Yucca flower: photo and description of the palm tree, homeland and varieties of the plant, lifespan of an indoor tree and under what conditions it blooms. How to care for yucca at home What a yucca flower looks like

During the period of my work as a landscape designer, I gained enough experience to competently advise this or that plant.

There are specific plants that are rarely used for landscaping gardens, but there are universal ones that fit well into any landscape. I consider garden yucca to be just such a universal plant - I’ll tell you about planting and caring for it in the article.

Yucca is a tree-like shrub that belongs to the Agave family. The leaves of the plant have a characteristic structure: they are very rough, elongated, sword-shaped. The leaves are arranged in a circle, in the middle of which a flower rosette is formed. Photo of the plant on the website.

The color of the foliage has a bluish or calm green tint. In the center there is a peduncle: quite large, with pinkish or white flowers.

Yucca flowers are very beautiful - they look like large bells and are located multiple times on the plant. After the flowers fly around, a fruit-achene is formed in their place. During the season, from 80 to 170 flowers bloom on one plant.


Modern science has discovered about 30 species of yucca. Among them there are real giants, growing more than 10 meters in height, and there are also compact herbaceous shrubs. Most species can only grow in southern or tropical climates, so in Russia yucca is represented by only two varieties:

  • gray;
  • filamentous.

Let's talk more about these types.


Of the two varieties presented, this one is more popular. In addition, on the basis of filamentous yucca, many interesting and very decorative varieties plants.

This plant has practically no stem. The rosette is located almost flush with the soil, surrounded by large, hard leaves sticking out in different directions. Very similar to a palm fan, only without a trunk.

Yucca filamentous blooms: the flowers are lush, white-cream in color, multiple. The shape of a yucca flower resembles a bell.


Outwardly it resembles the previous variety. However, its leaves are narrower and longer, shaped like needles. The foliage is faded, as if faded, a little bluish.

The peduncles are tall, strewn with yellowish delicate bells. Externally, the flowering plant resembles a candle - very beautiful and decorative. Flowering can be observed in the second part of the summer season.


Let's consider the main features of rooting.


It is not advisable to plant the plant immediately in the garden. First, it is recommended to harden off the yucca to allow the plant to adapt.

To do this, the yucca is taken outside for a while, making the procedure longer every day.

Selecting a location

We recommend choosing a bright area in the garden, on a hill, for the yucca. It is undesirable to plant the plant in the shade and in lowlands, since in such conditions the decorative properties of yucca are greatly affected. With a lack of light, yucca foliage becomes very elongated, and in variegated varieties it turns pale.

Yucca can grow without any problems in the very sunshine - where more delicate plants cannot be found. garden plants. Therefore, if you have such an unused area in your garden, feel free to plant a yucca there - and the landscape will be transformed.

The area should be protected from drafts - cool breezes southern plant does not love. In addition, strong gusts break the fragile flower stalks of the yucca.

The soil

The soil on the site should be loose and not too clayey. Calcareous, chernozem, sandy and rocky soils are best suited for this plant.

Dense, clay soil in this case will not work. But if the soil on your site is clayey, you can make it looser by adding sand and peat.

Garden yucca does not like excessive waterlogging. Therefore, plant it in places with close occurrence groundwater undesirable. In a low-lying area, it is recommended to raise the yucca flowerbed.


The plant will feel good without sudden temperature changes, in stable conditions. Optimal temperature for growing garden yucca, the range is considered to be from +15 to +22 degrees. However, yucca can withstand temperatures up to +35 degrees and very dry air.

Site and pit preparation, planting

If the plant is young, the hole is dug small, but with a reserve. If the plant is three years old, the dimensions of the recess should be from 70 to 100 cm on one side. A hole is dug 40-50 cm deep.

Plot for spring planting you need to start preparing in the fall. A drainage layer of coarse gravel and two handfuls of wood ash are poured into the bottom of the dug hole.

It is better to plant in May, since by this time the average daily temperature reaches +10 degrees in most regions. The plant is placed in a hole, its roots must be straightened and carefully sprinkled with soil.

Important: the root collar of the plant should be flush with the edge of the recess.

Water the plant and mulch the root circle with dry soil. The measure will help keep the soil moist for more long term, and will also rid the yucca of weeds.


Let's learn how to care for yucca in the garden.


Moistening the soil is necessary regularly, but not too often. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to water only when the top soil layer has thoroughly dried.

You can also spray the leaves if the weather is too dry. Perform this procedure in the evening or in the morning so that the leaves are not damaged.

Loosening, mulching

After watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil in the garden bed to make the soil more permeable. At the same time, remove any weeds that appear. Keep in mind that yucca will grow much worse in dense soil overgrown with weeds. Mulch to reduce moisture evaporation. Sawdust and leaves are used as mulch.

Top dressing

Application additional food carried out twice during the growing season. Mineral complexes for succulents should be used.

The first time fertilizing is applied at the beginning of the growing season in May, the second time - after the yucca has bloomed.


If yucca has been growing in one bed for a long time, it needs to be replanted. Changing the place of residence has a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of the plant.

Usually transplanted after 3-4 years of growth in one place. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure more often. You can tell that the time has come by the appearance of the plant: the leaves turn pale, the rosette becomes wrinkled.

Plant the plant in a place that has similar conditions to the old one. It is recommended to perform the procedure either in spring or late summer. It is necessary to dig very carefully so that the roots are not damaged.

Why doesn't it bloom after transplanting? Because the flowering of the plant after this procedure occurs only in the next growing season.


The plant is quite frost-resistant, despite its southern origin. Without shelter, yucca can withstand short-term frosts down to -25 degrees. But if in your region frosts drop lower in winter, for example in the Moscow region, you should prepare the plant for wintering more carefully.

Interestingly, even if the yucca freezes, it still survives. The plant may not bloom this year due to freezing of flower buds, but in next year will be fully restored.

They prepare for wintering around the end of October. The leaves are tied together with twine, thus covering the flower rosette from freezing and snow.

Then the root zone is mulched with organic materials: peat, leaves, humus. For the south, this is enough, but in colder regions, covering yucca for the winter should also include burlap and agrofibre thrown over top.


At home, garden yucca is usually propagated vegetatively. You can also use seeds, however, this method is much more troublesome and time-consuming.

Vegetative propagation involves the following options:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings

Dividing the bush

This is a simple method that is usually used during the next transplant. Only adult yucca can be divided. Optimal time For the procedure, spring is considered: end of April-May.

The procedure involves cutting the plant into several parts and then planting each part in a new separate place.


The method is also quite simple and can be used at any time. For cuttings, only healthy, strong shoots are used, preferably apical shoots. We recommend carrying out the procedure in the spring.

It is necessary to cut off the shoot under acute angle and treat the cut area with a fungicide solution. Then dry the cuttings a little and plant them in the ground, insulating them with polyethylene on top. The cutting takes root in about 20 days.

So, we learned what garden yucca is, as well as how to care for it. This wonderful shrub can add an exotic touch to any garden landscape. Growing yucca is not difficult - even a beginner can handle it. And the unique appearance of the plant and its unpretentiousness will appeal to absolutely everyone.

When landscaping modern offices, reception directors, and other official premises, the yucca flower is indispensable. And even if you wanted to go home tropical exotica, no problem - gardeners have long been growing false palm as a greenhouse or indoor plant.

Certain types of yucca in small spaces can look like alien giants

The question logically arises: is this even a palm tree or not? Despite the obvious similarity, you should not trust your eyes. In both cases we're talking about about an evergreen woody plant that, with good care, can reach a height of over 2.5 m. Individual specimens found in wildlife on American landscapes, they even grow into giants - up to 12 m. But! Scientists still classify palm trees as a separate family.

And yucca is such a mysterious representative of the flora that it still causes heated discussions among botanists: which family should the plant belong to - Liliaceae, Agaveaceae or Asparagusaceae? After all, even adult specimens are very different from each other.

general characteristics

Main groups

There are two large groups yukk:

  • tree-like;
  • stemless.

In the first case, there is a pronounced tree-like trunk on which 1-4 rosettes with a fan of leaves grow. There are samples with artificially created branching.

In stemless representatives, one rosette forms the crown of a false palm.


What does real yucca look like? Reliably describing a plant is not an easy task. The variety of species and similarity with dracaena easily confuses the inexperienced gardener.

However, it is worth noting that it is not for nothing that yucca is called a false palm. The tall, even stem forever retains traces of the attachment of dead leaves, forming a characteristic pattern. There are no branches or abundance of young shoots typical of a tree to be found on the trunk.

The top of the central trunk of the palm tree is crowned with a rosette with narrow pointed leaves reaching a length of 40 cm. In some types of yucca, the leaves are erect, in others they are slightly convex, with their tips reaching towards the ground. To the touch, the surface of the leaf plate is hard, rough, often with serrated rather than smooth edges.

The average gardener is attracted to yucca both by its armful of sword-shaped green leaves and by the original shape of its scaly trunk. A home palm tree looks very impressive in a living room or hall as a single tree. Large rooms significantly increase the effectiveness and attractiveness of yucca.

Interior designers and flower growers have noticed its excellent compatibility with drought-tolerant plants, and therefore successfully use it when creating floral compositions.

Good neighbors of yucca in a container:

  • sedum;
  • spurge;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • cacti.

Indoor lifespan

Flower growers are often interested in how many years a palm tree lives at home and to what size it grows. It all depends on the care and preferences of the owner.

Thus, yucca grows slowly, but within 15-20 years of indoor maintenance it is quite capable of reaching a height of 1.5 - 2.5 m. This is not the maximum lifespan of a palm tree. When favorable climatic conditions are created, it doubles.

As for the size of an adult plant, its height is adjusted by the frequency and degree of pruning of the trunk. A lignified yucca stem, the top of which has been cut off, stops growing and devotes all its strength to throwing out a lateral shoot with a rosette. Many gardeners tend to shorten the central trunk “into a stump.”

On a note! Large specimens grown in greenhouses for sale are expensive. However, the special decorative value of an indoor tree deserves to be spent and organized in the tropics at home.

Flowering and pollination

Under natural conditions, adult yucca blooms beautifully and smells wonderful. A powerful panicle consisting of large bells resembles a candle or a giant lily of the valley.

But at home it is almost impossible to achieve flowering. The problem is related to the palm tree’s lack of long, cold wintering. To lay a flower bud, a houseplant needs special conditions for a dormant period, which cannot be realized in heated city apartments and private houses.

On a note! Yucca aloelia is prone to self-pollination. Its fruits are inedible berries.

About toxicity

Flower growers who have pets are concerned about the question: yucca is poisonous plant or not? Practice has shown that palm trees do not cause harm or trouble to cats. On the contrary, animals happily chew greens indoor tree, leaving unsightly marks.

Owners will have to think in advance about how to protect the plant from four-fingered gourmets.

Important! Yucca leaves are not poisonous, but very pungent. Careless handling may result in cuts and punctures. From children flower pot Better to stay away!

Things to remember

Four statements that characterize yucca:

  • has no relation to palm trees and dracaenas;
  • V home environment blooms extremely rarely;
  • not poisonous;
  • unpretentious in care when creating a favorable climate.

Homeland of yucca

Countries where yucca grows everywhere are Central (and North) America and Mexico.

Back in the 19th century, the false palm attracted the attention of scientists so much that it became the basis of collections in many botanical gardens in all corners of the globe.

Today, the exotic tree is cultivated in greenhouses on the coast of Crimea and the Caucasus, and in the central zone, yucca has gained popularity as an unpretentious indoor plant.

The subtropical origin of yucca affects the basic rules of care and cultivation: the palm tree grows slowly, loves moist air and mild drought. Some species (filamentous, glorious, aloel-leaved) are even frost-resistant, surviving when temperatures drop to -15 degrees, and therefore are suitable for cultivation in open ground.

Yucca or dracaena - five fundamental differences

After much research, scientists agreed that yucca and dracaena belong to the asparagus family, but both are worthy of leading a separate genus.

Without going into botanical terms, it is important to note the signs that allow flower growers in a store to correctly determine the name of a home palm tree.

So, what is the difference between yucca and its twin dracaena? First of all, the texture of the leaves, the diameter of the trunk, and the characteristic root system.

the leaf blade is wider, dense, rough to the touch, often distinguished by serrated edges (with jagged edges)the leaf plate is narrower, thinner, smooth to the touch, with smooth edges
tree trunk at same height plants are larger in diametertree trunk with the same height of plants has a smaller diameter
developed root system and the trunk sproutsthe root is smooth with a slight yellowness, orange-yellow when cut, does not produce rhizomes or shoots

Fundamental differences in care

prefers dry soilprefers moist soil
spraying is undesirableloves spraying

Yucca photo gallery

Of all, only two types of yucca have received recognition in indoor floriculture:

  • ivory;
  • aloe leaf.

Yucca elephantipes (ivory)

A spectacular evergreen perennial with a short stem swollen at the root and a lush, lush crown is the national flower of El Salvador.

The trunk of a houseplant can be single, resembling an elephant’s leg, or it can be weakly or strongly branched. Tough, shiny leaves with tiny teeth are collected in bunches. A real exotic palm tree.

On a note! Caring for elephant yucca is standard: poor semi-dry soil, moist air and bright, diffused light.

The white and emerald palette makes the room bright and cozy

Yucca aloefolia

This is the second most popular false palm, widely cultivated in flower pots and flowerpots. Compared to it, it is more demanding on lighting and heat.

Rarely blooms at home. The attention of florists is attracted by its narrow sword-shaped and very traumatic leaves. If the owners set a goal and provide the plant with a long, cold winter and a comfortable rest period, then the chances of seeing a flowering palm tree increase sharply.

The photo below shows a decent example.

This false palm will not survive in a small room. She needs space and a lot of light. A feature of the culture is indifference to spraying.

And this is how yucca blooms in the garden. Light shading is not a hindrance to the plant.

IN sunny garden filamentous yucca is cozy and calm

Educational videos on the topic of caring for indoor elephant yucca:

How to propagate yucca? At home false palm grows about four meters in height. Plant propagation is carried out in various ways, each of which deserves special attention.


This method used in rare cases, because yucca does not bloom indoors. You can buy seeds at a flower shop, or by receiving them from a plant that grows in a comfortable environment. climatic zone. Obtaining seedlings can be provided that planting material was fresh.

The seeds are wrapped in a piece of damp cloth and kept for 24 hours. After the expiration date, they are sown in the prepared soil mixture. It should consist of equal parts of turf, leaf soil and high-moor peat. The container is covered with polyethylene or glass on top to create a greenhouse effect.

At least twice a day, crops must be ventilated and accumulated condensation must be removed from the surface of the glass or film.

The substrate is moistened with a spray; it is not recommended to allow the substrate to dry completely.

Shoots will begin to appear in thirty to forty days.


If desired, you can ensure that the yucca has two or three fan-shaped tips. This is done when the false palm has grown more than thirty centimeters in height. Cut with a sharp knife top part plants. There should definitely be a few leaves left on the trunk.

Slice sprinkle with crushed charcoal. After a while, where the cut was, young shoots will appear, and the top is used to obtain a new false palm tree. It must be air-dried for two hours, after which it is immersed for rooting in moistened sand or a container of water. Just before use, the water needs to be boiled and cooled.

When the lower leaf plates rot, they are cut off and the water changes. After the roots appear, the top is planted in a separate pot.


Propagation of the yucca palm by stem cuttings. If you look closely, you can see dormant buds, which are located on the lignified trunk of a false palm tree.

There are a lot of them and each, when certain conditions are created, is capable of producing new shoots.

All nutrients received by yucca from the soil are redirected to the development of the crown, so as long as there is a top on the trunk, the shoots will not wake up.

After cutting the crown from the plant, young leaf plates begin to form under the cut. This feature Yucca can be perfectly used for propagation. This the process is done like this:

  • the trunk is cut into pieces, each of which must be at least twenty centimeters;
  • the finished sections are placed in a mixture of peat and sand for rooting;
  • The container is covered with polyethylene or a glass jar.

The best period for cuttings is from February to April.

Use of lateral processes

When to plant and how to grow yucca from a shoot at home? Lateral shoots regularly appear on the trunk of the false palm tree, which can be used to propagate the plant. For these purposes they are cut along with a piece of bark small size and placed in a sand-peat mixture for rooting.

The cut on the trunk is disinfected using activated charcoal or charcoal. Within thirty days, roots appear.

False palm pruning process

Upon reaching the yucca trunk diameter more than seven centimeters, it is cut off. This is done in order to form a correctly shaped crown on the palm tree. We must not forget that after the procedure is performed, the growth of the plant stops.

Need to cut as high as possible from the base of the trunk. The plant needs to be provided good watering every three to four days. The cut part is placed in a moist substrate for rooting. Thanks to the pruning method, the owner forms the height of the plant he needs.

How to plant and grow?

Yucca prefers soil with neutral acidity Therefore, the plant must be planted in a specially prepared soil mixture consisting of leaf soil, turf soil, peat and humus, taken in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. You can buy ready-made substrate at a flower shop. Soil for cacti, palm plants or dracaenas is ideal for these purposes.

You need to choose a tall pot, since for good development the plant needs drainage. The layer height should be at least three to five centimeters. Broken brick, small crushed stone or other materials are useful for this purpose. A layer of soil is poured over the drainage, then the yucca is placed and sprinkled with substrate on top.

The plant should not be buried more than three centimeters. The substrate is carefully watered, after which the pot with the plant is placed in its permanent place.

Planting yucca in open ground

How and when to plant yucca outside? Planting and care in open ground in the garden.

There are many types of yucca. In addition to plants grown at home, there are also garden varieties that grow well in open ground.

Plus, this palm tree blooms very beautifully, for which it is valued by flower growers. The necessary conditions for planting yucca are as follows:

  • the place for the plant should be sunny and hot;
  • the optimal temperature during planting should be 18 degrees Celsius during the daytime and at least seven degrees at night;
  • The plant needs nutritious soil. If the site has poor soil, then you need to dig a hole, the depth and width of which should be at least 50 centimeters and pour the prepared mixture into it, including garden soil, humus, sand and peat in equal parts.

When should it be planted?

The best time to plant yucca is spring, when the threat of night frosts has completely passed and the temperature does not drop below seven degrees. Until the right weather arrives, yucca can grow on a window or in a greenhouse. It is not recommended to plant immediately, as the false palm tree requires gradual hardening.

To do this, they begin to take her out into the open air every day, gradually increasing the time she spends on the street. The size of the hole for planting should be twice as large as the root system.

It is not recommended to plant yucca in the fall., especially if the climatic conditions are harsh. The plant will not have time to take root well before frost and will die from the cold, even if it is provided with good shelter for the winter.

How to transplant correctly?

What is the best way to replant and when? indoor yucca? At home, yucca is transplanted no more than once every two years.

If the plant has several trunks, then they can be planted. It's done like this:

  • the trunk is divided into separate parts along with the root system;
  • the cut areas are sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal;
  • Each sprout is planted in a separate container and moistened.

A flower pot is selected for transplanting a false palm tree bigger size. It must be strong. Best to use ceramic products . Ideal if old container easily fits into the selected one. Any time of year is suitable for transplanting at home, but most often this is done with the onset of spring.

Yucca needs to be prepared for the procedure. A third of the leaves are cut off, the palm tree is removed from the pot, and the root system is immersed in room water for at least one hour. When replanting, you need to make sure that the roots do not break, otherwise they will begin to rot.

The false palm is very responds well to feeding with various types of fertilizers.

With proper care and following planting rules, you can grow a beautiful plant that will look great in your home interior.

Video about yucca: care and propagation of yucca, how to plant yucca at home, how to root.

This video explains how yucca is propagated at home by cuttings.

Video about how yucca grows and how to breed it.

Yuca is a heat-loving flower from the Agave family, which came to temperate latitudes from the tropical and subtropical climate of Central America. Tree-like or shrubby plant also known as the “denim tree” because this crop became the raw material for the production of denim fiber. This beautiful and easy-to-care crop is represented in the wild by 30 species, some of which are cultivated in central Russia on apartment window sills and in open ground gardens.

The yucca flower has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when growing:

  • Bright lighting – the culture, coming from desert areas with scorching sun, needs good lighting.
  • Flowering - buds are formed only when the flower is left in the cold for a long time.
  • Growth rate - the development of yucca occurs very slowly, which forces impatient gardeners to acquire an already mature plant.

Yuca flower (Yucca): home care

The homemade yuca flower, which reaches a height of up to 2 m, requires only the most basic rules to be followed.

Lighting and location

To provide the necessary bright lighting, similar to natural lighting, it is recommended to place the yucca near southern windows. If this is not possible, the brightest rooms are selected, where, if necessary, an additional light source is organized.


For the spring-summer period, the plant is suitable for temperature values ​​in the range of 20-25°C. In winter, the temperature decrease should be limited to a maximum value of 10°C.

Substrate requirement

Yucca needs light, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5-7.5 and excellent throughput water. The substrate can be purchased at the store or prepared yourself by taking humus, compost, turf soil and sand in equal parts.

Irrigation system and air humidity

Watering yucca should not be abundant and frequent, which can cause the edges of the leaves to darken and root rot to begin to develop. With an optimal watering regime between procedures, the substrate should have time to dry to a depth of 5 to 7 cm. Yucca growing under the hot sun does not need spraying, with the exception of some moisture-loving species.

Advice! If the air in the apartment is too dry, it is better to install a humidifier or a container of water near the flower.

Feeding and fertilizer

The plant responds well to foliar feeding, which is carried out twice a month from mid-spring to late summer. As fertilizers, preference is given to mineral complexes, the concentration of which, when used, should be half that indicated on the packaging.

How to care for leaves, clean dust

To ease the breathing of the flower and rid the leaf plates collected in rosettes from accumulated dust, you can resort to spraying with a fine spray bottle. However, this procedure should not be abused.

Yucca flower transplant

The crop is replanted only when the need arises - the pot has become small, the rhizome has become rotten, or the yucca was purchased 2 weeks ago.

During the procedure:

  1. A tall, stable pot is selected, at the bottom of which a drainage layer of expanded clay is placed.
  2. Using the transfer method, the specimen is moved to a new container.
  3. The remaining voids are filled with soil, which is compacted and moistened.

Attention! In case of disease, the earthen lump is disturbed, and the diseased areas of the rhizome are removed, after which the plant is planted in a new substrate.

Planting in open ground

Yucca often decorates garden plots with its exotic appearance. country houses. And in this case, one of the main stages for successful cultivation is landing.

Soil and site preparation

For garden varieties a well-lit place with deep groundwater is selected. If the terrain of the area allows it, then it is better to select areas on hills with slight shading at peak solar activity. When digging a site, peat and sand are added to ensure a loose soil structure.

Landing technology

Yucca planting is carried out in the spring after stable heat has established or in early autumn. Wherein:

  1. Planting holes are prepared that are twice the diameter of the root system of the seedlings.
  2. A layer of gravel is placed at the bottom.
  3. After planting the seedlings, the soil is slightly compacted and moistened.

Garden care

Yucca in open ground requires a little attention. For an exotic flower, it is necessary to provide two main components - watering and fertilizing.


The main rule when watering is to avoid excess moisture. Drooping foliage will be a signal for the next portion of watering, which is carried out with settled water.

Fertilizer application

After planting a young plant in the garden for the first two years, the yucca is fertilized twice a month during the active growing season with complex mineral fertilizers. After the flower reaches three years of age, fertilizing can be carried out with the inclusion of organic fertilizers.

Winter care

In order for yucca to successfully overwinter in open ground, its foliage is gathered into a tight bunch and covered with organic material. It is also possible to cut the stem in half and then wrap it.

Plant propagation

Yucca reproduces both by seed and by vegetative means, which is more acceptable due to the too slow growth rate of the crop.


With the arrival of spring and until the end of summer, cuttings are carried out, in which:

  1. Sections of prepared cuttings are dried in the shade.
  2. After 12 hours of exposure to air, the planting material is buried 4 cm in moistened sand.
  3. Rooting is observed after 3-4 weeks when plantings are kept indoors with bright light and a temperature of 25-30°C.

Parts of the trunk

From an adult, overgrown specimen, you can get several young plants.

If you use a reproduction method in which:

  1. The tops of an adult plant are cut off.
  2. The cut sites are treated with an antiseptic.
  3. After drying for fresh air the tops are immersed in boiled water.
  4. After roots have formed, new plants are planted in separate pots.

Advice! If the trunk is large, you can divide it into several parts, each of which is planted in an individual container.

Pests, diseases and control methods

When the immune system is weakened due to violation of the care regulations, scale insects are observed on the yucca, spider mite, aphids and thrips. Scale insects can be successfully treated with a saturated soap solution, which is left for an hour. After this it is washed off. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. In the fight against harmful insects, insecticidal preparations are the most effective. Among the most common diseases are rot and spotting, which can be cured with initial stages development by spraying with fungicides.

Possible problems during cultivation

Cultivating a representative of exotic flora is often associated with certain difficulties:

  • Yellowing of leaf plates– if the yellowness affected only the lower tier of leaves, then this is a natural process associated with the maturation of the yucca. When yellow elliptical spots appear, brown spotting is diagnosed, which must be treated in a timely manner.
  • Drying leaves– the lower leaf plates dry out for natural reasons, while the reason for the drying of the upper ones is heat and lack of light. If the problem only affects the ends, then this is due to dry air.
  • Dropping leaves– an excess of moisture in the soil can provoke a similar situation, which can be easily dealt with by normalizing the irrigation regime.

Garden yuca flower in landscape design

An exotic representative fits perfectly into gardens designed in Mediterranean style. The drought-resistant culture is indispensable when decorating rockeries and compositional flower beds, where yucca is located in the center. The flower looks great on staircases and rocky patios. An exotic representative in a flowerpot will decorate any architectural art objects.

Thus, the undemanding yucca flower, the care of which is not at all burdensome even for a busy person, is a beautiful plant that can decorate not only a living space, but also a personal plot, introducing notes of overseas design into the landscape.

All my neighbors have flowers, but mine doesn’t. It's a shame!

Already planted at three different places. What could be my mistake?!

The photo is not my yucca. Mine doesn't bloom.

And I have yucca, completely unexpectedly for me, bloomed last summer.

Why unexpected? Because the plant was purchased on the market from an unverified seller and planted in early spring when it was still quite cool.

The purchased plant is called correctly Yucca filamentosa(Yucca filamentos). It has green sword-shaped leaves with threads hanging from them.

Contrary to rather pessimistic expectations, by mid-July the yucca threw out an arrow, which I did not immediately notice. Then the arrow grew, became powerful, and then became completely covered with numerous large white bell-shaped flowers. Indescribable beauty!

What’s especially pleasing is that by the fall several babies appeared around the plant, which I plan to separate from the mother’s outlet in the spring, thus creating a small nursery from yucca.

Why doesn't yucca bloom?

Analyze the growing conditions of the plant on your site.

Yucca- the plant is very thermophilic, loves well-lit sunny places, moderate watering, good drainage and periodic feeding. If this is the case, then you should check whether the central kidney is buried.

Indoor yucca is called the tree of happiness. I assure you, blooming garden yucca charges us with such positivity that you truly feel like a happy person!

Here it is, mine tree of happiness, In his best!


Yucca garden - care

Yucca is a plant of the agave family, a shrub or low tree. Yucca is called the “tree of happiness” and is believed to bring good luck to its owners. Due to the fact that the plant comes from tropical and subtropical latitudes, it is quite thermophilic. In addition, yucca is pollinated by only one species of butterfly, which does not live in the temperate climate zone. For these reasons, the plant bears fruit only in its homeland. But yucca blooms with beautiful white flowers that look like large bells. Yucca is often planted in pots, and it decorates not only the garden space, but also homes, offices, and public institutions.

How to care for garden yucca?

Caring for garden yucca does not require much effort. Since the plant is very heat-loving, it is planted in a place well lit by the sun. Moderate watering is required. When setting the watering regime, be sure to focus on the plant itself: straightened leaves with twisted threads indicate that the yucca receives enough moisture, but if the leaves begin to curl and the threads sag lifelessly, then there is not enough water. When growing in a pot, make sure that moisture does not accumulate in the tray, because stagnation of water in the root system will lead to rotting of the yucca. Accordingly, when planting garden yucca in a pot, it is necessary to create a drainage layer, and when growing yucca in the garden, choose a place where moisture stagnation is impossible.

When growing a plant at home, in spring and summer, it is advisable to take it out into the open air, so it is more convenient to grow yucca in pots in country house: in the cold season it decorates the interior, and in warm weather it feels great in the garden. If the plant lacks sunlight, then it loses its thick fan-shaped leaves.

In order for the yucca to safely overwinter in the open ground, its leaves are tied into a bunch and covered; you can also cut the stem in half and cover it.

Yucca garden - reproduction

The plant is often propagated by seeds, which are sown at the end of winter. Flowers are grown indoors at average room temperature. Seedlings grow for two years, and garden yucca is transplanted into open ground after this time in the spring, when the temperature does not drop below 7 degrees. Tiny bushes can form on the side shoots of filamentous yucca; they take root well when planted in the soil.

Yucca also propagates by root cuttings. To do this, you need to dig a fairly deep hole (2 times wider and deeper than the roots of the flower) and create a large drainage layer. Sprinkle the root system with soil mixed halfway with sand and gravel and water the plant with settled water.

Pests and diseases

Sometimes after wintering, garden yucca becomes covered with yellowish spots. Also, a plant in the garden can be occupied by slugs. Insecticides are used to destroy them.

Amateur gardeners often ask the question, why doesn’t garden yucca bloom? The plant may bloom in the first year after planting, or it may begin flowering in the 4th or 5th year of life. In order for the plant to bloom, under no circumstances should you cut off wilted leaves! If there is a clear reluctance to bloom, the plant is treated with shock therapy: kept for some time at the end of winter in a room with a temperature of +5 degrees with minimal lighting.

We wish you success in growing a beautiful “tree of happiness”!

Yucca garden - an unpretentious southerner

In the summer, when the sun shines mercilessly and the suffocating, scorching heat torments me, my memories certainly take me to distant sea shores. How nice it is there, in the kingdom of the freshness of the sea breeze, ringing waves and a kaleidoscope of exotic plants.

Yucca, the keeper of these southern memories, has recently settled on my summer cottage. As it turned out, garden yucca is very unpretentious to climatic conditions and feels great not only in hot countries, but also withstands low temperatures.

It so happened that for a long time the southern yucca fell out of sight in ornamental gardening and was grown mainly in winter gardens. And here in Lately it again attracted attention and began to occupy a worthy place in the landscaping of parks, squares, flower beds and, of course, personal plots.

The genus Yucca (lat. Yucca) is a member of the Agave family and includes more than 40 different species of shrubby perennials. Yucca comes from North America, Mexico and the Caribbean.

We mainly grow two types of this plant:

  • Yucca filamentous or garden (lat. Y. filamentosa);
  • Yucca glorious (lat. Y. gloriosa).
  • These types of yuccas have won the hearts of our gardeners with the beauty of their inflorescences. Garden yucca blooms in May-June for 40-45 days. The inflorescence is wide pyramidal in shape with many bell-shaped flowers of pure white or cream color.

    How to care for yucca in the garden?

    Despite all the external exoticism of this plant, yucca is not at all ambitious in everyday life. Any cultivated soil will suit her, although ideal option there will be a mixture of leaf and turf soil, sand and humus. The plant can also be pampered by adding fertilizers enriched with phosphorus or bone meal to the soil. This will stimulate the yucca to bloom very well.

    Watering should be done moderately, depending on the condition of the plant. When the pointed leaves are straightened and stretch upward, you don’t have to worry and continue to wait for the rain. If the bush is still green, but the leaves begin to curl, you need to run for the watering can and save the plant.

    The only claim that yucca can make regarding its content is the abundance of sunlight. If you plant this southern plant in the shade, it will simply refuse to bloom.

    Caring for yucca is also quite simple. All that needs to be done is to cut off faded flower stalks and old frozen leaves in a timely manner. Leaving faded flowers with the hope of waiting for seeds in our region is pointless, since the insects that could pollinate it are not found here. I strongly recommend that you wear gardening gloves when pruning, as the plant is very thorny.

    Yucca in landscape design

    Since yucca is a perennial evergreen plant, it is actively used in landscape design. Even when yucca is not in bloom, it remains irresistible. Its long, slender leaves of rich green or slightly glaucous color make an excellent backdrop for bright, variegated low-growing annuals or unpretentious sedums.

    Yucca is also a frequent visitor alpine slides and discounts. Yuccas are planted on lawns both in groups and as solitaires - in splendid isolation. The main thing for a plant is a sufficient amount of “personal” space. A dense fan of leaves of this bush can occupy more than a meter of territory.

    The only point I would like to emphasize is that planting yucca bushes near paths is completely contraindicated. The leaves are very sharp and strong and can leave scratches on the skin.

    Provide yucca with wintering

    Despite its sultry nature, yucca tolerates winter very easily, withstanding temperatures down to -20? Watching my bushes, I got the impression that even under the snow they do not stop growing. At first, I carefully insulated the plants and built huts and other structures over them. But during such a wintering, the middle of the yucca rosette often withers away and the bush either takes a very long time to recover and does not bloom, or disappears completely.

    Therefore, the optimal winter shelter for yuccas is fallen leaves. Also, during the winter, you should provide protection not only to the roots, but also to the leaves. They should be carefully gathered into a bundle and tied with twine in three or four places. This will provide the plant with resistance to the wind and preserve the crown. You can strengthen the structure by tying the plant to pegs driven into the ground.

    Reproduction of garden yucca

    In the spring, in April, it is held vegetative propagation the bush itself simple method- division. In this case, the bush is dug up and divided into daughter plants with shoots and roots and sits down. At the same time, yucca is propagated by root offspring. But that's a completely different story.

    People have many legends about yuccas, according to which these plants bring a person health and happiness, as well as success in business. I wish you success in growing this beautiful plant. I don’t know exactly about everything else, but yucca will definitely bring beauty and southern sunny charm to your garden.

    Yucca garden - secrets of gardeners that you didn’t know about!

    The unusually beautiful garden yucca is found in country and personal plots quite often, but many gardeners do not dare to acquire a flower in their dacha, citing a lack of growing experience. In fact, caring for the plant is not demanding, and it reproduces easily. You can’t do without nuances, but the practical advice described in the article below will allow you to find out why yucca does not bloom, how replanting and pruning occur, as well as the basics of planting and care...

    Planting yucca in open ground

    Yucca is unpretentious plant, quite hardy, easily tolerates drought and heat. However, the flaw of the flower is excess moisture in the soil, which can lead to the development of rot on the roots and provoke the appearance of various diseases, in some cases the death of the entire plant.

    To plant yucca, choose sunny places, away from vigorous trees and shrubs, which can not only create shade, but also take away nutrition, preventing them from fully developing and blooming. You should not plant garden yucca in lowlands or places where water accumulates. An incorrectly chosen location also affects its external condition - the leaves fade, become less dense, the trunk stretches too upward, as a result of which the yucca looks untidy.

    When is it better to plant yucca, autumn or spring? The most best time– spring, when the earth warms up and the threat of frost passes. Before planting outside, the flower can be grown at home in a pot or greenhouse, but then the plant must be hardened off before planting in the ground so that it does not die. Over the course of 7-10 days, the yucca is gradually taken outside, taming it to natural conditions and increasing the time spent on outdoors.

    Planting yucca in the fall, especially in central Russia, in the Leningrad region, Moscow and Moscow region, also in the Urals and Siberia, is not recommended due to climatic conditions. Unpredictable weather may not allow plants to get stronger before winter, so it is better not to risk it and postpone replanting until spring.

    Caring for garden yucca

    To preserve the plant after planting in the ground, you need to monitor watering, do not overwater the flower, and irrigate as necessary during dry periods. After planting, the wilted leaves of the yucca should not be trimmed. This is due to the fact that two- and three-year-old yucca seedlings can produce a peduncle and begin to bloom. If you prune immediately after transplanting, you will not see any flowering. Typically, yucca begins to bloom from the third year of life, a thin long stem with beautiful snow-white flowers resembling bells.

    It is advisable to loosen the soil under the flower, removing weeds and breaking up the earthen crust for better access of oxygen to the roots.

    Transplanting young yucca at the age of two or three years to a new place is possible if the need arises. How to replant yucca? Water the plant so that when digging, the roots do not come off and, together with a lump of earth, come out under the bayonet of the shovel. Yucca can be replanted throughout the growing season, in spring, summer and even autumn (only in the southern regions and Kuban). Fertilizing the flower after transplantation is not carried out during the first 30 days, so as not to burn the roots.

    Yucca is fertilized once a year in early spring; as a rule, organic fertilizers and mineral complexes are used. It is advisable to loosen the soil under the flower, removing weeds and breaking up the earthen crust for better access of oxygen to the roots.

    Yucca is relatively winter-hardy, so it sometimes winters without shelter even in the Moscow region. It is advisable to cover in winter using any available covering material (agrospan, spunbond, film, etc.) the root zone can be mulched with humus, peat, leaf litter (preferably oak, as it does not rot).

    Yucca propagation

    In most cases, yucca propagation is carried out by lateral shoots (layering), root division, and less often by seeds. An adult plant, with good care, can produce a significant number of daughter rosettes, which can be found under the bush near the base of the growth. You need to take seedlings that have already developed a root system so that rooting goes well and the plants take root in the new place.

    The container with the crops is covered with plastic wrap, glass and put in a warm place. After about 28-30 days, the first shoots will begin to appear. The film is removed, the pots with yucca are placed in the light, and a week later they are planted in separate pots. Yucca grown from seeds is transplanted into open ground after 12-16 months.

    Yucca pruning for beauty and rejuvenation

    Yucca pruning is carried out in order to rejuvenate the plant and obtain new growth. To awaken dormant lateral buds, in early spring, after the snow has melted, the main stem is cut off, stimulating the development of lateral buds, from which new rosettes will subsequently develop. If there is no need to grow new shoots, the plant has overwintered well; only bad and dry leaves are removed.

    Yucca is very decorative when it grows in one stem. With proper care, the height of the peduncle exceeds 1.5 m, the number of beautiful large flowers can reach 250 pieces on one plant. Before subjecting the crop to shearing, think about whether it is necessary to resort to this procedure.

    Typically, yucca is pruned after flowering, removing faded stems and bad foliage. To make the plant decorative, the leaves are not cut off completely, leaving a distance of 3-5 cm from the trunk, so the trimmed yucca will not look naked, the trunk will look like it has scales. Even in winter, yucca in the snow decorates the garden, becoming bright element in the landscape design of your site.

    Why doesn't garden yucca bloom?


    Why doesn't yucca bloom?

    Why doesn't yucca bloom? Unknown gardener 904 views. Yucca has been growing on my site for 4 years. But the plant never bloomed during this time. Grows in a sunny place, leaves are in very good condition, already forming around the roots

    But it seems to me that the yucca is not blooming in the room. Why do the leaves turn yellow? 10 indoor plants for luck, money and family happiness.

    Yucca blooms with beautiful white, bell-like flowers. We planted yucca about 5 years ago. But it has never bloomed yet. No one knows by chance why this could be.29 June 2012

    Yucca is not a palm tree. Yucca, due to its tree-like trunk and long leathery leaves, is considered by many gardeners to be a palm tree. Why doesn't it bloom Chinese rose(hibiscus)

    Yucca garden - care. How to replant yucca. Why do yucca leaves wither and dry out? How to water flowering plants in summer.

    Description and features. Yucca, which does not have a core, grows in nature in Mexico as a tree up to 9 m high. Some people wonder why it doesn't bloom.

    © All your copyright information here.

    More details

    yucca mammillaria flowering

    Yucca - Yucca. Decorative foliage plants - False palms. Flowering can only be achieved after many years, when the plant becomes an adult.

    Types of yucca. As a rule, the elephant Yucca (Yucca Yucca Whippla, for example, dies after flowering, leaving young basal

    Yucca, home care, flowering, watering, lighting, propagation and much more
    What do you know about caring for yucca at home? If not much, we recommend that you read our article.
    Nowadays floriculture has become very popular. Every housewife strives to fill her windowsill with a variety of flowers.
    The Yucca plant is evergreen and beautiful. It is from the Agave family. It can be found naturally in the arid regions of Central and North America. Yucca has adapted very well to life in such climatic conditions. She's used to drought.
    Yucca ivory is often popular in home floriculture. It tolerates summer climate changes very well. Caring for yucca at home during the flowering period
    This plant blooms in more mature age. Its flowers are bell-shaped and white. It is very rare to see such a picture.
    If Yucca is accustomed to drought, does that mean it does not require careful care? No, that's not true. Particular attention should be paid to newly planted shoots of this plant. Since in most stores you can find already rooted Yucca varieties with side shoots. This plant is at least 4-5 years old. How to care for yucca at home during the breeding season?
    To propagate Yucca, you need to cut off the side shoots and place them in clear water for a while. Places where there were shoots should be treated with charcoal. After the young shoots have stood in water, their ends also need to be treated with the same charcoal. Yucca should not be planted in ordinary soil, but in a mixture of sand, earth and charcoal. Watering and proper care behind the yucca

    Of course, I went to look... It turned out to be filamentous yucca. But I didn’t even know about the second one. The result is lush flowering and rapid growth of children. During this season I received

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    Yucca blossom

    Once upon a time I showed you my weekend in nature, and among many photographs there was a photo of a yucca growing into bud. Someone asked me to show me when it would bloom. Now I have the opportunity to write a blog, so I’m showing a photo; from this publication you will learn what a Blooming Yucca looks like!

    First I show a photo of a non-blooming Yucca. The photo was taken in mid-summer.

    This is the moment when the bud began to appear.

    And here is the long-awaited Yucca Bloom:

    It is not picky about care, it loves the sun, but it is advisable to avoid drought by watering as the soil dries. Yucca overwinters right outside and feels great. This yucca is about 4 years old.


    Yucca flower garden planting and care, flowering and description of the flower, features of growing and replanting garden palm trees, types and varieties in the landscape photo

    Today, the garden palm or yucca grows among many owners of garden plantings, and this phenomenon will not surprise anyone.

    Many gardeners can rightfully be proud of the amazing beautiful plant, resembling a palm tree and growing in their areas. But some are afraid to grow such beauty, mistakenly believing that the plant is too demanding in terms of growing conditions and care. In fact, propagation and care for this plant do not require special effort and costs.

    Description and origin of the garden palm

    The homeland of evergreen yucca is America. This plant belongs to the Asparagus family, in its own way appearance it resembles the Mediterranean agave, but unlike the latter, its leaves form a dense spiral rosette.

    Domestic representatives of this family have a well-developed stem, while specimens growing in open ground have almost none; the rosettes are located tightly pressed to the ground. The peduncle is represented by a large panicle, the flowers of which are lowered down like bells. It protrudes from the central part of the rosettes, reaching a height of 1.5 to 3 meters. The exotic palm tree reproduces by root suckers.

    In America and Mexico, industrial cultivation of agave, a relative of yuca, is practiced on huge plantations. The world famous tequila is produced from its stem.

    The exotic appearance of the plant would seem to suggest comfortable natural growing conditions, but the tropics and subtropics of America, natural environment Yucca plants do not have similar characteristics at all. The plant is adapted to prolonged drought and sudden changes in temperature. Such amazing endurance allowed the plant to spread from the southern regions to middle zone continents.

    What types and varieties are there?

    • Yucca gray(Yucca Glauca) or the Candle of the Lord, as people also call it. The length of the leaves reaches 90 cm, the trunk is short. The leaves have a grayish-green tint. Along the perimeter the leaf blade is lighter. Small inflorescences are collected from greenish-white or yellowish flowers. The peduncle stretches up to three meters in length. Substrate requirements this type does not have. It can easily grow even in sand, tolerates dry periods well and low temperature, but excessive soil moisture is detrimental to it.
    • Yucca filamentosa(Yucca filamentosa). A bush representative, the castings of which are slightly smaller and reach a length of up to 70 cm, and the width ranges from 3 to 10 cm. The edges of the leaf plates are bordered by slightly protruding threads, and the top of the plates is slightly bent. The length of the peduncle is 2.5 m, represented by beige-white drooping flowers. Representative yucca filamentous planting and care. Like other species, it is a very unpretentious frost-resistant plant that can withstand temperatures down to -20C.

    Among the F. variegata filamentose hybrids, the following interesting varieties are distinguished:

  • Bright Edge - bright bluish-green foliage, surrounded by a yellowish-crimson ribbon;
  • Color Guard - wide leaf plates of yellow color, edged with a green stripe;
  • Gold Heart – yellow foliage, green edging running along leaf plate with blurred boundaries;
  • Ivory Tower – green foliage, whitish border.
  • Garden palm care and planting in the garden

    Despite its unpretentiousness and hardiness, yucca feels especially comfortable in elevated places with good lighting. Representatives growing in dark places are characterized by thin, loose rosettes and pale leaf blades.

    When and how to plant a flower of happiness

    Spring is the most favorable time for planting, but temperatures should not fall below +10C. The dense structure of the leaves can lead to numerous cuts and hand injuries, so gloves must be used when replanting the plant. The plant transplant itself is carried out in the spring, but preparatory work

    should be done in the fall: dig up the ground and form a hole for the spring replanting of the plant.

    What kind of soil is needed Yucca can grow in almost any soil, but you need to remember that air must flow to the roots large quantities

    , and the soil should not be overly moist, preferably without close proximity to groundwater, to avoid rotting.

    But most of all, garden yucca prefers calcareous, sandy, clay-stony soils and black soil.

    If the soil in which the plant grows is poor in nutrients, it is saturated with humus.

  • Before transplanting, the hole is filled with coarse gravel or sand with the addition of two handfuls of ash. After planting, the soil should be pressed (compacted) and watered. Size landing pit
  • depends on the size of the plant itself.
  • Young specimens will require less space, but it is necessary to take into account the area required for the growth of young animals.
  • For easier adaptation purchased plant To street conditions, it is recommended to harden the plant for 11-14 days, regularly taking the plant outside, gradually increasing the time it stays outdoors. Only after such preparation can the bush be safely transplanted to a personal plot.

    Watering and fertilizing

    In the processes of watering and fertilizing, the main thing is to know when to stop. Excessive watering threatens root rotting, and lack of moisture will certainly affect the condition of the leaves. They will begin to curl into tubes. Proper watering will help straighten the leaf blades. There is no need to water the plant often and only when the top layer of soil has dried out. Spraying the leaves is useful, which is carried out in the morning or evening hours, when there is no longer scorching sunlight.

    When does yucca bloom? This exotic plant blooms when it has been growing for 3-4 years. To begin this process, at the beginning of summer, the plant trunk is surrounded with superphosphate, which, dissolving in water, penetrates to the roots of the plant, starting the process of the formation of numerous buds.

    Feeding the plant should be completed 30-40 days before the onset of autumn cold weather. During this period, the plants will have time to prepare for winter season and severe frosts.

    When to replant garden yucca

    If the plant grows in conditions that are comfortable for it and with the same good care, then it can live perfectly in one place, without requiring transplantation, for up to 20 years. And replanting a plant may only be necessary when the bush has grown excessively. This is especially painless for the plant if the age of the specimen has not yet reached three years.

    Transplanting filamentous yucca video:

    But even an adult, heavily grown plant needs a transplant. Plants often cannot tolerate transplantation.

    Experts give some advice when replanting this plant, because you need to take into account some planting features.

  • Transplantation period is spring or late summer.
  • When replanting, remember that the roots of the plant can be located at a depth of up to 80 cm, so you need to dig it out carefully, without damaging the root system.
  • All shoots must be separated from the adult specimen and planted separately.
  • The conditions of the place intended for transplantation should resemble the previous one, have good lighting, and no drafts.
  • It is better to carry out the first feeding after transplantation no earlier than two weeks.
  • Yucca propagation: how to do it right

    For breeding there are the following methods.

  • Root division
  • Cuttings
  • Propagation from seeds
  • stem
  • Yucca propagation at home is simple - plant division. During the replanting process, the rosettes can be easily separated, not forgetting to dry them and sprinkle the cut areas with cinnamon powder or charcoal. Otherwise, infection or pests may enter them.

    If the transplant is carried out in the spring, then the root of the plant can be divided into cuttings, the length of which does not exceed 10 cm. Such cuttings are placed in a greenhouse, after first cutting off the top of the stem and treating it with charcoal. With this method, sprouts emerge from dormant buds.

    Garden yucca open ground sets seeds, which are collected at the end of summer. They are sown in a mixture of soil, which is represented by turf, leaf soil and coarse sand in equal proportions. Plants grown in this way begin to bloom only three years after planting.

    Yucca can also be propagated by stems. In this case, the cut section of the stem is dried and planted horizontally in river sand. The substrate around the stem must be constantly kept moist. When sprouts appear, the stem is cut into fragments, each of which should contain a sprout, and planted in the substrate.

    You choose the most suitable way for yourself to plant yucca.

    How to trim yucca at home

    Pruning the plant rejuvenates it and helps produce strong young seedlings. This method is also used for frostbite of flowers and their rotting. In the spring, when the plant is no longer under winter cover, the stem is pruned. At the same time, further growth of the plant stops, and dormant buds begin to wake up, which will give rise to new rosettes with leaves.

    1. Sometimes it can bloom after transplantation only in the 4-5th year.
    2. The reason for this may be severe winter frosts, which can damage the above-ground part of the plant.
    3. Lack of lighting can also slow down the flowering process.
    4. If the growing conditions and care of the plant were good, this will certainly be reflected in its appearance; flowering will be abundant and will last up to 2-3 weeks, which necessarily fall in the first two summer months. Blooming yucca is an unforgettable sight.

      How to cover for the winter

      Is it necessary to dig up yucca before frost?

      It is enough to insulate the plant before the cold season sets in. Plants tolerate short-term cold in spring and autumn quite easily. It is important that the fallen snow melts quickly. Frost-resistant specimens perceive such temporary inconveniences especially easily. But real long frosts during a snowless winter are certain death for garden yucca.

      The yuca foliage is wrapped with twine to gather it together and the plant is covered with a box, on top of which spruce branches or fallen leaves are laid. This composition is secured by a covering material wrapped with tape. In such a shelter, the yucca will easily overwinter without fear of any frost, especially when a large layer of fluffy snow falls on top.

      In the spring, when temperature regime becomes stable, the time comes to free the plant from winter shelter. Do not delay this for too long, otherwise it may lead to the appearance of mold.

      Yucca flower, how to care if problems arise

      Yucca, like all plants, can be attacked by pests or diseases.

      The most common are slugs, whiteflies, scale insects, and aphids.

      The latter easily gets on the flowers, which quickly dry out and fall off. Wood ash in combination with a soap solution will help in the fight not only against aphids, but also against other insects.

      You need to take 0.250 wood ash, pour water (10 l) and bring to a boil, adding 0.50 grams of ordinary laundry soap (grated). When the resulting solution has cooled completely, immediately treat the affected leaves.

      Possible problems