What are the ways to finish the ceiling. Finishing the ceiling in the apartment: design options

All options for finishing the ceiling can be divided into 3 groups:
Budget. These include: whitewashing, painting, wallpaper and ceiling tiles. Due to the availability of materials and ease of work, there is no need to involve specialists, and, accordingly, the financial costs of repairs are reduced.
Practical and durable. At a more tangible cost and complexity installation work, they are distinguished by high aesthetics, ease of maintenance and long service life. This category includes: decorative plaster, stretch and suspended ceilings, wood and cork.
Elite. These include: mirror or coffered ceilings, Venetian plaster, sgraffito.

Ceiling finish options

Consider everything current options ceiling design, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Painting / Whitewashing

The traditional and, perhaps, one of the most common in the recent past, the method of finishing the ceiling is whitewashing, in Lately more and more often gives way to coloring.
Both options are ideal for rooms with low ceilings. The use of light shades allows you to visually increase the height of the walls and refresh the entire room.

The process of painting (whitewashing) the ceiling is quite simple, however, it provides for a perfectly flat, carefully prepared surface.

There are two main components for the preparation of a whitewash mixture. This is lime and chalk. Regardless of the choice, they combine with water to the desired consistency.
The main disadvantage of whitewashing the ceiling is that it crumbles, creating the need for regular wet cleaning premises and the annual renewal of the coating itself, which is also very unstable to any impact.

Ceiling paints differ primarily in composition. Depending on the purpose of the premises, they can be:

  • water-based;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • latex;
  • silicate.

On the other hand, depending on the desired decorative effect, coloring mixtures are divided into matte, glossy and semi-gloss. Colors and shades when choosing directly depend on the interior as a whole.

The process of applying whitewash or paint to the ceiling has no fundamental differences. The main working tool can be a brush, roller or spray gun. Paint, as well as whitewashing, is best applied in several layers, each time waiting for the previous one to dry completely.

The disadvantages of painting ceilings include only the need for careful removal of previous coatings and the need for periodic renewal.

To the advantages:

  • the possibility of applying to any surface;
  • a wide selection of colors and shades;
  • price availability.

Fans of non-standard solutions when painting the ceiling can afford artistic painting. To do this, depending on the complexity of the drawing, you will need to invite a professional or simply use a suitable stencil.

In addition to the usual plaster used to level surfaces, there is its decorative counterpart, which is a textured finish. This tool allows you to give the surface a beautiful relief that hides minor defects and allows you to realize original design ideas.
combination various ways application also allows you to achieve interesting results.

Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster has a number of advantages:

  • masking surface defects;
  • the possibility of applying to any building materials (concrete, brick, wood, drywall);
  • color variety;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • significant service life;
  • environmental Safety.

The disadvantage is the complexity of application and, accordingly, the need to involve specialists.

Depending on the desired result, there are two types of decorative plaster for the ceiling:
Textured. It is a ready-to-use mixture. Desired view and the surface relief is achieved due to the presence in the composition of the appropriate components (marble, granite or quartz chips). There are several subspecies of such plaster, differing in the size of the decorative filler granules.
Structural. It is a plastic mass of white color. It differs in that to create a relief pattern during the application process, it is necessary to use special tools. The desired shade is achieved by adding a tinting solution or subsequent painting.


Considering the ways of decorating the ceiling with decorative plaster, one cannot ignore such an option as sgraffito. This is a special technology of multi-layer application and subsequent fragmentary removal of particles of the upper layers in accordance with the artistic concept.
As a result, a real work of art appears on the ceiling.

The peculiarity of this technique is that in order to create a multilayer pattern, the working surface is alternately covered plaster mixtures different colors. After final drying, a pattern is applied to the outer layer. Then, using special tools, part of the coating is removed until the desired color appears. Next, work is carried out with the next layer, etc.
After finishing artistic process surface is covered with special wax.

As a rule, sgraffito is not used as the main finish for large areas of one-level ceilings. This option is more suitable for multilevel structures or is used fragmentarily, to highlight individual areas (near the chandelier, in corner areas, along the perimeter). This technique works great when decorating one wall with the capture of part of the ceiling.
The main disadvantage of this method of decoration is the high cost and complexity of the application process, which requires the highest level of skill.

The ceilings, reminiscent of polished marble, exquisitely shining with rays of light penetrating them, are the result of the master's painstaking work with Venetian plaster. In a modern version, it is a mixture of dyes with lime, silicone, acrylic or epoxy.

The advantages of such coverage are obvious:

  • aesthetics;
  • durability;
  • resistance to fungal infections;
  • hypoallergenicity.


  • complexity of application;
  • high cost of work and raw materials.

Making a choice in favor Venetian plaster it is important to consider that it is only suitable for.

The richest selection of wallpapers with a variety of textures and materials makes them very popular when decorating many surfaces, including ceilings. On sale you can find options for every taste and wealth, suitable for.

This versatility is due to the many varieties of wallpaper:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • cullet;
  • liquid wallpaper.

The names in this case are determined by the main components, which also provide the features of the coating.

  • variety of textures and colors;
  • affordability;
  • the possibility of gluing / applying with your own hands.

Some types of wallpaper are suitable for subsequent coloring.

The disadvantages of such coatings are reduced to fragility, instability to moisture and ultraviolet.

Liquid wallpaper differs not only in its structure, which is a dry mixture of paper and decorative components, but also in the method of application.

To start using, such wallpaper is mixed with water, in accordance with the instructions. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the ceiling, carefully spreading with a spatula and trowel. The work is simple and can be performed without the involvement of specialists.
End result by appearance more like decorative plaster, only soft and delicate.
An additional advantage of such a coating is the ease of restoration of damaged areas. It is enough to moisten the damaged fragment with water, remove and reapply.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to finish the ceiling is rightfully considered to be gluing with polystyrene foam tiles. They may be the most different sizes, perfectly smooth or with a relief pattern, snow-white or colored.

In addition to the variety of shapes and shades, ceiling tiles have the following positive characteristics:

  • water resistance;
  • affordability;
  • ease of assembly and dismantling.

The disadvantages include:

  • low strength;
  • fire hazard;
  • expanded polystyrene quickly degrades under the influence of direct sunlight.

Dropped ceilings

A special type of finish that does not require pre-training surface, which perfectly hides all defects, and at the same time, communications, is called a suspended ceiling.

Options suspended ceilings enough. These can be designs from:

  • drywall;
  • rails;
  • cassettes;
  • gratings;
  • laminate;
  • PVC films.

All suspended ceiling coverings have a number of common advantages:

  • practicality and aesthetics;
  • the ability to hide wires and communications;
  • durability.

They are not without drawbacks:

  • complexity and significant cost of installation;
  • reduction in room height.


With the advent of drywall, designers have a unique opportunity to implement the most daring and extraordinary projects. This material allows you to create straight lines and smooth curves on the ceiling, geometric shapes and unusual curly details. With its help, both simple, even surfaces and exquisite multi-level structures are created.

Drywall, as a building and finishing material, consists of two cardboard sheets connected by a gypsum filler. To create suspended structures, sheets of the desired shape and size are mounted on metal profiles fixed to the surface. Absolutely any finishing method can be used to decorate the resulting coating.

The disadvantages of drywall are: instability to moisture and a significant weight of the structure.

Rack (panel) ceiling

A more budgetary, but no less popular option for suspended ceilings are rack structures. They consist of fixing frame system and facing panels made of plastic, aluminum or steel.

There are two types of rack ceilings:
RP open type - in it, the main panels are located with a small gap, in which, to increase aesthetics, decorative inserts are placed. The colors of the details can be either the same or contrasting, depending on the preferences of the owner.
RP closed type- consists of alternating slats, tightly fitted to each other.
Regardless of the material, the surface of slatted ceilings can be solid or perforated.

The general advantages of such coatings are:

  • moisture resistance;
  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • the ability to create curved surfaces;
  • ease of installation.


  • susceptibility to deformation;
  • the difficulty of dismantling.

In the case of choosing steel elements, significant weight and susceptibility to corrosion are added to the list; at the same time, absolute fire safety is added to the positive characteristics.

Cassette system

Cassette ceilings have been the prerogative of offices and commercial premises for quite some time, however, recently they can be increasingly found in home interiors.

As a decorative component of such ceilings, square plates (cassettes) are used, made of a variety of materials:

  • metal (steel, aluminum);
  • glass (acrylic, silicate);
  • gypsum;
  • mineral fiber;
  • tree.

Their surface can be matte, glossy, mirror, metallized.
According to the execution of the cassettes are both solid and perforated.
Behind glass panels are often set lighting that fill the room with softness, scattered light.
For opaque surfaces, small recessed lighting options or luminaires of appropriate sizes are provided, installed instead of cassettes.

According to the installation method, cassette ceilings are divided into two categories: open and closed. In the first case, the retaining frames remain visible, in the second, they are hidden behind the finish.


  • universality;
  • the possibility of fragmentary replacement of damaged elements;
  • access to communications;
  • ease of arrangement of additional ventilation;
  • environmental friendliness.

Most types of cassette ceilings are also characterized by high moisture resistance.

The disadvantage of cassette structures is the impossibility of obtaining a uniform coating; a grid of squares will be visible in any design.

Trellised ceilings (Grilyato)

An original Italian invention - ceilings resembling a cellular lattice are also rapidly moving from offices and shopping centers in residential interiors. Such designs are a profile lattice, decorated with rectangular cells.
The materials used to make them are usually aluminum or steel. Due to their lightness, environmental friendliness and originality, such coatings allow the implementation of exclusive design projects.

There are several models of lattice ceilings:
Standard. It has the same square cells of the U-shaped profile;
Multilevel. It is completed with profiles of different heights, allowing to achieve the effect of changing levels;
Pyramidal. Differs in the shape of the cells having a Y-shaped profile;
Blinds. In appearance, they resemble the construction of the same name;
non-standard. Simultaneously includes cells of different sizes.

Advantages of Grilyato ceilings:

  • light weight;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • Fire safety;
  • visual effects;
  • ease of dismantling;
  • durability;
  • many lighting options.

The disadvantage is the need to prepare the base, which can be viewed through the grate.

Laminate finish

For many, laminate is associated with the floor, however, this finishing material can increasingly be seen on the ceiling. Imitating natural wood flooring, it gives the room a special comfort, while simultaneously performing the functions of heat and sound insulation.

The benefits of this finish include all of the relevant features of suspended ceilings, plus:

  • variety of layouts and colors;
  • strength, resistance to mechanical stress;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • aesthetics.

The disadvantage is the destructive effect of moisture.

Stretch (PVC) ceilings

This method of finishing allows you to transform the room beyond recognition, forming a spectacular seamless coating.

Advantages of stretch ceilings:

  • variety of colors and configurations;
  • moisture resistance;
  • practicality.

The disadvantages include:

  • instability to mechanical influences;
  • significant cost of coating and installation.

Mirror ceilings

The mirror ceiling is always interesting and unusual. Visually expanding the room, allowing you to play with light, it becomes a real highlight of the interior.

There are several options for creating mirrored ceilings:
Tiled. Consists of glass mirror fragments certain form. It has the best reflective effect.
Rack. Represents panel structure from plastic elements with an appropriate coating or aluminum rails with a reflective layer;
Stretch. With the help of PVC film with a glossy surface, the effect of a mirror coating is created.
polystyrene. It is carried out in the form of large reflective plates, implying gluing on a carefully leveled surface.

Positive characteristics:

  • universality;
  • visual increase in space;
  • lighting effects;
  • functionality;
  • the possibility of combining materials;
  • moisture resistance.


  • the complexity of sanitization;
  • significant weight of glass panels.

coffered ceilings

Aristocratic classics, tested by time and not lost in popularity, are coffered ceilings. They give the room a special atmosphere of majestic luxury.
coffered ceilings are decorated beam structure with recesses of a certain shape (caissons).
Natural wood has traditionally served as the material for creating such ceilings. However, due to the high labor intensity and significant cost of manufacturing and installing all the necessary elements, many prefer to use alternative options:

  • polyurethane;
  • drywall.

Advantages of coffered ceilings:

  • aesthetics, premium look;
  • durability;
  • improvement of the acoustic characteristics of the room.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • a significant reduction in the height of the room;
  • relatively high cost;
  • installation complexity.

A very unusual and spectacular way to decorate the ceiling is to decorate it with textiles. In the simplest interpretation, this is pasting the surface with any fabric material. The application process is practically no different from working with wallpaper.

The next option is a stretch ceiling made of textile material. Compared with the film, such a coating is environmentally friendly, it does not interfere with air circulation and easily tolerates temperature fluctuations. The disadvantages include the complexity of cleaning activities, higher cost and the inability to use in rooms with high level humidity.

And finally, for luxuriously high-end and themed interiors, the effect of draperies is applied, turning any space into a real art object.
There are several ways to fix such masterpieces:
Reiki. They are located along the perimeter and inside the selected area;
Frame system. It is used to organize complex compositions: cascades, puffs, tents;
Cornices. Fasten along the edges of the drapery.

The textile design of the ceiling is directly dependent on the walls. They should harmoniously complement each other without causing dissonance of perception.

wooden ceilings

Wooden ceilings, today, are in stable demand. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that in any performance they give the interior a special flavor and home comfort, successfully fitting into many design projects.

Advantages of wooden ceilings:

  • aesthetics and decorativeness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • universality;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation.


  • fire hazard;
  • exposure to moisture;
  • soundproofing;
  • moisture resistance;
  • Fire safety;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • decorative.

There are practically no drawbacks to such a ceiling, if you do not take into account the rather high cost.

bamboo ceiling

Fans of eco-design will surely like bamboo ceilings. They are made using three types of finishing materials:
bamboo slabs- are made in the form of squares, with a side size of 60 cm;
bamboo panels- can have parameters: 120x240 cm and 100x190 cm.
bamboo canvas- This roll version, which is a special type of wallpaper that differs in length and width.

Bamboo stalks are used as decorative finishes for such ceilings.

Advantages of bamboo finish:

  • naturalness and environmental friendliness;
  • exclusivity;
  • practicality;
  • significant service life.

Considering that in the manufacture of these materials it is widely used handmade, their cost is quite high, which is their main drawback.

The days when the ceiling in a house or apartment was simply whitewashed are already far in the past, updating the coating every year. Now there are a large number of building materials that will allow you to create a beautiful cladding of the room.

This article, illustrated with a photo, tells how to finish the ceiling in the apartment. The instructions will be especially useful for those who want to do all the work with their own hands.

A variety of materials - their feature and basic installation rules

Finishing the ceilings in the apartment is a simple process. The main thing is to choose one or another facing material. Let's look at the main options for finishing the ceiling in the apartment, the use of various products.

Choosing a wallpaper

Wallpaper has been used for a long time.

And the reason for this popularity of this material is as follows:

  • low price;
  • ease of pasting.

Advice. Before pasting the wallpaper, it is necessary to level the surface, as well as qualitatively close up all the cracks and holes, joints between the floor slabs. This is necessary because the wallpaper itself is very thin, and therefore even the slightest irregularities of the ceiling will be visible under them.

The wallpaper itself should be chosen depending on what type of room is being repaired:

  • ordinary, paper wallpapers are suitable for the corridor;
  • for the kitchen, the so-called glass wallpaper is best suited.

At this coverage There are many positive features:

  • hide surface irregularities;
  • have a reinforcing property;
  • durability;
  • fire safety;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the possibility of multiple staining.

Advice. The choice of wallpaper color depends on the overall interior design of a particular room. However, experts recommend paying attention to models that can subsequently be repeatedly painted. Thus, when changing the interior design, you do not have to change the ceiling covering, but it will be enough just to repaint it.

Choosing polystyrene panels

Ways to finish the ceilings in the apartment are varied. For example, more and more people are using polystyrene panels for this purpose.

This material is rich color scheme and maybe:

  • white;
  • blue
  • green;
  • pink;
  • cream, etc.

And this is not to mention such types of products that almost perfectly imitate natural materials:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • stone, etc.

However, polystyrene panels have one very negative point, which is that they are very difficult to glue. It is extremely difficult to do this work on your own, especially without experience in carrying out repairs.

Before you start pasting the surface with panels, you need to prepare it by removing and patching:

  • cracks;
  • joints;
  • protrusions, etc.

After all, even if one panel is glued a little unevenly, then all subsequent ones will “skew”.

Choosing stretch ceilings

If we are talking about the kitchen, then in this case, all of the above types of ceiling finishes in the apartment will not be relevant, due to the fact that both wallpaper and polystyrene panels absorb dirt, and it is very difficult to wash such material.

In the kitchen, the release of soot, moisture, which, settling on the ceiling, pollutes it, is constantly observed.

Tensile structure installation

The optimal solution in this situation will be a stretch ceiling. Experienced craftsmen will perform the installation quite quickly, literally in a day, because for installation tension material there is no need to carefully treat the surface.

The installation itself is not a dusty job, and therefore you don’t have to worry that you will have to clean and clean the room for a long time. Indeed, to install the tension facing material, only a few holes should be drilled.

  1. First, the frame is mounted - for its manufacture it is necessary to use a metal profile, which is attached using the system quick installation to the ceiling.
  2. After creating the frame, immediately distribute the wiring - this is especially important if you plan to install built-in lights, through which it is easy to perform zoning of the room.
  3. Next, you can proceed to the installation of drywall sheets. If you are still going to install spotlights, then holes for them are drilled in drywall after it is fixed on a metal profile frame.
  4. Sheets of material are also fastened with self-tapping screws.
  5. After all the sheets are fixed, they are held

The embodiment of the design idea

The question of how to finish the ceiling is not new. At all times, they were asked by those who carried out repairs to their homes. It would seem, what could be easier? After all, until recently there were no serious and unusual variants of these repair and construction works. Today, a lot has changed. Appeared on the market ceiling materials and coatings that are radically different from what it was 20-30 years ago.

Let's look at some of the most commonly used options for decorating the ceiling surface. We will also discuss what materials are used for this, and dwell on the technology of their installation.

Suspended plasterboard construction

It is probably impossible to say that drywall is a 100% finishing material. Because its role is to make the ceiling as even and smooth as possible. That is, with its help, leveling work is carried out, which is more economical and easier than, for example, plastering. Anyway plasterboard ceiling subject to finishing where wallpaper or paint is mainly used. Moreover, the paint is used more often.

The only reason why drywall construction can be called a finish - this is an opportunity to give the ceiling a non-standard appearance. An example is a two-level ceiling of various configurations using a huge number of design elements. Many proposals are real masterpieces of art. And if you think about the lighting of such a finish, it turns out very beautifully. By the way, with the help of a similar design, it is possible to divide the space into zones, which is very important in some rooms.

A few words about how to finish the ceiling with drywall. It all starts with choosing the level of editing. After all, the suspended structure is a new ceiling, which is located just below the base one. Here it is important to correctly and accurately set this level so as not to significantly reduce the height of the room. Further, a metal or wooden crate is mounted over the entire surface. This is a frame adjacent to both the walls and the ceiling. The horizontality and strength of the entire structure will largely depend on its accurate and correct installation.

And only after that is the installation of drywall. This process is not that complicated. Masters assure that even a non-professional can handle it. But this is not the final operation to repair the ceiling surface. You will have to bring such a ceiling to mind. But today it is the most popular way of finishing, so this has to be reckoned with.

Plastic panels

With the advent of materials containing plastic on the construction market, many processes, especially finishing ones, began to change rapidly. It's all about the quality of such materials and their performance properties.

For example, PVC panels. When they first appeared on the market, not all consumers appreciated them. This type of finish has one small minus - they do not withstand mechanical loads, especially shock ones. Therefore, it seemed to many that such material would not last long. But here the question arises, what loads should be considered significant. If only a champagne cork or a ball thrown into the ceiling by children? But this is not a load for any material.

Multilevel stretch ceilings

In all other positions, plastic panels outperform other materials. Their advantages are:

  • Waterproof. This figure is 100%, so this type of ceiling surface finish is most often used in wet rooms.
  • Huge variety of colors. This allows you to create non-standard design in the rooms. Currently, the color variety has expanded due to the pattern of the panels. On them you can see an imitation of wood, stone, metal and other things, which made the designers very happy.
  • Ease of installation. As with drywall, installing plastic panels is a quick and easy process. It is even easier than with drywall constructions.
  • Acceptable price. If the cost of PVC panels is compared with other types of finishes - suspended and tension structures - then this is the cheapest option. That is why many consumers give them their preference, because the quality and price are in the optimal ratio.

The installation technology of plastic panels is reminiscent of the installation of a plasterboard suspended structure. It also uses a frame metal profiles or wooden beams. Moreover, in the case of creating a wooden crate, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution. And the last thing about PVC panels. If you are faced with the acute question of how to hide the irregularities of the ceiling, then this finishing material - optimal solution Problems.

Polystyrene panels

Polystyrene decorative tiles- this is a finishing material that is glued to the ceiling, like wallpaper. But if the wallpaper simply finishes the ceiling, then polystyrene panels create it. In fact, this material is ordinary foam. True, manufacturers today offer an improved model made of extruded polystyrene foam.

Ceiling in the kitchen

Such a product is many times stronger and has higher technical and operational characteristics than foam boards. In addition, the material has a number of other advantages:

  • Wide range of colors and patterns. There are also laminated models on the market, which basically imitate a wooden ceiling. This type is not afraid of moisture, so the tiled ceiling is easy to wash and clean. But more often the panels have White color for painting, which satisfies the design approach to solving the issue of decoration.
  • With such a coating, there is no question of how to finish the ceiling so as not to reduce its height. Styrofoam panels are not very thick, and you do not need to make a frame for them, because they are glued directly to the base surface. At the same time, it is possible to diversify the styling pattern.
  • The installation process is very simple, and even a beginner who decided to finish the ceiling with his own hands can handle it. Moreover, it is not necessary to level the base surface with special care - the panels will hide small defects.
  • Polystyrene tiles are an excellent soundproofing material.

Of course, knowledge of gluing technology, even in such a simple process, will be required. But there is nothing complicated in this, and even a beginner can finish the ceiling in this way.

Stretch ceiling

This finishing design is the most amazing. It appeared on the market not so long ago, although it has been known since ancient egypt and Greece. Modern stretch ceilings are not only textile options, but also more modern models made of polymer. When they first appeared on the market, not all consumers could afford them. Prices are down today, but still it's still expensive pleasure. Although the bulk of consumers who have chosen this particular ceiling finish do not regret their decision.

Complex design

The reason is a large number of advantages, which we will not list. On our website you will find comprehensive information about the benefits of stretch ceilings.

The only thing that should be noted is the possibility of using such a finish in any enclosed space without restrictions. And one moment. You can install fabric stretch ceilings with your own hands. The main thing is to do it right assembly process. But polyvinyl chloride is better not to install yourself. This is due to the use of special equipment required in this technology. It's about O gas burner, to work with which only specialists with a certificate and permission are allowed. To obtain these permits, you must complete the appropriate training course. And if you don’t have any, then it’s not worth the risk.

Traditional finishes

Let's not discount ceiling decoration methods such as painting and wallpapering. These are the most low-budget options that everyone without exception can afford. Of course, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that both methods require the worker to create a very even and smooth ceiling. But this is not always easy to achieve, especially if the ceiling surface has significant differences.

Here you will have to either plaster or putty, and with a large difference, even install drywall suspended structure. Yes, and the processes of staining and gluing have many nuances. Moreover, their failure leads to a loss of quality and to an unpresentable appearance of the surface. So we will not say that these methods are the simplest.

Ceiling made of plastic panels

What is the difficulty? An uneven ceiling will need to be leveled and made as smooth as possible. To do this, you will have to apply several layers of leveling material to the surface - plaster or putty. Please note that these mixtures will not be so easy to stay on the ceiling. So, you will have to use primer fluids, with the help of which the adhesion of materials increases.

But this is not the only difficulty. The leveling process will be long, because each layer will have to dry. For example, the applied primer layer dries out from 3 to 6 hours, putties - from 6 to 10 hours, and plasters - up to a day. Much will depend on the temperature at which the work is carried out, as well as on the thickness of the layer.

Plus, the finished surface must be sanded and coated with another layer of primer. In this case, the primer saves finishing materials, because it increases such an indicator as coverage. This is the ability of paint to cover the surface to be painted in several passes. If a primer is not used, then the paint will have to be applied in 2-3 layers. And with a primer, you can paint over the ceiling in one layer. In addition, the latter is several times cheaper than paint.

Conclusion on the topic

As you can see, to decorate the ceiling, you can use a fairly large number of different materials. The choice, as always, is yours. But keep in mind that from the whole variety of proposals, not every option can be used in rooms that do not meet the requirements of the installation. So you will definitely need recommendations and advice from specialists.

In this article you will find many interesting ideas ceiling designs with photos and descriptions. You will find out why drywall cannot be used everywhere, and how stretch ceilings will help you avoid a flood from your neighbors!

Deciding to start a renovation, you will have to choose the color palette of the room, choose the way to finish the walls, ceiling and floor, find the optimal combination of practicality, aesthetics and, of course, price. If you explore the possibilities of modern decoration, you can save the lion's share of the family budget, since everyone knows how unplanned rework can lead to huge, wasteful waste.

Choosing a ceiling design

Any redecoration starts from the ceiling, it largely depends on its completeness, design and construction as a whole. To date, there are a lot of options for finishing the ceiling. They are selected based on the preferences of the owners, the purpose of the premises and, of course, the cost. When the issue of savings is acute, classic budget options for finishing are chosen - painting and whitewashing, or with expanded polystyrene plates. Relatively inexpensive, but also more practical and aesthetic are suspended ceilings. And, of course, when the question of the repair price is not so acute, the choice may fall on elite stretch ceilings.

We will try to describe in detail each type of finish to help you choose the best option.

One of the most ancient, time-consuming and dirty methods, requiring a perfectly flat ceiling surface with neat joints of ceiling tiles. Everyone remembers how much whitewash has to be washed off the floor and furniture after painting or whitewashing the ceiling. In addition, it is quite difficult to achieve a perfect monochromatic surface without streaks using chalk mortar or ceiling paint.

On the other hand, painting and whitewashing has been and remains the most budgetary repair option. And one cannot but admit that a qualitatively reconstructed painted ceiling looks quite neat and aesthetically pleasing. Plus, at your discretion, you can tint white with other shades.

This is a less “dirty” and labor-intensive method than whitewashing, but just as inexpensive, especially along with suspension and tension systems. Design options - a huge variety, from wallpaper combinations different drawings before dyeing them any color.

If you use special ones for the ceiling (ideally, liquid wallpaper), they will retain their original appearance for a long time. It is not recommended to use them in the bathroom or in the kitchen. In addition, ceiling tiles are unlikely to smooth out irregularities in the ceiling, so the surface to be glued should be as even as possible.

Styrofoam board cladding

This finishing option is very similar to wallpapering, so we will not dwell on it for a long time. The only thing, unlike wallpaper, expanded polystyrene ceiling tiles are able to withstand moisture and smooth out small flaws in the ceiling surface.

Finishing with plastic panels

A good option for finishing the ceiling are PVC panels. They are durable, strong, have good sound insulation and are resistant to moisture and high temperatures. The latter allows them to be used with LED and halogen spotlights. PVC panels perfectly mask the irregularities of the ceiling, pipes and wiring. In general, this is a budget alternative to more expensive shelving and suspended ceilings.

Plasterboard ceilings

This is a versatile and inexpensive false ceiling that allows you to bring all kinds of design ideas to life, hide any surface defects, irregularities, lighting, electrical wiring, etc.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of drywall is its fear of moisture, so it is not suitable for a bathroom. Otherwise, drywall is an almost perfect finishing material.


  • Sheathing any, even untreated surface;
  • The ability to hide wiring, pipes, ceiling seams and other irregularities;
  • Obtaining an absolutely flat and smooth surface;
  • Creation of a multi-level ceiling;
  • Carrying out the built-in lighting system;
  • Excellent thermal insulation and the ability to maintain a microclimate in the room;
  • Safety;
  • Heat resistance and incombustibility;
  • Low cost compared to stretch ceilings.

Unlike previous finishing methods, with the installation plasterboard panels you will have to tinker - install the frame, mount the plates, carry out the subsequent decorative trim. Depending on the unevenness of the ceiling and the volume of hidden wires and communications, you can lose 5-10 cm in height. On the other hand, these are minor disadvantages, because as a result you get a beautiful, inexpensive, perfectly flat ceiling of the design you like.

If you are interested in finishing plasterboard ceilings, be sure to read!

In addition to the aforementioned drywall ceilings, hemmed ceilings can be made from fibreboard (Fibreboard) and MDF. These are durable, safe, moisture-resistant finishing coatings, a huge variety of colors and textures.

MDF and fiberboard boards can imitate wood, tiles, untreated brickwork or a natural stone. The surface of the plates is easily painted with enamel and oil paints, pasted over with a film, decorated with slats and other elements, thereby creating an imitation of beams. Such a hemmed ceiling will allow you to create an “expensive ceiling effect” and embody many interesting design solutions.

Dropped ceilings

The most popular type of ceilings in the middle price category. Suspended ceiling is a design when on a wooden or metal carcass various finishing materials are fixed. With it, you can easily hide all the flaws and irregularities of the ceiling, wiring and communications, you can install a climate ventilation system, install built-in lights.


  • Cassette ceilings - durable, durable, moisture-resistant and fireproof steel or aluminum plates (cassettes), more often used in public spaces - restaurants, hotels, offices, medical facilities, etc.,
  • Armstrong ceilings - a budget option finishing, which is widely used, both for administrative premises and home rooms. These are easy-to-install, inexpensive, aesthetic plates made of pressed mineral fiber, which have thermal insulation, fire resistance and increased light reflectivity, which allows you to save a lot on lighting.
  • Slatted ceilings are very durable, shockproof, moisture resistant and fireproof. metal ceiling. It does not need scrupulous care, does not rot, does not accumulate dirt and dust.
  • Mirrored ceilings - allow you to create a rich, spacious and stylish design With big amount light and depth of space.

The last type of ceilings is elite modern fashionable stretch ceilings. In addition to the fact that this type of design looks very expensive and stylish, it is also a rather practical way to finish the ceiling.

  • Stretch ceilings create absolutely perfect surface, hide the asymmetrical forms of the room, close all the irregularities and communications;
  • Stretch ceilings hold a lot of weight, in case you decide to flood the neighbors;
  • The material does not allow moisture to pass through, which allows it to be used in all rooms without exception.
  • Very big variety design - from choosing a color or texture (matte, glossy or satin) to applying photo printing, sparkles, jewelry and more.

Unfortunately, the installation of stretch ceilings will not do without minuses:

  • This is the most expensive type of finish;
  • They can only be installed by professionals using special equipment ( gas gun);
  • The canvas is afraid mechanical damage, sharp objects, easily pierced.

Stretch ceilings are not installed in cold rooms without heating or with temperatures below +5, they lose their technological properties.

Choosing a ceiling design depending on the room

Now you know the features of each type of finish and can make a choice.

But remember that the choice of material for finishing the ceiling is highly dependent on the place. You can’t wallpaper the ceiling in the bathroom, and hope that after a month the appearance of the ceiling will remain in original form. Most likely, yours will go streaked, if not peeled off at all.

In the living room

In the kitchen

- this is a place with constant evaporation, temperature changes and special hygiene requirements, so the kitchen ceiling must be moisture resistant, fireproof, environmentally friendly and easy to clean. Whitewashing and painting the ceiling in the kitchen, as well as wallpapering, are long gone, due to their fragility. Divorces, stains quickly appear on such ceilings, they crumble, peel off, and due to the large accumulation of steam, they become an excellent breeding ground for fungi.

If there is a question of price, then it is better to use laminated polystyrene tiles or relatively inexpensive PVC panels.

For large irregularities best solutions will be gypsum, suspended or stretch ceilings.

In the bathroom

The requirements are the same as for the kitchen. Because of a large number fumes, the risk of accumulation of fungi and pathogenic bacteria, the need for regular cleaning of surfaces, plasterboard ceilings, ceilings pasted over with wallpaper or finished chipboard panels and fiberboard without special impregnation.

Few can boast large area bathroom, so ideal option will become suspended rack and mirrored ceilings, which will expand the space, add more light and shine.

Plus, they are quite easy to care for, they are perfectly cleaned from streaks and plaque.

A more expensive alternative can be a stretch ceiling, which is also ideal for a bathroom.

Choosing a ceiling for the house

For Khrushchev

The small height of the ceilings in Khrushchev, unfortunately, is not a myth, but a harsh reality. Their maximum height is 2.40 m or even less if the floor was replaced and screeded in the apartment. Naturally, in such conditions it is quite difficult to install a suspended or stretch ceiling, which will steal from an already small height of 5-10 cm. But it is still possible if the real surface of the ceiling does not have too large transitions, and the ceiling can be installed with minimal loss of space .

For a modern new building

Unlike Khrushchev, choosing a ceiling for a new building is much easier. Here, the height of the ceilings is greater, and the quality is newer, so you can choose almost any type of finish. It should only be taken into account that within 2-3 years, the new building will shrink a little, which may affect the geometry of the premises. Therefore, finishing materials, especially for the ceiling, should be installed with some margin. All types of suspension and tension systems are ideal for new buildings.

For a private house

In a private house, the issue of thermal insulation is acute, therefore, the material of the ceiling should retain heat well in the house. Since the outer covering of the ceiling must also take into account the layer of insulation (expanded clay, mineral wool or foam), it is best to use frame structures - suspended and stretch ceilings.

For suspended ceilings, first a frame is assembled for attaching an external ceiling (cassettes, drywall, etc.), and then a layer of insulation is laid in the space between the profiles. For stretch ceilings, on the contrary, they first create a frame of bars for insulation, lay it, and only then stretch the outer fabric.

The choice of a light source and the correct arrangement of light determines what kind of room you will end up with - small and dark, large, but cold or warm and cozy.

Chandeliers and lamps

The classic lighting option is a chandelier in the center of the ceiling. Gives a lot of warm light, perfect for almost any type of interior, gives the room an exquisite comfort.

Remember the mass of the lamp! heavy chandelier not safe to mount lightweight drywall, it is better to mount it to concrete base ceiling.

Unfortunately, this type of lighting is not very suitable for modern suspended and stretch ceilings, so built-in lighting is gradually replacing it.


  • They allow you to create the necessary lighting around the perimeter of the entire ceiling and make a certain pattern out of it, if provided by the designer;
  • Ease of installation of fixtures and replacement of light bulbs;
  • Safety. Spotlights do not heat the ceiling;
  • Rotary models allow you to change the direction of lighting as needed;
  • This is a relatively inexpensive way of lighting.

LED strips

A very non-standard and non-trivial approach to lighting rooms are LED strips. You can not only choose an unusual lighting color, but even create a real light show at home, thanks to dynamic lighting effects - smoothly changing colors, light music, waves, etc.

Modern trends in the design of ceilings

  1. Light neutral tones make the room more spacious, lighter, higher. If you decide to use patterns or bright colors, accentuate them in one small place so that the room does not become gaudy.
  2. Perfectly divide the space into zones allow multi-level ceilings. For example, a protruding section of the ceiling will perfectly focus on the bed in the bedroom.
  3. Glossy, mirrored and lacquered surface diffuses light, creating the effect of a 3-dimensional space.
  4. For a low room, a plain light plasterboard ceiling with edges located at the edges is ideal. LED strips. Such an illusion will visually raise the ceiling.
  5. The ceiling, sheathed in wood or wood-like clapboard, in combination with light-colored furniture, gives the interior naturalness, richness and comfort.
  6. The glossy finish of the bathroom walls goes well with the matte ceiling.
  7. The eternal question of repair is to do it yourself or leave the work to professionals. In fact, many of the above methods for decorating the ceiling are not particularly difficult and may well be done independently. You can easily whitewash or paint the ceiling yourself, paste over it with wallpaper or styrofoam boards. With a certain skill and study of video tutorials, you can put a plasterboard or MDF panel on the frame.

    The only type of ceiling, the installation of which is recommended to be entrusted to specialists, is a stretch ceiling. Firstly, because at least a little practice is required to install it. Secondly, because the canvas is stretched using a special expensive gas gun, which is not advisable for you to buy for one repair.

    We offer several video tutorials on self-decorating ceilings, and you already decide how much these methods are within your power.

There are many beautiful ceilings, there are very expensive ones, but there are also simpler ones. The beauty and durability of ceilings depends to a large extent on careful surface preparation.

What problems can be solved with the help of the ceiling

IN modern interior ceiling systems and sometimes, it's really whole engineering structures solve two problems at the same time: decorative and functional.

Often, the ceiling is a multi-level or curvilinear structure; recessed lights are often inserted into them, greatly expanding the possibilities of lighting.

The ceiling turns into a complex system that hides many engineering communications and, at the same time, provides easy access to them.

Individual requirements for the ceiling are made by a room with a special microclimate.

In separate rooms such as: bathroom, winter gardens, swimming pools, garages - ceiling decoration should easily withstand changes in humidity and temperature, condensation and direct water ingress.

In the premises of home cinemas, with the help of the ceiling, the tasks of creating a favorable acoustic environment are solved.

But basically, the decisive role in choosing the type of ceiling is played by the cost of finishing materials and the work of their installation.

Preparation of the base of the ceiling

Most modern houses, the ceiling plane is down side reinforced concrete floor, the plane of which is never even and strictly horizontal.

Usually the floors are assembled from separate slabs, between which there are seams, they are masked in the first place, potholes, chips and cracks are often found on their surface.

Rarely there is an exceptional case of a flat and smooth ceiling. If it is not planned to conduct engineering communications on it, then the surface can be smeared with a primer and puttied.

The surface is now ready for wallpapering, decorative plastic boards or painting.

Unfortunately, most often you have to deal with crooked, once plastered, whitewashed or painted, then cracked ceilings.

It is necessary to remove the old layers to the floor slab only if the surface is supposed to be painted, which means that it is necessary to first apply new layers of plaster and putty on it.

The choice of material for the base and painting of ceilings

The beauty and durability of the painted ceiling directly depends on the quality of surface preparation.

Note that even the quality of the paint, to a lesser extent, affects the result of the work, surface preparation comes to the fore.

Therefore, experts advise to be very careful in choosing all the necessary materials.

When choosing a primer, plaster, putty, paint - it is necessary to take into account their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their compatibility.

Modern finishing materials offer wide choose water based paints.

When purchasing paints, pay attention to their thixotropy (the ability to liquefy under mechanical stress and thicken at rest).

Such compositions do not drip from a roller or brush, they lie on the surface evenly and without smudges, and this important nuance when painting the ceiling.

What kind of wallpaper is pasted over the ceilings

Inexpensive and beautiful ceiling can be obtained using wallpaper.

The wallpaper is glued on a leveled, clean and dry base. For this purpose, paper or vinyl wallpapers light colors.

Often use white wallpaper with different surface textures.

You can use wallpaper for painting.

The best option is non-woven vinyl wallpaper or glass wallpaper, they are stronger, more durable, able to contain the appearance of small cracks in the plaster layer.

After gluing wallpaper for painting, they are painted with water-based paints.

After a few years, ordinary wallpaper will have to be re-pasted, the wallpaper repainted for painting.

You can paste over the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper, the main difference lies in the method of applying the glue, they cover only the ceiling, not the wallpaper.

Method for wallpapering the ceiling

Before pasting the walls, the wallpaper is pasted on the ceiling.

Two people must participate in the work.

Stepping back from the corner of the junction of the wall and ceiling to the width of the roll, you need to draw a line on the ceiling.

Apply to the wallpaper adhesive composition, leave it to soak for a few minutes and get to work.

At the junction of the walls and in the corners, an allowance of 2-3 cm is made for the curvature of the walls.

One person fixes the canvas on the wall, the second supports and unwinds it as it is pasted.

On the drawn line, check the correctness of the direction.

After gluing the entire canvas, check for the absence of wrinkles and tightness.

With a wallpaper spatula, smooth the surface, move from the middle of the canvas to the edges.

The following canvases are glued sequentially, usually at the joint with each other, the last canvas is glued with a slight overhang on the wall.

How to plaster the ceiling

The traditional way to level the ceiling is to plaster it.

This method is relevant for typical panel houses with a room height of 2.5-2.6 meters.

The use of plaster allows you to save every centimeter of height.

Using plaster, you can easily level out deviations in the range of 5-30 mm.

If the thickness of the plaster is over 30 mm, Great chance cracking and peeling off.

In the case of a large thickness of the plaster, it is reinforced with fiberglass mesh, it is laid between two layers.

You can use a metal mesh, it is attached to the base before the start of plastering.

Such a metal "skeleton" is used in case of insufficient adhesion of the mixture to smooth surfaces.

Gypsum or cement plaster

Cement plaster, when properly applied, creates a strong, durable coating.

The cement layer gains full strength within 28 days, drying in a natural way.

Any attempt to speed up drying will result in cracking. Before proceeding to next step finishing, after leveling the surface cement mixture, you need a break of 1-2 weeks.

Plaster mixtures based on gypsum, in comparison with cement ones, dry out faster, harden not in a day, but in a matter of hours.

The use of a gypsum-based mixture significantly reduces the repair time, the high adhesion of the plastic mass simplifies the work technology, this is especially important when processing ceilings.

But gypsum plasters cannot be used in rooms with a relative humidity of more than 65-70%.

Adhesive ceiling

Glue is most often called the ceiling, to which expanded polystyrene tiles with different surface relief are glued. These tiles have standard size 500x500 mm., they are produced by stamping and extrusion.

The extrusion method leads to the maximum density and uniformity of the material, respectively, its water resistance.

To distinguish such tiles simply in appearance: front side their smooth, cross-sectional product resembles porous chocolate.

Tiles are attached to any base with special glue for polystyrene.

It's one and inexpensive ways ceiling finishes.

Wall and ceiling lamps must be installed no closer than 20-30cm. to the surface of such a ceiling, since at temperatures above 80 degrees, the tiles begin to deform.

Ceiling fresco

The image obtained as a result of painting with water-based paints on a wet layer of plaster is called a fresco.

Since it is hand-painted, the production process takes a long time.

These are very expensive ceilings.

Cheaper and more common are non-woven frescoes.

To do this, a layer of plaster is securely fixed on the basis of non-woven fabric, then, by printing, an image is applied.

The main task is to choose a plot. Installation is carried out by professionals.