How to properly transplant dracaena into another pot? Basic rules for choosing a pot for dracaena. When to plant a flower in a large pot

The dracaena pot should be the size of the plant: neither large nor small.

Small pot for dracaena

In a pot small size the dracaena will be too crowded; due to lack of space, it will not be able to grow and develop. If the dracaena bark system is highly developed, then it displaces all the soil from the pot, and, accordingly, the plant has nowhere to get nutrients and minerals.

Large pot for dracaena
If the dracaena pot is very large, this can lead to the death of the plant. In a large pot, if watered abundantly, water will stagnate. A large volume of soil will not have time to dry completely between waterings. Excess moisture in the pot and constantly wet soil leads to the fact that the roots of the dracaena do not have enough air, they begin to suffocate and rot. This leads to the plant dying.

How to choose the right pot when planting or transplanting dracaena?

The correct flowerpot for dracaena should match the size of its roots. Its volume should slightly exceed the volume of the plant’s root system. The roots should be free in it, but not very much. Some gardeners recommend choosing a pot 2-3 cm larger than the volume of the roots in height and width. An important condition the correct pot for dracaena when planting is to have a good drainage system. Water should flow out of it without problems to provide a good microclimate for the roots of the plant and prevent stagnation of water in the pot. The material from which the flowerpot is made is not of fundamental importance: it can be either plastic or ceramic.

Which pot should I transplant my dracaena into?

It is necessary to transplant dracaena from one pot to another approximately once every one or two years, and you should not leave the dracaena in the pot in which you bought it in the store: the shipping soil in which the flower is sold absorbs too much moisture and dries very poorly . And constant soil moisture, as mentioned above, can lead to the death of the plant.

Detailed instructions on how to transplant dracaena at home

In order for dracaena to delight with its beauty and decorate the interior of the room for many years, it must be periodically replanted.

Transplanting a plant is not an entirely simple process and there are some subtleties to it. It is very important to replant the plant correctly so as not to injure its root system.

Soil preparation

Dracaena unpretentious and suits any soil. But it is more correct to plant the flower in a substrate that contains peat. It is undesirable to take soil from garden plot. Such soil is saturated with mineral salts and various fertilizers.

The soil can be picked up at a flower shop. As a rule, specially prepared soil already includes the components that dracaena needs at home. This soil contains nutrients for plant development.

Prepared soil for transplanting dracaena

If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, it should contain the following components:

  • Sod land
  • Leaf ground
  • compost soil
  • Peat land
  • Baking powder (river sand is used)
  • How to choose the right pot

    A pot that looks beautiful is not always suitable for a plant. Exist certain rules how to choose a flowerpot:

    1. The capacity of the pot should come from on the size of the root system. If the plant's height is 40 cm, then the diameter of the pot is 15 centimeters.
    2. Next, select a pot whose diameter should increase by 2-3 centimeters. Can't plant small plant in a disproportionately large flowerpot. The flower will spend a lot of energy developing the root system, and the growth of the flower will be very slow.
    3. You can grow dracaena in both ceramic and plastic pots.
    4. For older plants, you need to choose stable pots that resemble the shape of a glass.
    5. Definitely at the bottom of the pot there must be holes, because dracaena does not like it when water stagnates in the ground for a long time. You cannot buy a pot “with a reserve”. The water in such a pot will begin to stagnate, and this can negatively affect the health of the flower.
    6. Clay pot for dracaena

      When to plant a flower in a large pot

      If the plant is already mature, in this case you need to transfer the flower into a larger pot.
      When you notice that the roots of the flower have filled the entire container and displaced the soil from it, it means that an urgent transplant into a large pot is required. If this is not done in a timely manner, its leaves will begin to dry, growth will slow down and the flower may die.

      How not to harm dracaena when replanting

      When transplanting, any indoor plant is injured near the roots. It should be replanted only in cases where it is really necessary. It is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

      1. You need to choose the right one soil composition– it is advisable to buy land intended for palm trees, since dracaena is a palm plant.
      2. Comply with hygiene requirements - all tools that will be used, that is, pruners and scissors must be in clean condition.
      3. Provide the plant good conditions to restore the root system. For this you need water the flower only with soft and settled water.
      4. Transplantation at home: step-by-step instructions

        If the plant is transplanted correctly, it takes root well and begins to grow quickly. In order to perform the transplant correctly, you need to follow the instructions:

      5. Before replanting a flower, you need prepare the ground. The soil should be loose and nutritious. It should contain peat. If the soil is prepared at home, its composition should include: leaf soil, peat chips, humus. Everything is taken in equal proportions. Add some charcoal to this mixture and river sand.
      6. A material is poured into the bottom of the container to serve as drainage: expanded clay or a small nut. Then there will be no stagnation of water in the lower part of the pot, and putrefactive and fungal diseases will not develop.
      7. For small dracaena, purchase a pot with a diameter of 15 centimeters, preferably clay or ceramic. There is no stagnation of water in such pots.
      8. A few days before transplant you need to stop watering completely.
      9. During the transplant process, you need to firmly grasp the dracaena by the stem and very carefully pull it out of the old pot without removing the earthen ball from the roots.
      10. After this, you need to carefully examine all the roots and cut off the empty dark brown branches inside the root system.
      11. The bottom of the pot is filled with drainage, then the pot is filled one third with prepared soil. You can leave a small depression in the center in which you need to carefully place the dracaena and straighten the roots. It is important to make sure that the stem is level and not tilted. Now the roots are sprinkled with the remaining soil so that the plant stays tightly in the ground and does not fall. The roots must be completely covered with soil. The top layer must be loose to allow air to enter.
      12. Now the dracaena needs to be watered. In the first watering after transplantation, you can add a drug that promotes rapid healing and recovery. For example, "Kornevin".
      13. When watering, it is advisable to use pot trays. If you pour water into the pan, the flower will absorb as much liquid as it needs. The remaining water must be drained to prevent the roots from rotting.

        Watering a flower without a tray is dangerous, as root rot may occur.

        How to root a plant

        So that dracaena does not experience discomfort during rooting, It is better to transplant in the spring: March, April. About a month before the transplantation procedure, complex nutrition is introduced to add strength to the plant. During this period, you can use fertilizer, minerals and other useful components.

        After replanting, you need to give the dracaena gentle care and ensure that watering is moderate. The soil should not be dry, but not very wet either.

        Basic care rules

        After transplantation, the plant must adapt to new conditions and get used to the new pot. During this period, it may get sick if you do not give it proper attention. /a

        Key points to pay attention to after transplanting dracaena:

      14. Watering– must be carried out as usual. Water for irrigation should be soft and settled. It is advisable to add healing and strengthening preparations, for example, Zircon, to the water in the first days after transplantation.
      15. Top dressing– necessary to stimulate root growth. Adaptation of dracaena after transplantation occurs within several weeks. To form the root system, it is necessary to feed the dracaena once every two weeks. Fertilizer feeding is necessary in spring, summer and autumn. These are the periods when the flower grows and spends a lot of energy.
      16. After transplanting, the pot is placed in a dark place where direct sunlight does not reach.
      17. Wet air– a necessary condition after transplantation. The room where the flower is located should be ventilated frequently.
      18. Dangerous diseases and pests of dracaena

        In order for dracaena to grow into a beautiful palm tree, it is necessary to care for it promptly and correctly. Inspect regularly once every two weeks. If the disease is detected on early stage, you can cure it in as soon as possible and avoid negative consequences.

        Most often, Dracaena is affected by pests such as mealybugs, spider mite, thrips, aphids, scale insects.

      19. Shchitovka is a red-colored insect with a shell that bites into stems and leaves and sucks out the juice. The leaf turns pale, dries up and falls off. You need to remove the insect using a sponge soaked in a soap solution. After this, the plant is treated with insecticides.
      20. Thrips– settle on leaves in colonies and are usually located with bottom side leaf. They form white spots on the leaf, which turn brown over time. It is necessary to treat the flower with insecticides.
      21. Aphid– affects the leaf and apical shoots, causing the leaves to become discolored and turn yellow. Also treated with insecticides.
      22. Fungal diseases– lead to the appearance of light brown spots that turn black over time. It needs to be treated with fungicides.

      How long the dracaena will live, and how it will look, depends on timely transplantation. If all transplant conditions are correctly met: selection of pot, drainage, soil, watering, fertilizing, then the plant will long years decorate your home.

      Transplanting Dracaena Marginata after purchase

      Should I replant the dracaena after purchase or not? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. The main prerequisite for replanting after purchase should be the well-being of the plant and its appearance.

      There are several reasons to replant dracaena after purchase: the soil used in flower shops usually contains a large amount of peat and is not entirely suitable for growing this flower. Moreover, during the time the plant was in the store, this soil could be depleted. Well, the third reason for replanting: stores do not always comply with the conditions for caring for plants, which can lead to overflowing of the flower and rotting of the roots.

      To transplant dracaena you need:

    7. several newspapers;
    8. a new pot with a drainage hole;
    9. expanded clay or other material for drainage;
    10. palm soil or universal soil;
    11. spatula or trowel;
    12. scissors.
    13. So, let's start transplanting Dracaena Marginata. In order for the bush to come out of the pot easily, it needs to be slightly crushed on the sides. This will cause the soil to move away from the walls and the earthen ball can be easily pulled out of the pot.

      We take the bush out of the pot and remove soil and remaining soil from the roots.

      At the bottom of the new pot into which you are going to transplant the flower, you need to pour a layer of expanded clay or other drainage material (shards, pebbles or small pebbles).

      Then we place the dracaena in a pot and fill the roots with pre-prepared soil.

      The surface of the soil in the pot can be covered decorative material. Only in this case it should be taken into account that this material prevents moisture from leaving the soil.

      And now the flower is in a new pot.

      After transplantation, dracaena experiences stress for another two weeks. At this moment, the formation of the root system occurs, namely the smallest hairs and capillaries damaged during transplantation. To speed up the adaptation process, dracaena is watered with Zircon root growth stimulator no more than 2 times a month. In general, dracaena is fed from March to November once every two weeks. In winter, once a month, the dose is halved. It is better to use universal fertilizer for palm trees and dracaenas.

      Proper transplantation of dracaena at home

      After purchasing dracaena in a store, it needs to be replanted. Plants are transported and sold in special shipping pots that are not designed for long-term flower growth.

      In the article you will learn in detail about how to transplant dracaena at home correctly after purchase and regularly.

      When does a plant really need replanting?

      Lack of replanting very quickly affects the appearance of the plant. Young dracaena, in the absence of transplantation, retains its original appearance for a long time. beautiful view. But its roots grow very quickly and soon grow through the drainage holes. And sometimes they even come out of the soil to the surface. In this case, the flower needs to be replanted.

      With regular replanting, the roots do not outgrow the pot. But when you remove the plant from the pot, you can notice many small roots entwining the earthen ball. This is also a sign that a transplant is needed.

      Mature dracaenas that do not grow as quickly may suffer from nutrient deficiencies. If they have not been transplanted for a long time, they hardly grow, and their lower leaves turn yellow and dry out large quantities. This plant requires regular replanting and feeding.

      Land for dracaena

      The soil for transplanting dracaena should have a slightly acidic reaction. The plant does not feel comfortable in neutral soils. Alkaline soils should not be used at all, since dracaena does not develop in them, but slowly dies.

      The soil mixture for this plant should be nutritious, but not heavy, and should allow water to pass and accumulate well. Stagnation of water in the pot quickly leads to rotting of the roots.

      Today, flower shops sell special soil mixtures containing peat, clay or compost and baking powder. They are perfect for planting dracaenas.

      You can make your own soil mixture. Here is one of optimal compositions soil:

      All components are taken in equal parts.

      Shredded tree bark is often used instead of compost. Perlite can be used as a leavening agent.

      Pot for transplanting dracaena

      Let's consider what kind of pot is needed for dracaena. The pot for dracaena is chosen according to shape and size. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material from which this container is made.

      The best choice for dracaena would be ceramic flower pot . This material has the property of allowing water to pass through.

      Therefore, the soil in such a pot dries out not only on the surface, but also over the entire surface of the earthen clod. This is very useful for a plant that is prone to root rot when water stagnates in the soil.

      You can also buy a plastic pot. But when growing plants in it, it is necessary to strictly observe the watering regime so as not to over-moisten the soil, which will take longer to dry out than in ceramics.

      The ideal shape of a pot for dracaena resembles a glass. Its diameter should be 1.5 times less than the height. However, if you decide to purchase a plastic pot, it may not be so tall. In a lower and wider pot, the soil will dry out faster. But the container for planting dracaena should not be too wide.

      The size of the pot should be such that it can easily accommodate all root system flower. When replanting, choose a pot 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. However, you cannot plant the plant immediately in a very spacious container. The soil, not covered by roots, turns sour very quickly.

      Transferring to a permanent pot

      To avoid damaging the root system, it is best to transfer the new plant to a new pot or container. To do this, you need to have a plastic or ceramic pot, which is larger in size than the previous one by 1-2 cm in diameter.

      The drainage hole of the pot is covered with a shard, and a layer of fine expanded clay 2-3 cm thick is poured onto the bottom.

      It is better to purchase soil for dracaena at a flower shop. A universal soil mixture for decorative deciduous plants with the addition of peat would be optimal.

      Then the roots along with the soil are placed in a new pot so that the trunk of the plant is in the center, and fresh soil is poured on the sides. After transplantation, the plant must be watered.

    Proper transplantation of anthurium at home

    Proper transplantation of a wooden tree at home

    Correct transplantation of spathiphyllum

    Regular transplantation of dracaena at home

    Dracaena can grow in a new pot for 2 years, but then it needs to be replanted.

    Transplantation is usually carried out in the spring in April before the start of the growing season.. To do this, you need to purchase a new pot, which will be slightly larger than the previous one, new package earth mixture and drainage material.

    First, a drainage layer of expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the pot. For young plant It is better to take a small fraction of this material; for adults, a larger fraction. The drainage layer should be at least 3 cm, and sometimes thicker (depending on the size of the plant).

    The plant is removed from the old pot and the roots are freed from the ground.. This must be done very carefully; it doesn’t matter if a small amount of soil remains on the roots. Then the root system must be carefully examined. If dead or rotten roots are visible, the diseased parts should be removed.

    The root system of the plant is straightened and placed in a new pot. Fresh soil is gradually poured on top so that not a single root remains on the surface.

    The pot can be filled to the top, and then compacted with soil so that its level is 1.5-2 cm below the level of the pot. After transplantation, the plant must be watered.

    Young dracaenas need to be replanted every two years. Adult plants can be replanted less frequently - once every 2-4 years.

    You can also read more about plant transplantation here.

    Errors during transplantation

    When transplanting dracaena, inexperienced gardeners make a number of mistakes that can even lead to the death of the plant. To provide the plant necessary nutrition and not cause any harm during transplantation, it is necessary to avoid these common mistakes.

  • For dracaena, the composition of the soil is important. Not every store-bought soil mixture is suitable for it. The soil must contain peat. But heavy mixtures should be avoided; in addition to peat, a baking powder must be present so that the soil passes water well.
  • When transplanting dracaena, you should not use a pot that is too large. For a plant 40 cm high, a container with a diameter of 15 cm is sufficient. If the pot is wider, the soil undeveloped by the roots will turn sour. Putrefactive bacteria and fungi multiply in it, which then infect healthy plant.
    • When replanting, do not deepen the plant too much.. But the roots should not be close to the surface. The root collar should be 1-2 cm below the soil level.
    • It is very important to replant with minimal intervention in the root system. The best way to replant a plant is transshipment. And only when it rots, the old soil is removed and its roots are inspected.

    How to care for dracaena in a pot

    A newly transplanted plant needs careful care. Usually, after 2-3 weeks, the dracaena takes root in the new pot and begins to grow. But all this time it is necessary to provide her optimal conditions recovery.

    During the entire recovery period, it is necessary to maintain a stable temperature in the room of 23-25? C. There should be no temperature changes. It is also necessary to protect the plant from drafts. You need to place it in that part of the room where air movement is minimal.

    Humidity has great importance for the survival of dracaena. For 2-3 weeks, it is necessary to maintain high air humidity by spraying water near the plant in the morning and evening.

    It is also useful to place the pot in a deep and wide container with moistened sand. It is also advisable to wipe the leaves with a wet cloth twice a day.

    Watering at this time is necessary regularly, but moderately. Dracaena after transplantation is very vulnerable and easily rots. It is necessary to keep the soil moist, never flood it, and make sure that excess water goes into the pan.

    Now you know everything about how to replant dracaena at home after purchase and regularly.

    How to replant dracaena

    The seller will tell you how to replant dracaena when you buy this plant in a flower shop, because often, along with the plant itself, he will also advise you to purchase a beautiful pot for replanting it. Even a novice amateur gardener knows how to transplant dracaena correctly. It is best to replant the plant in the spring, since in the fall the plants prepare for winter and it is better not to disturb them.

    How to choose the right pot for transplanting dracaena

    The root system of dracaena is quite branched and develops quickly, so when choosing a pot you should consider the following features:

    - choose a high pot: if the diameter is 15 cm, then the height of the pot should be from 22 cm to 30 cm, i.e. The height of the pot is at least 1.5 diameters, and best of all – 2 diameters. In this case, the rapidly growing roots will not crawl out of the pot after replanting;

    - if the dracaena has reached a height of 50 cm, then the optimal diameter of the pot is 18-20 cm and, accordingly, the height of the pot is 30-40 cm.

    — when choosing a pot, you must remember that the root ball must be completely preserved when replanting.

    Preparing dracaena for transplantation

    If your dracaena grows very quickly, then it will have to be replanted annually. Usually the plant is replanted once every 2 years. Before transplanting into a new pot, you should preparatory work, which are as follows:

    - carefully remove the dracaena from the old pot and carefully examine the root system. Healthy roots should be straight, without knots, smooth and slightly orange color. In this case, you can safely carry out the transshipment while preserving the old earthen clod. Transshipment is for dracaena the best way transplantation, and she easily tolerates this procedure;

    - if rotten and dead roots are found, transshipment should be abandoned. In this case, transplantation is performed into completely new soil. Carefully clean the root system from the soil, remove rotten and dead parts of the roots and place the plant in a solution of potassium permanganate;

    - after cleaning the roots, it is easy to detect rotting of the trunk, which is very difficult to determine at the initial stage of inspection. If the trunk is healthy and the root system has been treated, then the dracaena can be safely planted;

    - if the root system is completely healthy, but traces of rot are found on the trunk, then it should be completely removed. After trimming, living areas of tissue are powdered with wood ash or stimulant powder, and only after all procedures is the dracaena planted;

    - if both the roots and the trunk of the plant are affected, then the diseased dracaena is simply thrown away, first cutting off the apical cutting for the purpose of its further rooting.

    Secrets of transplanting dracaena

    Transplanting a healthy dracaena using the transshipment method is as follows:

    - river pebbles or expanded clay are poured onto the bottom of the pot so that the layer occupies 1/10 of the height of the pot. If the pot is 30 cm in height, the drainage layer in this case is 3 cm. The drainage is sprinkled with a small layer of new soil, and dracaena is placed on top. The voids between the pot and the earthen ball are gradually filled with soil mixture, lightly compacting it so as not to damage the root system. The soil is moistened so that it better adheres to the root system and fills all the voids;

    — the soil mixture is prepared from leaf and turf soil, peat, humus and coarse river sand in equal proportions. If it is not possible to prepare soil at home, dracaena is planted in soil purchased at a specialized store. For this purpose, a soil mixture intended for planting palm trees is best suited.

    Transplanting dracaena after sanitization roots are carried out as follows:

    - as in the previous case, drainage material is poured onto the bottom of the pot. Then the soil mixture and the plant are placed in the pot. Hold the dracaena by the trunk and begin to cover the root system with soil, each time moistening and compacting the soil at the roots. You should not water the soil abundantly, as this may cause the roots to rot. The soil should be slightly moistened with a spray;

    - a layer of soil mixture is poured on top so that the root collar is lightly sprinkled.

    Caring for dracaena after transplantation

    After transplantation, the dracaena is not fed, but watered regularly. The signal for watering is the slightly dried top layer of soil.

    In order for the dracaena to “survive” the transplant normally, it must be provided ideal conditions contents:

    • temperature regime around +21-23 degrees;
    • placement near east or west windows;
    • regular spraying.
    • The first fertilizing after transplantation is carried out two weeks later, using potassium phosphate fertilizer. Fertilizing is done every two weeks after abundant watering of the plant.

    A month ago I bought a nice Dracaena marginalata tree in the store. I placed it on a low table near the window next to other plants. The sun's rays hit him through the foliage and branches of other plants.

    I didn’t replant the plant right away, I thought, let it first get used to the air and temperature of my house, acclimatize. She survived this month well, even new young leaves appeared. I watered her every day, sometimes every other day, and she liked it.

    Recently I turned the pot over and saw that roots appeared through the holes. It's time to replant the dracaena into a pot bigger size! I chose a tall ceramic bowl of emerald color.

    The old pot easily fits into this bowl, which means it is the right size for replanting. I decided to replant the plant using the transshipment method.

    The question arose: in what soil should I plant dracaena?

    Typically, dracaenas, ficuses and palm trees are planted in special coarse fiber soil. In such soil, plants thrive in humid and hot microclimates. winter gardens. But in our apartments with cool air and working heating radiators, this soil dries out quickly, so I decided to make a mixture for replanting myself.

    I took it garden soil(typed in apple orchard), mixed it with river sand 2:1.

    I poured the mixture into a saucepan and heated it for half an hour over low heat, first adding a mug of water so that steam came from the soil.

    Don't forget to mix the soil! Then I cooled the soil and poured humus into it self-made with a small sliver.

    My pre-prepared humus.

    I washed and poured boiling water over several pebbles of gravel for drainage.

    The boiling water should be cool, just boiling.

    I poured them into the bottom of the bowl.

    She watered the dracaena and carefully removed the lump from the old pot.

    There was almost no soil left in it, only the roots were tightly intertwined, even growing through the holes.

    I poured some new soil mixture into a new bowl on top of the drainage and placed the plant there with a lump.

    Then I covered it with soil from above up to the root collar. Lightly pressed the soil on top.

    I hope my beautiful dracaena will feel comfortable in her new bowl!

    It remains to add that dracaena likes to be sprayed with water at room temperature and watered as the soil dries out, about once every two days.
    Happy indoor floriculture!

    Video guide

    Is one of the popular decorative indoor plants. This is due to both high aesthetics appearance plants, and with it rich history, literally shrouded in mythology and secrets. Even official name The plant is written as “dracaena”, which in translation sounds like “female dragon”. And some tree varieties, growing in arid regions, exude a bright red resin, which is called "dragon's blood". The latter was used in many beliefs and cultures (in particular among the Druids) for ritual and occult purposes.

    There are over 110 varieties of dracaena, some of which are grown as ornamental houseplants. The rules for caring for dracaena grown at home are approximately the same. And in this regard, they will be summarized and discussed using an example Dracaena Sandera, which has the official name "Dracaena sanderiana". In flower shops it is often sold under the attractive marketing name “Lucky Bamboo”. Considering that it is not possible to cover all the rules for caring for a plant in one article, the emphasis will be on choosing the optimal pot for dracaena.

    Key rules for choosing a pot for dracaena

    1. The root system of dracaena gradually develops strongly and branches out. Thus, the plant requires mandatory replanting from a small pot, in which dracaena is usually sold in a flower shop. It is recommended to replant within two weeks after purchasing the plant.
    2. The pot should not be overly wide, as this may cause high level soil moisture and, as a consequence, rotting of the root system and death of the dracaena. It must be remembered that dracaena grows comfortably in the wild in fairly arid regions.
    3. The root system of dracaena, given its habitat conditions in the wild, tends to grow deeper. And sideways growth can provoke degradation changes in the plant. In this regard, a fairly deep, but at the same time narrow pot would be optimal. For a plant no more than 15 centimeters tall, a pot with a height of approximately 15 centimeters and a diameter of approximately 10 centimeters will be optimal.
    4. When replanting a plant as it grows (every 5-10 centimeters), it is advisable to choose a pot with a depth and width three to five centimeters greater.

    Take care of dracaena Right!

    In order for dracaena to feel comfortable in a new place, it needs a well-drained substrate, light, breathable, absorbing a sufficient amount of moisture, with a slight acidity of 6-6.5 pH.

    Ready-made earth mixture: pros and cons

    The easiest way is to buy ready substrate In the store, choosing soil for dracaena will not be difficult to find. The problem is that most of these soils contain peat. It quickly absorbs water, but hardly releases it, so the soil quickly dries out and the plant does not receive enough moisture.

    REFERENCE : As a compromise, you can choose a universal soil for indoor plants. It is suitable for growing dracaena, but still will not be optimal.

    How to prepare the soil mixture yourself?

    To provide dracaena the necessary conditions It’s better to prepare the soil yourself. You can take turf soil as a basis, add leaf soil, humus and coarse sand to it in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

    Pest treatment

    To make sure that the transplanted plant is not threatened by diseases and pests, the soil must be cultivated before replanting. Here are a few simple ways how to do it:

    • steam bath;
    • boiling water treatment;
    • watering with a solution of potassium permanganate;
    • microwave processing.


    To prevent stagnation of liquid from forming in the soil, which is detrimental to the roots of the dracaena, there must be a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. The following materials are suitable for this:

    • expanded clay;
    • broken brick;
    • clay shards;
    • gravel.

    Transplantation process

    At home, a young dracaena needs to be replanted every year, a slightly older one - once every 2-3 years as the root system grows. There is nothing complicated about it. Before transplanting, you need to prepare everything you need:

    • another pot;
    • priming;
    • drainage;
    • scissors or pruning shears.

    ATTENTION! Approximately 3 days before transplanting, watering must be stopped. This will make it easier to remove the flower from the old pot.

    How to choose a pot?

    For a dracaena 40–50 cm high, you will need a pot with a diameter of about 20 cm; for each subsequent transplant, you need to choose a container 2–3 cm wider than the previous one. The material and shape of the pot do not play a big role, but clay or ceramic containers, the height of which is slightly greater than the diameter, are considered the most comfortable.

    You should not choose a pot that is significantly larger in size than the previous one. The root system of the plant will not be able to immediately absorb too much volume, and this will lead to stagnation of moisture and acidification of the soil.

    In what cases is a transplant required?

    Determining when dracaena needs to be transplanted into a new pot is quite simple. This needs to be done if:

    • It's time planned transplant;
    • the plant has outgrown the previous pot and roots are visible on its surface and in the drainage holes;
    • the soil is chosen incorrectly and is not suitable for dracaena;
    • there is a suspicion that the soil is infected with pests, fungus or mold;
    • the soil became waterlogged and the roots rotted;
    • Excessive fertilization led to plant disease.

    ATTENTION! It is better to replant dracaena in early spring. This period is the most favorable, as the plant enters the stage active growth and adapts most easily to change.

    Step-by-step instructions for transplantation

    The sequence of actions is quite simple, if you follow it, there should be no problems.

    1. Prepare everything you need. Wash the pot and tools with soap and scald with boiling water.
    2. Carefully remove the dracaena from the old pot and carefully examine the roots. All damaged areas of the roots must be trimmed using pruning shears, and the cut areas must be treated with crushed activated carbon or iodine.
    3. Place 2–3 cm of drainage at the bottom of the pot, and then add a small layer of soil.
    4. Place the plant in the center and gently sprinkle with soil so that it fills all the voids between the roots.
    5. Water thoroughly.

    To help dracaena restore damaged roots, you can use one of the plant growth stimulating agents, such as Kornevin or Zircon.

    Do I need to replant immediately after purchase?

    A flower bought in a store always needs to be replanted, but there is no need to rush into it. If the plant feels good, does not turn yellow and does not show signs of disease, it is better to wait until spring.

    In any case, it is necessary to give the dracaena at least 2-3 weeks to adapt to the new conditions, and only after that proceed with replanting, otherwise the plant, weakened by the move, may not tolerate additional stress.

    Care after transplant

    The rules remain the same, but for a weakened plant it is especially important to maintain temperature and humidity, as well as adherence to the watering regime. It is important to avoid direct sun rays, drafts, as well as excess moisture or drying out of the soil.


    Transplanting into a new pot - important stage in the life of indoor plants. The growth and health of the dracaena depends on how this procedure is carried out. If everything is done correctly, very soon it will delight its owner with new leaves and a lush green crown.

    Video gallery on transplanting dracaena


    Dracaena.How to transplant usoe rasteniia pain




    Dracaena. My purchases. How should I replant a purchased plant?



    Dracaena is a popular large-sized indoor plant, a spectacular false palm with a tall stem that gradually becomes woody. Dracaena is grown not only in residential premises, but also in offices and large shopping centers. For a plant to remain healthy and attractive for a long time, it needs favorable conditions content and good care. In our article we will talk about how to properly replant dracaena, how not to damage the roots of dracaena during replanting, as well as how to care for it after this procedure: how to water dracaena after replanting, when you need to start adding fertilizers to the substrate, what to do if after transplantation, the dracaena turns yellow.

    When to replant dracaena

    Dracaena is replanted in the following cases:

    • immediately after purchase, if the plant was sold to you in plastic pot, and you prefer ceramics;
    • when the roots of the plant have taken over the entire space of the pot and begin to hang out of the drainage holes;
    • if the substrate in the pot has become unusable due to chronic waterlogging or for any other reason;
    • when the root system is damaged.

    Dracaena transplantation at home is carried out at the end of winter or early spring: at the beginning of active growth, the plant tolerates the procedure more easily and takes root faster in a fresh substrate. Young plants need replanting more often than adults, and it is better not to bother large old dracaenas with replanting at all, just annually replace the top 5 cm thick layer of substrate in the pot with fresh soil.

    Pot and substrate for dracaena

    When preparing for transplantation, the question arises in which pot to transplant the dracaena. It is advisable to choose a container for this plant in the shape of a glass, and each subsequent pot should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one: the root system of dracaena increases in volume by an average of 1-2 cm per year. It is not advisable to take a pot “for growth”, since first the dracaena will master the earthen ball with its roots, and only after that the development of ground organs will begin. As for the material from which the pot should be made, it depends only on your taste, since for dracaena there is no difference whether it is ceramic or plastic. But drainage holes for water drainage must be in the pot.

    A new container should be washed with warm water and soap before use.

    When choosing a substrate, keep in mind that the optimal soil mixture for dracaena should be loose, drained and slightly acidic - 6.0-6.5 pH. From garden soil will have to be abandoned because it contains too many mineral salts. You can purchase ready-made substrate for palm trees at garden pavilion, or you can make the soil yourself from two parts of leaf soil, adding to it half a part of peat and one part each of compost and turf soil. Some gardeners believe that the substrate should contain more turf soil than leaf soil: to 3 parts of turf soil you need to add one part each of humus, river sand and leaf soil.

    Transplanting a dracaena flower

    A healthy plant is replanted using the transshipment method. A layer of drainage material is placed in a new pot, then a quarter is filled with fresh substrate. When preparing for the procedure, do not water the dracaena for several days to make it easier to remove it from the old pot, but without damaging the roots. Run a knife between the earthen lump and the wall of the dish in which the dracaena grows, remove the flower and look at its roots. If they are healthy, transfer the dracaena along with the earthen lump into a new bowl, but if it seems to you that some of the roots are damaged, dried out or affected by rot, carefully cut them with a sharp sterile instrument, sprinkle the wounds with crushed coal and only then complete the transplant: place the dracaena in a new pot and fill the remaining space with fresh substrate, tapping the pot so that there are no voids left in the roots, then compact the surface, water the plant, and when the soil settles, add as much more substrate as needed. However, there is no need to fill the pot to the top with soil: leave the sides 3-4 cm high. After replanting, the root neck of the dracaena should be at the same level as it was before.

    Dracaena after transplantation

    A plant weakened by transplantation needs care and attention. Place the flower in a place where no one will touch it, provide access to light and clean air, but protect from direct sunlight and drafts. Maintain the room temperature at least 25˚C and regularly moisten the substrate with settled water at room temperature so that between waterings the top layer has time to dry 2-3 cm deep. Ten days after transplanting, water the dracaena with a solution of 1 g of Kornevin in 1 liter of water . The water flowing into the pan must be drained. Don't forget to also spray the dracaena foliage. As soon as the plant recovers from the transplant, you can return to your usual care.