Products for daily care of parquet boards. How to lay parquet boards: methods and technology for proper installation of parquet boards

It is natural to expect durability from an expensive parquet flooring. This is possible with proper care. It is quite specific, since natural wood is capricious, and it cannot be subjected to standard cleaning. How to care for parquet boards is correctly described here

It is natural to expect durability from an expensive parquet flooring. This is possible with proper care. It is quite specific, since natural wood is capricious, and it cannot be subjected to standard cleaning. Below we describe how to properly care for parquet boards.

Types of coatings

The parquet area is characterized by the peculiarities of laying the boards (article “Methods of laying parquet”). Maintenance of parquet will depend on the initial coating and installation of the boards. The floor can be “floating” - that is, the slats are fastened together with locks. And mounted with glue - such a coating cannot be dismantled or replaced individual units, since the layer of the composition firmly holds it on the base. This implies the following:

  • To install floating parquet, boards are purchased either with a varnish coating applied at the factory, or “clean”. In the future, varnishing is prohibited, since the composition will clog the joints between the lamellas. This is good for protecting boards from moisture, but with minimal pressure, the varnish coating at the joints will begin to crack. It is recommended to apply oil or wax to clean parquet floors of a floating floor.
  • A parquet floor that is built “tightly” (fasteners, glue) accepts any coating – varnish is a priority. However, you should know that clean parquet boards after the first treatment with oil are difficult to accept varnish - only after thorough cleaning and sanding.

Helpful information Rule No. 1 - before you start caring for a parquet floor, it is important to find out the nature of the coating and the method of laying the parquet.

Organizing the preservation of parquet in its original form

Caring for parquet at home begins from the moment it is laid. It is important to know the factors influencing the condition flooring, permitted and prohibited actions and cleaning methods:


    • Use a vacuum cleaner with soft attachments for daily cleaning, as in the photo:

    • Use damp cloths for cleaning without detergents.
    • Clean heavy stains with special products.
    • Treat scratches, abrasions and minor damage with polish (for varnished parquet).

Prohibited use

    • Use a washing vacuum cleaner. It has too much moisture.
    • Use universal cleaning products if the parquet is not indicated in the instructions.
    • Wear street shoes. The hallway must have a rug to catch small pebbles and sand.
    • Move large furniture without felt pads on the legs (glued to the sole, they are invisible).
    • Provide drafts or ventilation. It is better to install climate control, which will automatically select the optimal air humidity.

Helpful information Rule No. 2 – parquet boards are cared for from the first days.

Parquet and steam mop

Basins and hand washing are a thing of the past. They have been replaced by convenient gadgets - all kinds of mops. Steam is especially popular - in addition to most contaminants, it disinfects the floor surface. This is important when there are small children in the house. But is it possible to clean parquet floors with a steam mop?

Unfortunately, it is the enemy of most parquet boards. The reasons are as follows:

      • Oil and varnish coatings are sensitive to high temperatures. After cleaning, milky stains remain on the surface, then the varnish gradually peels off. The oil is washed away, exposing the wood pores where moisture can enter.
      • A large number of moisture. The boards will begin to swell. At high temperatures absorption will be faster. When the thermal effect ends, the wood will begin to deform due to temperature changes. The result is cracks.
      • The action of steam is critical for light-colored parquet. The chamfer and edges darken. If a specific design is conceived, the boundaries will lose clarity.

Helpful information Rule #3: Never use a steam mop to clean hardwood floors.

Types of pollution

Their classification will help to assess pollution:

      • Superficial. These include stains from food - juice, coffee, fruit. Chemical components of ink, cosmetics, pencils - you can often hear a question from mothers - what should I do if my child stained the parquet floor with drawings?
      • Deep. Those that eat into the wood structure. These are petroleum products - shoe polish, traces of shoes, tar, paints. Difficult stains include pet urine.

Helpful information Rule No. 4 – most stains can be removed from parquet if you don’t delay cleaning and choose the right products.

Cleaning parquet boards

Is it possible to wash parquet? In the broad sense of the word, no. Large amounts of water are prohibited. However, cleaning is required.

An individual approach to cleaning depends on the type of coating:

With varnish

Simple care of varnished parquet boards consists of daily vacuuming and wet weekly cleaning.

It is important to strive to only lightly handle the boards, without pressure or friction. Before “battle” with stains, the surface of the area is freed from small debris and sand.

      • Easily removed stains are treated with a special spray, applying the product not directly to the parquet, but to rags used for cleaning.
      • Difficult stains from liquids are first moistened with the product, allowed to sit and wiped off.
      • Tar, chewing gum, is first frozen. To do this in plastic bag place ice and apply it to the floor. Then carefully remove the substance with a spatula. Scratching and scraping with knives is prohibited.

Helpful information Rule No. 5 - the varnish coating needs careful care without abrasives.

With butter

Caring for oiled parquet is more labor-intensive. The composition creates a moisture-repellent film on the surface, but not polymerized - that is, not solid.

All possible abrasions and roughness are present - dirt lingers in them for a long time, cleaning is problematic, but possible:

      • Light stains are washed off with water with a special cleaner added to it - a parquet care product.
      • To remove traces of rubber or rubber from shoes, use a foam aerosol - it will allow the stains to “shrink” and then they are removed.
      • Particularly stubborn stains are wiped with white spirit.

Helpful information Rule No. 6 – after cleaning oil-coated parquet, re-oiling is required, as the compounds will remove the film.

With wax

How to wash waxed parquet boards? There is only one answer - no way. This type of parquet cannot be washed in literally words.

There are other ways for it:

      • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle.
      • Treatment with sprays and foams.
      • Regular waxing of parquet after cleaning.

Helpful information Rule No. 7 – maintenance of oiled and waxed parquet is carried out weekly.


The question of how to care for a parquet floor seems difficult only at first glance. The last rule will be regular preventive maintenance of the appearance of the floor covering. Timely actions are the key to the longevity of the board. It is possible to order a parquet cleaning service from specialists if there is no time for thorough cleaning and restoration.

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When choosing flooring for your home, modern people often prefer to use traditional and time-tested materials, such as parquet or parquet boards, while rejecting existing new-fangled trends. Let's consider the basic requirements and recommendations on the correct caring for parquet boards.
Without a doubt, the flooring of which is a parquet board has a natural wood pattern and a perfectly smooth surface that will attract people's eyes. In addition, parquet flooring is practically the most durable coating for finishing residential premises.
However, in order for the coating to maintain its effectiveness, as well as for it to have the longest service life, certain conditions are created for the parquet. In addition, owners of premises finished with parquet boards must be able to properly care for this coating. Only in this way is it possible to preserve the original cloud and unique charm coverings.

Application of parquet boards, structure and distinctive qualities

Are there any differences between parquet and parquet boards? Traditional parquet is made from wood. The most common type is three-layer parquet board. The first, top layer is valuable wood, the second layer is pine needles, and the third is a plywood plate that is capable of not allowing moisture to pass through.

Thanks to the top wooden layer of valuable wood, the parquet board impresses with its beautiful appearance and durability. The thickness of this layer affects not only the cost of the parquet board, but also its durability.

Made using modern technologies parquet boards have many qualities that natural solid wood has (the presence of a unique pattern, natural colors), and sometimes even surpasses it. The superiority of parquet boards over natural wood is the ease of installation. Laying parquet boards takes less time than laying parquet.

The parquet board is installed by simply snapping the connecting locks.

The cost of parquet boards is much less than the price of parquet, so this finishing material is very popular among Russian consumers. The cost of a parquet board can be less if, when producing it, the top layer is made not from solid wood, but from glued pieces. Such boards are called:

  1. Two-way;
  2. Three-lane;
  3. Four-lane.

Thanks to the variety of colors and textures of parquet boards, a special atmosphere is created in any room: residential buildings, offices, apartments. Laying parquet boards, for the manufacture of which oak, acacia, beech, maple and other exotic tree species were used, can emphasize the individuality of the owner, his unique charm and exquisite taste.

The floor covering - parquet boards, has the following positive qualities:

  1. It is highly water resistant.
  2. Excellent resistance to rotting.
  3. It is distinguished by its constant size, that is, minimal deformation, since under the influence of humidity and temperature the layers are able to restrain each other.
  4. Not subject to cracks or chips.
  5. Easy and quick to install.
  6. Has high soundproofness.
  7. Does not require additional surface treatment after installation. Processing is carried out at manufacturing plants.
  8. Variety of designs.

Conditions necessary when arranging a subfloor

To ensure the long service life of the parquet flooring, as well as to prevent problems with it, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions at the stage of arranging the subfloor, which is the basis for the parquet floor.

One of the main functions of the subfloor (multilayer substrate) is maximum insulation of the floor covering from moisture penetration.

Ensuring sound insulation of premises, since impact and airborne noise can have a destructive effect on parquet flooring.

Ensuring proper thermal insulation, which significantly reduces heat loss in the room (about 20%).

The base for laying parquet must have a strictly horizontal position. In addition, it is necessary to ensure its evenness (unevenness in height should not exceed 2 mm).

Anyone can lay parquet boards, because they can be assembled by simply clicking the connecting locks. Big advantage The great thing about this flooring is the fact that it can be used immediately after installation. It does not need to be sanded, scraped, or coated. protective compounds, since all this is done in the factory.

How to lay parquet boards correctly

When laying parquet boards, the following conditions must be observed:

Experienced builders recommend that after purchasing a parquet board, leave it for several days in the room where it will be installed. During this time, the parquet board will have time to adapt to the temperature and humidity levels in the room. This will make laying the flooring much easier. In addition, the duration of its service will increase.

For parquet flooring optimal values room temperatures will be 18 - 24 ° C, and relative humidity - 40-60%. It is desirable that these parameters be maintained during the operation of the coating indoors. Therefore, it is necessary to provide humidification and air conditioning for both people and finishing materials.

If the parquet board is laid on “warm floors”, it is important to observe additional parameters:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the surface temperature of the coating, which should not exceed +24°C, and daily differences should not be more than 5°C.
  2. It is necessary to ensure that the temperature is as uniform as possible over the entire surface of the coating.

To be more precise, experts generally do not recommend laying parquet flooring on a “warm floor” system.

Protective films for parquet boards and their varieties

In modern construction practice, protective coatings for parquet flooring are:

  1. Special varnishes for parquet.
  2. Various oil-wax compositions.

Parquet varnishes

Parquet varnishes are capable of forming a hard and durable layer on parquet board. They can be based on water or synthetic solvents.

Varnishes based on classic synthetic solvents, until they harden, emit strong odors that can cause suffocation and the development of allergic reactions. For this reason, they are applied to parquet boards in factories, subject to all necessary conditions (some wear-resistant varnishes require ultraviolet lighting for fixation).

Using and applying parquet varnish...

To improve the water resistance of parquet flooring, it is recommended to apply an additional layer of varnish after laying the floor. But at the same time, it is necessary that there is no one in the room until the varnish has dried.

Oil-wax compositions for parquet

In order to protect parquet flooring from external influences, you can use oil-wax mixtures that will penetrate deep into the wood, fill the pores, as a result of which it will acquire a unique look. In addition, the compositions are able to emphasize the uniqueness of the wood used.

Oil-wax compositions used to protect wood were born many centuries ago, but have not lost their relevance. If you properly care for your floor covering, you should coat it with these compounds at least once a year. You don't need any special skills for this job as it is a simple procedure.

First, you need to apply an even layer of oil, and a mixture of oil and wax is applied to it. These compositions are harmless to human health since the components are environmentally friendly. The use of linseed oil or Chinese wood oil is recommended, and the wax is of plant or animal origin.

When switching from using an oil-wax layer of protection to a varnish layer, first the wax mixture is completely removed, for which the coating is sanded. Then a primer is applied to the parquet board, and varnish is applied to it. Otherwise, the varnish will not adhere to the surface of the coating.

Proper operation and care conditions for parquet boards

It is prohibited to place flower pots on the floor covering, if it is a parquet board, as condensation will form there.

Parquet flooring requires certain care, which consists of ensuring protection of the coating from mechanical stress that is possible during cleaning and operation:

The abrasive effects of sand carried in from the street by shoes are contraindicated for parquet boards, so a protective area is arranged before entering the room. In this case, it is advisable to use two types of mats: hard - which removes solid particles from the sole of shoes, and soft - absorbent liquid mud(which is most relevant in autumn-winter period of the year). It is better to take off your outdoor shoes at this point.

It is best to glue felt pads or other soft cloth. If the furniture is on casters, place transparent plastic mats underneath it.

To maintain cleanliness in rooms where the flooring is parquet, it is better to use a regular vacuum cleaner. Occasionally, you can wipe the floors with a damp soft cloth with your hands or a mop.

Do not pour liquid onto the floor covering. To wipe the most contaminated areas, special products are used that are designed specifically to protect decorative floor coverings.

To wash parquet flooring, do not use cleaning or cleaning agents. detergents for dishes, solvents and paint thinners, gasoline or alcohol. In extreme cases, the use of mild detergents is acceptable.

Using an oil-wax coating when caring for parquet

Oil-wax compositions for parquet floor coverings differ from parquet varnishes in that they do not form an outer film. They only fill the pores of the wood, which protects it from the penetration of moisture and various contaminants.

To restore an oil-soaked parquet board, you only need to sand the damaged area and then coat it with oil again. Such repairs are carried out within 24 hours.

Wet cleaning of parquet floors treated with oil impregnations is carried out using aqueous soap solutions.

The floor is wiped with a damp cloth in parallel wood fibers. This cleaning is carried out as the coating becomes dirty. The floor dries within half an hour. It is then polished using universal products that have the dual function of protecting and cleaning the parquet.

Parquet flooring, which is subject to increased loads, is renewed twice a year. In a room where residents wear slippers, the coating is updated once a year, maybe less often. In this case, use oil intended for periodic maintenance of parquet flooring.

The hygiene of flooring made from parquet boards treated with wax is carried out using the dry cleaning method. Waxed floors should only be treated with products that contain solvents or wax. If you use soap solutions that contain alkalis, the color of the coating may change.

With the right choice of care methods, parquet floors protected with oils or waxes will serve several generations of home owners. But its main advantages are the following:

  1. The coating does not need to be sanded.
  2. Wood dust, which is harmful to human health, does not rise.
  3. You won’t have to choke on the pungent smell of varnish.

Caring for such a coating involves the use of cleaning compounds that do not require polishing - the floor is only wiped with a cloth.

Implementation of preventive measures

It is necessary to treat the floor covering made of parquet boards using a composition of oil and wax in the first year after installation once every three months. The procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. The floor is washed clean and should dry thoroughly within 6-7 hours.
  2. The parquet board is soaked in oil using a special brush. Excess oil that is not absorbed is removed after 5 minutes with dry wipes.
  3. A protective layer of wax is applied to the parquet board one day after treating it with oil.
  4. Carrying out wet cleaning parquet flooring, add soluble protective wax to the water.
  5. At the end of the first year of operation of the parquet flooring, its treatment is carried out if necessary.

It is better to purchase parquet flooring care products from one manufacturer.

Using varnished coating when caring for parquet boards

To eliminate traces of contamination that occur during use on the varnished surface of a parquet board, “cleaners” are used, which are special cleaning agents. Some of them are concentrates that are diluted with water before use, while others are produced ready-to-use and enclosed in aerosol containers.

The compositions are chemically neutral to varnish compositions. All major manufacturers of parquet products have a range of cleaners that can be used to clean varnished parquet floors. In order to preserve and protect the varnish coating, the use of polishes is recommended.

Varnish coatings for parquet boards.

Even if the parquet varnish is wear-resistant, after some time microcracks, abrasions and other unpleasant defects will certainly appear on its surface. For a longer service life, experts recommend applying a layer of protective coating to varnished parquet flooring at certain intervals.

This point requires serious attention from pet owners, since their claws are capable of short term spoil the top layer of coating. In addition, urea can leave stains on wood and destroy the varnish layer of parquet boards.

  1. Polishes containing wax.
  2. Substances that have a composition similar to highly diluted varnish. They must be diluted with water before use.

Preventive measures for processing parquet boards

To remove stains and restore lost shine to parquet flooring with a varnished surface, it is recommended to use a special composition called a “freshener”.

To protect against the destructive effects of moisture, the coating is polished every two months.

To eliminate local abrasion of the varnish layer, you can use a spray varnish. It is best to carry out a complete renewal of the varnish coating of a parquet board after 12 years of operation, however, these periods depend on the load placed on the coating.

You have read the information on how to properly care for parquet flooring, so feel free to plan to install it in your office or living space.

Having learned what a parquet board is, having learned its structure, features of operation, proper care of it, and by following the rules described above, you can be sure: the parquet board floor you have laid will serve you faithfully for many years and will provide moral and Aesthetic pleasure.

From this article you will learn:

  • What methods of laying parquet boards exist?
  • How to lay parquet boards yourself

Repairs in Moscow need to be taken seriously. You need to clearly decide on the type of flooring that you would like.

Using parquet as a floor covering is not only good way declare your wealth and status. This is also an opportunity to demonstrate to others that you have excellent taste. In addition, parquet as a covering is very reliable, environmentally friendly and has a long service life. Previously, to lay parquet, you had to work hard and have certain skills. Now, thanks to the advent of massive parquet boards, everything has become somewhat simpler. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, the installation process will not pose any particular difficulties for you. Today we will talk about how to lay parquet boards.

At the moment, there are two types of parquet boards on sale: solid and multilayer. The difference between them is the manufacturing method.

  • massive Parquet boards are made from different types of wood, both deciduous and coniferous. But to create it, a single piece of wood is taken. Grooves and ridges are made along the ends of the board.
  • During production multilayer Several types of wood are used for parquet boards, and each of them has its own advantages. Thanks to this combination, the result is a parquet board with high performance characteristics. Thus, the top layer of parquet is made from hard and valuable wood, because it will be “responsible” for appearance floor. The middle layer of plates is placed at an angle of 90 degrees to the top, using soft wood. The purpose of this layer is to act as connecting element both for this particular panel and for those adjacent to it. The material for the bottom layer is plywood, as well as pine or spruce slats up to 4 mm thick.

Parquet boards for laying go on sale only after applying a special coating and impregnation to it, which protects it from rotting and the formation of fungus. Keep in mind: whether the board is multi-layered or massive, its service life depends not only on production technology and storage rules, but also on correct installation. You cannot influence the first and second in any way, but the third point can be easily controlled. Or even lay the parquet boards yourself.

But for such a floor covering to be durable and serve you for a long time, it is not enough to be able to work well with your hands. It is necessary to carry out some kind of preparatory work. It is also necessary to strictly observe all the conditions of the technological process. What points should you pay attention to here first?

  • Firstly, inspect the base on which the parquet boards will be laid. All kinds of cracks, crevices and depressions are unacceptable. The base must be level and strong, and also without a significant difference in height. 2 mm per linear meter is the maximum that can be allowed. Substrates that do not meet the requirements must be repaired or completely redone.
  • Secondly, the parquet board should “adapt” to your apartment - more precisely, to its microclimate. Therefore, after purchasing a board, it is not recommended to immediately begin laying it. Wait at least two days.
  • Third, an important condition for successful installation of parquet boards is the level of humidity in the room. High humidity has a detrimental effect on this material, and therefore you should not lay parquet in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen.
  • Fourth, again about humidity. During work, it is advisable to maintain a certain level (from 35 to 65 percent). The temperature must not be lower than 18 degrees Celsius. Compliance with these conditions will allow the coating to become more durable and increase its service life.
  • And lastly by list, but not by value. When laying parquet boards, you should never forget about the underlay and waterproofing. Moreover, the features of the room and the foundation do not play a role here; this must be done in any case.

In addition, one little tip: Do not place the parquet board perpendicular to the rays of light. In this case, shadows will be clearly visible at the joints.

How to lay parquet boards in different ways

Well-known manufacturing companies (Barlinek, Tarkett, Kahrs and others) are constantly trying to improve their products. Moreover, they work not only on the appearance of the product, but also on methods that can significantly simplify the installation process. More and more new locking systems are being released. There are several main types:

  1. A connection considered classic when the tenons fit into the grooves.
  2. The planks are connected at an angle of 10-30 degrees, after which the plates are fastened together by pressing.
  3. This is a volumetric fixation system. There are several types of them, the names and basic characteristics may not be the same, but the principle of connecting the elements is the same. A “tongue” made of dense PVC or aluminum is built into the end lock. In another case, it may simply be an additional insert. Be that as it may, thanks to such fixation, the entire coupling becomes more rigid and durable, and the service life of the parquet increases. This system also prevents the divergence of the slats due to seasonal changes in the environment.

Depending on what lock system present on the products, the method of laying parquet boards is also chosen. When purchasing flooring material, be sure to check whether it is in stock. detailed instructions on installation. If the product is of high quality, it must be included with the packaging.

How to assemble multi-layer wood covering?

There are several methods the most popular:

  • Laying parquet boards on joists.
  • Fastening with nails.
  • Laying on a rough wooden floor.
  • Method using glue.
  • A floating method in which parquet boards are connected using a lock.

Lock system in Lately is used most often. This method of laying parquet boards is convenient for both large and small rooms. Glue, on the contrary, is used less and less in such work. The fact is that laying parquet using this method is a very labor-intensive job, taking a lot of time and requiring perseverance.

Solid parquet is attached to subfloor mostly using nails. But this method is gradually becoming a thing of the past. If you lay parquet boards on logs, the distance between the latter should not exceed 30-40 cm, and this is not very beneficial in financially. And the process itself is also quite labor-intensive. But one of the advantages of the floating method of laying parquet boards is that all the work can be done with your own hands.

To decide which installation method is best for you, let's take a closer look at some of them.

Floating method

Many people have little idea how to lay parquet boards on a concrete floor using this method. Let's sort it out in order. Initially, plywood sheets 20 mm thick are rigidly attached to the floor. Waterproofing is placed on top, for which 200 micron polyethylene can be used. It is necessary that the entire surface is covered with waterproofing. To do this, polyethylene is overlapped, with an overlap of 15-20 cm. The joints are glued together with tape. The film should also extend onto the walls - approximately 10-15 cm. Thick polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam or cork mats should be placed on top of the waterproofing. In the first case, the substrate, like the waterproofing, is overlapped and glued with tape. In the second and third mats, the mats must be placed end-to-end, but staggered.

Sheets of plywood should also be placed staggered, leaving a distance of up to 5 mm between them. It should be 10-15 mm from the walls. Parquet floors in a room can be installed in two ways: parallel and diagonal. In the latter case, a little more material will be needed. Before you start laying parquet boards, make all the necessary calculations: how much material is needed, which direction will be optimal. You need to plan everything so that the slabs in the last row do not seem too narrow compared to the rest. Connect parquet boards using tenons and grooves intended for them. Remember that between the wall and the parquet you need to leave a distance of 1.5-3 cm for the expansion of the material.

When laying the first row of boards, remove the tenons facing the wall. Direct the tenon of the next die under acute angle into the groove of the previous one, lay the board on the base and use a hammer (through a block!) to achieve a tight connection with the neighbor. Place wedges between the first row and the wall.

When laying the second row of parquet boards, move the end seams by a third of the length of the dies. This is called staggered installation. To start, make the first board in the second row 1/3 shorter. Assemble the row completely, then join it with the first one. Also insert the tenons of the boards into the grooves at an acute angle and seal the joint by tapping it through the block with a hammer.

By the way, you can choose the take-off step at your discretion. But if you decide to make it exactly like this, then the first board in the third row needs to be shortened by 2/3 of the length. In the fourth row, all the dies are of their original size. In the future, follow the same cycle for laying parquet boards.

Most likely, you will have to saw off the last row of dies to the desired width. At the same time, do not forget to leave a distance between the parquet and the wall. After this, remove the wedges and attach the skirting boards, under which the expansion gaps will not be visible.

One important nuance. To make the joints stronger, the grooves between the boards can be glued. But, on the other hand, if you need to replace one of the boards, this will cause certain difficulties.


At this method When laying parquet boards, you first need to firmly screw moisture-resistant plywood to the screed. Then glue is applied to it with a notched trowel, preferably two-component polyurethane. When working with glue, keep in mind that it is toxic, although after drying it is completely safe for humans. Small sheets of backing are placed staggered on a concrete base. The distance between them and the walls should be no more than 5 mm. Next, all the parquet boards are placed on the glue - using the same technology as with the floating installation method.

Before starting work, it is best to draw a diagram according to which in the future you will glue the parquet boards to the plywood. The difference from the previous laying method is that the boards are not assembled in rows, but are attached one at a time. Glue must be applied both to the plywood and to the dies; the grooves at the ends of the boards must also be filled with this composition.

Then we proceed according to the principle described earlier: we attach the board to the previous one using a lock, level it and compact it with a hammer and wooden block. We additionally strengthen the panels with pneumatic nails into the groove, but in such a way as not to interfere with the connection. Glue will appear on the surface; it should be removed immediately. We fill the distance between the walls and the parquet with cork. Then we prime the entire surface of the floor, cover it with oil and wax or varnish. We attach plinths along the walls.

This method of laying parquet boards is used mainly for rooms with a large area.

Using fasteners

How to properly lay parquet boards using this method? Just like when laying using the floating method, waterproofing and insulation are necessary concrete screed. The boards are connected according to the same pattern. The only difference is that you can lay dies with a thickness of more than 20 mm. It is permissible to attach the parquet both to a wooden base lying on the joists, and to the joists themselves. If you decide to use the latter option, keep in mind: the joists must be wide enough so that the joints of the parquet boards can be placed in the middle without any problems. The optimal distance between the logs is from 30 to 40 cm.

They are attached to concrete base through the insulation strictly horizontally, using self-tapping screws and dowels. The dies are connected to the logs with nails or self-tapping screws, the length of which exceeds the thickness of the boards by 2-2.5 times. To ensure that nothing interferes with installation, they need to be installed in the grooves of the boards at an angle of 45 degrees.

How to lay a parquet board with your own hands

To work you need to have the following:

  1. Waterproofing film with a thickness of 200 microns.
  2. Combined or coniferous PE substrate, 2-3 mm thick. Another one will do, but the manufacturer must be the same as that of the parquet.
  3. A block to compact the boards, a mallet.
  4. Tool for fixing joints (for laying parquet boards with 5G locks).
  5. A metal staple or wringer for laying the last row.
  6. Glue-sealant, carpentry or PVA.
  7. Plastic wedges for gaps between parquet and walls.
  8. Hacksaw or jigsaw.
  9. Construction pencil, tape measure and square.
  10. Level and hygrometer.
  11. Adhesive or strengthening primer.
  12. If necessary, use a notched trowel, screwdriver, air gun or hammer.

Preparing the base

First you need to get rid of all the old foundations. Then take measurements and determine whether the floor needs to be leveled. If yes, then there are two options to prepare the surface for laying parquet boards:

  • Use gypsum or cement-gypsum self-leveling self-leveling floors.
  • Assemble a screed from plywood, chipboard or others.

Having prepared the base for laying, check it for humidity using a hygrometer, and with a long strip (more than 2 m) for evenness. Small flaws can be filled with quick-drying mixtures or cemented.

Next stage– primer:

  • If the parquet boards will be laid using glue, use adhesive compounds.
  • If you plan to use the floating method, you need strengthening mixtures.

Is the installation base made of wood? Then you need to cut off all the irregularities from it (you can use a parquet sander). Fill the depressions with elastic putty. If the boards “walk”, tighten the subfloor to the base with screws or nails. If there are many defects, it will be easier to make a new screed from chipboard or plywood with a thickness of more than 16 mm. Treat the surface with an antifungal primer.

Preparing for work

The surface is prepared. The next stage of work will be laying waterproofing and backing material on it. Spread the film overlapping, the overlap should be 15-25 cm. Tape the joints with tape. Attach a backing (sheet or roll) on top. Place it end to end. If you plan to lay parquet boards using the glue method, you should skip this step.

After purchasing the material, give it time to “get used” to the microclimate of the room; this usually takes from 24 to 36 hours. If the apartment has a “warm floor”, then it would be good to turn on the heating system for two weeks, and turn it off 3-4 hours before starting work. This maneuver creates an ideal climate for laying the parquet boards and at the same time prevents thermal damage to the final finish.

One important point. If, when opening packages of parquet boards, you find that some products are slightly different in color and texture, that’s okay. Wood is a natural product, and therefore this sometimes happens. Turn this to your advantage by making an interesting design out of the boards.

Before starting work, be sure to draw up a diagram of the future installation, preferably to scale. The last row must be at least 5 cm wide.

Flooring installation

When laying parquet boards using the floating method, start work from the very long wall, clockwise. Leave space around the perimeter of the room for expansion wedges. According to experts, it is better to do this after laying the first three rows of parquet: move the boards using a bracket and insert wedges into the resulting gaps.

Next, cut off the tenons facing the wall on the boards in the first row. Place the first tile in the corner and begin assembling the ends. If the last die is bigger size than necessary, cut it. Start laying the second row with the remainder of the lamella of the first. If you are planning to lay a parquet board with a classic Click-lock, then after connecting the slabs at the end, fasten them along their length, be sure to tap them with a mallet or hammer through the block.

By the way, working with Lock and 5G locking systems is much more convenient. All thanks to the ability to join them both lengthwise and crosswise.

There are volumetric locks for which you do not need to adjust the plastic insert. Just snap the plates together and it's done.

You'll have to tinker a little with the last row of dies. It is unlikely that they will fit perfectly in size, and therefore they will need to be trimmed. After this, the tiles are fastened at the ends and joined to the last row. Be sure to press the laid parquet boards using a metal clamp or wringer.

It happens that even laying there is a pipe or something else in the way of the parquet board. In this case, mark the cutting line on the die, saw off a piece along it and drill a hole with a margin of 1–1.6 cm. Place the board in the desired place, apply an adhesive compound to the cut and glue it.

After installation is completed, remove the wedges and turn on the “warm floor” system (the temperature must be increased gradually). Secure the baseboards and install the door thresholds. By the way, the required gaps in doorways- manufacturer's requirement.

As a finishing touch, it would be a good idea to treat the floor using special products for parquet boards. The wax contained in these mixtures seals well the joints between the boards.

How to lay parquet boards on heated floors

The parquet floor itself has remarkable thermal insulation properties, plus the underlay does not allow the cold to pass through. But sometimes additional heating is still required. In such cases, the parquet boards are laid directly on the “warm floor”.

True, not every system will fit here. If there are no problems with water heating, then electric flooring is incompatible with parquet boards. Such a “warm floor” heats up too quickly, a sharp temperature change occurs, as a result of which the tile locks begin to crack.

Laying parquet tiles on a “warm floor” should be done only after it has been turned off and cooled to room temperature. Upon completion of the work, the system can be turned on no earlier than a week later, and its temperature must be increased gradually, no more than 2-3 degrees per day. It is also very important that the floor is heated evenly, otherwise the parquet board may “sink.”

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Parquet board is an amazing material that gives the interior an indescribable naturalness and attractiveness. Children take their first steps on this floor, beloved pets bask in the rays of the sun, and the residents of the house themselves paddle on the floor covering in the early morning. It turns out that the floor experiences stress every day, so maintenance of the parquet board should be regular. But here you don’t need any special knowledge, you just need a little care.

Have you laid a beautiful parquet board on the floor? Be prepared for full maintenance of your new coating. If you ignore this question, thinking “what will happen to it!”, then soon the parquet board will lose its attractive appearance, dry out, crack, and become scratched. Scary? That's it, because we had to pay a lot of money for quality material, and if the installation was carried out by outsiders, then the costs were significant.

Then you should quickly familiarize yourself with the basic principles of caring for parquet boards so that you don’t suffer excruciatingly from damaged floor coverings:

  • pads for furniture legs;
  • roller mats;
  • water-repellent compounds.

In order for the care of your parquet board to be as correct as possible, you need to learn about the rules of care even before laying it:

  • Protect the floor from scratches in every possible way;
  • If there is a dog living in the house, you need to wash his paws after each visit to the street. And also do not forget about timely trimming the animal’s claws to avoid damage to the surface of the parquet board;
  • put a kind of “felt boots” on furniture legs, that is, felt attachments. This precaution is most relevant for furniture that is frequently moved around the room;
  • Today in the store you can find various care products, for example, polishes, mastics, varnishes, anti-slip agents. With their help, the parquet board becomes clean, shiny, and a protective film is formed on it, which serves as a barrier against scratches and other defects. Plus, manufacturers offer consumers a huge range of products; you can find products to remove traces of shoes, chemicals, and food stains;
  • As for shoes, you should try to walk on parquet boards in soft slippers. It is strictly forbidden to wear street shoes, especially heels. As a result of such unreasonable actions, chips, dents, and cracks will appear on the parquet board;
  • after applying the varnish, you should wait 12 hours (remembering to close the windows and doors) and only after that you can walk on the floor covering;
  • After complete drying, there is no need to rush and immediately start pulling furniture, running, jumping and stomping your feet. You will have to wait for two weeks, observing gentle operation. And if time is of the essence, the furniture should be moved extremely carefully, and during assembly it should be placed dense material, for example, corrugated cardboard, fiberboard, so as not to accidentally dent or scratch the fresh coating;

Be sure to remove the backing after completing assembly, because if you leave it on long time, a very undesirable darkening will occur in those places that were covered with cardboard.

Daily cleaning rules

This is a rather complex undertaking that requires special skills, because incorrect cleaning technology will lead to damage, and it is not easy to eliminate. So how do you remove parquet flooring? First of all, cleaning should be done with a vacuum cleaner or a well-wrung out cloth. The main thing to remember is an important detail - under no circumstances should you flood the floor with water, as this will lead to swelling and warping.

Before starting cleaning, it is advisable to inspect the floor covering for cracks or deep scratches. If they exist, such defects will have to be eliminated without fail, because rotting processes will begin in places of damage, that is, the floor will become unusable. The cracks should be cleaned with thin wire and then sealed with putty made from wood glue, birch or oak sawdust.

Unvarnished parquet boards do not need to be washed frequently; it is better to wipe such a floor with a cloth soaked in cold water with the addition of glycerin - the proportions are as follows: one tablespoon per 200 grams of water. As for hot water, according to the recommendations of experts, parquet boards cannot be washed with it. Of course, the easiest, non-hazardous method of cleaning is with a vacuum cleaner. And, yes - if animals live in the house, cleaning will need to be done more often.

Making armor against water

The parquet board catastrophically does not like water; one might say that it is afraid of it. And, truly, this truism must be known and never forgotten. A large amount of water is death for the parquet board!

But there is one secret weapon that saves the situation a little. The fact is that there are special products that repel water, few people know about them, and this miracle product is called “polish”. But this does not mean at all that after applying it you can pour buckets of water onto the parquet floor. The essence of the process is that a thin protective film is formed on the floor, saving the parquet board from a small amount of water and abrasion.

Polishes are also useful when the joints between the dies are poorly sealed. For example, if a child accidentally spills juice, there is no need to shout at him, accusing him of causing damage: the juice will simply remain on the surface, because the polish will not allow it to “slip” there. For initial use, you need to buy several bottles of polish at once, because it sells out instantly. It must be diluted clearly, following all the points specified in the instructions. Repeated treatment will be needed in a week or two, but the amount of polish will be significantly reduced. It is also important not to walk on the floor after treatment for about half an hour.

Flooring rugs for furniture

Furniture on wheels has a negative impact on the parquet floor, and on any other floor too. Take at least computer chair, which is a headache for the floor covering: wheels fidgeting in different sides, damage the varnish and lead to cracking.

But not everything is so sad, the hard work of scientists did not go unnoticed; plastic mats can be found on store shelves. They save the floor from scratches and do not spoil the appearance of the room at all, because they are transparent, that is, invisible.

Special furniture and felt pads

And here progress is moving by leaps and bounds, however, finding such furniture is quite difficult. What's special about it? Actually, this is absolutely normal furniture on wheels (chairs, chests of drawers), the wheels are just made of soft rubber that does not leave black marks or scratches. Buying such furniture would be an excellent option if you want your parquet board to last for a long time.

Felt pads are an excellent invention worthy of high praise. Why? Sometimes there is a need to move furniture, and often the furniture is dragged, leaving traces of such irresponsibility and negligence on the floor.

To avoid such negative actions, you just need to glue felt pads to the “sole” of the furniture. You can also buy felt heels and screw them into the legs of sofas, chairs, and cabinets.

Methods for removing scratches

Undoubtedly, scratches are the most common damage that needs good camouflage. Option one - select a special wax-based pencil suitable for color scheme to the parquet board. Then you need to melt it and apply the softened wax to the unsightly scratch. The next stage is leveling the surface, removing all excess wax using a rubber spatula. After this, the surface is polished with a soft cloth.

The second option is young Walnut(only suitable for shallow scratches). First you need to split it, remove the core, and rub it on the scratch. The wood in the treated area will darken and the defect will become less noticeable.

The above methods are suitable for removing shallow scratches, but what about others? Using repair varnish will help here. Before starting the process, the surface is thoroughly cleaned and varnish is applied to it (according to the manufacturer’s instructions). Also, deep scratches can be eliminated using a putty of a special composition, which must match the color of the floor. The putty is applied with a rubber spatula, and the excess is removed. After drying, the surface is sanded sandpaper, dust is removed, a layer of varnish and wax is applied.

Sanding parquet flooring

If, however, the scratches cannot be masked, you will have to use grinding. But there is one caveat: the parquet board cannot be sanded endlessly, a maximum of several times. The specific figure depends on the quality of the manufacturer and the thickness of the top layer. On average, this figure varies between 5-7 times. Of course, before starting the process you need to consult with a specialist or entrust this matter to a master.

It is also important to remember that indoor air humidity needs to be controlled. Optimal parameters– 40-60%. If the humidity is low, the board will dry out, and this will lead to damage. It is best to place an aquarium in a room with a parquet floor and forget about humidity forever.

Fighting stains on the floor

If there are stains on the floor that cannot be washed with a damp cloth, you need to use special products. However, there is also traditional methods, the use of which has excellent results.

Main types of contaminants and cleaning methods:

  • shoe marks (black stripes) - rub the floor with a nylon cloth;
  • paint, chewing gum - in this situation only special products that can be bought in the store will help household chemicals. Instructions play an important role, since amateur actions will lead to serious consequences;
  • colored pencil - moisten a piece of cloth in white spirit and wipe the pencil mark;
  • wax - first freeze the wax stain with ice, then take a plastic spatula and carefully scrape it off. Next you need to put a piece of soft material on the remaining particles and iron it with an iron;
  • blood - a fresh stain is removed with a rag soaked in cold water, and for a dried stain, you need to add a small amount of ammonia to the water and moisten the cloth with the resulting solution;
  • nail polish - wipe with a solution of acetone and water.

An important point - acetone in pure form It is highly undesirable to use!

Types of protective coatings - varnish or oil?

As protective films A variety of varnishes and oil-wax mixtures are used.

Option #1 - varnishes

Varnishes based on synthetic solvents have a pungent odor; people susceptible to allergies may experience burning and stinging in the eyes. And some wear-resistant modern varnishes require mandatory ultraviolet lighting during curing.

Before applying varnish, the surface is primed: the pores are filled, the surface is protected from cracking, and varnish consumption is reduced. It is better to apply a test coat on an inconspicuous area.

Option #2 - oil-wax mixtures

This method is still relevant today. The oil-wax mixture penetrates deep into the wood, fills the pores, gives the parquet board a unique look, while effectively highlighting the uniqueness of the wood species. Modern mixtures do not require too frequent application - it is enough to apply them once a year (of course, with proper care).

How is this process carried out? First you should apply a layer of oil, then another, but with wax. The oil-wax mixtures contain Chinese or linseed oil, a drying accelerator, color pigments, and natural modifiers. Wax can be vegetable or animal. As you can see, the components of such compositions are natural, environmentally friendly materials. If there is a need to transition from a wax finish to a varnish, the wax must first be removed by sanding, because otherwise the varnish will not adhere.

And lastly, parquet boards react painfully to various influences (physical, mechanical). But this does not mean at all that the floor needs to be covered with a carpet or rug. So, the point of choosing a parquet board as a floor covering completely disappears. It is better to protect her from unwanted contacts: do not wear street shoes, do not allow dirt and sand to get on the floor, do not parade in stiletto heels and, of course, follow the rules of care. Then the parquet board will delight the eye with its beautiful appearance for a long time.