Drywall socket, detailed installation instructions. How to install a socket in drywall: installation rules and tips for installing a socket Installing sockets on a drywall wall

When repairing walls in an apartment, we often align the walls with plasterboard sheets. Often we need to place sockets on these walls for domestic needs. In this article, we will consider how to properly install sockets in drywall with our own hands without the involvement of hired workers.

Tools and materials for work

To perform the installation of sockets and switches, the following tools are required:

  1. Roulette and pencil;
  2. Bubble level (can be short up to 30 cm);
  3. Drill or screwdriver;
  4. Drywall crown 68 mm;
  5. Screwdriver (Phillips or slotted - depends on the type of screws on the sockets);
  6. indicator screwdriver;
  7. Stationery knife;

If you are installing a socket or switch in a drywall partition and there is a chance of getting on a metal profile, then you should purchase a metal crown. With such a crown, you can safely drill out the interfering part of the profile.

Selecting the location of sockets

Choosing the location of outlets, we are primarily guided by personal needs. According to generally accepted building codes, sockets and switches should be located as follows:

  • 30 cm from the floor - the height of the sockets;
  • 90 cm from the floor and 15 cm from doorway- location of the switch.

Most often, this arrangement is the most optimal, but in each apartment there are a number of devices that require other places to connect to the mains. For example, in the kitchen, a convenient location is a place above the countertop, where it will be convenient to turn on kitchen appliances without using a carrier or leaning down constantly.

Or, for example, you want to place a TV on the wall, then it makes sense to make a socket behind it so as not to spoil the interior with an unsightly look of trailing wires. But if there is no other way out, then in the article you can read recommendations on how to fit the wiring into the interior of the apartment as much as possible.

Preparing a hole for a socket or switch

When you have chosen a place to install an outlet or switch, we proceed to the main work process - preparing a hole in drywall. A plastic socket is fixed in this hole.

When purchasing a socket box in a store, make sure that it is specifically for drywall, and not for a simple wall. The drywall socket is distinguished by the presence of special legs moving on screws for fixing in sheet material.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • We mark the height of the outlet and use the level to draw horizontal and vertical lines.

Advice: If it is planned to install a group of sockets in this place, then we place the vertical lines at a distance of 72 mm, that is how much it is necessary for the sockets to fall into place without overlapping each other with a persistent edging.

If the main wall is sheathed with drywall, make sure that the socket will not rest against it, otherwise, using a puncher (if any) or a concrete chisel, you will have to remove the layer of concrete on the wall.

When all the holes are ready, you can proceed to the installation of sockets.

Installing a socket

To do this, in all subsequent sockets, from where the supply cable is released, wire segments are passed.

Such a connection is common everywhere, but some masters are opposed to this method, because the entire load, in this case, will pass through the terminal connection of the first outlet and will shorten its service life due to overheating. Then they connect through the siz - a special cap made of non-combustible plastic, which serves to isolate the twists of wires, with a conical thread inside.

On the phase wire, as many wires are twisted as there are sockets. It is possible to do such a twist on the neutral wire, but it is not subject to such heating as the phase one.

  • With the help of a level, we expose the first socket box and fix it with the clamps through the screws, then we expose all subsequent socket boxes.

Installation of socket boxes for switches takes place in the same way, the only difference is how many switches, how many power wires.
When all the sockets are in place and the wires for connecting the sockets are prepared, you can install them.
Be sure to watch the video, which shows in detail how to install a socket in drywall.

Installation and connection of the socket

Correctly form a stock of wire, a stock of 10 cm is considered the minimum, but leave more if possible.

The installation of the switch is carried out in the same way as the sockets. The main thing is to observe the correct connection - on the back of the switch housing there should be marks in the form of the letters L - phase, N - neutral wire, often there is only a neutral wire designation.

This completes the installation of sockets. Be sure to watch the video, which shows the connection of the socket block with a loop.

In recent years, wall cladding and construction have become increasingly popular. And this has its advantages. Firstly, it is its environmental friendliness, fire resistance, moisture resistance and soundproofing ability, and secondly, low price material, as well as the speed of the erected structure. Taking into account the whole process of wall cladding (puttying, painting and wallpapering the walls), the installation of sockets and switches is the final final stage.

Installing sockets and switches in drywall is different from installing in concrete wall. But given that the fastening and installation of sockets and switches in drywall has a number of its own characteristics, you need to take into account in advance important points like before starting installation work, and when choosing a material (sockets, switches and socket boxes).

In this article, we want to describe in detail the entire stage of installing a socket in drywall, have prepared a video material that clearly describes the steps of installing sockets, and also give advice on choosing the appropriate materials.

Preparatory stages of work

Work on installing sockets and switches in a plasterboard wall is not such a difficult process if you prepare for it in advance and follow the safety rules. The first step is to clearly define the location points in the room where the switches and sockets will be installed, having previously made markings with a pencil in drywall. Make count and buy quantity the right material(sockets and sockets).

Tips on how to choose the right socket video

When purchasing socket boxes, the main thing is not to make a mistake when buying, it is advisable to notify the seller in advance, choose exactly for drywall construction walls, not concrete. It would be better if all fittings (sockets, switches and sockets) are purchased in one specialized store, having checked them for compatibility on the spot, in order to avoid further problems during installation. It is also necessary to prepare tools such as an electric drill with a nozzle.

Choosing the location of sockets and switches on the walls

When choosing a place for a switch and sockets in drywall, it is necessary to be based on their convenience in further operation, that is, in those places where electrical appliances (air conditioners, refrigerator, TV, etc.) will be installed in the future, and also harmoniously fit them into general interior of the room.

Trends and times are changing. At the present time, the European standard is recommended.

  • The recommended height of sockets from the floor is 30 cm.
  • Recommended outlet height above kitchen worktop- 120 cm.
  • Recommended outlet height for washing machine 1 meter.
  • The recommended height of the switches is 80 cm (At the level of the pubescent arm).

But in some cases, a deviation from the norm is allowed, that is, in those places where it is convenient and justified. For example, if you have a flat screen TV and are mounted with a bracket on the top of the wall, then the best option there will be an installation of an outlet also high behind the TV or next to it (agree, because it’s unpleasant to see how black electrical cable hanging down the wall).

Tips on how to install sockets in a drywall wall with your own hands video

You can also take, for example, the Split system. It is usually installed in the upper part of the room, in which case the optimal place for the outlet will be next to the device.

Cutting a hole in drywall for the installation of sockets and switches

The process of drilling a hole in a drywall wall is very simple and does not require special skills. To do this, you will need tools such as an electric drill with a round cutter nozzle, in extreme cases, you can use a mounting knife.

The first step is to make a markup with a cross for the future installation of the outlet, using a level and a pencil. When measuring the height before marking, you should take into account the fact that if you have an unfinished subfloor, then you need to take an additional indent of 5 cm (or depending on the thickness of the future coating).

Layout and installation of the block of socket boxes video

A landing hole in a plasterboard wall should be made with a diameter of 68 mm almost back to back. When making a cut, you need to be very careful, do not put pressure on the tool, in order to avoid the formation of torn edges and damage to drywall, which complicates the installation of the socket box (the stop for the clamping feet is lost).

The construction of the wall sheathed with plasterboard sheets consists of metal profiles, making holes for the socket, you can rest against the profile itself, we advise you not to transfer the drilled hole, but simply cut out that piece of the profile around the perimeter with a chisel or a regular screwdriver.

Installation and installation of a socket in a plasterboard wall

Installing a socket for an outlet in drywall is quite simple. The socket box is the same box (glass) as under a concrete wall, but it has differences in the presence of special legs - fasteners.

Before starting the installation, you need to remove the cable entry blank from the back or side of the box, you choose the option yourself, depending on your convenience.

Installation of a socket in drywall video

Next, you should start the installation itself. Having passed the wires through the prepared hole, you need to fix the devices in a pre-prepared seat by tightening the support mounting screws until the paws are pressed against the sheet. It is advisable to putty the seat in advance for additional structural strength.

Final stage. Installing an outlet

As the installation work on the installation of the socket box has been done, you can proceed with the installation of sockets in drywall following certain rules:

The first step is to remove the top cover of the device by unscrewing the bolt.

Loosen the contacts for attaching the wires.

Insert the wires into the contacts and tighten tightly (to avoid overheating of the wires at the junctions)

Insert the socket onto the box prepared in the plasterboard wall, securing it with fixing screws.

Close the top cover by tightening the screw.

That's the whole process of installing an outlet in drywall, as you can see all the work, following the instructions, you can do it yourself. Additionally, you can watch a video that clearly shows the weight of the installation process.

How to install a socket in a drywall wall with your own hands video

And finally, I would like to warn you that for safety reasons all work is carried out only when the power supply is turned off in the wires.

Drywall is becoming more and more popular building material. One of the stages finishing walls is the installation of sockets. The operation is simple, but there are some nuances. new material dictates new rules. First, let's talk about how to choose a socket and socket. And then we will discuss: how to properly insert the outlet into the drywall.

Socket selection

For drywall walls, special mounting boxes (sockets) are designed. They are equipped with fastening antennae for tight fixation in drywall.

Reminder! Before starting installation, always check the socket and socket for exact compatibility.

Socket selection

On the market for goods wide range of sockets. Not all options are suitable for plasterboard walls. How to choose?

Socket type. Internal - the entire body of the outlet is hidden in the wall.

Protection class. Sockets can be with additional protection against children, metal small items, dust and moisture. Decide in advance on the choice of class, and the seller will present the entire range.

Grounding. Many powerful modern electrical appliances require grounding. Socket outlets with earthing contact increase the degree safe use electrical networks.

Rated characteristics. These characteristics are taken into account when selecting an outlet, taking into account the power of the devices that will be connected to this access point.

Plug connectors. If the outlet is used frequently, there is a high probability of weakening the voltage transmission contact. Connectors with additional springs allow you to maintain contact strength during long-term operation.

Advice! Do not purchase sockets without identification marks (markings on the body). There is a high chance that the socket does not match necessary requirements security.


Installation of the outlet in drywall can be done by hand. If you are installing for the first time, the main thing is not to rush, and follow the basic safety rules.

Before sheathing the profile with drywall, a series of preparatory work. For laying future wires, holes are made in metal vertical profiles. The cables are laid in corrugated sleeves and bred along the prepared route, leading to future connection points.

Important! It is not worth saving on corrugated sleeves. They are an effective additional protection against mechanical damage and moisture.

An excellent wiring option is three-core double-braided cables. The cross-sectional diameter is selected depending on the expected load on the network. On the way of laying electrical networks, all sharp edges of the structures are cut off.

Advice! For reliability, it is better to attach cables in corrugated sleeves to the frame. Can be used as a mount copper wire or plastic clamps. This will increase the accuracy of matching the wiring diagram.

Marking the position of the outlet on the wall

Sockets are located as close as possible to future sources of electricity consumption. Required amount points is calculated based on the quadrature of the room. On average - one outlet for every 4 squares of room area.

The modern European standard implies the following calculations:

  • The installation height of the socket in the room is 300 mm from the floor.
  • Installation height in working area kitchens - 1200 mm from the floor.
  • The height for the washing machine is 1000 mm from the floor.

Exceptions to the rule may be air conditioning, hanging TV and so on. In this case, the socket is placed in the required place.

Important! It is undesirable to place sockets behind furniture. This makes it difficult to operate the point. To avoid trouble, think over the future arrangement of furniture in advance.

hole cut

The procedure for cutting a technical hole for a socket is very simple.

Necessary tool: a drill (you can use a screwdriver) and a round cutter of the desired diameter. In extreme cases, you can even get by with a durable knife. Mark a cut point on the wall.

Important! If the floors are not finished yet, remember to add the thickness of the flooring to the height.

When installing the socket block in drywall, use a level. It will help to set the exact horizon of outlets.

When working with a cutter, care and accuracy are needed. Rough and torn drywall edges can degrade the tightness of the socket box. In the case of using a knife for a cut, the main thing is not to overdo it, removing excess layers of gypsum.

Installation of the socket

Mounting the socket for the socket is also very simple. Before installation, the manufacturer's technical holes for the wire are "broken out" in the socket. Often there can be about six of them in the back of the socket.

Depending on which side the wire comes from, the corresponding holes are broken out. Having passed the wire through the socket, they mount the box itself. For final fixation, tighten the mounting screws until they stop.

Note! Sometimes the depth of the wall space is not enough to install a socket box. In this case, it is necessary to deepen the missing section in the wall. This procedure is best done before sheathing the profile with drywall sheets.

The socket box has a millimeter chamfer, which, after installation, protrudes from the wall. Upon completion of the installation of the socket, a gap may form between the wall and the socket housing.

To avoid an unpleasant moment, in the cut drywall hole, you can cut off the leading edge. This will allow the socket to “sit down” deeper and the gap will not form. As you can see in the photo, the drywall socket sits tightly, without an unsightly gap.

Socket installation

There are not so many steps for installing sockets in drywall:

  • Disassemble the socket by unscrewing the central bolt with front side corps.
  • Loosen wire clamps.
  • Stripped wires are inserted into the contact openings and tightened with mounting screws. Do not overtighten the screws - this will reduce the diameter of the wire section or cut part of the wires. Too weak clamp, on the contrary, will lead to incorrect operation of the appliance, sparking.
  • Insert the socket into the socket and fix the body with expanding antennae. Reliable fixation of the housing in the wall will prevent the socket from being “pulled out” together with the plug being removed.
  • Mount the decorative cover. When pasting the walls with wallpaper, the decorative casing of the socket will need to be removed again.

Important! The installation of sockets is carried out only with de-energized wiring.

Installing an outlet is within the power of even a beginner. The main thing is to follow the basic instructions when installing an outlet in drywall. After the first installation, you will be able to mount sockets without prompts.

Photo of sockets in drywall

The 68mm diameter drywall bit is narrow profile and is used for drilling holes only for socket boxes.

Cutter for working with a socket box 6.8 cm (solid)

The socket consists of two parts: a visible decorative part and a socket - a terminal block hidden from view, which serves as a connection point for various wires to ensure safe electrification. It is round and is produced in certain standard sizes in diameter and height, the compliance of which is checked by the standards and norms of GOST.

There are three types of sockets:

  1. for concrete, they are a plastic cup without fixing elements, installation is carried out in a cement mortar;
  2. for wood - made of metal;
  3. for drywall, the case material is plastic, special vertical pressure plates, plastic or metal, are placed on the side walls, through these fixing elements, the socket box is attached to the back of the GKL sheet.

The usual diameter of manufactured socket boxes is 68-70 mm, which involves the use of special drills for installation. As for the decorative part of the sockets, it is also divided into subtypes:

  • with a closing curtain to protect children from electric shock;
  • protected from moisture and other aggressive environments– suitable for installation in extreme rooms (kitchen, bathroom);
  • equipped with a grounding contact.

Device mounting box under the outlet

Characteristics of crowns

For sockets, a special cylindrical drill (mill) with a cutting edge in the form of pointed teeth placed at a certain angle at the end is used. In the center of the device is a drill, around which a crown is placed. First, a drill penetrates into the material being processed, fixes the nozzle in a predetermined position and performs centering for the cutting edge. This shape is optimal for efficient drilling and durability of the crown.

To install the socket boxes, a crown is used, the diameter of which is 68 or 70, although the size range can vary from 33 to 150 mm. The length of the tool for installation work on installing the electrical terminal block is 60-65, although there are nozzles with a depth of 30 to 80 mm.

Crowns are divided into types:

  • solid - consist of one thin-walled metal glass with cloves;
  • collapsible - they are a design from a universal disk, on which several glasses are placed various diameters in the form of an unfinished cylinder.

Bimetal milling cutters are also produced, which, in addition to processing brittle materials, are suitable for drilling metal and steel with a sheet thickness of 1 mm. Popular manufacturers that produce 68 mm crowns include Bocsh, HSS, Sigma, MTX, etc.

The cutter of the Karat (Bosch) series is used complete with an adapter and a centering drill, which allows you to process plasterboard walls, marble and wood. Crown HSS (Makitta) chambered for 13 mm is suitable for surface treatment of plasterboard, plastic, plywood and chipboard. Allows you to make holes in the wall with a depth of 3.2 cm. Complete with countersink.

Crown 6.8 cm (collapsible)

Installation methods and types of tools for its implementation

There are three ways to install sockets:

  1. linked to a profile;
  2. without reference to the frame;
  3. installation of the socket block.

Before choosing a mounting method, prepare a tool, in addition to crowns and sockets, use a drill, a screwdriver and the outer part of the socket.

Additionally you will need:

  • building level;
  • ruler or tape measure (to control the distance between block sockets);
  • marking pencil;
  • construction vacuum cleaner, which is used when making holes with a drill in drywall, so that less dust is collected and the lungs do not clog.

For accurate marking use laser level, which will allow you to work with minimal deviations in the calculations.

Type of markup made using a level

Profile-bound installation

This type of installation is the easiest. It applies if metal carcass, and on sheets of drywall, following the marks from the caps of the screws, you can confidently determine where the profiles are located. There is no risk of hooking the wiring or getting into the middle of the profile when making holes, which guarantees safe installation.

Stages of work:

  • marking is carried out for the location of sockets ( building level a horizontal and vertical line is drawn, the intersection of which indicates the location of the center of the future outlet);
  • a cutter is put on the drill, the diameter of which is 68 mm;
  • a hole is made;
  • a socket box is taken, a plug is broken on the side walls for laying a power cable;
  • a wire is threaded into the holes from the former plugs;
  • the socket box is inserted into the drywall wall, fixed to it with presser feet with a screwdriver;
  • wiring is connected in the terminal mounting block;
  • for the period of finishing work, the electricity is turned off, the hole is closed with masking tape;
  • at the end of all work, the outer part of the outlet is put on.

If the drywall sheets are already plastered and it is impossible to visually determine where they are located metal profiles or a conductive cable, they resort to using an ordinary magnet, which is leaned against the surface of the GKL and make the necessary notes. You can also cut holes on the GKL sheet even before the frame sheathing stage.

The layout of the mounting block for the outlet in a drywall sheet

Mounting a block socket

Block sockets are called sockets, which consist of several terminal blocks for simultaneous connection to a 220 V network, the Internet, TV, etc.

Installation nuances:

  • the distance between the centers of block sockets should be 72 mm;
  • calculations using a level are transferred to the wall;
  • between themselves, the cups of the socket boxes are connected with a C3A3 cable or “butterflies”, which are taken with a margin of 2 cm and assembled into a block;
  • under the control of the level, circles are cut on the wall from the GKL, to which the block is applied and the correctness of the calculation of the recesses is checked;
  • the resulting holes are interconnected with a chisel;
  • a block is inserted, fixed to the wall with clamping bolts;
  • cables are run between the sockets.

Connecting a block socket

Additional installation requirements

So that the installation of socket boxes takes place according to the rules of technology fire safety, distinguished by quality and accuracy, adhere to the following rules and recommendations:

  • the installation of electrical wiring must be completed before the start of the stage of sheathing the frame with GKL sheets, for these purposes it is preferable to use a non-combustible flat cable of the VVGng LS type, which is placed in a corrugated sleeve with a self-extinguishing probe and fixed with brackets to the side shelves of the profile, the wiring should go to the location of the socket box;
  • so that the material does not crack, when working with a crown, it is not recommended to press hard on the surface of the drywall sheet;
  • installation of the socket box should be carried out 30 cm from the floor, before finishing work with gypsum plasterboard;
  • the dimensions of the recess between the native wall and the drywall should be 45 mm or more, otherwise the socket box will not fit through the hole made and it will have to be further deepened;
  • if there is a plasterboard between the frame and the wall wooden floors or to increase the level of electrical safety, it is recommended that the edges of the installed socket box be treated with gypsum plaster.

Gypsum wall covering with gypsum plaster

You can find out how the socket is installed using a bimetallic crown, the diameter of which is 68 mm, in compliance with the installation standards, using the example video below.

Profile-free mounting

Sometimes it happens that the calculations are made incorrectly and after drilling in the hole for future sockets, a profile is visible, due to which it is impossible to insert the block and securely fix it in the recess. In this case, the crown is replaced with an ordinary metal knife or a chisel and holes are made by hand, removing 5-10 cm of the visible profile.

Incorrect installation, in which the profile interferes with the placement of the socket in the prepared hole.

The frame of the structure will not suffer from this, but the drywall sheet itself can be deformed, and due to an uncomfortable viewing angle, there is a risk of injury. When trimming the profile, it is recommended to wear special mounting gloves - they will protect your hands from unwanted cuts.

In contact with

Drywall is extremely popular and cheap material, which is used for cladding walls and ceilings of a room, creating interior partitions.

Along with its versatility, it has serious drawbacks - it is quite difficult to fix something on a drywall wall, for this they think over special fasteners, reinforce the metal frame on which the drywall sheets are held.

At the same time, installing a socket in a drywall wall with your own hands is a problem. However, it can be done, and short time, and not based on the construction experience of the contractor.

Installed device
How to fix the outlet in drywall

You can fix the outlet yourself if you follow the instructions.

Install sockets - work that is performed at the final stage of wall cladding with plasterboard or mounting a partition. But you should prepare a place for an outlet in a plasterboard wall in advance.

Before the direct installation of the sheets, they lay the wiring, be sure to check the operability of the line. Then isolate the cables and fix at the point where the socket is installed.

Just putting in an outlet, making a pre-hole for the required diameter is not enough - this is fraught with the consequences of a fire.

Only after doing everything according to the instructions, they expect that the outlet is functioning, not dangerous to the property or life of the owner, it is difficult to pull it out of the wall. And most importantly, it is convenient for residents of an apartment or house to use it.

Installed socket in drywall

Plant layout

Planning the installation of sockets should be long before sheathing the walls with drywall sheets. But before proceeding with the direct installation of switches or sockets, cables are brought to them.

The best solution is to wire and lay the cable during the construction of the frame. In the same place, the cable is passed through the profiles, or fixed along the guides. If you have to work with a partition, fixing is carried out on the surface of already installed drywall sheets.

Among other things, the cable in the wall, under drywall, is best carried out using an armored wire (it is a plastic corrugated pipe) to protect the cable from accidental damage.

Do not neglect this purchase - it will help save in the future.

As for the choice of cable for the outlet, a three-core cable with a cross section of 2.5 mm is enough.

Choose a place for sockets at a certain height - the standard is 30 cm from the floor.

Optimal location
An example of an installed socket
Socket mount

For direct mounting in drywall sheet a special nozzle for a drill is needed, with the help of it, make a hole, the diameter of which is suitable for installing an outlet. It's called a drywall cutter. Sockets are offered in a single standard, so choosing a nozzle is easy.

In addition, another purchase is required for installation - a socket box, which is inserted into a drilled hole to which the socket is directly attached.

The fastening point is specially marked in order to subsequently drill a hole of the desired diameter with a nozzle.

You can calculate the place using a tape measure, measuring 30 cm from the floor. Even if the cable is not near drilled hole, it's easy to find. The diameter of the hole for the socket means that you can stick your fingers in there and pull the cable out.

Direct mounting

If you install more than one outlet on the same wall, draw a strip parallel to the floor along the entire wall, check with a level. Then the tip of the cutter is set to the center point of the hole and start drilling. This process does not take much time and does not require preparation, but since the diameter of the holes is rather big, measurements should be taken accurately, otherwise the sockets will be at different heights.

When the holes are cut out, the cables are found and pulled out, proceed to install the socket. It is equipped with 4 bolts on which it is attached.

Direct mounting

A hole is cut in its bottom and a cable is passed through it. The socket is inserted into a hole drilled in a drywall sheet (it is worth noting that the depth of the socket is 4.5 cm. This is taken into account when assembling the frame, and the diameter is almost equal to the cutter standard).

Next, tighten the bolts responsible for fixing (usually they are located horizontally, opposite each other). After the bolts are tightened, check that everything has become correct. Be sure to check the position with a level.

After that, proceed to the installation of the outlet:

  • We disassemble it to connect cables to it;
  • We fix it in the socket, check the quality of the work performed;
  • We fasten the decorative part and check the performance.

The wires connected to the outlet should be fixed carefully, or during the installation process they will slip out of the grooves and the operation will have to be carried out again.

Fixing occurs as follows: hold the socket in the desired position and tighten the two bolts. Additional fixation is carried out with the help of spacer tabs of the socket (some types of socket boxes imply only this type of fastening).

In contact with