Shopping during different phases of the moon. Moon, Moon... We take into account the phases of the Moon in any business

Photo: Tiit Blaat

It turns out that along with love, health and business horoscopes, there are also shopping horoscopes. They help you make purchases so that the product lasts as long as possible, and also help you avoid purchasing low-quality or unnecessary items, writes MK-Estonia.

Shopping astrology belongs to the section of financial astrology, and just as astrologers advise concluding large transactions only in one period or another, so the time of purchase of ordinary things has its own favorable and negative consequences.

“For daily and short-term affairs, it is useful to focus on the lunar calendar, taking into account the influence of the night star,” says astrologer Olga Potemkina. - On the first lunar day, it is good to purchase objects that emit light - candles, lamps, TVs, monitors, etc. On the second lunar day, you can buy anything, borrow, do not deny yourself pleasures and at the same time respect your benefits, do not spend more on an item than it is worth, you can bargain until you are blue in the face, do not give up a penny, fiercely defend your consumer rights."

The third lunar day, according to the astrologer, is suitable for planning and studying the market, and on the fourth you can go to a restaurant or cook a special dinner with delicacies at home. On the fifth lunar day, Olga Potemkina advises purchasing gifts, regardless of their cost. Charity done on this day will definitely result in good luck in the future. The sixth lunar day is suitable for purchasing tools, tools, machines and mechanisms, and the seventh is good for purchasing air tickets and travel packages.

“But the eighth, eleventh, nineteenth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth and twenty-ninth lunar days are not suitable for any acquisitions, warns the astrologer. “The ninth lunar day is not suitable for financial transactions; you should not take out a loan or lend money.”

“On the thirteenth lunar day, you can buy everything round - from oranges to tennis balls,” Olga clarifies. - The fourteenth lunar day is suitable for purchasing books, textbooks, manuals, etc. In the fifteenth and sixteenth lunar day- full moon. During this period, you cannot make purchases, and not only large ones or for long-term use. You should not purchase any items that you will wear on yourself, from clothes and underwear to shoes, jewelry and watches.”

Wine purchased on the seventeenth lunar day, according to the astrologer, will be tasty and of high quality, and on the eighteenth lunar day you can buy any things and goods, but only at your own discretion, and not on the advice of anyone. On the twentieth lunar day it is good to purchase pets, pets, as well as cattle, and on the twenty-first - all kinds of equipment, both for work and for sports.

“The twenty-second lunar day is suitable for shopping for health products, both for oral administration and for strengthening the body and spirit,” adds Olga. - On the twenty-third lunar day, you can spend money on goods for personal use, from cosmetics and underwear to personal hygiene items. On the twenty-fourth, buy familiar things that are familiar to you. It is better to avoid objects, devices and things that are unfamiliar to you, or you have not yet learned how to use them. On the twenty-seventh lunar day, it is good to purchase any liquids except strong drinks. Only on the twenty-eighth lunar day can you indulge in “crazy” shopping. Any purchase will last a long time and will delight you, and on the thirtieth day it is good to buy jewelry, metal products, and art objects.”

Moon in Aries
When buying clothes and accessories, attention is usually drawn to things that are spectacular, but short-lived. Shoes bought at this time will instantly burn on your feet, clothes will burst at the seams, and if you dare to buy perfume, you will probably end up with a too strong aroma. At this time you can buy hunting equipment, guns, knives, sports equipment, as well as bright trinkets and souvenirs.

Moon in Taurus
A wonderful time for most purchases and general household chores. It's hard to find a better time to purchase linen, perfume, and skin nourishing products. This time is perfect for purchasing furniture, practical and beautiful things, cosmetics, jewelry and tools. Everything you buy at this time will be quite attractive aesthetically and at the same time reliable and practical.

Moon in Gemini
This is a good time to buy stationery, although you may get too carried away and buy something you could easily do without. At this time you can acquire new shoes, sportswear, bicycle. Buying a car is also good at this time. True, if you are one of those who buy a car once and for the rest of your life, then it is better to wait until the Moon passes the sign of Capricorn. Purchases of real estate and furniture are not recommended.

Moon in Cancer
With this position of the Moon, it is good to choose furniture for the home, wallpaper and other Decoration Materials. What will cause a feeling of comfort and calm during this period will really create coziness in the house in the future. The time is favorable for buying salt, bath foam, shower gels, and shampoos. Clothes and shoes purchased at this time will be comfortable, but somewhat rustic.

Moon in Leo
This is a time of uncontrollable emotions, exaltation and bright colors. You can buy something amazing, unique and super fashionable - shoes or a dress that will dazzle those around you. Buy jewelry, especially from precious metals, With natural stones, - at this time you will be able to purchase beautiful specimens. Perfumes and decorative cosmetics are also a good investment at the moment. But for purchase household appliances is not best time: in pursuit of a cutting-edge new product, you can buy something that is not very reliable.

Moon in Virgo
The Moon in Virgo favors most shopping and household chores. The purchases are practical, functional, but absolutely devoid of polish. This is a good time to buy equipment. It’s also better to go shopping for a business suit now. In terms of cosmetics, this is a good time to buy cleansers and tonics, scrubs, shampoos, and styling products. You can choose and buy kitchen furniture- there is a chance to improve your culinary skills with its help.

Moon in Libra
This perfect time for the purchase of all types of cosmetics and perfumes. As for clothes, the item you buy will be elegant and fit exactly to your figure. For shoes, it is better to buy a spring-summer assortment. This is also a good time to purchase interior items and finishing materials, since most people have an increased sense of successful combinations. You can also buy gifts for your other half these days - most likely you will definitely please him.

Moon in Scorpio
This period is not very favorable for shopping. However, if you decide to buy a bottle of good wine or gift cognac, then do it now. Also these days, the purchase of amulets, talismans, and occult literature will be successful. Pest and insect control products and cleaning products will be especially effective if purchased at this time.

Moon in Sagittarius
If you want things that show solidity, authority and a touch of chic, buy them on the Moon in Sagittarius. Leather sofa, a leather-bound diary with gold embossing, a desk device made of natural wood with gilding, a solid armchair - the Moon in Sagittarius is the best time to buy such things. At this time, imported items are more attractive than domestic ones. If you are going on vacation or just a trip, a voucher, tickets and a suitcase are also worth buying these days.

Moon in Capricorn
We are less emotional than usual, we are drawn to everything simple and concise. This is one of the best periods for major purchases, including real estate. Especially when it comes to technology. As a rule, clothes and shoes turn out to be practical and respectable. It is better not to purchase interior items and finishing materials for the home when the Moon is in Capricorn: what you like now will later begin to seem somehow official and uncomfortable.

Moon in Aquarius
When you go shopping at this time, you will certainly buy something original, stylish, not like everyone else. This is a great time to change your image: the clothes and accessories you buy will definitely be different from your previous style. But you need to be careful with decorative cosmetics if you don’t want something too avant-garde. The same applies to finishing materials for the home. Good time to buy computer equipment, various technical innovations.

Moon in Pisces
This is far from the best time for most acquisitions and business affairs that require rationalism and accuracy. One of the most useless purchases right now is shoes. She risks becoming a malicious enemy of your feet, in other words, she will mercilessly press and rub. And it won't last long. The situation with clothes is a little better: there is a chance to buy something very stylish, although not very durable. A good time to buy children's books and films.

Tatyana Zhidkova (usingInternet-materials)

— a convenient and simple tool for planning various types of acquisitions during the lunar cycle. The mistress of the emotional sphere of human life, the Moon knows better than anyone else on what day we are more susceptible to spontaneous impulses, which we may later regret, and on what day the desire of sellers to talk us into additional unnecessary expenses intensifies. But don't worry, shopaholics! There are many favorable days in the lunar calendar for a variety of purchases :)

Things survive us... But we survive without things.

Lucky days for shopping according to the lunar calendar

Conditionally good days for shopping lunar calendar can be divided into favorable for useful (practical) acquisitions, long-awaited dream purchases and spontaneous ones, dictated by a momentary impulse. So, good days in order to acquire any utilities that make life more comfortable and contribute to your realization in society are considered 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 20, 21, 22 lunar days. Moreover 6 lunar day is considered the best for purchasing goods for children - stationery and clothing for growing up, and 10th- for any family purchases, including cars and real estate.

IN 7, 12, 22, 25 lunar days, which are distinguished by a special spiritual orientation, Luna recommends purchasing books (spiritual, psychological, religious), figurines of deities, rosaries, talismans, incense.

In order to fulfill your old dream of buying something, they are perfect 14th and 24th lunar day. The spontaneous desire to purchase something that seems unnecessary should be satisfied in 28 lunar day. But in 30 lunar day It’s better not to buy anything for yourself - this is the time to buy gifts for loved ones and friends.

Find out what dates these lunar days fall on in the Lunar Shopping Calendar >>

Lunar shopping calendar - unfavorable days

You should not go shopping in favorable days according to the lunar calendar. These are considered 9, 19 and 29 lunar days. At this time, the lunar energy is so powerful that many people are unable to cope with it. It is better to refrain from any purchases to protect yourself from buying low-quality goods and deceiving sellers and manufacturers. The only exception is pets; they can be safely purchased at 19th lunar day.

There are also recommendations regarding certain groups of goods that are best not purchased on certain lunar days. For example, in 11th lunar day, closely energetically connected with fire, the Moon advises not to buy items aimed at extinguishing fire. A 7 lunar day unlucky for large acquisitions, household appliances, vehicles, and so on.

Lunar calendar of successful purchases - general rules

1 lunar day cycle was created for planning, defining goals and desires, thinking through strategies in any area of ​​your life. If on the first lunar day you plan an acquisition that is significant to you and find a favorable date for it, the acquisition will certainly be successful and will bring joy and satisfaction.

7th lunar day activates the power of words, and therefore keep in mind that everything you voice on this day will probably come true. Use the power of this day by declaring out loud that your shopping will go with a bang - this way you can turn any dates into successful shopping days according to the lunar calendar. 🙂

11th lunar day fills a person with energy and confidence. What you plan on this day will definitely come true if you really believe in it and clearly know what you want. It’s very good on the eleventh lunar day to work with visualization of your desires - it’s time to make a collage from the latest catalog of your favorite brand!

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Moon in signs and Shopping

Moon in Aries

favorable for buying a car and other equipment;for the purchase of weapons, piercing and cutting objects, carpentry and plumbing tools; sports equipment.

On days with the Moon in Aries, people buy any metal objects, from knives and forks to knitting needles and needles. A good time to purchase toys and children's things, although it is better to choose gifts on other days, since haste will not allow you to think carefully and choose what you need.

Our desires are impulsive and excessively strong. As a rule, attention is attracted to things that are spectacular, but short-lived. Shoes bought at this time will instantly burn on your feet, clothes will burst at the seams, and if you dare to buy perfume, you will probably later find out that their aroma is too strong. Even bed sheets and it’s better not to choose now - sleep on it will be restless and shallow. What's good to buy is glasses. Check it out - you won't regret it.

Moon in Taurus

buy cosmetics. Clothes purchased during the Moon in Taurus will last a long time and be durable. A great time to buy exquisite items and jewelry. The purchase of livestock and agricultural products is favorable.

With the Moon in Taurus, stock up not only on food, but also on the most different things household necessities - from napkins and soap to spare light bulbs. At this time, it is best to purchase plants, as well as tools for the garden. By the way, Taurus is very suitable sign to begin repairs, especially on the waning Moon.

A wonderful time for most purchases and general household chores. After all, the Moon is visiting Venus - the patroness of comfort, coziness, good taste and, of course, love. It is difficult to find a better moment to purchase lingerie - seductive, but at the same time quite comfortable. It is also better to buy perfumes, nourishing and moisturizing creams while the Moon is in Taurus. Well, if you want to do something truly heroic, change the furniture, buy a new nice sofa or stylish bookcase - they will probably become the center of your apartment.

Moon in Gemini

You can buy anything that is not designed for long-term use. Although it is not good to buy real estate, furniture.

Under the Moon in Gemini, it is good to purchase books, notebooks and phone books, Consumables for office equipment. But, of course, the most crowning gift or simple purchase at this time is a phone.

Moon in Cancer

It’s good to buy drinks and food for future use; residential building or land plot; favorable for purchasing antiques and used items.

With the Moon in Cancer, you want to drink more than usual, so a package of expensive tea, coffee or a bottle of good alcohol would be a good gift and purchase. When the Moon is in Cancer, people buy necessary things for their home, such as slippers or dishes, as well as silver jewelry, dinner and tea sets, and living plants.

In this sign the Moon is at home. Our craving for comfort, sensitivity and emotionality increases. With this position of the Moon, it is good to choose home furniture, wallpaper and other finishing materials. What will cause a feeling of comfort and calm during this period will really create coziness in the house in the future. But you shouldn’t purchase household (or any other) appliances: they may turn out to be unreliable.

Moon in Leo

Buy gifts, jewelry, decorations and things that you will rarely use. Shoes purchased these days quickly wear out and become unusable.

The Moon in Leo is the best time to choose gifts. If you are planning to give someone a present, then choose it on these days - you won’t regret it. You can buy some decoration for your home. It is very good to buy products made of gold, precious metals and stones. However, on days when the Moon is in Leo, spending money needs to be seriously controlled, since at this time the Moon tends to be excessively wasteful.

This is a time of uncontrollable emotions, exaltation and bright colors - the Moon is visiting the royal Sun! You will be tempted to buy something amazing, unique and super fashionable - shoes or a dress that will dazzle those around you. You have the right! But keep in mind that, most likely, you will wear these things only a few times, and not because you will be disappointed in them, but because they will quickly lose their shape and appearance. This is especially true for shoes: the Moon in Leo is the worst time to purchase them. As for clothing, an exception can be made for warm sweaters: they will really keep you warm in winter. Perfumes and decorative cosmetics are also a good investment at the moment.

Moon in Virgo

buy fertilizers, household items and pets.

With the Moon in Virgo, it’s time to put things in order at home and buy things that help organize work. All office supplies need to be purchased now, along with folders, files and organizers. As well as the necessary items for the kitchen, bathroom, hallway and other similar rooms (but not for the living room!). Shopping for hygiene and home care products will be successful. However, these days you should be most wary of pickpocketing and various scams.

The moon is in the house of the businesslike, responsible Ceres. With this position of the Moon, many people become more calculating, more attentive, analyze their impressions and sensations more carefully, and pay more attention to the practicality of the items they are going to purchase. Therefore, the Moon in Virgo favors most purchases and household affairs. This is a good time to buy equipment. It’s also better to go shopping for a business suit now. But with underwear you can make a big mistake. As for cosmetics, at this time it is good to buy cleansers and toners, scrubs, concealing pencils, products for oily skin, shampoos (especially for oily hair), and styling products. You can choose and buy kitchen furniture - there is a chance to improve your culinary skills with its help and generally become addicted to creativity at the stove.

Moon in Libra

bad time for business. You can buy small things. Favorable days for buying works of art.

With the Moon in Libra, you are good at buying clothes both for yourself and as a gift. The most favorable time to place an order for items from fashionable and stylish catalogs. These days are very suitable for updating your wardrobe, buying jewelry and art objects.

In this sign, the night luminary again visits Venus. This is the ideal time to purchase all types of cosmetics and perfumes. You will unmistakably choose a shampoo for any, even the most complex hair type. As for clothes, you can look for something exceptional, not for every day - and no matter how much money you invest in this “something”, you will not regret it later. This is also a good time to purchase interior items and finishing materials, since most people have an increased sense of successful combinations.

Moon in Scorpio

This is a good time to purchase recyclable materials and organic fertilizers.

With the Moon in Scorpio, sometimes strange things are bought, not the same as always. For example, non-standard equipment or some “know-how”. Well, if you intend to declare a decisive battle against cockroaches and other “guard” insects, then you need to buy traps, powders and aerosols against them on these two days. If you have been planning to throw out of the house for a long time old furniture or make a reshuffle, do it when the Moon is in Scorpio.

Here the Moon falls into the domain of the formidable Pluto. This period is generally unfavorable for shopping. The worst thing you can do is to go shopping for interior items, finishing materials for your apartment, or, say, plumbing fixtures. With all this, there is the greatest chance of missing. Also refrain from purchasing clothes and shoes - the likelihood of defects is too high, and things will easily wear out and lose their original appearance.

Moon in Sagittarius

favorable for purchases of imported consumer goods, incl. icons; for the purchase of horses and other cattle, as well as serious and rare literature.

With the Moon in Sagittarius, the imagination plays out, all thoughts strive to break out of the usual circle of existence, and we often travel out of town or visit new places. For some it’s a horse ride, and for others it’s a market on the other side of the city. Accordingly, purchases with gifts are distinguished by originality. It could be stylish glasses, super-fashionable shoes, or for a friend/boyfriend you can choose an unexpectedly artsy handbag or purse, an orange tie or something else cooler. The right time for the purchase of tourist packages and weekend tours, as well as goods and accessories for recreation, sports and tourism.

The Moon is visiting the respectable Jupiter. If you want to update your workplace, do it now. Let's say, having bought a weekly planner at this stage, you will find that it has become easier to plan your work time. And, having given your loved one the pen you bought now, after some time you will probably hear that it made him happy. Buy cosmetics, but don't buy clothes and shoes - your taste may change you.

Moon in Capricorn

good for purchasing non-residential buildings and antiques. In general, the purchase and sale of land, real estate, and rent are favorable.

With the Moon in Capricorn, it is better to make the largest purchases that you have planned for the month. For example, purchase a refrigerator, building materials or large real estate. If possible, it is better to buy gifts on other days, but if you have to, try to keep them on time. classic style. Under the Moon in Capricorn, you should not bind yourself to future obligations, or lend money.

Here the Moon is under the influence of strict, economical Saturn. We are less emotional than usual, we are drawn to everything simple and concise. This is one of the best periods for major purchases. Especially when it comes to technology. As a rule, clothes, shoes and leather goods are practical and respectable. It is better not to purchase interior items and finishing materials for the home when the Moon is in Capricorn: what you may like now will later begin to seem somehow official and uncomfortable.

Moon in Aquarius

favorable for the purchase of electronics, household appliances, gas equipment, electronic equipment, communications, computer equipment, transport, everything new, advanced, extraordinary. Successfully select books and CDs - the choice will not disappoint later.
With the Moon in Aquarius it is a good time for gambling. By participating in a lottery or winning a drawing organized by a trading company, you have a real chance of winning in the future. It's good to buy an apartment.
The Moon enters the domain of independent and light Uranus. And our attention weakens somewhat, our thoughts are carried away somewhere beyond the clouds, and our logic begins to falter. For smaller purchases, avoid purchasing decorative cosmetics. But you can take time, slowly selecting tonic and rejuvenating products.

Moon in Pisces

favorable time for purchasing medicines and chemical reagents.

With the Moon in Pisces, you need to trust your feelings more, especially when it comes to nutrition, but also shopping. It is good to purchase perfumes, any delicate and elegant works of art. At this time, you can buy old and well-known films or music, as well as any things for comfort in the house.

The Moon is visiting the owner of secrets and dreams, Neptune. Our attention is still somewhat scattered, and the sensitivity of things to external influences is increased. This is far from the best time for most acquisitions and business affairs that require rationalism and accuracy. One of the most useless purchases right now is shoes. She risks becoming a malicious enemy of our feet, in other words, she will mercilessly press and rub. And it won't last long. The situation with clothes is a little better: there is a chance to buy something very stylish, although not very durable. Just don’t buy warm clothes - you’ll miss it, they won’t warm you well. From cosmetics, you can successfully choose nourishing and moisturizing creams.

Our whole life consists of purchases. Almost every day we spend money buying everything we need. Therefore, we are often visited by thoughts about whether it is possible to spend finances in such a way that, if they do not increase, they are at least protected from failures. One of the most favorite activities for the vast majority of the fair sex is shopping. It allows you to cheer up, gain self-confidence and acquire many new, useful things. This is a very exciting and entertaining process, during which girls get not only the things they like, but also great pleasure.

Smart shopping is a very complex matter, requiring a lot of experience and careful preparation. Everything is important here, from choosing a sales location to determining the optimal day according to the lunar calendar. It has been scientifically proven that lunar phases greatly influence human life and the changes that occur in nature. The Moon also affects us during shopping. In this article we will tell you in detail when you can make purchases according to the 2018 lunar calendar, and when it is better to refrain from them. This article will publish a lunar schedule of possible purchases for each month, so that it is convenient for you to plan the most important purchases. See the general information on our website.

Lunar shopping calendar 2018 according to zodiac signs

  1. Aries is a calm and balanced sign, but if something bothers you, it is better to postpone the purchase or think about it more carefully.
  2. Taurus - shopping will end successfully.
  3. Gemini is a sign of fortune and contradictions; you can either hit the jackpot or suffer a fatal failure. Be vigilant and extremely careful in your decisions.
  4. Cancer - this sign loves to shop, and even just wandering around the shops will be beneficial, you will get something.
  5. Leo is auspicious sign for shopping.
  6. Virgo - pragmatism and balance will prevail at this time over the decision to make any acquisition.
  7. Scorpio is a contradictory sign. At this time, people are constantly hesitating and torn between several products. You can make a decision, but such a shopping trip will add a lot of stress.
  8. Libra – everything is within the framework of profitable or unprofitable, good or bad, like or dislike. You can make a purchasing decision quickly, since the vectors are set correctly at this time.
  9. Sagittarius is a good and very positive sign, welcoming change and patronizing purchases of any kind.
  10. Capricorn will think for a long time before spending the money he earns, but the ending will be positive for the owner of the purchase.
  11. Aquarius is a great period for shopping.
  12. Pisces - moving up and down with the current, such days will become a busy period for making the right decision about the acquisition.

The influence of the Moon phase on purchases according to the lunar calendar for 2018

  • New moon. The moon is not visible in the sky during this period, but its influence on processes is sharply negative.
  • First phase of the moon. The satellite has the shape of a thin sickle. This period is considered very successful for starting any business, so it’s time to start looking for an acquisition.
  • Second phase. At this time, only half of the planet is visible to us in the sky. This period is not the most favorable for making large purchases.
  • Full moon. The moon is completely visible in this phase. During such periods Negative influence companion is the most powerful, so it is highly not recommended to plan even small purchases, so as not to be disappointed.
  • The third phase is a gradual decline in the visibility of the satellite from Earth. Such a time is still characterized big amount failures in all areas of life, so it is recommended to adjust your plans and not make global purchasing decisions unnecessarily.
  • The waning stage of the Moon is not best period for purchases and sales in principle.
    The seventh stage is when the visibility of the satellite is limited in such a way that only part of the reverse side is visible to a person
  • Moon in the form of a sickle. This is a neutral period for shopping and shopping.
  • Old Moon. Control of emotions weakens precisely during this phase of the satellite’s influence, so buying anything global is also not recommended.

Lunar shopping calendar for April 2018

These days you can visit any shopping establishments, but you must approach shopping with great caution. The moon in the second month of spring will be under the zodiac signs that influence our emotional condition. Thus, in April, astrologers recommend visiting sales points only on days recommended for shopping.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 27, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 29, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26.

On April 1, do not make purchases of which you are not sure of the quality. Astrologers advise postponing shopping until another favorable day, for example April 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 29.

On April 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, completely refrain from going to shopping centers. The moon will be so aggressive that it may affect your mood negatively. And any purchases made in a bad mood will not last you long and will quickly deteriorate.

On April 11, 17, 20, 22, 28, 30, you need to be extremely careful and not fall for the tricks of experienced sellers who will offer you to purchase goods that you did not plan for. On this day, you can only buy what is on your list.

  • Nails
  • Stationery
  • Animal feed

On April 21, spend money on buying cinema tickets or visiting a museum, exhibition - an event that is dedicated to intellectual development and growth.

On April 25, 2018, you can make an important purchase - a car, a dacha, a house. The main thing is that all family members take part in the purchasing process.

Astrologers conduct a lot of research and therefore they are confident that the Moon is capable of changing the lives of people on Earth. But we can manage this process if we listen to the advice of the lunar table.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for April 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for May 2018

At this time, most astrologers recommend refraining from unnecessary acquisitions and treating your emotional impulses with caution. May 2018 will be the turning point, when the intense energy of the night star is greatly enhanced by the influence of the zodiacal constellations, under the influence of which the Moon will be.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 1, 2, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 26, 29.
  • Neutral days for purchases are 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 30.

May will start from the very beginning unfavorable day for shopping. By the way, there will be many such days in May 2018 - the 4th, 5th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 24th and 31st.

On May 2, 7, 8, 14, 29, you can make any purchases, but it is important to be in high spirits, since all purchased items will be charged with our energy and will be beneficial only in this case.

On May 3, visit a stylist, choose a new wardrobe for yourself, but do not buy any clothes or shoes on this day.

May 6th is a great day to conclude a real estate purchase or sale transaction or purchase expensive equipment:

  • TV
  • refrigerator
  • Washing machine

On May 10, you can safely go to the market or store to purchase everything you planned. It is important on this day not to give in to whims, so as not to waste your entire budget.

May 11, 2018 will be the day when you can go to the store, choose what you like and buy it right away. Such spontaneous purchases should fill you with positive emotions.

On May 13, 17, 18, 21, 23, 26, 27, astrologers allow us to make small purchases, without which we either cannot do without Everyday life, or they help us develop spiritually. And on May 20, 28 and 30 you can purchase something more significant, but provided that you are absolutely sure of the quality of the desired purchase.

Every person dreams of winning the lottery. But astrology experts say that you will get the prize if you buy a lottery ticket on a favorable day according to the Moon. As they say, when all the stars align, you can win.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for May 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for June 2018

This month, everyone can safely go to the store, where a lot of amazing goods and services will be waiting for them. IN this period The moon will renew its cycle, and its new phases will certainly bring success to everyone who is planning to make significant acquisitions. In June, astrologers recommend confidently buying everything you like, because this month promises to be one of the most successful of the year.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping are 6, 14, 19, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21, 25, 27.

June 1, 2018 – refers to the list have a nice day to make purchases in the first month of summer. This also includes the following dates: June 5, 6, 7, 13, 26, 27 and 30.

On June 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 28, it is recommended to approach your shopping carefully - buy only the best and highest quality, otherwise your purchases will bring you only disappointment and no pleasure.

On June 4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 22, 29, astrologers do not even advise buying food. The Moon will be under the influence of wasteful Mercury, which is why we may spend money irrationally.

On June 16, you can purchase food and personal hygiene products. You should not try to conclude important transactions for the purchase of real estate or a car, because they may not take place.

On June 19 and 25, spend money on buying things that will stimulate your creativity or intellectual activity. Buy an encyclopedia or monograph by an outstanding scientist in the field that you are passionate about.

Spend June 23rd with your family. Buy your children and loved ones what they have long dreamed of, order a photo session so that you will remember this day for a long time.

It is worth noting that it is not so much the Moon itself that influences, but rather its phases. It is especially undesirable to conduct financial transactions during lunar eclipses. This year there are several of them, and all of them are noted separately. For example, moon eclipse It was in January and will be again next month.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for June 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for July 2018

Midsummer is always associated with a pleasant holiday, new experiences and exciting walks to places where all kinds of goods are traded. But judging by the lunar calendar, in July 2018 you should be very careful with shopping. All transactions concluded during this period may become burdensome and may not live up to the expectations placed on them.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 9, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16, 27.

If you decide to purchase something on July 1, 2018, then know that you are only allowed to buy glass objects everyday life:

  • Mirrors
  • Dishes
  • The exact same day will happen on July 31st.

On July 2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 29, it is generally better not to visit retail outlets or even try to purchase anything through online stores.

July 3rd and 4th is a great day to purchase modern sports equipment or uniforms online. The likelihood that you will be able to buy a good item at a good price is very high.

On July 5, the Moon will be favorable if you decide to purchase a new car. The purchase and sale transaction will go through quickly, and the new vehicle will serve you for a long time.

July 6, 12, 26, 27, 30 – the time when you can buy everything that catches your eye in stores. You don’t have to limit yourself to any of your desires and don’t worry about spending money. Purchases made on this day will be very successful, and you will never regret purchasing them.

Shopping may be limited on July 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 28. Make a list of everything you need to buy and strictly follow it without giving in to temptations.

July 23 is the day when you need to completely update your children's wardrobe. If you buy your children, in addition to clothes, some other toys or gadgets, this will improve your relationship.

July 27 - second lunar eclipse. On this day it is better not to plan financial transactions and purchases. Dedicate it to rest and relaxation. Go to the sea or for a walk. You can meet with relatives or friends.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for July 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for August 2018

Ending summer period has always been considered a time of sales. These days, store shelves are overflowing with goods, the discounts of which reach unimaginable sizes. Therefore, in August you can safely go all out in shopping centers, especially since our night star will contribute to this in every possible way.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 25.
  • Neutral days for shopping – 4, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 24, 26, 27, 28.

The first day of August 2018 will begin with a ban on any acquisitions. You should not buy anything on August 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 27, or 30.

Astrologers allow you to purchase some household items and products in limited quantities on August 2, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29 and 31.

On August 3, you can safely buy an apartment or house. At the same time, you can pay for this property not only in cash, but also with a credit card.

August 4, 5, 11, 25, 28 – summer days when you can afford to buy absolutely everything and at the same time be sure that your purchases will not ruin you and will bring you a lot of pleasure.

On August 17, visit a paid exhibition or tour of outstanding places in your city or region. Astrologers recommend spending money on buying new books and musical instruments on this day.

On August 21, buy a gift for your loved one. Let this be exactly the thing he has been dreaming of for a long time. And on August 23rd, buy some spiritual item for your home. This could be an altar or a beautiful icon.

Make a plan for your affairs and purchases in advance, taking into account the lunar table. This will help you plan a trip to a notary to formalize a transaction or to a store to make purchases.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for August 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for September 2018

The beginning of autumn for most of our population is always accompanied by both planned and impulse spending. This is the time when classes begin in schools, and working people return to their jobs after long vacations. According to astrological forecast, September will be a very changeable period for shopping lovers. At the beginning of the month, it is better to refrain from expensive acquisitions, but towards the end of the month you can completely forget about the restrictions.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 5, 7, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 26.

September 1, 2, 9, 23, 26, 2018 are a wonderful time according to the lunar calendar, when you can give free rein to your desires and purchase many useful things for yourself and your loved ones. The same cannot be said about September 3, 7, 10, 13, 18, 25, 28, when you should avoid even going to shopping centers.

On September 4, 5, 11, 14, 16, 20, 22, 24, 27, astrologers advise planning purchases, and it is better to avoid everything that is not included in the plans so as not to succumb to temptation.

September 6, 12 and 29 are the time to make such banal purchases as personal hygiene products, perfumes and cosmetics. It is better not to purchase shoes and clothes these days.

  • Detergents
  • Anti-mosquito

And on the 15th and 21st, start updating your office. Buy:

  • Notebooks
  • Notepads
  • Pens with pencils
  • Drawing tools
  • Handicraft decor and so on

On September 17, you can visit an antique store to buy some expensive item for interior decoration. It is also recommended to purchase jewelry on this day.

On September 19, you should buy an expensive item for your parents. Astrologers say that the gift you purchased on this day for your loved ones is the key to your success in the future.

September 30, according to the lunar calendar of 2018, is a good day to buy a car or real estate.

Biorhythms of the Moon exist, and they affect the Earth and people. Therefore, we must listen to them and take into account the advice of astrologers.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for September 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for October 2018

Mid-autumn is the optimal time to completely update your wardrobe. On days like these, you want to go shopping, explore new collections, and, of course, attend attractive sales. In October, astrologers advise to be very careful about the emotional component of purchases, because if you get carried away by lucrative offers, you can spend much more financial resources than you can afford.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 22, 23, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 3, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 28, 29, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 6, 8, 12, 19, 20, 24, 26.

The first day of October 2018 will be a good time to do your favorite shopping. You can, without limiting yourself in any way, purchase clothes, shoes, jewelry, electronic gadgets, real estate and other expensive things. The same is allowed to be purchased on October 8, 15, 22, 25, 30.

On October 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 24, 27, any purchases are prohibited. If you do not want to risk your money, then it is better to listen to the advice of astrologers.

On October 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 28 and 31, you are allowed to make planned purchases that will be useful to you in everyday life. You need to make a list of everything you need on paper so that you know exactly what is needed and what is not.

On October 16 and 29, plan to buy a house, cottage or land plot, if you were going to purchase them. Better days in October 2018, you simply cannot find one for these purposes. And on October 18, pay attention to the purchases that your loved ones need. Buy something worthwhile for them and give it as a gift.

The lunar table is an excellent assistant for those people who are confident in the influence of the Moon on human biorhythms. Prepare with its help for upcoming transactions and purchases so that everything goes well.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for October 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for November 2018

The end of autumn always makes us think about the coming winter. The need for a warm hat, mittens, boots and, of course, a fur coat begins to be acutely felt. According to the lunar calendar for 2018, last month Autumn will be a great time for everyone who wants to get new things on the eve of the snowy season.

  • Favorable days for shopping are 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27,30.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Start November 2018 with purchases you've been planning for a long time. To do this, you will have 3 days - November 1, 2 and 3. Then the time for this in November should be allocated on the 5th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 25th.

On November 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 23, 26 and 30, astrologers advise us to avoid going to shopping centers and buy some things or food.

The most favorable days for all types of purchases in November 2018 include the 6th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 29th.

On November 27 and 28, you can conclude an excellent deal for the purchase and sale of property. Even if you make a purchase on credit, you will have a great chance of winning the most favorable conditions for yourself.

All people buy something: some buy real estate, while others update the furniture in their apartment. Clothes and shoes are often purchased. You always want any spending of money to be successful and not wasted: clothes should be a joy to wear, equipment should work well, furniture should last a long time, and new apartment or the house should be pleasant to live in. For this to really be true, listen to the advice of the lunar table.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for November 2018 - table:

Lunar shopping calendar for December 2018

For many of us, the first month of winter is associated with pleasant pre-holiday chores. Celebrations are approaching, and we are all trying to get gifts for family and friends as early as possible. Astrologers assure that during this period you don’t have to limit yourself to shopping, because in December the stars themselves will help shoppers choose nice gifts at affordable prices.

  • Favorable days for shopping – 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping are 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17.
  • Neutral days for shopping are 7, 9, 10, 14, 18, 19, 26.

According to the 2018 lunar calendar, December 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 23, 26 and 31 are the most bad time for any purchases. If you do buy something, don’t be surprised if your purchases soon go bad.

On December 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, shopping is allowed, but it is recommended to buy only what you are confident in, or what you have been planning for a long time.

On December 5, 13, 25 you can buy any inexpensive things, some small household items or office supplies.

  • Household appliances
  • Automobile
  • Land plot
  • Jewelry
  • There are not many days in December when you can make any purchase without any restrictions. These include December 6, 17, 21, 24, 29, 30.

December is the time for big pre-New Year spending. People want to update their interior or make renovations. Someone is buying new car or an apartment. This is all great, but you need to take into account the influence of the phases of the moon on financial transactions. Choose favorable days and may your purchases be successful.

Lunar calendar of purchases and acquisitions for December 2018 - table:

During a favorable period, the Moon generously distributes its energy to the Earth. Therefore, on such days, transactions are successful and people are in a good mood. Astrologers know all this, and also live according to the lunar calendar. Plan your activities in good days on the Moon.