Air baths katsuzo niches. The first stage of hardening - air baths How to make air baths

The hardening procedure using air baths has been known for quite a long time. It's lightweight and effective method increase your body's defenses and strengthen weakened immunity.

Fresh air helps everyone relieve fatigue, gives strength and energy, so taking air procedures is very beneficial for a person. Air baths help to harden not only children's but also adults' bodies. Short-term effects on bare skin sunlight and air has a beneficial effect on health. Today there is treatment with air baths using different methods. This method is so effective that it is recommended even for a newborn baby.

The air is saturated with oxygen, phytoncides and other substances, and the skin happily absorbs all these useful elements when we take baths. IN modern world There are always layers of clothing on the skin, between which a layer of air with certain temperature. When people take air procedures on outdoors, then body temperature changes, which contributes to effective hardening.

Proper intake of air baths

They take air baths to harden and invigorate themselves, but during the procedures you must follow the basic rules:

  • create cozy place for taking them outdoors;
  • It is best to completely remove clothes;
  • You can take baths in a shaded, quiet place, for example, under a wide tree.

Air baths according to air temperature are divided into cold, cool, warm and hot. For such procedures, the body is exposed gradually, and for the first time you need to take a warm bath, not lower than 20°C. If you perform a healthy ritual of taking a bath in the fresh air every morning, the results will not be long in coming.

The first session should last no more than 10 minutes, and then the time is gradually increased, even up to two hours. After such an aeroprocedure, a regular bath, a contrast shower, as well as swimming in a river or pool in the warm season will be very effective. The time of the preventive or therapeutic measure is gradually increased to 30 minutes.

We take air baths while sitting, lying down or standing. You can start a useful session outside in warm weather, but no more than half an hour. It is best to gradually harden yourself at home, and when your body gets used to it, go out into the fresh street air.

It is recommended to lie quietly on a hard surface for 10 minutes after taking a bath. When the first sessions are completed and the body gets used to the new procedures, you can combine them with morning exercises. If we take baths constantly, our immunity will increase and we will have more strength for everyday worries.

It is best to take air baths in courses over three months. For effective treatment of some diseases, experts advise using health measures for one year. All hardening methods are calculated on average, so it is important not to forget about your inner feelings and emotions. If weakness suddenly appears, then you need to stop the hardening session.


  1. Air baths are prohibited during acute periods of illness, at high body temperatures, in weakened patients, and with lung diseases.
  2. If it is foggy or raining outside, there is also no need to do aero procedures.
  3. Air prophylaxis is not recommended for women during menstruation.
  4. If a person feels unwell or becomes weak when exposed to fresh air, he should stop taking baths.

But if " goose bumps“or slight dizziness should not be alarmed, because the body usually reacts this way when we take air procedures for the first time.

The benefits of air baths for newborns

Simple and at the same time effective method is taking baths for newborns. From the first day a child is born, parents have the opportunity to carry out hardening using this method. The air temperature should be maintained at least 23°, but over time it can be lowered. At one year old, children can safely undress at 20°C. We take baths outside or in another convenient location, but it’s better to first harden the kids inside the living room.

You need to carefully monitor the temperature readings, and if they increase, then ventilate the room where the baby sleeps.

When the newborn’s body gets stronger and the first hardening measures are completed, you can take a walk at the same time as taking air and sunbathing. The baby may be wearing clothes that will not interfere with the health procedure. You should start walking with a few minutes winter time, and in the summer, walk in the fresh air for about 30 minutes twice a day.

The weather should be warm, without wind and scorching summer sun. Long walks in the sun are prohibited for young children, and it is still better to take baths in shaded places. It is necessary to ensure that the babies stop crying and being capricious at this time, otherwise the procedures are stopped.

Such hardening of a newborn with air procedures is the easiest and most accessible action aimed at strengthening the immune system. Children take baths with pleasure and then sleep much more peacefully.

Benefits of taking healing baths

Fresh air affects the skin nerve endings by changing temperature, and through it all systems internal organs humans, especially on the respiratory and cardiac systems. The elasticity of the skin increases, and at the same time its functioning and thermoregulatory functions are improved.

Air baths are very relaxing after everyday life, as well as after a tiring mental or physical labor. You need to take baths to instantly lift your mood and cheer up your spirit.

One of the main functions of the procedures is hardening, which increases resistance to various infectious diseases. For excellent prevention colds they are accepted by people of all ages. If you add rubdown to them cold water and regular physical exercise, their effectiveness will increase significantly.

Air baths

There is probably no need to talk about the benefits of air baths. We all know from childhood how healing their effects are. Staying on the beaches sunbathing, swimming - all this charges us with vigor and health for a long time. Our body is saturated with oxygen, which means metabolism improves and the risk of diseases decreases. Even more beneficial are contrasting air baths, that is, alternate exposure and wrapping in warm clothes.

Contrasting air baths

Procedure Exposure time, sec. Time to warm up in clothes, sec.
1st 20 60 - 120
2nd 30 60
3rd 40 60
4th 50 90 - 120
5th 60 90
6th 70 120
7th 80 120
8th 90 120
9th 100 120
10th 110 120

When performing these procedures, if possible, the entire body should be exposed. It is also necessary to remember that the clothes worn between exposures should be somewhat warmer than required for the season.

After completing the procedures, you should lie down for some time on a hard and level bed with a hard pillow.

When performing contrast air baths, you need to be naked in a room with open windows, and to keep warm - by closing the windows. Clothes for keeping warm should be warm, but you should not allow yourself to become overheated to the point of sweating. Someone must help a sick and weakened person.

It is best to choose the time of the procedure just before sunrise or until about 10 am; you can also perform it in the evening, around 9 pm. The procedures last 30 days, then there is a break for 3-4 days, then again 30 days of treatment. This should be done for about 3 months, and in case of liver disease or other internal organs, treatment should be extended to a year.

Often during treatment, unpleasant sensations occur: skin itching, discomfort or stomach pain. This is temporary and indicates that the body has begun to self-heal.

You can take contrasting air baths outdoors if weather conditions permit. The technique is the same as indoors. You just need to remember that clothes to keep warm should be very warm; Warming time can be extended, but exposure time must be strictly observed.

The first session (from 1 to 40 seconds) should be lying on your back, from 40 to 70 seconds - on your right side, from 70 to 100 seconds - on your left side, from 10 to 110 seconds - again on your back.

When exposed, you can rub the stiff parts of the body or do the “Goldfish” exercise, an exercise for the capillaries, as well as for the back and abdomen. After getting dressed, you need to lie down with your palms tightly closed over the solar plexus. And after completing the entire procedure, lie down for 10 minutes with your feet and palms closed. This procedure is performed an hour before meals or 30–40 minutes after it, and also no earlier than an hour after a bath.

The technique I propose not only enhances skin respiration, but also improves another function of the skin - excretory. Like the kidneys or other excretory organs, the skin removes blood from harmful substances through the sweat glands.

The total area of ​​the human skin surface is from 1.7 to 2.6 square meters. m. Approximate quantity There are three million sweat glands. The number of sebaceous glands is approximately 250 thousand. The sebaceous glands secrete products of intestinal fermentation, iodine, bromine, antipyrine, and salicylic acid.

The sweat glands secrete 600–900 g of sweat per day, and sometimes even up to 1400 g. This depends on the external temperature, the amount of liquid poured, renal failure, the intensity of blood circulation, and conditions such as excitement, fear, anger, which increase sweating. During the development of subacute diseases, instead of an attack of fever, night sweats appear.

Sweat contains mineral salts, fatty acids, urea; lactic, formic, acetic acids. In a normal state, about 1 g of urea is released with one liter of sweat; in a sick state, the amount of urea increases significantly. During illness, the sweat glands increase their activity to rid the body of toxins and other substances that cannot be excreted by the kidneys, lungs and digestive tract. Their intense work during an acute period of illness is reminiscent of the efforts of sailors who pump water out of the hold of a shipwrecked ship.

The size of the sweat glands is not the same: some of them can reach 3–4 mm, others do not exceed 0.1 mm. There are approximately 500 glands per square centimeter of body surface, which means total area sweat-producing surface is about 5 square meters. Comparing these numbers, you can understand how important the excretory function of the skin is for the body. By enhancing the excretory function of the skin, we help cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Try licking your shoulder with your tongue after exercise, and you will feel the acrid taste of a mixture of acid and salt, much more unpleasant than the taste of pure salt. Moreover, sweat is poisonous. It is enough to allow an animal to ingest a small amount of sweat to cause its death.

Studies that were carried out to find out the causes of poor health or even fainting that occur during a long stay in a room filled with people showed that the reason for this is an increase in the content of toxic products in the gases emitted human body, and not a lack of oxygen, as was previously believed.

So for healthy life cells from it must be removed toxins. Nature has created several ways through which these wastes are removed: lymphatic, venous vessels and ducts of the sweat glands. Tens of thousands of years when primitive I ran all day looking for food and sweated all day, all three channels were working at full capacity. Modern man less mobile, moreover, he is constantly protected by clothing, often made of artificial, breathable fabrics. Therefore, a person carries all those poisons that could come out with sweat within himself. As a result, the circulatory and lymphatic systems, and therefore the liver and kidneys, work under overload. As a result of such unnatural overload, people develop diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder and other organs. Therefore, in addition to carrying out medical procedures, I recommend not spoiling the skin with too warm clothes, and taking them off more often in the open air.

We are machines powered by air. Oxygen is not only a purifier for our body, but also one of the greatest suppliers of the energy it needs. Fresh air and sunlight bring vital energy to all life on Earth. Remember what a plant looks like that has grown without sunlight, without fresh air - it seems lifeless. Every tiny leaf of grass, every vine, tree, bush, flower, fruit and vegetable draw their life from solar energy. Everything living on Earth depends on solar energy and its intensity. Our Earth would be a lifeless, cold place, shrouded in eternal darkness, if it were not illuminated by the magical rays of the Sun. But the Sun gives us not only light, solar energy is transformed into human energy.

It has long been known that the skin is closely related to the body’s defense reactions. Clinical observations confirm that the skin performs a protective function during febrile diseases. The skin can certainly be called a graveyard of microbes. And sunbathing, being in the fresh air and especially playing sports in nature help increase protective functions skin.

It must be remembered that the effect of air on the human body depends primarily on its humidity: the same temperatures are perceived differently. Thus, increased air humidity at a high temperature contributes to overheating of the body, and when doing physical exercises in these conditions, overheating occurs faster. Therefore, if it is hot and humid at the same time, be careful when physical exercise, carefully control your sensations, it is especially important to catch the state of unpleasant strong heat.

At low temperatures The moisture in the air dampens your clothes and skin, and you may feel chilly. This condition should also be alarming. Thus, spending time in the fresh air should not be uncontrolled, although many believe that no special technique is required for taking air baths.

The same applies to sunbathing. Very often, people, trying to tan as quickly and as much as possible, do not follow the rules for sunbathing, and as a result are forced to sit at home or in the shade for a week, or even more, due to the burns they receive.

It should also be remembered that if exposure to air has virtually no contraindications, then sunbathing can only be taken after consultation with a doctor. There are many reasons why sun exposure should be reduced to a minimum. This applies to some heart diseases, tuberculosis of internal organs, etc. Staying in the sun is very tiring for weakened people who have recently suffered infection, as well as those who are no longer young. Old man Having spent the whole day on the beach, you may feel palpitations, shortness of breath, and unpleasant profuse sweat.

An even, good tan can be obtained by using fractional exposure to the sun, that is, in small doses, taking breaks. And you don’t need to think that tanning occurs only under direct rays of the sun; The skin also acquires a dark shade when taking air or sunbathing in aerosolariums, protected from direct sun rays special floors, tree crowns. The healing effect occurs after taking small doses of solar radiation, and this effect is much ahead of the appearance of our beloved chocolate color skin. Even in cool weather, you can tan in clear weather, you just need to take shelter from the wind. But remember that tanning without medical advice will not always benefit you.

The basic principle of sun hardening is gradualism. At first, sunbathing can be taken for up to 3 minutes; after 1–2 days, their duration increases by 2–3 minutes. Thus, the duration of the procedure is increased to 50–60 minutes.

Sunbathing is best done in the morning. The most useful tan is May. And a few more tips. Sunbathing is allowed only 2 hours after eating. It is best to take them on an empty stomach or immediately before meals. Some people mistakenly believe that the more tightly the head is wrapped, the better it is protected from the sun's rays. But all kinds of turbans made from towels or hats made from newspapers interfere with normal heat exchange. A light white Panama hat is more appropriate in this case.

Of course, air procedures are not limited to staying outdoors during the warm season. There are many hardening procedures that accustom a person to cold air. Don't wear clothes that are too warm and expose your skin often. Of course, you shouldn’t test the limits of your body’s endurance out of the blue, but constant training increases your safety margins.

Life human body can be thought of as metabolism, and metabolism is only possible in the presence of oxygen. Moreover, we should all be interested in not experiencing oxygen deficiency, and from here follows a simple conclusion: we need to provide the skin with Free access fresh air and under no circumstances overheat it. There is even such a thing as thermal pollution. When we keep our skin clogged and overheated, we open the door to disease.

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2. Air baths Properly organized air baths allow you to train and harden your body. However, each season has its own characteristics. Let's start with autumn. Autumn period year has a more pronounced training effect on the body

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Air baths ">

The sun and air are the best cosmetologists.

Air baths are one of the methods of hardening (air hardening), when freely moving air acts on a partially or completely naked body. The healing power of fresh air lies in its richness in oxygen, light ions, phytoncides and other substances beneficial to the body. The main factor affecting humans is air temperature. Air gap between the body and clothing usually has a constant temperature of about 27-28 ° C, and as soon as the human body is freed from clothing, heat transfer immediately becomes more intense. By irritating the nerve endings of the skin, air improves breathing and oxygen saturation of the blood, and its movement reflexively enhances the processes of heat generation and heat transfer. At the same time, the intensity of oxidative processes and metabolism increases, as well as the tone of the muscular and nervous systems, the body's thermoregulation systems are trained, appetite and sleep improve, and mood rises. Blood pressure normalizes, blood flow accelerates, activity significantly improves respiratory system.

You should start taking air baths in a pre-ventilated room. Then, as they harden, they are taken outdoors. You should undress quickly so that the air bath immediately affects the entire surface of the naked body and causes a quick energetic reaction from the body. You should not allow a feeling of chilliness or the appearance of “goose bumps”. In this case, it is recommended to do some vigorous physical exercises, go for a run. Air procedures are the first step to

Air baths are a type of aerotherapy (air treatment), which consists of dosed exposure to air on the naked body, protected from direct solar radiation.
The life of the human body can be thought of as metabolism, and metabolism is possible only in the presence of oxygen. The healing power of fresh air lies in its richness in oxygen, light ions, phytoncides and other substances beneficial to the body. In addition, one of the main factors affecting humans is air temperature. The air layer between the body and clothing usually has a constant temperature of about 27-28°C and, as soon as the human body is freed from clothing, heat transfer immediately becomes more intense, and the skin begins to breathe fully.
Expose your body to air baths whenever possible. It's very simple and affordable way expose your skin to the beneficial effects of oxygen.
At the same time, metabolism improves, as well as muscle tone and nervous systems, the body's thermoregulation systems are trained, the emotional background is calmed and normalized, increased excitability is reduced, appetite and sleep are improved, the mood is lifted and vigor is added. Arterial pressure normalizes, accelerates blood flow, improves heart function and respiratory system activity. The protective capabilities increase and the body hardens, reducing the risk of diseases. The tone, color and structure of the skin improve. Besides everything else, breathing in clean fresh air is in itself an incomparable joy and pleasure.
Unfortunately, the specifics of the modern lifestyle are such that most of us spend a huge amount of time in artificially created atmospheres, being influenced by both heating devices with their drying effect, and air conditioners. To top it all off, constantly wearing clothes does not allow the body to breathe fully, depriving the skin required quantity oxygen from outside. Therefore, whenever possible, try to get rid of clothes and take an air bath. After all, staying outdoors has virtually no contraindications.
It is best to take air baths outdoors and you need to start in the warm season, in summer. During the cold season, start taking air baths at home in a pre-ventilated area. As you harden, this procedure can be transferred outside.
Optimal time for taking air baths - in the morning before or after a light breakfast or in the evening before dinner. If you want to take an air bath during the day, then you need to do it an hour or two after lunch.
Take off everything you can, leave only a minimum of clothing - a swimsuit, a top with shorts. This will be a partial air bath. It will give a partial effect. It is much better, if the situation allows, to remain completely naked. You should undress quickly so that the air bath immediately affects the entire surface of the naked body and causes a quick energetic reaction from the body.
Now sit down (preferably in a sun lounger in the shade of trees or under an awning) and just relax or read. If you don’t have time, then combine taking an air bath with doing the necessary household chores.
An air bath should be enjoyable. The main thing here is not time, but well-being. Its duration depends on the air temperature and the state of human health. For healthy person optimal temperature air - 15-20 degrees. Weak people should start with three minutes. For hardening, it is enough to increase the duration of the bath by 5-10 minutes from time to time. Average duration of air bath at comfortable temperature air - half an hour. Take air baths as often as possible during the day. Experts believe that a person should remain naked for at least 2 hours a day.
Regular air baths in the fresh air improve the tone, color and structure of the skin. Whenever possible, try to take off your clothes and let fresh air cover your body.
You should not allow a feeling of chilliness or the appearance of “goose bumps”. If you feel yourself getting cold, immediately get dressed and do some exercise. In order not to be afraid of freezing, it is good to combine air baths with walking, running, gymnastic exercises, sports games. In this case, the air bath will be accompanied by muscular work and deep breathing.
Of course, the best air baths are where there are no industrial enterprises near the sea forest or in the mountains. The ionized air of green areas is enriched with phytoncides - volatile ethereal compounds produced by plants. Besides beneficial influence on the pulmonary system, phytoncides heal the heart, blood vessels, improve metabolism and tissue respiration, and have antimicrobial properties. Sea air, completely free of dust and saturated with negative ions, salts and ozone, enhances the absorption of ozone by the body, increases hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells, stimulates mental and physical performance, improves sleep and appetite, and activates the immune system.
Of course, air procedures are not limited to staying outdoors during the warm season. There are many hardening procedures that accustom a person to cold air. Don't wear clothes that are too warm and expose your skin often. Sleep with the window open.
IN home environment try to wear clothes from natural fibers. Fabrics made from natural fibers keep us warm in the winter and, conversely, cool the body in the hot summer, while synthetics are in disharmony with the temperature environment and has the opposite effect.
If the weather is good, it is necessary to keep the windows open around the clock. In rainy or cold weather, ventilate the room at least three times a day. If you have the opportunity to rest, sleep, eat outside, try to do so.

Air baths for children are one of the procedures aimed at increasing the immunity of children. This is a type of hardening that can be used literally from birth. For many parents, the word “hardening” is associated with difficult tasks, such as pouring cold water on a child, so not everyone decides to start hardening their child, especially from birth. Air baths are a very effective way to establish a baby’s thermoregulation and strengthen the protective functions of his body; it is easy to do and does not involve much risk. So, let’s remember on this page “Popular about health” what are air baths for a newborn baby, how to do them correctly? What do they include?

The principle of the effect of air procedures on a newborn

How does air hardening actually happen? When the baby has not yet been born, he is completely protected by the placenta, nothing threatens him - neither drafts, nor viruses, he is constantly in one temperature conditions. After birth, his thermoregulation system and the immune system not yet developed at all. Exposure to air will help awaken the body's defense mechanisms and improve the thermoregulation system. If you leave your baby undressed for a short time every day, his body will begin to develop the ability to respond correctly to changes in temperature. If a newborn is constantly wrapped warmly from the first days of life, then most defense mechanisms, laid down by nature, will simply atrophy and will not develop. Eventually it will grow.

Air baths for children - how to do them?

The concept of air procedures for newborns and older children includes not only keeping them naked for some time at room temperature. Air hardening also involves other methods of exposure:

Ventilate the room 3-4 times a day;
Daily walks at any time of the year (includes both sleep and wakefulness).

How to properly ventilate a room?

In order for the air in the room to completely change, it is necessary to create a draft, and, of course, the newborn is taken out of the room. In the cold season, ventilation duration should be at least 10 minutes. You need to open the window at least three times during the day. When the air in the room is renewed and the temperature drops by 1-2 degrees, the child is brought into the room, but is not insulated, but is left in the same clothes. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect will not be achieved.


Walking outside also refers to air hardening. It is allowed to walk with a newborn baby starting from the age of two weeks. It is correct to accustom your baby to walks gradually. First, the baby is taken outside for 15-20 minutes or 5-7 minutes in winter (if the thermometer has not dropped below -5 degrees and there is no wind). Every day, the time spent in the fresh air is gradually increased. Dress the baby according to the weather, do not wrap him too tightly so that he does not sweat, because overheating is dangerous for newborns.

In good weather, it is recommended to walk for at least 2-3 hours a day (in summer), in winter - 1 hour. Children sleep very well outdoors, especially if they feel comfortable. It is advisable to adjust the walking time so that the baby is outside both during sleep and while awake. In the summer it won’t be difficult to do this - you can go for a walk whenever you want.

Leaving a newborn without a diaper

An important part of hardening procedures is to leave the baby naked to take air baths. How to do this correctly? The room temperature should be within reasonable limits - not lower than 18 degrees. This procedure is not performed after bathing, otherwise the baby will catch a cold. It is important that the baby is healthy and in a good mood. First, the baby is undressed and allowed to lie naked for three minutes in the morning and evening. They do this for several days. Then the time is gradually increased to 5 minutes, and ultimately extended to 15 minutes. It’s great if during the procedure you do some gymnastics with your newborn to slightly increase blood circulation.

What happens to a baby when he is left naked for a while? His body absorbs more oxygen, the thermoregulation system improves, and the baby calms down. As pediatricians note, children fall asleep much better and sleep more soundly after taking air baths, their appetite and mood improve.

Regularity of procedures is the key to good health

The most important rule of hardening is regularity. If you try to accustom your newborn to coolness every day, the effect will be achieved. Second, no less important rule– gradual decrease in air temperature and increase in the duration of the procedure. And the third rule - be observant, check if the baby is cold. The first sign that he is cold is the appearance of goose bumps, the so-called “goose bumps”. If the skin has turned pale, then it’s definitely worth stopping air baths for newborns.


If you decide to harden your newborn baby, then start with air baths - it is not at all difficult, but effective. Gradually accustoming the child to cool, fresh air will make it possible in the future