Grow your own asters seeds. How to grow seedlings of annual asters from seeds at home

Good day everyone!

I want to talk today about how to grow asters from seeds. Annual asters familiar to us are a variety of the aster family. This flower is called Callistefus or Chinese Aster. Its stems are branched, green or red with a powerful fibrous root. Small alternate leaves, inflorescence - basket.

This flower has a special place in my front garden. My grandmother loved him very much and her asters always bloomed by September. She sowed them simply in the ground, and then planted them in a flower bed. They bloomed late, but still pleased. The flowers were the simplest - pink and purple daisies. Now there are many varieties of this flower. They are diverse in the form of petals, color, height of plants. Correspond to the name, because Astra is a “star” in Latin. Now I no longer sow the aster directly into the ground, I want it to bloom early. To do this, you need to grow asters at home with seedlings. Or in greenhouses.

How to grow asters from seeds at home

Asters differ in terms of flowering:

  • Early bloom 90 days after germination,
  • Medium - after 110 days,
  • Varieties late deadline flowering - after 130 days.

They usually bloom until frost. These beauties are not afraid of cold, so you can plant seedlings in the Urals in May. It is desirable that by the time of disembarkation in open ground the seedlings were a month old, small, about 6 cm, with good roots.

Given all this knowledge, determine the timing of sowing. I always sow aster in early April at home. In the greenhouse, you can also sow seeds at this time.

If there is a place on the windows or a heated greenhouse, then you can sow an aster in March. But you don't need to do this before. Shoots will reach for the light, which is still small, become thinner, lay down and wither later. There was such an experience.


Aster seeds are quite large, they can be spread out less often. I sow first in small containers, then I plant them in separate cups or small boxes. Astra is not afraid of transplantation, in a spacious pot it builds up the root system.

The soil can be purchased or prepared by yourself. I usually take garden soil, add humus, purchased soil, ash, you can sand. To get a light soil that passes air and water well.

Aster seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, it is better to take completely fresh ones. In the second year, half of the seeds may not sprout.

I sow the seeds to a depth of about 1 cm. I water and put the container in a bag, after a few days shoots appear. I put it immediately closer to the window so that it is light and cool.

As soon as a couple of true leaves appear, you can sit down. The seedlings of the aster are strong, but fragile at the point of transition of the stem into the root. Therefore, at first we wet the ground well, and after half an hour you can carefully remove small asters with a match or a toothpick and plant them in large prepared cups.

Seedling care at home

Asters are watered infrequently, but plentifully. Seedling containers must have drainage so that excess water can drain. It is impossible to fill the aster with water, otherwise it may get sick with a black leg and die.

Seedlings usually grow well. If you have prepared good soil before sowing, then there is no point in fertilizing. But with poor land, you can water your seedlings with bio-fertilizer a week after transplanting. You can pour infusion of ash.

You don't need to use nitrogen fertilizers. Otherwise, there will be huge green bushes, and flowering will come later and will not please at all in terms of quality.

Planting seedlings and care

In a typical Ural spring, aster seedlings can be transplanted outside in mid-late May. But in order for young plants to tolerate the transplant well and possible cold snaps, it is necessary to harden them. In early April, start taking seedlings outside. If growing in a greenhouse, open the doors on warm days.

Usually in April, almost all of my seedlings move to the veranda. I bring it home only if frost is expected.

These seedlings can be planted on permanent place

She loves a sunny place, the land is not acidic, fertile. Under planting asters do not make fresh manure!

I plant high cut asters at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. They branch well and form many shoots with flowers. I plant low, curb ones closer, about 15-20 cm from each other. Then growing, they bloom in a continuous carpet.

Groups of flowers of the same color look interesting. And low ones can be planted in different colors, there will be a colorful border or island. For the beautiful lush flowering remove old flowers in time.

A week after planting seedlings, I water with infusion of ash or biofertilizer. Spring and early summer are dry, the rains do not indulge us. In order not to constantly run with a watering can, immediately after watering the flowers, mulch with hay, grass, sawdust, wood chips. So the work of both weeding and loosening will decrease. And for good flowering asters need to be loosened frequently. Although in general it is a very unpretentious flower.

Possible difficulties with growing seedlings:

  1. Asters s did not rise at all or grow poorly, die. Sow again, don't waste time. Check the expiration date of store-bought seeds to make sure they are fresh. Try soaking your seeds for a day in ash (a spoonful in a glass of water) or aloe juice (dilute in half with water). And be sure to change the soil, disinfect it with pink potassium permanganate or a biofungicide (for example: Fitosporin-M).
  2. Asters suffer from fusarium. To do this, do not fertilize them with manure! And do not plant after nightshade (tomatoes, potatoes, physalis). You can not plant asters after gladioli, carnations, tulips, levkoy and themselves!
  3. Asters develop incomplete inflorescences- perhaps she suffers from a spider mite or aphids. Or the plant lacks nutrition. In case of violation in care, defective flowers may also appear.
Beautiful, healthy flowers will decorate your garden until the frost.

Sowing asters in open ground

As already said, I try to grow aster seedlings. But if this is not possible, you can grow seedlings of asters by sowing seeds in the ground in early spring. They do it early, in April. small plot loosen with humus, after sowing the seeds, they are watered and covered with a film. When the asters rise, we replace the film with a covering material so that the earth does not dry out.

You can sow aster seeds before winter. So they themselves will determine in the spring when it is better for them to ascend. When the asters grow up, seat them in flower beds. By the way, such plants do not suffer from Fusarium.

Asters sprout well by self-sowing, with a friendly warm spring, they will bloom in August-September. They can be thinned or planted. But in order to get beautiful lush plants that bloom from July, you have to grow seedlings, especially in the Urals and to the north.

Video about winter sowing of asters

Diseases of asters

  1. Fusarium is a fungal disease. An adult plant suddenly weakens - turns yellow, turns brown and fades on one side. There is no cure for it yet. Therefore, it is important to prevent such an attack. Observe crop rotation, do not constantly plant asters in the old place, it is better to take a break before 5 years. If suddenly you notice signs of the disease, then the plants need to be dug up and burned so that the rest do not become infected.
  2. Blackleg- a common disease in seedlings, also fungal. Develops on acidic soil, seedlings turn black and rot at the soil surface. Sick seedlings should be immediately removed, watered with a fungicide and sprinkled with sand on the rest of the plants.
  3. Rust- on the leaves, on the reverse side, swellings appear, then they dry out and wither. For prevention, you need to plant asters away from conifers. It is from them that rust spores fall on plants. Can be sprayed with solution Bordeaux mixture(1%), and if there is already a disease, then spray every week.

Video about the disease of asters with fusarium.

How to collect aster seeds

Usually I leave the first, large flowers on the seeds, they have time to ripen well. When the flower fades, darkens, and a small fluff appears in the center, I cut it off and put it in a paper bag. This should be done in dry weather, during the day. If it is damp, you need to disassemble the inflorescence and dry it well so that the seeds do not rot. In a bag, the seeds usually ripen, then I store them at home until sowing. The bag needs to be signed so that you know which variety you are sowing.

Fresh seeds are good to sow before winter. late autumn into the frozen ground, so that they no longer thaw, do not germinate in the cold. You can even sow directly on the snow in December and sprinkle with earth, and in the spring cover this place with a film for early shoots.

Asters are very good for cutting. And my schoolboy takes five or six bouquets by the first of September: both to school and to the music school. Often, on Teacher's Day, he brings his flowers to school (and this is already October). True, not every year is so successful. If a severe frost hits, then the asters turn yellow and wither.

May growing asters from seeds in your area bring you joy.

Read other interesting articles:

Sincerely, Sofia Guseva.

Asters, the cultivation of which is described in the article, are one of the most beautiful, bright and lush annual flowers. They will decorate any flower garden with themselves, they are suitable as a gift for the holiday, you can admire these beautiful plants for hours. Not every amateur gardener will deny himself the opportunity to have such bright and colorful flowers in his garden. beautiful flowers. Therefore, for many, the topic of how to grow asters seedlings is relevant so that it turns out healthy and strong.

Growing involves both seedling and seedless methods, but it is still better to use the first one, as it gives more guarantees of getting really strong plants. Cultivation involves planting, watering, further picking, feeding and transplanting into open ground.

Seeds should be fresh, preferably last year. It is worth sowing them in late March or early April in pre-prepared boxes. The containers should not be too high, they will fit up to 10 cm high. You can put drainage on the bottom so that there is no stagnation of water, then fill the container with a nutritious light substrate. The day before sowing, the soil should be watered with a solution with a fungicide, and the seeds should also be treated with it.

You need to sow in grooves half a centimeter deep, and then sprinkle with earth and pour it from a spray bottle with a solution of manganese. Before growing seedlings of asters, it is necessary to prepare a bright place for boxes, because in low light the plants will stretch and turn pale. To make seedlings appear faster, you can cover the soil with a film or paper.

After the appearance of the first real two or three leaves, the seedlings can be dived, seated, removing diseased and weak plants. The distance between the flowers should be a couple of centimeters. Transplantation is carried out using a picking fork, which must be carefully pry off the seedlings. The plant has one long root if you want to get a luxurious and lush bush, then you need to pinch it by one third.

How to grow seedlings of asters? Important point- this is the preparation of a lit place without direct sunlight. The greenhouse is ideal in this regard, since it is light for plants there, there are required space conditions are close to open ground. On average, picking is done three to four times, then you can be sure that asters will really please you during flowering.

A photo of amateur gardeners is a confirmation that this flower can really be grown at home from seeds. All it takes is a little persistence and care. Regular moderate watering, periodic top dressing, scattered light- that's all you need for flowers. The question of how to grow seedlings of asters does not cause any particular difficulties even for beginner gardeners, because this is a rather unpretentious plant.

Young asters should be planted in a well-lit, even and pre-fertilized place. It is better not to use fresh manure, but to resort to humus or compost. In drought, it is recommended to provide flowers with regular watering. The distance between asters should be 20 - 40 cm, depending on the variety. The plant will begin to delight with the first flowers in the middle of summer, flowering continues until the frost.

How to grow asters at home

Flowers such as asters will be for anyone garden plot decoration. When growing these plants, there are usually no difficulties. Grow asters at home can be both seeds and seedlings. If we talk about seedlings, then this method is more difficult, since seedlings need some care. If you are a beginner florist, then you can recommend growing asters, because this is an unpretentious plant, but at the same time very beautiful. You can also pay attention to growing gerberas .

We select a place for landing asters

Although it was noted above that asters are unpretentious plant, but in order for them to please the beauty of their flowers for a long time, you need to take care of right place and preparing the ground for them. It is best to do this in the fall. To do this, the site is dug up and humus is introduced with river sand. You can learn about humus and other organics from the article about organic fertilizers for your site. You can also use peat with sand. This will make it possible to make the soil well-drained, fertile, and provide good breathability. As for the acidity of the soil, it is better that it be close to neutral. Many may wonder - what if you add humus just before planting asters? You can make it, but there is a high probability that the flowers will be affected by Fusarium fungus. When digging up the soil, in the spring it is recommended to add potassium salt, superphosphate, ammonium sulphate.

To reduce the likelihood of Fusarium aster disease, when choosing a site, you need to take into account that it is undesirable to use those places where such plants were grown. vegetable crops like tomatoes, potatoes, and also flowers - gladioli. carnations. The best predecessors for asters are considered marigold. perennial herbs, marigolds. Asters in one place can be grown for 6 years. However, they can only be returned to the same place after 4 years. The site for planting asters in open ground can be located both in partial shade and on open places. At the same time, when the weather is too hot, the flowers become not so attractive. The best option if the place is protected from dampness and winds.

Seedling of asters at home

Asters seeds are sown in prepared boxes. It can be either special boxes for seedlings, or made by hand. The main thing is that their height is at least 5 cm, and the thickness of the soil is 3-4 cm. The soil for planting asters for seedlings should have the following composition: earth-humus-sand in the same proportions. Also, wood ash must be added to such a mixture. One glass of ash will be enough for a bucket of the mixture. After filling the box with prepared soil, it is compacted and spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which will prevent the development of fungal diseases. Grooves are made in the soil with a depth of 2 cm. After the seeds are laid out on top, they are sprinkled with the same soil 1-2 mm thick. Between the rows, the distance can be from 2 to 5 cm. To retain moisture, the box must be covered with glass. Usually shoots appear in 5-10 days if the temperature is within + 20-22 ° C. Next, the glass must be removed and the box put in place with good lighting. It is important that in the first two weeks the air temperature is not too high, not more than +15 °C. Otherwise, the seedlings will be elongated. If you are growing seedlings of asters, then a heated greenhouse, of course, will great option. After 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are dived into greenhouses or hotbeds. Landing in open ground is carried out in April-May.

Planting asters in open ground

For planting asters in open ground, seeds are sown after the earth has warmed up directly on its surface. From above they need to be sprinkled a little and covered with a film until the shoots appear. As soon as the plants sprout, the film is removed. Cover them only when there is a risk of frost. As for diving, this procedure is optional. Seeds can be sown at some distance from each other, and then thinned out so that there is about 10 cm between them. If the second method of growing asters is used, then flowering can be enjoyed much earlier. If we are talking about sowing seeds in open ground in the spring, then the planting time falls on the end of April - the beginning of May. But again, do not forget about possible cold snaps in your region. Asters seeds can also be sown in the fall, by preparing a site for them.

How to care for asters

Proper cultivation of asters from seeds - how and when to plant

How to collect seeds

How to collect aster seeds at home

Seeds are collected from the largest and most beautiful buds that bloomed among the first. Because the flower is autumn and the seed is still need to mature. To distinguish the buds, it must be marked by tying a colored thread to it. After a white fluff appears on the bud, it is cut off and disassembled for seeds.

Seed preparation

There are seeds sold in capsules, they are already processed, and they do not need to be further processed.

  • Turf land.
  • Peat.
  • Sowing

    To sow Asters in even rows, you can use a ruler make rows lightly pressing it on the damp earth. They should be shallow just a couple of centimeters. The distance between rows should be 4 cm.

    After spreading the seeds in the prepared grooves, sprinkle them with a thin layer of sand for more than 5 mm.

    After sowing the seeds, they are shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and covered with glass or plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions for seeds.

    The entire tray with planted seeds is placed in a warm and bright place where the air temperature will be 21 degrees Celsius. If the entire planting was carried out correctly, the first shoots will be made in 10 days.

    Since the sprouts grow quite quickly and are planted in nutrient soil, it usually does not need supplements. But if the land is of low quality, then it is worth feeding it with any nitrogen fertilizer.

    Top dressing needs to be carried out only a couple of times, otherwise there will be a lot of greenery and a couple of flowers.


    Transplant Asters begin when there is no longer a threat of return frosts. Before planting in open ground, seedlings should be hardened off. This hardening is carried out for 2 weeks, gradually accustoming the seedlings to open air. The boxes are taken out into the street, first for a couple of hours, and then at the end of the second week, she is completely left to spend the night on the street.

    When planting seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to first make furrows

    Possible difficulties

    There are some points that you should pay attention to:

    Diseases and pests

    Fusarium- This fungal disease Asters, the main symptoms are when mature plant sudden dies, being amazed on one side.

    Treatment not yet available. therefore, the diseased plant is removed from the flower bed, wrapped in plastic bag And thrown into the trash .

    Do not burn an infected flower on your site, as this can infect your land.

    When growing seedlings, let the soil dry out between waterings.

    Correct dive

    The grown seedlings dive into separate containers seating them one by one. Picking begins when two true leaves appear on the seedling.

    Astra pinocchio tolerates any transplant well, but it must be done in a timely manner, as with further growth root system seedlings increases and intertwines with each other and then it will be difficult to separate it, and in this case it is impossible to do without breaking off the roots. And this injures seedlings.

  • Transplant seedlings, deepening it along the cotyledon sheet plates;
  • Preparing seedlings for diving Mulching Planting in separate pots Watering


    Sometimes those who grow these flowers for the first time have questions about their cultivation. Here are the answers to some of them.

    Is there a difference between growing Asters from seeds at home and sowing in open ground

    In open ground, seeds are sown in the same holes, but dry without soaking. This is done so that if there is a strong drop in temperature, the seeds were not germinated. If they are already green above the ground, then most likely they will die.

    Seeds planted in open ground are covered with a film and do not open for two to three weeks.

    In principle, such a method exists. But he fits only for areas with moderate winter temperatures. Seeds are sown in October-November so that the seeds do not start growing when the first frost grabs the surface of the earth. The grooves are made in advance.

    The advantages of annual flowers are that they have large flowers with rich colors . and the downside is that they need to be planted annually.

    So that there are no diseases on plants, seedlings and soil, people use various drugs:

  • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • Biological preparation "Gliocladin";
  • Phytosporin;
  • Novosil;
  • You can use improvised tools such as containers from the packaging of the cake, for general disembarkation seeds and disposable cups of 200 gr. for dive plants.

    Asters seedlings - all the details of the process

    Multi-colored asters bloom for a long time in autumn, decorating the flower garden. The plant is not whimsical, so there are no difficulties in growing. Astra can be sown with seeds directly into the ground or planted with seedlings, then flowering will come earlier. Growing aster seedlings at home requires some knowledge about caring for young seedlings. If agricultural practices are not followed, young plants can get sick and die, which often happens with inexperienced flower growers. Let us consider in detail the whole process of growing seedlings of asters on the windowsill of the house: from sowing seeds to planting on the street.

    When to sow asters for seedlings?

    Growing seedlings of asters from seeds

    For seeding we need:

  • Drawers at least 5 cm high;
  • A piece of glass, the dimensions of which correspond to the box;
  • Soil from earth, humus and sand in equal proportions;
  • wood ash;
  • Perlite;
  • Weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • A bag of aster seeds.
  • Many people ask: how to grow good seedlings asters? In order for the flowers to grow strong, it is necessary to initially sow the seeds in nutrient soil. Any grower can do it on their own: they mix humus, garden soil and sand in equal proportions, steam it in an oven or double boiler, and add wood ash at the rate of a glass of ash per bucket of mixture. It is useful to add perlite to the prepared soil, which improves soil aeration and allows seedling roots to develop better.

    plastic or wooden box for seedlings, they are filled with prepared soil, slightly compacted and poured abundantly with potassium permanganate.

    Seeds must be treated with any fungicide before planting. Exactly this effective remedy against fungal diseases that often affect aster seedlings on the windowsill of the house.

    Shallow furrows (up to 2 cm) are made in the ground and aster seeds are laid out. Then they are sprinkled on top with soil, but not more than 2 mm. The distance between the grooves should be 2-5 cm.

    Experienced flower growers are advised to sprinkle aster seeds with calcined sand 0.5 cm thick, which will avoid jamming during watering and the development of the "black leg" disease.

    Crops are covered with a piece of glass, which will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture.

    Aster seedlings appear on the 5-10th day, after which the glass is removed from the box. Seedlings are moved to a window sill with good lighting, but the temperature should not be higher than 15 ° C. This important condition when growing aster seedlings at home, otherwise it will stretch.

    As the soil dries, moisten it with warm water from a spray bottle. It is important not to overdo it and not flood the plants, otherwise the seedlings may be struck by a black leg. As soon as the first signs of this disease are detected, diseased shoots are immediately removed with a small clod of earth. The hole is covered with earth and this place is spilled with a fungicide solution.

    Picking seedlings of asters

    This procedure should be carried out when aster seedlings have 2-3 true leaves. The composition of the soil during transplantation should not differ, but an additional spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer. For uniform distribution fertilizers the soil is thoroughly mixed.

    Pots or cassettes are filled with soil and lightly compacted so that the soil does not settle much after watering. With a stick, a recess is made in the center of the pot, in which the roots of the seedling will freely fit. A plant with a highly branched root system is pinched. When transplanting, the seedling is buried in the soil, but not more than 1 cm from the cotyledon leaves.

    The soil around the sprout is compacted so that it is not washed out with water when watering.

    Each pot is carefully spilled with warm water, and you need to water from the edge of the pot, gradually moving towards the center. It is important to ensure that water does not get on the leaves of plants. Picked seedlings of asters are exposed to a bright place, preventing direct sunlight. Optimum temperature for asters + 20 ° С.

    Subsequent care of aster seedlings is not difficult. As the soil in the pot dries up, the seedlings are watered with warm water; it is not necessary to feed it if the soil was originally filled with mineral fertilizers.

    Additional mineral supplement plants will need it if planting is delayed due to cold weather. When 4-5 leaves form on aster plants, the seedlings need to be gradually hardened to fresh air, for which the pots are taken out into the street in a slightly darkened place.

    Video: asters care

    What plants collect seeds at home

    General rules for collecting seeds.

  • Cannot be planted nearby for seed purposes different varieties the same culture. The only exceptions are self-pollinating plants - tomatoes, peas, beans, soybeans, etc.
  • Do not use hybrid plants for seed purposes.
  • To ensure seed quality, space isolation is provided between varieties or artificial pollination flowers. After pollination for a few days, the flowers can be covered with a napkin so that bees and other insects do not sit on them.
  • Seeds are harvested from completely healthy plants, with fruits medium size and traits characteristic of the variety.
  • Seeds of pumpkin, legumes, as well as radishes, dill, lettuce, corn, physalis are obtained in the year of sowing vegetables. Seeds of carrots, beets, chard, parsley, parsnips, turnips, radishes, cabbages are obtained for next year, after harvesting and storing vegetables. It is not recommended to use flowering plants for seed purposes.
  • Collect pumpkin seeds

    Pumpkin seeds (zucchini, patisson, watermelon, pumpkin, lagenaria, loofah) are quite easy to collect. To do this, fully ripened fruits are cut, the seeds are cleaned in a sieve and washed in in large numbers water, and then dried, scattering on thick paper or cloth.

    From ripe melons, watermelons, seeds are harvested in the summer, after they eat the juicy sweet pulp. In zucchini, pumpkins, the fruits ripen for a long time, they lie in the garden until the end of September-October, after which they are removed for storage. The skin of such fruits is hard, strong, the pulp in the middle is very dense. In principle, full-fledged seeds are already obtained from these fruits - pumpkins or zucchini are cut, the seeds are selected and washed several times in water.

    To collect seeds from loofah and lagenaria, it is necessary that the fruits not only ripen, but completely dry. Since these plants are very thermophilic, the fruits that set up first are left on the seeds. Then in the fall, before the onset of night cooling, the fruits are removed into the room and kept, laid out on racks or hung by the petiole, for several months. Over time, the pulp dries completely, and only dry fibers and seeds remain under the skin. They are selected, washed several times in water and quickly dried.

    Zucchini zucchini seeds ripen very slowly and are picked in late autumn-winter. The fruits left to collect the seeds are kept on the bush as long as possible, then they are transferred to the room and kept for another 1-1.5 months, and only then the seeds are selected.

    Collect cucumber seeds

    To collect cucumber seeds. gardeners use several methods. The easiest is to leave the cucumber in the garden until its skin becomes thick, yellow-brown, sometimes even covered with cracks. Then they pick the cucumber, put it in the room and wait for it to soften a little. Such a cucumber is immediately cut, the seeds are taken out with a spoon into a sieve and washed several times.

    The seeds left on the whip significantly delay the formation and growth of new fruits, so sometimes they are cut off early, when the skin turns yellow-green, and do not wait for full ripening.

    For several weeks, such cucumbers are placed in the shade on the windowsill, and when the fruits soften, seeds are selected.

    Self-harvested cucumber seeds can only be used for 2, and preferably 3, years. Freshly harvested seeds give good shoots, but the plants set few fruits.

    Collect eggplant seeds

    In order to develop viable seeds, eggplant fruits must remain on the stem of the plant as long as possible. Eggplants are harvested very overripe, when they have hardened and are no longer fit for consumption. The ripening of seeds in eggplants of purple varieties occurs when the fruits acquire a dull brown color, in blue-violet - saturated purple, in varieties with a green color - greenish-yellow, and in white - golden.

    In order to collect the seeds, a ripe eggplant is cut into four parts and the pulp with seeds is selected with a spoon. Then they are poured with water and slightly kneaded so that they separate faster - full seeds will settle to the bottom, the pulp will float. The seeds are washed several times, then dried on a cloth or paper.

    Collect tomato seeds

    For collecting tomato seeds leave the fruits of the most developed and productive bushes. It is best to use the fruits of 2-3 brushes, they tie the highest quality seeds. Tomatoes should naturally ripen on the bush. Ripe fruits are harvested and placed on a windowsill for ripening for 3-5 days. When the pulp softens, the fruits are cut, the juice and seeds are carefully squeezed into a bowl. If the seeds do not separate well, they can be removed with a teaspoon.

    In the plate it is clearly visible that each tomato seed is enclosed in a gelatinous shell. It contains substances that prevent seeds from germinating. The shell is removed by fermentation - a procedure similar to the natural decay of a fallen fruit. In order to cause fermentation, you need to dilute the mixture of juice and tomato seeds by half with water and leave for 2-3 days, stirring regularly. When the mixture begins to ferment, white or gray mold will appear on its surface. With the appearance of bubbles on the mixture or the formation of mold, fermentation should be stopped and the seeds thoroughly washed under water.

    After that, the seeds are transferred to a glass or ceramic plate for drying. So that they dry evenly and do not stick together, they are stirred daily.

    Collect pepper seeds

    The easiest way to collect pepper seeds. To do this, the fruits that are fully ripe on the plant are cut off, 3-5 days ripen on the windowsill. Then the fruits are opened, the seeds are cleaned off on a plate, washed in water and placed in a dry, shaded place. The seeds are stirred several times a day so that they do not stick together and dry out evenly. Do not dry the seeds on a cardboard plate or paper towel - they may stick.

    Collect carrot and beet seeds

    Beets and carrots - biennial plants, therefore, in the first year they do not form flower stalks. In autumn, at harvest time, leave a few good healthy root crops for planting in the spring. They are stored in a non-freezing cellar, in the sand, separately from the rest of the crop. In early spring as soon as the soil warms up, the root crops are planted in the garden. They are planted strictly vertically, in groups of 3-4 root crops, the distance between groups is 50-60 cm. After subsidence of the earth, the ends of the root crops should be at the level of the soil. IN summer period seed plants it is necessary to water, weed and loosen in a timely manner. Carrots and beets bloom in mid-summer.

    To collect carrot seeds, the most developed and powerful upper inflorescences are used, the rest stepchildren. Cut off the inflorescences after the seeds begin to dry out. Umbrellas are laid out on trays, and when the seeds begin to crumble, they are slightly rubbed in their hands, separating the seeds. The largest and most mature seeds are at the edges of the inflorescence. In the central, denser part, they may be small and immature.

    In beets, seeds are formed on peduncles along their entire length. When they turn brown, it means that they are ripe, and you can collect them. In dry weather, seeds can be harvested directly from plants. In wet weather, inflorescences with seeds are cut, dried, laid out on trays, and then separated from the stems.

    Your beet seeds

    Beet seeds, if they are - we need to say a lot for growing root crops for livestock feed, it is profitable to grow them ourselves.

    What's more, it's quite easy.

    Beet seed plants are cut under the same conditions as food beet: at a temperature of 1-2 ° and air humidity of 85-95%. For planting, well-developed and elastic root crops of medium size (8-10 cm) with an intact root are selected.

    If the soil is infertile, compost is added to the bed in the spring at the rate of 2.5-4 g / sq. m, superphosphate and potassium salt (15-25 and 10-15 g / sq. m, respectively). Strongly acidic soils are filled with lime or dolomite flour, however, this can provoke a boron deficiency. On beets, it appears as a heart rot, causing especially great damage in years with wet springs and dry summers. You can protect plants from this by using boron superphosphate or borofoska instead of simple superphosphate.

    Because growing season the beetroot is quite long, they plant it in well-lit places as early as possible (willow-bredina barely blooms), leaving only its top on the surface and straightening the root. The soil is compacted. If the spring is dry, the plantings are watered, and then mulched with dry loose peat or compost so as not to constantly loosen the soil.

    If spring is late, beets are grown through seedlings, planted in the ground in early May. Between plants leave 40 cm, and between rows

    (if you need to get a lot of seeds) 70 cm. There is one more point: when planting different varieties, you will get hybrid seeds with unpredictable yields and quality of root crops. Therefore, plant only one variety per year.

    When the tops rise to a height of 7-10 cm, the beets are fed with infusion of ash and slurry (1:10) or watered with a solution of complex fertilizer. The flower stalks that appear are tied up so that they are not knocked down by the wind. The second top dressing (phosphorus and potassium) is needed for the testicles before flowering.

    In the second half of summer, inflorescences are formed - pinched by 1/3 of the length, underdeveloped ones are removed. When about half of the seeds turn brown, the plants, having chosen a fine day, are pulled out by the roots and hung in a dark and well-ventilated place for 10-12 days, spreading a newspaper. If harvesting is delayed, the seeds will crumble and germinate in the fall.

    Well-dried seeds are cleaned and sorted, removing frail and poorly developed ones (it is convenient to do this on a grid with a 3-4 mm cell). As a result, about 50 g of seeds can be obtained from a bush. This amount is enough to sow 25 square meters. m beds. Beet seeds remain viable for 3-5 years if stored in a cool, dry place.

    Growing asters from seeds, if desired, can be done at home, but most often it is planted in an open ridge, as it is a queen autumn colors. Blooming at the end of August beautiful views flowers are different both in shape and shade of buds.

    Planting Asters with Seeds

    This flower reproduces well with the help of seeds. But if you buy seeds in a specialized store, you should pay attention to the expiration date .

    If the weather is rainy, then the seeds should be dried well so that they do not rot. After that, the seeds are removed in paper bags and the Astra variety is signed.

    Collection of aster seed pods

    After the Asters varieties are selected, their seeds are purchased. They must be processed to be disinfected.. Therefore, a dark solution of potassium permanganate is brought in and the seeds are soaked in it for 3 hours. After the procedure, the seeds should be dried at home.

    When to sow

    Astra seeds begin to sow about mid March. And sown in prepared soil, which consists of:

  • Sand.
  • This soil is sorted out, relieving it of large fractions, and poured into a container, leveled and slightly crushed.

    Planting aster seeds Watering after planting Sprinkling with sand Planted seeds must be covered with a plastic cover

    So that the seeds do not wash out when watering, they should be watered with a tablespoon or from a syringe without a needle.

    seedling care

    For seedlings to grow healthy, it needs proper care. When watering, it is necessary to water so that small seedlings are not washed out with water. Abundant watering flowers can not stand and can get sick with the disease "black leg". Therefore, it is worth taking a break between waterings, allowing the soil to dry out a little.

    The temperature in the room, at the beginning of growth for seed germination should be at the level 21 degrees heat, after picking the temperature is reduced up to 16 degrees. This is done so that the seedlings do not stretch.

  • If Asters do not sprout in due time, a new batch must be quickly planted. Since it is obvious that the first poor quality seeds .
  • Asters in the ground fall ill with Fusarium - do not fertilize them with manure.
  • If the flowers are not formed correctly, then most likely Astra infected spider mite or aphids.
  • Do not plant Asters after such flowers - Gladiolus, Carnation, Levkoy.

    The soil is treated with a dark solution of potassium permanganate, and Asters are not planted in this place for 5 years.

    Blackleg- a fungal disease, from which seedlings often die. It comes from excess moisture and high temperature air. The infected parts of the seedlings are removed; the rest must be treated with a fungicide.

    Rust- swellings appear on the leaf plates on the reverse side, after which they die. With the manifestation of this disease, it is worth spraying the flowers with Bordeaux mixture.

    You can not plant Asters near coniferous plants after all, they will be the culprits of Astra's disease with rust.

    Fusarium Astra Rust Blackleg

  • Fill the containers with the same soil, adding mineral fertilizers to it;
  • Press, leveling the soil and make a recess for the root system of the seedling. The recess can be done with a pencil or a teaspoon pen;
  • Pour so that water does not fall on the leaf plates of seedlings during irrigation;
  • Seedlings are placed in a bright place without direct sunlight.
  • Is it possible to sow before winter

    Astra crops in this case are sprinkled with a small layer of sand or purchased nutrient soil and are not watered. If frosts begin without snow cover, then crops can be covered with burlap and roofing material.

    Pros and cons of perennials and annuals

    perennial aster large flowers annual aster

    The advantages of perennial Asters are planting once every five years further they only need to be seated, as they grow strongly. The cons are not so many color options small flowers, but there are so many of them in the bush that one blooming ball is obtained.

    The best drugs for work

    • Vitaros;
    • Zircon;
    • Maksim.

    These preparations help to grow seedlings and greens, but first of all, you need to buy healthy seeds.

    What are the containers

    Containers can be bought ready-made, or you can use improvised means that are formed in the process of human life. Purchased fit container for sowing seeds 50 cm long, 15 cm deep. There are a lot of purchased cassettes where seedlings of any color are planted after picking.

    To grow healthy seedlings Asters are worth the time and effort, as the end result will be healthy, powerful seedlings, from which magnificent flower bushes will come out, blooming their inflorescence caps in late August and early autumn.

    October 12, 2017

    Gardeners are very fond of aster, so it can be found in almost every summer cottage. Such popularity is due to the simplicity of growing this plant, which even a beginner can handle.

    However, not everyone knows that in order to obtain high-quality seed material, it is necessary not only to collect the seeds correctly, but also to properly care for the plant throughout the entire period of growing the crop. This is especially true for those who grow flowers in the northern regions, where short summer. Consider how to collect aster seeds and get beautiful flowers.

    Features of sowing asters

    There are several ways to grow this unusual flower. However experienced gardeners recommend acting according to several useful tips. First of all, it must be taken into account that sprouts appear under the influence of a temperature contrast, that is, sudden cooling and heating.

    At home, it is recommended to put the seeds in the refrigerator first, and then soak them in warm water. If it's about suburban area, then the seeds must be spread out on the surface of the earth and sprinkled with at least 1 cm of snow. After that, you can safely go home. As the snow begins to melt, it will draw the seedlings into the soil. In this case, there will be a kind of imitation of the fact that sowing is done in the fall before winter.

    To learn how to properly collect aster seeds, you must first clarify how to plant them. At home, you can lay out the seed material on the surface of the earth in pots and put them in the refrigerator overnight. In the daytime, pots with sprouts are placed in a warm place. This change must be made several times until the seeds hatch. After that, you can dig them in with earth and water them.

    Such planting methods are considered the best, since in this case the flowers will be quite strong. Accordingly, it will be possible to collect high-quality seed material from them.

    How to care for seedlings planted in open ground

    Before you properly collect aster seeds, care must be taken into account first of all. To do this, you need to follow a few useful rules.

    First of all, you need to remember that these flowers do not like an excess of water, so they need to be watered extremely rarely. After irrigation with water, seedlings are recommended to be ventilated. At the same time, in pots with plants, it is imperative to organize drainage in such a way that water does not linger.

    If high-quality and fertile land prevails on a suburban area, then it is not necessary to prepare the soil before planting. If the soil is poor, then 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings, it is necessary to fertilize the soil. To do this, you can use nitrogen supplements. However, you should not get carried away with them, as they provoke a strong growth of the green part of the bushes, and not the flowers themselves.

    As a rule, in early May, seedlings are also fed. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska and Agricola 7 fertilizer. The resulting mixture is diluted with 2 liters of water.

    How to choose seeds

    Not all novice gardeners know how to choose the right seed material so that full-fledged plants grow from it. However, this is very important to consider before harvesting aster seeds in the fall.

    To collect seeds, strong and beautiful flowers. They can be marked with a ribbon and cut off after flowering. Dried petals can not be cut off from the core, but you can save the whole flower in a cardboard box. But for this it must be absolutely dry.

    Growing Features

    First of all, you need to decide on the place where the flower will be in the flower bed, and which plants will be located next to it. As a rule, shorter varieties are planted in the foreground, and higher ones are chosen in the back. In this case, the plants will not overshadow each other and will be able to receive a normal amount of light.

    First of all, you should not grow these flowers in the same place every year, as in this case they run the risk of contracting fungal diseases. It is also not recommended to plant a crop in the soil where tomatoes, potatoes, gladioli and cloves previously grew.

    If manure is used as a fertilizer for plants, then it can be affected by the black leg. In addition, such top dressing can provoke brown rot of the roots. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to take preventive measures. Soil disinfection is best suited for this. A diseased plant is recommended to be removed.

    How to collect the seeds of the annual aster

    For seed material, it is recommended to leave the central and larger flowers. The fact is that they have time to ripen in time. As a rule, this occurs approximately 35-40 days after the plant has begun to bloom.

    1 g of high-quality seed material contains up to 500 pieces. However, before you collect aster seeds at home or directly in a suburban area, you must consider that they can be stored for no more than 1 year. After that, they will become weaker and are unlikely to hatch. If you plant previously collected seeds in the 2nd year, then the chance that they will turn into full-fledged plants is only 55%.

    Also, fresh seeds are better suited to plant them before winter. In order to collect seed material, it is necessary to wait until the flowers of the plant have completely faded, and their inflorescences have dried out a little. After that, you need to watch the flowers for a bit. The main sign that they are ready to be harvested is when the petals turn a little darker and begin to wilt. At the same time, a small fluff will begin to appear in the center of the plant.

    In this case, having figured out how to collect aster seeds, you can get to work.

    It is recommended to choose a clear and dry day, cut the flower and dry it a little. It is not recommended to cut the head at this stage. After drying, it is enough to shake the plant and collect all the seeds that have fallen out in a paper bag. If the inflorescence has not dried out, then you can try to disassemble it and then wait a few more days. Otherwise, the seeds may rot.

    Features of storage of aster seeds

    First of all, it is necessary to collect exclusively dry and healthy seeds. If they have a darkened shell or a peel covered with a light fluff, then it is better not to use such material.

    Before storing the seeds, they must be dried additionally by spreading them out on a dry cotton cloth or paper. However, to expose seed material under open Sun rays Not recommended. Storage should be carried out in a dark room with a relative humidity of no more than 55%.

    During the year, it is necessary to periodically check the bags with seed material and make sure that mold or fungus does not appear in them. If this happens, then the seeds are not recommended for planting.

    To get high-quality seeds, you need to know some of the intricacies of caring for asters. It is recommended to plant plants in a fairly sunny place, where the soil is light. During summer season you need to feed the plants at least 3 times. As a rule, fertilizers are applied immediately after planting, after the appearance of buds and when they begin to bloom.

    If the bushes are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, this will help protect them from attacks by aphids and spider mites.

    In custody

    Knowing how to collect aster seeds and store them correctly, you can create on a suburban area beautiful flower beds. However, it must be borne in mind that in order to obtain high-quality seed material, one must also think about caring for crops.

    To plant plants in your garden or in your summer cottage that decorate flower beds and planters until late autumn, you need quite a bit. Today we will talk about how to collect With Astra flower names are correct, which means at what point and how exactly to remove flower baskets so as not to spoil the material.

    We will find out how long and under what conditions it can be stored without compromising germination and whether it is worth it at all, because some varieties are sown in the winter.

    Asters, a brief description of the flower

    There are two types of flowers herbaceous plants known under common name"Asters". Meanwhile, some are perennial, belong directly to the genus Aster, while others are annual, belong to Callistephus chinensis or Chinese Callistefus.

    The morphology of both genera is similar, as well as agricultural technology, excluding the moments of harvesting in the autumn of summers. A number of varieties perennial asters do not need pruning at the end of autumn, leaving under the snow, not even fading.

    Asters of any kind, species and variety are inflorescences. Terry and non-double, needle and tiled - regardless of the shape of the reed flowers along the edges of the flower baskets, they fade the same way. Therefore, when talking about how to collect aster seeds, we mean all hybrids.

    Asters ripening time

    No matter how strange it may sound in relation to ornamental plants, but the seeds of asters must ripen, just like any fruits or berries.

    Asters are divided by flowering time into:

    • early- buds open in early July;
    • medium- bloom in early to mid-August;
    • late Flowers appear in early September.

    These are approximate data, since everything depends on feeding, care, climate, and, of course, if plants are planted in open ground already in the form of ready-made seedlings, the flowering period will move two weeks earlier.

    Plants also differ in terms of flowering. Some varieties delight us for only a month, while others, such as, for example, the annual aster "Summer", can bloom up to 80 days.

    In any case, the aster enters the active phase of "harvesting" when the wilting of flowers begins. This is about 40-60 days after the buds open.

    Early and mid flowering asters

    If we are talking about summer varieties that bloom in the last days of June or early July, we calmly wait for the flowers to wither. It might spoil appearance flower beds, so we leave 5-6 flower baskets in the most inconspicuous places- in the depths of the bush, on the edge or on the side adjacent to the curb or fence.

    The variety of an annual plant you like can be sown in the old place by self-sowing. We wait until the flower dries completely in the open air right on the stem and scatter the seeds.

    And when you want to transplant the aster to another part of the garden, we also let the seed box dry, but do not scatter it immediately into the ground. At home, grind over a clean sheet with your fingers: throw away the garbage, and put the seeds aside, wrap them in paper or put them in a dry glassware and put in a cool dark and dry place.

    Late blooming asters

    Not all varieties are able to ripen before the first snow. If asters only bloom in early September, and in climate zone the first frosts occur in October, the probability of missing the "harvest" is very high.

    Option 1

    Way for the lazy! We cut off the inflorescences that have begun to fade in advance and dry them at home in the sun in natural conditions. A temperature of 20-25C will be enough. Ready seeds are selected and stored as described above.

    This method has several disadvantages: it is not a fact that the seeds have time to ripen, and if the cut heads get mixed up, different varieties will sprout among the flowers grown in the spring. When landscape design conceived for the specific characteristics of the variety - this moment is quite critical.

    Option 2

    Autumn is already ending, and the frosts are about to hit, and your favorite asters do not even think of fading? We let them ripen indoors: a greenhouse or a windowsill.

    We dig up several plants, transplant them into a pot or a greenhouse and leave them to grow in natural conditions already at a temperature of 15-20 ° C. It is important that the plants are well ventilated and evenly lit. To do this, we turn them throughout the day in different directions.

    After the inflorescence wilts, cut it off, lay it out to dry on paper for some more time, and then pour out the seeds, as described above.

    In order not to confuse varieties and time of collection, be sure to write the date and name on the bags. It is almost pointless to store seed for more than one season. In a year, its germination will drop by 2.5 times.

    Sowing aster seeds

    Different cultivar groups suggest different planting times. And perennial and annual plants can be planted in the fall to sprout in the spring, and in March, early April in a nursery or greenhouse, so that the finished seedlings are already in the flower bed in May. Seedlings, even at home, should not be done in February, the bores will be weak and lethargic.

    The easiest way to plant seeds in open ground is also possible.

    It is best to do this in early to mid-April. Then the temperature is already steadily positive not only in the air, but also on the ground. We sow the seeds at a distance of 5-6 cm (then they will need to dive), sprinkle with 0.5-1 cm of soil and cover with agrofilm.

    After 10-15 days, we dive the sprouts so that the distance is 25-30 cm, depending on the width of the future bush.

    It takes a little skill and, most importantly, experience to collect aster flower seeds! Try different ways storage seed, and you will definitely be pleased with the wonderful elegant flowers favorite variety!

    Growing asters from seeds, if desired, can be done at home, but most often it is planted in an open ridge, as it is the queen of autumn flowers. At the end of August, the most beautiful buds, different both in shape and shade, bloom.

    This flower reproduces well with the help of seeds. But if you buy seeds in a specialized store, you should pay attention to the expiration date.

    Since the seeds quickly lose their germination capacity and expired ones are unlikely to sprout. Already with a storage period of two years, only 50% of the seeds germinate.

    How to collect seeds

    Seeds are collected from the largest and most beautiful buds that bloomed among the first. Because the flower is autumn and the seed is still need to mature. To distinguish the buds, it must be marked by tying a colored thread to it. After a white fluff appears on the bud, it is cut off and disassembled for seeds.

    If the weather is rainy, then the seeds should be dried well so that they do not rot. After that, the seeds are removed in paper bags and the Astra variety is signed.

    Seed preparation

    After the Asters varieties are selected, their seeds are purchased. They must be processed to be disinfected.. Therefore, a dark solution of potassium permanganate is brought in and the seeds are soaked in it for 3 hours. After the procedure, the seeds should be dried at home.

    There are seeds sold in capsules, they are already processed, and they do not need to be further processed.

    When to sow

    Astra seeds begin to sow about mid March. And sown in prepared soil, which consists of:

    1. Sand.
    2. Turf land.
    3. Peat.

    This soil is sorted out, relieving it of large fractions, and poured into a container, leveled and slightly crushed.


    To sow Asters in even rows, you can use a ruler make rows lightly pressing it on the damp earth. They should be shallow just a couple of centimeters. The distance between rows should be 4 cm.

    After spreading the seeds in the prepared grooves, sprinkle them with a thin layer of sand for more than 5 mm.
    After sowing the seeds, they are shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and covered with glass or a plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions for the seeds.

    So that the seeds do not wash out when watering, they should be watered with a tablespoon or from a syringe without a needle.

    The entire tray with planted seeds is placed in a warm and bright place where the air temperature will be 21 degrees Celsius. If the entire planting was carried out correctly, the first shoots will be made in 10 days.

    seedling care

    In order for seedlings to grow healthy, they need proper care. When watering, it is necessary to water so that small seedlings are not washed out with water. Abundant watering flowers can not stand and can get sick with the disease "black leg". Therefore, it is worth taking a break between waterings, allowing the soil to dry out a little.

    Since the sprouts grow quite quickly and are planted in nutrient soil, it usually does not need supplements. But if the land is of low quality, then it is worth feeding it with any nitrogen fertilizer.

    Top dressing needs to be carried out only a couple of times, otherwise there will be a lot of greenery and a couple of flowers.

    The temperature in the room, at the beginning of growth for seed germination should be at the level 21 degrees heat, after picking the temperature is reduced up to 16 degrees. This is done so that the seedlings do not stretch.


    Transplant Asters begin when there is no longer a threat of return frosts. Before planting in open ground, seedlings should be hardened off. This hardening is carried out for 2 weeks, gradually accustoming the seedlings to open air. The boxes are taken out into the street, first for a couple of hours, and then at the end of the second week, she is completely left to spend the night on the street.

    • planted In the evening so that the seedlings do not immediately burn the bright sun;
    • On a selected and prepared site dig shallow holes at a distance of 20 cm from each other;
    • Shoots are planted carefully, keeping a clod of earth. So the seedlings will better tolerate the transplant;
    • Shoots deepen by 3 cm. this will give the plant stability in the future;
    • After landing well spill the ground.

    After all the procedures, it is good to mulch the soil, this will protect it from drying out.

    Possible difficulties

    There are some points that you should pay attention to:

    1. If Asters do not sprout in due time, a new batch must be quickly planted. Since it is obvious that the first poor quality seeds.
    2. Asters in the ground fall ill with Fusarium - do not fertilize them with manure.
    3. If the flowers are not formed correctly, then most likely Astra infected spider mites or aphids.

    Do not plant Asters after such flowers - Gladiolus, Carnation, Levkoy.

    Diseases and pests

    Fusarium- this is a fungal disease of Asters, the main symptoms are when an adult plant suddenly dies, being amazed on one side.

    Treatment not yet available, so the diseased plant is removed from the flower bed, wrapped in a plastic bag and thrown into the trash.

    The soil is treated with a dark solution of potassium permanganate, and Asters are not planted in this place for 5 years.

    Do not burn an infected flower on your site, as this can infect your land.

    - a fungal disease, from which seedlings often die. It arises from excessive humidity and high air temperature. The infected parts of the seedlings are removed; the rest must be treated with a fungicide.

    When growing seedlings, let the soil dry out between waterings.

    - swellings appear on the leaf plates on the reverse side, after which they die. With the manifestation of this disease, it is worth spraying the flowers with Bordeaux mixture.

    It is impossible to plant Asters near coniferous plants, because they will be the culprits of Asters disease with rust.

    Correct dive

    The grown seedlings dive into separate containers seating them one by one. Picking begins when two true leaves appear on the seedling.

    Astra pinocchio tolerates any transplant well, but it must be done in a timely manner, since with further growth, the root system of the seedlings increases and intertwines with each other, and then it will be difficult to separate it, and in this case it is impossible to do without breaking the roots. And this injures seedlings.

    Important comply with the dive time seedlings.

    The process of diving seedlings:

    • Fill the containers with the same soil, adding mineral fertilizers to it;
    • Press, leveling the soil and make a recess for the root system of the seedling. The recess can be done with a pencil or a teaspoon pen;
    • Transplant seedlings, deepening it along the cotyledon leaf plates;
    • Pour so that water does not fall on the leaf plates of seedlings during irrigation;
    • Seedlings are placed in a bright place without direct sunlight.


    Sometimes those who grow these flowers for the first time have questions about their cultivation. Here are the answers to some of them.

    Is there a difference between growing Asters from seeds at home and sowing in open ground

    In open ground, seeds are sown in the same holes, but dry without soaking. This is done so that if there is a strong drop in temperature, the seeds were not germinated. If they are already green above the ground, then most likely they will die.

    Seeds planted in open ground are covered with a film and do not open for two to three weeks.

    Is it possible to sow before winter

    In principle, such a method exists. But he fits only for areas with moderate winter temperatures. Seeds are sown in October-November so that the seeds do not start growing when the first frost grabs the surface of the earth. The grooves are made in advance.

    Astra crops in this case are sprinkled with a small layer of sand or purchased nutrient soil and are not watered. If frosts begin without snow cover, then crops can be covered with burlap and roofing material.

    Pros and cons of perennials and annuals

    The advantages of annual flowers are that they have large flowers with rich colors, and the downside is that they need to be planted annually.

    Pros is planting once every five years further they only need to be seated, as they grow strongly. The cons are that there are not many color options for small flowers, but there are so many of them in the bush that it turns out to be one blooming ball.

    The best drugs for work

    So that there are no diseases on plants, seedlings and soil, people use various drugs:

    • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
    • Biological preparation "Gliocladin";
    • Phytosporin;
    • Vitaros;
    • Zircon;
    • Novosil;
    • Maksim.

    These preparations help to grow seedlings and greens, but first of all, you need to buy healthy seeds.

    What are the containers

    Containers can be bought ready-made, or you can use improvised means that are formed in the process of human life. Purchased fit container for sowing seeds 50 cm long, 15 cm deep. There are a lot of purchased cassettes where seedlings of any color are planted after picking.

    You can use such improvised means as containers from the packaging of the cake, for general planting of seeds and disposable cups of 200 gr. for dive plants.

    Growing healthy seedlings of Astra is worth the time and effort, as in the end you will get healthy, powerful seedlings, from which magnificent flower bushes will come out, blooming their inflorescence caps in late August and early autumn.

    To decorate country cottage area or a front garden, to give it zest and brightness, no special tricks are required, it is enough to land asters on it. Simple agricultural technology makes the care of this plant affordable for both floriculture professionals and amateurs. How to collect aster seeds and properly plant them in the ground, we will tell in this article.

    Expert advice will help you learn how to collect aster seeds correctly

    How to collect aster seeds at home

    An important feature of the plant is that the seed collection period begins in 40-60 days from the start of flowering. Often this time falls on the already set frosts or prolonged rains. The flowers do not have time to mature and die or rot in conditions of high humidity.

    Some gardeners use a special method: they cut off the heads of asters and put them on the windowsill at home.

    Such a trick does not always bring results: often the seeds obtained in this way are unsuitable for further planting.

    How to collect aster seeds in the fall to maintain their germination? It is necessary to dig up a bush of a plant, plant it in a pot and put it at home. It will take about half a month for the flower to ripen at a temperature of 16 to 20 degrees. Place the bush on the windowsill and periodically rotate it around its axis so that it evenly receives sunlight.

    Wait until the inflorescences wither, the petals dry out, and the center darkens and becomes covered with a white fluff. Pick a flower, put in a paper bag and place in a warm and dry place. Be sure to indicate on the package the characteristics of the variety (color, type) and the date of collection. Aster seeds cannot be stored for a long time: in two years their germination decreases by 2-2.5 times.

    How to plant seeds?

    The optimal time for landing is the first half of April. Seeds are placed in seedling boxes or in the ground, sprinkled with earth for half a centimeter. The soil should be covered with film or paper. To protect flowers from diseases, their seeds should be treated with a fungicide solution.

    Shoots appear within 3-5 days after planting. When this moment comes, remove the paper (film) and place the box on the windowsill so that the plants receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. When the first leaves appear on the aster, plant seedlings at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other.