Growing grapes on the balcony all year round. Features of growing girlish grapes on your balcony

Maiden grapes from Greek is translated as "virgin ivy". This is a huge unpretentious liana that forms berries without pollination in a parthenocarpic way. There are about 10 types girlish grapes, which differ from each other in the number of veins on the sheet (1-7) and in color.

Girlish grapes are a very common way to decorate hedges, facades, fences, balconies and loggias in many cities of Russia and foreign countries. The reason for this is a number of undeniable advantages:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • unpretentiousness of the plant;
  • creates shade in hot weather;
  • protects from the wind.

Growing Features

In nature, this vine uses taller trees as a support on which it spreads its vines. Since by its nature this plant loves the shade, it can be perfectly grown on balconies directed to the east or west. Planting on the north side of the loggia is also possible, but only in a warm climatic region and an apartment on the upper floors. It is important that the balcony is not blocked by other structures or trees from the street.

It is generally not recommended to grow grapes on a balcony on the south side, as it will have to be watered daily and plentifully. And this plant needs a lot of water, since the length of the grape vine can reach up to 12 m.

Girlish grapes on the balcony

Some types of wild grapes grow 4 m each year. In this regard, it is necessary to make a support for it in advance so that the plant can trudge freely. But even here there is one caveat: parthenocissus grows both up and down, therefore the best option for him there will be an arch. If all this is taken into account, then in the future care will not bring much trouble.

Supports are needed for girlish grapes

Popular varieties of girlish grapes for growing on the balcony:

  • Triostrenny (ivy-shaped). Was brought out to Far East. It is a powerful vine with large carved leaves and blue berries. Feature- strong antennae that tightly cling to the support.
  • The five-leafed came to Russia straight from the tropics, so it does not survive in all regions. It reaches a height of up to 15 m. The leaves consist of 5 oblong petals.
  • Attached - variety native to North America, which grows up to 7 m. This is a small vine with rounded leaves, consisting of 3 petals, and yellow-gray trunk bark.

Instructions for planting in a pot

To grow wild grapes on a balcony, you will have to purchase big pot. Its volume should be from 100 to 120 liters, depth - at least 50 cm. Material - ceramics or wood. Holes should be made at the bottom of the pot so that water does not stagnate.

Growing grapes in a pot

There are three options for cultivating girlish grapes:

  • from seeds;
  • from layering;
  • from seedlings.

Planting by seeds is the most time-consuming process, and therefore it is used only in extreme cases. In autumn, ripe berries are harvested, which are cleaned of pulp, leaving the seed. Then they are planted in the soil for seedlings to a depth of 1 cm, then watered and weeds are removed from the pot. Sprouts will appear only next year.

Growing with cuttings is an easier option, but it requires more space, which is not always possible in a balcony. This is done as follows: a stem up to 2 m long is buried in the ground in waves, that is, one part of the branch with a bud is dug in, and the other is left above the ground.

Girlish grape seedlings

by the most fast way propagation of wild grapes is considered from seedlings. Since the plant has good vegetative properties, there should be no problems with planting, just follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Separate the shoot from the adult plant.
  2. Place it in wet sand.
  3. Cover with a plastic cap.
  4. Wait for the roots to appear.

Ready-made rooted seedlings can be purchased at a specialized store. When buying, you should pay attention to the root system of the plant, if it is open. You should not choose shoots with weak and short roots, as they are unlikely to take root. It is best to buy grapes already planted in a pot. Although this will increase costs, it will reduce the risk of losing the plant a month after purchase.

Sale of seedlings

In the recommendations for choosing the soil, in order to grow girlish grapes in an apartment, gardeners are unanimous about the substrate enriched with humus and humus. However, in reality, the plant is not demanding and will grow in any land in which it is planted. In nature, girlish grapes spread along the leafy ground, respectively, at home, it will be the best choice.

Plant wild grapes at home in a pot from early spring to late autumn. The prepared container can be placed directly on the floor on the balcony and filled with soil. It is desirable to put drainage at the bottom of the tank.

Important! The first 2 years the grapes will trail with small thin branches. For them, you need to place supports for which he will cling with the help of antennae.

Immediately after planting in a pot, the seedling should be watered abundantly. IN further watering for an adult plant should be at least 1 time per week. The soil must be ventilated to prevent mold. To make it easier for the plant to retain moisture in the heat, you can sprinkle the soil with tree bark.

Feeding and pruning

Nitroammophoska for fertilizing grapes

Since girlish grapes on the balcony are deprived of a natural influx of organic and mineral substances, top dressing is needed for its full development. It is she who is an important component of plant care. This is especially important during the fruiting period of the plant.

  • In spring or early summer, you can add 40-50 g of nitroammophoska per 1 sq. m.
  • During active growth a wild vineyard needs to be fed with organic fertilizers (manure, chicken droppings).

Important! The soil in the pot needs to be loosened frequently, but do this with extreme care so as not to damage the roots.

Another important condition proper care is pruning to form a bush. It can be carried out starting from the second year, removing dry leaves and young shoots.

As for pests, the grower cannot escape from them even on the balcony. Most often, parthenocissus affects aphids. In the fight against it, a solution of water with alcohol (add 100 ml per 10 liters) and ordinary laundry soap have proven themselves well. The crown is sprayed first with a spray bottle, and the leaves are lathered with the second, washing away insects.

Leaf damage by pests and diseases

For the first wintering, grapes with a pot are brought into a warm room, cutting off young shoots. In the future, this will simply be impossible, as wild grapes grow before our eyes, becoming unbearable. The trunk and branches of the plant easily tolerate frost, but the roots will have to be covered (with rags, straw, a thick layer of mulch).

If you follow the tips and recommendations above, girlish grapes on the balcony will grow out in the first two years and will delight the eyes of passers-by with green foliage in summer and burgundy foliage in autumn. The main thing is not to forget the key points: abundant watering in the heat, crown-forming pruning and warming for the winter.

Of course, to grow such an “exotic” fruit for most, you will need not only desire, but also a minimum of knowledge in the field of agricultural technology. You will also have to find seeds suitable for growing. For a window sill or balcony, varieties such as Taiga, Laura, Northern, Russian concord. Perfectly take root and grow "favorites" of children - Kish-mish, Victoria, Rapture(red or black) Chaush and some others. In principle, the importance of the variety is secondary if the seeds are taken from a strong vine, because, than stronger plant, the greater the resistance to various diseases and the less requirements for soil preparation and initial cultivation - the seed will do everything by itself with minimal labor. But do not forget about pollination, so self-pollinating varieties are suitable for the home, and only experienced gardeners can risk growing “heterogeneous” species.

There are very specific requirements for the soil: it should be loose, moist (but not raw). It is best to prepare the soil with your own hands: clean river sand calcined in a frying pan to destroy microflora, then mix with humus in a ratio of 1:2. Also, sawdust should be attached to the soil, but not with it, but in a separate bag. Many people use this soil option for cuttings and seedlings: leaf humus, soddy soil, fine river sand and compost. In such a mixture (proportion 3: 3: 1: 2), it develops best root system young bushes, but for seeds it is worth using the first option.

Mandatory minimum set inventory: a small container from which watering will be carried out, a ripper for the soil (an old unnecessary fork is also suitable), a spray gun, scissors.

For planting grapes at home can be used as flower pots, and immediately containers. However, the latter are not needed in the first three years and turn out to be unnecessarily cumbersome, and due to the impossibility proper watering so a large number soil increases the risk of developing various diseases.

Preparing seeds or seedlings

You can plant a "bush" as cuttings, seedlings, and seeds. Cuttings are the most labor-intensive, but their viability is high. Seedlings are more convenient, because you do not have to deal with germinating seeds and caring for them. On the other hand, seedlings may turn out to be from material that you have not tested, and if they turn out to be unviable, then there is a risk of losing a whole year. Seeds can be collected independently, for which you need ripe and large berries the desired variety. The seeds from them are washed until completely cleansed of the pulp under a cool stream, but not cold water. Then they should be laid out on fabrics to remove excess moisture, then placed in bags and put in the refrigerator. About once every 7-10 days they must be taken out of the bag, washed, excess water removed again and placed back in storage in the refrigerator door.

With cuttings, everything is somewhat more complicated: they should be bought in the fall, when the crop is pruned. Acquired cuttings are disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 10-20 seconds, after which they are sprinkled with sawdust conifers(which are previously scalded with boiling water and cooled to room temperature), placed in a bag and tied in several places with a thread. The cuttings should stick out of the package by no more than 5 cm, but not less than 3. Then the package is placed in a refrigerator on a shelf with a temperature of 0 ... + 2 gr. C. Once every 1.5 months they are taken out of the bag, the sawdust is changed, the blackened cuttings are thrown out.

Seedlings are the simplest option, since it is enough just to purchase them by the time of planting and plant them in pre-prepared soil. But their obvious shortcomings have already been cited above.

We plant grapes in the apartment - the first steps

Before planting future bushes, preparatory work should be done. With seeds - get them from the storage place. Around mid-February, their skin will burst, indicating readiness for germination. It should be produced as follows: remove the seeds from the bag, carefully sprinkle on a damp cloth and place for about four days in a warm place. Care should be taken to keep the fabric wet, which may require the addition of water. By the fourth day, the first rudiments of roots should erupt, respectively, it is time to plant the seeds in pots. For each seed, a 3-5 liter pot containing drainage is allocated.

The cuttings are prepared in this way: around the twentieth of February, the bark of the cuttings at the base is cut. If greenery is visible under the bark, then everything is in order - the stalk is alive. If the color varies from black or gray to beige, then there is nothing to plant. The selected material is sent for further preparation: the stalk is cut into short twigs, each of which should have 2-3 buds. The upper cut is straight, 20-30 mm away from the kidney, the lower one is oblique, 10-20 mm away from the kidneys. The resulting rods are soaked in melt water (the snow should be taken clean, it is advisable to collect it away from the roads) for two days.

The container is placed on the windowsill, and some natural growth stimulants can be added to the water, primarily honey or sodium humate. Drying before planting important element. It takes no more than a quarter to half an hour, it is made on a dry cloth. Do not wipe the cuttings, just spread them out.

Rooting can be done in water, and not in the ground, as well as in sawdust. However, the latter method is rather radical and the slightest mistake can destroy the future vine. In water, the root is germinated as follows: cotton wool is placed in a glass container, into which charcoal and two granules of potassium permanganate are added.

A cutting is placed in the cotton wool, after which water is poured to a level that completely hides it. The neck of the container is tightly covered with polyethylene and the resulting kind of greenhouse is placed on the windowsill of the south window. Water will have to be added periodically, and if a strong branch appears, then it will have to be carefully removed, otherwise all the forces will go into it, and not into the roots. Transplantation into the ground is carried out with a root length of 5-10 mm.

Seedlings are immediately ready for planting. They are transferred carefully, from the pot in which they are purchased, they should be removed so as not to damage the delicate root system.

Vine care

Growing grapes at home in the first year of the life of the vine will require a lot of labor so as not to destroy the plant. First of all, it is worth considering that the grapes are quite photophilous, and it should be placed on the south side, but the pot itself will have to be shaded. Watering is frequent, with settled water, if the batteries are “fried”, the air in the house is dry, or the summer turned out to be extremely hot, then the intensity of watering can reach up to two times a day. But do not flood the plant, as young roots can rot.

Once every three weeks, it is worth applying nitrogen fertilizers until the first fruiting (early summer), however, with the advent of clusters, it is worth changing the selected top dressing to a complex one and using it twice a month. With the end of this period, you should switch back to nitrogen. Considering that grapes at home can bear fruit twice a year, complex fertilizers will also be used. After top dressing, the soil is carefully loosened. Loosening is also done between waterings, once every five to seven days.

Regardless of the climate, one should resort to highlighting the bushes, for which fluorescent lamps are placed above them. LB-20 or analogues are best suited, since the intensity of the light flux and light temperature is sufficient for both confident growth and good fruiting.

The growth of the vine is limited: someone at two meters, someone at one. The optimal limit is 1.5 meters. In order to properly limit the growth of the vine, you should choose the strongest shoot, cut its tip into 2-3 buds, and simply cut off the rest. But this should be done only after the foliage has fallen off and the plant has gone into hibernation.

Every year, the grapes will need more and more soil and therefore will have to be transplanted into ever larger containers, but as much as possible required size(for a 3-year-old or more bush) - 500x500x500. Every year the volume of humus decreases, and the land increases. But you won’t have to get rid of sand, since it will be the only optimal soil baking powder.

The bush should be formed from the very first shoots - this is necessary to increase the yield. Correct formation consists in pinching emerging branches, especially fruit-bearing ones, and timely removal of excess ones. Pinching is carried out above the sheet, the fifth in a row from the brush. There should be no more than one brush per shoot - this should be carefully monitored, otherwise you risk getting small and not sweet berries. The vine is cut in such a way that a replacement shoot can appear nearby. With this alternation (shoot-vine-shoot-vine), the bush will be the most fruitful and viable.

It is also worth remembering that immediately after the completion of fruiting, the plant goes into a state of rest, respectively, it will have to be transferred from the south side to the north, to the coolest place.

The balcony is part of the apartment, even if it is located outside of it. That is why the decoration of this room is important. This will speak of the accuracy and diligence of the hostess. And what else can be the best decoration than bright greens and flowers? Growing various plants on the balcony is favorite hobby many. Today we will tell you how you can grow girlish grapes on the balcony. After reading this article, you will understand that such an occupation is not difficult and not expensive.

Which variety to choose

Maiden grapes are a fairly common plant. It is used to decorate fences, house facades, hedges and, of course, balconies and loggias. This plant is a vine, up to fifteen meters long. The leaves of girlish grapes can be of different colors. On the vine you can see red and yellow, green and dark blue leaves and branches. It looks beautiful and impressive.

There are two varieties of girlish grapes:

  • triacicular;
  • five-leafed.

The first variety is the most common. Such grapes are a bit like plush and have three-lobed leaves, different sizes and colours. The five-leaf girlish grape has green leaves all summer and spring, only in autumn the color changes to bright red. The leaves themselves are oval, five-pointed. The length of the vine reaches 10 meters. The plant, clinging with its antennae to the smallest ledges and cracks, is able to climb high up the wall or roof.

Photo 2

Photo 3. Girlish five-leafed grapes

Photo 4. Girlish five-leaf grapes in autumn

What you need to grow girlish grapes

If you decide to get girlish grapes to decorate your balcony, then you need to know that its cultivation requires partial shade or full shade. This plant does not like a lot of sun, so on a balcony located on the sunny side, such grapes may not take root. The plants themselves should not be planted too close to each other, it is better that there is three meters of free space between them.

To start growing girlish grapes, it is worth preparing some tools and materials. You will need:

  • a cup for planting seedlings (it can be made of paper, plastic or clay);
  • film (to protect the sprouts from cold and wind);
  • fertilizer for better growth grapes;
  • pegs or sticks (to direct the growth of the plant in the right direction);
  • a net of rope (girl's grapes are a liana, it is easier for her to weave);
  • garden tools(cutting scissors, shovel and watering can).

planting girlish grapes

When buying seedlings, pay attention to the roots of the plant. Grapes with weak roots wrapped in polyethylene are not worth buying, since such a plant is unlikely to take root. It is better to spend money on grapes in a pot, let it cost a little more, but there are more guarantees. Also make sure the plant is grafted.

The plant grows best on the penumbra side. by the most the best place will be where the sun is only half a day. In this case, the grapes will always delight you with their gorgeous crown. Girlish grapes love humus-rich soils. Initially, the cuttings are planted in a small container, and from there, an already strengthened plant can be transplanted to the right place.

Photo 4. Girlish grapes on the balcony

Planting young seedlings is best done in the spring. This is done in a small hole, because the root system is not yet so developed. mature plant can be transplanted almost all year round. To do this, a hole is made at least fifty centimeters deep and of the same width and length. Drainage in the form of small stones fits into it. After placing the plant in the pit, everything is covered with fertile soil and watered.

plant care

Growing girlish grapes will not require much effort and significant financial costs from you. The plant itself is quite picky and will require only periodic watering, top dressing and pruning. In order for girlish grapes to always have a beautiful decorative look, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, otherwise it will begin to dry out and cease to be a decoration of your balcony. At the same time, the surface of the soil must be ventilated, otherwise there is a risk of mold.

In order for the vine to grow well, the soil needs to be fed. In spring or early summer, nitroammofosk is applied. This fertilizer requires 40 to 50 grams for each square meter. If you are growing a plant in small containers, then pour this amount of fertilizer evenly under each bush. When the plant goes into active growth, it needs to be reinforced organic fertilizer. It is advisable to use a special drug Kemira Lux or Universal. It must be used at 200 grams for each vine.

Photo 5. Fertilizer for feeding grapes

In addition, we need other activities that are common for gardeners and gardeners. In order for the roots of the plant to breathe, it is necessary to periodically loosen the earth. But this must be done carefully (especially near the exit of the trunk from the soil) so as not to damage the roots. Naturally, it is necessary to get rid of weeds, they will take nutrients from the soil.

In order for the plant to grow in the right direction and cover the surface that you want, it must be directed. Initially, this is done with pegs. By tying a young trunk to sticks driven into the soil, you will direct its growth in the right side. Then, when the crown is more or less formed, the ropes are pulled. On them the vine will weave. To keep the appearance of girlish grapes in the proper form, it is required to periodically cut off dry and wilted leaves. In the same way, you can shape the crown itself, making it more beautiful.

grape propagation

Parthenocissus can be easily propagated at home. The most common method is considered to be reproduction using stem taps. But it is of little use when growing a plant on a balcony. The essence of this method is that a stem up to 2 meters long is buried in the ground. Then, when the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted. As you can see, more space is required here, which is not available on the balcony.

The most acceptable way is reproduction with the help of wood cuttings. In spring or early summer, small cuttings are cut from an adult branch. They must have formed leaves. Such cuttings are placed in a glass of water and, after a while, young roots will appear, then the plant will be ready for planting.

Photo 6. Propagation of grapes by woody cuttings

There is another way - reproduction using seeds. But this is done extremely rarely, due to the troublesomeness of such an occupation. At the beginning of autumn, ripe fruits are harvested (these are still grapes, although they are decorative). They are peeled, and the resulting seeds are immediately planted in the ground to a depth of 1 centimeter. It will take a long time to wait for seedlings, constantly watering the soil and weeding out weeds. Only at the end of June next year will the first shoots appear. As you can see, this method takes a lot of time, which is why it is rarely used.

Growing such a vine will not require much effort and financial costs from you. It is enough to buy one cutting, small containers for soil and the soil itself. Planting and care is quite simple. Also, the reproduction of this plant will not cause great difficulties. By spending a little of your free time, you will get beautiful decoration for your balcony. But such a plant can be decorated and country gazebo, and a fence, and other structures and structures. Grapes will look beautiful and attractive everywhere.

Description and types of girlish grapes

There are about 20 varieties of girlish grapes that grow in North America, the Himalayas and East Asia. Some varieties are evergreen.

But deciduous vines have gained the greatest popularity, since they are less whimsical and successfully take root in almost all climatic zones. Caring for this plant is quite simple. Girlish grapes, unlike other varieties of the Grape family, do not need pollination.

In addition to its chic decorative foliage, it is famous for its exquisite small black berries. They are inedible, but they are an exquisite decoration of a decorative vine. The most common deciduous species are: triacicular, Vicha, five-leafed.

Tri-pointed girlish grape

In summer, the leaves of the creeper are green in color, and with the onset of autumn, their color changes to bright red and brown shades. Growing countries - Korea, Japan, as well as the territory of Primorsky Krai.

This vine, thanks to its strong branched tendrils, can very easily climb smooth walls. The glossy foliage has a chic decorative look, creating a dense green carpet.

This variety is recommended to be grown in the southern areas, since the plant is quite photophilous. Reproduction occurs by sowing seeds. The seed planting period falls in the fall, as long-term stratification is necessary.

Care of seedlings is almost not required.

Variety Vicha

Wicha is quite common. Differs in simple large leaves green color. With the onset of autumn, the foliage turns a bright red color.

This species is very willingly used for vertical decorations in European countries. Vicha propagates by lignified cuttings. Growing by sowing seeds is impractical because the seeds split and lose their ability to grow.

Planted cuttings in the first year of life grow rather slowly, require constant care - top dressing and watering. But in the future, their growth reaches 2.5 m in height. This variety is readily grown in apartments on the balcony, decorate terraces, gazebos.

Five-leafed parthenocissus

This species is a woody climbing vine, the height of which can reach 20 meters. This species first appeared in North America and Mexico. This variety is characterized by palmate-compound dark green leaves with pointed ends.

The most common species of this genus is the Engelman variety. It has rather tenacious branched sucker antennae. The leaves are in the form of five lanceolate dark green leaves, the length of which is 12 cm. The plant has reddish petioles.

With the onset of autumn, the foliage acquires a red-purple color. This vine is characterized by fairly active growth (growth of 1 m per year) and requires proper care. Having such a decorative look, it looks great on the balcony. Look at the photos of these varieties.

They have significant differences in appearance.

Features of cultivation and formation of girlish grapes

The only drawback and along with this great advantage is abundant and active growth of branches. This often happens if the plant is not properly cared for and pruned properly. In addition decorative look foliage and berries, grapes have beneficial effect on the microclimate and air, since it performs the function of sound insulation, gas and dust protection, and also has volatile properties.

Densely overgrown foliage protects very well from the summer heat, and also helps to reduce dampness in the premises. Planting girlish grapes is a simple process. Almost all varieties of tree vines are undemanding to the quality of the soil.

They do not need their increased fertility. The main thing is that the earth should not be dry and depleted. Liana quite easily tolerates slight salinization of the soil.

Planting of adults and large plants is carried out in deep pits, the width and depth of which should be 50 cm. These holes should be well-drained and filled with fertile soil.

Planting of young seedlings is carried out in the spring. The distance between each plant should be at least 60 cm, care at first consists in regular watering.

Watering, fertilizing and pruning

Grape care includes regular watering, top dressing, as well as the construction of the necessary supports to give a decorative look to the plant. Timely watering is especially important. Drying out of the soil can lead to the loss of a unique decorative effect by girlish grapes.

For top dressing, nitroammofoska is used - 40-50 g per square meter. This fertilizer is applied in early summer or spring. During the period of active growth, the plant is fed with 200 g of Kemira Universal. But this is not all the proper care needed for grapes.

It is very important to carry out regular loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, pruning, which is necessary to remove damaged and extra branches. Trimming can also be carried out in order to reduce the volume of the plant. Watch an instructional video on how to properly care for grapes. All types of parthenocissus are very readily used for landscaping fences, walls, arbors, as well as doors on the balcony ( on the picture). The bright mosaic of leaves, which turns red and brown with the onset of winter, simply fascinates with its beauty.

How to propagate girlish grapes yourself

Reproduction of girlish grapes is quite simple. There are two ways to grow this tree vine at home:

  • Stem layers. Lignified cuttings. Seeds.

For cultivation in the first way, it is necessary to use and prepare planting materialstem cuttings. Prepare several young shoots up to 2 m long. Bury them in grooves to a depth of 3 cm and water regularly.

As soon as the first roots appear on the cuttings, the plants are planted in open ground at a distance of 20 cm from each other. It is best to plant in the fall in the morning or evening. Experienced gardeners often do not cut the layers.

They are simply bent to the ground, pinned, for example, with steel wire, then sprinkled with earth. Then the care is simple: they are watered regularly, and the very next year, when the first layers take root, they can be divided and planted separately.

It is not advisable to use apical layers with dormant buds for propagation. The best and most effective way to grow vines is the method of propagation by woody cuttings. To do this, at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer, several good branches are cut off, on which there are ripe leaves, and placed in a glass of water.

The cut of the shoot must be made 2-3 cm lower from the leaf. After a while, the cuttings will give the first young roots. It is necessary to regularly moisten the branches by spraying.

It is quite possible to propagate girlish grapes using seeds. But this process is rather troublesome.

At the beginning of autumn, seeds peeled from fruits are sown in the ground. The very next year, in June, the first shoots appear. Also, seeds are planted in the spring, but only after a long stratification, which takes about 2 months.

The advantage of the second method is the rapid germination of seeds - within a few weeks after sowing. Before sowing in the spring after stratification, it is better to soak the seeds for several days in warm water. Planting seeds is carried out at a depth of about 1 cm.

Seeds have a fairly long storage period and do not lose their germination throughout the year.

Growing girlish grapes in the house and on balconies

Girlish grapes have found their application even in apartments. They successfully decorate the door on the balcony, cornices, window openings. Planting a plant in a living room is carried out in boxes.

The process of planting lignified cuttings is the same as in open ground. It is advisable to mulch the plants with peat and cover with polyethylene for the winter. With the onset of spring, the shelter is removed and supports are placed, to which young branches are tied in the required direction.

Girlish grapes can freely decorate the entire door on the balcony in one season. You can see a detailed description of all methods of growing girlish grapes on the video materials. To decorate arches with girlish grapes, lignified cuttings are used and preferably long ones. The lower part is rooted, and the upper part is tied to a support. In 2-3 years, the arch will be completely entwined with this decorative liana.

Wintering girlish grapes

With the onset of autumn, grapes require proper care. It consists in collecting fruits to obtain seeds. As soon as the first frosts pass, the seeds will no longer be suitable for planting. Therefore, the berries must be harvested before the first frost.

The minus air temperature will lead to a massive fall of foliage, which must be removed, otherwise dampness will keep on the walls. At each subsequent year of life, the frost resistance of the plant increases. However, young vines, especially those grown from cuttings, must be covered with snow or some kind of covering material. In the future, they will get stronger, and the need for shelter will disappear. The only pest of all varieties of girlish grapes is aphids.

The benefits of grapes

In addition to decorative appearance, girlish grapes are famous for their beneficial properties. Thanks to the research of scientists, glucose, fructose, malic and lemon acid, a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. The fatty oils contained in the berries have an antioxidant property. Girlish grapes are widely used in oriental medicine.

In city apartments, you can grow grapes on the balcony. The easiest way to plant a finished grape seedling, if you want to tinker, you can grow it from a cutting. For grapes on the balcony, you need to create suitable conditions. The balcony needs to be insulated, you can buy foam, it has good heat-shielding qualities. Choose a suitable support for the vine, if the balcony is not on the south side, then increase the illumination. It is better to highlight the grapes with fluorescent lamps that are fixed on the ceiling of the balcony or on the walls from the sides. Grapes need lighting from eight in the morning to nine in the evening. The capacity is needed for 50-60 liters, the larger it is, the better.

Good for this purpose plastic barrels cut in half. If there is nothing suitable, then the usual 10 or 12-liter bucket will do.

Drainage holes are made at the bottom and containers are placed in a tray with sides 6-8 cm high. An ordinary basin will do. A layer of expanded clay is poured on the bottom of the container for drainage with a height of 4-5 cm. On top of it, gauze soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate is laid, and an earthen mixture is poured on it, consisting of garden soil mixed with sawdust at the rate of (3: 1), it is desirable add wood ash. The stalk of the desired variety for two days, kept in a growth stimulator solution or in water with the addition of honey. After that, we bury the cutting in the center of the container in the middle, deepening it into the soil to the upper kidney.

We cover the stalk with a 2-liter glass jar. For 2-3 weeks, the stalk usually has roots. The temperature in the room at this time must be kept at 25-27 degrees.

Then we remove the jar and water it as necessary, usually once a week, and if it is very dry, then it can be twice a week. The vines are formed so that it is convenient for you to use. Grapes are very plastic and young, not lignified shoots can be placed in any direction, at your discretion. Usually grapes begin to bear fruit in the second year. The ripening period for homemade grapes is determined by its maturity and it depends on the grape variety. The growth of a grape bush can always be stopped by shaping, pinching or chasing. If, over the years, the bush has grown strongly and it becomes difficult to cope with it, then you can grow a new seedling using layering of this variety or using the above technology, and the old bush can be planted in the garden.

Interesting articles:

Grapes - deciduous woody liana. Propagation by cuttings, 5 to 35 cm long, cut from mature wood. Cuttings are cut either in the fall after the leaves fall, or in the spring, before the buds start to grow.

Cuttings should have at least two buds, one 2 cm below the top edge and one 2 cm above the bottom, but cuttings with 3-5 buds are usually used. Cuttings cut in autumn are stored in damp cloth on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or tied in bundles - they are dug into moist ground. In the spring, before planting, the lower cut is renewed and treated with a root growth stimulator, and the upper cut is dipped in melted paraffin or coated with garden pitch. Sometimes heat treatment is practiced, for which upper part cuttings are placed in the snow at -2°-0°C and left in this position for 3-7 days.

At the same time, the lower part is in the air at a higher temperature, which further has a positive effect on root formation. Grapes are not picky about the soil, but in a pot culture special meaning acquires good drainage. In the summer, during the period of growth and fruiting, grapes require maximum lighting and tolerate dry hot air conditions well, but with sufficient watering. In winter, especially after leaf fall, temperatures around zero are acceptable with the most minimal watering and nutrition.

IN room conditions the main defining requirement is to create maximum illumination of all leaves of the vine. Therefore, the plant is often formed into one sleeve - the trunk. Pruning vines for fruiting before the start of the growth period

Pruning the vine after the formation of the ovaries Pruning the vine after the end of fruiting and leaf fall After the formation of the desired length of the sleeve, they start pruning for fruiting, keeping in mind that clusters usually form on the shoots of the current year, which grow on the wood of the previous year.

In autumn, two shoots are left on the sleeve. The longest (conductor) is placed horizontally at the bottom or a ring is formed from it with a standard form. All lateral shoots from the conductor are removed.

The second shoot is greatly shortened to a stump with three buds. In the spring, fruit shoots develop on the conductor, on which flowers form. And at first they are allowed to germinate more buds than planned to have fruit shoots, because if the main bud dies, then the shoots from the replacement buds are often barren.

Fruit shoots are directed vertically upwards along the window or twisted along the guide that has been folded into a ring. After the cluster is formed on the fruit shoot, it is pinched, leaving one or two leaves behind the cluster.

All non-flowering shoots are removed or pinched after 3-5 leaves. Such fruitless shoots can be identified on early stage, since it is known that flowers are not formed above the first tendril on a green shoot. In a hemp with three buds, two shoots are allowed to grow freely.

In autumn, one of them will form a conductor future year, and the second will be shortened again by a stump with three buds. At the same time, the fertile conductor with fruit shoots is cut out, thus repeating the entire pruning cycle.

When pruning, it is necessary that the wounds are located on one, preferably the inner, side of the sleeve and other perennial parts of the bush. If lighting and heating conditions allow, then the grapes can get two crops a year, making very strong pruning after the first fruiting. In room conditions grapes are pollinated by hand, tapping on the trunk or transferring pollen to the palms of the hands during cross-pollination. In the first year of fruiting, no more than two clusters are left on the vine. In the following years, the number of clusters can be gradually increased, bearing in mind that maximum yield usually 1.5 kg per plant. In addition to removing excess clusters, thinning is often practiced at room conditions.

The main treatments against them are carried out during the absence of leaves after pruning. Every 3-4 years it is necessary to clean off the old bark from the trunk and destroy it. Growing grapes on the balcony.

In principle, there are no obstacles for people who do not have garden plots or a vineyard not to grow grapes for themselves. All it takes is a sunny balcony or terrace.

Proper planting of grapes.

For balcony (terrace) viticulture, a capacity of 100-120 liters is required. It can be a ceramic or wooden pot. It is important that the container has a depth of 40-60 cm and there are holes in the bottom to drain excess water.

At the bottom of such a container, we place a layer of drainage (5-10 cm), made of expanded clay, gravel or crushed ceramic flower pots. The vine does not tolerate excessive moisture in the root system and such drainage and a drain hole in the bottom should provide proper conditions.

We fill the pot with garden soil, which is purchased at a garden store, the so-called flower soil, half mixed with sand. The earth should have a PH reaction in the range of 6-7. It is important to plan the future behavior of the vine in space.

It can climb on a specially prepared structure of planks placed on the wall of the building, between the handrail of our balcony and the balcony above, or attached directly to our wooden pot. There is a large field of activity for the realization of one's own imagination and ingenuity, but the principle must always be preserved that the planned structure must provide conditions for: the plant freely twists and rises along it, good heating of the vine by the sun, and its ventilation (we place the structure at a distance of 15 cm, from the wall).

The corresponding design may not be made in the first year - we can do it in the second year after planting. In the first year, it is enough to tie the shoots to a stick driven into the ground near the seedling.

Choice of grape variety.

We choose the variety according to our own preferences. It is worth paying attention to what follows, based on the limited space, to select varieties that grow the least.

Planting and care in the first year.

For balcony-terraced viticulture, it is more profitable to use cuttings. This is due to the limitation of the amount of land at the disposal of the root system. The acquired seedling should be planted a little deeper than it grew in the container.

Near the seedling, but so as not to damage the roots, we drive in a stick to which we will tie the growing vine. During the period of shoot growth, the plant should be watered (not abundantly!) And weeds that may appear from the pot should be removed.

It is also worth periodically plowing the ground to a depth of about 5 cm. It will be enough to fertilize the plant with a handful mineral fertilizer(eg Azofoska), but no later than the beginning of August.

After the leaves fall in autumn and the shoots become stiff, it is worth making the first pruning of the vine. Be sure to cut the vine by 2-3 buds. Often, among novice growers, you can find those who regret pruning "so well growing shoots."

However, for the good of the plant, such sentiments should be discarded. And cut! The pruned vine is sprinkled with earth before winter.

Protection of grapes from frost.

In principle, there is one serious difference between viticulture on the site and balcony-terrace. This concerns the protection of the root system before winter frosts. When growing a vine in a pot (barrel), the roots of the plant should be very carefully insulated from all sides.

Not only from the sides, but also from above, and also (which is sometimes forgotten) from below! Each good idea, this is, first of all, to prevent the root system from freezing in winter and to ensure the temperature of the earth is not lower than 6-7 C. One of the most effective methods is insulated with polystyrene boards.

Also for this purpose, you can use dry leaves, straw and other natural materials. Of course, the most advantageous place for wintering a pot would be a basement or garage. However, based on its weight, this is a rather difficult operation.

Second year of cultivation.

In the spring (end of March, beginning of April), we remove the thermal insulation from the pot and carefully rake the earth poured over the seedling. If in the previous year we did not make a supporting structure for the vine, we are doing it now.

We water the earth abundantly, because it has not received the necessary supply of moisture coming from snow and spring thaw. We fertilize the earth with a handful of mineral fertilizer and plow it to a depth of about 5 cm. Other principles of balcony cultivation are identical to growing grapes on the site.

Vine pruning.

Pruning rules are similar to those for open vineyards. However, due to the specific conditions of the life of the vine, it turns out that best practices are: short pruning, Cordon Roya, Guyot form.They make it easier to cover the plant for the winter. In the case of growing on a balcony, the best form is the Roya cordon, with a permanent perennial tied shoulder to the railing and sprouts that climb the trellis placed between our balcony and the balcony above. I wish you, dear readers, a wonderful harvest grapes on the balcony.If you have something to add, please be sure to leave your comment.

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Grapes on the balcony perfect solution for open structures that need shading. Girlish or wild grapes are used to decorate building facades, fences, hedges and, of course, balconies.

Here is a facade decor you can create with your own hands


The plant belongs to the class of vines and has a length of up to 15 meters. Depending on the variety, the leaves may have different shape and color - from yellow to dark purple and crimson.

The most common are two classes - three-pointed and five-leafed grapes. The first has a resemblance to ivy and is well recognizable by its three-lobed multi-colored leaves.

Triostreny wild grapes

The five-leafed plant pleases with a green living curtain all summer and only in autumn acquires a bright red color. The leaves themselves have an oval five-pointed shape.

Growing grapes

Most comfortable conditions for grapes - northern, western or eastern balconies. Remember he doesn't like straight lines sun rays, prefers shade or partial shade.

Each plant should have at least 3-4 m of free space. If you have determined the place of growth, you can start planting.

We will need:

  • seedling cup (paper, plastic or clay);
  • film to protect sprouts from wind and cold;
  • complex fertilizer;
  • pegs for the direction of growth;
  • rope net or netting;
  • garden tools.

When purchasing seedlings, look at the root system. If the roots of the plant look too small and are wrapped in polyethylene, refuse such a purchase. There is a high probability that a bush of grapes will not take root at all. Slightly higher price for plants in pots, but you will get a guarantee of survival.

In the photo - seedlings of wild grapes

Parthenocissus prefers soil rich in humus.. Initially, it is better to plant the cuttings in small containers, and after they get stronger, “relocate” to larger containers or open ground. The latter option will be relevant for those whose balcony is located on the ground floor.

Before growing a seedling, carry out kilchevanie cuttings, which contributes to the formation of heel roots

When preparing the soil, take in equal parts mature compost, meadow sandy and loamy soil, purchased peat universal substrate. This will be the optimal soil composition for grapes.

If the planting pot does not have drainage holes, fill the bottom with expanded clay, gravel, or crushed fragments of ceramic pots. The size of the drainage backfill should be at least 5-10 cm.

Girlish grapes in boxes and pots must have a thick layer of drainage

Dry knots, crushed leaves, a thin layer of manure or humus can also be placed on the bottom. Such a layer will be quite loose due to the air cavities necessary for the free germination of plant roots.

Growing grapes on a balcony is best done in tubs with a volume of at least 100-120 liters. At your choice, this may be wooden box or a ceramic pot with a depth of 40 cm.

Even growing in a pot involves creating a reliable support.

For the first two years, the grapes will trail along single shoots with slight thin branches. To form a crown, immediately position the support. As the latter, a lattice of slats or a wide board with stuffed nails and stretched wire is suitable.

When the shoots reach the edge of the support, pinch them back for better branching.

Before the first wintering, the young shoots are cut in half, the tub is brought into a warm place, exposed in the spring and resumed normal care. For the next wintering, the plant does not move, but if necessary, the root system is insulated.

grape propagation

Wild grapes on the balcony are propagated by layering, seeds and cuttings.

Cutting propagation method

Reproduction method Instructions and recommendations
layering The simplest breeding method, however, it requires a lot of free space, which can not always be distinguished in a typical balcony. The stem (up to 2 m) is dug into the ground in a wave-like manner, leaving a section on top until the next bud. The distance in this case is reduced to 15 cm. In the spring, rooted cuttings can be separated and transplanted.
seeds This generative method is the longest, so it is rarely used. late autumn from the collected ripe berries, seeds are obtained, which are planted to a depth of 1 cm in a prepared nutrient substrate. The first sprouts can be expected at the end of next July.
cuttings The optimal breeding method for urban conditions. When carrying out planned spring pruning from adult branches, it is necessary to cut blanks 2-3 buds in size. Cuttings with leaves removed are placed 2/3 in water. With the appearance of the first roots (after 1-1.5 months), the plant can be planted.

Care rules

Watering and feeding

Proper planting and care can turn parthenocissus into a bonsai.

  • Watering is carried out at least once a week. To maintain a sufficient level of moisture, it is better to cover the ground in a pot with a loose layer of needles or tree bark. Do not be zealous when carrying out this work, otherwise the plant will be deprived of air exchange and mold will appear on the surface.
  • Top dressing is applied in the spring, using a solution of 50 grams of nitroammofoska. During active vegetation, the plant is best supported with organic fertilizers.

Annually, replace part of the earth in a tub with humus and manure. The procedure is best done in early spring.

  • Do not forget to gently loosen the earth, returning the opportunity to the roots to "breathe".
  • In order for the grapes to form the necessary shape, young plant tied to wooden pegs set in the ground. As the crown forms, it is necessary to tighten the rope supports, which will allow the antennae to be fixed and climb up. In addition, do not forget about the periodic pruning of sluggish and dry branches.

Pest control

Grapes are quite resistant to pests and diseases. Most often you have to deal with such a scourge as aphids. In this situation, I recommend starting by washing the leaves with a solution laundry soap or alcohol.

Summing up

On the landscaped balcony you can create a cozy place to relax

Girlish grapes on the balcony feel great in a private house and apartment, you just have to find appropriate place and a comfortable boot. With him in the neighborhood can exist peacefully shade-loving plants and flowers: marigolds, ageratums, violas, nasturtiums, balsams, ever-flowering and tuberous begonias, choose the right company and, go ahead for the right pot!

It remains for me to offer you a video in this article and wish you luck in balcony gardening. What is already growing on your balcony? Share your secrets with our readers.

If you want to express gratitude, add a clarification or objection, ask the author something - add a comment or say thanks!

  1. I grow girlish grapes, but it grows very slowly, it grows for 5 years, everything is one branch, and it grows every season, because. the former freezes over in winter. But I saw girlish grapes with friends, so their entire plot is planted with them, it grows quickly, long lashes grow over the summer, and my “poor” in one place everything “tramples”. Only I noticed one feature, my foliage is dark, and my friends are pale, maybe I have a different variety? Maybe someone will tell?

    Under the Russian name "Vinograd" three different genera of the Vinogradov family are often combined:

    grapes, vineyards and parthenocissus or parthenocissus.
    Each genus has a large number of species.
    girlish grapes includes about 10 species. IN decorative purposes 2 types are most commonly used:

  2. Liza85 said:

    And tell me what to do if you want to wrap around the wall of the house, and around the whole house there is a meter blind area?

    Put pergolas around the house). When the grapes grow - send it to the house.

  3. Registration: 11.03.08 Messages: 2.227 Thanks: 5.817

    You can make good deep and wide boxes for grapes, put them on the blind area near the walls of the house.

  4. Registration: 18.04.07 Messages: 17.863 Acknowledgments: 43.947

    In this case, will the roots be above the snow level in winter? Will they freeze right in the boxes?

    They will. But not to let them freeze is the task of those who want to grow these grapes. Easier to "spud" with snow))

  5. Registration: 27.10.08 Messages: 201 Acknowledgments: 418

    By the way, girlish grapes on a stem do not even look bad, and the “crown” can be formed at will. But support is needed! And if the vine young grapes fancifully tie, for example, in a knot or give it any other shape, then over time (and quickly enough, since the grapes grow well) it will turn out original decoration garden even in winter period! You can experiment and come up with some kind of bonsai! Good luck!

  6. Registration: 15.07.08 Messages: 327 Acknowledgments: 2.403

    For decorative purposes, 2 types are more often used: five-leafed and three-pointed. The latter is a frost-resistant species.

    You understand, there are many options, but unfortunately there are no photos.

    It is possible that you do not have Maiden grapes at all.

  7. Registration: 18.04.07 Messages: 17.863 Acknowledgments: 43.947

    I post a photo of my grapes. The quality, however, is not very good.

    Girlish, classic.)) He may just not like the place. And this happens)) He loves water very much, but in theory you should have plenty of it at your house. It can slow down for two years, but no more. In such cases, it is always said "look at the root."

  8. Registration: 18.04.08 Messages: 17.849 Acknowledgments: 46.652

    I grow girlish grapes, but it grows very slowly, it grows for 5 years, everything is one branch, and it grows every season, because. the former freezes over in winter.

    I post a photo of my grapes.

  9. Registration: 15.07.08 Messages: 327 Acknowledgments: 2.403

    You somehow described it very sadly. A very decent girlish grape, just still young. Is it possible that what is seen in the photo freezes over every year? Strange ... IMHO - should not!

    Imagine it freezes over every year. But I thought about the soil, it grows near the garage, and there is the south side, and it is always dry there ... the soil dries up very quickly, even after a good rain. So he needs to change his place!?

  10. Registration: 18.04.07 Messages: 17.863 Acknowledgments: 43.947

    A very decent girlish grape, just still young.

    5 years old is no longer young ... That's the point.

    So he needs to change his place!?

    I have grapes growing in different conditions- there is one that grows in absolute shade on the north side of the house. But watered from the roof - mercilessly. Beast!)

  11. Registration: 18.04.08 Messages: 17.849 Acknowledgments: 46.652

    Or "freeze" good watering, at least one year. Then it will grow on its own, get woody well - and have a great winter.

    Exactly! I grow in a very dry place, even when it rains it is very dry there. But for the first two years I wore it, watered it very well. I can't cut right now.

  12. Registration: 22.03.08 Messages: 55 Acknowledgments: 211

    I completely agree with Dima Danilov (post number 74) - the roots of virgins. grapes are extremely aggressive! The sad experience of this summer: a two-year-old grape in 1.5-2 months "shot" the root by 3.5-4 meters, killing the rhubarb planted in the spring and already accepted along the way, climbed into the garden with bell pepper and half "devoured" it!
    In early spring and a bed and a place for rhubarb were dug up on a bayonet, i.e. this root was not! Unfortunately, I could not even imagine what caused these troubles. I discovered it purely by accident, digging a birch weed on the side of the pepper, an incomprehensible slightly shaggy cord-like root, pulled out almost 2 meters! The root passed under the tomatoes and led me to the virgins. grapes. In the spring we will transplant it closer to the walnut - let the roots “butt” among themselves ... There are 5 “root” aggressors in our dacha: apricot, pomegranate, lilac, walnut and here’s another girl’s grape. Under them and weeds then hardly grow!
    On photo fact oppression bell pepper. In the far corner, you can even see a loosened trace from an elongated root.

  13. Registration: 01.06.08 Messages: 11 Acknowledgments: 30

    Here they wrote about the aggressiveness of the roots of grapes, and I have a flower bed with bulbs right next to the veranda. Is it possible to plant grapes in any containers, if so, what are the approximate sizes of containers for normal growth grapes?

  14. Registration: 31.01.07 Messages: 278 Acknowledgments: 924

    Can. Minimum - 10-liter bucket.

Girlish grapes in your garden
Girlish grape five-leafed is an ideal plant for vertical gardening and decoration. Its branches can strengthen steep slopes. Often people are afraid to use the vine because of the risk of its uncontrolled growth. Afraid that the grapes might bring down the walls brick fence or the foundation of a building. In fact, the branches of grapes, on the contrary, protect the wall from destruction, from sudden changes in temperature, precipitation and strong wind.
Girlish grapes grow mainly by rooting branches bent to the ground, it has little root shoots. To prevent strong growth of grapes, you can dig limiters into the ground: pieces of slate, metal sheets, boards, or you can initially plant it in a limited space. For example, between the foundation of buildings and a fence or in a container.
Experienced plant collectors grow living movable walls from parthenocissus. They plant it in 30 liter containers. Poles 2 meters high are also installed near the containers at a distance of 2 meters. From above, a transverse beam is fixed between them. It turns out a two-by-two frame, a mesh of nylon threads is pulled onto this frame and branches of grapes are woven into the cells. A cord is passed along the upper edge of the net so that it can be easily removed from the supports, rolled up or straightened. It turns out a mobile screen. A few years later, when the grapes form a continuous green canvas, the entire structure is placed where there is a need for landscaping.

With the help of girlish grapes, you can create an aesthetically beautiful, pleasing landscape, reminiscent of old garden Russian noble estate.
For the winter, containers are buried in the ground. The plant winters well without shelter and is decorative all season long. In autumn, the leaves turn scarlet, and bright dark blue inedible fruits hang from the branches.
Parthenocissus is a plant for those who want results to be seen here and now. It grows very quickly, and can rise to tens of meters in height, there would be a support. Mature plants practically do not require attention: they are drought-resistant, shade-tolerant and grow on any soil. The only thing that needs to be done is to carry out a rejuvenating and sanitary pruning. Don't be afraid to trim it too much, the vine will recover easily and look neat. Cut out old and weak shoots, as well as everything that seems superfluous to you. Take a look around, and you may have unsightly places that need to be effectively decorated.

How to decorate a toilet, a barn and a compost heap in the country?

Parthenocissus is a creeper with bright multi-colored leaves. The leaves can be red, and yellow, and green, and the berries are dark blue. The plant has a length of about 8-12 meters. Grown mainly on the balcony. Girlish grapes on the balcony are beautiful and original. The plant will decorate not only the balcony, but also the fence and even the wall of the house or cottage.

Parthenocissus is a creeper with bright multi-colored leaves. The leaves can be red, and yellow, and green, and the berries are dark blue.

Parthenocissus blooms in June and July, and the berries appear in early September. The tree bears fruit until October, depending on the climate.

Features of planting grapes

Girlish grapes grow either in the shade or in a semi-dark place.

The soil must be rich in organic matter, humus. The plant should not be planted too close to each other, at a distance of 3 meters.

To grow grapes you will need:

  • clay, cardboard or plastic cup for planting a grape sprout;
  • film to cover the pot from cold and wind;
  • shovel;
  • fertilizers;
  • garter ropes;
  • poles or pegs so that the plant grows in the right direction;
  • garden scissors for pruning vines in spring;
  • watering can.