Proper watering of pepper seedlings before and after picking at home. Watering pepper seedlings at home? How to water pepper seedlings

How to care for pepper seedlings

How to understand that the seedlings are of high quality and ready for planting in the ground

How and when to dive seedlings

How to avoid overgrowing seedlings

How to properly illuminate seedlings

How to properly water seedlings

When to plant seedlings

How to save seedlings if you plan a long absence

How to care for tomato seedlings

When to plant tomato seedlings

Each plant has its own duration growing season, so different vegetables are sown for seedlings in different time, but usually this happens in February-March, for example, tomatoes - in the second half or at the end of February, bell pepper- in the first half of February, cabbage, cucumbers - at the end of March.

How to understand that tomato seedlings are of high quality and ready for planting in the ground

Any high-quality seedling necessarily looks healthy, elastic, has a natural green color, a sufficient number of full-fledged leaves. The seedlings of almost all vegetables are ready for planting about 50 days after planting the seeds. It reaches 25 cm in height, has 4-6 leaves.

How and when to dive tomato seedlings

Usually seeds for seedlings are sown first in in large numbers in large boxes, and when the sprouts sprout, the strongest, largest ones are selected among them and planted in pots and "personal" boxes. As a result, the sprouts get additional area for further development and gain some experience in transplanting. A pick is made with sprouts that have at least 2 small leaves. The seedlings are watered, and after a few hours they are dug up, the roots are cut off by about 1/3 and planted in a “personal” pot or a large plastic glass.

How to avoid overgrowing tomato seedlings

Overgrown seedlings are not very good, as they have a very large shoot root system becomes too developed and the land available in the pot for food will not be enough for her. As a result, instead of strong, healthy, stocky seedlings, the gardener gets elongated and frail.

Overgrowth of seedlings can occur for the following reasons:? delay in landing in the ground due to cold spring;? with abundant watering and top dressing; v with a lack of light on the windowsill. There are several ways to prevent the situation:? when picking, specially cut off part of the root system to prevent overgrowth; use growth regulators; plant seeds a little later than usual. If your seedlings have already outgrown, then you should: stop watering and put the pots in a cooler place;? when transplanting into the ground, lay the long lower part of the stem underground, which will shorten the plant, and new roots will come from the stem;? cut off several large branches from the shoot, root them and then plant them.

How to properly illuminate tomato seedlings

Plants receive enough light only in open field, being in a normally lit area and during a long daylight hours, which is naturally possible only in summer. However, seedlings are grown from the end of winter.

To help the young shoots get enough light for development, its supply should be organized artificially. Experienced summer residents, at their request, use the following methods:? mirrors or sheets of foil are attached to the slopes of the windows, and the light, reflected from them, falls on the seedlings in more.

However, this amount of light for seedlings may still not be enough, so windows should be washed regularly and "walks" should be carried out, opening windows on a warm sunny day; The most reliable way of backlighting is to use fluorescent lamps daylight, located from the seedlings at a distance of about 15 cm. It should be remembered that the seedlings grow over time, which means that the lamps will have to be raised from them to the height of the outgrowth. Duration artificial lighting is 19-20 hours daily.

When to do the first watering of tomatoes (tomato). We monitor the growth of seedlings. February 24, 2015

How to properly water tomato seedlings

It is preferable to water the seedlings with settled or filtered water. You can also use melt water if you are not tormented by doubts about its quality, harmlessness chemical composition.

Each box, pot should have drainage holes to drain excess water. The frequency of watering depends on external factors (sunny or cloudy weather), soil composition and the own needs of specific plants.

Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how often seedlings need to be watered - usually the number of waterings ranges from several times a day to once a week. Vegetables that like moist air (for example, cucumbers) are best watered in the evening, and those who prefer drier air (for example, bell peppers, tomatoes) - in the morning.

How to use a peat tablet

A peat tablet is compressed peat in the form of a tablet about 8 cm in diameter and about 3 cm thick, with a small depression in one of the bases. Its merit is finished form, the peat structure allows air to pass well deep into the tablet to the roots, and its composition is balanced and does not require the delivery of additional nutrients.

After about 30 minutes, the tablet increases in height, becoming a cylinder. Several seeds should be put into the recess of the moistened cylinder, covered with humus from above. Place the peat cylinder in greenhouse conditions, placing under a glass or polyethylene structure (for example, an aquarium turned upside down or a wire cap covered with polyethylene). When the seedlings germinate, give roots, along with a peat cylinder, it should be planted in the ground or in a greenhouse.

How to save tomato seedlings if you plan a long absence

If you urgently need to leave for enough long time, and you plan to grow seedlings, then you can ensure a regular supply of water to the seeds or sprouts using the classic “thread” drip method by placing a sufficiently large container of water at a level above the boxes with seedlings and passing a woolen thread to each. the so-called hydrogel - polymer material acrylamide, available as a powder or tiny granules that absorb water and expand hundreds of times. The hydrogel can be added dry to the soil and then watered after planting. Then the soil will increase in volume and everything can fall out of the box / pot. Therefore, it is better to introduce granules pre-soaked with water into the seedling soil. Thanks to the hydrogel, the number of irrigations can be reduced up to 6 times, and the soil structure will improve. The hydrogel consumption is approximately 30 g per 1 m2.

One of the most sought after horticultural crops considered tomatoes. They gained such popularity due to their nutritional qualities and dietary properties. However huge variety varieties suggests various methods cultivation.

In order for tomato seedlings to sprout well, how often to water it is very important. important point.Tomatoes can be cultivated both in soil protected by film coatings, and under open sky. Skillful gardeners grow tomatoes on windowsills and balconies.

How to choose the right landing site?

Tomatoes are very fond of warm conditions, the best temperature values ​​​​for them are +22 ... +24 ° С, at night it is slightly lower (+17 ... +18 ° С). Tomatoes must be protected from the slightest frost, otherwise they will die. When growing tomatoes, care should be taken to ensure that they are adequately illuminated by the sun.

When to plant?

When growing tomato seedlings, how often to water it is a very important question, as tomatoes love moist soil. Planting seedlings is necessary only after the end of frost, they are detrimental to the tomato. When the soil warms up to about +10 ° C, you can start planting.

The subtleties of growing tomato seedlings

It is more expedient to prepare the soil yourself, so as not to doubt its quality. Tomatoes are not very demanding on the composition of the soil, so it will be enough to combine humus, soddy soil and peat in equal amounts.

They must first be sieved to separate the debris. There is an opinion that it is desirable to steam the soil, but many experts do not recommend doing this, believing that in this case all beneficial bacteria will die.

Seed preparation

It is necessary to prepare seeds for seedlings, but it is not necessary to germinate them. Tomato seeds must be soaked in a solution that is a growth stimulant. It is better to grow them in small containers about 8 cm high.

Do not place tomatoes nearby different varieties, they may not take root. If the temperature values ​​​​in the room where the seedlings are located are + 25 ... + 30 ° С, then the seed germination period will be about a week. The duration of growth is also influenced by factors such as the quality of raw materials and the duration of its preliminary storage and preparation.

Therefore, the germination time can be from 4 to 20 days. After everything is sown, the containers must be covered with polyethylene film or glass, and then placed in a warm place, not far from the heat source. When the first shoots appear, the cover must be removed from the container and move the seedlings to the brightest place. First, the temperature values ​​​​must be reduced to +12 ° С, and at night - to +10 ° С.

Then the temperature indicators need to be raised to +19 ° С. Before picking, care for seedlings consists in watering and loosening the soil. Watering seedlings of tomatoes should be carried out with settled water.

In order for the sprouts to become strong and strong, in the first days it is necessary to organize additional lighting for them, which should be supplied 14-18 hours a day. Approximately 20 days after sowing, the first leaves can be seen. It is very important to pick the sprouts into separate containers in time to prevent overgrowing. Weak sprouts should not be expected big harvest, so the pick should start with strong seedlings.

Let's talk: grafting and pruning trees; tomatoes and peppers, late blight and watering

With a special peg, you need to make a small depression and carefully place the seeds in the soil to the level of the leaves, and then compress the earth tightly. During this period, it is important to create optimal conditions for seedlings: temperature values ​​​​should be +18 ... +19 ° С, and at night - a few degrees lower. The thermometer must be placed near the container with seedlings.

To have good tomato seedlings, how often to water, how to fertilize and where to place - these are the main nuances. After a week, you need to carry out the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizer, and then repeat it every 10 days. Now watering tomato seedlings with warm water, loosening the soil and adding soil mixture These are the basic rules for caring for tomatoes. The sprouts will reach for the light, so the containers need to be unrolled regularly.

Watering tomatoes

While tomato seedlings are growing, everyone knows how often to water experienced gardener. Watering should be uniform and regular so that the leaves do not overheat. It is advisable to carry out mulching, and the water jet should be directed to the center of the aisle so as not to damage the plant.

It is worth watering before lunch, but there is no need to wait until the leaves begin to wither. The better to water tomato seedlings, everyone who decides to achieve good results and grow delicious tomatoes. The water should be settled, preferably filtered, it is necessary to heat it to room temperature. 10 days before transplanting tomatoes, you need to slightly limit watering and gradually accustom the sprouts to the sun's rays.

During the day, you can keep the container in the greenhouse, and in the dark, transfer it to the street. How to properly water tomato seedlings before planting - it depends on the weather. If it is very hot, it is necessary to ensure that the leaves receive enough evaporation, then they will not dry out.

Proper watering

Very important, oddly enough, is precisely the watering of the tomato. Therefore, it is undoubtedly important to figure out how often it is worth watering the culture. After all, it is with water that the roots receive all the necessary nutrients.

This unique and tasty vegetable will develop well if the soil in which the crop is grown is 85-90% saturated with moisture. You can check it yourself with one of simple methods: squeezing a lump of earth in your hand from a depth of 10 cm from the surface.

If a lump has formed, and when lightly pressed, it disintegrated, then the soil moisture is suitable. In other cases, you will have to specify how often seedlings need to be watered to achieve optimal level humidity.

Water is the source of life. And not only for humans, but also for plants. And the "correct" watering of tomato seedlings is to observe the volume of water and regularity in accordance with the growth periods of future seedlings.

Watering seedlings

For those who grow seeds in a greenhouse, it is necessary to water the seedlings of tomatoes for the first time after 2, and preferably 3 days after the seedlings sprout en masse. Reminds about watering the soil - by this time the top layer will begin to dry out. The sprayer will serve as a good helper for those who have started growing tomatoes in a greenhouse for the first time and for those who are afraid to “fill in” the newly appeared tender shoots. At the same time, it is worthwhile to carefully carry out the procedure so that water practically does not get on the plants. Further watering of future tomatoes should be moderate and regular. add organic fertilizers

Watering dive shoots

Two days before the picking process, and this period determines the presence of the first 3-4 leaves, the seedlings must be watered for the last time. Thus, by the time of picking, the soil will still be wet, but crumbly. It is impossible to water seedlings after picking for another 4-5 days.

To get well-developed tomato seedlings with a strong root system, you need to transplant them into containers with watering trays. This is explained by the fact that the roots after picking, in order to get moisture, will begin to stretch and grow stronger. After 5 days after picking, water the soil again and set a schedule according to which further watering would be done once every seven to ten days.

The amount of water and regularity will gradually change depending on the period of seedling growth, because adult tomato seedlings require more moisture.

In general, the state of the plants themselves and the soil will tell you about watering those who begin to dry out with the top layer. Watering should be done abundantly before the date of planting tomato seedlings in open ground. So you can transplant seedlings with minimal damage to the roots.

Watering seedlings in open areas

After planting in open ground, tomato seedlings need to be watered not very often, but at the same time quite plentifully. Poor rare watering, which is very often abundant, has a bad effect on tomato seedlings.

In the second case, the water will lower the temperature in the soil, and in the future this may affect the fruit set. Many begin to water the seedlings abundantly immediately after planting. But, in reality, tomato seedlings do not require this. First, before disembarking, she poured abundantly. Secondly, this watering is enough for the roots of tomatoes so that they take root well and take root in the soil. In the future, already rooted tomato seedlings are watered according to the scheme:

  • during the period of the appearance of the ovary, the earth should be optimally moistened so that the plants receive sufficient moisture; from the beginning of flowering until the appearance of tomato fruits, the humidity level must be moderate; in hot sunny days watering should be done in the early morning or about 2.5-2 hours before the sun sets; when it is cloudy outside, you can water the tomato seedlings at any time.

Watering greenhouse seedlings

Seedlings in a greenhouse should also be watered with care to prevent stagnation of water on the soil surface. The first watering should be carried out after the appearance of the first shoots of tomatoes.

The next such procedure should be carried out when the seedlings are a little stronger, after about 2 weeks. In general, watering in the spring should not be excessive. It will be enough to moisten the soil every 8-10 days.

IN summer period in a greenhouse, watering should be carried out quite often, for example, once every 5-7 days. One plant needs 2.3-3 liters of water. Usually, for the convenience of watering, a barrel of water is placed in a greenhouse. However, its presence guarantees excessive evaporation.

And tomato seedlings should be protected from high humidity. Therefore, the barrel should be covered with a film or a denser material. Water for irrigation is taken at room temperature. Optimal is water 18-22 degrees.

It is not necessary to spray the seedlings. It is worth trying to distribute the jet between the stems directly to the ground. After watering, you should wait until the soil is saturated with moisture and slightly loosen it.

If the soil is dense and absorption is slow, it can be further accelerated with the help of garden tools. For example, using a pitchfork, you can make several punctures between rows of tomatoes.

After all the water has been absorbed, you need to briefly open the doors and windows in the greenhouse to ventilate it. The seedlings should be watered for the last time about 2-2.5 weeks before harvesting. Soaked roots will give moisture to the fruits. Accordingly, maturation will accelerate.

Watering in a mini greenhouse

Often, tomato seedlings are grown on window sills from seeds in a makeshift greenhouse. But few people know that this is a troublesome process, since it is more difficult for seedlings to create normal humidity. To ensure good germination and get strong seedlings, you can use some tips from "experienced" gardeners:

  • additionally, place open containers with water near the mini-greenhouses so that the seedlings are fed with additional moisture; before the formation of the first leaves, you can lightly spray the tomato seedlings with water from the sprayer.

Since the planting of seeds in mini-greenhouses usually takes place in February, when the heating season is in full swing, you can use one more effective method- hang a wet towel on the battery under the windowsill with tomato seedlings. Evaporating, moisture will create favorable conditions.

Top dressing should be arranged for seedlings after it has been picked in separate containers. In them, tomato seedlings will be about 20 more days until the date of planting them in open ground comes.

The rules for watering tomato seedlings before and after planting are not so complicated. By following them, you will not spend a lot of time and effort. The main thing is to carry out the procedures on time in accordance with the maturation of the plants, and then you will get strong seedlings and a good harvest.

Watering directly affects the development and fertility of pepper. Pepper absolutely does not like drought and reacts quite painfully to it. Because of this, summer residents consider this vegetable crop too whimsical.

You will need

  1. Pepper, water, watering can, fertilizer.


  • To begin with, it is worth noting that pepper is picky about moderate soil moisture: without overdrying and without waterlogging. To meet this requirement, water the pepper 2 times a week. And in very hot weather, even more often. Best time for watering - earlier in the morning or evening, when the sun is not too active. It is better to water often, but not too plentifully, as pepper roots do not tolerate drying out of the soil, even for a short time period. With a lack of moisture, you will notice that the trunks have begun to stiffen.
  • If you overmoisten the pepper, its roots will become thin, small, dry. A large excess of water will lead to the fact that slugs will appear on the ground, which are very fond of pepper. Thus, the harvest will be spoiled. In addition, excessive humidity contributes to the appearance of a disease such as black leg on the ground. At first, the stalk of pepper turns black at the root, then it is exhausted and falls: the plant dies. Be careful, because the disease develops rapidly, in a couple of days.
  • To prevent the soil from drying out, as well as to reduce the difference between day and night temperatures, mulch the ground with peat, sawdust or hay. Mulch layer: 5-10 cm. With it, you will also protect the soil from crusting and the roots from overheating. After rotting, the mulch will serve as fertilizer for the peppers.
  • Combine top dressing with watering pepper. However, fertilization should be no more than once every 2-3 weeks. Use both organic and mineral supplements. Dilute bird droppings and mullein with water in a ratio of 1:15. Feed with these fertilizers at the beginning of pepper growth. During the period of flowering and fruit set, foliar top dressing with infusion of ash (1-2 cups per 10 liters of water). Ash is easily replaced with microfertilizers: apply them according to the instructions. Nitrogen fertilizers are extremely useful for pepper, but do not get carried away with them, as an increase in green mass inevitably entails a decrease in yield.

Planting pepper for seedlings - preparing seeds, soil, picking, care

Which gardener would not like to grow such a tasty crop? Planting pepper seedlings - milestone on the way to harvest. If gardeners of the 20th century believed that it was a culture of a warm climate, that it was simply impossible to grow it in northern conditions, now a rare garden plot does without this crop, no matter what region it is in. good harvest promotes proper cultivation seedlings of pepper, its planting. This culture grows well in the Moscow region, the Non-Black Earth region, Siberia, of course, in our Kuban. So, the beginning of everything is the seeds.

Stages of growing pepper seedlings - preparing seeds, soil, planting, caring for seedlings, picking, top dressing, watering, hardening before planting in the ground or greenhouse. There are sweet and hot peppers, there are undersized and tall varieties. Now, through the efforts of breeders, a variety of varieties, hybrids suitable for winter cultivation, planting in spring film greenhouses or open ground.

Peppers are easy to grow in my opinion. It is not susceptible to such complex diseases as, for example, late blight, which is difficult to fight, so it can be grown both in open ground and in film greenhouses. Peppers usually work out in any year, whatever it is - hot, rainy or cold - sometimes better, sometimes worse, but it never happens that they are completely absent.

Seed preparation

Where to start to grow good seedlings? You need to start with seeds.

Pepper seeds remain viable for only 2-3 years. These are hard to germinate seeds. If tomato seeds can be germinated, or maybe not - they germinate perfectly, then it is advisable to germinate pepper seeds before planting.

What do I need to do? You can use low containers, such as a saucer. Place a small layer of cotton wool, or gauze, or filter paper, or any fabric on the bottom. Spread the seeds on top.

You can fill them with just water, or you can use a solution of wood ash (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Of course, you will need much less water than a liter - just gauze, cotton wool, cloth or paper should be well moistened. The layer of water should be minimal. Seeds should not float.

Why do I mention ash. Ash is potassium. And this element is required when growing, planting pepper. With its shortage, future ovaries will crumble, there will be few of them, the leaves will be pale, thin. In short, plant nutrition will be lacking.

After soaking, the saucer should be placed in a warm place. The temperature for sprouting pepper seeds should be 25-30°C. To ensure the necessary microclimate, the saucer can be covered cling film while providing enough air space for the seeds to breathe. Seeds germinate for a long time - usually 10-14 days. But some seeds that have good germination vigor can germinate in 5 days. So be patient.

After the seeds have swollen, and some of them have already sprouted, you can start planting.

Soil preparation for seedlings

Now let's talk about what kind of soil should be for growing seedlings. Pepper is very fond of organic fertilizers. Therefore, when preparing the soil for it, try to use very good compost. You can add some rotted manure there. From fertilizers, the soil must contain dolomite flour(100-150 g per bucket of soil), because the pepper does not tolerate acidic soil at all. You can add a complex fertilizer, for example, Kemiru Universal, you can nitroamophoska at the rate of 50-70 g per bucket of soil. After all these additives, do not forget to mix everything thoroughly, diligently rubbing all the lumps. You will, in essence, living earth”, which will give strength to your plants.

I advise you to sow the seeds first in small containers, then pick in larger pots.

In the first containers, the depth of the soil should be at least 5-7 cm. Before planting, we spill the soil well with a hot solution of potassium permanganate intensively Pink colour. Then we make grooves 0.5 cm deep with a distance of 3-4 cm between them. After that, we proceed to planting. We try to spread the seeds evenly, 1 cm apart. If conditions and capacity allow, they can be decomposed less often. It is advisable to sow seeds of one variety in each container, write the name so as not to confuse later.

Planting pepper seedlings

After laying out the seeds, we begin to close them up. You can use the same moist soil, or you can mix part of the previously prepared soil with sand (1: 1) and sprinkle the seeds on top so that the soil is light on top - nothing will prevent them from germinating.

We also put the container with the sown seeds in a very warm place (25-28 ° C). I usually cover a bowl with sown seeds with cling film - I create a pleasant microclimate for them. Before germination, you can put the container on the heating battery. Just put it not on a bare battery, but on a board so that there is no direct contact with hot metal.

As soon as the first shoots appeared, even if not all, you need to remove the film and put the container in a bright place. This is usually my window sill. After all, pepper is very photophilous plant. Seedlings do not stretch as much as tomatoes. If you have southern windows, then you can not even give them additional lighting. But, if the conditions are different or the weather is cloudy, additional lighting is required. Light seedlings should receive at least 12 hours a day. Pepper is a short day plant. Lighting should be started in the morning, for example, it will be 9 a.m., and turned off after 21.00, in the evening, but not later. Comfort temperature for them 20-25°C during the day and 18-20°C at night.

If you have sown the seeds in well-prepared soil, then at first no top dressing is required. And if the soil is purchased, you are not sure if it is of high quality, then if you have 1-2 true leaves, I advise you to do the following top dressing: 1) urea -1 g, double superphosphate - 4 g, potassium sulfate -1 g per 1 liter of water; or 2) Crystalline (solubility) _ - 4 g also per 1 liter of water.

Picking pepper seedlings

As soon as the seedlings have 3-4 true leaves, you can start picking. Containers for this can be very different - peat-humus pots, large plastic glasses or special seedling pots. Most importantly, their volume should be at least 500 ml.

We fill the picking containers with very wet soil, but not to the top, but leave about 3-4 cm free. We make a recess in the center, place the seedling inside. Carefully straighten the roots, sprinkle with soil approximately to the middle of the cotyledon knee. But if the plant is still stretched, then to the cotyledon leaves.

Now install the pots on the window. As the plants grow, the pots should be spaced less often so that they do not shade each other. The key to your pepper seedlings being healthy and doing well is appearance: young leaves at the top are always lighter than the old, having a dark green appearance. This suggests that your plants feel great after planting.

The air regime for seedlings is very important. Pepper really does not like soil compaction, so be sure to loosen the top layer of the pot periodically.

Pepper seedlings are very often affected by a disease such as "black leg". Therefore, try, firstly, to plant it in warm, not cold soil, water it only with warm water. And, secondly, after picking around the stem, sprinkle the calcined sand with a small layer, about 0.5 cm. The sand passes moisture well through itself, it goes deeper to the roots, and the trunk circle remains dry. These measures will protect your seedlings from the "black leg".

Growing pepper seedlings - top dressing and watering

What are the features of caring for pepper seedlings? She is very fond of organic fertilizers. If you have such an opportunity, use it. It is possible to feed the seedlings every 10 days with a complex fertilizer, for example, Kemira Universal.

What other supplements can be done? Picked seedlings are very fond of foliar feeding. What is the best way to do this? good fertilizer for this is the Kemira Combi. This fertilizer is in the form of a pink powder, highly soluble in water. We take plastic bottle, for example, with a volume of 1 liter with a conventional household sprayer. For such a volume of water, powder at the tip of a teaspoon (0.1-0.2 g) is enough. This fertilizer contains 17 trace elements, as well as phosphorus and potassium. Water for spraying should be warm - 20-25 ° C. foliar top dressing best done early in the morning Sun rays do not illuminate the plants. When spraying, try to moisten the leaves not only from above, but also from below.

Foliar top dressing must be alternated with watering with nutrient solutions with potassium and calcium nitrate - every 10 days (calcium nitrate - 1 g, potassium nitrate - 1 g per 1 liter of water).

If you notice that the leaves have turned slightly yellowish, then they lack nitrogen. Therefore, when feeding, use urea (2-3 g per 1 liter of water).

Try not to overdry or overmoisten the soil. Try to water the seedlings with warm, settled water.

Uneven, rare watering leads to a weakening of the seedlings, which, from a lack of moisture, begin to shed their leaves. The trunk begins to lignify ahead of time, the plant forms only one trunk, looks oppressed, flowering, fruit formation is delayed, the yield drops.

On the contrary, waterlogging contributes to excessive soil compaction, the root system of pepper seedlings stops working, nourishing the plant. Remember, I said above that healthy plant has dark green leaves on the lower and middle tiers, and light green on the top? And when waterlogged, the leaves of the whole plant become dark green. This suggests that the plant is bad - you did something wrong when planting or leaving.

Pepper pests

But the main nuisance for those who grow pepper seedlings are pests. The most famous of them is the aphid. If you have others at home houseplants, then it is practically impossible to grow pepper without aphids. What are the ways to deal with aphids? I will not advise you chemicals wrestling, because that, in my opinion, is completely unacceptable at home.

let's consider folk remedies fight.

The first remedy: for 1 liter of water, take 25 g of ash or the same amount of tobacco dust. Leave the solution for 3-4 days. Strain. Add 3-4 g liquid laundry soap. Spray the pepper seedlings with a sprayer.

The second tool will help pest control not only at home, but on garden plot Same. Take 250 g of fresh needles. Shred it. Insist in 1 liter of water for a week, preferably in the dark. Then take 30-50 g of infusion, dilute it with one liter of water. The solution for treating your plants from aphids is ready.

The third way. Take the peel from one orange, insist it in one liter of water in a dark place for one week. Strain, add 3-4 g of liquid laundry soap. This solution is also good for treating seedlings or pepper plants from aphids.

But I warn you, no matter what method you choose, one treatment is not enough. You need to do 2-3 treatments.

The age of pepper seedlings before planting in the ground of a greenhouse or open ground is 60-70 days. It can be planted even blooming or with buds.

plant formation

Now let's talk about the formation of sweet pepper. When the seedlings reach the age of 75-80 days from the moment of germination, you can begin to form bushes.

Very often, pepper fruits are formed in an irregular, ugly shape. This happens at elevated air temperatures. If pepper grows in a greenhouse, ventilate it more often. And if this is open ground, then look, perhaps your bushes are too thick, they have several empty shoots that interfere with blowing, airing the bushes.

Up to the 10th leaf, the pepper grows in one stem. And then the stem splits. The next knee of each of these branches also forms two stems. That is, 4 skeletal branches appear above 11-12 leaves. If you look closely, you will see that in addition to these skeletal branches, there are even smaller branches that can grow in or out of the plant. Usually these are empty shoots on which fruits never form, but they will shade, thicken the middle of the bush, and then take away nutrients from the fruits. They must be ruthlessly removed. Even if these shoots have buds or flowers, but they go inside the plant, break them off. There will be no sense from them.

Hardening off pepper seedlings

Before planting, 10-15 days before, seedlings should be hardened off. You need to start hardening from a temperature of 14-15 ° C, gradually lower it, to about 12 ° C - but not lower.

After planting pepper seedlings on permanent place when it takes root, periodically inspect the plants, remove the most lower leaves- two or three leaves in 2-3 days.

In order for the seedlings to take root better during transplantation, especially if they are overgrown plants with flowers and buds, it is better to do the following root dressing. A week after planting, you need to take 50-80 g of azofoska per 10 liters of water + 2 caps of Uniflor-growth liquid fertilizer containing 18 trace elements that are very necessary for plant growth. Pour the peppers under the root with this solution. For 2-3 plants - one liter of solution.

I must say that planting pepper for seedlings, growing it is a creative process. Do this only when you feel like it, when you are in a good mood. And you will definitely have a good harvest.

How to care for pepper seedlings

How to understand that the seedlings are of high quality and ready for planting in the ground

Any high-quality seedlings necessarily look healthy, resilient, have a natural green color, a sufficient number of full-fledged leaves.

Seedlings of almost all vegetables are ready for planting about 50 days after planting the seeds. It reaches 25 cm in height, has 4-6 leaves.

How and when to dive seedlings

Usually, seeds for seedlings are first sown in large quantities in large boxes, and when the sprouts sprout, the strongest, largest ones are selected among them and planted in pots and "personal" boxes. As a result, the sprouts receive additional space for further development and gain some experience in transplanting.

A pick is made with sprouts that have at least 2 small leaves. The seedlings are watered, and after a few hours they are dug up, the roots are cut off by about 1/3 and planted in a “personal” pot or a large plastic glass.

How to avoid overgrowing seedlings

Overgrown seedlings are not very good, since in a very large shoot the root system becomes too developed and the land available in the pot for food will not be enough. As a result, instead of strong, healthy, stocky seedlings, the gardener gets elongated and frail.

Overgrowth of seedlings can occur for the following reasons:

✓ delay in planting in the ground due to cold spring;

✓ with abundant watering and top dressing; v with a lack of light on the windowsill.

There are several ways to prevent this situation:

✓ when picking, specially cut a part of the root system to prevent overgrowth;

✓ use growth regulators;

✓ plant seeds a little later than usual. If your seedlings have already outgrown, then you should:

✓ stop watering and put the pots in a cooler place;

✓ when transplanting into the ground, lay the long lower part of the stem underground, which will shorten the plant, and new roots will come from the stem;

✓ cut off several large branches from the shoot, root them and then plant them.

How to properly illuminate seedlings

Plants receive a sufficient amount of light only in open ground, being in a normally lit area and during a long daylight hours, which is naturally possible only in summer. However, seedlings are grown from the end of winter. To help the young shoots get enough light for development, its supply should be organized artificially.

Experienced summer residents, at their request, use the following methods:

✓ Mirrors or sheets of foil are attached to the slopes of the windows, and the light, reflected from them, falls on the seedlings in greater quantities. However, such an amount of light for seedlings may still not be enough, so windows should be washed regularly and “walks” should be carried out, opening windows on a warm sunny day;

✓ The most reliable way of additional illumination is to use fluorescent fluorescent lamps located at a distance of about 15 cm from the seedlings. It should be remembered that the seedlings grow over time, which means that the lamps will have to be raised from them to the height of the outgrowth. The duration of artificial lighting is 19-20 hours daily.

How to properly water seedlings

It is preferable to water the seedlings with settled or filtered water. You can also use melt water if you are not tormented by doubts about its quality, the harmlessness of the chemical composition. Each box, pot should have drainage holes to drain excess water. The frequency of watering depends on external factors (sunny or cloudy weather), soil composition and the own needs of specific plants. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how often seedlings need to be watered - usually the number of waterings ranges from several times a day to once a week. Vegetables that like moist air (for example, cucumbers) are best watered in the evening, and those who prefer drier air (for example, bell peppers, tomatoes) - in the morning.

When to plant seedlings

Each plant has its own length of the growing season, so different vegetables are sown for seedlings at different times, but usually this happens in February-March, for example, tomatoes - in the second half or at the end of February, bell peppers - in the first half of February, cabbage, cucumbers - in late March.

How to use a peat tablet

A peat tablet is compressed peat in the form of a tablet about 8 cm in diameter and about 3 cm thick, with a small depression in one of the bases. Its advantage is the ready-made form, the peat structure allows air to pass well deep into the tablet to the roots, and its composition is balanced and does not require the delivery of additional nutrients.

Before use, the tablet is laid out on a pallet with the base with a recess up, poured with water at room temperature. After about 30 minutes, the tablet increases in height, becoming a cylinder.

Several seeds should be put into the recess of the moistened cylinder, covered with humus from above. Place the peat cylinder in greenhouse conditions by placing it under a glass or polyethylene structure (for example, an upside down aquarium or a wire cap covered with polyethylene). When the seedlings germinate, give roots, along with a peat cylinder, it should be planted in the ground or in a greenhouse.

How to save seedlings if you plan a long absence

If you urgently need to leave for a sufficiently long time, and you plan to grow seedlings, then you can ensure a regular supply of water to the seeds or sprouts using the classic "thread" drip method, placing a sufficiently large container of water at a level above the seedling boxes and passing to each woolen thread.

Currently, there is a so-called hydrogel on sale - acrylamide polymer material, produced in the form of a powder or tiny granules that absorb water and increase hundreds of times.

The hydrogel can be added dry to the soil and then watered after planting. Then the soil will increase in volume and everything can fall out of the box / pot. Therefore, it is better to introduce granules pre-soaked with water into the seedling soil.

Thanks to the hydrogel, the number of irrigations can be reduced up to 6 times, and the soil structure will improve.

The hydrogel consumption is approximately 30 g per 1 m2.

how often to water seedlings of pepper and tomato, and how can you spray seedlings?

dron ivanov

As the soil dries and only under the root. Spray with urea, boric acid and potassium permanganate in low concentrations so as not to burn.

Luda Vysotskaya

How often do you need to water vegetables?

Tomatoes should be watered rarely, but plentifully. However, they (especially seedlings) do not tolerate waterlogging. …How often to water peppers and eggplants. (hacienda box. ru)


here I read on one site (where there are fans, 3 are really fans of the garden garden) that they all pour banana water. I haven't tried it, but they all love it. Water and seedlings and in greenhouses and even houseplants. I want to try too. There, for 3 liters of water, 3 banana skins and insist.

made in PARADISE

watering as the soil in which these seedlings dry out ... spray HB 101-at a dosage of 1 drop per 1 liter of water ...

Nadezhda Kuznetsova

Water as the soil dries up. You can spray with epin, HB-101. If the tomatoes are strongly drawn out, you can spray stop growth.

How often should pepper seedlings be watered? (Now still small - 2 cotyledon leaves)

Tatyana Afonina

And you yourself look at the state of the land on your landings. For example, I have it so that at the beginning of growth I water the seedlings less often, so that I don’t get sick with a black leg, but I don’t overdry it either. During this period, all seedlings are in the kitchen. Then, with warming, we rearrange everything on a glazed loggia. And as it grows, I water both in the morning and in the evening. The earth dries very quickly on the loggia.

Ludmila Petrenko

Water carefully, little by little. How often depends on the temperature in the apartment. I water when the ground is dry, about once every 3-4 days.


I water (or rather spray from a spray bottle) as the soil dries up. Peppers respond well to spraying. I just water the tomatoes. About once every 2-3 days. The main thing is not to flood.


I define visually. I don’t water at first, but I spray the ground with either a sprinkler or a syringe. Filling is worse than not filling. Checked.

What solution should be watered seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants for accelerated growth !!! Please answer my question!!!

Zhanna S

Now there are fertilizers on sale,
specially designed for different phases development.
You can make seedlings stronger.
But nature cannot be outwitted.
The basis of success-
quality seeds, light nutrient soil,
sufficient lighting and air temperature.

A solution of skimmed milk is sprayed against diseases.
0.5 cup per 1 liter of warm (23°C) water and 4-5 drops of iodine. Spraying of seedlings is carried out every 6-7 days before planting it in a permanent place.
This spraying gets rid of viral diseases,
from which plants often die.

And whether it is useful to water, I doubt it.


judging by your avatar, your seedlings should be watered with a weak solution of mullein)))) in general, there is a colossal amount of material on this score))) strain Yandex)))

Grigory Rinberg

soak in solution succinic acid and dry. And then plant as usual.

Andrey Kurochkin

there is a growth stimulator on sale - sodium humate ... och. manganese solution helps well

Ekaterina Fadeeva

Biohumus is mineral fertilizer,

valentine capricorn

I ALWAYS SPRAY SEEDLING "EPIN" it is a growth stimulator and protection against diseases, and it helps, I somehow saved it from a black leg, it can be seen with the ground it was brought or poured, and especially when sprayed before picking for a couple of days, they get sick less


It is NOT necessary to adjust nature It is necessary that there is enough light and the temperature is not higher than 18 then the seedlings will be strong

Julia Terekhova

And we insist on bread or rye crackers!

Evgeniya Taratutina

Sunlight, warmth and nutritious soil and no need for any fertilizer.

Irina Badina


Pepper sprouted - how often should it be watered and with what water? (cold or warm)

Irina 1

It is necessary to water every 4 days - as the soil dries up with a weak pale-pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, warm settled water, for this I prepared plastic bottles with a hole in the cork - I pour water and put it closer to the radiator. You need to water it carefully - the root of the pepper is weak, and not too often, since pepper seedlings with abundant watering are strongly drawn out or affected by the black leg.

Mikhail Fomichev

Once a week, settled. Pour infusion of superphosphate every other time. Put on the sunniest side.

Grigory Rinberg

It is not necessary to fill in, the soil should be just wet, and the water should be at room temperature. Pour water into an eggplant and after a day, approximately, water it with such water.

Anna Malchikova

Water with warm water, preventing the earth from drying out, but do not flood, it can die from the black leg.


Pepper does not like the bay, he is attacked by the so-called canine old age and does not grow and stands normal. For me personally, watering once a week, but one hundred grams is unacceptable, I water a little every other day, excluding cloudy days, and even if the earth has dried up, and in the evening, I don’t water it at night, but put the seedlings on the floor.

Beginning gardeners do not always know how to water seedlings, because it depends on watering which plant will grow and whether it will bear fruit. There is nothing complicated in watering, you need to know some rules.

How to water seedlings correctly

Watering seeds at planting

The most common mistake novice gardeners make is to water the seeds after planting. It is necessary to water the soil in which the seeds are planted, and sprinkle with dry earth.

If there is a need for additional moisture, you can use a spray bottle. If watered from above, then the water draws the seeds into the soil, and they sprout for a long time or do not sprout at all.

How to water seedlings that have sprouted so that they are strong

Watering small seedlings should be done with caution. The thickness of the soil must be taken into account. With a soil of 3 - 4 centimeters, water should be poured into the bottom of the pot or pan.

If the soil is thicker, you need to water it with a syringe so that the soil is saturated by six centimeters. Watering, thus, can be once a week.

The main thing is to prevent the seedling disease "black leg". It appears when the seedlings are poured, so you need to make sure that the top of the earth is dry and loose.

How often should seedlings be watered

It all depends on the container in which the seedlings grow. How more land the less you need to water. For beginner gardeners, it is better to use plastic bottles, they show how the water is pulled up to the roots and dries up at the edges, then you need to water it.

Important! better to underfill than to overfill.

Too much water will cause the roots to rot and the plant to die. After the roots get stronger and braid the container, you can pour a little, as the roots absorb water stronger. It is best to water when the soil is dry but not dry.

How to water dive seedlings

You need to dive seedlings when the plant has the first three to four leaves. It is necessary to water the seedlings two days before this moment, the last time.

By the time of picking, the earth will remain wet and crumbly. Then you can water the seedlings after four days. Then the seedlings will be developed and strong.

Then the seedlings need to be transplanted into a container with a pallet. Water the soil and draw up a watering schedule for seedlings, with further watering once every ten days.

Cups with seedlings in a tray of water

Wick watering

This type of watering is useful for those who have many flowers and do not have time to water them. How to make wick watering. You need a cord - select it according to the diameter of the pot and plant.

  1. Insert the cord into the drainage hole of the pot before the earth is filled up. If the pot is large or there is a lot of earth, a larger wick is taken.
  2. Pour expanded clay on the bottom of the pot and fold the cord with a snake, pour in the earth and plant a flower or seedlings. It is necessary that the cord was in the ground, and not lost in expanded clay.
  3. Put the pot in a container with water so that it does not touch the bottom of the water, and the cord is in the water.

In wick irrigation, the main thing is that the cord is not long or the water will not have time to flow to the roots due to the long path.

Drip irrigation

You can use this view when you need to leave for a long time.

First way

  1. Two pots are taken, one larger than the other.
  2. IN big pot drainage is poured and covered with a piece of cotton fabric so that the water does not stagnate.
  3. A smaller pot with a plant is placed and water is poured into the space between the pots.

Very fast and convenient way.

Second way

You need a plastic bottle of plasticine and a dropper.

  • A hole is made in the cork so that the cord from the dropper can be inserted.
  • Insert the cord and close it with plasticine so that the water flows only through the dropper tubes, and does not flow out through the cork.
  • Water is poured into the bottle, the cork is twisted and hung upside down on the wall so that it is higher than the plants.
  • With the help of a device on droppers, the water supply to the plant is regulated.

Watering tomato seedlings

Tomatoes need to be watered for the first time three days after the shoots sprout en masse, after the top layer has dried. It is best to water by spraying. Trying not to get water on the plants.

It is impossible to flood and let the earth dry out. You need to water when the top layer of the earth dries out. Once a month, watering can be combined with fertilizing. Then follow the rules of picking and watering.

How to water cucumber seedlings

Cucumbers, unlike tomatoes, need to be watered frequently. Ideally, once a day in small portions or once every three days in slightly larger volumes.

The soil in the container should not be dry and wet, it should be wet. Water for irrigation must be defended and heated to twenty-five degrees.

If the temperature is lower, the seedlings may die.

How to water pepper

Pepper seedlings love water. The quality of pepper fruits will depend on the amount of watering. At good watering the pepper will be large, fleshy and tasty, with poor watering, small and tasteless.

Pepper is watered three days after the seeds have risen, as soon as the leaves appear, you need to water it daily until the plant gets stronger. Then they transfer to rare watering, but plentiful.

You need to water regularly in the morning, at night the seedlings should be with dry leaves. The earth periodically dries up and needs to be loosened, but carefully, the roots of the pepper are on the surface.

When planting pepper at the bottom of the container, you need to pour drainage to remove excess water. The pepper should be moist but not wet or the roots will rot. It is necessary to water with water at room temperature.

How to water petunia seedlings

In the first seven days, petunia should be sprayed with a spray bottle once a day, be sure to add potassium permanganate to the water. After seven days, it is worth watering less often and under the root, you can do it with a syringe or a teaspoon.

Be sure to control soil moisture in young shoots. When dry, they will quickly wither.

After the seedlings sprout, you need to feed the plant by spraying with mineral fertilizers. During the growing period, you need to ensure that the soil is moist, but not wet.

Watering flower seedlings

Watering flowers should be as follows. Do not use feed. Before emergence of shoots the soil is sprayed. After the seedlings sprout, watering is carried out as the earth dries. Sometimes watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

How to water seedlings: video

Watering plants with iodine

It serves as an antiseptic. Ten drops of iodine are dissolved in a solution of iodine per ten liters of water. This solution needs spray strawberries and strawberries before it blooms. Such a procedure will not allow the sprouts to rot and add vitality. Spray three times every ten days.

For big tomato fruit, you can water the plants with the following solution, dissolve a drop of iodine in three liters of water. Water when the plant is still in seedlings. After the seedlings are planted in the ground, you can once again feed the tomatoes with this solution. Only need to increase the dosage of three drops of iodine per bucket of water. Water one liter per bush.

For ten liters of water, forty drops, a liter of serum and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.

If nine liters of water are mixed with a liter of skim milk and twelve drops of iodine, this solution you can remove powdery mildew on cucumbers. Iodine helps to rejuvenate the lashes and prevents the yellowing of cucumber leaves.

Watering with greenery

Zelenka also helps well in the garden, like iodine. Zelenka lubricates the places of cuts on plants.

Rid tomatoes from phytophthora, cucumbers from powdery mildew next solution.

Dissolve forty drops of greenery in a bucket of water.

To start cherry fruits, you can spray with a weak solution of brilliant green.

You can get rid of slugs by dissolving a bubble of brilliant green in a bucket of water.

Onion peel prevents many diseases of crops. You can put the husk during planting seedlings in the hole, mixing with humus and soil. Then plant a seedling bush.

Decoction of onion peel can be sprayed. And pour the husk from the decoction under the bushes; it helps to control pests in the ground.

The husk is an excellent fertilizer and growth stimulant, and also has antiseptic properties.

Under each bush with potatoes or cabbage, you need to pour wet husks. Beetles cannot stand its smell and do not appear on vegetable crops.

From spider mite soak ten grams of onion peel in three liters of water for five days and spray the plants affected by mites.

Onion infusion will save. It is necessary to pour two good pinches with a bucket of water and bring to a boil after leaving to cool. When the onion water has cooled down, you need to dilute two liters of infusion into a bucket of water and water the cucumbers with zucchini.

Watering seedlings and flowers is a very important moment in their life cycle because without water they will die.

How to water pepper seedlings at home to get strong and productive plants? This question is asked by many novice gardeners who first decided to grow a vegetable.

Despite the widespread belief that in order to obtain a crop, the most an important factor is a variety of pepper and its regular fertilizer, this is not at all the case. The plant is very fond of watering and will bear fruit only with a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil.

Pepper is a moisture and heat-loving crop. When growing seedlings, it is important to take these factors into account and place the boxes on the south window. Regular watering and fertilizing before picking will not allow the bushes to stretch out, so that the peppers will have a thick trunk and compact size at fruiting.

How to properly care for the seeds until the first shoots?

Pepper seeds before planting must be soaked for a while to saturate them with moisture. Seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in water, the temperature of which is 40 degrees Celsius.

After the seeds have warmed up, they are placed in a damp cloth until the first shoots appear. Usually, this process takes 4-5 days. When the first roots appear, the seeds are planted in moist soil and wait for seedlings. Watering at this time the peppers are not required.

Another less popular planting option is to sow dry seeds into the soil. With this method, seedlings can appear within 2-3 weeks. The soil must be constantly moistened in order for the seeds to absorb moisture and be able to germinate. Watering is carried out once every 2-3 days before germination.

Watering sprouts before picking

When the first leaves appear, the plant should be watered abundantly for better development root system. Watering should be done as the soil dries up. At proper fit seedlings at the stage of the appearance of the first pair of true leaves should be irrigated once every 5-7 days.

With a close arrangement of seedlings, the frequency of watering should be increased to 3-4 days. Before watering the seedlings, you should make sure the level of soil moisture, so as not to overmoisten it.

How often should peppers be watered after picking?

Seedlings are transplanted into moist soil, so that additional irrigation after planting is not required. The grown seedlings of sweet pepper when growing on the windowsill require watering 2-3 times a week.

Depending on the location of the seedlings and the size of the pots in which the bushes were transplanted, more frequent watering may be necessary.

When irrigating sprouts on the window, avoid getting liquid on the leaves.

How to determine if watering is necessary?

There are two popular determination methods:

  1. For the first option, you need a handful of soil from the bottom of the pot. From the soil it is necessary to roll the ball. If the earth began to crumble, then the plant must be watered, and if the ball holds its shape, then irrigation should be refrained from.
  2. When checking the humidity, a wooden stick is used. The stick must be inserted for a few minutes into the ground. If the stick remains dry, then the seedlings need urgent watering.

What are the plants watered with?

Seedlings do not like the chlorine content in the water they are watered with. If it is not possible to use well water, then the liquid from the tap should stand for a day at room temperature and only then use it for irrigation. Also bushes do not tolerate cold wateroptimum temperature liquid for irrigation 20-24 degrees.

Feeding peppers

Seedlings need to be watered not only with water, but also with a variety of top dressings. It is advisable to use fertilizers for the first time after the appearance of the first pair of true leaves. With a large number of seedlings, gardeners usually use industrial fertilizers, but if there is no desire to use chemistry, then tinctures from natural ingredients can be dispensed with.

Tea tincture

most popular and affordable option top dressing is a tea tincture. To make it, you need 3 liters of water, 5 teaspoons of black tea. The tea leaves should be poured with boiling liquid and let the solution brew for 5 hours. After the tincture is ready, you can water the plants with it. Top dressing is usually carried out once a week.

Eggshell tincture

Eggshells are high in calcium and magnesium. The solution obtained by infusing the shell contains a lot of nutrients that are easily absorbed by the plant. The tincture has bad smell, which disappears 5 minutes after watering. To prepare the solution, you need to take 3-4 shells and pour them with a liter of warm water.

The container should be tightly closed and placed in a dark, warm place for infusion. The solution is considered ready when its color has darkened and the liquid has become cloudy. Usually the infusion process takes 3 days. Plants are watered with undiluted tincture once every 10 days until the soil is completely moistened.

Chemical solutions

In order for seedlings to grow better, they are fertilized with a solution of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate. For 10 liters of water, 30 grams of phosphate, 10 grams of sulfate and 10 grams of urea are taken.

The solution should be watered strictly under the root to prevent burns on the leaves and trunk. Usually pepper is watered at the rate of 1 liter per plant, but in the case when the pot has a smaller volume, it is necessary to irrigate until the soil is completely wet.

Means based on potassium humate

Concentrates are produced in the form of a liquid, which is diluted to a certain ratio before watering the plants. organic fertilizer beneficial effect on pepper at all stages of its growth.

When watering seedlings, it is necessary to adhere to a strict proportion of 1:300. Only 4 ml of the drug per bucket of water will be enough to improve the growth and condition of the bush. Usually seedlings are treated with a solution at the stage of appearance of 2 and 4 pairs of true leaves.

Common mistakes when watering peppers

The most common mistake is to irrigate seedlings during the daytime. Drops that have fallen on the leaves of the plant, when dried in the sun, leave significant burns. Pepper with such watering is significantly behind in development, and also bears fruit with small twisted fruits.

Another common mistake is watering with a small amount of water. In this case, the root system suffers greatly from a lack of moisture, which can completely destroy the plant. Also, pepper is negatively affected by watering, the temperature of which is below 20 degrees Celsius.