Castor oil for flies. How to deal with flies in the apartment - effective means

Flies in the house? Not the nicest company. In the spring, the number of insects in the apartment increases, and the question arises of how to get rid of flies and make sure that they do not appear again. Before you start fighting these flying insects, you need to determine where they come from, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. So, let's figure it out.

  1. In the warm season, they can fly in from windows, balconies, doors, and even from ventilation openings.
  2. It happens that it has not yet become warmer outside, but they are already flying in the house. These are insects that in the autumn hid in cracks, secluded places for hibernation, and in the spring they come to life again and begin their “mission” to annoy people.

If there is even the slightest hint of unsanitary conditions in the apartment, then flies will choose this place, because they are attracted by the smells of rotting food and dirt.

Annoying buzzing, flights from one place to another, "journeys" through food and through your body cause irritation and psychological discomfort. It would be easier if the harm from insects was limited only to unpleasant emotions. They can be very dangerous to humans.

What is the danger of house flies?

Flies are two-winged insects, very small and light. They feed only on liquid food, sucking it up through their proboscis. Various sweets are very attractive to them. liquid products: compote, juice, tea, jam, honey. If these products are left uncovered in your kitchen, then they are sure to attract insects.

No one knows where the insects were flying before they entered your home. Perhaps they sat on decaying animal corpses, rotting fruit, human feces, and now they are walking around on bread and fruit. A very impressive picture! Therefore, the question of how to get rid of flies in the house should be addressed immediately!

Insects carry on their paws thousands of bacteria that cause cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, helminthiasis, conjunctivitis, diphtheria, anthrax. They can also lay their larvae in food and food that you can eat. This is fraught with intestinal disorders. Some flies bite and can cause severe skin irritation.

In order not to have to solve the problem of how to get rid of flies at home, you need to take care in advance to make your home unattractive to them. What are the ways to do this?

  1. Keep the house and apartment clean, immediately throw out the trash so that it does not spread smells: sweet - for flies and unpleasant - for us. If the surroundings are clean, there is no unsanitary conditions, then the flies have nothing to do here.
  2. You can use folk remedies. Flies are known to dislike the smell of geraniums. Putting pots with this on the windowsills indoor flower, you will exclude them from getting flies into the apartment through the windows.
  3. If you add pots of tomato seedlings to your room-sized collection, this will also scare away flies.
  4. In the spring, when insects are active, you need to equip windows with mosquito nets.
  5. From the countries of Latin America, a method has come that does not benefit from the aesthetic side and is unlikely to be resorted to by residents modern apartments. If you hang plastic bags filled with water in the room, then the flies in the room will not take root, since the environment that they see through the water suspended in the bag frightens them and they prefer to retreat.

Popular ways to deal with flies in an apartment and house

Fly traps are very popular and effective in controlling insects. They can be made from improvised means. Among the population, the following types of traps are most common:

  1. IN glass jar it is necessary to place a bait, which can be taken as honey, syrup, sugar-sweetened water. A paper cone is inserted into the jar so that the wide part is located on top, and the narrow part is on the side of the bottom of the jar, but not close to it. Insects attracted by the bait will fly into the jar through a hole in the cone, but they will not be able to get out.
  2. The most basic trap open beer bottle, with some drink left. Flies will flock to the smell, penetrate the bottle and will not be able to fly out.
  3. The following trap is also effective: glass jar pour some vinegar with a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Wrap the top of the jar cling film and make a hole in it, into which an adult fly will fit. A fly that has flown into a jar will not be able to escape and will drown in the prepared mixture.

Ready-made devices and devices for fighting flies

To deal with hated insects, you can use a special device for the destruction of flies. Manufacturers offer various models that make life easier.

  • insecticidal lamps there are different forms and sizes: in the form of sconces, floor or desktop devices. They are powered by electricity, are absolutely harmless to people and can be used indoors around the clock. How is the fight against flies? Devices emit ultraviolet rays of a certain spectrum that attract flies. Insects flying close to them die from the discharge of current. Many models are equipped with adhesive sheets or a special design that prevents dead insects from falling on the floor, on the table, ensuring high hygiene.

  • Exist devices that attract flies with UV light and then suck them in flying insects. Silent operation, hygiene and safety make it possible to use devices in the house and apartment.
  • insect exterminator is an effective and unique anti-fly device. It is very easy to install and has a range of 4000 m2. It cannot be installed indoors, so this is one of the popular models for private homes. Having installed it in the yard, you can enjoy your rest without being distracted by annoying insects. It also greatly reduces the likelihood of flies entering the house through windows and doors. How does this device work? It produces carbon dioxide, moisture and heat that attract flies. Flying insects are sucked into the net and die there from dehydration within a day.
  • Velcro or sticky tapes effective trap. It is a tape and a sticky sheet. It is enough to hang it in the room where there are the most flies. They will attract insects with a specific smell. A fly that has landed on them will no longer be able to come off and will die.

Street flies are annoying too: ways to deal with them

Most of the flies are in the yard of a private house, in the garden and vegetable garden, and they also cause inconvenience to humans. How to get rid of flies on the street? First you need to determine if there is a nearby accumulations of garbage, garbage containers, latrines, compost heaps, as they will permanent place reproduction and distribution of insects.

There are several rules, the implementation of which will minimize the number of insects in the yard and on the street:

  • Maintaining cleanliness in the yard. If a dog walks there, then you need to collect its droppings so that the smell does not attract insects. The lids of garbage containers in the yard of the house must be tightly closed.
  • Regular lawn mowing and the absence of a heap of grass or leaves.
  • There should be no places with standing water in the yard.
  • The smells of some plants and bushes have a deterrent effect. If planted elderberry or h ermukha along the perimeter of the site, then insects will be rare guests in the courtyard of your house. If grown in flowerbeds mint, lavender, amorphous, basil, tansy then they will also get rid of their interference in your life.

To fight, you can use modern devices.

  • Outdoor insect exterminator- an effective remedy for flies on the street. It generates carbon dioxide, heat and moisture, which attracts them. Insects fly to it from all over the site, are sucked into the net and die after a while. The advantages of these devices are that they cover a large radius and are harmless to people, soil and plants in the garden and on the site.
  • With a large accumulation of flies helps fumigator. Fumigation of insects with poisonous gases for them will permanently get rid of uninvited "guests".
  • One of the popular means in the fight against flies are pyrotechnic fumigators, or insecticides. They are used to kill flies outdoors. If the spirals and sticks are placed around the perimeter of the site, then this will protect against the penetration of insects.

If you need to get rid of flies during outdoor recreation, then you can do without repellents. They are applied to human skin and protect against annoying biting flies.

Common ways to deal with flies in the country and in a wooden house

Usually, in a country house and in a private house, the probability of reproduction and an increase in the number of flies is greater than in apartments. The presence of garbage containers directly in the yard and cesspools affects if the house is not connected to a centralized sewage system. But the question of how to deal with flies in the country can be solved just as effectively and quickly.

  • All the methods described above are suitable for the destruction of flies in summer cottages.
  • Cesspools must be treated and sprinkled with chloride of lime.
  • If there is a restroom and a toilet on the street near the house, then they must be systematically often treated with a solution of chlorine.
  • Such folk ways like greasing the floors in a house with turpentine mastic and wetting window frames with vinegar.
  • Airing rooms and drafts helps to quickly get rid of flies.
  • Many summer residents use chemicals from flies. So, solutions prepared from a special poisonous powder for flies (for example, Agita) are applied with a brush to walls, floors, ceilings. These products get rid of flies and prevent their appearance for a few more months. And suspensions prepared from the same powder and sprayed in the air also quickly destroy insects and prevent them from appearing for about a month. These products are harmless to humans.

The problem of how to get rid of flies in a wooden house can be solved using the same means.

Also help:

  • Mosquito nets on windows.
  • Adhesive tapes, both ready-made and handmade. For a homemade tape, you will need resin (or rosin), castor oil or linseed oil, for bait - honey, glycerin and sugar. Melt all these “ingredients” in a water bath and spread the paper tape with the resulting mixture, then hang it in the room. The effect of this remedy will be the same as that of store-bought adhesive tape.
  • Flies will fly away to look for another home, if you rub all the surfaces beloved by flies with bay oil, if you spread shoots or fresh leaves of fern, tansy, elderberry, clove sticks (seasoning), eucalyptus on window sills and furniture.

How to deal with flies in the room: secrets that have been proven over the years

Don't know how to get rid of flies in the room? And you need to do it locally and without prejudice to your own health? Homemade lures effective in the fight against flies in an apartment and a private house. Everyone can make them, and after a while the fly, having treated itself to a poisoned treat, dies.

  1. Flies adore sugary liquids, but they do not tolerate saccharin at all. It is necessary to make a solution of 10 g of saccharin and a small amount of honey. With the resulting solution, wet a paper napkin and, putting it on a saucer, leave it on the windowsill. The flies, attracted by the sweet smell and having tasted the saccharin, die after a while.
  2. The next type of poison is also easy to prepare. The solution is prepared from 5 teaspoons of soda, 3 tablespoons of milk, 0.5 teaspoons of formalin. It is necessary to pour the resulting mixture into a saucer, put a piece of bread there. You can place a few saucers to the house and wait until the flies are poisoned by such a “delicacy”.
  3. A very effective solution is based on water sweetened with syrup or honey with the addition of black pepper. By pouring it into shallow plates and placing it around the house, you can solve the problem of how to get rid of flies. Ground black pepper is deadly to insects.

Manufacturers chemicals offer their own ways to deal with flies in the apartment. Usage aerosols will help get rid of insects by 100%. The most famous means are Dichlorvos and Chlorophos". Their disadvantage is that they can be dangerous for people and pets. After spraying them, you must definitely leave the apartment, and after achieving the effect, ventilate the rooms several times.

Less harmful to humans, but adamant towards flies fumigators For home use. A plate is placed in the body of the device, which, when heated, emits Vaportrin, poisonous to flies, into the air. Fumigators usually begin to act 30 minutes after being turned on and their exposure time should be limited, as they are harmful to children and pets.

Flies in the room: how to destroy?

Sometimes it is necessary to quickly resolve the issue of how to get rid of flies in the room. When the room is small and there are few flies in it, then you can get by with an ordinary fly swatter.

If there are a lot of flies and there is no way to get rid of them “manually”, then folk remedies can be used. So, flies are very sensitive to essential oils. If you light an aroma lamp with clove, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus oils, then the flies retreat for a long time.

They are environmentally friendly and efficient ultrasonic fly repeller. sound waves, not perceptible to humans, but detrimental to flies, will force them to leave the premises. They are suitable for use in apartments and houses and are absolutely useless in open areas.

To fight insects, you can put exotic on the windowsill carnivorous plant- Venus flytrap. It attracts flies with a sweet smell, and when they sit on the leaves, they slam shut and the digestion mechanism starts. The plant will be a constant fly fighter.

Summing up, let's say, there are many ways and means of fighting flies. But they require effort and time. In order to never raise the question of getting rid of dipterous dangerous “neighbors”, it is better to take preventive measures in advance: keep the house clean, keep plants in the apartment that are unloved by flies, and in private houses you can install fly exterminators that can’t be killed for several tens of meters. let the flies into the house.

How to get rid of flies that fly into the house and haunt the annoying buzz? This question arises annually from early spring to late autumn. Simple chemical treatments help for a short time, and can cause allergies. Today we will consider effective folk methods of dealing with harmful insects.

Why are flies dangerous?

Before proceeding to a description of the methods of fighting flies, let's figure out why such a neighborhood is dangerous.

  • Moving from place to place, they sit on food, infecting them with harmful microbes, which can cause not only severe poisoning, but also death.
  • The habitat is perfect for the spread of diseases. In the process of life, flies sit on garbage, dirt or feces. After that, these bacteria are transferred to food.
  • Here are just a few of the ailments carried by these insects: diarrhea and dysentery, typhoid fever and typhoid fever, conjunctivitis and cholera.
  • They are sources of salmonellosis, tuberculosis and ulcers.

Cycles of development and reproduction of flies

There are 4 stages of development in the life cycle of this insect.

  • The deposition of eggs. One individual can lay about 150 eggs at a time. They are deposited in a humid environment. This compost pits, manure or garbage.
  • The larva develops. From the moment the eggs are laid to the moment the development of the larva begins, very little time passes. Approximately the time period is from 8 hours to a day.

  • The larva pupates. Before starting this stage, the larva moves to a dry place in the house, where it turns into a chrysalis. The process takes three to four weeks.
  • The birth of a fly. Approximately one individual lives for a month. During this time, she lays from 500 to 2000 eggs.

Stages of getting rid of flies

The fight against flies consists of two stages:

  • Identification and elimination of breeding sites. By cleaning and cleaning up distribution areas, you will significantly reduce the total number of adults. Take out the garbage in a timely manner, close the garbage cans so that insects do not fly in and do not lay offspring there. Treat them with vinegar as they get dirty. Vinegar is a remedy that is hated by insects. IN apartment buildings the place of accumulation of these flying creatures is the garbage chute. Washing is the responsibility of the housing office, but everyone must throw away waste in tightly tied bags.
  • Getting rid of adults. You can kill large flies in an apartment using both chemicals and folk remedies, because household chemicals are not always safe for people's respiratory organs.

Folk methods of dealing with flies

  • Vodka. Flies can't stand the smell of alcohol. The method can be successfully applied in the yard of a private house or in the garden. Spray or rub a handful of vodka onto your skin. In this case, insects will not annoy you with their importunity.
  • Essential oil. Lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass, mint - oils of these plants effectively repel flies.

  • Carnation. The dense aroma of cloves repels insects. In the kitchen, leave 10-15 buds in a plate or vase. It is possible to use essential oils of this spice. A lemon cut in half, with clove buds stuck in, is possible.
  • Hazel based lotion. Mix half a glass of hazel broth with the same amount of vinegar, add 30-50 drops of eucalyptus essential oil there. With this composition, you can smear open areas of the skin.

  • Sugar trap. Mix water and sugar into a sweet syrup. Pour it into a jar. Make a cone out of paper, insert it into a jar with a sharp end. Make sure that the edge of the cone does not touch the liquid syrup. Crawling into a sweet trap, the flies will not get back.
  • Black pepper bait. Combine a glass of water, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of black hot pepper. Pour this solution into a saucer. Having tasted such a delicacy, the fly will go to another world in a couple of days.

  • Mechanical means of fighting flies are represented by the most common type - fly swatters. This method, one way or another, was used by everyone, whether it was a rolled up newspaper or a magazine. A significant minus is ugly dirty spots on furniture, walls and ceiling. In addition to the most common fly swatters, there are vacuum and electric types.
  • Velcro at home is used most often. They are called "whiskers". The downside is that this design looks rather unsympathetic. Often, instead of insects, careless owners also fall into a sticky trap. Such a device can be bought at the store and made independently. Boil a strong sugar syrup, add honey or jam to it. Cut strips of craft paper, which you soak in the resulting solution. Dry, hang in the right rooms.

  • If you wash windows, slopes, doors, boats with the addition of turpentine or castor oil. Diptera will not fly into the room.
  • Pour a special solution into small jars. Spray dichlorvos into a glass of water and add two tablespoons of sugar. Arrange baits throughout the house.

Exotic plants from flies

Flower houseplants can literally feed on flies as predators or scare them away. This is rather a curiosity, and they cannot eat flies in large quantities.

  • Venus flytrap;
  • sundew;
  • zhiryanka.

Plants and herbs for fly control

Some herbs help to drive flies out of the house. Plant plants around the house. Herbs are ideal when you have a veranda open type or a separate outdoor gazebo where the whole family dine.

  • Geranium. This plant is very common among the decoration of the estate and premises. Pots with bright inflorescences attract the attention of a person and drive away flies.
  • Basil. spice plant widely used in cooking. Its leaves exude a delicate aroma, from which these insects flee. If you live in the country, you can plant the spice in pots near the house. In a city apartment, basil grows beautifully on the windowsill. In the absence of fresh herbs, use dried spices or essential oils.

  • Bay leaf. This ingredient can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. The smell of laurel is hated by ordinary flies, fruit flies, and even.
  • Peppermint. Use both fresh and dried mint to repel. This plant will help mosquitoes and rodents. Cut the mint in a saucer and leave near the dining area.

  • Tansy or wormwood. Hang bunches of herbs around the house, this prevents ticks, mosquitoes, ants and bedbugs from multiplying.
  • The onion fly, which can attack the onion crop in the barn or basement, is a very insidious pest. You can get rid of it with ammonia. Take 2 tablespoons of ammonia per 10 liters of water. Water plants under the root in the evening. 2-3 such waterings per season will protect vegetables from spoilage.

  • Tear off fern or elderberry sprigs and place in a vase as a bouquet. This will drive away all Diptera.

  • Install mosquito nets on windows.

  • Try to keep the house clean and tidy.

  • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink and a full trash can.
  • Put food in the refrigerator in time, and dispose of the missing food. This will prevent the appearance of cockroaches and mice.

Which one of us likes flies? Most likely no one. These ubiquitous two-winged insects can ruin the life of even the most accurate housewife. Folk methods are indispensable in the fight against insects, because they are completely natural, effective and safe for human health.

Perhaps there are no more annoying insects than flies.

From hibernation they come out, as a rule, in April-May and begin to actively multiply and spread various microbes that are unsafe for humans.

This article will be devoted to the question of how to get rid of flies in your home.

What is the harm from flies?

Flies are carriers of all kinds of viruses and microbes, most of which are dangerous for human body. An ordinary fly that flew in from the street and settled on food is able to leave particles affected by a huge number of viruses on them. Flies lay their eggs in the pulp or peel of vegetables and fruits, thus making them dangerous to humans and subsequently capable of causing various diseases.

The most common diseases that flies can cause are:

  • dysentery;

  • conjunctivitis.

Each of these diseases is very difficult to tolerate by the body, so you need to get rid of flies in your home in a timely manner.

How to get rid of flies in the apartment: mechanical methods

The mechanical methods of dealing with annoying insects include:

1) fly swatter, which is used to eliminate flies manually;

2) Velcro, which attract insects with a sweet scent. Flies sit on them, but they can no longer fly away. Velcro can be purchased at any hardware store or supermarket;

3) Fumigator. This device is very convenient in that to eliminate flies, you just need to charge it with a special plate or flask with liquid and connect it to the mains. At the same time, a person does not feel an unpleasant smell at all, and for flies it is very unpleasant and repels them. In addition, aesthetically, it looks much more attractive than the same Velcro.

To enhance the effect, it is better to use several methods at once. This will help eliminate not only flies, but also other insects, such as cockroaches or ants.

How to get rid of flies in the apartment: folk remedies

If the flies do not swarm in flocks in your room, but constantly fly in from the street through the windows, you can use one of the time-tested folk remedies. First of all, be sure to install mosquito nets on the windows, this will save you from almost all types of insects in the room. You can also put indoor plants on the windowsill, the smell of which is very disliked by flies. These include: geranium, myrtle, eucalyptus, seedlings from tomatoes and the like.

Also, special herbs will perfectly cope with this task: elderberry, tansy, fern leaves. All you need is to spread them around the house in a small amount.

To eliminate flies, you can also use ordinary black pepper. To do this, you need to make a mixture of sweetish water and pepper, and after a couple of days you will not find a single fly in the apartment.

These insects do not tolerate saccharin. To make a bait with it, soak ordinary newspaper with saccharin and honey dissolved in water and dry it. After that, the flies will show activity in this way, spread the primac on the table and drop it on it a large number of water. Insects that flock to the sweet smell of the newspaper will die in a couple of hours.

One of the most unpleasant odors for insects, common toadflax has (you can buy it at any pharmacy). Prepare the following recipe: take flaxseed, add it to milk and prepare a decoction from this mixture. This decoction will need to be placed in all corners of the room with flies. After a short time, annoying insects will fly away from the house. Flies also really dislike the scent of rosin, tansy flowers, and castor beans.

You can get rid of uninvited guests through wet cleaning using special tools such as DDT or Hexochloran. These funds must be diluted in water and thoroughly wipe all surfaces in the room. Along with cold and frost, flies also really dislike drafts, so try to ventilate the apartment as often as possible.

Today it is very popular ultrasonic repellers. With their help, you can quickly and safely get rid of annoying "guests" without the use of chemicals. The principle of operation of this device is based on the use of high ultrasonic waves, which are completely harmless to humans, but at the same time they have a very strong effect on flies and other insects, forcing them to move as far as possible from the source of ultrasonic waves. This device works great indoors, but it is completely unsuitable for open areas, so it is better to use it in houses and apartments.

How to get rid of flies in the apartment: chemicals

If flies and other insects fly around the room in swarms, then here, of course, it is worth putting aside all mechanical and folk remedies and using the most powerful one - chemicals. You can use the services of professionals who will come to you and make chemical treatment but you can do it on your own. We present to your attention a list of the most famous and effective chemicals in the fight against annoying insects.

1. Aerosols. These include the good old Chlorophos and Dichlorvos. The principle of operation of these drugs is very simple - a jet of toxic substances falls on insects and instantly destroys them. To enhance the effect of aerosols against flies, you need to spray indoors, and only after a while open windows to ventilate the room. This method will significantly reduce the population of these insects.

2. Fly plates for the fumigator- one of modern means fly control. It works like this: you need to insert a plate impregnated with poisonous substance vaportrin. When the device is turned on, the plate at the bottom will heat up and the toxic substance will begin to evaporate, thereby destroying insects.

3. Duct tape impregnated with a poisonous substance. This method can be attributed to both mechanical and chemical means. Velcro tape is hung in a room with flies and attracts them with its smell. Insects fly to the tape, stick to it, and die after a while.

Each of these chemicals is very effective, but there is a serious drawback - they contain poison. Therefore, while working with them, children and pets should not be in the room.

Fly Prevention

Most people don't give of great importance danger posed by these insects. And completely in vain, because the fly is not only an annoying insect, it is also a carrier of the most dangerous diseases, such as diphtheria, tuberculosis, dysentery and many others. Flies lay their eggs in food, and the person who has eaten them is at risk of contracting one of these diseases. Therefore, it is much more rational and easier to carry out prevention from these insects than to deal with the consequences later. Follow a few simple guidelines and your home will be much better protected from flies and other insects.

1. Try to spend as often as possible wet cleaning, because any insect prefers dirt and debris, and if this is not in the room, then there will be nothing for them to do here. Try to throw out the bin in a timely manner and put fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.

2. If you live in a private house and keep pets, for example, cattle, then the location of the flies may be a paddock or a place where manure is stored. Experts recommend cleaning pens with animals as often as possible, and regularly pouring a solution of karphos on manure: insects cannot stand it.

3. When flowers and trees began to bloom on the street, and spring came, be sure to hang mosquito nets on the windows, they will become an obstacle for flies to enter the room.

4. In order for insects to fly around your house, plant bird cherry or elderberry bushes around it. Also, insects do not tolerate the smell. walnut tree or wormwood. For people living in apartments, it is recommended to put ordinary potted geraniums on all windowsills.

Do not forget that the appearance of flies, like other annoying insects, is much easier to prevent than to deal with them later. Observe these simple recommendations, and you will forever forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as flies in the room.

Good afternoon, dear readers! I remember that in the summer my grandmother constantly had flies. How terrible it was, they are very annoying, besides spreading infections. At night it was impossible to sleep, as Diptera tried to sit on the face, hands and on all parts of the body that were open.

At first, grandma just slapped them with a newspaper, but this way didn't bring much success. On the contrary, there were periodically more of them, they had to hide everything edible as far as possible. After some time, having tried many means, she managed to exterminate them.

Now she uses only prophylaxis and they no longer cause her any concern. In this article you will learn: how to get rid of flies at home, an overview of the most effective means and methods.

How to get rid of flies at home - an overview of methods

You should not trust advertising that says that by using a certain fly repellent at home, you can forget about insects for a long time. Diptera are able to adapt to the most unbearable conditions. To fully reproduce, they require a pile of food waste or excrement.

How to get rid of flies at home

You need to get rid of them in two stages:

  • find breeding sites;
  • get rid of the adults.

The accumulation of insects in an apartment or house indicates the presence of a breeding site. General cleaning with the use of disinfectants will help to destroy it. Representatives of the order Diptera often breed in the bin.

Their destruction should begin with getting rid of garbage. The bucket is washed with water with the addition of vinegar or powder boric acid. The trash can is tightly closed with a lid.

How to get rid of flies that have become adults. If the insects have nowhere to breed, then they have nothing to do in the house. They retreat on their own in search of a better life. The remaining representatives can be eliminated by using store-bought insecticides. Given the toxicity of chemicals, many people prefer to use safe folk recipes.

Getting rid of flies in the house can be divided into two main stages:

  1. The first is the detection and cleaning of fly breeding areas.
  2. At this stage, by harvesting and cleaning, you can significantly reduce the number of fly breeding. In the future, this will keep further growth of flies under control.

    Close trash bins and take out trash in a timely manner. As they get dirty, wash them with a solution of borax, vinegar. Flies don't like this smell.

    In entrances, flies usually accumulate near the garbage chute. Washing it is the responsibility of the housing department. But you can also contribute. Dispose of trash by sealing plastic bags tightly.

  3. The second stage is getting rid of adult flies in the house. Since they will not have breeding sites, at this stage the problem remains the destruction of the flies themselves.

Source: ";"

The use of chemistry in the fight against flies

If prevention has not been observed or flies have slipped into the house, then you definitely need to act, get rid of annoying flies at home without delay. The current chemical products definitely help in the fight against flies.

On the shelves of shops and markets it is possible to find quite good products that eliminate flies in the room. They are divided into four types:

  • Velcro tapes.
  • Velcro tape is an old tried and tested method of dealing with flies in rooms. It looks like a strip 50 cm long, on which a layer of sticky poison is applied. The tape is hung higher to the ceiling, it smells specifically fragrant and the flies begin to sit down.

    Its disadvantage is the unpleasant sight of hundreds of dead flies. The advantage is the absence of chemical effects on humans.

  • Fumigators with poisonous tablets.
  • They represent a special small-sized heating device into which cardboard poisonous tablets (plates) must be inserted. The fumigator is inserted into the socket, it starts to heat up and the smell coming from the plate kills the flies present in the room.

    When using the plates, it is important that the vents in the room are ajar, and the operating device is at least a meter away from the person. Now there are already plates that are harmless to people, doctors recommend being absent from the room for the duration of the fumigator.

  • Aerosol.
  • Traditional "Dichlorvos" poisons flies, ticks, fleas, spiders, mosquitoes and other insects. For careless owners, both the fish in the aquarium and the parrots in the cage were poisoned by the force of the aerosol. The reason for the use of aerosol preparations is in completely enclosed rooms.

    And after the time specified in the instructions has elapsed, it is necessary to ventilate the room for 3-5 hours. There are improved formulas for fly chemicals. They are odorless to humans, but 100% effective against insects, and do not have to be used when closed doors.

  • Gel with poison.
  • Manufacturers have developed a special food gel for flies. It has a pleasant taste and smell for insects, the composition includes a share of sugar. When eating it, the fly becomes poisoned and dies. For humans, it is a safe, odorless substance.

    You can use it both in the apartment and in the country, dripping a few drops on the door, windows, trash can or places near the toilet.

Folk methods

But chemicals are not always desirable in the home of the owners. There are a lot of them, and the help is very good.

  1. formalin solution.
  2. A mixture is made from 3 tablespoons of milk, 1 tbsp is added. l. formalin, 5 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar. The resulting poisonous mixture is poured into a shallow container, put in an open place.

    It works perfectly, the main thing is that children and pets did not get this poison.

  3. A solution of milk with black pepper.
  4. It is analogous to aerosols. In order to create a solution, you need to combine half a glass of milk with 50 g of sugar and 50 g of ground black pepper. Soak the fabric tapes with the resulting liquid and hang them from the ceiling. This tool is absolutely safe for humans.

  5. Saccharin solution.
  6. Dissolve in a small amount of water and add honey for smell. The resulting mixture is dipped in a newspaper and spread where flies often sit down.

    Saccharin is dangerous for flies and they die in a couple of hours. Saccharin and all products containing it should be kept away from children and pets.
  7. A solution of diluted chlorophos.
  8. Usually, powdered chlorophos and sugar are added to the water in a ratio of one to two. The resulting mixture is poured into a container and placed in a place visible to the flies. This solution must be used with caution.

  9. Kerosene solution.
  10. At times, the owners use a completely old-fashioned method - they wipe the floors with a small amount of kerosene diluted in water. Due to the pungent smell of kerosene, two-winged insects scatter in an instant. True, the smell in the room is not the most pleasant.

  11. A solution of potassium dichromate and alcohol.
  12. Mix 0.5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of potassium dichromate, 1 teaspoon of black pepper and a glass of alcohol. The resulting poisonous mixture is dripped onto hard paper and placed in an open place for flies.

    The poison is effective. At the end of the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

  13. Table vinegar solution.
  14. Housewives use ordinary vinegar in the kitchen, dilute with water and wipe the surfaces of furniture, window sills, tables. This is safe means for man in the fight against flies. True, not everyone likes the smell of vinegar.

  15. Hazel solution.
  16. Make a decoction of hazel and mix with table vinegar. In addition, eucalyptus oil is added to the mixture. The solution is safe for humans, used for application to open areas of the skin in order to repel flies during field work.
  17. Ethyl alcohol solution.
  18. Dilute ethyl alcohol and water in a ratio of one to one, then spray it in the room, the flies will leave the room. Ordinary vodka can replace the solution. some people wipe their exposed parts of the body with it before going to work in the garden.

  19. Bouquet of tansy. Freshly cut tansy will become great option just from getting rid of flies in the country. Its flowering lasts all summer.
  20. Dry cloves.
  21. It is customary to make a solution of crushed cloves. The mixture is boiled, and then the surfaces of the house are wiped. The smell is sharp, but the flies fly away. It is suitable to hang a citrus fruit filled with cloves closer to the habitats of flies.

    An effective repellent against flies will be the essential oil of cloves, just put a couple of drops on cotton wool and hang it in the room.

  22. Essential oils.
  23. It is a repellent, like cloves, for flies there will be an essential oil of lavender, myrtle, lemongrass, castor oil, eucalyptus, wormwood and peppermint.

    You can wipe the surfaces of the house with water, to which a few drops of any of the above oils have been added. Then annoying insects will leave the house. By the way, if available, then fit and fresh options these herbs.

  24. Tomato leaves.
  25. For a summer residence or country house Ideal with leaves regular tomato. You can even plant it in neat flowerpots and keep it in the room.

    Flies will fly around such a home garden. In addition, cherry tomato varieties look very decorative in such pots.

  26. Fern or black elderberry branches.
  27. Flies do not like the smell of these plants. And if you want to decorate the house with unusual bouquets, then fern and elderberry will have an interesting combination. Or you can just lay out the branches around the house.

    Be careful with black elderberry. Its berries are poisonous, so you should strictly observe the precautions so that small children do not eat it.

  28. Decorative geranium.
  29. For lovers of indoor plants, geranium will be ideal option to drive away flies. Can be used in apartments and country houses, and at cottages.

    Now this plant is gaining popularity, and its flowering will please not only the owners, but also the incoming guests. And for flies, geranium will be a bad smell.

  30. Bird cherry bush. The bird cherry option is suitable for owners country houses and dachas. You can plant a bush near the house, then the flies will not dare to fly up to it. And its flowering will delight in the spring.
  31. Turpentine liquid. The method of wiping door and window jambs with turpentine diluted in water works well, as it has a strong pine smell. Flies don't like this scent.
  32. Plants are predators.
  33. in an interesting way fly control is a predator plant. As soon as an insect sits in a flower that attracts a fly with its specific smell, the leaves of the plant close and begin to eat their prey.

    True, this eating is stretched over a period of a week or more.

Handmade traps

There are methods to get rid of reproduction.

  • Velcro on paper.
  • Hard paper is taken and cut into thin strips about 50 cm long. We wrap each strip with a layer of foil to prevent the sticky solution from absorbing into the paper.

    The sticky solution is made from either non-drying glue or honey, and applied in a thin layer. Tapes are hung in that place of the house, apartment. For bait, you need to attach a couple of dead flies to the tape.

  • Plastic cup with paper neck.
  • This trap is easy to make. It is necessary to insert a conically folded sheet of paper into the glass. It is recommended to pour sweet syrup, honey or jam diluted with water at the bottom of the container.

    A fly, once trapped, will not be able to get back out. The glass should be regularly cleaned from trapped insects.

  • Trap out plastic bottle.
  • Similar in its action to the previous trap, it looks more reliable. A plastic bottle is cut in half at 2/3 of the height. Top part inserted upside down.

    A sweet and fragrant liquid is poured into the bottle, and the flies fly and climb into the hole (bottle neck), but they can no longer get out. Pieces of apple, peach, etc. can be used as bait.

  • Floor liter bottle from beer. It is desirable that there is a little bit of beer left in the bottle. Flies will flock and enjoy the remnants of the intoxicating drink.
  • Iron sticky can.
  • Wash the jar clean and dry off the water. Remove cover completely. Glue strips of ordinary electrical tape evenly on the outer surface, press firmly in places where there is electrical tape, and then remove the strips. As a result, the glue will be imprinted on the side of the can and the surface will become sticky.

    Then a flashlight is fixed inside the jar. You need to use such a trap in the dark. The flies will flock to the light and stick to the jar. Then the jar of dead flies is thrown into the trash.
  • glass jar with vinegar filling.
  • Any will do glass jar with a wide mouth. A bait is placed in it, consisting of apple cider vinegar, detergent utensils plus pieces of fruit. The top of the jar is covered with cling film and secured with an elastic band.

    A small hole is made in the film for the entry of two-winged creatures. The jar is used outside the home. Flies crawl into it, feed on treats, but they are no longer able to find a way out. Then the contents with dead flies are poured out and the jar is again prepared under the trap.

Mechanical methods of destruction of flies

At the moment when a fly flies by, you just want to slap it with your hand, but this is fraught with the consequences of contamination of the hand. Therefore, mankind has come up with traps that do not require much time and effort.

  1. Fly swatter.
  2. The easiest option. Everyone knows him, he will definitely help deal with the fly. It's just a matter of human dexterity. An analogue can be a slingshot, and a newspaper, and an elastic band from under the money, but here you already have to be a fan of destroying flies in this way.

  3. Electric fly swatter.
  4. A lazy version of the usual fly swatter. A person does not need to do anything, the fly itself will fly up to the electrical enemy and receive a deadly current discharge for it. This device has batteries, so you do not need to connect to the mains.

  5. Electric fly exterminator.
  6. This device is designed in the form of a lamp, which, when turned on, produces ultraviolet light that attracts the attention of flies. It also depletes the insect-sweet smell. The fly flies towards him and collides with a wall of electrical voltage, causing it to die.

It can be turned on anywhere, as it collects dipterous insects from all over the apartment and even the backyard area. This is the surest option on how to get rid of flies, it costs the most, but the effect of its use is 100%.

Source: ""

Poisoned fly baits

You should build feeders "with a secret." The insect will be able to feast there, but after the treat, it will not live very long. To make such traps with bait is very simple:

  • Pour sweetened water, honey, syrup, jam or something else sweet into a shallow plate - this will be the bait. Ground black pepper will serve as a poison, a pinch of which must be poured into the aforementioned plate. The fly will fly to the "sweet table" and die after tasting the pepper.
  • Stir 3 tbsp. l. milk, 5 tsp. soda and 0.5 tsp. formalin.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into saucers and put a slice of bread in them. Arrange the prepared fly poison on tables, window sills and other favorite places for insects.
  • Dissolve 10 g of saccharin in a glass of water and add a little honey. Soak a napkin, a piece of toilet paper or newsprint in the resulting solution, put it on a saucer and place it on the windowsill. Despite their love of sugar, flies do not tolerate saccharin.

Source: ""

The most unusual, exotic and fun ways to fight

As you already understood, the fight against harmful insects is a very serious and responsible matter. But even such an unpleasant process as getting rid of flies in the house can be made a little more fun. We have compiled a selection of the most unusual products to fight flies, check it out!


This gun kills flies on contact, using salt instead of projectiles. Loaded once - and 50 shots are provided. Agree, an unusual way to solve unpleasant problem with flies in the house!

BUG-A-SALT 2.0 will help eliminate flies, small spiders and other flying/crawling insects that don't have chitinous patterns - i.e. it won't kill bees, bed bugs and cockroaches.

The toy is made of plastic, be prepared to lubricate it if necessary with special oil for such purposes. If you give this gun to children, then in this case, use only safe oils that are suitable for food - you never know!

The Executioner Fly Swat Wasp Bug Mosquito Swatter Zapper

This insect exterminator is an electric tennis racket that needs to be hit directly on a fly to electrocute it. Another non-banal way to get rid of a few flies!

Of course, if you have a lot of them at home, then soon you will get tired of waving your arms. And if the infection is small, then the racket will do just right. Fun, active, and safe.

The racket is powered by 2 ordinary AA batteries (included) and, judging by user reviews, it copes well with house and other flies, if they are not too large (the object will simply stun the giant flies, but you will have time to finish them off).

The disadvantage of such hand-held stun guns and toys like the Salt Gun is their low hygiene. If the large exterminators have dead midges falling into a special tray, then in such cases they will stupidly swoop down on your floor. In addition, a good eye will come in handy - you will have to aim or wave your hand as accurately as possible.

3 Small Venus Flytraps - Fly Trap - (Dionaea Muscipula) Carnivorous Plant 3 Inch Pot

Yes, do not be surprised by such a participant in our top! The Venus Flytrap has long been known for its way of eating: in nature, it grows on waterlogged soils that are poor in nutrients, and therefore is forced to extract the substances it needs by eating insects, in particular flies.

It can either be transplanted into garden soil, or leave as houseplant on a sunny windowsill where she will do her job of killing flies.

See what users are saying about it amazing plant: “This little swallow is beautiful, he ate all the flies that were in the house!

I placed the pot next to the dumpster in the garage and it's good there. Just make sure the plant gets enough light." It seems that such a small and cute protector will not damage any house!

How to keep flies out of your home with insect repellants

Let's get back to the serious stuff. You can also find several insect repellant products in the best sellers of insect repellents.

Hot Shot 5580 No Pest Strip Unscented Hanging Vapor Insect Repellent

This is a small, chemical-impregnated strip in a protective container for home use. Hang it in an infested area and it will start to work, releasing fumes that are poisonous to flies. A person will not even feel them, and flies in a 3x4 m area will feel bad.

No Pest Strips can be used in attics and basements, in garages and boats, and at trash cans. According to people, this option is not very well suited for residential areas. Be careful, it can only be used in rooms where people are not longer than 4 hours a day!

The presence of chemistry in this product, of course, confuses. But low price at ~$8 charmed hundreds of buyers.

You can save here on everything: you need to change the product only once every 4 months. To do this, simply buy new strips of poison. Interestingly, some buyers take the strips into the woods as body repellant to repel ticks and large flies. Judging by the reviews - this method works!

Choosing natural fly repellants

Against the background of chemicals, natural ones always look more profitable. To scare away flies with natural methods, you need to remember about mosquitoes - flies do not like about the same thing.

Namely: citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, cedar, cloves, mint, garlic, lemongrass and others - you can plant plants in the yard, use mixtures with essential oils diluted with water - apply to the body or spray furniture. If you are looking for a ready-made repellent, then pay attention to the following spray.

Farnam Equisect Fly Repellent 32 oz

Many are concerned about the problem of protecting animals from flies: dogs, horses, cows and other livestock are especially affected. Farnam Equisect Fly Repellent is designed specifically to protect livestock, but has also been successfully used as an indoor fly repellant.

It is based on an organic insecticide - pyrethrin.

In addition to it, it contains botanical and essential oils of citronella, cloves, thyme stem, etc., which allows us to consider it natural. The tool also has a nice price of ~$11.

What about efficiency? Users note that flies do not like this spray and quickly retreat after spraying into the air or onto furniture. The product is especially popular as a dog repellant - the natural composition of the spray allows pet owners to fearlessly spray it directly onto the coat.

How to Catch and Kill Houseflies with an Insect Killer

Theoretically, the rest of the arsenal of weapons developed by man for the destruction of insects can also be used to fight flies. Why not try special exterminators (zappers)? These light traps kill insects with electricity, just like the electric racket mentioned above.

True, they were created rather to fight mosquitoes, but they destroy many insects, including flies. For the premises, you can take a device like the Electronic Indoor Insect Killer Zapper. It is able to protect even a large area from the constant raids of flies.

This zapper for ~$44 can be bought even by the owners of warehouses and shops. There he justifies himself 100%.

What do users say about its effectiveness? One girl wrote: “I am a compassionate person, but this does not apply to flies. This exterminator helped me in 2 days - all the attic flies were gone. Come on, it really works.

The Flowtron BK-15D Electronic Insect Killer has established itself as the best street killer on the market today. It copes with many different insects, including flies, midges, mosquitoes and others.

It works on replaceable lamps (like other similar devices), the light of which attracts many (if not all) flying insects, mainly at night - and then they die from the fact that the metal grate sends current discharges to them.

Source: ""

Getting rid of insecticides

The season of flies lasts quite a long time: from spring to the first cold weather, when insects hibernate. All this time, people have to brush them off at dinner, drive them off the table, carefully hide food.

Insects are becoming so commonplace that some do not even disdain to eat an apple infested by a fly without washing it. Such behavior is irresponsible in relation to one's own health: flies are carriers of various infections, and it is necessary to get rid of insects.

Get off the flies

The most effective means for combating flying insects. It:

  1. kills both adults and eggs with larvae;
  2. leads to the complete destruction of flies in 5-7 days;
  3. remains valid for six months.
Insecticide sprayed places of the largest accumulation of flies. Get is harmless to people and pets: it has the same table salt security class.

The drug has a mild odor, which completely disappears in a few hours. The characteristics of "GET" are following options:

  • Available in the form of a liquid that is sprayed under pressure.
  • The active substance in the composition is chlorpyrifos, which is located in special polymer capsules.
  • Toxicity is in IV place (class), which defines it as low-dangerous for humans.
  • Shelf life - 2 years.

Packing is enough for processing rooms up to 100 m2. The manufacturer gives a guarantee that not only flies, but also a number of other insects after treatment with this drug will not appear in the house for another 16 months. "GET" is also often found in vials containing a concentrate for diluting a special etching solution.

Agita 10 WG from flies

The composition of the preparation includes the sex pheromone of flies, which serves as a bait for insects. Other features of the tool include:

  1. lack of smell;
  2. toxicity to bees and fish;
  3. possibility of use in premises of any destination.

Agita 10 WG has an effect on nervous system insects leading to their death. Already after 3-5 minutes. after contact with the drug, the flies begin to die. Also suitable for killing cockroaches and fleas.

The release form of the product is a powder from which the solution is prepared. During processing, animals must be removed from the premises. Features of the tool:

  • Active ingredient: thiamethoxam 10%.
  • Bank 400 grams.
  • Shelf life - 3 years.
  • Instruction:
  1. 400 gr. substances are dissolved in 320 ml of warm water.
  2. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  3. Take a wide brush and moisten in the finished solution.
  4. Make with a brush strips 10 cm wide and 30 cm long, along the surface where flies are most often found.
  5. The resulting suspension is enough to process 160 square meters, which is approximately 30 strips.
  6. In an intact state, all smears should remain indoors for up to 6-8 weeks - the period when the drug is active on all harmful insects.

flybait from flies

The drug is a contact poison that has a paralyzing effect on flies. Among its advantages:

  1. maintaining the effect for 90 days;
  2. the possibility of processing both residential and non-residential premises;
  3. harmless to pets and people.
Externally, the insecticide looks like yellow granules that must be placed in places where insects accumulate.

Also, a solution can be prepared from granules and applied with a brush to the most “popular” surfaces for flies: jambs, window frames, window sills, etc.

The characteristics should include the following features of the tool:

  • Release form - granules in a plastic bucket.
  • Active substances that have a detrimental effect on insects are methomyl (1%), cystricosene (0.25;), Bitrex (0.2%).
  • Products are assigned to the middle class of safety for people and animals (III-IV class).
  • The annual period of use from the date of issue lasts 3 years.


Very effective product with a good prolonged action. Classic variant This common tool has the following distinctive features:

  1. Release form - concentrate.
  2. Producer - Russia, DezsnabTrade LLC.
  3. The active substance is alphacypermethrin 10%.
  4. Packing 1 liter and 5 liters.
  5. One pack is for 30 nights.

Other fly preparations

Other insecticides that can be used to control flies include:

  • Minap 22;
  • Master;
  • Executioner;
  • Extermin;
  • Xulat;
  • Neostomazan;
  • Extrasol M.

Before using the drug, you should read the instructions for it. Some insecticides are suitable for processing only livestock and industrial premises.

Source: ";"

Indoor fly control measures and fly extermination with Agita chemical

Fly control includes activities such as maintaining a sanitary and hygienic regime, destroying larvae, pupae and winged flies, protecting housing from flies, and destroying places contaminated with food waste and other debris.

Most effective measure in the fight against flies is to prevent their breeding in the garbage. This keeps the number of flying flies to a minimum. It is difficult enough to achieve the desired results if the fight against flies is aimed only at the destruction of flying forms.

To prevent the development of larvae, you need to monitor the correct content of the garbage and bin. The premises should be without gaps, have meshes on ventilation openings and windows.

Food waste must be collected in a separate container and taken out daily, and solid waste must be removed at least twice a week (in children's and medical institutions, food enterprises- daily). In the fight against flies, it is important to ensure that the garbage chute is properly equipped in high-rise building(the channel diameter is at least 40 cm, and the walls are smooth and straight).

Important! A container for collecting waste must be installed in the waste chamber, which must be emptied daily. Transport, which is used for the removal of household waste, must be sanitized (washed) daily.

To get rid of flies, screening windows with a synthetic or metal mesh with cells no larger than 2x1.5 mm, paper in the form of long strips or gauze will allow.

Extermination measures for the destruction of flies are resorted to when the breeding of insects is not prevented. The destruction of pupae and larvae of flies is carried out with the help of larvicides. Since May, it is necessary to treat liquid waste, cesspools, garbage bins and the soil under them. Insecticidal solutions and emulsions will help get rid of flies, which, when they get on the spiracles of the larvae, lead to their death.

To control flies indoors, 2-3% solutions of chlorophos, aerosols of DDVF, a mixture of chlorophos with DDVF (10: 1), as well as baits with ammonium carbonate, traps and sticky tapes are used. Indoor fly control solutions should be used to evenly irrigate wall areas near doors, windows, fittings, window frames, and other areas where flies are concentrated.

It is not advisable to use the same agent to combat flying flies and larvae, because this will only contribute to the development of resistance, in particular, to chlorophos, karbofos, DDVF, etc.

A fairly effective means for the destruction of flies in residential premises are attractants - attracting substances. Often used "fly agaric" - sheets of paper soaked in a poisonous substance for flies.

Attention! "Amanitas" are placed in the room in places of the highest concentration of flies in the calculation of one "Amanita" per 10-12 m2 of floor area. Ammonium carbonate can be used to attract flies. TO mechanical means fly traps include polymer, glass and mesh flytraps, flyswatters and sticky tapes.

For the destruction of adults of houseflies or other types of sanitary flies, water emulsions of Agita are also used by applying them with a brush (5.6% of the active ingredient of the aqueous suspension) or irrigation from spray equipment (1.1% of the active ingredient of the aqueous suspension) or dry granules of the agent placed on substrates made of non-dust materials (baits).

The product is applied to the surface most frequently visited by flies - mostly warm and sunny surfaces in residential and industrial premises (glasses and window frames, door frames etc.), and also process the outer walls of buildings (garbage chambers, sandboxes, garbage dumps, garbage bins, etc.).

In the absence of convenient surfaces for application, in the presence of wooden, plastered, whitewashed surfaces, or as a result of the undesirability of applying directly to the walls, interior items are treated with pieces (strips) of polyethylene or kraft paper, which are then attached to the walls or suspended from the ceiling.

For the destruction of flies (except for blood-sucking ones), an aqueous suspension with a concentration of active ingredient of 5.6% is applied with a brush, to obtain which a sample of the agent is thoroughly mixed with the required amount of warm water.

The bait is applied in “spots” about 10x30 cm in size, treated with about 3% of total area premises. "Spots" are applied to the surfaces most frequently visited by flies, at the rate of at least 30 such spots per 100 m3 room.

You can use dry granules of the agent placed on substrates made of non-food materials, placing baits in various places (in rooms for cooking, keeping animals and others inhabited by flies) at the rate of 3-5 baits weighing 0.5-2.0 g per room 10 m2 .

Advice! For better efficiency a few drops of water are systematically added to the spaced baits. When placing baits, make sure that the dead flies will not fall into food products, crockery, etc.

For the destruction of flies, including blood-sucking - zhigalok, use the irrigation method of 1.1% aqueous suspension, for which warm water is poured into the sprayer tank and fall asleep required amount means, then mix thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is formed.

The landing sites of flies are treated - 30% of the total area of ​​treatment, while the consumption rate is 100 ml per 1 m2 of the directly treated surface. Dead and paralyzed flies are systematically swept aside and destroyed.

Baits retain their effect from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the method of preparation and the type of surface. Repeated treatments are carried out as the flies eat the baits and when winged flies appear in the room.

Flies have been human companions in warm weather for many years, one might even say centuries. Where do they come from? How to deal with them? Whether there is a preventive measures against them? What harm can be done to a person? There are many answers, let's try to answer them in detail and understand the topic.

Reasons for the appearance

  • Most often we suffer from the presence of flies in warm weather.
  • They can fly from the street into an apartment or house through open doors or windows.
  • Insects enter the dwelling along with vegetables and fruits.
  • They can settle in an apartment after giving you wild flowers as a gift.
  • The reason for their appearance in a private house may be a barn with animals, compost heap or a cesspool.
  • The reason for the appearance in the apartment may be a garbage container near the windows.

General rules for fighting flies

  • To prevent flies from multiplying, they must be destroyed immediately after they appear. These insects lay their eggs every 10 days.
  • The larvae develop rapidly in a warm, stuffy room, so you need to ventilate your apartment or house more often. Use hoods while cooking.
  • In apartments, flies lay their offspring on trash cans. Therefore, they must be washed every day, and the garbage should be taken out 2 times a day.
  • Do not leave uneaten food on the table- this contributes to the rapid reproduction of flies.
  • Before choosing a means of combating flies, you must read its instructions. Is it safe for people, especially children.
  • To prevent new individuals from entering the house Mosquito nets should be hung on windows and doors.

Ways to fight

Fly chemicals

Aerosols- they must be sprayed into the air. Insects, breathing in poisonous odors, die. The product must only be used indoors. One can is designed for a certain quadrature, so when choosing a product, you must take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment or house.

The room cannot be ventilated for 30 minutes. At this time, it is better for people to leave the room so as not to get poisoned.

Advantages of aerosols:

  • their effectiveness;
  • It is convenient to use.


  • The agent should not fall on furniture, toys and products, because you can get poisoned.
  • One can is enough to treat a small area, a maximum of 75 square meters. meters.

Firms "Raptor", Dichlorvos "Neo" and "ARGUS" are the most popular products in this category. They cost from 70 to 150 rubles. The price depends on the manufacturer, the size of the package.

The Raptor aerosol is safe for people, and when using Dichlorvos Neo, people are not recommended to stay in the treated room for 2 hours. The effect of the first two aerosols lasts 3 days, the last - 10 days.

Sticky tapes- it is worth using in rooms where aerosols cannot be used: dining rooms, children's rooms, kitchens. The principle of operation of the tool is as follows: the fly sticks to the tape and dies. In order for flies to fly to the product, adhesive paper is treated with special substances with pheromones, which attract insects.

Tape Benefits:

  • They are inexpensive;
  • They are safe for humans and the environment.
  • They need to be changed once every 1-2 months.
  • The tapes do not have an unpleasant odor.


  • Not an attractive look;
  • They are ineffective if a large number of flies accumulate in the room.

Popular manufacturers: Fumitoks, Mukhomor and Mosquitall. Their price ranges from 17 to 50 rubles. If the room is more than 10 sq. meters, it will take two tapes to destroy the flies. Tapes should not be hung near an open flame.

Granules and powders- used for processing large areas. They are suitable for use in canteens, restaurants or livestock farms. The granules are laid out over the entire area of ​​​​the room, and the powders are diluted in water and treated with the resulting composition.


  • High efficiency;
  • They act quickly.


  • Should be used with caution if children and pets live in the house.
  • Granules must not be placed on vertical surfaces.

Popular manufacturers: Bayer and its Baygon powder, as well as Byte Mukha granules; "Clean House" has long been producing powder to fight flies and other flying harmful insects. The price for 100 g ranges from 15 to 50 rubles.

Powders can be used to treat window sills, furniture and baseboards. When processing the premises, pets and children should not be present in it. After a few hours, the agent is washed off with warm water, and the furniture is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. The granules are laid out in flat containers and placed on the windowsills.

Crayons- one of the most popular and cheapest means. Available in the form of chalk.


  • Little cost;
  • For processing the premises do not need protective equipment;
  • Large area can be treated
  • Wide range of uses.


  • Low efficiency indicator;
  • It is impossible to treat them with kitchen surfaces where food is prepared, and upholstered furniture.

Manufacturers: Mashenka company, Clean House company. One chalk is enough to process 30 sq. meters. They cost from 10 to 30 rubles. Dangerous for children and animals, because it is not recommended to use it in children's rooms.

In order for flies to fly to the product, adhesive paper is treated with special substances with pheromones, which attract insects.

Folk remedies

Homemade sticky tapes- you need to take rosin and dissolve in warm castor oil in a ratio of 1:2. Molasses or honey is added to the resulting composition. The adhesive mixture is applied to strips of parchment. If there is no honey, then it can be changed to stationery glue.


  • Tape is easy to make.
  • Inexpensive materials.


  • Honey after some time begins to smell unpleasant.
  • Cannot be placed near fire.
  • Unaesthetic appearance.

You can make a solution from a tablespoon of formalin, 5 tbsp. spoons of sweetened water, 3 tbsp. spoons of milk. The resulting composition is poured into shallow bowls, and placed on the windowsills. To attract insects in saucers, you can put a small piece of white bread. Insects, having tasted the solution, will die in a few minutes.


  • High efficiency;
  • Low cost components.


  • The product can be dangerous for children and pets.
  • It is necessary to replace the solution as the milk sours.

A folk remedy using black pepper helps a lot. You need to take 0.5 tbsp. milk and mix with 40 g of sugar and black pepper. The solution should be soaked with paper tapes and hung around the room. The flies will disappear in 2-3 days.


  • The solution is not dangerous for pets and humans.
  • It can be easily prepared by anyone.


  • You can not place them near the fire.
  • They need to be changed frequently.
  • The room does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Saccharin- a great helper in the fight against flies. It is mixed with honey and water. In the resulting composition, pieces of newspaper are wetted and placed on a table or windowsill. If a fly touches such a leaf, it will die.


  • Cheap remedy;
  • Easy to do.

Flaws: Children should not touch such a newspaper.

Tansy- repels flies well. You just need to arrange fresh flowers in vases around the room. When dry, crushed tansy flowers are scattered on pieces of paper, pre-lubricated with stationery glue. The product is completely safe for children and animals, but they need to be changed often.

carnation have long been used in the fight against flies. Take 5 g of finely chopped cloves and mix with a glass of water. The decoction should be infused for 15 minutes. The resulting composition is wiped with doors, window sills and frames. The disadvantage of the product is a pungent odor, but the advantage is that it is safe for children.

Kerosene- it must be diluted in a bucket of water. 30 g per 10 liters. Wash the floors in the house with a solution. The disadvantage is a pungent smell, and the duration is low.

Vinegar diluted in water: 2 tbsp. per liter and wipe window sills and tables. Its action ends in a few hours. This tool can be used outdoors to wipe tables.

Homemade adhesive tapes - you need to take rosin and dissolve in warm castor oil in a ratio of 1: 2

Mechanical methods

  • insecticidal lamps- are issued in the form of a sconce. Work from the mains. The device emits ultraviolet rays that attract insects, when they fly closer to them, they die from electric discharges.
  • There are devices that suck flies inside. They are completely harmless to humans and silent.
  • You can just take a fly swatter and pat her insects.


  1. Carry out wet cleaning every 2 days.
  2. Waste containers must be kept closed at all times.
  3. Rubbish must be taken out every day.
  4. Do not leave food uncovered on the table.
  5. Restrooms in summer cottages need to be treated with bleach.
  6. Hang mosquito nets.

Waste containers must be kept closed at all times.

Harm from flies

  • Flies are mechanical carriers of infectious diseases such as paratyphoid, typhoid or diphtheria.
  • Stinger flies - carriers of anthrax and tularemia.
  • They are carriers intestinal infections.
  • They may be carriers of worms.
  • Insects are too annoying, it is impossible to relax in their company. A person's vitality and performance decrease.

  • It is better to wash the dishes immediately after eating.
  • Rubbish must be taken out daily.
  • If there are children in the house, then it is impossible to kill flies use chemicals.
  • If you are still going to treat the premises with aerosols, then children, pets should not enter the room after treatment for at least 2-3 hours.
  • It is better to cover all furniture, things and products before spraying the room.
  • Not all folk remedies are safe, so you need to carefully apply them so that your household does not accidentally poison them.
  • Sticky tapes should not be hung in the middle of the room., and in the corners, so they will not be more noticeable to others.