Tips on how to clean the gas stove grate with ammonia from different materials. How to clean the grate of a gas stove quickly and easily How to quickly clean the grate

Wash the grate off gas stove using folk methods is easy, but professional tools will make this task easier. Preliminary preparationrequired condition grill cleaning.

Before you start removing fat, you need to carry out preparatory work.

  • According to the operating technique gas appliance de-energize. This manipulation will not take much time, it will protect against accidental gas supply and serious injury.
  • The design is detached from the household appliance. Safety is important when cleaning. You can avoid getting the product on the burner by disconnecting the structure from the stove.

On this detail accumulates a large number of fatty deposits that are difficult to remove. Therefore, you need to stock up on the necessary components for cleaning.

Removing dirt involves the following items:

  • basin with warm water;
  • cleaning product;
  • metal sponge;
  • soft sponge;
  • rubber gloves to protect hands.

Quick and easy grate cleaning

Effective cleaning consists of right choice cleaning product and assessment of the contaminated surface.

  • One of the capricious materials is cast iron, with the purification of which you need to be more careful and apply only safe means to it.
  • Steel grating is able to withstand any impact on it: it does not deteriorate from aggressive household products, as well as vinegar and ammonia.

Remove grease and plaque

To remove greasy stains from a gas stove, it can be used as professional tools, and methods related to people's councils.

An effective way to remove grease and clean cast iron grates is with salt, vinegar and mustard powder. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, which can remove even old grease stains.

  1. The mixture must be applied for 4-5 hours so that it can penetrate the surface.
  2. The product must be washed with water if it is made of steel or metal.
  3. Cast iron material is wiped dry.

Remove soot

The soot layer becomes durable, because in the process of heating, all moisture evaporates from the surface. Dust particles are deposited on the adhesive film. Layers gradually accumulate, and it becomes problematic to remove them.

  • You can remove carbon deposits by washing in dishwasher or with a steam generator. This cleaning is allowed for enameled and steel surfaces.
  • Cleaning cast iron grates with this method will not work. For cast iron, the method of hot firing is suitable, in which the structure is placed on a fire and wait until the remnants of fat are gone. The same procedure can be done at home over the burner, but an unpleasant odor will spread throughout the room.


Products for cleansing are produced at the factory or taken from home recipes. They are made up of the personal preferences of the hostess of the room. An important factor is the degree of pollution, since not every detergent is able to cope with soot, as well as grease.


Since the grate of a household appliance can be made of enameled, cast iron or steel material, it is necessary to choose a means, taking into account this fact.

These include the following tips:

  • Before purchase household chemicals you need to read the instructions. The components in the composition of the detergent product are not suitable for all materials. Cleaning agents are not suitable for aluminum and ceramic plates.
  • It is recommended to choose cleaning components in liquid form, as the powder contains harmful abrasives that can ruin the look of the part.
  • If you use detergent components designed in the form of a spray, then fresh stains on the product can be eliminated. Spray bottles effectively deal with fresh stains.


They are safer than professional capsules or powder for removing dirt from the gas stove grate.

  • Soda. The powder must be moistened with water to form a slurry, and applied to the surface to be cleaned. The agent is applied for one hour. After this time is up, it is removed with a stiff brush and sponge. As a result, the grate will be shiny and clean.
  • mustard powder. It must be used according to the following scheme: the grate should be wetted with water. Apply to the grate a paste that has been prepared with mustard and warm water, the paste should be applied to the surface to be cleaned within two hours. Then the mustard is removed with a hard sponge and the grate is thoroughly washed. Mustard has the ability to disinfect the surface and break down fat.
  • Laundry soap. To use, you need to follow the instructions: the soap must be grated on a coarse grater, after which the flakes must be dissolved in soapy water to a thick consistency. The prepared paste is applied to the structure, and after 15 minutes the surface is cleaned with a sponge, washing off the soap residue with warm water.
  • Lemon juice. This method is simpler than others, since for cleansing it is only necessary to treat the surface of the structure with lemon juice. The juice is then washed off one hour after application.

How often to clean the grate

Washing should be carried out as far as possible, but it is recommended to do this procedure at least once a week, then the fat will go away quickly. If you carry out timely cleaning of the grate, then you can avoid long-term removal of carbon deposits during subsequent washing.

There are universal tips for effective cleansing. These include the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to wash the surface after each cooking, accompanied by frying.
  • Enameled and steel parts must first be soaked overnight in a solution of vinegar or soda.
  • It is forbidden to soak cast iron products in soapy and other types of solutions, since this material becomes cracked from the liquid.
  • It is impossible to soak the parts of the stove immediately after the cooking process has passed, because the material deteriorates from the difference in temperatures.
  • The sponge can be soft or metal, the choice depends on the degree of contamination.
  • It is recommended not to apply excessive pressure with a metal sponge, as this will damage the surface.
  • When applying funds, even those that are referred to as folk advice, you need to use rubber gloves.

Lattice care

Stove requires daily care, so you need to follow the tips for keeping the product clean. They will help clean it faster with further washing.

Tips include:

  • Avoid getting liquid on the surface of the appliance during cooking.
  • To avoid stains on the structure, you need to wash it after cooking.
  • When cooking, it is important to ensure that the flame does not extend beyond the cookware.

Washing the grate of a gas stove is a laborious process that does not always go well the first time. But if you monitor the condition of the stove after each cooking, then use a professional or folk remedy and then remove dirt from the surface.

While the stove itself is quick and easy to clean, removing burnt grease from the grates is not easy. However, there are many methods on how to clean a gas stove grate.

What is the complexity of the work?

The main problem in cleaning the kitchen grate is complex shape, which can not be washed just like that under running water.

During cooking, fat gradually accumulates on it. When frying and boiling, liquids splash out and remain on the tile. In addition, dust settles. During further cooking, this mixture heats up, forming a crust. If you do not periodically get rid of soot, it will increase in size.

What kind of products should be used to clean the grate?

To wash the grate on the stove from soot, you can use various folk or chemical remedies.

With soda

We will clean the dirty grate of the gas stove in several stages:

  1. Dilute soda with a little water until a homogeneous porridge.
  2. Apply the mixture to the rods and let it soak for an hour.
  3. Treat with a mesh or a hard sponge, then with a soft one.

steam method

This is the most safe method as it does not require the use of chemicals. It is better to use a portable steam generator. Best suited nozzle, like a soft sponge. Hot steam removes carbon deposits well. After the procedure, it will be enough to wipe the surface with a soft cloth.


If possible, then hold the grate over the fire, then lightly tap on it. A thick layer of soot should fall off, and the rest is cleaned with the help of fairies.

Boiling water to help

It is not easy to wash a cast-iron grate in this way. The method is not popular, as it requires a large number of actions and time. However, there are hostesses who use it. The work takes place in several stages:

  1. Preheat oven to maximum.
  2. Find a baking sheet that can fit the wire rack.
  3. Put the contaminated object in it and pour water so that its volume completely covers the rods.
  4. Put the baking sheet in the oven for an hour, make sure that the boiling water does not splash and does not flood the burner.
  5. Nagar easily moves away from the surface of the rods.
  6. Allow to cool and wipe the rods with a soft sponge.


We put on rubber gloves before the procedure. Chemicals harm the skin of the hands and nails.

  1. Apply the substance liberally to the twigs. It should completely cover them.
  2. Wait a certain time, which is written on the package.
  3. Treat the parts with a sponge, then rinse with water.

The most popular products are: Synergetic in the form of a gel, Indesit, Weber, Grillnet Extra Cleaner, etc.

Cleaning with soapy water

It is very light and affordable way. However, to clean the tile grate in this way, you need to spend a lot of time. To clean with soapy water:

  1. Make soap shavings and dilute it in hot water. Soap is necessary many - whole bar. You can add dishwashing detergent to the solution.
  2. Pour the soapy solution into a large bowl that will fit the grate.
  3. Leave it to soak overnight.
  4. With a hard sponge, wipe off the soot and rinse under a stream of water.

Application of vinegar

When working with this substance, you must be very careful. It has a pungent odor, and evaporation can adversely affect the functioning of the respiratory tract. Cleaning should be done in a well-ventilated area. Perform the procedure with rubber gloves! Washing the tile grate with vinegar is similar to the soapy water method:

  1. Place the rack in a deep baking dish and pour the vinegar over it.
  2. Several hours should pass.
  3. Wipe with a hard sponge.
  4. Rinse under water.

Melamine sponge

This latest invention has recently appeared on store shelves. It is great for washing the grate of a gas stove. The sponge is made entirely of melamine. It already contains a cleanser.

  1. Moisten the melamine sponge with water.
  2. Rinse the dirt on the twigs.
  3. Wash away.

Video: How to clean the grate on a gas stove effortlessly

How to bring in ideal condition many housewives know the gas stove, but the question of how to clean the grate on the gas stove baffles many.

Here it is important to choose suitable means for the material from which this element of the furnace is made. The grate gets dirty as quickly as the stove itself, so it is worth cleaning it regularly.

How to wash the grate of a gas stove even if there are centenarians on it body fat?

Generic Methods

There are several universal ways purification of such elements. They can be used for cast iron, enameled and stainless products.

How to clean the grate on a gas stove?

Can be used as a household cleaner baking soda, mustard, digestion and silicate glue. These methods of removing contaminants can be used without fear of damaging the structure.

They are 100% effective and effective for any materials.

silicate glue + washing powder

To prepare the solution, you will need 200 ml of warm water, 3 tbsp. l. soda ash, ½ tbsp. l. washing powder and stationery glue in the amount of 1 tbsp. l.

All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained and the contaminated areas are covered with a solution. Leave to soak for 1 hour.

Thanks to chemical reaction silicate glue with soda and powder manages to wash off not only soot, but also fat deposits and soot without the slightest effort.

Cast iron grates will shine after applying this cleaning method.

Baking soda

The easiest way is to use baking soda, it is always in the house and quickly copes with any pollution. Its application promises to receive good result.

How to clean the grate on a gas stove:

  1. The design will need to be placed in a trash bag or put in a large basin.
  2. 1 pack of soda is poured there, water is poured so that all the rods are covered with it and the bag is tied. The pelvis will need to be covered with a lid.
  3. The grate must be placed in a horizontal position so that it does not come to constantly shake the bag.
  4. After 3 hours, the structure is taken out, washed with detergent, rubbed with a sponge and rinsed with water.

Soda solution softens fatty deposits, and after such a procedure it is easier to remove them with a sponge.

In addition, such a product does not cause an allergic reaction, which is very good if there are children in the house and household chemicals with a pungent odor cannot be used.

You can use the following cleaning method:

  1. You will need 1 bar laundry soap, 10 tbsp. l. soda ash and 2 large apples.
  2. In a deep container, add ½ a bar of soap, soda and grated apples.
  3. The pot with these ingredients is put on the stove, brought to a boil.
  4. The grate is placed in a basin of a suitable size, and poured with the prepared solution.

As a result, the design shines with cleanliness, smells good and the surface of the rods is not damaged.


Mustard powder is an ecological sanitary product used to clean the grate of a gas stove from carbon deposits. This method is one of the most effective ways fight against fatty deposits. The property of mustard to break down fat has long been known, so it is successfully used as a cleaning and disinfectant.

Action algorithm:

  1. The rods are treated with the following composition: 3 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 3 tbsp. l. table vinegar, 1 tsp. dish detergent and a small amount of water to make a mushy mass.
  2. The mixture is left on the structure for 1 hour, or more, it all depends on the degree of contamination.
  3. Then rinse with water and rub with a washcloth with detergent to remove residual dirt.

Only mustard powder can be used. They are well sprinkled with a wet structure from the stove. Leave for 2 hours. Then sponge cleaning is carried out.

Boiling water

If the grate fits in a baking sheet, you can use the boiling methods in. This method will soften the dirt and they can be easily removed with a sponge.

Lattices are placed in a baking sheet, filled with water to the very brim and put in the oven. You can add a little baking soda or vinegar, as well as dishwashing detergent.

After the water boils, it is necessary to open the oven, wait for it to cool and wipe the surface of the rods with a sponge. Thanks to boiling, the dirt will easily move away from them and no effort will be required.

Cast iron

It is difficult to clean a cast-iron grate from a gas stove. This is the most difficult and time-consuming work in the house, since such material is very picky to care for.

What to clean? The usual improvised means will come to the rescue, as well as for and a metal brush.

Means for automobile engines

Such industrial tools are sold in car dealerships or markets. It is undesirable to use them for plates, because they contain chemical substances hazardous to health. But if there is no other choice, you can resort to using a cleaning agent. automotive engines.

Cleaning a cast iron grate is very easy. All rods are thoroughly covered with liquid, left to act for several minutes. It remains only to rinse with water and rinse several times.


It will be possible to wash the cast-iron grate by incandescence. You can do this indoors or outdoors. An open source of fire is required. You can glow the rods over a gas stove, with a blowtorch or by a fire.

Then you need to take potholders and remove the structure from the fire to cool. When the temperature of the rods becomes acceptable, take a metal brush and scrape off all the dirt.

Thanks to calcination, fat deposits dry out and can be easily removed with a brush and sponge. In the end, you need to wash with detergent. The procedures can be repeated several times, the cast iron will not deteriorate from this.

Metal brush or drill attachment

It is better to ask a man to carry out this manipulation. All the same, a drill - electrical appliance which not every woman can handle.

stainless steel

Stainless steel is a corrosion-resistant steel, but even it requires proper care as well as cleaning.

An aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide is a volatile substance, so washing should be carried out on fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

Step by step application ammonia to effectively and quickly clean the gas stove grate:

  1. Wearing gloves and a protective mask, pour the ammonia into a spray bottle.
  2. Place the grate in a trash bag, large bag, or a suitable sized bowl and spray the bars with ammonia.
  3. Leave the structure in a well-ventilated area for 8 hours if heavily soiled, or 2 hours if normal maintenance cleaning is carried out and the soiling is light.
  4. At the end of the manipulation, it is washed under running water. The mask and gloves must not be removed.

The design takes on a perfect shine. All fat deposits and soot go away by themselves, just brush them with a soft sponge.


Behind enameled steel is required special care. It is impossible to wash such a coating with abrasive products used for a cast-iron grate; you can permanently ruin the entire structure.

A modern universal remedy for removing dirt from any surfaces is a melamine sponge. It is used to remove traces of a felt-tip pen, from dishes and mold from wallpaper.

Also, the melamine sponge perfectly cleans the enamel grates from the gas stove.

How to clean a cast iron grate:

  1. It must be moistened in cool water, squeezed between the palms to squeeze out excess water.
  2. With the tip, start removing soot and fat deposits. This will be more economical.

One sponge will be enough to clean even the most difficult areas that are overgrown with fat and soot.

Gel Antifat

This tool perfectly removes any dirt from the enamel. And it's extremely easy to use.

How to remove fat:

  1. The gel is evenly distributed over the rods. You can not spare the means, it will not harm.
  2. You need to wait a while for the gel to work.
  3. Then the rods will only need to be wiped with a sponge and rinsed well with running water.

Gel Antigrease perfectly removes any pollution. It can be used to remove contaminants from the stove itself.

Household chemicals

Industrial tools are no less effective than folk methods removal of contaminants. You can choose the most suitable for action or cost.

Thanks to its unique formula containing microcrystals, Sif effectively removes dirt in the kitchen and bathroom. Any surfaces after its application shine with cleanliness and become smooth.

The cream removes impurities 2 times better than powder, and also does not leave streaks and white marks on the rods.

Sif is applied to the grate with a sponge, rubbed in and left to act for 10-15 minutes. Then wash with warm water to remove the detergent.


Cleaner Sanita - perfect for removing dirt from gas stove grates made of any material. The gel smells good, does not scratch the surface.

Apply Sanita on the grate for half an hour. Then wash away clean water and rinse several times. Sanita should not be used only for enamelled surfaces, everything else can be processed by this tool.

Silit for the kitchen

Cleaner Cillit BANG anti-grease + shine is especially popular among hostesses. Many are only saved by them. This solution can be used to clean all surfaces in the kitchen, including gas stoves and grates.

Cillit BANG comes in a spray bottle, making it easy to apply. It is enough to spray the product on the grate, leave for a while and then rinse the rods with clean water.

Cillit BANG anti-grease + shine destroys impurities in 5 minutes. After it does not remain bad smell and divorces. With more severe contamination, it must be held longer on the rods.

Not less than effective means is a product from Amway, Faberlik. Shumanit also copes well with the task. This Israeli remedy is very expensive, but very quickly and effectively removes body fat.

It is necessary to work with any household chemicals with gloves and a respirator. It is advisable to open the windows in the kitchen and turn on the hood, the room should be well ventilated.

To not have to use aggressive means it is necessary to wash the grate regularly, noticing that the accumulation of soot and fat has begun on it. After cleaning, it must be wiped dry, as dust and other contaminants will stick to wet surfaces faster.

At general cleaning one of the most difficult questions How to clean a gas stove grate. Cleaning every twig covered with burnt fat is hard work, it takes as much time to work as it takes to clean the whole kitchen. The longer you put off this work, the thicker the layers of dirt and the more difficult the problem. In order not to doom yourself to such torment, wipe the dirt as soon as they appear.

Getting Started

Do not rush to water the stove the latest tool to remove any contamination. First of all, you need to find out what the grate is made of, and depending on this, choose a cleaning method. If you cannot determine the material by eye, look at the passport or the instructions for the device.

There are 3 types of grids:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • enamelled.

The next step is to pick up durable rubber gloves. You absolutely do not need detergents to work on the skin of your hands, and if there are sharp protrusions on the grate, you can injure your fingers. It is advisable to choose a model with a corrugated surface so that parts slippery from soap do not fall out of your hands. With a rough layer, you can, like a soft brush, erase small dirt and soot.

Now see if the grate separates from the stove. Most difficult option when it is impossible to remove it and you will have to wash the carbon deposits on the spot. If the structure was able to be detached, look for rubber or plastic parts on it, if any, remove them. If the grate can be taken apart, the job will be much easier. Small fragments at home are conveniently placed in a bowl or dishwasher.

Cleaning of steel and enamel gratings

First, the easiest method is to load all the fragments into the dishwasher, add detergent and turn on the no-dry mode. While the parts are still wet, look for any debris left. If the first time all the soot did not go away, you can try a couple more times. Carefully scrape off the most persistent burnt influxes with the blunt edge of a knife or a metal sponge.

Do not scrape the grille with sharp objects and do not use great force when cleaning. If you scratch the surface, burnt fat will constantly stick to the damaged areas, and every wash of the gas stove will turn into torture for you.

If there is no dishwasher or the grate does not fit in it, you will have to clean the carbon deposits manually. Prepare one of the compositions, apply to the surface, and after the necessary time, rinse with a brush or washcloth. Any finished product should have the consistency of gruel.

  1. Dilute soda with water. The exposure time is half an hour.
  2. Washing powder (3 tablespoons) and ammonia (1 teaspoon) diluted hot water apply for 15 minutes.
  3. Mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and immediately rinse the grate.
  4. Take 3 tbsp. spoons of mustard powder and vinegar, add 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, dilute with hot water, wait 15 minutes.
  5. Use a special product from a household chemicals store, such as Anti-Fat. Apply according to instructions.

If the house has a steam generator, you can use it to clean the parts of the gas stove from burnt fat. Take a stiff brush head and set the temperature to 140⁰. If the technical equipment of your apartment is not very rich and there is no steam generator, put a baking sheet with water in the oven, and fix the grate above it. Add liquid from time to time so that it does not completely evaporate. Under the influence of hot steam, the contaminants will begin to flake off and fall down.

Another method can only be used on outdoors, but the children will be delighted to help you. Make a fire, install a grate so that the most polluted place is above the fire. When the dirt burns off and falls off, place the next section over the flame until you have processed the entire structure. Then simply wash the sooty surface with a sponge and water and detergent. Instead of a fire, you can use a blowtorch or other source of open fire.

Cleaning cast iron grates

You can also try washing the cast-iron grates of a gas stove in a dishwasher or using a steam generator. If in hard-to-reach places dirt remains, they can be removed with a toothbrush and detergent. There is another option: to involve your husband in the work and ask him to clean the grate using a special nozzle of an electric drill.

Before cleaning by hand, it is better to pre-hold the parts in a detergent solution. In hot water, dilute the cleaning agent with an alkaline reaction and immerse the structure in the composition. After a few hours, the burnt layers will become softer, some of them can be removed immediately. We clean the grate without using sharp objects that can scratch the surface.

The most difficult option is if the cast-iron grates cannot be removed from the stove. In this case, you will have to apply strong means household chemicals. Use the drug according to the instructions, if it does not work out the first time, repeat the treatment. Before work, lay foil or oilcloth under the grate to protect the burners from aggressive substances and falling dirt. The thickest dirt can be pre-burned with an open fire.

Whichever way you wash the grate, be sure to wipe it dry without leaving a single drop. Grease easily sticks to wet surfaces, and if left wet, the grate will soon return to its original state. In addition, the water necessarily contains salts or particles of the detergent composition, and after drying, stains will remain on the structure, which will have to be cleaned separately.

When you are done, think about how next time you will not subject yourself to such torture and clean the grates without much difficulty. It's easy to do. The first rule: when preparing food, be careful and careful. Take a frying pan with high sides so that the fat does not splash on the stove, make sure that boiling milk or soup foam does not flow out of the pan and does not form carbon deposits on the rods. Remove all dirt immediately and regularly carry out the current washing of all elements of the stove. If you constantly maintain order, cleaning the grate on the stove will not be difficult at all.

If you bought an apartment from sloppy owners and everything in it is covered with a layer of dirt, don't worry. Tidy up the walls, floor and ceiling will help redecorating, plumbing can be washed with modern cleaning products. Even cleaning the gas stove grate at home will not take you much time, and then all that remains is to maintain order in all rooms, and you will live in cleanliness and comfort.

The grate on the stove becomes dirty very quickly during the cooking process. Soot, splashes, pieces of food stick and create a disgusting and foul-smelling crust. And it needs to be cleared as soon as possible. For example, clean the grate of a gas stove ammonia or in some other way. But first you need to know how it's done.

What kind of grids are there?

To begin with, in order to learn how to clean the grate on a gas stove, it is worth finding out which grates are on the stove. It will depend on how you clean them. In total, there are three such materials for gratings:

  • steel;
  • enamel;
  • cast iron.

For each of them, you will have to choose your own cleaning method.

How to clean a grate on a gas stove: cast iron grates

This alloy is not recommended to be washed in the dishwasher: it can rust because it is afraid of water. And if you scrape it with a knife, sandpaper or a metal sponge, there is a chance to finally scratch it.

However, there is a way to clean cast iron grates on a gas stove.

  • To do this, they will have to be calcined - so all the dirt will fall off.
  • We heat the grate directly above the stove. But if there is blowtorch and a garage, it's still easier and faster.
  • It is necessary to heat until the dirt and grease fall off on their own.

Another way: attach a brush to a drill or screwdriver with metal bars and just polish it clean.

Steel gratings

To remove dirt and grease from steel, you have to find some kind of caustic detergent which will not harm this metal. It will have to be applied evenly over the entire surface of the grate, without missing a millimeter. Then leave for a while. It is best to do this in the evening, so that in the morning just rinse the grate thoroughly and start using it. During the night, the tool will corrode everything that is possible.

Enamelled gratings

Enamel is a very fragile material that can be easily damaged. Therefore, you need to treat it carefully and carefully. That is, brushes with hard metal rods, not to mention emery or a knife, cannot be used. Will remain deep, almost to the metal, scratches.