Why does the lemon tree dry up at home? Why do lemon leaves turn yellow? Poor water quality

Growing lemon at home is a good practice. Indoor lemon Tree not only gives tasty, aromatic and useful fruits, but also creates a colorful decoration in any room. Moreover, the tropical fruit has the property of purifying and disinfecting the air. Caring for a lemon tree is quite difficult and requires effort. Most common problem A problem that experienced gardeners encounter is the periodic yellowing and falling of leaves of the plant. There are plenty of diseases that affect citrus fruits, including lemon, but why lemon leaves fall and what to do about it worries many gardeners.

Care errors as causes of yellowing leaves on lemons

There are several diseases of this ornamental plant:

  • Diseases resulting from poor care.
  • Plant disease due to lack of nutrition.
  • Diseases caused by existing pests.

The reason why lemons turn yellow green leaves, is illiterate plant care:

  • Watering cold water.
  • Poor lighting and high air temperatures lead to exhaustion indoor tree, as well as yellowing of the tips of the leaves.
  • Excess moisture in the soil.
  • Changing the acid-base balance of the soil.

Acclimatization to new conditions

If yellowing of the leaves occurs in a newly acquired plant, then this is a normal phenomenon. Lemon is going through an acclimatization period. But, if the plant does not stop shedding leaves within several weeks, then this indicates that this type not intended for growing in room conditions. Most likely, a plant that should grow on open ground.

Excessive lighting

Excess light can also cause lemon leaves to turn yellow and fall off. Despite the fact that this plant belongs to tropical species, it loves shade. Therefore, placing it on a windowsill on the south or west side would be a big mistake. Such individuals can get sunburn.

In principle, a lemon that has received sunburn can independently cope with this disease if you react quickly and place the indoor tree in a shaded place.

Otherwise, the plant will instantly shed its yellowed foliage and, as a result, simply die.

Lack and excess moisture

Lemon is a moisture-loving plant. It requires both regular watering and frequent spraying. Therefore, if the air in the room is dry and hot, the tips of the leaves of the plant dry out, and then turn yellow and fall off. Regular air humidification is very important for indoor trees. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to place any container with water near the pot with the plant.

Yellowing of the leaves at the very base is indicated by poor drainage provided when planting the plant. The accumulation of moisture in the soil leads to rotting of the lemon root system. Here you need to react quickly and transplant the plant into a new pot, which should be filled with drainage to at least a third of its volume. For drainage, you can use expanded clay or pebbles. Roots that have rotted should be removed before replanting. After that root system treated with a light solution of potassium permanganate to destroy putrefactive bacteria. And only then can the lemon be planted in the ground.

Drafts and air humidity

Drafts have a very detrimental effect on the plant. As a result of air currents in the room, the leaves of the lemon turn yellow and curl, and then dry out and fall off. Any sudden temperature changes are contraindicated for him.

The flowerpot with lemon should be in a well-lit and shaded place, which will be protected from drafts. IN heating season, it is recommended to place the plant away from radiators and radiators, as this can also lead to yellowing and falling leaves.

Lack of nutrition

Lack of nutrition, that is, fertilizer, also leads to the fact that the lemon's green leaves turn yellow, fall off and dry out.

For example, speckled spots yellow color on the leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen. As a result, the green leaves turn yellow. If the ends of the leaves dry out and turn rusty brown, this indicates a lack of phosphorus. A lack of potassium is indicated by folds and grooves appearing on the leaves between the veins. A lack of iron is indicated by a contrasting network of green veins on light-colored leaves. Falling ovaries indicate that the lemon lacks boron and manganese. It should also be remembered that an excess of nutritional components has a bad effect on the plant and leads to the death of leaves.

Lemon diseases

There are three types of lemon diseases:

  • Infectious.
  • Fungal.
  • Viral diseases that cannot be cured.

Basically, such diseases appear on plants grown on plantations in open ground. Lemon that grows indoors is less sensitive to them. To do this, it is worth buying a cuttings seedling. indoor varieties. But there are cases when infectious diseases also affect indoor plants.

Lemon can be affected by external and internal fungal diseases. To combat the former, you just need to remove the pests from the surface of the leaves.

Such representatives include Sooty Fungus. It is necessary to spray the lemon tree copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture - they help get rid of internal fungal diseases, you can also use fungicides for this.

Citrus pests

Why do lemon leaves turn yellow? Perhaps because various pests have appeared: spider mite, scale insects, mealybugs, etc. To combat them there will be effective spraying special insectoacaricides.

For detailed information about why lemon leaves fall, you can watch the video.

Diseases are divided into three types:

  • Caused by various viruses.
  • Fungal.
  • Due to unfavorable conditions.

Depending on the type of disease, methods for eliminating lemon disease vary.

Why does it shed its leaves? What to do?

Let's try to figure out why the lemon tree sheds its leaves and what to do in this case.

Lemons come from places where even winter time they have the opportunity to receive sufficient amounts sunlight. On lack of lighting indoor lemon responds by shedding green leaves. The plant becomes depleted and is unable to provide nutrition to all the foliage, and gets rid of the excess.

IMPORTANT! What to do if it has dropped all its leaves and is drying up? Place the pot near sunny window on the south side and in winter, be sure to provide it with additional lighting.

About the rules for caring for indoor lemons winter period we told in .

Blackening of leaf tips

Why do leaves fall at home? What to do?

Leaf fall is the most common disease of lemon leaves. To avoid this Do not overdry or waterlog the soil in a pot. You need to water only with water at room temperature, standing for at least a day, lemon cannot tolerate hard water.

REFERENCE! In summer, when the active growing season begins, the plant needs feeding.

There are three main types of fertilizers that are required:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Phosphate.
  • Potassium.

The lack of at least one of them invariably leads to diseases and deformations of leaves and fruits.

IMPORTANT! If a lemon tree's leaves fall, this is the plant's fastest reaction to unfavorable conditions.

Why does wood dry out at home? What to do?

Most often, the cause of drying is the roots, or rather, their diseases. Incorrectly selected soil, excess moisture can create a favorable environment for the development of fungus that affects the roots.

If the plant has been replanted, then new pot should be no more than 5 cm in diameter compared to the previous one. Otherwise, the soil will become acidic. And this again leads to rotting of the roots. You will find rules and recommendations for replanting a lemon tree at home, and from there you will learn how to properly prepare the soil.

Leaves can dry out in the presence of pests on the trunk and roots.

Too much moving the potty frequently moving the plant to new locations can have a detrimental effect on its growth and vitality. Lemon simply begins to experience constant stress.

Withered: how to revive?

If the cause of drying is a lack of watering and drying out of the soil, then the plant needs to be immediately water and cover in a plastic bag , providing it with greenhouse conditions.

You can also help lemon with a special product for caring for citrus fruits. Its application will give the plant an additional boost and strength.

Root rot is caused by fungi, which can be destroyed with fungicides. After this, cut off the damaged parts of the root and sprinkle with crushed coal.

Impact of temperature

Lemon has the best high requirements for temperature, lighting and humidity. The leaves and trunk feel comfortable at 17 °C, and for normal fruit ripening, at least 22–23 °C is required.

Extremely negative plant reacts to sudden temperature changes. A sharp drop in temperature along with dry air leads to inevitable stress. First, the flowers and some ovaries begin to fall off, and then the leaves. This is especially true in autumn-winter period(you will find rules for caring for indoor lemons in the fall, and in we talked about how to care for a tree in winter).

The air temperature should be identical to the temperature of the soil in the pot. Such differences can occur if a lemon standing outside and accustomed to a slight cold snap is suddenly brought into a heated room. The result may be shedding of leaves.

Drafts and simultaneous flows of warm and cold air also have a negative effect. Under such unfavorable conditions, lemon leaves begin to curl and curl and then fall off.

Pests of citrus fruits at home

  • Shield.
  • Spider mite.
  • Mealy nigella.
  • Nematode.
  • Garden slug.

Scale insect: how to get rid of it?

Scale insects are the most common tree pest. The first sign of its presence is a sticky coating on the leaves of the lemon. Convexities of about 4 mm appear on leaves and branches, almost invisible to the eye. Covered with a dense waxy shell, they become invulnerable to chemicals.

To fight with sticky leaves Can insecticides. During watering, the poison from the leaves is washed into the soil, absorbed by the roots and the plant becomes poisonous.

ATTENTION! The scale insect that feeds on lemon juice dies. But despite all the effectiveness this method the fruits become unsuitable for food.

You can fight scale insects folk ways. They are very effective, but more troublesome.

Washing leaves with soapy water several times a day until the pest disappears completely. Mix green soap (5g) with anabasine sulfate (2g) and dissolve in warm water. Washing is done once a week, followed by rinsing the solution with water every other day.

Spraying with a solution of soap and kerosene. To do this, dissolve 5g of soap and 10g of kerosene in a liter of warm water and spray the plant twice a week. You can clearly see this method in action in the video below:

Tick: treatment

It can be found on the stem and bottom side leaves, the juice of which it feeds on. During this process, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out for no apparent reason.

It is not easy to notice the pest, given its size of 1–2 mm. But the web on the underside of the leaf is clearly visible, as are the yellow dots at the places where it is attached.

NOTE! Good effect gives this when fighting him solution laundry soap . They treat stems and leaf surfaces.

Another tree sprayed with sulfur, insecticides, wipe the leaves with alcohol. But the most effective and harmless way is ultraviolet light. Two minute heating under an ultraviolet lamp has a detrimental effect on ticks. In addition, this method helps to heal and strengthen the plant.

In this article, we found out such questions as: why does a lemon lose its leaves and what to do about it, what to do if the lemon tree has dried up.

Useful video

Personal experience in dealing with various lemon pests:

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Why do indoor lemon leaves turn yellow?

Lemon is an evergreen plant, in natural conditions reaching a height of 5-8 meters. Its indoor counterpart is slightly smaller - its maximum height is 2 m. It has a beautiful crown that lends itself perfectly to shaping. The leaves are bright green, with sharp tips.

But in order to grow it, you need to know: how to properly care for it and why it can get sick. Otherwise, you may never enjoy the beauty and fruits of this tree, as it will die.

Why do lemon leaves fall off?

There are many factors that can cause your tree to suddenly be left with almost bare branches. If your lemon has dropped its leaves, what should you do first? It is necessary to review the conditions of its detention and identify the cause. There may be several of them:

  • bad light;
  • excessive or, conversely, insufficient watering;
  • temperature regime: room temperature is too low or high;
  • problems with the soil: insufficient amount of nutrients in the soil, its depletion.

As soon as you find out at which point the failure occurred, it will immediately become clear why the green leaves of the lemon are falling off and what to do to help the tree recover faster.

Lack of lighting

The homeland of citrus is tropical, hot countries, but this does not mean that the pot with it should be placed under scorching direct rays. On the contrary, they can cause burns on the foliage, which will deprive it of its decorative effect. Better lighting for indoor lemon - bright but diffused sunlight.

Sometimes the plant may not have enough sunlight, especially in the autumn-winter period. Such a change may well become stressful for him, since in his homeland the concept of seasonality does not exist.

To help the tree survive the lack of lighting, move the lemon pot to a south window; you can also create additional lighting using reflective elements and fluorescent lamps.

Over or under watering

Although watering is very important for indoor lemons, do not over-water the soil. This makes it more dense, as a result of which oxygen stops flowing to the roots, and they slowly die. Accordingly, the flow of nutrients to the plant decreases, and in order to survive, it partially sheds its leaves. Insufficient watering is no less harmful; it can lead to the death of the plant, since it will not be able to take substances and moisture from the dried lump.

Work out optimal mode When watering, watch how quickly the soil in the pot becomes slightly moist, and only then add water. Avoid sudden changes: if the earthen lump is completely dry, you should not give your indoor lemon massive watering. Pour water in small portions every 2-3 hours. Then increase the daily water rate until the soil returns to its previous moisture content.


Optimal temperature in order for the tree to develop well, bloom and bear fruit - 18-20 0 C. If you have open terrace or a large balcony, you can periodically expose it to the air. However, leaving the plant overnight is not recommended.

Problems with the temperature in the room can also be stressful for the plant. If in a room in winter it stands next to a radiator, then this is one of the reasons why the leaves of indoor lemons turn yellow. In this case, it is necessary to move the tub away from the heat source and, if possible, cover the radiator with a thick blanket - this will slightly reduce the temperature.

You should also not leave indoor lemon in rooms where the temperature is below +10 or there are frequent drafts. Try to protect the plant from sudden changes in temperature.

Soil composition

Another reason why indoor lemons can shed leaves is excessive soil depletion. Don't forget that it grows in artificial conditions, which means that only you can replenish the supply of nutrients in the substrate. If this does not happen, it is due to a lack necessary elements indoor lemon begins to shed some of its leaves, as it cannot provide them with food.

To avoid this, apply nitrogen and organic fertilizers, in the summer, alternate nitrogen, phosphorus, mineral and organic, and by autumn, focus on potassium fertilizing. The plant needs macro- and microelements throughout the year.

How to feed a lemon if the leaves turn yellow video

Lemon care at home, leaves turn yellow

Houseplants get sick much less often than garden ones, however, incorrect agricultural techniques for growing lemon, the use of contaminated soil, or poor-quality grafting can lead to infections that are very dangerous for the tree.

Malsecco's disease

The periods when the plant is most susceptible to it: spring and autumn. It manifests itself in the fact that the leaves acquire a red-orange hue and slowly die off. Moreover, only they disappear, while the petioles remain on the branches. Unfortunately, there are no methods to combat this disease yet.


If you don't start treating lemon in time indoor sickness can completely destroy the tree. It develops on the bark of a tree, leading to its rotting, and then infects the leaves. On initial stage appears in the form of sticky brown drops flowing down the bark of the stem. The affected area must be cleaned and treated with copper sulfate, and the plant itself must be transplanted into new soil.

Bottom line

What to do if lemon leaves turn yellow and fall off video

Why do the tips of the leaves of indoor lemons dry out is a question that worries many. It would seem that you have read all the basic recommendations from experts, you know what and how to do so that your home shrub quickly takes root in a new environment for it and in one wonderful moment began to form fruits. But something went wrong, and now the lemon tree faces a sad fate, as it is actively shedding its dried leaves.

Finding out the cause of the problem is not difficult, since there are only a few of them. The first thing you should pay attention to is the peculiarities of watering an indoor lemon tree.

It’s one thing to know that the root system of a lemon can dry out or rot if you do not approach the regularity and intensity of watering correctly, and it’s quite another thing to understand that the quality of water has great value for your indoor plant. In the process of growing lemon at home, this is a basic requirement.

In greenhouses and botanical gardens Professional flower growers use special, pre-settled water. Of course, spending money on purified water for irrigation is an unaffordable expense for many. However, there are some things you can do at home.

The main thing is to understand how exactly the substrate irrigation liquid that you purchase differs experienced flower growers, and what nuances are typical for ordinary tap water.

Interestingly, the second option is not recommended for moistening the soil in which indoor lemon grows. The thing is that such water contains chlorine and fluorine. These mineral elements can cause a lot of damage to a dried-out home lemon tree. If you constantly saturate the plant with such components, as a result your indoor flower

will be significantly damaged: the tips of the leaves may turn yellow and dry out.

Even taking into account the fact that the plant is considered subtropical, and therefore loves moisture and high air humidity, it is still undesirable to fill it with water excessively. Let's say you very often moisten the soil composition of the lemon and spray the tree. In addition, it happens that the pot does not have drainage holes, which will only worsen the situation.

What does the florist who made a mistake deal with as a result? The soil in the flowerpot gradually becomes compacted and the pores become clogged. Now the air that the rhizome needs no longer circulates so easily in the substrate. Sooner or later home tree the house simply dries out, as the root system begins to rot due to excess moisture. The indoor lemon drops its leaves, and all because because of high density soil in the pot does not supply nutrients to the rhizome.

But the main thing in caring for a home lemon tree is golden mean. If excessive watering can destroy a plant in a matter of weeks, a lack of moisture in the soil can also cause a lot of harm. If you do not water your indoor shrub regularly, the soil gradually begins to dry out. The rhizome again does not absorb all the necessary beneficial components.

To prevent an indoor tree from curling its leaves, it is necessary to work out the specifics of its watering.

In the periods between moistening the substrate, be sure to monitor the condition of the soil: as soon as it becomes a little damp, you should start irrigating the soil again. Do not wait until the earthen ball dries completely. In this case overwatering will create a real stressful situation For indoor shrub. The problem can be solved by watering the soil with small volumes of water approximately every 2-3 hours. This way you will bring the lemon back to life after water fasting.

What to do

If your lemon leaves are drying around the edges, it is quite possible that the cause is insufficient watering and low indoor humidity. Very often, flower growers do not think about how important the microclimate in the house is. It would seem that you are consistently watering the citrus plant with small portions of water, but it still weakens before your eyes.

In this case, you need to increase the air humidity. This problem often occurs in winter when heating devices are running in the house. What the gardener is recommended to do is not only regularly irrigate the citrus substrate, but also spray it with a spray bottle almost daily. Subtropical indoor plant will respond favorably to such care. Another important point: If necessary, place next to flower pot container with water.

To prevent lemon leaves and twigs from drying out, Special attention pay attention to the quality of the water you water the substrate with.

Even if you use tap water, it should be at room temperature. Don't forget that it also needs to be pre-defended. Only when the chlorinated components settle to the bottom will the liquid become suitable for moistening the substrate in which the homemade lemon has taken root.

You are unlikely to be able to revive dried lemon leaves: you will simply need to cut them off. But to do everything necessary to ensure that in the future the homemade lemon tree does not dry out, but develops to its fullest, is already within your power, even if you have not had any experience in growing indoor flowers. Take care of the integrity and health of the branches and tips of lemon leaves: revive and save them from drying out, and continue to take watering features seriously.

Many gardeners have long learned to grow lemons at home, combining business with pleasure. A grafted lemon tree not only produces juicy and aromatic fruits, but is also a real decoration for any room.

These tropical plants perfectly purify and disinfect the air, which is an additional benefit. True, caring for a lemon tree is not at all easy, and the main problem, awaiting flora lovers, is the periodic yellowing and falling of the leaves of the plant.

1. Acclimatization period.

If the leaves of a newly acquired plant turn yellow and fall off, this is a lemon going through a period of acclimatization.

2. Another common reason for the yellowing of lemon leaves is excess or lack of light. Although this plant is tropical, it loves shade during the hottest hours. Suitable: southwest windows in summer, and east windows in winter.

Direct Sun rays will oppress the plant, and it will respond to this by the appearance of small, pale foliage. The lemon will try to reduce the leaf area to absorb less light. If you then move the lemon into the shade, it will shed these leaves. Lemons need moderate shade to promote the growth of healthy, rich, dark green leaves.
Gradually accustom the plant to brighter lighting.

3. Dry air.

Lemon trees love high air humidity. If the room is too hot and dry, then the tips of the lemon leaves will very soon begin to turn yellow and dry out.
Plants that naturally grow in regions with high humidity may have problems in dry conditions. Overwatering in this case will only worsen the situation, as it can cause rotting of the root system, which will lead to less water reaching the leaves.

In case dry air is caused climatic conditions or heating in the autumn-winter period, use a humidifier. Spraying plants with a spray bottle is not effective unless you do it every 10 minutes.

Another solution is gravel if you put it in the tray of a pot and water it. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not reach water so that the roots do not rot. Instead of gravel, you can use expanded clay. The water from the pan will evaporate, increasing the humidity in the room.

Also important role the location of the plant plays a role. If you place plants together in one or more groups, it will be easier for them to combat the evaporation of moisture from the leaves. Also place the plants as far as possible from heat sources: fans, radiators. Also try to keep your plants in the bathroom and kitchen, as these rooms have the highest humidity.

4. If lemon leaves begin to turn yellow not at the tips, but at the base, and then fall off, then this indicates a bad drainage system. Moisture accumulating in the soil has a very adverse effect on the lemon root system, which begins to rot. In this case, measures to save the plant should be taken immediately, and they should be drastic.
The lemon must be transplanted into a new flowerpot as soon as possible, which should be filled at least one third with pebbles or expanded clay. Before transplanting, the roots of the flower should be carefully examined and, using scissors, those parts that have undergone the process of rotting should be removed, dried and sprinkled with charcoal. Only after this can the flower be planted in new soil.

5. If you are faced with the fact that the leaves of a lemon turn yellow at the edges and curl, then this indicates sharp temperature changes in the room, which tropical plant difficult to bear. Drafts can also cause such problems, so under no circumstances should a flowerpot with lemon be placed near a window or door. The place for the lemon should be selected in such a way that it is light and, at the same time, slightly shaded, and also reliably protected from air currents.

6. Don't correct transplant, too much big pot and incorrectly selected soil.

Prepare the substrate for lemon yourself by mixing 2 parts of turf soil and one piece of leaf soil, river sand and humus. You can use ready-made soil for citrus fruits. When replanting a plant, keep it at the same level, that is, do not deepen or leave open the part of the trunk that was previously hidden by the ground. Therefore, the lemon pot should not be deep, but rather wide. When replanting, do not use large pots - this can lead to acidification of the soil.

7. Proper wintering.

Lemon can shed its leaves in winter, when there is no excess light. This occurs due to the difference in temperature in the soil and in the atmosphere. When the ground is cold, the roots of the plant work worse, absorbing water, and at the same time the foliage is warm and intensively evaporates moisture and eventually falls off due to its lack. Therefore, in winter, the lemon must be protected from the flow of cold air that goes through the cracks of the window directly into the pot.
If all maintenance conditions are met, and the leaves still fall off in winter, then the plant must be sent to winter in shady place with a temperature of plus 6-7 degrees.

8. Proper watering.

In winter, watering should be done no more than three times a week (it all depends on the humidity and temperature in the room). If the room is cold enough, then watering the lemon more than twice a month is not recommended. The fact is that during the cold season, excess water is not used anywhere, and moreover, it is poorly absorbed into the soil. This leads to rotting of the roots and yellowing of the leaves.

In summer, it is better to over-moisten lemons (especially those standing outside) than to leave them without moisture or give it in insufficient quantities. However, even in hot weather, do not forget to dry the soil a couple of times a month, stopping soil moisture during this period. Despite high temperature air in the summer, under no circumstances water the plant with cold water during the daytime. The water should be at room temperature so as not to harm the roots of the plant. The most acceptable time for watering is early morning or late evening.

9. Fertilizers.

The lack of certain substances can be noticed with the naked eye:

A lack of phosphorus results in leaves losing color, turning pale, and falling off. The fruits become deformed and become almost ugly. In addition, they become coarser (meaning that the peel thickens and becomes bitter);

Nitrogen deficiency causes leaves to develop poorly and turn yellow, especially on branches that bear fruit. The lemons themselves grow small and tasteless;

The development of chlorosis in the leaves (pallor and then yellowing) causes an insufficient amount of iron in the soil. This also leads to drying out of the top of the plant and dropping of the fruit;

Calcium is also an important element, because its absence or insufficient quantity leads to weakening of the plant, to the appearance of spots on the upper ends of the leaves and their eventual falling off.

Timely application of fertilizers containing these, as well as other significant chemical elements(such as copper, zinc, magnesium, boron) will prevent wilting and yellowing of the leaves on the lemon, and its fruits will remain large, juicy and tasty.

Lemon requires mineral and organic fertilizers. Feeding is carried out from January to September every week.

10. Pests.

There are many pests that attack plants. If the plant is infested with pests, the tips of the leaves may turn brown.

If pests are detected, treat the plant promptly to avoid their further spread.

11. Change of temperature regime.

If your plant has been standing outside all summer, and with the onset of cold weather you abruptly bring it into a warm room, be prepared for the plant to react to this by yellowing the leaves.
To avoid a sudden change in temperature, it is better to bring the plants home before the onset of cold weather, or immediately place the plant in a cool wintering place (cold window sill).

12. Flowering.

In order for your lemon to bring you a harvest, you must first achieve flowering. Therefore, if a young and weak plant has bloomed (which has less than 50 leaves), then the flowers can be removed so that it gains strength.