How to cut basalt insulation lengthwise. How and how to insulate a mansard roof from the inside, photo examples

Mineral wool is one of the most common insulation materials. And if you decide to independently insulate the walls of your house with this material, it is very important to know how and how to cut mineral wool. The difficulty is that wool has a fibrous structure, and if it is violated, all the thermal insulation properties of the material will be reduced, which is highly undesirable.

How to cut mineral wool

If we talk about industrial scale, then special machine tools are used to cut this material. But at home as cutting tool can be used:

  • mounting knife;
  • hacksaw for wood or metal;
  • kitchen serrated knife for cutting bread;
  • special tools: a knife with a stainless or carbon steel blade. The last view is used for cutting mineral wool different types, differs in sharpness and good cutting.

Of course, in the process of cutting, you will also need such an additional tool as: a pencil, a ruler, with which you will make markings.

Prohibited use:

  • table or clerical knife;
  • scissors.

How to cut mineral wool

However, before you start cutting mineral wool, you must create the right conditions. As we have already said, this insulation has a fibrous structure. In the process of cutting, various small particles of these fibers fall into the air and onto the hands, and in order to prevent this, it is worth:

  • ensure good ventilation in the room where the process itself will take place;
  • use protective clothing and protective equipment. This may be a work overalls, be sure to goggles, gloves, and, if necessary, a respirator and mask;
  • After finishing work, it is important to thoroughly rinse your hands and face with water.

These measures are so important, since there is a danger of injuring yourself, infecting your eyes, and developing an allergy.

Regarding the rules for cutting mineral wool, it is important to cut the insulation across the fibers. And to mineralize the amount of dust in the air during the cutting process, it is worth using tools with a well-sharpened, sharp working edge.

If, for example, you purchased insulation in rolls, then for convenience it is better to immediately cut it right in the roll, and therefore do not rush to unfold it. But the plates are cut each separately.

At the same time, no matter how carefully you cut, no matter how accurately you take measurements, be prepared for the fact that you will have trimmings that can be used for rough work. For example, insulation of the walls of a garage or a barn. Some people even buy low priced rock wool scraps like a budget option insulation: quality, properties are the same, only cheaper.

Thus, you should not throw away scraps of cotton wool from a roll or slab, as they will definitely come in handy on the farm.

Sooner or later, each of us is faced with the need for construction or repair, one of the pressing issues of which is thermal insulation. Its relevance is due to the exponentially growing costs of electricity and heating and the associated thoughts about saving energy resources, as well as excessive concern about issues environmental safety used building materials due to an increase in the incidence of cancer. Despite the fact that the construction market offers the consumer big variety heaters, characterized by certain advantages, considering the characteristics of materials from this variety in the process of choosing a heater, they often prefer basalt wool, the features of which will be discussed in this article.

Internal or external insulation: what to prefer?

As already mentioned, sooner or later the question of saving energy resources becomes acute. How to save money on heating a house or apartment? In civilized countries, the answer to this question has long been found, the solution of which lies in the implementation of insulation of houses, cottages, apartments and other buildings. In addition, the feasibility this method insulation is fully proven, as evidenced by the widespread consumption of this building material, which is in third place among building materials in the process of cost analysis for the construction of buildings.

Important! We can talk about the expediency of warming in two cases: if you have purchased new house which needs to be improved to ensure comfortable accommodation or designing a new home from scratch.

Talking about expediency various kinds insulation, it should be noted that the opinions of experts in this case differ. Some stubbornly confirm the feasibility of internal insulation, while others, on the contrary, believe that the structure, first of all, should be subjected to external insulation, since the internal is a rather complex process, the question of the expediency of which is decided in each specific case.

Important! Newcomers to the field of insulation often rely on the opinion of "experts" or advice in the relevant forums and prefer internal insulation, which subsequently causes condensation and mold to appear on the walls of the house. The reason for this is the use of wool or dense foam, which, when mounted on internal walls, prevents the walls from drying out, which remain always wet.

Disadvantages of internal insulation:

  • The strength and low thermal conductivity of the insulation, combined with high noise insulation characteristics, which cannot be compensated even due to the high cost of the material;
  • The presence of seams at the joints of the insulation reduces performance characteristics material, making it insufficiently sealed;
  • In the process of working with this heat-insulating material, small pieces break off from it, which contribute to raising a column of the smallest basalt dust and necessitating the use of respirators or covering the surface of the insulation with a layer of a waterproofing membrane;
  • The high vapor permeability of the material contributes to the inappropriate use of insulation in certain cases, such as foundation insulation or ground floor when basalt wool can be replaced with polystyrene foam.

Basalt wool photo

Scope of basalt wool: basic provisions

The use of basalt insulation is relevant in the process of construction and subsequent insulation of almost any building structures. It can be used to insulate both roofs of any shape, as well as walls, partitions and ceilings. In addition, the use basalt wool may be relevant where the feasibility of using another heater is minimal. To verify this, consider the main areas of use of basalt wool:

  • Insulation of rooms characterized by high humidity (for example, baths or saunas);
  • Use during installation hinged facades ventilated type, as well as "wet" facades;
  • Application as a heater of walls built of sandwich panels and made according to the principle of "layered masonry";
  • Insulation of ship cabins and other ship structures;
  • Use for insulation of pipelines, the surface temperature of which varies from -120 to +1000 degrees;
  • Basalt wool as a fireproof insulation prevents fire ventilation pipes and other building structures.

Important! The use of rigid mats made of basalt wool is especially important where the impact of both mounting and operating loads exceeding the allowable values. If you intend to insulate a ventilated facade, experts recommend using basalt wool, consisting of two layers, each of which is characterized by a different density. In this case, a layer with a looser structure is located on the inside of the heat-insulating layer and is in contact with the wall surface, and the second one, characterized by a denser texture, should be located outside, on the ventilation side.

Operational and technical characteristics of basalt wool

For the manufacture of basalt wool, basalt and some related mineral rocks of the basalt group and close to it are used. To ensure greater fluidity of thin basalt fibers, the manufacturer includes in the melt from 10 to 35% limestone or charge, which helps to transform the structure of the fiber and reduce its susceptibility to the influence of aggressive environmental factors, including high temperatures. Due to the inclusion of third-party components in the composition of such a fiber, it is incorrect to call it basalt, and it is called "basalt mineral wool". Such a fiber is called basalt superfine fiber (BSTV). It is thinner and shorter (thickness 1-3 microns, length 50 mm).

Technical characteristics of mineral basalt wool:

  • The heat-insulating material, which is based on the use of BDST, is characterized by resistance to vibration. During the production of basalt wool, it undergoes vibrothermal treatment at a temperature of 900 degrees, after which the loss in its mass remains minimal and does not exceed 0.35%, which is primarily due to long-fiber. In this regard, experts came to the conclusion that the quality and performance characteristics of basalt wool directly depend on the length of its fibers. An equally important parameter is the degree and nature of crystallization, which contributes to the preservation optimal level elasticity and strength properties.
  • Basalt wool based on basalt thin fibers (BTV) is characterized by lower vibration resistance. In the process of vibration for 3 hours at a temperature of 600 degrees, the mass loss from the initial state is at least 2%, however, when the temperature reaches 900 degrees, the mass loss increases to 12%. In this regard, the conclusion suggests itself that wool based on short fibers is less vibration resistant.
  • Having studied the technical characteristics of basalt wool, one cannot fail to note the absolute incombustibility of the material. Under the influence of high temperatures, there is no destruction of the basalt wool fibers, which remain bound and demonstrate high strength.
  • Thermal conductivity and hydrophobization of basalt wool. Due to the fact that basalt wool fibers do not retain moisture, it always remains dry and retains its thermal insulation characteristics. Hydrophobization is a natural obstacle to the accumulation of moisture, and therefore, there is no increase total weight designs. This, in turn, prevents the occurrence of mechanical damage.

Important! Despite hydrophobization, features chemical composition basalt wool determine its slight hygroscopicity, the presence of which guarantees the stability of the thermophysical characteristics of the material, even despite the duration of its use.

Benefits of basalt wool

According to experts, basalt wool has many advantages over other thermal insulation materials. Let's see what they are.

  • One-component basalt wool- one of its main advantages, which implies the use in the process of its production of only one breed - basalt. However modern technologies production involves the inclusion of a mixture or limestone in its composition, which contribute to an increase in the fluidity of the fibers. Despite this, experts admit that these features of its production may adversely affect the sustainability thermal insulation material to high temperatures. It is important to know that basalt wool is a qualitatively new material, the production features of which allow it to be used as the main heat insulator for residential and office buildings, as well as pipelines and refrigeration units;

  • High heat and sound insulation qualities, due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, which contributes to a significant reduction in financial costs for space heating. The soundproofing of the material is due to its fibrous structure, which reduces the propagation speed and subsequently dampens sound and vibration waves, converting them into thermal energy;
  • As for the high thermal insulation characteristics, they are achieved due to the air that is located between the fibers and is characterized by a low thermal conductivity;
  • An equally significant advantage of basalt wool is its long operating life, which, according to experts, is from 30 to 40 years, but in practice it shows even higher rates;

  • Resistance to chemically aggressive substances(organic oils, acids, alkalis and solvents);
  • Material water resistance, which is achieved due to the inclusion of specialized hydrophobic additives in its composition. The low moisture content in the structure of the material, in turn, contributes to an increase in the thermal insulation characteristics of the material;

  • Resistance to damage by mold and fungal microorganisms- one of important qualities important for the insulation of residential premises;
  • High density stone wool slabs allows them to withstand increased mechanical loads, and also makes it possible to decorate the material with protective compounds;
  • Weather resistance, implying the preservation of the original performance characteristics under the influence of temperature and humidity changes;
  • Short specific gravity , due to the fibrous structure of the material;
  • Convenience masonry, achieved by square slabs large sizes covering large areas at once.

Disadvantages of basalt wool and ways to level them

Despite all the above advantages, basalt wool is characterized by certain disadvantages, which under certain conditions can be minimized. Let's see what they are.

  • The structural features of the material contribute to excessive absorption of moisture, which helps to reduce the thermal insulation characteristics of the material. How to deal with this shortcoming? Experts believe that the most optimal solution This issue is foiling or lining an additional vapor barrier layer during installation. However, the latter option is less preferred, since the adhesive used for this reduces the fire resistance of the material. Another way out, during the implementation of which the operational characteristics of the material do not decrease, is the purchase of pierced basalt mats;
  • In the process of choosing a variety of basalt wool, it is necessary to focus on the conditions in which its operation will be carried out. If you plan to insulate the house with basalt wool, which is located in conditions of high humidity, experts recommend giving preference to aluminum-coated basalt wool. If at the same time it is necessary to ensure the resistance of the coating to elevated temperatures, then the foil used for this should not be glued to the base, but stitched with galvanized wire. The hydrophobicity indices are also significantly higher for products made with foamed rubber.

Given the above, we can conclude that, despite the presence of certain shortcomings in this material, they can be easily eliminated under certain conditions.

Basalt wool: the choice of the manufacturer depending on the operating conditions of the structure

  • TechnoNIKOL- one of the largest Russian corporations engaged in the production and supply of heat and hydro insulating materials. For the first time, TechnoNIKOL products appeared on Russian market in 1992 and already today there are at least 40 production sites throughout Russia, countries former USSR, as well as some EU countries;

  • rockwool- a company headquartered in Denmark, and 23 production sites - in 15 countries. The main direction of the corporation is the presentation of its products not only as heat-insulating materials. But also an integrated system that is a reliable solution even in the most difficult questions thermal insulation;
  • Isover- one of the famous French brands engaged in the production of stone wool and fiberglass insulation materials. As for Russia, it is one of the largest platforms for the sale of the company's goods, where the development of this trademark carried out in two directions - technical isolation and private construction.
  • Unconditional leadership in the Russian market of basalt wool belongs to TechnoNIKOL and Rockwool. The German-Austrian corporation Izorok does not plan to yield to them either, for the production of which fiber is used. top quality. In this connection, it is characterized by low thermal conductivity.
  • The Kharkov company "Termolife" also works with fiber of similar quality, the products of which are in no way inferior to other well-known brands.

Important! It should be noted that the production of basalt wool is carried out in accordance with GOST and specifications, developed by each individual enterprise for the production of its unique products. Moreover, in this case, the generally accepted rule for food products does not work, according to which the highest quality products are produced in accordance with GOST. In the case of thermal insulation materials, the situation is different, since modern plates of one brand or another are produced in accordance with the rules developed by the manufacturer, and are latest development companies.

  • For insulation of unloaded structures, such as attics, attics, partitions and internal walls, it is recommended to use plates of the above brands: Technolight, Isolight, Isolight Lux, Thermolife Light and others;
  • Quite popular products manufactured by TechnoNICOL Corporation are Rocklight boards and TechnoRoll rolls. They are characterized by a density of 30 kg/m3 and are mainly used for unloaded horizontal structures.

Important! When choosing a material with certain performance characteristics, general rule: for horizontal non-load-bearing structures, stone wool with any density can be used, while for vertical non-load-bearing structures, it is recommended to use a material with a density of at least 35 kg/m3.

  • If you choose a material for arranging the middle heat-insulating layer of layered masonry, it is recommended to use a material whose name uses the words "kaviti" and "block": "Technoblock Standard", "Thermolife Kaviti". In this case, the density of the material must be at least 45 kg/m3.
  • For insulation of hinged ventilated facades, it is recommended to use Technofas, Thermolife Facade, Isofas insulation.

The technology for installing basalt wool is quite simple, and therefore, insulating a house using this material most likely will not cause difficulties. When insulating a house, it is recommended to use basalt wool in the form of rectangular or wedge-shaped slabs, since they are most easily joined together during installation.

Before insulating with basalt wool, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Basalt wool in the form of plates;
  • Wooden slats;
  • glassine;
  • Knife and construction nails;
  • Mounting foam;
  • Hammer and grinding grater.

Before starting work, remove all cracks and defects from the surface with polyurethane foam, which can be replaced with tow or felt.

Next, the installation of a vapor barrier layer is carried out, enclosing the insulation from negative impact moisture that can condense on inner surface roofs. To maintain the performance characteristics of the material, it is necessary to organize effective ventilation. If you are insulating the roof from the inside, in order to prevent the accumulation of moisture in the thermal insulation material, between the wool and roofing material organize a vapor barrier layer, which is a special film that creates a gap between the roof and the insulation and prevents the accumulation of moisture. As a vapor barrier layer, it is recommended to use foil, polyethylene film or glassine, which is attached using a construction stapler or double-sided tape, which creates additional tightness during the installation of thermal insulation.

Important! The laying of the waterproofing layer is carried out directly under the roof. waterproofing material performs the function of a kind of barrier that prevents the penetration of moisture not only to the heat insulator, but also to the wooden structural elements. As a waterproofing, a polyethylene film is used, the strips of which are overlapped. In this case, the lower strips are first fixed, and then the upper ones are laid so that they overlap the lower ones.

If the thickness of the thermal insulation material is 50 mm, it is attached to the rafters using a construction stapler. At the same time, under the slabs of basalt wool, a crate of wooden slats. If the thickness of the heat-insulating material is 100 mm, it is placed in a spacer between the rafters. In this case, screws, glue and mastic are used.

We warm the house with basalt wool: a step-by-step guide

Warming frame house begins with the installation of a cornice made of metal. It is attached to the wall with dowels in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base. The cornice is designed to facilitate the installation of insulation and protect the material from the negative effects of rodents;

Further fix thermal insulation boards using a polymer cement adhesive that provides secure fastening slabs to the wall base. The glue is distributed evenly over the surface of the plate, after which it is pressed against the wall structure. The insulation is mounted in the direction from the bottom up and from right to left. First of all, whole slabs are fixed, and after covering large areas with thermal insulation, the insulation is mounted on small areas for which the slabs need to be cut;

In conclusion, the surface is leveled with a grinding trowel, which is necessary in order to subsequently carry out an effective installation of a ventilated facade.

Installation of basalt wool video

Through the roof of the house comes the most big loss heat of houses and buildings. This is not noticeable to the lower floors of buildings, but more heat is needed to heat the upper floors.

To insulate the roof, you need to choose best option material. It must be not only airtight, but also fire resistant and non-toxic.

Taking into account such requirements, mineral wool will be the best option.

There are varieties of mineral wool: glass and basalt. The latter is made from rock- gabbro-basalt. During manufacture, carbonates are added to it, which allows you to regulate its acidity.

Basalt wool

Such a factor as - acidity, has for mineral wool great value. The more acidic vata is, the less sensitive it is to water.

The type of cotton wool, in which the acidity is greater, is considered more durable. Synthetic, bituminous or composite clays are added to give shape. Glass wool does not require special explanation, its name speaks for itself.

This mineral composition, for the manufacture of which the same components are used as for glass (it can be broken glass).

The two types of wat differ in their properties. Glass wool is usually 15 microns thicker (from 3 microns), but basalt wool is several times longer.

The conclusion suggests itself: glass wool is a more durable material that can withstand more aggressive environmental factors than basalt. Also, glass wool does not burn.

Roof insulation with mineral wool is difficult when working on roof slopes with a truss structure. In such cases, it is better to use dense cotton wool. To prevent moisture from accumulating under the roof, you need to use cellulose wool.

Advantages and features of mineral wool

Mineral wool has the following advantages:

  • a wide range of products. Mineral wool is produced in the form of plates, rolls or mats. Due to this, it is possible to choose the option that is best suited for thermal insulation of a certain section of the building. Also, the types of mineral wool differ in density: the material in the form of plates has high density, and the roll insulation is lighter;
  • has high thermal insulation characteristics. Mineral wool has a porous structure. This material consists of small layers. Due to this, it retains heat well, and also provides excellent sound insulation;
  • fire safety of the material. Mineral wool does not burn and does not spread fire. For this reason, it is often used for thermal insulation. floors. Mineral wool manufacturers claim that this material can withstand temperatures in excess of 900 degrees Celsius;
  • mineral wool is not deformed and this is a very important advantage. This material does not shrink, therefore, there is no formation of "cold bridges" that cause heat loss;
  • frost resistance. This property allows the use of mineral wool for thermal insulation of external building elements;
  • mineral wool is an environmentally friendly material. It is used for thermal insulation of sanatorium and medical institutions, as well as children's rooms.

This heater is produced in various forms- plates, cylinders, mats; you can buy cotton wool covered with foil.

Mineral wool has features that cannot be called positive. These include:

  • low strength. This is due to the high porosity of mineral wool;
  • to ensure a high level of thermal insulation, this material should be used in conjunction with waterproofing film and a vapor barrier membrane;
  • when using mineral wool with fiberglass, it becomes unsafe because formaldehydes are added to it;
  • high hygroscopicity (therefore, high waterproofing is done).

To attach such a heater to inside planks are nailed to the rafters (a lattice is made of them), to which cotton wool will be attached. WITH outer side stack cotton wool in one layer (layers depend on the thickness of the cotton wool).

After laying the insulation, waterproofing is applied. The important thing in this step is not to confuse the sides of the insulation. The top layer does not allow moisture to pass through, and the bottom layer is an obstacle to steam.

The waterproofing is not stretched, there is air space between it and the wool. There should be air space in front of the skate, which will create additional traction.

Warming method

To start insulating the roof with mineral wool, you need to cut (if necessary) it so that it fits in size to the distance between the rafters.

If cotton wool is used, for example 10 cm, and the thickness of the thermal insulation is more than 10 cm, then another layer of wool is laid already perpendicular to the rafters. There are two ways to strengthen the roof of non-residential premises.

The first is to insulate the ceiling, and the second to strengthen the roof slopes. The first case does not require any special preparation or special costs.

No need to bypass the rafters, as in the second case. Strengthen roof slopes non-residential premises, thus, is cumbersome. Required a large number of cotton wool, which must be strengthened by bypassing the rafters.

Mineral wool grades

Mineral wool is produced in the form of mats and slabs. It is used for thermal insulation of the ceiling, partitions, roofs, partitions, as well as internal walls. When working with this material, as a rule, there are no special problems. Mineral wool can be laid not only on a flat, but also on a non-standard surface.

Mineral wool brand p-75

There are the following brands of mineral wool, which differ from each other in their density:

  1. P-75. The mineral wool of this brand has a density of 75 kg / m3. It is usually used for thermal insulation horizontal surfaces, which are not subjected to serious loads (some types of roofs, attic space). Also, cotton wool of this brand is used for warming oil and gas pipes, as well as pipes of heating plants. Mineral wool of lower density is also produced, but it is used in cases where there is almost no load.
  2. P-125. This material has a density of 125 kg/m3. It is used for thermal insulation of partitions, ceilings, floors and interior walls of the room. The mineral wool of this brand creates good sound insulation. Therefore, when using it, you can not only insulate the building, but also create good sound insulation.
  3. PZh-175. This dense material with increased rigidity. It is used for insulation of ceilings and walls made of profiled metal or reinforced concrete.
  4. PPZH-200. Mineral wool of this brand has increased rigidity. It is used in the same cases as PZh-175. The difference between PZH-200 and the previous brand is that it is fireproof.

How to cut mineral wool?

It is advisable to cut stone wool insulation special knife with a serrated blade or a hacksaw for metal. The tool used for this purpose must be well sharpened.

This is necessary so that the torn out fibers of the insulation are as small as possible. Many manufacturers of thermal insulation materials offer customers special cutting tools. These are knives, the length of which is approximately 300 millimeters, as well as saws with straight teeth.

If there are no special tools, then you can use a kitchen bread knife with a wavy edge and fine teeth. For cutting mats with a thickness of 50 millimeters and soft plates, you can use a conventional mounting knife.

It is important to note that the heat-insulating material must cover the insulated space very tightly. Therefore, it is necessary to leave allowances before cutting.

Thermal insulation of the floor

Interfloor and attic floors are made from bearing beams or reinforced concrete. In the first case, the heat insulator is placed in the space between the floor beams, and in the second case, on the surface of the slabs.

Attic floor insulation

First of all, you need to install a vapor barrier. It will protect the thermal insulation from moisture and steam. Before styling vapor barrier film you need to read the instructions for its use. If the vapor barrier is laid incorrectly, then it will not fulfill its tasks.

Flat roofs are usually insulated with rigid mineral wool boards with a density of more than 150 kg/m3. A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of it. It is necessary to lay the plates very tightly to each other. In this case, the seams should not be located on the same line. Optimal Thickness layer of mineral wool is 25 centimeters.

You can also insulate interfloor and attic floors with sawdust. They are used together with sand, clay, lime and cement. The composition provides good thermal insulation.

Expanded clay is also often used to insulate the attic. This material contains a large number of pores, due to which the function of thermal insulation is provided.

When using these materials, financial costs will be less, and the quality of thermal insulation is no worse than in the case of mineral wool insulation. When choosing a heater, one should take into account the height and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, the materials from which it is built and other parameters.

Video about the thermal insulation of the attic floor:

Pitched roof insulation

To insulate the roof with mineral wool, it is necessary to install steam, hydro and thermal insulation. The pitched part of such a roof is a multilayer cake. It is mounted both inside and outside the roof.

To create high-quality thermal insulation of the roof, you must perform the following steps:

  • perform the installation of a vapor barrier layer. It will protect the thermal insulation from air saturated with moisture;
  • use mineral wool as a heat-insulating material;
  • ventilation must be provided. It is created by mounting a counter-lattice;

Laying a waterproofing membrane

  1. When insulating the roof of a building with mineral wool, it is necessary to ensure that it does not block the ventilation hole.
  2. If during installation work If a superdiffusion membrane is used, then the heat insulator should be laid tightly on it. This is necessary so as not to block the ventilation gap.
  3. If a conventional roofing film is used, then two gaps must be made: top and bottom.
  4. When laying mineral wool boards in rows, make sure that the joints do not coincide with each other.
  5. In order for the insulation to fit snugly against the surfaces of the rafter legs, it is necessary to choose mineral wool of such a size that its width is slightly greater than the distance between the rafters.
  6. Mineral wool slabs should fit very tightly to each other.
  7. When insulating the roof with mineral wool, it is necessary to install a waterproofing layer. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the connection of the waterproofing film.

Mounting errors

Before installing mineral wool, you must perform the following steps:

  • check the truss structure. If rotten elements are present, they must be replaced;
  • treat the roof with antiseptics;
  • check communication systems: water supply and electricity;
  • pitched roofs are best insulated with material in the form of slabs or rolls, since they fit well on the crate.

There must be a ventilation space between the mineral wool layer and the roofing material. When warming pitched roof in a private house, not only thermal insulation is provided, but also sound insulation.

Inexperienced professionals often make the following mistakes:

  • do not use a heat insulator whose width is less than the distance between rafter legs. In this case, heat loss will occur through the cracks;
  • if you do not install hydro and vapor barrier, then the thermal insulation system will not work properly, moreover, its service life will be significantly reduced.

Video on how to insulate the roof from the inside with your own hands:

Basalt insulation is one of the subspecies of mineral wool, it is also called stone wool.

The advantage of this material is that it:

  1. environmentally friendly (made from natural raw materials);
  2. easy to use (cutting and installation);
  3. service life of about 50 years;
  4. low thermal conductivity (due to the air gap);
  5. almost does not absorb moisture (absorption no more than 5%);
  6. skips steam;
  7. does not support combustion;
  8. high sound insulation;
  9. does not irritate the skin upon contact;
  10. sound absorbing material.

The disadvantages include:

  1. high price of the material;
  2. in the process of cutting and installation, dust is poured out of basalt wool (from which you can protect yourself with a respirator);
  3. not tightness of the seams obtained during installation;
  4. not suitable for insulation of the basement and basement.

There is a variety not only in the thickness of the material, but also in the scope:

  • soft (for ventilated insulation);
  • medium hardness;
  • rigid (mounted before plaster, screed);
  • cylindrical (for pipeline insulation);
  • foil (universal).

Basalt wool is used both for insulation of facades, roofs, floors, and for soundproofing rooms.

Before installing basalt wool, it must be taken into account that temperature regime must not be lower than +20 and not higher than +25, the surface must be dry. When installing indoors, it is necessary to first clean all the walls from dirt and dust, and pre-prime.

If the installation takes place outside the premises, it is necessary to remove all protruding and sharp elements, remove the plaster (if any) and prime. External insulation can be of two types, when basalt wool is glued directly to the wall with glue, then it is covered with a reinforcing mesh and plaster is applied on top.

The next method of insulation is called ventilated, this method is more complicated and it is very important to do everything right. The point is that between the wool and the wall covering, it is necessary to leave a small distance for ventilation of the insulation, and so that condensate does not accumulate on it.

In the process of floor insulation, no need to use glue or dowels, first lay out stone wool and then lay the floor.

Production of basalt insulation

For the manufacture of this type of wool, rock basalt is taken (only real without the addition of substitutes and chemically containing substances), it is possible to add rocks similar in appearance, crush it and send it to melt in a furnace at 1500 degrees and above. When everything is completely melted, thin threads are pulled out of the resulting mass (by blowing, centrifugal-roller, centrifugal-blasting and other modified methods).

In order for all the threads to tightly and reliably adhere and keep the required shape, a binder from formaldehyde resins is injected into the resulting carpet of threads by spraying. After they are placed in a thermal chamber for polymerization, at this moment a kind of basalt wool is formed (in terms of thickness and density), then it is sent for pressing and cutting into rolls, mats and squares.

The construction of any house involves minimizing heat loss. This problem is solved with the help of various types of heaters, among which mineral wool is considered the most popular.

It is distinguished by reliability and long service life, as it perfectly resists fire and decay. Familiarize yourself with the main technical specifications mineral wool can be found at

Insulation classification

Mineral wool is a product that has a fibrous structure. This allows you to achieve high-quality indicators of heat and sound insulation.

There are several types of such insulation:

  • Glass mineral wool. A product is made from thin threads of molten glass.
  • Stone mineral wool. The main component of this substance are melts of various rocks.
  • Slag mineral wool - obtained from blast-furnace slag.

All types of this insulation emit small particles of fibers and phenol-formaldehyde resins into the air. It can be the cause of various diseases. To minimize the impact of these substances, when laying it is isolated with the help of special films.

Cutting tools

The processing of mineral wool is not very complicated, which allows you to do all the work yourself. You can cut the insulation with several tools:

  1. Stationery knife. Suitable only for thin sheets of material.
  2. Hacksaw for metal. With its help, it is possible to process cotton wool with a thickness of more than 50 mm.
  3. Special knives. Outwardly, they are in many ways reminiscent of saws with fine teeth. But at the same time they are not bred to the side and are located in one line.
  4. Bread knife. In the absence of any other tool, this product also perfectly copes with mineral wool.

It should be noted that all blades must be very sharp. This will minimize the pulling of fibers from the mat structure. Experts recommend cutting before the roll is deployed.

If you need to receive elements complex shape, then it is better to use special cutting machines. They can process cotton wool not only in a straight line, but also in a circle. This is very important, especially in industrial production. If this is a one-time task, then the purchase of such a tool will be impractical and it is better to use improvised material.

Before cutting, it is important to consult with a specialist in order to minimize the costs of the sheets used.