The size of the step overhanging the porch riser. Stair glossary with illustrations

During the construction of two-story country cottages and dachas, it is necessary to comply with norms and standards in all construction processes, including when arranging ladder structures. The greatest load in them falls on the steps. The comfort and duration of operation of interfloor marches depend on the parameters of these elements. Below we will talk about the acceptable range of sizes of stairs in the house, providing convenient and safe operation.

The size of the steps of the stairs according to GOST

The standards take into account all the nuances of the construction and use of transitional structures of the following types:

  • interfloor;
  • basement;
  • attic.
  • evacuation.

Interfloor home stairs can be of the following types:

  • straight;
  • rotary;
  • screw;
  • foreign.

According to the Joint Venture “Single-apartment residential houses”, the slope, width and height of stairs in private houses should “ensure the convenience and safety of movement”, “the width and slope of stairs are not regulated”.

As you can see, there is no direct indication of the size of the steps. That is, in fact, these parameters are not strictly normalized. However, there are generally accepted rules based on experience: the standard height of the stairs should be between 15–25 cm, and the depth should be 25–30 cm.

For attic, folding, basement options, exceeding the norms is allowed standard options. These models are rarely used, their installation location is often limited, so the height of the steps may be higher, and the width narrower. Designs for this purpose are often non-standard. When installing a march to the attic or basement, they take into account that it should be convenient not only to go up, but also to go down.

Requirements for the dimensions of steps of evacuation stairs

Fire evacuation ladders are available in every building, including individual ones. residential buildings. There are special requirements for this type of construction.

In evacuation marches it is not allowed to install:

  • screw and running options;
  • different sizes of stairs;
  • curvilinear structures;
  • wooden elements.

Requirements for evacuation ladders are specified in the joint venture “Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits”:

  • the depth of the steps of a straight staircase is at least 25 cm;
  • the depth of the steps of the spiral staircase is at least 18 cm in the middle;
  • riser height - no more than 22 cm;
  • allowable slope - no more than 45 °;
  • the number of steps in one march - from 3 to 18 pcs.

From the point of view of current standards in individual residential buildings, such restrictions are redundant. But in fact, they guarantee you the convenience and safety of using the stairs.

Ergonomic stair tread size

by the most important element transitional structures are steps. When calculating the ergonomics of stairs to the second floor, take into account:

  • the step of the steps and the slope of the march;
  • tread depth;
  • riser height;
  • tilt angle.

Stair pitch and slope

The step length is calculated based on the standard human step length - 60-64 cm. The stair step (LS) is equal to the sum of the step depth (GS) and the height of two risers (VP). total amount for a convenient design should be within 60-64 cm.

Universal convenience formula: LSH = GS + 2VP = 60-64 cm.

It is calculated as the ratio of the height of the span to its length. For a normal model, it should be in a ratio of 1:2, respectively. Classic ergonomic dimensions - 15x30 cm.

Moving along such a design, a person will not experience discomfort, will not stray from his usual step. The standard angle of inclination does not force you to strain, raise your foot high.

Tread depth

The depth of the step should provide a comfortable position of the foot on the surface, not be too small so that the foot does not hang down and not be too deep so that the sole does not “drown” on the step. This parameter is included in the overall dimensions and affects the length and height of the structure.

The optimal choice is considered to be a width in the range of 25-30 cm. This the average size human feet. To save material and make movement more comfortable, the gap between the treads is left open. This move allows you to comfortably position the foot on the step, without fear that it will hang down or slip.

Riser height

The allowable size of the riser is in the range of 15-25 cm. Such a distance between the steps guarantees convenient and safe movement along the march. Even if an open space between the treads is planned, the height between them must comply with existing standards.

The height of the riser must be the same for the entire staircase.

Descent and ascent should be comfortable and safe. small size will lead to a mincing gait. high altitude make movement difficult. When calculating the height of the riser, the step formula is taken into account. If the standard is not met, the design will become uncomfortable.

span width

The optimal span width is 90-120 cm, the minimum is 80 cm. The ascent and descent along the march should be convenient and provide free passage for 2 people. If it is planned to lift bulky goods to the second floor, then a larger width is planned.

Comfortable width of stairs - these values ​​​​are slightly larger than the minimum

In goose step models, you can set a smaller width due to the fact that the steps have an uneven size. This option is often used for attics and basements. Rarely mounted as an interfloor lift.

Goose step design

The distance between the treads is made large, but during installation they are set in a checkerboard pattern so that a person alternately steps on the left and right steps. This allows you to keep comfortable movement and makes the march narrow.

Online calculator for calculation

Facilitates the calculation of the size of marches. It allows you to quickly and correct selection required parameters. To do this, you need to substitute your values ​​​​into the formula and get the answer.
You can check the correctness of the data using the above formula.

Spiral staircase parameters

Screw interfloor options due to their compactness are popular in cottages with a small area. They save space. But when installing such models, they take into account the age of those living in the house. It is difficult for children and the elderly to move on such marches.

For spiral models, the angle of inclination is not taken into account. But such options also have their own standards that must be met. In a screw design, the width of the outer part of the tread is greater than the inner one. The allowed minimum of the inner part is 10 cm. The maximum value of the outer part is 39 cm. The minimum allowable width of the spiral staircase is 80 cm.

Optimal dimensions of the step of screw structures

In such designs, a riser is rarely installed, but the step height should be equal throughout the entire length, comfortable and ensuring safety.

Winder requirements

The steps of the winder ladder have the shape of a trapezoid or a truncated triangle. The depth of the tread is variable. At the base it is minimal, in the outer part it is large. With unequal tread depth parameters, the height of the riser remains the same.

An example of winder dimensions

For the width of each fragment, the norms of SNiP determine minimum size: at the base - 10 cm, external - no more than 40 cm.

street structures

The parameters of the outdoor steps differ from the internal analogues. This applies to elements located at the entrance to the building, as well as on the site. Often, not only direct, but also rotary options are installed outside. Rotation angle - 90°, 180°, sometimes arbitrary. This makes the entrance to the building convenient and accessible from any direction.

Porch models are often made of reinforced concrete. They differ in reliability and durability. Parameters are chosen depending on the local landscape, house design.

In such options, a more gentle slope of the stairs is allowed. On low steps it is more convenient to move, a person feels confident and without railings. The size range is as follows:

  • step depth - 25-40 cm;
  • riser height - 15-25 cm.

As a material for external structures, not only reinforced concrete is used, but also stone, wood. For outdoor installation, wood is treated with special solutions that make it resistant to moisture, temperature extremes, and pests. Hardware coated with anti-corrosion compounds.

By combining the requirements of state standards and individual conditions, you can get a convenient, reliable and safe design.

How to make a staircase with your own hands? Such a question is asked by those who wish to build a house or a summer house on their own, or to equip a two-level apartment. By and large, there is nothing special in the arrangement of the stairs, since the latest technology greatly simplify this process. Therefore, if you are a skilled person, then make metal ladder or a ladder made of wood with your own hands will not be difficult. In this article, you will learn what interfloor stairs are, what material they are made of and how to calculate the main parameters of the stairs. Follow the instructions carefully and you'll be fine!

Staircase as an attribute of the interior

The staircase is one of the central elements of the interior of the room, and when designing it, great attention should be paid to the appearance, while not forgetting about functionality and reliability. Before directly creating a staircase, it is recommended to take into account some factors that will affect its size and design.

Such factors include the available space and height of the room, the ease of use of the stairs for people living in the house, and the maximum load that the product is designed for.

The architects claim that as the nodal point of the interior, the staircase bears the most important stylistic and constructive load. Harmony between aesthetics and functionality can be achieved through careful planning during the development phase project documentation. The geometric construction of the stairs depends on the design, material and operating conditions, so it must be determined before the start of construction work.

Thanks to modern technologies the staircase can be imposing, equipped in french style Louis XII times, lightweight in ultra-modern hi-tech style or massively rough in country style.

Marching stairs

Before deciding which staircase to choose, it is worth considering the main types - mid-flight and spiral staircases. The design of a marching staircase is quite simple and will suit you if you plan to make it yourself (marches are continuous rows of steps). But in this case, a considerable area is needed to ensure an acceptable slope and height of the steps. Such models of stairs are very easy to use and can withstand heavy loads. You can easily lift furniture and large items to the second floor using a flight of stairs.

Such stairs are safe in all aspects, and therefore are the best choice if the elderly or children live in the house.
Marching stairs are straight and rotary. The first ones are the simplest. They are durable in design, easy to manufacture and convenient to use. If there are more than ten steps in the staircase, the march is divided into two parts by an intermediate platform. So it turns out a turning staircase. The advantage of the rotary model over the straight one is that the steps at the same height occupy a smaller area. Such stairs are installed, as a rule, along two walls, equipping a pantry under them.

Spiral stairs

Spiral (spiral) stairs have a more complex staircase frame: they consist of winder steps, which are placed along the correct radius. They are used in the case of limited space, when it is not possible to create a safe slope of a conventional staircase due to lack of space. A spiral staircase is usually installed between two walls in the corner. The main disadvantages include a not very convenient design, which makes it difficult to lift and does not allow moving large items. However, a skillfully executed spiral staircase is sufficiently durable and can act as the main connecting link of the interior, then it is installed in the center of the hall.

Spiral types of stairs can be purchased in a ready-to-install version. But depending on the wishes of the client, many architects deviate from the usual canons and go for some kind of experiment. As a result of such creativity, unexpected avant-garde designs are born. For example, curved stairs with steps located along an uneven radius (S-shaped, triangle, oval), broken (curved, Z-shaped), petal (asymmetric steps, duck step) and attached models on rollers.

Material for the manufacture of stairs

Whichever version of the staircase structure you choose, in the long run, its durability and quality will depend on the materials used to build the stairs. The material for the manufacture of steps is stone (brick, shell rock, expanded clay concrete) or hardwood (ash, oak, maple, spruce, pine). Metals and their various alloys - aluminum or stainless steel - are best suited for stair railings. In interiors modern houses stairs look good too combined type that are assembled from plastic, wood and metal.

When choosing materials for the manufacture of stairs with your own hands, you must remember that stone steps are made only from blocks that are prepared industrial method and not otherwise. With artisanal methods for making steps made of stone, it is unlikely that cracks will be avoided on them.

Wood is easy to process at home and additionally gives decorative effect at correct use paints and varnishes. In order to prevent deformation, steps made of wood should be assembled from separate lamellas, which are glued to each other along special technologies. Wooden stairs from oak boards- are especially strong and durable.

Ready-made sets of stairs

A large number of manufacturers offer a private developer ready-made sets of various kinds of collapsible stairs, which are made in compliance with all necessary technical standards on standard sizes from various materials.
This option will be acceptable for you if you want to save a significant amount of money on installation and want to be sure of the quality of the finished staircase. Before ordering a set, it is recommended to calculate the stairs by measuring the height from the flight of stairs to the floor, the width and length of the flight of stairs.

Then you should choose the appropriate size, type of ladder and material, and then you can order the model from stock. Ready-made sets of stairs for installation in your home are so diverse that a private developer is not limited in the embodiment of his design imagination. All stairs production execution divided into several classes: economy, elite and business.

How to make your own stairs

To make a ladder out of wood with your own hands, you must first determine the geometry of the stairway. Spiral staircase it looks best in the opening as a circle, and a rectangle or square will harmoniously fit a regular marching staircase. Designed for beginners in construction simple designs, for example, stairs with winder steps, fixed on the stringer.

The constituent elements of the stairs

Those developers who are faced with the manufacture of stairs for the first time should familiarize themselves with the main structural elements stairs to understand what will be discussed in the future.

  • Marching span - steps running in a straight line;
  • Turntable - the territory that separates the march spans;
  • Riser - vertical parts of steps;
  • Kosour - monolithic wooden or metal beam for fixing the steps;
  • Steps - horizontal parts of steps;
  • Balusters - supports for railings;
  • Bowstring - a side beam that connects the steps;
  • Winder steps - steps that structurally allow you to make a turn of the stairs;
  • The frieze steps are the lower and upper steps of each floor.

building codes

Any ladder must comply with the established building codes, guarantee the safety of those living in the house and provide a comfortable lift to the second floor. Too high steps of the stairs make it difficult to climb it, and small steps are dangerous and uncomfortable - if you walk small and often, you can stumble. When building interfloor stairs Developers often make mistakes. Therefore, it is necessary to design the project in detail and competently and make an accurate calculation of the structure.

The first condition for the successful manufacture of interfloor stairs with your own hands is the correct design calculation. Decide for yourself whether the staircase will be double-flight or single-flight, how wide you will make the stairs, what the height of the risers will be, and how wide the steps will be.

Width, height and angle of the stairs

When determining the width of the stairs, it should be remembered that the wider the structure, the better. Such stairs are safer and more comfortable for walking. To find out what height to make a wooden staircase, it is worth fixing a straight board on the top of the terrace in such a way that it overlaps with a margin the place where the stairs are supposed to start from. Using a level, it is recommended to check the levelness of the board mounting and correct if necessary.

Next, you need to calculate the angle of inclination of the future stairs, because correct angle tilt is a basic requirement for safe and comfortable driving. After all, it is difficult to go down or climb too steep stairs. The most convenient for moving up the stairs will be the angle of inclination in the range of 30 - 45 degrees. In addition, a design with a smaller angle takes up more space.

Riser height and step width

Once you have the width and height of the stairs, you can calculate the height of the riser. For lifting in practice, the most convenient are stairs, the riser height of which is 140 - 170 millimeters, and the step width is 340 - 370 millimeters.
The height of the riser should be no more than 200 millimeters and no less than 120 millimeters.

The protrusion of the step should be about 20-40 millimeters. The higher you make the riser, the narrower the step should be, and vice versa. The width of the steps should at least be equal to its height. It is desirable that the step of your stairs correspond to 42 shoe sizes or reach 28-30 centimeters.

Marking the stringer and cutting the steps

Before placing the steps, you should decide how the stringer will join the terrace. It is attached directly to the terrace beam or under the platform to the structure in such a way that the terrace surface is considered the last step.
Next, take a metal marking square and a pattern, on which you should apply the calculated height of the riser, for example, 17 centimeters, and the width of the step, for example, 29 centimeters. And with the help of a template, mark the kosour.

Next, using a circular saw, it is worth cutting out the steps. Be careful, it is highly undesirable to go beyond the lines. Finish cuts better hand saw. Then, using the finished kosour, mark the rest of the kosour. It is not recommended to save on them, because they provide rigidity to your stairs. But when deflections occur, the steps begin to loosen the entire structure.

After that, cut the risers and steps. Pay attention to the fact that the steps should be cut, taking into account the thickness of the risers. And do not forget to take into account the protrusion of the step above the riser by 20-40 millimeters

Material selection

Any developer, after having calculated the staircase and its main parameters, must choose the material, because the final cost, aesthetic appearance and performance properties of the finished staircase depend on it. Nowadays, oak, linden, pine, metal and glass are more popular. The material for the manufacture of steps should ideally correspond to the general style of the interior of the home.

If the floors in the room are finished with wood, then it is better to make steps from raushpunt. To create balusters, you need bars 50 by 50 centimeters; beautiful railings can turn out from a blockhouse. Buy decorative elements available in any store building materials. Make ordinary and winder canvases of steps in the amount that you need to make stairs with your own hands. To make the edges look neater, they should be processed with a round cutter.

Installation of a ladder structure

Mounting ladder construction on stringers, you should start with the installation of a support post and the installation of risers. You can fix the structure with self-tapping screws, but it is also better to use liquid nails so that the stairs do not creak. Then you need to adjust the turning steps. Now the basic design is ready.

It is necessary to mark the placement of stringers on the wall, if necessary, then adjustments should be made to the calculated dimensions of the steps. Then the drawing is transferred from the wall to tracing paper, and after that - to the preparation of stringers. Using a simple hacksaw and a circular saw, notches are made under the steps.

The finished kosour is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws. Steps and riser with a kosour and with each other are connected in the same way, the caps of the self-tapping screws go deep into the tree. The open part of the steps of your stairs is closed with a bowstring. To top it off, railings for stairs are made, balusters and decorative elements are attached. under the stairs for rational use you can equip lockers for various little things, a mezzanine and a dressing room.

In this article, you learned about the basic terms that are used in the manufacture of stairs, learned how to calculate parameters such as the height and angle of the stairs, the width of the steps and the height of the risers, and also got acquainted with the main materials that are used to make stairs. In any case, the ability to design a practical, reliable and comfortable staircase for your home will definitely come in handy.

Steps are one of the main components of any staircase. They are made of various materials, they can be either a separate element or part of a monolithic flight of stairs. The relevant regulations define the minimum and maximum step size for stairs , on which the safety of the entire structure directly depends. Typical stairs and degrees have long been calculated by designers, and for rooms with non-standard dimensions and dimensions stairwells calculations have to be done individually each time.

Varieties and features of steps

Depending on the form, the steps are divided into:

  • straight, having the same size and located on the mid-flight stairs;
  • running, produced wedge-shaped. They are installed on rotary or spiral staircases.

Steps consist of a horizontal part (tread) and a vertical part (riser). The standards allow the manufacture of stairs with open risers, as well as with one tread overhanging the other, which is called trimming, or overhang. The size of the step for stairs is calculated based on the slope of the march and the number of treads in it.

Depending on the location of the steps are:

  • frieze lower ones. They are located at the very bottom of the flight of stairs at the level of the floor or platform, rising above it to the height of the riser;
  • frieze upper ones, which are the last steps in the march. They are located at the floor level of the upper floor, or below it, at a distance corresponding to the size of the riser;
  • ordinary, located between the frieze steps. On a march, there can be from 1 to 16.

Permissible step sizes

The dimensions of the steps are calculated according to the requirements and recommendations of the relevant normative documents, which clearly prescribe their dimensions. First of all, in SNiP 2.08.01-89 * "Residential buildings" it is determined that the width of the intra-apartment flight of stairs, and hence the steps, must be at least 0.90 meters with its largest slope of 1: 1.25. And the number of lifts in one march is allowed to be made from 3 to 18. These parameters are fundamental in the calculations.

To make climbing stairs convenient and comfortable, when determining the dimensions of the steps, the step size of the average person is taken into account. It is 0.60-0.64 meters. The width of the tread (a) and the height of the riser (b) are selected depending on the following ratio:

a + 2b = 60-64 (cm), or

a + b = 43-47 (cm).

This formula was invented back in the 18th century by the French architect Blondel, but to this day it has not lost its relevance.

It should be noted that the most optimal is the ratio of the width to the height of the step 300:150 mm. Normative dimensions of steps made of different materials, are slightly different from each other. Their dimensions also depend on the main purpose of the stairs. But general parameters can be given.

The size of the tread should allow you to stand on the surface of the entire foot. Its depth is recommended to be at least 235-250 mm and not more than 355 mm for straight steps. Winder steps in their narrow part should not be less than 100 mm, along the travel line - 250 mm, and from a wide end - more than 400 mm. For auxiliary stairs (to the basement, to the attic or attic), it is allowed to reduce the tread to 200 mm. Street steps can be made up to 400 mm deep.

Quite often, the design of the stairs provides for the overhang of one step over the other. It should not exceed 50 mm, and for wooden structures- 30 mm. An overhang is made if it is impossible to arrange treads of optimal depth, and a similar technique allows them to be slightly increased. But before carving out the deprivation of millimeters, it is worth thinking about the design of the steps called the "duck step". For each leg, you can lay a full, comfortable size here.

The construction of any residential or public building always begins with detailed consideration each structure to be included in the project. One of these structures is a staircase. It can be indoor, outdoor, attic, basement, etc. But its detailed component always remains unchanged, on the basis of which there are parameters according to GOST and SNiP, which any erected staircase must comply with. With a detailed analysis of the staircase structure Special attention it is worth paying attention to the march, which is a continuous series of steps, consisting of a tread (horizontal part) and a riser (vertical part).

Please note: presented in one of our previous articles.

What do GOST and SNiP prescribe to us?

The construction of such facilities has certain standards that should be relied upon when erecting stairs:

  1. One flight of stairs should consist of 3-18 steps;
  2. In public and residential areas, the riser corresponds to a height of 14.8 cm, and the tread to a width of 30 cm;
  3. in the attic and basements 17.1 cm and 26 cm respectively.

But practical experience shows that slightly different sizes can provide safety and convenience.

It is better to make the number of steps in the march odd, so that the movement of a person on the stairs begins and ends with one foot. In addition, climbing 18 steps is a very energy-intensive activity, and 11 or 15 is the most best option, after which the person will not suffer from shortness of breath. With regards to the height of the step, its value ranges from 15 to 18 cm, and double meaning the height of the step folded with the width gives as a result the approximate value of the length of a human step - 6064 cm.

Dimensions of the width of the flight of stairs

The width of the steps also has certain building standard standards (GOST), which requires mandatory compliance with the maximum and minimum values:

  1. For street, apartment straight lines, basement and fire escapes, the width is 80 cm;
  2. For stairs leading to the attic 60 cm;
  3. Spiral staircase in the apartment from 80 cm to 1m.

Minimum and maximum step sizes

Referring to SNiP, you can see:

  1. The tread corresponds to a width of 25 cm, if the staircase is attic or basement, then from 20 cm;
  2. The riser corresponds to a height of 15 - 20 cm, however, errors of no more than 5 mm are allowed.

As mentioned above, the convenient step sizes are those that are in relation to the average human step. Therefore, it is advisable to present such calculations in the form of the Blondel formula:

2h + b = S (60-66 cm)

Optimal slope

Providing for the angle of inclination during the construction of the stairs, it is worth noting that the recommendations of the norms of building standards in this matter have not been established. However, the slope of the stairs is determined by the ratio of the tread and the riser, and focusing on the maximum and minimum of the height and depth of the step, the angle of inclination ranges from 33 to 45 degrees. For flat (internal) stairs, the optimal value is up to 38 degrees, and for steep stairs (auxiliary, attic) - up to 45 degrees.

What is the essence of the accuracy of building a structure?

The parameters of each step used in the construction of the stairs must be extremely accurate and the same. This allows a person to use it while walking without much care, both day and night, relying on the muscle memory of the legs. And in case of non-compliance with this rule, a person experiences inconvenience when using the stairs, trying to feel each step with his foot. And the descent on such a ladder is quite traumatic.

Why are there special requirements for the size of the steps, prescribed in specialized documents? Because they largely decide how convenient it will be to use the ladder structure. If a we are talking about fire escapes, in this case, it is the parameters of these elements that determine how quickly a person can leave a burning building.

There are at least two types of steps: straight and running. They can be made of wood, concrete or metal, but the requirements for their parameters will not change.

Even if you are going to build a structure for your own private house, you need to calculate optimal size stairs, which will determine the convenience and safety of a person when climbing. And if you need to put a staircase in a public building, then here you must be guided by the requirements of GOST.

To what parameters is a certain standard prescribed in an official document? This is the width and height of the steps, as well as the angle of the stairs. It is these dimensions that should be taken into account when constructing the structure.

Requirements for SNiP and GOST

To navigate the rules for defining optimal parameters, you need to understand the anatomy of the stairs. This element the structure consists of a riser, otherwise, its vertical plane, and a tread - a horizontal plane. The elements are combined into rows, called marches, and in the standard staircase construction they are based on stringers supported by bowstrings. The lower and upper lifting elements are called frieze.

The convenience and safety of walking are associated with such a concept as the size of a human step, equal to 60 - 64 cm. Often, to calculate the size of a step, they use a special formula discovered by Blondel.

2x + y = 60, where x is the distance in centimeters between two adjacent steps, and y is the distance between the edge of one and the other element.

For calculation safe design often use the formula x + y \u003d 45.

To calculate parameters comfortable stairs the formula x-y=12 is derived.

In other words, the convenience formula is expressed as the difference between the size of the riser and the horizontal plane of 12 cm. The safety formula, on the contrary, is the sum of the width and height dimensions, which is 45 cm.

But in order not to make unnecessary calculations, it is enough to look into the regulatory documents and simply strictly follow the parameters specified in them.

  • If there are more than two floors inside the building, one span must be made. Moreover, the width of the span should be in the range of 80 - 120 cm;
  • The march includes from three to 18 lifting elements. For public buildings the number of steps is reduced to 16;
  • Ideally, if the number of elements is odd, which allows you to start and complete the lifting process with the same foot;
  • The angle of inclination of the stairs when lifting must be more than 6 degrees, but less than 45;
  • The height of the steps of the stairs is an important parameter. The norms and rules specified in the documents allow this size to vary within 15 - 20 cm. Within the march, a difference between the height of the lifting elements of 0.5 cm is allowed;
  • The width of the element must be at least 25 cm. If the stairs are arranged in basements or attics, then the rules and regulations allow this size to be reduced by 5 cm;
  • The maximum protrusion of the lifting element is 3 cm;
  • Based on their requirements of SNiP, the construction site must be in strict accordance with the width of the step. The distance from it to the door should be about a meter;
  • Enclosing structures should have a height of 90 cm. The distance between the balusters should be 10 - 15 cm;
  • When designing or selecting handrails and railings, you need to calculate the load with a margin. Regulatory documents indicate that the railing must withstand a weight of 100 kg or more. This allows an adult to fully lean on the building envelope;
  • There should be a distance of 200 cm between the steps and the ceiling plane. The minimum is 195 cm for a flight of stairs.

The angle of inclination of the stairs and the parameters of the lifting elements are often related.

So, if the angle is from 5 to 20 degrees, the height of the step should be 13 cm in size, and the width should be 37 cm. This angle of inclination is typical for street structures.

Public stairs often have an angle of 20 to 30 degrees.
In this case, the width of the step approaches the value of 29 cm, and the height - to 17 cm. An angle of 30 - 45 degrees is typical for residential buildings. It is in this case that the dimensions of the steps are quite convenient for frequent lifting: the width is 23 cm, and the height is 20 cm.

However, the ease of use of the stairs also depends on the height of the floors of the building. It has been experimentally proven that at a height of 3.3 meters with a number of steps of 20 pieces, the height of the riser should be 16.5 cm. At a floor height of three meters - 15 cm, at 2.7 - 13.5, at 1.4 - 12 cm. The height of the riser increases inversely with the number of steps. That is, if the riser at a floor height of 2.7 m is 16.8 cm, then the staircase should have 16 steps. If you increase their number by at least one step, then the height of the riser should already be 15.8 cm. The most convenient and safe staircase is a design with a step width of 30 cm and a height of 15 cm.

When it comes to winder steps, here the size requirements are slightly different. It is worth starting with the fact that the design itself running stage differs from marching and is a trapezoid element, inner side which is smaller than the outer one. At the winder step, the minimum width of the tread along the line of travel should be 25.4 cm. On the narrow side, it should be 10 - 5.2 cm, and the distance of the line of travel from the edge of the stairs should be 30.5 cm.

GOST for the size of steps of evacuation stairs

Particular attention should be paid to the standards of stair elements of evacuation stairs, which are required by regulatory documents.

For special structures, the width of the tread should be 25 cm, but not less with a march width of 90 cm. Enclosing structures, according to the rules, should be more than 120 cm.

The rules and regulations of fire escapes with marches provide for a width and height of steps of 20 cm if the angle of inclination is 45 degrees. With a larger slope, the height of the riser can be 30 cm.

The vertical design also has standard sizes steps, although appearance very different from typical stairs.

The width of the structure in the presence of marches should be 80 cm. If there are no marches, then vertical design the width must be 60 cm. The distance between the steps, otherwise, the handrails - a maximum of 35 cm. The distance of the lower frieze element from the ground must be at least 25 cm.

Dimensions of stairs in a private house

If you are going to make and mount stairs for your house yourself, you can, of course, bypass the GOST and SNiP standards, but it is in your interest to stick to average indicators that have long justified themselves in practice.

First you need to determine the number of steps that will be in your design. Optimal Height stairs - 20 cm. To find out how many steps your home installation, you need to calculate the height of the stairs and divide by 20 cm.

The width of the tread should be comfortable for lifting, so its optimal size will be 25 - 30 cm.
For example, if the height of the stairs is three meters, then the number of steps will be 15.

The surfaces of lifting elements are usually not subject to stringent requirements. However, if we are not talking about stairs fire safety, the surface is not allowed to be smooth. Therefore, for the device of platforms and steps, a corrugated, stamped or with steel strips surface is used.

In conditions own house to ensure safety, you can lay a carpet on the stairs.

It is not difficult to calculate the optimal parameters of the steps, but in order to do it correctly, you first need to calculate the dimensions of the entire structure. When calculating the device, attention should be paid to ergonomic features, in particular, the step size, leg size and weight of the person.