Lunar diet calendar for March. Lunar diet for weight loss

Properly organize your nutrition will most advantageously lunar calendar for March 2015. Nutrition recommendations are given without taking into account the fast that believers are holding at this time.
The month of March begins on the 12th lunar day. March 1, 2015 - waxing moon in Cancer. Good digestion of food by the body allows you to diversify your diet: focus on fish, vegetables, dairy products. You can't starve. Food should only be fresh, just cooked.
March 2 and 3, 2015 - the growing moon in the sign of Leo. Meat, exotic and spicy dishes are allowed. It is quite possible not to stick to a diet.
March 4, 5 and 6, 2015 - the moon is in the sign of Virgo. March 5, 2015 - full moon. Keep a diet, do not eat fatty, drink less liquid.
March 7 and 8, 2015 - the moon is waning in the sign of Libra. Observe moderation in nutrition. The food should be aesthetically pleasing, the table should be beautifully set.
March 9, 10 and 11, 2015 - waning moon in Scorpio. You can abandon the diet, try to eat something exotic, spicy or salty food, confectionery.
March 12 and 13, 2015 - the moon is in Sagittarius, waning. You can continue experimenting with food, try national cuisine, go to a restaurant.
March 14 and 15, 2015 - the moon is in Capricorn, waning. We turn to asceticism in food. Fasting is helpful. Products: oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, yeast-free bread, rice, vegetables. Alcohol is completely excluded.
March 16 and 17, 2015 - the moon is in Aquarius, waning. We follow the right diet, do not eat fatty foods. You can try new products, vitamin preparations, bio-mixtures that are good for health.
March 18 and 19, 2015 - the moon is in Pisces, waning. We accept semi-liquid food, such as soups, stews. We drink solid food. On the table - sea fish, vegetable dishes, compotes and juices. Alcoholic drinks allowed
March 20 and 21, 2015 - the moon is in Aries. March 20, 2015 is a new moon. Days of cleansing the body, but starving is harmful. It is better to eat rarely, 1-2 times a day. Drink only water.
March 22 and 23, 2015 - the moon is growing in Taurus. Cooking delicious meat dishes. They can be fried or baked. Spicy and salty seasonings are well tolerated. Abundant fatty foods will not harm if you do not abuse sweets. Alcohol is also bad.
March 24 and 25, 2015 - the moon in Gemini is growing. We are switching to a moderate diet and simple foods - cereals, sandwiches. You need to eat often, 4-5 times a day, but little by little.
March 26, 27 and 28, 2015 - the moon in Cancer is growing. We eat only freshly prepared food, river fish and vegetables. Useful lactic acid products. Don't starve.
March 29 and 30, 2015 - The moon is in the sign of Leo and is growing. Show generosity and arrange a plentiful feast. You can go to a restaurant. The food is varied, but do not get carried away with sweets,
because easy to gain weight.
March 31, 2015 - the moon in Virgo is growing. Go on a diet and self-restraint in food. Lean soups, boiled vegetables, cereals without oil. Drink a little. Alcohol is prohibited.

Lunar diet calendar: how does the moon help you lose weight?

Probably, in the life of everyone who wants to get rid of excess weight, there comes a moment when the understanding comes that miracles do not happen. This means that losing weight without any effort is unrealistic. A dilemma arises: give up on yourself or try to completely change your life, starting with the obvious: with lifestyle, nutrition, and so on.

Where can you draw strength to get on the right path? And standing on it, stick to it until the end, until you reach your goal? Astrologers recommend seeking help from the Moon, which, as you know, has a significant impact on so many processes in our body. However, before turning to the lunar calendar, which will help adjust your diet, you should recall some simple but necessary rules.

How to lose weight at home?

Simple rules everyone should know

Rule One: A Systematic Approach to Diet Change

The first and most important step on the path to losing weight is to change your diet. This serious issue requires a systematic approach, which means that it is necessary to draw up an individual nutrition plan. At the same time, it is very important to be guided not only by how much this or that dish will damage your body. The advice of the lunar calendar should also be taken into account. But more on that later.

To refuse products that are potentially harmful to your body, you also need to develop a certain system and follow it. To do without stress, you should not immediately abandon your usual diet. In this case, significant changes in the diet should be made. In other words, if various steaks, french fries and other fried foods were the norm for you every day, you need to give them up gradually. Otherwise, there is a risk of breaking. As for the regime, it means a complete rejection of the so-called junk food at night.

The risk of breaking loose will not be so terrible if you continue to sometimes (not often and not at night!) Allow yourself not very healthy food, even after a complete “recovery” of your diet. But even in this case, if you want fried potatoes, you should not immediately follow your desire. First, eat a salad, and only then go to the stove. You may not want potatoes anymore.

Dietary changes will come sooner and go a little easier if you change your usual grocery shopping schedule. You should forget about spontaneous races for groceries, and start buying them in advance. At the same time, the shopping plan must always be drawn up in advance, based on the individual nutrition plan that we talked about at the beginning.

Rule two: consideration of individual factors

Those who want to lose weight often face the fact that strict and strict adherence to a particular diet often does not bring the desired result. Desperation sets in, you have to suffer from hunger in the literal sense of the word, choke on unpleasant-tasting, but very, very healthy foods, driving yourself to nausea. What for? If your body categorically does not accept some "very, very useful" product, give it up, do not torture yourself. There are plenty of other equally healthy foods that will suit you better.

Fanatical tracking of the number of calories consumed also does not always make sense. And the point here is not only that our body may need different amounts of calories on different days, depending on our activity and many other factors. The individual reaction of the body requires that we listen to it more often, and not peer at tables with calories. If you objectively lack them, do not exclude high-calorie foods completely. Just reduce portions, or choose slightly less high-calorie meals.

At the same time, despite all our individuality, no one has yet canceled the law of conservation of energy. This means that in order to lose weight, you need to spend more than you consume. Take on board what was said above: give up the "wrong" foods that you usually snack on, choosing nuts, apples, low-fat dairy products (or completely fat-free). And then the long-awaited result will not keep you waiting. However, it depends on what kind of result you expect. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Rule three: do not completely forget about calories

Does it mean that we are all so individual that we need to completely stop monitoring the number of calories consumed? In no case. Just don't get hung up on it, spending hours at the grocery shelves looking for the lowest calorie foods. You should, first of all, pay attention to what these most low-fat and healthy products are made of. Sometimes the composition is simply frightening with the variety of various E supplements, in comparison with which even a frighteningly large number of calories can do much less harm.

In addition, the wrong attitude towards cooking can easily turn the most low-calorie food into a high-calorie food. If you add some mayonnaise to the lightest and freshest green salad, which is sold in a package with the deceptively alluring word “light”, then this is unlikely to help you lose weight. And even the lowest-calorie sauce served with fried pork will not save you! Stew, steam and bake without oil everything that was previously fried. Fortunately, there are no shortcomings in recipes in our time.

Rule Four: Think about the result in advance

Returning to the desired result, which we mentioned in our second rule: what exactly do you expect from your diet and why did you even start all this? The answers to these very obvious, at first glance, questions are not so unambiguous. Speaking about the reasons that prompted you to lose weight, you should understand the motive. And, speaking about the result, it is necessary to clearly see the ultimate goal.

If the motivation is very vague and unclear (for example, you decided to lose weight, because being full, it seems, is not very fashionable; and your friends next to you seem more slender), then the risk of losing it and returning to the old lifestyle and nutrition is very high. Motivation should be strong and, as they say, long-lasting enough to spur you on throughout the difficult path to a slim figure.

As for the ultimate goal, it must be, first of all, realistic. For example, if you want to lose an unimaginable amount of kilograms in just a few weeks, it is likely to undermine your health.

Approach the issue sensibly: you need to lose weight in stages, or, if you want, step by step, setting realistic goals. Each next step will be easier, as the path already covered will serve as an example. In addition, you may like the intermediate result, which means you need to be able to stop in time.

Diet according to the lunar calendar

You can often hear that it is easier to part with everything superfluous - with long hair, excess weight, a bad habit - on the waning moon. Therefore, many recommend starting to lose weight two to three days before the onset of the new moon. This is not entirely true if the desire to lose weight for you is not just a temporary whim, but a life goal, an urgent need. In this case, the second or third lunar days are best to start with.

So, if you decide to take this issue seriously, you will need to carefully monitor the lunar calendar. The lunar calendar itself is divided by the number of lunar phases per month - that is, into 4 parts or 4 weeks. For each change of the lunar phase, there is a so-called fast day. There is only one such day in the week.

Moon phases for weight loss

NEW MOON. The first lunar day, which begins with the new moon, is the best suited for making plans and visualizing your dreams. Since we are talking about your desire to lose weight, you must clearly imagine two things: the end result (that is, in fact, your new slender body) and your path, which will lead to this result. The path is essentially a precise plan for dietary and lifestyle changes that you must make in advance.

The fact is that the first lunar day may not give us much time for reflection and visualization, because it ends with the setting of the moon, which means that it lasts from several minutes to a day. Your task is to track this important moment according to the lunar calendar and prepare for it accordingly. Realize that it is during this period that your thoughts have the greatest material force. You must internally pronounce all the details, up to the number of kilograms that you want to lose.

An important part of preparing for this moment is the preparation of the body as a whole. Just before the new moon, on the so-called days of Hekate, fatty foods should be avoided. You need to be careful about your diet these days, including a number of healthy and low-calorie foods - freshly squeezed juice, nuts, vegetables and fruits. In addition, on these most stressful days of the month, it is recommended to avoid unpleasant communication, family quarrels and showdowns.

FIRST PHASE. The first phase of the moon lasts from the 2nd to the 7th lunar day. During this period, it is extremely important to lead an active lifestyle, which will allow you to start the process of losing weight and lose some excess weight. However, one should not expect any breakthrough or a very noticeable result. In this phase, that is, on the growing moon, our body tends to gain weight, and not lose it. And it is during this period that you especially want something “harmful” and fatty. A rather strong feeling of hunger will not contribute to abstinence, but it is extremely important to start a diet during this period, since everything gained on the growing moon will be more difficult to reset.

Try to at least reduce the amount of harmfulness these days. Make this week a week of a kind of smooth transition to healthy food. Minimize the amount of desserts and desserts in your diet. Compensate for the lack of sweets with fruits. Try to avoid establishments that offer fast and, of course, very "unhealthy" food. Try sometimes replacing sugar with honey, or at least drink tea with less sugar than usual.

PHASE CHANGE: 8th lunar day. On this day, it is recommended not to eat meat, dairy and fish dishes, since the 8th lunar day is fasting. The Moon during this period makes a negative aspect with the Sun, moving from the first to the second phase. If we talk about moments of crisis, then this is the second critical point of the lunar month.

SECOND PHASE. This phase usually lasts from about the 9th to the 14th lunar day. During this period, you can not relax! It is necessary to monitor not only the calorie content of the products themselves, but also, as we said earlier, the calorie content of ready meals. The main task, as in the first phase of the moon, is to know the measure and not to fill the stomach. The duration of the 2nd phase, like the others, is about a week.

The most effective diet for weight loss according to the moon

FULL MOON. The beginning of the moment of the full moon (15th or 16th lunar day) should be specified according to the lunar calendar. This is a day of fasting, when it is recommended to limit yourself to fruits, vegetables, drink more fluids. Much depends on whether this moment falls at the very beginning of the day or even at night. If so, the previous day should be the unloading day, that is, the day before the moment of the full moon.

THIRD PHASE. This phase lasts approximately from the 16th to the 21st lunar day. During this period, when the moon is waning, you should remember the result that you are achieving. If your goal is not to get rid of extra pounds here and now, you can afford certain indulgences. You should not overeat, but you can eat something high-calorie and “harmful” - but in the morning! Know the measure, as it is easy to lose the already achieved result!

But what if your goal is to lose as much weight as possible in a short time (for example, you are preparing for an important trip where you do not want to appear fat or you have a responsible event)? In this case, you need to tighten your diet, and make physical activity even more intense. Energy should be enough, since it is usually more during the third phase of the moon.

PHASE CHANGE: 22nd lunar day. This is the fourth fasting day, when your usual diet should ideally consist of raw vegetables and fruits. On this day, freshly squeezed juice and water are recommended.

FOURTH PHASE. This is the last phase of the month, the waning moon from the 23rd to the 30th lunar day. The lunar month can consist of 29 or 30 lunar days. On the 30th day, the Moon is no longer observed, which means the next onset of the days of Hecate. The last phase is a favorable period for a noticeable weight loss. However, it is fraught with overeating, as you may feel a lack of energy. It is during this period that you will need the greatest willpower.

In order not to give yourself a chance to break loose, designate the 29th lunar day as a day of fasting. On this last day of the lunar month, it is especially important not to eat fatty foods, but to limit yourself to light and healthy meals. Resist temptation and don't overeat a little.

So, make a meal plan for yourself, which will be based on the lunar calendar, and see how the rules of the moon will help you in the fight against extra pounds. To get started, try to follow this schedule for at least a month, fixing the changes that happen to your body.

It should be noted that following the lunar calendar is especially useful for those who have a strong Moon in their personal horoscopes, as well as for all representatives of the signs of Cancer and Taurus.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Scientists have long known that each phase of the moon affects a person differently, and nutritionists claim that the lunar diet helps to easily lose weight and cleanse the body. This opinion is due to the fact that this satellite of our planet affects the appetite and metabolism of people, depending on its position relative to the Earth. By learning how to choose the right foods, make a menu in accordance with the lunar phases, you can lose weight without any special food restrictions.

What is the lunar diet

Like any other weight loss system, the lunar calendar diet involves a change in nutrition. At the same time, she does not call for the preparation of special dishes and the rejection of most products. It’s just that in a particular phase of the moon, you need to eat certain foods, and refuse other foods. By following these simple requirements, you can get rid of up to three kilograms per day, and also cleanse the body of toxins, improve digestion, and strengthen the immune system.

Diet Rules

Such a technique for reducing body weight, like a lunar diet, is built on certain rules. They are very simple, so you do not have to drastically change your habits and diet:

  1. Drink two liters of mineral water per day. It is always necessary to control the water balance, but especially during the diet.
  2. Be sure to start dieting on the first day of the moon cycle.
  3. It should be abandoned for the duration of the diet from alcoholic beverages, fast carbohydrates (sweets, cookies), smoked meats and marinades, high-calorie foods.

Favorable days to start a diet

For any diet to give good results, you need to follow its requirements. Losing weight according to the lunar calendar should begin on a certain day of one of the phases of the moon. In each month they are different, and the schedule of favorable days of one year differs from the previous one. Having tried to adjust your menu and start losing weight according to the lunar calendar, you can easily and quickly get rid of excess weight.

Lunar calendar for weight loss

The moon causes ebbs and flows not only in the seas, but also in the human body - this is due to the fact that the body is 80% water. Each lunar phase affects our body, so in one period we lose weight, and in the other we gain weight. People who want to lose weight should start losing weight not on Monday, as often happens, but on a favorable day for this according to the lunar calendar. It is based on the frequency of the change of phases of the moon (synodic month), lasts 29.5 days. During this time, the moon passes through all the signs of the zodiac constellation.

How the moon affects weight loss

The 28-day lunar cycle has 4 phases, each consists of 7 days and affects the human body. During the period when the moon begins to grow, people have an increased appetite, which can lead to overeating and weight gain. To prevent this from happening, you should avoid spicy foods, reduce salt intake, and include as many healthy fresh vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce) and fruits as possible in the menu. Properly formulated nutrition during this period helps to speed up digestion and the process of splitting fats.

During the full moon, eat more cereals and dairy products, which are necessary to restore hydrobalance. The phase of the waning moon affects the cleansing of the body of toxins - give up flour products, sweets for this period, drink more mineral water. The new moon causes weakness in some people, so at this time you need to restore strength and eat more protein foods.

Meals according to the lunar calendar for every day

The daily diet according to the lunar calendar is based on the phase in which the Earth's satellite is located. It is best to go on a diet during the periods of the full moon and new moon, when the metabolism is accelerated, the process of removing fluid and harmful substances from the body is faster. You can use a ready-made menu compiled by nutritionists in accordance with the lunar phases or create your own, taking into account their recommendations.

Follow the simple rules of the diet: eat the recommended foods, exclude prohibited ones, drink more clean non-carbonated water, do not forget about physical activity. Following these tips, you will not only easily get rid of excess weight, but you will be able to cleanse and tidy up your body, improve the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and stabilize water balance.

Lunar Diet Menu

The lunar diet should be built based on the goals and characteristics of the body. If you want to lose a lot of weight, go on a strict diet:

Following this diet, you can lose weight by 4-6 kg. It is forbidden to adhere to such a menu for people with diabetes and disorders of the digestive system. If you are one of them, use other weight loss methods designed for the period of growth, waning moon, full moon and new moon. The last two are the most effective and promise weight loss per day by 3 kg.

To the waning moon

During the phase of the waning moon, the process of cleansing the body of slagging and harmful substances takes place, it is recommended to eat more cereals, drink more water. By following these tips, you can lose 4-5 kg. The menu can be composed as follows:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with green tea;
  • lunch: vegetables (fresh), rice (boiled);
  • dinner: salad with vegetable oil;
  • use fruit for a snack.

To the growing moon

This phase is accompanied by a surge of strength, an increase in appetite, so it is necessary to play sports and introduce more protein foods into the diet. The menu for the week might look like this:

  • for breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, cottage cheese (200 g), salad (vegetable);
  • for lunch: vegetable broth soup without potatoes, a piece of boiled chicken fillet;
  • you can snack on cheese, cottage cheese;
  • for dinner: boiled fish (100 g), fresh vegetable salad;
  • 2 hours before going to bed, you can drink no more than 250 ml of kefir.

Full Moon and New Moon Diet

During the full moon, food is hard to digest by the body, so try to arrange a fasting day for yourself on water and juices. They should begin at 7 pm before the full moon, and end at the same time the next day. It is allowed to use carrot, beetroot, cucumber, peach, apricot, pomegranate, pear juices and plenty of mineral water.

On the new moon, it’s better not to cut your menu too much, but to add more proteins and liquids. You can arrange emergency weight loss in 36 hours. To do this, eat as always for 1 day, and at 18 o'clock have dinner with 200 ml of fish or meat broth. During the second day, drink only broths: 200 ml of fish or meat for breakfast, 150 ml each for lunch, dinner, afternoon tea and 150 ml of vegetable broth for dinner.

On the morning of the third day (at 6.00) drink 200 ml of vegetable broth (without potatoes), then eat in the usual way for you. In the intervals between main meals, drink non-carbonated mineral water, green tea without sugar. The result of such a nutrition system will be getting rid of at least 2 kilograms of excess weight, cleansing the body of harmful substances.

Lunar diet 4 days

The four-day diet of the lunar diet provides for an hourly meal, promises to lose 3-4 kilograms and should begin on the first day of the moon cycle. The menu for each of the four days is compiled in the same way, it looks like this:

  • 8.00 - green tea with 1 tsp. honey. We also eat at 12.00;
  • 10.00 - boiled eggs (2 pcs.);
  • 14.00 - poultry meat (boiled) - 200 g;
  • 16.00 - fat-free kefir (1 tbsp.);
  • 18.00 - green apple (1 pc.);
  • 20.00 - wine (dry red) - 1 glass;
  • 22.00 - kefir (1st).

Have you wanted to lose weight for a long time and still did not dare to go on a diet? The onset of spring, the approach of summer will push you to fulfill your desire. After all, you want to look beautiful and attractive without winter clothes? The lunar diet calendar for every day of March 2015 will help you choose the right day to start losing weight, tell you about foods that will benefit your body, and about health promotion activities.

March 1, Sunday, moon in Cancer, 12 lunar day, starts at 14:50.
Today you can start a diet or starve. Just do it consciously. Be sure to bring what you started to the desired result. Loads (both physical and mental) should not be large. Incorrectly using the energy of this lunar day, you can provoke pain in the spine.

March 2, Monday, the moon in Leo, 13 lunar day, begins at 15:52.
Stars recommend drinking more natural juices. The exception is apple juice, since it is considered a symbol of enrichment, and on this day, on the contrary, you need to give alms and do charity work. Drink clean water at least 2 liters a day. Try unusual foods. Even exotic dishes are easy for your body to digest. Don't starve and don't fast. Try to minimize junk food. Do not burden your heart today. You can do the cleansing of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. The use of an expectorant will be beneficial.

March 3, Tuesday, moon in Leo, 14 lunar day, begins at 16:56.
Everything that you start today, you will succeed, so you can safely go on a diet. Avoid bitter and sweet foods. And you can eat salty food. Almonds have a beneficial effect on the body. On this day, it is very good to clean the intestines.

March 4, Wednesday, moon in Virgo, 15 lunar day, starts at 18:02.
If you want to starve or go on a diet, the stars only welcome it. Eat viburnum, it will improve your memory and tame your instincts. Apples are contraindicated today. Say yes to beans, barley. You can eat spicy, lean, and hot food. The pancreas, the diaphragm can make themselves felt. Don't ignore these body signals.

March 5, Thursday, the moon in Virgo, 16 lunar day, begins at 19:07.
March 6, Friday, moon in Virgo, 17 lunar day, starts at 20:13.
On March 5 and until the evening of March 6, 2015, it is not recommended to eat animal food (with the exception of fish) and mushrooms. Kasham, casseroles, steamed vegetables, the stomach will be happy. You can unload sour-milk products. During this period, it is useful to cleanse the body, renew the blood. The spleen may be sensitive.

March 7, Saturday, moon in Libra, 18 lunar day, starts at 21:19.
Try to keep the food on this day also orderly. You can drink a glass of cold dry wine or warm Cahors with health benefits. Drink pure non-carbonated water. Don't eat before bed. These lunar days affect the endocrine system, the pituitary gland, and the kidneys.

March 8, Sunday, moon in Libra, 19 lunar day, starts at 22:25.
Do not eat meat, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke. Vegetable oil, nuts, say yes. Do not overeat during meals and do not snack in between. You can go hungry today. Bath, massage, bowel and skin cleansing are recommended. Pay attention to the kidneys.

March 9, Monday, the moon in Scorpio, 20 lunar day, begins at 23:32.
It is recommended to eat food prepared from round-shaped vegetables (cabbage, turnips, potatoes, beets, onions, etc.). Drink at least 2 liters of pure water. Do a cleansing of the intestines, rectum.

March 10, Tuesday, the moon in Scorpio, 20 lunar day lasts until 09:33.
This day is the best for fasting. Meat is forbidden to eat today. Eat simple food, don't experiment. Do not strain your eyes, take care of your eyesight. The upper back and abdominal area may be disturbing.

March 11, Wednesday, the moon in Sagittarius, 21 lunar days, begins at 00:39.
Do not get carried away with exotic foods. Porridges, fish, freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas are the best foods for today. Fresh air will energize you. The load on the liver is contraindicated. Carry out procedures for blood purification.

March 12, Thursday, the moon in Sagittarius, 22 lunar day, begins at 01:44.
Give preference to plant foods, fruits. Flavors, dyes, thickeners, flavor enhancers - a firm "no". Forget about chocolate and biscuits today. Be attentive to the spine and hip girdle, it is better not to make sudden movements.

March 13, Friday, the moon in Sagittarius, 23 lunar day, begins at 02:47.
The stars recommend fasting. Eliminate meat from today's diet. Milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products will benefit. Bake cheesecakes with nuts. Eat fruits, drink juices. Perform procedures aimed at strengthening the spine.

March 14, Saturday, moon in Capricorn, 24 lunar day, starts at 03:45.
Eliminate allergens (citrus fruits, honey, etc.) from your diet. Steam vegetables and meat. The strong energy of this day must be realized. Give your body intense exercise. Strengthen your health. This lunar day is associated with the reproductive organs.

March 15, Sunday, moon in Capricorn, 25 lunar day, starts at 04:36.
Engage in therapeutic fasting. Products with calcium content are shown today. Drink tea and coffee without sugar. Do a cleansing of the body from toxins. Otitis or other diseases of the auricles may occur.

March 16, Monday, the moon in Aquarius, 26 lunar day, begins at 05:21.
Unpredictable and freedom-loving Aquarius meets the Moon. Include fish, herbs, potatoes in your diet. You can try exotic dishes. Go to the bath, get a massage. Take care of the hip joints from injury, it can be dangerous.

March 17, Tuesday, the moon in Aquarius, 27 lunar day, begins at 05:58.
Alcoholic drinks must not be consumed. Eat familiar healthy foods. Fruits and dairy products are essential for the body. Engage in water procedures, they are especially useful today. Make special procedures and exercises for the lower leg, for the prevention of thrombophlebitis and lymphatic diseases.

March 18, Wednesday, moon in Pisces, 28 lunar day, starts at 06:30.
Make this day unloading on juices. Do not abuse flour. Take care of your eyes and head. Monitor your blood pressure. Do not look at bright light. Cleansing procedures for the eyes will be favorable.

March 19, Thursday, the moon in Pisces, 29 lunar day, begins at 06:59.
Bake cereal pancakes and pies at home. Drink plenty of fluids. Eat seafood. You can not start and even plan a diet. In the evening, douse yourself with cold water, or at least soak your feet in it. Possible complications of the rectum or anus.

March 20, Friday, moon in Aries, 30 and 1 lunar days, starting at 07:26 and 13:39.
Eat light food, not meat. Fish dishes are preferred. But control your appetite. Refuse alcohol and spicy, hot food today. There is a risk of heart attacks. The illnesses that started today will not go away quickly. You can't start new.

March 21, Saturday, moon in Aries, 2 lunar day, starts at 07:52.
On this lunar day, appetite awakens. Hence, the diet will have a beneficial effect. In the morning, do prokshalana (flush the gastrointestinal tract according to the yoga system). Bath procedures and intensive strength exercises will cleanse the body well. You can do dry fasting or a mono-diet - eat only one product during the day (for example, cereals cooked without salt and oil).

March 22, Sunday, the moon in Taurus, 3 lunar day, begins at 08:20.
The stars recommend not to abuse sweet and flour products, mayonnaise. Calories from them will immediately turn into body fat. Better eat fresh fruits, nuts, drink natural juices. Sauna and sports are desirable today. Pay attention to the back of the head, ears.

March 23, Monday, the moon in Taurus, 4 lunar day, begins at 08:51.
Today does not prohibit cutting nails, doing massage, taking care of the body, but it does not allow it either. A neutral day that does not affect your destiny and karma.

March 24, Tuesday, moon in Gemini, 5 lunar day, begins at 09:25.
You can’t starve today, but you can’t overeat either. Take care of the esophagus, nausea may occur with improper nutrition. On this day, the food is completely digested. Give preference to milk and cottage cheese.

March 25, Wednesday, moon in Gemini, 6 lunar day, begins at 10:05.
You can go on a diet if you want to lose those extra pounds. The self-control inherent in Gemini will be transferred to you. The meat eaten today will be a big load on the stomach. Replace it with light snacks or salad dressings with vegetable oil.

March 26, Thursday, the moon in Cancer, 7 lunar day, begins at 10:52.
You can not eat chicken meat and eggs. Beware of colds, take care of your lungs.

March 27, Friday, the moon in Cancer, 8 lunar day, begins at 11:45.
Complete hunger is allowed. And the diet is a must. The stars recommend cleaning the gastrointestinal tract today. Pay attention to the peripheral nervous system.

March 28, Saturday, the moon in Cancer, 9 lunar day, begins at 12:43.
It is better not to take on a new one, you can overestimate your capabilities and fail everything. This also applies to the beginning of the diet. Dreamy Cancer disposes to culinary fantasies. Your body will easily absorb unfamiliar foods, even exotic ones. Recommended cleaning from toxins, baths with salt for the feet.

March 29, Sunday, moon in Leo, 10 lunar day, starts at 13:44.
Increased appetite can lead to digestive problems. So limit your diet. But you can eat sweets in plenty, they will not turn into extra pounds. Good time for rest, steam bath. Steam the chest bones well. The immune system can fail, resulting in problems with the genitals.

March 30, Monday, the moon in Leo, 11 lunar day, begins at 14:48.
It is very good to start a diet, fasting. Do not get carried away with strength physical exercises, pain in the spine may occur.

March 31, Tuesday, moon in Virgo, 12 lunar day, starts at 15:52.
Drink plenty of clean water. Minimize junk food in your diet. During lunch, you can drink red wine.

When to go on a diet in March 2015?

Auspicious days to start a diet in March 2015 are 1, 3, 10-12, 21, 25, 27, 30 March 2015.

But it’s not worth unloading or making adjustments to the diet 5, 13, 19, 20, 24, 28 March 2015.

Representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius- it is recommended to observe moderation in food 7, 19, 20, 22, 26 March 2015.

Earth zodiac signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- you need to control your appetite 1, 3, 5, 9, 27 March 2015.

Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius- it is contraindicated to overload the stomach 4, 13, 21, 29 March 2015.

Representatives of the water signs of the Zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces- it is recommended not to get involved in high-calorie foods March 2, 6, 15, 20, 22, 2015.

Have you wanted to lose weight for a long time and still did not dare to go on a diet? The onset of spring, the approach of summer will push you to fulfill your desire. After all, you want to look beautiful and attractive without winter clothes? The lunar diet calendar for every day of March 2015 will help you choose the right day to start losing weight, tell you about foods that will benefit your body, and about health promotion activities.

We lose weight correctly in March 2015

March 1, 2015 our patroness Moon will be visiting in the dreamy constellation of Cancer. Today you can start a diet or starve. Just do it consciously. Be sure to bring what you started to the desired result. Loads (both physical and mental) should not be large. Incorrectly using the energy of this lunar day, you can provoke pain in the spine.

March 2, 2015 stars recommend drinking more natural juices. The exception is apple juice, since it is considered a symbol of enrichment, and on this day, on the contrary, you need to give alms and do charity work. Drink clean water at least 2 liters a day. Try unusual foods. Even exotic dishes are easy for your body to digest. Don't starve and don't fast. Try to minimize junk food. Do not burden your heart today. You can do the cleansing of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. The use of an expectorant will be beneficial.

March 3, 2015 The moon is in the constellation Leo. Everything that you start today, you will succeed, so you can safely go on a diet. Avoid bitter and sweet foods. And you can eat salty food. Almonds have a beneficial effect on the body. On this day, it is very good to clean the intestines.

March 4, 2015 In the evening, the Moon will move into the sign of Virgo. If you want to starve or go on a diet, the stars only welcome it. Eat viburnum, it will improve your memory and tame your instincts. Apples are contraindicated today. Say yes to beans, barley. You can eat spicy, lean, and hot food. The pancreas, the diaphragm can make themselves felt. Don't ignore these body signals.

March 5, 2015 After 22:00 there will be a Full Moon. Until the evening March 6, 2015 animal food (with the exception of fish) and mushrooms are not recommended. Kasham, casseroles, steamed vegetables, the stomach will be happy. You can unload sour-milk products. During this period, it is useful to cleanse the body, renew the blood. The spleen may be sensitive.

March 7, 2015 In the morning, the Moon will come to visit Libra, who loves balance. Try to keep the food on this day also orderly. You can drink a glass of cold dry wine or warm Cahors with health benefits. Drink pure non-carbonated water. Don't eat before bed. These lunar days affect the endocrine system, the pituitary gland, and the kidneys.

March 8, 2015 do not eat meat dishes, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke. Vegetable oil, nuts, say yes. Do not overeat during meals and do not snack in between. You can go hungry today. Bath, massage, bowel and skin cleansing are recommended. Pay attention to the kidneys.

March 10, 2015 The Moon visits Scorpio. This day is the best for fasting. Meat is forbidden to eat today. Eat simple food, don't experiment. Do not strain your eyes, take care of your eyesight. The upper back and abdominal area may be disturbing.

March 11, 2015 do not get carried away with exotic foods. Porridges, fish, freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas are the best foods for today. Fresh air will energize you. The load on the liver is contraindicated. Carry out procedures for blood purification.

March 12, 2015 The moon moves into the constellation Sagittarius. Give preference to plant foods, fruits. Flavors, dyes, thickeners, flavor enhancers - a solid "no". Forget about chocolate and biscuits today. Be attentive to the spine and hip girdle, it is better not to make sudden movements.

March 13, 2015 the stars recommend fasting. Eliminate meat from today's diet. Milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products will benefit. Bake cheesecakes with nuts. Eat fruits, drink juices. Perform procedures aimed at strengthening the spine.

March 14, 2015 The moon comes to visit Capricorn. Eliminate allergens (citrus fruits, honey, etc.) from your diet. Steam vegetables and meat. The strong energy of this day must be realized. Give your body intense exercise. Strengthen your health. This lunar day is associated with the reproductive organs.

March 15, 2015 engage in therapeutic fasting. Products with calcium content are shown today. Drink tea and coffee without sugar. Do a cleansing of the body from toxins. Otitis or other diseases of the auricles may occur.

March 16, 2015 unpredictable and freedom-loving Aquarius meets the Moon. Include fish, herbs, potatoes in your diet. You can try exotic dishes. Go to the bath, get a massage. Take care of the hip joints from injury, it can be dangerous.

March 17, 2015 you can not drink alcoholic beverages. Eat familiar healthy foods. Fruits and dairy products are essential for the body. Engage in water procedures, they are especially useful today. Make special procedures and exercises for the lower leg, for the prevention of thrombophlebitis and lymphatic diseases.

March 18, 2015 During the day, the Moon enters the constellation Pisces. Make this day unloading on juices. Do not abuse flour. Take care of your eyes and head. Monitor your blood pressure. Do not look at bright light. Cleansing procedures for the eyes will be favorable.

March 19, 2015 bake cereal pancakes, pies at home. Drink plenty of fluids. Eat seafood. You can not start and even plan a diet. In the evening, douse yourself with cold water, or at least soak your feet in it. Possible complications of the rectum or anus.

March 20, 2015 The new moon is coming and the moon is moving into the constellation Aries. Eat light food, not meat. Fish dishes are preferred. But control your appetite. Refuse alcohol and spicy, hot food today. There is a risk of heart attacks. The illnesses that started today will not go away quickly. You can't start new.

March 21, 2015. On this lunar day, appetite awakens. Hence, the diet will have a beneficial effect. In the morning, do prokshalana (flush the gastrointestinal tract according to the yoga system). Bath procedures and intensive strength exercises will cleanse the body well. You can do dry fasting or a mono-diet - eat only one product during the day (for example, cereals cooked without salt and oil).

March 22, 2015 Moon moves to Taurus. The stars recommend not to abuse sweet and flour products, mayonnaise. Calories from them will immediately turn into body fat. Better eat fresh fruits, nuts, drink natural juices. Sauna and sports are desirable today. Pay attention to the back of the head, ears.

March 23, 2015 The dietary recommendations are the same as the previous day. There may be problems with the larynx, osteochondrosis.

March 24, 2015 In the evening, the Moon will go to Gemini. You can’t starve today, but you can’t overeat either. Take care of the esophagus, nausea may occur with improper nutrition. On this day, the food is completely digested. Give preference to milk and cottage cheese.

March 25, 2015 You can go on a diet if you want to lose those extra pounds. The self-control inherent in Gemini will be transferred to you. The meat eaten today will be a big load on the stomach. Replace it with light snacks or salad dressings with vegetable oil.

March 26, 2015 You can not eat chicken meat and eggs. Beware of colds, take care of your lungs.

March 27, 2015 Moon in Cancer. Complete hunger is allowed. And the diet is a must. The stars recommend cleaning the gastrointestinal tract today. Pay attention to the peripheral nervous system.

March 28, 2015 it’s better not to take on a new one, you can overestimate your capabilities and fail everything. This also applies to the beginning of the diet. Dreamy Cancer disposes to culinary fantasies. Your body will easily absorb unfamiliar foods, even exotic ones. Recommended cleaning from toxins, baths with salt for the feet.

March 29, 2015 The moon is hosted by Leo. Increased appetite can lead to digestive problems. So limit your diet. But you can eat sweets in plenty, they will not turn into extra pounds. Good time for rest, steam bath. Steam the chest bones well. The immune system can fail, resulting in problems with the genitals.

March 30, 2015 very good to start a diet, fasting. Do not get carried away with strength physical exercises, pain in the spine may occur.

March 31, 2015 drink plenty of pure water. Minimize junk food in your diet. During lunch, you can drink red wine.

Favorable and unfavorable days to start a diet in March 2015

General nutrition advice in March 2015 for representatives of different zodiac signs

Representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - are advised to control the amount of food they eat on March 7, 19, 20, 22, 26.

Earth zodiac signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - overeating on March 1, 3, 5, 9, 27 is contraindicated.

Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - the stars recommend not to overeat on March 4, 13, 21, 29.

Representatives of the water signs of the zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - need to minimize high-calorie food on March 2, 6, 15, 20, 22.

Following the advice of the lunar diet calendar, you can lose weight and improve your health!