Kitchen renovation in a new building where to start. Rough finishing of an apartment: where to start the renovation? Stages of repair and finishing work in a new building

They buy an apartment from a developer and often enter into an agreement without finishing or with rough finishing. This is not only a way to reduce payments, but also to do all the work efficiently. Although renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building is a long and expensive undertaking.

Where to start: sequence of actions

If you purchased property from a developer without finishing, you will need step by step plan works To a person not particularly familiar with construction, the repair procedure is not at all obvious. And since renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building will require going through all the stages, a plan is simply necessary.

Technology for renovating an apartment in a new building - it all starts with a plan

What does it mean to “renovate an apartment from scratch in a new building”

To determine the scope of work, you need to know where you will start. What you will receive after delivery of the object is specified in the contract. Therefore, we take it, read it carefully, and then we can start planning the order of work. Usually an apartment in a new building without finishing is rented in this condition:

Basically, this is all you have before you start renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building. Everything is in its infancy, but all communications have failed.

Apartment renovation in stages

You should immediately decide on the partitions. Decide where and which ones will stand, which ones will need to be removed/moved. If the partitions already exist and you are planning to redo something, you need to get permission and only then proceed with the transfer. If there are no partitions and you will install them yourself, the contract stipulates what materials you can make them from. It is better to adhere to the recommendations, otherwise you may receive penalties, and they are considerable.

Developing an apartment plan

After approving the apartment plan, you first determine where you will have large-sized furniture, appliances, plumbing, etc. You will need this data to prepare a laying plan. engineering systems(plumbing, sewerage, lighting, if provided - ventilation). When the plan is more or less ready, you can begin the repair itself. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Installation and transfer of partitions according to the approved project.

    Technology for renovating an apartment in a new building: installing partitions

  • While the partitions are being built, you are simultaneously (or order) developing an electrical wiring plan. After the partitions are in place, electrical wiring is done - wall slitting, cable laying (necessarily three-core - with grounding, the cross-section of conductors for electrical wiring is selected individually). Depending on the type of cable, it is laid either with or without corrugation. Cables are not connected to the panel, sockets and switches are not installed. Installed only distribution boxes, socket boxes, the ends of the cables are inserted into them. Electrical wiring is laid:
  • If you are planning to soundproof your walls and ceiling, now is the time to address this issue. It will be framed or frameless, but there is no need to level the walls for it, so now is the time.
  • Distribution of cold and hot water supply pipes, sewerage connection. If the walls are not load-bearing, pipes can be laid in grooves in the walls (if the thickness of the partitions allows). Otherwise, they try to install most of the pipes in the bathroom/lavatory and then close them plasterboard box, which is subsequently finished with the same material as the walls.

    Cold and hot water, sewerage

  • Level the walls. If you plan to decorate the walls with plastic panels, you don’t have to plaster them - they are attached to the lathing, which evens out all the unevenness. But if you plan to lay tiles later, it’s better to plaster - there will be less hassle later. Previously, plastering was done with ordinary cement-sand mortar, but in Lately they prefer ready-made compositions based on cement or gypsum (easier to work). You can simply plaster - relying on your eye and building level, or you can use lighthouses. The second option is preferable, since it is more likely to get smooth walls and right angles of 90°. No more and no less. In any case, before plastering the walls must be primed to improve the adhesion of the plaster and the base material. The primer is selected depending on the type of plaster (gypsum or cement).

    Plastering walls - quality is important

  • If you whitewash/paint the ceiling, it will also be leveled with plaster (don’t forget about laying the electrical wiring to the chandeliers). If the ceiling is suspended, it can also be done at this stage. Stretch ceilings are made after the walls have been finished, so if you are planning one, skip this stage. You can only check the quality of sealing of interpanel seams.
  • Plastering walls and ceilings. This is already preparation for finishing. The choice of putty type depends on the type of finish. If it's painting, they charge more expensive materials(Wide, for example) and achieve a perfectly flat surface (you can check it with backlighting with an LED lamp - the slightest irregularities are visible). The putty composition used for wallpaper is cheaper and perfection is not so important here. The walls are not puttied under the tiles at all.

    Putty - almost there fine finishing

  • After the dust has been removed from grouting the putty and all other dirty work, they begin pouring the floor screed. Here, too, it is necessary to make a number of decisions: whether or not there will be insulation, sound insulation, heated floors (electric, other types in high-rise buildings are not available or require approval). The screed can be made ordinary cement-sand mixture, you can use poured floors. In the second option, the result will be better - a more even floor due to the self-leveling effect of the mixture.
  • A week after pouring the screed, while it is “ripening”, we are finishing the bathtub and toilet. There is usually a lot of dirt here and everything needs to be done before it starts finishing in the rest of the apartment.

    Use a screed to level the floor. Apartment renovation from scratch in a new building is almost complete

  • Finishing: paint/whitewash the ceiling, glue wallpaper (install suspended ceiling). We lay floors, install doors, trim, baseboards. We install sockets, switches, and connect household appliances.
  • We bring in furniture and decorative elements.

This is the procedure for renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building in the general case. There are particulars, but they are individual. Then, depending on the situation, shift or swap the stages.

Team or individual specialists

Independently renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building will take a lot of time. If you have it in stock, no problem. If you want to move into your new home faster, you will have to hire builders. This is where questions often arise. Who should you hire for repairs in a new building - a team that promises to do everything “turnkey” or separate specialists for each type of work? This issue has already been discussed hundreds of times, but no consensus has been reached. Both options have their supporters. So that you can decide, briefly about the advantages and disadvantages of both solutions.

The stages of renovation in the apartment follow one another

Full construction?

If you hire a team that will do all the work from start to finish, it is not a fact that you will be satisfied with the quality of their work. Everyone promises quality and speed, but few actually do all the work at the proper level. Very often you have to terminate the contract and look for someone who will finish/redo it. This task is even more difficult than the search for the first brigade: no one wants to correct the mistakes of others. It's long and troublesome. These are the disadvantages.

Find a good team

The advantage of this solution: the hired people are responsible for all stages of the work, right up to the finishing touches (if you have agreed so). If you don’t like something, you can try to force it to be remade, but it’s better to control every stage of the work. Second positive point: repairs are progressing faster, since there is no need to look for contractors for each new job. These are the advantages.

Another moment of the organizational plan. When drawing up a contract, indicate the cost of each stage of work. Then, upon termination, you will know exactly how much to pay. Otherwise, they will begin to prove to you that most of the work has been done, but all that remains is nonsense.

Specialists for certain types of work

If you decide to hire separate specialists for each stage of the work, it is difficult to predict the end result. Since a certain amount of work needs to be completed and left, there is a chance that employees will not try too hard. And each subsequent specialist can say (and usually say) that mistakes were made before him and demand additional payment for correcting them. There is only one way out: constant and strict control at all stages of work, clear formalization of agreements with clarification of what you want to have upon completion.

Results are not guaranteed

If you do not do some work yourself, then the total costs of paying for the work by individual specialists will be higher. But the advantage of this solution is that you can “spread out” the spending over time. When we got money, we did some work.

Finishing materials

Renovating an apartment from scratch in a new building has its own characteristics. new house over the course of several years it will “settle”; there will be movement of the foundation, walls, and ceilings. All these movements lead to the appearance of cracks, which can damage the finish coating. Therefore, there is advice: use not the most expensive finishing materials, which you won’t mind replacing in three or four years with new, higher quality ones.

Selecting materials is a difficult task

The most questions arise with tiles laid on walls and screed. In them, the cracks are most noticeable, and the pleasure is not cheap - both in terms of the cost of materials and the price of work. Therefore, the screed is made floating - without connection with the walls, and instead of tiles, the walls in the bathroom and toilet are finished with vinyl wall panels.

Tiles are often placed on the walls and floors in the kitchen, and they try to choose the most attractive collections, which cost a lot. There are two ways out. The first is to use a plastic or furniture board instead of a tiled apron in the kitchen, and lay linoleum on the floor for now. Second, lay tiles, but have some in reserve to replace broken tiles. It’s not a fact that in three or four years the same collection will still be produced. And even if this is the case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to match the color one to the other.

About the need for sound insulation

Many of the owners of new apartments simply do not think about how quiet their home will be. Not yet. But by the time you move in it will be too late. Current trends in multi-storey construction- make the construction as light as possible in order to save on the foundation. Lightweight materials are great, but the problem is that they conduct sound well.

Soundproofing in an apartment is an important point

As a result, it turns out that the repair is completed, and you, if you wish, can take notes of your neighbors’ conversations, and they can take notes of yours. Far from a rosy prospect. Therefore, it is worth thinking about sound insulation. Yes, these are additional costs and considerable ones, but silence is more important.

Where should you start renovating your apartment? separate room to do everything in optimal timing, not overpay and get exactly the result you expect? The site has sorted everything out so that your renovation turns from a state of affairs into a process.

We have prepared a list of questions that you should ask yourself and construction team before starting repairs. The answers will help you finish the work faster and spend less money and nerves.


When more global changes are required, major renovations begin. It includes redevelopment of space, demolition and construction of new partitions, replacement of pipes, electrical wiring and heating elements. Such repairs are much more expensive than cosmetic ones and last longer - but after it you get a completely updated home.

Repair with a contractor or do it yourself?

Any type of repair can be done independently or with the help of specialists. The first option is less expensive, but does not guarantee 100% results. If it is closer to you, check out our useful instructions and master classes - they will help you perform the work no worse than an experienced master.

Repairing with a contractor seems to be a more reliable choice, but it also has its pitfalls. How to choose good specialist? How to draw up a construction contract correctly? Comprehensive answers to these questions are collected below.

How to calculate the cost
and create a budget?

The most pressing aspect of future repairs is financial. First of all, you need to decide how much the selected work will cost and what you will have enough money for; what and how you can save money, and what it’s better not to skimp on.

Another important aspect is drawing up a repair estimate, based on which its approximate cost is estimated. There are other budget-related questions: for example, is it worth spending on insurance for repairs?

Our advice will help you deal with all the financial intricacies. And with the help of simple and understandable calculators you can calculate in just a couple of clicks approximate cost apartment renovation or separate room and construction materials costs.

In addition to the previous article in this section, we will allow ourselves, dear readers, to tell you one short story that happened last summer with one gentleman, and show you a certain table, which the performer called the estimate.
Why it is so significant, you will understand very soon.

When starting a renovation, the thrifty owner first picks up a calculator. However, he will receive expenses close to real only if he takes into account various factors and nuances, including non-obvious ones.

Apartment renovation calculator

Indicate the basic parameters of the apartment, select the type and cost of work and materials, and find out how much it will cost to renovate your apartment.

Bottom line 0 ₽

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How to compose correctly
renovation plan?

To ensure that the repair does not drag on indefinitely, it is necessary to plan it correctly. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the order and timing repair work, familiarize yourself with the legal framework, find out what documents will be needed for transformations and how to draw them up. And that's not all. It is important to understand whether it is worth turning to a designer for help and how to think through the redevelopment so as not to get drowned in a series of approvals.

Knowing all these details, you will save time, money and nerves, but, most importantly, you will be able to find yourself in your place as soon as possible. new apartment

Do you want to be surrounded modern interior, but can’t formulate what it should look like? There is something you like in your friends’ apartments, something that attracted you in magazines, something that is difficult to decide on... It’s much easier to say what you absolutely don’t want? Understand preferences and accept optimal solution Only a professional can help.

On the forums of potential new residents, battles have been raging for many years regarding the finishing touches from the developer. Is it worth spending extra money on a ready-made standard repair Or should I buy an apartment cheaper and do the finishing myself?

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If you have become the happy owner of an apartment in a new building, then you have a serious test ahead - to bring your home into a condition suitable for this. How can you save time, money and nerves? How to organize all the work in order to avoid possible defects and errors and the need for their subsequent elimination? Where to start renovating an apartment in a new building?

And you should start by understanding the difference in the construction of monolithic and panel houses. After all, most new real estate offers are offered in these houses. And they are built according to different technologies. Therefore, the method of renovating an apartment in a particular new building will have significant differences.

IN monolithic houses apartments usually have an open plan. This is a single empty space, which is limited only by external walls. Renovating an apartment in a new building of this type will naturally require large-scale work. Without the involvement of specialists, i.e. It is not possible to make such repairs on our own. At the same time, building codes limit freedom in apartment planning. Cannot be dismantled ventilation duct, carry out heating in a glassed-in loggia, move sewer riser, to plan living room without radiators and windows or with an area of ​​less than 9 square meters. meters.

Panel houses are put into operation with screed and interior partitions, often with piping, electrical wiring and even rough finishing. Redevelopment in such a new building will require the necessary approval. As for the repair itself, the new residents can easily cope with it on their own. After all, here you will need to perform simple Finishing work.

However, most often the owners prefer to dismantle everything in such a new building, even the radiators, and repair it in their own way. In this case, the problems of repairing apartments in new buildings, both monolithic and panel houses, will be similar.

True, there are some peculiarities here. In monolithic houses, shrinkage is insignificant and uniform. Therefore, renovation of an apartment in a new building of this type can begin immediately after receipt. A panel house will settle within one or even two years. During this time, cracks usually appear on the ceiling and walls. Therefore, if the repair of a new building in such a house cannot be postponed, then it is better to use finishing materials that are resistant to shrinkage, reinforce the walls with mesh, use plastic panels Instead of tiles in the bathroom, install suspended ceilings.

Renovating an apartment in a new building - where to start? It is very important to find a reliable contractor and properly build a relationship with him. They should be based on four main documents. This is a project, an estimate with specifications of materials, a schedule of work and supply of materials, and, of course, a contract agreement, where the timing of repair work, its total amount, the procedure for mutual settlements, guarantees, as well as the duties and responsibilities of the parties must be clearly defined.

Having hired a contractor, the progress of the renovation of an apartment in a new building cannot, under any circumstances, be left to chance. While controlling the process, you should visit your future home at least once or twice a week. Each completed stage of work is accepted upon its complete completion. For example, you need to pay for the screed when it is completely dry. Then its shortcomings and flaws will be visible.

It is very convenient for the owner of an apartment in a new building when the contractor himself purchases building materials and delivers them to the work site. In this case, the owner will need to strictly control all accounts and receipts. There is a danger of buying low-quality materials and fakes. It is better to purchase all materials in specialized stores that provide a guarantee on them. Well, if you do the purchasing yourself, you will have to study the specifics of construction and finishing materials and the level of their market prices.

How to avoid mistakes when renovating apartments in new buildings?

It is important here to do correct sequence all processes. The renovation of a new building apartment should begin with dirty and rough work. For example, welding must be done before laying tiles, and paint the pipes before wallpapering the walls. Let's hope that the team of builders you hire will correctly lay all communications without disrupting the technology and work order. At a minimum, the owner of the apartment must have a diagram of the electrical wiring of the premises. After all, even a simple nail hammered in the wrong place can lead to trouble.

In general, renovation of an apartment in a new building should begin with the development of a design project. If finances are not enough to entrust this to specialists, then before the renovation begins, you need to think through a detailed layout of all the rooms in the apartment with an estimate of the arrangement of furniture. Even the number and location of sockets is important here. After all, you don’t want extension cords to spoil the look of your new home?

Serious mistakes during renovation of apartments in new buildings include incorrect calculation of heating power. It is better to include radiators with big amount sections, the heat of which is regulated, so as not to freeze in winter or spoil the interior of the apartment with electric heaters.

On the stage overhaul For apartments in a new building, it is convenient to add additional sound insulation in some rooms. The fact is that interior partitions, made of plasterboard structures, are able to reflect all sounds. Silence, as we know, essential element comfortable life.

Following fashion trends in the planning and decoration of apartments, try to avoid decisions that you will later regret. For example, combining a kitchen with a living room, even with a powerful hood, will not prevent the smell of cooked food from spreading throughout the apartment. On dark glossy tiles, which look so good in a store or on the pages of a catalog, drops of water will leave whitish marks.

Let's touch on the issue of saving money, how can we live without it?

Renovating an apartment, and especially in a new building, will always entail significant financial expenses. Both the materials needed for this and the work itself are not cheap now. Creating a design project for an apartment in a new building will also cost a pretty penny. The main thing is to know where such savings are acceptable and where you should not resort to them.

It is very important here to correctly accept all repair work performed by the contractor. You can save a decent amount if you identify all the mistakes of the builders and correctly file your claims. After all, otherwise, defects and flaws will have to be eliminated at your own expense. To do this, it makes sense to call an independent expert. The cost of his services, in comparison with the problems that he will help to avoid, is not comparable.

Many owners would like to make an inexpensive and high-quality repairs apartments in a new building and are looking for teams offering low prices. However, it should be kept in mind what average price for standard repair work in the region without taking into account the cost of materials. If the price offered is two times lower, then you should think about it and be wary.

Some believe that they can save money by inviting cheap workers for rough work and qualified workers for finishing. It's a delusion. There is a high probability that the craftsmen will demand additional payment for correcting the mistakes made by their predecessors.

Keep in mind that the disadvantages finishing works impossible to hide with high-quality finishing materials. On the contrary, on smooth and smooth walls even cheap wallpaper will look good. You can optimize costs by finishing materials, which are easy to replace after a while. Well, those that will serve for decades must be of high quality.

What you can really save on when renovating an apartment in a new building is purchasing domestic materials. They are often much cheaper than imported ones and are not inferior in quality. Well, some stages of work for which they take money can be completed independently.

based on source materials

It is too early for buyers of apartments in new buildings to relax after receiving the keys, because if the housing was purchased without renovation from the developer, then the new owner gets literally bare walls. The RIA Real Estate website decided to remind new residents about the basic technologies and stages of rough finishing, on the quality of which the quality of the future decor depends.

Technological memo

Currently there are two main design diagrams apartment buildings. Firstly, these are houses, frame and external walls which are built from reinforced concrete panels. And secondly, these are houses whose frame is made of monolithic reinforced concrete, and the openings are filled, as a rule, with blocks of cellular concrete. There may be other design schemes, but they make up a small percentage of newly built apartment buildings, explains the manager training center LLC "Knauf Gips" Alexander Bortnikov.

“It should be noted that newly constructed buildings using reinforced concrete as the main material are subject to shrinkage. Shrinkage is a feature of all cement-based materials, since cement stone decreases in volume during hardening. Therefore, it is recommended to begin finishing work when all shrinkage phenomena have passed, and this is about a year after construction, or take this phenomenon into account when choosing certain materials and systems for finishing,” the expert recommends.

Thinking through the design

Oddly enough, even before starting the rough work, it is necessary to decide on the interior design, since, based on this, it will depend on where and what communications to lay and what finishing solutions to use. Before proceeding with the rough finishing, if necessary, windows, heating radiators, plumbing communications and electrical wiring are replaced. Replacement of all of the above can be carried out either completely or selectively; it is important that all this work is completed before performing rough finishing, Bortnikov points out.

Leveling the floors

The first step is to level the floor. If your apartment is completely “naked”, then on the floor you have monolithic slab, which must not only be leveled, but also insulated, because it transmits all vibrations and sounds. To do this, it is advisable to first fill in a layer of expanded clay, which has excellent sound and heat insulation properties (layer thickness is approximately 5 cm). Before starting work, you need to make sure that your concrete floor there are no gaps, otherwise water from the screed may leak down to the neighbors. Typically, holes may remain in the area of ​​risers and ventilation shafts. They need to be sealed polyurethane foam or glue mixture. Next, we fill in the expanded clay, starting from the place that has the greatest depth. We pour the expanded clay with a solution of liquid concrete, the consistency of which resembles milk. This solution dries in about a day or two. You can also immediately make an expanded clay-cement-sand mixture and lay it on the base.

For bathrooms, it is advisable to make floor waterproofing before laying expanded clay, extending up to 10 cm onto the walls. If it has already been done before handing over the house, then its quality must be checked, since defects often occur.

Next, we begin directly leveling the floor. This can be done using a cement-sand screed or self-leveling floor. The main advantage of cement-sand screed is its price, from 90 rubles (on average 150 rubles) per 40 kilograms, depending on the manufacturer, region and composition. The consumption of the screed depends on the applied layer. However, the screed does not allow you to obtain a perfectly flat and smooth surface, and its drying time is 28 days, which significantly delays the progress of repair work. Self-leveling floors are a more technologically advanced option. Due to its fairly liquid consistency, the mixture spreads over the floor surface and takes on the level of the horizon, that is, it self-levels. The master needs to select the optimal amount of water and slightly help the mixture to spread over the surface. It must be said that before installing a self-leveling floor, the base must be primed. You can prime with a regular or acrylic primer, rollers or brushes. Concrete contact is usually used when the apartment is from an old foundation and the foundation is very poor - there is no point in using it in a new building, especially considering the difference in price (3-4 times more expensive than primer, namely 1500-2000 rubles per 10 liters). Priming should be done either in two layers, or immediately with a generous layer - before applying the second layer of primer, the previous one must dry. Also, the installation of a self-leveling floor should be carried out over a dried primer, but the time gap between priming and the completion of floor laying work should not be large - no more than a day, and preferably an hour or two, in order to avoid dust settling on the surface.

Repairing a “bare” apartment in a new building on your own is akin to a feat. For those who are planning to implement it, the RIA Real Estate portal has prepared an infographic that will help you navigate the prices of basic materials and work.

The only drawback of a self-leveling floor is the price - from 240 rubles per 25 kilograms (on average 400 rubles), so usually self-leveling floors are used when height differences are no more than 4 cm. Also, the self-leveling floor can be laid on a cement-sand screed (after it dry), this will allow you to get a smoother surface at lower cost. By self-leveling floors you can walk in just 5 hours, lay linoleum or tiles in two days, and wood coverings- in 7 days.

Under some finishing coatings, it is advisable in any case to use a self-leveling floor, for example, under a laminate - it is not attached to the floor, but simply lies on the substrate, which is why it can move and rub against the surface during use. If it's just on your floor sand-cement screed, dust will form, but self-leveling floors completely eliminate this.

Another way to level the floor and prepare the base for installation finishing coating, this is the use of dry prefabricated floors, says the Knauf Gips expert. "When using this solution, floor elements or, for example, Knauf-superfloor, are laid either directly on the base or on an insulating layer (expanded polystyrene or mineral wool slabs), or onto a layer of dry expanded clay sand. The latter option of dry prefabricated flooring is the most popular because it allows you to quickly level the floor surface. Application this method preparing the base allows you to install the finishing coating a day after laying it, and at the same time, the issues of reducing the load on the floors are resolved, the sound insulation of the floor is improved,” says Bortnikov. Gypsum fiber boards (GVL board) can be up to 20 millimeters thick. Their cost ranges from 315 to 566 rubles.

Plastering the walls

As for the walls, indoors you can encounter various surfaces made of reinforced concrete, cellular concrete, very often gas silicate and ceramic bricks, with the help of which can be performed internal partitions, notes Bortnikov. It should be noted that currently some manufacturers produce reinforced concrete panels With high quality surfaces that need to be puttied, but in most cases the walls need to be leveled with plaster. "Indoors, it is more advisable to use gypsum-based plasters, with the exception of rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, showers). Before applying plaster, the surface of the walls must be primed. For weakly absorbent surfaces, for example, concrete, a primer like Knauf Betokontakt is used to improve adhesion (adhesion) of plaster to the surface,” explains the expert. For priming highly absorbent surfaces, such as ceramic bricks and aerated concrete, primers are used that reduce the absorbency of the substrate and prevent uneven setting of the plaster mortar.

How to calculate the amount of building materials for repairs?Repair itself is a very expensive undertaking, so you really want the process to leave as little waste and unnecessary materials as possible, because they cost money. The RIA Real Estate website, together with the online repair ordering service and repairman Andrey Simchev, has compiled a guide on how to independently calculate the volume of building materials.

The maximum thickness of the plaster of one layer should not exceed 50 millimeters. Mating places various surfaces, for example, cellular concrete and reinforced concrete must be reinforced with fiberglass mesh with a mesh size of 3x3 or 5x5 mm. If it is necessary to perform leveling with a thickness of more than 50 millimeters, it is recommended to use cladding on metal frame with plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheathing. In rooms with high humidity, you should use cement-based plasters or wall cladding on a metal frame using slabs (aquaplates). The cost range for plaster is from 250 to 550 rubles per 25 kilograms.

We put up barriers

In houses built from monolithic reinforced concrete, apartments are sold with an open plan: that is, there are no interior partitions and the owner creates inner space at your own discretion. Most the best option for the installation of partitions in this case is the use of dry construction systems, that is, structures consisting of a metal frame and sheathed plasterboard sheets or high-strength sheets. The advantage of this solution is that such structures have less weight compared to other options, allow the creation of curved partition configurations, and have good soundproofing properties. In addition, their installation is completed in a short period of time.

But it is important to remember some features when constructing such structures, Bortnikov emphasizes. “Installation of plasterboard and gypsum fiber partitions should be carried out when all wet processes in the room have been completed, or rather, plastering of existing walls should be completed and the plaster layer should dry,” he says.

To construct the frame, the expert recommends using a profile with a metal thickness of 0.6 millimeters. It is better to use plasterboard 12.5 millimeters thick as cladding for the frame. Its cost ranges on average from 200 rubles per sheet to 360 rubles. When installing sockets on both sides of the partition, they should not be placed opposite each other, as this worsens the soundproofing characteristics of the structure, notes the agency’s interlocutor.

Attention to the ceiling

Another surface in apartments that may also need leveling is the ceiling. It can be plastered (layer no more than 20 millimeters). Before plastering, the ceiling surface must be primed to avoid peeling of the plaster layer.

We dress ceilings: how to successfully choose the ceiling covering for an apartmentInsufficient height or shabby appearance ceilings can nullify everything positive traits premises, so you need to approach its decoration very carefully. Experts told the RIA Real Estate website how to successfully choose a ceiling covering for a typical apartment.

"To level ceilings, they can be created suspended structures on a metal frame and casing sheet materials based on gypsum. Suspended ceilings have two main frame designs: one-level and two-level. If finishing is carried out in buildings in which shrinkage phenomena have not occurred, it is recommended to make a choice in favor of two-level ceiling. In this case, the frame is secured to the ceiling using hangers and is not attached to the walls and, accordingly, is less susceptible to deformation, explains Bortnikov from Knauf Gips.

Finishing rough finish

“We have leveled the walls and ceiling, now we can begin finishing, but depending on what material will be used for this, final puttying of the surface of the plaster or sheets may be required,” says the expert.

“If tiles are glued to the surface or decorative plaster with a fraction of more than 1 millimeter is applied, then there is no need to perform finishing putty. But when used as a finishing layer matte paints And structural plasters with a fraction of less than 1 millimeter, it is necessary to putty the surface,” he instructs.

In this case, puttying is performed in a thin layer using the “scraping” method. “The method of puttying “to tear off” is that a putty mixture is applied to the surface, then a wide (at least 600 millimeters wide), hard spatula is pressed against the surface at an angle of approximately 70 - 80 o and passed along the surface. With this method the excess putty is “ripped off” from the surface, and small irregularities below the level of the spatula are filled with putty mixture,” Bortnikov explains the intricacies of the technology.

When used, for example, vinyl wallpaper, glaze or medium gloss paint, the putty is applied to the surface in a layer of up to 1 millimeter and smoothed with a thin, elastic spatula (at least 600 mm wide, but it is better to use a wider spatula). Puttying is carried out using a bright lamp (spotlight) the light from which is directed under acute angle on the surface in order to see irregularities. After the putty has dried, grind it to remove small burrs that remain from the edges of the spatula. If necessary, the puttying operation is repeated, the expert explains.

For finishing puttying of the surface, putties based on gypsum or polymer binder can be used. Polymer putties can be ready for use, that is, just open the container with putty, mix the contents and you can use it.

“Gypsum-based putties require experience and skill, since it is necessary to quickly apply and process the mixture, otherwise it will set. Polymer putties allow you to work more measuredly. In addition, polymer putties prepared from a dry mixture retain their properties and can be used for 72 hours, provided that the container with the product is closed. Ready-made polymer putties retain their properties and can be used for several months, but it is also necessary to hermetically seal the container with the product,” the agency’s interlocutor points out. The cost of putties ranges from 200 to 1.3 thousand rubles per 25 kilogram, depending on the quality and purpose.

On average, materials for rough finishing will cost 6 thousand rubles per square meter.

Before moving into a new building apartment, you need to do major or redecorating. Regardless of the allocated budget, it is recommended to adhere to a certain sequence of renovation of an apartment in a new building.

Features of repairs in a new building related to building shrinkage

When carrying out repairs, it is necessary to take into account the shrinkage time of the building. There is a list of repair measures that do not depend on the shrinkage of the house and are allowed to be carried out in the first years of operation of the building. The finishing touches will have to wait a few years.

Repairs in a new building with a non-standard layout before installing furniture

The subsidence of new buildings does not occur quickly, but significant changes are noticeable already in the first few years. Over time, everything returns to normal and the fact of subsidence is minimized.

What work is not recommended to be done in the first year of operation of the building?

It is not recommended to carry out the following repair work immediately after receiving an apartment in a new building:

  • Finishing of ceilings and walls. In the worst case, the seams will crack, but this will not be visible under the drywall;
  • Laying tiles in the bathroom. As an alternative, any other fine finish that is highly impermeable is suitable. If the processes were not done well, then after years of operation mold may appear due to moisture.

Sometimes tiled surfaces in the bathroom do not allow for other stages of renovation.

If it is not possible to wait several years for the house to shrink, then it is better to entrust the repairs to professionals, but even in this case there is no 100% guarantee that cracks will not appear on the ceiling or wall.

What repairs can be done?

House shrinkage does not affect the following processes:

  • Installation of plumbing pipes;
  • Laying electrical wiring;
  • Installation of heated floors and screeds;
  • Leveling walls;
  • Installation of suspended ceilings.

Installation of frame for suspended ceiling after surface finishing

This list is a procedure for carrying out repairs in a new building, and it is not recommended to change it.

Any renovation in a new building begins with rough and dusty work, after which they move on to pre-finishing and finishing of the premises. At the final stage of repair, it is better to give preference to inexpensive wallpaper and linoleum. This is an inexpensive and reasonable solution.

Lack of a plan future apartment makes the process of wiring communications very difficult. Ill-conceived finishing work without preliminary calculation of surface areas entails large financial costs. If you have the layout of the apartment in hand, then you can think through the furniture and interior design in advance.

An example of an apartment layout from a developer, with which you can draw up a budget for the purchase of building materials

A conscientious developer is ready to provide such a layout upon the conclusion of a construction contract. The documentation will indicate parameters such as ceiling height and surface area of ​​the new building. This is quite enough for a miscalculation required quantity materials.

Preparatory work

Before starting renovation work in a new building, you need to carefully think through an action plan, taking into account the layout of the apartment. Using graphic editors or a simple pencil and graph paper, locations are indicated plumbing fixtures, kitchen furniture and technology. The correct installation of pipes and wiring will depend on these points.

Warm floors should be installed only in areas where furniture will not be installed. They are not needed under cabinets, bathrooms, washing machine, refrigerator and under other equipment located on the floor.

Installation of water heated floors over the entire floor area in the apartment

An important point is the placement of lighting fixtures and electrically powered equipment. The installation locations of switches and sockets in the apartment of the new building are also determined in advance. This is necessary for wiring planning.

After such preparatory processes you can safely begin the repair.

Repair procedure

Many owners of apartments in a new building do not know where to start renovations and what sequence to follow. It is almost the same as for apartments sold on the secondary market. It is highly not recommended to disrupt the sequence of repairs in a new building. In the worst case, the finishing and much more will be reworked at significant financial cost.

Electrical wiring, low current and heated floors

The installation of electrical wiring should be approached with the utmost seriousness. In new buildings it is not always done with high quality and thoughtfulness, so there is a need to make it “to suit yourself”. Sometimes electrical appliances may be installed, but again their quality may be questionable. It’s better to do everything yourself, taking into account your needs. At this stage of renovation in a new building, it is not recommended to consider an economical solution.

Plumbing communications

Wiring of plumbing communications involves the installation of water and heating pipes. The distribution of water supply and sewerage should begin from the common riser of the new building, after which the pipes are brought to the intended installation location of plumbing fixtures. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to entrust the work to specialists.


An important step in renovating an apartment is pouring the screed. If the house is concrete, then it must be done.

Concrete is used as a solution. First, it is poured onto the subfloor, after which the surface is leveled. The easiest option is wet screed, you can fill the solution yourself. Using this solution, you can get rid of cracks and all uneven floors.

Rough finishing of ceilings and walls

Rough renovations in a new building are the dirtiest and dustiest work, including:

  • Installation of cement-sand screed;
  • Leveling walls;
  • Leveling ceilings;
  • Installation of the entrance door.

Often the developer levels the walls and floors, but sometimes this is not done well enough, so you have to redo or correct it yourself.

Replacing batteries (if you are not satisfied with the option from the developer)

Replacing heating batteries in new houses is not at all a mandatory procedure, but there are cases when apartment owners make such a decision. The reasons are:

  • insufficient quality of batteries;
  • The version of the heating radiators does not suit the interior of the apartment;
  • inappropriate placement of radiators.

New aluminum multi-section heating radiators for an apartment in a new building

Any of the above reasons entails the installation of new, most suitable heating radiators.

Which radiators should you prefer? Steel batteries are a good option in all respects except endurance high pressure. Aluminum products are susceptible to corrosive changes, although they are better in terms of thermal power. Most the best option bimetallic radiators. You have to pay for high quality indicators, so such devices are not cheap.

Replacing windows with plastic ones (if you are not satisfied with the option from the developer)

By installing windows in new buildings, the developer is trying to save money, so apartment owners are often faced with their terrible quality. The savings mainly concern the reinforcement of windows and fittings. Also, the proper level of noise and heat insulation is not provided.

If the budget allocated for repairs is limited, then you can do without replacing structures. All you need to do is simply adjust the windows and replace them. sealing rubber bands. Such measures do not completely solve the problem, but you can postpone the process of installing new structures for a couple of years.

Entrance door installation

Install front door in a new home, experts recommend after rough repairs, namely after installing the screed and conducting communications.

In new residential buildings Heating and water supply pipes often enter the apartment along the floor through the doorway under the threshold, so this fact should be taken into account. It is worth making sure in advance that the pipeline does not interfere with the installation of the door and is not damaged by the tool. With this installation method, it is important to protect the door with a film coating.

Ceilings (whitewashed or painted, plasterboard or suspended)

The choice of material for ceilings should be taken seriously, since their condition after the building shrinks depends on this. Based on this feature, it is recommended to consider the following options:

  • Whitewashing or painting ceilings does not require major costs. You can easily restore their appearance if cracks appear;
  • Plasterboard ceiling with floating frame installation. Cracks will not be visible because plasterboard construction not attached to walls;
  • Shrinkage of the house is not a problem for stretch ceilings;
  • An excellent solution is to install a ceiling made of plastic or MDF panels.

Whitewashing the ceiling with a brush after completely leveling the surface

The choice of one option or another depends on the excellent preferences of the owners.

Tile work in bathrooms, kitchen, hallway (walls and floors)

In the first year after the building is put into operation, experts strongly do not recommend laying tiles in the kitchen and bathroom. In the worst case, due to a violation of the tightness of the seams, water may leak to neighbors or mold may appear.

Floors can be tiled provided there is no risk of damage during other activities. It can be covered with thick cardboard during repairs, but this is unlikely to save you from falling with a heavy hammer or other tool.

Installation of interior doors

It is advisable to install interior doors in an apartment after they have been completed rough work and some preparatory activities:

  • Plastering and puttying of walls;
  • Subfloor installation;
  • All wet processes must be completed. In the worst case, the door frame becomes deformed under the influence of dampness;
  • Carrying out accurate measurements;
  • Alignment of the doorway;
  • The room should be warm and dry.

Can be installed interior doors immediately without platbands. They are fixed after finishing.

Walls (wallpaper or Venetian plaster)

The choice of material for covering the walls must be decided before renovations are carried out in the apartment. Many people are interested in the question of what better wallpaper or plaster? In fact, most apartment owners are inclined to decorative plaster, since this option is more durable and looks very nice.

Wallpapering walls is not a complicated process, but despite this, you should follow the right technology process in order to eliminate the growth of mold and other troubles.

Installation of plumbing (bath, shower, toilet, sink, taps, heated towel rails)

Installation of plumbing can only be carried out after the plumbing pipes have been laid out and the premises have been finished. This is one of the most important stages renovation in a new apartment. From correct installation The comfort of living depends on the toilet, bathtub, sink, heated towel rail, sink and shower stall.

Before execution installation processes a project is drawn up indicating the quantity Supplies and the exact location of plumbing fixtures. Only a properly designed project and professionalism will help you avoid common mistakes.

Floors – parquet, laminate, etc.

Make your choice flooring Answers to the following questions will help:

  • What are the requirements regarding functionality;
  • What budget is allocated for the purchase of material?

Parquet flooring looks very beautiful as a flooring if it is properly cared for. It needs to be periodically sorted out, sanded, protected from moisture and treated with special compounds. Laying parquet is a complex process that requires high professionalism.

A good alternative is modern laminate. You can buy an insulated version with a backing or a simple one. This type of flooring is easy to care for and does not require large expenses for its installation.

Most cheap option the floor covering is linoleum, but the cheapness is not always justified. If it is laid incorrectly and without maintaining the shrinkage time, wrinkles, folds and divergences of joints appear.

Installation of door frames, thresholds

Door frames and thresholds are installed after the walls have been finished. It is under these elements that some defects can be hidden. In the worst case, you will have to cover the cracks with sealant and file the platbands, which will ultimately look unsightly.

Fastening door frame using pegs and mounting foam

Each type of work must be done sequentially in order to avoid such problems.

If it is necessary to make a floor without dismantling the old doors, then part of the door frame is sawn off 5-10 centimeters from the floor.

Ideally, the thresholds should be installed after installing the floor and installing the doors. If they are installed ahead of time, they will not be on the same plane as the door. Visually it will look like an oblique design.

Installation of switches, sockets, lighting fixtures

Install switches, sockets and lighting important at the final stage of repair. Pre-installed electrical wiring and a pre-drawn apartment plan will help you navigate the placement of these elements.

Installation of kitchen, kitchen appliances, built-in wardrobes in the hallway and rooms

Installation of kitchen furniture is usually carried out by craftsmen who bring it from the store. If this means moving to an apartment with existing furniture, appliances and cabinets, then you have to carry out these actions yourself.

To install a kitchen and kitchen appliances It is worth proceeding subject to complete completion of the repair. Again, a plan comes to the rescue with an exact location for each element.

Delivery and placement of furniture

After receiving the keys, each apartment owner imagines in his mind what his home will look like in the future, so he decides in advance on its furnishings. Based on the chosen interior and style, furniture and household appliances are arranged.

For convenience, the largest interior items are brought in and placed first, these are sofas, armchairs, chests of drawers, cabinets, etc., followed by bedside tables, chairs and tables. If necessary, you can use design services.