Is it possible to replant old roses? Scrubs, English and standard roses

Transplanting roses.

Often in the garden there is a need to replant a plant, which can be caused by a number of reasons: the plant does not develop well in its permanent place, the space needs to be vacated due to construction, the site is being redeveloped, and the like.

Replanting is always traumatic for the plant, so every effort must be made to avoid damage to the root system. We recommend following the following order:

  1. Use a shovel to mark a circle around the bush so as not to damage the main lateral roots.
  2. Dig the bush from all sides so that the root ball can be freely removed from the hole.
  3. Use a shovel to pry up the root ball and turn it over in the hole, placing the bush on its side.
  4. Take the bush out of the hole, place it on a spread piece of cloth or film and wrap it in a lump so that the earth does not crumble during transportation; For the same purpose, the rose bushes are well shed with water in the evening.
  5. Transfer the bush to the prepared planting hole, place it in the hole no deeper than it grew before transplanting.
  6. After planting, trim the bush and water it abundantly.

Propagation of roses.

Methods for propagating roses.

  • dividing bushes;
  • offspring;
  • layering;
  • stem cuttings;
  • lignified cuttings.

Plants grown from rooted cuttings, layering and dividing the bush are called self-rooted. If the above-ground part dies, new shoots of the same variety are formed from the root collar. In grafted plants, in this case, rosehip shoots grow, and as a result, the bush “goes wild.”

Self-rooted roses have a shorter lifespan, they develop more slowly than grafted roses, are less resistant to adverse environmental factors and have little winter hardiness.

Dividing bushes. The easiest way to reproduce. It is used for propagation of own-rooted roses (White, Wrinkled, French).

Divide the bushes in the spring, after the soil has thawed. In our conditions this will be the end April - beginning May. Overgrown bushes, before buds open, are dug out of the ground and cut with sharp pruners or a knife into several parts so that roots and several shoots are preserved in each.

On divisions, very long roots are carefully shortened and roots damaged during digging are removed to a healthy place. The shoots are also shortened, leaving 3-4 buds on each of them. The top buds should face outward or to the side. This is necessary for the correct formation of bushes. Small branches are cut out. The wounds are cleaned with a sharp knife. Dip the roots in a mixture of clay and mullein (or just clay alone) and plant the plants in a permanent place.

Rice. 1 Offspring department.

Offspring. With their help, park own-rooted roses are propagated, capable of producing root suckers, formed during a period of intensive growth and extending from the main bush in the form of vertical shoots (Fig. 1). Early in the spring, after the soil has thawed, they are dug up, processed as in the previous case, and planted in another place.

Reproduction of roses by layering.

Almost all types of roses are propagated by layering. To do this, the shoots are bent and attached with pegs to the loosened soil. A mixture of earth with humus or peat is poured on top. The work is carried out in the spring, before the buds open. By autumn, the cuttings take root. in spring next year they are separated from the mother plant and planted in a new place.

Rice. 2 Receiving layering.

Using them, you can get new bushes from both grafted and self-rooted plants of various groups of roses. But this technique is especially convenient for propagating long-stemmed climbing varieties (Fig. 2).

To obtain layering, shoots growing at the root collar are used. In early spring, they are bent down, placed in pre-prepared shallow grooves, carefully pinned down and covered with loose, damp soil on top. The tops of the shoots are left outside and, tied to pegs, give them vertical position. In places where the cuttings come into contact with the ground, circular cuts are made in the bark with a sharp knife, which causes an increased flow of nutrients to the cut and intensive formation of roots. The soil is kept moist and loose during the summer.

By autumn, the cuttings take root, but they are separated from the mother plants the following spring, and weak plants only after a year.

In our conditions, in most varieties of roses, all branches located above the snow cover die off in winter. Therefore, in the fall, shoots intended for cuttings are carefully bent down, pinned to the ground and sprinkled with peat. In the spring, after the soil has thawed, they are placed in grooves and covered with earth.

Stem cuttings. This is the most common way to obtain your own root roses.

Lignified cuttings.

Rice. 3 Cuttings prepared for planting (left). Rooted cuttings (right).

Use finished growth and well-ripened smooth annual stems 4-5 mm thick. They are harvested in the fall.

In the spring, cuttings of them are cut (Fig. 3) 10-12 cm long and immediately lowered into water. Having taken them out of the water, they are planted in the soil and watered. Planted obliquely, almost completely buried in the ground.

Semi-lignified (green) cuttings (summer cuttings).

In this case, cuttings are harvested at the beginning of shoot lignification. For roses, this coincides with the beginning of flowering. The middle part of semi-lignified shoots at the flowering stage is used, but not the “fat” ones (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Propagation by semi-lignified cuttings with 2-3 leaves:
1. Cutting cuttings from shoots (at the beginning of flowering);
2 . Planting the cuttings in a mixture of peat and sand;
3. A small number of cuttings can be planted in a regular pot and covered glass jar; 4. Rooted cuttings.

Cuttings cut from shoots that are too green or very lignified take root worse.

Cuttings are harvested 7-10 cm long with 2-3 leaves. To prevent excessive evaporation of moisture, the leaves are cut to 1/3 or 2/3 of their length (remove top part leaf blades), leaving 1-2 pairs of leaves, bottom sheet cut off.

The upper cut of the cutting should be straight and located 0.5-1 cm above the bud, the lower cut should be oblique (at an angle of 45°) - under the bud itself.

The cuttings are planted on the bed at an angle of 45°, then they are generously sprayed with water several times a day. Before planting, the cuttings are soaked in a Heteroauxin solution for 2 days. To retain moisture on top, the cuttings are covered with plastic film or glass.

It is advisable to leave rooted rose cuttings for overwintering, covering them with a small layer of insulating material. In two years they turn into developed seedlings.

In our conditions, good results can only be achieved by cuttings during the first flowering period (June). Young plants rooted at this time manage to form a fairly good root system and get stronger. With more later (July August) weak roots are formed, and many cuttings do not produce them at all.

Rice. 5. Rooting cuttings with one leaf:
1. Cutting cuttings;
2. Landing;
3. Cuttings in a greenhouse (leaves should not touch the ground);
4. Well rooted cuttings.

It is most convenient to take cuttings in picking boxes 7-8 cm high. For best stock holes are made in the bottom of the water, which are covered with broken shards with the convex side up.

Then lay a small layer (about 1 cm) of drainage (broken brick, sand or fine gravel with sand), pour 3-4 cm of light fertile soil (1 part leaf, 2 turf and 2 sand) on top of it. 1.5-2 cm of well-washed and calcined river sand.

Before planting, the substrate is watered. The prepared cuttings are planted in the ground to such a depth that they can stand without falling when watered and sprayed. It is not worth deepening more than 1.5-2 cm, since when planted shallowly, the formation of callus (the formation of new tissue on a cut) and roots occurs faster. The cuttings are placed according to a 6x3 cm pattern.

Boxes with cuttings are placed in a shaded place, for example under a tree canopy, and covered with plastic film placed on the frames. The edges of the film are sprinkled with earth or pressed down with boards.

Cuttings take 3-4 weeks to root. At this time, high air humidity, optimal temperature (20...22 ° C) and diffuse sunlight. Humidity is maintained by spraying (1-2 times a day), abundant watering of the soil around the boxes and dense covering with plastic film.

In order for callus and roots to form faster, the soil must be (2...3 ° C) warmer than the air. In greenhouses, special greenhouses are built for this purpose, at the bottom of which water heating pipes are laid. Some amateur gardeners instead use heating with electric lamps placed under the bottom of distribution boxes. You can also place boxes with planted cuttings in a greenhouse heated by biological fuel. A greenhouse freed from seedlings in June is suitable for this purpose. If it has cooled down by this time, then 2-3 days before cuttings it is interrupted with the addition of a certain amount of manure or refilled.

If the greenhouse is located in an open sunny place, then on hot days the greenhouse frames are covered with lattice wooden shields, matting or burlap, you can also whiten the glass. The air temperature is reduced by short periodic ventilation or by watering the wall material with cold water.

Plantings are periodically inspected, dead leaves and cuttings are removed. After the roots have formed and intensive growth has begun, the number of sprays is gradually reduced, and the greenhouse is ventilated more often and for a longer period of time. Vents are left on the side of the greenhouse. 2 weeks after rooting, the frames are removed.

Further care consists of moderate watering, weeding, and, if necessary, pest and disease control. Fertilizers, both organic and mineral, should not be applied.

In the 1st year, the cuttings still have a weak and shallow root system. Therefore, in winter it is better to store them in a basement or cellar at a temperature from (0 to 5 ° C). For this purpose, young plants spring term Cuttings (using lignified cuttings) are dug up in the fall, before the onset of frost, placed obliquely in small batches in a picking box and the roots are covered with damp soil. First, the leaves are removed from the plants, the unripe parts of the shoots are cut off, and the above-ground part is treated with a 2% (20 g per 2 l) solution of copper or iron sulfate.

Seedlings from summer cuttings are left in seedling boxes until spring. Before storing them, leaves and unripe parts of shoots are also removed and treated with vitriol.

Boxes with rooted cuttings are brought into the basement before the onset of frost. The soil in the boxes is kept in a moderately moist state. In spring, roses are planted in beds for growing or in a permanent place.

You can feed with mineral fertilizers only when the seedlings take root and begin to grow.

Many people try to grow roses from cut flowers in a bouquet, but this rarely works.The fact is that semi-lignified shoots, on which buds are just beginning to form, are suitable for cuttings, and those that are already woody are sold for sale.

Great( 3 ) Badly( 0 )

Is it possible to replant a rose now so that the plant does not die in the cold? Don’t even doubt it, it’s possible! It's really best to do this in early spring or early autumn (until the end of September). And if you are late with the specified deadlines, the rose will not survive the winter well and its root system will not have time to adapt to new conditions.

However, sometimes not everything goes according to plan for amateur gardeners. And it happens that the rose has to be replanted in the summer. Do not despair! Even now you can get good result. True, you will have to sacrifice the flowering of this beauty and trim the bush harder.

Cut it or leave it alone?

If the bush is large, then the shoots should be left no more than 50 cm long, and if there are a lot of them, then thin out the vegetation, giving the bush a neat shape. If it is young and the shoots have not yet grown much, they still need to be trimmed and all buds and blooming flowers removed.

Prepare in advance

It is better to carry out such a transplant in cloudy weather, after which the plant will have to be well watered, sprayed and protected from the bright sun for a month.

You just need to take care of the planting hole in advance - fill it with fertilizers that roses love, wait a little for the soil to settle.

It is difficult to remove a bush with a large earthen lump from the ground, since the soil in rose gardens is most often loose, but try to keep the root system hidden in the ground as much as possible. Don't expose the roots.

To ensure that the soil sticks to the roots, water the bush generously before digging up the rose, and to make it easier to work and not prick yourself on the thorns, it is advisable to wrap the above-ground part with a rope or carefully place a bag over it.

Extracted from the soil

When digging a rose, you should start with a small groove around it, gradually making it deeper and deeper. When you can get to the base of the bush, the resulting earthen lump can be wrapped cling film, so the earth will not crumble. If when digging long roots will interfere, they can be carefully cut off, this will not weaken the plant if you then carefully care for it.

Then, under the base of the bush, you need to insert a strong lever, for example, a crowbar, and, pressing on it, pull the rose out of the hole.

If in the future you plan to transport the rose to long distance, then the roots should be wrapped in a wet cloth. If you are replanting within your garden, then drag the rose to the planting site on a piece of thick plastic film and place it in the prepared hole.

Choosing a place

In a new place, the rose should be at the same level relative to the surface of the earth at which it grew before. If necessary, the hole should be deepened or, conversely, raised. After installing the bush, fill the hole halfway and then remove the tie on the root ball of the rose. Next, water generously and wait until the water is absorbed. Then fill the hole completely with soil and water well again. If the ground compacts a little, add a little more soil and trample it around the bush, so there will be no air voids around the roots.

Cut or break off?

Quite often, novice lovers of growing roses ask the same question: is it true that in the fall the buds should be broken off and not cut?

Not true. When pruning, the cut heals more easily than a lacerated wound. But it is not so important to cut or tear off. The main thing is to remove faded shoots in a timely manner. Pruning after the first wave of flowering usually means not just removing faded inflorescences, but also shortening the stem by 1/3 to a strong bud in order to stimulate the bush to bloom again. This cannot be done in the fall.

Rejuvenating the bushes

What to do with roses that have been growing in one place for more than 15 years, do they need to be updated and replanted? Varieties of roses such as hybrid tea, grandiflora, polyantha, miniature, floribunda are replaced after 10-15 years. But old bushes can be rejuvenated. This is done in the spring or early August.

What do you need? Here is the advice the specialist gives: “Dig up old bushes and free the roots from the ground. All stems are shortened, leaving 15-25 cm from the root collar. After this, you need to remove dry, diseased and old thin shoots. Trim all small and large branches growing inside the bush.

Then you should clean the root collar. Over the course of a decade, many dried up stumps from old stems have accumulated around it. They must be removed in any way: sawed off, cut or scraped off with a knife. Only healthy shoots that have at least two buds are left.

Then the roots are tidied up. Remove dry and clumsy ones, and shorten long ones to 20-25 cm. Prepare a clay mash from water, clay and compost (or rotted cow dung) with the addition of heteroauxin or root. Clay and compost are taken in equal quantities and diluted with water to form a liquid slurry, and a dissolved heteroauxin tablet is added to 25 ml of vodka. The roots and root collar are dipped in clay mash and the bush is planted in the soil.”


From home to garden

In the spring, I planted a miniature rose from a pot at the dacha. I want to know: won’t she die in the winter when it gets cold? Tatiana Korobko, Gantsevichi

Do not worry! Miniature roses are very unpretentious and winter well in open ground. This is explained by the fact that the ancestor of this plant was brought from the mountains of Switzerland, where the climate is quite harsh. But now we have the opportunity to replenish our rosaries with this “indoor” culture. A mini rose will survive the winter without any problems if you follow a few rules. The babies need to be planted in a sunny place, protected from northern winds. It is best if the sun is in the first half of the day: this prevents plant diseases from powdery mildew and rust. When watering, you should be guided by the rule: less often is better, but more abundantly. It is ideal to moisten the soil no more than once every 10 days, spending 3-5 liters per bush, depending on the weather. In addition to watering at the root, you can arrange rain for the roses, this is especially good to do in the heat. Immediately after watering, it is necessary to protect the soil from overheating and retain moisture. This is achieved by mulching. When to eat after a haircut lawn grass, use it, you can also take dry leaves, rotted sawdust, humus. Grass, of course, is better, since when it rots, it also provides extra food. But you still can’t do without fertilizing.

Roses are transplanted in the fall to improve the decorative effect of a flower bed or garden. The need for this arises if mistakes were made when planning the site, if the bushes have grown greatly and lost their decorative effect, and also in return dead plant. In order for the flower not to get sick and to take root well in a new place, you need to know how and when it is best to replant roses.

The south side is most suitable. The exception is varieties with white or very dark flowers, which lose their decorative effect under the influence of bright sun rays. For them light is better shading during the day. You cannot plant roses near bushes and trees, which, as they grow, will block them from the sun. Shade-tolerant varieties must be illuminated for at least 3 hours a day, otherwise they produce blind, non-flowering shoots and may develop powdery mildew.

When choosing a new place for roses, you must take into account that any strong wind: it dries out the leaves, wobbles and spoils the shoots. If groundwater are close to the surface (less than 1 m), drainage is necessary so that the plant does not push out in winter.

Roses do not move to a new place during their active growth and flowering, since the flowers will be sick for a long time. You should be very careful when cutting old bushes, because over time they form fewer suction roots, so they take root less well, and young plants up to 2 years old. How and when to replant roses depends on the local climate. In the fall, this is done 3-4 weeks before the onset of stable frosts, so that the bush has time to take root; in the spring, before the buds swell, so that growth begins in a new place. Standard roses are recommended to be replanted only in spring.

When planning to transplant roses, you need to pay attention to the plants that will be next to them. Plants should prefer the same conditions for development and emphasize each other's beauty. Peony, chrysanthemum, penstemon, delphinium are compatible with roses. Low climbing rose, which blooms only in the first half of summer, can be transplanted to a pergola with clematis. Good effect obtained by planting roses on the south side of blue spruce, fir and others coniferous plants. Harmful neighbors for these flowers - birch and hazel.

In April-May

Before you transplant a rose, you need to dig a new one. landing hole, the size of which should not be less than the previous one. They arrange it in such a way that the lump of earth with which the bush is dug can freely fit. Usually its depth is 40-50 cm. On sandy soils, the bottom is covered with a layer of clay - this will prevent the soil from drying out. If the soil is not fertile, you need to dig a larger hole and add peat and turf to it.

In the spring, after removing the cover, broken and frozen shoots are removed, the bush is pruned and shaped in accordance with the recommendations for its care. After which the shoots are tied so as not to interfere with further work. In order for a dense lump of earth to form around the roots, the rose must be watered for several days in a row. It is necessary to prepare burlap or other material on which it will be convenient to transfer the plant to a new place.

Transplanting roses obtained different ways, is different. The root of a grafted plant has a shaft that goes deep into the ground. To make the process less stressful, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • draw a digging circle with a shovel at a distance from the bush;
  • dig a plant, choosing soil;
  • cut the root core at an accessible depth;
  • pry up the root ball and place the bush on its side in the hole;
  • transfer the bush to burlap, wrap it so that the earth does not crumble and transport it to a new place.

Too long roots can be trimmed, this will rejuvenate the plant. In a well-watered planting hole, the grafted rose is placed at the same depth at which it grew before or slightly lower. In this case, the cultivated shoot will form its roots, and the rosehip shoot will not be able to grow through the thick layer of soil. The bush is filled with water, periodically watered, so that voids and air pockets do not form, from which the roots die, and the earth is compacted. To prevent the bush from being shaken by the wind, it is tied to a peg. The rooted spring seedling is sprinkled with fertilizers (20 g of nitrogen and 15 g of potassium and phosphorus), the soil is loosened and mulched. After 2-4 days you need to start watering. The flower must be protected from direct sunlight for 3-4 weeks.

September October

To replant roses in the fall, you will need less hassle: the bush does not need to be shaded and watered frequently. You should not fertilize, especially with nitrogen fertilizers. A rose should not be pruned in the fall if the season is warm and humid, as this may cause the awakening of dormant buds, and the young shoots will not have time to prepare for winter and will freeze.

An ungrafted bush has superficial roots, so when caring for it, they must be pruned from time to time, otherwise the plant will expand into different sides. When cutting own root rose part of the bush is cut off and dug up, after which it can be planted as a whole or divided into 1-2 shoots. The ungrafted plant is buried in the planting hole so that the root collar is at ground level.

Different groups of flowers have their own transplantation characteristics. Difficulties may arise when transplanting an adult climbing rose. Before digging up a bush, depending on its shape, you must do the following:

  1. 1 Rose Rambler, whose thin climbing shoots reach 3-4 m, must be removed from the support. The tops of the shoots that appeared this year must be pinched, then they will have time to become lignified before the cold weather and will bloom next year.
  2. 2 Climings have thick, powerful shoots and bloom until frost. The longest branches can be cut back by a third.

In climbing roses, the grafting site is buried 10 cm - this promotes the formation of roots of the cultivated plant.

Transplanting a standard rose

Special care is required when transplanting standard roses. This is an artificial form obtained by grafting varietal plant on an even shoot of rosehip 2 m high, thus an important part The bush is always open to the sun and wind. When can the trunk be replanted? Only April and May are suitable for this. In the fall, you can’t touch it.

How to properly transplant a standard rose? Before the procedure, it is cut by a third. The planting hole is prepared as for any other rose, but it is advisable to add a stimulant for better education roots. They are planted in a new place at an angle of 45° in the direction where it will be laid for the winter. Before this, you need to check which way the barrel bends best. The root collar is buried 2-3 cm. Before and after planting, the hole must be well watered. A reliable support is immediately installed for the trunk, but the rose is tied to it after 10-15 days, when the soil around the bush is compacted and the plant takes root a little.

In order for the crown of a standard rose to begin to develop in the spring, a growth stimulator is added to the water, moistened with moss, newspapers or paper, placed in place of the grafting and crowns, and then placed on the top of the bush plastic bag or wrapped in burlap and lutrasil. Leave the trunk with this cover for 1-3 weeks, checking whether it is moist enough inside and how the buds develop.

It will be more convenient to replant roses if you use special gloves for working with thorny plants, made of thick artificial leather.

When is the best time to replant roses? This should be done in early spring days or earlier late autumn. However, when wintering roses, unforeseen tasks are acceptable. Therefore, the dates for autumn transplantation are August and September. Summer doesn't count best time for planting, but it is allowed to do this. It is easy to help the plant adapt to its new location.

General rules for transplantation

If you have a large rose bush, you need to leave the flower 40 centimeters, and in the case of a large number of shoots, remove some of them. This allows you to give the bush a beautiful shape. If the size of the bush is relatively small and the roots are not damaged, you should still trim the immature shoots and remove the flowers and buds.

The first month after moving, it is advisable to water the flower as often as possible. You also need to promptly remove it in the shade and spray it. IN summer time It is better to transplant in gloomy weather, because in hot weather it simply will not take root.

In regions with mild winter It’s better to plant flowers in the fall, and if the microclimate in the area is more formidable, open ground Roses are planted in the spring. However, gardeners recommend planting these flowers in the fall, then in the spring they will delight you with their first bloom.

in autumn middle lane Roses can be planted in the ground from mid-September to October. More early transplantation will have an adverse effect on the seedlings. Late planting increases the likelihood that the seedlings will not have time to take root and will suffer from frost in winter.

Is it possible to replant roses in the summer?

To positively move a plant, the following steps must be followed:

  • Using a spatula, you need to mark the circle for digging up the bushes with calculation, so as not to damage the main and lateral roots;
  • The bush needs to be dug from all sides so that the ball of roots can be freely removed from the hole;
  • Using a shovel, you should pry up and tip the root ball into the hole, placing the bush on its side;
  • Remove the bush from the hole and place it on a cloth. Wrap the root ball in it so that the earth does not crumble when transferred;
  • The bush should be moved to a hole prepared in advance, the root ball should be freed from the material and placed in the prepared hole no deeper than it was previously before replanting;
  • The bush should be well watered.

Transplanting roses in a pot in summer

This action is best done in August, when the flowers will grow richly, and by the time the buds appear, the roots will have fully formed. For replanting, you need to take small pots, because huge land will sag more slowly. And as a result, the roots will begin to rot.

Also, large pots look ugly in the interior of the room. In large pots the plant produces abundant greenery and few flowers at all.

Try to grow potted plants in small vases and replant them frequently, adding mineral fertilizers to the soil. In order for flowers to grow well, it is best to replant them on a crushed soil layer to protect the root system. Potted plants can be replanted during all summer months.

To strengthen rooting, the plant must be placed in the shade for a couple of days and given moderate watering.

How to replant roses in the fall

In autumn, transplantation should take place in mid-October. At this point, the plant will be fully established before the first frost. Before planting, the dug-out bushes need to be shortened a little and long shoots trimmed.

Basic rules for the fall process:

  • The landing site must be well prepared. To do this, dig a large hole so that the bushes are at the same depth as before;
  • Digging up bushes for planting must be done carefully. Make notches in a circle half a meter in diameter with a spatula, carefully pry up the earthen lump and pull it out;
  • It is recommended to save the roots as much as possible and carefully move the bush with an earthen lump to a new hole;
  • The ground around the bush is at ease later than landing you need to crush it, and after that, loosen it.

It is recommended to transplant bushes in the garden into excellent soil with the addition of mineral fertilizers stimulating root growth. Depending on the type of rose, you need to know how to replant them correctly. For example, before transplanting bush roses, shoots must be trimmed by 2-3 cm, climbing varieties cut in half, standard ones - by 1/3.

To transplant a rose bush, you need to move a lump of earth, placing it on a cloth that is tied in a knot. The fabric can be removed or left at the end. Matter without the addition of synthetics will easily rot in the soil.

How to replant a summer rose after purchasing it in a store

A newly purchased rose must be replanted immediately or wait until the end of flowering. An indicator that a plant is crowded in a pot is that roots are growing out of the drainage holes. In this case, you need to immediately replant the plant without waiting for the end of flowering.

Flowers, despite being very dense, simply lack nutrients and oxygen, and as a result, the roots quickly become dehydrated. As a result, the leaves fall off and the plant may even disappear.

Basic rules for transplanting flowers after purchase:

When is it permissible to replant roses - in summer, winter or autumn? Most best time for transplantation it is autumn or spring. At such a moment, the soil is completely unfrozen. If necessary, it is allowed to do summer transfer subject to certain rules, such as the highest preservation of the earth ball, the presence of gloomy weather and small pruning.

When to transplant roses? In summer it is allowed, but with high humidity. It’s better to choose in the fall, then in the spring they will be able to please you with stunning flowering.

- famous perennial. Its buds are distinguished by abundant, long-lasting flowering and a pleasant aroma. It can decorate and ennoble any piece of land. You just need to choose the right place and time for planting roses on the site. And after that, organize good care.

Reasons for transplanting roses

Sometimes, having planted a plant on a plot, you have to transplant it to another place.

Let's consider the main reasons for transplantation:

  1. Depletion of soil under the plant. Over the years, the soil in the area reserved for roses consumes all useful elements and microelements. And even the application of mineral fertilizers does not save the situation.
  2. Flower garden redevelopment or change landscape design. An individual rose bush may not match the new one. color scheme and stand out from the entire composition. In addition, new construction projects are being added to the site. Then a decision is made to move the plant or the entire rose garden to another place.
  3. An adult rose bush has become very large and interferes with the normal growth of other flowers. Sometimes it becomes necessary to replant old bushes from the foreground that are constantly sick or bloom poorly from year to year.

When can you replant roses in the garden?

Garden roses can be replanted in spring, summer and autumn. The choice of time of year for transplantation depends on climatic conditions region of growth.

Transplantation in spring

Exactly this favorable time for transplanting roses. Start work before the buds awaken, when the ground has already thawed and warmed up a little.

  • When planting a standard rose It's better to wait until April. Such roses are less frost-resistant and soil frosts after transplantation can damage the trunk.
  • Regarding transplanting hollyhock roses, then in this case even a spring transplant is undesirable. It is not recommended to replant such a rose unless absolutely necessary, because the long stem may be damaged when dug up.
  • Decorative bush roses It is better to replant in April or autumn (October).

Autumn transplant of roses

Before winter, roses are replanted in the Moscow region (Moscow region) and in the southern regions of the country. Here the winters are less severe than in Siberia and the Urals, and the seedling will have time to take root.

Start spending autumn transplant flowers at the end of September - October, at a daytime temperature of +10. At this time the sun is no longer hot and the rainy season begins.

Plant the rose 3-4 weeks before frost. She will have enough time to sprout new roots and overwinter normally.

Is it possible to replant a rose in the summer?

Summer replanting of garden roses is not recommended. The soil dries out quickly at this time. It is better to start replanting plants no earlier than August. If, nevertheless, there is an urgent need to move the flower to another area, then all shoots are shortened to the maximum. This way you will reduce the evaporation of moisture from the leaves and increase the chances of survival of the bush.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase productivity by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good one harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

General rules for transplanting garden roses

They begin to fertilize the transplanted rose after two weeks. At the beginning of spring, use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content for this, and in the summer switch to complex fertilizers for flowering plants.

How and when to replant an indoor rose?

It is advisable to replant a home (potted) rose immediately after purchasing it in a store. Store-bought flowers are sold in pure peat, which does not contain any useful substances. Therefore, without waiting for the end of flowering, carefully transfer the store-bought flower into a pot with new soil along with a lump of earth.

Transplant stages:

  1. To replant indoor roses, you can purchase a special soil mixture of peat, perlite, coconut fiber and sand.
  2. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to pour drainage (granulated expanded clay) 5 - 7 cm high.
  3. Transfer the plant to new pot, add new soil, lightly compact and water.
  4. Choose a place for the flower on the southeast windowsill.
  5. After a month, they begin to feed the indoor rose with complex fertilizers for flowering plants with a high potassium content.

For the winter, indoor roses are given a period of rest. The main thing in winter is to stop feeding the plants, reduce the frequency of watering and move the pot with the seedling to a cool, well-lit place.

It is also possible to transplant roses from a pot into open ground outside. In the garden in the summer months indoor rose will feel better than in a stuffy room with dry air. You need to feed with fertilizers several times a season. And for the winter it is advisable to cover the bush with spruce branches and agrofibre.

Video: Transplanting indoor roses

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they yielded more than usual. And they did not suffer from late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Nowadays you can’t grow a normal harvest without fertilizer, and this fertilizing increases the amount of vegetables, so I’m very pleased with the result.”

Features of transplanting climbing (climbing) roses

It is best to replant a climbing rose in the fall, but not late, from mid-October or spring, before the buds begin to bloom. The landing site should be lighted and spacious.

Basic transplant tips:

  • first you need to remove the rose from the support and trim the shoots, leaving sprouts up to 30 cm;
  • the cut areas can be treated with activated carbon and covered with garden pitch;
  • prepare a planting hole at least 60 cm deep;
  • plunge the bush into the hole; make sure that the roots do not bend upward;
  • deepen the root collar into the soil by about 5 cm;
  • Cover the roots with prepared soil and water the plant.

Difficulty may also arise during transplantation ground cover rose. These roses can be pruned to get close to the roots, and you can also gather the branches together and tie them up so that they don’t get in the way and don’t prick.

Frequently asked questions when transplanting roses

Question Answer
What to do if a transplanted rose withers? Don't forget to keep the soil moist. It will be easier for the roots of the transplanted rose to take root in moist soil.

When watering the soil around the rose, add rooting stimulants ( , Cornerost). The consumption rate is 1g per 1 liter of water. You can pour about 5 liters of water under the bush.

Treat the above-ground part of the plant Epin or Zircon. These drugs are adaptogens with anti-stress effects. Consumption rate: 1 ampoule per 10 liters of water.

When can rose cuttings be transplanted? Sadovaya of the current and last year. A shoot 10-15 cm long is used as a cutting, from which all thorns are removed. The leaves from below are completely removed, and from above they are only shortened.

Cuttings are prepared in the spring before flowering and in the fall when pruning the plant for the winter.. Cuttings planted in spring can be left to overwinter in open ground. It is only recommended to cover them with agrofibre and leaves.

Is it possible to replant blooming rose(in bud)?

This can only be done with homemade roses of miniature varieties. Such a flower with buds can be transferred along with a lump of earth into a larger pot.

WITH garden roses this cannot be done. You need to wait until the end of flowering, when 80% of the petals have fallen.

Is it possible to transplant a rose home for the winter? If we're talking about about indoor miniature varieties of roses that you planted in open ground for the summer, then you can replant them home for the winter.

When it comes to street varieties of roses, this is strictly not recommended.. Such bushes have a powerful root system that does not appreciate constant replanting.

If you are afraid that a young bush will freeze during frost, then it is better.

When will the transplanted rose bloom? If you transplanted a rose in the spring, it may bloom in the same summer. Flowering will not be abundant. But all experts advise do not allow flowering in the first year after transplantation.

It would be better to cut off the buds that appear. This will help the plant grow its root system. And next summer you will enjoy lush flowering.

What soil should I transplant the rose into? Rose prefers light, turfy soil with a slightly acidic environment. It is better to prepare a special soil mixture. To do this, you need to take neutral peat, compost, sand in equal proportions.

It is advisable to add Vermiculite, Perlite or hydrogel to this mixture. This will reduce the frequency of watering.

Caring for transplanted roses

How to care for transplanted flowers:

  1. Regular watering and weeding the soil around the bushes.
  2. Summer pruning to form a bush. Includes thinning the bush, pruning broken and disease-damaged branches.
  3. Trimming faded buds. This should be done immediately after the bud dries out, so that the plant does not waste energy on forming the fruit. For varieties that bloom in clusters (floribundas, parka, Chinese, climbing, polyanthus and scrubs), the raceme is completely cut off above 2-3 leaves. For rose Cordana and hybrid tea varieties, 3-4 leaves are left at the bottom of the shoot.
  4. Applying fertilizers once a month. It is better to use one with a high content of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P).
  5. Preventative treatment against diseases with fungicides. Roses are often affected by rust fungus, powdery mildew and black spotting.
  6. Treating bushes against pests. It constantly settles on roses, which is brought to the plant by gardeners. You need to fight both aphids and ants.

Video: How to transplant a rose correctly?