Small houses combined. Types of combined houses made of stone and wood: design and construction

It's no secret that time does not stand still. Today, for the construction of low-rise buildings, it is used a wide range of materials. So, brick houses, which enjoy considerable popularity, are characterized by reliability and fire safety, and wooden ones are environmentally friendly.

What if we combine these materials under one roof?

Wood and brick - a smart combination

Combined houses made of wood and brick can easily be called a highlight suburban construction. In terms of consumer demand, they may be inferior to brick ones. But this does not mean that they cannot be called popular.

buildings of this type have a number of advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed below.

Advantages and disadvantages of combined houses made of brick and wood

A positive aspect is also the remoteness of the wooden part of the house from the ground, because it is not subject to the destructive effects of ground moisture.

Among the main disadvantages of brick-wooden houses, it should be noted the need for special processing of wood that protects it from adverse factors.

Brick and timber - a balance of strength and comfort

Among buildings that elegantly combine brick and wood, combined houses made of brick and timber are quite popular. These two materials “converge” perfectly under one roof, complementing each other.

The massive basement and first floor are the key to reliability and durability. The timber is wood, so it holds heat very well. In addition, the tree breathes, and this is the key to a favorable microclimate.

Another positive characteristic of brick-and-beam houses is their rapid erection. It should also be mentioned that the timber second floor does not need finishing, as it has a very pleasant and aesthetic appearance.

Combined houses made of timber and brick of the same layout can vary significantly in the cost of their construction. The decisive factor in this matter is the building materials necessary for the construction of a particular dwelling, or rather their price.

Both timber and brick have many varieties.

Thus, in the construction of such houses the following types of timber can be used:

  • unprofiled - construction material, used everywhere. However, for the construction combined houses it is not used very often, since in many respects it is inferior to other types of timber;
  • profiled- this species has gained greater recognition in combined construction. The logs fit together very tightly, so floors made of profiled timber, as a rule, do not need caulking;
  • glued- high-quality building material with high heat and sound insulation properties. Combined houses made of brick and laminated timber, or rather their wooden floors, have high strength, since timber of this type is obtained by alternately gluing lamellas with different direction fibers

When producing laminated veneer lumber, all defective areas of wood are removed, which helps to increase the strength of the material.

Another material, the price of which significantly affects the cost of the entire combined project, is brick. Its price is determined by a number of factors. So, for example, double sand-lime brick M 150 and red building brick vary in quality characteristics and area of ​​application and, as a result, have different prices.

Due to the fact that brick is a fireproof material, on the ground floor you can place a kitchen and living room with a fireplace, and ground floor Perfect for garages, boiler rooms and workshops.

Made from environmentally friendly pure wood second floor - perfect place for the bedroom, children's room and personal office.

Brick and timber house project

As you can see in the photo, the house has an aesthetic appearance. It is perfect for both seasonal countryside holiday, and for permanent residence. Having studied the house plan, we can safely say that this building has not only a beautiful exterior, but also undeniable functionality.

The ground floor of this house has five utility rooms that can be used for various purposes. So, a storage room and a workshop will perfectly find their place on this floor.

Basement with total area 142.47 sq.m can be used not only as a utility floor; the decisive factor in this matter is the flight of imagination of the home owners. For example, on the ground floor you can create a small corner of comfort and privacy by arranging it with your own hands, based on your own ideas about a cozy holiday.

A spacious living room, a bright kitchen and dining room, as well as a laundry room, so necessary for any housewife, are conveniently located on the ground floor. It should be noted that private room for the wardrobe.

If the first floor is designed for receiving guests and having a pleasant time with the family for dining table, then the attic is a place of concentration and relaxation at the same time.

There is a study here, where hours of hard work fly by, as well as two bathrooms and a bedroom, where you can relieve fatigue after a hard day at work. The children's room is also located on this floor. Since the attic is made of wood, then, of course, it makes more sense to place recreation areas there.

Brick and log house - exquisite unity

One more interesting variety buildings in the construction of which two different materials are used is a combined house made of logs and bricks. Such structures have a very aesthetic and attractive appearance and do not require cladding.


The instructions are simple: you just need to order a project and start construction. You can get acquainted with one of the options for combining brick and timber by watching the video in this article.

Combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are buildings that combine strength, comfort and excellent thermal insulation qualities. Combining two materials in one house gives good results. This direction in construction is becoming more and more popular and widespread. There are quite good reasons for this trend.

Advantages of combined houses

Until recently, a common combination option various materials there were houses made of brick and wood. Such structures were distinguished not only by their strength, but also by their significant weight. It took a lot of time to build the first floor out of brick. In addition, under brick walls it was necessary to lay a powerful and heavy foundation, which significantly increased construction costs. The use of foam blocks has significantly influenced the technology of construction of two-story buildings for various purposes.

Houses made of wood and foam blocks have the following advantages:

  1. Affordable price. Foam block is relatively inexpensive material. Compared to brick, foam block masonry will cost several times less. Since the stones have precise shapes, only a small amount of adhesive is used when laying the wall.
  2. Ecological cleanliness. In the construction of combined houses, materials are used that are completely safe for human health.
  3. High construction speed. Big sizes stones and timber contribute to the fact that walls made from them are erected very quickly. Foam blocks do not shrink. For this reason, immediately after finishing the masonry, you can begin building the second floor and installing windows and doors.
  4. Breathability. Both foam concrete blocks and wood are highly breathable. In such a house, optimal air humidity and a comfortable microclimate will always be maintained.
  5. Low thermal conductivity. For both materials this characteristic is at the proper level. This helps reduce heating and cooling costs for the building.
  6. Ease. The structure is relatively light in weight. There is no need for a heavy and bulky foundation. Light enough strip foundation.

The finished walls have an almost perfectly flat surface. There is no need to align them. This factor significantly reduces the costs of external and interior decoration. The use of lightweight materials removes almost all restrictions on the design and layout of combined buildings.

Design options

Combined houses consist of two floors made of different materials.

The walls of the first level are made of durable stones that do not shrink and are able to withstand the weight of the second level.

The first floor can be used for equipment:

  1. Store. This is quite convenient, since there is no need to go to work and waste time on lunch breaks.
  2. Workshop. The space on the first level is quite enough to install several machines, a sawmill, and auto repair equipment.
  3. Residential premises. It is quite possible to plan a kitchen, living room, bathroom, dining room and pantry. Taking into account the specifics of these rooms, it is advisable to lay out the floors in them with tiles, having previously installed a “warm floor” system.

Aerated concrete blocks have sufficient thermal insulation qualities to ensure that a comfortable microclimate is constantly maintained on the ground floor. The stones are non-flammable and do not deteriorate from high humidity and temperature changes.

As for the second floor, built of wood, there is only one option - to use it for arranging living quarters. On the upper level it is advisable to place a bedroom, a nursery and an office. The wood has a pleasant appearance. Walls made of timber do not need finishing. You can emphasize the structure of wood using varnish or stain. Wooden walls will create a pleasant and light atmosphere of peace and comfort.

To build a house, you can use standard designs or bring them to life own ideas. You should take into account construction and sanitary rules so as not to endanger the lives of yourself and your loved ones.

Construction stages

Despite the significant amount of work, the construction of a combined house is a relatively simple undertaking. First of all, it is necessary to select a building material.

Foam blocks are available in various configurations. You need to choose stones from which you can lay out walls 30-40 cm thick. This layer is quite enough so that the house does not overheat in the summer and does not freeze in the winter cold. To fasten the blocks, it is advisable to use a cement-based adhesive solution.

Wood that can be used in construction deserves special attention. IN Lately houses built according to frame technology. Despite their obvious ease, they have low price and excellent thermal insulation qualities. When constructing the second level using frame technology, timber, OSB boards and mineral wool are used.

Today there is a certain selection of types of timber that can be used in construction:

  1. Ordinary. This is the most cheap material. Its disadvantages include severe shrinkage and a large number of cracks and cracks that appear during the operation of the building.
  2. Profiled. The use of this material allows you to avoid the formation of cracks and gaps between the rims. The price of such timber is higher.
  3. Glued. This material is resistant to pressure and dampness. Cracks will never appear on it. But the cost of laminated timber is quite high.

For finishing foam blocks they are used ceramic tile, natural stone or siding. If the house is being built in an area with a cold climate, then the walls can be insulated. For this you can use mineral wool, ecowool or polyurethane foam.

The main stages of building a combined house are as follows:

  1. Drawing up a project.
  2. Preparing the construction site.
  3. Construction of a strip foundation. The depth of its occurrence should be below the freezing level of the soil. The base must be raised above the ground at least 40 cm.
  4. Laying out walls from foam blocks. Every 3 rows, reinforcement rods are laid between the stones.
  5. The top trim is made. For this, a steel frame and concrete mortar are used.
  6. Ceiling beams are being laid. A subfloor is being made for the second level.
  7. The walls of the second floor are being built.
  8. The ceiling of the second floor is being manufactured.
  9. Is being done rafter system and sheathing.
  10. Roofing material is being laid.

The final stage is the internal and external finishing buildings, arrangement of floors, ceilings and communications.

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The first floor of the combined houses is made of stone, and the second floor is made of wood. The combination of stone bottom and wooden top in one building, divides the functions between stone and wood in such a way as to take advantage of the advantages of these building materials and, if possible, bypass or weaken their disadvantages, that is, “killing two birds with one stone” with one blow.

What is the point?

Building stone, whether ceramic brick or gas silicate, strong, durable, does not rot, is not as afraid of moisture as wood, and is fireproof. Stone buildings evoke a feeling of solidity and reliability. On the first (stone) floor of a combined house, all potentially fire-hazardous rooms that are in one way or another connected with fire are usually concentrated: a fireplace room, a kitchen, a boiler room, a sauna.

At the same time, we are tired of stone in the city; in stone rooms there is often a lack of comfort -
doesn't warm our souls. In combined houses, living quarters are located on the second floor, built of wood. It’s easier to breathe in them - and this is not an allegory or an illusion: natural wood, as is known, reacts sensitively to fluctuations in humidity, absorbing and giving away excess or missing moisture - as they say, “breathes” - and maintains the ideal temperature in the room. human body microclimate. In a wooden volume, a different, more personal and emotional perception of a home arises than in a typical cell of a typical city high-rise building. At the same time, the tree, raised to the height of the second floor and separated from the wet soil by three meters of masonry, does not suffer from water, does not rot or mold, and lasts much longer than in ordinary wooden buildings. And the wide overhangs of the roof, characteristic of this type of building, protect the wood from rain and direct sunlight.

A completely natural and already familiar division arises: below are public areas and technical premises, above is housing.

A bit of history

The combined floor is a very beautiful and time-tested type of construction. Similar buildings were erected in the dark times of the Middle Ages in the Alps, in the disputed province of Savoy, which belonged alternately to France and Italy. These were, of course, not villas and palaces, but shepherd’s huts - simple and durable. Constructed from massive timber and natural stone, they served reliable protection for people and livestock from bad weather, so frequent and sudden in the mountains. The buildings were erected from various available building materials - stone and wood, and lime was used as whitewash. The high ground floor has always been made of stone. This was dictated by the peculiarities of the local climate and geology - heavy snowfalls and the proximity of rock that served as a natural foundation. The sloping roof resisted strong winds (sometimes shingles or shingles were pressed on top with cobblestones so that the roof would not be blown away by the wind), and its large overhangs protected the walls from slanting rain. It is curious that they usually tried to orient the shepherd's dwellings according to the cardinal points, with the face - that is, the most beautiful main facade - facing the east.

This is how the now popular chalet style, so common in the architecture of combined cottages, was born.

But it was not only Alpine shepherds who learned to combine stone and wood. In Rus', from ancient times, log huts were also erected on a high stone cage, which served as a storeroom for some, and as a trading post for others. Here, among dense forests, where the stone is not like that natural material As in the mountains, only relatively rich people, most often practical merchants, could afford two-story houses with a stone bottom. And we, by building combined houses for ourselves, thereby continue the centuries-old merchant tradition.

Gradually alpine chalet they looked less and less like wretched huts, acquiring a more residential and comfortable appearance, turning into permanent shepherd's dwellings. More and more attention was paid to convenience, warmth and coziness. Now in such a chalet it was possible not only to wait out prolonged bad weather, but also to live for a large shepherd or peasant family. Improved by the rugged mountain environment and centuries of folk art, traditional chalet houses have survived to this day. And now the most common architectural style of combined houses is the refined and modern chalet style.

Chalet interiors traditionally gravitate towards the “country” style, playing with the juxtaposition of stone and wood. What is characteristic of this style? Mostly used natural materials: stone, wood, lime plaster, woven draperies. The walls of the first floor are most often mortared. The interior is almost always decorated with exposed wooden ceiling beams; They are often painted in a contrasting color dark color and decorated with carvings. In residential interiors, attics like to use aged wood, dark, with a web of microscopic cracks. A large fireplace is almost mandatory, around which the whole family can gather on dark winter evenings. All this creates an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, security, peace, good traditions with a touch of some patriarchy - the atmosphere of Home with a capital H.

What materials and how to build a combined house?

Modern construction technologies present wide choose options, how and from what to build
in accordance with the budget.

The stone first floor can be made of brick, gas silicate or porous ceramic blocks. It is advisable to insulate the brick in accordance with modern heating engineering requirements. For this, there are proven technologies - the “ventilated facade”, without which not a single urban construction site can do today, and “ wet facade"when special plaster is applied to the insulation layer. Thickness brickwork in this case, it can be made minimal, as long as it corresponds to the necessary strength characteristics of a residential cottage.

Walls made of gas silicate or porous ceramics do not need to be insulated - the house will already be warm. They are usually plastered on the outside; in this case, special plaster compositions for gas silicate should be used that have good vapor permeability.

Log, beam or frame?

The choice of specific material and technology for constructing the second floor of a combined house is even wider. A residential floor can be built from rounded logs, profiled or laminated timber, ordinary unplaned timber, insulated from the outside using the “ventilated facade” method, or made into a frame.

Rounding and laminated veneer lumber are the most traditional options, which are suitable for those who simply love wood, its beauty, warmth, texture, and smell.

In fact, a low frame is being cut on a high stone plinth under a sloping roof - that’s all the features.

Insulated timber is perhaps the most modern option that meets heat standards in a residential building. Outdoor decorative trim The façade can be anything from imitation of prestigious laminated timber to reproducing the traditional appearance of authentic Alpine chalets.

When planning the construction of a combined house, do not forget that, thanks to its stone foundation, the house will be very heavy, which will most likely require the construction of a fully buried strip foundation or a reinforced concrete slab of considerable thickness. Be that as it may, the design and calculation of the foundation must be done competently and responsibly.

The frame also allows you to give the attic any appearance. But in this case, the environment may suffer: it is not living wood that comes into contact with living quarters, but synthetic wood vapor barrier film. However, an interesting modern version of the construction frame attic- half-timbered technology with large area glazing. Energy-saving double-glazed windows comply with heat standards, and appearance It turns out to be both strictly traditional and completely unusual. We can say that panoramic glazing of the attic facades is very suitable for a modern combined house.

Despite the abundance of modern effective materials, at the moment traditional natural stone and its artificial analogue do not lose their popularity.

Due to their unsurpassed decorative qualities, they are mainly used in the design of facades and interiors of buildings. This material of any origin is characterized by durability, absolute fire resistance, and low maintenance requirements. Its high aesthetic characteristics, variety of shades and textures give architects complete creative freedom, allowing them to create unique pompous ensembles and intimate cottages.

Organic combination of “mosaic” cladding with architecture in the spirit of cubism

The many faces of decorative stone cladding

Artificial products are extremely widely used at the moment in finishing works, despite the fact that in their own way physical characteristics they are significantly inferior to natural ones. This is due to the ease of installation of the decorative analogue, the lightness of the cladding elements that do not require a powerful base, the low price, huge variety textures and wide range of colors.

The use of organic forms when organizing a porch

Based on their composition and production technology, the following types of artificial products are distinguished:

  • concrete cladding manufactured by vibration compaction cement mortar high brand. Care of finishing - coating with paint and strengthening primer every 2-3 years;
  • polymer sand tiles characterized by elasticity, low price and relatively low strength;
  • products based on synthetic resins absolutely accurately replicate the appearance and shades of natural raw materials, the crumbs or dust of which are included in the composition;
  • porcelain stoneware due to its production from feldspar, fired at more than 1400°C, it has high durability and unique strength;
  • clinker tiles perfectly imitates stone and brickwork, differing from them at a more affordable cost and low weight. Possesses good qualities sound and heat insulation, protects against atmospheric influences;
  • flexible coating- sandstone tiles glued with a polymer to textile basis. It is distinguished by strength, elasticity, antistatic properties, light weight and ease of installation on complex surfaces - columns, cornices, arches.

Cottage in a picturesque area in Cyprus

Modern cottage

The warmth and sunshine of artificial cladding

Cozy shelter in the forest

House in the USA with an unusual facade, decorated artificial material- impresses with luxury

Another example of a luxurious façade

Using clinker tiles to completely cover the walls of a cottage classic style

Polymer sand tiles in the design of a mansion

Exquisite duet - plaster and decorative stone

Free flow of planes of different textures on the façade

These materials combine perfectly with each other to decorate the house, creating exquisite exteriors. They can be combined, creating planes with clear boundaries or smoothly flowing into each other. For example, the torn edges of faux limestone cladding on corners blend into the plastered surface. Window and door openings and arches are decorated in the same way.

On a note! At the moment, a popular solution is for stones in the form of chaotic inclusions to appear through the plaster.

Fragmentary cladding of a plastered facade with masonry made of elements of different sizes

Finishing the base with masonry made of artificial products

When using decorative cladding to decorate the lower part of a building, it is extremely important point- reinforcement of the surface of the walls to strengthen their connection with the finish. Above the plinth, it is necessary to fasten the ebbs - it is most susceptible negative impact precipitation. This measure, which is carried out after masonry, before finishing the facade, will protect the foundation from moisture.

Advice! To create a harmonious façade, the plinth material must be harmoniously combined with the color of the roof. The shade of the finishing elements of the bottom of the house must be chosen somewhat darker than the base to which it will be attached.

Finishing the plinth with cobblestones looks impressive in combination with brickwork

Original plinth cladding made from linear masonry with large inserts

The stone finishing of the plinth, smoothly flowing into the facade wall, looks impressive

Cladding building corners

This design of corners is also called rustication, which is densely spaced rectangles or stripes with pronounced seams between them. They are designed to give the facades sophistication and emphasize the reliability of the structure. If 100 years ago rustication was carried out using complex brickwork, today finishing is used to create it modern materials, including tiles of artificial origin. This technique is also often used to design window and doorways houses. Recently, the asymmetrical version of rustication and its “torn” outlines have become increasingly popular.

Advice! To achieve the most natural effect of masonry from natural raw materials, it is necessary to select design elements from different batches, since natural stone is not the same in color and shape.

Finishing corners and windows with “ragged” outlines

Mansion in the mountains of Utah

Photo from

Extravagant decoration of the corner of the house

Finishing the facade of the house with stone panels

To decorate buildings, elements can be used that differ in installation principles, colors, textures and dimensions. In addition, facade panels with a coating imitating, for example, natural marble are divided according to the material of manufacture, of which the most popular are plastic and PVC. Their surfaces can imitate a wide variety of rocks: granite, limestone, thin slate.

Due to the peculiarities of production technologies, facing elements have high strength and resistance to adverse effects. environment. facade panels can serve for additional insulation and soundproofing of the building.

Using panels in combination with siding to decorate a cottage with a complex architectural design

The panels on the facades of the laconic house emphasize the severity of its forms

The dark colors of the panels fit perfectly into the forest landscape

The light trim contrasts effectively with the dark tiled roof

Houses with imitation rock siding

This kind facade finishing may have various options coatings: metal, resins, cement-sand compositions, various polymers. Surface similarity to natural stone is achieved by adding fine crumbs of malachite, marble, and other rocks to the molding mass. Another way is to cover with an artificial product from cement-sand mixture, resins and coloring pigments.

On a note! Currently, the most popular siding that imitates the surface wild stone. High similarity is achieved through the production of products by casting from propylene using templates from natural cobblestones.

A house covered with stone siding in two colors - a contrasting and original solution

Nailite siding on the facade of the cottage

The facade and base are decorated with siding with different textures

Realistic rock texture on siding

Cladding buildings with “stone” corrugated sheets

A stable pattern of imitation natural rocks on a profiled sheet is created through the use of offset printing and multi-purpose painting, which allows you to create any texture by combining 4 primary colors. The profiled sheet coating is resistant to mechanical and atmospheric influences.

A house sheathed with corrugated sheets to imitate stone in combination with elements imitating wood

Profiled sheet imitating masonry

A facade made of corrugated sheets with a “stone” texture looks impressive with metal fencing

Spectacular houses made of natural stone

The nature of cladding buildings with natural rocks depends on the architectural design of the facades. The finishing can be complete or partial, from polished or “wild” slabs. Can be executed from stone slabs same breed or combined version. Competently selected and laid in compliance with technology, finishing elements made from natural raw materials require minimal maintenance during operation.

Advice! At various methods when laying slabs, the combined cladding with inserts of decorative fragments looks most impressive.

Finishing Benefits natural material before artificial analogues:

  • extremely neat and respectable appearance;
  • longest service life and extremely high resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the ability to maintain its qualities under the influence of temperature changes, humidity and sunlight;
  • lack of tendency to deformation and cracking;
  • reliable fire protection;
  • uniqueness of natural textures and shades;
  • there is no need to treat the material against mold and corrosion, which can significantly reduce operating costs.

Modern complex - the architecture looks organically in the forest landscape

Reconstruction of a 15th-century barn

Country Vacation Home, Big Sky, Montana

Refined luxury country house in Utah

Very beautiful houses stone in Idaho

Torispardon cottage project in Scotland

The idea of ​​a house modern style from the design workshop "Architect4U"

Features of wild stone finishing

The breed is resistant to a variety of weather conditions, retaining its originality extremely long time. Most often used for cladding plinths, corners, door and window openings.

Wild breeds of natural origin include:

  • torn sandstone, usually laid in a chaotic manner;
  • boulders are fragments treated with water. They can be of lake, sea, river and glacial origin. The most valuable are boulders measuring 15-35 cm;
  • sea ​​pebbles - a remnant of rocks that has a flat and even shape;
  • meotis (shell rubble) has a structure with long fibers and properties similar to ceramics.

Important! At the moment, imitation “wild” stone slabs are also produced artificially. Such products have an extremely rich colors and a wide range of textures.

Facing with a fanciful pattern of torn sandstone contrasts favorably with the blue roof

Harmonious combination of cladding with light siding

Caucasian stone- this is, in fact, one of the varieties of wild. Its composition mainly includes quartz, sandstone, and granite. Thanks to their original shapes, smooth surface and gray, light and blue shades, they are actively used to decorate facades and areas adjacent to the house.

Photo of a house whose facades are decorated with Caucasian rock with a characteristic bluish tint

Dagestan stone cladding

The rock mined on the Caspian coast can have more than 80 varieties of textures and more than a hundred shades from white to burgundy and dark gray. The surface can be polished, chipped, polished, sawn. Limestone, dolomite and sandstone are mainly used for finishing facades.

Facing luxury home with a triple arch at the entrance creates associations with Antiquity

Luxurious facade, lined with material from Dagestan deposits

Important! Rukla stone, which has a red-yellow tint, is a variety of Dagestan stone and is close in structure to shell rock.

Photos of houses lined with Rukelian rock create a feeling of the buildings glowing from the inside

Booth in home decoration

Rubble is a combined concept that includes sandstone, dolomite, and limestone, which have only common parameters: weight should not exceed 50 kg, and size - 500 mm. Its composition does not contain admixtures of marls and clay. The bottle cannot have cracks or delaminations.

Houses with masonry walls including rubble stone create the impression of reliability and security, like a real fortress

An extension to the house in the form of a tower made of rubble evokes thoughts of fairy tales

Burlatsky stone

This definition is not any specific rock, but stone products, which are given the shape of a bar. As a rule, shell rock is used to make them.

The photo emphasizes that the house made of burlatk material is emphatically restrained and strict

The rigor of masonry made from burlatk material can be facilitated by openwork fences and details

Combined houses made of stone and wood

The combination of wood and stone materials is a rational and cost-effective solution:

  • Lightening the overall weight of structures makes it possible to avoid building a massive foundation;
  • fire-resistant stone materials for the first floor, where a living room with a fireplace, a furnace room, a garage, a bathhouse can be located - the best option;
  • wood - natural insulation, which makes it possible to save on thermal insulation;
  • the first floor made of non-rotting stone materials increases the durability of the building;
  • reduction of time from the start of construction to occupancy - while the wood shrinkage process is underway, the first stone floor can already be finished and occupied;
  • stone-wooden houses provide enormous opportunities for the implementation of architectural ideas.

In a cottage located on a slope, the lower stone part on one side structurally plays the role of

Chalet-type house, designed and implemented by the design studio "Architect4U"

A combined house, where the material of a part of the structure exactly matches its function. Stone elements perform a load-bearing function, wooden elements perform a fencing function.

The combination of elements of different materials creates an original and at the same time cozy image.

Popular combination of materials in Europe

House-mountain - pitched roof with protruding wooden elements relies on rubble masonry

House: first floor - stone, second - wooden

Structurally and economically, the most justified option is to use stone materials for the lower tier in combined cottages, and build the upper one from wood. This technologically simplifies the construction process and makes it possible to evenly distribute the load on the foundation.

Advice! To further reduce weight for the construction of the second floor, it is better to use frame technology rather than rounded logs or beams.

Photo of a house in the cubist style, combining traditional materials uncharacteristic for this style

The dark tones of stone and wood blend seamlessly with the surrounding forest

Stone is a universal material with the highest levels of strength, durability, and fire resistance. At the same time, it fits perfectly into any architectural style. He blends in perfectly with everyone existing materials, starting from wood and ending with chromed metal.

All the projects of beautiful stone houses in the photo have varying degrees of complexity in implementation, so it is advisable to entrust these works to professionals - a number of works with stone require special knowledge and qualifications, and the use of specific technologies.

Video selection of photos of houses made of natural stone

Probably, in 50 years, the houses shown in the video will be perceived as we perceive the classical style houses today, but today it is modern options, pleasing to the eye with novelty and an unusual approach to the implementation of natural well-known material.

The construction of combined houses meets modern trends. People are trying to make their housing reliable, durable and environmentally friendly. Buildings made of stone and wood fully meet these requirements. They are very practical and are becoming increasingly popular among private developers. What you need to know before drawing up a project, what are the pros and cons of houses of this type, experts say.

Combined houses: what is it

This type of building is not know-how. Back in the days Kievan Rus noticed that such houses are durable, light, resist fire more and better protect heat. With the development of technology, there are more variations in the combination of materials for combined houses. However, stone and timber remain closest to the ideal.

Two-part houses, as a rule, have 2 floors. The basement level is built of durable stone, which is not afraid of fires, strong wind, precipitation, groundwater and plenty of sun. Besides, stone base The house becomes an excellent support for the second floor, which is assembled from wood. The beam helps to increase the energy efficiency of the building, gives comfort, beauty and convenience. It can be of several types, depending on the purpose:

Houses made of stone and wood are warm and reliable

  1. Glued. One element consists of many thin glued softwood lamellas.
  2. Unprofiled. An ordinary bar obtained after processing a log at a sawmill. The cheapest option to build.
  3. Profiled. It has grooves and bulges for reliable fixation and improved thermal insulation at the joints. It has clear set parameters.

Among the projects of composite private dwellings, the style of a chalet is in demand - Swiss shepherd's houses with characteristic very prominent overhangs of cornices. The cottage got its shape for a reason. It allows maximum transformation Sun rays V thermal energy. Second wooden floor such a house is an attic.

Attention! Other options for combination with wood: concrete, foam blocks, expanded clay blocks or reinforced concrete.

Pros and cons of combined houses

The popularity of such cottages is explained by a large preponderance of positive characteristics over negative ones. This type of building is actually quite practical. Its advantages:

  • lightweight construction, reduced pressure on the foundation (compared to a conventional stone or brick house);
  • the possibility of construction in a place with a close occurrence of groundwater;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of construction using modern eco-materials that are safe for the environment;
  • wide choose design solutions together with high aesthetics;

  • efficiency;
  • higher fire safety (in comparison with buildings only made of wood or modern combustible materials);
  • increased protection against moisture;
  • the function of the second floor-thermos: in the heat it will be cool there, in the cold - warmer.

Attention! Environmental friendliness of materials is not a fiction. It has been proven that living in a wooden entourage improves sleep, normalizes the condition nervous system and prevents the development of respiratory diseases (if the timber is made of coniferous species).

The disadvantages of two-part houses are not so many:

  • wood serves less than stone;
  • stone and wood have extremely different physical and technological properties, because of this, after operation in severe frost or heat, difficulties may arise;
  • even in combination with a non-combustible neighbor, the timber remains a flammable material.

The stone is not as light as foam blocks or expanded clay building materials. Such a house should be further strengthened from subsidence with a high foundation. Nevertheless, combined housing is an option for those who cannot afford it. two-story cottage. Also, architects recommend this type of building when, due to a heavy load, the foundation of a 2-story brick or stone house can burst or cause distortion. In fact, the usual foundation for a 1-story house is enough for the building.

The design approach in the arrangement of rooms can be anything, but usually fits into the natural concept. The facade of the house is also usually not additionally veneered - the more natural the texture looks, the better. The stone part can be additionally decorated in a rural or other direction, and the timber can be decorated with carvings.

There are exceptions when, with the help of modern facing materials both floors lead to uniform style registration But in this case, do not forget about different characteristics materials. On one in a few years, the lining will still look good, on the other it will no longer hold.

When drawing up a project, the size of the dwelling does not matter. In the photo you can see cottages that are completely different in size and design. The condition of the soil is also unimportant. The main thing is that the earth should not be a swamp and be able to withstand a one-story stone house.

The construction of such a building takes relatively little time. The main period will be spent on pouring, drying the foundation and raising stone walls. A lightweight wooden level develops much faster: it does not require finishing. At least at first you can live with naked wooden walls while you decorate the lower floor. Even before picking up a spatula or facing panels, conduct communications. They are advised to be located only on the 1st floor.

Attention! The combination in a 2-story building is quite in demand combined house premises for business and life. Downstairs, the owners are equipping a commercial space, and upstairs they live by themselves, making a separate exit and communications.

The combination of materials in housing construction opens up wide possibilities for its style design. You can make a house for every taste. In order not to be disappointed with the result, work only with experienced builders.