How and where does kiwi grow? How to grow at home? How does kiwi grow? Photo of fruit, useful properties. How does kiwi grow in nature? Where and how does kiwi grow

Kiwi is grown in regions with a warm tropical climate. This fruit is loved by many for its wonderful taste, which is simultaneously similar to strawberries, bananas, gooseberries and melons. It turns out that it can be grown in our country. Let's see how these grow Exotic fruits and how useful they are.

The kiwi fruit is native to China, which is why it is sometimes called the Chinese gooseberry. Actinidia Chinese (lat. Actinidia chinensis) - this is the exact botanical name of the fruit. Actinidia grows wild in South-East Asia. On Far East In our country there are four types of actinidia. Is it a shrub or woody plants that have liana-like shoots.

Wild forms had small size and a mass of fruits of about 30 grams, so the breeders set about breeding new large-fruited varieties.

Modern history Kiwi fruit as an export fruit loved all over the world began in the 1960s. Specialists from New Zealand became interested in actinidia sinensis. The result of painstaking work was actinidia varieties with a fruit weight of up to 100 grams, which, moreover, were distinguished by an improved taste. The fruit also received its new name in New Zealand. Breeders named their brainchild kiwi because of the resemblance to the kiwi bird, which is the national symbol of the country.

Today, cultivars of kiwifruit are grown in many tropical regions of the world, but the leading exporting countries are China, New Zealand, Italy, Chile and Greece.

This valuable fruit can also grow in our country. Already today, frost-resistant varieties of actinidia are grown on experimental plantations in Dagestan and Krasnodar Territory. In addition, enthusiasts from many regions of Central Russia successfully grow kiwi on their household plots. An interesting feature plants is that it is practically not affected by pests and diseases, and also does not tolerate high doses of fertilizers. This means that when growing it, practically no agrochemicals are used, which can adversely affect the final quality of the product. Breeders consider the cultivation of this fruit a promising area in fruit growing and are actively working to introduce it in Russia.

Kiwi is not only very tasty, but also useful fruit. The fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. From 100 grams of kiwi, you can get a daily intake of vitamin C and a large amount of valuable vitamin E. Kiwi also contains vitamins B1, A, riboflavin, niacin and biologically active substances. Thanks to this composition, kiwi fruits have a tonic and stimulating effect on the body, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Kiwi varieties have been developed that grow well in temperate climates and withstand frosts up to 30 degrees. Therefore, more and more gardeners are planting kiwi fruit in their backyards. Best time for planting kiwi - spring and summer.

Summer planting of actinidia involves mandatory shading and abundant watering throughout the growing season. But plants that have not reached the age of 3 years can be plant in autumn before the onset of cold weather, usually September-October. It is important that before frost kiwi in open field took root, then the seedling will winter well.

Kiwis are planted in such a way that there are at least 1 male for every 10 female plants. Actinidia varieties are dioecious, that is, they do not need a pollinator, they grow normally and bear fruit in a single copy.

Kiwi is grown on acid soil. Clay dry soil is not suitable for actinidia, but ground water not desirable in close proximity to the root system. We previously wrote about .

Kiwi is a vigorous plant, in a few years liana grows up to 20 m. From each bush good care during the period of full fruiting, a crop of up to one hundred kilograms is obtained. Therefore, there is no way to do without support.

It can be a wall, a fence, metal, wooden support structures or a special trellis, gazebo, pergola. The main thing is that the support can withstand the weight of branches and fruits.

Kiwi planting

  • The depth of the pits or grooves for actinidia seedlings is the bayonet of a shovel. The width is 30 cm.
  • At the bottom of the pit, pour a layer of vermiculite, crushed stones, bricks or expanded clay, as the plant does not tolerate standing water.
  • Sprinkle the seedling with earth without tamping.
  • Water generously.
  • Mulch with sawdust.
  • Protect the plant with a trimmed 5 liter plastic bottle or mesh with agrofibre.
  • Drive 3 guide pegs around the perimeter of the pit. On them kiwi will trail.

The distance between seedlings is maintained in the range from 1.5 to 2.5 m. Until the plant takes root, it protect from direct sun rays . To ensure the proper development of the plant, it is planted in fertile soil with humus and wood ash, and also add mineral fertilizers - superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. It is not allowed to use chlorine-containing fertilizers for feeding actinidia.

Kiwi care

The kiwi root system is superficial, so weeding and digging the earth around the kiwi seedling is highly undesirable. Mulching near-stem circle of actinidia is a must!

Fertilizers are best applied in liquid form or scattered under a layer of mulch. Actinidia not drought tolerant plant. For the first few years, garden kiwis are regularly and plentifully watered.

Frost-resistant varieties of actinidia

  1. Actinidia kolomikta- the most frost-resistant variety. It grows like a liana, twisting around a support, or as a stunted shrub.
  2. Actinidia argument differs in large sizes. The length of its trunk reaches 25 m.
  3. Actinidia polygamist- the most valuable medicinal plant. In terms of vitamin C content, it is far superior to known plants.
  4. Carpathian Straton Valentine - new variety frost-resistant kiwi, bred by Ukrainian breeder Heinrich Straton.


In April - June (depending on the variety), actinidia is covered with creamy white or pink flowers with wonderful aroma. Abundant flowering lasts 2-3 weeks. Women's and male plants differ in the structure of inflorescences. Male inflorescences are characterized by the presence of yellow anthers (actinidia kolomikta and polygamum) and black (argut) color.

Pollination occurs with the help of wind, as well as insects - bumblebees or bees. Pollination of dioecious varieties is possible only if the male and female vines are of the same variety.

After flowering is completed, the female flowers form an ovary. The fruits are harvested in August-September. They have an oblong shape, yellow-green or light Orange color and a pleasant pineapple scent. The skin of the fruit is smooth or pubescent.


Actinidia can and should be formed. Here are a few options for liana palmettes. Formation will take several years.

top dressing

Fertilizers are applied to the soil according to a certain scheme.


  • humus - 2-3 kg / sq.m;
  • superphosphate - 40-50 g / sq.m;
  • potassium salt - 10-15 g / sq.m.

spring: ammonium nitrate - 20-30 g / sq.m

In hot weather, plants need to be watered regularly. The top layer is periodically loosened, mixed with sawdust and peat.


Actinidia is propagated cuttings, seeds and root cuttings. Most fast way- Rooting cuttings. In early spring before the start of sap flow, cuttings up to 30 cm long are cut out and placed in a nutrient substrate for several buds. Then watered and covered with polyethylene.

When 3 leaves appear, the plant is gradually accustomed to life without a greenhouse, and then taken out to the street or balcony. In August, a rooted and strengthened cutting can be planted in open ground.

Kiwi seeds are soaked in hot water per day (in a thermos). Sowed to a depth of 1 cm. Top can be sprinkled with sand. They build a greenhouse from polyethylene or a jar and put it in a warm, bright place for germination. We stock up on patience - the seeds will sprout in 3 months. And the fruits will appear at best in 6 years.

Preparing for winter

In autumn, unviable shoots are removed, young shoots are covered with spruce branches or peat. Mature plants endure winter weather without shelter, tied to trellises. The root system is carefully insulated with peat or humus.

Many people still do not know what kiwi is and how it grows. We are sure that this is a healthy fruit, and maybe not a fruit. Or maybe kiwi is a berry? So let's try to figure out what is kiwi, where and how does it grow?

What is kiwi?

Kiwi is tree vine fruit Actinidia . It was first heard about in China. The fruits of wild vines weighed no more than 30 g. After cultivation, their weight changed and tripled, and the taste became more acceptable for eating.

Breeders from New Zealand, where the kiwi came from China, gave it the familiar name for us in honor of the bird, so similar in shape and color to this fruit. Most people think that kiwi is a fruit. In fact kiwi is considered a berry, and its second name is "Chinese gooseberry".

It tastes unique and resembles either strawberries and melons, or gooseberries or bananas.

It seems that all fruits are the same, but they are not. Known several varieties of kiwi:

  • Hayward.
  • Abbott.
  • Monty.
  • Bruno.

They differ in color, fruit size, yield, and even taste and composition. For example, fruits of the variety Hayward the most common due to the impressive size and juicy taste. And the fruits of the variety Monty extremely small, but in terms of the content of potassium and vitamin FROM they have no equal.

Where does kiwi grow?

The fields where kiwi is grown can be found in many countries, despite the capricious nature of the latter. New Zealand is the largest producer of kiwifruit.. About 3,000 farms produce enough kiwi fruit to supply more than 60 countries.

In other countries, they also grow "Chinese gooseberries", but mainly for the domestic market. These are countries such as:

  • China.
  • Italy.
  • Iran.
  • Chile.
  • Greece.

The kiwi did not have a relationship with the United States, since it took root there only in California and Hawaii.

For our country bred special frost-resistant varieties . Plantations with kiwi can be found mainly in the Kuban. The local climate makes it possible to grow an exotic berry, which is in no way inferior in taste to overseas fruits. Such a product is both cheaper and more useful.

Useful properties of kiwi

Kiwi has a high medicinal value, due to high content of vitamin C. There is an opinion that one kiwi can replace a whole bucket of apples. Kiwi also contains:

  • Vitamin A.
  • B group vitamins.
  • Quinic acid, thanks to which the berry has such an expressive taste.
  • actinide enzyme.
  • Kiwi fruits are useful for people seeking to lose weight. They contain a lot of nutrients per calorie.


  • Magnesium.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.

Kiwi fruits are extremely useful for pregnant women, they can be used as a source calcium and magnesium so necessary for a developing organism.

How to choose a good kiwi?

For kiwi to be really useful, it must be chosen correctly. Only really ripe fruit, which properly stored, will contain useful substances. What should you pay attention to?

  1. The smell of kiwi should be fragrant fruity.
  2. The skin of a ripe kiwi is firm and smooth to the touch.
  3. When pressed, the ripe fruit will be soft, and the unripe hard.
  4. If the peel looks wrinkled, then the fruit has lost a significant amount of fluid, and with it nutrients.
  5. The overripe fruit has dark spots and cracks, as if it had burst.

Having bought kiwi fruits, they must be properly stored at home.

  • In the refrigerator, kiwifruit can be stored for 3-4 weeks, if necessary.
  • If you have already bought a fruit and realized that it is not ripe, put it in a place where there is no sunlight for several days. There he will reach the desired state. Our grandmothers and mothers used this method.

How does kiwi grow in nature?

For those who are interested in seeing how it grows " fluffy berry» in nature, it is better to go to China. There, kiwi was preserved in its original form of thirty-gram fruits.

Outwardly, the plant looks like a tree that is about to fall. The fruits are similar to grapes. Branches depart from the trunk - creepers, the length of which can often reach 5 meters or more. They wrap everything around them.

During flowering, from May to June, on the tree appear flowers white color , rather large. Although kiwi prefers shade, it still cannot do without sunlight like any other plant. And of course, needs to in large numbers moisture. However, if water stagnates in the soil, the plant may die.

On plantations, kiwi looks completely different. When grown on an industrial scale, the vine needs a support that will replace the natural growing conditions. They are arranged in the form of a grid fixed on poles. Yes, kiwi extremely tough shrub.

How does kiwi grow at home?

If you suddenly want to conduct an experiment and grow kiwi at home, so that its vines will envelop your room, and you can eat fresh berries for breakfast, you must follow these rules:

  1. Remove the seeds from the ripe fruit and rinse them gently under running water.
  2. Dip the seeds in a vessel filled with water. They will sprout in a week.
  3. Transfer the germinated seeds to a damp cloth and cover, for example, with a cut plastic bottle.
  4. Once the roots have hatched, it's time to transplant the seedlings into the soil.
  5. As soon as the leaves appear and they grow a little, transplant the plant again, into a larger container.
  6. The plant needs frequent watering, especially during the flowering period.
  7. It is better to place a pot of kiwi on the southwest side, there is more light and heat.
  8. Weaker plants must be removed.

If you are in a hurry, then it is better to take cuttings, they will bloom much faster than a seedling.

Also kiwi can be grafted. To do this, you need to take male plants and instill a female bud in them. But it will require a lot of space in order to plant a few trees. At proper care"fluffy berry" can bloom in 3 or 4 years.

After reading this article, you learned how kiwi grows, where and what it is, a fruit or a berry. Now, if you want to eat a ripe fruit, you can grow it at home yourself.

Growing plant video

In this video, biologist Anton Kamzolov will tell and show how kiwi grows in the yard at home in Ukraine, in the city of Uzhgorod:

Kiwi or Chinese actinidia (Actinidia chinensis) is a tree-like liana that naturally grows in subtropical regions. Fruit this plant represent quite large berries with thin, slightly pubescent skin. Their green flesh has a pleasant aroma and a sour-sweet taste.

China is considered the birthplace of Chinese actinidia, and its first cultivars were bred in New Zealand in the second half of the twentieth century. Currently, kiwi cultivation in room conditions is not particularly difficult, the main thing is to initially learn the technology.

Features of growing kiwi at home

In order to get a well-developed and abundantly fruiting plant at home, you need to know how to grow kiwi and provide it comfortable conditions vital activity. Planting is recommended in the spring.

The soil

The soil for planting kiwi seeds should be neutral or slightly acidic. From ready substrates suitable soil mixture for citrus crops.

If the soil is done independently, then it is recommended to use the following options:

  • sod land - 2 parts, leafy land - 1 part, humus - 1 part, coarse sand - 1 part;
  • sod land - 3 parts, leafy land - 2 parts, peat - 1 part, perlite - 1 part.

Conditions for flowering

In order for the plant to bloom, you must carefully follow the rules of planting and further care.

Cross-pollination is required to produce fruits.

In this case, in the third or fourth year of growth, white flowers will appear on the kiwi, which gradually turn yellow as they grow. On plants, female and male specimens are formed, therefore, to obtain fruits at room conditions, you will need cross pollination.


Kiwi refers to light-loving plants. Therefore, for its growth, you need to choose a well-lit place, preferably in the southern part of the room. In this case, the plant should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid burns. To do this, in a particularly hot time to create artificial shading.

Important! When choosing a place for growing kiwi, you need to know that with proper care it grows strongly, forming a powerful vine. Therefore, you need to prepare a fairly spacious room for him.

Selection of planting material

To grow kiwi from seeds, you need to choose a large, well-ripened fruit. It should not show signs of rot or any mechanical damage. It must be thoroughly washed, dried, cut into two halves and the required amount of seeds removed.

Kiwi seeds are very small

Planting kiwi and care at home

To obtain strong healthy seedlings should be given Special attention preparation and planting of seeds, as well as further proper care of young plants.

Seed preparation

From the cut fruit, you need to carefully remove the pulp and place it in a container of water. After that, stir with a spoon or knead with your hands. Change the water periodically until the seeds are completely clean. After that, they need to be laid out on dry matter and dried.

Next, take a small plate and cover it with damp cotton wool, put the seeds on it and tighten it with polyethylene on top. The container must be placed in a warm, well-lit place. The film must be removed daily for several hours to ventilate and moisten the seeds. The appearance of sprouts should be expected within a week, after which you can plant.

Planting germinated seeds

For planting seeds, you need to use shallow pots. A good drainage layer should be poured at the bottom, and pre-prepared, sterilized soil should be poured on it. Make holes in it with a depth of no more than 5 millimeters, plant the seed material, sprinkle it with a thin layer of soil and slightly moisten.

After germination, the weakest should be removed.

Tighten the containers with plastic wrap and send to a warm and bright room. Every day, the shelter should be removed in order to ventilate the plantings and water if necessary. After the sprouts appear, you need to remove the weakest of them.

Planting dry seeds

In the same way as germinated seeds, dry ones can be planted. But in this case, the seedlings will have to wait a little longer. In the future, the emerging sprouts are similarly cared for.


After about a month, several true leaves should form on the plants. At this time, you need to carry out a pick, planting seedlings in separate small pots. Since kiwi has a very delicate, superficial root system, it is necessary to remove seedlings from a common container very carefully. Root damage can lead to plant death.

Young kiwis should be grown in separate containers.

top dressing

When transplanting kiwi into individual containers, it is recommended to add a small amount of compost to the prepared soil. In the future, from the beginning of spring to the end of summer, it is necessary to feed the plants with complex mineral fertilizers every 2 weeks.


Kiwi is a moisture-loving plant, so during the growing season, watering should be regular and frequent. The soil should remain moist at all times, but overflows should not be allowed, which can lead to rotting of the root system. . The pot should have drainage holes, and excess water from the pans should be drained regularly. In especially hot times, in addition to watering, plants require daily spraying.

Important! Starting in autumn, it is necessary to moisten the soil only as needed after its top layer has completely dried.

Why the plant may die - possible reasons

Kiwi needs careful care

Kiwi can die if the rules for caring for it are not followed. The reasons may be:

  • insufficient or excessive watering;
  • poor lighting;
  • lack of nutrients in the soil as a result of the lack of timely top dressing;
  • infection with fungal diseases and pest damage ( spider mite, scabies, aphids and others).

In order to prevent the death of plants, you need to follow the rules for their maintenance and regularly conduct a routine inspection.

If fungal diseases are detected that lead to decay of both the root system and the ground part, one should:

  • remove the affected leaves and parts of the stem;
  • if possible, remove the plants from the pot, rinse the roots and cut off the rotten ones;
  • transplant kiwi into clean soil;
  • spray and shed the soil with a fungicide solution.

If pests appear on kiwi, then you need:

  • trim wilted and dried leaves;
  • wash all parts of the plant with a household solution or;
  • spray kiwi with an infusion of garlic, onion, tobacco or wormwood, if this does not help, then spray with an insecticide.

Important! Cats love to eat kiwi leaves, and even the roots of the plant. Therefore, if there are pets in the apartment, it is recommended to wrap the pots with a net in order to avoid its destruction.

Propagation by seedlings and cuttings

Kiwi propagation is possible by seeds and cuttings.

Kiwi can be grown not only from the stone, but also using cuttings and seedlings. For propagation by cuttings, semi-lignified or lignified cuttings are used, on which there must be at least 3 buds. The lower edge is cut obliquely under the lower kidney, and 1 centimeter is left above the upper one.

Then planting material placed in a container with water, to which a growth stimulator is added for at least 12 hours. After that, boxes for seedlings are prepared, on the bottom of which a drainage layer is poured, and on it a mixture of equal parts of peat and sand. Cuttings are planted in a container, moistened, covered glass jars and sent to a warm, well-lit room.

Every day, the shelter is removed and the seedlings are sprayed, and also watered as necessary. After about a month, the cuttings form a fairly developed root system. At this time, they can be seated in individual pots with good layer drainage and soil mix.

Propagation by seedlings is carried out with the help of root offspring. They are simply carefully separated from the mother plant so that the roots remain on them. The resulting planting material is planted in small pots with nutrient soil and watered. As a rule, seedlings take root very quickly.

How to get a good kiwi harvest at home

To receive you need to good harvest kiwi, the plant should be provided with comfortable conditions close to those in which it grows in the wild. As mentioned above, he needs good lighting, regular watering and proper feeding.

Kiwi with proper care bears fruit well at home

In addition, you need to make supports along which growing vines will rise up. In order for the plants to branch better, regular pinching should be carried out. And, of course, in order to have fruits at home, it is required to cross-pollinate male and female flowers.

Kiwi is exotic tropical plant. Nevertheless, it grows well in the conditions of ordinary city apartments, and with proper care, it even brings not only tasty, but also healthy fruits.

We invite you to get acquainted with the nuances of growing kiwi at home. Enjoy watching!