What to do with curling peony leaves. Updating peony bushes

Treating peonies in spring and summer against diseases and pests is the first priority measure to combat these scourges. Most often, these plants are damaged by gray and root rot, rust and ring mosaic. Not less harm Peonies are attacked by root-knot nematodes and ants. To protect crops from infections and pests or to cure already developed diseases, there are many drugs, and you will learn about the most effective of them from the table on this page.

Treatment of peonies for gray rot

Gray mold (Botrytis) - Botrytis paeonia Oud- the main and most widespread disease of peonies in our region. As a rule, symptoms of gray rot appear on peonies either in the spring (in middle lane Russia - in the third ten days of April, especially intensively - in the wet season), or in summer - at the beginning of autumn (when it rains and air humidity is high, with increased soil acidity, excess nitrogen fertilizers, heavy clay soils, high level groundwater, dense plantings, unventilated areas). The most dangerous disease for plants is the spring outbreak of the disease, at the moment active growth shoots. As you can see in the photo, with this disease, at this time shoots with very soft tissues are affected where the stems emerge from the ground:

A rotten dark area appears on the side of the stem. Very soon the stem falls. Black sclerotia are visible on rotting tissues. In other years when high temperature During the period of active growth, gray rot of peonies affects the stems in the middle part: the plant bends in this place, the top withers. If the soil is carefully raked away, botrytis damage to the base of the stem will be noticeable on the underground part of the damaged shoot. This is thought to be the result of a short spring quickly turning into hot weather in May. After sufficient regrowth and hardening of the stem tissues, in the third ten days of May, stunted and weak stems are mainly affected. The second time the appearance of the disease can be observed in the summer-autumn period. The buds, sepals, petals (at the base) rot, and appear on the leaves. brown spots with a gray coating, stems and leaves darken and dry out. When cutting through a stem affected by the disease, brown rings are visible. Let us note once again that the external manifestation of botrytis is facilitated by the cold season, rains and high humidity. In almost any adult plant, to one degree or another, traces of botrytis damage are noticeable in the underground part: on the remains of last year’s stems and in the zone of their transition to the rhizome, on old, roots starting to die. But with proper culture management it external manifestations will be absent or insignificant throughout the life of the plant. To treat gray rot of peonies you need:

  • compliance with the rules of planting and maintaining plants;
  • periodic application of deoxidizing additives to the soil (bone, dolomite, limestone flour);
  • removal and destruction of damaged parts of the plant;
  • mandatory and timely complete pruning of stems in the fall;
  • limited use of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • the use of fungicidal drugs and agents for the prevention and suppression of disease.
Most fungicidal preparations produced chemical industry, suitable for combating botrytis. Among them are long-known and tested: all copper-containing ones, foundationazole, colloidal sulfur. Timing of their application: in the spring, at the beginning of active growth of stems, in our zone in the third decade of April, and then 1-2 more times with an interval of 10-12 days, depending on the weather and the degree of damage to the plants. It is necessary to strictly follow drug dosage recommendations and observe safety precautions. To combat this peony disease, the following rules must be followed:
  1. It is better to alternate different means, this contributes to their more effective action and reduces the accumulation of dangerous drugs in the soil. For example, you could alternate: foundationazole - 0.3% (or equivalent), oxychloride - 0.3% (copper sulfate - 0.5%) and potassium permanganate solution - 0.03%.
  2. The concentration of preparations with a burning effect (copper sulfate) in the spring when spraying young plants should be half as much as for adults. At this time, young tissues are too soft and delicate and are easily damaged. Strive to use a minimum of chemicals to protect yourself, fauna and soil. If possible, use mistings, and when watering, only wet the top layer of soil above and around the plant using a watering can with small holes. Then you can limit yourself to the norm of 0.5-1.0 liters per peony. No watering the plant from above!
These photos show the treatment of peonies for gray rot disease:

Fighting root rot of peonies

Root rot. Peonies are also affected by pathogenic fungi from the genera Fusarium, Sclerotinia, Rhizoctonia, and Phytophtora. According to my observations, the disease is rare and it is quite difficult to distinguish between different rots. Externally, the disease manifests itself in the sudden blackening of the stems and their wilting in the middle of summer. The dug up roots look brown, softened to mucus, and produce bad smell. The affected bush is dug up and destroyed.
The causes of the disease are the same as for botrytis: wet weather, flooding of the area with melt and rain water, dense plantings, unventilated areas, acidic soils and replanting in the place previously occupied by peonies.
Control measures:
  • use of healthy planting material;
  • correct landing;
  • use of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and microelements;
  • To treat this peony disease, it is necessary to use fungicidal drugs: copper sulfate, Khoma, basezol (0.2%) and others indicated in the table.

Treatment of peonies for rust and spotting

Rust - Cronarium flaccidum (Alb. & Schw.) Wint. The disease appears in the summer, usually after. Brown or purple spots become visible on the upper side of the leaves, and orange-brown spots on the underside. Later the leaves dry out and curl. The stems appear undamaged. The host of the infectious agent is Scots pine. Control measures:
  • collecting and burning diseased leaves;
  • spraying (wetting) the leaves with fungicidal preparations, the same as for gray rot. As a means of holding the drug on the leaf plates, it is recommended to add a solution of laundry or green soap and a pinch of washing powder.

Spotting. There are a number of different and difficult to distinguish diseases that affect peonies. They cause premature death of leaves and stems. Diseases actively develop at high humidity and temperature. Pathogenic fungi persist on plant debris. Control measures:
  • collecting and burning affected leaves and stems;
  • spraying the entire plant with fungicidal preparations, as in the case of rust;
  • thorough cleaning in the fall and burning of plant residues of peonies.

Peony mosaic disease: photos and videos of the fight against it

Ring mosaic virus (Ringsort virus) outwardly appears in the summer after the stems grow, before flowering. Symptoms depend on the variety and its species. Most often, rings, half rings and stripes appear on the leaves, yellow or lighter than the main color of the leaf plate. Otherwise the plant does not look depressed and blooms normally. The disease is spread by cutting flowers in summer and cutting stems in autumn, as well as by insects sucking plant juice, in particular aphids. The disease is poorly studied and behaves rather mysteriously: it can disappear on a plant and then reappear after a few years. Opinions about control measures are very contradictory: from the immediate destruction of the plant at the slightest manifestation of the disease to the option “do not touch the plant even if it is completely infected.” It is suggested that the disease exists in a latent form in many varietal peonies, without outwardly manifesting itself for many years. Control measures. From the moment of regrowth, monitor the foliage of peonies very carefully. Typically, signs of the disease appear before the bush blooms, initially on just a few stems of the plant; the leaves of the remaining stems remain normally colored. The affected stems must be removed completely (unscrewed), and the wounds should be sprinkled with ash. Cut flowers and stems from the affected plant with a separate knife and burn. It often happens that no further traces of the disease appear. If and on next year the damage to the plant will be insignificant Ring mosaic virus, repeat the above procedure. See how the fight against peony disease is carried out in these photos:

If the disease does not disappear, but has captured most of the plant, it is dug up and destroyed. In all cases, if the appearance of a disease was noted on a peony at least once, in the future, when working with it, it is necessary to use a separate tool. Avoid varieties susceptible to the disease. The video “Peony Diseases” demonstrates the most effective measures fight against illnesses:

Below is how to get rid of nematodes and ants on peonies.

How to get rid of nematodes and ants on peonies

Ants. These insects are often considered pests of peonies. They say that ants suck the juice from the buds and, settling under the peony, destroy the plant. But many pin growers believe that if there is any harm from ants, it is very small. During the budding period, ants feast on the nectar that is on the bud. If this irritates you, wash the buds with warm water. However, in last years a new population of ants has appeared, which settle on the buds and greatly deplete them, interfering with flowering. To get rid of ants on peonies as quickly as possible, you need to spray the buds with a fufanol solution. As for the settlement of ants under a peony, this means that the plant is seriously sick and severely rotten. And ants are not the reason, but a clear signal of trouble. Ants do not settle under a healthy peony. You will have to dig up such a plant and sort it out on the spot.

Preparations for treating peonies in spring and summer against diseases and pests

From the table below you will learn, Next you will learn how to treat peonies in spring and summer from diseases and pests. Preparations for controlling diseases and pests of peonies
A drug Diseases and pests of peonies Processing condition and period Processing method Application rate
Copper oxychloride (CHOM) Botrytis, root rot When symptoms of botrytis appear; when root rot appears Watering at the base of the bush 0.5% solution with repeat treatment after 10 days
Copper sulfate Botrytis When symptoms of botrytis appear Watering at the base of the bush; spraying the plant itself 0.5% solution (no more!), repeated after 10 days
Alirin Root and basal rot, late blight Before boarding Entering into landing hole and 2-3 times watering during the growing season 1 tablet/1 liter of water
Powdery mildew, late blight, anthracosis, septoria, gray mold During the growing season Spraying (2-3 times) until the symptoms of the disease disappear 2-3 tablets/1 liter of water. Effective at temperatures above 7 °C
Maksim Gray rot, root rot Before boarding Soaking the cuttings (for 30 minutes) 2 ml/2 l water
During the growing season Watering the soil 2 ml/1 l water

Fitosporin M

Fungal and bacterial diseases: rot, rust, powdery mildew

Before boarding

Soaking cuttings, tillage

10 drops / 200 ml water

During the growing season


20 drops / 200 ml water

Powdery mildew, spotting, botrytis

Before boarding


3-5 g/1 l water

During the growing season


1 -3 g/1 l water

Root and basal rot, late blight

Before boarding


1 tablet/l liter of water

Bacterial spotting, late blight, powdery mildew, rot

During the growing season

2 tablets/10 liters of water

Preventive spraying before and after flowering

2 tablets/l liter of water

Fungal diseases

At the beginning of the growing season

Preventative double spraying

2-4 ml/10 l water

In case of severe damage


10 ml/10 l water

Rust, powdery mildew, black spot, rot

During the growing season


Prevention 5 ml/10 l water

Processing leaves on both sides

10 ml/10 l water

Insect pests

In contact with

The main problem of early-flowering peonies is damage by gray rot (botrytis) - their development and growth occur in spring, often cold, rainy and with high air humidity.

The first signs appear in mid-May. The shoots that are growing rapidly at this time with very soft tissues are affected where the stem emerges from the ground; a rotten dark area appears on the side of the stem, going deeper. Soon the stem breaks off near the ground and falls.

The disease can affect stems, leaves and buds. All plant organs are covered with gray mold. The development of this disease is facilitated by cold, rainy spring and summer, excess nitrogen fertilizers, and too dense plantings.

To save diseased plants, their diseased parts are cut off and burned outside the site.

For preventive control with gray mold it is necessary:

  • follow the rules for planting and maintaining a bush;
  • in early spring, use potassium permanganate, copper-containing preparations (50 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water) and fungicides "Fundazol", "Alirin-B", "Maxim", "Fitosporin", "Agat-25K", "Gamair", " Glyocladin."
  • You can also use garlic infusion (8-10 g of crushed garlic per 1 liter of water). Spray the peony itself and the soil around it;
  • remove and destroy damaged parts of the plant;
  • be sure to trim the stems in a timely manner in the fall;
  • Use nitrogen fertilizers sparingly.

Powdery mildew is another common fungal disease that affects leaves. A white powdery coating appears on the surface of the leaf blade. Spraying with a copper-soap solution (200 g green or laundry soap and 20 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water).

Varieties of herbaceous peonies. Photo

Peony propagation

Herbaceous peonies: types and hybrids

Species of peonies: subtleties of care

10 best resources on the topic: Peony diseases

  1. Basic peony diseases— GreenInfo.ru

    Decorativeness peony in culture, its resistance to unfavorable environmental factors is significantly reduced due to pathogens that cause...

  2. Peonies| Diseases peonies

    Most common peony diseases- gray rot (botrytis), rust and ring mosaic of leaves. Gray mold (caused by Botrytis...

  3. Peony: leaves curl, why? — Gardenia.ru

    I have a problem with peony leaves; they curl. How to cure... One of the most common peony diseases is "rust".

  4. Dangerous peony disease— peony rot — Gardenia.ru

    Dangerous peony disease- peony rot. by Jeter O., photo by the author. peony rot. Peonies bloom luxuriantly in spring and early summer...

  5. Diseases peonies. Questions and answers. - pionomania

    I have a problem with leaves peonies, they are spinning. How to cure plants? Curling and drying of leaves peony may come from...

  6. Peony diseases and control measures – Nursery POLISAD

    DISEASES OF PEONIES AND COMBAT MEASURES. We can say that peonies have practically no pests. In any case, after 40 years of working with peonies, we...

  7. Peony diseases- FloweryVale.ru

    Peony How much grief wilted flowers bring. This short guide will hopefully help you recognize disease and cope with the infection.

  8. Peony diseases.

    Peony diseases. Compared to other plants, peonies are quite resistant to disease, but if not cared for properly, they can get sick. Gray...

  9. peony diseases

  10. Pests and peony diseases- I love the dacha

    May 14, 2010 Pests and peony diseases I'll start with something pleasant: peonies have much fewer pests than diseases. Here is information about pests.

In the section on the question Why do peony leaves curl and dry out? given by the author sleepy the best answer is Remove all buds from peonies. 2-3 years. They draw juices, the strength of the plant.

Answer from old-world[guru]
If black or brown spots appear on the curled leaves, then this is a fungal disease. Often, spots begin to grow from the edge of the leaf. It is necessary to fight and treat, treat the soil around with HOM and treat the soil and foliage with antifungal drugs.
But maybe it's something else! In the peony in the first year of planting (especially when spring planting) it is quite possible that the foliage simply dries out in the middle of summer. It’s not scary, next year it will grow normally.
P.S. It’s better in such cases to take a photo and post the question with the photo...

Answer from [I Am Your Legend]™[guru]
However, it is necessary to water

Answer from Caucasian[guru]
Marina, did you do this...?
Lighting and watering
Peony does not like wetlands, where the roots are submerged in water for a long time. That is why drainage must be provided for peony. At the same time, a lack of moisture can affect the decorative appearance of the plant - the leaves curl into a tube, gradually wither and die. With a lack of moisture, the flower bud freezes in its infancy, never opening. It is necessary to water the flower abundantly at least once every two weeks.
Peonies love sufficient lighting, so ideal place it will be open for them to plant sun rays plot. They can grow in partial shade, but then abundant and lush flowering You shouldn't expect anything from them. Therefore, planting plants in the shade of trees and large bushes– undesirable.
Feeding and care
For abundant flowering and the health of the bushes, peony requires little care. After the snow melts in the spring, the soil around the flowers must be shed with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate and loosened. During the growing season, the plant needs to be fed four times. The first time diluted manure is applied is when shoots begin to grow. The second time the plant must be fertilized with ash and liquid manure shortly before the formation of buds. The third time the peony is fed during flowering. And finally, it is better to feed the plant after flowering has finished.
In the fall, it is necessary to cut off all wilted shoots and add a little wood ash to the soil around the plant. Bush for the winter special care does not require.

Peonies delight with their bright blooms in spring. In the Celestial Empire, where the flower comes from, the plant is cultivated as a medicinal plant and used in landscape design. It is believed that peony protects against evil spirits and has magical qualities. Light-loving plant It is easy to care for, but it is important to monitor its health.

Peony diseases

Peonies are often susceptible to viral or fungal phytodiseases.

Common infections caused by fungus include:

  • rust;
  • gray rot;
  • types of spots.

Ring mosaic of foliage belongs to viral pathologies.

On a note. Flower crops are usually infected with several viruses, which makes therapy difficult.

Among the harmful insects that like peony are:

  • ants;
  • caterpillars;
  • bronze medal


High air humidity provokes fungal diseases peonies. Infection of peonies with gray rot occurs during unfavorable weather during spring and summer season. Humidity and heat cause rust. Excess nitrogen and dense plantings increase the risk of fungus.

Peony diseases

Meteorological conditions do not have a special role in the growth of viral diseases.

It is generated by:

Gray rot is a dangerous fungal disease that completely affects the flower. They are discovered early on by limp young branches in early spring. Later, education is added to the symptoms gray plaque on various organs of the culture and brownish spots on peonies around the peduncle in the root collar area.

Symptoms of diseases

Rust on peonies is recognized by brown or reddish spots on the foliage, which consist of fungal spores. Signals powdery mildew white coating up sheet plate adults.

On a note! Viral diseases appear as spots, light stripes, and necrotic inclusions.


It is important to start treatment of infected plants in a timely manner. Rust is dangerous because fungal spores are spread by wind movement and cause infection of other crops. Timely removal and elimination of diseased foliage and spraying of bushes with 1% Bordeaux mixture are appreciated. The liquid is used to spray peonies in the spring to prevent infection with gray mold. For prevention, they fight against ants that carry the disease. If an infected area is found on the bush, it is immediately cut out and destroyed, the peony is sprayed with a Thiram suspension (0.6%).

Powdery mildew is prevented by spraying plants with a solution of sodium carbonate (0.5%). Peonies are treated twice, observing a 10-day break between procedures. Figon's solution (0.2%) is effective in the fight against powdery mildew.

Spraying peonies

Diseases for which viruses are responsible cannot be cured. Affected peonies or areas are removed from the flower bed and destroyed. In such a situation, the main method of combating is prevention. During the growing season, it is necessary to pull out weeds in the front garden - a hotbed of infection. Must be kept clean gardening Tools: Be sure to disinfect with a solution of potassium permanganate after pruning diseased flowers.

It is important to remember about pests that cause the development of viral pathologies. Therefore they accept timely preventive measures and treat plants with pesticides.

Peony diseases

Like garden plants, peonies get sick. Sometimes plant diseases have a viral or fungal origin. It is important for gardeners to understand peony diseases and their treatment, especially when leaves curl.

Watching the video will allow amateur flower growers to understand the causes of peony ailments and take adequate measures to heal them.

Gray rot

The development of gray rot usually occurs at the end of spring. As the disease progresses, the foliage loses its freshness and mold appears everywhere.

Gray rot on peonies


  • brown spots on peony leaves, wilting and drying of plants;
  • the appearance of a grayish coating on dark spots in warm and humid conditions;
  • acquisition of a black coating at the bottom of the stem and its breaking and falling;
  • rotting of buds, flowers, shoots.


  • distribution of fungal spores among flowers;
  • excessive humidity, shaded plantings, poor ventilation;
  • excess nitrogen fertilizing.

The disease threatens the entire plant: branches, leaves, and buds become infected. A sick flower sneezes and dies. Wet weather causes the rapid spread of gray rot.


The affected areas are immediately cut out and destroyed. At the onset of the spring season, the bush is treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Bordeaux mixture

Ways to maintain flower health include prevention:

  • select varieties for cultivation that are not susceptible to harmful microorganisms;
  • planted in a lighted flowerbed with permeable and loose soil away from trees and shrubs;
  • when planting, check the roots and remove rotten roots with a sharp disinfected device, lubricate the wounds with brilliant green or sprinkle with charcoal;
  • warm up root system peonies for 10-12 minutes in water heated to +60..+70 ºC, dried, then planted in holes, first sprinkled with ash;
  • Avoid adding nitrogen after the plant has flowered;
  • carry out short pruning of peony shoots for the winter;
  • periodically loosen the soil.

In the fight against peony rot they resort to fungicides:

  • Soon and Pure Flower;
  • Mikosan and Maxim;
  • Vectra and Planrizu.


If the leaves on the peony turn red and plaque appears, the plant is suffering from rust.



  • leaf damage: formation of brown uneven spots, and with bottom side leaf - pads with fungal spores;
  • redness of leaves;
  • Premature bushes turn yellow and dry out;
  • do not winter well;
  • grow weakly the following year.

If measures are not taken, rapid transmission of the disease to other crops occurs. As peonies fade, the disease progresses. Fungi of this type have increased cold resistance. With the arrival of spring, rust doubles its activity and can destroy an entire flower garden.


The rust fungus is responsible for why peony leaves turn red. It develops in mid-summer on a pine tree, where it remains on its legs and overwinters.

As peonies fade, the disease progresses.


It is useful for summer residents to know why peony leaves appear red and what to do in this case. The following measures are taken:

  • remove affected leaves;
  • collect and burn vegetation waste;
  • dig the soil deeply;
  • early in the spring, when shoots appear, remove the top 2-3 cm layer of soil and add fresh soil, which is mixed with sand;
  • spray with a solution of ammonia or tar soap: 3 tbsp per 10 liters of liquid. l. facilities.

If the disease becomes active, use fungicides:

  • Bordeaux mixture, which is prepared from 10 liters of water with the addition of 100 g of lime and copper sulfate;
  • colloidal sulfur (100 g of preparation per 10 liters of water);
  • copper oxychloride (40 g per 10-liter bucket).

Copper oxychloride

Curling leaves

Peony bushes react sharply to watering. Lack of moisture or excess has a negative impact on the crop: the leaves of the plant may curl, or root rot may develop.


  • insufficient lighting;
  • potassium deficiency in the soil or soil voids;
  • root damage harmful insects;
  • exposure to viruses and fungi.

Curling leaves


Sometimes it is difficult to figure out why peony leaves suddenly curl and what to do. If the foliage curls in the absence of damage or stains, the reason lies in improper care of the plant. You should not use chemicals, just correct the care of the peony.

If the peony leaves are curled and the rhizome turns black as a result of the disease, That:

  • when replanting bushes in September, diseased roots are removed and rotten areas of roots are carefully cut off;
  • sprinkle the cut areas with coal powder, which is mixed with Fundazol or sulfur in a 2:1 ratio;
  • spend 30 minutes sanitization root system using chemicals: 1% copper sulfate, 1% TMTD, 2% Fundazol or a mixture of 0.6% TMTD and 0.2% Fundazol;
  • when planting, they try not to deepen the rhizomes and cuttings too much, pouring a mixture of Zineb and Fundazol or TMTD;
  • V growing season Fitosporin-M and Alirin-B, Gamair and Actofit are used.

Pests of peonies and their control

When peonies are left unattended, the bushes become infected with harmful insects. The photos will help determine how to combat pests and improve the health of peonies.

Bronze beetles

Bronze beetle on peony

What to do

To get rid of bronzes you need:

Pests are characterized by predominant damage to plant roots. Nematodes are recognized by the nodular swellings where small worms are located.

What to do

  • eliminate and burn infected peonies;
  • disinfect the soil with Formaldehyde (1%);
  • carefully select planting material;
  • dig the soil deeply before planting flower bushes;
  • dispose of vegetation residues when cleaning the garden plot.

Root-knot nematodes

Turf ant

Harmful insects with a yellowish-reddish body will definitely appear on peonies due to the sweet syrup, which attracts ants. Pests gnaw off the edges of the petals along with the leaves.

What to do

To combat ants, flower crops and the soil around the bush are sprayed with repellents.

Turf ant on a peony

Summer residents practice spraying decoctions of aromatic crops:

  • wormwood and tansy;
  • mint and lavender;
  • bay leaf and anise;
  • pine needles and parsley.

Treatment of peonies in spring from diseases and pests

For the purpose of prevention, with the arrival of spring, a comprehensive series of measures are carried out, which are aimed at protecting against pests and phytodiseases.

  • 0.1% Topaz;
  • 0.2% Fundazol;
  • 0.5-0.7% copper oxychloride.
  • To spray one plant, use 2-3 liters of solution.

    On a note. After the snow melts, many gardeners water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, using 1-2 g per 5-6 liters near the peony to protect against fungal infection.

    Folk remedies

    The recipe with celandine is popular among folk remedies. To prepare, you will need 0.5 kg of fresh herb, which is placed in 5 liters of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Sick peonies are sprayed with filtered tincture, the procedure is repeated at intervals of 5 days.

    Celandine for the treatment of peonies

    If necessary, spraying with antifungal drugs is carried out every 10 days until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

    Biological drugs

    Biological products are distinguished by their productivity in the battle against peony phytodiseases:

    • treats rust Extrasol-55;
    • protects against gray rot Glyokladin;
    • fights rust, ring sheet mosaic, gray rot Alirin-B.

    The drug "Glyokladin"

    Prevention of diseases and pests of peonies

    To prevent peony phytodiseases, it is recommended to adhere to preventive measures:

    • follow the agrotechnical rules of watering and loosening, fertilizing and weeding;
    • use healthy seedlings for planting;
    • purchase varieties of peonies that are resistant to diseases;
    • treat bushes 3 times with chemicals per season;
    • keeping garden equipment clean.

    Peonies are not particularly demanding in care, which is why many home garden owners prefer these flowers for their decorative properties. However, sometimes plants are affected by harmful insects and diseases. In the fight against pests, flower growers will be helped by a description of the symptoms of diseases, as well as the means used that will solve the problem and make the flower garden even more beautiful.

    Every plant requires care, and peonies are no exception.

    You can revive old peonies, but to do this it is advisable to know their age. You say that the site has not been cultivated for 10-12 years, but what is more interesting is whether all this period Did peonies grow there? Or maybe they were in this place before that, another 10-15 years. The whole point is that, regardless of the unpretentiousness of the plant, there must still be care. You can water, fertilize, prune any plant, and it will continue to grow... but how, that’s another conversation, because the quality of the plant and its decorativeness can change significantly in the worst side.

    In fact, peonies can exist for up to 50 years, and in one place, and therefore it is not particularly clear why your peonies came to this state. It is quite possible that this is the old age of the plants, although it is also likely that the plants simply did not receive enough moisture and nutrients, and therefore began to degrade.

    Why do peony leaves curl?

    The reason for this effect may be various conditions, the first of which are diseases. Of course, it is realistic that there is simply poor soil under the flowers, with a lack of potassium and other elements for the development of the plant and its greenery. But it is more likely that diseases also appeared in combination with lack of nutrition. It could be powdery mildew or peony rust. It doesn’t look particularly like gray rot, which also often affects peonies...

    It’s up to you to decide whether to save the plants or not, but you should pay attention to the age of the peonies and the total amount of damage to the plant. If more than half of the leaves and stems are affected, then there is no point in poisoning the greens or making cuts; most likely the peony will continue to hurt and die.

    Updating peony bushes

    If you still decide to update the peonies and bring them into proper form, there is every chance that you will succeed. It is necessary to remove diseased stems and leaves from it, treat it with special preparations for those diseases that have been identified, and then just follow the plant’s agricultural practices.

    After flowering, peonies are pruned so that the above-ground part is only 5-10 cm, and many are cut off at the root. Then there is mulching, periodic fertilization of the soil, and so on. Be sure to follow the advice of experts and you will succeed. But at the very beginning, try planting peonies; they reproduce by dividing the rhizomes.

    Caring for peonies (video)

    Finally, we would like to once again emphasize the age of the peony, because it is precisely because of old age that the plant often stops blooming. But you shouldn’t be upset right away, because peonies stop blooming even if they are planted and cared for incorrectly, if you choose the wrong place for planting, or because of a lack of moisture or increased acidity of the soil, and all this can already be corrected.