Decorative finishing of ceilings - modern methods of transformation. Decorative design of ceilings How to decorate the ceiling and walls

In Khrushchev and other Soviet-era buildings big problem low ceilings are considered, which, unfortunately, cannot be corrected by technical means. If you are constantly experiencing a lack of space, then it is recommended that you visually increase the height of the room by turning to some design techniques. Today we’ll talk about how to decorate a low ceiling and add space above your head, at least visually.

The problem of low ceilings

The three components of a city apartment are the walls, floor and ceiling. In this combination, the ceiling can serve as a background or be the main focus. With the help of a well-finished ceiling, you can reduce or increase the space of the living room, creating an intimate or formal atmosphere in the interior of the apartment.

For most apartments with older layouts, low ceilings are common. The height of the ceilings in the apartments of Khrushchev's buildings is close to 2.4-2.5 meters, and this puts some moral pressure on the residents, not to mention the visual component of the issue.

IN small spaces, such as the bathroom, hallway and often the kitchen, low ceilings are not particularly noticeable and may not pose a real problem. It’s just that in a small room a person will have to tilt his head back very much so that the ceiling gets into his eyes, and only then will he pay attention to it.

In larger rooms, it is advisable to take measures to ensure that the ceiling delights and attracts attention. It is simply impossible to cope with this disadvantage using technical methods alone. However, nothing is impossible in design, so even such a small apartment can be given a stylish look. They do this through various techniques that relate to the design of low ceilings and walls, the choice of lighting sources and decorative elements.

Low ceiling finishing

Most city dwellers are not the lucky ones who live in spacious apartments with high ceilings. The first thing we recommend starting with in this situation is finishing the low ceiling. It must be done in accordance with certain rules.

Glossy ceiling

Low-height ceilings can be decorated using glossy stretch fabric in a cold shade. To visually raise the ceiling surface near the walls, make the ceiling slightly lower around the perimeter; the shape of the lowered ceiling can be any. The use of light shades makes the ceiling surface, which is painted in such colors, visually more distant.

Light pearl and white-gray tones look good. Gray and light blue shades will also be a priority if you have very low ceilings in your home. Objects and surfaces of green and of blue color they also visually seem to move the ceiling away from the viewer. But in any case, remember that the walls in a room with a low ceiling should be decorated in a brighter color than the ceiling, which has a positive effect on the perception of the height of the room.

Mirror ceiling

The dream of many lace ceiling owners is a mirrored ceiling that creates the illusion of infinity. But the real mirror on the ceiling is not the most safe design. Ideally, this should be a suspended structure, which consists of a metal frame and small mirror panels of the same size that are attached to it.

Alternatively, you can use a mirror strip instead of a border. A mirror placed close to the ceiling can create an interesting optical effect and add volume to the room. A mirror at such a height will not bother you with your reflections.

Instead of a real mirror, nowadays mirrored polystyrene panels are more often used. Installing such a structure will lower the ceiling in a low room by several centimeters, although this drawback is offset by the illusion of doubling the height, because there is a second floor with a transparent floor. If possible, this solution can be chosen for the living room, hall, kitchen or bathroom.

Volumetric ceiling

If the apartment has low ceilings, volumetric ceilings will help make them visually higher. Coffered ceilings may appear higher. You can use not very large moldings by gluing them transversely to the surface. Moldings should be lighter than the space inside the resulting diamonds or squares. It is recommended to paint this space darker and cool color- in this case, the ceiling seems to deepen.

Try not to use stucco decoration ceiling, which visually makes it even lower. As a last resort, you can only use thin stucco specifically designed for low ceilings.

Other techniques

If the design of the room allows, a low ceiling can be visually raised by installing beams on the ceiling. In this case, the beams must be painted white or another light tone, and the ceiling itself must be painted a smoky, darkened color, then it will visually rush upward.

An original way to visually raise a low ceiling is to use decorative painting and the so-called “deceptive” technique in the interior. Exactly this technique will allow you to turn the surface into a landscape that goes into perspective, into exotic flowers or something similar, which allows you to visually change the scale of the room.

A spectacular technique that is suitable for a children's room or bedroom: decorating the walls and ceiling with a heavenly pattern. The boundary between the wall and the low ceiling in the house needs to be blurred, so the top of the room will seem endless.

Lighting for low ceilings

An important factor that affects the height of the ceiling is light, which is a good assistant in creating optical illusions. That’s why it’s so important to choose the right lamps for low ceilings.

Here are the basic techniques that should be followed when decorating low ceilings:

  1. Provide more light. The brighter the light, the higher the ceiling appears.
  2. It is better to use lamps that direct the light upward rather than downward. You can relieve pressure from a suspended ceiling by installing several sconce lamps around the perimeter of the room, the shades of which are directed with the hole upward.
  3. Incorporate local light sources into your room design. Such lighting accents can create a cozy atmosphere and distract attention from low ceilings. Bright light visually expands the rest of the less lit part of the room.
  4. Lighting installed at floor level will help to raise the walls and low ceiling.
  5. A good option when designing a room with a low ceiling is to avoid bulky pendant chandeliers in the center of the room. Better lighting distribute over the walls of the room.
  6. But when you still cannot refuse a chandelier, then give preference to a small flat plate lamp; the room will become visually much higher. Can give an additional feeling of freedom and air special chandelier for low ceilings, which looks like a dome.
  7. You can increase the ceiling height by using suspended ceiling lighting.

Wall finishing options

When decorating a low ceiling, the decoration of the walls is also very important, which will help to optically increase the height of the room:

  1. The simplest solution is to use wallpaper with a vertical pattern. It is important to remember the measure. Bright, wide stripes throughout the room will not help; they will rather give the room some “squatty.” It is best to use a dull and discreet pattern. It can be not only a stripe, but also a floral or geometric pattern. And if you want bright stripes, then it is recommended to include them in the design as accents, in an appropriate place, for example, to highlight some functional area.
  2. To visually increase the height of a low ceiling, you need to paint the walls or stick wallpaper close to the ceiling surface, as shown in the photo of low ceilings. Wide borders that match the ceiling “steal” the height of the room, so it is better not to use them, or paint them to match the walls, or use very narrow borders.
  3. To increase the height of the room, add height to the walls - let them “go” onto the ceiling surface. To do this, you should paint the low ceiling near the walls the same color as the walls, or glue the wallpaper starting from the ceiling. The size of the strip on the ceiling that you “give” to the wall will depend on the dimensions of the room. The larger they are, the more ceiling can be used. But in any case, you should not take more than 30 centimeters from the ceiling. In small rooms, 5 centimeters is enough. But in very small rooms (up to 12 square meters) this technique should not be used.
  4. “Playing with color” includes the following technique: you can paint a low ceiling with the same color as the walls, but several tones lighter.
  5. Stylists have the following rule: “do not hide flaws, but emphasize advantages.” The same trends apply to apartment design. To distract attention from a low ceiling, it is worth drawing it to another object, for example, to the floor. You can coat it with shiny or glossy varnish. This gives the floor depth, which means it adds volume to the entire room. You can use glossy tiles or other material that has reflective properties.

Furniture and decorative elements

We have looked at how to decorate low ceilings; now you need to figure out what furniture and decorative elements to choose so that the ceiling height seems acceptable. Preference should be given to high and narrow cabinets, racks and shelving, while it is better to abandon bulky furniture in favor of more neat and minimalistic ones.

Vertical elements in the interior structure elongated spaces and correct the proportions of the room.
If to the above large furniture and sets we add small armchairs and low coffee tables, then such games of contrasts will create the impression that the ceilings in the room are quite a decent height.

If you increase the height of the doorway, make the doors almost to the ceiling, this will help visually lift ceilings. An excellent alternative is to “extend” the door by adding a transom on top. Sometimes you can completely abandon the use of an interior door, replacing it with a high arch made of plasterboard.

It is also recommended to pull the window up. At least visually. You can achieve a similar effect by purchasing light translucent tulle. Curtains for low ceilings should be long. The curtain needs to be hung directly under the ceiling itself. It’s good if a little fabric remains on the floor. Vertical pleats in curtains, vertical patterns or stripes also help add height. In the kitchen, using the same principle, you should use vertical blinds.

The design of a room with low ceilings should consist of vertical elongated objects - mirrors, floor lamps and vases. The installation of wall-mounted and wall-mounted elements - radiators, paintings and aquariums - should be done slightly higher than their normal location.

Thus, a low ceiling is a peculiar part of the character of the home! A low ceiling design can be charming and cute, or it can create an intense feeling. confined space. All in your hands! And finally, remember what you can’t do in a room with a low ceiling: you can’t divide the wall with wallpaper or borders, since any horizontal lines are contraindicated, you can’t use wallpaper with a large pattern, you can’t hang a massive chandelier.

The ceiling is one of the most noticeable and important details interior The final result of the repair will depend on its finishing, so this issue must be approached as responsibly as possible.

Ceiling finishing methods

Currently, ceiling design includes the following finishing methods:

  • Whitewash.
  • Coloring.
  • Wallpapering
  • Pasting with foam plastic ceiling tiles.
  • Hemmed structures.
  • Hanging systems.
  • Tensile structures.

Due to such a variety of choices, when renovating, many questions arise regarding its design. How to decorate the ceiling so that it is not only beautiful, but also extremely functional? In order to make this task easier, let’s take a closer look at each type of finish, its pros and cons.

Whitewashing the ceiling

Whitewashing is the most economical type of ceiling repair in an apartment, consisting of applying lime or chalk mortar to a leveled, puttied surface.

You can only whitewash a flat ceiling surface, so first you need to wash and putty it, and also remove the previous layer of whitewash, if any.

Pros of whitewashing:

  • cheap materials;
  • the compositions used in it are natural, do not burn, lime has antifungal, antibacterial effects, and fights the appearance of mold on the walls;
  • suitable for low ceilings;
  • If you have enough skill, you can whitewash it yourself.

Disadvantages of whitewashing:

  • difficult to clean and wash the surface;
  • instability to moisture;
  • Currently not the most fashionable type of renovation.

Painting the ceiling surface with water-based paint

This method is similar to whitewashing, except that instead of natural solutions, water-based paint and this type of repair is more durable.

Wallpapering the ceiling

This method involves gluing the surface with both regular and liquid wallpaper.

As in the case of whitewashing, before wallpapering, you should level the surface, remove defects, plaster over uneven areas, and only after that you can start gluing.

The advantages of this finish include the following:

  • cheap materials (paper wallpaper);
  • simplicity of technology;
  • lack of toxicity of paper wallpaper.

Disadvantages of ceiling design with wallpaper:

  • unproven safety of vinyl wallpaper;
  • liquid wallpaper has high prices;
  • Quite often, wallpaper gives rooms a boring, slightly rustic look, this is especially evident in the photo of the ceilings in an apartment with such renovations.

Pasting the ceiling with foam tiles

Foam tiles come in different textures: smooth, stucco-like, laminated, and also in various shapes.

This method was especially popular in the past couple of decades, but now, although it is used quite rarely, it still occurs.

Preparing the surface for gluing is no different from preparation for other finishing: it should be: smooth and clean. In the process itself, the most difficult thing is to calculate the number of tiles per ceiling area.

In order for the spaces between the tiles to be even, they must initially be laid at a distance of several millimeters from each other.

This finishing option has its advantages:

  • The material from which the tiles are made is moisture resistant;
  • Thermal insulation and sound insulation of the tiled surface is quite high;
  • Ceiling tiles are inexpensive;
  • Tiles can be glued without the help of an installer;
  • The tiled ceiling is easy to clean.

Disadvantages of covering streams with foam tiles:

  • Cheap tiles quickly turn yellow;
  • Foam plastic has a tendency to deform;
  • Polystyrene foam burns easily;
  • This type of flow design is not currently relevant.

False ceilings

Most often this is a draft version. The sheathed structure is immediately attached to the floor beams. This method serves to level the ceiling before the main repair method.

Among other things, it represents good remedy for sound insulation and thermal insulation. Foam plastic is most often used for thermal insulation.

Many people refer to false ceilings plastic, wood, and suspended structures from plasterboard, but this is a wrong opinion.

Dropped ceilings

Suspended structures include several varieties.

Plasterboard ceilings

Plasterboard ceilings are a complex structure made of a metal frame and plasterboard sheets. This type of finishing allows you to realize the most interesting design: multi-level structures With different system lighting, and also make the smoothest ceiling with built-in lamps.

This design option is especially good in an apartment with high ceilings.

The advantages of this design:

  • durability and moisture resistance;
  • the ability to bring any design to life;
  • creating zones in apartments, which is especially important for a studio apartment.

Disadvantages of a plasterboard structure:

  • installation duration;
  • lack of opportunity to make repairs alone, by yourself.

Tiled ceilings

Armstrong tiled ceilings, just like plasterboard ceilings, consist of a metal frame, only instead of plasterboard, pressed tiles are used, and the metal profile is not hidden under the structure, and it is a decorative element.

The advantages of the Armstrong system are as follows:

  • Low cost;
  • Quick installation;
  • Possibility to hide all cables under it.

  • Low resistance to moisture and fragility;
  • This design is more suitable in an office than an apartment.

Slat ceilings

Slatted ceilings made of lining (PVC) are very popular. Due to their resistance to frequent exposure to water, such structures are especially popular in bathrooms.

Stretch ceiling

Currently, the most popular finishing method is installing a stretch ceiling in an apartment - stretching the film over a pre-installed frame. They can be different types, but the most popular are glossy, matte and satin.

Glossy ones have an interesting effect: they visually enlarge the room, which is especially important when the ceiling is not very high.

Matte is the most common option, allowing you to create a perfectly smooth matte surface.

Satin has a slight matte effect, but reflects glare.

The advantages of this design are as follows:

  • Durability;
  • Practicality;
  • Possibility of interesting design.

Whatever method of finishing the ceiling you choose, the most important advantage of the design will always be its relevance and practicality in your interior.

Photo of ceilings in the apartment

Although simplicity is considered the highest level of beauty, sometimes we want to add spectacular and picturesque nuances to the interior. Decorative ceilings- one of the ways to make your home extraordinary and delightful. The main thing is to choose a coating that will harmoniously fit into the interior and highlight it. strengths and will hide imperfections.

What should you consider when decorating the ceiling?

Each interior is individual. Each has its own characteristics - pros and cons that need to be taken into account when choosing a ceiling. To decide on coverage, you need to evaluate the following nuances:

  • The size of the room is its area and height. In spacious rooms with high ceilings, multi-tiered suspended structures, stucco molding, beams made of wood or plasterboard will look advantageous. There is enough space here and bulky decor will not disturb the harmony. It will only bring the surface closer, fill the void and add comfort. Low ceilings and small areas do not accept excessive decoration. In such rooms it is worth limiting yourself to laconic forms, smooth and even surfaces;
  • style decision - the ceiling should not stand out from the general style. Plaster rosettes, moldings and cornices with patina will look rather strange in high-tech, and metal mesh and a concrete base with exposed wiring in classics;
  • the functionality of the room - depending on it, the complexity of the design is determined and certain materials are selected;
  • lighting system - if there is enough light from the main chandelier and wall fixtures, then the ceiling can simply be painted, wallpapered or tiled. But if you need to install additional ceiling lamps, without hanging compositions made of plasterboard, caissons or stretch fabrics not enough. Otherwise, you won’t be able to embed devices and hide wires;
  • colors – ceilings in small rooms It is better to decorate in light colors - white, milky, light gray, beige, sky blue, pale green. Such shades will not put pressure and will visually push back the surface. Dark ones, on the contrary, will create the feeling of a “lid” over your head. But this is only true for matte surfaces.

When decorating the ceiling with a glossy canvas, this effect disappears. Thanks to the reflective properties of gloss, coatings appear deep and distant.

Traditional, modern and unusual ways to decorate the ceiling

The variety of ceiling design options is fascinating. All of them, from the traditional whitewashing of the past to the installation of 3D printed canvases, are in demand today to one degree or another.

Whitewashing and painting

If you prefer simple and eco-friendly finishing, just whitewash the ceiling with lime. To find out which material was previously used, rub the surface with your palm. Chalk will leave a clear mark, but lime will not be erased. To complete the job, you only need a regular roller or brush and diluted lime. It is better to putty the uneven areas. After the “patches” have dried, you can begin whitewashing.

So that the ceiling does not turn yellow under the influence sun rays, you can add blue to the lime.

A similar finishing method is painting with water-based acrylic paints. The advantage of this material is that it:

  • presented in a wide palette of shades - thanks to pigments you can create any tone;
  • the product line includes options with different levels of moisture resistance;
  • Various textures of the material allow you to choose “your” paint for any interior design.

Acrylic paint can be matte, glossy or semi-gloss.
To carry out the work, it is necessary to prepare the ceiling - seal the cracks with reinforcement tape, hide the flaws with putties or plaster the surface. In addition to the light shades that we are all accustomed to, you can use dark - preferably glossy, as well as bright colors. The active ceiling is a bright accent in the room. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the rest of the decoration and furniture in light colors. A bright spot in the middle of the composition should be supported with accessories or textiles; the main thing is to remember a sense of proportion. A painted ceiling can be painted with decorative patterns, either entirely or in fragments, using it to define the boundaries of a particular zone. You can easily create an original “carpet” with your own hands. For those who do not have drawing skills, there are luxurious stencils. Using them in conjunction with a sponge or spray, you can obtain images of excellent quality.

Decorative plaster

Various irregularities and roughness will disappear from the ceiling thanks to decorative plaster. It will reliably hide defects under its texture. The material is prepared by diluting dry building mixtures. The composition includes cellulose glue, fibers and additives that add decorative properties - mother-of-pearl, silk threads, marble particles. Using plaster you can create a seamless durable coating. Due to the ductility of the material, applying the mixture with a spatula to the ceiling is not so difficult. Venetian plaster- a traditional element of classic interiors, but it can be relevant in any design.

Beams and false beams

Beams – characteristic styles such as country, Provence, loft. They are bars made of wood or polyurethane foam. The latter are designed to lighten the structure and prevent it from being damaged by mold and mildew. Beams visually raise the ceiling and serve for zoning and correcting the shape of the room. If you place them parallel to a short wall, the outline of the room will be closer to a square. Beams act as load-bearing elements of the floor and perform a decorative function. The beam can have a rectangular U-shaped section. The advantages of false beams are obvious. This is a lightweight, easy-to-install material with a rich palette of colors and a variety of shapes.
They enable:

  • hide the wiring;
  • embed lamps;
  • install ventilation ducts;
  • hide water pipes.

Solid wood beams also have their advantages. They look expensive and noble, withstand heavy loads, so they can be attached to hanging chair or a children's swing. The beams are decorated with carvings and painted different colors, decorated with painting.

Fabric and its main types

Fabrics for suspended ceilings are made using a special technology. Polyester impregnated with polyurethane is used as the basis for the fabric. This material is much stronger than the usual PVC coatings and is resistant to low temperatures. It has a rough matte surface, looks expensive and presentable. The width is 5 m, which allows you to create a seamless coating in spacious rooms. Fabric ceilings have good hygroscopicity, which prevents the appearance of fungal formations. Safe canvases can be safely used in children's rooms. The material is odorless. Installation fabric ceilings It is done easily and quickly, and most importantly - without the use of a heat gun. The canvases are fixed in two ways - using a clothespin profile and a semicircular spatula or glazing bead system.
The disadvantages of the material are its high cost compared to PVC ceilings, difficult to care for due to the textured surface, inability to retain water and a limited selection of shades. The last problem can be solved by repainting the coating or ordering canvases with photo printing.

In small rooms, the material should be used very sparingly and carefully. You should not try to turn them into palace halls - the abundance of stucco decoration “conceals” the already modest size.

Glass with patterns can decorate any room. In the old days, only windows and walls were decorated with stained glass, but they “rose” to the ceiling quite recently. Square and rectangular plates are mounted on the edges of the T-shaped profile. Stained glass elements will suitably fit into any interior - depending on the pattern used. Behind them is hidden a backlight that makes decorative elements simply magical.

Various techniques are used for painting:

  • artistic work is a complex and labor-intensive process that is best entrusted to a professional artist;
  • fresco - paint is applied to wet plaster and penetrates into its deep layers;
  • airbrush – a special device sprays paint with maximum precision, making it easier to draw the smallest details;
  • stencil painting - does not require mastery of the artist's skill, you only need patience and accuracy.

This ceiling design option is not new. Modern materials significantly expand the capabilities of decorators. Paper “pioneers” have found worthy competitors in non-woven, vinyl, acrylic, fiberglass, fabric and metal “brothers”. Special positions in the wallpaper range are occupied by liquid materials made of cellulose and photo panels with various prints. The advantage of decorating the ceiling with wallpaper is the relative cheapness of the materials, huge variety their range and easy installation.

Features of bamboo wallpaper on the ceiling

Bamboo canvases fill the room with natural motifs. They are produced from carefully dried and aged certain temperature stems. Different wallpapers made from different parts stem - core or bark. This affects them appearance– the first ones are smoother and lighter, but not resistant enough to moisture and ultraviolet rays. To keep them in their original form, the material is varnished. The latter have a natural texture and protective wax coating. Ceilings covered with bamboo wallpaper are distinguished by their environmental friendliness, bactericidal properties, the ability to improve noise and heat insulation, strength and resistance to mechanical influences.

Decoupage technique - simple and inexpensive way ceiling decoration. By using it, you can “paint” the surface with your own hands. Applications imitate with maximum plausibility artistic painting. No one will ever guess that a professional artist did not work on the image.

How to decorate a ceiling using decoupage?

First of all, you need to develop a sketch of the future ceiling and select suitable images.
You will need the following materials:

  • motifs cut from napkins or decoupage paper;
  • acrylic primer;
  • PVA glue;
  • wide brush.

The surface must be prepared - cleaned of dust and primed with acrylic compound. Next, the image fragments are glued on using PVA. The glue is applied to the prepared surface in a thin layer, and then the picture is placed on top. The thinnest paper is smoothed with a wide brush to get rid of inevitable wrinkles. The pressure should be gentle, as the material tears easily. Next, we leave the ceiling to dry and prevent drafts from entering the room. After drying, cover the surface with several layers of varnish to protect the decor from moisture and sunlight. Each layer must dry well - this requires at least 12 hours.

These elements have long ceased to be just part of classic interiors. Stucco elements will add comfort and aesthetics to a variety of rooms. With the help of moldings, rosettes, baguettes, you can create a certain architecture on the ceiling and decorate it. To prevent them from seeming pretentious, paint them the same color as the ceiling. This way they will add elegance and only slightly remind you of the classics, but will not stand out too much. During installation, it is necessary to fill the joints to create the illusion of solid compositions.

Multi-level and figured ceilings

Multi-tiered plasterboard structures is a great way to create original and beautiful decor, and at the same time hide electrical cords or pipes. In the middle of the hanging composition, as a rule, colored PVC sheets or fabric analogues are stretched. But you can also cover this space with tiles and photo wallpaper.

Patterns on ceilings come in the form of:

  • geometric shapes;
  • abstract curved and spiral lines;
  • geometric cells with backlight.

Modern methods of decorating the ceiling surprise with their diversity. If previously the decoration of the ceiling was carried out exclusively with the help of whitewashing and painting, now you can choose for it different shape, material and color of design. Before choosing a ceiling, it is important to consider possible options decor, get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of each method, draw up an estimate for the project, and bring it to life. You can do this yourself, or you can turn to specialists for help.

Since there are a great variety of materials for decorating ceilings, for each room you can choose the option that will correspond to its functionality and interior.

Ceiling design options different rooms:

  • Kitchen. When choosing material for the ceiling in this room, it is important to take into account the special temperature conditions, fumes and odors generated during cooking. The material must be moisture resistant and not absorb odors. The best materials for the kitchen are plasterboard, plastic, glass, different types of suspended ceilings, and painting.
  • Bedroom. The materials for the room can be very diverse. When choosing a ceiling material and design, it is important to pay attention to its harmonious combination with the entire interior of the room. It should complement the overall coziness and create comfort. The best options for a bedroom are a plasterboard ceiling, a suspended ceiling, or painting.
  • Living room. For a room, it is important to choose a ceiling that will visually expand the room and will harmoniously combine with all interior elements. This can be an inexpensive plasterboard ceiling, a multi-level stretch ceiling, panels or suspended ceilings.
  • Bathroom. It is necessary to select a material taking into account unstable humidity and temperature conditions. Ceilings made of plastic, treated wood, special paint, and suspended ceilings are well suited for decoration.

Each room has its own characteristics. This should be taken into account when choosing a material, which should be taken very seriously - the service life of the ceilings and appearance will depend on this.

Any material can be suitable for ceilings in different rooms. The whole secret lies in a properly designed ventilation system.

Decorated ceilings will look beautiful and harmonious if you approach all stages of preparation thoughtfully and reasonably.

Ideas for decorating the ceiling (video)

Ceiling design options using various materials

Modern materials for ceiling decoration open up wide possibilities in the design of ceilings in residential premises. The only condition when choosing an option is compliance unified style in the interior, its harmonious addition.

Design options:

  • Drywall. Plasterboard ceiling cladding is quite popular today. It provides an opportunity for inexpensive and original design. The material has soundproofing and temperature-regulating functions. It absorbs excess moisture and maintains temperature conditions. This feature may be a disadvantage, for example, when using it to decorate a bathroom.
  • Stretch ceiling. This is the simplest solution for decorating ceilings today. Installation of suspended ceilings is very quick, but quite expensive. Depending on the functions and style of the room, different types of stretch ceilings are used. All of them are made from a single fabric, which is stretched onto a frame various designs using a special apparatus that heats the material.
  • Painting. A good design option for classic interior. This ceiling looks stylish and simple. Whitewashing and painting do not take much time, but require lengthy preparation for the work. For painting, the surface must be perfectly smooth and clean, without defects or stains.
  • Wallpaper. The only drawback of this design option is the inconvenience repair work. The rest is great option. A variety of wallpapers allows you to decorate the ceiling in a style suitable for the overall style. It is important to remember that with high air humidity, wallpaper can peel off, swell and become stained.
  • Dropped ceilings. Registration is quite expensive. It involves installing a frame and covering it with various materials: bamboo, plastic, aluminum and mineral fibers. Suspended ceilings are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes and are easy to clean.

There are a great variety of ceiling design options. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before choosing an option.

When choosing an option, it is important to consider the following nuances: the cost and quality of materials, their reliability, service life and environmental friendliness.

When choosing a design option, it is important to consider the style in the interior. The ceiling should be harmoniously combined with other decorative elements.

Ceiling decoration with LED strips

An excellent option for additional decoration of multi-level ceilings is the design of LED strips. The tape is a device that illuminates the room, thereby performing a lighting and decorative function at the same time.

Advantages of ribbon design:

  • heat resistance;
  • plastic;
  • versatility in installation;
  • originality.

Thanks to the installation LED strip Many visual effects can be achieved.

It is important to install the strip correctly, to ensure that after installation the LEDs are not noticeable; they should be hidden between the ceiling levels so as not to disturb the lighting effect.

LED strip is universal. There are many options for its installation, they depend on the expected visual effects: bright or dim light.

Original ceiling decoration with moldings

Molding is a decorative strip with different lengths and volumes. The plank can have a simple, flat design, or it can be rich in decorative elements.

Molding is used to decorate walls and ceilings. It combines harmoniously with paint, wallpaper, drywall, and plaster.

Thanks to molding, you can create visual effects, zone a room and embody bright design ideas.

Materials for molding

  • plastic;
  • polystyrene;
  • polyurethane;
  • tree;
  • metal.

Depending on the materials, the molding can bend easily or be rigid. This needs to be taken into account when planning your design. Color solutions There are a wide variety of moldings. The planks can be painted with specially selected paints.

Installation of decorative molding on the ceiling (video)

Modern types of ceiling designs are striking in their diversity. Before you begin choosing materials and the shape of the ceilings, it is important to pay attention to the design of the room in which the ceiling will be decorated. Important to consider functional features rooms, stability of temperature and ventilation. An important criterion when choosing materials for ceilings will be the ratio of their price and quality.

In the interior design of the living room, the decoration of the ceiling is of great importance. Correctly selected tones, competent decor, beautiful lighting create a harmonious atmosphere and emphasize general style. To do this, it is not necessary to invest large amounts of money and hire specialists - there are many interesting and available ways DIY finishing. Before you decorate the ceiling in the living room, you need to study the basic styles, select materials and become familiar with the technology.

The classic style in the living room interior will never become outdated. It is necessary bright hues, regular shapes, exquisite stucco molding and a beautiful chandelier. The ceiling itself can be multi-level or simple, and paint, decorative plaster and wallpaper are suitable finishing options. The main emphasis is placed on baguettes around the perimeter of the surface and additional accessories. To properly complete the finishing, you must first prepare the ceiling.

Preparatory process

The old coating is carefully removed, paint and plaster are removed, and the surface is cleaned of dust. Small cracks and defects are smoothed out with putty, and after it dries, these areas are treated with sandpaper.

If you plan to install drywall, no additional surface treatment is needed, but if the finishing involves painting, wallpapering or plastering, more careful leveling will be required. To do this, the ceiling is primed, covered with a uniform thin layer of putty, and sanded. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. Finally apply finishing putty, sand the ceiling again and treat it with a primer mixture. After such processing, you can begin decorative design.

The easiest way is to paint the ceiling; The paint should be chosen in a matte, light shade. Even if the leveling of the working surface was very high-quality, barely noticeable bulges or depressions could remain, which immediately catch the eye under the glossy paint. And here matte paint easily hides any defects. Usually 2 coats are required to ensure an even color on the ceiling.

If wallpaper is chosen as a decoration, it should not have a catchy pattern and be too bright or dark. Wallpapers in white, light beige, or cream shades with a smooth texture and a barely noticeable pattern are ideal. And here Decorating the ceiling with plaster in this case is undesirable: the textured surface creates glare and darkening, which is unacceptable for a classic style.

Decoration methods

To finish the living room ceiling you will need:

  • straight and curly fillets;
  • pencil for marking;
  • polymer glue;
  • clean dry cloth;

All joints between the ceiling and walls must be closed with straight fillets.. Start from the corner: glue is applied to the back side of each baguette in a narrow strip and gently pressed to the surface, closing the seam. The glue that comes out is carefully wiped off so as not to stain the ceiling. There should be no gaps between the fillets, and if they do form, you need to fill them with sealant. The last baguette should be trimmed correctly so that the edges match the pattern.

In the center of the ceiling, you can lay out a circle of the correct shape from curly fillets, and also attach a decorative rosette around the chandelier. If the living room is large enough, you can create an internal square on the ceiling from baguettes with curly corners, retreating 20-30 cm from the walls.

The space between the first and second rows of baseboards is often painted a different color, darker than the rest of the ceiling, and compatible with the interior elements. If ordinary baguettes are replaced with stucco, the look will be much more solid; In addition, this decor looks great with gilding, which also gives the interior an atmosphere of luxury.

Multi-level ceilings for a living room in a classic style are decorated according to the same principle: light colors, regular symmetrical shapes, beautiful baguettes around the perimeter, proper lighting. Plasterboard structures allow you to hide wiring, so you can use several lamps at once for lighting, placing them in ceiling niches or along the perimeter of each level.

Minimalism and eco-style in ceiling design

Modern living rooms are increasingly decorated in a minimalist and eco-style, based on the simplicity and naturalness of materials. To finish the ceiling yourself, you will need very little:

  • white or beige paint;
  • white matte wood varnish;
  • wooden beams;
  • simple shaped lamps.

Multi-level ceilings are not suitable for eco-style, so the surface must be flat and smooth. You should also not use a glossy finish - matte ceiling looks more natural. The base should be made white or beige, although a delicate blue tint is also possible.

When the paint has dried, several parallel wooden beams are fixed to the ceiling, from one wall to the other. It could be continuous wooden panels, then there is no need to paint the surface. The distance between the beams is chosen arbitrarily; There is no need to polish the wood to leave the most natural look. Upon completion of installation, the beams are coated with matte white varnish. The final touch is the installation of lamps.

Living room in Japanese style it looks very unusual and elegant, and the design of the ceiling plays one of the main roles here. Distinctive feature This style is a harmonious combination of a white base and dark decor from wooden slats, as well as the presence of Japanese symbols. The simplest finishing option: the ceiling in the living room is painted in White color, then attach the structure from wooden beams, which divide the surface into large squares of equal size.

The beams are painted dark brown or black and varnished. Decorative lamps with hieroglyphs are hung at the intersections of the beams. If the living room is small, it is recommended to replace the beams with thin slats; they can not be mounted from wall to wall, but only in the central part of the ceiling. One of the squares can be decorated using a stencil with a branch of cherry blossoms or a composition of several hieroglyphs.

The interior in the Art Nouveau style is interesting with its unusual design shapes, exotic colors and plant prints. There are many options for decorating the ceiling, both simple and quite complex to implement. Best suited for a large living room multi-level ceiling, where each level has a special shape and a different shade. Stained glass inserts and original lamps are often used for decoration.

To decorate the ceiling with your own hands in this style, it is not necessary to spend money and effort on creating complex structures from plasterboard. It will be enough acrylic paint different colors, stencils with floral patterns and unusual shapes of chandeliers or lamps. The base should be white; in one of the corners of the ceiling, using a stencil, a pattern is applied with bright paint. It’s good if part of the picture goes down onto the wall, as if connecting two surfaces. You can draw flower arrangement around the chandelier, but always in a fantasy shape and asymmetrically.

An excellent result is also obtained with the help of thin baguettes: foam baguettes are glued to the ceiling, creating an asymmetrical geometric pattern. These can be parallel lines of different lengths, diverging rays, various squares, triangles or circles and curls. The pattern should be closer to one of the corners and occupy a certain part of the surface. Special attention need to be given to the selection of lamps: they must have modern look, non-standard shape and small sizes.

Other design options

If it is difficult to decide on the style of the living room, you should use a decor for the ceiling that would harmonize with the overall interior and at the same time express individuality. You can divide the surface into zones and paint them in different colors with smooth transitions. It is enough to take 3-4 muted shades to make the ceiling attractive, but not flashy and flashy. Bright, saturated colors are best used in other rooms.

The living room with ceilings covered with the same wallpaper as the walls looks nice and homely. For this purpose, you need to choose wallpaper with a medium-sized pattern, not too bright, preferably two-color. A geometric pattern on a light background is ideal. To prevent the ceiling and walls from merging, beautiful white baguettes must be glued around the perimeter.

The methods described are the simplest. Using your imagination, you can add to these options or create your own. When decorating ceilings, it is very important to show a sense of proportion, and it is better to leave empty areas than to fill them with unnecessary elements. A clutter of decor can never decorate the interior, but minimalism in details, neatness and thoughtfulness in design will create real comfort and harmony!

Video - How to decorate the ceiling in the living room