Which plastic window sills are better to choose. Types of plastic window sills and criteria for their selection Forms of window sills for plastic windows

The window sill in the apartment serves as an additional protection against the cold, it can be used to place flowers, books, replace the countertop and even a place to rest, and the window sill is a magnet for children and animals, because it allows you to look out the window and learn the world. So why do we pay minimal attention to his choice and rely on standard solutions offered by window companies? We will figure out which window sill to choose and what materials to give preference to in order to get a high-quality and durable construction.

No. 1. Basic requirements for a window sill

Windowsill performs several functions at once:

  • decorative. Through the use modern materials the window sill can be an interesting decoration of the room. Moreover, it allows you to organically connect, slopes, walls and located under the window, and, of course, serves as an additional place to place flowers, accessories or store the necessary little things. There should not be many of the latter on the windowsill so as not to clutter it up and block the way for the light penetrating through the window. The window sill can become a work surface or dining table in the most;
  • cold protection. A window sill mounted in accordance with all the rules is a barrier to cold street air and prevents heat leakage to the outside;
  • correct distribution of heat in the room. Even the protrusion of the window sill beyond the wall surface matters. Thanks to him, the streams of warm air from the battery do not immediately rise up, but are directed into the room. However, making the window sill too wide is also not worth it, otherwise you can completely isolate the window and adjacent sections of the walls from warm air and provoke condensation on the windows and slopes.

To ensure proper circulation warm air and do not impede movement near the windowsill, the latter should protrude beyond the level of the walls by no more than 5-6 cm, and in the calculations it is necessary to take into account the future fine finish if it doesn't already exist. The window sill should not cover the radiator by more than half, otherwise it will be necessary to take care of the availability. As for the length, the window sill can protrude beyond the edges of the slopes by 1-8 cm, but no more.

When choosing a window sill, it should be remembered that it must meet certain requirements in order to last more or less long and cope with all the loads placed on it. So window sill must have performance characteristics:

No. 2. window sill material

For the production of window sills, different materials are used. The choice is built on the basis of the planned budget, personal preferences, interior features and room conditions, as well as depending on which one is installed.

The most popular materials for the manufacture of window sills include:

  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC), often referred to simply as plastic;
  • tree;
  • Chipboard and MDF;
  • natural and fake diamond.

Sometimes they meet non-standard options : , mosaic, WPC, injection technology or fabric upholstery. The window sill can have not only the usual rectangular form, but also be rounded or fancifully bent, but this depends more on the characteristics of the material from which it is made.

No. 3. Choosing a plastic (PVC) window sill

plastic window sill last years firmly holds the lead, which is explained by its performance and affordable price. Such products, in fact, are an ordinary PVC profile with several chambers and vertical stiffeners. Hollow plastic window sills usually have a thickness of no more than 25 mm, but for a visible increase in thickness, the structure is equipped with a so-called "nose", its thickness is 30-40 mm. From above, the product is covered with a film that takes on decorative and protective functions.

Peculiarities PVC structures window sill let you talk about it numerous advantages:

Among cons They call it the ability to turn yellow over time, “absorb” pollution and even deform with a strong temperature difference. Finally, such a window sill cannot be called natural. The product can be covered as regular pvc film, and melamine. The second option is preferable, as it can significantly increase wear resistance.

No. 4. Wooden window sill: pros and cons

A wooden window sill is an essential addition. Earlier in residential buildings only such products were used, today they are being replaced by cheaper plastic. Nevertheless, there are a lot of fans of wooden window sills, since this way they have many advantages:

cons at wooden window sill a lot: price, sensitivity to temperature changes, high humidity, low resistance to ultraviolet radiation, fire, microorganisms and insects. It is better not to spill water on it and do not put hot dishes on it.

Manufacturers are doing their best improve performance wooden window sills and extend their service life. Wood must be well dried and treated with antiseptics, then covered with paints, varnishes or enamels, which protect the material from moisture, pests and temperature extremes, and at the same time help to emphasize the unique structure of the tree. No matter how hard modern industry tries, the tree still remains quite demanding in care, and every few years such a window sill will have to be covered with special wax or parquet varnish.

Most commonly used window sills from the following species:

Window sills are rarely made from solid wood - more often used glued boards. Those who are ready to choose a window sill from array, should prepare for big expenses. Thin layers of wood are glued together under the influence of high pressure and temperature, and as a result, a product is obtained that is practically not inferior in strength to an array, but at the same time acquires additional useful qualities, for example, less susceptibility to deformation. The thickness of the wooden window sill in any case should not be less than 28 mm.

No. 5. Window sills from MDF and chipboard

A cheap replacement for natural wood and stone is a chipboard window sill. chipboard are made using resins that can release formaldehyde during operation. With such products, you should be extremely careful and always check the emission level of the same formaldehyde in the documentation accompanying the product (permissible - E0 and E1). MDF board it costs a little more, but is safe for health, since no toxic substances are used in the production.

No. 6. Window sill made of wood-polymer composite (WPC)

Artificial stone can be made using different technologies: agglomerate, acrylic stone or cast marble. In any case, mineral fillers, dyes and polymer resin are used as raw materials, and the difference lies in the percentage of components and the nuances of technologies. Artificial stone can have any shape, has a pleasant to the touch surface, dirt does not eat into it, and hot and mold are not capable of causing harm. If scratches appear during operation, they can be removed by grinding.


Window board is structural element windows, which performs a number of useful functions:

  • removes excess moisture along the internal and external slopes;
  • retains heat several times better than concrete bases, which is very important during the heating season;
  • simplifies the maintenance process window structures;
  • plays an important role decorative element V modern design premises.

Types of window sills

Today, the choice of window sills is wider than ever. Let's look at the main market offerings and note the pros and cons of using each of them.

For economical - plastic

A plastic window sill is a simple and affordable solution. It is very easy to choose the right product, because the offer in this segment is huge.

Window sill boards of this type differ from each other only in two parameters: color palette and price. However, such designs do not differ in workmanship and wear resistance.

Among pluses The use of plastic window sills highlight moisture resistance and ease of operation. They can be washed with any detergent.

Among cons- rough porous structure. Contaminants eat into the surface of the material over time. It is difficult to remove them, but, for example, stains from a felt-tip pen and marker are impossible.

For cleaning and “whitening” of window sills and window frames, a special COSMOFEN solvent is used. The tool cleans the plastic from dust and dirt, but does not remove stains from the marker. Use other agents with caution. Many of them react chemically with plastic polymers and cause irreparable damage to the coating, leaving flaws on the surface.

fashionable acrylic

Acrylic window sills are PVC window sills with a protective acrylic coating.

TO pluses this type of window sills include:

  • Strength. Thanks to the walls with a thickness of 3 mm, they can withstand a lot of weight.
  • Abrasion resistance. Depending on the manufacturer, they have from two to four layers of a protective acrylic coating. The surface is difficult to scratch even when holding cosmetic repairs(nails, screws, knife).
  • decorative qualities. Each manufacturer offers a large catalog of colors, a glossy or matte surface to choose from. You can choose a window sill for any interior.

However, this option cannot be called ideal. Its main disadvantage is the price: such a window sill will cost five times more than a conventional plastic one.

Varieties of acrylic window sills

Some acrylic window sills of popular companies have a number of additional advantages:

  • DANKE. The brand produces premium window sills using the latest German technologies with Elesgo protective coating. Coatings mimic structures as much as possible natural wood and stone. The coating withstands contact with hot objects, is immune to cigarette ash, chemicals, resistant to the formation of stains of any complexity. The manufacturer's warranty is ten years.

  • crystallite. These window sills also belong to premium products. The manufacturer offers twenty-seven types of decor: matte, glossy, woody, designer. The composition of the plastic does not contain lead formaldehyde, which makes them absolutely safe. The surface has increased protection against ultraviolet rays.

  • Moller. These window sills are made from PVC and wood flour. The innovative ELESGO Plus on top ® coating is five times more abrasion resistant than standard acrylic coatings. The catalog of decors is constantly updated. Product warranty is three years.

wooden window sill

Most often they are ordered as a "companion" to wooden windows.

A wooden window sill is made from a glued board 40 mm thick. It can be painted in any color from the factory catalog. Usually there are about ten colors to choose from.

High-quality painting of wooden window sills is carried out only in the factory.

TO pluses wooden window sills are environmental safety and the possibility of matching tone-on-tone boards to the wooden frame.

However cons products have much more:

  • Strength. Wood is much softer than plastic. On its surface there are dents, scratches, cracks are formed.
  • Low abrasion resistance. She is practically absent. Paintwork materials deteriorate from constant friction, for example, flower pots about the surface.
  • Coating "Afraid" of all caustic solvents and most cleaning products.

Wooden window sills gradually fade in the sun, despite special coatings with UV protection.

Remember that the quality of a wooden window sill depends on many factors: wood species, painting and installation methods, operating conditions.

Reliable stone

These window sills are made from various types stone: acrylic, quartz agglomerate, marble, granite and others. Accordingly, the cost of products will depend on the base material.


  • Great rigidity. They cannot be scratched, unlike plastic or wood. However, how to break.
  • Huge selection of design colors. You can choose the necessary solution that will successfully fit into the interior or match the color to window frame tone on tone.
  • Breadth of application. If desired, a stone window sill can be given any shape: round, semicircular, with a transition to the countertop, and so on. There are no limits for the designer's and architect's imagination.


  • Difficulty of installation. If wooden and plastic window sill boards are cut out on the spot, then stone ones are cut out at the factory, so the correct measurement in this case plays a very important role. It will be difficult to correct the mistake later.
  • Expensive repairs. Acrylic artificial stone is an inexpensive (compared to other types of stone) material. Therefore, it is not difficult for a professional to repair such a window sill on the spot. When a chip appears, acrylic resin is usually mixed with granite chips, the damaged area is poured with the composition and polished. But if your window sill is made of natural stone, such repairs are impossible. For example, a very heavy object fell from a height onto a granite window sill, and several cracks appeared on the surface. In this case, a complete replacement of the base will be required.


Many clients instead of a window sill ask to install kitchen countertops from MDF and chipboard. Usually, the customer buys the structure himself, and the installation company only deals with installation, so you cannot make claims regarding the quality of the base material to the latter.

Countertops are “sharpened” for intensive use, however, when installed in places with frequent temperature and humidity changes, it is worth providing additional protection to the ends of the surface: paint and treat with an antiseptic. If this is not done, then the material will absorb moisture very quickly and swell.

By strength protective covering countertops made of MDF and chipboard occupies an intermediate position between plastic and acrylic window sills. They are difficult to scratch, and ease of care is due to the purpose of the surface.

Do you need a window sill?

To some, this question may seem strange. But today in many apartments from the developer there are no window sills in the usual sense for us. Instead of installing a classic wooden, plastic or stone window sill, they pour " concrete base to support "window construction. Someone also believes that very small window sills do not require as competent installation as standard ones.

When installing windows and window sills, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions region, features of the materials that make up the wall. It is necessary to select designs based on the recommendations of GOST.

Often builders do not leave additional space for mounting this important element during the subsequent finishing of the room. The owner has to decorate the existing surface. It is very difficult to achieve an acceptable aesthetic appearance in this case. Besides paints and varnishes do not protect against humidity and temperature changes at the level of time-tested structures.

Solutions with a brick or concrete window sill are only suitable for loft-style rooms.

Construction companies use this technique to reduce the cost of apartments “for self-finishing” and with “primary finishing”. It would seem that this is a plus. But if there is a wide gap between the base surface and the frame or concrete covers the frame to the level of the sash, this is a gross violation of technology.

The window structure installed in this way will not perform the main functions and will soon cause a violation of the microclimate of the room. In winter, the problem may be aggravated by the formation of condensate and mold, freezing of the junction of the frame and the wall, etc. The savings will result in even greater expenses. Are you willing to pay more?

Which to choose?

The main criteria when choosing a window sill is the purpose and price. For example, if you intend to buy a simple white window sill for a standard plastic window, you are unlikely to be convinced of the need to purchase a stone one. Unless reinforced acrylic will interest you in a wide palette of shades.

If you pick up a wooden window sill under wooden window(exact shade matching is required) or stone for implementation individual project and exact match to the interior, then you don’t even remember about the plastic window sill with a porous structure.

The price ratio for all the listed types of window sills is as follows: plastic is the cheapest, then acrylic, then wooden and stone ones close the list. A countertop made of MDF or chipboard is comparable in cost to an acrylic window sill.

It would seem that the window sill is such an insignificant part of the interior, just a component of the window. But in reality it's more complicated.

In addition to the decorative function, this element of the window structure serves as a place to store various little things, an excellent space for placing flower pots, crafts, even a play area.

The choice of materials for the manufacture of window sills today is extremely large, and the color can be chosen individually for your interior.

With the widespread replacement of windows with plastic ones, the owners are presented with a large assortment of materials for the window sill. Consider the most popular.

The most common plastic window sills. They can be made to match perfectly with the window, or you can order a pattern of your choice (wood, marble, stone).

Such material will provide you with good thermal insulation, long term service and unpretentiousness in care. Plastic is slightly susceptible to damage, especially if it is covered with a shock or thermal protective layer.

The next option is wooden window sills. Their great advantage is that they are environmentally friendly and fit perfectly into the "natural" design, complementing the atmosphere in the room with their comfort.

In terms of user qualities, wood, as a rule, is inferior to competing materials, but with proper care it will show itself from the best side.

You can also choose a marble window sill. They score very high. The material will serve the owners for a very long time, since it is not susceptible to damage and is very durable. And environmental friendliness and unique aesthetic qualities clearly speak in favor of marble.

It would seem that in the era high technology everyone wants to keep up with all the trends, light and durable materials that require minimal maintenance are in fashion. But such decisions in some cases may not always be reasonable.

For example, if you know that you can mechanically put a hot cup on a plastic window sill, then you better think about a more picky material.

In this case, you can remember the old proven concrete.

If you make a window sill out of it and give it the proper appearance, such a design is unlikely to yield to other materials.

As already mentioned, a concrete window sill will last a very long time. It is easy to restore even without calling specialists, this requires minimum set tools. washing, high temperatures and mechanical damage such material withstands without problems.

Another big plus: your window sill can be repainted as many times as you like without causing any harm to it. No matter how often the interior of the room changes, the window will always match the environment.

Another option is to cover the entire surface of the window sill with tiles or decorate with bright elements as desired.

Modern technologies allow you to make a concrete window sill absolutely indistinguishable from, for example, stone.

There are many ways to make standard interior details more attractive, to make them work. One of them is very original - these are bay windows and window sills.

This solution is very interesting and brings a lot of positive effects. For example, replacing a standard loggia in an apartment with a semicircular "mini-balcony", you will increase the view from the window, visually expand the space and increase the number natural light in the room.

By removing the usual rectangular window sill from the room and making a bay window instead, you will give the room a touch of absolute individuality and a special charm.

Among other things, this is not a hackneyed architectural move, but a fresh and unusual design. Such a window sill will become a real decoration of the room and at the same time a bright accent.

In addition, there are practical benefits. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe new window sill will increase slightly, which means there is more space for use.

For decorating private houses and facades of buildings, a bay window will be an ideal option. If you are thinking about making the face of your house unique and attractive, then try this option. Perhaps this is exactly what you are looking for.

Also watch a useful video about the types of window sills for plastic windows

A good plastic window sill can last more than 10 years. Moreover, manufacturers are cautious and usually indicate minimum term operation. In reality, these products without problems serve almost as long as windows - about 40-50 years. Today, such PVC products are presented a wide range models that have different dimensions and decors. Thanks to this, window sill customers have the opportunity to choose window sills for installation in apartments, offices and any other objects. In order not to make a mistake when buying, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the selection criteria and the main characteristics of these elements of window structures.

Features of the manufacture of plastic window sills

Plastic window sills are made of polyvinyl chloride, which also forms the basis of profiles for PVC windows. To make the material lighter and more durable at the output, special substances are mixed into it - softeners, fillers, stabilizers. In the manufacture of brown window sills, special coloring pigments are added to PVC. Due to this, the plastic is evenly colored throughout the mass. In Russia, all requirements for such products are regulated in accordance with GOST 30673-99.

In the production of these products, the extrusion method is used - molten polyvinyl chloride is slowly squeezed out into special molds, where it solidifies. The use of this technology makes it possible to produce window sills that are hollow from the inside - a solid inner chamber is divided by thin vertical ribs. Due to this cross-sectional shape, these products, with low weight, have a high degree of resistance to external loads. The presence of internal honeycombs not only reduces the weight of products without reducing their strength, but allows window sills to withstand bends.

Pros and cons of PVC window sills

Before choosing and buying a PVC-based window sill, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its main advantages and disadvantages. Such information will help you to take full advantage of the capabilities of these products and avoid many problems during their operation.
pros Minuses
do not burn
Unable to withstand sharp and directed impacts from heavy objects
Increase the level of thermal insulation of windows
Easily scratched if the window sill has a glossy surface
Easy to clean off dirt
front side with kapinos it is impossible to give a convex or concave shape
Not afraid of moisture
Dark window sills with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may be slightly deformed due to overheating.
They are independent of the main window structure, which makes their installation and dismantling possible.

Easily withstand the weight of heavy objects and an adult - the maximum load is up to 400 kg per 1 m²

Can be used as a desk or dressing table, shelf or even bench

Matte surface models have a high degree of abrasion resistance

They do not turn yellow, do not delaminate and are resistant to UV rays if they are made of high-quality polyvinyl chloride

Types of window sills

PVC window sills have approximately the same performance characteristics and dimensions, so the main differences are in decors. Today on the market there are several models with a matte or glossy surface:
  • white;
  • mass-dyed (brown);
  • laminated (wood-like and fantasy decors, as well as imitation of natural stone);
  • with co-extruded face.
Window sills are most often chosen taking into account their compatibility with window profiles. However, you can consider options for combining with, which you can read about on OknaTrade, floor coverings And facing material for walls, as well as furniture. A rich selection of decors allows you to choose a window sill for any interior and type of window structures, including products made of aluminum and natural wood.
Modern technologies for laminating window sills make it possible to apply a film on their surface, which has absolute vapor and moisture resistance.

Dimensions and weight of window sills

One square meter of window sills different manufacturers on average weighs about 7.5 kg. Also trade marks when releasing their products, they try to stick to the same sizes:
  • web length - up to 6000 mm;
  • width - from 100 to 1000 mm (step 50-100 mm);
  • height - from 18 to 22 mm;
  • kapinos height - from 30 to 45 mm.
All window sills are easily cut with a well-sharpened manual or electric cutting tool. Thanks to this, their dimensions and shape can be quickly adapted to individual needs.
Usually, for window sills with a width of up to 600 mm, the difference in size is determined by a step of 50 mm, and for models with a web width of 600-1000 mm - 100 mm.

How window sills are marked

When selling window sills, the manufacturer must provide all important information about the product. This information is contained in the marking, which, according to GOST, should consist of the following items:
  1. Date of manufacture of the product;
  2. Type of profile design;
  3. Dimensions of the window sill (height, width, length);
  4. The main material from which the product is made, and what additives were used in the production;
  5. Installation recommendations;
  6. Individual features of the product;
  7. Number of shift, batch and extruder.
Before buying, it is recommended to check not only the presence of markings, but also ask the seller for quality certificates. Today, some entrepreneurs purchase extruders and use low-quality recyclable materials with impurities that are unacceptable by standards for the production of window sills. As a result, it is necessary to personally verify the quality of the purchased products.

What else you need to purchase along with the window sill

To complete the installation in accordance with the rules, it is necessary to use plugs and, in some cases, connecting profiles. These elements are usually sold with window sills and are available in white, black and brown. If you plan to install a wide panel that protrudes far into the room, you will definitely need to buy and embed ventilation grates. Why is this needed.

Additional attention needs to be paid

Marking and quality certificates are not the only thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing window sills. When purchasing these products, it is recommended:
  1. Give preference to products of time-tested brands;
  2. Check availability protective film;
  3. Obtain information from the seller about the manufacturer's warranty obligations;
  4. Check the number of stiffeners - it is desirable that the distance between them does not exceed 35 mm;
  5. Find out the maximum load that the product can withstand.
If window sills are ordered together with windows, then all this information must be obtained from the manager, and then checked when the products are delivered to the facility.
Minimum Thickness the upper wall of the plastic window sill should be 3 mm, the vertical stiffeners - 1.5 mm, and the bottom wall - 2 mm.

New modification - combined plastic window sills

Some manufacturers to improve performance characteristics window sills began to mix wood filler into PVC. Such an unusual combination of materials made it possible to increase the strength of the window sills and reduce their weight. Products made of wood-polymer composites are recommended for use in buildings where increased safety and environmental friendliness are required at the same time - in schools, kindergartens and hospitals. However, today they are increasingly being used at all other facilities - residential, retail, office and industrial premises. Manufacturers have achieved great success in the development and manufacture of new products.

Which window sills to choose for PVC windows - such a question arises for customers of window companies when ordering new windows. As a rule, the supplier is ready to provide several options for slopes and window sills, which differ in design, materials and price. The choice will always be based on a compromise between cost and quality, so keep your overall budget in mind when deciding which type of window sill is best.

The choice of a window sill for a plastic window begins with materials. For the most part, suppliers offer all the types described below for plastic windows:

  • window sill made of plastic (PVC);
  • from solid wood;
  • from natural stone;
  • from acrylic.

Plastic window sills

Plastic models for PVC windows are chosen most often - they go well with the plastic texture of the window itself. If there is a color film on the frame imitating some texture, it is also applied to the plastic window sill.

Popularity plastic types explained not only wide choice design, but also other advantages:

  • simplicity and low cost of production;
  • ease of installation;
  • lack of high care requirements;
  • perfectly smooth surface without flaws;
  • color fastness to UV radiation (does not fade or turn yellow);
  • durability;
  • no need for painting.

To do right choice, you need to know not only about the advantages, but also about the disadvantages. Among the cons plastic structures low thermal stability (hot objects must not be placed on the surface, otherwise it will melt) and low maintainability (if there are dents, chips and cracks, nothing can be done). Knowing in advance which weak sides This species has it, you can be extra careful and keep it in its original form for many years.

Plastic models also need to be able to choose. What types of plastic structures exist? The main difference lies in quality. The chambers should not be too thin, the minimum distance between the walls is welcome - it is the structure of the chambers that is responsible for the strength of the entire structure. Press down on the show piece (if any) to make sure it doesn't crack or buckle.

Choosing a plastic window sill is recommended for those who appreciate practicality, do not like to clean up a lot or regularly update the painting. It is also suitable for lovers of bright colors and unusual textures - there is the possibility of stylization under stone and wood.

Wooden window sills

In second place after plastic in popularity are wooden models. The choice of a wooden window sill must be made according to several criteria - wood, dimensions, thickness, color. Oak boards are the most durable, but also the most expensive. Pine and alder are cheaper, but too soft, but beech is quite suitable for such purposes. This type of wood is strong enough to resist mechanical damage, looks good, can be tinted and is inexpensive.

What are the advantages of wooden models:

  • pleasant tactile sensations, pleasure from contact with living material;
  • durability;
  • strength - they have a solid structure, can withstand a lot of weight, are subject to restoration in the event of scratches, chips, color imperfections;
  • elegance - wooden ceilings look good in any interior;
  • wide choice of flowers - a tree can be painted.

Let's complicate the choice a little - we'll talk about what the material has disadvantages. The first is low moisture resistance. It is increased with the help of hydrophobic mixtures, however, with insufficient processing, the tree will absorb moisture from the air. The second is care. Wooden surfaces require certain products for regular maintenance, and the coating needs to be updated from time to time. The third is the average resistance to mechanical damage (if you choose soft woods, you may encounter dents and scratches). And last but not least, the price is high - these types of window sills for plastic windows are quite expensive.

When making a choice in the direction of wood, pay attention to the class of wood (B and C will not work due to a large number knots), give preference to hard rocks, pay attention to flaws and chips. If you wish and are able to bring the surface to mind on your own, order the installation of an unfinished straight window sill without facets or edges.

stone window sills

The main advantage that stone window sills have is strength and durability. They are practically not subject to wear, dents from careless handling do not form on them, they do not need to be regularly covered with varnishes and paints. Consumers make a choice towards stone because of the following advantages:

  • high resistance to temperature and moisture;
  • stylish and solid appearance;
  • a wide selection of colors and textures.

Of the minuses, we denote a large weight, susceptibility to chips and low maintainability - if something has broken off, then it will be difficult to return the former appearance of the surface. Still such models of the road at all stages - production, delivery, installation. They are suitable for those who appreciate natural materials and focuses on design.

In addition to natural stone, there is also artificial (for example, acrylic). It is lighter, cheaper and easily repaired if damaged. The material is distinguished by a wide variety of textures, shapes and colors. The difference can only be understood upon close examination.

Window sill in the form of a tabletop

It can be made from any material that has been described above. His idea is to combine a window sill surface with a table to save space in a room or create an additional workplace in the kitchen. In this case, the material is selected depending on how the surface will be used in the future. Natural or artificial stone is useful in the kitchen, wood or plastic will look good in the room. If a sink is to be installed in the countertop by the window, it must be sufficiently thick, durable and resistant to moisture.

Designs and textures

The consumer has a choice between matte and glossy textures. The gloss looks spectacular, but dirt, dust and stains are very clearly visible on it. The matte surface is less dirty and easy to clean, but loses in terms of aesthetic characteristics.

To avoid condensation on the windows, it is important to choose the correct length/width of the board and its position relative to the radiator - if it protrudes above the radiator, condensation will appear on the windows. Design the window sill so that it does not cover the battery, or install a ventilation grill in it for the unhindered movement of warm air.

We hope this material has helped you understand which window sill to choose for plastic windows. After comparing all the pros and cons, you can accept optimal solution for your interior.

Types of window sills for plastic windows: which one is better to choose?

Often, the installation of plastic windows is accompanied by a logical question of which window sill to choose, because there are several types of them.

Let's try to understand the features of each of these materials, go through their advantages and disadvantages and find out which one is better to choose a window sill for your plastic windows. Shall we start?

Types of window sills

First of all, they are distinguished by the material from which they are made. All of them, to one degree or another, are on the market and are constantly offered by window installers.

So, they are:

  • PVC (plastic window sills);
  • From solid wood;
  • From natural stone;
  • Made of artificial stone (acrylic or agglomerate).

Well, let's start in detail about each.

Plastic window sills

Today, in the modern market, you can easily find plastic window sills presented to the potential

This type is perhaps the most common, because there are many options for plastic window sills, both in color and in texture, shape, and manufacturer.

Why are they so popular?

  • Easy to install window sill;
  • Do not need careful care;
  • They have a perfectly flat surface without flaws;
  • Do not fade under the influence of sunlight;
  • Large selection of shapes, colors, textures;
  • Durability;

However, there are a number of practical drawbacks that must be considered before buying.

  • Low thermal stability. If you put a hot object on them, this will lead to deformation or staining;
  • Low maintainability. If dents, cut marks or a crack appear on the windowsill due to any reason, then it is almost impossible to fix it.

It is PVC window sills that are most often offered by companies that sell and install plastic windows.

Pay attention to the structure of the windowsill chambers - they should not be too thin, and there should not be a wide distance between the walls, because it is the structure of the chambers that ensures the final strength of the surface as a whole.

Do not be shy and test the strength of the window sill by pressing on it. Sooner or later you will have to stand on it to wash the window or hang the curtain and you must be sure that it does not deform under you.

In general, plastic window sills - a good choice for those who are used to not spending a lot of time on cleaning, and for those who prioritize practicality.

Also, the question often arises - how to choose the color of the window sill. It is worth noting that in most cases they use the classic white color, because this design is suitable for any interior. You can also choose window sills painted to look like wood or stone, but then you should already take into account the design features of the room.

Wooden window sills

Window sills made of solid wood will serve as an excellent addition to the interior of any room.
Yes, some breeds can be very expensive, but there are worthy alternatives. For example, beech. It is cheaper than oak, but much stronger than pine or alder.

Let's look at the advantages of such surfaces:

  • Durability;
  • Tactile warmth - they are very pleasant to the touch;
  • Strength. Due to the solid structure, such window sills are considered an order of magnitude stronger than plastic counterparts.
  • Fits perfectly into the interior, looks expensive and elegant.
  • The window sill can be painted in any color, also given the correct shape of your own free will.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Conditional moisture resistance. If the window sill is made with high quality, it is initially impregnated with a hydrophobic mixture, and also opened with two layers of varnish. Cheap options are varnished only once and, with the slightest damage to the top layer, they begin to gain moisture;
  • Care. As with any wooden surface, it needs special attention and more or less regular maintenance.
  • Average resistance to mechanical stress. It is quite easy to leave a scratch or dent on them (depending on the type of wood).
  • High cost. Window sills made of mahogany, oak, tropical species - look cool, but are prohibitively expensive.

To ensure a permanent beautiful appearance of such a window sill, you will need to regularly wipe it with a dry cloth and special wood care mixtures.

Also, when choosing wooden surface it is worth paying attention to possible flaws, which, unfortunately, are a frequent occurrence and can ruin the whole look of the window sill.

For example, preselect better side wood, so that it subsequently becomes the front. This is especially true of knotty textures, which are found in the manufacture of surfaces from rocks of classes B and C.

If you are afraid that the edges of the window sill will be damaged during installation, then you can ask the craftsmen to leave them straight (without facets or edges), and bring them to mind after installation.

Window sills made of natural or artificial stone.

Stone window sills have the highest rates of strength and durability.

Of course, they have a price, because they guarantee durability and beauty for many years.

  • Strong, durable;
  • Heat resistant and water resistant;
  • Do not fade;
  • Artificial stone (especially acrylic) is easy to restore if damaged;
  • Look cool and good;
  • A wide selection of colors and types of window sills on sale.
  • Big weight. Window sills made of natural stone are very heavy, unlike artificial ones;
  • Low maintainability (for natural stone);
  • Susceptible to;
  • Very expensive (in the cost of materials, installation, repair).

It is worth noting that artificial stone is a little easier and more practical to use than natural stone. Also he has big variety textures, shapes and colors. Such window sills are environmentally friendly, which cannot be said about natural stone, which must undergo a radiological examination.

Therefore, it is worth considering carefully which of these materials is better to choose.

Window sill-tabletop

They come from any of the materials that we have already discussed above.

The idea with a window sill-countertop is perfect option for those who do not have a lot of square meters in the room.

This surface can be used as a table or workplace in the kitchen.

The pros here are:

  • Space saving
  • Versatility

There are only two cons:

  • Such a window sill will be constantly filled with something;
  • If you decide to put a sink at the kitchen window, behind (or above) which there will be a window sill, then drops of water and dirt will remain on it.

Gloss or mat?

When buying a window sill, you will end up with a choice - matte or glossy?

From a practical point of view, caring for a matte window sill is a little easier than a glossy one.

On a glossy surface, any stains are clearly visible due to the fact that the gloss reflects and contrasts with a dirty surface. Such a window sill certainly looks beautiful, but this applies to those cases when it is well washed. The matte surface does not get dirty so quickly, so it is easier to use and maintain.

Another important point. Condensation on windows is a common problem. But strangely enough, it comes from wrong choice window sill length and width. After all, as a rule, a battery is placed under the windowsill.

If the window sill protrudes above it and “covers” it, then condensation can be seen on the windows. In order to prevent this from happening, it is worth making sure that the window sill does not cover the battery. But there is also an alternative option - the installation of ventilation grilles on the windowsill. In the photo you can see the trajectory of the movement of warm air.

The choice of a window sill should be taken responsibly, because negligence in this matter can cause discomfort during use, as well as unnecessary trouble for the owners. Before buying, you should pay special attention not only to the description of the product or the manufacturer, but also to customer reviews.

We hope our information was useful and will help you choose perfect window sill for your apartment.

Window sill manufacturers

Plastic window sills are the most popular type of material used to decorate window space. The installation of plastic double-glazed windows is carried out according to individual measurements of the opening, and a bracket, brackets or polyurethane foam can be used as fasteners. PVC window sills are lighter than similar structures made of other materials, resistant to fading, scratching, dirt accumulation and have a lot of other advantages, which makes them more practical for living quarters.

The market of plastic window sills is represented by numerous manufacturers offering a wide range of colors, types and shapes of window sills. The main advantage of plastic is a large selection of colors. In addition to the standard white color, manufacturers offer imitations of wood, marble, granite, etc. This allows you to harmoniously combine the window sill with the overall style of the interior. The production of modern PVC window sills is a high-tech process consisting of several stages. Depending on the raw materials used and technological capacity, several leading companies are distinguished in the market of plastic window sill manufacturers: Werzalit, Crystallit, Moeller, Vitrage Plast, Danke.

Each of the manufacturers uses its own manufacturing techniques for PVC window sills and has an impeccable reputation. Modern European standards require that everyone window sill was covered with a polymer film, which provides additional protection and extends the life of the structure. Whatever plastic window sill you want, an extensive range of colors and a variety of profile types will allow you to choose the ideal option in terms of operational and aesthetic indicators.

Rice. 1. PVC window sill


Werzalit window sills belong to the premium segment and are considered one of the most reliable and environmentally friendly products in this category. Verzalit production is concentrated in Germany. Main material - extruded wood fibers and polymer. Finished window sills are monolithic, that is, there are no voids in them. This results in a more durable material with a homogeneous structure with increased resistance to moisture. Released in several series:

  • Exclusiv - classic window sills with capinos, size 34 mm. Width from 100 to 600 mm.
  • Compact - elegant designs with an 18 mm capino. Width from 100 to 450 mm.
  • Expona - elegant window sills with 34 mm capinos. Width from 100 to 600 mm.
  • System is a functional window sill with an elongated spout. Kapinos can be from 65 to 140 mm, in width from 100 to 600 mm.

The surface is covered with a film, protecting the surface from fading, scratches and impact aggressive environments. The material is very strong, so it can withstand quite a lot of weight. The assortment includes 17 colors: stone decor, wood species and "uni". The material is heat-resistant and does not deform. The warranty period for Werzalit window sills is 25 years. Price from 1150 rubles. for the m.

Rice. 2. Werzalit window sill palette


Crystallit window sills are one of the market leaders. They are made of PVC and covered with Elesgo acrylic film, which makes the surface smooth and resistant to fading. The basis is ecological materials. It does not contain formaldehyde or other toxic substances. Protective-decorative coating also provides easy maintenance of the window sill and prevents scratches. The glossy surface makes Crystalit window sills attractive and practical in the interior. The company produces a wide variety of shades - 29 colors, of which: 11 glossy, 6 designer, 5 imitations of natural wood textures, 4 matte and 2 - 3D shades. Window sills have thickened walls and stiffening ribs, therefore they are resistant to loads. Additional benefits of Crystallite are:

  • service life up to 70 years;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to short-term exposure to temperatures;
  • moisture resistance of the material;
  • strength and reliability.

Width from 15 to 60 cm. The structure of the window sill makes Crystallit window sills stronger, since the thickness of the upper wall is 3 mm, the lower one is 2.5 mm, and the vertical stiffeners are 1.5 mm each. Price from price from 350 rubles. for the m.

Rice. 3. Crystallit window sill design


Moeller is a well-known German manufacturer of premium window sills. The basis is the Lingodur composition, consisting of PVC and wood flour. The connecting element is a hot melt adhesive used to create stable and strong panels. Finished material it turns out to be environmentally friendly, does not contain toxic impurities and gives the window sill additional rigidity. Meller is considered the standard of quality. The wood-plastic mixture is covered with a layer of ELESGO acrylic, which makes the window sill scratch-resistant, moisture-resistant and easy to clean. Moeller window sills are able to withstand a weight of 400 kg. The service life is over 40 years.

Palette color solutions window sills is represented by natural shades of expensive wood species and marble imitations. The parameters of the window sill have an increased degree of strength:

  • thickness - 18-22 mm;
  • width - 100-800 mm;
  • kapinos height - 30 mm;
  • PVC in the mixture - 70%.

The material is resistant to temperature changes and scratches, and also has original fittings. Meller window sills are not prone to fire, are not exposed to sunlight, are heavy-duty and have a very attractive appearance. Price from price from 430 rubles. for the m.

Rice. 4. Characteristics of Moeller window sills

Vitrage Plast

Vitrage Plast is a popular Russian manufacturer of window sills. Stained-glass window Plast is made of high quality PVC, with vertical internal stiffeners, which gives the structure additional strength. Vitrazh Plast is characterized by the use of window sill boards with acrylic VPL coating. This acrylic-based protective and decorative coating consists of several layers of decorative paper, impregnation, base and top coat. VPL inhibits the development of fungus, increases wear resistance and performs protective function. Vitrage Plast's internal construction consists of vertical stiffening ribs that protect the material from impact, stress and pressure.

Vitrage VPL window sills have many advantages:

  • contains no formaldehyde and lead;
  • maximum moisture resistance;
  • temperature resistant;
  • not exposed to the sun and chemicals;
  • not prone to scratches.

Vintage Plast has a service life of up to 50 years. 2 categories of products are produced: Premium and Standard Vitrage. It is made in several colors: white, mahogany, marble, golden oak. You can choose the shade of the coating from color films, where there are additional 10 options. Price from price from 110 rubles. for the m.

Rice. 5. Window sills Premium and Standart Vitrage


Danke - high-quality German-made window sills, manufactured according to European standards on high-tech equipment. It is based on PVC panel, covered with Elesgo acrylic film. The result is a heat-resistant material that is resistant to scratches, moisture and damage, with a service life of at least 10 years.

Available in three series Standard, Premium and Comfort. The assortment includes a wide palette of shades: imitation of wood, stone, granite, etc. They have a matte and glossy surface. A large selection of decors allows you to harmoniously use the window sill in the interior and combine it with any style. Standard Width from 100 to 700 mm, and the length can reach 1 meter. The thickness is 20mm and the light height is 40mm. Dankke are equipped with stiffeners that provide additional structural strength.

Rice. 6. Danke window sills

The technology used in production gives window sills the practical properties of reliability, strength and moisture resistance. The material is environmentally friendly and does not emit toxins. The material is not subject to deformation and is attractive appearance. Danke window sills are easy to maintain, they can be washed with cleaning products and placed on the surface flower pots. Price from price from 430 rubles. for the m.

Types of plastic window sills and criteria for their selection

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In the production of these products, the extrusion method is used - molten polyvinyl chloride is slowly squeezed out into special molds, where it solidifies. The use of this technology makes it possible to produce window sills that are hollow from the inside - a solid inner chamber is divided by thin vertical ribs. Due to this cross-sectional shape, these products, with low weight, have a high degree of resistance to external loads. The presence of internal honeycombs not only reduces the weight of products without reducing their strength, but allows window sills to withstand bends.

Pros and cons of PVC window sills

Article Rating:
pros Minuses do not burn Unable to withstand sharp and directed impacts from heavy objects Increase the level of thermal insulation of windows Easily scratched if the window sill has a glossy surface Easy to clean off dirt The front side with kapinos cannot be given a convex or concave shape Not afraid of moisture Dark window sills with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may be slightly deformed due to overheating. They are independent of the main window structure, which makes their installation and dismantling possible. Easily withstand the weight of heavy objects and an adult - the maximum load is up to 400 kg per 1 m² Can be used as a desk or dressing table, shelf or even bench Matte surface models have a high degree of abrasion resistance They do not turn yellow, do not delaminate and are resistant to UV rays if they are made of high-quality polyvinyl chloride

Types of window sills

PVC window sills have approximately the same performance characteristics and dimensions, so the main differences are in decors. Today on the market there are several models with a matte or glossy surface:

  • white;
  • mass-dyed (brown);
  • laminated (wood-like and fantasy decors, as well as imitation of natural stone);
  • with co-extruded face.

Window sills are most often chosen taking into account their compatibility with window profiles. However, you can consider combinations with Qunell slope systems, which you can read about on OknaTrade, flooring and wall cladding, as well as furniture. A rich selection of decors allows you to choose a window sill for any interior and type of window structures, including products made of aluminum and natural wood.

Modern technologies for laminating window sills make it possible to apply a film on their surface, which has absolute vapor and moisture resistance.

Dimensions and weight of window sills

One square meter of window sills from different manufacturers weighs on average about 7.5 kg. Also, brands when releasing their products try to stick to the same sizes:

  • web length - up to 6000 mm;
  • width - from 100 to 1000 mm (step 50-100 mm);
  • height - from 18 to 22 mm;
  • kapinos height - from 30 to 45 mm.

All window sills are easily cut with a well-sharpened hand or electric cutting tool. Thanks to this, their dimensions and shape can be quickly adapted to individual needs.
Usually, for window sills with a width of up to 600 mm, the difference in size is determined by a step of 50 mm, and for models with a web width of 600-1000 mm - 100 mm.

How window sills are marked

When selling window sills, the manufacturer must provide all important information about the product. This information is contained in the marking, which, according to GOST, should consist of the following items:

  1. Date of manufacture of the product;
  2. Type of profile design;
  3. Dimensions of the window sill (height, width, length);
  4. The main material from which the product is made, and what additives were used in the production;
  5. Installation recommendations;
  6. Individual features of the product;
  7. Number of shift, batch and extruder.

Before buying, it is recommended to check not only the presence of markings, but also ask the seller for quality certificates. Today, some entrepreneurs purchase extruders and use low-quality recyclable materials with impurities that are unacceptable by standards for the production of window sills. As a result, it is necessary to personally verify the quality of the purchased products.

What else you need to purchase along with the window sill

To complete the installation in accordance with the rules, it is necessary to use plugs and, in some cases, connecting profiles. These elements are usually sold with window sills and are available in white, black and brown. If you plan to install a wide panel that protrudes far into the room, you will definitely need to buy and install ventilation grilles. Why this is necessary, read on OknaTrade.

Additional attention needs to be paid

Marking and quality certificates are not the only thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing window sills. When purchasing these products, it is recommended:

  1. Give preference to products of time-tested brands;
  2. Make sure there is a protective film;
  3. Obtain information from the seller about the manufacturer's warranty obligations;
  4. Check the number of stiffeners - it is desirable that the distance between them does not exceed 35 mm;
  5. Find out the maximum load that the product can withstand.

If window sills are ordered together with windows, then all this information must be obtained from the manager, and then checked when the products are delivered to the facility.

The minimum thickness of the upper wall of the plastic window sill should be 3 mm, the vertical stiffeners - 1.5 mm, and the bottom wall - 2 mm.

New modification - combined plastic window sills

Some manufacturers began to mix wood filler into PVC to improve the performance of window sills. Such an unusual combination of materials made it possible to increase the strength of the window sills and reduce their weight. Products made of wood-polymer composites are recommended for use in buildings where increased safety and environmental friendliness are required at the same time - in schools, kindergartens and hospitals. However, today they are increasingly used in all other facilities - residential, retail, office and industrial premises. Great success in the development and manufacture of new products has been achieved by manufacturers of Moeller window sills. They managed to create a product that has an optimal price-quality ratio.