What is the best paint for the ceiling: choose according to the criteria which paint is best to paint the ceiling. Ceiling paint - which is better? Which ceiling paint is better?

Painting the ceiling is one of the main stages of renovating a room. Quality indicators depend primarily on preliminary preparation surface and material used for work. Correctly selected ceiling paint guarantees a good result. Let's look at several types of compositions and figure out which ceiling paint is best to choose.

Ceiling paint differs in its composition components, which determine its properties.

Based on the final textured effect, there are 3 types of ceiling paints:

  • Matte ceiling paint. It does not have reflective properties, that is, it does not shine. The main advantage of matte compositions is that they mask minor external defects quite well.
  • Semi-gloss.

  • Has a slight reflective effect.

Glossy. A shiny coating that forms a film that reflects light. It is important to take into account that the more shiny the ceiling, the more visible minor surface defects are. The ceiling under it must be perfectly flat. The direction of the light also plays a role.

If the light bulbs of lamps and chandeliers are directed towards the surface, then the smallest imperfections will be visible. The ceiling is prepared for this type of painting with special care. There are washable paints that can be cleaned using household products. If there is a mark on the package “resistant to dry abrasion,” then you can only wipe it with a dry cloth. When a hand is passed over such a surface, a slight mark will remain on the palm ( water-based compositions). In cases where we're talking about

about ordinary whitewashing, then such a surface cannot be washed.

Such a ceiling is restored by applying a new composition.

Features of premises and interior The choice of paint for the ceiling depends on the style of the room and its overall dimensions. It is more correct to apply a coating with a glossy effect in a room with

low ceiling and small size.

White ceiling paint is most often used in the apartment, and not only because it is a tribute to tradition. White color makes the room visually higher; As they say, ceilings “don’t put pressure.” In a minimalist style apartment, matte finishes are more appropriate.

Related article: Types of fabric paints and dyeing technology, the bedroom is suitable for coatings with low performance properties. Washable paint is used in the bathroom, kitchen, and on the veranda of the house. It is advisable that it contains fungicidal additives that prevent the formation of mold.

Types of paints

In order to correctly navigate the diversity paint and varnish materials, you need to know what properties they have. Almost all ceiling coatings are water-based compositions with the addition of various polymers. They influence the price and quality characteristics.

We do not take chalk (whitewash) into account. This is the most inexpensive way, but at the same time – the most unreliable. Whitewash can be wiped off, absorbs moisture and odors, and cannot be washed or wiped. Previously, ceilings were whitewashed due to the lack of alternative options.


The aqueous composition contains substances that form a film when dried. The advantage of the composition is that it is affordable. It applies easily to the surface, is non-toxic, without a strong odor. Therefore, it is often used to paint the ceiling, especially in rooms where there is no strong humidity or temperature changes.

In the video: we select a water-based emulsion and paint the walls with it.


This type can be classified as the “golden mean” in terms of price category. From the name it is clear that the composition includes acrylic polymers. Acrylic film provides abrasion resistance and moisture resistance. It does not fade, that is, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the paint does not change color, and it does not absorb odors. Coloring pigments can give it any color and shade. Can be used for public institutions, cafes, restaurants.

When choosing paint, designers often use special color layouts to achieve the desired shade. Thanks to these properties, washable acrylic paint is among the top sellers and is widely represented on the market by different manufacturers.


It is considered to be the best ceiling paint based on its ability to adhere to the surface. It is resistant to moisture and abrasion. Masks microcracks due to the presence of latex polymers.

In new buildings, where houses shrink slightly, it is better to use this type of paint.

You can apply washable compounds using sponges and soft brushes. Dries very quickly (up to 2 hours), almost odorless. At the same time, thanks to micropores, the paint allows air to pass through, that is, it “breathes.” It is more expensive than acrylic compounds and is less resistant to ultraviolet exposure.

White ceiling paint is most often used in the apartment, and not only because it is a tribute to tradition. Tips for removing water-based paint from ceilings


Silicone ceiling paint belongs to the category of good, high-quality coatings. Among the good properties: elasticity, the ability to mask microcracks. It repels water and dirt, but at the same time, micropores allow moisture and steam to pass through, that is, the surface “breathes.” Characterized by a long service life. Like latex, it is the best composition for painting ceilings in houses with shrinkage.

Environmental friendliness and lack of odor make it ideal for children's rooms and bedrooms.


If we choose a composition for industrial premises or with high humidity, then silicate based on liquid glass is suitable. It also has increased hygienic properties. The alkalis included in the composition do not allow microorganisms to develop.

These are specialized paints that are rarely used for domestic premises. They are not as elastic as latex and silicone. Microcracks may appear on them.

What else do you need to know

An important characteristic for paints is texotropy. This is the ability of the composition to be distributed evenly and without smudges over the surface. The consistency of the compositions should be like fresh honey. In this case, they can be easily applied to the ceiling using a roller, brush, or spray gun.

Choose a roller with a fairly long pile. It is well saturated with paint, and as a result it is better distributed over the ceiling.

Don’t worry if, for example, white matte paint shows slightly yellow spots in places during application. This is a special pigment for uniform coloring and intensity of the application layer, so that you can see where the surface was not painted. Once dry, the stains will disappear.

How to prepare a ceiling for painting

First you need to decide what paint the surface will be coated with.

To paint the ceiling matte paint, it is primed twice, puttied and cleaned. Professional builders recommend applying 3 layers of putty. Only after this paint is applied. In some cases, in order to insure against the appearance of microcracks, fiberglass or non-woven smooth wallpaper is additionally glued to the ceiling.

If you plan to paint with a composition with a glossy effect, you must additionally sand the last layer with a fine abrasive mesh or a special sander.

Choosing paint

Which ceiling paint is best - everyone decides individually, based on design, surface preparation, specifics of the room and price.

Water-based compositions are inexpensive and have proven themselves. But acrylic ones are optimal in price and quality characteristics. The best paint for the ceiling, according to experts, is latex or silicone. But both of these types are more expensive than acrylic compounds. Elasticity and durability are their main advantages.

For rooms where there is high humidity and it is necessary to comply sanitary requirements, silicate paint is suitable.

Leading manufacturers


A German manufacturer that has an expanded network of distributors and factories in many countries. They produce a wide range of paints. Silicone paints stand out among them High Quality.

The product line also includes environmentally friendly formulations based on organic ingredients.


A German concern represented in 20 countries. Among the various types of coatings, one can note a composition with a textured pattern.

White ceiling paint is most often used in the apartment, and not only because it is a tribute to tradition. Which roller to choose for painting the ceiling: types and features of products


This British company dates back more than three centuries of existence. In addition to vast experience, the concern uses the latest innovative technologies in its work. For example, a special pink pigment in white paints allows you to test the uniformity of application of the composition; after drying, it disappears.

Although the cost of paints from these manufacturers is higher compared to others, the quality indicators and low material consumption for square meter largely compensates for the price difference.

Domestic manufacturers

The Polish company “Sniezka” should be included in the middle price category. Among domestic manufacturers, experts note the companies "Tex" (St. Petersburg) and "Expert" (company "Descartes", Moscow). They have proven themselves well in the domestic market. It is the ratio of product price and quality that allows these manufacturers to expand their markets.

To decide which ceiling paint is considered the best, seek advice from your builders.

If you are doing the repairs yourself, then sales consultants from construction hypermarkets will help you navigate. In order for them to help you choose the right paint for the ceiling, convey to them as much information as possible: what you want your ceiling to look like, how it is prepared, what rooms the paint is intended for.

The process of selecting the composition of paints is greatly complicated. It is difficult for a person who is faced with repairs for the first time to decide on the variety of paint and varnish coatings available. Therefore, general understanding in this matter will prevent possible mistakes.

Variety of ceiling paints (23 photos)

In the process of renovating a room for any purpose, special attention is paid to the ceiling covering. There is a large selection of finishes: tensioned, suspended, slatted or adhesive-based. Painting the ceiling space is also popular because it is a budget option. Let's try to figure out which ceiling paint is better, what types of dyes exist.

Features of the selection of ceiling paints

Construction supermarkets and markets offer a large selection of paints for ceiling coverings. Making a choice is not so easy when you have to decide what is best to paint the ceiling. You can seek advice from specialists, but it is better to try to figure it out on your own.

When choosing paint, carefully read the instruction label. You should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. paint composition;
  2. the component on which the product is made;
  3. how long does it take to dry?
  4. product consumption (calculated per square meter);
  5. moisture resistance;
  6. wear resistance;
  7. way to care for a painted ceiling. There are paints that require dry cleaning only. Most often, such dyes are inexpensive.

Depending on the purpose of the room, you need to select the appropriate paint. For example, if you need to treat the ceiling of a bedroom or hallway, then low-load dyes intended exclusively for dry rooms are suitable.

Permanent dyes are suitable for rooms where wet cleaning is essential. There are special paints that have a dirt-repellent effect. This option is ideal for the kitchen.

The paint for the ceiling should be selected taking into account the purpose of the room. The color and characteristics of the product depend on this.

Types of dyes and features of their choice

When starting a renovation, you cannot do without resolving the issue of how to paint the ceilings in the apartment. When choosing, you should know that dyes come in matte, glossy and semi-gloss. Before painting, you need to decide whether you want to visually increase the space of the room or add coziness, creating a feeling of balance.

Any paint for the ceiling space is applied to an exceptionally flat surface. The ceiling is pre-prepared for processing using putty and sanding. Preparatory measures are necessary because any dye does not hide surface defects, but rather emphasizes them.

There are the following dye options for ceiling coverings:

  • acrylic;
  • water-based;
  • silicone;
  • latex.

The listed types of dyes dry quickly and are easy to apply to the prepared ceiling. At further care There are no problems behind a ceiling treated with one of the options. Periodic is suitable wet cleaning.

To apply paint, use various brushes, rollers or spray guns.

Silicone paint

When choosing a paint to treat the ceiling covering, pay attention to silicone ceiling paint. The product has the following advantages:

  • after application the ceiling becomes elastic;
  • closes hairline cracks (up to 2 mm);
  • excellent vapor permeability, thanks to which the treated surface breathes;
  • moisture resistant effect;
  • the painted coating remains clean for a long time;
  • The product is easy and safe to work with, has almost no aggressive odor;
  • the dye protects the surface from the activity of harmful microorganisms, so no bactericidal additives are needed during processing.

Which silicone paint is best for the ceiling must be decided in each specific situation. Any type of silicone dye is an expensive option, but economical. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to apply one layer of dye. The product lays on the ceiling covering in an even, beautiful layer.

Another advantage of silicone paints is the ability to use them in any room: in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet, bedroom or dressing room.

You can carry out repair work using silicone paints without leaving your living space. The composition of the product dries very quickly and does not cause allergic reactions.

When purchasing silicone dyes, take a larger packaged product. This will be much more economical.

Water-based paint

If you have doubts about finishing the ceiling covering, opt for a water-based emulsion. Many home craftsmen prefer such paints due to their low cost and environmentally friendly consistency.

If the question arises, which water-based paint is best for the ceiling, you should pay attention to following parameters product:

  1. made on the basis of water, therefore without a pungent odor;
  2. quick drying;
  3. easy to apply;
  4. if it gets into an undesirable place, the composition is easily washed off with a damp sponge;
  5. the product has excellent adhesion to the surface treated with putty;
  6. can be applied to a wooden ceiling due to its vapor permeability;
  7. The composition contains special antifungal additives.

Varieties of water-based products include water-dispersed dyes. They differ from water-based paints in being more resistant to wear and wet cleaning. The water-dispersion treatment option is used for bathrooms and kitchens.

Most water-based emulsions are made on the basis of PVA. Such compositions, if necessary, can be easily removed and are a budget option.

The disadvantages of a water-based product include its short service life. With constant exposure to the sun, the treated ceiling becomes yellowish. Wet cleaning can cause streaks and mold growth.

It is advisable to renew the ceiling surface treated with a water-based composition every year.

Acrylic paint

When choosing a coloring composition, you need to pay attention to indicators such as resistance to moisture and exposure to sunlight. When deciding which paint is best to paint the ceiling, try acrylic compositions.

Advantages of acrylic-based compositions:

  1. despite the cost, it is higher than water-based emulsion and has better characteristics;
  2. withstands frequent wet cleaning, while the ceiling remains in original form(untarnished);
  3. withstands exposure to sunlight;
  4. large selection of composition colors;
  5. hides minor defects in the form of cracks;
  6. no pungent odor.

If it is difficult to decide which acrylic paint for the ceiling is better, consult a specialist in the construction market. If you need color mixing, there will be no problems - there are a variety of colors on sale color options acrylic compounds.

The advantages of acrylic compositions include a long service life and easy application. If desired, you can use pure white dye.

Important: the color on the can of acrylic dye is much darker than stated in the instructions. The manufacturer specifically indicates a darker shade, because after applying and drying the composition, the color becomes darker. Consider this nuance when purchasing.

Latex dyes

It is difficult to decide which paint is best to paint the ceiling; pay attention to a product with a latex base. They buy the composition less often than others due to the high price. Pros of latex processing:

  • resistance to mechanical damage and frequent washing;
  • without smell. When painting in the cold season, you don’t have to ventilate the room;
  • dries quickly;
  • excellent adhesion to various treated surfaces.

But like every product, latex processing has disadvantages.

Latex-based compositions fade when exposed to the sun and react poorly to low temperatures. With prolonged exposure to temperatures below zero, the treated surface completely peels off. The composition needs additional anti-mold additives.

Selecting the composition for the kitchen

The kitchen is a special type of room that requires special treatment for the ceiling surface and walls. Features of the kitchen area:

After familiarizing yourself with the listed features of the kitchen space, you can decide which paint for the ceiling in the kitchen is better. You can choose the following options:

  • water-based paints. This treatment is inexpensive and most common for kitchens. The water-based coating is convenient to clean from contaminants formed during cooking. You need to periodically wipe the ceiling surface with a damp sponge, or simply brush off the dust;
  • The acrylic composition has all the advantages of a water-based emulsion. In addition to the advantages, there is the possibility of frequent wet cleaning, which is necessary for the kitchen.

When caring for acrylic ceiling space, do not use abrasive cleaning materials. To clean the surface it is better to take laundry soap and dilute it with warm water.

Bathroom ceiling covering

The bathroom is a room in an apartment with high humidity and periodic temperature changes. What paint for the ceiling in the bathroom will be the best option? Finishing the ceiling covering in the bathroom by painting is a convenient way that does not require special skills.

Which paint for the bathroom ceiling is better - acrylic or water-based or silicone? To choose a coloring composition, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each option:

When choosing a coloring composition for the bathroom, such a characteristic as dullness is taken into account. If there are small irregularities left on the ceiling prepared for painting, the matte dye will become ideal solution. Please note that cleaning such a ceiling is not easy. It is easier to care for surfaces treated with glossy dyes, but they are used for even, smooth coatings.

To paint a bathroom, choose paints after studying their characteristics. Pay special attention to the service life, because an expired and improperly stored product will not bring the desired result.


When choosing coloring compositions for ceiling coverings, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the ability to disguise minor defects;
  • options for caring for painted surfaces;
  • price;
  • composition volume;
  • product consumption.

Based on the listed indicators, we can conclude which ceiling paint is the best. When choosing dyes, the purpose of the room in which the ceiling will be treated is important.

Compositions for painting ceilings are also selected according to color scheme. The color should be combined with the overall interior of the room.

Varieties of painting compositions for ceiling surfaces are aqueous suspensions of various polymers and pigments. The name of the coloring composition comes from the type of polymers.

Dufa Glossy, snow-white with excellent coverage. Ideal for small spaces (visually increases the space)
Caparol The silicone composition is suitable for ceiling coverings in country houses. Hides defects in the form of cracks. Withstands low temperatures(does not crack, does not peel off). Surface can be washed
Dulux Matte, light-absorbing, excellent camouflage minor defects. Big choice color range. Can be applied to unprepared surfaces
Halo Matte, for all surfaces. Dries very quickly. Easy to wash
Tikkurila Expensive, durable, environmentally friendly. High resistance to sun rays, bright colors
Snowball Good hiding power, environmentally friendly. When applied high consumption
Expert Clean, white color, dries quickly. No odor, but too thick consistency
Tex Inexpensive water emulsion. Almost odorless. Do not clean the surface with water, otherwise it will wash off

During the renovation process, if you find it difficult to choose and don’t know which paint is best for the ceiling and walls, focus on the following points:

  1. when choosing imported compounds, buy a product produced in its homeland;
  2. make purchases from representatives of well-known companies and in trusted construction stores;
  3. Having studied the characteristics of coloring compositions, be sure to make allowances for errors;
  4. Consult with specialists regarding coverage and adhesion of dyes to various surfaces.

Ceiling covering - important element in the interior of the room. There should be no stains or peeling pieces on it. The ceiling should look uniform and even.

As for white coloring compositions, there are also some nuances here. Which White paint It’s better for the ceiling, how not to make a mistake when choosing? If you choose a white ceiling covering, you can choose the following options:

  • Dulux water emulsion. Creates a perfect white finish. Suitable for painting in rooms with normal humidity and moderate dust. Thanks to the paint coating it forms protective film, so the surface is easy to care for;
  • white acrylic compositions. Capable of masking small defects. Dries quickly and can be combined with various pigments;
  • silicone white, matte compounds. They have the effect of repelling dirt and dust, preventing the formation of mold;
  • White latex compounds are good for rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, kitchens). It takes a lot of time to apply and turns yellow over time.

The choice of coloring compositions is large. If in doubt, give preference to water-based compositions that are suitable even for wooden surfaces. White color is ideal for any room because it visually increases the space and height of the ceilings.

This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Experienced homeowners remember with horror this type of finishing of walls and ceilings, such as whitewashing. On the one hand there is a beautiful snow-white surface, and on the other there are a lot of problems. Very timely, manufacturers of paints and varnishes developed alternative types of paints. With their help, you can decorate the ceiling and walls in an ultra-white color, or add some zest in the form of a multi-colored coating. The care of a painted surface also compares favorably with archaic whitewashing. In most cases, you can clean ceilings and walls without worry by adding mild alkaline detergents to the water. When choosing the right paint, experts recommend paying attention to several points.

Criteria for choosing paint for ceilings and walls

    Many buyers start their choice with the price range. But cheap budget paint can make repairs very expensive. The fact is that each paint has its own hiding power. If you can achieve perfect coverage in one pass, then this will be more profitable than applying 2-3 layers with a drying break. The overall price of the repair is also affected by paint consumption.

    An important parameter for users will be durability of the painted surface. After drying, high-quality paint is water- and dirt-repellent and does not change original color even when exposed to sunlight.

    When choosing a material, it is worth considering the nature of the room. Almost all paints behave well in heated rooms. But not all products can withstand temperature changes and high humidity.

Our review includes the best paints for ceilings and walls. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:



    opinion of experts and finishers;

    user reviews.

Rating of the best paints for ceilings and walls

Nomination place Name of product price
The best silicone water-based paint for walls and ceilings 1 1 500 ₽
2 2,900 ₽
3 -
4 RUR 2,890
The best silicate water-based paint for walls and ceilings 1 8,985 RUR
2 5,947 ₽
3 RUR 3,377
The best acrylic water-based paint 1 1,750 RUR
2 1,550 RUR
3 582 RUR
The best latex paints for walls and ceilings 1 RUB 2,950
2 440 ₽
3 3 600 ₽
4 999 RUR

The best silicone water-based paint for walls and ceilings

Some of the most reliable paint and varnish materials for ceilings and walls are water-based products based on silicone resin. Experts include abrasion resistance and water-repellent properties as the advantages of such paints. Therefore, they can be used in rooms with aggressive environments. The experts selected several high-quality models.

Synonymous with quality in the field of interior decoration is the products of the Finnish company TIKKURILA. In our rating, the winner was TIKKURILA Euro Extra 20 paint. It collected all the main advantages of modern silicone paints. These include pure color, UV resistance, environmental friendliness, and excellent performance characteristics. All these wonderful properties are inherent in real Tikkurila. A product made in Russia does not always correspond to the famous brand.

Professionals highlight the absence of odor during work, neutral attitude towards water and household detergents. Difficult to find negative reviews and from ordinary consumers. The only drawback is the high price, but the excellent quality is worth the money spent.


    environmental friendliness;

    ease of application;


    UV resistance.


  • high price.

Silicone water-based paint Caparol CapaSilan has high hiding power. Even in one pass, specialists manage to paint walls and ceilings, which greatly simplifies the work. It should be noted that Caparol is one of the few companies that specialize in the production of silicone-based paints and varnishes. Experts gave this paint second place also because when painting it is possible to close cracks in the base up to 2 mm wide.

The painted surface is practically not contaminated due to the water- and dust-repellent effect. It is not difficult to wash it with water and household detergents. Caparol CapaSilan paint failed to overtake the winner due to its higher price.


    excellent hiding power;

    easy application;

    water-repellent effect.


  • high price.

Silicone water-based paint LITOKOL LITOTHERM PAINT SIL has high performance characteristics. Experts note the reliable protection of the surface from moisture and contamination, and the resistance of the formed layer to ultraviolet radiation. Overall, the paint has the qualities of a premium material. The advantages of this paint include rich color scheme. The painted surface may long time remain in excellent condition even in harsh climatic conditions.

But this paint took third place due to the company’s policy, which provides for the use of LITOKOL brand plaster, putty and primer. Otherwise the quality finishing coating is significantly reduced.


    moisture resistance;

    rich color palette;

    resistance to negative weather conditions.


  • the need to prepare the surface with LITOKOL materials.

A well-known manufacturer from Germany has launched the production of ALPINA EXPERT paint in our country. This has both positive points, and negative. According to experts, this silicone paint is inferior in quality to the top three. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in rooms where there are no strong temperature changes and low humidity. At the same time, the material has the lowest price and economical consumption. The average is 140 ml of paint per 1 square. m of prepared surface.

Many users speak flatteringly about the properties of ALPINA EXPERT paint. It attracts homeowners with its affordability and good performance.


    affordable price;

    economical consumption of material;

    durability of the painted surface.


    Suitable for heated premises only;

    gets dirty quickly and cannot be washed.

The best silicate water-based paint for ceilings and walls

The use of liquid glass in paint and varnish production has made it possible to make the painted surface resistant to different negative factors. Silicate paint can be used for both interior and exterior work. At the same time, many manufacturers have managed to offer affordable prices to customers. Considering the environmental friendliness of the material, it turns out great option for decorating children's rooms, kitchens and bedrooms.

Silicate paint TIKKURILA FINNGARD SILIKAATTIMAALI is a one-component deep matte material. Along with the usual high performance qualities, experts especially highlighted the wide temperature range of application. The painted surface holds up well both in 50-degree frost and in tropical heat of + 60°C. But it is not only for this feature that the paint became the winner of our rating. Factors such as the vapor permeability of the layer and its dirt-repellent ability also had an impact. The material consumption also looks good, especially compared to its closest competitors.

Not only builders and finishers liked the paint. It is actively used by owners of freshwater and sea vessels, which once again confirms the high level of quality of the Finnish manufacturer.


    wide temperature range;

    acceptable consumption;

    resistance to aggressive environments.


  • not detected.

Experts classify BAUMIT SILIKAT COLOR REPRO paint as elite building materials. Qualitative characteristics Austrian silicate products are at the highest level. Particularly noteworthy is the reliable binder, which is liquid potassium glass. Paintwork It is characterized by non-flammability, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, dirt-repellent abilities, and vapor permeability. Despite the lower price, this paint failed to take first place in the ranking.

First of all, specialists and ordinary people are not happy with the consumption, which reaches 500 g per 1 sq. m. m. The second negative factor is the low temperature range of application. The paint layer retains its properties only at air temperatures above +8°C.


    high performance properties;

    resistance to fire, light and dirt;

    acceptable price.


    high consumption;

    temperature restrictions.

Ceresit "ST 54"

Many types of Ceresit paint and varnish products are designed for outdoor use. These include silicate water-based paint Ceresit "ST 54". But this does not mean that it is not suitable for interior work. Professional builders and homeowners agreed that paint should be in the top three of our ratings. TO strengths experts attribute good hiding power to excellent final results. The material has antifungal properties and is also environmentally friendly. In addition, the paint is affordable and economical in use.

With all the advantages, the disadvantages did not escape the professional opinion of experts. Paint requires ideal surface preparation, and it is better to use mineral-based plaster compositions.


    affordable price;

    acceptable consumption;

    wide scope of application.


  • perfect base preparation is required.

The best acrylic water-based paint for walls and ceilings

The most popular currently are acrylic paints. They are affordable, easy to apply and durable. Although they are slightly inferior to silicone and silicate compounds, they are excellent for interior work. The following products received high marks from experts.

English acrylic paint DULUX MASTER LUX AQUA 40 is the best option for painting wooden ceilings and walls. At the same time, you can use it to aesthetically design heating radiators. Distinctive feature The material has excellent light absorption. Thanks to this property, the paint layer masks minor surface errors. The hiding power of the paint also received high marks from experts. To make a wall or ceiling look perfect, it is enough to apply 2 layers. Considering the acceptable consumption, environmental friendliness and absence of odor during operation, the high price for paint is not so exorbitant.


    hiding power and light absorption;

    environmentally friendly and odorless;

    acceptable consumption;

    easy care.


  • high price.

Acrylic paint ALPINA RENOVA has been included in various ratings for several years. Our experts put it in second position. Experts attribute the preservation of the original whiteness to the advantages of the material for 5-7 years. And if you add any color (always from ALPINA) to the white base, then aging will not occur until the next repair. At the same time, the surface is easy to care for and does not fade from washing. Finishers praise it for its good adhesion and moderate viscosity. The painted surface can withstand temperature changes, as well as high humidity of the base.

Slightly lets down the paint high consumption, which is about 200 g per 1 sq. m. smooth surface. Although this indicator largely depends on the quality of preparation of the ceiling or walls.


    good adhesion;

    long-term preservation of natural color;

    easy care.


  • high consumption.

In the line of budget acrylic paints for ceilings and walls, experts were attracted by the FARBITEX PROFI line. It earned special praise and third place in the rating due to its unique water-repellent ability. Therefore, consumers use this paint not only in living rooms, but also in the kitchen or bathroom. Painters liked the material because it does not require perfect smoothing of the base before painting. A little surface moisture is allowed, but dust and dirt will simply ruin the elegant appearance. Thrifty owners praise FARBITEX PROFI not only for its affordable price, but also for its efficiency (consumption from 90 g per 1 sq. m).

During operation, users note some weaknesses. So the painted surface gets dirty, and when caring for it, it is washed off.


    affordable price;

    low consumption;

    unpretentiousness during application.


    the surface gets dirty;

    wet cleaning can lead to washing off the coating.

The best latex paints

Latex paints boast maximum durability. If previously they were made on the basis of rubber, today the use of polymers has reduced the price. At the same time, according to technical specifications latex formulations are second only to silicone products. Here are some quality polymer paints.

Seeing TIKKURILA EURO POWER7 latex paint on the first line of the rating is predictable for many experts and craftsmen. With this material you can decorate any modern bases of ceilings and walls. The scope starts with concrete surfaces and ends with particle boards. The paint can be used in rooms with high humidity. The professionals have no comments about the quality of the material. After drying, the painted surface can be washed using household products.

In reviews, experts point out the ease of application. The paint can be diluted with water within 5-10% depending on the application method. The average material consumption when painting a prepared surface is 100 ml per 1 square meter. m.


    wide scope of application;

    not afraid of moisture;

    easy care;

    economical consumption.


  • not detected.

A wide range of paints is produced by the German company Dufa. The Retail Eurolatex 3 series of latex materials is a confirmation of the high quality inherent in this manufacturer. By establishing production in Russia, the company managed to reduce the price of its products. Wherein technical specifications remained on top. For which experts awarded the paint an honorable second place. Many experts claim that latex products have become the company’s best achievement.

A distinctive feature of the material is its high covering ability, which simplifies preparatory work and reduces paint consumption. The painted surface has a long service life and can be washed with aggressive detergents with high alkalinity.


    applied to different surfaces;

    good hiding power;

    durability and resistance to alkaline environments.


Latex paint DULUX Bindo 7 BW matte is a professional material, as evidenced by the high price. It has excellent covering ability; no streaks or smudges are formed during application, and no splashing occurs when using a roller. Hygienic certificates confirm the environmental friendliness of the product, so it can be used in children's rooms or in the kitchen. The paint also perfectly emphasizes the surface relief, which is important when designing structural wallpaper. For high-quality painting it is necessary to apply 2 layers.

Experts put the material in third place, because it can be used for a wide variety of substrates. The painted surface can be washed with gentle household products that do not contain abrasive components.


    environmental friendliness;

    low consumption;

    excellent hiding power.


  • high price.

NewTone Sky

Experts advise lovers of ultra-white ceilings and walls to take a closer look at NewTone Sky latex paint. It is intended for decorating ceilings in heated rooms with normal humidity. The material is perfectly applied to mineral substrates such as brick, concrete, plasterboard, as well as plastered surfaces. It is possible to achieve ultra-white color with two-layer processing. Fans of other colors can use colors by adding to the white base.

Despite the affordable price and environmental friendliness, domestic paint failed to break into the top three. Experts note high material consumption (160-180 g/sq. m per layer), and in reviews users point to poor hiding power.



    high consumption;

    poor hiding power.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Coloring- one of the few methods of finishing the ceiling that you can implement yourself. For getting ideal surface two factors are important - the correct choice of composition and compliance with the technology of its application. Acrylic paint - convenient, inexpensive coating, which with the right approach will last for many years. The stores present products from different companies and price categories, so it is not easy for the average buyer to determine suitable option.

The paint is made on the basis of acrylic resins with the addition of other substances

Acrylic paints belong to the category of water-dispersed paints, but are made on the basis of polyacrylates with the addition of film formers, pigments, and fillers. Due to their special composition, they have many advantages over other coating options:

  • resistance to negative factors (pollution, burnout, abrasion);
  • insensitive to moisture - painted surfaces can be washed using detergents and used in rooms with high humidity;
  • resistance to elevated temperatures;
  • ease of application - the mixtures dry quickly, forming a smooth, elastic film;
  • wide color palette;
  • ability to fill small cracks;
  • cost-effectiveness, availability (you can buy paint at any hardware store);
  • a wide range of materials that can be coated, including concrete, brick, wood, drywall;
  • absence unpleasant odor, toxic fumes.

The mixtures form a flat, smooth surface, are non-toxic, and easy to apply.

There are almost no disadvantages to acrylic compositions, but before purchasing you should consider that they do not belong to fire-resistant materials. If you need to paint areas that are exposed to high temperatures, it is recommended to use special non-flammable compounds. In addition, the mixtures are not very resistant to dirt, growth of fungus, mold or other biological formations, so they will have to be washed quite often. To reduce the likelihood of the development of pathogenic microorganisms, it is recommended to coat the surface with a primer with antiseptic properties before applying paint.

Prices for deep penetration antiseptic primer

Deep penetration antiseptic primer

Read our specialized article for instructions on.

The choice of acrylic paint depends on the purpose of the room or surface where it will be used. Best choice Water-based compositions made on the basis of acrylic resins are considered. More affordable products are made using acrylic copolymers (vinyl acrylic, acrosilicon, styrene acrylic), but they have small drawbackThey are quite difficult to apply. Silicone analogues belong to the façade category, but are often used for painting indoor surfaces.

Latex mixtures are suitable for covering ceilings in residential areas

For painting the ceiling, experts recommend using compositions based on acrylic or latex. Their characteristics are practically the same, but latex coatings can be applied in a thin layer, which guarantees an aesthetic appearance of the surfaces. Acrylic mixtures are applied in several layers and have reduced resistance to moisture - if you wash the surface with water, they may wash out. It is recommended to paint surfaces covered with grease, soot or other substances with special compounds (the characteristics are indicated on the label).

Attention! Acrylic paints are used on all types of surfaces, with the exception of some types of plastics. To avoid mistakes, before starting work, you should read the instructions included with the product.

Manufacturers of acrylic paints

Sniezka is a popular brand of acrylic paints originally from Poland.

The cost of acrylic-based paints depends on constituent components, characteristics and brand of products. Products manufactured abroad are more expensive, but cheaper compounds are not always of poor quality.

Attention! When purchasing paint, it is important to accurately calculate the required amount of composition - the proportions of composition consumption are indicated on the label.

Table 1. Popular manufacturers and their characteristics.

DuluxOne of the world leaders in the production of paints and varnishes is located in the Netherlands. Products include a variety of acrylic-based formulations - for interior or external works, premises with difficult conditions, industrial facilities. The brand's paints are environmentally friendly (no unpleasant odor, no toxic fumes). To eliminate surface imperfections, it is enough to apply two layers, which dry in two hours, after which they can be washed. The shelf life of the product is about 5 years, and during this period they do not lose their quality
KOLORITProducts in the mid-price range, which are manufactured using technologies from Tikkurila, a well-known company in the CIS. It is used to cover internal surfaces and facades. The paint is resistant to negative factors, but allows surfaces to “breathe”. To cover the ceiling in the bathroom or kitchen, it is recommended to choose special, moisture-insensitive compositions
JokerA well-known company on the Scandinavian market that has gained a reputation as a reliable paint manufacturer. The compositions are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, so they can be used to cover surfaces in children's rooms or medical institutions.
SniezkaProduction is located in Poland, and the brand offers consumers a wide range of paint and varnish compositions for different materials. The coating is resistant to fading and high humidity, providing excellent appearance of surfaces
SadolinFinnish company that was founded more than 200 years ago. Acrylic paints produced under this brand form a dense, elastic protective layer with good physical characteristics. They are resistant to humidity and high temperatures, so they can be used in bathrooms, kitchens, and in difficult climates
CaparolProducts are manufactured in Russia using German technologies. It includes conventional compositions and specialized paints - for surfaces in contact with water or subject to increased loads. The mixtures are environmentally friendly, odorless, and do not emit toxic substances
TEXA Russian manufacturer that has gained popularity among consumers. Produces high-quality paints that are resistant to negative factors at an affordable price. The list of products includes facade, waterproof and other compositions. Disadvantage - consumption of about a liter of paint per 4 square meters, which is considered a large indicator
Farby KabeA Swiss company that supplies products to the CIS market. The paints adhere well to surfaces and have a wide range of shades and coating options (matte, glossy, etc.). Suitable for high traffic areas
TexnoLuxA young brand that has already gained a foothold in the market. Offers compositions that are resistant to abrasion and negative factors at an affordable cost. They lay flat, dry quickly, and are suitable for any surface.

How to choose paint

When choosing paint, you must pay attention to the parameters specified by the manufacturer.

  1. Covering power. The recommended figure (the number of grams of mixture required to densely cover 1 square meter of surface) is 20-60 g. A mixture with these characteristics will make the previous shade invisible.
  2. Drying time. Acrylic paint usually takes 1-4 hours to dry.
  3. Consumption. The lower the composition consumption per square meter of ceiling, the cheaper the work will cost. U different manufacturers the indicator varies - liter per 9-13 square meters.
  4. Terms of Use. For unheated premises It is recommended to use frost-resistant mixtures, for bathrooms - moisture-resistant, for kitchens - biostatic (protect against mold, fungi or other biological formations).
  5. Permissible degree of exposure. The parameter indicates the degree of impact the finished coating can withstand, and is designated by numbers from 1 to 5. Mixtures marked as “class 1” can withstand frequent washing with abrasive agents, and class 5 paints only require gentle dry cleaning.

The color and other aesthetic characteristics of acrylic paint are chosen depending on the characteristics of the interior. Typically, white compositions are used to paint ceilings, but do not forget that the definition of “white” may differ among different manufacturers. The package may contain a mixture of milky, grayish, pearl or other shades. When choosing a paint shade, it is important to remember that after drying the acrylic will slightly will darken.

Video - Acrylic paints

If you have no experience in repair work, it is better to choose paints that form a matte film - unevenness and defects are less noticeable on it. Glossy compositions require a perfectly smooth surface, and the higher the degree of gloss, the more errors will appear on the ceiling. In addition, there are textured and pearlescent compositions that look very original.

Attention! When purchasing colored paint, the product is taken with a reserve. It is almost impossible to accurately match the shade of mixtures from different batches.

Prices for various types of acrylic facade paint

Acrylic facade paint

How to paint a ceiling with acrylic

Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint is not difficult, but Long procces, requiring patience. It consists of several stages - surface preparation, composition preparation, paint application, and each of them affects the final result.

Surface preparation

Before work, the ceiling is cleaned of old coating

Before painting, you need to remove the remnants of the old coating from the surface - this is done using a spatula or other tools. If you cannot remove it, you can apply acrylic paint on top, but the solution must be thick and applied in several layers. You cannot leave the old coating with serious defects, otherwise they will all show through the paint. To make the task easier, the ceiling is treated with special compounds. It is imperative to clean off greasy and rust spots, since they are able to appear even through several layers of new coating. After cleaning the surface, it is leveled with putty, left to dry, and then painting begins.

Advice! If the acrylic paint layer is fresh, it can be easily removed from the surface with a wet cloth. After drying, it is more difficult to get rid of the coating, so all errors must be corrected immediately.

Preparation of composition and tools

The composition is convenient to apply paint roller made from natural material

When preparing the coloring composition, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. If it is recommended to add water to the mixture, no more than 5-10%. After adding additional components (water, pigment, solvent), the composition is mixed well using a special mixer. The consistency of the paint ready for application should resemble thick milk. If a film has formed on the surface, carefully remove it without stirring, otherwise lumps will form in the mixture.

To apply acrylic paint, it is best to use a construction vacuum cleaner or a spray gun - they form an even layer, speed up and facilitate the process. If you don’t have such tools at hand, it is recommended to use a roller and a brush to handle the corners. Products made from natural threads or fur with pile are optimal for applying the compositions. middle length. All surfaces that do not need to be painted are sealed with masking tape for convenience.

The paint should be diluted little by little, otherwise it will thicken and ruin the final result. Although acrylic paints considered safe For health reasons, during work it is recommended to use gloves, goggles, and, if necessary, a respirator.

Important! When applying the composition, the tools must be constantly washed - acrylic paints dry quickly, and it will be difficult to apply them with a dirty brush or roller.

Surface painting - step-by-step instructions

The result of coloring if the rules for applying mixtures are followed

To obtain an even, smooth layer, you will have to be patient, get used to the tool and follow the rules for applying the composition. Important rule– paint the ceiling in a thin layer, otherwise drips and “folds” may form. If a thick layer is required for good coverage, it is best to apply it in several stages.

You can work with acrylic mixtures only under the conditions specified on the label (temperature, humidity). Drafts in the room are unacceptable, so it is recommended to close windows and doors.

Step 1. First of all, paint the corners of the room using a brush. It is dipped halfway into the mixture, squeezed out and the composition is applied 3-5 cm wide.

Brush painting the corners of a room

Step 2. Pour the mixture into a shallow tray so that it spreads evenly over the roller without excess. Roll the tool along the bottom until it is completely saturated, and then again on a non-working surface (mesh, piece of linoleum or wallpaper). Thanks to this, the paint will lie as evenly as possible, without stains or unpainted areas.

Roller after dipping into tray

Prices for textured rollers

Textured rollers

Step 3. The paint is applied in stripes along the entire room, retreating about a meter from the corner in one direction. The strokes are placed crosswise to each other - the paint will be evenly distributed over the surface, and roller marks will not be noticeable. The pressure is medium, without excessive pressure. Apply one layer of the mixture in one motion, without overlapping the painted areas, otherwise the shade will be uneven.

Applying paint

Step 4. After applying the first layer, it is recommended to carefully inspect the surface with different sides and from all angles to evaluate the quality of work. Defects are corrected immediately, after which the paint is allowed to dry. The next layer is applied perpendicular to the first, and after application it is carefully smoothed with a brush or roller without paint.

Staining markings

When using a spray gun, the surface painting technology changes, but the direction of the layers remains the same. After application required quantity layers of the mixture are allowed to dry, carefully evaluate the work in bright light, and correct defects if necessary.

Subtleties of applying acrylic paint

Application defects are corrected immediately, as the compositions dry quickly

  1. The paint for applying the second layer is made more liquid than for the first in order to slightly blur the previous coating and eliminate defects.
  2. You should not apply a second layer of composition if the first has not had time to dry, otherwise the coating will wash out.
  3. Before you start painting the ceiling, it is recommended to practice applying the mixture using a roller.
  4. It is recommended to apply foreign-made compositions in two layers, Russian ones - in three.
  5. If, after the painted surface has completely dried, serious defects are discovered, you should not try to paint over them separately. In this case it is better to take sandpaper and sand the entire ceiling, but this technique is considered effective only when no more than 2 layers of paint are applied to the ceiling.
  6. There is no need to rush when applying the composition - a complete redo of the work will require a lot of time and money.

Acrylic compounds– convenient and inexpensive option for painting ceilings in rooms of any purpose. If the composition is applied correctly, an even, smooth, beautiful coating will please the eye for a long time and protect the surface from damage.

Video - Acrylic paint