How important is sports nutrition? Sports nutrition for beginners

Today, almost any beginner who crosses the threshold of the gym begins to worry about the question of what to eat so that the results in the gym grow by leaps and bounds.

How to eat for a beginner is a question that requires careful consideration and not only in the context of sports supplements, it is important what natural foods rich in protein will provide complete nutrition for muscle growth.

As a rule, before starting training, a novice athlete thinks about purchasing sports nutrition, naturally it cannot be otherwise, since no one has canceled the myths about the magical properties of protein or gainer, the abundance of online sports nutrition stores and advertising promising maximum progress in 6 weeks have also left their mark.

It was not without quotes, perhaps, that already at the first introductory training session, akin to a general practitioner, he writes out a prescription from the list of vital sports nutrition products that can only be purchased from him at very “favorable” prices.

Sports nutrition for beginners or nutrition for muscle growth

To begin with, without going into deep details, so as not to confuse the beginner, we will define what sports nutrition is and consider the main types of sports nutrition products.

Sports nutrition- these are specially designed food products rich in protein, as well as products of a special composition, which are produced as a source of additional nutritional elements, vitamins, amino acids, various endocrine stimulants and means to strengthen joints and ligaments, for people involved in sports or leading an active lifestyle.

The main goal and task of sports nutrition is to improve the quality of life of an athlete, thus sports nutrition is designed to help improve sports performance, improve health, and normalize body weight.

Categories of food supplements

Foods rich in protein (Proteins) - whey, milk, egg, casein and soy, as well as complex, combining several types of proteins at once

Carbohydrate-protein mixtures (Gainers) - may have a different percentage of protein and carbohydrates, as a rule, an average of 30/70, respectively.

Amino acids - complex, BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids) - branched amino acids, and individual Glutamine, Arginine, Lysine, Alanine, Taurine.

Special preparations - fat burners, preparations for joints and ligaments, vasodilation, energy and ATP accumulators, etc.

Of course, this is not the whole list, because the sports nutrition industry market is not worth the place, new products appear every day, created through many years of scientific research, but let's leave that for another time, today we consider only the most important and necessary products in the diet of a newcomer to iron sports.

We have analyzed the main types of sports nutrition, now we will consider sports nutrition for beginners, what a beginner needs to eat.

The answer is simple - a beginner in the gym needs to eat, quality nutrition is a must and a necessary condition for progress!

Everyone needs to eat, both people who are not involved in sports and athletes, and it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner in the gym or a pro, only portions differ.

Let's dwell on portions, depending on gender, body type and lifestyle, each human being needs a certain amount of useful substances that are contained in natural products to maintain vitality, and some even produce the body itself.

If, for some reason, the daily diet of products cannot provide the human body with the necessary amount of useful substances, various supplements come to the rescue, and here we recall sports nutrition.

According to the scientific definition, people are divided into somatotypes, in general these are:

Ectomorphs - lean and have difficulty gaining muscle mass

Mesomorphs – naturally athletic and muscular, but also prone to gaining excess weight

Endomorphs - prone to fullness, have a slow metabolism

There is a separate training strategy and diet for each body type, but this is if your body fits the classic definition, which is actually very rare. Therefore, for each person, you need to individually select both a training program and a nutrition scheme, and it is better to do it yourself, having thoroughly studied your body for many months or even years spent in the gym. No coach will study your body better than you.

At the initial stage of training, regardless of the type of physique and the goals pursued, the main tasks in the gym are:

  • Learn basic exercises
  • Get stronger
  • The nutrition of a beginner bodybuilder or fitness nyashka has its own characteristics, regardless of body type, beginners in strength training need a balanced diet and protein-rich foods, for starters, you can start with 2 g per 1 kg of your own weight per day, then with an increase in fitness and appetite gradually increase to 3-4 gr. per kg of weight.

    As for carbohydrates, everything is individual here, the recommended rate is from 2 to 7 grams per 1 kg of body weight, depending on the volume and type of training, as well as your goals. If the goal is fat burning, then 2 grams will be sufficient. carbohydrates per kg of weight, and if you work for weight, then the amount of carbohydrates per kg of weight can reach 7 or more grams.

    Where do you get all these grams per kg of weight?

    Everything is quite simple, all the necessary proteins and carbohydrates are found in natural products.

    The best natural foods rich in protein - eggs, cottage cheese, meat, poultry, fish, dairy products

    the best natural sources of carbohydrates are various cereals and cereals, baked potatoes, bananas and other fruits, wholemeal black bread, durum pasta.

    You probably ask, where is sports nutrition here, because there is an article about it? That's right, an article about which sports nutrition to choose for a beginner to train in the gym, and the best sports nutrition for a beginner is natural products.

    Rating of the 5 best natural products in the categories of proteins and carbohydrates, in terms of availability and quality:

    Protein rich foods

    1. Chicken egg is the cheapest source of protein with the highest degree of digestibility, the so-called reference protein. In 1 whole egg - 5-7 gr. squirrel.
    2. Natural cottage cheese - the best source of casein protein has a greater degree of digestibility than meat. It takes a long time to digest, so it is ideal to use before training and at bedtime. The largest amount of protein in fat-free 0% cottage cheese is 18 gr. protein per 100 gr. product.
    3. Chicken breasts - a classic of the diet of athletes, 100 gr. contains 23 gr. protein and in addition a set of vitamins, micro and macro elements
    4. Sour milk sourdough - not every adult organism can perceive milk in large quantities, so we chose sourdough, sour milk culture also contains a huge amount of beneficial bacteria that positively affect the body's immunity and stomach microflora. 1 liter of sourdough contains 30 gr. protein, which is not bad, especially in summer, when you want to drink.
    5. Tilapia is a fish that contains as much as 26 grams. protein per 100 gr. product with a minimum amount of fat, as well as many useful elements. You can find it in any fish store.

    Foods rich in carbohydrates

    1. Buckwheat is the queen of cereals, this product bears such a proud name, and it’s hard to argue, buckwheat contains large amounts of vitamins B2, B6, B1, a lot of iron and magnesium. In 100 gr. boiled buckwheat contains 20 gr. carbohydrates.
    2. Rice - a pair for chicken breasts, the same classic of the diet of athletes, contains vitamins B2, B6, B1 and a lot of fiber. In 100 gr. boiled rice contains 28 gr. carbohydrates and 2.6 gr. squirrel.
    3. Bananas - contains fast carbohydrates, so it is ideal to eat before training to quickly get the necessary energy and after training to close the "carbohydrate window". Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, vitamins B6, B12. One medium banana contains 40 gr. carbohydrates
    4. Nuts are the perfect snack for an athlete, a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. On average, in nuts of different types 16-30 gr. carbohydrates per 100 gr. product.
    5. Durum pasta - contain a low glycemic index no more than that of buckwheat and rice, while being the most high-calorie and well suited for nutrition during the period of weight gain. Contains 30 gr. carbohydrates and 5 gr. protein per 100 gr. boiled product.

    Now let's take for example a man weighing 75 kg, who decided to work out in the gym and wants to become bigger and stronger, as mentioned above, at the initial stage, 2 grams will be enough. protein per 1 kg of its own weight, you get 150 gr. protein per day. For carbohydrates, about 375 grams will come out. in a day.

    Let's make an approximate daily calculation of nutrition, based on the rating of products:

    Proteins: 2 eggs - 12 gr., 1 pack of cottage cheese 0% - 40 gr., 2x150 gr. chicken breast - 69 gr., 1 liter of sourdough - 30 gr. Total - 151 gr. squirrel

    Carbohydrates: 300 gr. boiled buckwheat - 60 gr., 300 gr. boiled rice - 84 gr., 2 bananas - 80 gr., 300 gr. boiled pasta - 90 gr. Total - 314 gr. carbohydrates

    In this case, we got the required amount of protein and carbohydrates exclusively from natural products and, as you can see, we did without a gainer and protein.

    You can independently compose your sports menu based on your goals and objectives, cut carbohydrates if you want to lose weight, add if you gain. Choose protein foods according to your taste for your daily amount of protein.

    Sports nutrition for beginners: pros and cons

    Is it worth resorting to nutritional supplements or are natural products sufficient?

    In this article, we wanted to show you that sports nutrition is not a panacea and you can get the nutrients you need for a training body from natural products. Therefore, to begin with, review your diet, whether there are enough protein-rich foods in it, whether there are enough carbohydrates, make your first sports diet.

    Start eating right, because sausages and ham are not a source of protein, they are a source of fat, and after that start surfing the Internet in search of sports nutrition.

    If for some reason you cannot get the required daily amount of proteins and carbohydrates from natural products, then use sports nutrition or even.

    For beginners to train in the gym, such a scheme for taking sports nutrition according to body types is suitable:

    Endomorphs- protein after training and at night, preferably complex protein after training, casein protein at night, BCAAs in powder form 5 gr. before training and 5 gr. after training, or with water during training.

    Ectomorphs- a gainer as a second breakfast and after training, protein during the day and at night, before going to bed, preferably casein protein, BCAA amino acids in powder form 5 gr. before training and 5 gr. after training, or with water during training.

    Mesomorphs- whey protein after training and casein protein before bedtime, BCAA amino acids in powder form 5 gr. before training and 5 gr. after training, or with water during training.

    At this stage of your training activity, perhaps, this assortment of sports nutrition will be enough, you can add multivitamins in courses and the complex for a beginner is ready.

    Remember, no sports nutrition, regardless of brand and cost, can replace natural products!

    Sports nutrition is just nutritional supplements, not miracle drugs, all results are achieved solely by your hard work in the gym, proper natural nutrition and regimen.

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    Publication date:  05/26/2014 © site

    More and more athletes are interested in sports nutrition for beginners. Words such as sports and nutrition cannot but evoke positive emotions, but what is hidden behind this term? Despite the fact that this type of stimulation has been recognized all over the world for a long time, there are still some individual people who are most skeptical about this phenomenon. It is clear that often such statements come exclusively from those people who do not have sufficient information and are clearly far from starting to take sports nutrition.

    Sports nutrition - what is it?

    It is worth immediately dispelling all sorts of myths about this and informing once and for all that sports nutrition has nothing to do with doping, or steroids, and even more so with any chemistry. This is due exclusively to organic or natural raw materials.

    Sports nutrition for beginners - these are often obtained through high-tech processing, using only natural products of natural origin.

    Why and who should take sports nutrition

    In order to determine nutrition for a beginner, you must first prioritize, because an ordinary lifestyle is somewhat different from a sports one. As soon as a person decides to cross this line, then there will be no turning back, because then the results will not be achieved. In order to proudly wear the title of an athlete, you need to make a lot of effort.

    Naturally, the most global changes will concern the diet, as this is the key to success. Because of this, first of all, the results, and the entire sports industry as a whole, completely depend on nutrition.

    Reasons for use

    Answering the question of why sports nutrition for beginners is needed, it can be immediately noted that the main purpose is to provide the athlete's body with all the necessary minerals, vitamins and nutrients that he needs as a result of intense training. But some may argue that all the elements necessary for the body can be obtained directly from the food that a person consumes every day, but in fact the same effect is unlikely to be achieved for a number of reasons:

    1. The body is not able to absorb such an amount of food to get at least 3000, or even all 6000 kcal per day. At the same time, some products simply cannot be absorbed by 100%, and sports nutrition means concentrates of easily digestible nutrients that provide all the necessary vitamins, but do not overload the body.
    2. There is some specific list of products that contains the necessary components for an athlete, but due to the fact that they are in an inappropriate form for an athlete, you have to immediately buy a whole set of sports nutrition for beginners. For example, whey protein and creatine.
    3. Thanks to sports nutrition, you can most effectively distribute your financial costs for this, because a sports diet implies a large amount of waste.
    4. All manufacturers who create such products first of all enrich them with special components, thanks to which all nutritional supplements are absorbed much faster.
    5. Sports nutrition has practically no fat in its composition, so such products will be relevant for people who are overweight.

    Thus, sports nutrition for beginners will be able to maximize performance and performance. But at the same time, one should not place high hopes on these products, since this is not a panacea. Thanks to these products, you can only supplement your diet, but by no means completely replace it. With proper and correct application, it can really help to achieve great results in sports.

    Sports nutrition for beginner bodybuilders

    It is worth noting that all power sports that are aimed at improving the figure and building muscle mass require a special diet and its careful development. That is why for bodybuilders (both beginners and professionals) sports nutrition is very important.

    Intense loads must necessarily be accompanied by the maximum possible recovery. Nutritionists who deal with athletes assure that for normal growth and development of muscles, an average of 2-4 g of protein should be consumed per kilogram of body weight. Thanks to simple arithmetic calculations, any person will be able to calculate the daily protein intake, which will correspond to his weight. After that, it will be possible to understand that such an amount of food per day is simply impossible to accept. This situation can be traced not only with proteins, but also with other essential substances.

    Thus, sports nutrition for powerlifters and bodybuilders is a must.

    sports nutrition rating

    In fact, you need to understand that there are a fairly large number of different supplements, some can help better, others worse, but to one degree or another they may all be needed for an athlete. For this, a sports nutrition rating is needed, which includes the following components:

    Protein remains the main and most effective complex that is necessary for building muscle mass; it certainly occupies the main place in the diet of any athlete. Such supplements became relevant more than 10 years ago and gained their popularity quite quickly due to instant absorption. Leading the pack is Iso Sensation Ultimate Nutrition, which is unique in its formula, which includes colostrum, which is ingested through mother's milk to help with growth and immunity.

    The second place is confidently occupied by creatine. As for this active substance, it is a kind of fuel for muscle contraction, the more it enters the body, the more resilient the muscles become. Therefore, for effective training, it is also indispensable. By the way, in recent research it has become clear that creatine supplements turned out to be much more useful than expected. That is why it is included in almost all nutritional sports supplements. Among the best products for power sports, Mesomorph APS can be noted, which was able to combine all the unique technologies.

    BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are consumed to a large extent during exercise and training, and therefore require replacement. It is because of this that BCAAs remain popular and in demand due to their irreplaceable functions. By the way, they have one of the key roles in the protein response in the muscles. Thus, the result will be fixed. The company released which remains the most popular due to the lack of soy, instant absorption. It can also be purchased in capsules, which is quite convenient.

    Trace elements and vitamins are also very necessary, because any athlete understands that the uninterrupted operation of the body can only be ensured with the support of the necessary saturated and useful substances. All the same leader Optimum Nutrition releases a unique multi-mineral called Opti-men, which shows very good results due to its high concentration.

    Fat burners are necessary for an athlete in the period of muscle drying and to fight fat cells. The strongest product in this line is called Lipo 6 Black Nutrex, which uses multi-phase technology and has not only long-lasting, but also fast effects.

    Nutritional supplements that are distinguished by their maximum digestibility are gainers. They have an increased percentage of carbohydrates, proteins and other essential substances. Mass Effect Revolution SAN NEW is the undeniable leader that was created for professional athletes, thanks to its unique formula, you can easily cultivate your mass.

    They are a number of active supplements, the main task of which is to produce testosterone. Such substances are not recommended for persons under 22 years of age, due to a pronounced anabolic effect. As for the strongest stimulant, HyperTEST Axis Labs is definitely the choice, it regulates estrogen and increases muscle anabolism.

    The popularity of a product is due to its rationality and efficiency. At the moment, there are a large number of different drugs that each athlete selects for himself individually. The effectiveness of sports nutrition will be determined based on the dosage, systematics and its combination with other drugs and products. Do not forget about the quality for which the manufacturer should be responsible, whether it is sports nutrition for the joints or for any other purposes.

    Harm of sports nutrition: truth or myth

    The controversy seems to never end. The harm that sports nutrition can bring to the joints can only be done if its use is wrong and out of control, and in all other cases these are just statements of skeptics who have neither experience nor even knowledge in taking this product.

    And the path to the top of glory is full of mistakes. It is possible to achieve some professional results only with a complete study of your body and the selection of a reception program specifically for it. It is worth remembering that high-quality sports nutrition, which is produced from recognized leaders and professionals, really works and helps to achieve the desired result.

    The modern sports industry dictates new rules in power sports, so athletes who are engaged in powerlifting and bodybuilding are simply obliged to follow them.

    Athlete's diet

    Naturally, sports nutrition closely intersects with the diet of athletes, because only a doctor can explain all the nuances of how to take sports nutrition without harming your health. This is done on the basis of an examination, and, if necessary, some banal blood and urine tests. Despite the fact that sports nutrition is not only a product of professional athletes, when developing a complex for your body, you must definitely contact the appropriate specialist for help. After all, any load implies a special diet that will help not only achieve results, but can also be harmful to health, so you need to take sports nutrition very carefully. Which one is better to choose, the nutritionist should tell you.

    Why are these products needed in a sports diet?

    Creatine - increases strength growth.

    Amino acids - break down protein. At the same time, it is very important that the athlete receives the full range of essential amino acids.

    Gainers are nutritional supplements that promote lean mass growth. The main components are proteins and carbohydrates.

    Proteins - help burn excess fat and increase body weight. The main component is protein - the main building material of the body.

    Fat burners - as the name implies, they help to destroy fatty tissue and speed up the metabolism.

    Energy - Maintain high levels of strength with fructose and sucrose for training.

    Multipacks are a complex type of drug that contains a lot of sports supplements.

    It is worth noting that any of these substances is a necessary component for complex sports nutrition.

    The main conditions for effective sports nutrition

    Before taking sports nutrition, you need to understand a few principles:

    • The diet should be individual and developed by a nutritionist or doctor.
    • Only those products that contribute to physical development should be used.
    • Dieting.
    • Regular workouts.
    • Complex intake of sports nutrition and their impeccable quality.

    In order for a beginner to get the results worthy of professionals in the future, it is necessary to choose exactly those products that are worthy of champions. Goods must be patented and recommended by experts and professional trainers.

    A strong and beautiful body will indicate that you have a strong-willed character and are strong in spirit. Through daily training, you can lay a solid foundation not only for your sports career, but also for good health, where sports nutrition will act as material for this foundation.

    What to choose to start

    It is important to remember that sports nutrition can be taken only along with rest, training and wholesome food. Recommendations for beginners from various experts are as follows. It is necessary to start taking a good protein and mineral-vitamin complex. At the same time, the start of training will be due to a fairly rapid set of muscle mass, and there will be no need to turn to specialized supplements. But as soon as the process begins to slow down, it is worth starting to use special complexes. It must be remembered that sports nutrition for beginners should include a minimum of all kinds of additives.

    So, for a novice athlete, it is important to strictly adhere to the training schedule throughout the year, together with natural nutrition (balanced). In this case, sports nutrition should be introduced gradually, starting with vitamins that simply support the body, and then gradually switch to protein complexes.

    As for women (according to Evgenia Izidorova - personal trainer, MS), sports nutrition for beginner girls should contain a large amount of guarana and L-carotene. Together they are able to give a lot of energy and burn fat as quickly as possible. These are the main components that should ideally interact with the rest of the supplements.

    The term "sports nutrition" combines preparations and concentrates specially designed for people involved in power sports. Sports nutrition for beginner athletes aims to increase strength, endurance and muscle mass. Now let's look at the main types of products that beginners need.

    The need for sports nutrition

    Athletes during periods of intense training and high loads require much more energy that a regular diet is not able to provide - in order to progress in bodybuilding and powerlifting, athletes require additional sources of calories and building blocks for muscles.

    It should be understood that any sports nutrition is only an addition to the main diet, without proper nutrition, sports supplements will not give any result.

    Novice athletes are often wary of sports nutrition, confusing nutritional supplements with pharmacological drugs used by experienced and professional bodybuilders. In fact, you should not be afraid of sports nutrition - all supplements and concentrates consist of the same natural substances as ordinary human food, and cannot harm the body, unless, of course, they are stored and used in accordance with the instructions.

    The difference between sports nutrition and regular food is its concentration - a property that allows supplements to be absorbed much faster and more completely. In this case, the body does not need to spend additional energy on digestion.

    Girls who train in a fitness club will also benefit from sports nutrition. It would be ideal to add whey protein, BCAA and multi-vitamin complexes (for example, Opti-women) to the main diet

    The calorie value of one glass of a carbohydrate-protein mixture can be much higher than that of a plate of potatoes with meat: this does not mean that athletes need to stop eating regular food and switch to supplements only. Beginners should understand that sports supplements are only an addition to the athlete's diet and will not work on their own without regular training and a special sports diet.

    Classification of sports nutrition

    There are several varieties of sports nutritional supplements that are especially necessary for beginners:

    1. Vitamin and mineral supplements;
    2. Whey protein complexes.

    Consider the purpose and principles of action of additives in more detail.

    1. Gainer. Gainers are protein-carbohydrate mixtures to increase mass and quickly replenish energy costs. The use of gainers allows novice athletes to achieve a significant improvement in strength and weight gain due to the supply of calories and building protein when the athlete really needs it - directly during strength exercises or immediately after training.

    Gainer affects the growth and regeneration of muscle tissue through the introduction of easily digestible protein into the body and creates an energy basis for more intense and prolonged training.

    Beginners should be aware that the gainer is only suitable for ectomorph athletes (thin physique). Otherwise, carbohydrates will be stored as excess fat.

    2. Creatine. Creatine monohydrate is a nitrogen-containing acid involved in the metabolic and energy processes of muscle and nerve cells. Strength athletes use creatine to increase strength and muscle mass.

    Creatine allows you to release a large amount of energy in a short period of time, gives relief to the muscles, and contributes to the rapid recovery of athletes after hard training.

    3. Amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks from which all protein molecules in the body are formed. Without additional amino acids in bodybuilding, mass gain is impossible. Amino acids are also needed for:

    • Recovery of the body after training;
    • Subcutaneous fat catabolism;
    • Getting energy;
    • Increase in muscle strength.

    A special role for athletes is played by 3 amino acids - valine, leucine, isoleucine, united by the general term - BCAA (from English - branched chain amino acids). These amino acids are taken by bodybuilders in the form of separate nutritional complexes. BCAAs in combination with other supplements provide a "quick start" for the athlete.

    4. Protein. Proteins are made up of amino acids linked in chains. In bodybuilding, proteins are needed to obtain the amount of protein necessary for growth, as well as for weight loss and "drying".

    For beginners, whey proteins are especially useful - concentrated mixtures of proteins obtained from whey. These proteins are also called "fast" because they have an increased rate of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. This creates a high concentration of free amino acids in the blood and muscle tissue, which contributes to the productivity and duration of training.

    Selection of sports nutrition

    Beginners need to choose sports nutrition taking into account individual morphological features and current sports tasks. The product must be of high quality, produced by a well-known company with an impeccable reputation, balanced and have a reasonable cost.

    Do not be afraid of overdoses or any side effects. Sports nutrition is not anabolic steroids, in any case, there are more benefits than harm

    If possible, buy sports nutrition from trusted companies and in civilian stores. Sports nutrition is not often faked, but it's still better to play it safe.

    The highest quality supplements are produced by companies such as Optimum Nutrition, BSN, MusclePharm, Universal Nutrition, USPlabs, Dymatize.

    When buying sports nutrition, many athletes have a question about how to use protein, gainer, creatine or BCAA correctly and at what time in order to get the maximum effect from training in the future. In this article, we will point out the main recommendations that should be considered when using sports nutrition throughout the day.


    It is desirable to mix various proteins with milk. If milk is poorly digested, then it should be mixed with ordinary drinking water. You can drink protein in the morning, at night, between meals and after training, depending on the type of protein and your goals.


    Also miscible with milk or water. Gainer must be drunk after training, as well as between meals and in the morning. Eating a weight gainer at night can lead to unwanted fat gain. The amount of gainer you need to calculate based on how many calories you need to get per day.


    Contrary to the statements of some manufacturers that creatine should be taken with food or protein, creatine is best consumed separately and in a separate form, i. not as part of a protein or gainer, but in a separate form or together with a transport system. or with the transport system it will be learned many times better! Creatine is better to drink separately from everything between meals, stirring it in grape juice, 5 grams of creatine per 1 glass of juice. If creatine comes with a transport system, usually a mixture of carbohydrates, then creatine can be mixed in water, since carbohydrates that come with creatine will replace grape juice. Creatine is drunk separately from everything, so that in the process of digestion it does not break down and turn into a useless product, the transport system and grape juice are used for the same.

    Amino acids

    Amino acids can be drunk with water, juice, any liquid, both in the morning and in the afternoon, and between meals, and at night, as well as with food, before eating food and after, i.e. at any time, they will be assimilated always and at any time.


    BCAAs or BCAs are best taken before, during and after your workout, this is the ideal time to take them with water, juice or any other liquid. You can drink them with food, protein, and just about anything. In order for the effect of BCAAs to be felt, you need to drink about 5 grams at a time. In general, they are consumed from 5 to 20 grams at a time. Naturally, there will be an effect from 1 gram of BCA, but not what you expect from them.


    A very gentle and unstable amino acid, glutamine must be mixed with water and drunk immediately. Glutamine is best taken separately from everything between meals or morning and night, but can also be mixed with protein or a gainer or regular food. The dosage of glutamine should be from 5 to 20 grams, since most of it is destroyed in the stomach without entering the bloodstream.

    Vitamins, minerals

    Vitamins can be drunk with water at any time of the day, but preferably with food, either immediately before meals or immediately after meals, since they are less irritating to the stomach with food and are better absorbed. Dosages of vitamins should be looked at depending on the manufacturer and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

    Fat burners

    Fat burners should be taken with water, as directed by the manufacturer, or half an hour before training.


    As a tonic, you can drink L-carnitine at any time of the day with water or with food. As a fat burner, you need to drink 30 minutes before training, starting with a dosage of 1 gram and, depending on your feelings, gradually increasing it. Usually L-carnitine is already well felt at a dosage of 1-3 grams.

    Pre-workout complexes

    It is necessary to drink 15-45 minutes before training, stirring in water or juice. Pre-workout complexes must be drunk on an empty stomach, i.e. before using the pre-workout complex, you should not eat for at least 1 hour, but preferably 2, since the ingredients included in the complexes are destroyed in the stomach and the complex no longer works as it should work.

    L-arginine or nitric oxide

    Drink before training on an empty stomach, as well as a pre-workout complex, or in the morning immediately after sleep, while eating should begin half an hour after taking L-arginine so that it can be absorbed. L-arginine is very gentle and breaks down easily, hence the need to take it on an empty stomach.

    Products for joints and ligaments