How to grow a date palm from a seed at home? Tips and recommendations for proper cultivation. Date palm: tropical exotica in your home How to grow a palm tree from

Looking at the oblong seeds inside the dates beloved by children and adults, many lovers indoor plants asked the question: “How does a real date palm grow from such a crumb, and what will happen if you plant the seed at home?”

The sweet dates sold in stores are the fruit of a palm tree of the genus Phoenix dactylifera. In nature, the powerful tree grows to gigantic sizes, producing huge clusters of fruits that are famous all over the world.

For indoor growing More miniature species adapted for indoor use are offered. Such palms can be seen and purchased in flower shops. If you want to independently grow a date palm from a seed, there is a high probability of success.

Of course, it won’t be possible to wait until the tree reaches its true height of 30 meters and produces the first harvest of dates. But watch the growth and development unusual plant Both parents and children will like it.

How to grow a date palm from a seed?

For planting, you will need seeds freshly extracted from ripe fruits. Stones from store-bought dates are quite suitable. The main thing is that they are healthy, not damaged by insects or mold and do not have time to dry out, otherwise the likelihood of getting seedlings is sharply reduced:

Before the seeds are immersed in the soil, it is sometimes recommended to carefully scratch them to facilitate germination. It is much healthier and safer to germinate them in moist vermiculite. Place the container with the seeds in a warm place and make sure that the substrate does not become completely dry. In this case, after 10–14 days, as soon as the gardener notices the first roots, the seeds are transferred to the soil and the pots are placed in a warm, well-lit place.

If the sprout does not appear in due time, there is no need to despair. Perhaps the seed dried out before planting and will need more time to “revive”. Sometimes date palm seedlings were found even six months after the seeds were planted in the ground.

A date palm emerging from a seed is afraid of damage to the roots, so it is important to carry out all replanting procedures very carefully and carefully. Otherwise, the small seedling will take an extremely long time to acclimatize or may even die.

How to further care for palm trees at home? Unlike ordinary indoor plants, even the first pot for a date palm needs a very impressive size. A seedling with a single, still closed “baby” leaf is transferred into containers of 0.3–0.5 liters. The next transplant is carried out until the long tap root of the plant penetrates the drainage hole.

Seedlings need a bright place where the plant will not be in the dark, but will not be disturbed by the midday sun. for date palm from the pit and after germination should be stingy. Overmoistening threatens the development of rot and the death of a fragile plant, but you should not overdry the earthen lump.

How to care for a palm tree at home?

Date palm, like other tree crops, is not characterized by rapid growth. But the plant reacts immediately to discomfort and insufficient care of the palm tree at home. This especially applies to young specimens.

What conditions are needed for a palm tree to make the plant feel “at home” and respond well to care?

Whether it is a home-grown date palm from a seed or a plant brought from a flower shop, the crop needs to find a place with suitable lighting. In nature, large trees easily tolerate the scorching sun, but it is better not to subject a light-loving indoor palm tree to such tests. The optimal location is in the back of the room, facing south, as well as on east or west windows.

Already in May, when the average daily temperature exceeds 12 °C, nothing threatens the date palm. Therefore, plants can be safely transferred to open air under the protection of larger crops, on a loggia or balcony.

If the grower does not have the opportunity to take the palm tree out into the air, the plant develops well at normal room temperature. But in winter time It is optimal to keep them in cooler air, warmed up to only 16–18 °C. Cooling down to 12 °C is considered critical for the date palm. In this case, growth stops, the palm tree stops feeding and may suffer from root rot if watering is not stopped in time.

The plant has no special requirements for ambient air humidity. But in the hot season, as well as in winter, when the heating is on in the room, regular care of the palm tree at home includes spraying the crown and wiping the foliage with a damp cloth.

The plant does not tolerate stagnation of water. Therefore, when caring at home, the date palm is watered so that the soil does not dry out, but is not constantly wet. In summer, watering is carried out more often; in winter, the intervals between procedures are increased and are aimed at drying 2–3 cm of the surface layer of the substrate. If irrigation water penetrates from the pot into the pan, it is immediately removed and the bottom of the container is wiped. Do not forget about the powerful drainage layer. The larger the date palm and the pot intended for it, the thicker the layer of expanded clay or brick chips at the bottom.

The date palm readily accepts spring-summer fertilizing, for which liquid fertilizers are used for large decorative leafy crops. If the palm tree is taken out into the garden for the summer, the plant can be fed with bird droppings every 7–10 days, using a granular form or infusion.

The frequency of replanting the date palm shown in the photo when caring for it at home depends on the age and size of the plant. Young seedlings are transferred to a larger pot approximately once a year, and adults try not to disturb them in vain. If transshipment is necessary, it is carried out by first thoroughly pouring the earthen ball and trying not to damage the sensitive roots of the plant. Date palm transplantation is carried out in ready-made soil, offered by specialized stores.

To arrange drainage, you can take brick chips or expanded clay according to the size of the drainage holes. If the roots of the date palm are still visible at the bottom of the pot, you can get by in the spring by replacing the top layer of soil. The old substrate is carefully removed, and fresh nutrient soil is poured in its place. After which the palm tree is watered.

Experience growing dates at home - video

Currently, the indoor palm tree is very popular because the plant looks magnificent and prestigious, but the prices for such magnificence are high. What to do if you want an exotic palm tree, but you can’t afford it? There is a way out - to grow it yourself. Watch carefully and you will notice amazing things begin to happen!

How to grow a date palm from a seed

The date palm is not a capricious plant that can be grown at home without much difficulty, the main thing is to follow the instructions for planting and caring for it. Dates are big sun lovers, so the plant will be comfortable on the south side. The first five years the plant looks very modest; the decorative value of the date will appear only after 5-7 years.


  1. You can plant a date palm from a fruit seed. To grow this plant, seeds from dried or dried fruits are suitable, which are planted immediately after extraction. It is recommended to take a Robelen date seed. This is a low-growing palm tree growing in several trunks.
  2. First, carefully remove the pit from the date and rinse it thoroughly under warm water. Make sure that even the smallest particles of pulp are not left on the seed coat, which could cause rotting processes in the soil after planting.
  3. Slightly sharpen the bone with a nail file or sandpaper. Soak the treated seeds in warm water at a temperature of approximately 35 degrees for three days, changing the water once every 6 hours. When the seeds have noticeably swollen, they can be planted in the ground.
  4. For planting, take a container with drainage holes. Add a layer of any drainage and a soil substrate mixed from equal parts of sand and peat.
  5. Plant the soaked seeds in the ground vertically, not very deep, about 1.5 cm of its length. Place the container with the seed in any warm place. Don't forget to water.
  6. Seeds grow within 1-6 months. When the first sprouts grow 8-10 cm in length, plant them in separate pots with a diameter of about 9 cm. Flower pot fill with soil mixed from two parts of turf soil, part of leaf soil, the same amount of sand and humus.
  7. Optimal temperature for date palm it is 22-25°C in summer and 16-18°C in winter. No less important for the plant good lighting, the main thing is that direct sunlight does not fall on it, especially in summer, otherwise burns cannot be avoided. To water palm trees, warm, settled water is used. Water the tree 3 times a week in spring and summer, and once a week in winter will be enough.
  8. It is recommended to replant the young palm tree once a year new pot, the diameter of which is two centimeters larger than the previous one.

Agree, growing a date palm at home is absolutely possible. Don't stop there, expand your collection exotic plants and soon you will be able to create a real greenhouse. After all, such winter Garden- the dream of every gardener, which is completely feasible.

Nowadays they have gained great popularity indoor palm trees. A tropical or subtropical tree will decorate any interior, creating the feeling of a jungle or a small green oasis. The palm family has more than 3,402 species and 185 genera. woody plants represented by two in large groups with differences in leaf shape:

  1. Pinnate leaves (for example: coconut, howea, date);
  2. Fanfolia (for example: Chamerops, Trachycaprus).

Like any plant, members of the palm family need certain conditions in order to develop and grow well.

For the peoples of the world the palm branch has, and had different meanings:

  • V ancient China this plant carries a symbol of dignity and fertility;
  • in the Arabian state - associated with the tree of life;
  • in Christianity - a symbol of immortality, divine blessing and Eden, victory over death;
  • V early period Catholicism is a funeral symbol.

The palm branch is also present in the emblem of ancient peoples. IN modern world Palm branches are also used in heraldry: Bolivia, Cuba, Cyprus, Sierra Leone and so on. Here it symbolizes the territorial location of states and their economic priorities.

Basic conditions for growing palm trees at home

Is it possible to grow your own palm tree at home? ordinary apartment? Can. And it is quite possible for anyone who loves green pets. The basic requirements for normal plant growth include:

  • Bright room, diffuse light(dries out in a dark place).
  • Compliance temperature regime: no sudden changes. No drafts.
  • The presence of other plants nearby is not welcome - the palm tree is a solitary plant.
  • Compliance with the rules of watering and air humidity. If the air is dry, it is recommended to regularly spray the leaves on both sides with warm water. It is also recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge dipped in water. As a preventive measure against pests, you can use a weak decoction of chamomile.
  • Regular fertilization of plants during growth (from March to September) - once a week, in the fall - 2 times a month, in winter - once a month.
  • For young plants, fertilizing is carried out 6 months after replanting, using regular flower fertilizers.


The date palm will perfectly complement any interior. This tropical plant with a chic crown, feathery bright green leaves, it pleases the eye and looks unusual. And most importantly, this beauty is not difficult to grow in apartment conditions.

There are about one and a half dozen species of this palm tree in the world. And only four of them are grown in our country. The most common type is the palmate date. Unfortunately, palm trees will not bear fruit in apartments, since the air temperature must be at least 36 °C.

The plant can be grown at home in two ways: using the layering method (but it’s worth considering that finding the right palm shoot is very problematic) or growing your own tree from fresh dates or dried fruit. Below we'll talk specifically about the second method of growing an indoor date palm at home, from a seed, with recommendations for planting, replanting and care with photographs and videos.

Preparatory work, planting and replanting plants

To increase the chances of a positive result, it is better to prepare several seeds for planting, given that the germination percentage ranges from 40 to 60 percent. In order for the seed to germinate faster, it is necessary to clear it of the pulp so as not to provoke the process of rotting in the soil. The bone needs to be washed and dried.

Then the seed is placed in a small container, filled with warm water, and placed in direct sunlight or on a radiator for a couple of days, periodically changing the water.

When the seed swells, transplant it into pots. Before planting, you need to mix sawdust and sand in equal parts, and add this mixture to a pot filled with peat.

We water it. After this, the pot is removed to a warm place, the air temperature is not lower than 25 °C and watered regularly. For achievement best result, you can make an imitation greenhouse effect– cover the container with transparent film.

The seeds usually germinate in one and a half to two months. By this time, the sprout must be transplanted into a larger pot (300 ml). And slightly change the composition of the soil: four parts sand, two parts turf, peat, humus and one part charcoal. The bottom must be covered with drainage (small pebbles or expanded clay). The pot with the planted sprout is placed in a well-lit place, avoiding direct sun rays. The plant is regularly watered and sprayed.

In order for the plant to please a happy grower with its appearance for a long time, you need to know how to properly care for a date palm at home. The plant pot with palm tree needs to be rotated periodically. Otherwise, the light will be distributed unevenly. It is important to water the plant regularly. You should not over-water the soil. In the warm season, when it happens active growth plants, watering is supplemented with special fertilizer, which can be easily purchased in the store. This should be done once a week. In winter, it is enough to feed the palm tree no more than once a month. If brown spots appear on the plant, it means the soil is very waterlogged. If the leaves turn yellow, it means there is not enough moisture. Do not forget about spraying with water from a spray bottle.

Although the date loves good lighting, the plant should not be allowed to burn. The presence of pale leaves indicates that the palm tree should be removed from direct sunlight.

To combat bugs and other pests, the stem and leaves are wiped with a sponge soaked in a solution laundry soap, or spray the plant with garlic infusion. It is not worth trimming the branches of the palm tree, since its growth occurs at the top of the trunk. For the first 5 years, the date is replanted once a year. Then once every three years. It’s not difficult to understand that it’s time to replant the plant: root system completely fills the pot.

Palm trees are beautiful evergreen plants that can be used to decorate your home, zone a room, or enliven a boring office interior. Mature plants cost a lot of money, but with a small investment of time and money and the sporting interest of an amateur florist, it is not difficult to grow a date palm grow from seed at home so that it bears fruit.

How to plant dates at home

Photo of date seeds for planting

Before planting dates at home, choose the seeds from which the palm tree will be grown. They are pulled from fresh or dried fruits. If dates have been cooked, their pits are not viable and will not sprout. There should be at least ten seeds, since some of them will not sprout, and some sprouts may die during cultivation. The seeds, cleared of pulp, are washed and dried. The bones are placed in a warm and clean water, after which they are left in the sun.

The date seeds, slightly swollen in water, are pierced with a needle in several places. This helps water penetrate into the hard shell date pit and stimulate the germination process at home. Return the seeds to the water for a few more days. Make sure that the water is clean and without signs of rotting. If there is any suspicion of acidification of the water, it should be replaced immediately to avoid contamination of the seeds.

Photos of the stages of growing dates from pits

After 3-4 days, the stage of planting the swollen seeds for further germination begins:

  1. We are preparing a soil mixture for germinating future palm trees. It should consist of sand, peat and sawdust.
  2. The seeds are planted in the soil prepared in the manner described. They need to be placed shallowly and at a short distance from each other. Sprinkle soil on top and water.
  3. To create increased temperature and humidity during germination, you can cover the soil surface with moss, or place a jar or plastic on top, thus creating a prototype greenhouse. The temperature should not fall below 30 degrees. It is also important to maintain constant high humidity.

After two months, the first shoots should appear. If they are not there, most likely the bones are dead. Plants that have reached 10-12 centimeters are transplanted into individual pots in new soil at home. Humus is now added to the sandy soil mixture.

Photo of sprouted date palm seeds

Date palm at home: pitting care

Palm trees – unpretentious plants, which do not require particularly painstaking care at home. But it is worth remembering that these are plants whose natural environment a tropical forest. In our northern latitudes, it is worth paying attention to some features of pitting so that the palm tree feels good and is pleasing to the eye.

Photo of two-month-old date palms from seed

  1. Palm trees love plenty of watering and moisture.
  2. To prevent the roots of the plant from rotting, the drainage in the pot must be high.
  3. In summer, palm trees are watered daily; in winter, watering should be reduced.
  4. It is better to take rain water for irrigation or let it sit for several days. It is better to spray the leaves with water, especially if the room has heating radiators that dry out the air.
  5. Sunlight is important for palm tree growth and development. She must be in a lighted place for at least 10 hours a day. However, you should avoid direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves. In the northern room, a palm tree can also grow successfully; for this it must stand next to the window.
  6. The temperature in the room where the palm tree lives is winter period should not fall below 12 degrees, and not exceed 18. In summer, the palm tree can be located on the balcony or in the courtyard of a private house.
  7. You can and should feed the plant; fertilizers have a good effect on palm growth. Used as natural, for example, from chicken manure, and purchased fertilizers.

Photos of dates

The palm tree does not like frequent replanting, so young date palms are replanted no more than once a year. If replanting is necessary, you need to transfer the largest possible lump of earth in which the date from the seed is growing into a new pot at home. Carefully remove the palm tree from the pot, being careful not to damage the roots. As you can see, the conditions for growing and maintaining date palms are simple. Minimal attention and time given to the plant will allow you to enjoy this tropical miracle for many years.

Watch the video: Date from the pit. Date palm, care, cultivation, easy and simple, simple rules

Now you know, how to plant and grow dates from seeds at home, we hope that the photos and videos from this article will help you get the first fruits of the date palm. Practice not only in the country, but also at home on the windowsill.

Let's start with the fact that the dates sold in stores are the fruits of the common date, or date palm. (Phoenix dactilifera). This is a completely different species, unlike the Canarian date (Phoenix canariensis) or Robelena date (Phoenix roebelini), which are most often grown in room conditions and are sold in flower shops.

IN open ground In warm countries, this is a palm tree up to 30 m high with a tall simple trunk and feathery leaves up to 5 m long. In indoor conditions, a plant grown from seeds also becomes large over time and sometimes reaches the ceiling. Naturally, it never blooms or bears fruit (by the way, plants are more often dioecious).

It is not difficult to grow a date palm from seeds. Seeds extracted from fresh or dried fruits are suitable for this purpose. The main thing is to use them immediately after removal.

To begin, clean the seeds as much as possible from the pulp and place them in a glass of water at room temperature in a warm place for a day or two (the water needs to be changed 2-3 times). The remaining pulp will swell and be easily scraped off to prevent mold from forming after planting.

After this, you can plant it immediately in slightly damp palm soil vertically and wait for germination, not forgetting about scanty watering. Overmoistening should not be allowed. Shoots usually appear after 2-3 weeks.

However, it is useful to pre-germinate the seeds in vermiculite. To do this, vermiculite is slightly moistened (water is added little by little, literally a couple of spoons, so as not to over-moisten the substrate), placed in Plastic container. Seeds are placed in it, lightly sprinkled with the same vermiculite, closed tightly and placed in a warm place, closer to the radiator. If the vermiculite dries out during germination, add a little water).

Next, it is important not to miss the moment of germination; it occurs with this method of germination much earlier, after 1-2 weeks. As soon as the woody seeds hatch, they are planted in containers with palm soil. The roots must not be damaged, otherwise nothing will grow.

At first, you can plant the seeds in small containers with a volume of 0.3-0.5 liters. At first, a single juvenile simple leaf will appear, and later a “arrow” of 2-3 leaves will appear. During this period, keep an eye on the drainage hole. The root should not have time to penetrate into it before transplanting into a large container. The date palm generally does not like transplants, so the plants need to be transferred into a larger pot in a lump, trying not to damage the root (at first it forms one, long one). If the roots are damaged, the plant dies.

Well, then provide the seedlings with a bright place and fertilize them with fertilizers for palm trees or decorative deciduous plants. At first development is underway slowly, then speeds up. It is important not to dry out the soil completely, but also not to allow it to become waterlogged.

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