The largest cactus in the world. Giant saguaro cacti in the Sonoran desert The world's most expensive "thorny flower"

Our planet is rich in a wide variety of plants. Each geographic area has its own characteristics that are unique to this territory. Perhaps one of the most interesting in the world are the expanses of Mexico, as well as the US states of California and Arizona. This is where the family lives world's largest cacti- Giant cereus (Cereus giganteus) led by its largest representative.

1 The name of this giant is the California giant.

It is the symbol of the state of Arizona and has the shape of a huge candelabra and is considered the most big cactus in the world.


When the cactus reaches the age of 70, its first side branches are just beginning to appear.

3 Cereus giant - the slowest growing plant

For the first ten years of life, it grows by only 2 cm.

4 Active growth begins after 30 years of age.

The mark of 30 years is only a quarter of the life of the giant cereus, after reaching this age, the active growth of the cactus begins.


He reaches this mark quite easily, but in subsequent years, quite a lot of dangers appear in their lives.


With its growth, the cactus has a huge weight - which can range from 6-10 tons.


If you take this cactus and put it through a press, you can squeeze out about two tons of liquid. Thanks to this ability, the cactus easily tolerates high temperatures.

8 Home for the homeless

Despite the not very busy life in the Mexican desert, nevertheless, the cactus is home to many animals - owls, woodpeckers, snakes, mice, etc.

9 Hungry abyss will not give

Cereus giant is a fruitful plant. It grows fleshy bright berries, which are a valuable food product. It is worth noting that local residents make an alcoholic drink from cactus juice, the taste of which is vaguely reminiscent of moonshine.

10 It even blooms!

The first flowers on a cactus appear only after 50 years of his life.

Video: Most big cactus
Huge cacti in Mexico

Perhaps the most interesting and eye-catching among other plants is the cactus. Every year, cacti attract more and more people, primarily due to their unusual appearance and great variety. Now the whole world is full of cactus artists who collect entire collections at home. From exotic - cacti have long turned into home and houseplants. In the beginning, they appeared in botanical gardens, and since the 50s, they began to move to our window sills and tables.

In this article you can get acquainted not only with the varieties of cacti , but also with their names and photographs. Of course, it is impossible to tell about all of them, since today there are over 3,000 species, so we will tell you about the most interesting of them.

It is also worth noting that cacti are not only plants, but also food. Since ancient times, they have been used in various religious ceremonies, and today, the fruits and stems of cacti can be found in the Mexican market. Also, the plant was used for medical purposes, dyes were made from it, and even used as a building material. And, of course, the well-known tequila is produced from agave juice (a type of cactus).

Popular representatives of home cacti

As mentioned above, today there are a huge number of varieties of cacti. Here are just a few of them:

  • flat
  • Round
  • without thorns
  • blooming
  • Stretched, etc.

You can list for a long time, but the main thing is that, for example, among the same flat cacti, there will be more than a dozen types to choose from, depending on the store. Therefore, in order not to write about everyone in a row, we have chosen the 15 most interesting and popular types of cacti, of course, with names and photos. Perhaps some of them are already known to you and are growing in your house in a pot, but, nevertheless, everyone will find something new for themselves. Let's start!

queen of the night Selenicereus grandiflorus)

It is notable primarily for its beautiful and large flower, with a very strong and pleasant aroma. Large, the flower is not called in vain, because in the open state, its diameter can reach 30 cm.
to admire and enjoy this extraordinary beauty, you can only at night, when the flower blooms. But remember that if you miss this moment, then the next time you have to wait a year, because the cactus blooms for only one night. However, this does not scare the cacti-lovers to have this copy at home. By the way, if your city has a greenhouse with the Queen of the Night, then you can find out when it will bloom and come to admire this beauty.

Cactus queen of the night


The most popular and common type of cactus that is grown at home. This species has several varieties, and the cactus itself does not need special care. The most important thing is a well-lit place and not too frequent watering, and you also need to make sure that pests do not appear. If you properly maintain the plant, then in the summer, the cactus will bloom and give you its beautiful flowers. Read more about the care and common types of Mammillaria

prickly pear ( Opuntia)

This family of cacti can be safely called the largest, since it has over 200 various kinds. The cacti themselves have flat appearance and a large number of spines. They grow in different ways - either spread on the ground, or reach up. Now, representatives of this species grow almost all over the world - from Canada to the Crimea. By the way, if in your region, the temperature in winter does not drop below 10 degrees, then you can find frost-resistant varieties and plant them, for example, in your garden. It is worth noting that in addition to beautiful flowers, the cactus can be eaten, but this is at your discretion. Read more about popular Opuntia species and care

prickly pear cactus

Euphorbia ( Euphorbia)

The flower was nicknamed so because of the milky viscous liquid that is released when the leaves or stems are broken. In no case, do not try to taste this liquid, because it is poisonous. Since ancient times, arrows have been impregnated with milkweed, and in Africa it is still used when fishing. The stems of the cactus are triangular in shape, and in addition to a large number of thorns, it grows tall. The content of the cactus is no different from other species, the only thing, because of its poisonous traits it is better to keep it away from children. Read more about popular types of milkweed and care

cactus spurge

Gruzoni ( Echinocactus grusoniii)

Initially, the appearance resembles a ball, but as they grow, more mature plants take on a shape more like a barrel. Also, Gruzoni cacti are able to reach impressive sizes - up to 1 meter, both in length and in width. Throughout the plant, yellow spines are very abundant, which form a “cap” at the top. Because of this, people nicknamed the cactus "Golden Ball". Like many other cacti, Gruzoni blooms, but the first flowers can only be seen in those specimens that are over 20 years old.

Gruzoni cactus


No less frequent guest on the windowsills. AT early age, it looks like a small ball, but as it “growing up”, the plant stretches and, depending on the variety, can grow up to 2.5 meters. Echinopsis bloom usually begins in early summer. The older the plant, the more flowers it produces. The flowers themselves look like a bell and live up to 3 days. Cacti of this species are easy to care for, therefore, very often beginner gardeners choose them. Read more about popular types and care

Echinopsis cactus

Schlumberger ( Shhlumbergera) or zygocactus( Zygocactus) - Decembrist

This species has many names. It originally came from the forests of Brazil and was called Schlumbergera or Zygocactus there. But perhaps the most famous for him was the name Decembrist. This species is also quite popular around the world, primarily due to its beautiful flowers, which begin to bloom with the first month of winter - hence the name. The Decembrist cactus has an unusual shape, it is more sprawling and can grow up to 1.5 meters wide. It is worth noting that, unlike other representatives, the cactus does not have thorns and loves frequent watering, but the sun does not tolerate very well. Read more about popular types and care



In their natural habitat, representatives of this genus are able to grow to fantastic sizes - 10 meters or more! In addition to its impressive size, the cactus Cereus (Cereus - wax candle), is also a long-liver, among brothers. At home, the most common is the Peruvian variety, which grows 50-60 cm in height, but there have been cases when the plant reached the mark of 1 meter. During the flowering period, it throws out large white flowers, but, unfortunately, they begin to fade the very next day. The flowering itself, most often begins at the end of spring or early summer, although it is also possible in autumn, which happens much less often. Care for Cereus is the same as for other types of cacti. Read more about popular types and care

Cereus cactus


This species differs from other cacti in that it is leaf-shaped. It is often called a cactus with leaves, probably because of the name Epiphyllum, because from Latin it is translated as: eri - from above, phyllum - leaf. In most cases, the plant is planted in hanging pot so that he hangs his leaves down. Especially beautiful, the Epiphyllum cactus looks during the flowering period, and the flowers themselves, depending on the variety, can be different color and reach 35 cm in length. As for the size of the cactus itself, it usually grows up to one meter in height. It should not be watered too often, but from direct sun rays, it is worth protecting, although the plant loves light. Read more about popular types and care

Cactus Epiphyllum

Gymnocalycium ( Gymnocalycium)

The cactus is shaped like a ball, which is why it is often called a round cactus. However, picking up this “ball” will not work, because it is very tightly protected by large thorns. However, it is not uncommon to find it in apartments or greenhouses. Plants grow up to 25-30 cm, and begin to bloom in the 3rd year. The flowers themselves can be of different colors, and last up to 7 days, after which they begin to crumble. The cactus is not particularly demanding for care, so it will not cause problems. Read more about popular types and care

Cactus Gymnocalycium

Aporocactus Martius ( Aporocactus martianus)

This type, attracts primarily with its unusualness. Due to the fact that many round prickly stalks grow from the pot, this cactus was popularly called the “rat tail” or “snake cactus”, as you like. Aporocactus Martius grows up to 1 meter in length. The flowering period is spring, and all 3 months. The flowers are medium, there are even large, dark pink. With age, the plant is transplanted into a hanging pot, from where it spreads its "tentacles". Read more about popular types and care for them.

Aporocactus Martius

Rebutia ( Rebutia)

Adult plants of this species, in diameter, do not exceed 10 cm, and the smallest variety of cactus has 5 cm at all. But, despite its not too big sizes, this “baby” blooms very beautifully, and the flowers themselves are very large. They can be any color, it all depends on the variety. If we talk about the flowering period, then this is the beginning-middle of spring, but there have been cases of repeated flowering in the fall. The Rebutia cactus has long settled on the windowsills of the inhabitants of our country, although Argentina is considered its homeland.

Lophophora ( Lophophora) - Peyote

Also known to some under the name Peyote, it is notable not for its appearance and not even for flowers, but for juice. It's all about him chemical composition. Since ancient times, the juice of this cactus was taken in small quantities as a medicine, but over time, people realized that if you increase the dosage, you can catch a "high". It is for these reasons that in many countries this species is banned. The cactus itself is ball-shaped and grows up to a maximum of 20 cm in diameter. Instead of the usual thorns, the cactus has fluffy tufts of hair, and in the summer it will give you beautiful flowers, from white to almost red.

Lophophora cactus

Mix colored cacti

If you do not know which cactus to choose, you can purchase a mix set. More and more often today in flower shops there are just such sets. They consist of several types of cacti, so before buying, ask which ones, so it will be easier for you to find information about them. Mix sets of colored cacti will be a great start for beginner cactus growers and may well complement an existing collection. Most importantly, observe the conditions of detention for each species, and then, during the flowering period, they will give you a chic bouquet.

It is worth talking a little about others, no less interesting views:

colorful cacti

Among the long cacti, several types can also be distinguished. The first is Carnegia giant. This cactus grows up to 15 meters, but on quick result do not hope. Usually, to grow up to 2-3 meters, the plant needs more than 30 years! Another species is Cereus. These cacti can grow even more - up to 20 meters.

Home blooming cacti photo

  • Wilcoxia

Quite often, this cactus can be seen in flower shops. At proper care, it will delight you with small colorful flowers every year in the spring.

Wilcoxia bloom
  • Rebutia

Another frequent guest, both on the shelves and in houses and apartments. Blooms from March to April. The flowers themselves are large, sometimes exceeding the size of the plant itself.

Rebutia bloom

We wrote about this cactus above, so we just recall that it blooms in summer, and the flowers that appear around the top of the cactus resemble a wreath. Read more about the care and common types of Mammillaria

Mammillaria bloom
  • frailei

Outwardly, this cactus is no different from others, but it is valued primarily for its large yellow flowers, which, although not very many, but they are very beautiful.

frailene bloom

It is one of the most common and popular flowering species. For beginners, usually a cactus throws out no more than 1 flower, while for experienced gardener, this number can approach 10! Read more about popular home types and care

Echinopsis bloom
  • Prickly pear

You can read about Opuntia above. One has only to recall that it blooms in the spring, it can be planted in open ground, and during the flowering period, the cactus will delight you with red or yellow flowers. Read more about popular types and care

prickly pear bloom

Classification of cacti by group characteristics

All representatives can be divided into three groups:

  • Pereskievye;
  • prickly pear;
  • Cereus.

These species differ in structure. So, Peresciaceae have round stems and flat leaves. which are covered with straight spines. often bloom solitary flowers. Differs in edible fruits.

Opuntia cacti are different small leaves covered with thorns. In addition to spines, they also have glochidia. Glochidia are the modified leaves of a plant. Flowering large. The colors are varied. The fruits are mostly edible.

Cereus leaves and glochidia are absent. This is the largest family, which includes a variety of species. In some representatives, the fruits are edible. In general, Cereus cacti prefer dry areas.

cactus bloom

All varieties bloom, but not every representative will please with their flowering at home. For a culture to flourish, you need to create right conditions content for her.

Flowering depends on the variety. Representatives meet with small flowers(Mammillaria). And in other species - large sizes. For example, this applies to Echinopsis. The size of its flower can reach 15 cm.

Flower color is varied: white, pink, red. So, for example, night flowers (that is, those that bloom at night) are distinguished by a pale color - white, cream or light pink. Daytime - can have almost any color. The exceptions are blue and black.

The main varieties and their names

All cacti can be conditionally divided into groups:

  • Room;
  • Forest;
  • Desert.


Indoor cacti are called cacti that adapt to home growing conditions.

To the room can be attributed:

  • Echinocereus;
  • Notocactus otto;
  • Spurge;
  • Small-haired prickly pear;
  • Rebutia.

These species fit perfectly in room conditions and bloom with proper care. Some may bloom in the first year of life, for example, some Mammillaria.


The most popular representatives of forest crops include:

  • Decembrist;

Decembrist and ripsadolipsis are similar in appearance. However, the petals of ripsalidopsis grow straight, not folded back. Coloring is red.

Epiphyllum has a not very neat shape. The specific epiphyllum is remarkable for flowers of red shades. However, many varieties with a variety of colors have been bred.

The Decembrist is distinguished by flowering in winter period . This is a very common variety. It blooms with white, pink, purple and red flowers.

Also included in the forest:

  1. Discocactus. It has round shape stem, blooms with a single white flower;
  2. Prickly pear. Remarkable not only orange flowers but also edible fruits. Some of them have a pleasant taste and useful properties;
  3. Pereskia;
  4. melocactus.


The species of desert spiny should include:

  • Mammillaria;
  • Eriosice;
  • Echinocactus;
  • Echinocereus;
  • Rebutia.

Most representatives bloom indoors beautiful flowers . Some of them have the ability to bloom in the first year of life.

Determination of the type by external qualities

Growing a cactus but don't know what it's called? You can determine the variety by its external data.


All cacti bloom, but not all can bloom at home. Wherein flowering varies by variety.

They bloom mostly in small flowers. Possible colors: yellow and pink. There are several flowers, they may not open at the same time, but alternately.

Has many varieties. therefore flower colors are varied: white, yellow, red, hot pink. Blooms with numerous flowers.

Notable for the fact that only one flower blooms. However, it is large and yellow in color.

Decembrist or Schlumberer

Notable for the fact that blooms in winter time . They call him a Decembrist because it blooms under New Year. Flowering is large and has a red color.

cacti with leaves

In general, all representatives have leaves. However, they are represented by thorns. If we talk about cacti, which really there are leaves familiar to everyone, then you can call Pachypodium.

prickly pear have leaves in the form of elongated cakes, on which spines are located.

poinsettia is different large leaves light green in color with teeth on the edges.


Cereus are considered the highest. The height of some representatives reaches 20 meters. At home, of course, they do not reach such heights. But they could, if the ceilings of the apartments did not interfere with them. Cereus is distinguished not only by its height, but also by its excellent flowering, large white with a creamy tint. In addition, they have an incredible aroma.

Up to 2 meters in height Euphorbia can grow.

Cactus with long needles

Long needles can boast Echinocactus (Echinopsis white-flowered), Carnegia, some varieties of Mammillaria, Ferocactus. This is far from a complete list.


Most varieties are decorative. Both flowers and stems and leaves of this culture are decorative. Among the most commonly grown in the house are:

  • Mammillaria(differ in beautiful flowering);
  • Decembrist(highlighted luxurious flowering in winter);
  • poinsettia(a type of milkweed, blooms beautifully large flowers);
  • spurge(all types of milkweed differ not only in decorative properties, but also in healing ones);
  • Pachypodium(a very original representative with long leaves);
  • (decorative with long shoots and large flowers);
  • (culture with an original spherical stem with one large snow-white flower).


Espostow called fluffy cactus. This is a culture of Perunian origin. This species is called fluffy because of the hairs that play protective function. The height of this culture in room conditions does not exceed 70 cm, in natural conditions can grow up to 5 meters.

non-thorny cactus

to the cacti that do not have spines, include some types of Ariocarpus. This is an original culture with an unusual stem and a large single flower. It can also be attributed astrophytum Asterias. This species is distinguished by a beautiful and very large single flower in the form of a chamomile, which is located at the top of the stem.

Thus, in nature there is a huge variety of different cultures. All cacti differ in height, flowering, needles. Everyone can choose a plant to their liking. Cactus - the original culture with the most incredible flowering. What could be more interesting than a blooming cactus?

General information about cacti

Cacti are a relatively young family of plants on our planet; they appeared at a time when mammals already reigned on earth. The homeland of cacti is South America, from where they settled throughout the Western Hemisphere. And thanks migratory birds, some of their species came to Africa and Asia.

At their core, all cacti are succulents, that is, plants that can accumulate water in the stems in case of long periods of drought. Distinctive feature that distinguishes the cactus family is the presence of areoles in them - special modified branches that have the shape of kidneys. It is from the areoles that thorns, flowers and “children” grow in cacti, with the help of which cacti carry out vegetative propagation.

cacti truly unique plants. Even their photosynthesis goes differently than everything else flora: carbon dioxide for him it is collected by a plant at night, and not during the day. This is due to the fact that during the day, in order to avoid moisture loss, the stomata of the cactus are closed.

The living conditions of cacti are the most extreme. Some of them live in desert regions with disastrous daily temperature fluctuations and very little rainfall. Others, on the contrary, live in conditions of exceptional humidity, capable of destroying all other plant species.

The appearance of cacti has always surprised flower growers: the appearance of the plant cannot be called attractive or friendly, but the flowers that appear on it from time to time can capture the imagination of any connoisseur.

cacti classification

From the point of view of biology, cacti are divided into 4 subfamilies and 11 tribes. However, cactus growers are not interested in such a division. They share cacti either in appearance, according to living conditions in their natural environment.

In appearance, cacti are:

The classification by habitat is simpler: cacti are divided into desert and forest. Such a division of these plants is purely practical in nature: in order not to refresh all 11 knees in memory, it is easier for a cactus grower to immediately point out its shape and “place of residence”, and it immediately becomes clear what he is dealing with.

However, in the bulk, these are plants whose roots practically do not come into contact with rich soils and organic matter, which they are forced to be content with, is very poor in nutrients. The shape of the leaves of tropical cacti is also very specific - these are long flattened shoots with thin short antennae instead of thorns.

If forest cacti are more or less similar to each other, then their desert relatives are represented by three types:

prickly pear

Not all cacti can be grown at home. Some representatives of this family simply will not be able to fit in a living space. In addition, there are poisonous cacti that can cause both allergic reactions and serious poisoning, so they better at home do not keep.

A separate category are plants used in folk medicine indigenous people of Central and South America. Among them, there are both harmless antiseptics and very serious hallucinogens, containing up to 2% mescaline in their mass.

Consider the most popular types and varieties of cacti in home floriculture, the features of their cultivation and maintenance.

Types of home cacti

At home, cacti change their lifestyle and sometimes even their appearance. This is due to the ability of all succulents to adapt to conditions. environment. Most often, such a manifestation can occur imperceptibly for the owner, for example, decreases root system or there is a change in the growth rate of the flower.

In some cases, these lifestyle changes are reflected in the appearance of the cactus. As a rule, this does not lead to deterioration in the appearance of the flowers; sometimes due to these changes, their classification can be difficult.









cactus care

As mentioned earlier, these plants require little to no care, as their living conditions are very harsh and cacti have adapted to survive in them. This does not mean that you can not follow the cactus at all, or ignore the conditions of its maintenance - our prickly pet will still have to provide some minimum of amenities.

Soil mixtures and pots for cacti.

The main requirement for the substrate in which cacti will be grown is the large particle size of which it consists. Cacti need air nourishment of the roots and free penetration from the surface of even minimal volumes of water, so there should be no obstacles for this.

In addition, the peculiarity of the root system, and indeed the entire metabolism of cacti, is such that these plants do not tolerate a large amount of organic matter (and sometimes simply nitrogen compounds) in the soil at all. Excessive intake of nitrogen causes stunting of the plant's cells, and the plant may die within a few days. Nitrogen, of course, is necessary for cacti, but its amount must be strictly limited.

The approximate composition of the mixture for growing cactus is as follows:

You can use a simpler composition:

Sometimes you can add a little fertilizer to the substrate. Superphosphate or potassium nitrate is well suited for this purpose (a teaspoon per 2-2.5 liter pot). When using superphosphate, a teaspoon of calcium carbonate is also added.

The volume of the pot in which it is planned to grow a cactus must exactly match the volume of the straightened root system of the cactus. If free space there will be too much in the pot, there will be no growth of the cactus until it forms a root system sufficient for the pot. With a small amount of free space, the root system of the cactus will begin to die off, which will also negatively affect the growth of the prickly pet.

It should be understood that not the entire volume of the pot will be used for soil. About a quarter of the bottom of the pot will be occupied by drainage (usually made of expanded clay or large gravel). And in the upper part of the pot there will be a so-called powder - a layer of small gravel or pebbles, completely covering the soil from above.

Sometimes ordinary sand is used as a powder. The total amount of drainage and powder in a pot can take up to half of its volume.

Watering and spraying issues

Depending on the natural conditions of the life of a cactus, the conditions for its watering also differ. Basically, this refers to the amount of water applied under the cactus and the frequency of watering. These parameters depend not so much on the type of cactus, but on climatic conditions in the area of ​​its growth.

It is due to the fact that many cacti grow in similar natural conditions that it is allowed to grow several cacti of various types in one pot at once. In addition, there general rules, which are applicable to all plants, regardless of their conditions of detention or "native" climate.

All cacti need watering with settled water (without chlorine and impurities), which has room temperature. Of course, melt water is best suited for watering these plants, but few people will collect it.

Watering cacti or in the usual way, from above, or using a pallet. It is believed that watering with a cactus tray is more desirable because it does not destroy the soil structure and does not damage the root system. However, most cacti growers prefer watering from above.

In this case, a mistake is often made, as a result of which water gets on the cactus stem. This is not entirely correct, since water should only get to the cactus in the form of a finely dispersed suspension in the air. Therefore, watering must be done by directing the stream of water not in the center of the pot, but at the edges.

Cacti love spraying, because in natural conditions they are covered every morning with small droplets of moisture that fall on them in the form of dew. In this case, a spray gun is used that can create the smallest droplets of water. Dew temperatures are usually less than air temperature, however, at home, it is better to spray cacti with warm water, about 30-35 ° C.

Cactus transplant

Transplanting cacti is much easier than transplanting any other plants. Firstly, because cacti are more hardy, and secondly, since the substrate has a large fraction, the root system of the plant is easier to get rid of it.

Before transplanting, it is necessary not to water the cactus for at least a week. In this case, the substrate will dry out enough, it will become lighter and removing it from the pot will not be any particular problem. In order not to damage your hands with cactus thorns, you can use various devices– from gloves to specially made tapes.

Our planet is rich in a wide variety of plants. Each geographic area has its own characteristics that are unique to this territory. Perhaps one of the most interesting in the world are the expanses of Mexico, as well as the US states of California and Arizona. This is where the family lives world's largest cacti- Giant cereus (Cereus giganteus) led by its largest representative.

1 The name of this giant is the California giant.

It is the symbol of the state of Arizona and has the shape of a huge candelabra and is considered the largest cactus in the world.

2 Lateral branches begin to grow after 70 years

When the cactus reaches the age of 70, its first side branches are just beginning to appear.

3 Cereus giant - the slowest growing plant

For the first ten years of life, it grows by only 2 cm.

4 Active growth begins after 30 years of age.

The mark of 30 years is only a quarter of the life of the giant cereus, after reaching this age, the active growth of the cactus begins.

He reaches this mark quite easily, but in subsequent years, quite a lot of dangers appear in their lives.

With its growth, the cactus has a huge weight - which can range from 6-10 tons.

If you take this cactus and put it through a press, you can squeeze out about two tons of liquid. Thanks to this ability, the cactus easily tolerates high temperatures.

8 Home for the homeless

Despite the not very busy life in the Mexican desert, nevertheless, the cactus is home to many animals - owls, woodpeckers, snakes, mice, etc.

9 Hungry abyss will not give

Cereus giant is a fruitful plant. It grows fleshy bright berries, which are a valuable food product. It is worth noting that local residents make an alcoholic drink from cactus juice, the taste of which is vaguely reminiscent of moonshine.

10 It even blooms!

The first flowers on a cactus appear only after 50 years of his life.

Video: The largest cactus
Huge cacti in Mexico

The largest cactus in the greenhouse:

Orchid flower: description, characteristics and photo.

Orchid flowers make up one of the largest plant families, the main part of which in nature are perennial herbs. The shrub form and woody vines are less common. The size of orchids can vary from a few centimeters, although some species grow up to 35 meters in height.

The roots of the epiphyte orchid are extremely important organs, since they perform many essential functions. Firstly, with their help, orchids are attached to the substrate, which allows them to save vertical position. Secondly, the roots are actively involved in photosynthesis, sharing this function with the leaves. Thirdly, with the help of the root system, orchid flowers absorb moisture and nutrients from the air and the bark of the plants they live on.

Another, smaller part of orchids are lithophytes growing on rocks and stony rocks. Ground orchids make up the middle-sized group. Both types are endowed with underground rhizomes or tubers.

The green stem of an orchid can be long or short, creeping or erect. The leaves are simple, alternate, each plant may have one or more of them.

Orchid flowers of the most diverse colors and sizes form 2 types of inflorescences: a simple spike with a single arrangement of flowers or a simple brush with several flowers on pedicels growing along the stem.

The orchid flower belongs to insect pollinated plants, and the pollination mechanisms of each species are sometimes unusual and very diverse. Shoe orchids, which have a “shoe-shaped” flower structure, are endowed with a special trap for pollinating insects.

Orchids have sticky legs, the flowers of this orchid imitate the smell of female bees, thereby attracting males.

Tropical orchid flowers stupefy insects with an unusual aroma, while other species shoot pollen towards the pollinating insect.

The fruit of an orchid is a dry box containing up to 4 million microscopic seeds, which is a kind of productivity record among flowering plants.

The life expectancy of orchids in natural conditions is individual, depends on many factors and favorable conditions may be 100 years. In greenhouse conditions, many types of orchids live up to 70 years.

Cereus giant

The largest cactus in the world is the giant cereus (Cereus giganteus). Its height, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, is 25 m. The second name of the cactus is the California giant. It grows in southeastern California, Arizona and Mexico. The giant cereus flower is the state flower of Arizona. The cactus itself resembles a huge candelabra, but it does not immediately acquire such a shape. Lateral branches appear around the 70th anniversary of the cactus.

And in his first ten years of life, he manages to set another record - as the slowest growing plant. In the first decade, it grows by about 2 cm.

cactus vitality

Period active growth in the giant cereus, it begins after about 30 years. In order to appear in all its glory, he still has about 100-120 years. The world's largest cactus easily reaches a height of 12-15 meters, with a weight of 6-10 tons.

The trunk and branches of the cactus hold about two tons of water. The ability to accumulate and retain this amount of liquid allows the cactus to easily tolerate high temperature air. However, it does not lose its viability if the temperature drops below 0 degrees.

House for insects and birds

For insects and birds that live in the neighborhood, the largest cactus in the world becomes a home. Owls, woodpeckers, snakes and mice are freely accommodated under one roof.

Cereus giant is a fruitful plant. Its fruits - fleshy bright berries - are considered a very valuable food product, and from the juice of the plant, local residents have learned to make an alcoholic drink that vaguely resembles moonshine.

June 18, 2014

The American state of Arizona is famous for its sights. Real wonders of nature - huge saguaro cacti are so unique that they are the pride of the United States.

The giant cactus flower is the state emblem of Arizona. So the Americans testified their respect to the unique plant.

What are cacti

Saguaro is a real champion among his fellows. Its average height reaches 15 meters! In 1988, a cactus of incredible size was discovered in Arizona. The prickly giant reached a height of almost 18 meters.

Today, the record belongs to a cactus that still grows in the same place, in Arizona's Sonora, in Marikupa County. 3 meters in girth and 13.8 meters in height - these are the dimensions of an incredible plant. Carnegia giant - scientific name this plant.

There are a lot of such giants in this desert. Their sizes are a little "more modest". There are a small number of giant succulents in California and Mexico, but their main concentration is in Arizona.

The largest cactus in the world reaches a weight of almost 8 tons! Some plants are up to 150 years old!

Like many succulents, saguaros grow very slowly. Just 1 meter in the first 30 years of life - this is the growth rate young plant. In the next 40-50 years, the cactus grows by 1mm in height every day.

By human standards, by old age (at 75 years old), sagurao reaches its gigantic size: a huge, thick trunk and many lateral processes are clearly visible from afar. In this huge house one could live, escaping the heat and drinking tequila, extracted directly from the walls of a fantastic plant.

The saguaro flower is very delicate and beautiful. It blooms at night. Among the white petals are hundreds of stamens. Some of them are so large that small birds make their nests between them. The first flowers appear only by the age of 50 of this unusual plant.

Saguaro National Park

Unique giants grow only in the Sonoran Desert, which stretches from Arizona to Mexico. The state protects these unusual forests, where dense thorns are visible on the trees instead of leaves.

Since 1933, the desert territory has been a nature protection zone. Even when building roads or any structures, they take into account whether the construction will damage the natural attractions of the United States.

In 1994, he appeared, the basis of which is the territory of the Green Desert. That's what they call Sonora. This desert is fundamentally different from other desert areas.

Yes, it is also very hot here, but at the same time, more than 30cm of precipitation per year falls on this land. Diversity species, flowering plants adjacent to sand deposits.

49 species of cacti grow here. Diverse, unlike each other, prickly desert dwellers coexist with giant saguaros. These bizarre forms attract hundreds of thousands of tourists who want to see not only huge cacti, but also the unique world of the Green Desert. Desert tortoises, cougars, snakes, lizards, foxes, peccaries and other animals are found here.

Saguaro cacti of incredible size delight all guests of Arizona. Tourists are happy to take pictures next to the prickly giants.

Giant cacti saguaros in the Sonoran desert photo

The plant world often amazes with strange beauty and wonders. pure water. All plants that are different sizes and shapes are unique in their own way, yet cacti are among the most amazing in the world. Protected by an outer layer of thorns, cacti can endure the harshest and most unfavorable conditions. Cacti, which rely on their incredible ability to retain water as well as their thick skin to prevent water loss, are hidden deep in the driest deserts and even on the tops of some mountains. Although cacti are certainly unique among other plants, some of them can safely be called strange - even by cactus standards.

10. Agave or American Aloe (Agave Cactus)

Leuchtenbergia principis, known as the agave, is unique because of the straight, finger-like shoots that radiate from the main stem. These "fingers" end in small clusters of thorns, which in older plants can grow into tangled, protective cobwebs at the top of the plant. Agave starts growing like any normal cactus seedling and soon develops its offshoots. As the plant grows, these appendages develop into fleshy, photosynthetic "fingers". Once the shoots have formed, the agave retains its shape and simply becomes wider and stronger, remaining one plant. This is unusual because most cacti will either start producing small offspring at some point, or grow some kind of "arm" in the case of tall plants.

9. Ariocarpus Fissuratus ("Living Stones")

Cacti are associated with thorns, but some species do not have thorns or lose them once they reach adulthood. Ariocarpus Fissuratus is an incredibly slow growing example of a thornless cactus. Some of them take up to 50 years to reach 10-12 centimeters in diameter. As a seedling, these plants have very small, soft spines that grow from points in its geophyte structure. As the plant grows, these thorns fall off and new ones do not grow to replace the original set. The result is a strange-looking defenseless plant, which in itself seems counterintuitive for plant health. Due to the lack of protection, Ariocarpus Fissuratus grows in hard-to-reach places, such as cracks and releases small amounts of psychoactive substances so as not to be eaten by animals.

8. Astrophytum Head of Medusa (Astrophytum caput-medusae)

The uniquely shaped Astrophytum Medusa Head grows, as its name suggests, like the snake hair of a jellyfish. The recently discovered Astrophytum jellyfish head was originally classified as a separate category before it was discovered that its flowers, as well as small bundles soft wool-like hairs found near its stem were identical to the flowers and hairs of Astrophytum. This secured a place for him in the genus Astrophytum. Astrophytum jellyfish head seeds are among the largest - from 3 to 6 millimeters in diameter. The flowers of this cactus are also unusually beautiful - bright yellow with a red center.

7. Lophophora Williams or Peyote (Peyote)

One of the most well known and closely monitored cacti is Lophophora williamsii, also known as peyote. It is illegal to grow or possess, as peyote is known for its powerful psychedelic effects, achieved through high concentrations of mescaline. Its use is officially restricted to members of Indian tribes, as peyote has long been a central aspect of Indian rituals. According to the tribes, the use of peyote often helps to understand spirits and other incorporeal entities...

6. Discocactus (Discocactus horstii)

As the discocactus matures, it develops a densely spiked "cephaly" formation from which large white flowers emerge and bloom. Despite the fact that on early stages Growth discocactus green, over time it acquires a reddish tint. Although it looks like a common desert cactus in its initial stages of growth, discocactus grow at higher elevations, approximately 304 meters above sea level. Discocacti are very difficult to grow due to the fact that they start to rot if over watered or dry out if left without water for a shorter period of time than normal cacti can withstand.

5. Wavy Hylocereus (Hylocereus undatus)

When it comes to flowers, cacti are not the first thing that comes to mind, even though cactus flowers can be large and beautiful. The length of the Hylocereus wavy flower can exceed 35 centimeters, and the diameter is 23 centimeters. Hylocereus wavy blooms only at night, each flower opens only once before it sheds its seeds and either becomes a pitahaya or falls off and dies. The flowers give off an extremely potent vanilla scent that can be unbearable when inhaled directly.

4. Pereskiopsis spathulata

Some cacti are in a rather primitive state, and they have both leaves and thorns. Pereskiopsis spathulata is one of them: its small spines, glochidia, and leaves grow from the same place. Tropical and very fast growing in nature, Pereskiopsis spathulata is often used as a grafting base to speed up the growth process of seedlings of slow growing species. Despite the fact that this plant is capable of flowering, it is very rare to find Pereskiopsis spathulata, which is grown for its sake. appearance or flowers. Most specimens are simply cuttings that have taken root from the mother plant, resulting in numerous clones that can also be cut and replanted.

3. Turbinicarpus underground (Turbinicarpus subterraneus)

When we think of cacti, we think of tall plants with succulent stems that are covered in thorns, but (as this list has already shown) this is not always true. In the case of the underground turbinicarpus, the real surprise lies beneath the surface of the earth. The small, bat-shaped heads are nourished by knobby roots that are often the same size as the stems on the surface. This root allows the underground turbinicarpus to survive long periods of drought, storing large volumes of water. Being underground also allows it to be cold hardy enough to withstand short periods of low temperatures as low as -4°C.

2. Obregonia (Atrichoke Cactus)

Obregonia is a separate type of cactus, also known as the artichoke cactus. Like Ariocarpus and Leuchtenbergia genus, the artichoke cactus grows in a geophytic way, in which the ends of its body spiral directly from the base of the stem. Although it has thorns, they often fall off the plant - leaving sparse tufts of thorns at the ends of limited areas of the leaf blade. This spiral growth, combined with the type of stem, gives the plant a characteristic resemblance to the artichoke. Small flowers bloom at the tips of shoots in summer period, resulting in (in case of successful fertilization and maturation) edible, fleshy fruits appear.

1. Blossfeldia dwarf (Blossfeldia liliputana)

Often growing between the rocks in the Andes, the dwarf bloomsfeldia got its name from the land of the Lilliputians from the novel Gulliver's Travels, where all its inhabitants were tiny compared to Gulliver. And all because the dwarf blossomfeldia is the smallest cactus in the world, and its largest specimen grew up to 13 millimeters in diameter. The size and pattern that develops as they grow makes these little wonders especially unique. Cacti often have rounded growth points, but dwarf blossomsfeldia grows from a hollow in the center of the plant. Flowering during the summer months, the dwarf blossomfeldia self-fertilizes and produces seeds that are so small that they easily blend into the surrounding rocks and sand.