How to cook long grain parboiled rice. Learn how to cook steamed rice in different ways

In the store, you can get confused by the variety of goods presented. Even the rice we are used to is different: polished, steamed, wild. When buying a new variety for themselves, housewives think about how to cook this cereal so that it turns out crumbly and tasty, because rice will not only be an excellent side dish for meat or fish, but also suitable for preparing salads, snacks and pilaf.

Product features

As the name suggests, this type of cereal goes through a steam-heated process before grinding. This procedure allows you to save much more nutrients, trace elements and vitamins, because they pass from the shell to the core under the influence of temperature. Grains for this are taken elongated, the color of the dry product changes from white to golden, translucent, but after cooking, the processed cereal cannot be distinguished from the usual one. Steaming rice began over 50 years ago in the US military to facilitate the cooking process. Another advantage of heat treatment is that the cooked side dish turns out crumbly, the grains do not crumble, and these properties are preserved even after several heatings.

Connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle, supporters of proper nutrition, and all lovers of delicious food should pay attention to this one. To cook it tasty and grainy, we will give several recipes. Of these, even a novice owner or hostess will understand how to cook steamed

The most important rule is to spare no time and thoroughly rinse the grain in several approaches until the water after rinsing remains clear. The proportions should be observed: 1 cup of dry rice to 2 cups of water. Washed rice is placed in boiling salted water, seasonings are not added at this moment. Then the fire is reduced, the pan is covered with a lid, and during the cooking process it is not raised.

How long to cook steamed rice? The given amount will be ready 12 minutes after boiling. The same amount of time you need to let the rice brew under a closed lid, removing it from the stove. Only after that it is recommended to add oil and spices to the dish.

Other pot cooking options

The standard rules were given above, after studying which it is easy to answer the question of how steamed rice is cooked. Here are some other recipes for it:

Separately, it is worth noting that the dishes (usually a pot and sometimes a frying pan) for cooking should have a thick bottom so that the cereal does not burn.

Method of cooking in a multicooker

Many owners have already equipped their kitchens with a useful and convenient appliance that allows you to minimize the time spent at the stove. This miracle saucepan cooks, stews, and bakes (depending on the built-in functions). How to cook steamed Standard method: use the "Pilaf" mode, and then change it to "Heating". to water changes by 1:3, and the amount of loading and cooking time depend on the capacity of the bowl, for this you should study the attached instructions.

The steamed cereals are washed and soaked for an hour, then transferred to a slow cooker, water is added and the desired mode is set. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, switch the function. You can experiment with this appliance: use the "Buckwheat" mode, which is suitable for cooking rice for rolls and sushi, or "Milk porridge".

Cooking in a steamer

How to cook long grain parboiled rice? If you have a double boiler, then cook in it. It will retain all the useful substances of the product in question. Rice is washed several times until clear water. After that, you can soak it in hot liquid for half an hour, this will preserve all the nutritional value of the grains. Then the cereal is thrown back on a sieve and the water is allowed to drain for about 15-20 minutes. For 1 cup of rice, take 1.5-2 cups of water, the output will be 3 cups of crumbly side dish. It is advisable to serve ready-made rice immediately on the table. To make the dish airy and not stick together, during cooking it is sprinkled with lemon juice or a little vegetable or butter is added.

Rice is placed in a special container for cooking cereals, water is poured into the same place. If the porridge cooking time is not determined automatically, the timer is set for 30 minutes.

Microwave features

Almost all owners of microwave ovens only heat up food in them, forgetting that this is also a multifunctional device. You can also bake, boil and bake different dishes in it. Rice is no exception, any variety is easy to cook. The grain is washed until the water runs clear. Then it is transferred to a glass container suitable for microwave ovens, and it should occupy no more than half the volume, because the finished product will be 2 times larger. Pour the cereal with water, cover with a refractory lid and set the cooking time for 15 minutes. After the end of the program, leave the dish in the microwave for another same period - so the rice will become softer and more tender. It is necessary to take out the container only using tacks. After that, the side dish is mixed with a wooden spatula or spoon and seasoned with butter.

Now you know how to cook steamed rice correctly, and you can easily delight yourself and loved ones with a tasty, fragrant and healthy dish!

On the store shelves you can find a wide selection of different varieties of rice: from the usual white rice to exotic black. This article will focus on steamed rice: how to properly cook steamed rice and why is it useful?

Steamed rice: useful properties

A distinctive feature of parboiled rice is that the unpeeled, moistened rice grains are subjected to severe pressure from hot steam. And only after that the grains are cleaned from the shell and polished. Outwardly, the rice acquires a transparent light beige color, and all the vitamins from the bran are absorbed into the core under the influence of steam.

Unlike white rice, parboiled rice after industrial processing retains vitamins and amino acids by almost 80%. It is this rice that is richest in vitamins B, PP, H and E.

Fiber, which is contained in steamed rice, is a powerful sorbent that removes toxins from the body. It also improves intestinal motility and normalizes digestion. At the same time, vegetable fiber fibers help in the fight against excess weight, as they do not contain calories, but provide sufficient saturation of the body.

Unlike wheat, rice does not contain gluten. Therefore, this cereal is recommended for people who are allergic to gluten. children and those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Since rice contains starch, it is included in the diet of patients with gastritis, peptic ulcer and high acidity.

How to cook steamed rice

Parboiled rice can be cooked in a traditional pot, as well as in a modern slow cooker, microwave oven, pressure cooker or in a special rice cooker.

Before how to cook steamed rice soaking and rinsing is not necessary, since steaming has already sufficiently cleaned this cereal. Rice can be boiled both in clean water and in meat, fish or vegetable broth.

Steamed rice should be cooked as follows. Pour a glass of drinking water (250 ml) into the pan, bring to a boil and add 100 g of dry rice, adding spices if necessary. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook for exactly 20 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the stove and let it brew for another 5 minutes without removing the lid.

Steamed rice in a slow cooker is cooked in approximately the same ratio: for 200-250 ml of water - 100 g of dry rice. Rice and water are added to the multicooker bowl, salted, sprinkled with spices and cooked in the "Cooking", "Buckwheat", "Pilaf" mode (the mode depends on the multicooker model) for 30 minutes. After finishing work, let the dish brew for another 5 minutes.

Steamed rice can also be cooked in the microwave. Pour 200 ml of water into a microwave oven dish and pour 100 g of dry steamed rice, cover the dish with a lid with a steam outlet and cook at full power for 15 minutes. But it is necessary to stop work every five minutes to mix the rice. Oil and spices are added to the finished dish.

In order to cook steamed rice in a double boiler, you need to use a special bowl for rice. Pour 100 g of rice into the bowl and pour 200 ml of water, add spices to taste. Cook in a covered steamer for 35 minutes.

To make steamed rice crumbly, you need to use the following dosage: for 1 cup of dry rice - 2 cups of water (100 ml of rice per 200 ml of water). To cook steamed rice in broth, use the same dosage.

Since steamed rice is light and crumbly, it cannot be used for making sushi, as it will not stick together. It is best to cook such rice as a side dish for meat, fish dishes, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

Since steamed rice is prepared easily and quickly, it will surely become one of your favorite dishes on your table.

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How to cook in a saucepan - method 1
1. Measure out 150 grams (half a cup) of rice.
2. Take water in a ratio of 1:2 to rice - 300 milliliters of water.
3. Boil water in a saucepan.
4. Add lightly washed steamed rice, salt and spices.
5. Cook over low heat under the lid, without stirring, for 20 minutes.
6. Remove the pot of boiled rice from the heat.
7. Infuse ready steamed rice for 5 minutes.

How to cook in a saucepan - method 2
1. Rinse half a glass of steamed rice, pour cold water for 15 minutes and then squeeze out the water.
2. Put wet rice in a frying pan, heat over medium heat until the moisture evaporates.
3. Boil 1 glass of water for half a glass of rice, pour in hot rice.
4. Boil rice for 10 minutes.

How to cook steamed rice in a slow cooker
1. Put the steamed rice in a saucepan, pour water in a ratio of 1:2.
2. Set the multicooker to the "Porridge" or "Pilaf" mode, close the lid.
3. Turn on the multicooker for 25 minutes.
4. After the signal to turn off, leave the rice for 5 minutes, then transfer to a dish and use as directed.

How to cook steamed rice in a double boiler
1. Measure out 1 part of rice, pour it into the cereal compartment of the steamer.
2. Pour 2.5 parts of rice into the water container of the steamer.
3. Set the steamer to work for half an hour.
4. After the signal, check the readiness of rice, if you wish, insist or use immediately.

How to cook steamed rice in the microwave
1. Pour 1 part of steamed rice into a deep microwave bowl.
2. Boil 2 parts of water in a kettle.
3. Pour boiling water over the rice, pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and add 1 teaspoon of salt.
4. Put a bowl of steamed rice in the microwave, set the power to 800-900.
5. Turn on the microwave for 10 minutes. After cooking, leave the rice in the microwave for another 3 minutes to brew.

How to cook steamed rice in bags
1. The packaged rice has already been pre-treated, so put the package without opening into the pan.
2. Fill the pan with water so that the bag is covered with water with a margin of 3-4 centimeters (the rice in the bag will swell and, if the water does not cover it, it may dry out).
3. Put the pan on a quiet fire, you can not cover the pan with a lid.
4. Put a little salt into the pan (for 1 bag of 80 grams - 1 teaspoon of salt), bring to a boil.
5. Cook steamed rice in a bag for 30 minutes.
6. Pick up the package with a fork and put it out of the pan on a plate.
7. Using a fork and knife, open the bag, lift the tip of the bag and pour the rice into a plate.

Since ancient times, rice has been used as a tasty side dish for almost all products. However, you still need to be able to cook rice properly so that a beautiful crumbly side dish does not turn into a mess. At the same time, fears of spoiling the dish are present not only among young housewives, but also among most skilled chefs who amazingly prepare various complex dishes at home.

Cooking long grain rice

First of all, you can get friable rice by buying its packaged version in bags. However, this is quite an expensive pleasure, and in small quantities.

To cook friable rice, first of all, you should correctly determine its variety. Round rice is not suitable for these purposes, as it absorbs excessive moisture and sticks together. This type of rice is more suitable for sushi, various desserts and casseroles. Medium-grain rice also has a high viscosity, as it contains a lot of starch, and also absorbs water well. For a crumbly side dish, long-grain rice is ideal, as it won't stick together when cooked properly.

Cook friable rice strictly following the instructions.

  • First of all, it is important to observe a clear proportion of rice to water, which should be 1:2 (rice to water). For example, 1 cup of dry cereal to 2 cups of water.
  • Putting the water in the pan on the fire, waiting for it to boil, you need to rinse the rice 3-5 times with plain water. Boiling water should be slightly salted, and washed rice should be thrown into it. It is strictly forbidden to add seasonings at the beginning of cooking!
  • Cover the pot with a lid and turn the heat down to low. The ideal option is a transparent lid, which will allow you to observe the cooking process, and the lid itself is not removed during the entire process.
  • The most important point of the rules: the time of cooking rice. It is very important to observe exactly 12 minutes! The correct proportions of water and rice, minimum heat ensure that the rice does not burn.
  • After 12 minutes, the pot of rice must be removed from the stove. In this form, the porridge is aged for another 12 minutes under the lid and without stirring.
  • After that, you can open the lid, add seasonings and oils.

How to cook steamed rice

It is equally important to know how to cook steamed rice, because it is even healthier than regular rice, due to the fact that it retains its original yellowish tint due to the fact that it is not polished, but steamed. Thanks to this technology, rice retains most of the minerals and vitamins. Cooking rice transforms it into a snow-white porridge that remains crumbly even after reheating the dish. However, there are a few important rules that you need to follow in order to get a beautiful and tasty side dish.

Parboiled rice is cooked in the same way as long-grain rice, but longer, due to the fact that the lack of a grinding stage gives the grains of rice more hardness, which also prevents it from overcooking. Steamed rice should be cooked for 20 to 25 minutes.

Cooking brown rice

The brown color of rice is imparted to the product by retaining the shell of the grain. This variety of rice is the most useful due to the fact that all the most useful components are preserved in the left rice shell. Brown rice takes even longer to cook, up to 40 minutes on average, as the grains of this variety are the hardest.

Brown rice cleanses the human body of toxins well, and also helps to shed extra pounds.

Before cooking brown rice, it must be thoroughly rinsed with cold salted water, which is poured over the grains for 15 minutes. After that, the water is drained, and the rice is washed again. After that, the grains are immersed in boiling water for 40 minutes.

How to cook wild rice

Wild rice has a characteristic black color. In domestic stores, it is often sold mixed with long grain rice. Wild rice contains the maximum amount of fiber and other useful minerals and substances. This side dish is perfect for fish dishes.

It takes five glasses of water to boil one cup of wild rice. After pre-washing the rice, it must be dipped in boiling salted water. It takes 10 minutes to cook over medium heat. Then the rice is covered with a lid, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the rice is cooked for another 40 minutes while stirring.

Cooking round rice

As mentioned above, round rice is used for sushi, casseroles, and puddings because it sticks together so well. You need to cook round rice in a large amount of water because it absorbs it very quickly. So, for one cup of rice, you need three cups of water. rice, cook, long grain, round, wild, steamed, cooking

How to cook steamed rice? Parboiled rice is so called because it is processed with a sharp steam, as a result of which it acquires a pleasant amber-golden hue and becomes translucent. The main advantage of such a product is that it does not stick together at all and “feels” great as a side dish for a meat dish. Some gourmets also find another use for cereals - they cook pilaf from it, if they get it from ordinary rice like porridge. Almost all of the harmful starch comes out of the product when it is steamed. But information about whether there are more useful substances in it or less does not always correspond to reality. It is unlikely that cereals can retain twice as many nutrients after steaming. But the fact that it is not bleached in a special way suggests that there should be less harmful substances in it. How much to cook? In the traditional way - in a saucepan - nutritious cereals are cooked for 20 minutes after boiling water again. Then she needs to “walk” a little, for this, the dish remains on the switched off stove for about 5 minutes. Fact! Parboiled rice, due to the elimination of excess starch and harmful substances during processing at the plant, does not require soaking. Therefore, the total preparation time of products is reduced by 99%, leaving only the need for thorough washing of cereals. Abroad (most likely in eastern countries where this cereal is so loved) a special device was invented - a rice cooker. It has several rice cooking functions and detailed instructions on how to cook cereals. In this case, the device must be used strictly in accordance with the document. The fastest way to cook steamed rice is to use the microwave. In it, porridge on the water will be cooked in 15 minutes. But her taste will not be the most amazing. If you want to cook an unusual dish using rice or serve it as a side dish in perfect condition, then you can use the oven. In it, the side dish is cooked for about 45-50 minutes, unlike white rice, it does not need to be stirred. How to cook steamed rice The most common way is cooking in a saucepan. To do this, use the following ideal recipe: First, a glass of rice (200 g) is washed until the flowing water is completely transparent. No more than 500 ml of liquid is poured into a saucepan and brought to an active boil. Washed rice is poured into the pan and boiled for 20 minutes after the appearance of bubbles. Turn off the stove, cover the saucepan with a lid and set aside for 5 minutes. After that, you can add a piece of butter, a few pinches of salt to the side dish. If there is too much water, and the cereal becomes slimy, then it is simply washed under running cold water, but then the side dish will have to be heated in the microwave or on the stove. Advice! Remember that any cereal requires an individual approach. If this recipe does not work out to cook the perfect side dish, just experiment with the time or amount of water. If the consistency is too viscous, reduce the liquid, and if the grains are coarse, add it a little at the very beginning of cooking. Other ways to prepare a delicious side dish may be needed in everyday life. In the microwave, cereals are prepared as follows: they take 2 parts of water and 1 part of grains, put them in a glass dish and cover with a lid, leaving a small hole. Set the maximum power and cook for 15 minutes. For cooking in the oven, you will need the same proportions of the product, ceramic pots or a cast-iron brazier, a saucepan. The stove is heated to 160 degrees and a form with cereals is placed in it for 45-50 minutes. 10 minutes before turning off the stove, you can put spices and oil. The Secrets of a Delicious Side Dishes Steamed rice requires an understanding of only two main tricks: it must not be stirred during the cooking process, and the cooking time must be precisely selected for each individual producer. For one brand it may be 20 minutes, and for another 25. It all depends on some differences in the processing technology of the grains. A few other tips: parboiled rice loves barberry, saffron, and turmeric; the freshest product guarantees a more successful side dish than cereals older than 6 months; cooked rice can be stored for 4 days; rice will easily complement almost any dish, including fruit salads; during cooking, rice increases 3 times; if there was no container with a lid for the oven, you can cover the cereal with foil. The unique ability of rice to absorb any aromas and tastes offers culinary professionals a lot of creative solutions and ideas. Interesting and simple recipes A delicious pineapple recipe is a real treat for lovers of sweet dishes. But in this version there is no harmful white sugar, but only special components: a glass of rice; a jar of pineapple pieces (canned is better than fresh); half a glass of golden raisins; the same amount of walnut; some pepper and salt. Raisins should be soaked in boiling water before cooking so that they swell. Rice is boiled in a glass of water and the same amount of pineapple juice from a jar - this will give the cereal a special taste. 10 minutes before the final, pieces of fruit, swollen raisins and spices are poured. Those who do not like sweet recipes will like nutritious steamed rice with tomatoes: for 200 g of cereals take the same amount of onion and sweet pepper; you will also need 100 g of carrots and as many as 300 g of tomatoes; will add flavor to the mixture of garlic, bay leaf and a mixture of peppers. The oven is heated to 200 g, and all vegetables are cut and fried in a pan for about 10 minutes until golden brown, rice and spices are added, 2 cloves of garlic are squeezed out and laid out in a prepared form. Fill almost completely with water or chicken broth. Bake for 30 minutes, then reduce the power to 170 degrees and cook for another 15 minutes. Cool the dish in the oven. Parboiled rice takes longer to cook than usual, but its crumbly texture and reduced starch content are sought after in a healthy diet. Material from yourlifestyle en