How to grow incarvillea from seed. Incarvillea flower: planting and care

Although growing and caring for Incarvillea is a simple matter, not every garden can see this wonderful plant. But this flower can easily replace, for example, phloxes or petunias. Gloxinia is unpretentious, hardy, adapts well to climatic conditions central zone of Russia and has ample opportunities for use in landscape design.

Incarvillea flower is a large herbaceous perennial. As a rule, the plant grows up to 40-50 cm, but specimens reaching 1 m are often found. Incarvillea quickly overgrows with shoots. And due to the large leaves, the flower turns into a lush bush in a few weeks. Fancy pinnately divided leaves oval shape velvety in appearance and have a gray tint.

Garden gloxinia blooms in June-July. At good care flowering repeats at the end of summer. But not so plentiful and long. The flowers of the plant are so lush and bright that they can form a whole carpet that delights with a riot of colors. Tubular five-petal flowers, resembling phloxes, rise above the leaves. They can be white, yellow, purple, pink and red. In August, the formation of pods with seeds occurs. After ripening, they crack, throwing out seeds.

Incarvillea looks good in buds. It can be grown in flowerpots, flower beds, Alpine rollercoaster, rocky gardens, along paths, etc. Pink, white and yellow incarvilleas in the neighborhood will give a wonderful bouquet. But cut flowers do not last very long. Like many garden plants, incarvillea will last no more than a couple of days in a vase.

The flowering of this plant directly depends on the amount of moisture received. Gloxinia will withstand the absence of abundant watering, but the drying of the soil will certainly affect its growth. It is important to maintain at least a minimum humidity. The roots of the flower lie deep, so watering should be of high quality. In the absence of precipitation, it is enough to water the flower 2-3 times a week.

For lush flowering, the plant needs top dressing. There should not be too many of them so that the incarvillea does not lose its winter hardiness. Ideally, only 2 top dressings are carried out - in spring and in the first half of summer. At the beginning of growth, they are introduced into the soil organic fertilizers or special top dressing for this plant. The second feeding is carried out at the beginning of the budding period. If, when planting, they were already introduced into the soil mineral fertilizers, then you should start feeding garden gloxinia from the second year.

The plant is protected by mulching from snowless winters and sudden changes in temperature. Sawdust, peat or compost is used as a material for sheltering the roots. Shelter layer - from 5 cm. Remove protection at the first onset of heat. If the mulch is overexposed, then the plant runs the risk of rotting from excess heat.

Growing and breeding conditions

Most of all, incarvillea is afraid of drought. Its roots lie deep in the ground and require constant moisture. Therefore, the flower is best planted on slopes and hills. If planting is carried out in an ordinary flower bed, then the soil level should be raised. Otherwise, this plant does not need any special conditions.

Incarvillea, which any novice gardener can grow, loves moderate sun and nutritious sandy soil with good drainage that allows water and air to pass through. It is better not to keep the plant under direct sunlight, but gloxinia will not give good flowering in the shade either. The perfect place - scattered light or light shade. Over time, incarvillea adapts to any garden conditions.

Gloxinia does not grow long in one place. Over time, it shrinks and degenerates. The best option- 4-5 years in one place, after which the flower is transplanted. Transplantation is carried out at the beginning or end of growth, i.e. in spring or late summer. Timely seating of the plant will provide it good growth and lush blooms.

There are several possibilities for growing a beautiful incarvillea in the garden, planting and caring for which begins in the spring. At this time, a method such as dividing the bush is used. With a sharp object, the bush is divided into 2 parts so that both halves have processes and growth sites for new shoots. The transplanted bush is buried in the ground by 5 cm. Sometimes this procedure is carried out in early autumn, if the weather permits.

The most common method of breeding garden gloxinia is cuttings. To do this, cut off a part of the stem with one strong leaf from the bush. The stalk must be immersed in a special solution that stimulates root growth. Such products are sold in garden stores. The roots of the cuttings appear after 2 weeks. And after a week, you can plant the plant in the ground. good color and the growth of incarvillea, planted by cuttings, will show on next year.

Propagation by seeds is considered the best way get strong and viable plants. Seeds for seedlings are planted in the soil to a depth of 1 cm and watered abundantly. The first sprouts begin to appear in a week. When the seedlings are strong enough, flowers can be planted in open ground. However experienced gardeners prefer to plant seeds immediately in open ground, since seedlings do not always withstand transplanting well. Seeds are sown in open ground in April. It is believed that in this way you can get excellent germination of garden gloxinia, but it will begin to bloom only for 2-3 years.

Types and varieties of flower

In the genus of garden gloxinia there are both perennials and annuals. In total there are about 14 species of this flower. The most common of them are the following:

  1. 1 Delaway. The variety has been cultivated since the end of the 19th century. and has already fallen in love with gardeners around the world. Incarvillea 'Delaway' is a medium perennial. Usually it does not grow above 60 cm. Long leaves at the base of the stem form a basal rosette. Large flowers are 6 cm in diameter. They are pink-purple in color with a yellow center. Inflorescences consist of several buds. Despite the distribution of this variety, it does not tolerate frost well. The white incarvillea looks like Delaway. They differ only in the shade of inflorescences.
  2. 2 "Dense". This variety is also called "large". Despite the name, the incarvillea of ​​this species grows only up to 30 cm. But it has large leaves and flowers that look like a gramophone. Delicate light purple flowers begin to bloom in May. This variety has another variety - a plant reaching a height of 1 m, but with the same size of flowers.
  3. 3 "Meira". Low-growing perennial with dark green oval leaves and large flowers of rich Pink colour with a white-yellow core. The plant looks powerful and very bright. In addition, this variety is resistant to frost.
  4. 4 "Chinese". It was bred in Asia, where it is still widely distributed. Delicate bushes grow above 1 m. Peduncles are thin and long, the flowers have a creamy yellow tint. Because of this, Incarvillea seems airy and looks like a delicate meadow plant.
  5. 5 "Olga". Sometimes this variety is called "pink". The plant, similar to a wild flower, can reach up to 1.5 m in height. However, the diameter of the flowers does not exceed 2 cm. The stem is almost bare, the leaves grow only at the base. This variety pleases with its flowering, which lasts almost 2 months.

Behind last years there have been quite a few hybrid varieties incarvelley. As a rule, breeders are working on breeding new shades. There are also rare and capricious specimens that are not grown by all gardeners. But if one of these varieties appears on the flower bed, then without any doubt it will become the pearl of the flower garden.

Incarvillea (Incarvillea), or garden gloxinia, - herbaceous plant assigned to in the family Bignoniaceae or (Bignoniaceae). A plant grown in open ground is able to surprise with bright and delicate flowers, which allow you to easily and quickly transform almost any garden decoration.

Species and description

The birthplace of incarvillea is considered to be Central and East Asia , but a significant part of the species has gained its distribution from the territory of the Himalayas, therefore it is able to easily endure temperature drops to −15-16°C.

How to plant incarvillea (video)

Incarvillea herbaceous type plant, having a tuberous or woody root system. The maximum height of the above-ground part does not exceed a couple of meters. The foliage of Incarvillea is collected in a basal rosette, but may also have another arrangement on the stem. Leaves unpaired, palmately dissected. There may be a fine serration of the marginal part of the sheet. Inflorescences of carpal or paniculate type, with the presence of bracts and bracts.

Incarvillea flowers solitary or five-segmented. The flower has a bell-shaped calyx and a tubular bilaterally symmetrical corolla. There are four stamens and a bare pistil with a bifid stigma. The fruits are represented by standard bipartite four- or hexagonal boxes, in which the seed material is formed in the form of winged-pubescent seeds. In the conditions of backyard floriculture, the cultivation of incarvillea is most often carried out from seeds.

The best varieties

The genus Incarvillea includes about fourteen species. presented enough big amount varietal differences. The main species differ not only in appearance and flowering period, but also in planting and care requirements.

Russian name of the species Latin name of the species Plant characteristic Flowering characteristics Species features
Incarvillea Delawaya pink Incarvillea delavayi Medium-sized perennial, with an average height of up to 50-60 cm. The leaves are long-pointed, attractive appearance The petals have a different color, from pinkish-white to crimson. Tubular middle yellow color. Paniculate inflorescences consist of three to four flowers The species belongs to the category of heat-loving and rather difficult to tolerate winter cold. The variety with white buds is called Snowtop Incarvillea
Incarvillea sinensis Incarvillea sinensis A plant of medium vigor with characteristic thin carved leaves of light coloring. Delicate flowers on long peduncles they have a creamy yellow coloration Especially popular is the variety "White Swan"
Incarvillea dense or large Incarvillea compacta Perennial, no more than 25-30 cm high, with large, slightly pubescent, attractive foliage and a pinnate heart-shaped basal rosette Twisted type buds are formed on the apical part of the shoots and open into purple or pale pink flowers of the gramophone type with a diameter of no more than 5-6 cm. The base of the fused yellow petals The most popular in the conditions of backyard floriculture is the large-flowered variety "Grandiflora" with red-pink coloring with flowers with a diameter of no more than 6-7 cm
Incarvillea Olga Incarvillea Olgae A tall perennial with bare trunks, which are branched in the upper part, and woody in the lower part. Foliage opposite, pinnately dissected The flowers are medium in size, reddish-pink in color, collected in panicle inflorescences, which are located in the apical part of the plant. Grown in culture since 1880 and became popular due to its relative unpretentiousness.
incarvillea myra Incarvillea Maieri Low and fairly winter-hardy perennial plant with slightly dissected leaves Large flowers, red coloration, inner side corolla is yellow with white spots Easy to grow species with very good cold hardiness
Incarvillea grandiflora Incarvillea grandiflora The plant is perennial, undersized, with sufficient foliage It has very attractive, bright pink buds with a pronounced yellow center. In most regions of our country, this species can successfully winter without shelter.

Landing Rules

On one's own harvested seeds incarvillea must be subjected to preliminary stratification by placing the seed material in a sealed package and keeping it throughout winter period in a refrigerator. Sowing is carried out in March. Seeds need to be sown in seedlings and planted in a greenhouse. It is also possible to sow seeds directly in open ground in the last decade of April. The sowing depth is about one centimeter.

When growing Incarvillea in greenhouse conditions mass shoots appear in a week. The seedling method of growing involves diving seedlings at the stage of the appearance of the first true leaf. It is necessary to plant the finished seedlings of an ornamental crop in the ground with a deepening to the cotyledons, after the threat of damage to the plantings by return spring frosts has passed. It is important to remember that the survival rate of Incarvillea seedlings is very low, therefore, in the conditions of backyard floriculture, preference is given to direct sowing in open ground.

Technology of cultivation in open ground

When sowing flowering of decorative incarvillea with seeds, flowering of young plants appears the next year, and in order to obtain the largest and beautiful flowers the plant needs to provide quality care:

  • the place for growing should be well lit, but placing a flower garden in easy penumbra;
  • the soil of the flower garden should be sandy, nutritious, with a high-quality drainage layer in the form of coarse sand or fine gravel;
  • watering a flowering crop should be moderate, which will prevent rotting of the root system;
  • the main top dressing should be provided to plants at the stage of planting and replanting, using complex mineral or organic fertilizers for this purpose.

Despite the sufficient winter hardiness of Incarvillea, experienced growers it is recommended to use a mulch layer in the form of peat as a protection against frost, sawdust or shavings, as well as fallen needles. In regions with too severe and frosty or little snowy winters, it is preferable to dig out the tubers of the Incarvillea ornamental culture, wash, soak in the Maxim solution, then dry and store until the next planting season.

Protection against diseases and pests

The main pests of incarvillea are thrips, aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs. The fight against them and diseases is carried out by treating them with special insect-fungicidal preparations. However, there are other problems that may accompany the cultivation of this ornamental crop in home gardening:

  • insufficient amount of nutrients in the soil at the incarvillea growing area often causes yellowing of the leaves;
  • the result of improper care is often the browning of the leaves and their premature fall;
  • waterlogging can cause the death of an ornamental plant as a result of rotting tubers.

Compliance with the growing technology of Incarvillea, including proper watering, winter shelter, as well as preventive measures, contribute to obtaining abundant, long flowering and allow you to get a healthy plant suitable for reproduction.

Reproduction features

Usually, ornamental plant propagated by seed, by growing seedlings. However, it is allowed to propagate Incarvillea using leafy cuttings, which are cut in June-July from basal rosettes, capturing a small stem part.

Cut cuttings of Incarvillea are recommended to be soaked for 12 hours in a solution of root-stimulating drugs, among which the use of "Heteroauxin" and "Kornevin" shows the greatest effectiveness. Planting material prepared in this way is planted in a greenhouse, where the process of root formation takes about two to three weeks. The formation of a tuberous rhizome takes a little less than a year, resulting in the formation of a leaf rosette and peduncles.

In the early spring period or in the last decade of summer, it is also allowed to divide the Incarvillea bush. In this case, the rhizome is carefully dug up and divided into separate sections. There should be a couple of growth points for each division. When planting, it is very important to deepen the root neck of the plant by about five centimeters. The next division of the bush should be carried out no earlier than in five to six years.

landscape use

Incarvillea in the conditions of backyard floriculture is most often used in group plantings, when making discounts and mixborders. Incarvillea Сompacta looks very impressive when decorating rocky gardens. In terms of landscape design, the use of incarvelle is very wide.

Types of incarvillea (video)

Plants are planted to create highly decorative borders along paths and garden paths, and can also be used in flower beds and flowerbeds. A decorative culture is also in great demand for decorating a backyard landscape in country style. However, it should be remembered that the cultivation of any kind of incarvillea for the purpose of cutting is practiced extremely rarely, since flowers fall off in bouquets literally on the second or third day.

Do you want to diversify the site with bright strokes throughout the summer? Incarvillea will help out, planting and caring for it will not become a burdensome task if the plant is provided with the necessary conditions.

Another name for the spectacular representative of the Bignoniev family is garden gloxinia. She is well known to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, but this guest with chic flowers appeared with us relatively recently.

Of all the species, the most popular were the large-flowered incarvillea, Myra and Delaway. The first two species are quite compact, up to 30 centimeters in height, and winter-hardy. The latter is taller, reaches 60 centimeters, does not tolerate frost well. The roots of all species are powerful, similar to carrots, and the flowers are large, various shades of pink, but sometimes white are also found.

Incarvillea blooms by the end of May and will decorate the garden with charming racemose inflorescences until September, albeit with short breaks. In the south, it grows for many years, but where the climate is more severe, it is often grown as an annual.

How to grow

Planting and caring for Incarvillea is not particularly difficult, but it is important to remember some of the nuances. Even winter-hardy members of the genus may not survive until spring. This is because garden gloxinia does not tolerate waterlogging of the roots very well. Knowing this, experienced flower growers try to plant it on a slope or hillock, i.e. in a place elevated above the soil level, where water will not stagnate.

The site should be well lit, but light partial shade is also possible. Suitable light nutrient soil. Before planting, it is advisable to take care of drainage, for example, from broken brick, expanded clay or small gravel.

There are several ways to propagate incarvillea: seeds, rhizome division, leaf cuttings and tubers.

At the seed excellent germination, so you can count on good result. For seedlings they are sown in pots in March. Too deep holes should not be made - 1 centimeter is enough. After 5 days, the first shoots will appear. However, the seedlings do not take root very well. In May, it is better to sow in open ground if the temperature is above 15 ° C. Seedling emergence is usually uneven.

During the first season, young plants are fed and only in the second they will bloom. If you do not use fertilizer, flowering will have to wait longer.

For propagation by cuttings, they are cut with a part of the stem (up to 3 centimeters) in June-July, it is worth choosing mature plants. It is desirable to treat the cut with a stimulant for the speedy formation of roots and place the cutting in a greenhouse.

The division by rhizome begins in March or September. The bush is dug up, then cut so that at least one sprout or bud remains on the root collar. When planting, drop by 3-5 centimeters.

You can buy caudex incarvillea. It should be resilient, without rot and with buds on top. If it is too early to start planting, the tuber is placed in a bag with dry sand, holes are made for ventilation and stored in a dry cellar or refrigerator. planted in early spring, covering the kidney with soil by about 5 centimeters. The leaves will appear by the beginning of June and the plant will bloom this season.

Incarvillea Care

It is important not to overdo it with watering, as already mentioned, the plant does not tolerate wetting the roots. IN middle lane incarvillea rarely lives more than three years, you will have to stock up on seeds. They remain viable for 3-4 years.

In regions with severe frosts it is recommended to cover the rhizome for the winter plastic jar or mulch using peat, sawdust, loose leaves. If you don’t want to take risks, you can dig up the roots and store them in the winter as.

Top dressing every 2 weeks improves flowering, but reduces frost resistance. If more than a third of the root dies during the winter, it dies off. Therefore, many growers prefer to save the caudex every year and use incarvillea as an annual crop.

Incarvillea is a plant with magnificent bright flowers that will be an excellent accent in landscape design. The name of the flower is given in honor of Pierre d'Incarville, the famous botanist who collected a collection in China. rare plants, the star of which was this wonderful flower. Garden gloxinia is a more familiar name for the plant.

Not widely used in Europe, but is increasingly attracting the attention of gardeners. There are 14 species of incarvillea, which differ greatly from each other. May be annuals and perennials, semi-shrub and herbaceous. All species have an upright stem (simple or branched) and a thickened rhizome, like a dahlia.

The height is from 30-40 cm to 1 meter. Leaves large, entire or pinnately divided, surface sheet plate wrinkled. Leaves and stems are colored green color. Magnificent buds of red, pink, white, yellow color delight the eye for a long time. The shape of the corolla is similar to the bud of room gloxinia.

How to care for Incarvillea

Gardening is not demanding in care, but certain features must be taken into account in order for the flowering to be lush and plentiful.

Site selection and soil

It is very important to choose the right place for the plant. The roots are sensitive to wetting, so it is best to plant in rock gardens, on slopes, rocky areas. When planting in flower beds or flower beds, the roots of the plant will have to be raised above the ground.

The site should be well lit, light partial shade is possible. Direct sunlight can be harmful, so you need to maintain a balance.

Nutritious sandy loamy soil is best suited for the plant. Lay the drainage layer of coarse sand.


Incarvillea moderately. Do not flood to avoid rotting of the root system, but at the same time, the soil should not dry out.

Transplant and top dressing

When plants need top dressing. Apply a complex of mineral fertilizers or organic matter to the soil (most often, mullein infusion is used, which is also recommended to be added additionally during active growth). It is important not to overdo it with fertilizers, otherwise it will affect the resistance of incarvillea to cold.

Diseases and pests

Root rot is a disease that occurs with severe waterlogging. Do not make such mistakes, otherwise the plant may die.

From neighboring infected plants, mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites may appear on incarvillea. Saved by insecticide treatment.

Preparing for winter

Gloxinia is a fairly frost-resistant plant, but it is better to prepare protection for it for the winter. It is necessary to cover the roots of the plant before the onset of frost. Wood shavings, sawdust, needles, peat, etc. are used as mulch. The protective layer should be about 10 cm. With the onset of spring, it must be removed so that the roots do not rot. Young plants are recommended to be covered with a cap for the winter (cropped plastic bottle) - this will provide additional protection from autumn showers.

You can also dig up the rhizomes of plants and store them in a cool room (cellar, warm barn) until spring.

Growing incarvillea from seeds

It is believed that the most resistant plants grow from seeds. Seed propagation from domestic seeds is almost a breeding activity: by selecting individual plants, you can achieve new interesting combinations of bud colors.

Sowing for seedlings

  • incarvilleas for seedlings are produced in March.
  • The soil is suitable sandy or ordinary soil mixture for seedlings, which is sold in the store.
  • Seeds are recommended to be pre-treated for 5-10 minutes with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, then rinsed and dried.
  • The seeding depth should be about 0.5 cm (the layer of earth is not more than the thickness of the seed itself). Water generously. Put in a lighted place. After 5-7 days, expect the first shoots to appear. Usually the seeds germinate unevenly, the latter can sprout a couple of weeks after sowing.

With the advent of two true leaves, dive the seedlings into separate pots about 15 cm high.

At the end of April, young plants can be planted in open ground. It is better to use the transshipment method so as not to damage the fleshy but fragile roots of garden wisteria.

Sowing incarvillea seeds in the ground When to plant

It can be sown in open ground in spring (approximately in April-May, with the establishment of a night temperature above 15 ° C).

The seeds are large enough to be spaced smaller in the row: leave 7-8 cm between them so that the seedlings do not have to be thinned out. If in doubt about the germination of seeds, leave a distance of about 5-6 cm, but then you have to break through.

The depth of embedding is 1-2 cm, the distance between the rows is 15-20 cm.

It is better to prepare the bed in advance, dig it up, add sand and organic fertilizers: compost, humus (1 bucket per square meter). It is good if the earth stands for about a week and settles before sowing the seeds.

Fill the furrows and immediately sow the seeds, while the soil is wet, close the furrows with the back of the rake. You can water lightly if the earth is too dry, but do not allow water to stagnate, otherwise an earthen crust will form, which is very harmful to young shoots. It’s good if after watering you mulch the surface with humus: a layer of only 0.5-1 cm will protect the soil from drying out, and you won’t have to water it again, worry that the plants will suffer from the earth crust.

When shoots appear, you should weed the bed: manually remove all weeds, thin out the plants, leaving 8-10 cm between the seedlings. The grown bushes are planted even less often, leaving a minimum of 20-25 cm between plants, and tall species are planted even less often: after 40-50 cm.

Reproduction of incarvillea vegetatively

The incarvillea plant reproduces by seeds and vegetatively: cuttings, less often by dividing the rhizome.

Most often used as the simplest and most effective method. Cut off one large, healthy leaf with part of the stem from the leaf rosette. Hold the cutting in a solution with a growth stimulator. For rooting, plant in sand and cover with a cap. Roots will appear in 2-3 weeks, and the plant will be fully formed in a year.

The division of the Incarvillea bush is carried out in early spring or early autumn. Moisten the soil and dig up the bush. Using a sharp knife, divide the rhizome into sections, each of which should contain growth buds. Planting material is buried in such a way that the root neck is 5 cm below the soil surface. In order for the delenki to take root, the air temperature outside should be 18-20 ° C.

Planting and transplanting garden gloxinia

Dig the soil to a depth of about 40 cm. Make planting holes according to the size of the rhizome. Apply complex mineral fertilizers or organics. Lay a drainage of coarse sand at the bottom. Bury the root neck 3 cm into the soil. Water vigorously after planting.

Without a transplant, the plant will not bloom luxuriantly and profusely. You need to update the landing site every 4-5 years.

Types of incarvillea with photos and names

Incarvillea grandiflora Incarvillea grandiflora

The plant is about 30 cm high. The flowers are large, the buds are painted pink with a yellow core. The species is frost-resistant, able to endure severe cold even without shelter.

Incarvillea Delavayi Incarvillea delavayi photo

Reaches a height of up to 60 cm. The leaves are pinnate. The color of flowers varies from light pink to dark pink. For the winter it is necessary to make a shelter.

Incarvillea dense Incarvillea compacta

The height of the stem reaches 30 cm. Leaves with whole lobes. Flowers are purple in color.

Incarvillea Maira Incarvillea mairei

Plant up to 30 cm high. The buds are large, pink. The leaves are slightly dissected. With shelter, it will survive even the harshest winters.

Incarvillea olgae Incarvillea olgae

Reaches a height of 1.5 m. The shoots are densely branched, bare to the top. The leaves are openwork, arranged oppositely. Flowers up to 2 cm in diameter are collected in paniculate inflorescences. The length of the loose panicle is 25 cm.

In general, for all types of incarvillea, flowering begins in June and lasts almost all summer. In some cases, re-blooming in the fall is possible. Flowers exude a pleasant aroma.

Incarvillea in landscape design and floristry

Incarvillea is able to grow on rocky soil - it will look great in rockeries, rock gardens and flower beds covered with stone chips.

  • Decorate places with light, over-drained soil - slopes, supporting walls, terraced areas.
  • Plant solo, combine different kinds to play with a variety of shades.
  • Plant violets, iberis in the neighborhood.
  • In live bouquets, cut flowers delight only 1-2 days.

Video about growing and caring for incarvillea:

The perennial plant Incarvillea is a member of the Bignoniaceae family. It is a tap-rooted cold-resistant perennial with funnel-shaped flowers, bright and picturesque. It is rarely used in flower and decorative design of gardens and parks.

Growing incarvillea is difficult because in temperate climates, its seeds do not ripen well. The division of the bush is complicated due to the fragile, thick roots located at a considerable depth.

In borders, mixborders, it looks impressive due to its large - up to 6 cm in diameter, purple-purple tubular flowers that make up heap inflorescences. Due to the fact that the bush grows slowly, incarvillea is used to decorate garden paths.

Varieties of garden gloxinia

The natural range of the genus Incarvillea is the countries of Central Asia, South China, the Himalayas, Tien Shan.

pink incarvillea

Bush height up to 40 cm. Deep pink flowers form a racemose inflorescence up to 30 cm long.

pink incarvillea

incarvillea myra

I. mairei, I. Grandiflora - red-violet flowers with a yellow throat covered with white strokes. It has only a basal rosette of long-leaved leaves.

incarvillea myra

Incarvillea Delaway

I. delavayi - tall perennial shrub up to 1.2 m tall. Loose inflorescences-brushes are formed from 3-4 lilac-red flowers with a yellow throat. Flowering begins in the second half of June and lasts 30-35 days. There are varieties with white, purple-purple flowers.

Incarvillea Delaway

Gallery: garden gloxinia (25 photos)

Incarvillea dense

I. compacta is a short perennial about 30 cm tall, with smooth, slightly pubescent stems, with flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. A medium-sized variety - up to 80 cm high. A small number of pinnately lobed leaves of saturated green color are collected in a rosette.

Flowers bloom one after another. The fruit is a capsule with gray seeds that ripens in August. The flowers are mostly purple-violet, but there are varieties with corollas of salmon, light pink and white flowers. Blooms from May to June 20-30 days.

Incarvillea dense

Incarvillea Olga

I. olgae Regel - a tall bush grows up to 2 m. The inflorescence-panicle up to 40 cm long consists of flowers up to 2 cm in diameter of crimson color. The leaves are pinnately dissected. Flowering in early July lasting 6-7 weeks. Frost-resistant. Well transfers division of a bush.

Incarvillea Olga

Incarvillea sinensis

I. sinensis - has long been cultivated in Asia. Low-growing bush up to 30 cm high with creamy yellow flowers. Flowering begins 2.5 months after sowing the seeds. Long flowering due to the continuous formation of new shoots.

Incarvillea sinensis

incarvillea white swan

Bush up to 50 cm high with finely pinnate leaves collected in a basal rosette. Small-flowered brushes consist of cream-colored flowers with a diameter of 5 cm.

Varieties of incarvillea (video)

Planting incarvillea in open ground

Incarvellia is bred by seeds and vegetatively - by dividing the bush and rhizome, stem and leaf cuttings.

Selecting and preparing a seat

Incarvellia can be attributed to semi-shade plants - mainly in the sun and with light shading. On the north side of the plot, flowering is late. The location is open, sheltered from drafts. Flowering time can be pushed back by long spring frosts.

Prefers loose, nutritious soil with a neutral acid-base reaction (pH 5.5-6.3). Does not tolerate waterlogging - if necessary, equip drainage.

Incarvellia can be attributed to semi-shade plants - mainly in the sun and with light shading

Terms, scheme and landing technology

Seeds of garden gloxinia can be planted in open ground from April to June. In this case you can grow incarvellia with increased winter hardiness. Flowering occurs in the second or third year. Seeds are sown in moist, leveled and processed to a finely cloddy state, the soil.

Incarvillea successfully reproduces in summer with developed leaves:

  • pinnate leaves from the basal rosette are carefully removed from the mother plant, trying to preserve the base of the petiole;
  • immediately placed in a cutting ridge;
  • at the bottom of the base of the petiole, after 15–20 days, a callus is formed and threads of white roots are formed;
  • a year later, spindle-shaped roots are formed, a basal rosette of 3–4 leaves and 1–2 flowers.

Seeds of garden gloxinia can be planted in open ground from April to June

Planting rhizomes in early spring:

  • dig up the ground a week before planting, adding coarse sand to the heavy soil;
  • you can not add manure;
  • before planting, put bone meal into the ground - 1 handful per 1 m²;
  • dig a hole equal to the height of the rhizome;
  • the bottom of the hole is made even, and the walls are as vertical as possible;
  • covered with earth, slightly compacted and marked with a peg.

The plant can be grown in containers, while providing good drainage.

When landing on permanent place low-growing plants are planted per 1 m² from 15 to 30 pieces, medium-sized - from 6 to 10, tall - up to 4 pieces. If roots cut into pieces are planted, they are sprinkled with earth by 4–5 cm. By dividing the bush, the flower is propagated in early spring or in late August, early September. For rooting stem and leaf cuttings, a mixture of peat and sand is used in equal amounts.

How to plant incarvillea seeds (video)

Growing incarvillea from seeds and care immediately after planting

Obtained from seeds planting material more than at vegetative propagation. Seeds of Incarvillea, blooming in spring, have a phase of deep dormancy in their development cycle. To awaken the seeds to life, stratification is used - freezing and alternate exposure to heat and cold.

Stratification of incarvillea seeds at home is carried out as follows:

  • a bag of seeds is placed in freezer for 2–4 weeks;
  • after freezing, they are sown in trays with moist soil, covered with a film and kept in a cool place at t 2-6º C;
  • after 1–2 weeks, the trays are transferred to heat - t 20-23º C.

Seedlings are provided with ventilation, a decrease in t to 16º C and daylight hours of at least 12 hours. The film is opened.

More planting material is obtained from seeds than with vegetative propagation.

Ready flower soil from the store before sowing is shed with a weak hot solution of potassium permanganate or heated in a water bath. Soil prepared from garden soil, it is necessary to freeze several times during the winter, followed by thawing, steam for 1 hour in a water bath and shed with a hot dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

The substrate for growing seedlings should contain:

  • 20% sifted peat;
  • 20% fine sand;
  • 10% garden land.

For 10 liters of substrate, 15 g of wood ash is added to soften the acidity and 5 g of superphosphate. Disinfect dishes - stand for 15 minutes in a 2% bleach solution and rinse with laundry soap. Preparations "Zircon" and "Epin" stimulate the germination of seeds.


  • moisten the soil well, so that when diving on the roots, as much native land as possible sticks;
  • in overgrown roots, pinch off half for better branching;
  • dive at the phase of 1–3 true leaves;
  • planted at a distance of 3 cm, at the same depth, sprayed with warm water, covered with paper and left in a dark place for 2-3 days.

Dive incarvellia in the phase of 1-3 true leaves

Seedlings should be grown in a well-ventilated warm room to avoid the formation of gray rot. They are planted in the garden after the formation of several true leaves in May-June and grow for 2 years, after which they are sent to a permanent place.

Incarvillea grows in one place for 3-5 years. Roots dug out in autumn or purchased in winter in a store are stored until planting in a cool place in wet sand. Two weeks before planting in the ground, they are taken out for heating. A large rhizome is divided into parts. The remaining small pieces can be planted in pots, and when the spring frosts recede, they can be planted with a clod of earth in garden soil. Stem and leaf cuttings are harvested in June-July.

During the period of building up the vegetative mass, they are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. Lush bloom provide top dressing with phosphorus-containing fertilizers. profusely blooming garden gloxinia do not tolerate winter well. Water moderately- the plant does not tolerate waterlogging. With excessive watering, the leaves may turn brown and crumble.

Incarvillea grows in one place for 3-5 years

For the winter, shelter is needed - peat, dry leaves, wood shavings are suitable. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the mulch is removed. If you are late with the cleaning of the coating, the roots may rot. The roots are also dug up in autumn and stored at t 5º C in sawdust, peat or sand in a dark place.

The collection and storage of seeds is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • before extracting the seeds, the boxes are dried in the sun with good ventilation;