Mold in a greenhouse on the soil. Measures to combat mold in the greenhouse

A greenhouse is a closed space in which the earth is in special conditions. Greenhouse soil is deprived of the ability to self-repair, negative fauna and flora accumulate in it more intensively, bioprocesses pass faster. High temperatures and changes in humidity can trigger the growth of molds that destroy wooden frames, affect living plants and adversely affect human health.

When systematizing plants in wildlife, fungi are isolated into a separate kingdom. There are more than 250 types of fungal organisms, which are combined into orders and groups according to biological characteristics. In the international modern classification fungi occupy the sixth order and are mainly represented by unicellular organisms, and in rare cases - multicellular. Due to the microscopic size of individual groups of fungi, they are called micromycetes.

Scope of distribution

Molds can live and spread on soil and in water. Extensive colonies spread everywhere in moist, warm places with a suitable nutrient medium. It is this environment that is the soil in the greenhouse. The health of plants directly depends on the quality of the substrate in which they were grown. If the quality of the greenhouse soil has changed, then this will not have a very good effect on the growth and development of seedlings. The very first sign that appeared in the greenhouse white mold, there will be a whitish coating on the surface of the soil, which is a harmful fungus.

How to deal with late blight on tomatoes: processing in a greenhouse

The reasons why white mold may appear in a greenhouse are:

  1. Violation of agrotechnical rules when growing seedlings and crops in protected soil conditions. This can lead to the predominant development of pathogenic microflora.
  2. Room pollution. Mold mainly spreads in dirty conditions. It is because of this that the greenhouse must be systematically treated with antifungal drugs (dyed, bleached, washed) and cleaned.

Conditions for development

Microscopic spores are easily carried by air currents and can be dormant for several decades. When the right conditions appear, they begin to grow and multiply rapidly. At the same time, living plants are captured with soft tissues(cucumbers, tomatoes, seedlings vegetable crops and others like them).

Conditions most suitable for the spread of mold:

  1. Insufficient illumination (a small amount of ultraviolet rays that enter dense plantings, as well as cloudy weather without additional lighting);
  2. Increased soil moisture and stagnant water after watering at the root system. This may be due to water leakage in damaged areas of the hose or due to improper watering;
  3. Poor ventilation or lack of ventilation;
  4. The temperature regime in the greenhouse is 20–22 degrees above zero;
  5. Indoor air humidity is 95%.

Preventive actions

The appearance of mold is associated with the processes of decomposition of vegetation and biocorrosion. It is precisely because of this that autumn period mold grows the most. But with a one-time use of mold preparations, the desired result will not be. For creating optimal conditions For the growth and development of plants on protected soil, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities.

How to deal with onion fly folk remedies

Be sure to disinfect the greenhouse after harvesting in the autumn before the next season of growing vegetable crops in a seedless way. To get rid of mold on the soil in the greenhouse, you can act in several ways:

  1. Process the FAS room;
  2. In the spring, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for treating the premises with a solution of potassium permanganate and adhesives (soap and the like), if mold was detected in the greenhouse in the previous year;
  3. Constantly monitor the indicators of soil and air moisture during the period of growing crops and seedlings;
  4. The irrigation system must be kept in good working order. Overwatering should not be allowed. One of the indicators of waterlogging is the appearance of a black leg in seedlings. In this case, the soil must be sprinkled with dry sand under the plants. It is necessary to check the greenhouse well, but avoid drafts;
  5. Mold does not like alkaline environments. It is because of this that greenhouse soil with an interval of 3-4 weeks needs to be powdered 3 times per season under all plants with a mixture of charcoal and ash, ground into powder (the proportion of the mixture is 1: 1).

If mold has appeared on the soil (especially on compacted soil), it can be treated with peat, represented by dry briquettes of high-moor peat. Peatline contains a synthetic polymer that serves as a soil disintegrator. When it is soaked, it increases several times in volume. In order to neutralize the acidity in the soil, it is necessary to treat with peat copper solution. Mineral water-soluble fertilizers are also added there.

This problem is probably familiar to many who are fond of houseplants. Sometimes it happens that the top layer in pots with your favorite flowers begins to slowly turn white. It looks like it doesn't look like mold. Then why is the earth covered with such a coating, and what is it lacking.

Why is the earth in pots covered with white bloom?

I think many people understand that most of these problems in the same home floriculture usually reflect our mistakes in caring for plants. A similar "white veil" is an ordinary crust of salt. She may be white color and sometimes white-yellowish. In such a crust arises in pots simply - when the physical evaporation of water from the soil significantly prevails over the evaporation of the same water from the plant itself. Again, there are several reasons for this, as always:

  • Perhaps the mechanical composition of the mixture that is in the flower pot is too heavy. That is why its high (sometimes even excessively) capillarity arises, and because of such capillarity, water is more intensively drawn to the soil surface.
  • Again, mistakes are not ruled out when watering the plant. Perhaps you are pouring immediately with water that you just poured directly from under your tap. You don’t need to do this, let it at least settle a little.
  • Drainage at the bottom of the pot may be difficult. If so, then again, evaporation from the very surface of the soil in the pot will be the main way to expend moisture.
  • Perhaps you just overfertilized the mixture or you have already purchased such a mixture. Indeed, many manufacturers of such soil mixtures sin precisely with this, especially if they make this mixture for vegetables.
  • "Got too far" with top dressing.
  • And simple reason, which immediately comes to many minds - this is the banal dryness of the air itself. It is precisely because of the dryness that the evaporation increases many times over and the salts are thus "drawn" to the surface.

In addition to all these points, white plaque can easily appear due to fungal microflora. This microflora is again created by our diligence, which we show excessively when watering. Therefore, to get rid of such a plaque, water your flowers correctly (read about it). That is, when the top layer of earth in the pot is already dry.

What to do and how to get rid of?

In order to have less such white (and any other) plaque, you just need to cover the soil from above with expanded clay. Of course, such a raid after some time may appear on expanded clay. Then they simply remove it, wash it well and put it back in place.

  • Another option is to sprinkle the earth in a pot river sand. After that, the top layer along with the sand should be loosened. The very addition of sand and the subsequent loosening of the soil is very beneficial for the roots of your plant. Also, you can remove the top layer itself and simply add good leafy soil or no less good humus in its place.
  • The easiest way is to remove all this "whiteness" along with the earth, and then add a new one there.
  • If the water in your house is hard (and it is for the most part), then you should use filters. You can also water for irrigation and soften. To do this, simply drop a rag bag into the jar, where you need to put a little peat.

One of the options for the appearance of such a raid is dry air, which is not uncommon in our apartments in winter. Because of this, we begin to water the plants more often, and for this reason the soil is covered with such a coating. (How everything is interconnected turns out to be!?) To avoid such mistakes, watch this video.

Many summer residents wonder why the earth turns white in the greenhouse, because they take care of it so carefully, fertilize, water and weed. So what is the reason for the greening of the earth, mold and white bloom?

The most common causes are excessive soil moisture, pests and proper care.

The soil is sick for several reasons:

  1. If you water the soil endlessly.
  2. With increased acidity of the soil.
  3. With poor ventilation of the greenhouse or its absence at all, as a result of which the humidity in the room rises.
  4. If you add a lot of fertilizer to the ground.

These reasons can be combined with each other.

Insect pests and diseases

Very often, pests lay their larvae in the soil where they are. for a long time. If this problem is not dealt with, then the number of harmful larvae in the soil will only increase. And some conditions can contribute to this, for example, heating the soil during the cold season, etc.

The most common pests include:

  • wireworms,
  • cabbage flies,
  • bear,
  • spider mite and others.

Other types of soil diseases include infections of vegetable crops - these are various mold spores and fungal diseases, which can also penetrate the soil and cause contamination. Many microorganisms are able to penetrate not only into the soil, but also permanently remain on the frame of the greenhouse itself (especially if it is made of wood). Therefore, if you carry out soil disinfection measures, it is necessary to affect all parts of the greenhouse in order to completely exclude the re-proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

Common soil diseases:

  • keel;
  • late blight;
  • spots on the leaves;
  • macrosporiosis;
  • peronosporosis.

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Waterlogging of the soil

If waterlogging of the soil has occurred, then in the near future you can find algae, fungus and mosses on your beds. It also contributes to warm air in a greenhouse. Special insidiousness can be from groundwater, which may be in the area of ​​​​the greenhouse. Often the owner of the greenhouse may not be aware of this and water his plants as usual, as a result, excessive moisture occurs, which in turn leads to soreness and greening of the soil.

How to distinguish moss from algae? You can often confuse these two species, but they have distinctive features:

  1. With poor lighting in the greenhouse, moss appears on the plants and the ground.
  2. But if there is enough light in the greenhouse, then we can talk about the formation of algae.

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Causes of white plaque and measures to get rid of it

White plaque is a yellowish crust, consisting of salt. It can form for the following reasons:

  1. If the composition of the soil is considered mechanically heavy.
  2. Difficult soil drainage.
  3. With poor or poor watering.
  4. Too much fertilizer in the soil.
  5. A large number of dressings in the ground.
  6. The composition of irrigation water may contain large amounts of chlorine, calcium or magnesium.
  7. Dry air.
  8. Fungus or mold.

Ways to deal with plaque.

The appearance of green and white deposits in the soil is associated with excessive waterlogging of the soil.

You can get rid of white plaque on the soil in different ways:

  1. For example, you can sprinkle the surface of the soil with expanded clay. It is on it that a white dried precipitate will appear, from time to time the expanded clay must be washed and returned to its place again.
  2. Sprinkle the top layer of soil with river sand and loosen it more often. It is very beneficial for the root system of plants.
  3. You can remove the top layer of soil and add humus from the leaves.
  4. Remove the top layer of earth and fill in a new one.
  5. Purchase a soil deoxidizer from a specialized store. Remove the top layer of soil and pour deeper deoxidizer.
  6. Water the soil with softened water. To do this, use a special filter. You can lower a bag of peat into a bucket of water. If possible, then water should be passed through a layer of peat, then the salts are adsorbed.

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Increased soil acidity

To reduce the acidity of the soil, which causes mosses and mold to spread around the site (and this is detrimental to plants), you need to take the following actions:

  1. Add wood resin to the soil, you need to do this from time to time. But not too often.
  2. Add lime to the soil.
  3. Good dolomite flour added to the ground relieves soil diseases.

It is desirable to add these fertilizers to the soil at the time of digging the earth, before planting plants and after harvesting. In this case, the soil in the greenhouse will not deoxidize, from which mosses will stop appearing.

In order for plants in the soil to grow well and produce a crop, proceed as follows:

  1. Sprinkle the soil with lime and do not dig up the earth.
  2. After that, sow green manure - this is a fast-growing grass.
  3. After the grass sprouts, plant seedlings of other vegetable crops in the soil.
  4. After the seedlings have taken root, the grass is mowed and used later as a mulching material.

It is worth noting that a lot depends on what kind of soil is in the garden, and what substrate is used for its formation, and not only appearance, but also how healthy the plants are and the quantity with the quality of the crop. At the slightest change, both in the composition of the soil and in the parameters of temperature or humidity, a number of problems may arise with the land in a polycarbonate greenhouse or greenhouse. Among the most common problems, it is possible to note the mold, which manifests itself as a white bloom.

The reasons why the soil in the greenhouse is covered with bloom may be different, but before you start taking certain actions, it is necessary to determine what led to such consequences.

As a rule, this happens:

  • Too much humidity;
  • Increased acidity;
  • The presence of poor ventilation in the greenhouse;
  • Oversaturation of the soil with fertilizer.

If the earth just turned green, and not turned white, or moss and algae began to appear, then this is the first sign of an excess of moisture. In this case, you need to pay attention to the level of illumination and the presence of ventilation.

It is important to remember that moss develops in the dark, and algae develops in a too light atmosphere.

Acidic soil is an excellent and favorable environment for the formation of moss, as a result of which the earth is covered with a green coating. Moss is a plant that consumes carbon dioxide, mineral salts and water from the soil, completely de-energizing the plants.

If there is a combination of excess moisture and high acidity, then the moss will spread at an incredible speed, and therefore you need to rush to do the processing in order to get rid of such a problem as soon as possible. At first glance, moss seems completely harmless, but it deprives the culture of all nutrients, and the result will be their death, the occurrence of diseases and poor-quality crops. Moss can settle throughout the greenhouse if you overfeed the soil with phosphorus fertilizer. Also, green plaque occurs due to the blocking of oxygen access to plants. Any culture needs fresh and constant airing. This is what allows you to eliminate bacteria that form on the soil and infect plants.

What to do when the earth turns green in a greenhouse

Initially, in order to remove green plaque, it is necessary not only to process the surface of the earth, but also to carry out the so-called cleaning. If the cause of the appearance of green plaque is ground water and round-the-clock watering, then you need to stop it until the soil dries out.

It is imperative to establish ventilation.

If the soil in the greenhouse has become covered with moss, then you need to eliminate it by sun rays. If algae have formed, then on the contrary, it is necessary to block any access to light, which is done by sprinkling with sawdust or sand. More effective way the fight against greenery on the ground is considered to be the removal of the topsoil.

Ventilation in a greenhouse and greenhouse is the most milestone when growing crops, which will exclude not only covering the earth with a green coating in the form of moss, but also the formation of pathogenic bacteria.

If the earth is too acidic, then you need:

  • Carry out the spreading of a classic deoxidizer, such as ash, dolomite flour or lime;
  • Sow green manure, the view does not matter at all;
  • A month after the green manure sprouts, you can safely plant seedlings of crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants or peppers;
  • After the seedlings begin to grow stronger, trim the green manure, which can be used later for mulching.

Gardening professionals strongly discourage the use of blue vitriol, to overcome moss or algae, as this radical method will remove not only pests, but also some crops, including those inhabitants of the soil that are beneficial to plants. As soon as the earth is saturated with fine vitriol, you can safely remove the soil and throw it away. This is a tough way that allows you to overcome greenery in greenhouse soil, but it is better to push these options to the farthest box, otherwise you can lose your crop for several years to come.

Mold appeared on the ground in the greenhouse: what to do

It is not always possible to get the desired result as quickly as possible, simply and without special efforts, as many problems often arise, in particular, such as mold. What is a polycarbonate greenhouse for?

To grow crops:

  • Qualitative;
  • Big;
  • Delicious.

In order to overcome such an education, you can use special tools purchased in stores. They include a sorbent, through which the amount of alkali in the soil increases, due to which the mold is deactivated.

For its formation and spread, mold chooses a neutral and acidic environment.

Experienced gardeners prefer to use charcoal and ash in a 1:2 ratio. With this composition you need to wake up land plot, and loosen it. Thanks to a large number minerals and calcium, the destruction of the fungus occurs.

Causes of mold in a polycarbonate greenhouse

When carrying out timely preventive measures, you can completely eliminate the formation of mold. When transplanting seedlings into pots, you need to process them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If the seedlings gradually begin to become moldy, then additional treatment with potassium permanganate and fungicides is required before transplanting into open ground.

Mold will appear on the surface of the soil in the greenhouse, even with proper care of the plants, if:

  • It will be too heat and rare ventilation;
  • Too high humidity of air and soil;
  • There is a lack of lighting, and natural, not artificial;
  • Too poor ventilation in the greenhouse and greenhouse;
  • There are problems with sealing in the irrigation system, and hoses are leaking, because these are the places that are most suitable for the formation and development of the fungus.

The reasons for the appearance of mold are described earlier and, accordingly, in order to avoid such consequences, you just need to prevent them. In particular, carry out regular ventilation of the greenhouse, especially if the weather is hot and completely calm. This must be done daily. In addition, you need to ensure that sweat does not appear on the walls of the room, and when such wet areas form, they are removed with a dry cloth.

It is these parts that will become the focus of the appearance of the fungus.

Watering of plants is carried out so that there are no stagnations in the form of puddles on the surface of the earth. In order to maintain optimal humidity, it is desirable to install water containers on the floor, which will provide such water intake by plants and air that they require, and an optimal microclimate will be maintained without sudden changes.

Gardener's answer: why the earth in the greenhouse turns green (video)

Gardeners with experience prefer to install greenhouses in which there are vents on the roof. By opening them, the soil is dried and ventilated, which eliminates all the problems described above and reduces the likelihood of plant death by several times.

If you find mold on the ground or plants, immediately begin treatment. The fungus that causes the moldy crust spreads rapidly and can infect all plants in a few days.

Unfortunately, when it appears visually, this may mean that the spores have already spread through the greenhouse, and the harvest is in question. Nevertheless, it is important to do everything that depends on you in time.

What fungus can infect plants:

  • Gray mold - starts in buds and leaves, looks like dots of white and gray.
  • The black leg is a putrefactive mold, due to which the seeds germinate poorly, the leaves turn yellow, and the stem turns black.
  • Powdery mildew is a white coating that affects flowers, leaves and fruits. A common disease in cucumbers.

Note: white coating on the soil - not always mold. If you are planting seedlings in peat pots and noticed something similar, it could be salt deposits. In this case, remove it with a spoon and then water the plants with settled warm water.

Why mold occurs on soil and vegetables

A greenhouse is in itself a favorable environment for the development of a fungus, since it is warm and humid by default.

The main causes of mold lie in the creation of the wrong conditions:

  1. You do not ventilate the greenhouse well, so the air in it stagnates.
  2. The stagnant air, in turn, is oversaturated with moisture - if you do not monitor the level of humidity, then the fungus will thank you.
  3. Poor temperature control. Heat combined with humidity is the perfect formula for disease development.
  4. Do not check the acidity of the soil - the higher it is, the more nutritious for the “pest”.

However, even if you do everything right, the fungus can start. In order to prevent infection of the crop as much as possible, take preventive measures.

Prevention of mold in the greenhouse

The main and easiest way to prevent is the proper care of plants and greenhouses. Ventilate the room well, do not create puddles during watering. To maintain sufficient humidity, containers with water can be placed around the greenhouse.

Before planting vegetables, prepare the seeds and disinfect the soil and the greenhouse itself.

Tips on how to prevent the development of mold in the beds:

Ways to combat mold in a polycarbonate greenhouse

How to deal with mold in a greenhouse?

If the plants were struck by gray mold, and you noticed it in the initial stage on the leaves, remove the affected areas with alcohol scissors.

If you find a black leg, remove the plant along with the substrate.

If it started up in the greenhouse white rot, then you need to remove the damaged areas and spray the plant with phytosporin. With extensive damage, the plant must be completely removed.

If you have acidic soil, loosen the soil with wood ash to increase its alkaline content.

Finding deposits on the ground, check for leaks from the irrigation pipes. Seal or replace a pipe section, spill the ground with the same phytosporin.

How else can you treat the soil and greenhouse from mold? Spend mulching with peat mixed with lime and blue vitriol.

Unfortunately, the fungus moves very quickly from plant to plant, so you need to carefully monitor vegetables and not delay treatment. See how cucumbers affected by white rot are processed:

Remember: timely processing will help get rid of mold in the greenhouse and preserve the crop. Keep a close eye on vegetables and pick only healthy fruits.