When is Trinity Day celebrated? Holy Trinity Day: date, history of the holiday, congratulations

Trinity is included in the list of the twelve most significant Orthodox celebrations, and in grandeur it is second only to Easter. 7 weeks are counted from it to determine when Trinity is in 2018 and what date to celebrate it. Christ's Resurrection It does not have a fixed date, like many church holidays. Today it fell on April 8, which means that believers will glorify the Trinity on May 27.

The history of the holiday

The holiday appeared about two thousand years ago, in 30 AD. After the ascension of Christ, the disciples did not disperse to their native places, but returned to Jerusalem, fulfilling the order of Jesus. On the tenth day they heard a roar, as if from an approaching hurricane or strong wind. A terrible noise filled the house where the apostles and the Virgin Mary were at that time. Before they had time to get scared, they noticed a bright flame above their heads. Its individual flashes affected everyone present in the room. A miracle happened, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven. Suddenly the apostles began speaking in languages ​​previously unknown to them.

The disciples of Christ came out to meet numerous pilgrims who flocked to the city from all over the vast Roman Empire, and began to explain to them the essence of divine teaching and preach. The apostles did not need translators; their words sounded to every wanderer in a language understandable from childhood. More than three thousand people repented and were baptized, and since then Trinity has been considered the birthday of the Christian Church. By the way, by opening this link, you can look. And the word “church” is translated from Greek as “assembly.” Around the Lord, who appeared in his third hypostasis, is the invisible Spirit. Hence the first name of the celebration - Trinity.

Priests often call it Pentecost because Trinity occurs on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ. And in response to the parishioners’ request: “What date is Trinity in 2018 in Russia?” They usually answer: “Remember when Easter was this year and count.”

Now Trinity is one of the most popular Orthodox holidays among the people, and until the 14th century in Rus' only the clergy knew about it. Until the modest and unknown monk Sergius cut down a wooden church in honor of the Holy Trinity in a remote pine forest and founded a monastery, the prototype of the future Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The monk perceived the Holy Trinity as a heavenly sign for the Russian land. In its inseparability he saw the need to unite the princely estates, and in its non-merger - liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

How to celebrate Trinity

The Holy Trinity is preceded by Ecumenical Parental Saturday, when deceased relatives are commemorated everywhere. The celebration of Pentecost continues on Monday, Spiritual Day, dedicated to the third face of the Lord.

Churches and houses on Trinity are traditionally decorated with birch branches and flowers. During church services, parishioners hold small bouquets in their hands. At home, prayer herbs (mint, thyme, lovage) are dried and stored behind the icon, as a talisman and a miraculous remedy for ailments, physical and mental. They say that if you stand to the left of the altar during the liturgy, shed a few tears on the bouquet, you will get rid of all your sins, and the herbs will gain magical powers. If you constantly carry them with you in your pocket or bag, your cherished wish will come true and good luck will accompany you.

At the Holy Trinity service, for the first time since Easter, believers kneel, and a new cycle of Orthodox services begins. Until Pentecost dates church events depended on when Easter was celebrated this year. Afterwards, the church weeks are counted from Trinity. For example, to determine the onset of the Petrine Fast, you need to estimate what date Trinity will be in Russia in 2018 and add a week. On Monday of the second week, fasting will begin.

On Trinity, it is customary to go to visit and receive guests at home, treat them to pancakes and pies. Can be cooked

For Orthodox people The holiday of Trinity carries a special meaning. This is one of the twelve main Orthodox celebrations, which is celebrated on a large scale and helps to understand the secrets of Divine intent.

The celebration of the Trinity directly depends on the day of celebration of another bright holiday - the Resurrection of Christ. Easter is the fundamental holiday of Christians, which is the center of all biblical history and the basis of all Christian teaching. The date of Easter changes every year. This is a moving holiday, due to which many other Orthodox celebrations have a floating date, and Trinity is no exception.

Trinity in 2018

As already mentioned, the holiday of Trinity is a moving holiday. People also call this celebration Pentecost because it occurs 50 days after Easter. In 2018, Orthodox believers will celebrate Trinity on May 27. Since the celebration of Pentecost, Lent ends, after which people prepare for the cycle of summer Christian holidays.

The Holy Trinity was established by the apostles. It has been celebrated since ancient times. This celebration has absorbed many traditions, since it originated at the dawn of Christianity. Many customs have remained unchanged and carried over into the present day.

As a rule, the celebration begins with a solemn service, which includes an all-night vigil. All-night vigil, or, otherwise, the all-night vigil, is served on the eve of all great holidays. The celebrated day begins in the evening, and this divine service is directly related to the Orthodox celebration. The all-night vigil is an ancient service that began to be performed at the dawn of religion. Jesus Christ himself most often prayed at night together with the apostles. In ancient times, evening services were quite long: they took place all night. All believers should be present at this service in order to offer prayers to the Lord and all the saints together with the clergy.

According to biblical legends, on the day that we now call Trinity, the Holy Spirit descended to earth, thereby showing the Trinity of God. First, heavenly fire visited the Virgin Mary, and then endowed the apostles with Divine power, giving them cleansing from sinfulness, sanctifying their thoughts and revealing the secrets of their destiny.

Traditions of the Holy Trinity

The main attribute of the Trinity holiday is considered to be birch. Its branches and young leaves were used to decorate huts and temples, they were taken to church to be blessed, and then kept as a powerful talisman against all evil. The floors were usually covered with freshly cut grass. Each parishioner, going to the service, had several birch branches with him. At home, consecrated branches were placed near icons. According to folk beliefs, such a talisman helped protect the house from negativity.

As soon as the morning service ended, people tried to get home quickly in order to have time to prepare festive dishes and set the table. An integral part festive table was considered a loaf. The menu that day was special. This is not a fast day, so you can allow yourself whatever your heart desires, just as our ancestors did. Many families could afford to bake a pig, serve meat treats and other gourmet dishes. It was believed that the year would be successful if treats from your garden were served at the table. Kvass was considered the main drink; compote, which had healing properties, was also served.

After the gala dinner, our ancestors went out into the street to congratulate neighbors, friends and strangers Happy Holy Trinity Day. This was a very important ritual, during which all people exchanged joy and happiness, wishing each other success and prosperity. The remains from the festive table were given to the poor, who were waiting for alms that day.

On this day people paid special meaning spiritual life. It was customary to pray and glorify the Lord. This is very important now. The clergy call on everyone to pray in order to beg the Almighty for salvation and forgiveness, for guidance on the true path, for earthly and heavenly happiness. You need to pray not only for yourself, but also for loved ones, relatives, children and for every lost soul. On this day, the Lord is patient and merciful to any request and to any words.

Single people looked for their ideal companion on Trinity Day, since it was believed that acquaintance on this holiday would be blessed from Above. Many men decided to take a responsible step and asked girls to marry, appeasing the parents of the future bride.

Of course, some traditions have lost relevance, but most of them have retained their value and significance. Mostly we're talking about about moral purification. They have been striving for it since ancient times, since only by following the spiritual path can one find meaning and place in this life. We wish you a bright holiday. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. May luck smile on youand don't forget to press the buttons and

One of the most significant Orthodox holidays in church calendar at the end of spring - beginning of summer - Trinity, also called Pentecost. Trinity is tied to the date of Easter, and like that, it falls on a different date every year. When will Trinity be in 2018: what date is Orthodox Pentecost celebrated, what kind of holiday is it.

What date is Trinity in 2018?

Pentecost is not an accidental name for the Trinity. Since Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, on Sunday exactly 7 weeks after Easter. Easter in 2018 was celebrated on April 8. Thus, Trinity will also be celebrated unusually early this year, not in June, as usual, but at the end of May.

In our country, Trinity is not a public holiday, only a church holiday. The only church holiday included among the national holidays is Christmas. In a number of regions, Radonitsa is a day off. Other Orthodox holidays are not government owned.

But in Ukraine, since 1991, Trinity is one of the national holidays. Accordingly, the Monday following it is a day off in Ukraine.

Pentecost is a kind of “birthday” of the Christian church. The Gospel tells about the events that happened on a given day as follows. 10 days after the Ascension of the risen Christ, the apostles and the Mother of God were together in the Jerusalem upper room and heard a noise from heaven. So the Holy Spirit came upon them.

This action appeared to them as tongues of flame descending from the sky - one tongue for each apostle.

The Holy Spirit gave the apostles preaching abilities that had not been demonstrated to them until that day. Not understanding what to do next, the disciples of Christ, who were not scientists, but were ordinary fishermen and workers, acquired the greatest gift - understanding the teachings of Christ and the ability to tell people about it.

The apostles received the ability to speak various languages to preach the teachings of Christ. Thanks to such abilities, they converted several thousand people to Christianity on the same day.

Later, having dispersed to different parts of the world, Christ’s disciples carried the faith with them and conquered the world with the power of their preaching.

Therefore, Trinity Day is the celebration of the birth of the church. The Lord gave the apostles, who did not come to their senses after the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Christ, the power that gave them the chance to conquer the world, using equal opportunities to defeat the most powerful speakers. The apostles who had acquired the gift attracted the first people to Christianity, and the new faith was forever strengthened in the world.

Trinity, or Pentecost, is the birthday of the Church. On Trinity Sunday, all Orthodox churches are decorated with emerald greenery - herbs, birch branches and flowers. On this day, Christians remember the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, which occurred fifty days after the Resurrection of Christ. We will talk about the events, traditions and meaning of Pentecost.

What is Pentecost

Origin of the name “Pentecost”

When is Pentecost celebrated?

Events of Pentecost

Pentecost service

Pentecost icons

12 questions about Pentecost

“Pentecost” by Andrea Orcagni

Iconography of the Feast of Pentecost

The meaning of Holy Trinity Day

Trinity Day Prayers

Why are temples decorated with birch trees?

Trinity Parents' Saturday

Poems about the Trinity

What is Pentecost

Day of the Holy Trinity- this is one of the twelve holidays, the 12 most important holidays after Easter in Orthodoxy. It is also called Trinity, Pentecost, and the Descent of the Holy Spirit.

On this day we remember the gospel event - descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. On the fiftieth day after Easter, the apostles gathered in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem, where on the eve of the arrest and Crucifixion, Christ celebrated the Last Supper. And here, as we read in the New Testament, “... "(Act 2 :2-4).

After descent of the Holy Spirit the apostles began to speak in a variety of languages, and the people around them were surprised: how could ordinary Galileans know so many languages? Indeed, for each of the listeners, the sermon of the Risen Christ sounded in his native language.

Descent of the Holy Spirit and the multilingual preaching of the apostles became the birthday of the Church - the community of the faithful to Christ, united by the Sacraments into the One Body of Christ.

Origin of the name "Pentecost"

"Trinity" And "Pentecost"- two names for one Christian holiday. The word “Pentecost” has a purely chronological meaning, that is, “on the fiftieth day.” The double name is evidence that the holiday has Old Testament origins.

In Old Testament Israel, Pentecost was a harvest festival. On this day, the Jews brought a sacrifice to God - the fruits of the first harvest. Then, over the centuries, the meaning of the holiday changed. It began to be perceived as the birthday of the Old Testament Church - on Pentecost they remembered the Covenant that the Lord entered into with Moses and the entire Israeli people approximately fifty days after the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, i.e., the Jewish Passover. These events took place in the second half of the 13th century. BC e.

And so, after Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, Pentecost became the holiday of the Lord’s new Covenant with people. Happy birthday of the Christian Church.

When is Pentecost celebrated?

Pentecost celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, not because Christians simply accepted the Old Testament holiday.. This corresponds to the New Testament story - it was 50 days after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. Trinity Day always falls on Sunday.

Events of Pentecost

Descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Christ on the day of Pentecost is described in one of the books of the New Testament - the Acts of the Holy Apostles.

The event took place ten days after the Ascension of Christ, when on the Mount of Olives He ascended into heaven in the flesh. The feast of the Old Testament Pentecost has arrived. The apostles and the Mother of God were on this day in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem - the very room where the Last Supper took place. It was there, as it is written in the New Testament, that the Descent of the Holy Spirit took place on the disciples of Christ:

«… suddenly a noise came from the sky, as if from a rushing strong wind, and filled the whole house where they were. And cloven tongues as of fire appeared to them, and one rested on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance"(Act 2 :2-4).

The miracle did not go unnoticed. Pentecost was a national holiday, and the capital of Israel was flooded with believers. People came from different cities and even neighboring countries. Imagine their amazement when, attracted by the noise, they approached the house where the apostles had gathered and heard them speaking in the most different languages. At first, the people decided that Christ’s disciples were simply drunk: “ They said: they got drunk on sweet wine"(Act 2 :13). But the Apostle Peter dispelled these speculations and told people about the meaning of the miracle, that from that day the apostles would preach the Risen Christ to the whole world:

« Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and cried out to them: Men of the Jews, and all who live in Jerusalem! Let this be known to you, and listen to my words: they are not drunk, as you think, for it is now the third hour of the day; but this is what was foretold by the prophet Joel: And it will be in last days, says God, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy; and your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. And on My servants and on My handmaids in those days I will pour out My Spirit, and they will prophesy" (Dejan 2 :14-18)

Pentecost service

On Trinity Orthodox churches one of the most beautiful services per year. The churches are full of summer greenery: people bring field herbs, birch branches, flowers. The floor of the temple is covered with freshly cut grass, its smell mixed with the aroma of incense. The color of clergy vestments is green.

Usually, immediately after the Liturgy, Great Vespers is served in the church (according to the rules, it should be celebrated in the evening, but many parishioners will then not be able to come to it). At Vespers, stichera are sung glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit. The priest reads three special prayers: for the Church, for the salvation of all those who pray and for the repose of the souls of all the departed, including “ in hell held" At this time, clergy and parishioners kneel. Kneeling prayer ends the post-Easter period, during which no kneeling or prostration is performed in churches.

At matins in churches, two canons of the Trinity are sung, both written by famous ancient authors: the first by Cosmas of Mayum, the second by John of Damascus.

Pentecost icon

The icons of the Feast of Pentecost traditionally depict the Upper Room of Zion, in which the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire.

In front of us are the twelve apostles, they stand as if in a semicircle - in the shape of a horseshoe. Instead of Judas Iscariot, the apostle Matthias was chosen to replace him. In the hands of Christ's disciples are books and scrolls; the fingers of the apostles are folded in a blessing gesture. There is also the Apostle Paul on the icon, who was not in the Zion Upper Room. This emphasizes that the Holy Spirit descends not only on specific individuals who were in the Upper Room of Zion, but is given to the entire Church, which at that time consisted of the Twelve Apostles. Between Peter and Paul on the icon there is an empty space that reminds us of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

The meaning of Holy Trinity Day

Archpriest Igor Fomin, rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church at MGIMO, cleric of the Cathedral of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God on Red Square.

“Pentecost is the birthday of the Church of Christ. The Lord unites around Him all believers - those who want to follow Him, live according to His commandments, and overcome their death by His death.

The Babylonian dispersion of the nations, which we read about in Old Testament, is overcome precisely on the day of Pentecost. The Lord again gathers people who think and work on their salvation. And all in order to later bring them into the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Prayers for the Feast of the Holy Trinity

Troparion of Pentecost

voice 8

Blessed are you, Christ our God, who are all wise fishers of things, having sent down to them the Holy Spirit, and with them you have caught the universe, glory to you, O lover of mankind.


Blessed are You, Christ our God, who made the fishermen wise, sent down the Holy Spirit to them, and through them captured the universe. Lover of humanity, glory to You!

Kontakion of Pentecost

voice 8

Whenever the tongues of fire descended, dividing the tongues of the Most High, when the fiery tongues were distributed, we all called into unity, and accordingly we glorified the All-Holy Spirit.


When the Most High came down and confused languages, He divided the nations; when He distributed tongues of fire, He called everyone to unity, and we, in agreement, glorify the All-Holy Spirit.

Magnification of Pentecost

We magnify Thee, O Life-Giving Christ, and honor Thy All-Holy Spirit, whom Thou didst send from the Father as Thy divine disciple.


We glorify You, Giver of life Christ, and honor Your All-Holy Spirit, Whom You sent from the Father to Your divine disciples.

Why are temples decorated with birch trees?

On Trinity Sunday, churches were traditionally decorated with birch branches and grass. This custom has several explanations. Firstly, birch trees can be reminiscent of the oak grove of Mamvre, where there was an oak tree, under which the Lord, the Holy Trinity, appeared to Abraham in the form of three angels. She is depicted on the icons of the Trinity.

Secondly, on the day when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, the Jews. On the fiftieth day after leaving the land of Egypt, the Jews approached Mount Sinai, where the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
It was spring time and all of Mount Sinai was covered flowering trees. Probably from here, in the ancient Church there was a custom on the day of Pentecost to decorate their temples and houses with greenery, as if to find themselves again on Mount Sinai with Moses.

Trinity Parents' Saturday

Archpriest Igor Fomin, rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church at MGIMO, cleric of the Cathedral of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God on Red Square, talks about the meaning of Trinity Parental Saturday:

“Trinity Parents Saturday is similar to others parents' Saturdays. This is the day of the year when we Christians focus our attention on prayer for the dead.

It is important that on this Saturday nothing distracts us from prayer, so that our entire mind is focused on the holiday.

How to spend this day correctly? In the temple, prayerfully remembering the dead who are dear to our hearts. And also to honor their memory good deeds, try to change yourself for the better. This will be the best gift for those who are dear to us and are behind the grave, in the face of God.”

Poems about the Trinity

Excerpt from the poem "Eugene Onegin"A. S. Pushkina:

On Trinity Day, when people
Yawning, listens to the prayer service,
Touchingly on the beam of dawn
They shed three tears...

Sergey Yesenin. Trinity

The village stretches out from its holiday sleep,

A drunken spring is in the wind.

Sing in the thicket, birds, I will sing along for you,

Let's bury my youth together.

One night at sunset from God's porch

I’ll stand at the lectern next to the young man.

Father's will, mother's order,

Grief and grief will crown us.

Ah, fly away your curls, cut off your braid,

Without love, a girl's beauty will perish.

Trinity morning, morning canon,

In the grove, the birch trees ring loudly.

Ivan Bunin.Trinity

The buzzing gospel calls to prayer,
On sun rays it rings over the fields;
The distance of water meadows is buried in azure,
And the river in the meadows sparkles and burns.

And in the village in the morning there is mass in the church;
The entire pulpit is strewn with green grass,
The altar, shining and decorated with flowers,
Illuminated with the amber glow of candles and the sun.

And the choir sings loudly, cheerful and discordant,
And the breeze brings the aroma through the windows...
Today your day has come, tired, meek brother,
Your spring holiday is both bright and calm!

You are now from the labor sown fields
He brought here simple offerings as gifts:
Garlands of young birch branches,
Sorrow is a quiet sigh, prayer and humility.

* * *
The birch forest turns greener and darker and curlier.
The bells of lilies of the valley are blooming in the green thicket;
At dawn the valleys are filled with warmth and bird cherry,
Nightingales sing until dawn.

Soon Trinity Day, soon songs, wreaths and mowing,
Everything is blooming and singing, young hopes are fading.
Oh, spring dawns and warm May dews!
Oh, my distant youth!

Nikolay Nekrasov. Green Noise

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

Playfully, disperses
Suddenly the wind rises.
The alder bushes will shake,
Will raise flower dust,
Like a cloud, everything is green:
Both air and water!

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!

Like drenched in milk,
There are cherry orchards,
They make a quiet noise;
Warmed by the warm sun,
Happy people making noise
Pine forests;
And next to it there is new greenery
They babble a new song
And the pale-leaved linden,
And a white birch tree
With a green braid!
A small reed makes noise,
The tall maple tree is noisy...
They make a new noise
In a new way, spring...

The Green Noise goes on and on,
Green Noise, spring noise!..

Trinity Day is the most important church holiday. It is called the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit and is considered the beginning of the emergence of churches. The Christian Trinity replaced the Jewish Pentecost, widely celebrated in Jerusalem on the 50th day of Easter.

According to biblical legends, on a Jewish holiday, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Christ, gathered in one of the upper rooms, and endowed them with the knowledge of many languages. With unearthly capabilities, the apostles went around the world to glorify God and baptize people with the new faith.

Trinity is usually celebrated solemnly and magnificently. The main symbol of the holiday is greenery. Temples are decorated with fresh herbs and green tree branches. In churches, holiday chants are held and special prayers are read. In Rus', Pentecost appeared only 300 years after the adoption of Christianity. Detailed.

We sincerely wish you
In honor of the great Trinity,
May God take care of you and keep you,
Has always been your protection.

I wish you many years of health,
Peace of mind, peace,
Love, harmony in the family.
May your life be happy!

With the Most Holy Trinity,
Happy holy day!
Let your heart be filled
Golden light.

Let the soul not know
No sin, no evil.
May he bless you
God is in everything.

Congratulations on the holiday of the Holy Trinity! I wish that the heavenly Guardians will always be behind you. So that sorrows, sorrows and adversity dissipate and give way to peace, joy and peace. Let faith in the best along with the fresh summer air will live in your house. Good luck and prosperity to you!

A clean holiday, a bright holiday,
Feast of the Holy Trinity!
May your hopes be fulfilled
God will always be with you.

Let it fill you with rejoicing
The sound of bells rings in my soul.
Let it not be in your life
Troubles, sorrows and enemies.

Today is a righteous and important holiday,
The Holy Trinity came to visit us.
On this day we are supposed to respect
Holy Spirit, Son and Father.

Today we need to pray sincerely
For all friends and even enemies.
And if you wish, you are allowed to fast
And keep peace in your soul.

I wish you on this great church day
Spiritual blessings and joy in hearts.
Love everyone, both loved ones and acquaintances
And don’t let shame and fear into your heart.

May the Lord protect you from troubles
With your holy and righteous hand.
Let them live in your home forever
Hope, faith, joy and love.

I congratulate you on Trinity!
I wish you happiness and joy.
So that your health is stronger,
Let your life become easier.

May the Lord bless
All sins that exist will be forgiven.
So that there is peace in the soul
On a truly holy day!

Today is Holy Spirit Day,
And also the Son and the Father,
And fills with a bright feeling
He is our souls and hearts!

I wish you goodness and light
I'm on the Feast of the Holy Trinity.
May life make you happy with love,
Health, happiness, beauty!

Happy Trinity Day
I hasten to congratulate you!
And there will be God's grace
Let it be with you every hour.

Let there be peace, peace in the soul,
May the Angel take care
All your loved ones and friends,
And it will take away troubles!

To the sound of bells
Trinity comes to your home
And with a string of flowers
Gives you happiness and love!

Let the house be filled with comfort,
May heaven be kind to you,
The Holy Trinity protects
May peace always reign in the family!

May it descend from heaven today,
Having driven away sorrows, a miracle of miracles.
It will sparkle, giving everyone warmth,
Holy Spirit. Three names, three faces.
I wish you great joy in your home,
Let no trouble befall him!
Warmth and peace to you on earth!
No disappointments to be found anywhere!
I wish everyone deep happiness!

Various successes, but high!
Protect yourself from everything cruel!

Look at the world, look at the icons -
He is one for us, and yet He is three.
He knows the melancholy and thoughts of mothers.
Yes, the prayers of their lost sons.
Born among us and has always been,
And we call Him from heaven when there is trouble.
Everywhere He comes to our voice.
Warmth from Him will one day descend upon us.
I wish you a strong family and purity.

More joy, may your dreams come true.
Success, happiness, kindness.