propagation. In healthy lily bulbs, the scales are white or with a pink tint, without any spots.

Lily bulbs are sorted so that the planting material is even in size. Lily bulbs ready for planting are placed in a dark place and covered with a damp cloth, which is regularly moistened with water. Damaged bulbs, as well as bulbs with signs of decay, are discarded.

If it is a pity to throw away the infected bulbs, then before planting, you can pickle them in a 0.2-0.4% solution of the drug "Maxim" or its analogues, then dry and plant.

Separated babies and small bulbs are planted on a bed with fertile light soil for growing: they are used in the process. Planting care consists of weeding, watering and fertilizing. After 2-4 years, the plants bloom.