Growing and wintering garden tree hibiscus. Garden hibiscus, care and propagation - a welcome guest from the tropics Garden hibiscus planting and care

Hibiscus is a beautiful plant with lush flowers, native to Southeast Asia. This relative of the mallow is grown both in room conditions, this is how they plant a flower garden in the garden. This plant loves heat very much, which means it is not very suitable for our climate. The only exception may be garden hibiscus. Today we'll talk about the peculiarities of its cultivation in open ground: planting, propagation (cuttings), care, etc., as well as the main varieties (photos attached).

Hibiscus: main varieties and varieties

Hibiscus is a flowering tropical plant that belongs to the Malvaceae family. Externally, it may look like a tree, woody shrub, or herbaceous plant. Hibiscus leaves are most often ovoid in shape with pointed edges. The flowers of the plant are funnel-shaped, large in size, with five or more petals. Their shade is incredibly varied: white, pink, yellow, purple and many others.

There are three main varieties of hibiscus:

  • Syrian (garden) is the only variety of hibiscus that grows well in the garden. The flowers of this plant have lush green foliage and flowers in various shades. This species grows quite slowly and begins to bloom only in the 3-4th year of its life.

Syrian (garden) hibiscus

  • Trifoliate. This plant reaches almost a meter in height. It has lush leaves in the form of petioles and small delicate flowers. yellow color, which bloom for quite a long time - for 30 days and bloom for several hours a day.

Trifoliate hibiscus

  • Dissected petal. This type of hibiscus blooms from late spring until late autumn. It has medium-sized flowers with strongly dissected petals of a bright red or orange hue.

Dissected petal hibiscus

  • Hibiscus Drummond. It has a strong, straight, highly branched stem with 5-centimeter leaves, dissected along the edge. It blooms with five-petaled flowers of an unusual color: pink with a black center.

Hibiscus Drummond

Today, there are more than 200 species of hibiscus (photos can be found on the Internet) and almost all of them grow in tropical climates, respectively. climatic conditions our region are very extreme for them. However, if you take certain measures to protect the plant from the cold in winter, it will survive it just fine. If your region has warm and almost snowless winters, then you are 100% guaranteed to be able to grow luxurious hibiscus in your garden.

Hibiscus is a fairly unpretentious plant to care for and at the same time it is an excellent decorative element for any garden.

Advice. If you are planning to purchase hibiscus to grow on personal plot, then you should know that there are two types of hibiscus depending on the type of flower: double and non-double. The former are distinguished by better resistance to cold.

Planting a plant in open ground

To plant hibiscus, be sure to choose a place that is well-lit and protected from the winds. It is not particularly demanding on the soil - the main thing is that it is nutritious and light, so that water can freely penetrate to a sufficient depth (almost the same as for planting roses).

Planting in the ground should be done in the spring, when the soil has warmed to a sufficient depth. If you choose tree variety hibiscus, then it is necessary to prepare a hole for its planting that is twice as deep as root system seedlings. The bottom layer (drainage) should consist of broken bricks and be 15 cm thick, the next (10 cm) should consist of sand, then the compost layer (the same depth as the brick) and the last one – sand again, 15 cm deep.

Avoid overcrowding hibiscus plantings

We fill the hole with a mixture of the following components: soil (from the hole), peat and sand. Everything should be prepared in a ratio of 2:4:1. So, we place the cutting in the hole so that the neck of the root is underground only a small part of its height and then we fill it with the soil mixture prepared in advance.

After the hibiscus is planted, it must be hilled up so that a hole is formed around it. Fill it with enough water - it must be absorbed and only then fill the hole with earth. Gently level it out.

Advice. If you have a need (or desire) to plant hibiscus not in the prescribed period, but in the fall, then do not forget, in addition to the steps described above, to mulch the soil around the trunk of the seedling and be sure to tie it with spruce branches.

Hibiscus care

Caring for the plant is quite simple and does not require much effort. The most important thing is that measures for caring for hibiscus must be timely, correct and of high quality. But first things first.

Watering and pruning the plant

The soil around the hibiscus should always be loose - be sure to keep an eye on this. In addition, excessive clustering negatively affects the growth of the plant, so hibiscus must be thinned out periodically.

To prevent hibiscus from drying out, it needs generous watering, especially in hot weather. The soil under the plant needs to be watered quite generously, but only when it is completely dry, not earlier (that is, 2-3 times a week). During particularly dry periods, watering should be daily.

Hibiscus needs to be fed throughout the growing season.

Pruning hibiscus is an optional, but highly desirable procedure, since it allows you to create a plant of the desired shape, or is used for hygienic purposes. To give a hibiscus the shape of a beautiful, well-groomed tree, you will need a lot of effort and patience. If the plant is young, then the branches should be shortened to the level of 2-3 buds, without touching the trunk. In the next years of life, the hibiscus is pruned in winter (at the end of February) to a pair of buds - side shoots and 5-6 buds - on the trunk.

For hygienic purposes, pruning is carried out in early spring. Any damaged, weak or underdeveloped shoots are completely removed, and branches remaining from the previous year are shortened by 30%. This will create stimulation for the growth of new buds.

Advice. If you want to grow a very bushy hibiscus with a lot of flowers, you need to trim it as short as possible in order to grow a large number of new shoots.

Plant propagation by cuttings

Reproduction of hibiscus is also a fairly simple process. Concerning garden type, then it propagates mainly by seeds or cuttings. The second option is the most common - we will consider it.

Propagation is carried out in summer: cuttings are cut with a pair of internodes, the bottom is smeared with special growth stimulants. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse with a pre-prepared peat substrate. Be sure to be heated from below. Typically, hibiscus sprouts its first roots within 25-30 days, then the sprouted cuttings are transplanted into pots filled with soil with turf and leaves, as well as sand and peat (all in equal proportions).

Young plants need regular watering and new shoots should be pinched back periodically to develop a bushy appearance. As soon as the plant reaches the desired type, you can transplant into open ground.

Fertilizing and feeding hibiscus

In the summer until the beginning of September, when the growing season enters the active phase, it is necessary to begin active feeding plants with a large amount of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers (every 10-14 days). Closer to autumn, in preparation for wintering, phosphorus fertilizers need to be slightly diversified with potassium fertilizing.

Almost always, hibiscus flowering lasts only one day, but with quality care, a new one will grow to replace the wilted flower. So don't forget to keep an eye on this process.

Wintering after flowering

Since the article we're talking about about growing garden hibiscus, keep in mind that it is quite “delicate”, so it will need additional protection from the cold, especially if the cultivation takes place in the middle zone, for example, in the Moscow region.

So, if you do not want to transplant your hibiscus to another place for the winter, then the plant will need a protective sheath to overwinter in the garden. It’s quite easy to build: make small frames around the bushes, onto which you stretch agrotex, etc. This needs to be done in late autumn-early winter, when the first frosts begin. If in the area where you live, the air temperature does not drop below – 15 degrees, then the measures taken will be sufficient.

For more reliable protection, you can use the old proven method - a spruce hut. Cover the hibiscus with spruce branches in several layers (don't forget to tie the bush and put a light bag on it).

Caution: diseases and pests

Hibiscus is a plant that is very resistant to various pests and diseases. But if during the hot period it lacks moisture, then it can be attacked by insatiable whiteflies, aphids, and poutine mites. To eliminate the spread of these pests, use insecticides (the interval between treatments should be about a week).

Most often, hibiscus is affected by a disease called chlorosis - the leaves located below begin to fall off, and yellow ones grow to replace them. The reason is a lack of iron and nitrogen. Control method: adding iron to water for irrigation, and nitrogen fertilizers to the soil (in spring period).

If the hibiscus does not bloom at the right time, despite the fact that it grows in an ideal place for it and receives proper care, this can only mean one thing - the plant does not receive enough boron and phosphorus. Just apply fertilizers in sufficient quantities and, most importantly, on time, then everything will be fine.

Hibiscus in landscape design

Combination of hibiscus with other plants

There is an excellent combination of hibiscus with almost any variety of roses. In addition, in appearance they will form a luxurious tandem. If you live in a fairly warm region, then plant several lavender bushes next to the hibiscus - this will not only give the garden aesthetic appeal, but will also protect the hibiscus from various pests.

Our article is coming to an end. We introduced you to the features of growing garden hibiscus in open ground. Follow the tips provided in the material and you can create a luxurious flower garden. Good luck!

Planting Syrian hibiscus: video

Growing hibiscus in the garden: photo

The tropical guest - hibiscus, fell in love with Russian flower growers and became a frequent inhabitant of personal plots, residential and office premises. Therefore, for many beginners and experienced gardeners current topic: hibiscus bush planting and care. Let's get to know interesting plant closer.

Hibiscus - decorative or indoor shrub family Malvaceae. The plant's homeland is Southeast Asia. The shrub is quite tall (up to 4.5 m), has dark green leaves on petioles and large (16-30 cm in diameter) beautiful flowers of different shades. Despite the fact that each bud blooms only for a day, hibiscus bushes are distinguished by long-term flowering, which begins in the spring and lasts until late autumn.

Hibiscus seeds

Pollination under natural conditions is carried out by insects; after flowering, the pollinated shrub bears fruit. The fruits look like capsules containing seeds.

Landscape designers and amateur gardeners can choose the most unusual from a variety of varieties and species; more than 200 types of plants are widely used in decorative landscaping.

The most common type of garden hibiscus is the Syrian hibiscus, planting and caring for which is accessible even to inexperienced gardeners. For the middle zone, it is considered more advisable to breed herbaceous hibiscus (for example, Red King), decorated with large flowers, and more frost-resistant.

Variety of varieties and types of Syrian hibiscus

Hibiscus species are used in landscape design in different ways:

Swamp hibiscus with big flowers, reaching a diameter of up to 12 cm, is often used to create hedges. The same function is performed by tree hibiscus, which has bright, gracefully shaped flowers (flower diameter is up to 10 cm).

Chinese hibiscus, blooming all year round, is used not only for decorating areas. The petals of its flowers are used to brew a special tea - “hibiscus tea”.

Sour hibiscus is also often called annual maple. It has not only red flowers, but also the same carved leaves; it looks good both in a hedge and in a single planting.

Description of the most popular varieties of Syrian hibiscus

  • Hibiscus Syrian Blue Chiffon - variety, main feature which is the color of the flowers. This variety is often called “chiffon” because of the tenderness of its petals. Blue chiffon attracts attention, because in nature the blue color, clear and pure, practically does not occur with a transition to blue.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Oziau blue. This variety also has blue flowers, but their central color is red.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Matilda is memorable with a red spot on the pink petals of the flower.
  • It is no coincidence that the Syrian Red Heart hibiscus is called “red heart”: the central part of its white flowers is red in color.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Ardens is distinguished not only by the compactness of the bush, but also by its flowers. Each double flower is purple in color.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Duc de Brabant is equally good both in the form of a bush and in the form of a tree, colored with purple and red petals.


Professionals give different answers to the question of novice gardeners on how to propagate hibiscus. For this, cuttings are used, and cultivation from seeds is also often used.

  1. Cuttings

Trimming the youngest growth from the tops of the flower in the summer produces cuttings ready for propagation. Having treated them with a growth stimulant, they are first rooted in a greenhouse, and after transplanting into the ground, growing shoots are developed. To do this, cut the cuttings at a distance of 15 cm from the base, leaving the first bud of the shoot.

  1. Sowing seeds

Seed propagation is often used for swamp hibiscus. Growing herbaceous hibiscus from seeds is also effective. Such propagation can be carried out over a fairly long period of time; at home, sowing begins in January and continues until April. Before sowing the seeds, they are soaked in water for 12 hours, and after that they can be planted in a prepared soil mixture of peat and sand. A container box with planted hibiscus seeds is placed in a warm place with a constant temperature of 25-27°. Hibiscus is characterized by rapid germination. The sown shrub is regularly sprayed after sprouts appear, and at the age of 3 full leaves it is transplanted into a pot.

  1. Graft

Another one is vaccination. This gardening process will be done traditionally, using good cutting. To comply with all the rules, novice summer residents are recommended to watch the video presenting a training master class by the experienced Sergei Marinkov.


Planting garden hibiscus consists of several stages

  • Selecting a location

When using open ground, the following rule should be observed: ornamental shrub Grows well in a free sunny place, protected from the wind. And varieties of swamp hibiscus mix, in addition to the sun, are also demanding increased level moisture.

  • Preparing the planting hole

The size of the hole is determined by the size of the root system of the seedling with a lump of earth. The planting hole should be twice the size of the hibiscus rhizome.

The filling of the planting hole is as follows: 15 cm - drainage, then in layers: sand - compost - sand.

  • Landing

A hibiscus seedling is placed in a hole and sprinkled with soil mixture so that the root collar is lightly sprinkled. Composition of the mixture for sprinkling: turf, peat, sand in equal quantities.

After planting, the seedling is hilled up, at the same time a ditch is made around it for irrigation and watered abundantly.


A southeastern resident by origin, hibiscus is quite unpretentious and does not expect any special approach, however, caring for and growing the plant requires following certain rules.

  • Watering

Hibiscus needs plenty of watering. In the hottest weather or in arid regions in the summer, the shrub is watered every day. In spring, autumn, in cool weather or when planting a plant in the middle zone, watering is carried out after the soil around the plant has completely dried.

  • Loosening

A prerequisite for the full development of the shrub is regular loosening, which will enrich the soil with air. This has a beneficial effect on the plant, as does the weeds removed during loosening

  • Mulching

A layer of mulch (sawdust, dry peat, tree bark) keeps the soil moist and at the same time gets rid of weeds.

  • Top dressing

During the growing season, as well as before the onset of autumn cold, the plant is fed with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers.

  • Trimming

In the spring, weak, damaged branches are pruned, as well as some of last year's growth to stimulate the appearance of young shoots. During the flowering period, to extend its life, it is also necessary to regularly trim off faded buds.

Preparing for winter

Hibiscus is frost hardy. Even the exotic herbaceous hybrid hibiscus tolerates winter well. It can spend the winter simply covered with snow. The photo shows a hibiscus overwintering in the garden, tied with burlap or spruce branches.

In regions with harsh winters and temperatures below 34°C, hibiscus overwintering in the soil may die. Therefore, the bush is dug up and moved to a heated room. So it can remain in the basement until spring, or it can develop in a pot, like an indoor flower.

IN the world- with harmony
Any street or area near the house will be transformed with the appearance of hibiscus

Many countries consider hibiscus theirs. It is no coincidence that a plant has several plants at once. In Sudan, hibiscus is called “Sudanese rose”, in Syria - “Syrian rose”. But this ornamental shrub is international. This rose can be yours too! Plant a hibiscus in your country house, enjoy its flowering, drink hibiscus tea, and feel the harmony of the world you created with your own hands!

According to the names given to hibiscus in different countries, we can judge people’s attitude towards the flower:

  • "Princess Earrings" in Brazil;
  • "Sudanese Rose" in Egypt and Sudan (and also “Chinese Rose” and “Syrian Rose”);
  • "Flower beautiful women» in Hawaii (where he is a national treasure);
  • "Swamp Mallow"- not very euphonious, but in the humid forests of America, hibiscus grows in thickets - it’s clear why it’s called that.


This is an evergreen plant belongs to the malvaceae family. There are many types of hibiscus. According to various estimates - from 150 to 230.

Among them there are decorative trees, shrubs, subshrubs and herbaceous hibiscus. Originally from China.

It is found wherever it is warm - in Africa, Asian countries and America.

The flowers are very large. Three petals in a subcup. Golden stamens, fused into a tube, protrude beyond the flower.

The flowering period is from early summer to early autumn.

Sadovykh, in different parts world are called different types. In Russia, the Syrian tree-like and herbaceous hybrid hibiscus is conventionally considered a garden plant.

IN Krasnodar region It is possible to grow variable Hibiscus in the ground.

Where and with whom to sit

When choosing a place to plant Hibiscus, take it very seriously, because with good care, a flower can live in one place for many decades!

There are many options for how to beat Hibiscus in a flower garden! Engage creativity, but here are some ideas:

As a hedge, hibiscus is truly ideal. It can be from 1.5 to 3 meters in height. Produces dense, dense greens. In addition, it is great for cutting and giving it different shapes.

No matter how you decide to plant your hibiscus, the main thing the flower needs is a lot of light and little wind!


There are three ways to grow hibiscus:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering.

We will consider the first two, since they are simpler and more often used.

Cutting method

You need to prepare the cuttings in the summer. Best suited top part youngest growth.

Method 1. The cutting is placed in water, and when it overwinters, it is transplanted into the ground.

Method 2. Cuttings of the cuttings are treated with a growth stimulator and placed in a mixture of peat and sand.

After about a month, when there are roots, it is planted in a pot. The mixture for planting is humus, leaf soil and sand. In spring - into the ground.


The time for sowing is from January to March. The seeds are soaked for 12 hours. After which, plant it in a pot with peat and sand.

Cover with glass, but open regularly for ventilation and spray with warm water.

The room temperature should be above 26 o C. When planting hibiscus with seeds, it needs 3 to 4 years to “grow up” and begin to bloom.

You should not try to grow double varieties of hibiscus from seeds. Cuttings are still better for them.


Hibiscus prefers fertile, loose soil (the same as for roses). Landing should only be done when the soil has warmed up well, and the frosts are already behind us.


  1. Dig a hole twice as large as the root ball.
  2. We add compost.
  3. Carefully place the seedling in the hole so that the root ball does not fall through or rise above ground level.
  4. We fill the voids in the hole with soil and compost. We compact the earth.
  5. Form a watering circle.
  6. Sprinkle generously with warm water. If the ground has settled, add more.

If you live in an area with a cool climate, choose only strong seedlings with well-developed roots for planting! Then they will have time to get stronger before wintering.

Hibiscus care


Watering is required regularly, not too much. But in hot weather, when the temperature approaches tropical, make sure that the soil under the bush does not dry out.

It is worth increasing watering during flowering. But don't flood it.


The first, with nitrogen, is done in the spring. In the summer, if you want to achieve lush flowering- add phosphorus, potassium and microelements.

Small portions approximately once every three weeks.


Don't be afraid to prune your hibiscus. This will only benefit him - it will be more magnificent, and decorative form you can give it.

The procedure is done at the end of winter, or in early spring. Before shoots begin to grow.

The hibiscus, which was formed in the form of a standard tree, looks very interesting. It's simple - from the very beginning of development, the side shoots are removed until the flower grows to the desired height.

Wintering hibiscus

In the fall, fertilize with potassium fertilizers. If you live in warm areas, it is enough to mulch the soil and cover it with snow in winter. Just in case, you can tie the bush with spruce branches.

But if temperatures in winter drop below 30-34 degrees, this is detrimental to hibiscus!

In this case, the heat-loving creature is taken into the house for the winter. You can place the plant in the basement, or in big pot apartment at home.

What causes hibiscus

Chlorosis. Opali lower leaves- this means that the water for irrigation is oversaturated with chlorine and calcium.

Spider mite. The flower is attacked in dry, hot weather. In the evenings, spray your hibiscus with warm water to prevent this from happening.

If the flower is already infected, use Aktara and Fitoverm.

Aphid. Methods for controlling aphids are the same as on other plants. For example, tobacco or ash.
If containment conditions are violated:

  • did not open, or all the buds withered at the same time - there is little moisture and nutrition;
  • there are no flowers, but the foliage is lush - they overdid it with nitrogen, or there was not enough light, or it was too hot in winter;
  • There are dirty pink spots on the leaves - there is little light, but there is a lot of nutrition.

Useful, not just beautiful

Hibiscus has found application in medicine, cosmetology, it is eaten and drinks are made from it.

Famous tea "Hibiscus" made from Sudanese rose. On sale you can find: “Mallow tea”, “Hibiscus tea”, “Sudanese rose”.

Hibiscus contains pectin, flavonoids, phytosterols, anthocyanins and hibisic acid.

If you are the owner of your own hibiscus, you can make your own medicinal drink.

Take 2 tablespoons of crushed hibiscus flowers, pour boiling water (400 ml.) Let it brew and strain.

This red infusion:

  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • mild laxative;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • regulates blood pressure (hot - increases, cold - decreases);
  • good for the liver;
  • antipyretic.

Moreover, crushed flowers are used externally to treat:

  • boils;
  • warts

Contraindicated Hibiscus treatment: pregnant women and young children.

Hibiscus flowers are used to make black hair dye and purple hair dye for industrial purposes.

In general, hibiscus is unpretentious. Apply all these simple recommendations, and he will respond to you with rich colors of flowers and lush greenery. Plant hibiscus in your home and enjoy the exoticism that is always nearby!

Growing indoor and garden plants, including flowers, is a popular activity among many gardeners and florists. Among the many green spaces, the Chinese rose has become widespread. Thanks to the variety of types of this flower, everyone can choose the best option for their home and garden. Having become familiar with the peculiarities of cultivating a plant, caring for it will not take much effort and time.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) - description

Hibiscus, also known as Chinese rose, is a popular crop among many gardeners. The plant is excellent option for those who are just starting to garden and grow indoor and garden flowers. A distinctive feature of the flower is its unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation. This species has many representatives that differ in flower shape and sheet plates, size, color, as well as a number of other indicators.

Depending on the species, hibiscus can be either annual in the form of single flowers or perennial shrubs, which can decorate any garden. In nature, the Chinese rose reaches 20 m in height and 3–5 m in width. An important feature of the plant is its resistance to negative natural influences, including sub-zero temperatures. IN winter time Hibiscus can tolerate frosts down to -20˚C. The only thing you need is to organize a film shelter.

In nature, hibiscus can reach 20 m in height and 3–5 m in width.

Where does the name “flower of death” come from?

Hibiscus, despite its apparent simplicity and unpretentiousness, is endowed with some features due to which it is called the “flower of death.” To understand why this plant deserves its name, you need to turn to ancient European signs:

  1. If a Chinese rose blooms during a period uncharacteristic for this process, then it is believed that someone in the house will soon die. To avoid this, the plant must be immediately disposed of, or, more precisely, burned.
  2. Hibiscus negatively affects the health and life of its owner. That is why it is not recommended to install a flower in the bedroom. It is believed that after the death of the owner of the plant, the Chinese rose blooms powerfully and profusely. This is explained by accumulated energy.
  3. If the flower has dropped all its leaves, this indicates that the residents of the house need to go to the hospital. Thus, hibiscus warns that someone in the household has health problems.
  4. Chinese rose helps attract men unmarried girls. However, at the same time, the flower drives the male sex out of the house. This suggests that the girl can’t expect happiness.
  5. If hibiscus appeared in the house where the established married couple, then the plant becomes a source of discord and unrest and, as a result, people will be unhappy. The “flower of death” is used to make a crown of celibacy. However, history is silent about who is doing this and how.

Such contradictory signs exist regarding hibiscus. If in Europe a flower is an indicator of family well-being, then, for example, in Malaysia they are proud of this plant: in the country there is a whole park with Chinese roses. Among Haitians, the so-called “flower of death” is considered a symbol of the island: hibiscus is usually given as a gift to tourists.

Video: why hibiscus is called the “flower of death”

In addition to negative signs, there are also positive ones:

  1. Regular flowering Chinese rose speaks of family well-being, joyful events are possible.
  2. Hibiscus is a friendly plant: it has a good effect on weak and fading plants. indoor crops. Plus, the plant has a beneficial effect on the air in the room, making it healthier and creating an atmosphere of comfort.
  3. The blooming of the Chinese rose is a good sign for negotiations. It is recommended to install a flowerpot with hibiscus in the manager’s office or office space. Plants with red flowers should be avoided.

If you are not embarrassed by the listed negative signs, and you are not afraid of possible attacks on your family, then before you have hibiscus in your home, you need to become more familiar with its types.

Types of hibiscus and their features

Various sources indicate that hibiscus has about 150–300 species. Let's look at the most common varieties in more detail.

Hybrid hibiscus (Hibiscus hybridus)

In Russia, this type of Chinese rose is most widespread. It can be grown not only in the garden, but also at home. The variety was bred by Soviet breeder Fedor Rusanov about 70 years ago. The following varieties were selected as mother material: bright red, marsh and armed. From the original crops, hybrid hibiscus received resistance to low temperatures and large scarlet flowers, the size of which reaches 18–25 cm. Flowering occurs in August and continues until the onset of frost.

In garden hibiscus, the root system is preserved, but the stems die off. At the end of spring, the plant sends out sprouts that stretch up to 2 meters and are subsequently covered with leaves. The appearance of large flowers should be expected in the second year after planting. The color range is very diverse - from white to dark red. Flowers are regular and double. After the inflorescences fade, they turn into capsules with seeds, which, as they ripen, acquire a brown color, after which they dry out. This type of hibiscus does not require any close attention or care. Therefore, the plant is suitable for beginner gardeners.

Hybrid hibiscus is most popular in Russia. This species can be grown both in the garden and at home.

During boarding for hybrid species It is better to choose a sunny area, protected from the influence of northern winds and shade. Any type of soil for the plant is suitable, but it is still better to plant in drained black soil. The flower tolerates moderate frosts and lack of moisture quite well. For successful wintering of the root system, it should be covered with a mulch layer or foliage. Reproduction of this species of hibiscus is carried out in several ways: by dividing the root system, cuttings and scion.

In the case of growing indoor specimens, you should choose well-lit places, but without direct contact. sun rays. Otherwise, the plant may get burned. The optimal location in the house will be the eastern and western sides. In summer, the flowerpot with the plant is taken out to Fresh air, trying to avoid exposure to precipitation and drafts. As it shrinks daylight hours Hibiscus needs additional lighting. With a lack of light, inflorescences may not appear at all.

At home, during the growing season for a hybrid rose, it is necessary to provide a temperature of +20˚С, and in autumn and winter this figure is reduced to +16˚С. At lower temperatures, the plant may lose its leaves, which will be a reason to prune it. It is produced, as a rule, for the purpose of formation or rejuvenation. In this case, shoots are removed from the hibiscus to a level of 8–15 cm from the soil. If the plant is replanted or the soil is changed, pruning must be carried out. After this, the pot with the flower is placed in a cool place, the amount of watering is reduced, thereby ensuring peace for the culture. With the appearance of new shoots, spraying and watering are increased, and for better growth, sprouts are periodically pinched off.

Swamp hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos)

Swamp hibiscus can be grown both at home and in the garden, but the flower has earned the greatest popularity among lovers indoor plants thanks to its brightness. The root system of this species is quite powerful and well developed. This is explained by the fact that in natural conditions the plant reaches a height of 3 m and forms a well-developed crown. The leaves of the swamp hibiscus have a glossy surface and a heart-shaped shape.

The culture is characterized by a long flowering period, which begins with the arrival of spring and lasts until mid-autumn. The flowers stand out for their brightness and variety of shades: bright red, purple, lilac. They reach 15 cm in diameter. Flowering after blooming lasts only one day: in the evening the flowers wither and fall off. After falling, a fruit is formed with a capsule containing seeds inside.

Swamp hibiscus stands out for its brightness. The plant has a long flowering period, which lasts from spring to autumn

To ensure long and abundant flowering, swamp hibiscus must be provided sunlight and constant moisture of the soil, which should have a slightly acidic reaction. If the plant is located in the shade, the green mass will increase to the detriment of flowering. This type of Chinese rose does not react in any way to a lack of fertilizer, which is its distinctive feature. However, an oversaturation of nutrients in the soil immediately affects the decorativeness of the plant. The best option For bush care, mineral (phosphorus-potassium) and organic fertilizers are used.

Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus)

Syrian hibiscus is most widespread in street landscaping. The plant is endowed with beautiful double flower shapes and good frost resistance. Despite this, for example, in the Moscow region, wintering hibiscus should be accompanied by additional shelter. With the arrival of spring, when the average daily air temperature reaches +12–15˚С, the first shoots will appear. After the crop leaves the dormant state, about three months should pass before flowering, which is determined by the biology of the plant. Admire beautiful flowers It will be possible from August until the onset of frost. Then the leaves and stems will begin to turn yellow, and the crop will prepare for winter.

To speed up the development of Syrian hibiscus in the spring, a small greenhouse is built over a group of plants, which just needs to be covered with film. In this case, the soil will warm up noticeably faster, which will contribute to an earlier growing season. Quite often, the type of Chinese rose in question is grown in containers, which is especially typical for the northern regions and the middle zone. Containers can be buried in the ground or installed directly on its surface. When buds form on the crop, the plant cannot be turned or moved. When creating conditions for flower development, timely pruning and applying necessary fertilizers, hibiscus can be kept in a container for about 20 years.

Syrian hibiscus is widely used for street landscaping. The plant has beautiful double flowers and is characterized by good frost resistance

Hibiscus arnottianus

This type of hibiscus is distinguished by its medicinal properties. The aerial part of the plant is used to prepare a decoction, which is used as a laxative and also to purify the blood. Arnotti hibiscus is native to Hawaii, from where it has spread to many countries around the world. In temperate climates, the flower is grown as an annual.

A distinctive feature of this species are tall stems, which sometimes reach 10 m, as well as fragrant flowers that can develop up to 10 cm in diameter. The petals are endowed with purple or scarlet veins, which match the tone of the pistil. If we take into account that in nature the Arnotti hibiscus grew among tall trees, then in the garden plot you need to take care of creating the most approximate conditions.

To ensure the full development of the plant, well-drained black soil is used when planting. Periodically you will need to feed the bush with organic and mineral substances. At the end of autumn, the rhizomes are transplanted to maintain the culture at home. Gardeners who grow this variety resort to some trickery - they keep the plant in a large container, which they take outside for the summer and take it indoors for the winter. Hibiscus propagation is carried out only by cuttings, which is due to climatic conditions: in our latitudes the seeds do not ripen.

Hibiscus Arnotti stands out for its medicinal properties: a decoction is prepared from the aerial part, which is used to cleanse the blood

Hibiscus divaricatus

Hibiscus splayed is an evergreen shrub reaching a height of 2.5 m. The plant is native to Australia. This flower has an erect trunk with prickly branches, which is distinguished by its strength, has uneven bark and low-lying branches with large foliage. The culture is characterized by a yellow color with a crimson base.

Hibiscus got its name from the unique shape of its crown: the branches first diverge from the trunk at a right angle, and then head upward. Flower lovers are attracted to this species by its exotic inflorescences. The main method of propagation is cuttings, since it is quite difficult to propagate this shrub with seeds. Only young plants need care, while adults are unpretentious.

Hibiscus spread - evergreen shrub, which reaches a height of 2.5 m. The trunk of the plant is erect with thorny branches

Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

The Chinese hibiscus (Chinese rose) is native to Southeast Asia. This species is valued for its beautiful appearance, fairly fast growth and easy care. As the plant develops, it acquires a lush crown, which allows it to be installed in spacious rooms, winter gardens etc. Chinese hibiscus is an evergreen crop. At home, it reaches 1.2 m in height. Having provided good care, the crop blooms with fairly large flowers with a diameter of 12 cm.

Chinese rose has flowers various shapes and color: you can find both simple and double, red, white, yellow. There are also varieties that have variegated foliage. Hibiscus blooms for a long time and quite abundantly, as a rule, from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. However, the flowers themselves remain on the plant for no more than two days. In the summer, it is better to move the crop to a garden plot, while protecting it from winds and direct sun.

The Chinese rose has a beautiful appearance, rapid growth and simple care

Photo gallery: types of hibiscus

The stems of the Hawaiian hibiscus bush grow to a level of 30–50 cm. The leaves have a glossy surface, slightly oblong, slightly curved, reminiscent of a dwarf ficus Variable hibiscus got its name from the ability of flowers to change the color of their petals as they ripen. Hibiscus caili is a medium-sized bush with straight powerful stems that stretch upward and wide up to 1–2 meters
Sour hibiscus is a luxurious perennial subshrub, popular in tropical and subtropical climates. Can survive mild winters with frosts no more than -8˚С Variegated hibiscus - this species differs from others in its ragged, uneven serration and the presence of leaves of different sections on one stem Hibiscus brittle is a perennial, an evergreen and very dense bush with a widely branched crown.
Hugel's hibiscus is a tall bush up to 4 m with bright green fleecy leaves divided into 3–5 segments Edible hibiscus - perennial, which in our latitudes is cultivated as an annual. Externally it is a shrub up to 2 m tall, dwarf varieties up to 50 cm

Garden hibiscus - adaptation period after purchase

As when buying any other plant, we immediately evaluate the appearance of the hibiscus and make sure that the flower is healthy, we see what color its flowers will be. However, the most important point- look at the root system. If the plant is sold in containers, then getting it out of the container will not be difficult: just lightly knock on the walls of the pot and pull the stem. After extracting the culture, we can see white healthy roots. After purchase, the plant does not need any additional measures and you can safely start planting it on the site or in a pot of suitable size.

Planting - nuances of the procedure, requirements for soil and planting site

Garden hibiscus does not require much labor both during planting and during care. To plant a plant, it is important to choose the right place: the area should be sunny and without drafts. Before planting, the place is prepared: the soil must be well-drained, for which sand and peat are added to it. The soil can be of the following composition: soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 2:4:1. The addition of organic matter has a positive effect. In addition, for hibiscus it is worth using soil with a slightly acidic reaction. After preparing the soil mixture, proceed to landing pit. In most cases, the plant is transplanted from a pot in which it was grown from cuttings or seeds. The dimensions of the pit must be larger than the previous capacity. Before planting a Chinese rose, water the hole and wait until all the water is absorbed. Now you can start planting. The plant is carefully removed from the pot and lowered vertically into the ground. In the southern regions, some of the roots can be left above the surface of the ground, but in the northern regions, on the contrary, the plant is buried. The planting time for hibiscus is early spring. The garden Chinese rose practically does not need replanting. If such a need nevertheless arises, then the procedure is also performed in early spring.

For hibiscus in the garden, select a well-lit area where the plant will not be exposed to drafts

Care: watering, fertilizing, pruning

When watering hibiscus, do not overwater the plant. The next moistening is carried out only after the top layer of soil dries. However, you should not overdry the soil. It is best to adhere to this rule: water abundantly, but not too often. As for air humidity, for garden flower There are no special requirements. If hibiscus is grown in a container, then for the winter it is transferred to a room where periodic spraying is carried out.

When watering, hibiscus should not be over-watered: you need to wait until the top layer of soil dries

Proper feeding of the Chinese rose will be reflected in the form of lush flowering. Since the plant responds well to fertile soil, it is fed every 2 weeks during the season. In May, potassium fertilizers are applied, which will have a positive effect on the formation of buds and flowering, and during the summer more phosphorus fertilizers are added, thereby gradually preparing the plant for winter.

No less important in the care process is the procedure for pruning garden hibiscus. A sanitary event is carried out in the spring, when diseased, damaged and old branches are removed. Sometimes pruning is carried out with the aim of forming a crown, but such measures are resorted to after the trunk has become sufficiently strong. Many gardeners also perform anti-aging pruning, in which old branches are completely removed and young branches are shortened by 1/3 of their length.

Houseplant - adaptation after the store

After purchasing a hibiscus in a store, they bring it home and carefully inspect the stems and leaves on both sides for pests and signs of disease. The plant is carefully removed from the container and the roots are examined to see if there are any root worms or rot. Hibiscus are usually sold in plastic pots, so removing the flower from the container and returning it to its place is not difficult.

If the slightest signs of disease or the presence of pests are noticed, such as spots, dots, uneven yellowing of leaf plates, cobwebs, then you should resort to preventive measures and treat the plant with special means. In this case, insecticides are used to control pests, and fungicides are used to combat fungi and diseases.

Transplanting into a pot

The issue of replanting hibiscus after purchase is controversial. The thing is that such plants are brought to us, as a rule, from Holland. The manufacturer initially does everything possible to ensure that the crop blooms and leaves have a rich green color, and the root system was well developed. Peat is used as soil, which contains a large amount of fertilizers and various growth stimulants. If a plant is abruptly transplanted into less nutritious soil, there is a high probability of its death.

After purchase, it is advisable to replant homemade hibiscus using the transshipment method, which avoids injury to the root system and facilitates rapid establishment in a new location.

If a decision is made to transplant hibiscus immediately after purchase, then the procedure is performed only by transshipment. You need to understand that transplantation and transshipment are several different ways. Replanting involves a complete change of soil exposing the root system, which can lead to damage. During transshipment, the roots of the plants are preserved in the old earthen coma, and the risk of damage to them is minimized. It is transshipment that is considered the more preferable option for any flowers. As for replanting, it must be done if the plant becomes ill, pests appear in the soil, roots rot, or if the soil is incorrectly selected.

Now let’s look directly at the process of transplanting hibiscus, for which you will need the following:

  • flower pot;
  • expanded clay;
  • priming;
  • water at room temperature, previously settled;
  • The diameter of the plastic film is 10–15 centimeters larger than the pot.

Before you start replanting, water the plant first, which will allow you to remove the flower from the pot without damage. After this, the branches are shortened using a sharp knife, thus forming a compact bush. If desired, you can try to root the resulting cuttings or use them as grafting material. Dry branches that only spoil the appearance of the hibiscus must be removed. As a result, the plant adapts faster in the new container. The pot should not be too large. A container larger than the previous one by 4–5 cm in diameter is quite sufficient.

After preparing everything necessary, we replant the crop in this order:

  1. Add a layer of expanded clay to the bottom of the pot. The material will serve as drainage and protect the root system from rotting in case of heavy watering.

    A layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the pot to create a drainage layer.

  2. Pour some earth and charcoal into a new container.

    Fill a new container with a small amount of soil and charcoal.

  3. Rocking from side to side and lightly tapping the sides of the pot, remove the hibiscus from its original container.

    To remove hibiscus from the pot, you need to knock on the walls of the container and remove the plant by shaking it from side to side.

  4. We place the flower together with a lump of earth in a new flowerpot and make sure that the plant sag slightly in it. This will make it possible to add fresh soil after planting.

    Installing the Chinese rose in new pot and lightly pressing down, which will allow you to add fresh soil

  5. Carefully fill the lump with the rhizome with soil, while lightly pressing it into the pot to give the plant stability. Alternatively, you can use a wooden stick to which the hibiscus is tied as a support. Leveling the plant will also prevent the pot from tilting and prevent it from falling off the windowsill.

    We fill the resulting voids between the walls and the rhizome with soil mixture, pressing the hibiscus into the pot

  6. We moisten the soil generously and cover the container above the surface of the earth with film for 2 days, which will ensure better survival and recovery after the procedure. Then we remove the film and grow the plant in normal conditions, placing the flowerpot in a sunny place and ensuring regular watering and fresh air.

    After planting, water the hibiscus well and cover the pot with film for 2 days.

After transplanting the plant, you should not immediately expose it to bright sunlight. It is better to protect the hibiscus from direct sunlight for several days, which will prevent additional stress and excess moisture consumption. In addition, after transplantation you should not immediately start feeding. Adding additional nutrients can be done no earlier than 1–2 weeks after transplantation.

Soil for hibiscus

An important role when transplanting hibiscus is played by the correct soil mixture, which should be characterized by a neutral reaction, be loose and nutritious. For Chinese rose optimal composition soil is as follows:

  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 2 parts humus;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 0.5 parts wood ash.

The following soil mixture option is also possible:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part of the land from the garden;
  • 0.5 parts of washed sand.

Since peat, as a rule, is highly acidic, for every 2 liters of soil mixture you should add 0.5 cups of wood ash and 1 tbsp. l. complete mineral fertilizer.

Nuances of care: fertilizer, fertilizing, temperature, watering

Hibiscus is a fast-growing and unpretentious plants. If you create favorable conditions, the flower will thank not only good development, but also with abundant flowering. Caring for hibiscus is not difficult and even a beginner can do it. One of the basic rules of care is good lighting. A young Chinese rose is placed on the western or eastern side, and adult plants are placed in close proximity to the window. It is not recommended to place the crop on the north side, as it will stretch out and lose its attractiveness.

As for the temperature regime, the plant does not like too high temperatures. Need to create comfortable conditions with moderate temperatures ranging from +20–22˚С. In winter, hibiscus should “rest” in a cool place at +14–16˚С. If you do not provide it with a period of rest, the flowering will not be so abundant.

Chinese rose is a moisture-loving plant. In summer, watering should be plentiful, but the top layer of soil should be allowed to dry out. When moistening, you must ensure that the entire soil lump is saturated. 10–20 minutes after watering, excess water is poured out of the pan. With the arrival of autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced: after the soil surface has dried, you should wait 2-3 days. In winter, the frequency of watering directly depends on the temperature. With cooler conditions, moisturizing is done less frequently.

Hibiscus is a moisture-loving plant, so watering, especially in summer, should be plentiful.

High humidity is important for the plant, which should not be forgotten and taken care of in a timely manner. During the flowering period, spraying should be carried out carefully, avoiding water getting on the buds and the flowers themselves. If the air in the room is dry, you should use humidifiers, place the flowerpot in a tray with a special filler, and spray the air around the hibiscus.

The plant is fed regularly, but the amount of nutrients should be moderate. In spring, preparations with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used as fertilizers. The plant especially needs additional nutrition during the flowering period. For these purposes, complex mineral fertilizers, for example, Kemira Lux. To stimulate the ovary of more buds, we can recommend such products as Athlete, Gilea, Master. Fertilize the Chinese rose at the root. Regarding replanting hibiscus, the following can be noted: in the first 4 years, the plant is replanted every year, and as growth slows down, the event is carried out once every 2-3 years.

Video: how to care for hibiscus at home

Reproduction of Chinese roses - methods, their description

Hibiscus reproduces well and does not require special conditions for the growth and development of young plants. The flower can be propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush.

Cutting method

Hibiscus uses this method of propagation in the summer, cutting cuttings from young shoots: they should have several buds. To treat the cut, use Kornevin or another root formation stimulator, after which the planting material is placed in a 1:1 peat-sand mixture. The cuttings need to be provided with a temperature of about +23˚С. Rooting should be expected a month after planting. Transplantation of cuttings with roots is carried out in a fertile soil mixture containing sand and humus, after which abundant watering is carried out.

Hibiscus cuttings are carried out in the summer, for which material is cut from young shoots

Seed method

Before planting Chinese rose seeds, they are pre-soaked in a growth stimulator, usually for a day. For sowing, use the same soil mixture as for cuttings. The seeds are placed at a distance of 5–7 mm from each other. Then the planting container is covered with film, thereby providing a favorable microclimate. It would not be superfluous to organize lower heating of the soil. The crops are periodically ventilated and moistened. The temperature should not fall below +25˚С. As soon as the first leaves appear, the young plants are picked.

To propagate hibiscus by seeds, planting material is soaked in a growth stimulator for a day.

Dividing the bush

The essence of this hibiscus propagation method is as follows:

  1. The bush is completely dug out of the ground.
  2. Using a sharp knife, divide the plant's root system into parts.
  3. Planting is done in the same way as when planting in open ground.

Video: propagation of hibiscus by cuttings

Plant diseases and pests

Since garden and indoor hibiscus are exposed to the same diseases and pests, we will consider measures to combat them in the summary table.

Table: diseases and pests of hibiscus, control measures

The plant sheds leaves and buds.
  1. Sudden change in temperature or light conditions.
  2. Drafts.
  3. Incorrect care.
  1. Place the hibiscus on a well-lit windowsill, shade it in hot weather, and protect it from temperature fluctuations in the fall.
  2. Take measures to protect against drafts.
  3. Water properly and add nutrients in a timely manner.
Hibiscus leaves turn yellow and pale, the stems become elongated.Insufficient lighting.In autumn and winter, additionally illuminate the plant for 2–3 hours. At other times of the year, the rose is moved to a place with sufficient light. Elongated shoots are cut or pinched.
The tips of the leaves dry out, the foliage gradually curls.Low air humidity.The plant should be sprayed more often and the air in the immediate vicinity should be humidified by any possible means.
The foliage fades and turns yellow.The plant lacks iron or uses hard water for watering.To return green leaves use the “Emerald” product, and use settled water for watering.
Hibiscus doesn't bloom.Most likely, the regime that the plant needs is not followed.You should combine good lighting, tight containers, mineral supplements and anti-aging pruning.
Sticky drops appeared on the back of the sheets.Make sure there are no pests on the rose. If none are found, then this condition is normal.If pests are found, use an insecticide, for example Fitoverm, to control.
The foliage becomes light, yellow, and white spots form on it.This disease is chlorosis. The carriers are mites and aphids.Mostly weak plants get sick, so feed the hibiscus and treat it with Fitoverm every 3-4 days. For preventive purposes, the leaves are sprayed with iron chelate.
The upper part of the leaves becomes covered with a white coating and will gradually acquire a brown tint.Powdery mildew diseaseLeaves with plaque are removed, and the plant is sprinkled with sulfur powder or treated with Fundazol or Bayleton.
There are yellowish dots and spots on the leaves, sometimes there is a white cobwebThe plant is affected by spider mites.The flower is sprayed with insecticides such as Derris or Fitoverm. A comfortable environment for mites to reproduce is dry air, so the plant should be sprayed more often. To fight, you can use an ultraviolet lamp.
Young leaves and shoots wither and curl up. If you look closely, you can see insects.There are aphids on hibiscus.Treat the plant with preparations such as Decis, Fitoverm, Intra-vir.
Brown bumps appeared on the stem and bottom of the leavesScale insect, false scale insect.The pest is removed manually. Then the hibiscus is sprayed with insecticide. The procedure is repeated until the pest is completely eliminated.

Video: secrets of abundant hibiscus flowering