Frost flower. Hellebore: annual development cycle, place for planting, care and reproduction

This unique plant, like hellebore, is extremely rare in nature. It has many advantages, including resistance to frost and drought, early and long flowering periods, a long life cycle, and most importantly, planting and caring for hellebore is not particularly labor-intensive. This set of excellent qualities of its extraordinary beauty is complemented by flowers.

The name of the perennial already, to some extent, describes its properties. Low temperatures are not a problem for hellebore or winterberry, which is a cold-resistant evergreen member of the buttercup family. In the scientific community, as a rule, the Latin name of the flower is found - Helléborus, or its Russian transliteration - helleborus.

The hellebore is a truly legendary flower, known by the name Christmas rose. The legend says: when Christ was born, a poor shepherd was unable to find an appropriate gift for little Jesus and shed a bitter tear, from which a flower of wondrous beauty was born, which became an amazing offering for the winter time.

Planting a plant

Considering that hellebore has a long-term life cycle and has a negative attitude towards transplantation, the selection of a place for planting the crop should be carried out in accordance with agrotechnical requirements.

The best option for planting a winter garden would be soils enriched with humus, under the crowns of trees, where a large amount of foliage naturally falls. And, although the culture is considered shade-loving, it still requires a small amount sun rays. Thus, an area under trees with an unthickened crown is an excellent choice for planting a winter garden.

As indicated, when carrying out planting work, it is important to take into account the nuances of agricultural technology:

  • The depth of the planting hole should not exceed 30 cm. Since the size of the root system of the winter garden is insignificant, the circumference of the hole should be of a similar size.
  • If there is frequent stagnation of water on the site, creation is a mandatory step. Fine gravel should be placed at the bottom and sprinkled with sand. Such a simple improvement will protect the plant from damping off in winter and the development of rot in spring, when the area is flooded with melt water.
  • The soil should be slightly alkaline or neutral, but not acidic. An excellent option is soils with good layer humus covered with turf, which gives looseness.
  • Planting of seedlings should be done in such a way that the root collar maintains its natural level.
  • Maintaining moderation of watering will allow you to properly moisten the soil, while at the same time preventing it from overcompacting until a crust forms after drying.

Caring for a plant in open ground

The main maintenance requirements are: regular watering, mulching the soil in the beds and timely fertilizing. Growing hellebore in the garden to decorate flower beds is preferable precisely because it does not require special care.

Fertilizer application

To obtain a lushly flowering plant, it is necessary to organize timely application of fertilizers:

  1. On frozen soil, it is worth feeding the perennial using bone meal and double superphosphate.
  2. With the onset of consistently warm weather, it is necessary to feed the crop foliar, using microelements that stimulate the growth of the bush.


IN climatic zones with snowy winters There is practically no need for additional watering of hellebore, since the required amount of moisture for the plant is provided by melt water. In regions with arid climates, watering can be done a maximum of twice in mid-summer. But in the absence of additional moisture, the winter garden will still not be lost: hard leaves act as a barrier to excessive evaporation of moisture.

Protection from diseases and pests

The most common hellebore pests include aphids, snails, slugs and rodents. At times, the plant is observed feeding on the hop moth caterpillar. For effective fight with the entire list of pests, it is necessary to organize treatment with systemic insecticides in accordance with the recommendations of specialists. The leaves of the plant can also be affected by various spots caused by the fungus. The greatest intensity of disease development is observed in damp and warm weather. Methods to combat diseases include: timely pruning affected leaves and chemical treatment of the plant.

Plant propagation methods

In winter, hellebore bushes delight gardeners with evergreens, and its inherent frost resistance allows the plant to be grown exclusively in open ground.

It is worth noting that reproduction of the winter house is carried out in two ways:

  1. Propagation by seeds- To grow hellebore, you should purchase fresh planting material. When purchasing it, you should take into account the timing of seed collection: after six months, they lose their germination capacity. Before sowing planting material for hellebore flowers to a maximum depth of 2 cm, it is necessary to prepare a container by filling it with loosened and moistened soil. After the seedlings have their first leaves, they are transplanted to a dark place. Plants are transferred to their area of ​​permanent growth after a three-year interval, during which they become stronger. Transplantation should be carried out in early autumn. With this method of propagation, the winter plant blooms for the first time for 3–4 years.
  2. Division of an adult bush- since hellebore is considered a crop with poor transplant tolerance and long-term growth, use vegetative way Reproduction is recommended extremely rarely. For the purpose of division, bushes that are at least three years old are selected. The planting procedure is carried out after flowering. The perennial bush is planted in loose, moist soil with drainage system while maintaining a distance between plants of 40 cm.

Types and varieties

In the wild you can find several varieties of hellebore with a variety of varieties. And also in the garden there is no need to spend significant physical and material resources for growing a marvelous flower, which is loved not only for its external charm, but also for its unpretentiousness.

Hellebore black

The greatest attractiveness inherent in this particular species has become the reason for the growth of its popularity. It can reach a height of 30 cm. During flowering, it gives gardeners snow-white flowers reaching towards the sun and having a diameter of 15 cm. Time winter season, Black hellebore spends under the snow. When growing, you should adhere to certain rules: due to the toxicity of some varieties, when carrying out gardening work, gloves should be used, and cut foliage is strictly prohibited from being used as pet food. Black hellebore is one of the most frost-resistant species. Popular varieties: Pracox, Potter's Will and Louis Cobbett.

Hellebore oriental

The maximum height of a bush of this species is 35 cm, and the diameter of lilac or white-green flowers is 6 cm. The saturation of shades may vary. To get luxuriant flowering bush in good condition there is no need to perform any special requirements. In general, planting and caring for this type of hellebore are the same as for other varieties. One has only to take into account its poor resistance to fungal diseases. Immediately after the snow melts, this crop will produce its first flowers. Popular varieties: Rock and Roll, White Swan.

Hellebore Caucasian

This species reaches a maximum height of 40 cm. The peduncle has 1-3 yellow-green or white-green interspersed with brown flowers with a maximum diameter of 8 cm. This variety blooms in late winter - early spring. The leaves and stems have excellent tolerance to even very low temperature drops. The Caucasian hellebore is on the list of the most poisonous species, and for this reason it can very rarely be found on personal plots and flower beds.

Growing hellebore in garden compositions

IN landscape design In garden plots, hellebore is used to decorate alpine slides located in shady areas. Early dates flowering of the crop allows you to decorate the composition even before the completion of the melting of all the snow cover. The ability of the winter garden to grow makes it possible to use it in combination with other types of plants when thickened flower beds are formed.

There are many legends and tales about this amazing flower: some say that the plant can protect against evil spirits and diseases, while others insist on its divine origin. This is probably why in Europe so many skilled gardeners are happy to plant this herbaceous perennial, and in Germany it is considered a traditional Christmas gift.

Everyone wants to buy an unpretentious garden flower, hellebore (Helleborus), they regularly buy double varieties of different colors at the markets, and plants with simple greenish-white buds grow in the garden.

Why do sellers engage in counterfeiting? Mainly due to the difficulty of propagating bright double hellebore varieties. After all, such plants are propagated only vegetatively, and they cost a lot of money. Tell me, how can a buyer not be tempted when they offer “gorgeous varietal hellebore” for almost nothing?

The plant received the name “hebore” due to its amazing qualities - it is not at all afraid of frost. Peduncles develop directly under the snow, and when the oppression weakens, they climb out. They stick out from the snow among last year’s leaves that have retained their greenery.

To give the most accurate description garden flower hellebore, you need to start with the fact that it is herbaceous perennial, the height of which rarely reaches more than 50 cm. It is characterized by a short rhizome, a stem without side branches, leathery foliage and cup-shaped flowers of extraordinary beauty. Zimovnik is distinguished by the fact that its riot of colors combines soft cream, purple, deep black, canary and violet undertones. Different types of hellebore can have simple or double-edged buds.

From mid-April to the end of May, hellebores are a delight to the eye. So long for spring flowers. How do they do this? Strictly speaking, what we take for petals are overgrown sepals. This is what prolongs the decorative period, because even after the seeds are set and shed, the sepals remain on the plant, turning pale, but maintaining the illusion of flowering.

It's not just its early flowering that makes winterweed a truly extraordinary treasure for every landscape design: traits like drought tolerance and hardiness allow it to be planted in almost any soil and climatic conditions. However, it should be remembered that the seemingly harmless perennial is fraught with surprises: it, like all representatives of the Ranunculaceae family, is very poisonous.

How to plant hellebore on the plot

Hellebores are wonderful hardy plants that can be planted and forgotten about for many years. They can't stand anything other than a swamp. Year after year they become only more beautiful, the bush is more powerful, the flowers are more numerous. The leaves of hellebores overwinter, but in the spring they quickly lose their decorative properties. The best preserved type of hellebore after winter is black and its varieties.

It should be noted that in one area a “Christmas rose” can grow safely for a whole decade, and that is why the choice of place for planting it must be approached wisely. If you take this process lightly, then you need to be prepared for the fact that replanting, which this plant really does not like, will negatively affect the health of your herbaceous pet.

Despite the fact that planting a cold-resistant hellebore flower can be done in any climatic conditions, gardeners recommend giving preference to soil such as drained clay soil, which will be sufficiently moist and loose. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that you should not be afraid to plant perennials near other bushes and trees. In a well-organized garden, hellebore feels great next to ferns, corydalis, and crocuses.

Often hellebore sell in early spring and even in February. Seedlings are roots placed in peat. It is difficult to preserve them: roots that are not yet “working” are susceptible to rot. They must be planted as quickly as possible in pots with very poor, loose soil (peat mixed with coarse sand) and kept in a cool place, almost dry. You need to water little by little into the tray or around the perimeter of the pot. They are planted as soon as the snow melts (to be sure, cover the plant with lutrasil).

It is important to know that planting in open ground and further caring for hellebore will be successful only if the gardener has chosen for this plant species such as black winterberry, stinking wintergreen, oriental or Caucasian.

You need to warn yourself against buying bare-root hellebores. Such plants are sold at garden centers. Weakened plants are unlikely to survive. In addition, the planting material is most likely of dubious origin.

Pay attention to the photo correct landing and further care for hellebore: besides the fact that holes for seedlings must be made small sizes- approximately 30x30x30 - they should be dug at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other, so that in the future caring for the plants will proceed safely and be easy. Beginning gardeners should also take into account the fact that the dug holes must be filled halfway with compost. Note: the process of planting the “Christmas rose” itself is best done in April or early September. After the hellebore has been planted, it is necessary to take care of caring for it - we are talking about watering (abundant and frequent in the first three weeks), mulching, weeding and protection from pests and diseases.

How to grow hellebore and how to propagate this garden flower

Look carefully at the photo of the garden hellebore flower: if you responsibly approach not only the process of placing the plant in the garden, but also its further care, the winter garden will produce lush flowers every year:

  1. Caring for perennials is not something complicated or difficult to do.
  2. First of all, in early spring, when buds are about to begin to appear, you just need to remove the dried old foliage so that it does not become a source of infection and fungal spotting for new shoots and shoots.
  3. Secondly, after flowering stops and fades, it is necessary to mulch the ground around the seedlings with compost or peat.
  4. Thirdly, in summer period it is necessary to regularly water the winter garden and carefully weed and loosen the area where it grows.
  5. Experienced gardeners also advise not only to take seriously the planting and further care of hellebore flowers, but also to feed them, which should be done at least 2 times a season. Usually bone meal or mineral fertilizers are used for this.

It is possible to propagate hellebores from seeds, but it is not so easy. If you sow fresh seeds, they will sprout in the spring; dried ones will require two periods of stratification, that is, two winters. And you will have to wait 3-4 years for flowering.

However, those who choose to this method reproduction, should know a few useful tips. One of them concerns the fact that the plant's seeds must be sown immediately after they ripen and are harvested - that is, around the end of June. You also need to understand how to properly plant hellebore using seedlings: in particular, the material is placed in loose and well-moistened soil to a depth of at least one and a half centimeters. Shoots can be observed in next year, in March. Only after the sprouts have several leaves can they be moved to the flowerbed, where they should remain for another two years.

Pay attention to the photo of the garden flower hellebore, the description of which was presented above: this plant was born not through the seed propagation method, but through division of the bush. This technique involves digging up five-year-old winter gardens, dividing their root system into parts and planting them in new places. It should be noted that in this way in the spring you can breed a species called black, and in the fall - oriental.

Care when growing hellebore: combating pests and flower diseases

Pay attention to the photo of hellebore flowers: after planting as part of plant care to get as much lush flowering, protection from numerous threats is also imperative.

One of the terrible enemies of the "Christmas rose" is aphids, and slugs that love to eat leaves, caterpillars and mice also cause a lot of trouble. Rodent pests are fought with baits with poisoned food, but slugs will have to be collected manually. In addition, the rest of the pests will need to be destroyed using insecticides - for example, actellik and biotlin.

While caring for the hardy hellebore flower, Special attention attention should also be paid to all sorts of diseases of this plant. Ring spot and anthracnose cause a lot of damage to perennials and distress to true gardeners. However, experts try not to despair and fight necrosis - spotting - by removing and burning damaged parts of the winter hibernation. Anthracnose, which manifests itself in the form of dark brown spots, is treated with drugs that necessarily contain copper.

If you approach the cultivation and care of hellebore flowers responsibly, the plant is distinguished by its enormous endurance and resistance to such diseases and pest attacks. However, when a novice gardener does not follow the basic rules - for example, he plants a “Christmas rose” in soil with high acidity - the winter garden becomes vulnerable, as a result of which it begins to get sick.

That is why experienced craftsmen Beginners are advised to make sure that the selected area is suitable for the flower before starting to grow hellebore. To do this, you need to take a soil sample - a teaspoon will be enough - pour the soil onto the glass and carefully pour vinegar over it. If a lot of foam appears, it means that there is an excess of potassium salts in the soil, the average amount of white flakes indicates the neutral acidity of the soil, but the absence of foaming indicates that it is time to fertilize the area with dolomite flour or wood ash

Wintering plant for planting in the garden: features of species and varieties (with photos)

For growing in middle lane There are quite a few species and varieties suitable for Russia.

This hellebore black (El. niger) with white flowers reddish (N. purpurascens) with reddish-green flowers, Oriental (N. orientalis) with purple flowers Caucasian (N. caucasicus), having greenish-white flowers with purple specks in the center, Abkhazian (El. abchasicus)– wine red, the brightest of the species. All these plants are winter-hardy and reliable, live a long time and do not require any care, except for mulching with leaves.

To know how to grow different types hellebore, it is necessary to study in more detail information about their natural environment growth, characteristics and existing varieties.

For example, the so-called black wintering is considered one of the most popular among gardeners. The thing is that the plant is distinguished by large pale pink flowers, the core of which is striking in its snow-whiteness. This variety blooms for no more than two weeks - in early April. However, its amazing winter hardiness - the perennial can withstand -35 ºC - compensates for such a short period of riot of colors. Pay attention to the photo with varieties of black hellebore: Potters Will has the largest snow-white buds among all the brothers, and Prakoks begins to bloom in November.

The reddish winterer adorns any garden for a whole month - April - with rich purple buds. It began to be cultivated two centuries ago.

Look at the photo of such types of hellebore as eastern and Abkhazian: the first is distinguished by exquisite lilac flowers, and the second by bright red. It should be noted that the eastern winter hut is very often subjected to fungal infections. But the Abkhaz “Christmas rose” is attractive because it has different varieties.

The Caucasian hellebore is also found in landscape design: it is covered with yellowish-green buds at the end of April and lasts for several weeks. However, you need to pay attention to the fact that this particular species is considered to be the most poisonous.

Can be grown with us stinky hellebore (N. foetidus), but you will have to tinker with it: in order for it to bloom, it is necessary to preserve the above-ground part in winter, since inflorescences appear only on overwintered shoots. To do this, the plant must be covered with spruce branches, fallen leaves or lutrasil.

The perennial, called Corsican, is distinguished by yellow-green buds that decorate the plant from the beginning of April. This “Christmas rose” needs to be covered for the winter period.

A particularly fashionable caste is the hybrid hellebore. Usually these are varieties bred on the basis of the oriental hellebore, for which the group received the name “ oriental hybrids". The flowers are painted in a variety of bright colors, there are also double forms. Plants do well in our climate.

The following “garden favorites” are considered the most famous and popular:“Violetta”, which is characterized by fluffy soft white buds, “Queen of the Night” with rich purple flowers and “Belinda”, striking with a terry bouquet of light green pink.

Hellebore plant in landscape design (with photo)

In a summer composition, a combination with, hosts, will be beautiful. When planting a young plant, do not forget that in a year or two it will turn into a decent bush.

In addition, hellebore can be planted in the garden if the owner of the site wants to create a real shady alpine slide. In addition, large decorative bushes are ideal for arranging various curtains - gardening ensembles.

Pay special attention to the photo of blooming hellebore in landscape design: it really looks great and complements the picture with a riot of colors.

However, remember that it is better not to grow hellebore flowers at home in places easily accessible to children, because this unique perennial cannot be called harmless - that is, non-poisonous.

People have long believed that hellebore, planted near a house, can protect against magic and attacks from evil spirits. Over time, people started talking about him as a miracle doctor who helps to overcome various ailments, cleanse the body and even lose weight. excess weight. And hellebore, which even a beginner can plant and care for, blooms early and so beautifully that it was dubbed the Christmas rose.

Types of hellebore

In nature, thickets of evergreen hellebore (helleborus) from the buttercup family are found in Western Asia, Central Europe and throughout the Mediterranean. The perennial is resistant to cold and drought and begins to bloom when the flower beds are still empty. Large inflorescences reach a diameter of 8-12 cm, and the color of the petals depends on the type and variety of the plant.

Perhaps the most spectacular representative is the black hellebore. In nature it blooms in December, but in our latitudes it blooms closer to March. This species got its name because of its thin roots, which are actually black in color. Flowers on a fleshy stem are usually solitary. The petals are completely snow-white or with a greenish and pale pinkish tint, the stamens are yellow. The basal leaves are dense, dark green in color, with a glossy surface. The plant reaches a height of up to 50 cm.

There are several varieties of black hellebore. Potter's Wheel has snow-white flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. Prgaesoh blooms soft pink, and will decorate an empty flower garden at the end of autumn. The white petals of the White Magic variety gradually turn red.

Eastern hellebore is no less attractive; it is one of the first to bloom, when the soil has not yet thawed from the winter cold. The species is unpretentious and frost-resistant, and will delight you with a wide palette of shades. The inflorescences can be cream, white, purple, yellow-lemon, pinkish, the color of Burgundy wine. Sometimes the star-shaped petals are decorated with specks, and the flat, dark green leaves look like an open palm.

Caucasian hellebore is not so beautiful during the flowering period, but the foliage remains decorative until autumn, and sometimes, in winters with little snow, even longer. The plant is poisonous, so you should handle it with extreme caution. However, this species is often used for medicinal purposes. Stinking hellebore does not smell very pleasant, however, it is loved by gardeners for its exotic appearance. It has multiple pale green flowers and deeply lobed leathery leaves.

Among the selective varieties there are stunning specimens, for example, with blue-black petals or double petals.

How to plant

Hellebore does not like transplants, so it is advisable to immediately choose for it appropriate place, where he can live without problems for about 10 years. There are no special requirements for the soil, but it is better if it is loose and well-drained. Helleborus prefer partial shade; they can be safely planted under spreading trees or among shrubs and. Then in the summer they will be protected from the hot sun, and during the flowering period they will receive enough sunlight. In addition, falling leaves and needles will serve as mulch.


Hellebore can be propagated by seed or by dividing bushes.

Growing hellebore from seeds. It is not recommended to store seeds for a long time, as they will quickly lose their viability. Therefore, immediately after harvesting, plant them as seedlings in loose and moist soil, deepening them to about 1.5 cm. Shoots will appear in March. It’s time for grown plants with a couple of leaves to dive into a slightly shaded place, but the bushes will bloom only after 3 years. During this time, they should be transplanted to a permanent site, preferably in September. True, sometimes seeds are planted directly in open ground in June.

Division. Propagating hellebores this way is as easy as shelling pears. In the spring, when the bush has already faded, the root is divided into parts and each of them is planted in previously prepared holes.

The rules for planting hellebore are the same for both divisions and bushes grown from seeds. The holes are made at a distance of about 30 cm, and a little is placed on the bottom. Carefully holding the plant, you need to fill the space with soil, carefully compact it and moisten the area. Over the next 20 days, it is important to remember to water regularly.

Helleborus black and oriental reproduce well by division. Stinking hellebore does not respond well to root division, but it spreads easily in the area by self-sowing.

Planting and caring for hellebores is not a difficult task. The plant needs regular watering. To retain moisture in the soil as the weather warms up, after the bushes have flowered, the area around them is mulched with compost. In gratitude for feeding, the helleborus will bloom more luxuriantly. Bone meal can be used as fertilizer every 3 months.

Slugs, snails, caterpillars, rodents and aphids can become a threat to the plant, then insecticides will help out. If the leaves are visible dark spots, which gradually increase - they are probably affected by a fungal infection, which most often happens in wet weather. It is better to remove diseased leaves and treat the bush with a fungicide.

Perennials that are cared for correctly (watered on time, do not forget to fertilize, etc.) practically do not get sick; as a rule, the weakest specimens are affected.

In the southern regions it blooms in winter, in the middle zone - in March-April. Flowers are not afraid of either snow or recurrent frosts. Delicate buds bloom following the flowers of crocus and snowdrop, notifying the surrounding area that spring has come, nature has awakened from a long sleep.

In Europe, hellebore is also called the Rose of Christ. Some say because its flowering period is close to Easter holidays. Others tell a beautiful legend that supposedly the hellebore blossomed on Christmas night near the barn, in which the little Christ was born. Gardeners appreciate this handsome man not only for early flowering, but also for fancy basal leaves, somewhat similar to peony leaves. They are decorative throughout the summer, and in some species are evergreen (that is, they remain green even in winter). In addition, the plant has healing properties; in the prescriptions of ancient doctors, it ranked second in importance after ginseng.

Species and varietal hellebores are an integral element of natural, natural, gardens and "old" parks.

Suitable for shady areas and feel good under the canopy of mature trees and shrubs, where they grow and bloom better. Can be planted in rockeries in the diffuse shade of taller neighbors. On open places they are less decorative, develop more slowly; for such zones it is better to use Mediterranean species and their varieties.

How to plant hellebore?

Hellebores are planted immediately long years(they live in one place for decades). Plants prefer clay soil, but well-drained and rich in humus (a large amount of nutrients is only good for them). The reaction of the soil should be neutral, acidic must be additionally limed - add a handful of lime or dolomite flour. The area is first dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet and prepared landing hole(1.5 times the soil coma of a seedling), a small layer of drainage (expanded clay or gravel) is poured onto the bottom.

IN garden soil add compost (3:1). Planted shallow, sprinkling the rhizome by about 2 cm, that is, the root neck should be slightly below the soil level. It is watered abundantly at first, then moderately, since excessive moisture can lead to the development of rot, however, it is not recommended to overdry the soil. It is better to plant hellebores in groups, for example, around an apple tree. So it will look advantageous against the backdrop of a snow-covered garden.

About fertilizing

Like other primroses, hellebore is responsive to complex feeding mineral fertilizer in early spring. Alternatively, you can add double superphosphate (according to the instructions) and bone meal (approximately 200 g/sq.m.). The latter speeds up the process of root restoration in plants, therefore it is especially useful during transplantation. After flowering, the soil near the plants as additional food and preserve moisture, mulch with compost, neutral peat or sawdust.

Perfectly stimulates the growth of green bushes, strengthens their immunity in early spring foliar feeding microelements (sprayed in dry, windless weather). In addition, even falling leaves (from trees and shrubs under which flowers grow) serve as “long-lasting” organic matter.

Wear gloves when handling hellebores. The juice of this plant can cause an allergic reaction on the skin.

Controversial issue

Some gardeners prefer to prune bushes late in the fall, arguing that under the weight of snow, their leaves still break or burn in the bright March sun, and then get sick. But, as practice shows, the large leathery foliage of hellebore is well preserved in winter, covered with leaves or (the most heat-loving varieties) coniferous branches, and from sunburn it can be protected with a low screen. But how impressive this lush greenery will look against the background of melting snow!

However, before flowering begins, last year’s leaves still lose their decorative effect and lie down, exposing the middle of the perennial with buds. Now the foliage can be cut off, so it will not consume nutrients, which are more useful for flowering. In addition, this is the prevention of fungal diseases, especially in cases where the winter was damp or frosts were often replaced by thaws, and the place where the bushes grow is low-lying. New leaves will begin to grow to replace the old leaves that are cut off.

Methods for propagating hellebore


The plant must be at least 5 years old. Divide either in the spring, after flowering, or in the fall. The sections are treated with crushed coal. Delenki are planted in planting holes half-filled with humus or compost, approximately 30 × 30 cm in size, with the addition of 50-60 g (handfuls) of bone meal to each. Then water regularly for 2-3 weeks.

The hellebore does not tolerate transplantation well, delenki take root slowly, recover for a long time and. as a rule, they do not have time to lay flower buds for the next season, that is, flowering does not occur until a year later. In mixed plantings, it goes well with perennials, which are suitable for partial shade and fertile non-acidic soil: primrose, kupenny.peony, etc.

Growing hellebore from seeds

A large amount of planting material is easier to obtain from seeds that ripen on the bushes annually. For germination, seeds need a two-stage stratification: first a warm period, then a cold period. Seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, so they are sown fresh, immediately after harvest (in summer).

Hellebore grown from seeds blooms only in the 3rd or 4th year.

Then next spring numerous friendly shoots will appear, and a year later a certain number of them will sprout. They are sown in open ground 2.5-3 months before the onset of frost. When sowing in containers with loose, moistened soil (it is better to take a 3:1 mixture of peat and sand), the seeds are planted to a depth of 1 -1.5 cm, first kept in room conditions at a temperature of no more than +20 degrees, then about the same in the refrigerator, where about +4 degrees. The seedlings are watered regularly, but it is important to prevent mold from appearing.

Seedlings at the stage of 1-2 true leaves are planted in a larger container, maintaining a distance of 20 cm, or in separate pots and placed in a semi-shaded corner. On permanent place planted in August-September. For the winter, sprinkle with dry leaves or cover with pine branches.

Forcing hellebore

Black hellebore lends itself especially well to forcing. Planting material for this “procedure” it must be obtained vegetatively, since when propagated by seeds, the offspring do not always inherit the property early flowering. To make your plant bloom New Year or for Christmas, in early autumn (September), carefully transfer it into a pot. Leave in the garden, in partial shade, until frost sets in, then transfer to a cold room with a low positive temperature (about +2 degrees). Keep the soil moist. The cold period should last one to two months. After this, the plant should be taken to a warmer place, it is advisable to increase the temperature gradually (up to +15 degrees), and water it moderately. Over time, flower buds will begin to develop, and with their appearance, you can place the pot in the living room.

After flowering, hellebores are cared for as usual indoor plants, with the onset of spring, they are buried in pots or planted in open ground.

Hellebore: benefits

M. caucasian and M. black are used for medicinal purposes. Healing properties other species have not been officially confirmed. The treatment takes a long time; you should not count on a quick effect. In addition, if you deviate from medical recommendations, it can cause serious complications - with an overdose and increasing the frequency of taking hellebore-based drugs. Unfortunately, some patients (especially those who were overweight) did this, trying to recover as quickly as possible. In any case, you should contact your doctor for advice.

What are the benefits of hellebore?

It has sedative, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral, expectorant, diuretic, laxative, and antitumor effects.

Normalizes metabolism (removes toxins from the body, promotes weight loss without the formation of folds and sagging skin).

Prevents the formation of stones in the liver and kidneys and promotes their dissolution.

Regulates coronary and cerebral circulation, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Hellebore contraindications:

pregnancy, lactation, early age.

Application of hellebore.

In complex therapy for asthma, tuberculosis, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, cancer, etc.

Hellebore powder.

Pour 50 mg of powder (on the tip of a knife, or a quarter of a mustard spoon) onto the tongue an hour before breakfast and wash it down with water. Every 10 days, increase the dose by 50 mg, but even with good tolerance - no more than 300 mg (in case of stool disorders, reduce until normal). The course of treatment is up to 12 months. After 6 months of use, be sure to take a month's break.

Hellebore decoction.

1 tsp chopped root pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave until cool, strain. Use for compresses, lotions, and washes for skin diseases. Infusion. 2 tsp powder, pour 0.5 liters of warm boiled water, leave for 24 hours, strain. Use for compresses for arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, foot baths for gout.

Procurement of raw materials

They dig up rhizomes with roots in September-October. Dry slightly in the sun, wash well with a brush, finely chop and dry in the oven at +40-45 degrees. Grind in a mortar and store for up to 2 years.

Diseases and pests of hellebore



Control measures


On the leaves, usually starting from the edges, chaotic black-brown spots appear with an unexpressed annular pattern. Gradually, they merge, the tissues are destroyed, the leaves dry up, and then the stems are also affected. The development of the disease is facilitated by high humidity and temperatures above +22 degrees.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the parts of the plant affected by the fungus, then treat the bushes with a 1% Bordeaux mixture (or other copper-containing fungicide). The treatment is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 15-20 days.


Young leaves do not grow and become deformed. appear on top of them brown spots, and below there is a dirty white coating.

It is important not to thicken the plantings. Affected plant residues are destroyed. Treatments with copper-containing fungicides will help to weaken the development of the fungus (the lower surface of the leaves is sprayed especially carefully).

True fans of flower beds want colorful flowering plants made them happy even in winter. A real gift for such gardeners is the plant hellebore, which can please with its flowers even in November and at the very beginning of April. Read more about hellebore, its types and varieties.

Black hellebore (Helleborus niger)

It's about about the most common and popular type of hellebore in landscape design. In nature, it is often found in areas from southern Germany and up to Balkan Peninsula, growing mainly in mountainous wooded areas. Black hellebore is a perennial herbaceous plant, which can stretch up to 30 cm upward. It is distinguished by large upward-pointing flowers, the diameter of which can reach 8 cm. They are formed on very high peduncles (up to 60 cm) and are distinguished by a two-color color - snow-white inside the flower and light pink outside.

Black hellebore begins to bloom at the very beginning of April, when other plants are just beginning to come to life. It lasts about two weeks. The leaves of the plant are dark green, very dense, and do not fall off in winter. By the way, the winter hardiness of this type of hellebore is very high - it can easily tolerate temperatures dropping to -35 °C. This species has two subspecies - nigerkors and nigistern.

Also quite common in decorative floriculture are the following varieties black hellebore:

  • « Potter's Wheel". The hellebore variety that produces the most large flowers, capable of reaching a diameter of up to 12 cm.
  • « HGC Joshua". It is one of the early varieties of black hellebore, on which flowers appear in November.
  • « Praecox". Another hellebore variety that blooms in November. It is distinguished by the soft pink color of the flowers.

Important! All types of hellebore are poisonous, although their rhizomes are used in folk medicine. For this reason, it is worth resorting to hellebore treatment only on the advice of doctors and taking into account all the norms for the preparation of medicinal tinctures. For people suffering from heart and liver diseases, treatment with hellebore is contraindicated.

Caucasian hellebore (Helleborus caucasicus)

From the name of this hellebore it becomes clear that it is most common in the Caucasus, although it is no less common in the mountainous regions of Greece and Turkey. The Caucasian hellebore is distinguished by a long flowering period - from late April to mid-June. Flowers also form on high peduncles from 20 to 50 cm, however, unlike the black hellebore, they are drooping in the Caucasian.

The diameter of each flower can reach 8 cm, the color is white with a greenish or yellowish-brown tint. The leaves of the plant are evergreen, fleshy and long - about 15 cm. They also lengthen due to their oblong petiole. Leaves and stems tolerate even the lowest temperature drops. The Caucasian hellebore is one of the most poisonous species, and, probably, it is for this reason that it is least often planted in garden plots and flower beds.

Abkhazian hellebore (Helleborus abchasicus)

Abkhazian hellebore is a rather colorful type of this plant, since even its bare fleshy leaves can have not only a dark green color, but also a violet-green color. In addition, during flowering, large drooping flowers of a dark red color are formed on 40-centimeter purple-red peduncles (sometimes there are darker specks on the flowers). The diameter of each flower is approximately 8 cm, and the flowering period lasts from the beginning of April until almost the end of May. Has good resistance to frost.

Did you know? In Germany, potted hellebore is more popular and is usually given as a Christmas gift. There is also a legend associated with this plant, according to which it was the hellebore that presented one of the assistant shepherds to the baby Jesus in honor of his birth. In this regard, the flower has another name - “rose of Christ”.

Eastern hellebore (Helleborus orientalis)

The homeland of the oriental hellebore is not only the Caucasus, but also Greece, and even Turkey. This species is also a perennial. It grows only up to 30 cm in height, with medium-sized flowers - up to 5 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is very pleasant - lilac. The leaves of the eastern hellebore are also medium in size, with a dense fleshy structure and a dark green color. However, it is with the leaves that it is associated main drawback of this species - they are very often affected by a fungus, due to which the plant loses its attractiveness.

In floriculture, several varieties of oriental hellebore are known, among which the most popular are:

  • « White Swan". Oriental hellebore with small white flowers.
  • « Rock"n"Roll". It also has light flowers, on which there are red-pink dots, which is the main difference between the variety.
  • « Blue Anemone". Oriental hellebore with light purple flowers.
  • « Lady Series". We are talking about the eastern hellebore variety series, main feature which are fast-growing herbaceous bushes capable of reaching 40 cm in height. During flowering, flowers of six colors are formed on the bushes at once.

Stinking hellebore (Helleborus foetidus)

This type of hellebore is common in wildlife only in the western part of Europe, where it is found on rocky, well-lit slopes. Stinking hellebore is distinguished by its abundantly leafy stems, which are distinguished by the presence of narrow shiny segments colored dark green. The leaves on the plant overwinter. During flowering, a tall peduncle up to 80 cm is formed on a low hellebore up to 30 cm high. The peduncle is almost completely covered with inflorescences consisting of large quantity flowers. Unlike all other species, the stinking hellebore has very small flowers and are bell-shaped. Their color is no less interesting - green with red-brown edges. In addition to good resistance to low temperatures, this type also tolerates severe droughts.

Only one is used in floriculture decorative variety stinking hellebore - " Wester Flisk". It differs from the main representative of the species in narrower segments on the leaves and the reddish tint of the branches with inflorescences. The aroma of the flowers is not very pleasant.

Important! Best for planting hellebore seedling method, since when sowing from seeds, the first flowering can be seen only in the third year of the growing season. But the stinky hellebore is able to reproduce by self-sowing.

Corsican hellebore (Helleborus argutifolius)

This type of hellebore is native to the Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sardinia. Corsican hellebore is one of the tallest of its kind - its stems can stretch up to 75 cm in height. During growth, only a few straight stems are formed from one root, which immediately begin to grow widely to the sides. During flowering, small flower stalks are formed on the bush, densely covered with very dense tassels with flowers.

The shape of the flowers is cup-shaped, and the color is yellowish-green. On the island of Corsica, the flowering of this type of hellebore begins in February, while in our latitudes this growing season occurs in early April. Corsican hellebore does not have good frost resistance, so it is recommended to cover it with sawdust and spruce branches for the winter. One of the most famous varieties this species is the variety " Grünspecht". It is also a fairly large plant, which produces red-green inflorescences in April.

Reddish Hellebore (Helleborus purpurascens)

Reddish hellebore can be found even in Ukraine, as it is one of the representatives of the flora of the Carpathian Mountains. This plant is also widespread in Hungary and Romania.

Distinctive features of this type of hellebore are:

  • large leaves on long petioles, which at the same time have finger-like dissections, and also differ different colors two sides of the leaf - the upper one is dark green, bare and shiny, and the lower one has a bluish tint;
  • the flowers of the reddish hellebore are drooping, painted violet-purple on the outside of the anther, and greenish on the inside; Over time, the flowers turn completely green;
  • The flowers are medium in size (about 4 cm in diameter), but they have a rather unpleasant smell;
  • Flowering occurs in April and lasts about 4 weeks.

Important! To collect hellebore seeds yourself, you need to tie gauze bags onto the boxes formed after flowering. Then, when the boxes crack, the seeds will not fall to the ground, but will remain in the bag, after which they can be dried and sown. It is better to sow hellebore for the winter so that the seeds do not lose their germination capacity during storage.

Hybrid hellebore (Helleborus x hybridus)

Several varieties of hellebore garden hybrids were included in this separate species, each of which combines several of the above-described species at once. Due to this, when sowing a hybrid hellebore, you can get a variety of colors of flowers in one area, the diameter of which ranges from 5 to 8 cm.