Saintpaulias care. The most beautiful varieties and types of room violets with names and photos How to care for a violet in a pot

Saintpaulia is a very common houseplant and is known as the uzambar violet. More than 32 thousand varieties of this plant exist today. But as soon as you buy a violet, the question immediately arises: "How to properly care for it?".

Choosing the best place for Saintpaulia

The first problem that arose immediately after the appearance of violets in the house was the choice of its habitat. Violet grows well in a bright place without direct sunlight and drafts.

If possible, it is better to place it on east side. In this case, the morning sun is not so aggressive and will help better flowering plants.

If there is no choice, and the windowsill is constantly illuminated by sunlight, then to prevent burns on violet leaves, it is necessary darken the window with blinds or blackout curtains.

Nevertheless, insufficient lighting leads to weak flowering of the plant. You can fix this by rearranging the violet in a brighter place or using artificial lighting. As lighting elements, you can use a fluorescent lamp or a phytolamp, which is turned on for 10-12 hours a day.

Violets, like people, feel more comfortable at an average air temperature of 18 - 24 0 C. In order for the flower to be symmetrical, the pot must be turned from time to time towards the sun in different directions.

How to choose a pot for violets

When choosing a pot for violets, you need to pay attention to its size and material of manufacture. By size, violet pots are divided into small (diameter and height 5 cm), medium (7 × 7) and large (9 × 9). It is not recommended to plant Saintpaulias in very large pots., because: firstly, it does not look aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, we want to get flowers, not a bush with leaves.

Important! In large pots, violets do not bloom until two years old.

Violet roots are always close to the surface. This contributes to good ventilation and easy absorption of nutrients by the root system.

If you have reached the pot 9 × 9, then the process of transplanting must be carried out in the same pot. Shake off a third of the earth from below, plant it in a pot, add more earth from above. A place has been made for the germination of new roots, since the roots of the violet grow at the top, and the lower ones gradually die off.

Pots can be plastic or ceramic. Plastic- light, cheap, flexible, durable, but poorly breathable. To eliminate this drawback, they are made with a special plastic pallet.

It has a ribbed surface that allows you to keep the bottom of the pot in an elevated position. This promotes the flow of air to the roots of the plant.

Clay pots come with and without icing. Glazed options have the same drawback as plastic ones, although they are more beautiful, but their cost will be appropriate.

unglazed pots are less aesthetic, heavy and short-lived, but violets feel great in them. An aesthetic flaw can be eliminated by purchasing a planter or a beautiful pot a little bigger size. We install the plant pot in a pot.

Soil requirements for growing violets at home

Violet potting soil can usually be purchased at a flower shop, but some growers prefer to make their own as they find store-bought too light. First, drainage is installed on the third part of the pot (charcoal, expanded clay, small pieces of brick).

The soil should be light, nutritious and breathable. The components of the nutrient group of the soil include: leaf humus, soddy soil, compost, rotted manure, vermicompost, and for soil lightness and breathability, fillers such as peat, coniferous humus, light garden soil, peat briquettes, sphagnum moss are used.

Also, soil baking powder is often used: sand, perlite, vermiculite.

Did you know? Violet helped discover a large zinc deposit in Europe. On lands rich in zinc, the largest flowers of violets grow.

Features of watering and spraying

Watering Saintpaulia occupies a special place in the care and cultivation of the plant. It does not like excessive watering and dry soil. Therefore, water every few days and keep the soil moist.

It is necessary to water with settled or boiled water at room temperature. For watering, use a watering can with a thin, long spout, because the violet does not like water to fall on the leaves or the growing point in the center of the bush.

At the bottom of the pot, there must be a hole through which the rest of the water comes out. Half an hour after watering, excess water must be drained. If water gets on the leaves, blot it with a napkin.

You can water the violet through the pan. Pour water into a container and wait half an hour. Violet will take required amount moisture. Drain excess water.

The leaves of the plant are not so much afraid of water as the development of bacterial and fungal rot, and water only contributes to this process. That's why, spray the leaves plants are not allowed, but you can humidify the air, for example, by spraying the air around the plant or using a damp towel on a hot radiator.

Violets prefer moist air with a relative humidity of 50-60%.

When and how to feed a violet

For normal growth and flowering, it is necessary proper care for violets and a sufficient amount of micro and macro elements. The main macronutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. All of them must be in the required quantity, because their excess or deficiency leads to a decrease in flowering, yellowing and death of the leaves.

Trace elements also play important role in plant growth. These include iron, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, copper, boron. Their role in the life of the plant is to ensure the synthesis of enzymes that make it possible to effectively use the energy of the sun, water and nutrients contained in the soil.

Vitamins and amino acids stimulate the absorption of micro and macro elements by the roots of the plant.

Violets need to be fertilized once every 10-14 days with a violet fertilizer or an all-purpose fertilizer by root dressing. Read the instructions for fertilizer and prepare a solution for irrigation. We carry out fertilizer in the same way as regular watering, following all the instructions.

Important! Different fertilizers have different concentrations. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions and strictly follow the dosage. Violets do not tolerate an overabundance of fertilizers very well.

It is better to have several types of fertilizers and change them from time to time. For example, for more intensive growth, better fit universal fertilizer for decorative flowering plants, with a high content of nitrogen, and for violet flowers and their care - a special fertilizer for saintpaulias, with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.

It should be remembered that it is not worth fertilizing violets in such cases:

  • within a month after transplantation;
  • with a strong weakening of the plant by pests or diseases;
  • with a strong increase or decrease in air temperature.

How to prune a bush

The question often arises: "How to care for violets at home?" To get a beautiful symmetrical plant. First of all, it must be remembered that the violet rosette should look proportional, pretty and consist of about three rows of leaves.

The center of growth and development of violets should not be clogged with foliage. This happens as a result of a lack of useful elements for the development of new leaves, and they become small.

If this happens to you, then simply remove the lower leaves, which already look a little yellow and not quite alive. It is not difficult to separate them from the stem, just press with your fingernail at the base, and then completely remove the unwanted leaf with twisting movements.

If the violet, as a result of such actions, has a bare trunk, then it can then be deepened or sprinkled with earth. In order for the bush to be symmetrical, you need to periodically turn it towards the light in different directions.

Saintpaulia breeding rules

The simplest and most common method of propagation of violets is leaf propagation in water or soil. In this method, an important role is played by right choice sheet. It must be taken from an adult violet under a peduncle.

Leaves from the center of violets are not suitable for propagation, as they have not yet acquired enough strength and nutrients. The leaf should be without damage and defects, bright green. Extreme leaves have few nutrients, so it is better not to take them.

Carefully break off the selected leaf, leave the handle about four centimeters long and cut off the excess part with an oblique cut. Dry the cutting for 15 minutes.

Reproduction Saintpaulia leaf in a container with water produced in the following order:

  • For each sheet, prepare dark glassware with a narrow neck.
  • Fill the dishes with distilled or ordinary water with the addition of activated carbon. This will prevent the decay process.
  • Place the cutting 1 cm into the water. Be careful not to hit them directly. Sun rays.
  • Water can be added, but not changed.

If the cutting suddenly rots, then shorten it to a healthy part and sprinkle with activated charcoal. Change the water in the bowl. Follow the process of root formation. It can last up to a month. With a root length of 1-2 cm, the leaf can be planted in a plastic cup.

Reproduction Saintpaulia leaf in the ground is done as follows:

  • Prepare plastic cups. Make a hole in the bottom.
  • Place a drain in the bottom third of the cup. Use foam or expanded clay as drainage. Fill the rest of the place with soil for violets.
  • Make a hole in the center, pour a little perlite mixed with earth into it and plant the cutting to a depth of 1.5 cm.
  • Make sure the soil is constantly moist and does not dry out.

Other breeding methods are very laborious and have a small percentage of obtaining a positive result.

Eg, chimera violets propagate by stimulating the formation of stepchildren, and when propagated by a leaf, their color is lost. Stepchildren on a plant often appear due to the high nitrogen content in the soil. They are grown to the size of children and carefully cut off from the maternal outlet.

Rooting the growth of a stepson can be carried out in a greenhouse by placing it in sphagnum moss. The whole process takes about two months. As a result, you get a large enough varietal plant. Stimulation of stepchildren in chimera violets can be carried out by cutting off the top.

Saintpaulia, or violet, is a houseplant that amazes many with its grace. Experienced flower growers and ordinary amateurs fell in love with it so much that exhibitions are organized in its honor and entire clubs of violet lovers are created. Home care for this flower does not require much effort, and this fact also attracts many fans of breeding such beauty on their windowsill.

plant description

The history of violet cultivation as a houseplant dates back to 1892, when the German commandant arrived in the mountainous region under his control. East Africa. Walking through the exotic parts of the area, he noticed delicate flower growing between rocks. The man liked the plant so much that he collected its seeds and brought it home. And after a while this flower became known to the whole world.

Violet - a variety of flowering herbaceous plants growing in some African mountainous regions. Most species of this flower are found in the Uzambara Mountains, so in floriculture it is also known as the Uzambara violet.

To date, about 32 thousand varieties are grown with a similar botanical description, but they all differ in leaf shapes and shades of flowers, striking in their beauty and quirkiness.

flower care

Caring for this plant cannot be called difficult, although the violet itself is a rather fastidious flower that requires certain conditions. Without understanding in detail how to care for violets at home, many beginners repeat the same mistakes, as a result of which the plant dies. Therefore, it is so important to follow the rules necessary for the successful cultivation of a flower.

Basic conditions for keeping violets:

So simple but very important care for indoor violets will provide good health plant all year round.

plant fertilizer

Saintpaulia needs additional enrichment soil with micro and macro elements. A lack of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen can lead to a complete lack of flowering and leaf death. Additional nutrients contained in top dressing help the plant develop properly.

Usually violet is fertilized no more than once a month, but if the flower is weakened due to a lack of nutrients, it must be fed once again.

Ready-made fertilizers for Saintpaulia are diluted with water strictly according to the instructions and poured into the pan (as with normal watering).

  • to enhance growth, top dressing containing a high concentration of nitrogen is necessary;
  • for the beauty and health of inflorescences - a fertilizer with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

It is very important not to exceed the concentration indicated in the instructions, and also not to fertilize the violet unnecessarily, since this plant does not tolerate excess nutrients very well.

Reproduction and planting

Even a novice florist will be able to propagate their favorite types of violets. Their planting and home care for young plants is a simple process, but there are several important nuances in it.

Planting a plant is carried out in several ways:

  • leaf rooting;
  • reproduction by stepchildren and peduncles;
  • growing from seed.

The easiest way to propagate a violet is with a leaf. This method can be carried out in two ways: rooting in the ground or in water.

The procedure is as follows:

In these ways, you can easily get the required number of young room violet plants. Caring for them at home is not much different from caring for adult plants: they necessary good lighting, proper watering and a sufficient amount of phosphorus-based fertilizer. When forming a rosette of leaves, it is recommended to turn the flowerpot 45 ° C clockwise once every three days so that the leaves develop evenly.

Violet transplant

Every year the violet needs a transplant. Best time for this - spring, however, this can be done in other seasons, when the violet is at rest and does not bloom. Flowering plant it does not tolerate such manipulations very well, so it is not recommended to touch it.

Plant transplantation can be done in three ways:

Despite the fact that the latter method is the most gentle, it does not bring much benefit to the flower and is recommended only for those plants whose root system is highly vulnerable. In all other cases, experts recommend using the method of complete soil replacement.

Reasons for the lack of flowering

Many beginners in flower breeding often complain about the lack of blooming violets. How to care for a plant to bloom, and the main reasons that inflorescences do not appear:

Sometimes it is worth correcting one or more of these mistakes, and the plant will not only bloom immediately, but will delight its owners for nine whole months.

So that both simple purple saintpaulias and chic chimeras bloom well from year to year, you need to know how to care for violets different varieties. If you are just starting to grow these charming indoor flowers, first of all, get violets of simple types - they are not too capricious. But rare varieties, despite their unusual beauty, are best left for later, when you have already gained experience in growing saintpaulias, because with the slightest mistake violets in care rare varieties may well lose their beauty.

The best conditions for violets: lighting and temperature

It is advisable to understand in detail before buying how to care for a flower - in any case, the violet will experience stress when it gets into a new environment, but at least you can prepare suitable conditions for it in advance and help the plant get used to it faster. The change of scenery is less painful for young plants that are six months old, but it is not recommended to immediately transplant them into a larger pot, at least a month you need to let the flower adapt.

Strips of parchment pasted on the window help protect violets from the strong spring sun.

The ideal location for uzambar violets is the western and eastern windows; when located on the southern windows, the flowers need to be shaded. Saintpaulias love bright light, but the scorching sun's rays are detrimental to delicate plants: first, the leaves begin to turn yellow or become covered with light spots, and then holes appear in place of the burnt areas. To protect violets from the strong spring sun, strips of parchment glued to the window or installed Mosquito nets that scatter light. To shade the saintpaulias from the midday sun, curtain the windows with curtains.

If you are planning to in large numbers grow violet flowers, it will be much more convenient to care for them by placing pots on racks. In this case, the shelves must be equipped fluorescent lamps to provide the necessary illumination of plants. Saintpaulias feel great even under artificial lighting, the main thing is to provide them with a 12-hour daylight hours.

Suitable temperature regime for uzambar violets: +20+22 degrees, but not lower than +16 degrees. At this temperature, plants bloom willingly and have a healthy appearance. With the onset of the July heat, flowering, as a rule, ends. Saintpaulias and winter do not like heating season, especially if there is a central heating battery under a narrow window sill with plants - violet leaves begin to rot from a continuous stream of hot air. Too dry air in the apartment leads to yellowing of the leaves, so in winter it is recommended to put pots with saintpaulias in pallets with expanded clay, sphagnum moss or other materials that retain moisture well.

Suitable temperature conditions for uzambar violets: + 20 + 22 degrees, but not lower than +16 degrees

In frosty weather, it is better to remove the saintpaulias from the windowsill, otherwise they may freeze slightly if the windows are not plastic. And do not allow drafts in the room where the uzambara violet grows, caring for it will be greatly complicated by this.

How often should violets be watered and fed?

You have to learn how to feel your violets well in order to understand when it is time to water them, and when it is worth delaying watering, whether the plants need additional air humidification or another top dressing. That is why some flower growers are scared away by violet - caring for and growing it seems like too much of a task.

Features of watering Saintpaulia:

  • the need for watering arises when the surface of the earthy coma in the pot begins to lose moisture (once every three days in winter, every day in summer, the frequency of watering also greatly depends on what material the pot is made of);
  • plants need to be watered evenly so that there is no stagnation of water;
  • you can use it, pour water into the pan or water the plants from above, trying not to get on the leaves and the outlet;
  • water from the pan is drained after fifteen minutes;
  • tap water should be left for a couple of days in an open container and only then used for irrigation (filtered or melt water is also suitable);
  • water the plants with water at room temperature or warmer.

Feed no more than once a month, after making sure that the unhealthy look of the violet is due to a lack of nutrients.

One of the main difficulties in caring for violets in winter is maintaining optimal humidity in the room. IN winter time air humidity inevitably decreases due to heating and artificial lighting, and saintpaulias are comfortable at a humidity level of at least 60%, so you will need to buy a humidifier or just regularly spray water around the plant, trying not to get on its velvet leaves.

As for top dressing, violets tolerate a lack of fertilizers better than their excess, so you should not overfeed them with fertilizers. The special substrate for saintpaulia already contains all the nutrients the flowers need, but if you want to additionally feed the plants in case of obvious depletion, use special fertilizers in granular or liquid form. During the budding period, choose fertilizers containing more phosphorus, for young rosettes, fertilizers that contain more nitrogen are preferable.

Feed no more than once a month, after making sure that the unhealthy type of violet is due to a lack of nutrients, and not care errors or diseases.

Young and adult violets - care in accordance with all the rules

When growing Saintpaulias, it is necessary to take into account how to properly care for violets. different ages. Yes, during active growth For young rosettes, a balanced soil is especially important, which should not be too heavy and greasy. Watch the video about caring for violets in the tab to the article, which talks about suitable soil for these indoor plants and about their transplant.

Faded flowers, old and spoiled leaves should be regularly removed along with the petiole.

Good lighting is also important for a young violet - if you notice that the leaves are stretched upwards, then additional lighting is needed. And in order for the young rosette to form beautiful and symmetrical, do not forget to turn it 45 degrees every three days.

When the budding begins, the violet flower requires special care: it needs not only uniform lighting, but also top dressing with big amount phosphorus and trace elements. By providing the plant with everything it needs, you will get brighter and larger flowers.

Care for an adult violet is more aimed at maintaining its aesthetic appearance. Faded flowers, old and spoiled leaves along with the petiole should be regularly removed. By removing the bottom row of leaves, you can see the bare trunk. In this case, the violet should be transplanted, deeper deepening the outlet, up to lower leaves. It is advisable to transplant saintpaulias once a year, since the soil in the pot is depleted over time.

Violet care video

Remember to regularly inspect your uzambara violets carefully so you don't miss any signs. Diseased plants must be immediately quarantined so as not to infect other flowers, and taken necessary measures to fight diseases.

If you still have questions about how to care for violets, the video in the tab will help put everything on the shelves, and you will understand that caring for Saintpaulias is not as difficult as it seemed before.

Violets have attracted attention due to their charming appearance and a variety of bright colors. Wild violet has a small bright flower purple, but its rich and pleasant aroma does not leave anyone indifferent.

Home varieties of this plant are practically odorless, but the flowers are larger, colorful and varied. Homemade violet flowers will delight you with bright color throughout the year with proper care.

How to grow violets at home. Plant characteristic

Indoor, domestic violet, which is also called the Uzambar violet, belongs to the genus of herbaceous flowering representatives of the fauna of the Gesneriaceae family. Such plants are very popular in indoor floriculture.

In the natural sphere, violets grow in East Africa. They choose places near water bodies, rivers and waterfalls.

Experts distinguish more than 20 varieties of the Uzambar violet. The representative of noble blood Adalbert Walter Radcliffe discovered the violet to the world back in 1892.

After buying a homemade violet, this plant will decorate any room for a long time. This is a perennial, evergreen representative flora. Violet has a short stature and a basal rosette.

The leaves of the indoor version of the above plant are covered with numerous villi. The base of the leaves is heart-shaped, and the tip may be round or pointed, depending on the growth of the plant.

Indoor violets differ not only in the color of the flower, but also in the height and shape of the leaves. Photos of violets will clearly demonstrate the beauty of this unique plant.

The color of flowers can be varied. From light to rich and dense shades. Some varieties can combine several colors at once. If you properly care for violets, the plant will bloom throughout the year.

plant care

Home violets cannot live without light, however, they must be hidden from direct sunlight. The best light for these plants is soft and diffused. Optimal duration daylight hours is 13-14 hours. At a time when the day is short, additional lighting is indispensable.

The optimal temperature regime is from 18 to 24 degrees Celsius above zero. Sudden changes in temperature and drafts adversely affect the plant.

Violets love high humidity, but the flowers and foliage should not get water.

Indoor violets are not large in size, so the pots for them should also be compact.

It is worth noting that the plant begins to please abundant flowering only when the root completely fills the pot.

For young plants optimal size pot about 6 inches in diameter. best material- plastic.

For domestic violets, the standard soil of the Terra-Vita class is great. Stores sell special soil for each type of plant, but experience shows that purchased soil is not always ideal.

How to transplant a violet

In order for the plant to feel good, it is necessary to change the substrate in the pot once a year. If you notice that the violet began to look worse, the leaves began to fall off and the flowers lost their brightness, then you need to pick up a larger pot.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure for planting homemade violets as carefully as possible so as not to damage the plant and root system, which is covered by an earthen lump. At the end of the transplant, it is necessary to water the flower well.

Violet breeding

Indoor violets reproduce in several ways: by seeds, leaf cuttings and babies. Experts recommend using vegetative propagation methods.

Reproduction with children. Periodically, the violet bush releases baby rosettes. When they grow in the same pot as the main plant, they become crowded and the violet has to be seated.

Using a sheet. This method of plant propagation is the simplest. To do this, you need to separate a healthy leaf from the second tier of the outlet and put it in water. As soon as it takes root, it can be transplanted into the ground.

Photo of home Violets

For a beginner grower, violets are an excellent choice; planting and caring for them at home should not cause any difficulties. Violets (Saintpaulias) were formerly grown as garden plants. IN room conditions they began to be grown only in the last century. They look beautiful in a pot, do not need time-consuming care, and if you create the right conditions for them, they will bloom luxuriantly and for a long time.

What should be the external environment for violets?

Often you can hear from beginners, they say, we grow flowers according to all the rules, but they do not want to bloom. This happens if something is missed in creating an environment suitable for the violet. First, these flowers love good lighting. Light day for them should last at least 10 hours. But these flowers do not like direct sunlight, and therefore shade them. The light is diffused. In winter, when the length of daylight hours is less than the violet needs, additional lighting is used - fluorescent lamps.

Violet is sensitive to air humidity. It is necessary to put a cup of water next to the flower pots.

Indoor violet is a heat-loving plant. From spring to early autumn, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be + 20 ... + 22 ° С. In winter, the temperature should not be lower than + 18 ... + 20 ° С. Drafts are contraindicated for this plant. At the same time, violets need fresh air, so you need to ventilate the room regularly, but the flower pots will have to be moved to another room for this time.

Watering: choosing a method

Caring for violets is also proper watering. If it is too plentiful, then the plant may get sick, in addition, root rot may begin. soil in flower pot should not dry out and become a hardened lump, so on average you need to water 2-3 times a week. This general rule, and in each case, the frequency of watering depends on the humidity of the room, the season and the material from which the pot is made.

There are 3 main irrigation options:

  • ordinary,
  • pallet
  • wick.

The latter method is convenient in that, with the right settings, the violet can be watered once a week or less.

The wick method involves the use of a cord that absorbs moisture from a container of water and ensures that it enters the pot with the substrate. This allows you to maintain the proper level of moisture and at the same time prevents root rot. The wick method allows you to smooth out changes in housing conditions, for example, in late spring, when a sudden heat begins.

The wick method has many advantages. It provides good conditions for the growth and development of violets - plants bloom earlier and bloom more profusely. This method allows you to provide plants not only with water, but also with nutrients, while the dosage of fertilizer is calculated and the corresponding water solution. The method ensures uniform receipt of all nutrients and moisture by the violet.

Such irrigation also has its drawbacks. If the diameter of the cord and the material from which it is made are not chosen correctly, and the wick will absorb more water than necessary, this will lead to waterlogging of the substrate and rotting of the roots. During the cold season, if the violet is simply left on the windowsill, the water will flow through the wick very cold, which can also adversely affect the condition of the plant's roots, so you will have to rearrange the pots with violets to where they will be warmer.

Breeding violets at home with wick watering can be associated with some difficulties. When using this method, the socket is enlarged. If the grower grows only a few rosettes, this does not special significance. But if he grows many varieties at once, then the enlargement of the outlet reduces his possibilities - there will not be enough space for all varieties. In addition, if violets are grown not on window sills, but on racks, then difficulties may arise with the additional load that a container of water will create. For her, you need to find a place and pick it up so that there are gaps between the container and the pots.

Due to the difficulties that arise with the wick method in cold weather, many experienced growers for the winter, they switch to another method of watering, most often pallet, since it is much simpler.

Underfloor irrigation assumes that water will not fall on the above-ground part of the violet. Direct contact is generally excluded here. Warm water is poured into a pan on which pots of violets are placed. When it is seen that the soil is saturated with moisture (but no later than 15 minutes from the start of the procedure), the water from the pan can be drained.

Caring for violets at home also involves choosing a watering method after analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Some growers choose drip irrigation as the easiest way.

How to take care of violets? This flower, like other plants, must be regularly washed from dust, literally leaf by leaf. This is done about once a month. But after this procedure, the leaves need to be dried - paper napkins are used for this.

Violet is very sensitive to water temperature and its quality, therefore, for both irrigation and showering, it is better to use water that has been previously settled for 2 days, then boiled and cooled to a temperature of + 18 ... 22 ° C.

Plant nutrition

In order for Saintpaulia to bloom beautifully, you need to feed it with mineral fertilizers. They only do it twice a year. In the spring, the violet is fed during the period of active growth. The second time this is done after it has faded, that is, in the fall. In winter, the plant, when it is at rest, does not need to be fed. For this, complex mineral fertilizers.

During transplantation, plants use a small amount of humus or humus for feeding. It should also be noted that only adult plants need to be fed.

How to transplant violet?

This flower should be repotted no more than once every 3 years. The plant periodically needs fresh soil. You can buy a special substrate for violets in the store, you can take garden soil, which has undergone special treatment against pests. There should be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. The pot itself is selected so that its diameter is 2-3 times smaller than the diameter of the plant. In too large a container, the violet simply will not bloom.

For transplanting, the earth should be moist, but not sticky to your hands. Only new pots can be used for transplanting so that the plant does not become infected. Contrary to popular belief, it is better to use plastic pots than glossy ceramic.

For transplantation, loose soil mixed with sand or peat is required. Expanded clay is used for the drainage layer. When transplanting, the violet is planted so that its lower leaves barely touch the surface of the earth. For some time after this, the plant must be covered with plastic wrap, creating greenhouse conditions for it. Watering can only be next day after transplant. But you need to ventilate regularly so that condensation does not gather under the film.

Propagation of violets by cuttings

The most popular option is the propagation of violets by cuttings. It is best to choose a leaf from the middle of the outlet, that is, neither too young nor old. It can be pinched off or carefully cut off with a small, sharp knife so as not to damage the plant and leave a tall stump behind. Cut the cutting as close to the ground as possible.

It is desirable that the black was at least 47 cm long. It must be cut obliquely, at an angle of 45 °. If the cut surface is 2-4 cm long, this will be enough for the leaf to take root well and give more rosettes.

Not all leaves take root, so it is advisable to take 2-3 leaves at once from the variety you like, if possible. It is not necessary to buy a pot for rooting such a leaflet. You can get by with disposable plastic cups or yogurt containers. It is best to take shallow glasses. If there is a shallow container large diameter, then several leaves can be planted in one container at once. The distance between them should be at least 5 cm, so that it would be convenient to dig them out later.

Not all violets reproduce equally well from cuttings. There are so-called chimeras - these are varietal flowers of unusual colors. Their leaves are well rooted, but they do not retain the features of color or beautiful shape leaves.

How to grow a violet from a leaf, in the ground or in water, is of interest to many beginner flower growers. In fact, both methods are equivalent. In both cases, this medium must be disinfected, for example, using activated charcoal. If the cutting is placed in water, care must be taken to ensure that it does not rot. Water should be taken warm, but not hot. The roots of the leaf will appear in about 1-2 weeks, and then it can be planted in the ground. Some growers wait longer - until new shoots appear, and this happens after about 1-2 months in the water. Shoots appear from the place of the cut. If the grower decided to wait for their appearance, then you still need to guess so that they grow up enough so that they are not sprinkled with soil when planting. You can not dig the cutting too deep, otherwise the sprouts will not appear soon. The maximum depth is 1.5 cm.

Some believe that violets germinated in water will bloom faster. In fact, this is a controversial issue. Experienced flower growers who know how to care for violets at all stages of the development of this plant will surely say that when grown in water there is always a risk that the stalk will begin to rot. Water quality does not always meet the requirements of this plant.


Rooting violets in the ground has its advantages. But here, too, there is a nuance: you need to choose a super-light substrate, more loose than what is usually used for "adult" violets. The soil mixture will have to be prepared independently on the basis of a special soil for Saintpaulia, to which pure river sand(pre-calcined). You can also use sphagnum moss for this, it is also sold in flower shops. Moss, even if it is fresh, needs to be slightly ignited in the oven for disinfection. So that it does not burn, it must be decomposed into food foil.

The substrate should be regularly watered with warm water so that it does not dry out. Rooting in soil is slower than in water, but the risk of root rot is excluded. The seedling must be kept away from drafts. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for him. It is recommended to make a greenhouse for him, covering for this with plastic wrap. Approximately 2 months after rooting, when the grown sprouts are already visible, the plant must be transplanted into a permanent container, having previously treated both it and the plant itself with special agents against pests and fungi.