Description, benefits and harms of small green beans Mash (Golden). How to cook mung beans Mash golden beans

Mash bean is a leguminous crop from the Vigna genus. Otherwise, this plant is called Mung bean or Golden. It is an annual plant up to 1 m in height. During the ripening period, small beans are formed on it, inside which small seeds of yellow or olive color ripen. You can see in more detail how mung beans look like in the photo.

This type of bean is especially popular in Indian cooking. It is the main ingredient for the preparation of the main Ayurvedic dish kichari. It is stewed rice with mung bean and spices fried in oil. Sometimes vegetables are added to it. In India, soups, stews, and sweet dishes are prepared from mung beans.

In Asia, this plant is called green beans. They are used in cooking, like asparagus beans, eaten shelled or as sprouts. They are used to make vermicelli, stuffing for pies and cakes, add to salads, stew with fish or meat.

In Central Asia, homemade soup is prepared from mung bean. In addition to beans, rice, vegetables, lamb, tail fat and spices are added to it. In general, this variety of beans is suitable for making side dishes, soups and salads.

To taste, mung bean is very similar to ordinary beans, but with light nutty notes. From ordinary peas or beans, mung beans differ in the speed of cooking. These beans do not need pre-soaking. Boiling for 40 minutes makes them soft. The product does not provoke bloating. Therefore, mung bean dishes can be given even to small children.

How to choose mung beans

You can buy mung beans in special stores for vegetarians. There, this product is sold for culinary purposes, but it can also be used as a seed or for seedlings. When buying, pay attention to the following details:

  1. It is better to choose a product in transparent packaging so that you can clearly see the product without opening it.
  2. The grains should be oval, smooth and shiny. A good mung bean has a green, uniform color. The skin should be without damage, with a glossy sheen.
  3. Seeds should be small, uniform in size and shape.
  4. If the beans are bought for sprouting, then small grains are better suited. They will sprout faster.

Before buying, pay attention to the date of manufacture. Mash is suitable for growing and eating within 24 months.

Composition and calories

For 100 g of mung beans, the nutritional value is:

  • 23.86 g proteins;
  • 1.15 g fat;
  • 62.62 g carbohydrates;
  • 16.3 g fiber.

Calorie content of 100 g of dry golden beans is 347 kcal. Heat treatment reduces this value by more than 3 times. After boiling, their calorie content is reduced to 105 kcal. Even lower calories. It is only 30 kcal.

Benefit and harm

The chemical composition of mung beans determines its beneficial properties:

  1. Regular consumption of dishes with mung beans can reduce the content of bad cholesterol in the body. As a result, the composition of the blood improves, the work of the heart and blood vessels normalizes.
  2. The level of sugar in the blood decreases.
  3. The walls of blood vessels become more elastic.
  4. Enhances the body's immune defenses.
  5. Beans have a mild diuretic effect.
  6. The use of mung bean sprouts helps to cope with inflammatory processes.
  7. Mung beans are part of the diet menu for overweight people.
  8. The use of sprouts helps to improve brain activity, strengthens memory.

There is an opinion that with the regular use of mung bean sprouts, the likelihood of developing cancer is reduced. But this hypothesis of therapeutic action has not yet found scientific evidence.

Mung bean has no contraindications for use and does not harm human health. An exception is cases of individual intolerance to this product by the body.

How to grow mung beans

Golden bean belongs to heat-loving plants. After the appearance of sprouts, at least 100 days pass before the start of harvest. During the short Russian summer, the harvest does not have time to ripen. Therefore, for successful cultivation in the cool climate of Central Russia or in Siberia, it is planted in seedlings. In the southern regions of the country, where the summer is hot and long, you can sow golden beans with seeds directly into the ground.

The plant grows well at temperatures above +35 degrees. For regions with a cooler climate, it is recommended to plant varieties that are resistant to low temperatures.

Mung beans grow well in loose, permeable soil. Clay soils with a close location of groundwater are not suitable for her. In such soil, the root system begins to rot, the plant grows poorly and produces a small crop.

The site for growing this plant is chosen in an open and well-lit place. It should be well lit and protected from the cold north wind. Seedlings are transplanted into the ground when the warm weather is finally established, and the soil warms up to +15 degrees at a depth of 10 cm.

Mung beans are drought tolerant. Therefore, the plants are watered regularly so that the soil does not dry out. The height of the bushes of this plant reaches 1.5 meters. Therefore, it is recommended to tie them to a support.

The crop is harvested as the beans mature in several stages. The collected beans are left in the shade until the wings are completely dry. Then the grains are freed from the shell and put into bags made of natural fabric. To prevent bugs from getting into them, a few cloves of garlic or a bay leaf are placed in the bags.

Mash can be harvested green, in a state of milky ripeness of the beans. Then the pods are cut into pieces and used in cooking. You can freeze them in the freezer. In this case, it is recommended to divide the chopped beans into portions in bags so as not to defrost too much of the product.

Sprouting green beans

Ready-made sprouts are sold in vegan stores and health food stores. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit such a store. Therefore, in most cases, green beans are germinated on their own.

Before sprouting, the beans are sorted and all damaged grains are removed. Then the selected seeds are washed under running cold water and laid out on a sieve or colander to drain excess liquid. At the bottom of a flat dish put gauze folded in several layers and moistened with water. Washed beans are poured onto it in one layer. From above, the grains are covered with a second piece of wet gauze.

The plate is placed in a warm place for the grains to germinate. Their condition is checked periodically. If the gauze is dry, moisten it again. The first sprouts hatch in a day. They are given a few more days to germinate and then eaten.

On a note!

Sometimes mung bean sprouts are bitter. To get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste, they are scalded with boiling water.

Use in cosmetology

Mung beans have an antiseptic effect, slow down age-related changes. Due to these properties, they are used in cosmetology. Daily consumption of sprouts in food rejuvenates the skin, smoothes small wrinkles, removes unnecessary pigmentation.

Grinding grains into powder, they make cleansing and rejuvenating masks. It is mixed with a small amount of any tonic and applied for 15 minutes on the face, like a mask. Then the remnants of the mask cleanse the skin, like a scrub. This procedure deeply cleanses the pores and evens out the shade.

Mung beans contain copper, which is good for hair. Therefore, useful masks are made from crushed raw materials that improve the structure of the strands. To do this, powdered beans are mixed with green tea if the hair is oily. For dry strands, the powder is diluted with olive oil. Additionally, you can enter other useful ingredients - cottage cheese or egg yolk. This mass is distributed over dry, unwashed strands for 15 minutes. After that, wash off with shampoo.

Golden Bean Recipes

Mung beans and their sprouts are often used in Asian cuisine. They are added to soups, pilaf, stews, salads and noodles are cooked on their basis. Sometimes chopped beans are added to baked goods. Many mung bean recipes are simple and take little time to prepare. The result is delicious and nutritious meals.

mung bean soup

In this dish, golden beans are the main ingredient. For a richer taste, lamb, onions, carrots are added to it. The result is a delicious and nutritious meal.


  • 1 onion of medium size;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 300 g masha;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 200 g lamb.

How to cook:

The beans are poured with water and left to swell for 45 minutes. During this time, the vegetables are peeled, cut into small cubes and fried in a small amount of vegetable oil.

The liquid is drained from the beans and transferred to a separate pan. Tomato paste is also added there. The meat is cut into small pieces and sent to the beans. Add some oil and fry everything together.

All ingredients are combined in a saucepan, add 1.5 liters of water and boil until the beans are fully cooked.

Mung bean and rice pilaf

This pilaf can be cooked with or without meat. The dish turns out to be very satisfying. Therefore, it is not necessary to add meat to it.


  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 300 g of lamb meat;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 100 g masha;
  • spices for pilaf to taste;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 1 head of garlic.

How to cook:

Mash is soaked in water for 40 minutes. Onions are cut into half rings, and carrots are cut into small strips. Vegetables are transferred to the cauldron and fried in vegetable oil. Add finely chopped lamb to the same place and continue to fry. Washed rice and mung bean are transferred to the boiler, from which the liquid is first drained. Add spices and pour water so that the contents of the boiler are completely closed. Close the cauldron with a lid and simmer over low heat until the moisture evaporates. A few minutes before readiness, a head of garlic, peeled from the top husk, is placed in the center of the pilaf.

Before serving, the pilaf is mixed. The garlic is removed and discarded.

Mung bean is a herbaceous plant from the genus Vigna. It is used in canned and raw forms. In India, shelled grains are used, in China, noodles called “funchose” are prepared from mung bean starch, and sprouted bean sprouts are prepared in national restaurants. Golden bean reduces blood sugar levels, makes the vascular system more elastic and has general tonic qualities.

An annual plant from the legume family. It is called golden beans, although in reality the fruits are green. Mung or mung bean is the most ancient legume. Homeland - India, Pakistan, Bangladesh.

At present, mung beans are known to all parts of the world. But most of all it is appreciated and loved in the Asian world. In Russia and the European part of the post-Soviet space, culture is less known to the population.

Beans have an external resemblance to peas, and taste like beans. The difference is nutty notes in taste.

Mash Benefits:

  • short duration of preparation and cooking - without pre-soaking, steaming time - 40 minutes;
  • the possibility of use by children - does not cause bloating;
  • availability of easily digestible nutrients.

How to choose

Having decided to grow mung bean in the garden, you need to stock up on planting material. You can buy it in a supermarket where mung is sold for eating.

Basic Rules:

  1. Inspect the packaging - the packaging material must be transparent so that small beans can be clearly seen.
  2. Assess the appearance and condition of the contents - small, slightly elongated fruits should have a whole, glossy green skin.
  3. They look at the producer of mung bean - the best are Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, India, Australia.

Beans remain viable for 2 years after harvest. For cultivation, preference should be given to smaller grains, as in the photo: they germinate faster.

Beneficial features

The plant has earned such great popularity in Asia for a reason. The benefits of beans are significant, and there is no harm from eating them.

Medicinal qualities of mung bean:

  • improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to rapid digestion;
  • helps to remove toxins, having a diuretic effect;
  • strengthens the bone and immune system;
  • acts as a prophylactic against arthritis;
  • reduces blood sugar;
  • makes the vascular system more elastic.

There is only one contraindication to the use of green beans - individual intolerance to the components of mung beans.

Composition and calories

Masha has a complex composition. 100 g of the product contains the following substances:

  • protein - 23%;
  • carbohydrates - 44%;
  • fats - 2%;
  • calcium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, iron, copper, phosphorus, potassium;
  • B group vitamins.

Cultivation, care, storage

Since mung bean is a heat-loving crop with a long growing season, in all regions except the southern, it is grown in seedlings. Plants develop well at hot temperatures - about + 30 ... + 35 ° C. For colder areas, it is better to choose cold-resistant varieties. Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out when it is heated to 15 ° C. The temperature is measured at a depth of 10 cm.

A place for culture is taken away in a sunny area, which is well blown by the wind. The soil should have a loose structure, a good fertile layer and a neutral reaction. These indicators can be achieved with the help of preliminary preparation of the site. Lime is added to acidic soils, peat is added to alkaline soils. The latter also loosens the soil perfectly. Organics and mineral complexes are added for digging, taking into account acidity. The choice of the most suitable type of top dressing will depend on this indicator.

In dry areas, beans require watering. After it, loosening and weeding are carried out. On average, the plant grows up to 1.5 m in height, it will not be superfluous to install a support. If the seedlings were planted in fertile soil, the culture does not need additional nutrition.

How to germinate mash

Buying ready-made bean sprouts is easier. But not every store sells them.

Self-germination scheme:

  1. Beans of the same shape and size are selected, and then washed with cold water.
  2. Throw the fruit in a colander to remove all the liquid.
  3. Wet gauze folded in several layers is spread on the table.
  4. Beans are distributed over it and covered with the same material.
  5. Keep the gauze moist at all times.

After 2-3 days, the mung bean germinates.

If the sprouts are bitter, they are doused with boiling water to eliminate the unpleasant aftertaste.

Storage methods

The ripening of golden beans is unfriendly. Harvesting is carried out in several stages. Plucked dry pods are laid out in the shade for ventilation, and then the sashes are removed. The beans are shipped in cloth bags. To protect against bugs, you can drop a clove of garlic or a bay leaf into each purse.

When the growing season comes to an end, all green pods are harvested from the plants. If the beans are not poured, then they are divided in half and frozen. Slightly unripened grains are threshed and sent to the freezer.

Use in cosmetology and cooking

Useful aseptic properties of mung beans have found their application in cosmetology. For problem skin prone to acne, beauty experts offer masks with the inclusion of beans. The leaves and dried parts of the plant are also used. The first is used to make lotions, the second, in ground form, is used for scrubs.

Mash is a product for cooking treats of national Asian cuisine. From it prepare the first, second courses and various snacks. Recipes, previously known only in the Asian world, began to be performed by European chefs. In Russia, mang bean dishes are prepared during fasts.

A selection of interesting recipes

Many mung bean dishes are easy to make and nutritious. Their nutritional value is high, due to the high content of vitamins and trace elements.

Soup with minced meat

A hearty first course for a family dinner.


  • mash - 300 g;
  • tomato paste - 15 g;
  • ground beef - 200 g;
  • water - 1.5 l;

How to cook:

  1. Vegetables are cut into cubes and sautéed.
  2. Beans pre-soaked for 45 minutes are sent to the finished frying.
  3. Tomato paste and minced meat are added, and then fried until the meat component is ready.
  4. The contents are transferred to a saucepan and filled with water.
  5. Throw in the necessary spices and cook until the beans are soft.

The dish can be poured into plates 10 minutes after removing from the stove, letting it brew.

Shawl with mang beans

Uzbek porridge takes on a new nutty flavor when cooked with mung beans.


  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • beans - 200 g;
  • rice - the same;
  • ground beef - 300 g;
  • salt, spices and herbs - at the discretion.

Recipe step by step:

  1. The beans are soaked for 30 minutes.
  2. In a cauldron, vegetables chopped in a convenient way are sauteed.
  3. Lamb is washed, dried and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  4. Meat, cereals and beans are sent to the frying.
  5. The contents of the cauldron are salted and seasoned, poured with water so that it covers everything.
  6. Stew over low heat until cooked.

Serve in serving bowls with sliced ​​​​tomatoes and cucumbers.

For lenten menu

Mung bean kitchari is prepared very simply, satisfies hunger for a long time.


  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • mash - 300 g;
  • rice - half as much;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • pepper, zira, coriander, salt - to taste;
  • zucchini - ½ pc.;
  • sunflower oil - as needed.


  1. Grains and beans are poured with water, and after half an hour they are boiled until tender.
  2. Spices are fried in a pan without adding vegetable fat.
  3. When spread the chopped onion and garlic cloves, pour in a little oil.
  4. For fragrant frying, strips of pepper, carrot straws and bars of young zucchini are sent.
  5. Mung beans and rice are added to the vegetable mass.
  6. Everything is salted and laid out on plates.

The treat resembles lean pilaf, but is distinguished by a special piquancy.

Bean cutlets

Another treat for those who are fasting.


  • onion and carrot - 1 pc.;
  • mash - 300 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt, seasonings - optional;
  • breadcrumbs, sunflower oil - as needed.

How to cook:

  1. Vegetables are chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil.
  2. Mash is soaked and then boiled in salted water.
  3. Roasting and beans are crushed with a meat grinder or blender and mixed with an egg.
  4. The mince-like mass is salted, seasoned, and then products are formed from it, which are rolled in flour.
  5. Cutlets are fried until tender.

Serve a nutritious treat with tomato sauce, which gives the products rich notes.

sprout salad

An ideal breakfast filled with Chinese traditions.


  • sprouts - 200 g;
  • lettuce leaves - 2-3 pieces;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • peeled sunflower seeds - 20 g;
  • olive oil - as needed.

Basic steps:

  1. The leaves are torn by hand and spread on the bottom of the dish.
  2. Sprouts are placed on top.
  3. Juice is squeezed out of citrus and shoots are sprinkled with it.
  4. The seeds are roasted and used to sprinkle the sprouts.
  5. The layers are salted and seasoned.

Mung beans are a useful vegetable crop. If you follow simple rules, you can easily grow it in your own garden, and then pamper your loved ones with delicious and satisfying treats worthy of restaurants with Asian cuisine.

Mash, mung beans, golden beans- under these names one unusually useful leguminous crop is hidden, widely distributed in national cuisines of the East. Mash is used in a variety of dishes - in cereals, soups, desserts, flour products, and, accordingly, mung bean cooking methods. Mung beans are germinated, used in shelled and unshelled form. An interesting fact is that mung bean, sold in stores in its original packaging, is quite suitable for sprouting, since it is not damaged in any mechanical way under production conditions.

mung beansdietary product, rich in easily digestible proteins, which can replace meat for vegetarians. The chemical composition of mung bean rich in minerals - iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and others.
Benefits of mung beans known since antiquity (mung bean has been cultivated for more than 5000 years). In Chinese folk medicine, mung bean is used to treat food poisoning.

Method 1. Boil. It is necessary to pre-soak the mung bean for several hours. The duration of soaking depends on your expectations - the firmer you want the beans to be in the finished dish, the less time it will take to soak.
Mung bean is cooked for about 30-45 minutes depending on the variety of beans, the hardness of the water and the dishes you use.

Advice! Add onions and carrots sautéed in oil, favorite vegetables, brown rice, mushrooms and season with hot spices (chili powder, coriander, asafoetida, curry and garam masala are appropriate) to the mung bean - this will make the finished dish not only healthier, but also tastier.

Method 2. Sprout. It is known that germinated crops are a powerful energy resource. In the process sprouting legumes the nutritional value of the latter increases significantly. Sprouting also reduces the content of phytates in them, which prevent the absorption of many useful substances.

Sprouted mung bean sprouts can be eaten fresh on their own, or in salads, fried in oil with spices and added to your favorite dishes.

How to germinate mash. sprouting mung bean takes about 3-5 days, during which you should add fresh water to the beans as it evaporates, moisten the gauze.

Before sprouting, the mung bean needs to be washed, sorted out, and rid of litter and broken grains. Soak the beans in room temperature water overnight. Then rinse the beans with fresh water, transfer to a jar, cover the jar with gauze and tightly pull the gauze with an elastic band. Turn the can of beans over and place them in a bowl of water at a 45-degree angle to soak up the moisture in the beans. Then put the beans in a dark place and rinse in the same way as they dry.
It is best to consume the beans immediately after sprouting, when the average size of the bean reaches about 1 cm. It is in this form that the “potential” of mung beans is fully revealed, it is not worth overdoing the sprouting - the beans will become brown and tasteless.
In principle, they can be stored in gauze in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, but it is better to eat immediately.

Enjoy your meal!

Product description

Leguminous culture - mash- Comes from India. Small, green, oval-shaped beans were recently transferred from the biological genus Bean to the closely related genus Vigna. Despite this division, many perceive mung beans as one of the beans, and in some ways they are right.

Mung has gained particular popularity in Indian cuisine. The main dish of Ayurveda - kichri (kitchari) is prepared from it. This is a spicy vegetarian dish, a mixture of stewed rice with mung beans and sautéed spices, sometimes with vegetables. In India, it is actively used for soups, including sweet ones, and they also prepare stews, seasoning with local spices and adding grated coconut. Soaking mung beans for 6-12 hours, then rubbing them into a paste along with ginger and salt, they are fried like breakfast pancakes. The combination of "mung bean and ginger", in general, is very popular.

Mung beans are also actively used in Asia. There they are called "green bean" and are cooked in China, Japan, Korea and other countries of Southeast Asia. They are eaten whole, peeled, or sprouted. In China, mung bean starch is used for gelling and the production of funchose. Ice cream, drinks are prepared with it, and moon Chinese cookies and rice dumplings are stuffed with mung bean paste. In Japan, green beans are made into bean vermicelli and sprouted to produce bean sprouts. In the Philippines, stew with shrimp and fish or chicken and pork. In Indonesia, mung bean is a popular pastry filling.

love mash and in Central Asia. For example, mashkhurda is one of the most famous soups in Uzbekistan. It is homemade: in a restaurant, cafe or teahouse it is unlikely that you will taste it. Following the precepts of the old chefs “mung loves butter”, in this dish, in addition to rice and vegetables, they use a large amount of tail fat and lamb.

In general, mung bean is great for making side dishes, soups, stews, and stews.

As for sprouts, in Chinese cuisine they are fried with garlic, ginger and green onions, sometimes with pieces of salted dried fish. Raw sprouts are used as a filling for Vietnamese spring rolls. In Korea, they are blanched and then mixed with sesame oil, garlic, and local spices.

Mash is a nutritious, healthy and satisfying product. It is rich in fiber, B vitamins and phosphorus. Like beans, mung bean is a source of vegetable protein and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

How to cook

dry beans mash no need to soak. Mash is cooked for about 40 minutes and tastes like beans with a nutty flavor. You need to salt it 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

To germinate dry beans, simply add water. They can also be found on sale, where they will simply be called "bean sprouts (sprouts)."