Malabar spinach or Basella (Basella alba), growing on a windowsill. Growing Basella creepers in the open field

Syn: Malabar spinach, creeping spinach, buffalo spinach, Ceylon spinach, Indian spinach.

Basella white is a perennial creeping herbaceous vine with shiny large, fleshy leaves with a pleasant characteristic aroma, small white-pink or purple tubular flowers and glossy black berries. The plant is used as a laxative, wound healing, diuretic, antipyretic and antiviral agent. It has a local irritating effect.

Ask the experts

In medicine

Basella white, also known as Malabar spinach, is not a pharmacopoeial plant, it is not listed in the State Register medicines RF and not used in official medicine. However, the plant is allowed to be sold as a leaf vegetable. The plant is credited with local irritating, laxative, diuretic, wound healing and antipyretic effects, antiviral properties.

Contraindications and side effects

Basella white is contraindicated in persons with rheumatoid arthritis, gout, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Like spinach, the plant contains oxalates, which combine in the body with iron, calcium and magnesium cations. They not only reduce the absorption of these elements, which can lead to their deficiency in the body, but also contribute to the formation of crystals, better known as "stones".

In cooking

Basella white has nutritional value. The plant is not for nothing called spinach (Malabar, Indian, Ceylon or buffalo), it tastes very similar to this leafy vegetable. Basella white is used in salads, soups, stews and curries, and added to stir-fries. Malabar spinach does not tolerate prolonged heat treatment, so it is added to hot dishes, like the vegetable of the same name, shortly before readiness. When added to hot dishes, basella gradually acquires an increasingly sticky texture. It is worth considering that the plant is able to color other products in a bright, juicy, green color. This ability is used in the preparation of jelly and marmalade. Malabar spinach is extremely popular in Asian cooking and can be found in Indian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Surinamese, Filipino and similar cuisines. There are only 19 calories in a 100 gram serving of Malabar spinach leaves.

In horticulture

The bright green leaves of the plant, covering the entire flexible and thin stem, tiny flowers, collected in axillary racemes and glossy berries, make the white basella very decorative, so it is grown not only as a garden, but also as garden plant. Creepers of Malabar spinach can decorate a fence, an arbor, walls of buildings. Gardeners prefer the variety known as Red Basella, which has a more decorative reddish stem and purple-veined leaves.

In other areas

A red dye is obtained from the juice of the fruit, which is used in natural cosmetics for coloring blush and lipstick. They also dye food products, fabrics, use it as an exotic ink.


Basella white (lat. Basella alba) - a type of perennial liana from the genus climbing herbaceous plants Basella (lat. Basella). The genus includes only five species, except for the white Basella, they are all endemic. Three species grow only in Madagascar, one more - in southeast Africa. Basella red (lat. Basella rubra) is mistakenly considered another type of plant, although in fact it is only a variety of Basella white. The genus Basella belongs to the family flowering plants Basellaceae (lat. Basellaceae).

Botanical description

Basella white is a climbing or creeping perennial vine, reaching 9 meters in height (or length). The rounded stems of the plant are bare, green or red. Long-leaved, entire, fleshy succulent leaves of the plant reach 15 cm in length and 12 cm in width, they have a weakly heart-shaped base. The leaves of white basella are shiny, in varieties with green stem fawn-green, reddish-stemmed plants are distinguished by purple-veined leaves that are arranged alternately along the entire length of the stem. Basella white flowers are collected in axillary spike-shaped inflorescences, reaching 15 cm in length. The flowers are bisexual, small, tubular, non-opening, depending on the flowering phase, they change color from pale pink to red, sometimes purple. The fruits of the plant are shiny, small, up to 0.6 cm in diameter, are both dark red and purple, almost black. Contain round and black seeds.


Basella alba prefers hot, humid, sunny climates. The plant is native to tropical Asia. It can be found in India, Indochina, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. As an invasive plant, Malabar spinach is native to southern China, Central America, Africa, and some tropical oceanic islands.

Procurement of raw materials

Malabar spinach is harvested in the same way as other seasonal greens. The leaves are removed from the vine and stored for no more than 4-7 days in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 6-8 ° C, packed in special containers. Like spinach leaves, white basella leaves can be frozen, in this form they can lie in the freezer for up to a year.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of Basella white is not fully understood. However, scientists have found betacyanide pigments in the leaves and fruits of the plant, namely betandin-hexose and betandin-dihexose, folates, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, zinc, as well as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and vitamin A. Gomfenin I was found in fruits.

Pharmacological properties

The therapeutic effect of basella alba is due to its rich chemical composition. The dietary fiber contained in the leaves of Malabar spinach normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and has a slight laxative effect. The high content of ascorbic acid (up to 170% of the required daily dose in just 100 g of the plant) explains the wound healing and antiviral properties of white basella. The incredibly high content of vitamin A (up to 267% of the required daily dose per 100 g of plant) helps maintain the health of the mucous membranes, helps reduce the risk of lung and oral cancer. There are studies confirming the effectiveness of basella alba extract in improving fertility.

Application in traditional medicine

Medicinal properties basella white have been used in traditional medicine. The fiber-rich leaves of the plant serve as a mild laxative, safe to use even during pregnancy. Low-calorie Malabar spinach is suitable for weight loss. The juice from the leaves of the plant is recommended as a diuretic, it is also drunk with fever, as an antipyretic. Basella white is included in the diet as an antiviral agent, it stimulates wound healing. When applied externally, the paste from the leaves of the plant has blistering properties, its local irritating effect is used in the treatment of abscesses, ulcers and boils.

History reference

Beneficial features Malabar spinach has been known for centuries, it is an essential ingredient in many national South Asian dishes. In China, the white basella even earned the epithet "emperor of vegetables."

It was believed that Malabar spinach flowers could act as an antidote for snake and insect bites. Freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the plant was used as a sedative and laxative. In Nepal, catarrhs ​​are treated with this remedy. Juice from the fruits of white basella was used as drops for conjunctivitis.


1. E. D. Gusev, “Basellaceae family,” Russ. In 6 volumes. T. 5. Part 1. flowering plants/ Ed. A. L. Takhtadzhyan. - M.: Education, 1980. - S. 364-365.

Basella interesting plant. A long liana, its stem grows up to 10 meters. The genus Basella is small.

Only 5 known species such plants. There are three types of such vines in Madagascar, one in East Africa, they are also in South-East Asia.

To this Europe creeper brought back in the days of the Great geographical discoveries from the Malabar Islands. In England, where the first plants were brought, they immediately appreciated its taste.

Wherever basella grows in wild nature, it is widely used in food. The British called this plant Malabar spinach.

From England basella spread throughout Europe, receiving similar English titles: Indian spinach, Ceylon spinach, Philippine spinach. The Latin name of the Basella creeper comes from its Indian name.

Types of basella

Most common in decorative culture basella white, it was she who was brought several centuries ago to England. Carl Linnaeus, who was the first to describe this plant, gave it the name heart-leaved basella, because the leaves of the liana resemble small bright green hearts in shape, emitting a light, pleasant aroma. All parts of the white basella are edible.

This is very ornamental plant. The flowers are snow-white, sometimes with a soft pink tint. And the fruits, ripening, become purple-black. Hence another name for the plant - Malabar nightshade.

slightly different from the white basella: it has a red stem, and the leaves have red veins.

less known basella tuberous, which forms tubers similar to potatoes, they have yellow coloration. They have a high starch content, but due to a large number slime Basella tubers are less tasty than potato tubers.

Basella Overseas guest

Basella acquired fame in last years when the seeds of this plant called Basella Overseas Guest began to appear in stores.

It's an apt name Overseas guest, united the white basella and the red basella. At the same time, red basella seeds come across in packages much more often than white ones, probably because the red basella is more decorative. Basella can be grown from seed variegated leaves and stems.

Growing basella

in our climate Basella is cultivated as an annual plant. It is wrapped around a decorative support, planted in flowerpots, flowerpots, balcony boxes and various containers.

Basell often grown as indoor plant. Or brought into the room before the arrival of frost. With the onset of heat, the plant is either taken out into the street, or planted in the ground, arranging supports.

Basella looks very impressive on loggias and balconies.


Basell It is easy enough to propagate both by seeds and cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds

Basella seeds, bought in the store, have high germination. They are sown in early April. Some flower growers practice pre-soaking the seeds in warm water for a day. But this is optional.

The seeds are quite large., they are carefully laid out on the surface of moist soil and sprinkled with earth on top by about 0.5-1 cm. Carefully watered and placed in a warm place. You can cover the container with glass or transparent film.

After the appearance first seedlings, and this happens after about two weeks, the container is placed on the window, at first the plants develop slowly, entering the period active growth only after a month and a half. Then they are transplanted into separate pots.

young plants well develop at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees. And by two months they release 5-6 fleshy thick stems, which quickly become overgrown with leaves. During this period, basella can be planted in the garden, usually this is done at the very end of May, beginning of June, when there is no longer a threat of night frosts.

Place should be sunny, the soil is fertile. It is better if you prepare a bed for basella in advance, back in April, by making organic fertilizers. Plants are planted at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. When landing, one must also take into account the fact that the Basella will need support very soon.

Reproduction by cuttings

Basella no less easily propagated and vegetatively. It is enough to cut small, 10-15 centimeters, cuttings and put them in water. Roots young plant forms within 5-7 days. After their appearance, the vine is planted in a container or in a garden bed. Basella red grows faster than white.

Seed collection

seeds can be obtained at home. To do this, greens and shoots are not cut off on the plant all summer. Liana begins to bloom in August.

First flowers appear on the lower shoots, and then flowering spreads up the stem. As a rule, seeds have time to ripen only in place of flowers located up to the middle of the vine.

So it's better to chart for collection lower fruits. The collection is carried out when the boxes become blue-black, soft, juicy. But you should not delay the collection. The fruits open and fall off easily.

Basella does not reproduce self-sowing, because the seeds freeze at the first frost.


In room it is better to put a pot with basella on the southern windowsill, although the southeastern one is also quite suitable. Basella does not need to be shaded from the sun, it easily tolerates even scorching sunlight on the leaves.

But in winter it is better to provide her backlight, otherwise it will stretch and begin to lose its decorative effect. Then it will take a long time to recover.

Temperature and Humidity

If in summer time optimum temperature for this plant 20-25 degrees, then in winter it is desirable to lower the temperature to 15-17 degrees. But if this is impossible to do, then you should not despair.

Usually, basella grows well at higher temperatures.

Her main enemy dry air especially in winter in rooms with central heating.

So Basella should be constantly sprayed with warm water. You can increase the humidity around the plant by lining the tray with moss and constantly wetting it.


Although basella easily tolerates drought, but for normal development it needs a lot of moisture, in summer the plants are watered abundantly and on outdoors, and indoors.

Earth should be constantly wet, but at the same time it is impossible for the water to stagnate, therefore high drainage is arranged in pots. In winter, watering is reduced, they begin to water only after the clod has dried.

Transplant and top dressing

Basell in the garden it is better to plant every year on different place, and at home every two to three years they transplant into a larger pot. Basella responds well to fertilizers.

From the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, every two to three weeks, the plants feed, alternating mineral fertilizers with organic.

Growing problems

This vine is affected by pests and diseases. rarely. The main problems are defects in care. With an excess of water, the roots can rot, the plant turns yellow, slows down in development, sheds leaves. If you have time in time, you can save the basella by transplanting it into another pot, after examining the roots and cutting off the rotten ones.

With a lack of moisture basella becomes lethargic. If, nevertheless, the plant is affected by aphids, spider mite, or whitefly, the plant is treated with insecticides.

The main problem in growing basella is shoot fragility. They break off easily, however, the plant quickly grows side stems and leaves. And broken shoots can be rooted.

Basella in cooking

From the middle of June you can start harvest leaves and shoots of basella. The apical shoots and leaves are cut off, the plant restores them very quickly.

Collection continues until frost. Basella greens taste like chard.

From basella white prepare a variety of salads, adding any vegetables to it and seasoning with vegetable oil, sour cream or any sauce.

Basella is harvested for the winter: sour, pickle, salt. This plant is added to soups, borscht, cabbage soup. Served as a side dish for main courses: it is fried, boiled, stewed, used in casseroles.

Medicinal properties of basella

Basella dietary product. Using it, you can diversify the diet for diseases of the stomach. In Asian countries, a tincture of leaves is drunk at night as a sedative.

The plant is rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2. In the East, this vine is believed to help in healing wounds and treating boils. It is effective as a diuretic for edema. In China, an infusion of basella is used for poisoning.

And for the most curious, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video about Basella

Basella- Liana is not only decorative, but also edible. This is a vegetable plant, but the flower fits well with the newfangled trend to plant vegetable gardens on the windowsills (decorative peppers, eggplants and other vegetables have become popular recently), and it is also exotic.

There are only 5 species in the genus Basella (in Madagascar, East Africa and Southeast Asia). Wild plants are widely eaten. Common in India. Has a lot of names in other languages:

  • Ceylon, Vietnamese, grape, Malabar, Indian spinach (in European countries);
  • Tsuru Murasa Kai (in Japan);
  • There are several names in China, the plant has a folk name also in Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, which already speaks of its popularity.

In the photo below - the appearance of the plant:

Young shoots.

Flowers and leaves of the Rubra variety.

Species and varieties

Common in horticulture Basella white (Basella alba). The leaves are heart-shaped, the flowers are white, in some varieties - pink. Fragrant. Ripe fruits are black. All parts of the plant are edible.

Basella rubra (Basella alba v. rubra)- red. It has red petioles, which adds decorativeness to dishes. Grows faster than white.

Tuberous basella (Ullucus tuberosus)- has edible tubers, nutritious like potatoes, although less tasty than it.

Basella "Overseas Guest" - seeds from the company Sedek. This is the basella rubra described above. By the way, according to reviews, ordinary alba can grow from these seeds.

General information about growing

The plant is characterized by rapid growth and unpretentiousness. Likes abundant watering, light and heat. The fruits appear in August. The length of the vine is up to 10 m.

Basella outdoors

How to grow a curiosity in the country? AT middle lane cultivated as an annual or perennial, but with the condition of wintering indoors. Young plants are planted when the threat of frost has passed (late May-early June), in a sunny place with fertile, light, well-drained soil. It can grow on poor soils, and even in the shade - in this case, the size of the leaves increases, but the growth of the plant slows down.

The distance between plants is at least 30 cm. You will need support, good option can become lattices for peas. Grows better with support.

Self-sowing does not reproduce, seeds easily die in the cold.

Planted in light fertile soil, in a sunny place. Mandatory care includes regular watering, all other activities (loosening, weeding) - if necessary.

It is advisable to change the planting site from year to year, as well as for many vegetable and flower crops.

Testimonials that someone successfully succeeded in open ground in Russia there is no. However, there is a negative experience - the plant grew poorly. Among the reasons, one can assume increased dryness of the air. It probably makes sense to grow basella in a greenhouse, at least for initial stage, or in a portable greenhouse to bring the plant to the stage of active growth, and then its aggressiveness, unpretentiousness, drought resistance and active growth will do everything for the gardener, it’s not for nothing that this plant was brought to Cuba and South America as a cultural one, it quickly went wild.

Room care

He is not original. Already based on the appearance of the plant with its juicy fleshy leaves and dimensions, it is clear what will be required:

  1. A bright place, a southern window sill is well suited. Attention! The plant does not need shading, succulent leaves perfectly tolerate the direct rays of the sun. In winter, it can stretch out, lighting is desirable.
  2. Warm even temperature. In summer it is within 20-25, in winter it is desirable (but not obligatory) coolness, about 15-17.
  3. Regular abundant watering, in winter - moderate as the clod dries. Soil jamming is unacceptable, the soil should be light, drainage is required. Despite the fact that Basella loves moisture, it is still able to tolerate drought.
  4. spraying. The plant does not like dry air. It is advisable to put the plant in a container with constantly wet moss.
  5. Transplant - 1 time in 2-3 years.


In warm countries, the plant is considered an aggressor, easily captures new areas and actively crowds out other crops. Basella is not capricious, it reproduces very easily in all ways.


Seeds are easy to germinate, sowing is done in early April. You can pre-soak the seeds for a day, although it is not necessary. The seeds are laid out on moist soil, since they are large enough, they are sprinkled with a rather thick layer of earth - 5-10 mm.

Basella seeds

Watered or sprayed abundantly, covered with glass (film). They germinate in two weeks, the container with seedlings is rearranged closer to the light. The temperature is required not lower than 20 C. Seedlings grow rather slowly, but after about a month and a half they enter a phase of active growth. By two months, the plant will already have several thick, well-leafed shoots.

At the end of May, you can plant the plant in open ground.

Growing from seeds "Overseas Guest", judging by the reviews, does not cause difficulties.

Collecting seeds at home

Seeds can be collected at home, but for this you will not have to pick leaves and stems from the vine. The fact is that flowers are formed first on the lower part of the stem, and then higher. Given that flowering begins in August, only the lower fruits have time to ripen in the middle lane. To collect seeds, the fruits must be allowed to fully ripen, to a thick black color. The ripe fruit is soft to the touch. At the same time, it is impossible to “miss” the time of collection - the fruit may open and the seeds will spill out. Seeds are cleaned of pulp, dried and stored in a cool dark place in paper bags until spring.


The stems are cut 10 cm long, put in water, the roots form very quickly - in a week. After that, you can plant them in a pot or open ground.


Like any culture that is actively gaining green mass, Basella is responsive to top dressing. Mineral and organic fertilizers alternate during the active growing season, fertilizing every two weeks.

Growing problems

Diseases and pests do not particularly like this vine. If it does not please with intensive growth, most likely, agricultural technology is violated:

  1. Yellowing of the leaves, slow growth, the plant drops its leaves - it was flooded, and the roots began to rot from excess moisture.
  2. Withered, sagging leaves with rags - lack of moisture.

Aphids, whiteflies, spider mites may be affected - standard treatment with insecticides suitable for vegetables or treatment with home remedies is carried out.

Attention: Basella shoots are very fragile, easily break off. True, it is also easy for the plant to release new ones.

Use for decorative purposes

Liana with fleshy leaves looks quite exotic and is not inferior to many indoor deciduous plants. People who are not familiar with this culture do not perceive it as a vegetable and do not realize that this overseas liana successfully replaces spinach. Basel can be used:

In cooking

The crop is harvested from mid-summer (55-70 days after sowing). Cut apical shoots with leaves are suitable for food, but, as mentioned above, the whole plant is edible. Lateral shoots grow very quickly - that is, the culture is high-yielding. Removing flowers stimulates leaf growth - if the basella is grown for food, it is recommended to pinch emerging buds.

The leaves are tender, juicy, crispy, have a light fresh fragrance. The stems are fleshy, in the rubra variety a beautiful red-violet hue. The taste is vegetable, slightly reminiscent of beets, chard, spinach, baby corn. Taste qualities good both fresh and processed.

Perfect for salads - for eating raw, it is better to take young shoots and leaves. Suitable for preparations for the winter. Looks great in soups, cabbage soup and borscht. Old basella leaves contain mucus-forming substances, so they can be used as a thickener in soups and stews. Basella can be fried, stewed, baked - in general, any familiar dishes with beets or spinach can be reconsidered.

In the West, Malabar spinach is valued more than ordinary spinach. Mature basella leaves strongly resemble spinach, but do not wither as quickly and do not have such bitterness, due to the lower content of oxalic acid.

In India, basella is cooked with onions, mustard oil and chili peppers.

It is considered a dietary product. Leaves, stems and fruits are rich in vitamins. In some countries, a tincture of the leaves is used as a sedative. Helps in the treatment of wounds and abscesses. It can be recommended as a remedy for diseases of the digestive tract. Has diuretic properties.


They should be mentioned separately. Liana bears fruit abundantly by the end of the season. The fruits are dark purple, with a rather aggressive pigment that stains everything it comes into contact with, so you should wear gloves when picking berries. Juice is a good natural dye, suitable for coloring ice cream, yogurt, pastry cream, cakes, pastries. The photo below shows what a bright magenta shade the basella gave to a white towel.

Are you familiar with Basella? One day, when I went to a flower shop, I saw this plant. The seller said that this amazing flower is basella.

Basella white - Basella alba Otherwise: Malabar spinach, Malabar nightshade, Indian spinach, Ceylon spinach, Philippine spinach, Red grape spinach, Creeping spinach.

The alba variety has dark green leaves, while the rubra variety has red leaves and stems. In temperate countries, varieties with leaves and stems that have red hues are most popular. Among them are such as " rosebud", "Rubra" and " Select Red". They have edible greens that should be cooked.

After abundant flowering in August-September, juicy fleshy fruits with seeds are formed on the vines. Now growing outdoors in flower pot and on
beds where I sown myself, but for the winter I plan to bring it into the house in a goshka.

I cut the leaves as new ones grow. It is very convenient - you cut off the lower ones and the upper ones grow further. This is a liana. Can be transplanted into a pot.This plant is very pretty - numerous shoots of basella with succulent green leaves picturesquely wrap around the balcony.
Basella blooms three to four times a year. Her flowers are not very expressive: they are white-pink balls collected in a brush. The ripe fruits of basella are decorative - shiny "varnished berries" of ink-black color.
Basella is especially beautiful when you can simultaneously see flowers in racemes and berries of varying degrees of maturity and size - from small green to ripe black ones.

Basella Care

Basella is an unpretentious liana, this plant requires almost no care.
The main thing is that the location is sunny, and watering is regular. Basella loves spraying with water at room temperature.
No pests or diseases were observed during the whole period of cultivation.
The only inconvenience when caring for basella is associated with the tenderness and fragility of its young shoots. This creates some problems when transplanting vines.Therefore, at the same time, I have to cut the basella, but then it quickly grows back. For the same reason, it is difficult to tie it up - tender shoots can be injured and dry out.
Although the Basella garter is not necessary: ​​with the timely provision of support, the plant itself successfully clings to it. The dried fruits of basella, falling into a nearby pot with a flower, give friendly shoots. Once, having cut the basella, I transplanted it into another pot. The old pot with earth stood for 2 years. I threw the earth into the front garden. What was my surprise when friendly shoots of basella rose.

Basella in cooking

Among its main advantages is the nutritional value shoots and leaves. Dark green, juicy, pleasant
The taste of the leaves is rich in vitamins A and C, iron and calcium. They are used, like spinach, for salads, soups. I like it very much. Ordinary spinach - he once and for all. Ate it. And here, as needed, you cut off the leaves for yourself - and the stem grows further on itself. The fruits are used as a food coloring for baking, making jelly, jam, sweets.

Basella has found application in folk medicine. It has medicinal properties, it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In Chinese folk medicine, it is used to reduce body temperature and neutralize poisons.

Basella (Basella) is a small genus of vines that combines 5 species of plants of the Basella family. Three of them grow in Madagascar, one - in East Africa, the most widespread Basella white from Southeast Asia. The latter species fell into the era of great travels from the Malabar Islands to England and received the name Malabar spinach there, since it was widely used as a leafy vegetable in its homeland. The Latin name of the plant - Basella - is derived from its Indian name. Basella is also called Indian spinach, Philippine spinach, Ceylon spinach.

The Basella plant is thermophilic, so it is grown in temperate latitudes as an annual plant. In a year, a vine grows up to 2 m. Basella twists around a support, for which you can use a pergola, a fence. The obelisks entwined with basella look very beautiful. Can grow in a container, with limited soil volume, provided it has a vertical support.

Soils for basella are better to use sandy, moist, fertile, although in nature it happens to grow in dry places, in shade and on poor soils. The acidity range withstands a fairly wide range: it grows on both strongly acidic and neutral and alkaline soils. If you find a sunny, warm place for Basella, provide watering, then it will develop well.

Basella is propagated by seeds, sown in April for seedlings in a room with a temperature of 20 degrees, and at the end of May in open ground .. You can also propagate the plant using cuttings, since the Basella plant takes root well.

When planting, plants are placed at a distance of 30 cm, supports are installed.

In autumn, the basella is transplanted into a pot (if the plant small size) or young plants are obtained from cuttings. Liana is transferred to the house on the windowsill, you can leave it in the greenhouse for the winter. Basella perfectly tolerates homemade, room conditions if watered abundantly, spray with water. But winter watering is done less frequently than in summer.

Basella of the Basella family (video)

Basella white - the most common type

White basella (Basella alba) is a perennial climbing vine that grows up to 9 m. It has fleshy stems.

The leaves have a slimy texture, alternate, ovoid, sometimes heart-shaped, the tip is pointed, the length of the leaf is up to 12 cm, they have a mild aroma. Carl Linnaeus, describing the plant, called Basella hearty.

Flowers white or tinged with pink are unisexual, blooming in the axils of the leaves. The fruits formed after flowering are 6 mm in diameter, ripen by September, painted in purple-black. According to the color and shape of the fruit, the plant also received such names as Red Grape Spinach, Malabar Nightshade.

Fast growing creepers (video)

Basella leaves are rich in vitamins, calcium, and various useful substances. In Bangladesh, they are recommended for those who do not have enough vitamin A in their bodies.

Since ancient times, the ethnomedicine of Southeast Asia has used basella as a diuretic, sedative, astringent, mild laxative. It was also used externally for wound healing with ulcers, abscesses, and edema. Basella is known in China as an antipyretic and neutralizing poison. healing properties possesses the whole plant: from the roots to the fruits.

In the cuisine of Africa and Southeast Asia, the vine also won a prominent place. The leaves taste very much like spinach, have a delicate aroma. They are put raw in sandwiches, added to salads.

They are also brewed instead of tea. Soups are boiled with leaves, mashed potatoes are prepared, they are added to vegetable dishes.

The fruits are used as food coloring in baking and making sweets, and the effect is enhanced by adding a small amount of lemon juice.

The coloring properties of the fruits were used in the manufacture of paints for seals, women used them as a blush.

Creepers in our garden (video)

Undoubtedly, the liana is the most beautiful ornamental plant, which will decorate the garden, gazebo, balcony.