Fashionable wallpaper for the walls in the hall. How to beautifully paste wallpaper in the hall: original solutions for your interior

The appearance of the room and its mood begins with the walls. Very often it is difficult to choose the right color and texture of the wallpaper, especially if the room has a non-standard size. In this case, designers advise to combine them, resulting in an unusual and modern interior, unique in its kind.

Advantages and disadvantages

This style of wallpapering has a large number of advantages over plain painted walls:

  • Firstly, this way you can divide the space of the hall into functional zones. Brighter wallpaper canvases will help to make a certain accent in the room, which always improves the appearance of the room.

  • Secondly, it is easy to correct the "wrong" geometry of the room. If, for example, the hall is too elongated and has the shape of a wagon, then combined wallpaper help you set up the room. The same can be done with a square hall.

  • A great advantage is the ability to visually expand and "pull" the space up. This can be achieved in almost any room. Special meaning the pattern and texture of the wallpaper play here, as well as their location on the wall, taking into account this ornament.

  • It is impossible not to mention that the variegated wallpaper in the room makes it unique. Such an interior will be hard to find, because it is unique. And, most importantly, different wallpapers V different places emphasize the dignity of the hall, making it cozy and comfortable for life.

As such, there are no drawbacks to such room decoration. However, to find the perfect combination, you need to look a large number of wallpaper options or, if fantasy has failed, be guided by classic color combinations or seek help from a specialist.

Combination methods

In the world of decorating and decorating a room, new ideas are constantly emerging, just as in the decoration there are combinations unusual materials and flowers. Design solutions in the combination of two or more types of wallpaper, they constantly find more and more interesting and bold shades, shapes and textures.

To date, there are basic ways to combine different wallpapers, based on which you can create unique interior and design:

  • Horizontal combination of two-color wallpaper. As they say experienced designers premises, people try to avoid this option, as it resembles government institutions (hospitals, passport office, etc.). But with the right and competent combination of colors, you can achieve an incredible effect.

Often upper part they are pasted over with lighter and plain canvases, and the lower half with colored wallpaper with a pattern or ornament (it is also specially darkened so that the contrasting light top pulls the room up). The joint is also decorated with panels or stucco, it all depends on the room. It is very important to note the fact that the texture must also match in direction, otherwise the space will be "torn".

  • Vertical wallpaper combination. Firstly, this view helps to stretch the room in height (this is especially necessary in houses with low ceilings). Secondly, this way you can divide the hall into functional zones. Thirdly, in the part of the room where there is a darker area, it is better to stick light wallpaper, so the space will become lighter and more comfortable.

  • Decoration with photo wallpaper and plain plain wallpaper. This option is very unique and unusual. Today, high-quality photo wallpapers are created, which sometimes give the illusion of a really painted space on them. It can be a photo of a forest, a beach, some street in a large city. It is advisable to select a second simple wallpaper of a solid color that has a shade closest to the photo wallpaper so that there is a smooth transition.

  • Patchwork combination. This method can be called a little lurid and rustic, so it is better to use it in children's rooms. If a person is a fan of this type, then it is best to make small inserts and preferably above the seating area. In the hall, this place belongs to the sofa area.

It is also desirable that there are no more than 3-4 shades of wallpaper pieces, and the drawings have approximately the same theme, otherwise the room will lose home comfort and charm. To facilitate the search for different wallpaper sheets, you can purchase a ready-made roll with a pattern that imitates patchwork.

  • A combination of ordinary classic wallpaper with framed wallpaper. This is a very simple and quick option for decorating a room, and the frames can be swapped, depending on the mood, or stick a small piece of colorful and bright canvas over the work area or recreation area and frame it with an elegant wooden or plaster frame, it all depends on the general theme of the hall or living room.

If the room has built-in niches or shelves in the wall, then it can be interesting to update a plain interior. Design masters advise making decorative accents by pasting shelves or ledges with bright wallpaper stripes. Thus, you can update the room and add more coziness and comfort.

The combination of wallpaper in a particular room can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Simple, when for a combination they take wallpapers in perfect and practical accordance and beautifully alternate them in space.
  • Average, in this case, the range of selected canvases may have a contrasting combination, that is, the colors may not match each other, but thanks to this, it turns out to zone and divide the room.
  • Difficult, here the selection is carried out not from two colors, but at least from three.

Selection rules

To make the repair in the hall perfect and not have to redo it, you should follow certain rules that will help you avoid mistakes. This also applies to wallpapers. It should be noted that today there is a wide variety of materials from which they are produced. And one does not always go well with the other.


Depending on the material of manufacture, wallpaper is divided into several types:

  • Paper. They are single-layer (simplex) and double-layer (duplex). In most cases, they are smooth, without a relief pattern, which makes them almost universal in combination with another type of wallpaper. If two-layer products were chosen, then you need to select a different type of wallpaper with the same sheet thickness, otherwise one layer will stick out and stand out at the junction.

  • non-woven considered to be more durable. By its structure, it is a non-woven paper base with the addition of fabric fibers, so they are ideally combined with both the above-mentioned wallpapers and textile ones.

  • Vinyl canvases are considered a multilayer hybrid. Its basis can be paper or interlining, and on top they are covered with a layer of foamed vinyl. By their texture, they are smooth and embossed. Due to their structure, they can be easily combined with paper wallpaper, textile or photo wallpaper, most importantly, do not forget about the thickness, but if there is a visible difference, then the joints can be decorated.

  • Glass fiber appeared on the market of building and finishing materials in the XX century. They are made from special fiberglass. They are unique in their characteristics: they can be washed, they hide unevenness on the wall surface well. Due to their density and weighted appearance, they are best combined with the same wallpaper or with vinyl.

  • Liquid wallpaper are interesting and unusual. They are made from cellulose, which, when combined with water, is converted into a sticky mass, and this, in turn, is applied to the wall with a spatula. They can be combined with almost all types of wallpaper, as they can be used to make a relief texture on the wall or completely smooth.

  • Textile wallpaper is considered one of the most elegant. Their base is made of the same paper, and the front part is made of linen, cotton, velor and even silk. Their appearance does not allow them to be combined with cheap and nondescript wallpaper rolls. For example, fabric canvases will not be combined well with liquid wallpaper, the gloss and sophistication that expensive silk or linen wallpaper sheets give will be lost. They are best combined with glass, vinyl or quality paper materials.

  • Metallized wallpaper can be classified as expensive. They are produced by applying a thin layer of metal (most often aluminum) to a paper base. They harmonize with a few of their brethren. Like the above, they should also not be combined with liquid or plain paper wallpaper. The wall "companion" must also match them in its characteristics.

  • Cork are one of the most environmentally friendly and natural wallpapers. They are made from cork oak bark, so they are very pleasant to look at and feel. They are difficult to combine with something, so it is better to make small vertical inserts, and let the rest of the wall surface be covered with ordinary matte paper or non-woven wallpaper.

Particular attention should be paid not only to the material, but also to the texture of the combined rolls.


According to their quality characteristics, wallpapers can be fibrous, porous, bubbly, and also imitate the texture of others. natural materials, for example, wood, metal, sand, etc. Of course, it is ideal when the combined wallpaper sheets match in texture, creating a single, inseparable canvas, but, as a rule, this is rather boring and monotonous. It should be noted that not every texture fits another, there are also rules for combining here.

  • When gluing, it is desirable that the texture "goes" in one direction, if it is explicit, otherwise the room will be uncomfortable. Or the stripes should be arranged in such a way that a certain pattern is lined up due to the texture, which will only add beauty.

  • Do not confuse concepts such as texture and texture. The texture is also different. It can be an imitation of plaster, a glossy surface, an imitation of a real canvas or wool.

  • In a room with a small area, glossy and matte wallpapers will be very well combined. But under the reflective surface, it is worth giving a small part, most often it is a wall opposite the window, so that the light is scattered around the room. In any case, you can experiment using samplers that are issued at any wallpaper roll store.

How to choose colors?

It may seem that choosing the right combination of wallpaper for the hall or bedroom is very simple and the decision will come as soon as the person who is looking for is in the store. It's not quite that simple. The choice, first of all, should come from the size of the room and its functional purpose. Do not forget that with the help of color you can visually expand the space, eliminate its shortcomings, and also control the mood.

If you can’t choose companion wallpapers, then it’s better to turn to the color scheme of the most successful combinations of shades that have been prepared for a long time and have wide access:

  • According to experts, the most versatile combinations are shades of beige and brown. Light pistachio harmonizes with orange or light orange, pink with maroon or mahogany, violet with silver or noble gray.

  • The light colors of the walls are beautifully combined with bright and juicy flowers such as red, emerald, turquoise.

  • Masters even advise using wallpapers of approximately the same color range, where one canvas differs from another by 3-4 tones colder or warmer. This option is ideal for classic-style apartments, where fussiness and catchy details are not allowed.

Each color has its own meaning and, as mentioned earlier, the mood that will determine the emotional mood of the person in this room.

A interior design:

  • For example, poppy or blood red are colors that carry aggression, passion and emancipation. Therefore, design masters advise using wallpaper canvases of such shades with small inserts and combining them with more calm and relaxing colors.

  • Sunny yellow, pure yellow is a palette of carelessness and joy. The color can be combined with many shades, helps to expand the space, as well as simply cheer up.

  • The next color is orange. It is considered one of the most successful for the hall or living room. It encourages communication and positive thinking.

  • From time immemorial, white has been considered shading and universal. You can’t get too carried away with them, but you can and should alternate with bright wallpapers. It will help dilute a room that is too bright, as well as point out the advantages of the room.

  • Green has always helped a person to relax. It will bring to the interior its unique comfort and sense of security. It is worth noting the fact that this color tends to narrow the space, so wallpaper strips should be pasted on large sections of the walls, otherwise they can reduce the already small living room or bedroom.

  • A blue tint has similar parameters. But it also helps focus and improves productivity.

  • Shades of purple will help to add mystery, originality and romance to the apartments. It is very often recommended specifically for the guest room, as it is conducive to friendly communication.

  • Black should not be avoided when choosing a wallpaper pair. It, of course, should not be taken too much, but it will add clarity and elegance to the room.

Room size

The advantage of combining wallpaper is very obvious - with their help, you can correct the flaws of the space, as well as emphasize its best sides. This also applies to the size of the room, since properly selected wallpaper can increase and improve the space, and, conversely, visually narrow and make it uncomfortable:

  • If the owner of the room is not constrained by its small size, but, on the contrary, has a large space, then here you can safely experiment with the direction of the wallpaper, their color and texture. Here you have the opportunity to try bright and bold shades that can make the hall the core of an apartment or house.

  • Things are a little more problematic with the selection in a small hall or living room. Here it is necessary to take into account both the color palette and the direction of the texture and pattern of the wallpaper. How less room, the lighter the colors should be. This will help expand the visible space.

Here, vertically pasted wallpapers with a color one or two different from each other can be perfect. It won't break up the room that much.

  • In a narrow rectangular hall, it is also not easy to visually expand the space. Here, first of all, it is necessary to work with longer opposite walls. Vertical wallpaper canvases will help to narrow too elongated sides, and horizontal ones will increase the small ones.

  • Do not forget that there are almost square halls and living rooms. Here it is better to choose only the vertical direction and alternation, otherwise the horizontal arrangement will make the room even more compressed. Also, the masters advise to make one wall accent, that is, it will have contrasting wallpaper inserts on it. This will help to divide the space into zones.

  • There are apartments with sloping or rounded walls, which makes the room unusual and romantic. Here because of custom size You can also beautifully beat the room with combined wallpaper. For a semicircular wall, a horizontal arrangement and a combination of wallpaper are best suited, since windows are usually located in this part.

With what to combine?

In order for the hall to be comfortable and cozy, it is necessary to maintain a balance in the interior due to the external decoration and filling the room.

In this regard, the masters advise to combine both wallpaper and interior items with each other:

  • The easiest and most reliable way is to combine two different wallpapers with pieces of furniture. Combined wallpaper with corner sofa or with the usual. Very often, the hall has plain light wallpapers without a special pattern and texture, which play a background role, and with the help of bright canvases with a pattern or pattern, the space is divided into zones. As a rule, there are few such inserts and the room will look dull and faded if they do not find a color response in the sofa and armchair.

  • To add coziness and harmony, they use pillows with the same bright print as on accent wallpaper, or they sew them to order from a material that is very similar in color and lay them out on a neutral-colored chair or small sofa.

  • Very beautiful and unusual option will compose wallpaper with a baguette. Thanks to him, you can decorate the joints between the two combined canvases. It looks especially impressive when placed horizontally. With the help of decorative borders, the interior also looks more neat and finished.

At vertical arrangement their use will also be beautiful and harmonious. But most often baguettes are used as a frame for framing vertical decorative inserts. It turns out that paintings were hung in the room. Both plastic and wooden baguettes are already suitable here.

It is best to use a plaster or plastic baguette. They are light weight and easily attached to the wall.

  • Don't forget about household items, which can also be beautifully combined with wallpaper and complement the interior. If, for example, light or beige wallpapers were selected for the hall, and black or dark ones serve as a contrast, then a designer wall clock with the same color palette, where the dial is white, and the hands and numbers are black and they have a body with lines alternating colors.

  • Table lamps or floor lamps can be used as color filling. The color of the lampshade or body should match (or have a shade a few tones warmer or colder) with bright wallpaper inserts.

  • In the case when there is an echo of the colors of the walls and interior items, but there is no desired comfort, small accessories will help. On the table, you can put decorative candles, which are also combined in color with wallpaper, indoor flowers, and, finally, decorative vases, and they can be both floor and table.

  • The most important thing is not to overload the room, but to fill it with only the necessary and small things for comfort, then you will get a truly beautiful and comfortable place to live.


Today, in the world of decor and home decoration, there is a wide variety of options for how to improve and update the interior of a room. This also applies to wallpaper for walls. Today, stores are full of rolls made in different themes and styles, since monochromatic and boring wallpapers are of little interest to anyone.

In their manufacture, manufacturers always try to adhere to a certain style or direction:

  • The most common and frequently bought style is classic. The simplified and standard directions are characterized by light or pastel shades, they should have warm colors, without any bright elements. The material from which the wallpaper is made is also very important. For their production, only natural raw materials and components should be taken.

  • Next classic style- This baroque. These wallpapers are very beautiful, it is not for nothing that this type of material decorated the bedrooms of kings and queens. Their peculiarity, first of all, is that they must necessarily have an ornate ornament, unusual patterns, or they must have a natural motif - leaves, flowers, wreaths, etc. The color palette is very diverse and majestic.

You can find bright blue shades, emerald, burgundy, red. It is also necessary to have gold-plated elements or silver-plated inserts. It should be noted that such wallpapers are not suitable for small or narrow rooms, since they, first of all, should show the security and solvency of the owner, so in a small room they will look ridiculous.

  • Perhaps the most gentle and sublime classical style is rococo. It is also called the feminine style, since all the patterns are very simple and elegant, without much symmetry and geometry. Pale pink, pastel and light colors are characteristic. For their production, vinyl or fabric is mainly taken.

  • A bit similar in theme to Rococo is the style provence. It also carries notes of romance and "airiness". Such wallpaper canvases have repeating natural ornaments or plots. The color scheme is also close to the above type. In addition to delicate shades of rose and beige, ash green, blue, light purple, mustard are used.

  • next styleempire. It is very strict and is preferable for "male" premises. The color palette is dominated by red, purple, brown shades. Its distinguishing feature is the high cost and severity. In this regard, for the manufacture of such wallpapers, mainly fabric or materials that imitate it are taken. By their structure, they should be monophonic or have a medium-sized pattern.

  • A very interesting and unusual style can be called Oriental. It is sophisticated, minimalist and at the same time unique and beautiful. It is characterized by such colors as black, yellow, pistachio, mustard, red, carrot, sky blue. Oriental-style wallpapers are characterized by ornaments in the form of a dragon, a snake, a stylized monkey or a tiger.

  • For modern interiors, wallpaper in the style is very often used. modern. Here there is a combination of natural ornaments with straight lines. The color solution is very ordinary, without frills: white tones, gray, black, violet, blue. They are made from completely different materials (vinyl, paper, fabric).

  • One of the most strict and restrained styles can be called minimalism. Cloths in this direction are made in muted colors, without frills and unnecessary pretentiousness. Most often, these are plain wallpapers without patterns, and if there is one, it is simple and almost imperceptible and does not distract attention.

  • A modern and non-standard style that is in great demand in the market is art deco. Wall paintings of wallpaper are distinguished by a rich variety of both geometric, ethnic and chaotic ornaments. In this regard, the drawing often has a 3D effect, which allows you to expand the space. As for the color palette, the colors can be completely different, but most often they use black, white, cream, complex shades of red, yellow, blue.

  • An innovative and non-standard direction in the production of wallpaper can be called style patchwork. Initially, this direction was intended for fabric products created from patches, therefore, wallpaper fabrics imitate patchwork. This is a very cozy and “warm” look that is suitable for both the hall and the bedroom. The most important thing is not to overdo it, wallpapers are most often designed for small areas, to create an atmosphere.

They are characterized by floral ornaments, patterns that repeat the knitting and structure of the fabric. This wallpaper is full of an abundance of colors, which gives the room a homely charm and simplicity.

  • At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, a style appeared loft. Designers were able to embody it on the wallpaper. His characteristic feature is an imitation of the attic space, workshop or old dilapidated house. Therefore, an ornament of brickwork, wall plaster, etc. is often found. Very often, these wallpapers repeat the texture of metal, plastic or glass.

Beautiful ideas in the interior

Unusual and non-standard wallpaper combinations in the design of the living room, bedroom or kitchen are becoming more and more popular these days. To facilitate the task of combining wallpaper, there are already certain standards developed by designers as an example of finishing for a room in Khrushchev or a larger hall (18 sq. M). But you can decorate the hall of the apartment on your own, guided only by your inspiration.

This option is very good combination wall wallpaper. Light monochromatic ones separate the area for working at the table, and purple ones, with a beautiful leaf pattern in the form of a panel, “invite” to the recreation area. It is worth noting the successful selection of pillows for the sofa and the flower, which are in harmony in color and fill the room with comfort.

Unusual combination of photo wallpapers with simple material. Thanks to the hyper-realism of the wallpaper, the room increases in volume, and is also filled with the romance of the morning forest. The second wallpaper is also well-chosen, they have a pleasant solid pistachio color that harmonizes with the "forest", and also does not "break" the living room into separate rooms.

In the interior of this room, symmetry is taken as the basis. The vertical inserts of the wallpaper with irises are clearly aligned with the sofa and armchair. Moreover, the chair is ideally combined with the color of the stems, and the sofa - with flower petals and a background wall covering. The result is a cozy and comfortable room for receiving guests or spending evenings watching TV with loved ones.

Analyzing the combination of wallpaper in this version, we can say that the room has a modern interior. White wallpaper in combination with a small insert of canvas with a small geometric pattern makes the room unusual and interesting. This decision is likely to be appreciated by the younger generation, since there is no comfort familiar to everyone here.

It may seem that the room is gloomy, due to the monochromatic combination of shades near the sofa and walls. But in the evening, with a lit fireplace, the living room will be filled with warmth and comfort. Thanks to the small pattern, the fireplace area turns into the main accent of the room where you want to gather with the whole family.

Wallpaper is perhaps one of the most affordable materials for decorating the walls of rooms in an apartment or house. Due to the variety of types, designs, colors and textures, you can always choose the option that is most suitable for the chosen style of room decoration.

The living room is the place where all family members most often gather, therefore, when thinking about decorating this room, it is necessary to think over the design so that all residents feel comfortable in the created environment. And the question of how to choose wallpaper for the hall is not as simple as it might seem at first, especially if this room also performs other functions, which is not uncommon in the cramped conditions of modern city apartments.

Criteria for choosing wallpaper for the living room

When determining the criteria for choosing the design of the walls of the living room, one should take into account some factors that will allow the material to harmoniously fit into the style of the interior, and at the same time create a favorable atmosphere in the room.

  • The first thing to consider when choosing the type of wallpaper is their "cleanliness" from the point of view of ecology and, to a certain extent, safety, both for residents and for the construction of walls. That is, the material must be "breathable", not conducive to waterlogging of the walls, not emitting toxic fumes into the environment, and also not attracting dust to its surface.
  • The second thing they usually pay attention to is the appearance of the wallpaper. In this paragraph, you can include their qualities such as color shades, ornamental pattern, and, of course, general style design.
  • The third thing to consider is the difficulty of sticking canvases on the wall. This may include such moments as the selection of a pattern and the method of gluing a particular type of wallpaper - end-to-end or overlap. The fitting of the pattern greatly complicates the gluing, especially when it has a sufficiently large step. In addition, working with some types of canvases is the lot of professionals, and does not tolerate an amateurish approach. This factor must be taken into account if the finishing work is planned to be carried out independently.

Find out several ways from a new article on our portal.

The main types of wallpaper

Wallpapers are divided into many varieties according to the material of manufacture, surface texture, number of layers, strength and moisture resistance. To figure out which of the options to stop at, you should take a closer look at the specific characteristics of the various types.

Not so long ago in stores you could only find paper wallpaper, and even then they were considered a deficit. Today, the range of this material is so wide that it can even be difficult to decide on their choice. Advanced paper, non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass, metal and liquid wallpapers are on sale. In addition, this finishing material is made from natural materials - various textiles, bamboo, cork.

According to the structural structure, wallpapers are divided into one- and two-layer (respectively, they are called "simplex" and "duplex"). Two-layer options consist of a base-substrate, and a decorative outer layer applied to it. IN various types wallpaper substrate can be made of a more durable material, or the same as the decorative coating.

The table below will help you understand what wallpapers are and what characteristics you should pay attention to when choosing.

wallpaper materialThe structure of the paintingsNumber of layersStrengthmoisture resistance
Papersmooth and embossedsingle layer and double layerfragilenon-moisture resistant
Vinylembossed, embossedtwo-layerdurablemoisture resistant
non-wovensmooth, embossedsingle layer and double layerdurablemoisture resistant
Textilesmall relieftwo-layerdurablenon-moisture resistant
metalembossedtwo-layerdurablemoisture resistant
fiberglasssmall reliefsingle layerdurablemoisture resistant
Bambooembossedtwo-layerdurablemoisture resistant
Corksmooth, finely texturedsingle layerdurablemoisture resistant

To determine the desired finish option, it is worth finding out more detailed information about each of these types of this material.

paper wallpaper

Paper wallpapers are "champions" in terms of the length of the history of their application. They have a fairly wide versatility, and are not suitable only for rooms with high humidity, as they will begin to warp from dampness.

Modern paper webs are significantly different from those that were produced earlier, as they have undergone numerous modifications. Therefore, they are popular and in demand no less than other types, due to their low price, environmental friendliness and aesthetic appearance.

By the way, it should be rightly noted that if the walls under the paper wallpaper sticker are well aligned, then such a finish will look no less impressive than more expensive options.

Paper wallpapers can be glued end-to-end or overlapped - special edges are provided on the canvases for this.

The disadvantages of this type of wallpaper include such negative qualities of the material as low resistance to excessive moisture, ultraviolet rays and abrasion. Therefore, if paper canvases are planned to be used to decorate the living room, then it is best to combine them with other, more durable materials that cover the lower, most vulnerable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls.

Paper canvases are quite difficult to glue, as they actively absorb glue, so the work should be done quickly enough.

For the design of paper canvases, manufacturers use a wide range of shades and patterns that are quite capable of becoming an adornment even for the most exquisite interior. To make sure that such wallpapers will look great on flat wall, you can refer to the illustrations, which show interiors finished with this material.

This version of the interior solution is made in soothing colors. The walls are covered with paper wallpaper in delicate gray-silver tones, which makes the room brighter and visually expands its space. It is pleasant to spend time in such a living room, as such shades contribute to resting the eyes and general relaxation.

However, this option is not suitable if there are small children in the family, since you need to remember that paper wallpapers cannot be cleaned, and as you know, kids often like to draw on the walls or are able to accidentally stain them.

Another finishing option is made with “companion” wallpapers, which are sold as a set. Some of them are glued to the upper part of the walls and have a light color, while the second ones are designed to decorate the panel part - they are decorated with dark stripes. Combines both types of wallpaper with one floral pattern and a common shade, so they look harmoniously together. In addition, dark stripes located on the panel wallpaper can hide small dirt.

If there were no “companion” wallpapers, then the lower part of the walls can be decorated with other types of material that can be cleaned and is more resistant to mechanical damage.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper has gained wide popularity, as they have a lot of advantages. This finishing material is produced from cellulose fibers collected in nonwoven fabric, characterized by softness, lightness and elasticity - the ability to stretch within certain limits.

Wallpaper is easy to glue, since glue is usually not applied to them - it only needs to be well distributed over the wall surface. And this means that glue is saved, and the work will be relatively clean.

Non-woven wallpaper can be single-layer or double-layer. They can have a flat or embossed surface, the latter are made on a paper basis and are covered with a foamed non-woven composition.

Other advantages of this material include its following qualities:

  • Interlining is a "breathing" structure, so the walls under it will not create a favorable environment for the appearance of mold.
  • Non-woven trim is an environmentally friendly material, therefore it is harmless to the residents of the house.
  • Wallpaper is moisture resistant and can be wet cleaned.
  • A variety of colors and material patterns allow you to use them in different rooms, including the living room.
  • Walls finished with non-woven wallpaper look aesthetically pleasing and respectable, so they can be matched to any style chosen for decorating a room.
  • Non-woven wallpaper, due to the structure of the structure, is able to hide small flaws formed on the wall.
  • Wallpaper tends to stretch, so it will not warp or crack when the house shrinks or changes in air humidity.
  • When they are glued to the wall, air “pockets” do not form under the canvases, so they do not have to be ironed hard.

Non-woven fabrics are glued end-to-end, as they have a certain thickness. Gluing them is quite easy, because the material is able to stretch a little, and it is not difficult to combine the edges of the wallpaper. In addition, the wallpaper after a certain period can be painted, and this procedure can be done several times, changing the colors depending on the change in the interior situation.

They have a feature that can be considered in two ways - a thin non-woven layer can be slightly translucent. On the one hand, this is a drawback, since the flaws in the preparation of the wall for pasting are not hidden, and on the other hand, rich decoration possibilities open up if the desired shade is applied under the wallpaper: a very interesting effect from a design point of view is obtained.

Prices for non-woven wallpaper

non-woven wallpaper

In the finish shown above, non-woven wallpaper is used in the Provence interior style, with its characteristic wooden painted panels that harmonize perfectly with the walls. For decoration, light shades were chosen, adding light to the room and making the room more spacious and airy. In this case, in accordance with the style, wallpaper decorated with a floral pattern was chosen. So that the wall decoration is organically inscribed in certain style, it is necessary to create the right environment around it - in the presented version, these are stylish panels, as well as decorative elements and pieces of furniture, decorated in colors that are in harmony with the wallpaper.

This version of the living room interior, made in a classic style, has a more “heavy” look, which is created due to the selected color scheme. Non-woven wallpaper used for wall decoration is ideal for this direction, but they do not expand the space, but, on the contrary, turn the room into a kind of “closed box”. Therefore, these shades are best used in a room with a fairly large area. Not everyone will like this design style, as it has a lot of rigor and lacks the warmth of home comfort. However, it should be rightly noted that all elements of the interior are in perfect harmony with each other and with the decoration of the walls, both in terms of color and ornamentation, and in terms of furniture configuration.

Fiberglass (fiberglass) wallpaper

Glass cloth wallpapers are made from fibers obtained by melting quartz sand or glass, with the addition of some other mineral components. The fibers are formed using a special technology into a white non-woven fabric with various textured patterns. Common use such wallpaper - for painting, carried out after sticking to the walls.

In addition to unpainted canvases, wallpapers are made with already applied patterns, but they can also be repainted in any chosen color in the future.

Since cullet is an environmentally friendly material, they can be used for decoration in any of the rooms. For the hall, this material is used in cases where it is planned to create exclusive interior, requiring the use of different shades on the same or different walls.

The advantages of fiberglass wallpaper are as follows:

  • The material has a high resistance to mechanical stress - it is durable, so it does not tear, and there are no scratches on it.
  • The wallpapers are "breathable", therefore, under them a favorable nutrient medium for the development of microflora is not created.
  • Moisture resistance of cloths gives the chance to carry out wet stonecrop of their surface from pollution.
  • The material does not attract dust, as it does not accumulate static electricity.
  • This finishing material is absolutely non-flammable, and when heated with an open flame, it does not emit toxic fumes.
  • Sticking canvases on the wall is quite simple, so it is easy to do it yourself.
  • The service life of this material is more than 30 years, and if you want to change the interior design, the walls can be easily repainted in any chosen color.

Glass fiber has a drawback - it's a rather high price of the material, so not everyone can afford to purchase such a finish.

Fiberglass wallpapers in appearance do not differ much from canvases made from other materials, but thanks to the qualities mentioned above, they are able to create a very favorable microclimate in the room. In addition, they will always be in harmony with their surroundings. This finishing option is the best fit for the walls of the living room, not only when they are planned to be painted, but also if they are not the main decoration of the room, and they are assigned the background function for furniture accessories and decorative elements.

In this interior, glass wall papers are painted in a color close to the shades of furniture covers and flooring. Not bad in harmony with the walls and other items in the living room. If you want to change the situation, it will not be difficult and will not take much time to apply a different shade to the wallpaper with a roller, which will be in harmony with the new interior design. Moreover, with repeated repainting, the relief on the canvases will remain in its original form.

Vinyl wallpapers

canvas imitation

With a relief that reproduces the surface of textiles, mostly plain wallpapers are made, intended for further dyeing. This category finishing material, made from interlining and fiberglass, can imitate patterns such as linen weaving, burlap, herringbone and many other embossing.

Except monophonic options, canvases are made on which images are applied - usually these are floral or geometric patterns or ornaments. Most often they have pastel shades, so they stand out slightly on the surface of the wallpaper. Materials with such an embossed pattern can also mask low-quality sections of the wall, and the deeper the embossment, the less flaws will be noticeable.

Embossed wallpaper

This type of finishing material is made of vinyl or non-woven. When manufactured by extrusion, a geometric or floral three-dimensional pattern is applied to them. Such wallpapers can not only hide the uneven surfaces of the walls, but also make their surfaces practically the main decorative element of the interior design of the living room.

Wallpapers can have a solid color, or their three-dimensional pattern is highlighted in color - often silver or golden accents of certain elements are used for this.

A serious drawback is inherent in such wallpapers - this is the complexity of care, since dust and dirt can accumulate in such deep relief folds.

Interior color schemes

One of critical factors the choice of wallpaper for the living room is the color scheme, as it affects the state and mood of the people who will be in this room, as well as the aesthetics of the overall design of the room.

Of course, first of all, the choice of a particular color depends on the preferences of the residents. However, the living room is a common room, so before deciding on its color, you should consult with all family members so that everyone feels comfortable in this room. In case of disagreement, it is best to focus on neutral shades.

If warm shades prevail in the design, then the room will always look cozy. However, you should not choose sharp "poisonous", "acidic" colors, as they have a bad effect on the mood and well-being of a person. Pastel shades of your favorite color are best suited.

If there are many large windows in the living room, and it faces the sunny side, then any shades can be chosen for surface finishing, since in any case there will be enough light in it.

Beige color

Light beige and shades close to them are good to use for a room located on the north side of the house, since there is practically no sun there, and the room is usually dark. Light colors do not cause irritation, creating a calm environment. However, the interior, made in this version, must be “diluted” by installing or laying out accessories that have bright expressive colors.

The advantage of this design can be called the fact that it is a kind of neutral “clean sheet”, which can be periodically decorated with one or another, one or more bright shades. Thanks to this approach, the room will never be "boring".

blue shades

Blue color is a shade of blue, and there can be quite a lot of options, so it’s quite possible to choose one that is more suitable for existing pieces of furniture and other accessories. You should not choose cold blue shades for the living room, located in that part of the house where the sun rarely shines, as it will obviously be uncomfortable in it. Blue shades are harmoniously combined with colors such as navy blue, gray, silver, pastel pink and yellow, in some cases black, as well as beige.

This color does not create tension for the eyes and has a good effect on a person’s mood, especially if shades that blend well with it are used in combination.

Green shades

A green accent in the interior is good for decorating any room, especially when it blends perfectly with the shades of other objects in the room. A similar decoration option is suitable for a room located in any part of the house, since this color is unique in that on cloudy days it can add sun to the interior, and on hot sunny days - a cool effect.

In addition, green shades rest the eyes, they soothe nervous system creating a calm environment.

In the presented interior, photo wallpapers are used as an accent, which not only have a positive effect on the psychological atmosphere of the living room, but also visually expand the space.

yellow wallpaper

The yellow color of the walls, as well as other items in the room, used in its pure form, will become a serious irritant, causing discomfort both for the eyes and for the general condition of a person. Therefore, if there is a desire to use warm colors in the design, then you should choose pastel versions of yellow or a color close to it. In the event that the right shade is found, the living room will look sunny even when cloudy weather reigns outside the window. Especially this color solution will be "out of place" in the living room with one window or located on the shady side of the house.

The best way to use this color in the living room is to combine it with other, calmer shades that can “put out” its intensity. You should not use the design in yellow tones in the living room, located on the sunny side of the house, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to be in it in the summer heat, even with the air conditioner running - a purely psychological effect will work.

Orange color

Orange color, as well as yellow, is not recommended to be used in its “pure form”, as the eyes will quickly get tired of it, general irritability will appear. At the same time, the pastel, muted version of this color contributes to raising the mood, the appearance of activity and efficiency. Therefore, orange, close to brick or pale carrot, in combination with white, dark and light brown, as well as other calm colors, is ideal for decorating the living room walls.

It is very important that this design option is to the liking of all family members, otherwise it can cause irritation, which can lead to conflict situations.

Red color

The red color in itself is “aggressive”, and it is not recommended to decorate the entire room with it. If red wallpapers are chosen for the walls of the living room, then you will have to think very well about the color of the curtains, cladding upholstered furniture and other decorative elements, as they should not only harmonize well with the wall decoration, but also work to remove the aggressiveness of their color. White, different shades of brown, beige, and also dark gray are suitable for this.

You also need to know that the red color makes the room visually smaller, so it has a depressing effect on the human psyche, and therefore it is highly undesirable to use it for the walls of living quarters. The best option would be to use red shades for decorative elements that will add expression to interiors decorated in soothing colors.

Video: techniques for combining wallpapers of various shades and design styles

Living room styles

Another important factor when choosing wallpaper is the intended style in which the living room will be designed.

Classic style

The classic style can be called the most common for decorating living rooms both in apartments and in private houses. This design option does not involve bright saturated colors, as calm neutral shades are traditional for it. Quite often, two variants of the material are used for pasting walls - one-color and one with a large or medium-sized pattern, which slightly differs in shade from the background.

The canvases are combined with each other in different ways - squares or rectangles of material with a pattern applied to it are placed on the walls, around these “inserts” the surfaces are pasted over with plain wallpaper, and then the selected fragments are framed with a baguette painted in a color in harmony with the canvases.

Another option for combining different wallpapers is to divide the wall area into the main top and panels. For the latter, darker wallpapers with vertical stripes are most often used, and for the upper part of the wall - light plain or decorated with small floral or floral patterns.

Wall decoration in this style usually also involves framing the wallpaper with ceiling borders.

Hi-tech style

"Hi-tech" is a style that is one of the directions of minimalism, and it does not use wallpaper that has any decorative patterns. Traditional for the walls of this style is a monophonic finish or canvases that imitate masonry with small elements.

For wall decoration, non-woven and fiberglass wallpapers are more often used, intended for painting, so that if necessary, or simply if desired, you can quickly and inexpensively change the color. A kind of standard for the style of "hi-tech" are dark or light gray, steel and white.

Country style

"Country" is a "rustic" style that creates coziness and comfort in the room. It is quite possible to recognize it as one of the most loved by people and used. Often the owners, without even knowing the name of the style, intuitively follow its rules, creating favorable conditions in the rooms for relaxation and emotional unloading.

The country style uses soft warm colors that do not cause irritation and aggression, and the pieces of furniture in its interiors are designed to create maximum comfort.

Paper wallpapers of light colors are traditional for this style. warm colors with plant and flower elements arranged in the correct order.

The "country" style does not provide for serious restrictive frames for the choice of material, but it is preferable to choose a traditional color for it, which is not a big problem. Therefore, decorating the interior in this style is the easiest way.

Ethnic style

The ethnic version of the design of the living room is chosen infrequently - basically it is to the liking of lovers of the exotic, therefore it cannot be considered traditional for most Russian apartments and houses.

In addition, it should be noted right away that finishing in this style will be very expensive, since it usually uses natural materials. The walls are decorated with wallpapers made of bamboo, reeds, cork and other similar materials. In extreme cases, non-woven or vinyl wallpapers can be used that imitate masonry or one of the natural materials.

It is also possible to combine different types finishes. For example, one of the walls is lined with cork wallpaper, and the remaining surfaces are lined with plain canvases of the desired color or intended for painting.

Traditional for this style are warm colors close to natural, that is, brown, marsh, green, pastel orange and yellow shades. Quite often, murals with a directional theme are used to decorate walls.

It should be noted that there are other interior styles suitable for decorating living rooms in apartments and private houses, but whichever of them is preferred, the main thing is to choose a material suitable for it in color and texture.

At the end of the article, it is worth summing up and giving some final recommendations for choosing wallpaper for the living room.

So, when choosing a finishing material, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • If you need to visually expand the space, wallpaper with horizontal stripes is selected. To make the room seem wider, striped canvases are fixed only on two walls, on the one where the front door is built in and on the one opposite it. If the room needs to be visually lengthened, then wallpaper with the same pattern is pasted on two other opposite walls.

  • In addition to striped wallpapers, photo wallpapers with a perspective image will help to visually enlarge the space.
  • If the living room has a small height, for example, due to the installed false ceiling, then the same striped wallpaper will help to visually raise it. In this case, the canvases are glued to all or one wall, but so that the stripes are arranged vertically.

  • If, on the contrary, the ceiling is too high, and because of this, the room lacks comfort, and suspended structure there is no desire to start or funds do not allow, then you can visually reduce ceiling surface, pasting both her and all the walls with the same wallpaper.
  • For a small living room, you should not buy dark-colored wallpapers - they will visually reduce the room. Therefore, for a small area, it is recommended to choose light shades of canvases - they will fill the space with light, due to which the room will seem larger. In addition, it has been verified that such a finish helps to save energy.
  • For a small living room, it is not recommended to choose wallpaper that has a large pattern, it will also help to reduce the space. Best of all for halls of a small area, canvases with a single color or with a small floral or geometric pattern are suitable.

  • You also need to know that warm pastel colors make the room cozy and comfortable, thanks to this, an ideal atmosphere for relaxation will be created. Cold light shades will create a feeling of coolness and airiness in the room.
  • If the wall has some distortions, and there is no way to level it, then you should choose wallpaper for the room with a diagonal pattern or with the image of often located large flowers.

We hope that the reviews and recommendations presented in the publication will help the reader to make the same optimal choice which will turn the living room into cozy place for family holidays.

At the end of the publication - another interesting story, full of recommendations and visual examples for choosing wallpaper for the living room:

Video: features of the choice of wallpaper for the living room

Modern homeowners are trying to buy fashionable wallpaper for the living room, not always thinking about how harmoniously they will look in the hall.

If you pay attention to this room, pick up fashionable ideas for the living room, wallpaper will help create an atmosphere of home comfort and harmony in this room.

The photo shows fashionable wallpaper ideas for the hall.

Let's talk about how you can get the desired result, make the hall beautiful and multifunctional. For starters, you can check out fashion ideas offered by design agencies. Wallpaper ideas for the hall in the apartment are presented in the photo.

Advice! interesting view has a combination of several wallpapers in one living room. But before the start of finishing work, you will have to pay attention preliminary preparation walls.

Start decorating the living room with it

Any redecoration should start with a good idea. Let's try to find out how appropriate the combination of different types of wallpaper will be in the living room. How fashionable to stick wallpaper in the hall so that the room looks beautiful and natural?

In any room there are several zones. For example, there is a place to rest and sleep. The living room is no exception to the general rule, with the help of a combination of wallpaper here you can highlight the dining part and space for a good rest.

Advice! To carry out zoning, you need to think over the color scheme of each part of the hall.

For example, the dining area is decorated in cold, light colors. Warm wallpaper is selected for decoration dining area. Interior professionals do not disregard the texture of finishing materials for walls.

Wallpaper selection

For the living room, it is important to choose not only the texture of the materials, but also their type.

Attention! Canvases with a deep relief are combined with plain canvases.

Fashionable wallpaper for the hall perform certain functions in this room. They visually expand the space in the room, favorably emphasize the style chosen for this room.

For example, you can visually make the living room wider, raise the ceilings in the room.

Attention! Care must be taken with the varied combination. Do not get carried away with the amount of finishing materials. Professionals recommend limiting yourself to 2-3 types of decorative wall paintings.

If you go too far with wallpaper, there is a high risk of turning the hall into a motley spot, devoid of harmony and taste.

The specifics of living room decoration

Let's talk about how to choose the right trendy wallpaper to combine them on the walls of the living room. Interesting and helpful tips, original ideas for the hall, you will find in the video fragment

If you are the proud owner of a small living room with low ceiling, in this case, you need to add light to the room. This will make it possible to visually expand the room.

Attention! In a small room you can not use finishing materials dark colors, since they "steal" the space.

The pastel range, which will not give you the desired result, will not work for combination, will look boring and monotonous.

Combination options

Experts distinguish two main options for combining wallpaper in the living room: by texture, by color. Let's talk about what rules you need to follow when independently decorating a room such as a hall.

When choosing the color of finishing materials for walls, it is important to take into account many nuances, so experienced designers advise beginners to seek professional advice from interior art specialists.

For fans of a peaceful and calm living room, design experts advise choosing several shades of the same color. This option is offered by many manufacturers of finishing materials for walls.

For example, catalogs immediately offer a combination of 2-3 different trellises that differ only in shade. The advantage of this choice can be considered the fact that manufacturers offer ready-made solutions in the photographs so that consumers can understand how appropriate this wall decoration option would be in their own living room.

For lovers of bright and cheerful rooms, interior professionals are advised to give preference to a combination of contrasting finishing materials.

Regarding the selection of wallpaper according to texture, we note that designers recommend supplementing embossed materials with silk fabrics, selecting photo wallpapers for textile trellises.

Advice! The correct selection of materials according to the texture will help create a harmonious image in the living room.

Examples of interesting solutions

In addition to combining tapestries by texture, color scheme, you can use other methods of combination. For example, interesting and unusual view will have a living room that uses vertical combination. This principle is recognized in the world of interior fashion as a classic way of visually changing the space in a living space.

Advice! Adjacent or contrasting canvases will help give the hall an elegant and solemn look, fill the room with additional lighting.

When connecting several wallpapers, the classic "butt" technique is used. If desired, you can use other technologies, for example, combine canvases with zigzags. In this case, a dynamic image will be created in the living room, suitable for fans of modernity.

There are no special requirements for the design of joints in the design world. The only rule is a clear repetition of stripes of the same height and width.

Among the latest fashion trends in combining finishing materials, one can note the use of a wave-like decoration method. Such a technique will not only give an original appearance to the walls, but also bring into the decorated room home warmth and harmony.

They look good as a duo purple colors, complemented by beige muted shades.

Attention! The colors selected for combining the walls in the hall must necessarily overlap with each other.

If you decide to purchase wallpaper with patterns for wall decoration, the pattern on them should be bright and large.

When choosing materials of two colors, you can use an interesting technique that involves the addition of the main tone with two additional ones that slightly emanate from the main color. It is this design option for living rooms, according to interior professionals, that is the most convenient and suitable for typical city apartments.

Horizontal decoration

Many interior specialists are happy to use this particular combination of finishing materials in their work. The method involves gluing the upper part of the wall with light monophonic canvases, and trellises of dark shades are used in the lower part. This contrast allows you to visually change the size of the hall.

The wall seems to be divided into two parts, and when you make a joint between individual canvases with a special border, you can get an interesting option that fits perfectly into the parameters of the classic interior style.

Advice! For this type of wall decoration, a border is suitable, which has a variety of geometric shapes and shapes.

Thanks to the horizontal combination, you can visually increase the size of the room, focus on certain elements of furniture. It is necessary to select wide trellises in order to achieve the desired result. If the living room has low ceilings, then it is better to purchase wallpapers that are at least one meter wide.

In a hall with high ceilings, it will be very problematic to cope with this type of pasting on your own.

Advice! To simplify the process of wallpapering, you need to mark the joints with a pencil, and align the docking line first on the floor surface.

As borders used to separate the tapestries, you can use moldings or wooden slats. If desired, you can use an inexpensive paper border.

When choosing a border, you need to choose options that will not only mark the dividing line between different canvases, but also harmoniously fit into the overall style of the room.


In order to create a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere in the living room, to divide the space into several separate zones, you can use different design techniques. Among different ways transforming the space in this room, the combination of various types and types of wallpaper is of interest. In addition to the usual horizontal and vertical stripes, interior designers are currently using wavy and zigzag wall decoration methods in their projects.

Unconventional ways of combining several wallpapers have become a fashion trend in interior fashion.

Depending on the personal preferences of the property owners, the features of the room being decorated, you can choose best option which will turn the hall into a cozy and spacious corner for relaxation.

If you are going to make repairs in the living room, it is important to solve initially one difficult task and choose the right wallpaper. What fabrics are best to glue? The design of the wall decoration in the hall should be thought out in advance to the smallest detail. There are no special prohibitions, but only compliance with certain rules allows you to create a warm, homely, cozy atmosphere.

Implementation of interior design with wallpaper

Such a finishing material as wallpaper allows you to implement completely different design ideas, while using them you can easily solve a wide range of purely practical problems. Answering the question which wallpaper is best suited for the hall, experts recommend determining the range of problems of the designated room. What is meant?

Not ideal floor space

In many apartments, the living room looks like an elongated trailer or rectangle. Ceilings are not always high, so before you glue the wallpaper, you need to take into account the correction moment. Using canvases of different colors or colors, it is easy to visually correct the shortcomings of the hall. How to do it? Let's go over the main points.

Psychological aspect

Today, there is a lot of controversy about the influence of color on the human psyche. Scientists have found that the right finish allows you to correctly perceive the implemented interior. Of course, living in a room decorated in a pleasant color will be much more comfortable. So, for example, it is impossible to stay in a hall for a long time, on the walls of which someone decided to stick black wallpaper. Blackness gives rise to darkness, which puts pressure on the emotional state of any person.

The oppressive atmosphere will make you quickly leave the living room and go to some other room. Approximately the same effect has a sterile white color. So what kind of wallpaper is better to glue on the walls of evil? The answer to this question depends not only on taste impressions. Pastel palette wallpapers with small patterns, abstract patterns or embossing work equally well on everyone. The photo shows an example of such a performance.

Color selection

Bright colors have a rather ambiguous effect on a person. So, for example, people with a normal psyche normally perceive a rich deep blue color, a melancholic in such a room can become depressed.

Violet palette, all shades of burgundy calm well, but they are not conducive to conversation, therefore, in the interior of such colors, many people stop communicating with each other. Saturated yellow color encourages active mental activity, it will not be possible to relax and unwind in the yellow room.

That is why it is impossible to say unequivocally what color wallpaper is better to glue in the hall. It is important to build on this issue from personal preferences and from functional features living room. In any case, experts recommend using bright colors only fragmentarily, as companions to the main background, made in neutral colors. The combination technique is a compromise between the desire to express oneself and properly design the space of the hall.


When deciding which wallpaper is suitable for the living room, it is important to consider another important aspect - daylight hall. The lack of light flux (it is formed if the windows of the hall face the north side) must be compensated with wallpaper in the most light version.

They do not have to be white; gluing such canvases in the living room is not at all practical. For gloomy rooms, rolled materials of sandy shades, coffee, cream are best suited. Look at the photo, what a cozy interior they help to create.

You can glue golden wallpaper in a dark room. They are suitable for the implementation of classic styles. When the windows of the hall face south, the living room is often flooded with sunlight. Therefore, it is better to glue wallpapers in such a room, on the marking of which there is a light resistance icon (non-woven fabrics and glass wallpapers).

If these materials are glued to the walls, the decoration of the hall will not turn yellow over time and will not fade in the sun. Canvases of cold shades, purely psychologically, will create a feeling of some kind of coolness in a sunlit room. The photo shows how successful the decision can be to stick on the walls, bathed in the sun, blue wallpaper.

Stylistic decision

Another criterion for choosing rolled materials is the choice of a stylistic solution. Of course, if possible, you must first draw up a plan of the room and indicate on it the arrangement of furniture and accessories. See what style they are made in, and start from this in the choice of finishes.

As mentioned above, gold, expensive textiles, floral patterns and ornaments are best suited to recreate the classics.

It is easy to emphasize the splendor of the situation if you glue it on the walls textile wallpaper or silkscreen. For the indicated purposes, designers will definitely prefer to glue canvases woven from jute fiber, rich and respectable velor or felt. And even though they are hard to take care of. When aesthetics dominates, you should not stop there. The photo shows how the wallpaper looks original, helping to recreate the frescoes.

And what wallpaper is best suited for loft-style rooms? Such a concept requires the use of rough textures or their imitation. Therefore, for such purposes, you need to glue wallpaper that imitates brickwork or upholstery with rusty metal. To create an art deco interior, you can glue linkrust on the walls - an alternative to textiles.

It has a paper base and a luxurious embossed front side which, if desired, can be easily washed with water. With the help of linkrust, it is easy to imitate walls covered with stucco, natural stone. Liquid wallpaper is perceived in the interior as decorative plaster. When the hall is decorated in an ethnic style, it is better to glue bamboo or cork canvases.

Hygiene indicators

The hall is the main room in the apartment, so the ability to maintain cleanliness is another important parameter that needs to be taken into account when you want to stick wallpaper on the walls. The most difficult thing is to take care of paper and textile canvases. They cannot be washed, but getting dirty is easy.

If it is necessary to choose just such types of roll materials, it is necessary to plan to glue them in hard-to-reach places, for example, where a sofa group will stand or a furniture slide will be located. You can use paper and textile wallpapers to decorate the hall if they are part of a horizontal combination. In this case, you can decorate the upper part of the wall with the described canvases.

Note! The most attractive from a hygienic point of view are non-woven wallpaper, linkrust, and liquid wallpaper. The latter cannot be washed, but if necessary, it is easy to remove dirty areas by covering the wall with new compositions.

Easy to take care of vinyl wallpaper but they don't let the walls breathe. Therefore, this is not the best option for decorating the hall. Bamboo canvases and cork cannot be washed, but their surface is well vacuumed. A similar finish option is good for combination.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Separately, it is worth talking about photo wallpapers. They are actively used in the interior of the hall, are in great demand among consumers. And all because in the modern version, such canvases look great. Many of them are made using the 3D effect technique, sometimes manufacturers turn out real works of art.

The theme is so diverse that it easily satisfies the taste of even the most demanding customer. That's why it's so easy to find the right pattern.

The rules for using photo wallpapers are extremely simple:

  • The color palette of the panel should overlap with the palette of the main background.
  • The plot of the panel must be correctly composed. It is important that the surfaces surrounding the center do not distract attention from the central pattern.
  • It is necessary to glue photo wallpapers on free walls, where there will be no wall or sideboards.
  • As a rule, with the help of such a finishing material, the zoning of the hall is performed.

Wallpaper can be compared with plastic surgery, which was done in time to lose its appearance to the room. The new colors in the home are energizing, but they don't just change the palette of the room, they give the interior its own atmosphere, feel and design.

Types and features of paper products

  • Simplex. Represents a single layer with a flat surface.
  • Duplex. Contains two or more layers, the surface is decorated with texture.

If in the future you are going to paint wallpaper, then suitable option there will be a duplex with raised patterns of hard fibers (may contain sawdust). The big advantage of paper sheets is their low cost and ease of care. The negative effect will be a short service life and the inability to hide the irregularities of the wall. You can glue the paper product in every room where there is little humidity.

Over the past decade, there has been a revolution in the standard wall decoration - wallpaper, for buyers now there is a huge choice of models with different patterns, textures and colors. In connection with the development printing technologies it became easier and more inventive to create and select new models. Modern design agencies are constantly working with fresh raw materials, creating entertaining interiors that create effects on the walls in the form of feathers, wood, leaves or animal fur. To the touch, such coatings are also very pleasant.

Before sticking wallpaper, it is important to know the following features:

  • Horizontal lines on the wallpaper are best suited for a small room, they will slightly increase its size.
  • Vertical lines will visually make the room appear taller.
  • Wallpaper in gloomy shades will make the space look smaller.

Advantages and characteristics of vinyl wallpaper

This wall covering is suitable for those who want to diversify their interior in a practical and tasteful way. Such a product differs from paper counterparts in the presence of a polyvinyl chloride coating. This is a strong and durable material that will decorate your room for many years, sparkling with its shiny surface.

The contents of the outer layer may contain chemical substances, for example, various resins and similar materials that add reliability to the product, increased resistance to liquids, protection from sunlight. Care for such a product will not present difficulties, they can be easily wiped with a damp cloth, even when there are strong dirt on it (they can be glued in the bathroom and kitchen due to resistance to hot steam). However, do not use cleaners containing active chemicals when washing, they can damage the outer vinyl layer.

The interior of the hall wallpaper with vinyl coating can diversify with a large number of colors, textures and patterns suitable for the space of the room. You can choose trendy wallpapers that imitate wood, stones, and other materials.

Non-woven wallpaper

The design of wallpaper for the hall will help to diversify the options from the carbohydrate base and soft fibers, which perfectly block sound and are protected from hot temperature. But these models are not perfect: dust and various aromas easily penetrate into the product and linger there for a long time, so you should not glue them in a room near front door. To attach to the walls here you need an individual adhesive, which must be applied directly to the wall. Color can be changed with acrylic paints.

Gallery: wallpaper for the hall (25 photos)

Textile options

They are made from paper products and covered with various materials used to create fabric. Such a coating will create a warm and cozy homely atmosphere in the room. Compared to conventional options, it absorbs better sound waves. You can monitor its cleanliness with a vacuum cleaner or wiping with a damp cloth.

There are models for painting:

How to choose the right wallpaper (video)

Fashionable wallpaper in the hall

Fancy and modern wallpaper can be liquid! They are a loose substance consisting of cellulose, fabric fibers and a sticky substance. For application on walls, they are first diluted in water, following the instructions, and they get to work, applying them with a roller. This option will look great in the room and hide all the roughness and deformation of the walls. Various colors will make the room more bright and sunny.

Options with photo wallpaper

If you've run out of wallpaper ideas, try using New York-style photo wallpapers again. First of all, photo wallpapers are chosen because of famous beautiful places: the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, various skyscrapers and remarkable buildings of world capitals. Some buyers choose more mysterious and mythological images.

If you still haven't chosen a wallpaper for the hall, try to look for ideas in the beauty of nature. Wall mural with beautiful green motifs will always be in demand for buyers, drastically changing the design of the room. You can easily give your room an atmosphere of quiet and secluded nature, add freshness to everyday life and add new colors. Due to such a simple action, a room with photo wallpapers will turn into a small secluded corner.

How to choose wallpaper in the hall to preserve the classic style

The standard room option is now becoming popular again. If you are interested in what kind of wallpaper to paste in the hall, then you will certainly like the classic style. It gives the room a touch of sophistication, reminiscent of the majestic styles of the old days, when palaces dazzled the eye with their design.

Variants of the classic are full of a variety of patterns and motifs. The most popular wallpaper colors for the hall:

  • combined pattern (two colors change alternately)
  • striped (mostly dark milky and pistachio colors) will perfectly convey the image of a classic wooden furniture with fabric upholstery.
  • sunny shades with floral patterns.

Just like choosing wallpaper for the hall, you need to approach the choice of curtains. They will add sophistication to the overall composition of the solemn classics and play a special role in creating an ancient atmosphere.

Combined wallpaper for the hall will be a good way interesting decoration rooms. One of classical methods is the division of the wall into an upper and lower part with different colors separated by an edge. A similar combined technique is often used in rooms with a classic and English style. A feature of such an interior will be a visual decrease in the height of the room.

romantic style

A modern house can be decorated with a beautiful design from France, which brings a romantic touch to the interior of the apartment. The apartment, breathing with the ideas of romantic natures, simply cannot but make a positive impression. The lightness and genuineness of French motifs mentally moves the residents of the house to the lavender fields of the provinces, complementing the room with elegance.

loft style

For quick interior decoration and cosmetic repairs, you can try using wallpaper uniform style. There are many stylistic options on the market for various models. They give the apartment a special style. Products in the attic spirit contain elements of wood, metal, brick or stone, giving the interior industrial look. Due stone style you can create the effect of the industrial style of the eighties in the hall.