Dream Interpretation to sweep dry leaves indoors. Sweeping in someone else's house

Dream interpretation is very interesting thing. And very many try to somehow explain everything that we dream about. But before proceeding to this process should be carefully remembered full picture sleep, with the smallest and most insignificant details. After all, every little thing can radically change the whole meaning of the interpretation.

Many dream books, which are very popular with those who want to understand their dream, can help us decipher dreams. Miller's dream book is now considered the most popular. It is on its basis that the majority of Internet portals for the interpretation of dreams are compiled. Incredibly interesting are also attempts to explain the dreams of the famous soothsayer Vanga. Her interpretations cannot compete with Miller's dream book for lack of such a number of interpretations of dreams. However, those who know a lot about explaining dreams will not fail to look at Vanga.

Why dream of sweeping Many dream books interpret sweeping as auspicious sign which portends wealth and prosperity. It shows that you have a huge supply of energy and you are ready to move mountains in order to succeed.

But sweeping in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol, and it must be interpreted based on the circumstances in which you are doing it.

Wangi's dream book associates sweeping with moving along career ladder, if you do not provoke contention with superiors.

When someone interferes with your sweeping, get ready for hard work, which will be followed by a good reward.

If during sweeping you find a long-lost, dear thing to you, for example an earring, then soon you will see that your enemies expose themselves and put them in an absurd position.

Sweep with a broom in a dream

A broom in your hands is a symbol of change in your destiny, and a broom promises a fun, full of entertainment and fun life. If before cleaning you go to buy a sweeping tool, then be prepared to become a participant in a financial scam. Sweeping with someone else's broom promises pleasant communication. A dream in which a broom breaks while sweeping indicates various provocations from your enemies. However, if you manage to finish cleaning with a broken broom, then you will be able to overcome all the intrigues of competitors and successfully cope with your plan.

Pay attention to the material of your cleaning tool. Sweeping with a broom from birch twigs in a dream is an excellent symbol of health and longevity. A tool from poor material - to health problems.

sweep with a broom

Why dream of sweeping with a broom? If you have a broom in your hands, then there is an opportunity to learn how to defend your opinion and convince others that you are right.

Also be careful about the quality of your inventory. A large number of twigs means good luck in any quarrel, and if vice versa, then you will spend a lot of nerves and effort trying to prove the veracity of your words.

Since it is important for us to restore the picture of our sleep in all details for the best option interpretation, it is worth devoting special attention to the place of sweeping.

Sweep indoors

Cleaning in own house serves as a harbinger of building relationships with household members. will begin to appreciate and will try in every possible way to help around the house. The rest of the family members will be in good spirits and health and will reach new heights in their field. You will be able to cope without the slightest loss with the most difficult tests.

If you undertook to sweep in a dream in a strange house, then know that someone is taking advantage of your friendliness and desire to help everyone. You just pay so much attention to the problems of others that you involuntarily forget about your own. You are ready to do everything to help even unfamiliar people, and some take advantage of this. And your relatives suffer from this state of affairs in the first place. But also sweeping in the house of friends can be a signal of a big quarrel with them.

And when you dream of sweeping in a public place, then slander and rumors will soon stop.

Sweeping the floor in a dream at work promises a change of profession.

Sweep in the yard

When the yard becomes a sweeping place, then your subconscious mind tries to calm you down and show that everything is fine with you, you are protected from all problems and easily avoid any dangers. Sweeping the yard in a dream is a wonderful sign that gives confidence in tomorrow. Sweeping in someone else's yard portends a misunderstanding.

Sweep at the entrance

If the entrance becomes the place of sweeping, then be prepared for slander and gossip behind your back. Enemies will try to undermine your authority in the eyes of others, but do not despair and try not to take it personally. Psychologists advise showing patience and endurance, as well as avoiding direct conflicts with ill-wishers.

Significant place in correct interpretation the sweeping dream occupies the object that you are directly sweeping: the floor, the road, etc.

Sweep the floor

If you had to sweep the floor in a dream, be calm: prosperity awaits you in all matters. This is a harbinger of the start of the white stripe. All strife in the family will certainly end, and it will be easier for you to find mutual language with the second half, children and parents.

sweep the street

Sweeping the street is a symbol of what you have the desire and ability to fix. a good relationship with others, make amends for past deeds and forget the offenses caused to other people. Also, sweeping the street can be a sign of an unexpected inheritance, finding an expensive thing, or moving up the career ladder. Cleaning the street in a dream, in reality you can meet interesting person which will help you with something very important. If you see someone else cleaning the street, then relationships with acquaintances will become better.

Other important details

Careful cleaning and sweeping of the carpet should be interpreted as the desire and ability of a person to move into a new home. And you can also breathe a sigh of relief, as the carpet you swept portends the disappearance of your problems.

Sweeping promises you an opportunity to pay off your enemies who poisoned your life with gossip and slander.

An important factor is also who you dream about. You must remember that when other people come to you in dreams, you definitely need to tell them about it, since your dream will affect their lives too.

If a woman dreams of sweeping

What else interesting about this will the dream book tell us? Broom in a dream for unmarried girl portends an urgent move to a loved one. And married - the opportunity and desire to radically change the home. A dream in which you are forced to sweep promises discord in the family.

Sweeping dreams of a man

We leaf further dream book. A broom for men dreams of urgently important news. But if the porch becomes the place where a man sweeps, then he must mentally prepare for unpleasant scandals and showdowns with people he sees every day. It is very likely that these strife will cause a lot of trouble.

Someone is sweeping, not you

Watching the sweeper indicates the successful completion of your planned affairs, and it can also symbolize the success of your loved ones in their affairs, which you will witness. But if at the same time all the dust flies in your face, then do not be surprised in case of ridicule and unfounded accusations to your address.

Sweeping the dead

Sometimes you have to see in a dream a sweeping dead person. This means that you feel some kind of guilt that prevents you from moving on. Therefore, do not go in cycles, try to ask for forgiveness. This dream may portend minor troubles, but you can easily deal with them.

What kind of trash are you sweeping up?

Remember in detail the rubbish that you sweep. After all, it is a weighty thing in the process of the whole interpretation. Perhaps it is just such a trifle that the subconscious is trying to talk to you. Sweeping garbage of huge size indicates your desire to drive someone out of your own home.

Sweeping sand stands for very ambiguous. What does this dream portend? Sweeping sand in your dreams - this may be a harbinger of an upcoming meeting with an old friend, unforeseen guests on the doorstep of the house. But also sweeping sand can mean wasting time on useless things that will have neither moral nor financial rewards.

Sweeping leaves in a dream is a symbol of the appearance of a persistent admirer. He will try his best to get your attention. However, having successfully cleared the entire territory of leaves, be sure that you will soon be able to get rid of obsessive courtship.

Sweeping your cut hair symbolizes the opportunity to look at your problems from different angles and change your own point of view on the situation.

Finding paper money in the trash is a symbol of huge financial income. But if you sweep a trifle, then you will have or you will lose a large amount.

If you are sweeping and the amount of trash is not decreasing, then be prepared for a huge commitment. They will fall on your shoulders, and you will not have the desire to fulfill them, but, unfortunately, you will not be able to refuse them. Therefore, just humble yourself and proudly complete all the tasks.

Where do you put rubbish?

In your dream, do you just sweep the garbage on a scoop, and then you don’t put it anywhere? This means that in reality you cannot get rid of unnecessary, obsessive thoughts. But if you sweep the trash out the door, then you will be able to let go of the past without regret.

Sweeping garbage into one pile promises a solution to a lot of accumulated problems. And sweeping a clean area is a waste of time in life. Also, the formation of one pile of garbage portends wealth, and sweeping it out of the room - losses.

It is believed that the removal of accumulated garbage at a later time is a particularly bad sign.

Sweeping time plays an important role

What else will the dream book tell us? Sweeping a house in a dream when people are celebrating something means that you should expect trouble and disappointment in loved ones.

If in a dream they help you with sweeping, then do not be afraid to ask for help and in real life, you will really need it.

Sweeping in warm weather means a desire to do something good for a loved one. And if you sweep in snowy weather, then the long-cooled relationship will resume again.

Sweeping before sunset promises a good financial profit, and after - serious illness and material losses.

Interpretation is a complex science

Naturally, there are a lot of ways to interpret the dream of sweeping. But don't rush into everything. After all, it is very important to take into account every detail and your actions in a dream. One missed trifle - and your decoding will become almost a fatal blow to your psyche. Therefore, it is very important to try not to miss anything. Dreams cannot predict people's actions. Sleep is just a sign that should be given due attention. He can save us from danger, so we should never remain indifferent to him. Before running after a dream book, you need to make sure that you have a prophetic dream. To find out whether a dream will come true or not, the lunar calendar will help.

Our dreams defy logic. They show a complete picture of our inner world or what is happening in our real life. After watching this vivid picture at night, in the morning we try to reproduce these frames. But our main goal is to understand what our dreams will bring.

Unraveling the hidden meaning of sleep, we are trying to foresee the future and guess what fate has in store for us. And thanks to this, we delve into our rich inner world so guess and guess your dreams.

dreamed of sweeping garbage with a broom

If in a dream you had to sweep the garbage with a broom, then family quarrels and misunderstandings will soon stop, relations will improve. Sweeping out the garbage, they found in it something that they once lost in reality, or something valuable - your enemies disavow themselves. Nothing should be done, everything will happen without your intervention.

sweep the garbage with a broom on the dream book

Washing the floor, or sweeping garbage with a broom in your house means success in promotion, provided that you do not argue with your boss. Sweeping in the house of another person - he can take yours workplace. If you sweep the floor carelessly, your work will be done in a slipshod manner and will not receive management approval.

what does it mean if you sweep garbage with a broom in a dream

Seeing a broom in a dream, sweeping garbage with a broom is a sign that a person himself is the source of his failures. The one who saw in a dream a new broom, or a broom, has a friend whose acquaintance began recently. Do not trust this friend. If the broom or broom is old, then you will soon meet an old friend or girlfriend.

why dream of sweeping garbage with a broom

In a dream, sweeping garbage with a broom in a house where someone is sick portends the possible death of the patient. In the general case, sweeping something in a dream means losing income, sweep it away.

sweep garbage with a broom in a dream

Sweeping garbage with a broom from your home is the desire to improve family relations. You want to get rid of boring everyday stereotypes, you are looking for new approaches to a loved one. You are open to everything new and crave it. But, if at the end of cleaning the broom or broom is in the corner, there will be no change. This means that you will not do anything in reality to bring them to life. Anyone who swept and broke a broom or broom in a dream suffers from family quarrels and misunderstandings. His view of the world and self-esteem differ from the opinion of the family.

During sleep, a person not only rests, but also receives a signal about possible changes in life. Broom also predicts a series of various events. Which ones - you will find out if you remember the dream.

Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Muslim and others

A dreamed broom is a symbol of liberation (from problems, fears, mental anguish, etc.), entering a new material and spiritual level. Such a dream promises an improvement in affairs, the beginning of a different life stage. But not always a dream speaks of favorable events in the future.

  1. Vanga's dream book interprets the symbol of a broom in a dream as purification, internal liberation, the release of shackles. The dreamer's subconscious suggests that he is on the right track and the problems will be solved soon.
  2. Miller's dream book: a broom dreams of prosperity, changes in fate. A man sweeps garbage with a broom, puts things in order in the house. A broom in a dream symbolizes change old life to a new one.
  3. Apostle Simon the Zealot: to remove a broom - to joy, improvement of affairs, life change.
  4. Freud's dream book: the dreamer is trying to sort things out with a partner, to color the routine with new impressions. Such a dream occurs when a person is overcome by everyday life.
  5. IN Muslim dream book such a dream is interpreted as the cessation of a series of misfortunes and worries, the return of a debt. The negative meaning of sleep is an old and dirty broom. In this state, he does not cope well with his mission and, on the contrary, adds "rubbish" to the dreamer's life.
  6. Esoteric Tsvetkov believes that the broom dreams of shopping and spending money. The same interpretation of sleep belongs to the small Veles dream book. Sometimes dreams are very symbolic and carry direct meaning. A dreaming of a worthless broom may mean that the dreamer will soon have a purchase.
  7. An old Russian dream book: a broom dreams of abuse and quarrel. To take dirty linen out of the hut, to swear with the family, to spread gossip - all this leads to a deterioration in relations with loved ones. Such a dream advises the dreamer to be more tolerant of relatives.
  8. Magical dream book: sweeping with a broom in a dream - to a truce, building relationships. When we clean, we make room for new things. Such a dream tells the dreamer that the quarrel will soon be forgotten.

The meaning of sleep for men and women

Given all the moments of sleep, you can explain the meaning of the vision as accurately as possible. It is also important who dreamed of a broom:

  • man: to obstacles in business. If the broom stood in the corner with the handle up - there are chances to overcome difficulties, with the handle down - things are doomed to failure;

    If a man sees in a dream that they are sweeping a clean floor, then he will easily reach the goal. At the same time, it is desirable for him to enlist the support influential people. I dreamed of a dirty floor - to failure in business. A broom lying on the floor - to quarrels, gossip and scandals.

  • married woman: to see how they sweep a clean floor - to gossip and slander, a dirty floor - to praise and respect. A broom lying on the floor means that you need to expand your horizons and monitor your appearance. If a woman sweeps the floor herself in a dream - it's time to improve relations with relatives;
  • unmarried girl: if she dreamed that she was diligently sweeping in the house, she would soon move to her chosen one. The Small Veles dream book testifies that such a dream is for a trip, for guests, for wealth.

Dreamer's actions

If you remember specific actions with a broom in a dream, pay attention to the following interpretations.

If you dream of sweeping the floor in the house, at the entrance, at work

Sweeping in a house (apartment): the dreamer has enough strength to find a way out of difficult life situations. Esoteric dream book interprets such a dream as follows: problems will soon go away, the dreamer will be able to overcome obstacles on life path. For married woman such a vision promises harmonious relationships with loved ones, happy life in peace and harmony, home comfort.

In a dream, sweeping the floor - to harmonious relations with relatives, a happy life in peace and harmony, home comfort

The dream in which the dreamer sweeps the entrance is a harbinger of slander and gossip from enemies. For men, it means skirmishes with family, relatives or colleagues.

The entrance is a public place, everything you do in it is seen by the neighbors. To avoid gossip, be careful what you say and to whom. And ignore rumors and unpleasant conversations, because the opinions of other people should not affect your self-esteem.

A dream in which the dreamer sweeps someone else's house: it's time to devote more time to your business and family. Someone else's house - someone else's problems and experiences. Give free time and caring for family and friends.

Sweeping at work - for an early dismissal. The subconscious indicates to the dreamer - you are clearing your place for another. Tip: carefully review your plans and actions.

Sweep leaves, sand, water, hair, debris, clean carpet

It should be clean both at home and around it. In a dream, we subconsciously perform the same actions that we consider necessary to do in reality.

  1. After a rainstorm, sometimes puddles have to be swept away to keep the approach to the house clean. The dream in which the dreamer sweeps water is interpreted by the 21st century Dream Interpretation as follows: to guests from afar. In such a dream, water may be associated with a huge ocean or something distant. A dream promises a similar thing in which the dreamer sweeps sand.
  2. If a girl sees in a dream how she sweeps the leaves - to the appearance of a persistent admirer. If you managed to sweep out the foliage, you can easily get rid of the obsessive gentleman.

    Leaves in a dream symbolize attention. By sweeping the foliage, the dreamer subconsciously wants to get rid of excessive care and close attention.

  3. Sweeping cut hair in a dream: change the established opinion, look at the situation differently. This is a symbolic dream. Changing a haircut, a person changes himself.
  4. If you dream that you are sweeping up fragments, you have to prove your point of view, defend your opinion.
  5. If a girl dreamed that she was sweeping a carpet at home with a broom - for a housewarming, a change of residence. Even such a dream predicts the dreamer, regardless of age and gender, repairs. The more garbage is swept from the carpet in a dream, the more ambitious the work will be.

By sweeping the foliage, the dreamer subconsciously wants to get rid of excessive care and obsessive attention.

Sweep the yard, the street, sweep the cobwebs, sweep the seeds

If the dreamer is holding a broom in his hands, then he is going to use it for its intended purpose. Maybe it's time to put things in order in the yard or on the street? Or just sweep away the annoying web?

  • sweeping in the yard or on the street - to the loss of a friend or loved one. The main emphasis is placed on the possibility of a quarrel, due to which friendly contact will be lost;
  • a dream in which the dreamer sweeps the yard means a sense of security and the ability to withstand danger;
  • sweep the cobwebs with a broom in a dream - to soon move to a new place, in new house. The web is the home of the spider, having lost its home, it spins the web again. Perhaps the dreamer has long been thinking about changing his place of residence. Such a dream speaks of moral readiness to move.

    The web is associated with fetters, limitation and hopelessness. By removing cobweb threads from walls, cabinets, chandeliers in a dream, the dreamer casts off shackles and fetters, cleanses himself, finds new ways to overcome difficulties. Such a dream also means reconciliation, the establishment of broken contacts.

  • if you swept away the seeds, it is possible that your children do not have enough warmth and care.

Cleaning in the yard - to a possible quarrel with a loved one

Hold a broom in your hands, chase or beat a person

A dream in which the dreamer holds a broom in his hands:

  • the modern dream book is interpreted as aggression, hostility towards others. Subconsciously, the dreamer defends himself with all his might - even a broom becomes a weapon. You need to understand yourself, calm down and not worry about trifles;
  • Tsvetkov's dream book: to unforeseen expenses. Check once again the serviceability of the appliances in the house, if necessary - fix it. The dream is just a clue. Correctly interpreting the received symbol, you can correct the situation in time;
  • the Wanderer's dream book warns a man about possible problems with a mother or an overbearing boss. Tip: Try to avoid unnecessary conversations and direct criticism.

A man who dreamed of a broom in his hands warns of possible problems with his mother or boss

Dreams in which you hit someone or chase someone away with a broom:

  • to beat someone in a dream with a broom - to transfer power to another person. A broom in such a dream is considered a conductor of energy;

    Sometimes such a dream may be evidence that there is an energy vampire nearby who feeds on the dreamer's life forces.

  • if the boss dreams that he beats his subordinates with a broom - to obedience. The dreamer is an authority, easily controls people;
  • to drive someone away with a broom - in reality to part with him. Such a dream may occur after a quarrel, completing the dreamer's emotional stress;
  • beat yourself with a broom in a dream - to forgiveness, restoration of relations. The dreamer subconsciously admits his guilt and is ready to apologize.


In dreams, the subconscious mind draws the most incredible pictures and stories. The dream of buying a new broom carries a hidden meaning that can be interpreted with the help of dream books.

  1. Autumn dream book: buying a broom in a dream - to gossip and condemnation. Do not listen to other people's gossip, do not pay attention to idle gossip.
  2. A broom bought in a dream falls apart - to problems in business. If, despite the unimportant quality of the broom, it is possible to tidy up the house, the dreamer will be able to overcome all obstacles and troubles. Tip: try to be more careful.
  3. Miller's dream book says that buying a broom in a dream promises a rich life to the dreamer.
  4. I dreamed that they were buying a broom from gypsies - fraud on the part of a business partner is possible.

What a broom looks like: old, new, broken, clean, dirty

Remember how the broom looked in a dream - the successful decoding of the dream depends on this:

Other interpretations of dreams: bathe with a broom in the bath, fly, take from someone, lose, knit

Do not lose sight of the interpretation of dreams about bath brooms. What does the dream in which you saw:

Taking a broom from someone's hands in a dream - to a promotion at work.

Lose a broom in a dream - to a quarrel with a loved one. In Russia, they believed that a brownie was associated with a broom. And in the event of the loss of a household assistant, the brownie was also lost. And without him, life in the house did not go well.

Broom is often credited with mystical properties. It used to be believed that witches and devils could fly on brooms and brooms. The 21st century dream book warns that flying in a dream on a broom is a nuisance.

I dreamed that the broom was sweeping by itself - to big troubles.

Knit brooms - to a possible loss of contact with distant friends.

A dreaming broom is a signal to action. Try to remember dreams in order to timely interpret the received sign from the subconscious. Indeed, even an insignificant, at first glance, thing in a dream is a symbol of changes in life.

Any action in dreams associated with cleaning is traditionally considered positive. Therefore, dream books say that sweeping in a dream is a favorable sign. But some details are worth paying attention to. Special attention- because of them, sleep can acquire a warning value instead of a positive one.

If you suddenly dreamed that you had to sweep the floor in someone else's house, the interpreters advise you to think: are you too responsive to other people's requests? Maybe those who ask you for favors can handle their own problems just fine, but are they more comfortable putting the burden on your shoulders? If you help others out of kindness or out of a sense of duty, but to the detriment of your own interests, the interpreters advise you to abandon such altruism: your own health and your own well-being are more expensive.

Yard, street, entrance

Why dream of sweeping the yard? Different interpreters interpret such a dream in a very contradictory way. One of the options for explaining what it means to revenge the yard says that this is a very good image. You do not shy away from difficulties, which means that you will be able to avoid any difficulties and even turn them to your advantage.

There is also such an interpretation: for a girl to sweep the yard and sweep fallen leaves into a heap means that it will be difficult for her to get rid of a persistent admirer, for whom the sleeping woman herself does not have tender feelings. For a man, a dream in which he sweeps the yard, removing fallen leaves, is a signal that he will be able to negotiate with his superiors for a raise and an increase in salary. If the dreamer himself is engaged in commerce, then such dreams are a good deal, and the leaves in in large numbers mean good profit.

To see in a dream the yard from which all the garbage was swept - to unexpected joy . It may not be too significant in material terms, but memorable. But sweeping in the yard, where there is no longer any garbage, is a waste of time: in reality, you should think before you get down to business.

There is a huge amount of garbage in the yard, but you manage to sweep it out - which means that you will be able to properly build relationships with your inner circle, even if there are some misunderstandings now. Rake leaves or rubbish in a pile in the yard - you will be able to solve at once a lot of things that have accumulated in you long time. If, despite your efforts, the garbage in the yard does not decrease, such a dream indicates that you feel insecure - dream books advise you not to be shy to ask for support from friends and relatives.

Why dream of sweeping someone else's yard? You will find yourself in some situation that will turn into a misunderstanding. Most likely, it will turn out to be just a misunderstanding that will be resolved fairly quickly.

If you dreamed that you were sweeping the street, interpreters believe that this dream indicates your desire to live in harmony with others. This image may portend that a very useful acquaintance or the discovery of a long-lost valuable item awaits you. One of the not so good stories about cleaning is considered a dream when a man has to do the cleaning with a broom in the stairwell. The vision warns the dreamer: confrontation with the authorities can end in failure, therefore it is better to refrain from conflicts with the leadership.

Tools and workers

In a dream, I had to sweep away garbage with a broom - you should prepare for the changes that can happen to you in reality. It suddenly turned out that you need to clean up, but you don’t have a tool, and you go to the store or to the market for a broom - in reality you may be assigned new responsibilities. It could be a career advancement or work on a new project. But do not worry - a decent reward will await you for this work.

If you dreamed that someone gave you a broom, you should try to remember who exactly it was. It is possible that this particular person sees in you his own successor.

A dream where you sweep the floor with a broom that breaks means that you need to be prepared for the machinations of competitors or ill-wishers. If you manage to finish sweeping with a broken broom, luck will be on your side.

If in a dream you had to sweep the floor with a dirty broom, in reality you have to go on the road - on a trip or a long business trip. Find in the process of cleaning a long time ago lost thing- successfully turn a difficult case to the envy of competitors.

If you dreamed of sweeping the trash with a broom, you have the makings of a born speaker who can convince anyone and anything. How these abilities can be realized in real life depends on the quality and "completeness" of the broom. I dreamed of sweeping in a dream, sweeping paper or leaves into a pile - such a sign promises a significant improvement in financial situation.

If you saw in a dream that the janitor sweeps the street or collects fallen leaves, in reality you can strengthen your well-being with someone's support - for example, with the help of an inheritance received. If fallen leaves cover the sidewalk with a thick layer, the financial increase will be very solid. If a now deceased person turned out to be a janitor in your dream, the dream promises small misunderstandings that will be easily resolved.

Sweeping in a dream is a sign announcing the approach of significant changes in a person's life. To understand what this picture is dreaming of, you should carefully recall your dream in the smallest details, and, having formed a meaningful and complete picture, look at its meaning in the dream book.

In most dream books, the interpretation of dreams is to sweep, wear positive character. And it promises well-being, the establishment of family ties and various domestic issues.

The ability to suffer irreparable losses and losses, that's what it means to sweep the floor in a dream, according to Modern dream book. A broom in hand indicates a change in life. Buying a broom in order to clean the house is a sign of participation in a complicated business that will affect the material and financial situation of a sleeping person. Cleaning up garbage with a big broom is interpreted as the onset of a fun life full of entertainment and fun.

Vanga's dream book interprets what it means to sweep in a dream, as a harbinger of success and prosperity. Achievements in the work area will be much higher if the dreamer learns not to argue with his superiors, fiercely defending his point of view, and in a constructive dialogue he tries to convey his position, condescendingly referring to the shortcomings of influential people.

Miller's dream book - sweeping the floor or the street, interprets it as the onset of a positive period in life. If the hostess has lost a broom or a broom, then in life the young lady may turn out to be a sloppy hostess, unable to restore harmony and comfort in her home, which will bring a lot of grief in the future.

To dream about the deceased sweeping in the courtyard of the house speaks of the sleeping person's guilt for the dead, which prevents him from moving forward and reaching new heights.

What and where to clean

In order to find out in more detail what the cleaning is about, it is important to pay attention to the place that is being cleaned and the type of garbage.

If a married woman had to sweep the house in a dream, it means that soon there will be harmony and understanding between the household. The hostess will be appreciated and helped with the housework, the relationship between the husband and children will improve, all household members are healthy and happy.

In a dream, sweeping a carpet, carefully getting rid of garbage, is interpreted by a dream book as a person’s desire or ability to change their place of residence, move to new apartment. For a girl, this dream denotes an ambulance in front of the dwelling to her chosen one.

Sweeping in a strange house is a sign notifying the dreamer that he is very great importance devotes to other people's problems, it is because of this that he cannot concentrate on his own issues and it is primarily the household that suffers from this.

Why dream of sweeping the yard? It has long been believed that the yard was the territory of the house, so its cleaning testifies to a sense of security and the ability to withstand danger.

The desire and ability of a sleeping person to establish good relations with others, make amends for past deeds and forget the offenses caused by other people, that's what dreams of sweeping the street.

Sweeping and washing the entrance in a dream, is deciphered by the dream book as Great chance suffer from the slander and gossip of others. You need to show restraint and ingenuity, as well as avoid open skirmishes with enemies.

Men who happened to sweep the entrance in a dream are threatened with unpleasant showdowns and scandals with people with whom they involuntarily have to communicate every day (neighbors, colleagues, relatives). It is possible that during a scandal, these people skillfully appealing to rumors and gossip will cause a lot of trouble to the dreamer.

In a dream, sweeping the stairs is deciphered by the dream book as an opportunity to deal with people who have poisoned the life of a sleeping person for a long time with their gossip and intrigue.

To find out why you dream of sweeping garbage, you need to look at what kind of rubbish or rubbish you have to sweep in a dream. Watching someone take out the trash is interpreted as a successful completion of any event, to achieve great success in the current business.

Many dream books ambiguously interpret what dreams of sweeping sand mean. On the one hand, a vision means a quick meeting with an old friend, the unexpected appearance of guests on the doorstep. On the other hand, the likelihood of doing useless things that will not bring the dreamer either moral satisfaction or monetary reward.

For a young girl, a dream in which she has to sweep the leaves symbolizes the appearance of a persistent admirer in reality, who will attract the attention of the young lady with all her might. It is successful to remove the entire territory from the leaves, which means the dream book will soon get rid of the obsessive courtship of a fan.

Sweeping cut hair is interpreted by the dream book as an opportunity to look at specific situation from a different angle, which will clearly change the opinion of the sleeper to the opposite.

I sweep the floor at work with a broom.

Quit your job. I dreamed I was sweeping at work and quit after a while.

Just quit, it's been tested on yourself, somewhere in a year.

Very cool dream book.

I had a dream, how I sweep the carpet with a broom, I sweep a lot of garbage, but it still does not decrease. Who knows what it means?

I had a dream, as if sweeping the floor on former job, this work was about 20 years ago, the garbage was seeds and some earth, then some woman took a broom from me and began to sweep herself, I tell her that I spent all my childhood at this job, my mother worked here and she asked for work for her.

And I dreamed that I was sitting in my kitchen, and the whole kitchen was covered river sand, thick layer. In a dream, I try to sweep the sand, my broom bends, but I still sweep it, then linoleum appears, and I feel so happy that I finally got to the floor, I was also very disappointed where this sand came from, why is there so much of it, like on the beach.

I swept the floor on the balcony.

I dreamed that I was watching a guy who was sweeping his yard.

Husband sweeps the yard.

I dreamed of my grandmother's house sweeping the dust in the room with a broom.

I sweep the floor in the room, the garbage - household dust, knocked down into balls. I do this together with my older brother, and a mutual friend is watching us. On the floor, in addition to dust, there are also hats - knitted. My brother informs me that his colleague has arrived. To my question regarding the purpose of the latter's visit, he gives an indistinct answer. There is a feeling of intense anxiety, which makes me wake up.

I dreamed that I was sweeping the yard of the school where I once studied. There were mostly leaves and sand. I did it with such great desire and joy ... Why would it be interesting?

I dreamed about my ex-husband sweeping with a broom in someone else's house.

I dreamed that I was sweeping in the entrance, but then from the fourth floor my boyfriend stops me with the phrase Lyaz, I'm here ...

I dreamed that I was sweeping the floor in the house, we live with a guy, but in a dream I did not recognize our apartment.

I had a dream that I was sweeping the wheat scattered on the floor in the house of my late mother-in-law.

I dreamed that I was sweeping a lot of leaves with a broom, what is it?

Sweeping at mother-in-law. She swept the room and went to the kitchen. And there in a niche like an anthill. And I'm trying to get out. I sweep sand, many testicles, ants scatter. I scoop them into the trash can with a scoop ... Why is this?

I dreamed that I was sweeping a wooden, dilapidated floor in an old woman's house (in a dream, supposedly my classmate's grandmother). She volunteered to sweep herself, she gives me a short broom, almost a stub, I look in the corner and see old, but solid brooms, I take one of them and start sweeping the floor from street sand, some dried insects, earthen dust ... I didn’t sweep for long , in a dream, the sounds from the street distracted me, and I went out to look, it turned out that it was a man riding a white horse, the horse was prancing on the back, and the girls took pictures of him, I also wanted to. Noticing this, the horse rushed in my direction, I became scared, and I froze, only tried to turn away from his muzzle, instinctively covered my head with my hands from the hooves, got scared. As it turned out, the horse did not want to flood me or bite me, he was very happy with me and poked his muzzle into my cheek, then into my palm

I dreamed that the daughter-in-law was sweeping in someone else's house ...

Sweeping the leaves in the yard.

I sat down and swept the sleepers, what could it be?

I dreamed that I was standing on the stairs and sweeping into a pile, as it were, sand, while my dead mother was standing nearby and angrily calling me to go with her, whether to cook soup, whether to have time for lunch, it is not clear. Why this dream, exhausted all?

Good morning, I see in a dream that I am sweeping spit from the stairs on my floor.

I dreamed that I was sweeping garbage as small as sand into a scoop in my room with my husband. And I think that only soaps. How dirty it got.

Sweeping a park.

I sweep in a barn in the village. I take one broom - very bad, I take the second, from the rods, it also sweeps badly. In the end, I put one broom on top of the other and sweep with the resulting double broom.

For several months I dreamed that I was washing the floor and sweeping where my husband and I lived, then I began to have dreams that my mother-in-law was sweeping on my floor and so on several times. As a result, my husband and I left this house with a scandal, and now we do not live.

I had a dream that my husband's father was sweeping the leaves in our house. And she is indignant that I am with another man. My husband and I are divorced, but we live together. What means?

Sweeping the kitchen floor after the party.

I dreamed that I returned to my ex-husband (I don’t want this at all), I was very unhappy. In addition, I swept the carpet, and my mother-in-law, as always, stood by. What does all this mean? Help me please.

She swept the floor on the second floor and swept the garbage onto the steps, along which the employee descended, what would it be for?

I dreamed about how I was sweeping the entrance to the house in which I lived as a child. There was a lot of garbage.

She swept the ground in her brother's house.

Sweeping the floor with ex-husband. What does it mean?

I dreamed that I was walking along the road in a beautiful new coat, and in front of me was a man sweeping the road. What does this mean?

I dreamed that my mother was sweeping the sand around the flowers. What could this mean?

I saw in a dream that a neighbor was sweeping the floor in my hall, it was dark, I tried to turn on the light, which is interesting.

Why dream of sweeping stairs in a children's institution and washing floors, although I don’t work anywhere.

I dreamed that I was sweeping out the garbage, crumbs from my ex-husband.

Please tell me why in a dream to sweep the floor on a rug, not at home, there is not much garbage in a circle, in front of my husband and his parents?

I'm sweeping the place where I used to work. The floor is full of sand and dust. What can mean? I have already retired from this job.

I dreamed that I was sweeping the carpet and sofas with a broom in the apartment of a deceased friend. Who knows what it's for?

I swept the streets with brooms and a big broom and it seems that this is my job.

A neighbor chalked the floor and small debris at my house with a broom in the evening, I took this broom from her.

I dreamed that I was sweeping the floor in the classroom in front of the teacher. I'm in 8th grade. What does it mean?

I dreamed that I was sweeping my floor, but there was no garbage, but I heard the voice of the deceased mother and we talked well.

It’s like I’m at the authorities’ house, and the plaster has fallen off the roof, and you can see a little sky, and I started sweeping, I look at the dirty floors and I’m surprised that his wife is not cleaning, and she is watching me, why is it interesting.

Sweeping on the street light snow barefoot, in a nightgown.

I dreamed that one Indian was sweeping the street from cut hair, but they were still not swept out. Then I saw myself as if sweeping my hair in some temple too. What does this mean?

dream interpretation

Sweep at work

Dream Interpretation Sweep at work dreamed of why in a dream Sweep at work? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Sweeping at work by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Sweep the floor according to the dream book

According to popular dream books, any action related to cleaning a room or street is considered a positive sign. If in a dream you happened to sweep the floor, then this is a sign of imminent changes for the better. However, it is still worth understanding the details of dreams, and finding out what each of them is dreaming of.

Miller's dream book

According to the interpreter Gustav Miller, to see in a dream how you sweep the floor in your apartment is a sign that welcome guests will come to you very soon.

Did the girl dream that she was sweeping the floor of people for hire? Most likely, in the near future the dreamer will marry or change her place of residence. And if she swept fallen leaves into a pile in the yard, then this means that the dreamer will fight off an annoying admirer.

But, explaining why a man dreams of cleaning up after guests, the dream book hints at the need to become more disciplined and accurate.

Changing priorities and habits

Some event will happen in your life that will make you change your views on something and set priorities in a new way, if in a dream you saw how you swept the floor in your house with a broom, the Wanderer's dream book assures.

I dreamed that you were sweeping with a broom in your house and washing dusty parquet? According to the Eastern interpreter, such a vision means that you will streamline your life: say goodbye to bad habits learn to be responsible.

Sweeping sand with a broom while cleaning the house is a symbol of liberation from small but troublesome chores and duties. It is especially good if you poured the swept sand into the trash can - this means that you will acquire some skills.

Career success awaits you

It is very good to sweep the floor in a dream at work, dream books suggest, explaining why this is a dream. If you dreamed about how you sweep and wash the dirty office floor, making it clean, then this means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but profitable business.

And if you are interested in what dreams of cleaning the boss’s dirty office, then English dream book prompt. In a dream, did you volunteer to take on the duties of a cleaner? With your diligence and responsibility, you will achieve a promotion and an increase in salary.

Changes in personal life

Sweeping the floor in someone else's home is a sign of a change in this very home in real life, famous dream books assure.

If you dreamed that cleaning in someone else's apartment gives you pleasure, then in reality you yourself will choose where to live and with whom. And if someone forced you to do this, then it is likely that you will have a conflict with someone from the household, and this case will “force” you to move to a new address.

Revenge in a dream of floors in someone else's apartment, which in reality belongs to a loved one, is a sign that you can move to live with him, and maybe even get married. And if a married lady sees such a plot in a dream, then this is a signal that her spouse will become aware of her betrayal.

From restoring health to making friends

If in a dream you happened to sweep the floor somewhere else, then you will get a completely different interpretation of the dream, dream books suggest. Remember the dreamed place and see what it is dreaming of. So:

  • in the hospital - if you are sick - you will recover, healthy - strengthen your health with training;
  • on the street - you will make new friends or like-minded people;
  • in the attic - you will be able to solve some old mystery or riddle that haunts you;
  • in the basement - you should not close yourself from loved ones, learn to trust;
  • in the gateway - you are too demanding and uncompromising, become softer;
  • in an abandoned mansion - something from the past will make you change your outlook on life;
  • in a school or other educational institution - to gain new knowledge and experience.

Sweeping the floor with a broom in a dream - the dream book explains why seeing an unusual dream.

Sweeping the floor is a common thing for every housewife. But to see this in a dream can mean something important that lies ahead in your life. To know exactly what to prepare for, you should know the meanings of dreams.

Sweep the floor in a dream at work

Sweeping up dust and debris at work this is very good sign . Such a dream promises success in professional field and the possibility of an early upgrade. If you see that the broom is black and smells unpleasant, one of your colleagues is trying to intrigue you. If sweeping brings you more irritation, you feel tired and lethargic - you should expect difficulties at work. But you should not worry, as it will be easy to overcome any obstacles.

If you are sweeping the floor and you lose your broom in the process, it is worth thinking about how many things you have shouldered. Maybe it's time for you to relax a little or reduce the load.

In the corridor

Sweeping the floor in the corridor indicates your desire to protect your family and loved ones from trouble. Perhaps you already feel that someone is trying to harm.

To fix this, it is worth thinking about existing priorities and making right choice towards what is really needed.

It is especially pleasant to see such a dream for people who are in a quarrel with their other half. Such a dream speaks about reconciliation. In rare cases, such a dream can mark a break in relations, but a new one will come to the place of unsuccessful love, and this will happen soon.

Unmarried girls should pay attention to how easily they handle a broom. If he walks easily and naturally, this indicates that they are good housewives. If such work causes difficulties, you do not do enough work in your house and your relatives suffer from this.

If sweeping you you see one of the deceased, such a dream indicates a feeling of strong guilt towards this person. You are worried about understatement and internal resentment that prevent you from moving on. To get rid of this feeling, it is worth going to the grave or to the church so that the deceased also finds peace.

Cleaning the floor in someone else's house

The dream book of Razgadamus says that such an action indicates to you the need for another person's support. Someone needs your help, and you do not notice it or do not want to help. As a result, this state of affairs can lead to disastrous consequences. Most likely, in the future you will find yourself in the same situation as the person in need.

If cleaning takes place in a friend’s house and brings you joy, such a dream indicates an imminent meeting with this loved one. If at the same time you cry or your mood is far from good, the meeting will bring negative emotions and bad news.

Sweeping the floor in someone else's house and at the same time making attempts to stop speaks of your unwillingness to fulfill any requests and promises made earlier. They not only burden you, but also do not allow you to develop. In this case, there can be only one solution: either you quickly fulfill your promise, or you simply speak honestly about your unwillingness to help.

Other interpretations of sleep

Everyday dream book promises the one who sees such a dream acquisition of something needed and desired. Also, this dream can be a sign of respect and receiving an award, fame. But at the same time, it is worth considering how much you need this reward, as it can harm other people.

A business dream book says that sweeping the floor promises a successful transaction and a solid profit. If you are among the garbage and dust, you should give up trying to conclude contracts for a while and not yet get acquainted with new and untested partners.

The wanderer's dream book sees a good sign in this dream if you sweep the floor on the threshold towards the house. This indicates the imminent arrival of guests.. If, on the contrary, you sweep the garbage into the street, financial failures are possible.

If you sweep food and necessary things along with the garbage, this indicates your excessive wastefulness. It is worth thinking about what you really need and not spending money just like that..

As you can see, the value of sleep can be positive or negative. In any case, one should not blindly rely on fate or prediction. Success or failure still depends more on ourselves, and not on the world of Morpheus.

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The meaning of a broom in a dream

During sleep, a person not only rests, but also receives a signal about possible changes in life. Broom also predicts a series of various events. Which ones - you will find out if you remember the dream.

Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Muslim and others

A dreamed broom is a symbol of liberation (from problems, fears, mental anguish, etc.), entering a new material and spiritual level. Such a dream promises an improvement in affairs, the beginning of a different life stage. But not always a dream speaks of favorable events in the future.

  1. Vanga's dream book interprets the symbol of a broom in a dream as purification, internal liberation, the release of shackles. The dreamer's subconscious suggests that he is on the right track and the problems will be solved soon.
  2. Miller's dream book: a broom dreams of prosperity, changes in fate. A man sweeps garbage with a broom, puts things in order in the house. A broom in a dream symbolizes the change of an old life to a new one.
  3. Apostle Simon the Zealot: to remove a broom - to joy, improvement of affairs, life change.
  4. Freud's dream book: the dreamer is trying to sort things out with a partner, to color the routine with new impressions. Such a dream occurs when a person is overcome by everyday life.
  5. In the Muslim dream book, such a dream is interpreted as the cessation of a series of misfortunes and worries, the return of a debt. The negative meaning of sleep is an old and dirty broom. In this state, he does not cope well with his mission and, on the contrary, adds "rubbish" to the dreamer's life.
  6. Esoteric Tsvetkov believes that the broom dreams of shopping and spending money. The same interpretation of sleep belongs to the small Veles dream book. Sometimes dreams are very symbolic and carry a direct meaning. A dreaming of a worthless broom may mean that the dreamer will soon have a purchase.
  7. An old Russian dream book: a broom dreams of abuse and quarrel. To take dirty linen out of the hut, to swear with the family, to spread gossip - all this leads to a deterioration in relations with loved ones. Such a dream advises the dreamer to be more tolerant of relatives.
  8. Magical dream book: sweeping with a broom in a dream - to a truce, building relationships. When we clean, we make room for new things. Such a dream tells the dreamer that the quarrel will soon be forgotten.

The meaning of sleep for men and women

Given all the moments of sleep, you can explain the meaning of the vision as accurately as possible. It is also important who dreamed of a broom:

  • man: to obstacles in business. If the broom stood in the corner with the handle up - there are chances to overcome difficulties, with the handle down - things are doomed to failure;

If a man sees in a dream that they are sweeping a clean floor, then he will easily reach the goal. At the same time, it is desirable for him to enlist the support of influential people. I dreamed of a dirty floor - to failure in business. A broom lying on the floor - to quarrels, gossip and scandals.

Dreamer's actions

If you remember specific actions with a broom in a dream, pay attention to the following interpretations.

If you dream of sweeping the floor in the house, at the entrance, at work

Sweeping in a house (apartment): the dreamer has enough strength to find a way out of difficult life situations. The esoteric dream book interprets such a dream as follows: the problems will soon go away, the dreamer will be able to overcome obstacles on the path of life. For a married woman, such a vision promises harmonious relationships with loved ones, a happy life in peace and harmony, home comfort.

The dream in which the dreamer sweeps the entrance is a harbinger of slander and gossip from enemies. For men, it means skirmishes with family, relatives or colleagues.

The entrance is a public place, everything you do in it is seen by the neighbors. To avoid gossip, be careful what you say and to whom. And ignore rumors and unpleasant conversations, because the opinions of other people should not affect your self-esteem.

A dream in which the dreamer sweeps someone else's house: it's time to devote more time to your business and family. Someone else's house - someone else's problems and experiences. Give free time and care to your family and friends.

Sweeping at work - for an early dismissal. The subconscious indicates to the dreamer - you are clearing your place for another. Tip: carefully review your plans and actions.

Sweep leaves, sand, water, hair, debris, clean carpet

It should be clean both at home and around it. In a dream, we subconsciously perform the same actions that we consider necessary to do in reality.

  1. After a rainstorm, sometimes puddles have to be swept away to keep the approach to the house clean. The dream in which the dreamer sweeps water is interpreted by the 21st century Dream Interpretation as follows: to guests from afar. In such a dream, water may be associated with a huge ocean or something distant. A dream promises a similar thing in which the dreamer sweeps sand.
  2. If a girl sees in a dream how she sweeps the leaves - to the appearance of a persistent admirer. If you managed to sweep out the foliage, you can easily get rid of the obsessive gentleman.

Leaves in a dream symbolize attention. By sweeping the foliage, the dreamer subconsciously wants to get rid of excessive care and close attention.

Sweep the yard, the street, sweep the cobwebs, sweep the seeds

If the dreamer is holding a broom in his hands, then he is going to use it for its intended purpose. Maybe it's time to put things in order in the yard or on the street? Or just sweep away the annoying web?

  • sweeping in the yard or on the street - to the loss of a friend or loved one. The main emphasis is placed on the possibility of a quarrel, due to which friendly contact will be lost;
  • a dream in which the dreamer sweeps the yard means a sense of security and the ability to withstand danger;
  • to sweep a cobweb with a broom in a dream - to soon move to a new place, to a new home. The web is the home of the spider, having lost its home, it spins the web again. Perhaps the dreamer has long been thinking about changing his place of residence. Such a dream speaks of moral readiness to move.

The web is associated with fetters, limitation and hopelessness. By removing cobweb threads from walls, cabinets, chandeliers in a dream, the dreamer casts off shackles and fetters, cleanses himself, finds new ways to overcome difficulties. Such a dream also means reconciliation, the establishment of broken contacts.

Hold a broom in your hands, chase or beat a person

A dream in which the dreamer holds a broom in his hands:

  • the modern dream book is interpreted as aggression, hostility towards others. Subconsciously, the dreamer defends himself with all his might - even a broom becomes a weapon. You need to understand yourself, calm down and not worry about trifles;
  • Tsvetkov's dream book: to unforeseen expenses. Check once again the serviceability of the appliances in the house, if necessary - fix it. The dream is just a clue. Correctly interpreting the received symbol, you can correct the situation in time;
  • the Wanderer's dream book warns a man about possible problems with his mother or an overbearing boss. Tip: Try to avoid unnecessary conversations and direct criticism.

Dreams in which you hit someone or chase someone away with a broom:

  • to beat someone in a dream with a broom - to transfer power to another person. A broom in such a dream is considered a conductor of energy;

Sometimes such a dream may be evidence that there is an energy vampire nearby who feeds on the dreamer's life forces.

In dreams, the subconscious mind draws the most incredible pictures and stories. The dream of buying a new broom carries a hidden meaning that can be interpreted with the help of dream books.

  1. Autumn dream book: buying a broom in a dream - to gossip and condemnation. Do not listen to other people's gossip, do not pay attention to idle gossip.
  2. A broom bought in a dream falls apart - to problems in business. If, despite the unimportant quality of the broom, it is possible to tidy up the house, the dreamer will be able to overcome all obstacles and troubles. Tip: try to be more careful.
  3. Miller's dream book says that buying a broom in a dream promises a rich life to the dreamer.
  4. I dreamed that they were buying a broom from gypsies - fraud on the part of a business partner is possible.

What a broom looks like: old, new, broken, clean, dirty

Remember how the broom looked in a dream - the successful decoding of the dream depends on this:

Other interpretations of dreams: bathe with a broom in the bath, fly, take from someone, lose, knit

Do not lose sight of the interpretation of dreams about bath brooms. What does the dream in which you saw:

  • birch bath broom - for longevity. Bathe in a dream with a birch broom - to cleanse;
  • an oak broom in a dream - to recovery (for patients) and to good health. ethnoscience attributes an anti-inflammatory effect to such a broom and medicinal properties against skin diseases.

Taking a broom from someone's hands in a dream - to a promotion at work.

Lose a broom in a dream - to a quarrel with a loved one. In Russia, they believed that a brownie was associated with a broom. And in the event of the loss of a household assistant, the brownie was also lost. And without him, life in the house did not go well.

Broom is often credited with mystical properties. It used to be believed that witches and devils could fly on brooms and brooms. The 21st century dream book warns that flying in a dream on a broom is a nuisance.

I dreamed that the broom was sweeping by itself - to big troubles.

Knit brooms - to a possible loss of contact with distant friends.

A dreaming broom is a signal to action. Try to remember dreams in order to timely interpret the received sign from the subconscious. Indeed, even an insignificant, at first glance, thing in a dream is a symbol of changes in life.

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