Ficus: types, care, transplantation and reproduction. Planned transplantation of a ficus into a new pot and replanting after purchase. At what time can a ficus be replanted?

The article reviews current information on ficus trees and options for replanting them, and also provides information that allows you to quickly find answers to your questions, including more.

How to prepare ficus for transplantation and soil for transplantation

To replant, you will need to knead new soil, which should consist of sand, peat and coniferous soil in a ratio of 1: 2: 2. The ficus itself does not require any preparation.

Is it possible to replant a ficus in winter, autumn, November, October, December, February, September?

No. Ficus is replanted only from the end of February to April, depending on weather conditions. Mostly the month of March.

How often to replant ficus

While the ficus is young, it is replanted once a year, and after 3-4 years less often.

Is it possible to replant a ficus immediately after purchase?

Not advisable. For ficus, replanting after purchase is very stressful, so the flower may die.

How to replant a ficus after purchasing it in a store

Using the transshipment method, preserving the entire lump of earth with roots. The new pot should be a couple of centimeters in diameter.

How to replant a ficus if the roots have come out of the pot

If there is enough pot, then it is not necessary to replant the flower; you can simply add a layer of soil that will cover the roots. But, if replanting is necessary, then the transshipment method will work, removing the clod of earth along with the roots.

How to transplant a ficus from one pot to another

Turn the pot upside down, holding the stem with your hand. Pull a little or the lump will fall out on its own. Knock the ground a little without damaging the roots, and plant in new pot with previously prepared soil.

How to transplant a ficus using the transshipment method and if it is tall

The method is similar to conventional transplanting, but you don’t need to hammer the ground. Just replant with a clod of soil to a new area.

Today there are about 100 species of ficus. This perennials mulberry family of tree-like form (trees or shrubs). IN wildlife they live in the warm climates of Asia, Africa and Australia and reach a height of up to 25 m, and indoors up to 2-3 m. The most popular species grown in pots include ficus benjamina, rubber-bearing, Kinkley, lyre-shaped, ivy-shaped, Binnedika , dwarf. They differ in shape, color and size of leaves, but caring for them at home is approximately the same. They are ideal for bonsai formation - dwarf trees for interior decoration.

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    When to replant ficus

    Ficus trees have vegetation characteristics that dictate the time and frequency of transplantation: fast growth shoots and roots. The branches extend approximately 15-20 cm annually. The plant needs to be replanted if:

    • The lump of soil in which the ficus is located dries out too quickly after watering.
    • The roots grew to such an extent that they filled the entire space in the pot.
    • Roots are poking out of drainage holes.
    • The quality of the soil in the pot after purchase is questionable due to the smell of rot or salt deposits.

    Typically, young ficus trees need to be replanted every year, increasing the diameter of the container by 3-4 cm.

    Methods of carrying out the procedure

    The only one The right way transfers are transshipment. When carrying out this procedure, the roots are not freed from the soil after being removed from the pot. Together with a lump of earth, the ficus is placed in a new container bigger size, and the gaps between the walls and the plant are filled with earth.

    The only case when a complete replacement of the soil mixture and washing of the roots is indicated is rotting of the root system due to frequent overflows . After this, it is necessary to prune the affected parts to prevent the death of the plant. After this, it will be possible to transplant the ficus.

    Soil features

    If the soil is not bought in a store, but is prepared independently, then its composition should be as follows:

    • Leaf soil.
    • Humus.
    • Coniferous land.
    • Soddy soil.
    • Peat.
    • Sand.
    • Expanded clay (to the bottom).

    All components, except the last one, are mixed in equal proportions.

    • Ficus should not be placed next to other plants, as it may need treatment after the store. Adaptation to the new conditions of detention will take place within 2-3 weeks.
    • After quarantine, when the ficus has become accustomed to the new lighting, humidity and temperature, it can be transplanted into a different soil mixture. In this case, there is no need to change the size of the pot.
    • The optimal time for replanting is the end of winter and the beginning of spring. In a later period, the ficus is not in danger of dying, but adaptation will take longer. In autumn, when all biological processes slow down, replanting the plant is not recommended.
    • The air temperature should not be higher than +23°C and lower than +18°C. If this condition is met, the risk of ficus shedding leaves after transplantation is reduced.
    • According to lunar calendar, it is best to replant the crop during the waxing moon.

    How to replant ficus correctly

    The step-by-step transplant algorithm is as follows:

    1. 1. A day before the procedure, water the plant with warm water. This is necessary for easy removal from the pot with minimal damage to the root system.
    2. 2. Prepare a container 3-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. This should be a plastic or ceramic pot with drainage holes in the bottom. It should not be chosen too large. The size is calculated using the following formula: the volume of the earthen coma with roots plus an additional 2-3 cm.
    3. 3. Place a layer of fine expanded clay on the bottom of the pot to improve the drainage of excess moisture.
    4. 4. Remove the ficus from the container along with the earthen lump.
    5. 5. Remove the top layer of soil by 2-3 cm and shake off the ends of the roots from the lower lumps of old soil.
    6. 6. Place the plant in a new pot, pouring fresh soil from below and filling the space between the roots and the walls of the container. You should add soil so that there is 4-5 cm left to the top.

    Large ficus trees over a meter tall are not replanted, but only changed in old container top layer of soil 4-5 cm thick.

Indoor ficuses do not require special care. It is enough to adhere to certain maintenance conditions for a large and beautiful tree to grow in your home or office. One of important points in caring for evergreen indoor flowers - replanting ficus trees. When can a ficus be replanted? How often to replant ficus? About all of this, including another useful information, and step by step guide, which can be called “Transplanting a ficus at home,” you will learn from our article.

Any indoor plant needs replanting. If you do not transplant the ficus into another pot in time, its growth and development will be suspended. When is the best time to replant a houseplant?

An ornamental tree under 3 years old cannot be replanted. Older samples - once every 2-3 years. But for large trees with a well-formed crown and developed root system, it is advised to update the flowerpot, drainage and soil no more than once every 5-6 years.
The main reasons for replanting a ficus include:

  • a tree recently purchased from a store;
  • for propagation and cultivation at home;
  • if necessary, drainage renewal;
  • to update or replace the soil, since after a certain period of time the substrate in flower pot loses its beneficial substances;
  • according to the calendar of development and growth;
  • at the first signs, when there is no longer enough space for the ficus and a larger container is required.

Preparing for transplant

Before transplant indoor ficus read the florists' recommendations, study the step-by-step guide, prepare the appropriate tools, and also take care of purchasing a pot, soil, and preparing drainage in advance.

Selecting a ficus pot

It can be plastic, clay product or wooden tub. Regarding the size, it is worth sticking to simple rule: the new one should be 4 cm larger than the old flowerpot. Drainage holes must be present.

Proper watering is an important component of proper care and maintenance of any indoor plant.

What kind of soil is suitable?

The best solution would be to buy in flower shops ready substrate(contains necessary for the plant minerals and nutritional elements). If you want to cook it yourself, remember that it depends on the age of the plant:

  • young tree - leaf humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 1:1:1;
  • large (mature) tree - peat, sand, humus and turf soil in correct proportion 1:1:1:1.

Drainage preparation

Thanks to drainage, water does not stagnate in the pots and there is no excess moisture accumulation. You will need broken brick, shell rock, expanded clay, crushed polystyrene foam, pebbles small size And so on.

Step-by-step transplant instructions

Home care is not only about controlling air temperature and humidity levels, watering, etc. This is also a timely transplant. Ficus trees are replanted to give the tree the opportunity to further develop and grow. How to transplant a ficus? When is the best time to replant ficus? The optimal period is the beginning of spring. After a few months, the tree will get stronger and will delight you with a lush crown in the summer.

How to properly transplant a ficus - step-by-step instructions:

  1. Water the flower 24 hours in advance.
  2. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot - no more than 2-3 cm in height.
  3. Then a small amount of substrate is poured in.
  4. Using gentle and careful movements, tapping on the walls of the flowerpot, pull out the flower.
  5. Lightly shake off the soil from the roots and inspect root system. If there are damaged or injured roots, remove them.
  6. Place the tree in the new pot, keeping it in the middle.
  7. Fill the top and sides with the remaining soil. Lightly tamp and pour warm (room temperature) water.
  8. Provide the ficus flowerpot with diffused lighting.

At the same time, you can trim the indoor flower. Transplanted ornamental trees begin to throw out new leaves over time.


We already know how to transplant ficus at home. What is transshipment of an indoor flower? This is a more gentle method, which is often used in caring for weakened or diseased plants. The step-by-step procedure looks similar to transplantation.
However, when replacing a flower tub with a larger one, you should not remove the old soil from the roots of the tree. Having transplanted indoor flower in another container, add a little new substrate. Correct lighting, maintaining air humidity and appropriate temperature regime- this is exactly how you need to care after transshipment.

Transplantation is an integral part of caring for exotic ficus. In order for the plant to endure the change of “place of residence” painlessly, it is necessary not only to become familiar with the basic rules for carrying out work, but also to apply them in practice.

Ficus tolerates transplantation best in early spring– this is due to the characteristics of the vegetative process. Since the plant does not go into hibernation in winter, its vital processes still slow down. With the onset of warmth, the bush enters the phase active growth, and the least traumatic will be to carry out the work before the sap begins to move along the trunk.

Autumn transplantation is carried out less frequently, but it is also important to comply with the deadlines. The optimal periods are considered to be September-early October, when the temperature has not yet begun to drop significantly. In this case, the ficus will have time to grow roots before winter and will successfully survive the cold season.

You can be forced to replant a ficus at home at any time of the year, because sometimes this is the only way you can save a dying bush. Old soil is replaced in several situations:

  • The earth began to become moldy and emit an unpleasant odor;
  • There is a suspicion of infection by fungus, root rot or pests;
  • The pot broke and the integrity of the earthen ball was damaged.

As for the frequency of transplants, it all depends on the age of the individual specimen. Because young plants grow faster, they require frequent replacement soil simultaneously with increasing the volume of the pot (once a year). For healthy adult bushes that have been grown at home for more than 2-3 years, transplants are carried out as needed approximately once every 2 years, when:

  • Roots appear in drainage holes;
  • The root system filled the entire space in the pot;
  • The earthen ball dries out quickly and the plant looks exhausted.

Newly purchased plants also need to be replanted, but only after they have adapted to the indoor environment. Since ficus, like other flowers, are sold in shipping containers in soil with a limited amount of nutrients, they simply need to replace the substrate. Otherwise, at home, the bush will begin to quickly wither and shed its leaves.

Features of preparatory work

Before direct transplantation, the gardener needs to choose the right pot for the ficus, as well as create soil in which the plant will be comfortable.

What should the pot be like?

Ficus – tropical plant, which does not tolerate hypothermia of the soil and roots. In this regard, it is not recommended to plant the bush in a ceramic pot, because its walls are winter time become too cold when standing on the windowsill.

Will do plastic container standard shape, the diameter of which exceeds the size of the old pot by only 3-4 cm, no more. If you transplant a ficus into a pot that is too spacious, at best it will take too long to grow roots and only then start growing, and at worst it will suffer from flooding of roots.

Ficus plants must have drainage holes through which excess water can flow out. It is better to choose a container with several holes than with one large one - from them moisture will quickly get into the pan rather than accumulate at the bottom of the pot. The height of the flowerpot also matters, because it must accommodate a drainage layer.

Making soil for ficus

Although ficuses can be planted in universal soil by adding a small amount of baking powder, it is still better to avoid this option in favor of the health of the plant. The fact is that the finished substrate often includes low-lying peat and unnecessary impurities, which subsequently cement the soil in the pot.

The air permeability of the soil is significantly reduced, water is poorly absorbed and the plant begins to suffer from poor-quality soil. To avoid such a situation, it is recommended to prepare the soil mixture yourself according to one of three schemes:

  • 2 parts each of leaf and turf soil, 1 part each of high-moor peat and coarse sand;
  • Turf and garden soil, fine gravel, high peat, compost or rotted manure in equal quantities;
  • Equal proportions of leaf, turf and coniferous soil, sand, peat and humus.

If necessary, sand can be replaced with agroperlite, which improves soil breathability and also absorbs excess moisture, gradually releasing it to the roots.

Disinfection of the soil is necessary, because only in this case can the health of the ficus be guaranteed in the future. The “living” components of the substrate may contain not only weed and fungal spores, but also pests, which will then happily transfer to the plant.

Don’t be lazy and place the soil in a bag in the freezer for 1 day or steam it in the oven at a temperature of 105-110 degrees for half an hour. It will not be superfluous to treat the substrate with a solution of the drug “Fitosporin”, prepared according to the scheme on the package.

Step-by-step scheme for transplanting ficus at home

It is best to replant the ficus a few days after watering, since the dried earthen lump will easily separate from the walls of the pot. Then you need to prepare the soil, pot, drainage and begin the actual work.

Ficus transplantation is carried out step by step in several stages:

  1. The walls of the ficus pot are tapped a little so that the substrate is better separated, then the plant is carefully removed from the old container. To avoid damaging the trunk, it must be held at the base.
  2. The soil from the roots must be removed and the shoots carefully examined for the presence of rot or disease. Damage will be indicated by gray, brown or rusty color or mold.
  3. Infected roots are removed using a sharp knife or blade, and the cut areas must be treated with activated carbon to prevent rotting.
  4. A drainage layer 2 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the new pot. You can use purchased expanded clay, broken brick or small pebbles as drainage.
  5. A small amount of disinfected soil is poured onto the drainage layer, then the ficus itself is placed in the center.
  6. The voids between the root system and the walls of the pot are filled with substrate; if necessary, you can use a spoon to simplify the process.
  7. It is necessary to monitor the level of placement of the ficus in the pot - the root collar should not be buried under any circumstances.
  8. The plant needs to be watered a little to shrink the soil and, if necessary, add more substrate.

After transplantation, the ficus should be placed on a windowsill with diffuse lighting, since straight Sun rays can damage a plant that is not adapted to new conditions. After a couple of days, it is recommended to spray the bush with Epin or Zircon, which will help to survive stress and activate its vitality.

Caring for ficus after transplantation

Since after transplantation the ficus only begins to grow roots and fill the free space in the pot, you should not get carried away with watering immediately after changing the soil. It is better to moisten the soil in small portions as needed, when the top layer of the substrate dries out. You need to use soft, settled water at room temperature.

Spraying with a spray bottle will be useful for ficus in the first days after transplantation. To make the rooting process faster, you can create for the plant greenhouse conditions, covered with transparent plastic bag or a jar, and if condensation appears, be sure to ventilate the bush.

Ficus reacts negatively to drafts and hypothermia, so it is not recommended to place it on a windowsill where the window is often opened. The room temperature should be between 22-25 degrees Celsius.

It is impossible to feed the plant within 1 month after transplantation, since such “care” can lead to an excess of nutrients in the soil. As a result of overfeeding, the ficus may simply shed its leaves, so it is better to give it time to adapt.

A lush-leaved representative of the mulberry family is ficus. Home care, nuances correct pruning, as well as methods of plant propagation will be described in detail in this article. Quite hard to imagine cozy home without indoor plants. They delight us with their beauty and bright colors and bring health benefits. Ficus has many varieties, varying in size, shape and color of foliage, and some representatives can even reach thirty meters in height (in nature).

Concerning indoor varieties, then one of the most popular is Ficus Benjamin, which has already become a real “star” of home gardening.

  • Should be used garden pruner, which is recommended to be pre-treated with alcohol. You also need to stock up on crushed activated charcoal or charcoal for processing cuts.
  • It is best to carry out the pruning procedure in early April.
  • To form the crown it is pruned top part ficus - this technique provokes active growth of lateral branches. If you want to give the plant a more elongated silhouette, then you should trim the side shoots (by 4-6 cm), and also pinch off their leaves.
  • As mentioned above, the top is shortened once a year, the trunk is cut obliquely, and the shoots are cut evenly.
  • The juice released at the cut site must be immediately removed with a damp cloth. The cut itself is treated with crushed coal.
  • Ficus can be fertilized two weeks after the procedure.

To increase density, as well as to stimulate the growth of young buds, the ficus crown can be thinned and pruned annually.

Ficus without pruning - the crown is incorrectly formed

Ficus benjamina - propagation

There are two most effective ways propagation of ficus - cuttings and air layering. The easiest is the cutting method, the second method is more intricate, but also very effective. I will describe them in more detail, and you choose which one you like best.

Ficus propagation by cuttings:

  1. We cut cuttings from the bush during its active growth - in spring or summer. From the apical shoots we cut cuttings approximately 15 cm in length. If a stem shoot is taken for propagation, it must have at least three leaves.
  2. To prevent dehydration of the cutting, its leaves should be rolled into loose tubes and carefully tied with a soft elastic band (you can cut a balloon for this).
  3. Milky sap usually oozes out at the cutting site; to remove it, just hold the cuttings for a little while. clean water room temperature. You can also add the drug “Kornevin” to this water.
  4. The pre-selected container should contain a suitable soil mixture. You can mix soil with perlite or sand, add peat - this composition is quite suitable for plants. You need to plant the cuttings in this soil, deepening them 1-1.5 cm, and then cover them with cling film to create a mini-greenhouse. You can also use cut plastic bottles for these purposes.
  5. It is recommended to place the container with young ficuses in a warm room. Optimal temperature for rooting cuttings – approximately + 25 °C.
  6. The greenhouse should be ventilated periodically to avoid rotting of the cuttings. The rooting process lasts on average about a month to a month and a half.

After the specified period, young plants can be planted in pots.

Rooted cuttings of ficus Benjamin, photo:

How to propagate ficus at home using air layering:

  1. You should choose a good upright growing shoot and remove the leaves in the place where the cut will be made.
  2. Use a thin paper knife or blade to make a couple of cuts, the distance between them should be approximately 3 cm. In this place (between the cuts), remove the bark; you can additionally sprinkle the cut area with Kornevin.
  3. Apply damp sphagnum moss to the prepared surface; the thickness of the moss layer should be approximately 4-5 cm. Cling film tightly wrap the sphagnum to the shoot and secure it securely. This moss must be kept moist at all times.
  4. Soon roots will appear in this place and entwine the sphagnum. When the roots can be clearly felt under the polyethylene or even break through it, the ficus stem needs to be cut just below the formed roots.
  5. Now the cutting can be planted in a separate container.

Both methods give good results and “work” 99%.

Air layering, photo:

Ficus diseases

Fungal diseases include:

  • black fungus on leaves;
  • gray rot;
  • sooty fungus;
  • root rot.

Spider mite on ficus

Ficus diseases of fungal origin most often arise from improper plant care. Too much watering and heat indoors can cause gray rot (botrytis), which is treated by removing all affected fragments and subsequent treatment with copper-containing preparations. In general, if a plant is infected with a fungus, it is necessary to remove all diseased parts as soon as possible, and then treat with an antifungal drug, for example, Fitosporin-M or Gamair (biological bactericide). But root rot, unfortunately, cannot be treated; the plant will have to be thrown away, along with the container in which it grew.

Diseases can be triggered by insufficient lighting, temperature changes, improper watering or oversaturation with fertilizers. Even the wrong place for a flower can contribute to the manifestation of diseases. To nip the problem in the bud, you need to provide the ficus with competent care, which is actually quite simple, which was described above. Preventative treatments also have a place, the use of fungicides along with proper care provides good protection plant and significantly reduces the risk of disease.