Standard ceiling height in a private house: dimensions, features and recommendations. What is the minimum ceiling height allowed in an apartment? What is the height of the walls in the apartment

The question of standard ceiling heights may arise both at the stage of designing a house and when purchasing a home. In addition, it is necessary to know this parameter when repairing or installing tension and suspended ceiling structures - in this case it is important to observe the minimum permissible height.

Regulatory documents regulating ceiling heights

Ceiling height in apartment buildings standard development is regulated by clause 5.8 of SNiP 01/31/2003.

The minimum distance from floor to ceiling in this case depends on:

  • climatic region in which the building is located;
  • purpose and type of premises.

Climatic region is a parameter specified in SNiP 01/23/99; it takes into account the average air temperature in different months, as well as humidity and wind direction. There are 4 climatic regions, divided into 16 subregions. The lower the category of the area, the more severe and cold its climate.

SNiP 01/23/99. Construction climatology. File for download.

For subdistricts IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA according to SNiP 23-01-99, the minimum permissible height from the floor to the finished ceiling in residential premises must be at least 2.7 meters. For other subdistricts this parameter is 2.5 meters. Specified values ensure normal air exchange and microclimate in the rooms.

In rooms and kitchens located on the attic floor, it is allowed to reduce the specified height by an area not exceeding half the room. In corridors with mezzanines and passages, the ceiling can be lowered to 2.1 meters - this height ensures normal safe movement of people.

The maximum ceiling height, as a rule, is not regulated, but most often in modern buildings it does not exceed 3.2 meters. In older houses with increased dimensions and area, ceilings can be 4 meters high or more.

When designing a private building and choosing the ceiling height, it is recommended to take into account not only the above factors, but also the area of ​​the premises. In a narrow and small room high ceilings are inappropriate - they create a feeling of a “well”. Spacious halls and living rooms with a large volume of air look more harmonious with a ceiling height of 3 meters.

Standard ceiling heights in different houses

Typical apartment buildings, as a rule, have a standard ceiling height, which depends on the type of building and the time of its construction. Apartments located in different parts of the country are practically no different from each other, and the ceiling height is within an error of no more than a few centimeters. Let's consider the standard distance from floor to ceiling in different houses.

"Stalins" and old housing stock

Old houses are different large area and the size of the rooms, as well as increased ceiling heights. They were erected in an era when there was no need to provide every family with its own apartment, even a small one, so the builders did not skimp on materials and space.

The ceiling height in these houses most often ranges from 3.3-3.6 meters. Ceilings in “Stalin” buildings are often decorated with stucco molding and massive decorative cornices. When installing suspended ceilings and plasterboard, due to this feature, it is necessary to lower the ceiling height by a significant distance.

The ceilings in old houses were often made of wood, and the electrical wiring was external, so repairing such ceilings is associated with high costs. But as a result you can get unique interior with spacious, bright rooms and high ceilings in any style decision. Looks great in old houses multi-level ceilings with rich decor, built-in lighting or massive chandeliers.

Note! To decorate ceilings in old buildings with high ceilings, suspended or tensioned structures are usually used. Painting and wallpapering are, as a rule, not done here due to the difficulty of leveling old floors.

Apartments "Khrushchev"

During the time of Khrushchev, architects and builders were given the task: short time and provide each family with separate housing at minimal cost. This is how the “Khrushchevka” appeared - small apartments with a minimum allowable ceiling height.

The distance from floor to ceiling in Khrushchev buildings is 2.5 meters; sometimes there are apartments with a height of up to 2.6 meters, they are located on the first or last floors. In the northern regions the height is greater - up to 2.7 meters.

The ceilings in these houses are made of reinforced concrete panels, so the finishing is extremely simple: putty on concrete with sealing of seams and whitewashing or painting. Installing suspended ceilings takes away at least 5 cm from the height, which makes the room even lower, however, this method is used quite often in “Khrushchev” buildings.

But suspended structures made of plasterboard or slats should be used with caution, because their installation lowers the ceiling even more. Multi-level systems with complex terrain are also inappropriate - such ceilings will put pressure and depress.

If desired, you can use a combination of colors and textures of the ceiling; in this way, you can achieve zoning without significantly reducing the height of the room. It is better to replace massive chandeliers with built-in lighting.

Note! For finishing ceilings in Khrushchev it is better to use bright hues and a glossy texture that visually increases height.

Improvements, or “Brezhnevki”

In the later, Brezhnev era, people began to pay more attention to personal space and comfort, which left its mark on construction standards. The apartments have become more spacious, the rooms have a separate entrance and hallway, built-in wardrobes and mezzanines have appeared. The height of the ceilings also changed - it increased to 2.6-2.7 meters.

Otherwise, the Brezhnevkas were not very different from the Khrushchevkas. Brick walls and reinforced concrete floors, maximum simple layout and the lack of decorative elements are the features that unite these types of houses.

Repairing Brezhnevka ceilings usually does not involve any special costs; the relatively flat surface allows for any type of finishing. On average, 15-20 cm remains to the minimum permissible ceiling height, which allows the installation of any suspended and tensile structures: canvas, drywall, slats and panels.

Layout of the Brezhnevka panel series II-49.


Note! IN narrow rooms designers recommend using ceiling zoning techniques using levels or different colors. By placing the dividing line across the room, you can visually expand it.

Panel and block houses

History of construction panel houses goes back to Khrushchev times. The first panel buildings were five-story, they were planned to be erected in warm southern regions. The thickness of the walls in such houses is small, and the ceiling heights do not exceed 2.5 meters. The layout as a whole is similar to brick "Khrushchev" apartments, the area of ​​​​the apartments is small, and the rooms lack space and light.

More modern panel and block houses began to be built in the 80s of the 20th century. They boast a larger number of floors, increased area of ​​rooms and kitchens, as well as a ceiling height of 2.65-2.75 meters.

Finishing such ceilings does not involve any special problems - the ceilings have a smooth surface and rarely require major repairs. At your request, you can simply paint them, having previously puttyed small irregularities and seams, or mount any suspended structures.

Ceilings in panel houses often have a fairly smooth surface, so finishing or other work does not pose any special problems

Note! Panel houses They have poor sound insulation; their walls and ceilings conduct impact noise well. When installing suspended and suspended ceilings, it is recommended to perform sound insulation using multilayer structures consisting of elastic and fibrous materials.

Non-flammable sound-absorbing board made of mineral fiber "Shumanet BM"

Modern apartments

At home modern construction differ in a wide variety of layouts and construction technologies used. The housing market offers economy-class houses for a wide range of buyers and luxury housing. They differ in the size of the apartments and the level of comfort, which is influenced, among other things, by the height of the ceiling.

So, in small apartments and studios, in order to save materials and reduce construction costs, ceilings are performed according to the minimum acceptable standard (usually 2.7 meters). Luxury housing differs in the number and area of ​​rooms, availability panoramic windows, arches, niches. The ceilings in such apartments usually have a height of 2.8-3.2 meters, the value depends on the original design. This point can be clarified in the construction documentation.

Ceiling finishing in modern apartments economy class has practically no restrictions, except that it is not recommended to install multi-level systems in small rooms- kitchen, bathroom or small bedroom. To visually increase the height of the room, you can use glossy and mirror textures of the material and properly selected lighting.

Renovation of luxury housing is usually entrusted to professionals, from ordering a design project to completing the work and subsequent cleaning. Experienced designer will help you choose the optimal ceiling height, which will emphasize the advantages of the apartment and neutralize its disadvantages.

Note! Ceiling heights in new buildings can vary greatly, even for apartments located on different floors. To clarify this parameter, you should contact the developer or look at the documentation for the house.

Private houses

A private house is an endless space for imagination. Any layout is possible here and geometric dimensions premises, including ceiling height. The latter, as a rule, is chosen by the customer himself together with the architect.

To give the house space and create a cozy microclimate in it, the ceiling height is usually chosen within the range of 2.9-3.2 meters. Higher ceilings are also possible, but it should be remembered that the increased cubic capacity of the room will require higher heating costs. For houses located in the southern regions, this is not very relevant. For middle zone and northern regions, it is worth conducting a preliminary thermal calculation to determine the feasibility of increasing the standard ceiling height.

The decoration of the ceiling in a private house depends on the material of the floors. For wooden beams Typically, suspended ceilings, suspended structures or wood cladding are used, as well as combined types of finishing that leave floor beams exposed. Reinforced concrete floors allow any type of finishing, from painting to complex hanging systems.

Note! With a view decorative finishing It is better to decide on the ceiling at the design stage. This way you can correctly calculate the height of the finished ceiling, which is especially important when installing multi-level systems.

How to calculate the optimal ceiling height for design and renovation

As can be seen from the descriptions of different housing, the standard ceiling height may vary, it can be clarified and compared in the table below.

Table 1. Standard shelf height in different types houses.

In addition to the standard one, there is such a thing as optimal ceiling height. It takes into account not only the SNiP requirements for microclimate and safety, but also the ergonomics of the premises and the combination of dimensions in all three dimensions. It should be noted that the optimal ceiling height should not be lower than the regulated one.

Table 2. Selection of optimal ceiling heights in various rooms.

Terms, illustrationsShort description

Condition 1. Microclimate and air exchange

For living rooms and kitchens, the optimal ceiling height in the final finish should be no less than the height of the tallest family member plus 1 meter. This is due to the fact that the upper meter layer of air in the room contains a maximum of dust, bacteria and harmful gases formed during breathing and work heating devices. To ensure good health, you need to avoid inhaling air from this layer of air. With an average height of 170 cm, the finished ceilings are 2.7 meters high.

Condition 2. Heating and costs for it

You should not excessively increase the ceiling height - this will significantly increase the cost of heating. Thus, for a house with an area of ​​100 m2, an increase in the distance from floor to ceiling by 30 cm threatens to increase the cubic capacity of the building by 30 m3, which will require the installation of more powerful heating equipment and increase heating costs.

Condition 3. Number of storeys and layout

For a two- and three-story house, too high ceilings are also undesirable, and not only because of increased construction costs. The staircase to the upper floors with an increased ceiling height will take up a large area or will have a too steep slope, which is inconvenient and sometimes unsafe. If you want a spacious living room or hall in two-story house, use a layout with a second light, as shown in the picture. In such a house, the ceiling height in the living room or hall occupies both floors.

Condition 4. Purpose of the premises

It makes no sense to make high ceilings in rooms with temporary occupancy: in a pantry, garage, small corridor. A height of 2.2-2.5 meters is quite sufficient for them. Also, you should not make high ceilings in the bathhouse and sauna - this will make it more difficult to heat it to the desired temperature. They have enough 2.2-2.3 m.

Condition 5. Room area

The basic rule: the more spacious the room, the more appropriate high ceilings are. So, for a living room or dining room with an area of ​​20 m2 or more, a ceiling height of 3.0-3.5 meters is suitable; for the kitchen, bedroom and nursery, 2.7-3.2 meters is enough; for a bathroom – 2.7-3.0 meters. Achieve different heights V different rooms possible due to suspended or tensile structures and ceiling finishing. In addition, communications and ventilation systems can be hidden under them.

Although the standard ceiling height is regulated by code, its value can vary greatly. When purchasing a new or secondary home, this parameter must be clarified in technical passport for an apartment or house or measure it yourself. When building a private property, it is better to be guided by personal needs and preferences, because the correctly chosen height of the premises will not only create the desired style and interior in the house, but also provide a comfortable environment there.

Video - Standard ceiling heights and selection of floor slabs

The ceiling is an object decorative design. The impression of the room depends on its height. It creates a feeling of spaciousness and comfort or, on the contrary, oppresses with heaviness. Depends on the height of the walls design project, it must be taken into account when choosing a chandelier, tiers of a plasterboard system, wall decoration, etc. Height requirements depend on the purpose of the building (residential or public). Although even in a residential area there are different requirements; it all depends on what part of the ceiling we are talking about: a living room or a corridor, a bathroom or a hall, a balcony or a kitchen.

There is no standard uniform ceiling height (h, m) in any regulatory document or standard. According to building regulations and system rules (SNiP) regulatory documents in construction, the smallest h is established, below which construction is unacceptable.

Ceiling heights of public buildings

  • The height of the ceilings of buildings with public purposes is also established by SNiPs. According to sanitary standards room height public buildings(including sanatoriums) should be >3 meters.
  • For separate baths and health complexes with baths designed for more than 100 people, the h of the main premises should be >3.3 meters.
  • For industrial buildings and laundries and dry cleaners h>3.6 meters.
  • Premises that have auxiliary purposes and corridors (depending on the requirements technological requirements and the construction project) it is permissible to build at a lower height, in this case h>1.9 meters.
  • In public buildings with a capacity of 40 people, it is possible to maintain h corresponding to the building floor height. Similar standards have been established for the premises of enterprises engaged in retail trade, whose retail area< 250 кв. м.
  • Subject to functional purpose and technological requirements h premises attic floors it is permissible to lower it under a sloped ceiling. The area of ​​such a section of the ceiling is greater height should not be less than 60% of the area of ​​the room. In accordance with SNiP h, the lowest part of the sloped area should be >1.2 meters (slope 30° relative to the horizon), > 0.8 meters (slope 45°). With a slope of 60°, the height is not limited.
  • On technical floors, the optimal h is set individually, depending on the purpose of the room, the equipment that is planned to be placed, its operating conditions, as well as utility networks.
  • In places where personnel servicing equipment moves, the height from the floor to the overall dimensions of the structures is >1.8 meters.
  • On technical floors or underground areas intended only for the placement of utility networks (pipelines or their insulation made of non-combustible materials), h is taken to be >1.6 meters.
  • IN office buildings and administrative premises h should be > 3 meters. An exception may be individual small offices located not in administrative buildings. In this case, h can be set as in residential buildings (i.e. 2.5...2.7 meters).

Standard ceiling heights in apartments

  • The ceiling height in living areas and kitchens must be >2.5 meters.
  • The height of the ceilings of halls, corridors, mezzanines and hallways for the safe movement of people should be >2.1 meters.
  • In apartments, living spaces and kitchens on the attic or upper floors, where there are sloping enclosing structures, may have a lower ceiling height relative to the standard. However, in this case, the part of the ceiling with a large parameter should not be >50% of the room area.
  • When designing a boiler room where the heat generator will be installed, h should be > 2.2 meters. It should be noted that the arrangement in basements boiler rooms in residential buildings do not meet safety standards. In the basements of large-panel buildings, it is permissible to construct openings with a room height of 1.6 meters and a threshold height of >0.3 meters.

In practice, the most common ceiling height is 2.5... 3.2 meters. However, if we are talking about “Khrushchev” buildings, then you can find 2.4 meters, which, according to modern requirements, does not meet the standards of a residential premises. In modern new buildings h is within 2.6...2.8 meters. The quality according to which the house is built plays a big role in determining the final ceiling height. After eliminating uneven floors and ceilings, precious sentiments can be subtracted from the total height of the room.

Elite apartments - modern new buildings or so-called Stalin buildings - have a ceiling height of more than 3 meters. Both of them are characterized by a higher cost per square footage in their segment.

Experts assure that from the point of view of price-comfort ratio, h=2.7 meters is optimal. It is recommended to focus on this indicator when purchasing real estate.

Why is height so important?

The standard ceiling height in an apartment (h = 2.5...3.2 meters) often does not allow its owner to realize his interesting design ideas. Having high ceilings in a house always has an advantage, because in such houses there is more light and air, and there is also no feeling confined space.

The design project of a room with high ceilings (h=3.2...3.7 meters or more) allows you to implement bright ideas and the most daring decisions.

To avoid the feeling of emptiness, in apartments with high ceilings you can not only hang a multi-level crystal chandelier, but also create an additional attic floor - a recreation area, to which a small staircase leads, and at the top there is an additional sleeping area and a library.

Arrangement of space in residential premises with a high ceiling has some features:

For the interior of large rooms with high ceilings, it is recommended to choose massive, large furniture. At the same time, it is important not to visually overload the room, so as not to erase the feeling of light and space.

It should be noted that the design of a living space with a high ceiling is often done in a loft style ( modern style which can be described by the motto: “ fewer partitions, more fresh air"). This style emphasizes the advantages of the room and organizes hidden places for storing things, effectively organizing the surrounding space. But for some owners of living spaces with high ceilings, the Art Nouveau style is to their liking.

Regardless of adherence to style, there is a vast field for imagination. Shaped arches, decorative elements of varying complexity, tension or hanging multi-tiered ones will look very beautiful and relevant in such rooms. ceiling structures. Another advantage of such a room is that there will be no need to set the ceiling level to a centimeter, since they are invisible in the general space.

Repair features

Modern technologies and widest choice building materials make it possible to make renovations of rooms with high ceilings not much more difficult than ordinary rooms. If there are large doors and window openings The real decoration will be the stucco molding.

With help gypsum stucco hide ventilation grilles and risers, pipes and bearing structures, the opportunity to dismantle which in such apartments is very rare. In general, this is an indispensable technique if you want to hide unwanted interior details. If you want to hide the imperfections of the floors, it is possible to install tension and suspended ceiling systems, choosing which these days is not particularly difficult.


The height of the room is selected at the building design stage and must be determined by the expected performance characteristics and provide for the safe stay of people in the building.

If you are just planning construction, do not skimp on space and do not focus on the minimum standard, because you are planning your home, where you can show your imagination! A ceiling with a height of more than 3 meters will allow you to implement the most daring design projects and create a feeling of space, comfort and coziness.

When building a private house, the owner must be guided not only by his own preferences, but also comply current standards. This is especially true for the height of rooms for various purposes. The height of the ceilings is also important in apartments, because it affects the comfort of living and opportunities in design rooms. In different eras of construction, different standards were in force. Indicators also differ depending on the purpose of the room. We will tell you what the optimal ceiling height is in a private house or apartment, and we will also describe what determines and what the height of the bathhouse should be from floor to ceiling.

As for the height of ceilings in an apartment, these standards are regulated by a document called SNiP, in particular its series 01/31/2003. You can read more about this indicator in paragraph 5.8 of this document.

It says here that minimum height room or auxiliary premises is determined depending on:

  • its type and purpose;
  • construction region.

Important! Room height standards exist to ensure optimal natural circulation air in housing and a favorable microclimate.

To find out which climatic region a particular place belongs to, just refer to SNiP number 23-01-99. The entire territory of our country is divided into climatic regions, taking into account the average monthly temperature, air humidity and the direction of the prevailing winds. The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 4 climatic region. All of them are further divided into 16 districts. Zone IA is considered the coldest.

Depending on the climatic region, the following room height standards apply:

  1. In areas belonging to zones IA, IB, IG, ID, and VA, the minimum permissible height from floor to ceiling is 2700 mm.
  2. In all other zones, the norm is 2500 mm.

Norms for residential premises

Today, new apartments with high ceilings are not often found. This is explained by the fact that at the moment there are standards in force according to which the optimal distance from the ceiling surface to the finished floor in an apartment is taken to be 2400-2800 mm. It is prohibited to design apartments with a height of less than 2.4 m. A lower value will not only adversely affect the microclimate in the room, but will also not allow a person to feel comfortable in a low room.

These standards do not apply to construction individual houses. If desired, the owner of such a building can arrange rooms with a height of 3000-3500 mm. But in pursuit of a comfortable room, do not forget that tall rooms take longer to heat up and require significant heating costs.

Today the following standards for the height of residential premises are in force:

  • children's room, bedroom, living room and office - at least 2500 mm;
  • kitchen – also no less than 250 cm;
  • if mezzanines are installed in the corridor or hallway, then underneath them the optimal distance from the floor to the ceiling surface is 2100 mm;
  • the height of the ceilings in a private house with an attic can be reduced in a room with pitched roof doubled (that is, the junction of the wall and the sloping ceiling should be at least 1.4 m-1.6 m from the floor).

The maximum maximum value for this parameter in private buildings is not specified. Most often, rooms in houses are made no higher than 3200 mm, and in buildings of the last century - 4000 mm.

Standards for non-residential premises

When designing non-residential premises are guided by the following standards for this indicator:

  • public buildings and sanatoriums - not lower than 3000 mm;
  • auxiliary premises and corridors - at least 1900 mm;
  • production shops and dry cleaners - at least 3600 mm;
  • the height of the technical floors depends on the people passing there engineering communications, but must not be lower than 1600 mm;
  • Preschools, schools, medical institutions - at least 3000 mm;
  • offices, shopping centers and administrative institutions - at least 3 meters.

Standard ceiling height in houses

Apartment buildings built in a certain era have different parameter height of the premises. Moreover, the difference depends on the purpose of the structure and the time of its construction. Apartments built in different parts of our country are characterized by the same dimensions.


Such apartments belong to the old housing stock and are characterized by impressive sizes. This era is characterized by a lack of savings on space and materials, because there was no mass construction of housing. The distance from the ceiling surface to the floor in such apartments is 3300-3600 mm. On the ceiling there is often decor in the form of stucco molding and decorative cornices.

Advice! To adjust the parameters of high “Stalin” buildings, suspended or suspended ceilings are installed. As for painting, wallpapering or whitewashing, they are inappropriate in such apartments.


During the reign of Khrushchev, the task was to provide housing for every family. Since the project implementation time and costs were quite limited, small-sized apartments were designed. On average, the distance from floor to ceiling was 2480-2600 mm, but in northern latitudes built apartments with a height of at least 2700 mm.

Important! The ceiling surface in Khrushchev is not decorated with suspended structures, which steal valuable centimeters. For visual expansion spaces, it is recommended to use light glossy finishing materials.


Houses built during Brezhnev’s time are distinguished by improved sizes, because after the massive construction of “Khrushchev” small apartments It's time to think about the comfort of your home. The apartments are spacious, each room has a separate entrance, the kitchen is quite spacious, the hallway has built-in cabinets and mezzanines. As for the height, in Brezhnevkas this parameter is 2600-2700 mm.

Block and panel houses

Active construction of panel and block houses began in Khrushchev's times. The distance from the ceiling to the floor in the first panels built was 2500 mm. At the same time, the layout of small-sized Khrushchev buildings was completely preserved.

In the 80s, new block and panel apartment buildings with improved layouts began to be built. Here the height of the rooms is in the range of 2650-2750 mm. The layout of the apartments was radically different from Khrushchev’s buildings, and the height of the building exceeded 5 floors.


There are no exact standards regarding the height of outbuildings. Facilities for utility purposes may differ in this parameter depending on the region of construction and the purpose of the premises. The shed for storing utensils and tools is made 1900 mm high. If it is necessary to store large items, the distance is increased to 2000-2200 mm.

Ceiling heights for auxiliary premises

Every apartment has auxiliary premises. These are places where a person does not reside constantly, that is, does not sleep, cook or eat. When designing them, they are also guided by certain standards.


In apartments and private houses, the bathroom is located under the same ceiling as the living rooms, so the height of the room is directly related to the standard height of the rest of the apartment or house. If the bathroom area is small, and the distance from floor to ceiling is significant, then the room seems disproportionate and uncomfortable. To correct this drawback, suspended or suspended ceilings are installed in the bathroom at the required distance from the floor.


Want to know exact height ceiling in the bathhouse, the standard is 2300 mm. Typically, this is the parameter that is observed when constructing a one-story detached building. A ceiling height in a bathhouse of less than 2200 mm is unacceptable because it leads to poor circulation of heated air.

Attention! More precisely, the distance from the floor to the ceiling in the bathhouse is determined taking into account the number of shelves and the total number of rows.

However, if the bathhouse is made very high, then the room will take a very long time to warm up to the required temperature. Another disadvantage of a bath that is too high lies in the significant costs of raw materials or electricity for heating.

How to calculate ceiling height

For self-determination optimal distance from the ceiling surface to the clean floor in the room, adhere to the following rules:

  1. For living rooms and other premises of permanent residence, this parameter is selected taking into account the height of the tallest member of the household. A height reserve of 1 m is added to his height. A reserve of free space above human height is needed to protect against inhalation of dusty and very dry air that circulates a meter from the ceiling.
  2. When determining the height of rooms, do not forget to take into account heating costs. A tall room takes longer to heat up and requires greater costs for heating the coolant.

Interesting fact! When the floor height increases by 30 cm, the cubic capacity of the house increases by 30 m³. As a result for the device autonomous heating you will need powerful, expensive equipment.

  1. In multi-storey private houses, a significant distance from floor to ceiling requires the construction of a large staircase that takes up a lot of space. usable area. To save space, you can make a steeper staircase, but it is not safe to move along it.
  2. When calculating this parameter, take into account the area separate rooms. Thus, a high ceiling in a small room looks disproportionate and causes an unpleasant feeling in the people there. A ceiling surface that is too low in a spacious room makes it visually even lower.

When is it permissible not to comply with the rules?

When building an individual house, you may not comply with current standards regarding the height of premises. However, do not forget that this often leads to undesirable consequences in the form of high costs for materials and heating of the house or an unfavorable microclimate in the home.

During construction apartment buildings and public buildings, designers and builders are required to comply with current regulations regarding the height of premises.

Entering the room and paying attention to the interior, few people think that the existing ceiling height in the apartment is standard. Meanwhile, the space surrounding us largely depends on the height of the ceilings. How comfortable and airy it is, or vice versa, how depressing it is.

When purchasing an apartment in new buildings or old housing stock, many, when inspecting the premises, pay attention to the height of the ceilings. During construction own home The project includes parameters for the height of the ceilings.

Based on the definition - the height of the ceiling in the house - you can create a design project for the apartment, design the floors, think over the lighting, the type of lamps or chandeliers, which undoubtedly affects the entire decor of the room.

There are no maximum parameters for the distance from the floor to the ceiling, there is only an estimated minimum ceiling height.

They have their own for buildings for various purposes. For example, in sanatorium-type buildings, the standard ceiling height cannot be lower than 3 m. This applies to living rooms and public areas. Sports and fitness complexes are being built with an average ceiling height of 3.3 m.

Building codes and regulations (SNiPs) oblige the construction of premises where the minimum ceiling height is observed. For residential buildings, the ceiling height in the apartment should not be less than 2.5 m. It is worth noting that such ceilings are not common. When buying a home, new residents try to level the ceilings and make good flooring, so each such procedure reduces the standard.

IN different time, during construction, there were unspoken standards for ceiling heights in apartments:

  • the famous “Stalin” buildings have not lost their value to this day thanks to their high apartments of 3-3.5 m, large windows and spacious rooms, despite the fact that communications in such houses are morally and physically outdated;
  • post-war devastation and overcrowding forced the government to quickly build Khrushchev buildings. The rooms and hallways in houses of this type are small, and the toilets and bathrooms are combined. Despite the fact that the ceiling height in the apartment was standard, reaching 2.5 m, the entire space seemed low and uncomfortable. The effect of a closed space was created, where the ceilings “press”;
  • “Brezhnev” houses and panel high-rise buildings are distinguished by a floor height of 2.5-2.7 m. Apartments of this generation were considered “improved layout” in comparison with houses of earlier development;
  • new buildings can be considered the best option housing construction. The premises here are built without partitions, and the new owners plan a living room, bedroom or children's room based on their preferences, especially since in such apartments the optimal ceiling height is 2.7 m, so you can diversify the ceilings in each room.

General measurements of a standard house

Design solutions and ergonomics

From an ergonomic point of view, the parameters of the room should be such that a person feels comfortable in an apartment, gym, or cinema.

There are several basic postulates of room comfort:

  1. optimal microclimate (comfortable temperature and humidity);
  2. necessary supply of fresh air;
  3. sufficient natural or artificial lighting.

The standard ceiling height in an apartment will allow you to construct almost any ceiling design, except perhaps for heavy multi-tiered ones. hanging devices. When making such design solutions, the height from floor to ceiling should be maximum.

In other cases, you can use any materials:

  1. ceiling tiles;
  2. tensile structures;
  3. simple suspended ceilings.

Suitable for finishing rooms with any wall height. It practically does not hide or reduce spatial scales. Easy to install and maintain. Anyone can handle gluing during repairs. House master. The only drawback is that it will not be able to level the floor slabs; moreover, when glued to an uneven surface, it can come off and negate all the work in the future.

When leveling the ceiling with plasterboard slabs, all the savings in height will not matter, since the frame of the structure will “eat up” the required centimeters.

The most acceptable option for finishing ceilings. They don't require special training surfaces. The width of the profiles on which the canvas is attached is not too large.
But it is worth noting that multi-level structures Should not be used in rooms with low ceilings. In such rooms, a single-level glossy or matte canvas with spotlights.

Original lighting is also possible, which can be selected taking into account the fact that the ceiling will visually look higher.

Suspended ceilings can bring to life the most daring design solutions. The installation of structures is carried out without preparing the base, especially since it is possible to hide light fittings and other communications under such a ceiling.

With high ceiling heights, you can create a multi-level, stylish and elegant form. In a room with low ceilings, it is better to opt for a single-level option with original built-in lamps or a chandelier that allows you to illuminate ceiling surface below.

Color and lighting solution

With a low level of overlap, the problem is solved by choosing a color. For example, it will visually increase the height of the room mirror ceiling or glossy canvases. You can raise the structure by painting the surface in cool light colors (light green or bluish shades). A stretch fabric of contrasting colors will allow you to zone the room; correctly selected shades will visually raise the ceiling.

The right design furniture will allow you to raise the level of ceilings. Dark lower cabinets and upper shelves made in light colors will increase the verticality of the room.
The ceiling framed around the perimeter with an LED strip will appear higher.

Illumination with spotlights mounted correctly into the surface of the coating will increase spatial perception.

When choosing a new place of residence, you need to pay attention to the height of the ceilings, but it is worth noting that you can visually change your spatial perception by knowing little secrets about the design of the room.

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Ceiling height: 17 questions and answers that will change your ideas about comfort

The topic of this article is ceiling height. In it, the reader and I will have to find out what restrictions apply to the minimum and maximum height of the room. You will also learn about methods for changing it up and down, both physically and visually.



  1. What is the minimum ceiling height of a living space that does not cause discomfort to its occupants?

It is believed to be 2.4 meters. However, in practice, the answer depends greatly on the anthropometric data of your family. Agree that people 160 and 210 centimeters tall have slightly different ideas about comfort.

The lower limit of comfort is a kitchen with a height of 240 cm.


  1. What is the maximum ceiling height above the floor? Why do developers avoid building housing with ceilings higher than 3 meters?

Offhand, there are two reasons:

The higher each individual floor, the more expensive the house as a whole is. With rising costs square meter housing its competitiveness decreases. Most potential buyers are limited in funds and, given the same usable area of ​​the apartment, will choose a cheaper offer.

In addition, as the height of the room increases, heating costs increase: following the height of the flow, the volume of the apartment increases.

In practice, heating a high room is further complicated by air temperature stratification: heat collects under the ceiling, while the floor remains cold.


  1. What is the standard ceiling height in Soviet-built houses?

In houses different projects she is different. I will give a few examples from my own experience:

  • In the city of Khabarovsk, I happened to visit a building built by Japanese prisoners of war shortly after the First World War and October revolution. The distance from floor to ceiling was 4.5 meters, which made it possible to build a mezzanine with a sleeping area or a small office in the living room;

  • In the Stalinist building built in 1960, in which I lived for several years, the ceiling was at a height of 3.2 meters;
  • Built just eight years later, the Khrushchev building in Komsomolsk-on-Amur was “pleased” with a height of 250 cm.

So low ceilings were associated with the social housing construction program adopted under the unforgettable Nikita Sergeevich. From 1958 to 1985, houses were built with the most compact apartments and without any architectural frills.

  1. What will more modern houses please you with??
  • The ceiling height of the p44t series, built from 1979 to 1999, is 2.7 meters;

  1. And what is the optimal height?

In my opinion - 260 - 270 centimeters. This value will save you from the feeling of cramped space, but will not force you to overpay for heating. In any case, this is exactly the ceiling height I chose when building my own attic.

The interior of my attic. The distance from the horizontal section of the ceiling to the floor is 260 cm.

Non-residential premises

  1. How low can you go suspended ceiling In bathroom?

2.3 - 2.4 meters is a reasonable minimum. If you make the bath even lower, a person is taller than average standing in the bath or shower tray, will experience noticeable discomfort.

  1. What requirements are relevant for a toilet or a combined bathroom??

The same. The exception is the attic: if it is located under an inclined section of the ceiling, the distance from it to the floor will in any case be less. When designing this room, take into account the height of the tallest member of the family: he should not touch the ceiling with his head.

  1. What is a comfortable height in a sauna or Russian bath?

2.2 meters with a height of the top shelf of 0.95 - 1 meter. Such dimensions will allow you to swing a broom and at the same time not suffer from excessive consumption of firewood when heating the room.

In a washroom or rest room, it is better to raise the ceiling lining to 2.35 - 2.40 meters. It does not need to be heated to such a high temperature as a sauna or steam room, which allows you to increase the volume of the room.

Tension, suspended

  1. What is the minimum height of a stretch ceiling from the ceiling of the room??

Ideally, about 4 centimeters. The distance that eats suspended ceiling, can increase in two cases:

  • If the slab floor has noticeable irregularities and differences. In this case, a distance of 4 cm is set aside from the bottom point of the overlap;

  • If the space between the canvas and the ceiling is used for the installation of built-in lamps, ventilation ducts or air conditioning lines. Everything here is determined by the dimensions of the lamps or the cross-section of the utilities that you plan to lay.

  1. How much height will it take suspended structure from plasterboard?

With an even ceiling - approximately the same amount as the suspended ceiling takes up, about 4 cm. The lowering height is the sum of the height of the walls ceiling profile(27 mm) and plasterboard thickness (12.5 mm for walls and 9.5 mm for ceilings).

  1. How much will the ceiling level decrease when covered with plastic panels?

When constructing a suspended structure using a profile frame, the same simple arithmetic applies as in the case of gypsum plasterboard: the profile thickness is 27 mm, the panel thickness is 7 - 10 mm. Total 34-37 mm.

However, on a relatively flat floor, panels can be attached not to a frame, but to glue or silicone sealant. Then only 7-10 mm (panel thickness) is lost.

Problems of the rich

  1. How to reduce the ceiling height in a room to save on heating?

Any suspended structure or stretch fabric will reduce the heated volume of the room. However, it's cold ceiling in conditions of limited ventilation, it may begin to freeze, which will lead to its rapid attack by fungus and the appearance of puddles of condensation on the floor.

A more reasonable solution is to leave the room height the same and use an underfloor heating system. It will redistribute the temperatures inside the room, providing maximum heating where it is needed - at floor level.

  1. How to use the excess height of a living room?

I have already mentioned the solution: the space above human height is used for habitable mezzanines. They can accommodate a sleeping place, an office or a nursery. When the room height is within 3 meters, compact mezzanines are used to store rarely used items.

The poor cry too

  1. How to increase the height of a room in an apartment building?

Here are a couple of the most obvious solutions:

  • Remove wood flooring along with lags. It will allow you to win at least ten centimeters. For alignment slab floor use a self-leveling floor, for sound insulation - linoleum with insulation or laminate with a thick (5-10 mm) and dense (for example, cork) backing;

  • Remove the screed poured onto the ceiling. Its typical thickness is 5 - 8 cm. On the first floors, under a reinforced screed, a layer of insulation 3-5 cm thick is often laid; in this case, the ceiling height will increase by an impressive 8 - 13 cm.

Of course, after removing the insulated screed, you will have to seriously worry about insulating the basement under the apartment.

  1. How to make a room taller in a wooden house?

And here I will offer you a couple of ideas:

  • Hem the ceiling not along the beams, but along the ones stuffed on them side surfaces cranial bars;

  • Cut out the floor beams and lay them on top of the ground concrete preparation(layer of low-quality concrete) insulated.

In the latter case, window and door openings will rise noticeably relative to the floor level. Be prepared to cut out an additional crown and replace window and door units.

  1. How to visually increase the height of the ceiling if it is not possible to physically raise it?

Play with contrast. Human vision has interesting feature: light objects seem more distant to him than they really are, dark objects seem closer. If you paint the ceiling white or just as much as possible light color, he will seem taller to you; the effect can be emphasized by decorating the walls with a dark finish.

The opposite is also true. A dark ceiling with light walls will look lower than it actually is.

A couple more tricks:

  • Tall baguettes, moldings or simply white stripes at the top of the walls will further increase the apparent height of the ceiling;

  • Gloss and, in general, any finish that has a mirror effect will work in the same way. All surfaces that fully or partially reflect the interior of the room will deceive your vision and make the ceiling surface appear more distant than it actually is.

  1. How to visually increase the height of the ceiling if major renovations to the room are not planned?

Lighting affects the visual perception of distances in the same way as light finishing colors. Brightly illuminating the ceiling at a relatively dark walls, you will again make it taller. For this purpose, you can use spotlights, spot lights or bright LED strip, hidden behind the ceiling plinth.


From the article you learned what the minimum and maximum ceiling heights are. You always have the opportunity to change sizes using design tricks. As always, I would appreciate it if you could share your own experiences with ceiling design. Good luck, comrades!

December 7, 2016

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