Word games for kindergarten children. word games


Surina L.V.

Without play, there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the spiritual world of the child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky


Target: learn to agree adjectives with nouns.

Game progress: the teacher calls the word and asks questions (what? what? what? what?), the child answers.

Jacket (what?) - red, warm, winter ...

Boots (what?) - brown, comfortable, warm ...

Scarf (what?) - fluffy, knitted ...

Gloves (what?) - leather, white ...

Hat (what?) - black, big ...

Shoes (what?) - autumn, beautiful ...

Dress (what?) - new, elegant, green ...

Shirt (what?) - white, festive ....

Fur coat (what?) - fur, warm ...


Target: teach children to form words using diminutive-petting suffixes.

Equipment: ball

Game progress: the teacher says a phrase and throws the ball to the child. Invite your child to return the ball to you and change the phrase so that the words in it sound affectionate.

Warm coat - warm coat

sly fox - sly fox

White hare - white hare

Boots are clean - boots are clean

The branch is short - the branch is short

The cone is long - the cone is long

Black crow - black crow

White snow - white snow.


Target: exercise in agreeing nouns with numerals 1-2-5.

Game progress: the teacher calls one object, the children answer how 1-2-5 objects will sound.

One ball, two balls, five balls.

One doll, two dolls, five dolls.

One cloud, two clouds, five clouds.


Target: to consolidate the ability to correlate an object and its attribute. Fix the agreement app. with noun. in gender, number.

Material: pictures depicting a tree, a mushroom, a stump, the sun, a girl, a basket, pictures are symbols of the quality of objects.

Game progress: in the center - pictures depicting objects, separately - symbols of qualities. Children are invited to find objects to which they can ask the question “what?” and answer the question by choosing the symbols of qualities. (Stump - what? The stump is low, hard, round, etc.). The work with objects of feminine and neuter gender is similar.


Target: learn to make descriptive riddles about berries, fruits, etc.

Game progress: the teacher asks the children to independently compose a descriptive riddle about berries or fruits: “Oval, hard, yellow, sour, put in tea” (Lemon).


Target: learn to convey the correct temporal and logical sequence of the story using serial pictures.

Game progress: The child is asked to write a story based on the pictures. Pictures serve as a kind of plan for the story, they allow you to accurately convey the plot, from beginning to end. For each picture, the child makes one sentence and together they are combined into a coherent story.


Target: to form the ability to select related words formed from the word mushroom according to the meaning of the poem.

Material: the text of the poem.

Somehow early at times it suddenly began to rain ... mushroom.

And from the house at the same moment went to the forest ... mushroomer.

To bring the catch, I took a basket for ... mushrooms.

For a long time he walked into the wilderness of the forest - he was looking for a clearing there ... mushroom.

Suddenly, under the Christmas tree on a hummock, he sees a small ... mushroom.

And instantly our lucky one rejoiced ... mushroomer.

How can he not have fun, if here in the earth ... mycelium!

He began to look under the trees, under the birches and oaks,

Collect in your basket all edible ... mushrooms.

And when he collected a lot of them, he went home,

And he dreamed all the way how he would cook the soup ... mushroom.

He collected a lot of mushrooms, and mushrooms, and fungi,

And the one who searches for a long time will come across and ... mushroom!


Target: to consolidate the ability to use possessive pronouns and divide words according to generic characteristics.

Material: cards with pictures of mushrooms; two baskets.

Game progress: the teacher offers the children from the bank of subject pictures to choose mushrooms, about each of which you can say "he's mine" and put in one basket. In the other - put pictures with mushrooms, about each of which you can say "She is mine".


Target: to form the ability to select synonyms for words. Develop the accuracy of expressing thoughts in the preparation of sentences.

Material: Chips.

Cloudy days in autumn... grey, dull...

In autumn, the weather is often cold,… windy, rainy...

In autumn, the mood is sad, ... sad, sad...

In autumn it rains a lot... cold, pouring...

The sky is covered with gray clouds, ... dark, rainy ...

At the beginning of autumn there are clear days, ... cloudless, light...

It's cold outside in late autumn... cloudy, windy...


Target: develop the ability to form possessive adjectives.

Game progress: the teacher calls the word and asks a question (whose? whose? whose?), the child answers.

Scarf (whose?) - mother's,
Hat (whose?) - grandmother's,
Tray (whose?) - grandfather,

The book (whose?) - grandmother's,
Slippers (whose?) - grandfather.


Target: fixing the use of nouns in the genitive case of the plural.

Game progress: children are read aloud familiar lines of poetry without finishing the last word. (This word is in the genitive plural). Children add the missing word and get a chip for each correct answer. Whoever gets the most chips wins.


Target: to teach correctly, to build sentences with a cause-and-effect relationship, the development of logical thinking.

Game progress: the educator explains that the children will have to complete the sentences the facilitator starts by using the word "because". You can choose several options for the same beginning of the sentence, the main thing is that they all correctly reflect the cause of the event described in the first part. For each correct continuation, players receive a token. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Unfinished suggestions for the game:

Vova got sick ... (he caught a cold) Mom took an umbrella ... (it's raining)

The children went to bed ... (late) I'm very thirsty ... (hot)

The ice on the river melted ... (warmth) The trees swayed violently ... (wind blowing)

It became very cold ... (it snowed)


Target: exercise in the selection of single-root words.

Bear - bear, bear cub, bear, bear ...

Wolf - she-wolf, wolf cub, wolf, wolf, wolf ...

Fox - fox, fox, fox, fox, fox ....


Target: exercise in the use of the prepositional case of a noun.

The fox lives in a hole.

The bear hibernates in ....

The wolf lives in...

The squirrel lives in ... .

The hedgehog lives in ... .


Target: exercise in case and prepositional agreement.

Change the word "window" in the context of the sentence.

The house has a big... There is no … in the house. I approached…. I dream big... I have flowers growing under ... .


Target: consolidate the use of verbs in the future tense (I will fly, heal, drive ...).

Game progress: at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads an excerpt from the work of V. Mayakovsky Who to be.

After that, he invites the children to dream about who they want to be, who they want to work.

I will be a pilot, fly airplanes.

I will be a doctor, treat children.

I will teach children, work as a teacher.

The teacher monitors the correct construction of sentences.


Target: exercise in the formation of relative adjectives.

What kind of soup from ... (beans, peas, fish, chicken, beets, mushrooms, vegetables




sings singing

Twitter Chirping

Flies away flying away

feeds lactating

floats floating

screaming Screaming

starving Starving


Target: exercise in inflection: the use of the genitive case of nouns in the singular and plural.

No (who?) - no swan, duck ....

No (who?) - no swans, ducks ....


Target: learn to understand the meaning of possessive pronouns.

Game progress: the adult obviously speaks incorrectly, and the child, if he hears an error, corrects it.

There are many on the table pencils.

Carlson ate a lot sweets.


Target: expand and activate vocabulary. Exercise in the formation of real participles of the present tense.

Material: subject pictures of migratory birds, ball.

sings singing

Twitter Chirping

Flies away flying away

feeds lactating

floats floating

screaming Screaming

starving Starving



Material: ball.


Target: exercise in the formation of complex adjectives.

Material: ball.

The magpie has white sides, so it is called ... (white-sided).

The titmouse has a yellow chest, so it is called ... (yellow-breasted).

The bullfinch has a red chest, so it is called ... (...).

The woodpecker has a red head, so it is called ... (...).

The crow has black wings, so it is called ... (...).

The woodpecker has a sharp beak, so it is called ... (...).

"The Fourth Extra"

Purpose: to teach to establish the similarity and difference of objects according to essential features, to consolidate words-generalizations.

Game progress. Four pictures are laid out on the table, three of them belong to one thematic group, and the fourth to some other group. The children are given a task: look at the pictures and determine which one is superfluous. Turn over the wrong picture, and name the rest in one word.

Each participant eliminates the extra picture in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his version is offered to the next player. For each correct execution they give a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

"The fourth extra (with ball)

table, chair, bed, kettle

horse, cat, dog, pike

Christmas tree, strawberry, birch, oak,

cucumber, pumpkin, carrot, hare

notebook, briefcase, newspaper, notebook,

cucumber, watermelon, apple, ball

wolf, fox, bear, cat

violet, chamomile, carrot, cornflower,

doll, car, pyramid, book

sparrow, eagle, swallow, wasp

skis, skates, boat, sled

chair, hammer, saw, planer

snow, frost, heat, ice

snake, snail, butterfly, turtle

brushes, paints, kettle, album

hat, roof, door, window

milk, tea, lemonade, bread

Didactic game "Two - two"

“Look at yourself and say that we have two? .. Two eyes, two ears, two elbows, two shoulders, two knees.

And what do we have two each? ... Two arms, two legs, two heels, two cheeks, two nostrils.

Well done, now continue."

cucumber - two .. cucumber vase - two ... vases

chair - two .. cherry chairs - two ... cherries

table - two ... plum tables - two ... plums

cat - two ... cat cat - two ... cats cup - two ... cups

window - two ... windows car - two ... cars

tree - two ... trees

tulip - two ... tulips rose - two ... roses

tomato - two ... tomatoes

pan - two ... pans suit - two ... suits T-shirt - two ... T-shirts

Did. sound track game

Purpose: To automate isolated sound: to form a sound culture of speech.

Description of the cube: On the faces of the cube there are game tasks for a certain group of sounds.

Move: Children pass the cube, saying a counting rhyme.

"One, two, three, four, five

You will rotate."

The child, with his eyes closed, chooses a face, pronounces an automated sound, selects a picture with a given sound.

"Pump" - sound [s]

"Beetle" - sound [zh]

"Mosquito" - sound [z]

"Machine" - the sound of the motor [p]

"Reeds" - the sound of the wind [w]

"Goat" - sound [k]

Did. game "Name the words"

Purpose: To teach children to name words with a given sound.

Move: The teacher invites the children to name words with a given sound. For the correct answer, children receive tokens. At the end of the game, the winner is determined.

Did. Zoo game

Did. game "Cheerful tongue"

Purpose: To prepare the articulatory apparatus of children for the pronunciation of sounds.

Q: There lived a tongue in the world. He had his own house. The house was called "mouth". The house opened and closed. (Shows) What closes the house? (teeth).

B: Right! The lower teeth are the porch, and the upper teeth are the door. Let's all close and open the Tongue's house together. Smile, close the house so that both the porch and the door are clearly visible. (Children perform the exercise "Smile").

Tongue lived in his house and often looked out into the street. He opens the door, leans out of it and hides again. (Shows.) The tongue was very curious. He wanted to know everything. He sees how the kitten laps milk, and thinks, let me try it too! He sticks out his wide tail on the porch and hides it again. Stick it out and hide it, stick it out and hide it. Let's stick out the tongue all together and hide it. Slowly at first, then faster! Just like a kitten does! (Children perform the exercise "We drink milk")

He also loved to sing songs. He will hear the children screaming: “a-a-a”, open the door wide, wide and sing “a-a-a”. He will hear how the horse neighs: "i-i-i", makes a narrow crack in the door and sings: "i-i-i". He will hear the train buzzing: "oooo", he will make a round hole in the door and sing: "oooo".

So at the Tongue imperceptibly and the day will pass. The Tongue gets tired, closes the door and goes to sleep. Here is such a fairy tale.

Did. game “Which word is lost? »

Purpose: To develop auditory attention, continue to acquaint children with a variety of words.

Course: The teacher reads a poem.

“Smoothly, smoothly flowed verse,

Suddenly he stumbled and fell silent,

He waits and sighs:

Words are missing!

To go on a good journey again

The verse flowed like a river

Help him a little

Suggest a word. »

Q: Remember the verses and say which word is "lost"

I love my horse.

I'll comb her hair (smoothly)

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

in the door and sing: "i-i-i." He will hear the train buzzing: "oooo", he will make a round hole in the door and sing: "oooo".

Did. Zoo game

Purpose: To continue to introduce children to a variety of words.

Stroke: Children name animals, birds, fish that live in the Zoo. The teacher each time focuses the attention of the children on the term "word" (Vova said the word "parrot")

The winner is determined. For the named words, children are encouraged with chips.

Did. game "In the circle with the ball"

Purpose: To develop the phonemic hearing of children, the ability to select words similar in sound.

Stroke: The teacher calls the word and throws the ball to one of the children. the child calls the word friend and returns the ball back.

Sample: jackdaw-stick, mouse-bear, stove-candle, table-floor, Masha-confused.

Did. Angry Raven game

Purpose: To continue to teach children to identify the first sound in a word.

Course: Children are given hats-masks of various animals. A "bridge" (board) is attached to the folding house.

Q: Animals live in this house: a hare, a fox, a bear, a wolf, etc. You can go to the house only through the bridge, but it is not simple, magical: it is easy to leave the house on it, but it is not easy to come back. A raven sits near the bridge (puts on a cap-mask of a raven). Every animal who comes to

bridge, he asks what is the first sound in the name of this animal. Whoever answers correctly will pass. And whoever does not know the answer, the angry raven does not let through.

Did. game "Name the words with the sound [s"] and [s]."

Goal: Continue to teach children to differentiate sounds [s"] and [s] in words.

Stroke: Children are given envelopes with three pictures: two have sounds [s "] and [s], and one does not, and two chips-circles of blue and green. Children name the object shown in the picture and cover it with a circle of blue if sound [s], or green if the sound is [s"], colors.

Did. airplane game

Goal: Continue to learn to recognize the sound [s] in words.

Stroke: B: Today we are going on a flight by plane and we need to figure out what things to take with us (Gives out pictures to children.) You can take with you only those items whose names contain the sound [s].

The children are building an airplane. The “stewardess” educator lets passengers in only with pictures that show objects with sound [s]. At the entrance to the plane, the child shows his picture and says: “I will take a bag with me” (sledges, boots, cheese, etc.) and sit down in their place.

We're taking off. To make it more fun, let's learn a poem in which almost all words have the sound [s].

"We'll build the plane ourselves,

Let's fly over the forests

Let's fly over the forests

Let's go back to Mom." A. Barto

Did the game "Words - riddles"

Purpose: To continue to teach children to determine the length of words.

Move: The teacher makes riddles. Children guess which word is long or short

What's your name, where do you live?

Didactic task: Exercise the auditory analyzer, develop voluntary attention, memory, friendships, a culture of behavior. To form a monologue speech of a preschooler.

Game rules: Say your name and address correctly and clearly, find a photo of your street.

game action: Dialogue of children with Dunno.

Didactic material: photos of the familiar streets of his native city. Doll Dunno.

Game progress

Children sit in a semicircle in front of a magnetic board. They alternately pick up the Dunno doll, give their name, surname and address. They find a photograph with the image of this street and spread it on a magnetic board. If the street repeats, then the child points to it.

Dunno, my name is Oleg Kuleshov. I live on Domostroiteley Street, house 25, apartment 51. Etc.

What can I be if I live in a village?

Didactic task: Exercise the children in making up short descriptive stories about what they could do if they lived in the countryside. Develop memory, speech, observation, attention, patience.

Game rules: Follow the order. Start with the words: "If I live in the village, then I will ...". Start your story after the teacher's signal.

game action: A monologue of children on cards depicting people of a rural profession: a farmer, a milkmaid, a combine operator, a poultry keeper, etc.

Didactic material: cards depicting people of a rural profession: tiller, milkmaid, combine operator, poultry keeper, etc.

Game progress

Children choose a profession for themselves and talk about it according to the model of a teacher:

“If I live in a village, then I will be a farmer. The farmer plows the land. He prepares the land for planting grain. We must plow the land well. If the land is plowed well, there will be a good grain harvest.”

“If I live in the countryside, I will be a milkmaid. The milkmaid milks the cows. Cows give us milk. From milk you can make kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese. Adults and children are very fond of milk and cheese curds, etc.

What is my name?

Didactic task: Exercise children in clearly naming their name, the ability to address a friend. Develop speech, attention.

Game rules: Say your friend's name and your own name correctly and distinctly.

game action: Dialogue of children with guests.

Didactic material: Gnome doll, Dunno doll.

Game progress

Children alternately greet the Gnome, call their first and last names.

Children sit in a semicircle. Friends enter: Dunno doll, Gnome doll. Dunno greets friends and invites children to get to know his friend:

Hello Gnome! My name is Sasha Ivanov.

Hello Gnome! My name is Oleg Kuleshov. Etc.

At the same time, the teacher makes sure that the children speak affectionately, smile and look into the eyes of a friend.

Come visit me!

Didactic task: Exercise the children in making up short, descriptive stories about their family, where they live, and what they enjoy. Develop memory, observation, attention, patience.

Game rules: Follow the order. Begin with the words: “Friends, I invite you to visit me. My name is...". Start your story after the teacher's signal.

game action: Monologue of children based on family photos and family albums.

Didactic material: family photos and family albums.

Game progress

Children talk about where they live, what kind of family they have, using a family photo album.

Sample child's story:

Friends, I invite you to visit me. My name is Oleg Kuleshov. I live on Domostroiteley Street, house number 24, apartment number 7. We live in an apartment building.

Our apartment is located on the third floor. You can get to it by elevator or on foot.

Our family is big. My father is the most important person in the family. His name is Eduard Nikolaevich. My mother's name is Yulia Viktorovna. I have a little sister and an older brother. The older brother's name is Yegor, he goes to school. The younger sister, her name is Polina, is still very small, sitting at home with her mother. My mother's mother lives with us, my grandmother. Her name is Raisa Stepanovna. She works on the railroad. And my mother's father, my grandfather. His name is Viktor Nikolaevich, he is a pensioner.

When guests come to us, we set the table with a beautiful tablecloth, put a tea set and treat guests with tea and sweets. We play different games: table hockey, railroad, LEGO. We love it when guests come to us.

How else can we be called?

Didactic task: Fix the names of family members, family relationships. To develop the auditory analyzer and speech of preschoolers. Cultivate attention, memory, friendships, patience.

Game rules: Correctly answer the teacher's question.

game action: Looking at family albums. Dialogue between children and teacher.

Didactic material: family photos of pupils.

Game progress

Children look at photos in family albums and answer the question of the teacher:

Who is in this photo? (This photo shows me. My name is Oleg.)

Who are you to your mom? (son)

Who are you to your grandmother? (granddaughter)

Who are you for your sister Polina? (brother)

Who are you for Andrey Kushchev? (friend), etc.

How many grandmothers are in my family?

Didactic task: Exercise children in naming the people of the immediate environment. Understand and name family relationships: “My grandmother's name is Maria Petrovna. She is my mother's mother." Call adults by their first and last names.

Game rules: Act on the teacher's signal. Respect the order and partnerships.

game action

Didactic material

Game progress

Children look at family albums, recognize and name their grandmothers. Determine whose mother she is.

Andrei, how many grandmothers are in your family, tell us.

There are two grandmothers in my family. One grandmother's name is Maria Petrovna. She is my mom's mom. Another grandmother's name is Svetlana Yakovlevna, she is my father's mother.

What is another name for your mother's mother? (grandmother - Maria Petrovna), etc.

Guess who's in the photo?

Didactic task: Exercise children in naming the people of the immediate environment. Call adults by their first and last names.

Game rules: Correctly and clearly name the name and patronymic of the educators, assistant educator, parents. Start your story only after the teacher's signal.

game action: Dialogue of a teacher with children. Looking at group photos.

Didactic material: group photos of holidays with the participation of children, educators and parents.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to look at the photographs and find out who is depicted in them.

Who do you recognize in this photo? (Andryusha)

Andryusha is your friend? (Andryusha is my friend)

And who is this in the photo? (Nastya. Nastya is my friend), etc.

And who did Nastya recognize in the photo? (Anna Sergeevna. She is our teacher), etc.

Get to know your mom

Didactic task: To develop the auditory analyzer and speech of preschoolers. Cultivate attention, memory, friendships, patience.

Game rules: Find a photo of only your mother.

game action: Searches for a desired photo.

Didactic material: photos of mothers of pupils.

Game progress

On the table are photographs of mothers. Children choose a photo of their mother and write a short story about her.

Children, look at the photo and tell all about your mother. What is her name? Where does she work, what does she do at work? Children take turns talking about the profession of their mother:

My mother's name is Yulia Viktorovna. She works as a doctor. My mother treats people so that they are always healthy.

My mother's name is Tatyana Petrovna. She works at the post office. My mother delivers newspapers and letters to people. Etc.

My beloved dad

Didactic task: Exercise the children in making up short descriptive stories about their dad. Develop memory, observation, attention, patience.

Game rules: Follow the order. Begin with the words “This is my beloved dad. His name is ... "and speak only after the teacher's signal.

Game action: Search for the desired photo.

Didactic material: photos of fathers of pupils.

Game progress

Children take turns taking photographs of their dads from the teacher's table and compose a short story about him.

“This is my favorite dad. His name is Sergei Vladimirovich. We love to play football with him. He is strong and good. When I grow up, I will be just as brave and strong. Etc."

“This is my favorite dad. His name is Eduard Nikolaevich. He has an Audi car. By car, we went to the grandmother's cottage. My dad is the strongest and bravest. He loves me very much and I love him." Etc.

I and my family

Didactic task: Exercise the children in making up short descriptive stories about their family. Develop memory, observation, attention, patience, monologue coherent speech.

Game rules: Follow the order. Start with the words "My family is ..." and speak only after the teacher's signal.

game action: Laying out geometric shapes according to the number of family members and a descriptive story about your family.

Didactic material: three-dimensional figures of Gyenes blocks.

Game progress

Children lay out their family using geometric shapes. And then they talk about her.

Lay out as many geometric shapes on your tables as there are people in your family.

Oleg, tell Matryoshka about your family.

My family is me. My name is Oleg Kuleshov. This is my mom. Her name is Yulia Viktorovna. This is my dad. His name is Eduard Nikolaevich. This is my grandmother. Her name is Natalia Alexandrovna.

How many people live in your family? (There are only four people in our family)

We are astronauts

Didactic task: Exercise children in searching among cards with images of people of various professions of the profession of an astronaut. Develop memory, observation, attention, patience, monologue coherent speech.

Game rules: Follow the order. Act on the teacher's signal.

game action: Finding among the photographs a photograph and an astronaut.

Didactic material: photos of representatives of different professions pilot, cosmonaut, confectioner, driver, etc.

Game progress

Children must choose among the cards with the image of people of different professions - an astronaut.

How did you guess it was an astronaut? (children's answers are discussed)

What will my name be when I grow up?

Didactic task: Exercise the children in making up short descriptive stories about what they will be called when they grow up. Develop memory, observation, attention, patience, monologue coherent speech

Game rules: Follow the order. Start with the words "When I grow up ..." and speak only after the teacher's signal.

game action: Looking at family albums and making up short stories.

Didactic material: family albums.

Game progress

Children take their family albums and tell each other what he will be called when he grows up and why.

- When I grow up, my name will be Sergey Vladimirovich, because my dad's name is Vladimir. Etc.

What are my household responsibilities?

Didactic task: Exercise the children in making up short stories about household chores and errands. Develop speech, attention.

Game rules: Act on the teacher's signal. The ability to listen to a friend.

game action: Children's monologue when looking at family albums.

Didactic material: family albums of children. Doll Dunno.

Game progress

Children in an arbitrary form tell their peers and Dunno about their duties at home.

"My name is Maxim. I live with my mom, dad and older sister Marina. My mom and dad work in a mechanical factory. Sister Marina goes to school. I love helping my older sister Marina around the house. I help dust the chest of drawers and the table. I help water the flowers on the windowsill,” etc.

What is friendship?

Didactic task: Exercise children in phrasal speech on the topic: friend and friendship. Develop speech, attention.

Game rules: Act on the signal of the educator. The ability to listen to a friend.

Game action: Dialogue between children and teacher.

Didactic material: parcel, postman Pechkin.

Game progress

Children name in turn all the advantages of a friend and friendship:

- You can play different games with a friend.

— With a friend you can walk and ride a bike together.

You can draw with a friend.

A friend will always help in trouble.

A friend should always help.

You have to share everything with a friend.

Younger friends need to be taken care of and taken care of. Etc.

Guess a riddle!

Didactic task: Exercise children in phrasal speech on the topic: “Professions of kids in N. Nosov’s story“ Dunno and His Friends ”Develop dialogic and monologue speech.

Game rules: Act on the signal of the educator. Guess the verbal riddle and give explanations. The ability to listen to a friend.

game action: Guessing a riddle, a dialogue of children with a teacher.

Game progress

The teacher reads the riddle, the children guess and give explanations.

He always has in his hand

Brush and paints.

Likes to draw a portrait

Butterflies, flowers, and a vase! (Painter)

There was an artist among the kids of the Flower City, and what was his name? (Tube)

Why was this baby named Tube? (because he was an artist. The artist has brushes and paints. Paints are stored in tubes)

Walks in a white cap,

With a ladle in hand.

He prepares dinner for everyone:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette. (Cook)

There was a cook among the kids of the Flower City, and what was his name? (Donut)

Why was this baby named Donut? (because he was a cook, loved to cook donuts and eat them)

If you are sick, he will offer to take drops!

Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk! (Doctor)

There was a doctor among the kids of the Flower City, and what was his name? (Pilyulkin)

Why was this baby called Pilyulkin? (because he was a doctor and gave pills to the sick)

If you need to fix something, make something.

We invite friends here:

Shpuntik, Vintik, come to us soon! (Cog, Shpuntik)

Were Vintik and Shpuntik among the kids of the Flower City?

Why were these kids named Shpuntik and Vintik? (because they are very good repairmen)

Doctor, artist, cook, master - all these are the professions of people and kids, residents of the Flower City.

Who was awakened by the sun?

Didactic tasks a: Develop active speech, auditory analyzer, attention. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the signs of the season - spring.

Game rules: Act only on the signal of the teacher. Select only those cards that correspond to the signs of spring. Game action: Select the right pictures and describe them. Didactic material: subject pictures depicting spring and winter according to the number of children.

Game progress

Children are given subject pictures of different seasons. They should write short descriptive stories.

The teacher tells the children that spring has come, the sun has appeared. The sun stretched out its rays and ... woke someone up.

Who woke up the sun in the spring?

The sunbeam woke up the bear. He slept in a den in the winter.

Sunny bunny woke up the leaves. They emerged from buds on trees and shrubs.

The sunbeam woke up the hedgehog. He slept in a mink in the winter.

A sunbeam woke up an ant and butterflies. Etc.

What wind is blowing?

Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the phenomena of inanimate nature. Exercise in determining the basic properties of the wind. Activate the speech of preschoolers. Develop observation and listening skills.

Game rules: Act only on the signal of the teacher. Whoever answered the question of the teacher correctly, the first imitates the power of the wind.

game action: The teacher puts pictures on the magnetic board. Asks questions to children.

Didactic material: magnetic board. Magnetic figurines for paintings "Autumn", "Summer". Sultans by the number of children.

Game progress

A picture is laid out on a magnetic board: clouds, rain, trees with rare yellow leaves. Children answer the questions asked by the teacher.

What season? (autumn)

The teacher offers to sing a song of the autumn wind.

What wind? (strong, prickly, etc.)

But then the wind began to subside. What is the wind now? (quiet)

Another picture is laid out on a magnetic board: the sun, the river, green trees.

What season is in this picture? (children's answers)

If they find it difficult, leading questions are asked:

When we swim in the river and sunbathe?

When the sun shines bright

The sun is shining, it's warm outside, but the wind is blowing, what will it be like? (affectionate, warm, etc.)

How can such a wind be called? (breeze)

Sultans are distributed to children, they imitate the power of wind and breeze.

Is winter good or bad?

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons. Exercise in determining the main signs of winter. Activate the speech of preschoolers. Develop observation and listening skills.

Game rules:

Game action: The teacher puts cards on a magnetic board with the image of various signs and situations. Children look at it and express their opinion. The teacher asks questions to the children.

Didactic material: story cards of the seasons.

Game progress

The teacher puts up a card on a magnetic board with the image of various signs and situations. Children examine it and express their judgment:

When winter is good. You can play snowballs, make a snowman.

When winter is bad. It is very cold, it is not always possible to go for a walk.

When winter is good. The bunny will change the gray coat to white, his wolf will not notice.

When winter is bad. The bunny has nothing to eat, it is very cold and he is trembling under a bush.

When winter is good. The forest rests and sleeps under a white veil.

When winter is bad. The forest is gloomy, without leaves, you can not hear bird songs.

Is water good or bad?

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature - water and its properties. Exercise in determining the positive and negative properties of water. Activate the speech of preschoolers. Develop observation and listening skills.

Game rules: Act only on the signal of the teacher. Follow the order. Listen to the words of your comrades.

Game action: The teacher puts cards on the magnetic board with the image of various situations. Children consider and express their judgment:

Didactic material: story cards.

Game progress

The teacher puts plot pictures on the magnetic board, and the children give their explanations.

The rain waters the earth. Everything begins to grow rapidly: grass, flowers, trees. Rain is good.

It's raining, so you can't walk. You can get your feet wet and get sick. Rain is bad.

If it rains for a very long time, there will be a lot of water outside, the plants may die. Too much rain is bad.

If it doesn’t rain for a long time, or the rain drips and ends quickly, then the plants may die. There is no rain, or if it is not enough, it is bad. Etc.

Post today's model

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge of the signs of the season. Be able to highlight the main features of the weather: sun, precipitation, clouds, wind. Exercise in determining the main signs of spring. Activate the speech of preschoolers. Develop observation and listening skills.

Game rules: Act only on the signal of the teacher. Follow the order. Listen to the words of your comrades.

game action: Children using felt-tip pens make a model of the day according to the following parameters: sun, clouds, precipitation, wind. Children make sketches in any form. Then they explain the weather according to their sketches.

Didactic material: weather model: sun, precipitation, clouds, wind.

Game progress

Children with the help of felt-tip pens make a model of the day according to the following parameters: sun, clouds, precipitation, wind.

Children make sketches in any form. Then they explain the weather according to their sketches.

The sun is bright and radiant. Shines and smiles.

Clouds float in the blue sky.

There is no rain outside.

The wind is strong outside. He shakes the trees.

What season will we set on our Seasons watch? (season - spring)

Who has a coat?

Didactic task: To form coherent speech of preschoolers. Activate the dictionary with the words: fluffy, soft, smooth. Strengthen children's knowledge about animals. To consolidate children's knowledge about the color and properties of fabric and fur.

Game rules: Choose your favorite toy to describe it.

Game action: Search for toys on the table. Writing a descriptive story with the help of a teacher.

Didactic material: fox, hare, cat, squirrel (soft toys), etc.

Game progress

Children sit at a table on which there are more soft toys than children: bunnies, bears, squirrels, chanterelles; dolls dressed in coats. Children take turns taking their favorite soft toy from the table and answering the teacher's questions:

Who did you like? Who did you choose? Who is it?

What is the bunny's coat? (white, fluffy, soft, etc.)

What coat does the fox have? (red, soft, fluffy)

What coat does the squirrel have? (soft, smooth)

- What kind of fur coat does the Tanya doll have? (red, soft, fluffy)

Who is singing?

Didactic task: To form the articulation of speech. Practice correct onomatopoeia for birds. To consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristics of birds.

Game rules: Guess by ear the name of a bird by its voice.

Game action: Sound recording of birds singing. Children must guess and find a card with a picture of a bird.

Didactic material: audio recording of birds singing: sparrow, crow, dove, starling. Cards with the image of these birds.

Game progress

Children must guess the singing of a bird: a sparrow, a crow, a dove, a starling and name them. Find matching cards featuring these birds.

guess the flower

Didactic task: Listen to riddles to the end, cultivate attentiveness. Act on the teacher's signal. To develop the speech of a preschooler and logical thinking.

Game rules: Find and show the card only after the teacher has read the riddle.

Game action: Search for subject pictures corresponding to the answer to riddles.

Didactic material: riddle poems about spring flowers. Subject pictures with the image of flowers.

Game progress

The teacher reads the riddles, and the children, according to the answers, find the corresponding flower and name it.

On a spring sunny day

Golden blossomed flower.

On a high thin leg

He dozed all along the path. (dandelion)

Spring comes with affection and with its fairy tale,

Waving a magic wand -

And the first flower from under the snow will bloom. (snowdrop)

First to get out of the snow

On a forest clearing.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if the flower is small! (snowdrop)

Help find mom

Didactic task: Exercise children in full answers to the teacher's questions. To consolidate the knowledge of children about domestic animals and their cubs. Develop the ability to correlate the image of a cub with a large animal.

Game rules: Correctly correlate the cub with a large animal. Act only on the signal of the teacher.

Game action: Search for the desired animal. Complete answers to the teacher's questions.

Didactic material: soft toys of large pets and their cubs according to the number of children.

Game progress

The teacher distributes soft toys of baby animals to the children and asks the question:

Andryusha, who is this? (Kitty)

Who is his mom? (mother cat)

Marina, who is this? (goat)

Who is her mom? (mom goat)

Sveta, who is this? (piggy)

Who is the mother of the pig? (mother pig)

Seryozha, who is this? (puppy)

Who is the mother of the puppy? (mother dog)

Natasha, who is this? (calf)

Who is the mother of the calf? (mom cow)

help us

Didactic task: Exercise the children in making up short stories about how you can help the animal. Fix the names of pets.

Game rules: Act only on the signal of the teacher. Talk about the animal you chose.

game action: Search for the desired animal. Making up short stories.

Didactic material: plot pictures: a dog lying on the snow; a cat lying on the snow; a parrot sits on a branch with snow; a horse standing near a tree; in the yard in the snow, hens and a rooster; chickadees perched on a tree.

Game progress

Children choose story cards depicting animals on the table, attach them to a magnetic board and talk about how you can help this animal in winter conditions.

This is a doggy. She can build a booth in the winter and lay a rag or a small blanket there. You can take your dog home.

This is a kitten. He is very small and it is too early for him to walk outside in winter. The kitten must be taken home, warmed up and given milk, because he loves milk very much.

This is a parrot. The parrot should not be allowed outside. He will freeze. He can only live at home with a person or in hot countries.

This is a horse. She lives next to a man. We need to make a barn for her so that she does not freeze. Prepare a lot of hay for the winter. She loves hay and bread.

These are chickens, they live in a chicken coop. They need to spread straw in the barn to keep warm.

These are titmouse. They are cold in winter. It is necessary to make a feeder and pour crumbs and grains into it.

If at first the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher takes on the role of the narrator.

What happens in the winter forest?

Didactic task: Develop speech activity. To form observation, auditory attention.

Game rules: Act on the signal of the educator: Do not interfere with answering a friend.

game action: In the course of the teacher compiling a story about the adaptation of animals to winter conditions, help to exhibit animals. Answer teacher questions.

Didactic material: soft toys: bear, stump, squirrel, bunny, fox. Trees and Christmas trees.

Game progress

The teacher arranges with the children trees without leaves, hemp of various sizes. In some places he spreads cotton wool instead of snow on twigs and on the ground. Children, together with the teacher, decorate the winter forest and its inhabitants from three-dimensional objects. Together with the teacher, they make up a descriptive story about how the animals have adapted to winter conditions.

Winter came. All the insects hid in the bark of trees, the roots of stumps. The birds got hungry. And they... what did they do? (flew away to warmer climes, where there are a lot of bugs, flies and other insects)

The teacher puts the bear next to a large stump.

But the bear can't fly. But he is also hungry.

Why do you think the bear is hungry? (the bear eats raspberries, berries, honey, and in winter these delicacies are not available)

How does a bear hibernate in winter? (the bear makes a den and sleeps all winter. And if he wants to eat, he sucks his paw)

Which of you will help the bear make a lair and put him to sleep? (one of the children puts the bear next to the stump and covers it with a snowdrift)

The teacher covers a small stump with cotton wool, in which the hedgehog is hidden.

Guess who else sleeps in the forest in winter, in this mink covered with snow? (hedgehog)

Does a hedgehog suck its paw in winter, like a bear? (children's answers are discussed and brought to the fact that in winter a hedgehog, if he wakes up, will eat mushrooms, berries, apples harvested in the fall)

The teacher puts a squirrel in a bright red coat on a tree or stump and reads a poem:

Tail with a fluffy arc,

Do you know such an animal?

Sharp-toothed, sharp-eyed.

Likes to climb trees.

What is the name of this animal, and how will it spend the winter? (this is a squirrel. She will change her red coat to gray so that she is not visible on trees that do not have leaves)

Where will the squirrel live in winter and what to eat? (a squirrel lives in a hollow in winter, which is located on a tree and eats mushrooms, apples, berries)

Who will help the squirrel to change her coat? (one of the children changes the squirrel's red coat for a gray one)

Find another forest dweller on the table who changes his fur coat in winter (the child must put out a hare)

What happens in winter with this forest dweller? (the bunny changes the gray coat to white)

Why does the bunny need a new white coat? (to hide from fox, wolf and hunters)

Who will help the bunny change his coat? (one of the children changes the bunny's gray coat to white)

What will the bunny eat in winter? (bark of trees, shovel snow in the fields and eat carrots, cabbage leaves)

Where does the bunny live in winter? (in a mink under a tree or bush)

Guess the bird riddle

Didactic task: Exercise children in guessing riddles about birds. Fix the names of birds: sparrow, titmouse, starling, crow.

Game rules: Act only on the signal of the teacher. Follow the order. Don't interrupt your comrades.

Game action: Listening and guessing riddles. Finding the answer on cards with the image of birds.

Didactic material: plot pictures depicting birds: titmouse, sparrow, starling, crow.

Game progress

Children guess the riddle and find the corresponding bird or bird card on the table.

gray bird,

small bird

Wants to take a step

It makes a jump. (Sparrow)

White cheeks and yellow chest.

There is a black tie on the chest ... (Titmouse)

Himself black, and the beak is yellow.

He walks through the fields, looks at the grain ... (Starling)

Sitting on a tree

Looks in all directions.

Who is running where?

Kar-r-r - screams. (Crow)

How can our guests be called in one word? Who is visiting us? (birds)

Collect an album!

Didactic task: Exercise children in compiling a photo album and inventing a name.

Game rules: Act only on the signal of the teacher. Follow the order. Don't disturb your friends.

Word games for children of senior and preparatory groups for school

Observing the phenomena of nature and social life, participating in the life of the family and kindergarten, playing and getting used to organized activities, children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old) acquire, to the best of their ability, a relatively wide range of knowledge, which should form the basis of subsequent mental development and help them with schooling.

Along with the expansion of the circle of knowledge, changes occur in the nature of mental activity, new forms of thinking arise. At the heart of the child's mental work is the process of understanding, which is based on analysis and synthesis. As a result of the development of thinking, the analysis becomes more and more fractional, and the synthesis more and more generalized and precise. Children want to understand the connection between the surrounding objects and phenomena, the causes of the observed phenomena, their features. With the development of logical thinking, the ability to establish, reveal the various connections that exist in reality between objects and phenomena and within each of them develops.
Children b-7 years old are characterized by great curiosity, observation, inquisitiveness, interest in everything new, unusual. Guessing a riddle for yourself, expressing a judgment, coming up with a story or its end, beginning, generalizing objects according to certain characteristics - this is not a complete list of interesting mental tasks solved by children of this age.
Solving puzzles, observing certain rules of the game for children of this age is more exciting than playing and winning without imagination and without effort. The main thing in mental activity is the desire to learn new things. More than before, the motives of the competition acquire a place. In children of older preschool age, new motives for mental activity appear, and verbal and logical thinking develops intensively.
What is the verbal-logical thinking of children 6-7 years old?
The generalization of sensory experience, the expansion of one's horizons in connection with the ideas formed, create the opportunity to think not only about directly perceived objects, but also about those that are absent. At the age of 6-7 years, when looking at pictures, listening to stories, fairy tales, in various activities, a child can single out, abstract more or less essential features of objects, synthesize them, generalize, classify objects into certain categories.
Within the limits of their experience, children make correct judgments about the surrounding objects and phenomena, unite them among themselves, move from the general to the particular and from the particular to the general, make conclusions in which they correctly reveal the causal and other connections of phenomena available to them, learn to notice contradictions in their reasoning and eliminate them depending on the depth of knowledge about the subjects. The ability of the child to such a variety of mental actions indicates that at this age he is actively developing verbal-logical thinking.
Word games, aimed at developing the thinking of children, are conditionally divided into four groups. In. each group is assigned common mental tasks. So, for example, it is known that it is easier for children to compare objects than to generalize and classify them, therefore games on comparing objects are offered earlier than on classification and generalization. And within the groups, the games are arranged according to the degree of difficulty of the game tasks.
When conducting verbal games with older children, the role of the educator also changes: he advises, helps, encourages the resourceful more, pays more attention to individual work with children who are shy, slow, less quick-witted.
Children seem to have great independence not only in choosing the game itself, but also in creatively solving its problems.


What does it mean to find the most characteristic features of an object? This means finding those signs that distinguish one object from others. If, for example, you need to indicate how a table and a chair differ from each other, then it will be necessary to say about their purpose, that is, that they eat at the table, study, work, etc., they sit on the chair. But if it is necessary to single out the signs that distinguish a chair from a stool, then the sign that one is sitting on a chair will not be the main one that distinguishes it from a stool. The main distinguishing feature in this case will be the presence of a back. Or, if we compare a sofa and a chair, the main feature that distinguishes them will be that one person can sit on a chair, and several people can sit on a sofa.
Before starting the games of the first group, it is recommended to conduct a conversation session. The content of this lesson boils down to the following: the teacher tells the children that many objects surround people, that objects are similar and different from each other, each has its own shape, color, a person needs it for something, etc. The objects themselves, as it were talk about themselves. “Let's think of what the book could tell about itself,” the educator suggests.
Children say: “I am made of paper, sewn from leaves, I can tell interesting tales and stories. I have a beautiful cover, bright pictures. “How interestingly the book told about itself! We immediately recognized her,” says the teacher. So you can offer to “tell about yourself” to a TV, an apple tree, etc. You can finish the lesson with riddles about vegetables, flowers, animals, etc.
When the teacher is convinced that the children understand how to describe the characteristic features of objects, he offers the game "Guess".


The purpose of the game. To teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to highlight essential features in it; recognize an item from a description.
Game progress. The teacher reminds the children how they talked about familiar objects in class, made and guessed riddles about them, and suggests: “Let's play. Let the objects of our room tell about themselves, and we will guess from the description which object speaks. Choose for yourself every object and speak for it. You just need to follow the rules of the game: when you talk about an object, do not look at it so that we do not immediately guess, and only talk about those objects that are in the room.
After a short pause (children must choose an object for description, prepare for an answer), the teacher puts a pebble on the knees of any player (instead of a pebble, you can use a ribbon, a toy, etc.). The child gets up and gives a description of the object, and then passes the pebble to the one who will guess. Having guessed, the child describes his object and passes the pebble to the next player to guess.
The game continues until everyone has come up with their own puzzle. If the game takes place during the lesson and, therefore, all the children of the group take part in it, its duration will be 20-25 minutes.
During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children, when describing objects, name their essential features that would help to recognize the object. He can ask a question to the guesser: “Where is this item located?” or: “What is this item for?” But one should not rush to leading questions. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to remember the object, its main features and talk about them.
Children give the following descriptions of objects: “Wooden, polished, glass in front, it can be interesting to tell” (TV), “Iron, made of twigs, stands on the windowsill, from there you can hear the singing of a bird (cage), “Brilliant, with a spout, boiled water in it " (kettle).

The purpose of the game. To teach children to describe an object, to find its essential features, to recognize an object by description.
Game progress. Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table and a shelf with various toys. The teacher, turning to them, says: “We have opened a new store.
Look how many beautiful toys it has! You can buy them. But in order to buy a toy, one condition must be met: do not name it, but describe it, while you cannot look at the toy. According to your description, the seller will recognize it and sell it to you.
A seller is chosen with a short rhyme. The teacher buys the toy first, showing how to follow the rules of the game. Educator: “Comrade seller, I want to buy a toy. She is round, rubbery, can jump, all children love to play with her. The seller hands the ball to the buyer. “Thank you, what a beautiful ball!” - the teacher says and sits on a chair with the ball.
The seller calls the name of any of the players. He comes up and describes the toy he chose to buy: “And please sell me such a toy: it is fluffy, orange, it has a long beautiful tail, a narrow muzzle and sly eyes.” The seller gives the toy to the fox. The buyer thanks and sits down.
The game continues until all the children have bought toys.
The role of the seller can be performed by several guys in turn.
Children who "bought" toys then play with them in the room or on a walk.
The game in the "shop" is best done after sleep before independent games.
The teacher brings to the “shop” such toys that the children have not played with for a long time in order to arouse interest in them, to remind them how interesting and beautiful they are.
Note. By the same principle, the game "Flower Shop" is played, where children describe indoor plants, their leaves, stem, flower.

The purpose of the game. Cultivate the ability to be observant, activate the speech of children.
Game progress. The teacher, turning to the children, says: “Today we will play a new game called
she is Radio. Do you know the name of the person who speaks on the radio? That's right, they call him a speaker. Today, the radio announcer will be looking for the children of our group. He will describe one of us, and we will find out from his story which of us is lost. I'll be the announcer first, listen. Attention! Attention! The girl is lost. She wears a red sweater, a checkered apron, and white ribbons in pigtails. She sings songs well, is friends with Vera. Who knows this girl? So the teacher starts the game, showing the children an example of a description. Children name a girl from their group. “And now one of you will be the announcer,” says the teacher. A new speaker is chosen with the help of a rhyme.
The teacher makes sure that the children name the most characteristic features of their comrades, how they are dressed, what they like to do, how they treat friends.
If the announcer gave such a description that the children could not recognize their comrade, everyone answers in unison: “We don’t have such a girl (boy)!”. And then the announcer pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Where was Petya?

The purpose of the game. Activate the processes of thinking, recall, attention, activate the speech of children.
Game progress. Option 1. The teacher tells the children that they will play a game that will make them remember everything they saw in their kindergarten: what rooms are there, who is in them, what is in each room, what they do in it.
The teacher says: “Let's imagine that a new boy, Petya, has come to our kindergarten. Together with his teacher, he went to inspect the kindergarten. But where he went and what he saw there, Petya will tell. On behalf of Petya, you will tell everything in turn. Don't name the room by a word. We must recognize it ourselves from your description."
If the children are already familiar with the games “Guess”, “Shop”, “Radio”, they must independently, without the help of a teacher, give a description of the individual rooms and the work of adults in the kindergarten.
We give approximate descriptions given by the children: “Petya went into a room where a lot of clean clothes lay on the shelves.
underwear. Maria Petrovna stroked him, the washing machine hummed. (Laundry.) “Petya looked into the room where the children were singing, dancing, someone was playing the piano. The room was large and bright. (Hall.)
The teacher warns the children that they should only describe what Petya could see in the kindergarten building. If the child told about what is not in kindergarten, he is considered a loser.
Option 2. You can complicate this game. The teacher, when repeating it, suggests remembering what Petya could see when he went to the kindergarten site. Children describe the site, buildings, trees, shrubs, identify features that distinguish the site of one group from the site of another.
The teacher needs to activate the children's vocabulary, offering to name the same thing with different words. So, for example, the child described the vegetable store: “Petya went down the stairs and saw jars with various fruits, juices, compotes on the shelves: there were carrots in the bags, and potatoes in a large box. It was cold there." The children answer: "Petya got into the basement." The teacher offers to think and say in other words. Children's answers may be: “To the grocery store”, “To the pantry”, “To the vegetable store”.
The teacher confirms the correctness of the children's answers: "Yes, the room where Petya looked can be called differently."
Option 3. You can offer a more complex option. The teacher says to the children: “You and I know our city (or district) well, we went on an excursion with you, we saw what institutions, buildings, streets are in the city. But Petya has only recently arrived in our city. Tell us where he has been and what he has seen. And we'll figure it out." Children talk about the library, school, cinema, main street, etc.
The educator helps children to highlight the most significant distinguishing features of the described object, clarifies the knowledge of children. For example, Ira gave the following description: “Petya went into the house. There were a lot of shelves with books, people were standing and looking at them.” From this description, it is difficult to guess where Petya was: in a bookstore or in a library? The teacher clarifies the child’s story: “Did they sell or give out books there?” - "Given out." - “Where did Petya get to?” Children respond;
"To the library". - “What was the main thing in the description of Ira?” the teacher asks. "The fact that books were given out there." - "Who gave out the books?" - Librarian. - "And who sells books?" - "Seller". - "Where does the seller work?" - "In the store." So the teacher clarifies and deepens the knowledge of children about the environment.
You can use other options.
Option 4. The teacher tells that Petya left with his parents to rest. The children should tell where Petya could go and what he could see there.
For example, the following description was given: “Petya came to his grandmother. I went for a walk with her and saw a long, long barn, there were a lot of pigs in it. There they were fed, they ate and grunted. The children answer: "Petya visited the collective farm."
The educator, activating the children's thinking, their vocabulary, suggests thinking about whether it is possible to answer in a different way. Children give the following answers: "Petya visited a pig farm, in the village."
“All answers are correct,” the teacher sums up.
Option 5. The next time the teacher invites the children to think and say what Petya could see if he were a traveler. Children talk about Africa, the Arctic, etc., using the knowledge they have gained in kindergarten and at home. The teacher clarifies and deepens the knowledge of children, seeks to enrich their vocabulary.
Option 6. The teacher tells the children that Petya loves to read books, and suggests: “Let him tell about some hero of the book, and we will find out which book Petya read.” He warns that you can only talk about those heroes that everyone read about in kindergarten, otherwise not everyone will be able to guess.

Here are some of the children's stories:
"The little girl loved her grandmother very much, she went to visit her in the forest, brought her pies and milk, and picked flowers along the way.
"The old people lived near the blue sea. The old man was fishing, and the old woman scolded him all the time, she was angry, fastidious."
“Grandpa was very kind. Spring came, the ice melted, the river overflowed, and the hares did not know where to hide. He swam up to them in a boat and rescued them.”

Children can also come up with games about Petya. “Let Petya find out what this song is called,” Tanya suggests. One of the guys or all together sing the words of the song, and the driver must remember its name and author. The teacher encourages creative independence. At the end of the game, he can invite the children to draw what they talked about in the game “Where was Petya?”.

What is this bird?

The purpose of the game. To teach children to describe birds by characteristic features and recognize them by description.
Game progress. This game requires a lot of advance preparation. Children watch birds, pay attention to their special signs (for example, the size and length of the beak, legs, color of feathers, where this bird lives, what it eats, how it screams or sings), by which you can find out what it is for a bird.
The game begins with the appointment of a driver who guesses what kind of bird has arrived. He pronounces his riddles in a singsong voice, and everyone else repeats certain words in chorus (see below). Here, for example, is how the driver describes the crane in such a game:
I have a bird
Like this, like this! -
shows with his hands how big his bird is. All players say:

The wings of a bird
Here they are, here they are! -
and shows, spreading his arms wide, what big wings the bird has. All players:
The bird flies, the bird flies, it flies to us!
This bird's beak is like this, like this!
But the driver is not yet sure that the players recognized the bird. He says where the bird lives, what it eats, etc., and ends with a question:
What kind of bird is flying to us? Well, guess what kind of bird it is?
Not all children answer the question in unison, but only one - whom the driver will point to. If the child answers correctly, the children say:
What a bird flew to us! What a bird flew to us!
The one who guessed becomes the leader and gives a description of the bird that he thought of.
If the child's answer was wrong, the driver tells him:
Not such a bird flew to us! Not such a bird flew to us!
Then he turns to another player and repeats his question:
What kind of bird flew to us? Well, guess what kind of bird it is?
The one called the driver can guess only once.
The new driver describes some other bird that has special signs, for example, an eagle, a parrot, a woodpecker, a crow, a rooster, a goose.
Another version of this game is also possible. Children give a description of various animals: a tiger, a hare, a fox, an elephant, a deer and many others. You just need to change the words:
I have a beast like this, like this!
Everyone says the words:
Runs, runs, the beast, Runs to us! Etc.

The purpose of the game. To teach children to think, logically raise questions, make the right conclusions.
Game progress. Option 1. The teacher tells the children the rules of the game and explains the name. Why is this game
so called? Because you and I can only answer the questions of the driver with the words “yes” or “no”. The driver will go out the door, and we will agree on what object in our room we will guess for him. He will come and ask us where the object is, what it is, what it is for. We will answer him with only two words. I will be the driver first. When I leave the room, Vova will tell you what object he proposes to make. Then you will call me.
The teacher leaves, then enters the room and asks: “Is this object on the floor?” - "Not". "On the wall?" - "No." "On the ceiling?" - "Yes". "Glass? Like a pear?" - "Yes". "Bulb?" - "Yes".
Taking on the role of the first leader, the teacher teaches children to logically raise questions. He clarifies: “Children, did you notice how I asked? First I found out where the object is, and then I found out what it is. Try to guess the same."
This game teaches children to think logically: if an object is not on the floor, then it can be on the wall or on the ceiling. Children do not immediately draw the right conclusions. It happens like this: having learned that this object is not on the floor, the child continues to ask: “Table?”, “Chair?” The teacher in such cases helps the child to come to the correct conclusion: “Ira, we answered you that the object is not on the floor. Where is the chair, table? - "On the floor". "Did you have to name them?" - "Not". “You found out that the object is on the wall. Look at what objects are on the wall and guess what we have guessed, ”the teacher offers. "Is it square?" - "Yes." "In a frame?" - "Yes". "Does it have flowers on it?" - "Yes". "Painting?" - "Yes".
Option 2. You can offer a more complex option. The teacher thinks of an object that is outside the room: “There are a lot of objects, children, and it will be difficult to guess if you don’t know if it’s on earth or in heaven, in a house or on the street, is it an animal or a plant.”
If children have played this game several times, they quickly begin to pick up questions and guess the intended object. For example, the children thought of the sun. Misha the guesser asks the following questions: “In the house? On the street? In the garden? In the woods? On the ground? In the sky?" Having learned that the object is in the sky, he asks the following questions: “Air? Clouds? Snow? Sparrows? Rocket? Airplane? Sun?"
From his questions, one can trace the course of logical thinking: having learned that an object is in the sky, he already names only those objects that can be there.


Before starting such games, the teacher conducts a lesson-conversation with the children. In a conversation, he reminds that the objects surrounding people are very diverse, they have both differences and similarities. “Now I will name two objects, and you will tell how they differ from each other and how they are similar,” he addresses the children. “Look at the table and chair and compare them.”
Usually children begin to name signs of difference, it's easier:
- They sit on a chair, write, draw, eat on the table.
“The table is bigger than the chair,” they continue.
- The table has no back, but the chair does.
- The table has high legs, and the chair has lower legs.
- The table has a cover, and the chair has a seat.
“Did you say how the table and chair are similar or how they are not similar?” - asks the teacher. - “How they are not similar.” - “That's right, you named the signs of difference, that is, how they differ from each other. And how are they similar? Do they have anything in common, similar? This task is more difficult for children to solve, and therefore the teacher can help them with additional questions: “Look what the table and chair are made of, what color they are”, etc.
Children answer:
- The table and chair are the same color. They are yellow.
Both the table and the chair are made of wood.
- They have sharp corners.
- The table and chair have four legs.
- Both the table and the chair are furniture.
The teacher sums up: “Now you have named the signs of similarity, that is, how the table and chair are similar to each other. This means that these objects are somewhat similar and somewhat different from one another. You yourself noticed it. Now let's do it differently. I will tell you about two objects, I will tell you how they differ from each other and how they are similar, and you try to recognize them from my description. And the teacher gives, for example, a description of two domestic animals - a cow and a horse. Then he invites the children to talk about two objects, to name how they differ and how they are similar. The rest of the children will guess.
This task is difficult, it is not immediately performed by the children correctly, and the teacher has to clarify the descriptions of the children and help them. For example, a child thinks: "One tree is thorny, and the other is not thorny." The teacher clarifies: “The prickly tree has small needles, the second tree has a smooth, white bark.” After clarification, children can guess that it is a spruce and a birch.
When the children learn how to find signs of similarities and differences in objects, the teacher offers them the game “Like - not like”.

Similar - not similar

The purpose of the game. To teach children to compare objects, find signs of differences, similarities in them, recognize objects by description.
Game progress. The teacher, having put the children in a circle or at tables, invites them to play a new game called “Looks like - not like”.
Turning to the children, he says: “Remember, you and I learned to describe two objects, tell how they are similar and how they differ? Today we will play like this. Everyone will think of two objects, remember how they differ from each other and how they are similar, and tell us, and we will guess. Remember (pause). I have a pebble in my hands, to whom I put it, he will guess.
The one who received the pebble makes a riddle, for example: “Two flowers, one with white petals and a yellow center, the other pink, with beautiful fragrant petals, with thorns. One field, the other grows in a flower bed. The guesser, after a short pause, passes the pebble to any of the players. He must quickly answer and guess the riddle. If the guesser is wrong, he pays a phantom, which is redeemed at the end of the game.
Examples of riddles invented by children.

Galya. “Two beetles crawled. One is small, red, with black dots, and the other is large, brown. One does not buzz at all, and the other buzzes strongly ”(ladybug and Maybug).
Ira. “Animals, both agile. One is grey, the other is red. They live in the forest, one in a hole, and the other just runs like that. One loves cockerels, and the other attacks the flock ”(fox and wolf).
Seryozha. "Two cars. One plows the land, the other carries goods. One crackles loudly, and the other goes quietly (tractor and truck).

The teacher suggests next time to choose objects with less noticeable signs of difference for comparison. Children understand this task and give a description, for example, a cat and a kitten, spruce and pine trees, sofas and benches, etc.
Older children love storytelling games.
In the process of these games, they develop coherent, figurative speech, an understanding of humor, the ability to joke themselves. These games increase children's interest in acquiring new knowledge.
Before conducting the game, the teacher finds out if the children know what fables are, where they heard them. Children answer that a fable is a fiction, something that does not happen in life, fables are often found in fairy tales. If they cannot answer, the teacher will tell them about it.
He invites the children to tell some fable from familiar fairy tales. Children recall: “Little Red Riding Hood could not get out alive from the belly of a wolf”, “Geese cannot carry Ivanushka on their wings”, “Fish cannot do miracles”, “Animals cannot speak”, etc.
After the children learn to notice fables, the teacher reads them a work with fables, introduces them to entertaining content. It happens that the children have questions that the teacher cannot immediately answer, for example: do elephants swim, do they refuel a rocket with gasoline, etc. In such cases, he promises to tell the children about it tomorrow and, having found out for himself that required, the next day, be sure to give them the correct answer. Otherwise, the guys will lose interest in such games.
When playing the game, you should not take the whole work, but only part of it. Initially, a passage may contain 2-3 fables, and then there may be more. The experience of playing games shows that children can remember and name 6-7 fables contained in a passage. Based on this, the educator independently breaks the work into semantic parts.

Who will notice the untruths more?

The purpose of the game. To teach children to notice fables, illogical situations, to explain them; develop the ability to distinguish between real and imagined.
Game progress. Children sit down so that chips can be put aside on the table. The teacher explains the rules of the game: “Children, now I will read you a poem by Korney Chukovsky “Confusion”1. It will contain many lies. Try to notice and remember them. Whoever notices a fable, puts a chip, notices another fable - puts a second chip next to it, etc. Whoever notices more fables will win. You can put a chip only when you yourself noticed the fable.
First, a small part of this poem is read. The poem is read slowly, expressively, places with fables are accentuated.
After reading, the teacher asks the children why the poem is called "Confusion". Then the one who put aside fewer chips is asked to name the fables he noticed. Children who have more chips name those fables that the first responder did not notice. You cannot repeat what has been said. If the child has put more chips than the tales in the poem, the teacher tells him that he did not follow the rules of the game, and suggests that he be more careful another time.
Then the next part of the poem is read. It is necessary to ensure that children do not get tired, as the game requires a lot of mental stress. Noticing by the behavior of the children that they are tired, the teacher must stop the game. At the end of the game, praise should be given to those children who noticed more tales and explained them correctly.

Come up with a tall tale

The game is played after the previous game has been repeatedly played with the children.
The purpose of the game. To teach children to invent fables on their own, including them in their story, to develop the imagination of children.
Game progress. The following conversation of the educator serves as an introduction to the game: “Writers, poets have created many interesting funny poems, fairy tales, stories. We have read a lot of them. But we can try to come up with a funny story ourselves. Here, listen to what a story-fiction I came up with ... "
An exemplary teacher's story:
“In the morning, when the sun went down, I got up and went to work. I went to the kindergarten and saw children there. I said goodbye to them. Everyone cheerfully answered me: "Goodbye." We went to the kindergarten, went into the room, dried our feet and immediately sat down at the table for breakfast.
Children listen carefully, and then they name fables. “Now try to come up with a story with fables yourself. We will listen and notice fables,” the educator suggests.
We give examples of stories-fictions invented by children: “There was a girl in the forest. She had a magic wand. A bunny without antennae with short ears jumped up to her. She wanted to touch him, but the hare did not exist. She looked back and forth - there is no hare. She raised her eyes up, and the hare was sitting on the top of a pine tree and laughing.
“One person left the house and went for a walk. By the river he saw a boat. Sat in it, swam. The boat capsized and the man fell to the bottom. He walks along the sand at the bottom, looks - towards the shark. She swallowed him, and he ripped open her belly and got out.

Bondarenko A.K.

As you know, the most effective learning and development of children occurs in the game. Children's word games contribute to attention, memory, imagination, thinking, enrichment vocabulary. Play with baby kids word games you can anywhere: at home, on a walk, in transport, at a clinic, on the way to. Word games should be used as part of a speech development lesson. You can include them in quizzes, and also, as an element of entertainment, in children's parties. I bring to your attention some interesting word games that are suitable for games with older preschool children from 5-7 years old.

"New word". Name any word, for example, "bush". The child must come up with a word that begins with the last letter of your word. For example, "cake". The game continues until one of the participants repeats or cannot give their own answer.
"Sweet Nothing". Invite the child to turn the words as in the example: house - house, table - table, hare - bunny, book - little book, fox - fox.

"Forbidden Words" Ask the child to answer the question, but in such a way that he does not pronounce the two forbidden words “good” and “bad”.
How do you usually behave at home?
- Do you swim well?
— How do you draw?
- How do you skate?
Did the boy do well when he took the toy from the baby?
"In a word". Ask the child how to call in one word:
- plates, cups, pans, pots? (Tableware)
— sofa, bed, table, chair, closet? (Furniture)
- milk, bread, flour, cheese, sausage? (Products)
- felt boots, boots, shoes, sandals, Czech shoes? (Shoes)
- Plane, train, car, tractor, ship? (Transport)

In this game, the child learns to generalize. You can complicate the game by naming one extra word in a group of words: apples, pear, plum, cucumber. The kid must guess the extra word and explain why it is superfluous.

"Who is bigger". In this game, you need to come up with as many adjectives as possible for any noun. For example, Summer is warm, sunny, rainy, gentle, hot.

You can also set the task to come up with verbs for the noun: the river flows, runs, murmurs, boils.

"Guess". The child must guess the object by the name of its parts:

cabin, body, steering wheel, wheels, headlights - car;

head, horns, body, tail, udder - cow.

"Think of a word." Will the child be able to come up with words starting with the syllables “li” (fox, leaf fall, lemon, linden, leaves, midget, lily, downpour), “ka” (porridge, helmet, drops, crucian carp, stone, picture, viburnum, gate, pan), “ve” (spring, broom, wind, rope, bucket, fun, fan)? Can he come up with words ending in the syllable "sa" (scythe, wasp, sausage, fox, princess, miracles)? Will he remember the words in which the combination “ro” occurs (king, crown, lesson, throne, rhombus, shelter, building, rose, feather, subway, pie)?

"Say the opposite." Give your child a word, such as "cold." The task of the child is to find the antonym word, which is opposite in meaning: “hot; "summer Winter"; low-high"; bad-good."

"Find the mistake." Read the sentence to the child, ask what fairy tale it is from and what is wrong with this sentence.
- There was a goat. And she had seven little kittens.
Mom baked pies and asked her daughter Blue Riding Hood to take the pies to her grandfather.
- Nif Nif built himself a glass house, Nuf-Nuf - crystal, Naf-Naf - brick.
- The stove says: "Eat my cakes - I'll tell you where the swan geese flew."
- The wolf lowered his tail into the hole, sits and says: "Cold, freeze the wolf's tail."

"Poker". This game is suitable for older preschool children. It is more interesting to play it with a group of children. The child chooses a name for himself from the kitchen utensils: a poker, a saucepan, a ladle, a plate, a cup, a fork, etc. The adult asks questions:

"What's your name?" - Cookie.

"What's your mother's name?" - Ladle

"What did you eat today?" - Ladle

"Who did you walk with?" - with Povareshka

"Who are your friends?" - Ladles.

In addition to the fact that this game will amuse children, it will help them learn how to decline objects in gender, number and case.

« One is many. The adult calls the word denoting one object, the child calls the plural of the word.

Child-people, bear-cubs, man-people.

"Word-association". Name the word, say, "honey", and ask the child what he imagines when he hears this word? For example, the child will name the word "bee", then the next player must name his association, but to a new word - for example, "flower". This children's word game contributes to the development of associative thinking and expansion vocabulary.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old. Introduction to the ball. Tasks for the development of attention in children 3-4 years old Lesson on the development of speech. Domestic and wild animals. Lesson on the development of speech. Vegetables. The value of fiction for young children Games for the development of phonemic hearing Games and competitions for school children How to prepare a child's hand for writing Pictures for the fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox"
Kinetic sand for developing creativity. Repeat. Online memory game
The benefits of drawing for children Concept of time for a child
We develop logical thinking in children

Well no

Didactic task. To teach children to think, logically raise questions, make the right conclusions.

Game rule. The driver’s questions can only be answered with the words “yes” or “no”.

Game action. Guessing the subject through questions given in a logical sequence.

Game progress.

Option 1. The teacher tells the children the rules of the game and explains the name:

Why is this game called that? Because you and I can only answer the questions of the driver with the words “yes” or “no”. The driver will go out the door, and we will agree on what object in our room we will guess for him. He will come and ask us where the object is, what it is, what it is for. We will answer him with only two words. I will be the driver first. When I leave the room, Vova will tell you what object he proposes to make. Then you will call me.

The teacher leaves, then enters the room and asks: “Is this object on the floor?” - "No." - "On the wall?" - "No." - "On the ceiling?" - "Yes." - "Glass? Does it look like a pear? - "Yes." - "Light bulb?" - "Yes."

Taking on the role of the first leader, the teacher teaches children to logically raise questions. He explains:

- Children, did you notice how I asked? First I found out where the object is, and then I found out what it is. Try to guess the same.

This game teaches children to think logically: if an object is not on the floor, then it can be on the wall or on the ceiling. Children do not immediately draw the right conclusions. It happens like this: having learned that this object is not on the floor, the child continues to ask: “Table?”, “Chair?” The teacher in such cases helps the child to come to the correct conclusion: “Ira, we answered you that the object is not on the floor. Where is the chair, table? - "On the floor." - "Should they have been named?" - "No." - "You found out that the object is on the wall. Look at what objects are on the wall and guess what we have guessed, ”the teacher offers. "Is it square?" - "Yes", - "In a frame?" - "Yes." - "Does it have flowers painted on it?" - "Yes." - "Picture?" - "Yes".

Option 2. You can offer a more complex version. The teacher thinks of an object that is outside the room:

- There are a lot of objects, children, and it will be difficult to guess if you do not know whether it is on earth or in the sky, in a house or on the street, whether it is an animal or a plant.

If children have played this game several times, they quickly begin to pick up questions and guess the intended object. For example, the children thought of the sun. Misha the guesser asks the following questions: “In the house? On the street? In the garden? In the woods? On the ground? In the sky?" Having learned that the object is in the sky, he asks the following questions: “Air? Clouds? Snow? Sparrows? Rocket? Airplane? Sun?"

From his questions, one can trace the course of logical thinking: having learned that an object is in the sky, he already names only those objects that can be there.

didactic task. To teach children to compare objects, find signs of differences, similarities in them, recognize objects by description.

Game rules. To compare objects by presentation, take only two objects; highlight both similarities and differences.

Game actions. Guessing, passing a pebble to one of the players who must name two objects, guessing them according to the description of a friend.

Game progress. The teacher, having put the children in a circle or at tables, invites them to play a new game called “Looks like - not like”.

Addressing the children, he says:

- Remember, we learned to describe two objects, tell how they are similar and how they differ? Today we will play like this: everyone will think of two objects, remember how they differ from each other and how they are similar, and tell us, and we will guess. Remember. (Pause.) I have a pebble in my hands, to whom I put it, he will guess.

The one who received the pebble makes a riddle, for example: “Two flowers, one with white petals and a yellow center, the other pink, with beautiful fragrant petals, with thorns. One field, the other grows in a flower bed. The guesser, after a short pause, passes the pebble to any of the players. He must quickly answer and guess his riddle. If the guesser is wrong, he pays a phantom, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Examples of riddles invented by children.

Galya. Two beetles crawled. One is small, red, with black dots, and the other is large, brown. One does not buzz at all, and the other buzzes a lot. (Ladybug and Maybug.)

Ira. Animals, both agile. One is grey, the other is red. They live in the forest, one in a hole, and the other just runs like that. One loves cockerels, and the other attacks the flock. (Fox and wolf.)

Seryozha. Two cars. One plows the land, the other carries goods. One crackles loudly, and the other goes quietly. (Tractor and truck.)

Answer fast

Didactic task. To consolidate the ability of children to classify objects (by color, shape, quality); teach them to think and respond quickly.

Game rules. Select only those words that can be called one generalizing word; you can only throw the ball back after you have said the right word.

Game actions. Throwing and catching the ball.

Game progress. The teacher, holding the ball in his hands, becomes with the children in a circle and explains the rules of the game:

- Now I will name a color and throw a ball to one of you. The one who catches the ball must name an object of this color, then he himself names any color and throws the ball to the next one. He also catches the ball, names the object, his color, etc.

"Green" - the teacher says (makes a short pause, giving the children the opportunity to remember green objects) and throws the ball to Valya. “List,” Valya answers, and, saying “blue”, throws the ball to Vitya. “Heaven,” Vitya answers and says “yellow”, throwing the ball to the next one. The same color can be repeated several times, as there are many objects of the same color.

The main feature for classification may not be the color, but the quality of the object. For example, a beginner says, "Wooden," and throws the ball. "Table," the child who caught the ball answers, and offers his word: "Stone." - "House," the next player answers and says: "Steel." - "Spoon." Etc.

The next time, the form is taken as the main feature. The teacher says the word "round" and throws the ball to any player. “Sun,” he replies and names another shape, such as “square”, throwing the ball to the next player. He names a square-shaped object (window, book, handkerchief) and suggests some form. The same shape can be repeated several times, since many objects have the same shape.

When repeating, the game can be made more difficult by offering to name not one, but two or more objects.

Come up with a proposal

didactic task. To develop in children speech activity, speed of thinking.

Game rule. It is possible to transfer a pebble to another player only after he has come up with a sentence with the named leading word.

game action. Transfer of the stone.

Game progress. Children and teacher sit in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

“Today we are going to come up with proposals. I will say a word, and you will quickly come up with a sentence with this word. For example, I will say the word "close" and give Misha a pebble. He will take a pebble and quickly answer: "I live close to the kindergarten." Then he will say his word and pass the pebble to the person sitting next to him.

The word in the sentence should be used in the form in which it is proposed by the guesser. So in turn (in a circle) the pebble passes from one player to another. If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them.

This game is played after the children have become familiar with the word and sentence.


folk game

Didactic task. Exercise children in the ability to classify and name animals, fish, birds, etc.

Game rules. You can step over to the next cell only after you name the beast. The winner, a good hunter, will be the one who reaches the forest, naming as many animals as there are cells on the way to the forest.

Game actions. Step over the line, name, without repeating, wild animals. Who can not remember, returns.

Game progress. Somewhere in a free place at one end of the yard or playground is a group of players. This is a house. At a distance of a few steps from the house - the farther the better - some mark is put and a line drawn. This is a forest where different animals are found. The hunter, one of the players, goes to this forest. Standing still, he utters these words: “I am going to the forest to hunt, I will hunt for. . ." Here he steps forward and says: . .hare"; takes the second step. . .bear”; takes the third step. . .wolf"; fourth step: . .fox"; fifth: ". . .badger. . .". At each step, the hunter names some animal. You cannot name the same animal twice. You can’t name birds either, but if you play bird hunting, you need to name only birds.

The winner is the one who reached the forest, naming a new beast at each step. The one who could not do this returns home, and the next one goes hunting. An unsuccessful hunter can be allowed to go hunting again. Perhaps this time the hunt will be successful.

Note. According to the principle of this game, you can play the game "Fisherman". The fisherman says: “I'll go fishing and catch it. . . pike, crucian, perch. Etc.

Who will name more actions?

Didactic task. To teach children to correlate the actions of people with their profession; activate dictionary; cultivate the ability to think quickly.

Game rules. Name only one action of a person of this profession. If the child cannot remember, he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and then throws it back to the leader.

Game actions. Throwing and catching the ball.

Game progress. The teacher conducts a short conversation before the game, clarifying the children's understanding of the words profession, action. Then he says:

“Children, I work as a kindergarten teacher. This is my profession. Tolin's mother treats the sick. She is a doctor. This is her profession. What do you think is the profession of Antonina Vasilievna, who prepares dinner for us? (Children answer: "Cook".) What professions do you know. (Children call: “Driver, teacher, shoemaker, pilot, etc.”) Each person, having a profession, works, performs some actions. What does the chef do? (Children answer: “Cooks, bakes, fries, grinds meat with a meat grinder, cleans vegetables, etc.”) Now we will play with you the game “Who will name more actions?” I will name the profession, and you will remember all the actions of a person of this profession.

The teacher says the word "doctor" and throws the ball to one of the players. Children answer: "Examines patients, listens, heals, gives medicine, makes injections, operations." "Tailor". - "Bastes, cuts, smacks, irons, tries on, sews." Etc.

The teacher names the professions familiar to the children: nanny, laundress, driver, etc. The children remember what people in these professions do.

Whoever names the most actions is considered the winner.

Say it differently

didactic task. Teach children to choose a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

The game rules and game actions are the same as in the previous game.

Game progress. The teacher says that in this game, children will have to remember words that are similar in meaning to the word that he will name.

“Big,” the teacher suggests. Children name the words: "Huge, large, huge, giant."

"Beautiful". - "Pretty, good, beautiful, lovely, wonderful."

"Wet". - "Raw, wet." Etc.

In preparation for the game, the teacher selects in advance words that have a number of synonyms. It is better to write down these words so as not to remember for a long time, since the game takes place at a fast pace.

The teacher can, by analogy with this game, develop other games, for example: he calls a noun, and the children select suitable epithets for it. So, for the word sea, children pick up the epithets "calm, stormy, quiet, azure, formidable, stormy, beautiful, southern." A child who remembers more words should be praised.

All games can be played in the native language class (as part of the class).

Pick a word

Didactic task. To develop children's ingenuity, the ability to select the words they need in meaning.

Game rules and game actions are the same as in previous games.

Game progress. The teacher, addressing the children, offers them questions, for example: "Remember what you can sew." Children's answers: "Dress, coat, sundress, shirt, boots, fur coat, etc." "Darn?" - "Socks, stockings, mittens, scarf." - "Tie up?" “Wear?” - “Coat, dress, stockings, fur coat, raincoat, skirt, sundress, tights.”

The teacher calls the words he has previously planned. Children give answers by choosing words that make sense.

Make no mistake!

Didactic task. To develop the speed of thinking, to consolidate the knowledge of children about what they do at different times of the day.

Game rules. Having received a cube in your hands, you need to name any one activity, an action that is done at a certain time of the day, then, having named any time of the day, pass the cube to another player.

Game action. Cube transfer.

Game progress. The teacher conducts a conversation with the children, consolidating their knowledge about different parts of the day. Children remember what they do in the morning, afternoon, evening, night. Then the teacher offers a game:

- Children, let's play with you like this. I will name one word, part of the day, and you remember what you are doing at this time. For example, I will say the word "morning". What will you name?

Children remember:

- Wake up, say hello, wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair.

“That's right,” the teacher says. “But during the game, only the one to whom I put the cube will answer, and only one action can be called (“I go to kindergarten”, or “do gymnastics”, or “do it”); The caller passes the cube to another player. If someone does not remember and does not say anything, he must hit the cube on the table and pass it on. Then he is considered a loser. Be careful, make no mistake!

The teacher calls different parts of the day, the children answer.

The same game can be played differently. The teacher calls the various actions of the children, and they must answer with only one word: day, morning, night, evening. For example, the teacher says: “I’m having breakfast,” and puts the cube to the player. He quickly replies: "In the morning." Teacher: I watch TV. Children can name two words: “Day”, “Evening”.


Didactic task. Develop auditory attention; activate vocabulary, thinking; develop ingenuity.

Game rules. Only those words that end in -ok can be “put” in the box; who called the word, passes the box to another child.

Game actions. Imitation of movement, as if an object is lowered into the container; whoever makes a mistake naming an object with a different ending pays a phantom, which is then won back.

Game progress. The players sit at the table. The teacher puts a basket (box, box) on the table, then asks:

Do you see, children, this box? Do you know what you can put in a container?

— We don't know.

- In this container you will put everything that can be called a word ending in -ok. (At the beginning of the game, the teacher explains that it is not necessary to put the object, just name it and make the appropriate movement at the same time.) For example: a lock, a scarf, a stocking, a sock, a lace, a leaf, a collar, a lump, a bun, a hook. Everyone will put in the box what he wants, according to the rule, and pass it on to his neighbor, who will also put something from the things whose name ends in -ok, and pass the box on. Remember the condition? Let's start playing!

The first took the box and said:

- I put a flower in the container.

The second one said:

- I'm a fungus.

The third one said:

- And I'm a hammer.

The fourth said:

- And I - matches boxes.

“The box was walking, walking, and suddenly they put an apple in it,” the teacher continues the game.

Hearing this, the children say:

Don't put an apple in our box.

- Why?

“Yes, because the apple does not end in -ok,” the children answer.

Who said nothing, gives a phantom. The body is again passed from hand to hand. The game ends with the playing of forfeits.

Continuing the game, you can name words with a different ending (for example, on -ka, -ek), but the condition remains the same: do not make mistakes and do not “put” objects in the box with other endings in the names.

Only for this letter

didactic task. To consolidate children's knowledge of the letter and sound; cultivate auditory attention, speed of reaction to the word.

Game rules. Name words only with the letter that the child has chosen. Whoever makes a mistake and says a word not with the intended letter pays a fant, then wins it back at the end of the game.

Game actions. If the answer is correct, clap one hand, if the answer is wrong, raise the phantom.

Game progress. The teacher explains the rules of the game to the children, drawing their attention to the fact that one must be very careful in the game. Everyone must choose a letter for themselves, to the question of the presenter, find and name a word that begins with the chosen letter. For example, Vasya chose the letter A. The driver asks him:

- What is your name? What should Vasya answer? He must say any name that begins. . . What letter?

- BUT! - the children answer in chorus: Alyosha, Andrey!

Making sure that the rules of the game are learned by the children and everyone

chose a letter for himself, the teacher continues the game, asks the child:

What is your letter?

For all of the following questions, this child must answer with words with the letter A, quickly, without hesitation.

The teacher asks:

- What is your name?

- Andrew.

- What is your last name?

— Azbukin.

- Where did you come from?

— From Astrakhan.

- Where are you driving?

— To Astrakhan.

- What will you ride?

- By bus.

- What grows there?

- Watermelons.

- What else?

— Apricots.

- What kind of birds are there?

- What kind of animals?

- Argali.

Who will meet you at home?

What gift will you bring him?

— Album.

Then the teacher turns to another child (letter) and asks him similar questions.

It happens that one of the participants in the game to the question “What is your name?” he will say his name or make a mistake in the name of the city where he should go, a tree, a flower, a bird, all the players raise forfeits. If the same participant in the game makes a mistake a second time, he is asked to do something: jump on one leg around the table, crawl under the table and shout “crow” three times, etc.

The game continues until all the children have answered the leader's questions.

Who will notice the untruths more?

didactic task. To teach children to notice fables, illogical situations, to explain them; develop the ability to distinguish between real and imagined.

Game rules. Whoever notices a fable in a story, a poem, must put a chip in front of him, and at the end of the game name all the fables noticed.

Game action. Using chips. (Whoever noticed and explained the fables more, he won.)

Game progress. Children sit down so that chips can be put aside on the table. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

- Now I will read you an excerpt from Korney Chukovsky's poem "Confusion". It will contain many lies. Try to notice and remember them. Whoever notices a fable, puts a chip, notices another fable, puts a second chip next to it, etc. Whoever notices more stories will win. You can put a chip only when you yourself noticed the fable.

First, a small part of this poem is read, slowly, expressively, places with fables are accentuated.


Kittens meowed:

“We are tired of meowing!

We want, like pigs,


And behind them and ducklings:

“We don’t want to quack anymore!

We want, like frogs,


The pigs meowed:

"Meow meow!"

The cats grunted:

"Oink oink oink!"

The ducks croaked:

"Qua, qua, qua!"

The hens quacked:

"Quack, quack, quack!"

Sparrow galloped

And mooed like a cow:

A bear came running

And let's roar:


Only hare

There was a good boy:

Didn't meow

And did not grunt -

Lying under the cabbage

babbled like a hare

And foolish little animals


"Who is ordered to chirp -

Don't purr!

Who is commanded to purr -

Don't tweet!

Do not be a crow cow

Do not fly frogs under the cloud!

K. Chukovsky.

After reading, the teacher asks the children why the poem is called "Confusion". Then the one who put aside fewer chips is asked to name the noticed fables. Children who have more chips name those fables that the first responder did not notice. You cannot repeat what has been said. If the child has put more chips than the tales in the poem, the teacher tells him that he did not follow the rules of the game, and suggests that he be more careful another time.

Then the next part of the poem is read. It is necessary to ensure that children do not get tired, as the game requires a lot of mental stress. Noticing by the behavior of the children that they are tired, the teacher must stop the game. At the end of the game, praise should be given to those who spotted more tales and explained them correctly.

Note. Other tales can be used in the game, for example:

Happy, happy, happy

bright birches,

And on them with joy

Roses are growing.

Happy, happy, happy

dark aspens,

And on them with joy

Growing oranges.

Then it didn't rain out

And not hail

That fell from the cloud


And the crows over the fields

Suddenly the nightingales began to sing.

And streams from underground

Sweet honey flowed.

Chickens have become peahens

Bald - curly.

Even the mill - and that

Danced on the bridge.

So run after me

To green meadows

Where there are clouds above the blue river

A rainbow has risen.

We are jumping on the rainbow,

Let's play in the clouds

And from there down the rainbow

On sledges, on skates!

K. Chukovsky.

We have a house with miracles in the alley, -

Come take a look and see for yourself:

Under the white curtain on the first window

Cats lie and bask in the sun.

In the next window, to the delight of the guys,

Five silver fish swim side by side.

And in this window - canaries sing.

And in this - bindweeds turn green on the rail.

And in this window there is a big dog

Lies quietly, without disturbing anyone.

Here is a girl with a doll sitting on the window,

And an old man is playing the harmonica.

Here the boy reads funny books.

Here the grandmother knits socks for the boy.

But Volodya knows some word,

He will say it in a whisper - and you're done!

The dog sits down to play the harmonica

Red cats dive into the aquarium

Socks begin to knit canaries,

Kids' flowers are watered from a watering can,

The old man lies on the window, sunbathing,

And the granddaughter's grandmother plays with dolls,

And fish read funny books,

Slowly taking them away from the boy.

Now in the yard we do not know peace.

What is the word? Which? Which?. .

3. Alexandrova.

Pan and storyteller

Belarusian folk tale


Yanka squatted down in front of the plate and began to tell:

- And what, punk, does not happen in the world! This is what happened to me once.

It was at a time when my father had not yet been born. I lived with my grandfather. There is nothing to do at home, so my grandfather gave me to one owner of bees to graze. And that owner had as many as fifty decks (hives) of bees. We must count them every day in the morning and drive them to the pasture. And in the evening to drive, count again, milk and drive into the hives. And the owner told me firmly: "If you lose even one bee, I won't pay you for the whole year."

... Once I drove the bees from the pasture, counted: there is no one bee. . . I ran back to look for the bee. And it's already evening. I go there, I go here - there is no bee. Suddenly I hear a bee roaring somewhere. I look - across the river, seven wolves attacked my bee. And she, poor thing, fights them off with all her might, does not give up. I rushed to the aid of the bee. I ran to the river - there is no crossing. What to do? And here the wolves are about to tear the bee apart. I, without thinking for a long time, grabbed myself by the forelock, shook it - and the goplya across the river! But he did not reach the other bank - he fell in the middle of the river and, like a stone, went to the bottom. Somehow he came to his senses and began to look for a way to get upstairs. And then, as luck would have it, at the bottom of the river someone lit a fire and let in such smoke that it eats right in the eyes, even the fish sniffs with its nose and the road cannot be seen because of the smoke. I'm going to feel it, looking - the bear is standing. ... I got to the tail and grabbed it.

The bear was frightened, and how it would rush upward - well, he pulled me out. He himself rushed out of fright into the forest, but I remained on the shore, but not on what was needed.

Then I grabbed myself by the forelock, shook it even harder than the first time - jumped to the other side!

... I jumped to the other side, but with a run I crashed to the ground so that I got stuck up to my waist. I'm here and there - I can't get out. Without a shovel, I think you can't do anything. He ran home, grabbed a shovel - and back. I dug myself out and ran to help the bee.