The lunar eclipse of July was appreciated by an astronomer and an astrologer. Russians will be able to see the longest lunar eclipse in the XXI century Eclipse on July 20

Oh Almighty, when I lose hope, help me remember that your love is greater than my disappointment and your plans for my life are better than my dreams. Omar Khayyam

When God solves your problems
you believe in His ability.
When God doesn't solve your problems
He believes in your abilities.

The secret of a good relationship is the right dosage of your presence in everyone's personal space.

0 harsh quotes by psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky about healthy love and neurosis

1. A healthy person does not want to get married. The first thing you should do is stop wanting to get married. In other words, if you want to get married, you need to stop thinking about it, devalue the very idea.

2. The key to a happy family life, marriage and sex with one partner is only in one thing - in a stable psyche. No concessions, no compromises - this is all a direct road to a cardiologist or oncologist. When a person has a stable psyche, he can live with one partner all his life. And love him alone.

3. People are not loved because they bend. A woman will be just an empty place for a man if you can’t say about her who she is, what she is and what she likes for breakfast. The paradox lies in the fact that men simply adore bitchy women.

4. The reason for women's problems is not that he behaves like a goat. The reason is that she has a neurosis that needs an outlet. And for this way out, you need a certain person and a relationship in which she could suffer. Therefore, she specifically enters into such relationships, because she has a mental need for this since childhood.

5. We measure love by the level of suffering. And healthy love is about how happy you are.

6. When a flight attendant demonstrates life-saving equipment to you, what does she say about oxygen masks? “If you are traveling with a child, provide a mask first for yourself, then for the child.” This is the whole point. Everyone is trying to help the child, remaining an absolute psycho. So it doesn't work. If you want the child to feel good, first do something with your head.

7. Men are so arranged that since the time of their mother they approach only those who give them approval with their eyes. A healthy man is like a child. He approaches when a woman smiles at him, looks into his eyes ...

8. Healthy people always choose themselves, and neurotics choose relationships to the detriment of themselves, and this is the main difference.

9. A woman should never tolerate in a relationship what she doesn't like. She should immediately talk about it, and if the man does not change, she should part with him.

10. Men, like children, like it when a woman has a character.

11. If a person replaces the whole world for another person, this means that he simply does not have his own world.

12. Loneliness is not the absence of love around. This is a lack of interest in oneself, and from childhood.

13. As for the search for a partner, I’ll tell you, but who should I look for? The only quality that your partner can have is that he clings to you. Everything else does not play any role at all. If you love him, worry about him, worry - then there are no "bars".

14. What do you need to do to get married? And all you need to do is just one thing - to be yourself. It's enough. And they love in principle only for this.

15. Do you know what is the fundamental difference between a healthy person and a neurotic? A healthy person also suffers, but from real stories. And the neurotic suffers from imaginary stories. And if suffering is not enough, he still catches up with his beloved Kafka, Dostoevsky and a bottle.

16. If you don't like how a man behaves, don't look for excuses for his behavior. A situation in which “he didn’t call back” for a healthy girl means the end of a relationship, for an unhealthy one, the beginning of love.

17. As the writer Christopher Buckley (author of the novel Thank you for smoking, there is another film like that) said, you should not eat at a restaurant called “Like Mom” and go to bed with a woman who has more problems than you.

18. Modesty does not adorn anyone. Due to complexes, insecurity and low self-esteem, a girl lives without sex and relationships, not because she is scary, but because she treats herself badly. The task of the psychologist is to save her from this.

19. Family therapy is a scam. Only one type of family therapy I consider really useful - the mediation of a psychologist in a divorce. But it is precisely this that is not practiced in Russia.

20. The only time in a person's life when he is objectively dependent and when he can be considered a hostage is childhood and dependence on parents. It lasts for a relatively short time. In other cases, staying in any relationship is the choice of an adult.

Sun in July.

Moon in July.

Mercury in July

Venus in July

Mars and Jupiter from June to August.

I want a lot of things at once. It's hard to know if we need it. There are ethical questions, it is difficult to prioritize. The situation turns in different directions, and you can not decide on your place. Information comes from different sources, resulting in confusion.

We learn to distinguish feelings from vivid emotions that come to us from different places. We find time for pleasant activities and spending time with loved ones, but we do not avoid our duties.

Perhaps in some situations you will have to be a warrior in order to defend your interests or the interests of people close to us. It is important to keep your territory intact.

We remember that everyone has their own truth, everyone can see the situation from their own point of view, and it is important for us not to go to extremes, listening to different opinions, we keep our inner core and at the same time look at what is happening from above.

Pride is contraindicated. We learn to distinguish pride and respectful attitudes from bragging and pride.

Nature gives us its gifts, we learn to be grateful to her for it.

Good luck to us!

It was in Japan. One of the capital's newspapers in Tokyo placed an ad with the following content: “Parents for sale: father is 70 years old, and mother is 65 years old. The price is 1,000 yen, not one yen less!”

People who read this strange announcement were surprised: “Well, the times have come! Children are already selling their parents.” Others added: “How do the authorities allow this?!” Well, this ad made a splash. It was discussed at home and on the street, like a sensation.

The newspaper with the announcement fell into the hands of a young family who recently buried their beloved parents who died in a car accident. They were in mourning, and someone's desire to sell their parents looked blasphemous to them. They imagined how unhappy parents might feel in this situation. What can they expect from such children? They decided to ransom the old people and surround them with their love.

They took the required amount and went to the specified address. When the couple arrived at the place, they saw a luxurious villa, immersed in flowers. They thought there was a mistake in the ad, but they decided to call anyway.

They were opened by an elderly gentleman with a pleasant smile. They talked about the ad in the newspaper, that they had lost their parents and decided to buy an elderly couple. They apologized for disturbing the master, because, apparently, they had the wrong address.

- No, you are not mistaken, come in! - invited the excited old man. “Now I will call my wife.

He quickly returned with his wife and began to explain:

You see, we are the owners of this house. We also have other valuable property. We do not have children, and we would like to leave all this wealth to good people. Here is the announcement we made. We decided that only a worthy person would respond to him. To be honest, we doubted that there would be a merchant for such goods. Your desire does honor to you, and brought joy to us. We are sure that you are the people to whom we can leave everything acquired.

You can contact me: mail [email protected] Phone +79030926142

MOSCOW, July 27 - RIA Novosti. A unique astronomical phenomenon - the longest total eclipse of the Moon in the XXI century, which will coincide in time with the Great opposition of Mars with the Sun, will occur on Friday. It can be observed throughout Russia.

Mars will approach the Earth at a minimum distance, become brighter than Jupiter and yield in brilliance only to the Sun, Moon and Venus. In the sky, it will stand out with a bright orange color. The next Great Opposition of Mars will not occur until September 15, 2035. In turn, the duration of the total lunar eclipse will be three hours and 56 minutes (from 21:24 Moscow time to 01:20 Moscow time), and the total phase will last one hour and 43 minutes (from 22:30 Moscow time to 00:13 Moscow time).

"During the full phase, the Moon will completely enter the Earth's shadow and acquire a purple-red hue," astronomers of the Moscow Planetarium note.

The Moon is expected to pass through the center of the Earth's shadow. This will be the first central lunar eclipse since June 15, 2011. It occurs near the apogee, when the Moon's disk is minimal, so the eclipse will be the longest in the 21st century. By the rarest coincidence, Mars on the day of the eclipse passes the point of great confrontation with the Sun. Both luminaries during the eclipse will be located close to each other on the southeastern horizon.

In total, 225 lunar eclipses will occur in the 21st century, of which 85 are total, and of these totals, only six last more than three and a half hours. The longest and most spectacular will be the total eclipse on July 27, 2018.

Where to watch in Russia

The total lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018 is one of the most interesting and favorable for observations in the European part of Russia for several years. Despite the short summer night, the phenomenon will be visible from beginning to end, and only in the northwestern regions will the Moon rise above the horizon in the initial phases of the eclipse. The full phase will also be clearly visible in Western Siberia, and its beginning will reach Lake Baikal.

The best conditions for observing this eclipse from the territory of Russia will come in the North Caucasus, the Caspian lowland and the Southern Urals. There, the phenomenon will culminate around local midnight and be visible over 20 degrees above the horizon. In the central regions of Russia, the Moon will be visible at a lower altitude, astronomers of the Moscow Planetarium specify.

The initial partial phases of the eclipse are available for observation on the morning of July 28, even in the Far East. The eclipse will not be visible only in the northern part of Siberia.

Visibility in Moscow

In Moscow, the full moon will rise over the southeastern horizon after 21:00 Moscow time, having already begun to sink into the penumbra of the Earth. An hour later, at 22:00 Moscow time, bright red Mars will appear there after it. At the time of the maximum phase of the eclipse, at 23:30 Moscow time, the Moon will be 14 degrees above the horizon, and Mars - six to seven degrees below, at the southern horizon. Both luminaries will be located in the constellation of Capricorn, have a red color and probably a similar brightness, representing a rare sight.

The celestial performance on July 27, 2018 will be visible to the naked eye, but with binoculars and a telescope it will be possible to distinguish surface elements of both luminaries. The most important condition is clear, cloudless weather.

How will the eclipse

On Friday at 20:15 Moscow time, the Moon will touch the earth's penumbra - at this time, a penumbral eclipse will begin. It is hardly visible to the naked eye, especially at low phases, but as you approach the edge of the Earth's shadow, the darkening becomes more and more noticeable. At 21:24 Moscow time, the Moon will completely plunge into the earth's penumbra and touch the earth's shadow - the beginning of a partial eclipse; at this time, the darkening of the eastern lunar limb will already be clearly visible. The moon will begin to sink into the shadow of the Earth.

At 22:30 Moscow time, the Moon will completely plunge into the earth's shadow - at this time, a total eclipse will begin. Depending on the state of the atmosphere and some other factors, the darkening of the lunar disk during a total eclipse may differ from other total lunar eclipses. It can be very dark, when the Moon is almost invisible in the night sky, or it can be bright, when the Moon is clearly visible even at full phase.

At 23:22 Moscow time, the maximum phase of the total eclipse begins - a third of the moon's disk will be below the center of the earth's shadow; at this moment, the darkening (redness) of our companion is maximum. The moon will be in the earth's shadow for more than an hour (103 minutes). At 00:13 Moscow time, the Moon begins to emerge from the Earth's shadow - the end of the total eclipse and the beginning of its partial phases. Gradually becoming brighter, the eclipsed lunar disk will take on phases similar to the phases of the moon during the month, but they will only change much faster.

At 01:19 Moscow time, the Moon will completely leave the Earth's shadow - the end of partial phases and the beginning of a penumbral eclipse. At 02:29 Moscow time, the Moon will completely leave the earth's penumbra - the end of the eclipse, the night star will shine again in full force.

Where else can you see

The eclipse on July 27 will be fully visible from East Africa and Central and South Asia, as well as Antarctica. In South America, West Africa and Europe, the eclipse will begin at moonrise, in East Asia and Australia, on the contrary, at sunset. In North America, the eclipse will not be visible at all.

During a total eclipse, the Moon takes on a reddish or brownish hue. The color depends on the state of the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere. The total lunar eclipse of July 6, 1982 had a reddish hue, January 20-21, 2000 - brown. These colors are due to the fact that the earth's atmosphere scatters red rays more, so you can never see a blue or green lunar eclipse.

Eclipse gives not opportunities, but illusions of opportunities to change your life for the better. From one desire, even made and spoken at the “right moment”, a person’s life will not change. When eclipses occur, there is no light in the world, just as it ceases to be present in the minds of people. Thus, people misunderstand what they really want. Also, they cannot objectively evaluate life, confusing causes with effects. Therefore, during eclipses and for some time before and after them, the consciousness of people is distorted, becomes clouded. During these periods, you need to act as carefully, prudently and calmly as possible. So, what will the upcoming total lunar eclipse on July 27, 2018 bring to representatives of various zodiac signs from the point of view of Vedic astrology.

The lunar eclipse on July 27 will begin at 20:14, its maximum phase will be at 23:21. It will affect people with all its possible force, as it will be complete. It can be observed in Russia, Kazakhstan, Central, South and Southeast Asia, Africa, and to a lesser extent in Europe, Australia and western Latin America. Residents of these areas need to be especially careful. The main thing is not to observe the eclipse, literally - not to look at it. In the Vedic tradition, it is believed that an eclipse will have a negative impact on a person for as many years as he will contemplate it for minutes.

For different signs of the zodiac, the eclipse will unfold in different ways. The following descriptions are more for those who have Lagna (Ascendant), Chandra (Moon) in certain signs and to a lesser extent Surya (Sun).

One way or another, all signs will observe in themselves an aggravation of mystical consciousness, worldview. But the sensitive representatives of the signs will have a special strengthening of intuition: Aries (Mesha), Scorpio (Vrishchika), Aquarius (Kumbha), Capricorn (Makara). With these suddenly opened mystical abilities, one must be especially careful: do not make sudden movements, do not make quick decisions based on intuition, as this can lead to physical injury. But spiritual work and meditation in this state can bring good results. Eclipse is the best time for spiritual practices.

Representatives of all signs of the zodiac are contraindicated in transactions with large amounts of money.

Aries (Mesha Lagna): The eclipse will affect work to a greater extent, and this is the most important area for Aries. In the confrontation "work - home" Aries always wins work. An eclipse can capture a person as a whole and cause in him inappropriate behavior, manifestations of anger, fiery emotions. This will entail difficulties in the workplace and in social implementation. A sharp drop in status is possible, his reputation may be damaged, public opinion about him will worsen. There may be a threat to the life of one of the parents, especially the father. Perhaps parting with parents for a long time or forever.

Aries are advised to be careful with piercing and cutting objects, internal combustion engines, firearms and fire in general. Negative incidents of a mystical nature may occur.

Taurus (Vrishabha Lagna): Current lawsuits may not turn in your favor. It is better to postpone long-distance trips, they will not bring the expected result or will pass with complications. Difficulties may arise when entering universities, advanced training courses. Taurus is captured by religious thoughts, the usual understanding of God is becoming more complex and expanding. You may want to change religion. This question will greatly occupy the consciousness of Taurus.

Relations with the father may deteriorate, or his health will suddenly suffer. There are problems with relatives on the father's side. Attitudes towards spiritual teachers are changing.

Gemini (Mithuna Lagna): There can be unexpectedly many mystics and strange coincidences in the life of Gemini. You can't borrow money. There are problems with the inheritance or unexpected inheritance through the spouse. In principle, Gemini can be touched by the death of one of the relatives of the spouse. Also, the Gemini will unreasonably fear for their lives. The tax police are interested in Gemini.

During this period, unexpected events and processes of a fatal nature may occur. A gingerbread truck overturned on your street turns out to be a dung truck.

Cancer (Karkata Lagna): Partnerships are under threat. Events or processes may begin that, over time, will lead to a break in relations. This applies to partners both in love and in business. In principle, partners, especially males, behave inappropriately. Cancers will tend to make mistakes in such precarious conditions. For representatives of this sign, the general conflict background increases especially strongly. Communication is difficult, as this is the most emotional sign of the zodiac.

Leo (Sinha Lagna): Leos may have health problems: slight ailments, poor health, weakness, fatigue. Lack of general physical strength. This can lead to delays and prolongation of work processes, unsuccessful shifting of authority and reassignment of duties.

There may be conflicts with superiors. If the boss is Leo, then it seems to him that his subordinates are not behaving correctly. Lions are tyrannical, because they cannot objectively assess the situation in the service. Workers in the service sector, both domestic and public, are particularly affected.

Lviv is haunted by mystical difficulties in obtaining loans and loans. But the registration of loans during this period, in principle, is not favorable for all signs of the zodiac.

Virgo (Kanya Lagna): Problems with children, especially in women. Unexpectedly, difficulties with the health of children appear: there may be cuts, wounds, injuries out of the blue. An eclipse can lead to loss of pregnancy. Or the situation of losing a child, for example, in a crowded place. Virgo does not develop relationships with children, they break into scandals for no particular reason.

Virgos also have difficulty completing creative processes. But during this period, non-standard, powerful ideas can also come to them, which will bring unexpected creative breakthroughs.

It is especially dangerous for Virgos, like Pisces, to make investments, investments, and make large transactions.

Libra (Tula Lagna): Representatives of the Libra sign will have problems with their mother and maternal relatives. Family life is complicated by sudden sharp conflicts and quarrels. The emotional sphere suffers. There is no way to understand your feelings and the feelings of others. Difficulties with self-awareness, worldview may arise. The status of a person may be shaken, due to psychological instability, a person gets into scandals, which can lead to a deterioration in his reputation in the eyes of others. Scales can be more or less subjected to shame, slander, slander. You have to be careful in your career. It is impossible to choose and buy movable and immovable property during that period.

Scorpio (Vrishchika Lagna): The eclipse brings problems in communication for Scorpios, they do not have an understanding of other people, there are difficulties with the means of communication. Scorpios can suddenly learn negative information that will make them worry a lot and take wrong actions against this background.

Problems with relatives or neighbors: quarrels, scandals, passions are heating up. Problems with the delivery and dispatch of orders, mail. Difficulty traveling long distances. An eclipse can affect status, as a person acts incorrectly during this period, his psychological stability suffers.

Scorpios need to be especially careful and careful with piercing cutting objects, internal combustion engines, weapons, especially firearms, and fire in general. Own actions can lead to misfortunes of a mystical nature.

Sagittarius (Dhanu Lagna): There may be a danger of poisoning, therefore, during this period, Sagittarians are not recommended to drink alcohol. You should not eat in restaurants and any public catering establishments. On the day of the eclipse, it is generally recommended to follow a strict diet or not eat anything. There is a general sensation of physical poisoning. The words spoken by Sagittarius can be aggressive, speech is inadequate and poisonous.

Sagittarians are plagued by strange money problems. Earned money suddenly disappears, a person cannot receive a salary for unknown reasons. There is no way to save money for the future. Deceptions in financial matters, falling into the hands of scammers.

There may be inadequate feelings in the family, a false feeling that no one loves you.

Capricorn (Makara Lagna): Capricorns should especially pay attention to this eclipse, as it has a direct negative impact on their physical condition. A sharp deterioration in health is possible, undiagnosed diseases appear. It is not recommended to perform operations at this time, they may be unsuccessful, with complications, scars may remain after them. A person can change beyond recognition: from the style of clothing to behavior.

Capricorns are prone to sudden mystical insights, but it is worth remembering that these states are false, illusory. Despite this, the well-established views, worldviews, and attitudes of Capricorns change dramatically. Familiar phenomena appear from an unusual angle.

Aquarius (Kumbha Lagna): There are cases or situations that will provoke representatives of the Aquarius sign to seclusion or even to go to a monastery. The disease can lead to the hospital. An eclipse can provoke an act that will lead to imprisonment. Judgment on this day is likely to be wrong or inadequate.

Aquarius will lose something to which they are strongly attached in the material plane in order to understand their higher freedom. This is a time for spiritual growth through loss.

Aquarius can have mystical, visionary dreams. The sexual sphere is aggravated: either they have sudden, strange sex, or, conversely, problems with sex that lead to the end of the relationship.

Aquarians relate to the problem with money: they are invested incorrectly. Investments made may not be returned.

Pisces (Mina Lagna): Representatives of Pisces have overly positive ideas about luck during this period: it seems to a person that he is about to hit the jackpot. But these are false sensations.

Conflicts or misunderstandings with friends and lovers may escalate, which may even betray or slander the representatives of the Pisces sign during this period. Relations with older brothers and sisters worsen. Especially these people are not recommended to enter into new relationships or make acquaintances in order to develop and strengthen ties and constructive cooperation.

Pisces, by way of exception, can have successful investments. Pregnancy may also occur.

In the eclipse, representatives of all signs of the zodiac are advised to remember that a person does not adequately perceive reality, his ideas do not correspond to the state of the world around him, which means that he commits inadequate actions. Therefore, during an eclipse, it is better to do nothing at all. After all, of all the options for action, a person will choose the wrong one. The only universal recommendation is meditation on the divine or prayer.

Seven days before and seven days after the eclipse - from July 20 to August 3 - you should not make important and long-term decisions. Do not conduct transactions, do not make big promises, avoid large purchases (movable / real estate), surgical operations are not favorable. Try not to get involved in emotional and psychological provocations in the family, with relatives, friends, colleagues, any partners. Negotiations, exams, important meetings should be canceled and rescheduled. Don't look at the moon. If these recommendations are not taken into account, the negative impact of a lunar eclipse is almost impossible to correct for people who do not practice Yoga and spiritual practices.

Duration: 5 hours, 54 minutes, 24 seconds

Peak duration: 1 hour, 42 minutes, 56 seconds

Today, July 27, 2018, a unique solar eclipse will take place, and you can find out the exact time here. And today there will be not only a total eclipse, but also the so-called "great opposition of Mars." Astrologers say that such events together can take place very, very rarely.

For the first time in seven years, this will be the so-called central eclipse of the moon. Since it will pass at the greatest distance from the lunar orbit. The disk of the earth's satellite is very small at this moment, which means that this process will be the longest in our century. And Mars in its own will be at a minimum distance from the Sun and will be very close to the earth.

In addition, the Sun and the Moon will be together on the horizon. We will see the eclipse only partially, but most of Africa, Asia and Antarctica. True, this eclipse will be visible everywhere at different times. This event for astrologers in Russia will be seen better than any other stellar events in recent times. In addition, the eclipse will be seen in South America, and in North it will not be visible at all.

Although it will be a summer night, this unique phenomenon can be seen in full from 21:24 to 01:19 Moscow time. The eclipse will be perfectly visible in western Siberia, and the beginning will be perfectly visible on Baikal. In the North-Western parts of the country, not all phases will be clearly visible, according to Rosregistr. The unique eclipse will be best seen in the Caucasus, and in the north. In addition, in the south of the Urals and the Caspian lowland, everything will be best seen around midnight. In the central part of the country, the eclipse will be visible at a lower altitude.

This eclipse is unique in several ways. It will go for almost four hours, and the total eclipse will be almost two hours. In addition, this will happen at the time of the apogee of the moon. In addition, the Moon will plunge into the shadow of our planet so deeply for the first time in seven years. There have been 225 eclipses in our century and only 85 are absolute. And only a few of them lasted more than three and a half hours. This eclipse will be the most spectacular and long.

Our satellite, in the course of its movement, will “enter” the northern part of our planet and proceed through the center. The shadow of our planet will fall on the moon and this will give the satellite a bloody tint. So, if you have the opportunity, be sure to look out of the window or from the balcony, or rather go outside to see a unique phenomenon. It will be unforgettable and incomprehensible when else it will be possible to see such a cosmic event.

At 20:15 Moscow time, the Moon will touch the earth's penumbra - at this time, a penumbral eclipse will begin. A penumbral eclipse is hardly visible to the naked eye, especially at small phases, but as you approach the edge of the earth's shadow, the darkening becomes more and more noticeable.

At 21:24 Moscow time, the Moon will completely plunge into the earth's penumbra and touch the earth's shadow - a partial eclipse will begin. At this time, the darkening of the eastern part of the moon will already be clearly visible. She will begin to sink into the shadow of the Earth.

At 22:30 Moscow time, the Moon will completely plunge into the earth's shadow - at this time a total eclipse will begin. Depending on the state of the atmosphere and some other factors, the darkening of the lunar disk during a total eclipse may differ from other total lunar eclipses. It can be very dark, when the Moon is almost invisible in the night sky, or it can be bright, when the Moon is clearly visible even at full phase.

At 23:22 Moscow time, the maximum phase of the total eclipse begins - a third of the Moon's disk will be below the center of the earth's shadow; at this moment, the darkening (reddening) of the satellite is maximum. The moon will be in the earth's shadow for more than an hour (103 minutes).

At 00:13 Moscow time, the Moon will begin to emerge from the Earth's shadow - the end of the total eclipse and the beginning of its partial phases. Gradually becoming brighter, the eclipsed lunar disk will take on phases similar to the phases of the moon during the month, but they will only change much faster.

At 02:29 Moscow time, the Moon will completely leave the earth's penumbra. The eclipse will end, and it will shine in full force. In Moscow, the full moon will rise over the southeastern horizon after 21:00 Moscow time, having already begun to sink into the penumbra of the Earth. Often, bright red Mars will appear after it, which will pass so close to Earth for the first time in 15 years. At the time of the maximum phase of the eclipse, at 23:30 Moscow time.

Here is the eclipse calendar for 2018-2022. For each year, there is a separate table with the date, Moscow time, type of solar or lunar eclipse, degree and sign of the zodiac in which the eclipse will take place, as well as regions where this phenomenon can be observed.

Eclipses are not uncommon, they happen every year. Solar eclipse occurs on the new moon, when the moon comes between the sun and the earth, partially or completely blocking the sunlight.

Moon eclipse occurs on a full moon when the earth is between the sun and the moon, and the earth casts a shadow on the moon.

The influence of eclipses

Solar eclipses affect physical health more, lunar eclipses affect emotions and mental state.

People who are sensitive, emotionally unstable, as well as those who have cardiovascular diseases, are recommended to reduce business activity and relax more on days near eclipses.

Also, eclipses have a greater effect on those people in whose horoscopes important points are affected by an eclipse.

Eclipses. Calendar for 2018

There were 5 eclipses in 2018 - 3 solar and 2 lunar.

the date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
31.01.18 16:30 total lunar eclipse 11°37′04″ a lion Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, western North America. The eclipse can be observed in most of the territory of Russia *
16.02.18 0:05 Partial solar eclipse 27°07′50″ Aquarius Private: Antarctica, southern South America
13.07.18 5:48 Partial solar eclipse 20°41′14″ Crayfish Private: south australia
27.07.18 23:20 total lunar eclipse 4°44′53″ Aquarius South America,
11.08.18 12:58 Partial solar eclipse 18°41′42″ a lion Private: northern Europe, northeast Asia. The eclipse is visible in most of Russia, except for the South-West (Smolensk, Tula, Tambov, Saratov and to the south), Chukotka and Kamchatka. In Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova and Ukraine - not visible. In Moscow, the maximum phase of the eclipse occurs at 12:36 Moscow time.

Total lunar eclipse January 31, 2018. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR *

Lunar eclipse January 31 in one form or another could be observed throughout the territory of the former USSR. Fully all its phases were visible in the eastern and central parts of the Russian Federation - in the Far East and almost in the entire Siberian Federal District. For observers in these regions, in order to find out the maximum phase of a total lunar eclipse, it is enough to replace Moscow time in the table with the time of their time zone. So in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok the culmination of the eclipse took place at 23:30, the beginning of the partial eclipse at 21:48, and the beginning of the total eclipse at 22:50. Below is the time beginning of private phase, beginning of total lunar eclipse when the moon goes completely into the shadow of the earth and maximum eclipse phase in major cities in the region.

  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: 23:48-00:52-01:30;
  • Magadan, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: 22:48-23:52-00:30;
  • Birobidzhan, Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Khabarovsk: 21:48-22:52-23:30;
  • Blagoveshchensk, Chita, Yakutsk: 20:48-21:52-22:30;
  • Angarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude: 19:48-20:52-21:30;
  • Abakan, Barnaul, Biysk, Gorno-Altaisk, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Kyzyl, Novosibirsk Norilsk, Tomsk: 18:48-19:51-20:30;
  • Omsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan): 17:48-18:52-19:30;
  • Khanty-Mansiysk: 16:48-17:52-18:30;

To the west it was impossible to fully observe the beginning of the eclipse - its partial phase before the total eclipse, since in these regions the Moon had not yet had time to rise by the beginning of the eclipse. And the farther to the southwest, the greater part of the eclipse is hidden from the eye of the observer under the horizon line. For this group of settlements, we indicated the start time of the total eclipse, its largest phase, and the end time with the transition to a partial eclipse, when the Moon looks out of the shadow.

  • Almaty, Astana, Karaganda ( Kazakhstan), Bishkek, Osh ( Kyrgyzstan): 18:52-19:30-20:08;
  • Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Perm, Ufa, Chelyabinsk; Dushanbe ( Tajikistan- the whole territory), Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan ( Uzbekistan): 17:52-18:30-19:08;
  • Arkhangelsk, Murmansk: 15:52-16:30-17:08;

Even further to the west there is a band in which a total lunar eclipse is visible, i.e. the disk of the moon is completely closed, but the beginning of the full phase cannot be observed and the moon is at the very horizon line. During the eclipse, the Moon rises higher and the visibility of the final phases of the eclipse is better. In brackets after the name of the city, the time of moonrise is indicated, and at the end of each group of cities in different time zones, the end of the full phase.

  • Orenburg (18:01): 19:08;
  • Astrakhan(17:48), Samara (17:17), Saratov (17:40), Togliatti (17:18), Ulyanovsk (17:20), Baku (17:56, Azerbaijan): 18:08;
  • Moscow(16:59), Volgograd (16:56), Vologda (16:32), Nizhny Novgorod (16:29): 17:08;

And finally, the area where the eclipse is only visible as a partial eclipse at moonrise. In parentheses after the name of the settlement is the time of sunrise according to local time.

  • Velikiy Novgorod(17:12), Krasnodar (17:30), Rostov-on-Don (17:21), Pskov (17:28), St. Petersburg(17:08). In Kaliningrad, the eclipse is visible only as a partial penumbra - after moonrise at 17:16 local time - Russia;
  • Kyiv(16:49), Dnipro (16:36), Donetsk (17:26), Zhytomyr (16:58), Zaporozhye (16:38), Nikolaev (16:54), Odessa (17:01), Kharkiv ( 16:27), in Lviv, in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Ternopil and Uzhgorod the eclipse is visible only as a partial penumbral - Ukraine;
  • Tallinn (16:35, Estonia), Riga (16:51, Latvia), Vilnius (16:55, Lithuania), Chisinau (17:07, Moldova), Tbilisi (18:14, Georgia, Yerevan (18:19, Armenia);
  • Minsk(17:49), Brest (18:13), Vitebsk (17:33), Gomel (17:38), Grodno (18:06), Mogilev (17:38) — Belarus;

If your residence is in an unspecified location, then simply select the closest of the listed cities and do not forget about the time zones!

Total lunar eclipse July 27, 2018

Total lunar eclipse July 27/28 could be observed on most of the land of our planet, except for North and Central America, as well as the northern and northeastern regions of the Russian Federation.

Eclipses. Calendar for 2019

There will be 5 eclipses in 2019 - 3 solar and 2 lunar.

the date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
6.01.19 4:28 Partial solar eclipse 15°25′02″ Capricorn Northeast Asia, North Pacific. The eclipse could be observed in the Far East of Russia (with the exception of the northern and northwestern regions). *
21.01.19 8:16 total lunar eclipse 0°51′34″ a lion Central Pacific, North and South America, Europe, Africa. **
2.07.19 22:16 total solar eclipse 10°37′34″ Crayfish Private: south pacific, south america
Full: South Pacific, Chile, Argentina
17.07.19 0:38 Partial lunar eclipse 24°04′09″ Capricorn South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia. ***
26.12.19 8:13 Annular solar eclipse 4°06′52″ Capricorn Private: Asia, Australia. About visibility on the territory of the former USSR can be found below ****
Ring: Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra, Kalimantan

Partial solar eclipse January 6, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the Russian Federation *

Solar eclipse on January 6 in Russia could only be observed in the Far East. Below are the times (local!) the beginning of the eclipse, maximum phase and end of eclipse in major cities. At the end, the value of the maximum phase of the eclipse, expressed in hundredths of unity, is highlighted in green. The closer the number is to one, the more the Moon covers the disk of the Sun.

  • Blagoveshchensk: 08:40-09:58-11:23 ☀️ 0.56
  • Vladivostok: 09:38-10:57-12:24 🌞 0,49
  • Irkutsk: 09:11 (with sunrise)-09:16-09:48 🌞 0.28
  • Komsomolsk-on-Amur: 09:48-11:12-12:42 ☀️ 0.61
  • Magadan: 11:11-12:37-14:04 ☀️ 0.70
  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: 12:17-13:48-15:18 ☀️ 0.66
  • Ussuriysk:09:39-10:58-12:25 🌞 0,50
  • Khabarovsk: 09:44-11:07-12:37 ☀️ 0.58
  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: 10:50-12:18-13:52 ☀️ 0.59
  • Yakutsk: 09:40 (with sunrise)-10:14-11:36 ☀️ 0.66

Total lunar eclipse January 21, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR **

This eclipse is the only total lunar eclipse in 2019. It is noteworthy that it takes place during the so-called. supermoon - when the full (or new) moon in its elliptical motion around the earth is at the point closest to it. In addition, the "supermoon" during the eclipse became "bloody" - when passing through the penumbra of the Earth, the lunar disk acquired a brownish tint. In Europe, however, it is very difficult to observe the eclipse, since the Moon was located low above the horizon, and the further east, the lower.

Click here to expand the text and read more about the eclipse

Lunar eclipse January 21 could be observed in most of the former USSR, with the exception of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and eastern Kazakhstan. In Russia, the eclipse was not visible at all in the southern part of Siberia and the Far East. The largest cities that this eclipse has passed: Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok. The table below shows the local times of the beginning of the full phase, the maximum and the end of the full phase, when the Moon looks out from the shadow of the Earth. Cities in which the eclipse is visible as partial or penumbral are not included in the table.

City Beginning of the full phase eclipse maximum End of full phase
Arkhangelsk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Vilnius 06:41 07:12 07:43
Volgograd 08:41 08:39 08:51 (sunset)
Voronezh 07:41 08:12 08:25 (with sunset)
Dnieper 06:41 07:12 07:29 (sunset)
Donetsk 07:41 08:12 08:16 (sunset)
Kazan 07:41 08:00 08:05 (with sunset)
Kyiv 06:41 07:12 07:43
Kishinev 06:41 07:12 07:43
Lviv 06:41 07:12 07:43
Minsk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Moscow 07:41 08:12 08:43
Murmansk 07:41 08:12 08:43
Nizhny Novgorod 07:41 08:12 08:29 (sunset)
Permian 09:41 09:39 09:49 (sunset)
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 17:41 (with sunrise) 17:46 17:43
Riga 06:41 07:12 07:43
Rostov-on-Don 07:41 08:00 08:05 (with sunset)
Samara 08:41 08:39 08:47 (with sunset)
St. Petersburg 07:41 08:12 08:43
Tallinn 06:41 07:12 07:43

Partial lunar eclipse July 16-17, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR ***

All phases of the eclipse can be observed in the South-Western regions of Russia, on the territory of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, almost all of Uzbekistan and in the west of Kazakhstan.

The shadow of the Earth at the maximum of the eclipse will cover the disk of the Moon by about 65 percent. What time will the eclipse start? The table below shows the start time of a partial (NOT penumbral) lunar eclipse, its maximum and end in local time.

City Beginning of partial eclipse eclipse maximum End of partial eclipse
Arkhangelsk 23:01 (16.07) 00:30 (17.07) 01:59
Vilnius 23:01 00:30 01:59
Volgograd 00:01 01:30 02:59
Voronezh 23:01 00:30 01:59
Dnieper 23:01 00:30 01:59
Donetsk 23:01 00:30 01:59
Yekaterinburg 01:01 02:30 03:59
Irkutsk 04:01 04:55 05:02 (sunset)
Kazan 23:01 00:30 01:59
Kyiv 23:01 00:30 01:59
Kishinev 23:01 00:30 01:59
Krasnoyarsk 03:01 04:21 04:27 (sunset)
Lviv 23:01 00:30 01:59
Minsk 23:01 00:30 01:59
Moscow 23:01 00:30 01:59
Murmansk Eclipse not visible
Nizhny Novgorod 23:01 00:30 01:59
Novosibirsk 03:01 04:30 05:15 (with sunset)
Nursultan 02:01 03:30 04:59
Permian 01:01 02:30 03:59
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Eclipse not visible
Riga 23:01 00:30 01:59
Rostov-on-Don 23:01 00:30 01:59
Samara 23:01 00:30 01:59
St. Petersburg 23:01 00:30 01:59
Tallinn 23:01 00:30 01:59
Ufa 01:01 02:30 03:59
Khabarovsk Only as a penumbra. Maximum at 05:08
Chelyabinsk 01:01 02:30 03:59

Annular solar eclipse on December 26, 2019. Visibility on the territory of the former USSR ****

Annular solar eclipse on December 26 as private in Russia it will be possible to observe in some southern regions and in Primorye. However, the eclipse phase will not be very long. On the territory of the former USSR, the best visibility will be in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. But if you are an enterprising person, then this eclipse makes it possible to observe an “almost total” solar eclipse quite accessible, since the maximum corridor also passes through the territory of the United Arab Emirates. It is likely that it will not be difficult to get out into the desert from Abu Dhabi for such a spectacle.
Below is the local time the beginning of the eclipse, maximum phase and end of eclipse in major cities. At the end, the value of the maximum phase of the eclipse, expressed as a percentage, is highlighted in green. The higher the percentage, the more the Moon covers the disk of the Sun.

  • Astrakhan: 08:30 (with sunrise)-08:34-08:54 🌞 12.0%
  • Ashgabat: 08:20 (with sunrise)-08:48-09:58 ☀️ 46.0%
  • Baku: 08:02 (with sunrise)-08:05-08:53 ☀️ 40.9%
  • Vladivostok: 15:23-16:15-17:03 🌞 9,6%
  • Vladikavkaz: 07:31 (with sunrise)-07:34-07:52 🌞 11.4%
  • Grozny: 07:28 (with sunrise)-07:28-07:52 ☀️ 17.7%
  • Derbent: 07:14 (with sunrise)-07:17-07:53 ☀️ 28.7%
  • Yerevan: 08:23 (with sunrise)-08:26-08:51 ☀️ 20.0%
  • Makhachkala: 07:20 (with sunrise)-07:23-07:53 ☀️ 22.2%
  • Tashkent: 08:01-09:00-10:07 ☀️ 26.2%
  • Tbilisi: 08:26 (with sunrise)-08:26-08:52 ☀️ 19.8%

Eclipses. Calendar for 2020

There will be 6 eclipses in 2020 - 2 solar and 4 lunar.

the date Time
Eclipse Degree Zodiac sign Visibility
10.01.20 22:21 Penumbral lunar eclipse 20°00′13″ Crayfish Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
5.06.20 22:12 Penumbral lunar eclipse 15°34′03″ Sagittarius Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
21.06.20 9:41 Annular solar eclipse 0°21′23″ Crayfish Private: Africa, southwestern Europe, Asia
Ring: central Africa, South Asia, Pacific Ocean
5.07.20 7:44 Penumbral lunar eclipse 13°37′48″ Capricorn North and South America, Africa
30.11.20 12:30 Penumbral lunar eclipse 8°38′01″ Twins Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, North and South America
14.12.20 19:17 total solar eclipse 23°08′15″ Sagittarius Private: Pacific Ocean, southern South America, Antarctica
Full: South Pacific, Chile, Argentina, South Atlantic

Eclipses. Calendar for 2021

There will be 4 eclipses in 2021 - 2 solar and 2 lunar.