Scenario September 1 with the heroes of fairy tales. The scenario of the line at the school with fairy-tale characters

Scenario line of the first of September - Knowledge Day at school

Of interest to head teachers educational work, organizers, class teachers of the eleventh and first grades.
The scenario is of interest to the organizers, head teachers for educational work, class teachers of the graduating classes.
Target: organization of the solemn beginning of the academic year;
- to congratulate first-graders on the beginning of the first academic year, to arouse interest in the school;
- create a festive mood for all those present;

First call 2017

Presenter 1
The day is sunny and bright
Light as feathers, clouds,
Autumn distributes its gifts,
And she is a little worried.

Lead 2
The school year comes into its own,
The first leaf is spinning in the sky,
School opens doors again
And the bell is calling us at the desks.

Lead 2
The holiday must begin solemnly:
The anthem of our Motherland will sound!

national anthem is played

Presenter 1
Again September calls everyone
AT school yard laughing again
Summer rushed by like a ghost, like a dream,
Knowledge we open the season.

Lead 2
Presentation tonight
New and varied knowledge
First consultation of the season
For the fulfillment of desires.

Presenter 1
So, we start the school year,
Hurry forward to new victories,
Discoveries and achievements are waiting for us -
Of this we have no doubt!

Lead 2
And besides, today we have
Many came to school for the first time!

Presenter 1
I think we all need to support them,
Let's greet them with applause!

Graduates lead first graders to the line to the music

Lead 2
School, attention, stand still,
It's time to raise the flag of our knowledge!

To the solemn music they carry out and raise the banner of the school

Presenter 1
Who is in charge at school, of course, we know
We all involuntarily imitate him (her),

Lead 2
He is wise and kind, well educated...
You guessed it, the director has a word.

A word from the school principal

Lead 2
We accept newcomers to our family,
We wish them all great success

Presenter 1
Of course, we will give them a word now,
And in a year we will look at them ...

Word to first graders
I woke up very early
I quickly got up from the couch
Washed, dressed up,
Wow, I got there just in time!

Well, I'm not only books,
I took my monkey
To not get bored at school
Together we will answer.

I consulted with my mother
So that the school itself, itself
It was interesting
To immediately captivate.

I came here with a bouquet
I've been preparing all summer
Letters, maybe I forgot
But I honestly taught them!

Dad told me yesterday
That you have a big gym
I love physical education
And I'll set a record.

Little me, everyone keeps saying
But I'm not a bastard,
I'll tell you without fuss:
I am with the computer on "you".

Let the size not forty-five,
I'm also not in the tenth,
Wait a little,
I will outgrow anyone.

Parted with kindergarten
Bargained with dad for a long time,
If I go to school
What can I find under my pillow?

I'm worried about my grandfather
I will tell you a secret:
The school is full of trouble -
Who will he play football with?

My whole family knows:
I slept in the summer -
Found the correct approach:
Enough for the whole year.

I promise you honestly:
I will wake up myself
And do the lessons too -
I will be stricter with myself.

Lead 2
For such performance
The guys are rewarded!

Eleventh-graders in chef's hats take out a loaf for each class

Just in time for the first lesson
We baked a loaf
Caravan, caravan,
Be brave, don't yawn!

First graders take a piece of finely chopped part from the loaf in advance

Presenter 1
Everyone eats a piece of bread
To keep the sky clear
To make learning easy
To go far!

Lead 2
One bread and many "I":
You are now one family!
You do not quarrel, everyone is friends,
Share the difficulties for everyone

Presenter 1
Joy is also in half,
And listen to the words
By what we tell you now:

Good luck! And good time!

Eleventh-graders give their gifts, bring in a “wish tree”, from which each first-grader tears off a leaf with a wish

Eleventh graders

1 Fulfillment of desires
Everyone can guess

2 Even the secrets of the universe
At school you can learn

1 Someone wants to be a model

2 Someone become an astronaut

1 Who is the multiplication table
At 12 wants to know?

2 Everything is possible in our school
You just need to wish

1 Everyone is free in their desires
Become the best in studies!

Presenter 1
You have been congratulated for so long
Are you guys tired? (Not!)
Stop standing still
Dance we will dance together

Eleventh graders lead the kids in a circle and dance with them “Dance of the Little Ducklings”

Lead 2
Treasury of knowledge opens
She is richer than gold treasures,
And let no one doubt this:
We can't go through life without them!

Song to the melody Big secret for a small company

It's no secret that without knowledge you are simply a beggar,
You will not sell and you will not buy them,
Everyone needs knowledge and no less than food,
We are like kittens without them, we are blind.

Etc. Known to everyone, without knowing
There can be no recognition
As well as popularity, and success will not come,
So, be sure to learn, you are friends, consciously,
We invite everyone to the magical world of knowledge.

Physics textbook appears

Physics Textbook
Looks like there's a holiday here?
According to my theory, it happens
Get to the show in time…

A confused Volka appears with flowers that he hides behind his back.

Volka? I do not hide my surprise!

Sorry - these are flowers for you ...
Well, for this ... for beauty ...

Physics viewers
I don't understand what he wants...
Did he learn the law?

I ... I tried ... I got to the 13th page ...

You're confusing something, I'm not a picture book, they don't leaf through me, they teach me!

Volka bewildered
Hottabych appears

Oh, photon of my radiation, what has darkened your forehead? Look how cheerful faces are around, and you are sad!

Volka sighing
You would have my problems, I would have looked, how would you have fun.

Open yourself to the wise Hottab ibn Daud, O joule of my energy!

I'm not your joule. I have a re-examination in physics, but the textbook does not recognize me ... Wait, why did you suddenly start talking like that? Have you been to school again?

Do not scold me, O volt of my tension, I just looked into the textbook, and now I am eager to continue my acquaintance with it and improve my knowledge of esteemed Physics (bows towards the textbook). Maybe I can help your trouble if you open up to me.

Okay, listen.

Song to the melody "Wizard - half-educated"

She has a law pointing to physics,
This ... well, that ... Pendant,
Or maybe Newton
He invented it for us.
Or maybe it's Om
Only thing is,
I only heard about him
But somehow it didn't.

Etc. The formulas are too complicated
Truths Impossible
I tried to learn
But not strong enough! Yes Yes Yes!
I suffered with them day and night,
But I can't figure it out
If you can't help me
I don't like white light!

Oh pascal of my pressure, your problem is easily solved: you just need to make friends with the textbook, and the great genie, the teacher of the venerable Physics bows to the teacher will be pleased with you.

Volka incredulously
And that's it? But he doesn't want to be friends with me! You know, Hottabych, the process would be much faster if I had a friend who could be relied on for advice, unlike you...

It's not hard breaks a hair, Dunno appears

Hey buddy, guess what?
What is my name?


Everyone knows me because I know everything!

Listen, do you really know everything?


And physics?


And math?

No problem!

Now let's check unfolds a poster with the formula Well, solve an example!

This is me easy!

Song to the melody "Or maybe a crow"

Or maybe add?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
Maybe multiply?
Maybe remove the brackets?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Well give me some advice!

Or maybe extract the root?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
And raise everything to a power?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Or maybe an integral?
And get an answer?

Hottabych, whom did you slip me? I can do it myself!

Forgive the old genie, O derivative of my function!

tears a hair, Harry Potter appears

And who is this?

Harry Potter
I am Harry Potter, mage and wizard bows

Another! I have enough of Hottabych! Tell me that you can do anything!

Harry Potter
Certainly can.

And who taught you?

Harry Potter

I wish I had such friends! Could you introduce me to them?

Harry Potter
You are welcome! conjures, textbooks and a ballerina appear

These are friends?

Harry Potter
The best! They keep treasures of knowledge and willingly share with everyone who wants to be friends with them.

textbooks are presented


I am the keeper of knowledge of literature,
Treasury of world culture,
I can bring up spirituality in you,
Help become wiser and nobler!

We will teach you the secrets of the universe,
Let us give knowledge of the basic laws,


To be able to describe everything with a formula,
Penetrated into the essence of Mother Earth!

I will reveal secrets to you,
Believe me, it's very interesting
And I will even teach you miracles -
Everything that I can do myself!

English language
Do you speak English? Know? We will teach!
Moreover, we won’t torture you by cramming at all,

Their spreche deutsch, and you will speak,
Stronger only with us you are friends!

Presenter 1 refers to the ballerina
And you?

And I'm called choreography
And I'm not afraid of hypodynamia
Movement - life, health, mood -
I will teach you dance with inspiration!

The choreography shows simple movements, first graders and eleventh graders repeat them to the music, all the characters dance with them

Harry Potter
Well, Volka, do you like such friends?

Still would!

Harry Potter
What about you guys?

Let's be friends!

sing textbooks, Volka, Harry Potter

Song to a melody from the Bremen Town Musicians "Our carpet is a flower meadow"

In our life, knowledge is the basis,
We can convince anyone!
It is simply impossible to live without knowledge,
It is not difficult for you to get them from us!
It is not difficult for you to get them from us.

We wanted to convince you together,
What a diligent study you need!
And then you are not afraid of obstacles,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,

Presenter 1
The school year starts
How much new knowledge he brings!

Lead 2
So you guys try
And do it with great enthusiasm!

Presenter 1
Well, you all deserve it
Let the true school bell ring

Lead 2
The elders just didn’t finish everything,
And the kids are waiting for the first lesson!

The last call is given: a first grader, who is led by the hand by an eleventh grader, and a first grader with an eleventh grader. They come out from one point and go around the ruler along the perimeter in opposite directions. At the end of the circle against the backdrop of a school song they are followed by first-graders with eleventh-graders, then all other classes

It is possible to continue the first lesson for first-graders in the assembly hall with these fairy-tale characters

Ruler by September 1: we will consider an interesting scenario in this material. This is a solemn version of the Day of Knowledge at school, in which poems and congratulations take up a minimum of space, and basically everything harmoniously fits into the usual format of the holiday.

It will be necessary to choose four leaders from among the students - it is best if there are two guys and two girls. They begin the line by entering the stage to the solemn music.

First presenter: Today we have gathered here all together to honorably open the new academic year.

Leading second: Hooray, it has finally come, which means that the school is calling all the students again to comprehend new heights.

Leading third: The school welcomed us today and again, as every year on this first day of autumn, invited us to the world of knowledge.

Fourth presenter: To officially open the solemn line, we invite the director of our school No. 0 Surname First name Patronymic.

(you will need to put on a soundtrack of solemn music, to which the director will come out and say the words of greeting, after which the line can be considered open). Further, according to the standard and interesting scenario of the line, by September 1 (see video), a choir of school students comes out, who sing a song about September 1. For example, for performance, you can rehearse the song "There will be a first call."

First presenter: It is impossible not to pay special attention to the children who came to us for the first time at this solemn line.

Host two: Guys, you are very lucky, because you have to study in best school cities with the best teachers.

Leading third: First-graders of the academic year 2016-2017, welcome to our school.

Fourth presenter: Let's greet our first-graders with thunderous applause. These are the most promising and fashionable, budding little students. It is for you that this day will be remembered as a transition to a new, adult school life. We wish your first teacher to become a friend and guide along the path of new knowledge.

Further, while the first classes are coming out, the song “Teach at school” sounds. To this song, first-graders go to the line in pairs, accompanied by their first teachers. The facilitators separately represent each first class and the class teacher. First-graders pass the lap of honor.

First presenter: Dear first graders, we all, like you today, were once very worried and worried on our first Day of Knowledge. We were afraid to learn new things, not to sit long in the lesson. But, of course, with great enthusiasm then they rushed into the world of school science and school life. Future graduates of this year want to say parting words to you and convey their best wishes.

Next line for September 1: the scenario is interesting in primary school continues with the fact that the elders of the 11th grade come out to the solemn music and congratulate the children in their own words or prepared verses. Here loud and disturbing music sounds and on the line appears ... Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: What, kids, adults and teachers, didn’t expect me to appear at your holiday? You wanted to study, but they didn’t invite me? Maybe I can teach you something. Now you can’t live in the forest without a letter, everyone has gone into business and is trying to circle the granny around their fingers.

Presenters: Baba Yaga, next time, of course, we will definitely invite you to our lineup. But tonight, perhaps you'd better not interfere with our celebration. The guys came to the school to become real first-graders, and you tear off the solemn ruler for us.

Baba Yaga: Just look, I'm bothering you, tearing off the ruler! Maybe the kids don't want to study at all? Ah, my sweet first graders? Come on, I'll put you on the stove and feed you delicious cakes! Okay, I won’t be mean, I understand that today is the Day of Knowledge and will be a good grandmother in honor of this holiday, but I’ll only do nasty things. Oh, that is, I will give you gifts.

First, I want to check whether these guys, kids yesterday, are ready to become real first graders. To do this, I have prepared three tasks.

Moderator: Only three tasks? Our first-graders are the best and smartest, they will definitely cope with everything.

Baba Yaga: Well, we will check if it is so. In the forest they say that in order to get only high grades at school, you need to be very attentive in the lessons. I know interesting game for attentiveness. If the question is about you, then answer loudly “I”, and if not about you, then be silent.

Game and questions of Baba Yaga:
1. Who loves chocolate?
2. Who loves marmalade?
3. Who loves toys?
4. Who doesn't wash their ears?
5. Who reads books?
6. Who loves donuts?
7. Who doesn't like to wash their face?
8. Who doesn't like to smile?
9. Who is eager to learn?
10. Who wants to work?
11. Who loves to fight?
12. And who likes to laugh?

Baba Yaga: Indeed, the first graders this year are very attentive, they did an excellent job with my questions. Now it's time to move on to another task, it will be a riddle about an elephant.

Host: So what kind of riddle is this if you immediately said that it was about an elephant? After all, the peculiarity of the riddle is that you need to find the answer to it. What topic is dedicated to?

Baba Yaga: Okay, and I have such a riddle:
1. This is a bright house, there are a lot of guys in it, they write and read there, and this house is called ... (answer: school).
2. On my pages there are all the letters in order, from A to Z (answer: primer).
3. Each student must keep ... (answer: diary).

Baba Yaga: I see, you know everything. But do your first graders know how to behave at school?

Leading: Guys, we really have our own rules of conduct at school, which must be followed. Now let's play a task game and see how to behave in the lesson. Commands must be executed flawlessly, and our kind and educated Baba Yaga will help with this.

When the teacher asks, you need to get up. Sit down only when the teacher allows. If you want to answer a question, you do not need to make noise, you just need to raise your hand.

Baba Yaga: my great-grandmother also said that all students know the magic words. Did your first graders remember these words? I propose the last third test, which will show the true level of politeness of this year's first graders.

As the game progresses, children must perform those commands that contain magic words:
1. Please clap.
2. Raise your hands.
3. Please clap.
4. Please stomp.
5. Lean forward.
6. Sit quietly.
7. Sit quietly, please.

Baba Yaga: Your children are so smart that I don’t understand why they need to go to school. Better, I'll take everyone to my forest at once.

Hosts: Grandma, it's not fair. You promised that if we completed your three tasks, then you would no longer interfere with the ruler. Now I'll call the director to deal with you.

Baba Yaga: That's it, I understand, you don't need to call the director. Let me wish the children to study well, and teachers to teach well! Bye everyone! Read about


2014-2015 academic year year.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

3. Vasilisa Everyone who has knowledgeKnow in order to avoid troubles -Knowledge can turnTo the detriment of humanity.

1. Vasilisa Knowledge does wondersBe careful, don't rush.Good knowledge buildsOnly a kind soul.

2. Vasilisa: Guys, knowledge is work, wealth and power. Each of us can own it. But we must remember that knowledge is also a huge responsibility. 3. Vasilisa: What a huge responsibility in the hands of scientists, doctors, teachers, politicians. Soon the elections of deputies will be held in the republic in ... State. Duma. Your parents, older brothers and sisters will take part in these elections. And how important it is to right choice. We hope that the deputies, for whom our loved ones will vote, having vast knowledge and opportunities, will make our life even brighter and happier. To never have a war.1. Vasilisa: The floor is given to (Candidate) _______________________2. Vasilisa: The floor is given to the director of the gymnasium Kurakina Tatyana Sergeevna.The principal announces the start of the new school year and rings the bell herself on the secondary lines.On the main line, the call is given by: Dmitrievs: Semyon and Lyuba.

The academic year 2017-2018 in Russian schools and kindergartens will begin with a line. Educators will organize an interesting children's holiday for preschoolers, and teachers will prepare presentations for the Day of Knowledge for first-graders. As a rule, on September 1, the script for the First Bell is written not only by teachers, but also by senior class members. They may offer to spend the school day in an unusual way - for example, organize an excursion to the library. Choosing a celebration scenario on Knowledge Day, students and teachers vote. Their final decision always depends on the number of people supporting the idea. children's holiday.

Scenario of the Day of Knowledge 2017-2018 academic year - Ruler for September 1

Examples of line scenarios for September 1 - Knowledge Day in the 2017-2018 academic year

When compiling the script for September 1, the parent committee and teachers will select fun music to open Knowledge Day. The most popular songs that sound on the first September day are “What they teach at school”, “Hello, school”, “My first teacher”. All classes are built in the school yard or in the hall on a ruler. First, the headmaster and head teachers of the school take the floor. Afterwards, the parents and the class teacher speak. The most active, caring students who take part in the holiday read poems about teachers and subjects. Sometimes the solemn line goes according to a different scenario - it is opened by the presenters, each time representing a person congratulating boys, girls and teachers on the beginning of the school year.

Ruler on September 1 in grade 11 - An interesting scenario for the Day of Knowledge

The anthem of Russia opens the solemn line on September 1. The students watch the flag of our country being raised. After that, the headmaster introduces the first graders to their first teachers. An eleventh grader leads a girl from grade 1 by the handle, ringing a bell - this is how the first bell is given. Usually, according to this scenario, Knowledge Days are held in most schools. However, today some educational institutions abandon the ordinary and offer an original, incredibly interesting program, accepted by the guys with a bang. For example, first graders and their parents are invited to take their first vow. In the 11th grade, future graduates can show skits depicting the upcoming USE.

Repeat guys after us (Two 11th graders read)

WE, secondary school students (taking turns saying their names and surnames) in the face of our comrades, parents and teachers, solemnly swear:

  • Never go to school... with lessons unlearned! (We swear)
  • Never wear a change of shoes ... in the same bag with sandwiches.
  • Never solve problems by ... copying from a neighbor.
  • Never open textbooks... with dirty hands.
  • Never finish a quarter ... with bad grades.
  • Never invite parents to meetings... 5 minutes before they start.
  • Never show the diary to your parents... on holidays and birthdays! (We swear)

Oath of the Class Teacher:

I swear and promise

  • Children to teach everything!
  • Be an example in everything!
  • Serve the school right!
  • Love your work! (I swear)

Parents are invited to take the oath.

As parents of students, we solemnly promise:

Parents' vow:

  • We will always help children in their studies! (YES)
  • To make the school proud of the children!
  • We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks!
  • Formulas to remember are nonsense for us!
  • We swear never to scold children!
  • Just a little scold sometimes!
  • Let's be calm, like water in a river!
  • We will be wise, like a star in the sky!
  • Let's get up in the morning in the cold!
  • To be in time here and there!
  • When the school is over, we will take a walk with the children then! (YES)

11th grade students give gifts to 1st grade students.

Examples of interesting scenarios for Knowledge Day in grade 11 - Line on September 1 at school

For children in grade 11, the lineup for September 1 is a touching event. Future graduates realize that this First school bell sounds for them for the last time. Very soon they will say goodbye to the teachers, who have become real friends for the students. Many older boys and girls will never meet their classmates again - they will choose universities away from home and later work and live in other cities and countries. All this will be ... but only after four quarters of the school path. Now, following the script written for them by the most creative high school students, the students show interesting scenes from school life to the guests gathered on Knowledge Day, read poems composed by themselves, sing incendiary songs remade into new way, and simply rejoice at the meeting with their native school.

11th grade performance

Graduates greet newcomers and give them parting words in poetic form:

1st graduate:

Good to see you guys

At our school for the first time,

Coming soon your leader

Your native will show you the class.

2nd graduate:

School will help you grow up

And open the way to knowledge

It is only worth it very boldly

You quickly step into it.

3rd graduate:

First class is the start for you,

We're at the end of the road

All we got here

We want you to get.

4th graduate:

So that parting words remain

With you until the end

We sent gifts

You have a cheerful messenger.

Having passed the difficult school path,

You have matured imperceptibly

Found friends and the key to life,

They have mellowed over the years.

Now you have to push

And pass the exams in the spring,

To keep the certificate

You are proud of yourself.

Scenario of an unusual holiday for September 1 - Knowledge Day in kindergarten

Before the start of the school year, kindergarten teachers with parents of preschoolers prepare a script for an unusual children's holiday. Since future first-graders cannot sit still for a long time, and even more so, stand still, active, outdoor games and fun activities are often chosen for Knowledge Day in the preschool educational institution. Talking about the history of the celebration on September 1, the teacher can offer the boys and girls a “train trip” to various stations. “Arriving” at the next station, preschool children perform certain tasks - they answer quiz questions, guess riddles, sing songs together, recite poems.

Examples of unusual holiday scenarios on September 1 - Kindergarten celebrates Knowledge Day

Educators who want to really interest the children in the kindergarten with a story about the Day of Knowledge should invite preschoolers to join in an unusual game. The Funny Train scenario involves traveling through several "stations". For example, at the Skazochnaya station, future first-graders meet Russian heroes folk tales lost in the forest. They will be helped by the correct answers given by preschoolers. "Baba Yaga" can ask the boys and girls to help her count the mushrooms prepared for the magic potion. "Kolobok" may ask you to remind him of the words of a famous children's song. Arriving at the station "Igrovaya" on September 1, the pupils of the preschool educational institution, playing, have a little rest from the previous difficult tasks. The cheerful children's holiday is completed by a "sweet table", laid by the parents of the kids.

September 1 - Knowledge Day Scenario and First Call for First Graders

Since first-graders on September 1 are just beginning their acquaintance with the world called “school”, on Knowledge Day their first teacher must choose a holiday scenario suitable for their age. Children 6-7 years old will quickly understand what they have to do in academic year if the teacher prepares a presentation about the school for them. After the ruler and the First Bell, the teacher must invite all first-graders to the class and seat them at their desks. In some schools, teachers like to show slides - photos from the school life of other classes. In other educational institutions, parents edit videos about future lessons and show them this short film on the first day of autumn.

Examples of Knowledge Day scenarios on September 1 - First call for first graders

After the solemn school ruler and the First Bell on September 1, the teacher must lead the first graders to their class. Traditionally, the scenario of the Day of Knowledge involves starting the school year with a Peace lesson. Despite the seeming routine of such a plan, today such events are more important than ever. The threat of war has again increased on earth, and the teacher is able to explain to the children of 6-7 years old how important it is to remain attentive and kind to each other. A person who perceives another as an equal will never come into conflict with him. Parents of students can help prepare a presentation for the lesson to the teacher.

September 1 - Script in the library

When choosing a scenario for September 1, some schools offer to hold Knowledge Day events in the city or school library. Despite the saturation of the first school day, the children will be happy to meet after school with the guests of the holiday - modern writers and poets who write about the life of the city and its most restless inhabitants - students and pupils of kindergartens. Together with children, they can take part in unusual quizzes dedicated to the history of the region. Libraries often organize themed book exhibitions to celebrate the start of a new academic year. Schoolchildren get acquainted with novelties of fiction and educational literature.

An approximate scenario for the holiday on September 1 in the library

Today, many teachers with great approval refer to the scenario of holding a holiday on September 1 in the library. Encouraging the children's curiosity, they invite them to quizzes and poetry contests held by local writers and poets. Writers can read excerpts from their new works to schoolchildren and even give each student who came to the holiday a new book. The winners of the competitions are waiting for "smart" gifts - collections of poems, songs, stories about the school. In the library, you can also conduct a "video tour" - a presentation of slides dedicated to the historical places of the city.

Traditionally, by September 1, the script for holding an interesting holiday at school for grades 1-11 is prepared by teachers. On Knowledge Day, the script for celebrations in kindergarten written by educators and heads of preschool educational institutions. In the new 2017-2018 academic year, solemn assembly lines, a Peace lesson for first-graders and unusual events, for example, excursions to the city library, will be held in all educational institutions of Russia.

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Photo gallery: Scenarios for Knowledge Day 2017: ideas for a school line and events in kindergarten and library

The tradition of starting a new school year on the first day of autumn goes back to the 15th century! Then in Russia at this time they celebrated the New Year. Later, in 1699, Great Peter moved New Year for the winter, January. However, this did not affect the change in the date of the first school day - it was decided to "keep up with Europe." Today, every September 1, a script about this story, interesting presentations to the Day of Knowledge, humorous scenes teachers and parents prepare both for first-graders and for those who complete their studies - children of grade 11. Do not lag behind in the manifestation of their creativity preschool educators, arranging fun quizzes and unusual competitions in kindergarten. On this day, which opens the 2017-2018 academic year, libraries host book exhibitions and meetings with writers.

Knowledge Day in the 2017-2018 academic year - Line script on September 1

In the 2017-2018 academic year, there will be lineups in all on September 1. For 1st graders, their first bell will ring, and 11th graders will start making serious plans for further education or starting a job. In all educational institutions, Knowledge Day is built according to unique scenarios. They are written by teachers, school activists and the most caring parents. Traditionally, the line at the school is opened by the director of the school. He congratulates the students on the beginning of a new stage in their lives. For fifth-graders, September 1 becomes the most important of the days - they get acquainted with subjects, inspect classrooms - mathematics, Russian language and literature classrooms, foreign language, geography, etc. First-graders are collected by their first teacher on the line. Ringing after all the solemn congratulations, the first bell invites students to the traditional Peace lesson.

Scenario of Knowledge Day - Ruler September 1, 2017-2018 academic year

If earlier the scripts for the Day of Knowledge were written by the teachers themselves, today everyone has the opportunity to find a plan for holding the line on September 1 on the Internet. As a rule, this is a selection of poems and congratulations, "painted" by role. In the 2017-2018 academic year, an amazing holiday of meeting teachers for first graders will be prepared in advance by high school students and their first teacher. In addition to songs and wishes, children will be invited to take part in a quiz, learn about the traditions of the school, listen to graduates of past years. After the solemn line, all students will go to their classes for a Peace lesson. Usually the first day at school lasts no more than two to three hours. At the end of classes, schoolchildren rush to tell their classmates about their amazing summer adventures.

An interesting line scenario in grade 11 - Knowledge Day on September 1

On September 1, 11th grade students are waiting like no one else for their last first line. From this moment begins the countdown of the days remaining until last call, graduation, exams, admission to universities or the beginning of a working career. On the line, the director of the school always wishes future graduates not to give in, having fallen into a difficult, unforeseen situation, always look for a way out of embarrassment, intensively study all year, in order to easily and effortlessly finish school. The scenario of Knowledge Day on September 1 includes interesting quests for high school students, a trip to the cinema, a museum or even a theater, concert performances by parents and other unusual events.

Grade 11... Today, like a year ago, you will enter your class.

You have a lot of things to finish and start.

We wish you to go forward, conquer the peaks.

Which means you can't waste your time.

Let every day you live only bring benefits

After all, everything that you do during this difficult year

You will be faithfully served for many years to come!

We wish you to be worthy, because you are graduates

And so that we can be proud of each of you.

And here again, September is calling for school desks -

Do not expect random points and victories,

And remember: school was just the start

Further thorny path.

Student Oath 11 B

I, a student of the legendary 11 B class, join the ranks of graduates

I solemnly promise:

  • Arrive at school before the teacher has completed the homework survey.
  • Do not receive unsatisfactory marks, for this will affect the prestige of 11 B.
  • Protect the passing banner of class 11 B, so that there is something to pass on to our followers.
  • To love, respect and take care of your precious class teacher in order to avoid damage to her nervous system and mental health.
  • Maintain and maintain friendly relations in the classroom, because only in this way can you become a real 11 B!
  • It is decent to behave in the school cafeteria, for we are an example for the younger and unreasonable generation.
  • Do not offend subject teachers, because all this will be rewarded to us in the exams.
  • To avoid by any means writing memos to the director on us in order to avoid pleasant meetings in his office.
  • Do not offend and protect good students and those who are at least something in something understands, it is necessary to write off homework from someone.
  • Show parents the location of room 35 in our school so that they can find their way to parent-teacher meetings. Otherwise, lead by the handle.
  • During school hours, stay in the school building, and not in other places in the village.
  • To go to school in uniform, so as not to introduce the opposite sex into a trance, and the teaching staff into shock.
  • Forget what it looks like during class mobile phone.
  • Keep your favorite class clean and tidy, to avoid getting insects into it, and in us the reaction of the class teacher.
  • Take care of classy property, so that our followers have something to sit on and behind.
  • Take care of the plants in the classroom so that they do not become stunted and miserable.
  • Pass the final exams in the form of the Unified State Examination without disgracing the high title of a 2011 graduate!
  • Maintain a healthy mind and healthy body in order to graduation party look at all 100 percent, and not at all 100 years!!!

Knowledge Day in Grade 11 - An interesting line scenario on September 1

The more interesting the Day of Knowledge will be in the 11th grade, the more activity future graduates will show during the school year. A cheerful, positive attitude on September 1 will become the best motivation students who are going to enter higher educational institutions soon. Today, the first lines no longer pass with solemn monotony - official congratulations are a thing of the past. Cheerful surprises for the children who are preparing to say goodbye to school soon are prepared by first-graders, middle classes, and even subject teachers. Quests, flash mobs, funny scenes- all this will please both eleventh graders and other girls and boys who have gathered for this holiday on the first day of autumn.

The scenario of the holiday on September 1 in kindergarten - Unusual Day of Knowledge in the preschool educational institution

An interesting, unusually written script for September 1 in kindergarten will help preschool children understand the importance of getting an education, deep knowledge, so necessary in life. Kindergarten teachers and parents of kids will show them unusual fairy tales. High school students will visit the children. At the end of the celebration, future first-graders are waiting for a "sweet" table, organized by their parents.

An unusual scenario for the Day of Knowledge in kindergarten - Holiday on September 1 at the preschool educational institution

Amazing, unusual scenarios for the Day of Knowledge will help educators spend September 1st. The themes of the holiday in the preschool educational institution - "Katya goes to school", "Help Pinocchio answer questions", "Mysteries of Vasilisa the Wise" - will not leave any kid indifferent. Everyone will want to correctly answer quiz questions, solve charades, and receive a prize from the hands of a “fairytale hero”. The hosts of the holiday will be the characters of children's stories and novels - Carlson, Dunno, Alice from Wonderland, etc. They will sing fervent songs, invite the kids to finish the phrases they have begun, and entertain the children with an incendiary dance.

September 1 - Scenario of the Day of Knowledge and presentation for first graders

On Knowledge Day, first-graders get acquainted with the school, classmates, and the first teacher. According to the traditional scenario, September 1 for them, as well as for other schoolchildren, begins with a line. After the solemn part with congratulations and wishes from teachers, parents and guests, the teachers separate the newly-made students into classes. Peace lesson begins. Of course, for forty-five minutes it is difficult for recent preschool children to explain the rules of behavior at school, to introduce them to the schedule, the training plan. Children aged 6 - 7 years better perceive the information seen in the pictures, photographs. That is why the first school lesson can be started with a presentation - a video and photo story about the world, Russia, the importance of gaining knowledge. Later, the child will remember the images seen during the story. He will easily remember the information received in the lesson.

Sample scenario for September 1 for first graders - Presentation for the Day of Knowledge

On Knowledge Day for first graders, the teacher himself can choose the scenario of the holiday. Some of the teachers will not want to deviate from the traditions on September 1 - they will hold a Peace lesson, tell the children about the importance of friendship with classmates. Other teachers will prepare presentations at home - a story about the history of the school, its best graduates, and the traditions that have developed in the educational institution. Children who sit down at a desk for the first time need to “join” the school team as soon as possible, get used to the new schedule, understand the need to follow the rules and fulfill the requirements of teachers. The first lesson for former preschoolers can be started and ended with a song.

September 1 - Scenario of a children's holiday in the library

On September 1, book exhibitions and meetings with authors of stories and poems are held in many Russian libraries. The smallest readers who come to such a children's holiday are always presented with bookmarks, books, and stationery. Sometimes the scenario of the celebration includes meetings with prominent people city ​​or town - graduates of the school in which today's schoolchildren study. For high school students, librarians prepare “surprises” more difficult - for example, they hold quizzes, asking teenagers questions about the heroes of famous literary works. Prizes are awarded to the winners - from a ticket to a cinema or theater to a collection of classics.

An approximate scenario for a children's holiday on September 1 in the library

The knowledge gained at school is drawn from books written by scientists, art critics, writers and poets. These books are carefully kept in libraries. Today, every Russian schoolchild who has received a library card has the right to take these literary and scientific works home for a few days, to expand their horizons. Even more surprising for them is the opportunity to meet with the authors of the works they read. According to a pre-planned scenario, these meetings are held in school and city libraries. Often the "highlight of the program" at such events is the presentation of books with autographs to the winners of quizzes and excellent students.

A correctly chosen scenario for the Day of Knowledge on September 1 will give schoolchildren a wonderful start in the new 2017-2018 academic year. Interesting holiday and an unusual line will be remembered for a long time by both first-graders and schoolchildren of their 11th grade. The most interested children who are not indifferent to books on the first day of classes will be invited to visit the Day open doors city ​​libraries.