Flower Investigation: What is the name of a plant with a green stem without leaves? What flower blooms without leaves? Games around the world around us.

Every home has indoor flowers that not only decorate it, but also delight with its presence. By choosing the right flowers, you can create a blooming island on your windowsill on all year round . Long-flowering unpretentious plants They give joy, good mood and are beneficial by purifying the air.

When growing flowers at home, of course I want their care to be minimal and their flowering to last as long as possible. There are many such plants and you can choose to purchase Clivia, Decembrist, Indoor gerbera or, Saintpaulia, etc.


When selecting a plant, you need to pay attention to the requirements for growing conditions, because the duration of flowering and appearance flower.

Top 10 flowering indoor plants

Abutilon (Indoor maple)

Blooms from spring to autumn, and as it declines daylight hours the number of flower stalks decreases and the plant enters a dormant phase. But if you provide additional illumination with fluorescent lamps, provide fertilizing and watering, flowering does not stop. The leaves are similar to maple leaves, hence the second name. Abutilon flowers look like lanterns of different colors.

It is easy to care for, it needs a lot of bright light, regular watering, temperature limit 18-25 ºС. The plant grows quickly, its height reaches 1.5 m. In spring, abutilon shoots need to be cut to 1/3 of their length. To stimulate flowering, fertilizing should include potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

Anthurium is a plant with large glossy leaves and heart-shaped flowers.

Needs constantly moist soil, can grow even in the shade, but blooms better and develops on southern and western window sills. For abundant flowering winter temperature should not be lower than +15°C, summer temperature +25°C.

Loves spraying, but only with standing water for at least two days, or better yet, with purified water.

Feeding is advisable organic fertilizers(Gumat, “Ideal”, “Darina”), because. the plant is sensitive to an excess of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and mineral salts.

Impatiens blooms almost all year round. Light-loving, but you need to avoid direct exposure to it sun rays. In autumn and winter, with a lack of sunlight, flowering continues perfectly with artificial lighting. It loves moisture, both in the soil and sprayed on the leaves, especially on hot days. Growing temperature +15÷ +25°C. does not like crowded conditions, so neighbors should be at a distance from it, otherwise it will shed leaves.

Excellent propagation by apical cuttings. At 3-4 years of age it requires replanting and rejuvenation; old plants bloom worse.


- a heat-loving flower that loves moisture, but not spraying on the foliage. To maintain air humidity, you need to place containers of water between flower pots. At air temperatures below +16°C, begonia will not bloom. Loves bright diffuse light, in the bright sun the leaves fade, the flowers fade, and the begonia loses its decorative effect. Feeding to stimulate flowering should be given to begonias every 2 weeks, alternating organomineral with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

To form the splendor of the begonia bush and the formation more side shoots, the tops of the shoots need to be periodically cut off, using them for propagation.

Begonia big variety : there are bush ones, they are also ever-flowering, tuberous, double, hanging.

A classic window sill from the time of our grandmothers. Unpretentious, light-loving plant, loving abundant but infrequent watering. Temperature growing +8÷+25°C. Geranium loves a lot of air, so in summer it should be placed on balconies or in the garden. Pots for growing should not be large; to obtain a lush flower bush, you need to plant three seedlings in one pot.

Pelargonium royal

It differs from geranium in having larger flowers and a smaller, almost absent smell of leaves. Care is the same as for geraniums.

For more abundant flowering and to make the bush compact in spring, pelargonium needs to be pruned, leaving 3-4 internodes.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose)

Hibiscus – evergreen flowering shrub. The lifespan of one flower is a day, for hybrid, double forms up to 3 days.

Demanding about sunlight, abundant watering and fertilizing. In summer you need to spray daily. At insufficient watering drops buds and flowers. Hibiscus needs to be replanted annually; the top layer of soil is removed from adult plants and a new one is added.

Depending on the pruning method, hibiscus can be grown in tree or bush form. Flower height can reach 1.5-2 m.

Hibiscus responds very well to regular feeding once every 2-3 weeks.


An unpretentious plant that prefers light partial shade and moderate watering. Loves high air humidity, but absolutely cannot tolerate spraying the leaves. Pots with Koleria should be placed on pallets with expanded clay filled with water.

The temperature during flowering should be +23÷+26°C. In winter at the level +16°C. Once a month it is necessary to feed Koleria with liquid fertilizers for orchids.

Pachistachis is a plant without any special pretensions. The main thing is abundant watering, high air humidity, and regular pruning. Optimal temperature+20÷+26°C. When the temperature rises, it stretches out and exposes the shoots; when it drops, it sheds its leaves.

Needs diffused light, loves it Fresh air, but not drafts. Loves leaf spraying.

Pachistachis needs to be cut off and the tops pinched as the shoots grow so that it bushes and does not stretch out.

An evergreen shrub that blooms all year round. The lifespan of a flower is one day.

Prefers bright, diffused light; direct sunlight needs to be shaded. Winter growing temperature +20 °C, summer + 24°C. Water abundantly as the soil dries. needs high air humidity, so flower pots are placed in pallets with wet expanded clay or sphagnum moss.

Ruellia is very sensitive to drafts and dry air, which can cause leaves to fall off.

The plant can be formed as a bush or vine.

When choosing flowering plants for landscaping your home or office, you need to understand that, although small, they will have a break between waves of flowering. During this period, the flower rests and gains strength. Give even unpretentious flowers a little attention and in return they will give you lush and long-lasting flowering.

What flower blooms without leaves? 1. Violet. 2. Snowdrop. 3. Coltsfoot. 4. Lily of the valley.

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There are a total of 13 presentations in the topic

Indoor plants will add coziness to every room. They create oases at any time of the year, no matter where they are installed between the bed and nightstand, on your wall or windowsill. These exotic beauties also cleanse the air of pollution. You can choose your favorite flower from a wide range of species and varieties to realize your floral design concepts.

Houseplants such as African violets (Saintpaulia), Euphorbia pulcherrima or royal orchids (Orchidaceae) impress with weeks of lavish blooms. Lush ornamental foliage plants, such as the picturesque Dieffenbachia and the majestic Philodendron, act as architectural elements that transform your home into an evergreen garden. But there is something you should keep in mind, the different care requirements at home. Plants such as succulents will live for weeks without water, while tropical flowers require daily care. Therefore, you should know in advance about caring for indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you don’t know the name of a flower, we bring to your attention a catalog of indoor flowers and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose proper care at home.

Perhaps abutilon (indoor maple, rope) is not one of the most popular ornamental plants, but more and more people are starting to notice the beauty of it small bush. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. His decorative look due to large, bright flowers as well as leaves.

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Aglaonema in natural conditions found in southeast Asia. The flower, depending on the variety, reaches up to one meter in height.


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The blooms of which summer residents look forward to in the spring with special impatience. Thus, forsythia and almond trees first produce numerous flowers, and later - leaves. Then weigela takes over the flowering baton.

Already in April, forsythia bushes are completely covered with bright yellow flowers. They are located directly on bare shoots, on which leaves will appear only when the flowers begin to fall off.

The most elegant varieties forsythia intermediate - Denziflora And Spectabilis with large semi-double flowers. These plants bloom luxuriantly and for a long time. When it fades Fiesta, bright green leaves with variegated strokes appear on the bush, and forsythia varieties Golden Time leaves with a golden border.

Also originally blooms in May almonds low. Already from the name it is clear that this bush is not tall, about 1 m, which is very convenient for small area. Pink flowers, 4 cm in diameter, similar to cherry and plum, sit evenly on thin shoots directed upwards. The Alba variety has almost white, small flowers with five petals.

Blooming almond tree, also called Luisiania, - wonderful sight. The amazingly beautiful Plena variety has numerous ball-buds rapidly increasing in size, and soon pink double flowers appear, looking like delicate roses. The plant blooms before it becomes covered with leaves.

In mid-May, early weigela will bloom in the gardens. Its large crimson flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. In warm May weather at the end of the month lush flowering varieties of flowering weigela will amaze. Bright pink bell-shaped flower varieties Venusta And Victoria, red - y Red Prince and white ones Alba will look impressive next to the squat mountain pine. And only in June we will see the original flowering of winter-hardy weigela Middendorf, and then unpretentious spireas, honeysuckles and rosehips.

Weigela hybrid varieties of different heights and colors of flowers will decorate with elegant May flowering. Dark carmine flowers will bloom the earliest in varieties Deboisie And Gustav Male, a little later they will delight you with the crimson-red flowers of the variety Pierre Duchartre, Fiesta, Newpot Red,Evita, Diamond Rubidor And Bristol Raby. If leaves do not appear on some shrubs in the spring due to winter freezing of the shoots, then they will need sanitary pruning, but the plants will quickly recover. Just don’t forget to lubricate the cut areas with garden varnish.

On a note: The most elegant varieties of intermediate forsythia are Denziflora and Spectabilis with large semi-double flowers. These plants bloom luxuriantly and for a long time.

forsythia And weigels good in single and group plantings. If you place them next to three-lobed almonds, you will get an amazingly beautiful composition that blooms in spring. And if you plant it not far from the gate or near a resting place terry almonds, 2-3 Cossack juniper plants and place a large boulder nearby, you will definitely want to sit on it to admire the mesmerizing spring blooms.

A beautiful landscape composition is obtained by planting together Forsythia intermediate and Lemoine mock orange, 3-5 bushes of Wangutta spirea and wrinkled rose, called rosehip. These plants will bloom sequentially and complement each other in different seasons and be content with the same soil conditions. Only one rosehip bush is enough in the garden, because it usually grows a lot.

And against the background of the delicate emerald leaves of varietal forsythia, the dark-colored crown will stand out in contrast Hazel Purpurea or bushes Ottawa barberry. For abundant flowering of forsythia, hazel and barberry you need open areas with fertile and moist soil, but without stagnant water. On acidic soils it is required to add lime (1 kg/m2) at least once every 2-3 years.

On permanent place adults, which bloom in early spring, are planted in autumn. Spring planting(in April-May) is more suitable for young seedlings if they are rooted in a container. landing pit dig to a depth of 35-40 cm, and on poor soils a little more. Almonds are placed 0.8-1 m apart, weigela and forsythia - 1.5-2 m apart. Before planting, the hole is filled with fertile soil, adding 1.5-2 buckets of compost and 100-125 g of nitrophoska. For better tillering, after planting, each shoot of the seedling can be shortened slightly. With sufficient soil moisture, all of these bloom for a long time and beautifully. Young seedlings especially need watering when hot weather arrives. summer days. Plants will bloom poorly and develop poorly clay soils without watering.

The heat-loving three-lobed almond variety Plena should be planted in a place protected from cold northern winds, preferably on the south side of the house, and in the fall, take care of a reliable shelter.

I met them for the first time as a child in botanical garden and I was very surprised: it’s October, windy, cold, rainy, the leaves have long since turned yellow, and here are spring flowers. “These are the experts who made spring flowers bloom in autumn!” - gardener's thoughts...

It turned out that these are not botanists, but nature once again surprises. These plants are called Colchicums(Colchicum) because the main part of the species and varieties has a very unusual development cycle: in the spring leaves appear immediately with seed pods, the seeds ripen in early summer, the leaves turn yellow and die, in summer the plant sleeps, and flowers without leaves bloom in autumn.

Colchicums, or colchicums (the name is given from the area where several species of this flower grow), are corms. Their corm is 5-6 cm in diameter, covered with a dry brown shell.

In autumn, a 15-18 centimeter perianth with an elegant flower emerges from the ground, fused into a narrow tube. Flowers appear completely without leaves, For this feature, the British call the plant “naked lady.”

Colchicum - unusual flower not only according to its development cycle. He made significant contributions to science. Substances were isolated from the plant - alkaloids - during the study of which a new section was formed organic chemistry. And in genetic engineering, thanks to the crocus alkaloid colchicine, methods have been developed for obtaining new plant varieties that are larger in size due to the doubled number of chromosomes.

Depending on the species and variety, one colchicum corm can produce different quantities flowers. They can be simple or terry. And the color varies from white to all shades of lilac-lilac and pink. Also sometimes There are checkerboard and striped varieties. On cloudy days, the flowers close and stand in beautiful glasses.

Colchicum blooms for about three weeks, depending on the weather: in hot autumn the plant fades faster. He is not afraid of frosts; they can only cause him to lie down on the ground. Pollination occurs with the help of insects; the ovary is located in the corm, at the base of the flower tube.

And the three-lobed seed pods with round seeds at the base of the leaves will be visible only next spring. Therefore, another name for the plant is “son before father.”

IN middle lane grow well and do not require shelter b. Bornmueller, b. magnificent, b. gigantic, b. autumn and b. dark purple

Fresh colchicum seeds can be sown immediately and get seedlings already in the next season, and after 5 - 7 years - full-fledged flowering plants.

Leaves only grow in spring- oval-elongated, glossy, beautiful bright green hue, erect, about 30 - 40 cm tall. At the colchicum simultaneously with the development of leaves, a new, young corm grows, replacing the old one. Sometimes not one, but two or three new corms are formed. In June, the leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out, and the plant goes dormant until September. At this point, it is recommended to replant the colchicums.

Experienced gardening advice! Plants can be replanted at other times. Somehow I didn’t have time to dig them up in the summer and dug them during flowering (it became not very abundant - a sure sign for the colchicum that it was time to plant it). From one plot measuring 40x40 cm, I dug up half a bucket of corms with numerous thin roots. Some corms were small and had no flower stalks. I planted some of the plants in their original place, having previously replaced the soil there and added compost and sand. The rest were planted in other parts of the garden. In the spring, all the planted plants gave leaves, and in the fall the large bulbs bloomed together. experienced advice gardener

When dug up during the dormant phase, colchicum does not require storing the corms until autumn; they can be immediately planted in the prepared place.

They are buried at three heights of the corm and in a sandy “shirt” (it is advisable to put sand on top and bottom of the bulb).

When landing, remember to pay attention to correct location corms: plant with the long tube up and the beak-shaped outgrowth with the renewal bud (this is the future corm) down. Colchicums are planted in moderately rich soil.

Colchicums appear on sale in garden centers in August - September. On store shelves you can often see sprouted corms without roots, but with flowers. Don’t be afraid to buy such plants - they are quite viable and, when planted in the garden, will delight you for many years. Moreover, when purchasing flowering corms, misgrading is excluded. And corms placed in a vase without water can flourish indoors, making a good composition. But it’s better to plant them in the garden right away.

Fresh colchicum seeds can be sown immediately and seedlings can be obtained in the next season, and after 5-7 years - flowering plants

Exists a large number of species of colchicum - according to some sources, more than a hundred. Mostly they all bloom in autumn, but there are a few species that bloom in early spring. Colchicum has been known in culture since the 16th century.

In our gardens, varieties and hybrids are most often grown. autumn (Colchicum automnale), b. magnificent (C. speciosum), b. Bornmueller (C. bornmuelleri), b. giant (C. giganteum) and b. dark purple (C. atropurpureum). In the middle zone they grow without problems and do not require shelter for the winter.

Personal experience

Most beautiful variety Colchicum, in our opinion, is the terry variety ‘Waterlily’ (obtained by crossing b. magnificent and b. autumnal). It really resembles an exotic, bright, deep-double lilac-purple water lily.

However, other varieties also add unusual colors. autumn garden: what is, for example, a variegated hybrid variety worth? Harlekijn‘, in which a transverse lilac stripe is visible on the white petals, large lilac with a white center The Giant‘, slightly smaller in size Lilac Wonder or varieties with a dark purple “stem”-perianth: Pink Goblet‘, ‘ Nancy Lindsay 1 , ‘ Drakes Form‘. Varieties with white flowers are also varied: there is double Album Plenum‘, small b. autumnAlbum and twice as large b. fabulousAlbum‘. The latter has milky white flowers with a greenish tint, like waxy flowers of a perfect goblet shape, which always attract attention. Sometimes double colchicums bloom later than simple ones, and the white double Album Plenum blooms later than everyone else.

Finding a suitable corner in the garden for colchicums is not easy, since in summer the place where they grow is bare soil, and the yellowing leaves do not add decoration to the flowerbed. You can’t plant them far from the edge of the flower bed - large plants will block these low flowers. And they don’t like to grow in the shade. So they can be planted in the second row of the mixborder - after the border plants (primulas, heuchera, small hostas). Colchicums also look good under bushes. Mono planting is also possible - in the spring it will be very bright green foliage; in the summer, in the place where the corms sleep, you can put pots with annuals flowering plants- petunia, alyssum, lobelia. And at the beginning of autumn, as soon as the colchicums begin to sprout, remove the pots and get a gorgeous bloom of numerous bright, large flowers, similar to spring ones.

It is worth noting that colchicums are poisonous plants. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to use gloves when working with them. And how much of it poisonous plants, Colchicum is medicinal.

How medicinal plant it was known in ancient times. His healing properties mentioned in the chronicles of Egypt, India, Greece. However, due to its strong toxicity, it is dangerous to use drugs containing colchicum on your own without a doctor’s prescription. It is not for nothing that in the Middle Ages recipes for medicines that included this plant were kept secret. Just in case, you should keep in mind: in case of colchicum poisoning, the patient should be given enveloping agents, milk, tea, and tannin solution.