Retractable installation. Installation of sliding interior doors - independent installation of a sliding door system

Interior design

Today, one of the most popular decorative techniques is the use of sliding doors. Learn how to install it yourself, and we'll talk In this article.

Sliding doors have become very popular in last years, they are installed even where there is no need to save space. People are attracted by their functionality and ability to give the interior an elegant look and mobility. Therefore, today the installation of interior sliding doors is a fairly popular service. However, this work does not require any special knowledge or skills to use construction tools or physical strength. You can install it yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you decide to make and, you need to carefully study all the pros and cons. To begin with, it should be noted that such designs are, perhaps, the best option for small rooms, where installing ordinary ones is difficult and impractical.

Moreover, this great option for lovers of unconventional interior solutions.

So, here is a list of obvious advantages:

  • Allows you to significantly save space;
  • The doors open easily, without effort;
  • Such models can be quite easily automated;
  • They do not close or slam when exposed to drafts;
  • In most cases, no thresholds are required.

This positive points who speak in favor of using products of this type.

However, to be objective, it is necessary to talk about the disadvantages:

Varieties and designs

The designs we have today vary appearance. But those who want to know how to make a sliding door themselves should take into account that their design remains the same in all cases, and consists of a door leaf, guides and a roller mechanism.

The operating principle is also the same for all types of sliding doors.

Essential elements

The rollers move along guides, and the roller mechanism itself is attached to the door. The number of rollers may vary depending on the model.

In addition to the main elements listed above, the sliding door design also includes decorative panels(they are designed to close the mechanism), various fittings, extensions and trim (see).

Main types of products

Among the variety of models, the main, most common types can be identified:

  • radius;
  • sliding;
  • sliding;
  • one, two, three and four doors;
  • cascading.

Sliding doors - the design is quite unusual, therefore they require special fittings belonging to a certain type.

Handles and locks are noticeably different from conventional fittings. Characteristic feature handles for this type of door is that they are recessed into the leaf. This design is naturally not accidental - the handles recessed into the door leaf do not interfere with the normal functioning of the door system.

The same goes for locks - they are not quite ordinary. Locks for this type of door operate on the principle of vertical latching.

In most cases, the fittings are sold complete with a sliding door. However, if the question arises about how to make sliding products yourself, when purchasing fittings it is better to consult with specialists or select elements by catalog number.


Obviously, sliding doors get their name from the principle by which they open and close. The type of structure, the material from which the canvas is made, and the number of sashes determine which roller mechanism and guides will need to be selected.

Different types of interior sliding doors have different weights, and therefore create an excellent load on the entire structure as a whole. For example, if we compare a double-leaf structure made of glass and the same door made of MDF, then, obviously, the latter will weigh much less. This means that to install it it will be necessary to select a lighter and simpler mechanism.

Installation of some types of interior sliding doors requires special attention to the choice of guides and roller mechanism. This is especially true for such types of doors as accordion, coupe and cascading sliding doors. Cascade doors require the installation of two roller mechanisms for each leaf and, accordingly, guides with two gutters.

When installing compartments and cascade products, you need to pay attention to the following point: for each leaf, one groove must be installed in the guides.

When learning how to make a structure with your own hands, you should remember that the reliability of the structure depends mainly on the reliability of the roller mechanism and guides. To ensure reliability, some types of doors (for example, glass) require the installation of two guides (one at the top and one at the bottom).

What needs to be provided for the construction of structures

If you purchase the door itself separately from the sliding mechanism, be sure to consider total weight canvases Based on this, the required minimum number of rollers is calculated - the main structural elements that bear the weight of the door and allow it to move easily.

On a canvas weighing 30-35 kg, it is enough to install two rollers, and they will easily cope with their task. For heavier ones, the number of rollers should be increased.

If you are planning sliding interior doors - installation into a plasterboard partition - then at the stage of constructing an opening in it, lay a strong wooden beam, to which the guide will subsequently be attached.

Important! Direct installation should be carried out after completion of all rough work and laying of the floor covering. In the case of a false wall, a metal guide is installed into it before facing it with plasterboard.

Preparation for installation

Before purchasing a door, you need to decide on its size. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the opening in length and width and add 5-6 cm to the obtained values. If it is not possible to purchase ready-made canvases of a given size, they can be made to order or cut in a specialized workshop.

Attention! When installing doors not in the opening, but as sliding partition indoors, the height of the canvas is calculated based on the ceilings minus the thickness of the supporting beam and structure.

If sliding elements are purchased separately from the canvas, use the help of a specialist when choosing them, since you can determine required amount rollers are quite difficult.

You will need:

  • Rail guide, the length of which should be equal to twice the width of the opening (or a little more).
  • Rollers with carriages.
  • Stoppers(rubber shock absorbers) or plugs inserted into the ends of the guide.
  • Anchor bolts for attaching a load-bearing beam to the wall.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • – handles, locks.

All this can be purchased as a set or separately - at construction markets and in large stores. Buy everything you need there decorative finishing opening: racks for the box, platbands (see), additions, finishing nails.

In addition, you will need a strong square beam of 50x50 mm, the length of which is equal to the metal rail guide.

As well as a set of construction tools:

  • Construction level and plumb line
  • Roulette
  • Screwdriver or drill
  • Chisel (if you have one) milling machine, no chisel needed)

It remains to make sure vertical position opening slopes to begin installation - interior sliding doors are ready for installation.


In order for the assembly of products with your own hands to be correct, you must take this stage very seriously. You may need a diagram, because the sliding mechanism is not so simple.

There are two ways to make markings for installing a load-bearing beam:

  1. Measure the height of the door with a tape measure. Add to it the size of the gap between the door leaf and the floor (10–15 mm) and the height of the guide with the assembled roller mechanism. Place the resulting size on the wall above the opening at two or three points and draw a straight horizontal line through them.
  2. Place the canvas against the opening, placing a lining under it required thickness, and draw a line on the wall along the top edge of the door. Set the height up from it sliding mechanisms with guide.

Attention! To prevent the retractable structure from arbitrarily moving in one direction or another after installation, make sure that the marking line is located strictly horizontally. Use a building level for this.

Installing the guide

Depending on the design features, the guide can be attached in different ways:

  • Dowels directly to the wall.
  • To the bottom edge of a wooden beam fixed to the wall.
  • On special brackets.
  • To the ceiling.

Regardless of the installation method, the upper horizontal plane of the guide should be located along the marking line, and the gutter should be positioned in relation to the wall so that the moving canvas does not touch its protrusions, irregularities or elements.

Attention! The length of the guide should be twice the width of the opening plus a few centimeters of spare space.

Installation of sliding mechanisms

After you have fixed the guide, assemble the roller carriages, insert the mounting bolts into them that will connect them to the door leaf, and insert the assembled mechanisms into the guide.

Install staples on the upper end of the canvas, retreating a few millimeters from each side of the edge. The number of staples must correspond to the number of roller mechanisms. For regular wooden structure Or two pieces are enough.

Installation of the canvas

Place the door under the guide, lift it and screw the carriage mounting bolts into the brackets. This work is easier to do with two people. To install the product in a horizontal position, tighten the bolts and check the level.

To fix it in a vertical position, a leash is screwed to the floor near one of the walls of the opening - a lower guide in the form of a roller or knife. It is inserted into a groove in the lower end of the leaf and does not allow the door to deviate to the side when moving.

You feel much more comfortable in an apartment or house if there are interior doors. With their help you can divide the space and isolate different rooms. IN Lately More and more people are inclined to buy sliding doors, since their design has a lot of advantages, and do-it-yourself installation will also save a decent amount.

What are they needed for?

Very often during repair work In any residential premises, the owners decide which doors to install: hinged or sliding. But, upon reflection, many come to the conclusion that it is better to install sliding structures, since they benefits when detailed consideration obvious.

  • The undoubted advantage of sliding doors is significant space savings absolutely any room. Due to the fact that the leaves of such doors slide parallel to the wall or are hidden in a special niche, they do not require space to open and close. In addition, some interior items can be installed close to these sliding structures; this will not work with hinged doors.
  • Unlike swing structures, a sliding door of any modification unable to open from a gust of draft: the canvas is held both above and below.
  • This mount in the sliding door does not make creaking sounds Unlike swing door, where hanging the canvas is impossible without using hinges that make squeaking noises.

  • Due to the fact that manufacturers produce many modifications, You can choose not only the size, but also the material at your discretion. for future construction.
  • The undoubted advantage of sliding structures is their safety. Especially for families with small children. In swing structures there is a gap between the door leaf and the jamb and often their fingers end up there out of curiosity or by accident. The sliding design eliminates this possibility.
  • Thanks to various modifications of sliding doors can be beautifully combined adjacent rooms . Doors to the hall from the kitchen or dining room can be installed based on the overall interior design, choosing an option that is in maximum harmony with all the rooms.
  • No thresholds in sliding structures is a definite plus for apartments or houses where people living in wheelchairs live.


Interior sliding doors can be classified according to several indicators: type of movement of the structure, number of door leaves, material of manufacture, location of rollers.

Movement type

According to the type of movement, the door leaf can move and hide when opened inside a special niche or be open.


Such a hidden mechanism is usually installed at the repair stage. The free space required to accommodate the door leaf along with the mechanism is created by thickening the wall. A pocket or pencil case for a door is made either from plasterboard or from a special metal cassette.

Thanks to this placement, the width of the wall will, of course, increase, but this configuration will allow you to install pieces of furniture near the door, hang a picture or place flowers in pots on special cabinets.


Installation of a sliding door can be carried out according to open type. The external sliding system involves open movement of the door leaf.

Its device does not require building a hidden pencil case and therefore installing this design possible at any time, regardless of the time of repair work. Door leaf moves parallel to the wall and therefore it is necessary to leave free space on the side where the door will be located in the open state.

Number of sashes

Depending on the number of door panels, sliding structures are divided into options with one door and types consisting of two doors. Less common are more complex options: three- and four-leaf structures.

Single door design is different compact size and is most often installed in rooms with a small area. When opened, the door leaf moves along either the right or left side of the wall.

Models with two doors are suitable option for wider openings.

In addition, this design has several movement options. Most often, when opening a passage, the doors move apart different sides. But there are other configurations, when one leaf remains motionless and rests against doorway, and the other moves from one side of the opening to the other. There are models where the fixed sash rests against the opening, and the second one moves towards the wall. There are also options where both doors can move from one side to the other, while resting against the doorway.


Depending on the materials used, door leaves are made of glass, wood, or chipboard. There are also combined options.

  • Glass door panels visually enlarge inner space rooms. As a rule, the canvases are made of impact-resistant glass and therefore do not pose any danger. Doors made of glass panels go well with many styles used to decorate the room.
  • Sliding structures can also be made from valuable wood, chipboard, as well as wood lined with MDF.
  • Combined door leaves contain both wood and glass.

Guide installation location

Sliding doors vary depending on where the tracks are installed. They can be installed at the top or bottom, there are also combined method installations.

  • Top position profiles is more popular. The hinged method is suitable for door leaves that are light in weight. Thanks to this method, the doors function quite well. long time and are not as susceptible to breakage as with the lower location of the guides.
  • Bottom position used less frequently as it is more susceptible to deformation. Profiles located on the floor require regular cleaning, and a door that rests only on the lower profile glides less smoothly.
  • The most successful and reliable way- This combined arrangement of guides. It is suitable for doors that are heavy. The presence of upper and lower guides is often used in wardrobes. Furniture sliding structures are a universal system and are installed not only in the cabinet frame, but between two walls, in a niche, with their help you can decorate any opening.

In order to open or close sliding doors, you need to apply some physical force, but there are models that do not require mechanical force.

These are automatic sliding structures that have more complex structure compared with conventional models. The doors are driven electrically by a signal coming from sensors. Most often, automatic structures are installed at the entrance to premises with high traffic. These can be office and shopping centers, government and educational institutions, as well as cafes and restaurants.

Installing sliding doors with your own hands is not so difficult task. It is quite possible to install both an open and a closed system yourself.

Any type of this design consists of a door leaf (the number of leaves depends on the configuration), guides, stops, at least two rollers, an upper overhead panel (absent in some designs), trim, fasteners (bolts, screws and other elements).

Before installation, it is necessary to prepare tools, because without them installation will be impossible. First of all, prepare a construction tape and a special level; you will also need a drill or hammer drill (depending on the type of walls). The following will not be superfluous: a screwdriver, a plumb line, a small hammer, a pencil (marker).

Each installation method has its own correct instructions. Depending on the location of the structure, there are: hidden installation when the door, when opened, is retracted into a special case and external installation, when the movement of the door leaf is not hidden either when opening or closing the door.

For correct execution installation sliding design you must follow the instructions step by step.

Open sliding design

Before installation, you must first dismantle old door, the hinges on which it hung and the trim. It is better to also remove the door frame, since it may interfere with the installation of the sliding structure.

Now we need to tidy up the doorway. We remove all irregularities: putty, plaster and smooth the edges. The lower part of the opening must be parallel to the floor, an error of no more than 5 mm is allowed. It is worth considering the thickness of the floor covering. If it is absent, it must be done taking into account the thickness of the coating.

Check using a plumb line side surfaces, they may have deviations within 3-5 mm. It is better if the walls have a perfectly flat surface, then the door leaf will fit well.

Now you can begin installing the door frame. To level it, you will need special wedges that will be located between the frame and the wall. By adjusting the location of the wedges and the degree of recession in the opening, you can achieve an even position of the door frame. You can check the correct installation either using a plumb line, or use building level. Having achieved an even placement, you can secure the structure using a screwdriver.

Before fixing the upper guides, you need to make sure that the door leaf is hung evenly. To do this, you need to place the canvas against the wall next to door frame and make a mark along the top. Then the canvas is inserted into the opening and a mark is also made.

If both marks coincide (draw a line), then the floor is level and installation can begin.

From the resulting line, measure 5-7 cm in the direction of the ceiling and draw a line. Using it we mark the location of the timber. The length of the beam should be twice the width of the leaf plus 10 cm. If a double-leaf system is attached, then the length of the beam and profile should be 4 times greater than the width of one leaf plus a few cm. This is necessary so that the door, when opened, fully opens the door opening.

The location of the beam depends on the number of sashes. If there is only one leaf, then the fastening of the beam depends on the side of the door opening. Its middle can be located either above the right side or above the left. If it is planned to install two sashes, then the length of the beam is divided into three parts, where the middle part should be located above the opening.

Pencil case

The width of the pencil case should be twice as large as the door leaf, it should be completely hidden in the pencil case when the doors are opened. The pencil case is installed either in the opening or next to the wall. WITH outside To hide the structure, plasterboard is used, or the frame is decorated with wall panels.

The frame is made from solid wood, it is suitable for doors with a weight not exceeding 80 kg, as well as metal doors with a weight of more than 80 kg. The frame is purchased depending on the door parameters and type sliding system. In the opening, it is first carefully leveled and then fixed on each side to the wall. The gaps between the pencil case and the wall are sealed with special foam.

When purchasing a pencil case, you need to find out from the seller what material the design is intended for.

Then you can install the sliding system. The fastening diagram for any installation method is almost identical. The upper guide is attached either to the beam or to brackets. Rollers are attached to the upper part of the leaf; their number depends on the width and weight of the door. The blade with a roller mechanism is inserted into the profile and moves freely along its entire length. The presence of a bottom guide depends on the design.

Mounting Features

After all the necessary measures have been taken, you can begin installing the sliding door.

To secure the upper guide, a beam with a cross section of 50x70 mm is most often used. A profile of identical length is attached to it using self-tapping screws. There must be at least three of them. Now you can install the beam according to the marks on the wall, having first adjusted its position using a level.

If you need to attach a beam to concrete wall, then you will need to install the dowels first. Marks for their placement are made using a drill, after first placing the beam against the wall for this process. Using the marks obtained, we drill holes with the appropriate diameter and insert dowels into them. Now you can attach the beam to the wall.

Let's start preparing the door leaf. To do this, we install a roller mechanism in the upper part. The fastening of the system begins with platforms, which are most often installed on the sides of the canvas immediately from the corner. We screw the platforms to the canvas using self-tapping screws and insert into them plates with pins, on which there are special locking covers on the side. Roller platforms need to be screwed onto these pins.

Installing handles. As a rule, the finished canvas already has holes. But if this is an ordinary canvas, then you will have to cut holes for this element using a chisel, after first tracing the outline of the mortise handle.

The lower guide is installed if the system has fastenings for the lower rollers. In order not to destroy the profile, you need to install a threshold, but you can install the guide flush with the floor.

Sections of the article:

Sliding doors can be very good decision for those who strive to make maximum use of the living space of a house or apartment. The advantages of such doors are quite obvious, since in addition to the fact that sliding doors save space and allow you to make any room visually wider and larger, they can also bring something new and unexpected into the interior. That is why so many people are interested in how to install sliding doors. interior doors with your own hands. It should be noted that this procedure is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance; in our article we will describe the entire installation process step by step.

Preparing for the installation process

Usually the kit already contains everything you need to install the doors. However, some people prefer to independently choose the elements of interior doors and sliding systems, such as fittings, wanting to achieve a special style and design from the purchased doors.

It is important to consider the placement of the structure.

In order for the installation of sliding interior doors to be successful, you should be well prepared for this. Preparation consists of determining which side doorway the sliding system will be attached.

In order to choose best option, you should analyze your everyday behavior. Carefully study and remember how you move around your home or apartment. In this case, everything should be taken into account: your route to the furthest rooms, some features of the daily route around the apartment that are known only to you. Typically, sliding doors are placed on the side of the room you enter, as this is more correct from an aesthetic point of view, but this decision is not justified in all cases.

The space occupied by the retractable door leaf cannot be occupied by furniture, so it is quite logical to assume that it is more correct to mount it on the side of the corridor, since usually there is practically no furniture in the corridor. How to install the interior sliding doors you purchased is up to you.

Installation of sliding doors

When installing sliding interior doors without anyone's help, purely with your own hands, the first step is to make the necessary marks on the wall, which will help in securing the guide. If you secure the bottom guide, then very good option It could end up drowning on the floor.

Of course, it is best if this point was thought out during the process of creating the floor covering, since in this case it will be significantly less problems with installation of the bottom guide.

Next, we proceed to installing the upper guide; its installation is carried out at a level that exceeds the height of the door leaf by approximately 15-20 mm. The installation of guides should be done very carefully; the evenness of their installation should always be checked with a level, this is very important point, so if you install the lower guide not completely horizontally, then over time this can lead to the fact that the system we installed itself will begin to shift towards the tilt, which will complicate the operation of the entire sliding mechanism.

Attaching the top guide.

A very important point is correctly calibrated dimensions: for example, the length of the guide should be twice the width of the door leaf, plus about 4-5 cm more for reserve.

The upper guide can be secured with brackets, but when the sliding interior doors are very massive, the upper guide is installed using a wooden beam, which should be attached to the wall, and the guide should be attached to it.

We work with the door leaf, fasten the holders and fittings

In order for the further installation of the interior sliding doors you purchased to be successful (for a better understanding of the process, we recommend studying the numerous video materials on our website), we proceed to working with the door leaf. First of all, we attach the brackets to the door leaf; they are necessary to ensure that the door leaf rests on the roller carriages. We fasten the staples according to the instructions; in order to find their location, we retreat 1 cm from the edges of the upper end of the door. It is best in this case to use a holder in the form of a clamp, the only exception is if you are installing an accordion sliding door. Another exception can be called completely glass doors, in this case special rubber holders in the form of clamps are used.

Accordion door.

Let us repeat that the installation of a sliding interior door will be much more understandable after watching the video in this article, because it is better to see once than to hear (read) a hundred times.

Installing the door leaf

After the door leaf is ready for installation, and the guide is secured, we proceed to installing the door leaf itself. At this stage of installing sliding interior doors, you should call an assistant, since you cannot do it yourself. The role of the assistant is that he must hold the door leaf, and in the meantime you must insert the carriages into the groove of the guide. If you have completed this and the door leaf “sits” normally, then feel free to move on to the next stage.

Installation of limiters and closers

Stoppers are necessary to prevent carriages with rollers from falling out of the guide. In this case, it is very important to pay attention to how the stops are distributed, this is especially important if you are installing a folding or multi-section door. In most cases, stoppers are used as stoppers, which are made taking into account the shape of the guide, as well as stoppers in the form of a pin, which are inserted in certain places of the guide to perform their task.

Also, regarding the limiters: it is better to choose limiters with special stops, which are made of soft plastic or rubber. Such stops can deprive you of various unpleasant sounds when doors operate, and also significantly extend the service life of the sliding system.

Since most of the installation stages have already been completed, now the question of how to install store-bought interior sliding doors with your own hands is becoming more and more obvious.

We fix the extensions and platbands

Further installation of sliding interior doors with your own hands involves fastening such system elements as extensions and trims. Platbands perform protective function, they protect the mechanism from dust and debris, and are also necessary in order to make the structure more pleasant to look at.

In order to continue installing sliding interior doors with your own hands (again, on at this stage We recommend that you first study video and photo materials on the topic), you should screw special brackets to the wall, on which the platbands will be attached.

Also, the platbands can be attached using special latches that are attached to the guide.

This option may be preferable if you want no traces of fasteners to remain on the outside of the door.

A process such as installing a sliding interior door with your own hands would not be complete without a limiting structure against which the door would rest when it is closed. A wooden beam can act as such a limiting structure, but for this it must have a special finish. Also, a special profile can be used as such a design; it can usually be purchased along with fittings.

Various door handles.

Such a structure must be installed strictly vertically; a plumb line can be used for this purpose. The profile itself should contain the counterpart of the locking mechanism for door lock. The process of installing this very mate must be performed after the system has been adjusted and installed along the guide.

As you can see, sliding interior doors are quite easy to install yourself and their installation is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Final check and adjustment of the entire structure

Since we have already installed all the guides and checked everything carefully, adjusting the door should be done more to obtain a visual effect, that is, position the door the way you like best and in the form in which it best suits the surrounding interior.

It is very good if the door leaf fits tightly and securely to the structure that limits it. You should also check the movement of the door: it should move strictly parallel to the floor, without any bends or irregularities. But such bends and irregularities simply should not occur if you have thoroughly checked everything before using special devices. For achievement good result you can safely improvise with the door settings, because most problems with its functioning can be easily fixed.

Installing sliding interior doors will be much easier to understand if the manufacturer’s instructions were not thrown away along with the packaging for a set of doors, but were carefully studied, because each manufacturer has its own characteristics that go beyond what is described in the article.

An interior element such as sliding interior doors can great solution for the interior, and their installation will not big problem when studying relevant materials (photos, videos and this article) on its implementation.

Sliding doors were originally designed to save space in small spaces, where every centimeter counts, literally eaten up by the swinging radius of an ordinary door. But today the question of how to install a sliding door yourself is also asked by those who do not need to squeeze sideways from one room to another. And all because such doors are comfortable, functional and very elegant. And if you install them yourself, they are not that expensive.

What types of sliding doors are there?

Before you think about how to install sliding doors, you need to decide which ones you want to see in your interior.

Types of sliding systems are distinguished by the method of sliding:

1. These can be two parts of the canvas that open in both directions
2. One door goes left or right along the wall.
3. When the canvas goes into the wall, hiding in the opening of a pocket (pencil case) made of plasterboard or a finished metal cassette.

Number of canvases...?

First of all, sliding doors, as they are also called, differ in the number and width of the panels, which depend on the parameters of the doorway or niche that you want to close.

  1. For a standard opening, one movable panel is sufficient, which will completely block it in the closed position.
  2. For wide openings, it is more advisable to use two canvases rather than one wide one.
  3. If you want to partition a room, dividing it into functional zones, it is not necessary to build partitions - just install multi-leaf sliding doors. Depending on your needs, all canvases can be movable, or only the central ones or only the side ones. The options can be anything.

Sliding door installation process

1. Installation of guides
2. Fastening holders to the door leaf, fittings (handles, locks)
3. Installation of the door leaf
4. Installation of limiters and closers
5. Fastening platbands and extensions
6. Check and final adjustment of the door

Tools for assembling a sliding door:

  • construction tape;
  • corner;
  • water or other level, plumb line;
  • drill with drills;
  • screwdriver with bits;
  • hammer;
  • rubber mallet;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • spray foam gun;
  • set of chisels;
  • screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • dowels;
  • plastic plugs for self-tapping screws;
  • polyurethane foam.

Do-it-yourself interior sliding doors


Space saving. There is no need to waste useful space on closing and opening the door, which can be observed in the case of swing structure. It can be used for some additional purposes.
The ability to easily open the doors without putting any effort into it.
They can easily be left ajar. No wind flow can close them spontaneously.
Easily amenable automatic regulation, that is, you can automate the control system without any problems.

Advantages of sliding doors:

  • unusual, non-standard solution;
  • absence of blind areas and problems with furniture placement;
  • safety. The owner of sliding doors is not in danger of hitting the corner of the door in an unlit room (however, you need to be careful, children can stick their fingers between the wall and the door);
  • such a door will not open with a draft.

Disadvantages of sliding doors:

  • high installation cost. But by doing the work yourself, the costs are kept to a minimum and are no higher than when installing swing doors;
  • poor insulation. The absence of obstacles to the penetration of noise, light, and odors can be eliminated by installing a felt gasket on the end of the door;
  • difficulty in caring for the pencil case, i.e. the place where the sliding door goes with a hidden structure. This problem can be solved in two ways. Using a vacuum cleaner with the attachment removed, remove debris from the pencil case. The second option, more radical, involves removing drywall from one side of the wall. It should be noted that in a residential building, the vacuum cleaner copes with the task perfectly;
  • difficulty of repair. When installing a sliding door yourself, you can buy several rollers in reserve to replace them if necessary.

  • Keep in mind that, as a rule, there are no sockets and switches near the installation of the sliding door cabinet. If you still need them on the wall, consider installing them before you make the pencil case. IN finished products There is usually no space for wiring and sockets (or switches). But look, there are already manufacturers who provide such options.
  • A sliding door can be higher than a standard swing door.
  • In order to increase sound insulation, use seals.
  • If you are making a door in a new building, do not forget to consider how the finished floor will be positioned to take this into account when making calculations.
  • To install the finished pencil case, foam is used, which has a reduced coefficient of expansion (it hardly expands)
  • When buying a ready-made pencil case, find out what material it is mounted in (plasterboard, brick, concrete, etc.)
  • Use a plumb line when working; it will more accurately show the place, after installing the upper profile (or beam), where the lower guide rail should be located.
  • To ensure that fasteners do not become unscrewed or become loose anywhere in the system, all adjustment screws must be secured using the locknut principle, applying glue or sealant to the fastener threads.
  • Before inserting the rollers into the upper guide, thoroughly blow it out so that small debris, shavings, and scale cannot spoil their movement.

In an effort to free up as much space as possible in a small apartment, the owners even remodel the door blocks. One of the smart solutions is to install it, the sash of which rolls back behind the wall without forming a dead zone.

The main difference between sliding systems is the working mechanism. Traditional hinges are replaced with rollers. The web moves along the rail. Rollers can be attached only to the top of the sash or simultaneously to the top and bottom. In the second case, the load is evenly distributed over two rails. The service life of the mechanism increases, but there is one drawback. The lower element often becomes clogged with dirt. If you don't clean it, the sash will jam.

It is not difficult to install interior compartment doors yourself. The main work consists of correct measurements, installation of the roller mechanism, guides, and hanging the door leaf. The sash is suitable from,.

There are two types sliding structures:

  • the door goes behind the wall;

  • the canvas goes inside the wall.

The second option is more convenient, but difficult to manufacture. The system involves the assembly of a pencil case installed instead of a partition.

The popularity of sliding structures is due to big amount advantages:

  • saving usable area due to the absence of a dead zone;
  • creating a beautiful modern style;
  • simple installation;
  • single-leaf or double-leaf design allows you to close an opening of any width;
  • increase in service life door block due to uniform distribution rail loads.

Disadvantage is considered to reduce the level of sound insulation and tightness. Up and down door design a gap of about 5 mm is formed through which they enter the room extraneous sounds, smells.

What is needed for installation?

Having decided to install it yourself, you need to know what you will need materials:

  • Railing. It is a beam secured with anchors to the wall surface. Usually a wooden beam with a cross section of 50x50 mm is used. A rail is fixed to it.
  • Mechanism. The set includes rollers, stops, guide blade, and rails.

  • Accessories. For sliding systems, special mortise handles and locks are produced.

  • Sash, .

From tools You will need a drill, screwdriver, screwdriver, jigsaw, level, tape measure and pencil.

How to install sliding interior doors with your own hands?

The installation of sliding interior doors begins after the walls are leveled. The room must have a clean floor and the verticality of the doorway must be checked. If there is no floor covering, then its thickness is taken into account when taking measurements.

The main problem with how to install is the difficulty of installing the top beam and rail. The railing must be perfectly aligned in level and height, fit tightly to the wall, and securely fixed with anchors.

Before the beginning installation work determine in which direction the sash will roll back. If there are two products, then provide free space on both sides of the opening.

The instructions for installing a sliding door consist of the following points:

  • timber installation;
  • rail fastening;
  • assembling the mechanism and hanging the canvas;
  • installation of accessories;
  • decorative finishing of the opening.

Installation of timber

The beginning of installation involves applying markings to the wall for top beam. The sash is leaned tightly against the opening. Taking into account the width of the rail and a gap of 5 mm, mark the boundary of the beam location on the wall. The canvas is set aside. A horizontal line is drawn along the mark.

For a right-opening sash, the beam is positioned so that its middle is above the right side of the frame. The level is set to horizontal. Holes are drilled in the timber and the wall and reliable fastening anchors of the top beam.

Guide installation

When installing sliding doors, the top rail is screwed with self-tapping screws to the bottom plane of the beam. For convenience, it can be secured to the beam in advance. After fixation, rollers are inserted into the rail and driven to check for unhindered sliding.

If the interior installation involves bottom mount, then the installation of the guide is carried out in three ways:

  1. A groove is cut into the floor covering. The bottom rail for the rollers is immersed inside.
  2. The guide is fixed from above to floor covering without cutting a groove. They close with a threshold on both sides.
  3. The guide is installed on the end of the lower part of the sash inside a pre-cut groove.

The third method is suitable if, instead of lower rollers, a guide knife is used, which simply holds the opening blade. The element is fixed to the floor covering.

How to assemble sliding doors?

Assembly begins by installing the rollers. The location is chosen based on the manufacturer's instructions. The rollers can be installed at a distance from the edge of 1/6 of the sash width or directly on the edge. In the second option, the indentation is formed by mounting plates.

At the end, mark with a pencil the place for the rollers. You can pre-drill holes for free entry of hardware. The mounting plates are screwed with self-tapping screws no less than 70 mm long. Threaded supports and side covers are inserted into them. The roller platform is screwed onto the threads of the pins.

If a guide knife is installed on the bottom of the rollers, then a groove is made at the end of the blade 2 mm wider than its thickness. The rail itself doesn't even need to be installed. The depth is usually between 10 and 18 mm. The groove is not selected for the entire width of the end of the blade, but a section without a slot of about 10 mm is left at the edges. These will be the limiters.

Upon completion of assembly of the mechanism, installation begins sliding door with your own hands onto the prepared guides. The product is rolled along the rail to check its progress.

Installation of fittings

The final step in installing a sliding door with your own hands is the installation of fittings. It is more convenient to attach all elements before hanging the canvas. First you need to install a door limiter - a rubber shock absorber - into the runners. The sash is checked again for free movement, the places for the handles and the lock are marked, and the leaf is removed from the guide.

Grooves are cut for fittings. Wood cutting is usually done with a chisel. Drilling helps partly. After installing the handles and lock, the sash is hung back on the guide.

Finishing the opening

After installation is complete hinged doors start decorating the opening and... The elements give the structure a complete look. In order to hide the mechanism, an additional board is attached to the beam.

Care and operation

When using a sliding structure, it may be necessary to adjust the canvas if sagging is noticed. To eliminate the defect, remove the top panel. An adjusting screw is located on the roller. It must be scrolled while simultaneously checking that the sagging of the canvas is eliminated.

Caring for the sliding system involves cleaning the guides from debris. The rollers are lubricated and replaced when worn. The door closes smoothly. With sudden movements, the rollers may fly out of the guide.

How to remove a compartment door?

Methods for removing the sash depend on the type of sliding system. If there are rollers with one wheel on top and a guide knife on the bottom, then the blade is slightly raised so that the knife comes out of the groove. The bottom is pulled towards you. The canvas is lowered to the floor at an angle. At this time, the rollers should come out of the guide.

If there are double rollers at the top and bottom of the sash, then first unscrew the stops. The door leaf is simply rolled out of the guide. Premium sliding systems are equipped with a closer. The mechanism fastening is unscrewed only from the canvas. The closer remains hanging on the door frame.

The sliding system is convenient to use and easy to install. If you follow the operating rules, high-quality rollers will last for many years.