How to wash the floor correctly with a mop and by hand: tips. How to properly wash floors made of different materials - useful tips How to learn how to wash floors

Many people wonder how to properly mop their floors so as not to spread dirt across the floor, but to actively get rid of it. This is not as simple a process as it might seem. Daily cleaning that drags on for a long time will not please anyone. Well-honed technology will allow you to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

General cleaning rules

There are a number universal rules which must be followed during any cleaning. They are the basis for cleanliness in the room. With their help, you can even cope with the consequences of repairs yourself. Under no circumstances should such advice be ignored.

Before starting to clean the floor, it is better for the housewife to remove everything foreign objects, which complicate the process. For example, the carpet needs to be rolled up and placed in some other place. Chairs, stools, and shoes must be moved to the side.

It is recommended to start wet cleaning from the far corner of the room. You should start from the baseboard and wall, and then gradually move to the center of the room. This technique will allow you to avoid a large amount of garbage that is difficult to collect and produce high-quality cleaning rooms from dirt.

First of all, the surface is swept or vacuumed. At the same time, it is best not to ignore the far corners under the sofa and closet. Garbage that accumulates in the far corners of the room will move to the center of the room and significantly complicate the process of putting things in order. Therefore, we do not wash the surface, but clean it of accumulated dusty debris.

In order to avoid streaks, you need to wipe everything very carefully. Sometimes even several times. Detergent may leave residue behind. If the housewife wants to avoid unnecessary difficulties and significantly speed up the process of putting things in order, then she should use only high-quality products. They are designed specifically for cleaning this surface. You should not use powder, as it will be quite difficult to wash off.

Cleaning after major repair work

If you need to clean the floor yourself from the consequences repair work, the procedure will take a little longer. Major cleaning consists of 3 main stages. First you need to wash the surface with ordinary warm water. This will help remove the root cause of the stain and expose the stains that will be the most difficult to remove.

After washing the entire surface with warm water, you need to begin removing traces of paint, glue, putty, whitewash and other building materials. If necessary, use specialized tools. Some marks are not so easy to wipe off.

Next, the floors are wiped damp cloth in order to remove other contaminants. This technique will help you cope with global pollution yourself and save on the services of companies that specialize in cleaning various surfaces.

Stains left by varnish and paint can be removed different ways. It is worth noting that for each coating you should choose the most gentle product.

Modern detergents will help you avoid using materials such as kerosene and vinegar with water. The enamel can be cleaned with a knife. Paint and varnish can be easily wiped off with acetone.

It is very difficult to remove whitewash from the surface. The stains that remain after it will need to be washed several times. By changing the water 2-3 times during the cleaning process, you can easily cope with this task. Adding special tools to it will help speed up the process significantly.

Unlike public spaces, own apartment You don’t have to use a mop, but just do it with your hands. The main part of the room is cleaned using a tool, and hard-to-reach corners will be easiest to wash by hand.

Influence of surface coating on the choice of cleaning method

Cleaning the room with various types coatings have their own characteristics. The floor can be painted, covered with linoleum, laminate or parquet. Concrete, tiles and even ceramics are used as the surface.

It must be remembered that parquet and laminate do not require special wet cleaning. It is best not to wet such a coating, but to clean it with a damp brush or dampened rag. Linoleum, concrete, tiles and ceramics are washed with ordinary warm water. To remove complex contaminants, specialized products are used. The painted floor is cleaned with a wet stiff brush. Caring for a cork surface is similar to caring for parquet.

A good housewife always tries to keep hers. And it’s hard to imagine without a thoroughly washed floor. That is why advice on how to clean the floors will be relevant for any woman.

  1. Before washing flooring clean the area as much as possible - raise chairs, remove toys and things that are on top.
  2. It is necessary to wash the floor from the farthest corner of the room. This way, you will have to walk on the washed surface less, and it will end up looking cleaner.
  3. Thoroughly wash the joints between the baseboards and the flooring, slowly moving towards the exit.
  4. Change the water in the bucket as often as possible.
  5. Before cleaning, clean the flooring with a broom. Be sure to wet it before use. Instead of a broom, you can use a vacuum cleaner. It will greatly reduce cleaning time.

Cleaning with a mop

A mop is one of the most popular items for cleaning an apartment. But to achieve good result it must be chosen and used correctly. First of all, pay attention to the height of the handle. The mop should reach the armpits so that the woman needs to strain her back less while washing. This will also allow you to wash the surface in hard-to-reach places.

  1. Using a mop, draw a figure eight on the floor surface. Thanks to this simple technique, you will quickly collect garbage in the center of the room, and will not have to move it from place to place.
  2. Do not wet the mop too much - excess moisture is harmful to any floor.
  3. In heavily soiled areas, apply light pressure to the mop.
  4. After use, rinse the mop thoroughly and place it to dry upside down.

How to wash a floor by hand

For manual cleaning, you need to choose a quality cloth. Pour into the bucket clean water, dilute a small amount of cleaning product, dampen a cloth, and wring it out thoroughly. The principle of cleaning floors remains the same as in the case of a mop. Start cleaning from the farthest corner. Rinse the cloth as often as possible. If necessary, wipe the cleaned surface with a dry cloth.

Which rag should you choose?

In the old days, old T-shirts and tank tops were used to clean floors. Today, stores have entire departments where you can buy a rag for every taste. What material could it be made of?

  • viscose. The material perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. When dry, it, unfortunately, quickly loses strength. Viscose is contraindicated in hot water and twisting. Pay attention to the options not made from pure viscose, but with the addition synthetic fibers;
  • synthetics. The material copes well with dirt of any complexity. Synthetic materials dry quickly and last a long time;
  • microfiber. The material consists of microscopic fibers of cotton and polyester. Small fibers penetrate into the furthest crevices and perfectly wash away dirt and dust.

Steam cleaner

Modern housewives More and more people are choosing this device. It cleans the surface perfectly, but it is only suitable for floors covered with linoleum. To clean, you must select mode “2” or “3”. This will reduce the temperature and the device will not damage the surface.

Folk remedies

  1. Petrol. In a house where there are small children, marks from felt-tip pens, sweet tea, sweets, etc. often appear on the floor. Gasoline will get rid of them. Soak a mop in this product and wipe the dirty area. After this, wipe the floor with a clean, slightly damp cloth. At the end, “walk” with a dry cloth.
  2. A solution of water and milk. This composition will make the floor shiny. To prepare it, mix equal amounts of water and milk.
  3. There is little flaxseed. The product perfectly protects the surface from damage, so you should use it to lubricate a cleanly washed floor.

How to clean the floor? Choosing a detergent

When choosing a cleaning product, pay attention to the type of floor covering. There is a product for every type of floor. For parquet, the most delicate composition is suitable, which will carefully clean the surface. Linoleum cannot be washed with cleaners containing alcohol. You should not use powdered products.

For cleansing floor tiles Do not use liquid soap. The best option- place a slice in water laundry soap and wash the floor. This product is great at cleaning tiles and killing all germs.

Wash laminate flooring with a product with a minimum level of acidity. It is also worth considering that you can wash it only once a year. In other cases, it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water.

Parquet should be washed in the same way as laminate. After each wet cleaning, it must be thoroughly rubbed with mastic. You can completely wash the flooring only if it is covered with linoleum. Painted wooden floors can be washed every day - they are not afraid of moisture. If there are stains on the wood, they can be easily removed with ammonia.

Expert opinion

Lyubov Korshunova

Experienced housewife.

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Unpainted wooden floors can only be washed once a week. For washing, use soap and hot water. After washing, the surface is thoroughly wiped with a damp sponge and treated with dry material. You can wash tile floors daily.

How to clean different types of floor surfaces

Wooden floor

Cleaning largely depends on whether the wooden boards or not. If not, then you need to use detergent and cool water to wash. There is no need to thoroughly wring out the rag - you just need to walk over the coating and wet it well.

Take a mop with stiff bristles and clean the surface. Wipe with a damp cloth soaked in clean water. Treat the surface with a dry cloth.

Painted or varnished wood floors are also washed with detergents and a cloth. For cleaning, it is better to choose a brush. Wring out the washcloth thoroughly. Move it from the far corner of the room and gradually head towards the exit.

Finally, pay attention to the center of the room. To give the coating shine, combine vegetable oil and methyl alcohol in equal quantities. Dampen a rag in this mixture and walk on the dry floor. After drying, wash the boards with acetic acid diluted in large quantities clean water.


After washing, stains and stains often remain on the laminate, so be sure to take preventive measures. Add 1 tbsp to the cleaning water. a spoonful of shampoo, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Gel powder is also great. Change the water as often as possible during cleaning.

Another way to clean laminate flooring is to use acetic acid and a soft mop. Pour vinegar into the water, moisten the mop in the resulting mixture and, moving away from the door, thoroughly treat the surface. The bite promotes rapid evaporation of moisture, so water will not have time to leave stains on the laminate.

If there are heavy stains, apply a foam of detergent to them, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with a cloth. Laminate flooring can be washed no more than 3 times a week.


Parquet is wooden planks coated with varnish. Thanks to this, excess moisture does not penetrate inside, and the floor covering retains attractive appearance long years. Parquet should not be washed too often. The best option for cleaning is a thoroughly wrung out cloth.

To add shine experienced housewives glycerin is used. After the parquet has dried, it must be rubbed with a special mastic and polished with a suede cloth to add shine. Parquet can only be washed once a week.

Porcelain tiles and linoleum

Do not use abrasive cleaners or hot water to clean this type of surface. Linoleum is washed only when it gets dirty. Once a month it should be rubbed with drying oil or vegetable oil. Thanks to this, it is possible to restore plasticity to the material and prevent premature brittleness.

How to clean the floor after renovation?

  1. Pour water into a bucket, dilute 1 tbsp. grated soap, leave to infuse, beat until foamy.
  2. Apply the resulting foam to the coating and allow the dirt to dissolve.
  3. Collect the foam with a damp cloth.
  4. Change the water, wipe the floor again, dry with a soft cloth.
  5. If the surface is heavily soiled, break it into separate sections. Wash each area with soapy water and then wipe dry with a cloth. Change the water after each stage. You can add a little salt to the soap solution.

Cleaning floors is not an easy and tedious task. But if you use our tips, you will clean the room quickly and efficiently.

Everyone knows that they need to clean their home every week: treat surfaces with a vacuum cleaner, wipe off dust and wash the floor. But not everyone knows how to properly wash floors that can be made of different coatings requiring special handling. There are many proven and effective recipes on how to wash the floors in your home without leaving streaks or damaging the floor covering, as well as (most importantly) your health.

Use the recipes below and you will know how to properly clean your floors quickly and efficiently.

Wooden floors can often be found in apartments and houses. There are two types of wood floors - painted and unpainted.

  • If you want to properly clean an unpainted wooden floor, then it does not need any special care. You can simply wash the cover weekly using the following method: Take a bucket and fill it with warm, but not.
  • hot water
  • You need to add a little soap (preferably laundry soap) to the water.
  • Wash the floors in the house.
  • Afterwards, fill a bucket with clean water and run the mop over the floor surface again.

Then you need to wipe everything with a dry cloth so that there are no streaks left. In the case where the wooden floor is covered with paint, you can clean it from dirt in this way ( this method

  • Suitable for regular cleaning of wooden floors):
  • Take warm water and add a couple of tablespoons of detergent or regular laundry detergent (not too active) into the container. Wet the piece with water soft fabric
  • Wring out the cloth periodically and change the water when it becomes dirty. This way you won’t spread dirt across the floor and leave streaks.
  • If necessary, go over the surface again.

Please note that it is not necessary to wash the floor only with your hands; you can also use various mops that have a spin function, or soft brushes.

How to clean a parquet floor?

Method No. 1

  • Fill a container with cold water.
  • Dilute a little glycerin in it in the ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 glass of water.
  • Soak a cloth or soft brush in water and walk over the surface of the parquet.

Method number 2

  • Take warm water and dilute a little soap in it (you can use regular laundry or liquid soap).
  • Lightly dampen a cloth in water and wash the floors with it.
  • To avoid marks and streaks, after drying, rub the parquet with mastic using a brush.

Attention! It's better not to wash the parquet hot water so as not to damage the varnish and the wood itself.

How to effectively wash tiles?

If your home has floors made of tiles, then they also do not require special care. Whenever you want, you can wipe them with a damp cloth. For regular, for example, weekly care, this method is suitable:

  • Dilute washing powder or laundry soap in warm water (per 5 liters you will need no more than 4 tablespoons).
  • Take a rag, soak it in the solution and wash the tile floor.
  • Throw out the dirty water and fill it with clean water.
  • Go over the floor again to remove any remaining detergent. This way there will be no streaks left on the tiles.

How to clean the grout between tiles?

After some time, the seams between the tiles may darken. This is due to the fact that the seams between the tiles actively absorb dirt, moisture, dust and dyes. To prevent the floor in your home from looking sloppy, you need to regularly bleach the seams between the tiles.

If you want to whitewash the seams between tiles, use a regular hydrogen peroxide solution. This detergent will be safe for the tiles and the compound placed between the joints, but may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it would be a good idea to wear rubber gloves while working with it.

To prepare a solution that will help clean the grout between tiles, add a small amount of water to a container. Add a mixture of dish detergent, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to the water in a ratio of 1´1´1. The resulting solution will remove grease from the seams between the tiles, and baking soda and peroxide can whiten them. Rub them with a toothbrush and leave them to work for several hours. Rinse the floor clean water. This procedure is recommended to be done periodically, for example, once every few months.

Using the tips above, you can clean your flooring properly without leaving streaks.

Is it possible or not to wash the floor in the evening?

This sign has long taken root in our families. But, really, why can’t you wash the floors in the evening? Some people still believe in old sign, which says that cleaning and taking out the trash in the evening or at night means sweeping money and prosperity out of your home. It is also quite possible that earlier in the old days, when everyone still lived in huts, the floors were not washed in the evening due to the fact that the stove cooled down overnight and in the morning the house could thus be damp and cold (especially in winter).

Today it is impossible to wash the floor at night because the use of most detergents involves ventilating the apartment after use. However, doing this at night can be quite problematic. Of course, most detergents are not toxic, but breathing them for a long time is still harmful. It is better to try as much as possible not to inhale the fumes from household chemicals. When the floors are washed in the evening, you and your loved ones have to inhale harmful fumes released by various chemical compounds contained in cleaning products.

Cleaning the floor during pregnancy

Many young women during pregnancy are often interested in the following question: can they wash the floors safely and without harm to themselves and the health of their unborn child? Of course, if you are pregnant and you are not bothered by toxicosis and various unpleasant sensations during pregnancy, then you can do wet cleaning. Remember that you will breathe better in a clean, tidy home. Daily wet cleaning prevents dust accumulation.

However, wet cleaning is not recommended after the first semester of pregnancy. After all, after this the belly increases, which also increases the load on the woman’s spine. During this time of pregnancy, do not refuse the help of loved ones and protect yourself from hard physical labor.

  • Do not put the life of your unborn baby in danger. It is best to avoid cleaning during pregnancy, especially if it involves lifting heavy objects.
  • During pregnancy, you can only wash the floor with a mop. Moreover, the mop must have a spin function.
  • Buy synthetic cleaning products (rags, mops), as they are easier to care for.
  • Use a detergent that does not contain chlorine and does not have an unpleasant strong odor.
  • Do not bend or squat under any circumstances. You can only get down on one knee.
  • As you rise, lean on your hips.
  • If absolutely necessary, wash the floors while sitting on a chair or stool.
  • Buy a special washing vacuum cleaner, which will become an indispensable solution during pregnancy.

At first glance, it may seem to someone that about appearance You don’t have to worry about the flooring in your apartment. He is downstairs, often under the carpet, who sees him there? Walls, furniture, carpets, curtains - all this is in sight, catches the eye, and therefore should be beautiful and neat. And the floor and ceiling fall out of sight, so why care about them so much? It turns out that they also need to be washed properly!

Features of caring for different types of floor coverings

It is extremely important to regularly and properly care for your flooring.

A beautiful floor is the basis, the foundation of the interior. He is a full-fledged participant in the decoration of the room and is capable of both saving and ruining the owner’s attempts to achieve harmonious combination all design elements.

There are many options for flooring in our age of advanced technology, but before you choose one of them, familiarize yourself with the specifics of its care and maintenance. at its best, because only this will save you from extraordinary costs for a new floor.

How to properly clean different types of floors

Let's look at the most popular floor coverings and how to keep them in excellent condition.

Laminate is a popular and low-maintenance floor covering.

This is a modern and really popular coating consisting of a wood-fiber panel pressed with paper decorative layer and varnished. The thickness and strength of the top layer determines the wear resistance of the laminate, but in general it is a durable and not too capricious coating. The main enemy is high humidity.

Caring for it should avoid excessive moisture. That is, wash the floor with a slightly damp cloth and any universal detergent (Mr. Proper and Muscle, any non-aggressive detergent without excessive foam). Do not use products that contain sodium chloride. At the end of any procedure, the surface is wiped dry.

Stains from laminate flooring can be easily removed with glass cleaner. Marker marks can be removed with Wite Spirit. Rubber sole stripes can be removed with an eraser. Stains left by alcoholic drinks can be removed with ethyl alcohol.

Laminate flooring suffers from the fact that stains may remain on it after regular washing with water. To prevent this from happening, vinegar should be added to the water (100 ml of vinegar per 2 liters of water).

Wooden floors require constant and thoughtful care

Parquet - loved by more than one or two generations wood covering, which looks and costs a lot, but it's worth it. It is made from several types of wood of varying degrees of strength, which is reflected in the appearance, wear resistance and price of the coating. The variety of types of parquet is a topic for a separate article, but general trends can be found in caring for them.

Like any wooden product, parquet is afraid of moisture, temperature changes, as well as direct sunlight, sharp objects, dust and dirt.

Parquet care varies in winter and summer time. In winter, they try to humidify the air in the room where it is located, and dry it in summer. In addition, this coating requires regular sanding, varnish, mastic and other protective equipment. The main assistant in cleaning parquet is a vacuum cleaner, which will gently and, most importantly, dryly remove dust and dirt that gets into the cracks. Wet cleaning is carried out only when soiled. In addition to water, you can use a soap solution or a special detergent for parquet. But at the same time you need to wring out the rag with all your heart.

Wood plank floor

Painted wood floors are extremely easy and low maintenance

It can be of two types: painted and varnished.

Painted wooden floors are simple and unpretentious to use. The paint protects the wood from negative impact moisture, dirt, bugs and a host of other troubles. You don't even have to worry too much about scratches. Firstly, you still have to try very hard to leave them, and secondly, they can be easily removed by re-staining.

Caring for such a coating consists of sweeping with a regular broom and washing with any mop or rag. If it is very dirty, you can safely use soap or detergent, in general, whatever you have on hand. No preliminary preparation and shamanic rituals. Everything is fast and simple.

A freshly painted floor can be washed no sooner than after 24 hours. After 24 hours, it should be washed twice with warm water and vinegar. It is recommended to do this with a soft cloth. You should never use soap because it may cause the paint to discolor.

Just an ideal floor covering, if not for one BUT: this floor also looks rustic. It is perfect for a veranda, children's room, country house. It is often laid in children's institutions, for example. As for exquisite interiors, then the painted floor is unlikely to find its place in them. The exception is exclusive designer floors that complement the overall interior concept.

Wooden floor - environmentally friendly natural material which looks great in modern interiors

A varnished plank floor looks more impressive than a regular painted one. It differs from parquet boards in that it consists of solid wood, while parquet board glued together from several layers of wood and only top part is a solid wood veneer. The main enemies of a wooden floor are sand, moisture, straight Sun rays. In general, the same as for parquet.

And care is the same as for parquet: vacuum as often as possible (at least once every two days), wipe with a wrung-out cloth once a week. If the varnish is damaged, scrape it, then cover it with a new varnish layer and additional means of protection, such as mastic or wax. Clean the floor under the carpet regularly, because this is where dirt and sand accumulate.

The rules for removing stains are general for wooden plank floors and parquet:

  • Blot the grease stain with a clean foam sponge, then wipe with alcohol, and moisten with water and dish detergent. At the end, remove everything with a damp cloth, and at the very end wipe with a dry textile napkin.
  • You can also cover a fresh grease stain with salt, wait 15 minutes, remove the salt, wash the area with a damp cloth and then wipe dry.
  • Chewing gum and wax stains are frozen, and this is done as follows. The spot is covered in a plastic bag with ice and after it has frozen it is removed from wooden surface without the use of special means.
  • If marks from felt-tip pens appear on a varnished wooden floor, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it with White Spirit solvent and apply it to the problem area with light movements. When the stain disappears, wipe the area with a damp and then a dry cloth.


One of the most popular and affordable floor coverings is linoleum.

Flooring proven over the years in Soviet apartments is affordable and easy to use. self-installation. Despite the well-known low environmental friendliness, linoleum flooring is still popular, especially in economical projects. By the way, now you can find linoleum made from natural materials, but the price of such a product cannot be called low.

Main enemies: hot water, sunlight, low temperatures, bleaches, sharp and heavy objects.

Carpet should be vacuumed at least once every two days

Textile flooring, mainly used in living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms. Carpet can often be seen in corridors and hotel rooms. It is made from both artificial and natural materials.

Maintenance must be regular. You will have to vacuum the carpet every day or every other day. Wet cleaning should be approached with caution, because it is destructive for some types of materials. For example, a jute-based coating cannot be exposed to water. In general, general recommendation for wet carpet cleaning - no more than once a month. Dry powder and cleaning foam have proven themselves to be excellent, and can be removed with a vacuum cleaner at the end of exposure. Twice a year you can invite specialists from dry cleaning to deep cleaning carpet

It is better to remove stains of any origin from the carpet immediately after they appear. In this case, you do not need to rub it, but first just blot it with a paper or cotton napkin. Then try to remove the stain using movements from the edges to the center, and then let it dry.

  • It is best to remove tea, coffee, and cocoa stains with a mixture of vinegar and alcohol, at the rate of 3 parts vinegar to 1 part alcohol. Press a cloth soaked in the mixture onto the problem area. After the stain has dissolved, blot the area with a damp cloth and let it dry.
  • Spot from alcoholic drink(beer, wine, liquor) must first be washed off with soapy water, then blotted with a napkin soaked in a mixture of water and vinegar (1 liter of water per 1 teaspoon of vinegar).
  • Traces of fruit juice, ketchup or jam can be easily removed with citric acid. The stain is moistened with water and then covered citric acid. After a few minutes of waiting, remove the acid along with any dirt that has been absorbed into it.
  • It is better to eliminate grease stains immediately after they appear by covering them regular salt. The fat will be absorbed and all that remains is to sweep away the salt with a broom or vacuum cleaner. An old stain will require more thorough preparation. You need to take 1 liter. water, add 1 tsp to it. washing powder and 2 tbsp. l. turpentine. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle. Spray the cleaning liquid onto the stain and leave for 1 hour. Then remove the remaining product with a foam sponge.

Marble floors

Coatings from natural stone require some care

Marble is finishing stone, and therefore floors made from it are strong and durable, and look impressive and rich. Marble slabs are usually used to lay floors in public spaces: hotel lobbies, business and shopping centers, dance halls, metro stations and passages and many other places with high traffic. For residential premises, marble coating is used less frequently and is installed mainly in living rooms, kitchens, corridors, and sometimes in bathrooms. In private houses, steps, stairs, porches and terraces are also lined with marble.

Marble slabs intended for flooring are usually polished to a shine. This is beautiful, but impractical, because such a smooth coating requires constant and careful care, otherwise it will develop scuffs and scratches.

Wet cleaning of this floor is carried out weekly, and polishing - annually.

The main enemies are sharp objects, chemical dyes and solvents, abrasives and acids.

Basic care is regular wet cleaning (once a week) with a soft cloth. In case of contamination, non-abrasive detergents can be added to the water. In order to keep your marble floor chic and shiny for as long as possible, you should immediately acquire special solutions to protect the top layer and clean it.

It is better to remove stains from marble immediately, because the porous structure of the stone will absorb dirt much faster than you might expect. This is best done with a foam sponge and warm water.

Specialized products for removing stains from marble can be purchased at the store and applied following the instructions on the label.

Photo gallery of stain removers for marble

Cleaning cork floors does not take much effort and money

This flooring is made from the bark of the cork oak tree. It is characterized by an elastic, porous structure, high heat and sound insulation, and resistance to moisture. This natural material is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, provided that it does not contain an excess of synthetic varnishes and other compounds.

The main enemies of cork floors are sharp and heavy objects, sand and other scratching debris, and some types of shoes, in particular, high-heeled shoes and rubber-soled shoes. The former can damage it, the latter can leave indelible marks. IN winter time It is worth humidifying the air in a room with a cork floor, because if it is too dry, it can dry out and crack.

To maintain the cork floor in proper condition, you need to do regular wet cleaning (on average once a week) with a soft cloth, if necessary, adding non-abrasive detergents.

The top layer of cork flooring can be covered with vinyl or varnish. Vinyl needs to be rubbed with mastic once every two years. The varnish should be renewed as needed, that is, when it gets scratched or fades. To do this, you will have to remove the old layer, clean off the dust and re-coat it with polyurethane varnish.

Stains from such a floor are scraped off with a fine-grained sandpaper, after which the wiped area is covered with varnish or wax in several layers.

A human home is a kind of living organism that has age, life cycles, mood and character. Our home lives with us, and everything new that happens to us is reflected on it. We love and appreciate our home and the efforts we put into it, and therefore we want it to look brilliant under any circumstances.

The general rule for cleaning after renovation is to do it as quickly as possible after contamination appears.

As mentioned above, every floor covering requires individual approach in operation and keeping it clean. However there are some general principles, which also need to be applied taking into account the characteristics of the materials covering your floor. So, after repairs, you can wash the floor in the following sequence:

  1. Sweep, then wash the surface with warm water to remove any major dirt. The degree of permissible moisture depends on the type of coating. Basically, they are all afraid of excess moisture, so try to twist the rag better.
  2. Proceed to remove stains remaining after washing off the main dirt. Remains of putty, glue, or paint must first be cleaned off using a plastic scraper or spatula, and then treated with a solvent suitable for your coating. Please note that special products must be applied strictly to the stain, avoiding contact with clean surface. To get rid of traces of whitewash, you can use a folk remedy: wash the dirty floor with warm water with the addition of vegetable oil (1 part oil to 100 parts water), then rinse with a weak solution of vinegar (a tablespoon of vinegar per five-liter bucket of water). Attention! Marble floors cannot be treated with vinegar, and therefore the last recipe does not suit them.
  3. If in the house Small child, you need to carefully select floor cleaning products

    If there is a small child in the house, the floor must be washed with an eye on this indisputable fact. After all, a baby spends most of his life in close contact with the floor. He crawls on it, plays, and often eats and sleeps. For this reason, cleaning this part of the house should be done frequently, preferably daily, and without using chemical cleaning products. It is best to limit yourself to plain water, with the addition of laundry soap if necessary. If exposure to household chemicals is unavoidable, thoroughly rinse the treated surface with clean water.

    Another good way washing floors without adding household chemicals - add salt to the water for washing floors, at the rate of half a glass of salt per bucket of water. After floor treatment saline solution, rinse it with clean water and wipe dry.

    “Salt floor cleaning” is also perfect for rooms inhabited by cats and dogs, as it completely kills the odor. By the way, this is one of the folk ways carrying out disinfection of surfaces. Other products with similar properties include: vinegar, ammonia, linseed oil. From pharmaceuticals“Desaktin” is used for disinfection. However, you need to take into account the fact that Dezaktin contains chlorine. And although the smell is not very strong and evaporates quickly, it is better to make sure in advance that no one in the family is allergic to this substance.

    Each type of flooring has its own means to make it shine

  • Linoleum is rubbed with drying oil or linseed oil. You can also use a special linoleum polish purchased at a hardware store.
  • Wooden floors with varnish, including parquet, should be regularly rubbed with a wax- and oil-based mastic. You can also purchase a special shine spray in the store. wooden floors. You can prepare the shine rub yourself by mixing turpentine and melted paraffin in equal proportions.
  • Laminate flooring can also be polished to a shine. by specialized means(Quick-Step, Emsal, Mellerud Bio, etc.). One of the home remedies you can use to make laminate flooring shine is vinegar. Dilute it at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. vinegar per bucket of water. Wash the floor with the solution, then wipe dry. And the laminate will shine.

Maintaining cleanliness and order in the house is constant, hard, and most importantly, undervalued work. Everyone notices dirt, only a few notice cleanliness. But your reward will be the long and serviceable life of things that are properly cared for. Floors are constantly put to the test by dirt, scratches, moisture and more. And only your vigilant care will allow it to remain beautiful and shiny for a long time.

One of the important points is the care of the floor on which we walk. Floors, as is known, can be made of different materials, in accordance with their functional purpose: linoleum, wood, stone and marble, and also cover the floors carpeted. Hence, floor care rules differ significantly from each other.

Caring for linoleum. Shine without streaks

  • Linoleum It is quite common in everyday life and affordable. First you need to sweep the floor to clear it of dust and debris. Linoleum is easy to care for; it can be washed with ordinary warm water with the addition of a soap solution, but it should be wiped dry. Oddly enough, linoleum cleans well with water from boiled potatoes.
  • For maintaining the elasticity of linoleum there is a recipe oil mixture from the people's piggy bank. Mix vinegar and raw linseed oil in a 1:1 ratio and rub into the surface of clean, dry linoleum. If scratches appear on the linoleum, before performing this procedure, clean them with fine sandpaper, sweep away the dust and then rub in the oil-vinegar mixture.
  • To make linoleum less dirty, treat it with homemade floor mastic. Prepare a soap solution (2 tablespoons of grated soap per bucket of water), wash the linoleum, using a stiff brush to remove dirt. Mix 2 liters of warm water and 2 tablespoons of liquid floor mastic and wipe it. The resulting protective film will not allow the floor to get dirty quickly , linoleum will no divorces however, this procedure should be repeated at least twice a month. This method is good for maintaining cleanliness of linoleum in the kitchen, where grease stains from cooking tend to accumulate.
  • To make linoleum shine, use natural polish from an equal mixture of water and milk. First, remove stubborn dirt and stains using a steel wool soaked in turpentine, then apply the mixture to the floor and polish with a soft flannel cloth.

Delicate care for wooden floors

  • How to clean wooden floors? How to wash laminate flooring? First of all, these coatings are practical and require minimal maintenance. It is enough to sweep them and wipe them with a damp cloth. If there is excess moisture, wood floors can swell and lose their shape, so do not allow water to accumulate on them.
  • Parquet floors need special care, but there is nothing complicated about it, folk remedies will help you properly care for parquet at home without significant investments funds.
  • Heavily soiled parquet clean along the grain with a rag soaked in turpentine or lighter fluid, then rub it household polish according to the recipe below. The same method is used to remove fresh grease stains. If small gaps have formed in the floorboards, pour regular talc into them before rubbing.
  • It is not recommended to wash varnished floors. Sweep the floor and polish household polish using a dry cloth or paper towel.

Homemade Polish Recipe

  • For cooking home polish Add 6 tablespoons of vinegar and 4 tablespoons of furniture polish to a bucket of water (5 liters). Mix the mixture thoroughly; any leftovers can be stored in a tightly closed bottle or jar.

Many, in their own, choose for gender carpet covering. Soft floor – favorite place for children's games, therefore, you need to especially carefully monitor its cleanliness and use natural for cleaning safe means , without any chemicals.

How to easily clean carpet

  • Any carpet need to vacuum regularly. Even in the absence of obvious dirt, dust gets into the carpet every day, so this must be done at least once a week (in a children's room it is advisable to vacuum every other day).
  • Stains on the carpet It is advisable to wash off immediately, before they are absorbed, using a wet sponge. If this does happen, it will help you folk recipe stain removal. Rub half a bar of ordinary laundry soap into 1 liter of hot water, mix and pour in 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar. Apply the composition to the stains, brush thoroughly (the stiffness of the bristles depends on the thickness of the coating).
  • To refresh the color carpeting resort to home unpretentious methods, resorting to proven natural remedies. You will need small ones sawdust, 1 tablespoon of ammonia solution and a liter of water. Mix all ingredients, sawdust should absorb water. Place the mixture on the carpet, rub problem areas (spots) with a brush, let dry and vacuum.
  • For cleaning carpet Use a gentle, homemade shampoo. Usage natural ingredients for carpet cleaning is relevant for families with small children. Exactly for people who appreciate environmental safety, exists, proven by time and previous generations, a simple shampoo recipe for carpet care.

Carpet shampoo. Homemade recipe

  • Depending on the size of the carpet, make a mixture of potato starch and finely grated ordinary laundry soap. For 1 cup of starch - 1 spoon of soap flakes. Stir the mixture, sprinkle it on the carpet and scrub with a stiff brush. Leave the mixture for an hour until completely dry and vacuum.

Caring for marble, stone and granite floors

  • Marble, stone or granite floor To clean, just wet it with soapy water. aqueous solution, if heavily soiled, leave it for a few minutes, then rinse and wipe with a dry or well-wrung-out cloth. If the marble floor has particularly dirty areas, wipe them down cleansing paste according to this recipe: for 1 sq. meter of marble floor, take 3 tablespoons of non-abrasive cleaning powder and drop lemon juice. Thoroughly rub the mixture into the dirty area, wait a minute, rinse with water, and wipe dry.
  • Old stains on marble removed using ordinary garden lime; of course, you need to protect the skin of your hands with protective rubber gloves.

Regular care will keep your floor in pristine beauty and cleanliness, and with the help use of natural folk remedies the family budget will not be affected. By the way, many men welcome the vector direction of their women to natural sources cleanliness in housekeeping.

A good housewife and a reasonable modern woman always strives to use them as rationally as possible. Preferably to improve your appearance and pleasure! It's much easier use proven methods of using folk remedies around the house, and, instead of buying a bunch of expensive floor cleaning and cleaning products, use the money you save and visit the Spa!