Features of propagation of begonias by a leaf at home. Begonia care

Begonias are those plants that delight us both in the garden and at home. They are both beautifully flowering and decorative-deciduous. They appear before us in the form of shrubs, semi-shrubs or herbaceous plants. The variety of species allows you to make a choice for every taste, satisfying the needs of the most discerning flower growers. In addition, the reproduction of begonias takes place without much difficulty in several ways. It is about them that we will talk with you further.

Begonia - decoration of gardens and window sills

Growing from seed

All flowering types of begonias are perfectly propagated by seeds. Of course, agrotechnical work on the cultivation of garden and indoor plants are somewhat different. But if you follow all the rules, difficulties usually do not arise in either case.

Plants for open ground

It is known that many types of begonias can be grown in the garden. Usually these are unpretentious, hardy plants, sun loving or penumbra. The seeds of such begonias germinate for quite a long time, so they are sown at the end of February, using special soil mixtures for flower seedlings.

The seeds are not sprinkled with earth, but only slightly pressed, and then watered with warm water using a fine sprayer. Boxes with planting material are placed on window sills in rooms with a temperature of about 20 °. After 6 weeks, the sprouts dive into separate pots and keep them in a bright place.

From the beginning of June, seedlings are planted in open ground. Before transplanting, begonia grown from seeds should be hardened within a week. On fine days, seedlings are taken out into the street and left in the shade of sparse trees until evening.

The flower bed is prepared in advance, choosing a place for it without moisture stagnation. The soil is dug up, peat and fertilizers are added to it. Begonia seedlings are carefully removed from the pots, carefully straightening the matted roots. Sprouts are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other, deepening in the same way as they were located in the pot. The pits are covered with earth, the surface is crushed, watered and mulched with peat.


In order for begonia from seeds to successfully grow and develop at home, Special attention give to the soil. It is made up of the following components:

  • 2 measures of leaf humus;
  • 2 measures of peat;
  • 1 measure of vermiculite.

The substrate is sifted through a fine sieve before the seeds are added to it. Drainage from clay shards is laid at the bottom of the sowing box, prepared soil is poured, slightly tamped, and watered. The edge of the box should protrude about 10 cm above the soil surface.

Seeds are distributed evenly on the ground, slightly pressing down. The box is covered with cellophane and placed in a warm, bright place. Crops are aired once a day. After germination, the polyethylene is removed. A month later, the sprouts are carefully planted in peat pots. As soon as young begonias gain strength, they can be planted in a permanent place using the same substrate as when sowing seed.

On a note. The optimal volume of a begonia pot is 2.5 liters. The height of the dishes should be 13–15 cm, the diameter of the upper part should be 18 cm.


Everything is clear with planting seeds, but how does decorative leafy begonia reproduce? The answer is: stem or leaf cuttings. Although these two ways it is quite possible to grow flowering species.

Use of stems as planting material

With an adult, well-developed begonia, the apical cuttings about 7 cm long are carefully cut off. They are rooted in a mixture of agroperlite and high-moor peat (1: 1), removing the lower leaves. Begonia also tolerates propagation by cuttings rooted in boiled water. In addition, you can plant the stems directly into the ground, after dipping the ends in Kornevin, a drug that stimulates root formation.

When planting, the cuttings are immersed in the soil by 1.5 cm and must be covered with a bag in order to create greenhouse conditions. A month later, the plant is gradually accustomed to the usual room air.

On a note. Reproduction of begonias by stem cuttings is advisable to carry out in spring period so that young plants have time to gain strength and vegetative mass before the end of summer.

Begonia successfully propagated by stem cuttings

leaf cuttings

Reproduction of begonias is possible not only by the stem, but also by the leaf, although in this case the process turns out to be longer, and sometimes less successful. In the spring from an adult healthy plant cut off a large strong leaf and put in a glass with a small amount of water. As the liquid evaporates, it is added, never changing it completely.

When roots appear on the leaf cutting, it is planted in flower pot with a light and permeable soil substrate, however, do it carefully so as not to damage the still weak root system young plant.

With a limited number of leaf cuttings, but the need to obtain a large amount of planting material, reproduction by dividing the leaf can be used. When choosing this method, proceed as follows:

Reproduction of tuberous begonias

You can start work in the first half of March, when the buds begin to swell on the nodules, and this is a signal that it is time to separate them and plant them for germination. So, for the propagation of begonias by tubers, proceed as follows:

On a note. Plants are planted in open ground only after organizing preliminary hardening in the fresh air, and after the threat of spring frosts has completely passed.

The division of the bush

Truly, this is the easiest way to propagate begonias, and even the most inexperienced amateur grower can handle it. To begin with, the plant is carefully removed from the pot, and the roots are shaken off the ground. With a knife or a small sharp spatula, the bush, along with the roots, is divided into parts, but so that at least a single shoot remains on each. Parts of the plant are planted in separate pots, watered and constantly observed until they are completely established in a new place.

But the most important thing, if you want to propagate begonias, is to start work in a good mood. And, of course, it is important not to be lazy when caring for flower pets. Then there will be absolutely no reason for frustration, and our homes will acquire many young and beautiful plants.

Video tutorial on propagating begonias with leaf fragments.

It is not always possible to buy such a plant, and if you buy it, will you keep it, so it is important to know how it reproduces.

Begonia is famous for its ability to regenerate quickly. For example, if you take one leaf and cut it into several pieces, and then put it in a favorable place, then a new plant will develop from each piece. Although mostly begonia is propagated from a whole leaf.

As for the decorative leaf begonia, it is the most versatile in terms of the method of reproduction. Such a plant loses its attractiveness after a while, so it is necessary to constantly replant it using the begonia leaf propagation method.

To do this, you need to take the best, in your opinion, leaf, cut out the squares that should contain the main vein and put the leaf in a bowl that stands on a wet substrate. Next, you need to put the bowl in a shaded place and, keeping the substrate moist, you can expect the appearance of a new plant in 1-2 months.

The vegetative method mainly involves the propagation of begonias by a leaf. If you want to get a very large number of a new plant, then you can divide the leaf into squares. But not all leaves can be cut, so you need to be extremely careful when doing such work. First of all, the propagation of begonia by a leaf occurs from cutting off a healthy whole leaf, which is not damaged anywhere. After that, you need to put it on the glass and cut off the edges, but only where there are no thick veins. Then cut each leaf into squares, at least 2 cm thick. The finished leaves should be planted vertically, but you can also put them in the substrate. Leaves should take root in 20-30 days, sometimes earlier, sometimes longer. In order for begonia leaves to take root well, you need to take a light substrate and maintain an air temperature of 22-24 degrees. You can speed up this process if you create a mini-greenhouse for the cuttings. Cuttings should be covered and not opened until a new plant appears. The first time you should ventilate for no more than 30 minutes, but then gradually increase the ventilation time.

There is another way to propagate this plant with a leaf. You need to take the best leaf, only with a cutting 6-7 cm long. Then cut the leaf across the veins or make several cuts. After that, prepare moistened soil and put front side this leaf, slightly pressing and pressing down with small pebbles closer to the cuts. The pot must be placed in a not very lit place, and the leaf itself, for best result can be covered with transparent film. Reproduction of begonias by leaf occurs when the ground is kept constantly wet, for this it is best to use the spraying method.

Some varieties of deciduous begonias are grown very simply - they can take root in an ordinary glass of water.

To do this, take a leaf with a petiole a little longer. The leaves in this case also take root very well, the main thing is that the petiole is at least 7 cm long.

And another way to propagate begonias with a leaf in a glass of water. To do this, take a leaf cut at the cutting itself and put it in a glass of water, where you dissolve activated charcoal. If the stalk starts to rot a little, then you need to cut it off a little, change the water and put it back on.

It is also important to know that propagation of begonia by a leaf is possible only when the leaves have pubescence in the lower part of the leaf, and also if the begonia is homemade and has a creeping stem.

begonia: propagation by cuttings in water, leaf and seeds (photo and video)

Begonia - beautiful indoor flower. Many of its varieties are very popular with flower growers. There are several ways to propagate this plant. You can easily get a new specimen if you root the stem cutting of this flower in water or soil. It is also propagated by leaf or seeds. And in order to avoid mistakes in the preparation of planting material, it is better to additionally see more photos and videos on this topic.

seed method

Propagation of begonias by seeds is a method, although not the easiest, but quite often used in floriculture. The process of growing this crop by seed is quite tedious and time-consuming. And its difficulty is that the seeds of this plant are too small. because of small size they are hard to plant. But the planting process can be somewhat facilitated if you purchase coated seeds, that is, coated to increase their size. Young begonia sprouts are very tender, they require at first the most careful handling.

Sowing is best done in January or early February, so that the plants have time to get stronger by winter. Begonia is sown superficially in moist soil. Cover the planting container from above with glass or polyethylene, keep it in the light in a warm place until the seedlings appear, not forgetting about regular ventilation. Water very carefully using a spray bottle.

At favorable conditions after 1-2 weeks, young sprouts appear, which are placed in an already cooler place. At first, the seedlings are kept under cover, accustoming them to the air gradually. When two leaves appear, the plants dive into separate small containers, and a month later they are planted in larger pots.

Attention! During seed germination and after the appearance of young shoots, even the slightest drying of the soil can lead to the death of tender begonia roots.

Reproduction by cuttings

Stem cuttings are the easiest and fastest way to obtain a new plant while maintaining varietal characteristics. It is used for those varieties of begonias that have a stem. For rooting, you can use a cutting:

  • apical part;
  • from the middle of the stem.

A healthy stem is taken to propagate the plant. The cuttings are cut with a sharp clean tool of 8-12 cm each. Each of them should have 2-3 buds. The cut is made under the node where the leaves grow from. And it is better to make it oblique so that the area for the formation of roots is larger. The leaves on the handle must be cut off, leaving only the top 2-3. BUT large leaves it is better to cut it in half so that the plant can use all its strength to form roots.

It is desirable to treat the cut site with a stimulant to enhance root formation. Then the cutting should be placed in a container with settled, softened and slightly warm water. Some flower growers prefer to root cuttings in the ground, but in water it is easier to observe the state of the cut on the stem. If it starts to rot, you need to cut off this part of it, then put the cutting back into the water.

Advice. After placing the cutting in water, it is better not to change it until the roots appear, but simply add fresh water as needed.

Before the formation of roots, the container with the handle must be kept at a temperature of 20-24 degrees in the light, but not under the bright sun. Roots will appear within 2-4 weeks. With their appearance, the plants are planted in the soil intended for begonias.

Propagation of a plant by a leaf

Begonia reproduces quite easily, not only stem cuttings but also leaves. More often this method is used for ornamental and "climbing" species. For many varieties of culture, leaf propagation is the main one. This method is advantageous in that it is possible to obtain several plants from just one leaflet.

For reproduction, you need to take a strong and healthy leaf from the plant. It can be rooted alone or cut into pieces to get several begonias. It is cut lengthwise so that each leaf segment has at least one vein. It should be something like a cone. Then, for rooting, the cut leaf fragments are placed in a narrow part in the prepared soil. You can do this in two ways:

  • placing them vertically in the ground, deepening the narrow part into moistened soil by about 1 cm;
  • spreading it horizontally in containers with a moist substrate on its surface, lightly sprinkling the chopped parts of the leaves along the edges with soil so that they are slightly pressed to the ground.

Reproduction of begonia leaf

From above, containers with planting material are covered with glass or a plastic bag so that the air inside remains moist, and put them in a warm and lit place. It is necessary to keep the soil moist by spraying from a spray bottle, and regularly ventilate the greenhouse. Germination will take about 1-2 months, after which the shelter is removed. Young children are then planted in separate pots when they grow up a little.

Which method of plant propagation to choose depends on the variety of begonia, the availability of planting material and the preferences of the grower. For some species of this crop, other methods of reproduction are also used - tubers and division of the bush.

Rooting begonias: video

Propagation of begonias by leaf.

With the vegetative method of propagation of rhizome begonias, not only part of the shoot, but also the leaf can be used as a cutting. The advantages of such cuttings are obvious: the mother plant is minimally damaged and a fairly large number of new begonias can be obtained immediately.

Although the process of propagating with a leaf is more time-consuming than usual, with pieces of shoots, there is nothing complicated in it. A strong healthy leaf is selected from the mother plant and carefully cut off along with a long, 5-7 cm petiole. On a leaf plate, several cuts are made across the veins with a blade at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other. Then the leaf is placed in a mini-greenhouse on the prepared wet substrate with the back side down and the cuts are pressed against the surface of the soil. For close contact of the veins with the ground, you can put small (clean!) Weights on top of the sheet or secure it with wire. After that, the container with the handle is covered with glass or a transparent lid and placed in a warm (with a temperature of about 24 ° C), shaded, but not dark, place. To prevent the development of fungal diseases and rot, it is desirable to treat the leaf stalk with a fungicide.

For successful rooting in the greenhouse, there must be a constant high humidity, for which both the leaf itself and the soil surface should be sprayed regularly, but without creating dampness, since the begonia leaf can easily rot. The need for another spraying may be indicated by the absence of condensate on the walls and cover of the greenhouse.

Roots usually appear in 20 to 30 days. At the moment of appearance, they look like a barely noticeable light fluff, gradually darkening and acquiring a visible thickness. Two weeks after the start of root formation, the first leaves of a new plant are formed. When baby plants appear, they will need systematic ventilation, but young begonias to fresh air should be taught gradually, starting with short intervals of 15 to 20 minutes. When they grow up a little, they can be dived into separate cups. The soil for both rooting and cultivation can be used the same; a ready-made soil mixture for begonias, which is sold in any flower shop, is well suited as it. It is recommended to add a little perlite or vermiculite and crushed coal to it, which will increase moisture and breathability.

Some flower growers, when propagating begonias, do not just cut the veins, but cut the leaf itself into squares approximately 2 × 2 cm in size, containing one vein passing approximately in the center of the piece. The pieces received vertical position they dig a little in the substrate, orienting them so that the vein touches the soil. The rest of the care remains the same as described above.

Another way to propagate begonias with a leaf cutting is in an ordinary glass of water. True, in this case it is impossible to obtain as many new plants as with the first method, but no pre-training. A leaf with a long handle is simply placed in water with an activated charcoal tablet dissolved in it. If the petiole itself begins to rot badly, it is cut a little and the water is renewed.

Step-by-step propagation of begonias by cuttings at home

Begonia happens different varieties, which differ in the shape of leaves, flowers and bushiness of green mass. The root system may be a tuber, which complicates the reproduction of begonias at home. Therefore, more and more often, flower growers are leaning towards the option of distributing begonias using cuttings, followed in popularity by options for propagation by seeds, leaves, tubers and rhizomes.

See also: breeding tree peony cuttings

Rules for propagating begonias by cuttings

Begonia cuttings at home can be done at any time of the year. But in summer and spring, the roots take root faster. For rooting, cuttings take glassware, but it should not be crystal. Only a transparent container is suitable for harvesting cuttings for further planting, the material allows you to track the turbidity and water level, because it gradually evaporates.

Three weeks in water for begonia cuttings is enough for the first roots to form. When they reach a length of 0.7 to 1 cm, the cuttings are transferred to the ground. What is the best soil for a flower? Buy a universal substrate from a flower shop or mix these ingredients:

  • peat;
  • vermiculite, which can be replaced with perlite.

The soil is soft, loose and breathable. The prepared soil is laid out on the bottom of a pot with a diameter of up to 8 cm. Why such accuracy? The fact is that in a small container, the probability of rotting of the roots due to abundant watering is minimized.

See also: Cuttings of chrysanthemums in autumn

How to care for begonias grown from cuttings

Fearing the processes of decay, beginners in floriculture rarely water the plant, and this leads to the drying of the soil, which can cause it to die.

To save a weakened shoot, take the following measures:

  • water the sprout regularly;
  • spray the leaves, irrigate with a spray bottle.

But you can’t save a flooded plant - it’s a pity to throw it away, but it’s futile to hope for salvation. You can transplant a healthy sprout when three succulent leaves appear on the stem - this means that the root system is developed and strengthened. A pot with a volume of 0.5 to 0.7 liters is sufficient.

What other care activities will help begonias feel good and delight with abundant flowering?

  1. Once every couple of months, apply a fertilizer intended for flowering green spaces to the soil, Agat biofertilizer is well suited for this purpose. Fertilizing mixtures in sticks give good results.
  2. Watering begonias involves the use of soft settled water, it is better to boil it first to kill microbes and bacteria. Water should not be cold, regardless of the season, warm it up to 23 degrees. By the way, you also need to irrigate begonia with warm water, ideally distilled. It is necessary to refuse the procedure during the period of active flowering.

Reproduction of begonia leaf

Some doubt whether a young plant can grow from a begonia leaf, and in vain, because it is quite real. Repeat these steps step by step:

  1. Choose the most fleshy and juicy leaf, it should not have any damage and signs of disease.
  2. Trim the leaf, leaving a cutting 6 cm long.
  3. Focusing on the veins, carefully cut the sheet, making 2 cm gaps between the cuts.
  4. Place the planting material on damp ground, press it with the palm of your hand and cover with small pebbles.
  5. Build a homemade greenhouse - cover the box with soil with polyethylene, secure it on all sides so that it does not blow away with a gust of wind. The film must be mobile - every day you have to remove it and ventilate the greenhouse, you must not allow condensation and stuffiness to form.
  6. The pot is placed in a warm and ventilated room.
  7. The first shoots appear above the soil surface a month after the leaf is deepened.
  8. Shelter should not be removed immediately - wait a couple of weeks, but for now gradually increase the duration of ventilation.
  9. Plants that have grown up dive in separate compact pots. Begonia does not tolerate too spacious containers. The advantage of this breeding method is the appearance of many children.

If it is enough to grow one begonia from a leaf, pour water into a glass, add an activated charcoal tablet, Kornevin. When the first roots appear from the leaf, feel free to plant it in the ground. Over time, the leaf will wither, and a new pretty bush of a charming flower will appear in its place.

See also: Propagation of hydrangea cuttings in autumn

Alternative ways to propagate begonias

It is impossible not to recall other methods of propagating begonias, because, in addition to cuttings, young plants are obtained at home from seeds and tubers. If you buy seeds, choose coated ones. Seeds are sown in mid-January, then young plants have time to strengthen by autumn and survive the winter well.

Begonia also reproduces by tubers. They are cleaned, washed and divided into parts, on each of which a kidney should remain.

Beautifully flowering begonias are grown by many flower growers. There are both annual and perennial specimens. In total there are about 1600 species. Among the varieties grown at home, the ever-flowering ones are the most popular. Begonia flowers come in a wide variety of colors. Stems with leaves can also have different shape and tint. To grow begonia, the grower must take into account the characteristics of the reproduction of this ornamental plant. Each method has its own characteristics.

How are begonias propagated?

decorative flowering plant, depending on the species, can be propagated:

  • cuttings. Universal way suitable for all varieties.
  • Leaves. Creeping and drooping-leaved varieties are propagated, which include Elatior and Mason.
  • seeds. The best option for flowering varieties.
  • Dividing tubers or rhizomes. The first method is suitable only for tuberous varieties. The second is used for breeding bush species, including ever-flowering begonias.

When choosing a method, you need to focus solely on what species the plant belongs to.


Fast and reliable method reproduction, allowing you to save the characteristics of the variety without any changes. It can be safely used for almost all varieties of begonias grown at home. Cuttings are taken both apical and middle. The main thing is that they have at least two kidneys. The length of the cuttings should be from 8 to 12 centimeters. It is best to leave at least 3 sheets on the shoots. They are cut with a sharp disinfected knife, left to dry for 1-2 hours.

Root cuttings in two ways:

  1. In water. The lower part is placed in warm soft water and cleaned in a bright place. When the roots appear, the sprouts are transplanted into a permanent pot.
  2. in the substrate. The cut is treated with a root former. Cuttings are planted in a mixture of special soil for begonias and sand, taken in equal proportions. They are buried a couple of centimeters, covered and periodically aired. The greenhouse is opened when young leaves appear.

The choice of rooting method is at the discretion of the grower.

Reproduction by part of a leaf

Usually used in cases where it is planned to obtain a lot of planting material. To grow healthy and beautiful specimens of begonia, you must strictly follow the recommendations:

  1. A healthy and large leaf is cut with a sharp knife. Leading the knife from the central vein, cut the plate into triangles. Each part should have its own central vein.
  2. The resulting triangles are planted in a mixture of peat and clean sand taken in equal proportions.

    Begonia leaf propagation: advantages and technology

    Parts of the leaves can either be buried vertically by 1 centimeter with a cut down, or simply put the segments on a moistened substrate, sprinkling the edges with sand.

  3. The landing is covered with cellophane so that it is kept in greenhouse conditions. For this purpose, the air inside the greenhouse is moistened with a spray gun.

Young begonias begin to appear after one or two months. This time it is better to keep the greenhouse closed, and then start accustoming the plant to room conditions content, opening the landing for a certain time, increasing it daily. It is recommended to start with 5 minutes.

How to propagate begonia seeds?

Growing begonias from seeds requires a lot of time and effort. This method is usually used in breeding work. Sowing is best done in January, so that by autumn the young plants are already strong and can survive the winter.

It is best to sow planting material in a container with a lid. If the seeds are store bought, they are larger due to protective film, providing useful substances, rather than collected independently, which are very small.

Half a centimeter of drainage is poured into the container, then the substrate intended for begonias. The soil is moistened with a spray bottle. On the surface there should be no lumps, pebbles and other obstacles that interfere with germination. Seeds distributed on the surface of the soil do not sprinkle.
The container is covered, placed in a warm and well-lit place. Water the planting from a spray bottle. The main thing is to keep the soil in a constantly slightly moistened state. Otherwise, the seedlings will die. Shoots appear in a week or on the tenth day. They are regularly ventilated, and only then fully open. When the first leaves appear, they pick 2x2, and after closing the leaves - 4x4 cm.

Division by rhizome

Bush begonias can be propagated through rhizomes. An adult specimen is removed from the flowerpot. Too long shoots, leaves, flower stalks are cut off. The root system is cleaned from the ground and washed. The rhizome is cut with a sharp knife. Each part should have one kidney. Slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. They are treated with a composition to accelerate root growth. You can use Kornevin or Heteroauxin. Further, individual parts of the rhizome are planted in pots, watered.

tuberous begonias

Propagated by division of the tuber. Other methods for these types of begonias do not always guarantee success. This breeding method is suitable for two- and three-year-old specimens. The tubers should have 2-5 buds, located at a fairly decent distance from each other. Divisions are carried out in the spring months with the appearance of buds. With overgrown runs, this procedure is not recommended. The tuber is cut, leaving 1 kidney on each separate part. Sections are treated with wood ash to accelerate healing. Each piece of tuber is planted in separate pots with pre-moistened soil, half deepening into the substrate. A bottle or polyethylene is placed on the landing. Shelter is removed after rooting of tubers and the appearance of young leaves. When the tuber grows up to seven centimeters, it is completely covered with a substrate.

What kind of soil to use for propagating begonias?

You can use a purchased substrate specifically designed for begonias, but with a small amount of sand. The cuttings are also rooted in a self-prepared mixture of equal parts of sand and peat, or taken in a ratio of 1 to 3. The substrate for both adults and young seedlings that are transplanted into permanent flowerpots can also be prepared at home. There are several variations of such soil. You can take equal parts of peat, earth, sand and manure. Another option suggests that one part of leafy earth, sand and humus is placed on two parts of sod land. Regardless of the mixture, it is recommended to add a small amount of charcoal to each, which is pre-crushed. This allows begonias to quickly take root, develop, and grow.

They are subject to the following conditions:

  • Pots take high, but not too voluminous. This is due to the fact that the roots of the plant are small. Due to the shallow capacity, moisture does not accumulate at the roots, but is quickly removed.
  • The soil is always moistened before planting. Rooting takes place better not in dry or wet, but in moist soil.
  • The distance from the tubers to the walls should be at least two centimeters, but no less.
  • The bottom of the container is laid out with drainage from 50 to 20 millimeters. It is made from large expanded clay, as well as clay skulls, the remains of broken bricks.
  • It is not recommended to deepen the root neck and growth point.

For the first two or three days, young sprouts are best kept in a lightly shaded area rather than in full sun.

How to care for a transplanted young begonia?

The plant loves light. It is recommended to put it in a place that is illuminated, but not by the scorching sun. Perfect Choice there will be windows oriented to the east and southwest sides. The temperature of the content of begonias should not fall below +20 degrees Celsius.

Watering should be such that the substrate is not dry.

Optimum air humidity allows you to get a vessel filled with water, located next to the pot. The plant is fed twice a month with mineral complexes that are intended for decorative flowering plants.

Young seedlings are much more vulnerable to diseases and pests than adult specimens. It is necessary to inspect the bushes at least once every three days. Otherwise, you can miss the moment when the process gets sick.


So, in this article we will carefully consider the main types and methods of reproduction of begonias. Moreover, here you can learn how to perform this action at home without much effort.

Reproduction methods

Every person who wants to become the owner of a begonia or is already one should know that its breeding methods are as follows:

  • seeds (suitable for ornamental-flowering and ever-flowering species)
  • division of tubers (intended for tuberous species)
  • leaf parts and leaf cuttings
  • stem cuttings (suitable only for begonias that have a stem)


Reproduction of begonias at home by seeds is a rather tedious process, therefore, this method is usually preferred during breeding work. This is due to the fact that the seeds are very small. In order for the grower to receive 1000 pieces of begonia, he should use 0.2 grams of seeds. They need to be sown in boxes filled with a mixture of peat, leafy soil and sand in a ratio of 1:2:1. The seeds themselves should be lightly rolled, and not sprinkled. To be maintained and stored in the box required amount humidity, it is recommended to cover it with glass.

For this method of breeding begonias, you should carefully monitor the temperature. It should be between 20 and 22°C.

In addition, the grower must water given plant very careful. This should be done so that the seeds are not washed off with water. Many people recommend watering with a spray bottle. After a week, the seeds germinate. In order for the plant to become accustomed to fresh air, the grower must raise the glass daily for half an hour. After two or three weeks, he should start diving begonias according to the 2x2 cm pattern. This procedure should be carried out quite carefully, since its incorrect implementation can lead to damage to the roots and stems. Concerning tuberous begonias, then they require a second (according to the 3x4 cm scheme) and a third (according to the 6x6 cm scheme) dive.

Reproduction of Begonia

Within a month, the owner of this seedling can begin to plant it in a container or pot.

stem cuttings

Propagation of begonias by cuttings consists of the following steps:

  • cutting and preparation of cuttings
  • drying sections
  • rooting
  • planting rooted stems

This propagation technology involves the use of pieces of healthy stems, the length of which is from 8 to 12 cm. Depending on the type, the cuttings can be as follows:

  • apical (taken from the tip of the begonia stem)
  • median

They should have at least 2-3 kidneys. The flower grower is also recommended to leave a maximum of 2 leaves, since a large number of them takes strength from the sprout.

next step slight drying of the sections is considered. As for rooting itself, it can occur in water or a substrate. The first method involves placing the lower part of the already prepared cuttings in a vessel with water. It should be soft and slightly warm. The vessel should be placed in a bright place, but not where direct UV rays are observed. As for the temperature in the room where the seedlings are located, it should be from 18 to 20 ° C. After performing the above steps, the grower should only wait for the result. In the event that the cut of the cutting begins to rot, it should be immediately dried and re-placed in fresh water (the rotten place should be removed before that). As for rooting with the help of a substrate, peat, soil and sand suitable for these plants should be used for this propagation method. The cut of the cutting must be dipped in water and a special preparation that facilitates the formation of roots (for example, heteroauxin or root). The next step in this method of reproduction is considered to be sticking a cutting into the soil with a cutting depth of 1 or 2 cm. After performing this action, the pot should be covered with a jar and placed in a transparent container that closes tightly. When perspiration begins to form on the surface of the greenhouse, it should be opened and ventilated for a couple of minutes a day. After the appearance of leaves, it must be removed.


Leaf propagation involves cutting the leaf into 2 or 3 parts. The flower grower should definitely take into account the fact that each of them must have a segment of the central life. It is thanks to him that a vegetative clone develops. The plates themselves can be planted in the substrate as follows:

  • vertically (for this you need to deepen the plate into the soil by 1 cm)
  • laying out on the surface (for this method of reproduction, you should lightly press and sprinkle the edges of the leaf with sand)

The basis of the soil for rooting should include peat. After completing the above steps, you need to wait from 1 to 2 months. During this time, the grower should carefully monitor the sterility of the substrate. To reduce the risk of mold fungi, he needs to apply water vapor and treat the soil with it for half an hour. This method of reproduction also implies the presence high level humidity. To do this, use special caps made of transparent materials. This shelter can not be removed until the first leaves appear on the seedlings. In addition, begonia leaves can be placed in a saucer of water (they must be whole).


So, in order for the reproduction of begonias at home to be successful, it is necessary to pay special attention to the following features:

  • air temperature
  • soil composition
  • humidity level
  • observance of sterility

Begonia leaf propagation - myth or reality

The red-leaved begonia is sometimes called Fistoy. scientific name Begonia erythrophylla (feastii). The birthplace of this amazing beautiful plant is South America. Red-leaved got its name from the underside of the leaves of red or burgundy. It has glossy smooth leaves of an oval-oblique shape without pubescence, sometimes without a jagged edge. The leaves are wide 8-12 centimeters, in length 12 to 15 centimeters. The stems are short, wide, emerald hue, tightly pressed to the ground. Petioles are light, bare. The flowers are miniature pale pink. Flowering can occur from December to June. The maximum height of Fista is 25 centimeters.

Landing Fista

Planting Krasnolistnaya should be carried out spring before or after flowering. The root system does not go far deep into the soil - it grows over wide distances on top of the soil. Therefore, landing should be done in flat containers.
Good fit plastic pots. wooden or metal material it is not recommended to use, because with abundant watering the tree dries out, and the metal begins to rust.
Compost soil is best for planting. The soil is mixed in equal proportions with mineral fertilizers, peat or compost. Sometimes leaf earth or sand is added.

It is forbidden to compact the soil tightly; the soil must be loose and breathable.

Begonia care

Young flowers with intensive growth are watered moderately - as the earth dries up. Adult Fists require watering once a week. In winter, watering is reduced to once every one and a half to two weeks.

begonia leaf reproduction

Abundant watering is not recommended - there is a risk of powdery mildew. In winter, the bush needs high humidity. In hot summer weather, it is necessary to spray the air around the plant. Required temperature in the summer period from 20 to 22°С.AT winter period from 16 to 18°C. Temperature must not drop. below 15°C. This is fraught with death. Red-leaved grows well in warm rooms with abundant sunlight. Likes diffused bright light. Prefers western and eastern sides. Fista is shaded from the midday sun. With a direct hit of the rays, the leaves burn out and get burned. With a lack of light, the leaves begin to turn pale.

Red-leaved does not tolerate winds and drafts, does not like rearrangements to other places.

The form and methods of propagation of red-leaved begonia

Forming a crown is not recommended. Cut the plant only in order to obtain planting material. Flower propagation occurs by cuttings.
The end of the growing rhizome is carefully cut off. A cutting 6-9 centimeters long is lowered into a hormonal preparation, conducive to good rooting. stems are planted in pots with a diameter of not more than 10 centimeters.
For propagation, a mixture of wet peat and sand is used. Drainage holes are made in the container and covered glass jar.
Planting material is installed in warm rooms with abundant sunlight. After 14 days, Red-leaved need to be fertilized. A month later, a glass jar is completely removed from Fista and abundant watering is carried out.

The life expectancy of begonias is small from 7 to 8 years.

Transplant and top dressing

Young specimens transplanted every six months as with frequent changes, begonias begin to grow well. Adult flowers are transplanted as the container is filled with the root system, usually once every 3-4 years. It is recommended to feed full mineral fertilizer once every 30 days. Fertilizers come with watering. The preparations are mixed with water at room temperature.

Liquid fertilizers, bird droppings (0.5 kg per 12 liters of water), rotted manure (0.5 kg per 5 liters of water) are well suited for top dressing.

You can add crushed banana skins, citrus peels, onion peels, ash, tea leaves to the soil.

Features of winter care

Winter red-leaved needs special care. The room temperature must not drop below 15°C. With a lack of sun, it is recommended to use artificial light.
Humidity should be high throughout the year. The air around the plant is sprayed with settled water. Watering is reduced to once every one and a half to two weeks.
The earth is well loosened until good air permeability is created. Feeding is reduced to once a month. To avoid freezing, the flower is protected from drafts and winds. When a state of rest occurs, it is not recommended to touch Fist.

Diseases and pests

The flower can get sick with root and gray rot. root rot attacks the roots of the plant. They become brown or burgundy. The disease can not be seen immediately. Therefore, blackening of the stems and leaves of the Red-leaved is permissible. Begonia can be saved from this disease only by removing the infected root system. To prevent such a disease, should not flood the plant and use a good drainage system. Gray rot manifests itself in the form of mold. The fungus easily subsides when the plant is turned in the other direction. When the disease starts, the leaves darken and crumble. The cause of this disease is too high humidity and poor ventilation of the room. Of the pests, a mealybug may appear. It manifests itself in the form of rough bundles in the leaf axils. Usually, the nest of such a pest is located at the bottom of the red leaf plate. Because of their fluffy web, the mealybug is called the hairy aphid. The pest starts with a large amount of accumulated dust and dirt.

The leaves of the plant must be kept clean.

Fista has beautiful bright leaves.

Does not tolerate drafts and direct sunlight.

It often suffers from root rot, when the blackening of the plant stem occurs. It has miniature pale pink flowers. Blooms from December to June.

A photo

Useful video

In this video you will learn more about Begonia:

Useful material
Below is a list of articles that may be of interest to you.

    Types of begonias:
  1. Begonia evergreen
  2. begonia elatior
  3. Terry begonia
  4. Begonia Bauer
  5. Begonia Coral
  6. Mason's begonia
  7. Begonia hogweed
  8. Begonia Ampelnaya
  9. Begonia Cleopatra
  10. Begonia Royal
  11. Begonia Spotted
  12. Decorative leafy Begonia
  13. Begonia Collar
    Care Tips:
  1. All the subtleties of home care for Tuberous Begonia
  2. Wintering tuberous begonia
  3. All about planting Begonia - from A to Z
  4. pruning begonia
  5. Diseases and pests of Begonia
  6. Wintering Garden Begonia
  7. Reproduction of Begonia
  8. flowering begonia
  9. Garden Begonia Care

Reproduction of begonia leaf

With the vegetative method of propagation of rhizomatous begonia, not only part of the shoot, but also just a leaf can be used as a cutting. In this case, minimal damage is done to the mother plant and you can immediately grow many new plants. The process of reproduction by a leaf is more time-consuming than usual, by pieces of shoots, but there is nothing complicated in it.

You can cut the leaf itself into squares about 2 × 2 cm, containing one vein passing through the center of the piece. The resulting pieces in a vertical position are slightly added to the substrate so that the vein touches the soil.

A strong healthy leaf is selected from the mother plant and carefully cut off along with a petiole 5-7 cm long. Several cuts are made on the leaf plate across the veins with a blade at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. To prevent the development of fungal diseases and rot, the leaf stalk can be treated with a fungicide. Then the sheet is placed in a greenhouse on a wet substrate with the back side down and the cuts are pressed against the surface of the soil, you can fix it. Put the greenhouse in a room with a temperature of about 24 ° C, a shaded place (but not in the dark). The greenhouse should have a constant high humidity, the leaf and soil should be sprayed regularly, but dampness should not be allowed, otherwise the leaf may rot. If there is no condensation - it's time to spray.

Roots usually appear in 20-30 days. At first they look like a slightly noticeable fluff, but after two weeks the first leaves of a new plant are formed.

When the children appeared, the greenhouse needs periodic ventilation. Young begonias should be accustomed to fresh air gradually, starting from 15-20 minutes and gradually lengthening the period. Then they can dive into separate cups.

Look at an example: in the first photo, a glass of begonia, which was purchased in the fall, in the second - the same plant about six months later, at the end of March:

Another way to propagate begonias with a leaf cutting is in a glass of water. No preliminary preparation is required, however, you will not get as many children from one sheet as with the first method. A leaf with a cutting is simply placed in water with an activated carbon tablet dissolved in it (you can add aloe juice, plants take root better with it).

Propagation of begonias: cuttings and leaf

If the petiole begins to rot, it is cut and the water is renewed.

Begonia care

If the lower leaves dry and curl, this may be a natural process. Curling of the leaves of the whole begonia can be a sign of insufficient soil nutrition, feed the plant.

Varieties of begonias with smooth leaves can be sprayed, begonias with fluffy leaves - do not. Spread wet moss nearby, it raises the humidity of the air.

If begonias appeared on a leaf dark spots and holes, this could happen when improper watering: cold or hard water, gulf. Watering should be moderate.

The first flowers will appear no earlier than the main stem has 5-6 knees.

If the flowers darken and fall off, the cause may be water on the buds.

If mealy spots appear on the leaves, this may be powdery mildew or gray mold. Remove diseased leaves, treat the plant with a fungicide, ventilate the room more often (but make sure that the begonia does not stand in a draft).

Ideal potting mix for begonias: soddy, leafy, coniferous soil, peat and ordinary river sand. There is also a ready-made soil specifically for begonias. For propagation in a greenhouse, add perlite and vermiculite to it.

Many flower growers around the world are very fond of growing this delightful, attractive flower, which has many different varieties and varieties. Sometimes a situation arises that you want to propagate a certain variety of begonia, which is either very dear to your heart, or it cannot be found in a flower shop. In fact, begonia reproduction is a fairly simple procedure that even a novice grower can perform after reading this article.

Basic breeding methods

How to propagate begonia at home? There are 5 main methods of breeding and growing this flower:

  1. Propagation of begonias by cuttings.
  2. Using stem cuttings.
  3. Rooting parts of the leaf.
  4. Planting seeds.
  5. Separation of a rhizome or bush.

Planting a twig

Cuttings are suitable for any variety of indoor begonia that has a stem. Begonia cuttings begin with the fact that it is necessary to cut the cutting with a sharp disinfected knife, blade or scissors, its height should be about 10 centimeters. The cuttings should have two or three pairs of leaves. The lower leaves must be removed, and the upper ones must be cut in half. After that, you need to wait a few hours for all the sections to dry.
How to properly root begonia cuttings? First you need to prepare a pot with a substrate, any soil for begonias will do, which must be mixed in equal proportions with river sand. Dali in the ground you need to make a recess and insert the cutting into it. It is advisable to deepen the branch to the very leaves. Before planting, the cut of the cutting can be treated with a root formation stimulator so that reproduction is faster. After that, it is necessary to tightly crush the ground around the cutting, and cover it with a glass jar or a cut plastic bottle on top so that the rooted branch is in the mini-greenhouse, so growing a new flower will be much faster.
Begonia propagates by cuttings at home quite simply, after about a month you can see young leaves on the cuttings. Young begonias need to be gradually accustomed to room air, for this the mini-greenhouse is ventilated 2-3 times a day, and when the flower takes root, the jar or bottle should be removed altogether. After three to four months, the young plant should bloom.

sheet method

Propagating begonias from leaves at home is also an easy way to grow new flowers. How to propagate begonia leaves? It is necessary to cut off one leaf without traces of diseases with a sharp clean blade. It must be placed on glass or some other hard surface. Then, from the central vein to the edges of the leaf, you need to cut pieces in the form of triangles so that each of them has one or two veins. Further, propagating begonias with a leaf involves laying these small triangles on the surface of moistened river sand. Some flower growers, answering the question of how to root begonia, recommend sticking leaf fragments in a vertical position into the ground. Then you need to cover the container with a bag, for some time the cultivation of young plants from the leaf will take place in greenhouse conditions.
The basic rule when propagating begonia from a leaf is to maintain high humidity in a mini-greenhouse. From time to time it is necessary to spray the air under the spray bag. And when young leaves appear, slowly you need to accustom young begonias to the air in the room, for this you need to remove the bag first for 5-10 minutes, and gradually this time needs to be increased.
When young plants are planted in separate containers, they need to be planted in loose soil, it does not need to be rammed. Reproduction at home of begonias by this method makes it possible to obtain plants ready for transplantation in 3 months.

Rooting branches in water

Many gardeners believe that propagating begonias from cuttings in water is a very quick and easy way to get healthy, mature plants. Propagation by cuttings in water begins with the fact that the prepared branches are placed in a container with soft, filtered and slightly warmed water. It is not recommended to use cold and hard water. The container must be placed in a room with a temperature of about 20 degrees. The room should be light, but the cuttings should not be allowed to be in the sun. It is advisable to use a transparent jar so that the appearance of the roots can be clearly seen. If the cutting begins to rot, then the damaged place must be removed, the branch dried and placed again in fresh water.
When the size of the roots on the branch reaches 1-2 centimeters, it is necessary to plant such a cutting in the soil suitable for begonias. Moistened peat or sand can be used as soil.

Planting of seed

Seeds can propagate any variety of begonia. However, many believe that growing begonias from seeds is a very time-consuming and unreliable method. It is suitable when there is no mature plant to propagate from cuttings, or when a lot of begonias need to be grown quickly.
How to grow begonia from seeds? To begin with, in a flower shop you need to purchase seeds and special soil for begonias. It is advisable to mix the substrate in half with river sand, after which the resulting mixture must be moistened with settled water. Seeds must be spread evenly over the surface of the soil and slightly pressed into the substrate. Due to the fact that the seeds are very small, they do not need to be sprinkled on top of the earth. How does begonia reproduce further? Seed container needs to be covered. plastic bag and put in a warm room. Crops periodically need to be ventilated and remove condensate. After about a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear.
After the young sprouts have emerged from the ground, the container with them should be placed on the eastern or western windowsill closer to the glass, where it is cooler so that the seedlings do not stretch very quickly. The bag from the container must first be removed for a short period of time, gradually the ventilation time must be increased. When a pair of true leaves appears, begonias can be transplanted into small plastic cups, in the same soil as when planting seeds. Often, if you plant flowers in the winter, then in the middle of summer they should already bloom.

Breeding by dividing the bush

Begonia can be propagated by dividing the rhizome or bush. It is probably one of the most simple ways growing a new plant. To do this, you need to pull the plant out of the pot, remove overgrown flower stalks, very large leaves and stems, after which it is very carefully necessary to wash the roots with water from the soil.
With a well-sharpened knife, it is necessary to divide the bush with the root system into several parts, so that each part has both roots and twigs. The place of the cut must be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. To make the cultivation faster, you can treat all the roots with a special preparation - Kornevin, then you need to plant parts of the bush in different pots, and pour them with slightly warmed water.

Cultivation of tuberous plants

Tuberous begonias can be propagated by dividing the tuber. To do this, in the spring you need to wait until a few sprouts appear on the tuber. Then, with a sharp blade, divide the tuber into several parts so that each of them has one sprout. Places of cuts must be treated with foundation and dried.
Each part of the tuber needs to be planted in a separate pot, but it is necessary to deepen only half. It is advisable to cover the pots with bags or cut plastic bottles. When the sprouts rise about 7 centimeters above the ground, the tubers must be completely covered with soil, and then grown as adult plants.

Begonia is a subtropical plant, and like all representatives of this group, loves a climate with high humidity. Grows well in bright, but scattered light, can withstand partial shade (even northern windows in winter).

They prefer a constant air temperature (without sudden changes). Most optimum temperature for them + 16 ... + 20 ° С and moderately moist soil.

In addition, they are very demanding on the composition of the soil.- the earth should be slightly acidified. For this, such a mixture is suitable: leafy soil, humus, peat, sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 0.5.
After mixing all the parts, the mixture must be sterilized by steaming to avoid pests. To do this, very moist earth is poured with a layer of 3-4 cm on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 5-10 minutes, stirring it from time to time. Excess moisture will evaporate during this time, and the earth will not have time to burn. Then the earth is allowed to cool well. After that, you can start planting plants.

Begonias are "selfish" in relation to other types of houseplants adjacent to them, i.e. they like to be apart from everyone.

This is how Natalya Agafonova from Krasnodar Territory:
“When I had only a few pots of begonias, they stood between other indoor flowers. There were problems with their growth. For a long time I did not understand - what is the reason for such "frailty", although the earth, lighting, air temperature for begonias were optimal? The way out was found by chance: I put the last pot with begonia dying before my eyes on the window sill of the north window, free from flowers, expecting the inevitable death of the plant. A few days later, in the place of the lost leaves, I discovered the appearance of new buds. Begonia grew very quickly, turning into a magnificent beauty. I decided to seat her and put all the planted shoots side by side, on the same windowsill. There were no more problems! Of course, other flowers can and should be placed in the room, but I would not recommend putting them mixed with begonias.

Reproduction of begonias by stem cuttings

Decoratively deciduous begonias are propagated by stem cuttings. To do this, take a plot with a growth bud and young leaves. On an adult plant, they are very visible. Cut off such a section (it turns out a daughter outlet, only without roots). Let the cutting lie down for 10-15 minutes. After that, the cuttings are planted in small pots (7-8 cm in diameter) and watered with water at room temperature. And then they do the following:

Put the pots in a plastic bag, inflate with air and tie. In this form, they should stand until large droplets of water appear on the inside of the bag. From this point on, start gradually aerating the cuttings to prevent them from rotting. To do this, the packages are untied and slightly slightly opened so that there is no sharp temperature drop (during the time that condensate forms, the temperature in the package rises compared to room temperature). After a few days, open the bags even more and at the same time make sure that the leaves on the begonias are elastic. If suddenly the plant is wilted, tie the bag again. In this way, begonias multiply very quickly.

But this method is good when there is big bushes these plants. But what if you have only one copy of some rare type of begonia and really want to propagate it? Then we propagate with a leaf cutting.

How to propagate begonias from cuttings

For this purpose, a well-grown leaf is chosen on the plant, it is broken off from the stem and allowed to dry for 10-15 minutes. Then the leaves are planted in small (100 g capacity) plastic cups, deepening the stalk by about 2 cm, so that it keeps well in the ground.

There are varieties of begonias, in which the leaf cuttings are short, and the leaf blade is very large. In this case, for rooting, you will need a wide dish - such that the entire sheet fits completely in it. Leaves with short cuttings are buried in the ground to the very leaf blade. They are carefully watered and, like stem cuttings, placed in plastic bags.

Rooted leaves give several rosettes. When the rosettes grow up, they are seated in cups and placed in bags again so that they get stronger. The soil mixture for rooting leaves is prepared without the addition of humus.


top dressing

Begonias are very fond of organic fertilizers. Freshly prepared solution is used for top dressing. chicken manure low concentration. To do this, take 5 liters of water and mix 10-15 g of fresh chicken manure in it well. This solution is watered with begonias once every 7-10 days. Begonias grow very well, the color of the leaves becomes bright, a mother-of-pearl shine appears. Top dressing is used no earlier than two months after transplanting plants into fresh soil.


So that the plant does not rot, use foundationol (they lightly “powder” the plant on top). It also helps prevent powdery mildew.

Also, for prophylactic purposes, you can use a solution of agravertin (1 ml / 1 l of water) or fufanon (at the same concentration).

Save from the heat

It happens that the leaves on the plants begin to disappear from the intense heat. In this case, you must stop adding organic dressings. Do not rush to throw away the bare "stumps", place them in plastic bags. In this form, begonias should stand until the autumn coolness. With the onset of autumn on the "stumps", as a rule, growth buds appear, and then leaves.

For planting plants, it is better to use wide and not too deep pots, since most decoratively deciduous begonias have a creeping stem. A sign of a healthy plant is good hairiness of leaf cuttings (a section of the leaf from the stem to the leaf blade). If the villi are not thick and have a faded color, then the begonia is “dissatisfied” with something. Most of the time, they need food.

Spring top dressing

In a 3-liter jar of water, put 12 g of dry yeast, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, mix, cover with a lid and let stand for one day. Next, add 6 cups of yeast fertilizer to a 6-liter bucket of water. For a small flower, 1 cup of prepared dressing is required, for a large one - 2-3 cups. Thanks to this mixture, plants grow by leaps and bounds!

Magazine "Season at the cottage"

There are many ways to propagate begonias: seeds, cuttings, leaves. One of the popular ones is whole leaf cuttings. What species is it suitable for and why does it not always work?

Flower shops are littered with a variety of Rex begonia cultivars, and it's almost impossible to buy the types that were once popular with our grandmothers. These begonias, familiar from childhood, can now only be found in kindergartens and clinics, but you really want to plant it at home! It's actually quite simple: once you've found your desired begonia, carefully cut off a healthy, even leaf that's free of disease and pests, and take it home to grow new plants from it.

Beautifully flowering begonias - ever-flowering, tuberous and Elatior - are best rooted with stem cuttings. reproduction sheet plate more suitable for leafy begonias.

Lay the cut sheet on the table with the reverse side up and make cuts across the large veins. At the site of the incisions, the roots of new young plants will form. In order not to crumple the delicate tissue of the leaf (which increases the risk of rotting), use a very sharp knife - for example, a grafting knife or for cutting paper.

Pick up suitable pot(according to the size of the sheet or a little larger), pour drainage, soil down ( optimal composition- vermiculite with peat, 1:1), spread a layer of washed sand on top.

Then spread the incised sheet on pre-moistened sand and secure with toothpicks. Instead of toothpicks, you can use 2-3 small pebbles. The main thing is that in places where cuts are made, the sheet fits snugly to the ground.

Top with transparent plastic lid or package and put in a warm, bright place.

The greenhouse must be periodically ventilated, removing condensate. The absence of condensation on the lid indicates that the earth is not moist enough and watering is necessary. On average, babies appear after 4-5 weeks. At first, roots form, and after about 2 weeks, the leaves themselves. When the leaves of young plants become about the size of a 10-ruble coin, the shelter is removed and the unrooted parts of the mother leaf are cut off with scissors.

Slightly grown 2-3-week-old plants are planted in separate pots for growing. The soil for young begonias should be light and loose, you can use ready mixes from the store.

How to avoid mistakes when propagating begonias?
Some amateur flower growers try to root leaves in water, as is done with cuttings. But neither a change of water nor the use of stimulants save the situation. The leaves usually rot and have to be thrown away. To prevent this from happening, use a substrate of peat and vermiculite for rooting.