How is the stretch ceiling attached to the wall. Stretch ceiling fastening to the ceiling

Ceiling design with a smooth panel spread over the head is widely demanded. Such projects are implemented quickly, their results are reliable. Provided that the fastening of the stretch ceiling to the ceiling or walls is technologically correct, without flaws. Not only comfort and aesthetics depend on the quality of the installation, but also the service life of the final product.

Features of stretch ceilings

It is very important to ensure a strong fixation of the load-bearing baguettes in preparation for the web tension phase.

The chain of action for fastening is different. It is built in accordance with the system of fastening the stretch ceiling and the wishes of the owners of the apartment. To hold a film or textile with moisture-proof impregnation, you will need construction profiles or baguettes - elements suspended structure made of aluminum or polymer (polyvinyl chloride).

Metal strips are more durable and look more solid - experienced craftsmen stop at them.

The standard length of the product is 2.5 m. Fragments can be cut, joined and even bent to create rather intricate outlines and transitions. When choosing the most suitable method of fastening stretch ceilings in rooms where repairs are planned, the material of the finishing cloth and the initial characteristics of the load-bearing ceilings / partitions are taken into account.

For structures made of wood, hardly any of the variations is suitable: wood is capable of deforming when pulled together and does not retain the rigid frame-skeleton in its original state on its own. In buildings erected with the participation of concrete and brick, such problems will not arise. However, the question of how to fix a stretch ceiling is solved ambiguously.

Construction and installation methods

The procedure for preparing for fixing ceiling sheets is formed by a number of steps

There are several approaches; they are realized both in pure and mixed form. There are the following types of fastening of stretch ceilings in the house:

  • glazing bead
  • harpoon
  • wedge.

AT last years the 4th concept - clothespin is gaining more and more popularity. True, it is extremely expensive and is used exclusively for working with imported fabric rolls. The birthplace of the method is Switzerland; where he is known as classic name Clipso ("clipso").

The order of fixing with a glazing bead

The edge of the fabric ceiling should be fastened with particular care.

The most accessible methods are the glazing bead system for attaching a stretch ceiling to the walls. Its technique is based on the ability of the wedge bead to clamp and thus hold the canvas snapped into the slot of the profile bar. A canvas is stretched onto metal strips screwed to vertical planes - close to the ceiling. The resulting narrow gap is covered with a plinth.

The accuracy of measurements in this case is “lame”, so the margin of the base at the edges is left impressive: at least 15 cm. The excess is hidden at the “decorating” stage - when attaching a baguette for stretch ceilings along the outer contour. The set of described manipulations is simple and cheap. But it is accompanied by the fundamental inability of the described "dome" to be subjected to current repairs.

Harpoon method

The glazing bead method of fastening involves manual fixation of the stretch ceiling structure

The complexity of the working chain and a decent cost are quite justified here: after all, the result will be a smooth and aesthetically flawless coating that is easy to repair if necessary, and more than once. Ideal tension, convenient fastening of the stretch ceiling to the ceiling without the need to screw its edges to the wall plane, and high installation speed - these are the advantages of this path.

The sequence of operations looks like this.

  • Preliminary calculation of the parameters of the decorative part (film-fabric), carried out according to computer program. Serious deviations and adjustments in the situation with production refueling are not provided.
  • The edging with a film along the perimeter, over the crate, is carried out by a harpoon hook, which inserts the edges of a huge ceiling flap into a slit-like profile bed. Cutting is accurate, the film tension is perfect, there are no flaws.

Pros and cons of wedge mounting

For harpoon fastening of stretch canvases, a special baguette is used

By limiting desired area lines with an indent of about 3 cm from the base floor, a plinth mounting strip is screwed. The question of how and how to fix a baguette for stretch ceilings is decided according to the situation. Wedge-cones become the means of clamping the ends of the web. The stretch is made when the film cools down. The excess is cut off or hidden under a decorative edging.

The ceiling wedge mounting scheme is simple, but requires careful study of all steps.

The value of the wedge mounting system for stretch ceilings is beyond doubt. There are several positives:

  • the elementary nature of the geometric knowledge necessary for the installation as a counterbalance to complicating matters preliminary calculations, not tolerating the slightest mistake;
  • the possibility of situational adjustment to the changing circumstances of the construction and repair epic, which is important for working with coatings of especially bizarre shapes;
  • relative cheapness of solving the problem of how they are attached stretch ceiling in areas of living space that are not the same in terms of goals and working conditions.

We refer to the negative:

  • imperfection of manual stretching techniques, which is why after a few years the PVC film sags;
  • the inability to dismantle the flooded or mechanically damaged layer for draining or repair.

Thematic video

No matter how convincing the statements of amateur masters may sound about exactly how and to what the stretch ceiling is attached in someone's cottage or apartment, remember: it is recommended to discuss the details of the beginning repair with specialists - designers and finishers. From the tool, the texture of the panels and a group of related devices to the intricacies of building decor.

After all, not only in the aesthetic impression and home comfort a business. Complete safety and desired comfort are formed by knowledge of the theory and a truly professional passage through each phase of the arrangement. Good luck with your search for the optimal combination in a series of "ceiling maneuvers".

In an apartment or a private house will become good decision ceiling decoration with stretch fabrics. This will help hide the unevenness of the base, hide various unseemly communications under the material (electric wires, exhaust hood, etc.). Stretch ceilings have a lot of advantages. There are a huge number of their colors and textures. This finish will harmoniously fit into almost any type of interior.

Installation organizations carry out the installation of canvases quite expensive. Wanting to save money family budget, if you have enough free time, you can perform all the actions yourself. How to install stretch ceilings will be discussed in detail in the article.

Material selection

There are two main varieties stretch ceilings. How to install presented designs, directly depends on their features and characteristics. There are fabric ceilings and PVC film trim. The choice depends on the type of room, as well as on the preferences of the owners of the house.

fabric ceilings made from polyester material. It is impregnated with polyurethane to give the necessary durability and wear resistance. Almost any pattern can be applied to the surface of the canvas. It can be one color, a drawing or even a picture. Fabric ceilings due to features performance characteristics install in the living room, bedroom, children's room or office.

PVC film has a glossy surface. It gives the room solemnity and beauty. Such a canvas does not allow moisture to pass through, it is not afraid of splashing. The film can be installed in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in other rooms. Cheap varieties of material can emit an unpleasant chemical odor. This is detrimental to health. It is not recommended to install such canvases in the bedroom or nursery.

wondering is it possible to install stretch ceilings, it is necessary to consider the technology of carrying out this process. Film and fabric mounting has a number of differences. Before you get started, you need to know about this in detail.

Mounting methods

Learning how install a stretch ceiling in the bathroom, in the kitchen, bedroom or living room, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing techniques for this process.

The PVC film is mounted on the base using glazing beads or special wedges. The harpoon method can also be used in this case. It is considered quite complicated, but reliable way. The fact is that there are no canvases with welded harpoons on sale. They will need to be attached to the film using special equipment. This procedure is carried out by specialized organizations. The processing cost is quite high. This is due to the use of sophisticated high-tech equipment.

Most often when self-assembly glazing beads or wedges are used. During installation, a special hard baguette is installed around the perimeter of the room. It has a specific kind of profile. The glazing bead involves the use of special additional fasteners. The fabric is wound into a baguette. It is fixed with a glazing bead inside the structure.

There are also clip-on clips. First, the film is inserted into the profile. Then it is closed. The baguette securely holds the material inside. There are many different ways to fix the stretch ceiling in the profile.

Fabric ceilings are easier to mount on your own. In this case, a frame is also mounted around the perimeter of the base. The canvas is clamped in it. The difference lies in the method of stretching the material.

Preparatory stage

By studying the technology how to install a stretch ceiling with your own hands, needs to be considered detailed instructions this process. First you need to carry out a number of preparatory work.

Remove all furniture from the room. If necessary, the walls are putty, finishing Finishing work. It is also necessary to prepare the base of the ceiling itself. It should not remain old whitewash, paint. If the material begins to crumble, it will ruin appearance stretched canvas.

The seams between the plates should also be smeared with putty. The walls must be even. This will greatly facilitate the process of installing profiles. You should also pre-mount all communications, bring wires for a chandelier or spotlights. You can hide under the canvas ventilation box. How to install a spotlight in a stretch ceiling? FROM there is a specific instruction.

If you plan to install a chandelier in a room, you need to prepare a base for it. You can extend an existing hook by reinforcing it with an additional metal chain. You can also build a special base. It should not reach the surface of the canvas by a few centimeters.

Required Tools

To install a stretch ceiling in the room, bathroom or kitchen, you should prepare everything necessary equipment. There is something for everyone home master. Part of the equipment, most likely, will need to be purchased in addition.

First of all, for installation it is necessary to prepare a screwdriver and a puncher. You will also need a tape measure, building level. It is necessary to install the canvas in the profile using special blades. You will need to purchase a set of them. You will need straight and angled blades.

You should also choose a certain type of canvas for a stretch ceiling. At the same time, the operating conditions of the finish are taken into account. After that, profiles are selected. They can be plastic or aluminum.

You can choose from various accessories. They are presented in the form of multi-colored inserts. Also, if necessary, they purchase clamps, accessories for installing lighting fixtures (glue, plastic rings).

If a PVC film is stretched, you should purchase a special heat gun or a building hair dryer. This equipment will allow you to properly mount the canvas.

Profile mounting

By choosing which stretch ceiling to install indoors, picking up everything necessary materials and tools, you should consider the procedure and stages of the installation itself. First you need to perform the correct marking of the walls. To do this, the height of the walls is measured in all four corners of the room.

After measurements, appropriate marks are applied to the surface. The difference in height can be about 5 cm or even more in some apartments. Having determined the smallest distance from the floor to the ceiling, it is necessary to subtract from the result the space that will be allocated for ceiling communications. If a chandelier will be installed in the room, you need to take into account the height of the platform for its fastening.

After calculations were made using laser level a line is drawn on the walls in the room. It will set the profile. This mark should be perfectly level.

After that, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of how to install a cornice on a stretch ceiling. A profile is installed along the intended line using dowels or self-tapping screws. The step between the fasteners should be 7 cm. To simplify installation, you can first glue the profile to the wall. So he won't move.

Film ceiling installation

Many novice installers ask, how many stretch ceilings are installed. It should be noted that the duration of this process depends on many factors. Professionals do all the work in one day. A novice master will need more time.

Installation starts from the base angle. Clips should be installed. They are attached to the corners of the room. First, attach one edge of the canvas. Next, the opposite corner is fixed with a clothespin. Then all the edges of the canvas should be fixed with clothespins.

After that, you need to send a stream of hot air to the canvas (at least 70 ºС). Then, alternately, the corners of the web are fixed in the profile using a spatula. Clothespins are removed. All edges of the film are fixed in the profile.

The procedure ends with the installation plastic baguette around the perimeter of the room. This decorative element can be selected in specialized hardware stores.

Chandelier for plastic canvas

It is important to consider how to install a chandelier on a stretch ceiling. There are several options for this process. Even before installing the canvas in baguettes, it is necessary to prepare a platform for the lighting device.

If a chandelier hook is already provided in the ceiling, it will need to be extended. At the same time, the distance from the canvas to the base of the ceiling is taken into account. The hook will need to be reinforced. For this, steel chains are used.

If there is no hook at the base of the ceiling, a special platform should be prepared. In this case, the weight of the lighting device is taken into account. If this is a small, light chandelier, you can make two glazing beads on which the platform will be attached. A lighting fixture will be mounted to it.

It may be necessary to consider the technology of how to install a chandelier on a stretch ceiling which weighs quite a lot. In this case, the platform should be installed not on two, but on four supports. The platform should not reach a few centimeters for the surface of the canvas.

Chandelier installation

To install a chandelier on a plastic stretch ceiling, you need to perform a series of manipulations. It should be noted that the film under the weight of the lighting device can be deformed and torn. To prevent this from happening, when installing a PVC sheet, you will need to perform a few simple steps.

You need to purchase special protective rings made of plastic. They will prevent the destruction of the material at the installation site of the chandelier. How to install lamps in a stretch ceiling? FROM there is a certain method.

The retaining ring must be glued to the film in the place where the mounting platform or hook is installed under the canvas. You need to wait. When the glue dries, cut out in the center of the ring with a clerical knife round hole. An electric wire is pulled through it.

The chandelier is connected to the mains. Then it is attached to the prepared platform or hung on a hook. decorative cap cover the installation site. If desired, you can create a system of spotlights. In this case, protective rings are also used.

Safety regulations

To install a stretch ceiling in the kitchen, in the bathroom or other rooms, you will need to use special equipment. When carrying out such work, all safety rules must be observed.

A heat gun heats air with gas. This is explosive equipment. The balloon must be correct. If its service life has expired, the gun cannot be used.

If you need to fill the cylinder, you should contact a special organization. It is impossible to perform such actions at a gas station.

Before starting work, it is necessary to check whether the hose is intact and whether there is any visible damage to the equipment. If a gas leak is detected, the unit will need to be returned for repair.

The heat gun generates high heat. It is strictly forbidden to direct the flow of hot air to the cylinder. Accurate implementation of operating rules gas equipment guarantees the safety of the master. If you ignore the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer, you can cause significant damage to property, the health of the master.

fabric ceiling

Having studied the technology of mounting vinyl sheets, attention should be paid to the technology of fabric. Such products do not have seams. Their width can reach 5 m. This allows you to mount seamless canvases in almost any room.

Fabric stretch ceilings are easier to install with your own hands. In this case, you do not need to use a heating gun. The room should be at normal temperature. This type of installation also involves the pre-installation of profiles. Strong structures should be preferred.

Installation of profiles is carried out using the same technology as in the case of a PVC film ceiling. First, marking is done, and then, using dowels or self-tapping screws, the guides are tightly attached to the wall.

Starting to stretch the canvas from the fabric should not be from the corners, but from the middle of the wall. First, a kind of cross is formed from the material. The remaining pieces are pulled from the center to the corners of the room. In this case, special blades are also used. Excess material is cut off with a sharp knife. Installation should be carried out so that wrinkles do not form on the canvas.

Having considered how to install stretch ceilings different types, you can complete the whole process yourself. By following the recommendations of experts, you can achieve High Quality finishes. When working, be sure to follow the existing safety rules. Installing a fabric web for beginners is easier than PVC films.

Stretch ceilings, as a type of decoration, rapidly gained popularity. Many apartment owners have long appreciated their advantages. But for those who are just going to install them, it can be advised to find out How are stretch ceilings installed?, because their installation and fastening can affect the cost of work, and, ultimately, gain savings and benefits in operation.

Even at the dawn of the appearance of stretch ceilings, two main directions of fastening were developed: with harpoons or the French method, and fastening without harpoons or Dutch technology. These basic fastening methods are in turn divided into cam or wedge fastening.

Important! But before performing one or another method of installing a stretch ceiling, you need to install profiles or baguettes, which will be the basis of the structure.

The most commonly used aluminum profiles. They are durable, practical and do not corrode.

The profile structure is fixed to the walls or ceiling, depending on whether there is space under the ceiling space. With low ceilings, stretch ceiling installers recommend making a frame on the walls. If the ceilings are high or it is planned to make stretch ceilings in several levels, it would be more rational to attach the structure to the ceiling.

To begin with, the lower point of the entire structure is determined, from which the level setting of the guide profile will be counted. In general, stretch ceiling installation professionals advise installing it up to 60mm below the base ceiling.

Important! When planning multi-level stretch ceilings, markings are made for each level separately.

Aluminum or plastic profiles are attached to the base using self-tapping screws with a screwdriver. It is fast and eliminates additional labor costs.

The issue of manufacturing the structure to which the stretch ceiling will be attached must be approached with all responsibility. Errors in measurements and an incorrectly determined level will lead to the fact that the ceiling, instead of admiration, will cause irritation, and a desire to redo everything.

Fastening according to French technology (harpoons)

Important! With the French fastening technology, the stretch ceiling fabric is finished with a edging, which is attached to it by welding.

A PVC edging is produced, which has increased rigidity, and is a flexible plate, which in cross section has the shape of a hook or the so-called harpoon.

The plate is fixed in the groove of the profile guide with a spatula, followed by automatic blocking, but not for aluminum profiles. The tension of the canvas is ensured by the fact that its size is reduced by about 7% compared to the size of the area from wall to wall of the room where the stretch ceiling will be installed.

Installation sequence

  1. With harpoon fastening, the installation of the finish begins with the engagement of a free corner with a harpoon hook for the fastening profile.
  2. With the help of a heat gun, a separate part of the canvas is heated. The softened film is put with a spatula into the harpoon, which corresponds to the groove from the opposite corner of the room. This process is repeated on the diametrically opposite side. And only after that they perform work around the entire perimeter of the edged canvas.
  3. For fine finishing, you need to wait for the canvas to cool, and then using building hair dryer eliminate possible wrinkles or irregularities.
  4. The harpoon method is most suitable for PVC film ceilings.

The resulting mount has reliable strength, does not deform and is durable.

This fastening technology has not only the advantages of strength and reliability.

When using the harpoon mounting method, you need to consider the following points:

  • almost absolute accuracy in measurements. Permissible error up to 10mm. This is due to the fact that the harpoon hook is not made on the spot, but at the factory, and the canvas intended for installation already has an edge that cannot be remade.

The French fastening method requires experience and professionalism. Otherwise, the canvas will be damaged.

Another feature of the installation of a stretch ceiling by this method is the duration of the process, since the harpoon technology must be carried out with great care, accuracy and consistency.

Mounting according to Dutch technology or without harpoons

Important! The edges of the canvas according to the Dutch technology are not processed, but refueled in profile! Therefore, the dimensions of the canvas should be up to 150 mm larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base ceiling.

The basic principle of this method is that when the fabric is stretched, its excess is hidden and clamped in a baguette, for which a special bar is used.

The completely straightened and smoothed canvas is heated with a heat gun, and its edges are pressed against a pre-prepared frame using a spacer profile. The Dutch method of installing a stretch ceiling is somewhat similar to fixing the fabric with hand embroidery.

Finishing the installation of the ceiling consists in shaping it and cutting off the protruding edges of the canvas, both from PVC film and polyurethane-based fabric. Trimming should be done with particular care and accuracy so as not to damage the main canvas.

Stretch ceiling finishers believe that the main advantage of the Dutch method is that the fastening baguettes are hidden, and a decorative plastic strip can focus on style.

But this method of fastening has some disadvantages that it is advisable to take into account. Namely:

  • the ceiling structure is not subject to partial installation;
  • heavy loads are contraindicated. That is, if the owners of the home were flooded with neighbors from above, the canvas may slip out of the mount.

Cam fastening of stretch ceilings

With the cam method of fastening stretch ceilings, the canvas is fixed in the mounting profile, which is equipped with "cams" - paired semicircular sliding surfaces, between which the canvas itself is laid directly.

When pushing the stretch ceiling canvas, the “cams” ​​first diverge and then automatically lock, clamping the edge. That is, it will not be possible to pull the canvas back out of the mount. The fastening is strong and reliable, guaranteeing long-term operation of the product.

To the benefits cam mount include the possibility of installing stretch ceilings at a minimum distance from the base ceiling (only 8 mm), which is very important for apartments with low ceilings post Soviet plans.

But this method has size limitations. The maximum ceiling area should not exceed 20 sq.m. Otherwise, you need to apply additional ribs, otherwise the canvas can sag. If you can’t do without the use of ribs, then they can easily be hidden in the place where the chandelier will be located, which performs the functions of supporting the canvas and illuminating the ceiling.

Wedge fastening of stretch ceilings

feature wedge fastening stretch ceilings is the installation of finishing without the use of additional supports. This method can be applied to various stretch ceilings, regardless of what they are made of. Besides, this method allows you to install in rooms that have "impressive dimensions", starting from 100 sq.m, as well as apply structures in several levels.

The ceiling sheet is fixed along the perimeter with the ability to adjust the tension of the product to the desired degree. wedge method fastening is very time-consuming and expensive, even in comparison with harpoon mount not to mention other methods.

Patriotic response to the Dutch and French

Our native manufacturer of stretch ceilings has developed "its own" mounting system for domestic ceilings. It is impossible to conclude that it is worse or better, it just has its own nuances, but in general it looks finished product does not deteriorate, as well as its operational and aesthetic characteristics do not decrease. The basis of the method is fastening without harpoons.

The fastening of the canvas according to this technique is performed in this way:

  1. The web is stretched over an aluminum profile rib.
  2. The profile with the canvas is placed in the groove and clamped with a glazing bead.
  3. The glazing bead holds the fabric tightly, preventing it from sagging, plus its own tension properties.

Tools used for fastening stretch ceilings

The arsenal of stretch ceiling installers includes the tools needed at all stages of the production process.

  1. Roulette with the help of which measurements of the area and installation of the frame are made.
  2. Slate pencil or marker to mark the desired measurements.
  3. Lacing used for marking.
  4. Smooth construction spatula without defects.
  5. One of the levels.
  6. Electric screwdriver.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Apparatus for heating the fabric.

How to avoid common mistakes in fixing stretch ceilings

Important! If you have never had to deal with the installation of stretch ceilings, and even more so with fastening - invite installers, experts in this field! You will not only save your health and time, but you will also be spared from additional expenses!

  1. Spend it all preparatory work for laying electrical wiring for lamps, installing air conditioning or ventilation.
  2. Make sure that the frame levels match to the millimeter.
  3. When measuring, consider heating pipes.
  4. The heating of the canvas must be carried out according to the instructions prescribing the desired temperature. An overheated canvas may lose its aesthetic and performance qualities.
  5. When attaching the canvas, pay attention to its condition. Deep creases may indicate improper storage and transportation. Such defects in finished ceiling are not corrected.
  6. Stretch ceiling is aesthetically pleasing, practical and reliable. By installing a stretch ceiling, homeowners will forget about the problem of annual repairs for many years, but only if it is installed in accordance with all the rules, and not by a self-taught amateur without experience!

Many of us would like to know how professionals install stretch ceilings in order to do the installation of such ceiling structures at home with their own hands. Our article will help you acquire such knowledge.

Briefly about stretch ceilings and their advantages

To understand how stretch ceilings are installed, you first need to figure out what they are and why they are so popular. Stretch ceiling structures consist of a set of fasteners and the tension fabric itself made of a film or fabric made of impregnated synthetic threads. The material is attached to the structure around the perimeter of the room and stretched. Film webs are stretched after preheating using a heat gun, and fastened without heating.

Advantages of stretch ceilings:

  1. High aesthetic values. A wide range of colors and textures allows you to choose a canvas for your interior. And thanks to photo printing on the panel, it is possible to achieve originality and even greater beauty of the ceiling.
  2. There is no need to prepare the base ceiling. The installation itself is quick and easy, without a large number garbage. Furniture during installation is not required to be taken out.
  3. PVC film can withstand large volumes of water, which will save your apartment from being flooded by neighbors.
  4. Coatings can be mounted in any room (bathroom, kitchen, living room or bedroom), humidity does not matter.
  5. Ceilings can be installed after finishing the room without fear that your wallpaper or panels will be damaged.
  6. Cloths do not attract dust, do not support combustion, are harmless to humans.
  7. The stretch ceiling can be washed and cleaned with detergents.
  8. The durability of fabrics. The service life of such a ceiling leaves 15-20 years.

Ways of fastening stretch ceilings

When answering the question of how stretch ceilings are installed, it is impossible not to mention various ways cloth fastening. There are the following mounting options:

  • harpoon;
  • clip-on;
  • wedge.

Differences in the method of fastening in how the canvas is fixed in the wall fastener- baguette. Moreover, a certain type of fastener is suitable for certain types of canvases.

Harpoon mount

Using a harpoon mount, stretch ceilings made of pvc film are installed. This is due to the fact that only on PVC films can a small thickening around the perimeter, called a harpoon, be made at the factory. For installation by this method you will need:

  • aluminum or plastic profiles for wall mount with a groove for a harpoon (baguettes);
  • pvc canvas with a harpoon at the edges.

Fastening takes place as follows: first, baguettes are attached to the walls along the perimeter of the room at the desired height. Then a harpoon on a film is inserted into the groove of the baguettes and snapped into place. It turns out a reliable fixation of the canvas. By the way, the baguette can be mounted on drywall constructions.

Clip fasteners

Do you want to know how fabric stretch ceilings are installed? Yes, using a clip connection. The difference between a clip baguette and a harpoon fastener is that it is a single element without additional clamps. Plastic for such a baguette is very durable. It is able to withstand heavy loads. The method is named in the same way as the well-known brand of Clipso canvases, for which the baguette was invented.

The canvas is inserted into the fasteners and securely fixed thanks to the clip lock. This mounting scheme has one undeniable advantage- the canvas can be inserted into the fixture as many times as necessary and pulled out. This is especially useful for fabrics. After all, they are mounted without heating, which requires a good stretch and straightening of the panel.

wedge fastener

To understand how stretch ceilings are installed using a wedge connection, take a look at the photo below. For fasteners we need:

  • U-shaped baguette made of aluminum;
  • wedge;
  • wooden or plastic fixing bar.

The essence of the method is as follows: the canvas is inserted into the groove of the baguette and fixed there with a wedge. Then the excess web is cut off, and the groove with the wedge and the baguette are closed with a plastic insert. This insert performs additional fixing functions. This installation method is the easiest and most affordable for self-execution.

Taking measurements

Before stretch ceilings are installed, measurements of the room are performed in order to determine the required dimensions of the canvas. To properly perform this procedure, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If your room is rectangular in plan, then you need to measure not only its length and width, but also any of the diagonals of the room. This is necessary for the reason that the angles in the room are not always equal to 90 degrees.
  2. If the room has a complex polygonal shape, then in addition to measuring the lengths of the walls, the distances from any corner to all other corners in the room are measured.
  3. Before installing curved stretch ceilings, they build a diagram of the room on paper. There are two options for drawing a diagram. 1st: the ceiling is broken by a conditional grid with the same cells. Then, on these squares, a curved ceiling line is drawn on paper on a scale. 2nd: conditional chords are built to the curved ceiling line. Then all sides of the resulting triangles are measured.

Taking ceiling measurements

Tip: if the room has a very complex shape, it is better to measure distances not from one corner, but from several. Thus, the diagram will turn out to be a room divided into many triangles with measured sides.

Surface preparation

Although we wrote a lot about the fact that before installing stretch ceilings, preparation of the base ceiling is not required, there is still something to be done:

  1. Remove loose plaster from the surface of the old ceiling so that it does not damage the new stretch ceiling after falling.
  2. If stretch ceilings are installed in rooms with high humidity, it is better to treat the base ceiling with an antiseptic solution. This will prevent the formation of fungi.
  3. Take care in advance of the new wiring for the lamps, as well as places for their attachment.

How to install stretch ceilings: sequence

After we figured out the fasteners, it remains to find out how stretch ceilings are installed, or rather the exact sequence of actions. As you already understood, there is some difference between the installation of fabric sheets and PVC film sheets. The most difficult installation process occurs with pvc films, since their preheating is required.

To install the ceiling, you will need the following tools:

  • heat gun;
  • gas cylinder;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • laser level;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • square.

Stretch ceilings are installed in the following sequence:

  1. First you need to decide on the place of attachment of the baguette. To do this, it is necessary to indent from the base ceiling at a certain distance (for fabric sheets 1.5 cm, for PVC film sheets 4-5 cm). We work with a laser level.
  2. Then, along the marked lines, baguettes should be fixed for the fastening method we have chosen. To do this, we drill holes along the line on the wall and hammer dowels into them. We fasten the baguettes with self-tapping screws. We install fasteners every 20 cm.
  3. Do not forget to lay the wiring and make the attachment points for the light sources.
  4. Next, we lay out the canvas in the center of the room and, using special clamps, fasten one of its edges in any corner of the room.

  1. In the same way we hang other corners of the canvas.
  2. Warm up the heat gun. The canvas should warm up to 40 degrees.
  3. After that, they begin to insert the canvas into the baguettes. Stretch ceilings are installed from the middle of the baguettes, moving towards the corners.
  4. When the canvas is completely fixed in the baguette, ceiling plinths are mounted, which cover the installation site of the baguette.

How to install the canvas

Interesting information: a canvas with a harpoon mount in a rectangular room can be installed in 2 hours. It may take 6 hours to install a fabric web in a large room. Installation time two-level ceiling maybe more, because the amount of work is significant.

Cutting the canvas

Rules for fastening baguettes

How to install stretch ceilings, we have already figured out. However, there are some nuances that will be useful to you in the process. In addition, our tips will help you during the installation of profiles:

  1. When choosing between aluminum and plastic profiles, give preference to a more durable aluminum baguette.
  2. If you want to get the minimum distance from the base to the stretch ceiling, you can mount the baguette to the ceiling. Otherwise, the mounting profile is mounted on the walls.
  3. If you want to install built-in lighting fixtures, then at least 7 cm should be retreated from the base ceiling.
  4. The largest allowable pitch of self-tapping screws when attaching a baguette to solid walls without plaster is 20 cm. If the walls are thin and have a thick layer of plaster on them, the pitch is reduced to 80 mm.
  5. Since the cooled pvc sheet gives a load on the walls of 70 kg / r.m., you should not fasten baguettes to thin partitions. In this case, you should choose a ceiling mount.

Rules for mounting canvases

Usually, before stretch ceilings are installed using a heat gun, flowers and animals are taken out of the room. This is due to the fact that the air warms up to 40 degrees. In addition, during installation, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. For mounting canvases with harpoon fastening, it is convenient to use a special spatula or spatula with rounded corners.
  2. During pvc mounting the canvas must be constantly warmed up with a heat gun. Otherwise, it will quickly cool down and lose its elasticity.
  3. Stretch the PVC fabric from the middle of the baguettes to the corners of the room.
  4. When installing fabric sheets, a heat gun is not needed.
  5. Fabric canvases are inserted into the baguette from the corners to the center.

Rules for installing luminaires in stretch ceilings

How stretch ceilings are installed, you already understood. But what ceiling will do without lamps? The process of installing lighting fixtures in a stretch ceiling is as follows:

  1. On the base ceiling, places for fixing fixtures are pre-made.
  2. After that, reinforcing rings are glued to the film in the area of ​​​​the places where the fixtures are attached.
  3. The fabric is neatly trimmed inside rings.
  4. The wires are taken out into the resulting hole and connected to the lamp.
  5. Then the lamp is fixed on the site and adjusted.
  6. Heavy lighting fixtures are mounted on special hooks in the base ceiling.

For high-quality installation, knowing how to install stretch ceilings is not enough, because one inaccurate detail can ruin the whole thing. A certain experience and skill in handling a gun is needed, which give knowledge of many nuances that are useful in this matter. However, with our advice and useful advice you can act like experienced master. So, before installing stretch ceilings, take into account the following tips:

  1. Cylinder for gas gun used in the process of installing the tensioner pvc ceiling, should not be expired.
  2. Make sure that the heat gun does not blow into the place where the cylinder is.
  3. Do not fill the cylinder more than 80%.
  4. Give preference to translucent composite cylinders. It is easy to see the gas level in them.

An interesting video on how stretch ceilings are installed:

T Now you know how stretch ceilings are installed. However, if there is some self-doubt, choose fabric canvases for installation. They are denser due to the texture of the fabric, so they are more difficult to damage for inexperienced craftsmen. In addition, the installation of fabric sheets is carried out without the use of a heat gun.

Tensile structures are widely used in residential, office and other commercial interiors. With their help, you can quickly align any ceiling. These systems are based on two types of stretch fabrics: vinyl and textile. In the premises, they are installed on a special frame, consisting of metal or plastic profiles that are attached to the top of the wall. However, what to do if this surface does not have sufficient strength and there is a risk of its collapse under the tension of the material. Is it possible in this case to attach the stretch ceiling to the base ceiling? And how to implement this technology?

Profiles for stretch fabrics and their types

Profiles (or mounting baguettes) for stretch ceilings are made of plastic, as well as metal - aluminum. The first ones are cheaper and more elastic, they are more often used to create, because such products are easier to bend. The second ones are more expensive, but more reliable, they are chosen in case of finishing large area ceiling or for complex volumetric figures, because they are able to withstand serious loads.

Fig.1. Curved profile for stretch ceiling

Also mounting baguettes come in different lengths, sizes and shapes. And depending on the configuration, they are intended for a certain method of mounting the canvas (harpoon, glazing bead, clip-on).


The Asta M company offers to pay attention to another, completely new profile for the installation of stretch ceilings using gapless technology -. Such a baguette has a special groove in which there is a pressure cord that securely fixes the canvas and prevents the formation of a technological gap between the ceiling and the wall.

If we take into account the installation location, then the profiles are divided into the following types:

  • wall (the most common, installed at a distance of 5 cm or more from the base plate);
  • ceiling (provide the most compact placement of stretch fabrics - only 2-3 cm from the ceiling);
  • universal (designed for both horizontal and vertical mounting).

Thus, to the question: "Is it possible to mount a stretch ceiling to the ceiling?" any specialist will answer in the affirmative. The main thing is to choose the right baguette for installing the canvas and perform a competent installation.

How is the stretch ceiling profile fastened?

As you know, the ceiling decorative canvas has a certain tension force, which is why its supporting frame must be durable and reliable. Installation of a baguette is possible on any hard surfaces walls: this is concrete, and gypsum, and brick, and wood, and metal. As fasteners, self-tapping screws ranging in size from 3.5 to 5.5 cm and dowels 6 mm long are usually used.

Fig.2 Curvilinear profile PP75 for stretch ceiling

On a note!

To ensure the necessary stability of the profile, it is fixed in increments of 20-25 cm to solid planes, 15-20 cm to less reliable bases, 5-7 cm to curved sections of the structure.

However, sometimes base surface The walls are too weak. Can something be done in this case? One option is to fix the stretch ceiling to the ceiling using a special ceiling profile. This is both cheaper and faster than doing a major overhaul of the partitions in the room.

In what other cases is the ceiling mounting profile used?

Poor-quality wall material does not make it possible to perform a solid installation of the baguette to the wall, because it does not allow any dowel to be securely fixed. Even increasing the installation step does not help. These surfaces include:

  • old crumbling brick;
  • a thick layer of low-quality plaster;
  • too thin sheet of drywall, which is not possible to further strengthen.

In all of the above cases, you can easily get out of the situation by mounting the supporting frame not to the wall, but to the ceiling.

Fig.3. Curved profile for stretch ceiling

Also this method installation is used if the room has a built-in wardrobe with sliding system from floor to ceiling, and you don’t want to dismantle it. Here it is also impossible to use a wall profile, since the role of the wall, in fact, is played by the facades of the wardrobe.

Mounting barrier wall profile hidden communications can also become, which there is a risk of damage when drilling partitions.

Due to the special configuration of such a profile, it also allows you to install the stretch ceiling as compactly as possible, significantly saving the usable space of the room. This property is especially valuable in rooms with low ceilings.

However, why, then, are all stretch ceilings not attached directly to the ceiling, if it is so convenient? Is it possible to fully preserve the functionality of such a decorative design?

What are the limitations of the ceiling profile?

Since the ceiling baguette is installed on the base floor in the room, then stretch fabric exactly repeats its configuration. That is, to achieve a perfectly smooth decorative surface the main ceiling should be made as even as possible. And this implies additional preparatory work, which is not required in the case of using a wall profile.

Also, when decorating a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling or connecting two canvases, experts recommend using a separating ceiling plinth. It helps prevent sagging or wrinkling of the material.

In our online store you can purchase all materials and accessories for stretch ceilings, including different types fastening profiles.